#getting this off my chest
agrebel18 · 7 months
i didn't ship Lokius or see them as romantic in season 1, but even i knew Something Was Up when Mobius was the only person who was visibly disgusted (rightfully) and straight up jealous of Loki and Sylvie interacting or mentioning each other and got all petty, like damn dude, you're TERRIBLE at hiding that you want Loki to kiss you and spend time with you instead
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messiluvr · 1 year
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lionel messi & pep guardiola: the greatest player/coach duo in the history of the sport
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austinstyles · 14 days
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Hey. I have been having writers block since posting my last fanfic. I am still taking requests. You just have to be patient with me about the time it might take. Because this writers block has not gone away yet. I hope everyone can understand. I just wanted to rant about this to everyone.
Also have been ecstatic about the fact that Austin Butler new movie coming soon. Also about the news of what Cody Fern is working on.
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I also was wondering does anyone recommend watching AHS 1984 ? Because I want to watch it maybe. But have seen Cody Fern in The tribes of palos verdes. Also saw Cody in Eden. Let me know if you think I should check out AHS 1984.
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Thanks for listening to my rant and also thanks for reading this. Have a great day everyone and stay safe.
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elkitot · 8 months
Hello I’ve been thinking about posting this for a couple days and please feel free to call me out if needed Yesterday I saw the long list of celebrities who signed the pro Israel open letter to Biden and although most of the names weren’t that surprising there were a few that had me shocked. As more celebrities reveal themselves as pro Israel/zionst a question has been bouncing around in my head that I want peoples opinion on so if anyone actually sees this please answer honestly. I know that I should be worrying about more important things and worst things are happening in the world then this. The question is it acceptable to still like/support a character while disliking the actor? Or does separating the actor from the character work in this situation?
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butchered-icarian · 9 months
listen to hozier like half sitting, half standing at a dimly lit, gritty bar scanning your eyes across the crowd looking for someone to walk home with. like sitting in darkness on your own somewhere amongst concretes and metals in a big city, listen to the pouring and roaring of a summer storm, waiting for something, someone you know you're supposed to know, to meet. like standing on public transportation during rush hour, noisy and sweaty, wanting an escape, wanting for some glimpse of recognition like you, yes you.
listen to hozier like a conflict, a feel of unjust you feel throbbing in your chest, and listen to hozier like needing, craving, yearning to cover your hunger to shake and change everything, then to meet your destiny along the process.
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subtracteline · 2 months
I can’t wait for Alecto to come out and for her to do more horrible unforgivable things so everyone can stop taking away her agency and calling her innocent
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eclipse-moon96 · 6 months
Idc what people say, Akira Zaizen ticked me off when he blamed Playmaker for what happened to Blue Angel, and even AFTER Playmaker saved his sister's life he REFUSED to let him have the data to learn about his past.
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writeradamanteve · 1 year
I like how there are posts about how they’re happy about Michelle Yeoh winning, then turning around and saying Blanchett was robbed.
And then they talk about how the Oscars should do better about diversity and…
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If you want Blanchett to win, that is a PERFECTLY valid opinion. She was phenomenal and if she’d won it, she would’ve deserved it.
So—stick with that opinion. Don’t go saying “happy for Michelle Yeoh” then saying “I understand” and THEN “the Oscars should do better” with diversity.
Suddenly it’s a WTF moment where it absolutely sounds like Michelle Yeoh won purely on the basis of the Oscars wanting an Asian person to win.
What a dick move. Exactly like Kanye, Swift, and Beyonce, where you’re Kanye.
Don’t you worry. With moral licensing at play, all the cis white actors will have another handful of years to win awards again, before the Oscars decide “oh! This year we’re doing Mexicans!”
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bunny-hoodlum · 1 year
This'll prolly be in my Ch 2 author notes in some variation, unless I end up deciding to rewrite Ch 1 (of "Dissolve Me"). 😅
Admittedly, I could have done the research that I am doing now before I wrote and posted the story, but at the time I wanted to adhere to my muse. 🫣 (Not that I didn't do any research, but I no longer feel I had done enough research lol).
There's quite a bit that I'm going to have tweak that don't feel present, accurate and/or logical in the third scene. Characterization, motivation, etc. How Haku and Naruto would be discussing business in general, the paltry amount that Haku smuggled over, like... That might as well have been his personal supply. 🤔 Also, for some reason I feel like Naruto came off like a newbie grower, like he just intellectually knows what he has to do but hasn't actually ever tried. What I want for him is I want him to be more experienced than I feel I presented. I want him to have his own supply of shrooms, it's just that they're just common shrooms that he doesn't feel particularly proud about or anything.
Even if it's fine and I leave it alone, I think from the second chap onwards will be markedly different. 🤔
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The overwhelming guilt I feel constantly for cancelling or not doing anything because my chronic pain levels are unbearable. I’m find it so hard to enjoy life majority of the time.
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Forgive me past and future self for how I have been treating current me. I was simply blinded by the illusion of making sure others were okay whilst neglecting myself allowing my truest self to fade and crumble. I am slowly working on us, better us so that we may see what the future will hold for us.
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avatarofacedia · 2 years
The Elephant Crushing Me
I can't tell you I am sorry. To be so, I would need to give you a promise. That I cannot do. I have held on years too long. The number of attempts and the half-baked self-destructive foils has left me shambled at my own hand. I don't want to hurt you. That's the only reason I have made it this long.
Now... In all honesty, I don't know if I really love you. I assume that I do. Why else would I care so much? What else would be preventing me from what I desire most? I know I do not have a healthy life- I don't have a model of what love really is. I know you love me, but love over a phone leaves much to be lost. I’m not so sure what love really is, so I cannot say for certain if I do or not. I feel like a liar either way.
I have been hurt over Daniel. So much more than I would ever care to admit. I know you don't remember, but I stopped talking to you for three months after finding out he was calling me "it." I've been so confused since then. I felt so betrayed. And I never want to sway you into a way of thinking. I'm always so careful with how I say things because I want you to be able to have your own opinions. Maybe I tried protecting you too much; held you far too close. I could never tell you this. I feel like I lost you then. And life has been so much worse ever since. I haven't been able to find stable ground.
I feel it is best to never face you again. I don't know how I could ever bear to. Even the image of you in my head is tainted. I have lost all direction. Colorado is no longer a dream. I don't know how this will ever be mended. If it even could.
Each day weighs so much more than it ever has. I lost much of myself that day. I hoped you'd break up with him. When you did, I was so hopeful. I held back so much because I wanted you to be able to choose. I want so much for you. Every bone in my body wanted to gaslight you. Every time you ask about him, I have to avoid it. I hate him. Truly. Deeply. And I hate even more that you're with him.
Marrying him broke the barrier. I could no longer hide from the reality that I lost that part in me that valued you so much. The disrespect he showed meant so little. I don't know. It was my fault for relying on you so much. I'm sorry. I won't do that again. I guess that's why I'm here writing a bloody blog instead of a suicide note.
I still care about you deeply. I wish you the best in the world. More than what I could ever give to you.
I know this will not be held over well. I cannot ask you not to be sad. All I can ask is you do not let any grievance prevent you from living. Take all you deserve. And then some because I know you will undersell yourself.
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weaselle · 10 months
listen. There's a whole mentality shift that needs to happen culture wide here, from the schools to the public infrastructure to pet ownership to the justice system
The proper response to your dog doing a natural behavior you dislike (digging/barking/protecting etc) it to give them an appropriate time and place to engage in that behavior
The proper response to skateboarders damaging infrastructure is to build more and better skate parks, or build skate elements into the public infrastructure on purpose.
The proper response to homeless people sleeping on park benches is to build them houses.
you see how there's like, a commonality at play here?
The proper response to a disruption is to address the root of the disruption directly, not somehow attack the disruption itself -
you don't invent a muffler by swinging a bat at the engine noise, you don't relieve your hunger by punching yourself in the stomach, you don't resolve public unrest by sending armed men to control them and you don't prevent homeless people using bus shelters as a roof by removing the bus shelters.
a whole ass shift in a basic mindset, i'm tellin' you. We need it.
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noesa · 6 months
i think the thing that is specifically bothering me about the conversation about the new hbomberguy video ("live your life in a way so that hbomberguy doesn't tear into you for 3 hours", "hbomberguy has figured out how to death note someone through video essays", "oh new hbomberguy video [incredibly dense paragraphs of text] i now despise james somerton") is that it really feels like people aren't paying attention to what hbomberguy was actually saying. like, as much as he wanted to make people aware of the plagiarism issue, he also very explicitly did not like the fact that he might even remotely have a financial incentive to make those sorts of videos. and rather than the last video, which was a "get mad about this" call to action, hbomberguy spent this whole video sympathizing with the people who were directly out indirectly affected, and wanted the focus of people's attention to be on uplifting small queer creators
but also, negativity drives engagement so i guess it's to be expected.
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aprilflowers2040 · 19 days
As a Canadian, I apologize for my PM’s dumbassery. No Justin, treating both Israel’s government and Hamas as equally shitty isn’t “false equivalency” they just suck in different (but equal) ways. For now, I’m just going to drag Netanyhu and the current Israeli gov, because they’re more relevant for here.
On the “democracy” argument, the only reason Netanyahu got back in was he made an unholy alliance with Israel’s far-right parties and since then has not only tried to cut back on queer rights in Israel, but also is trying to completely handicap Israel’s supreme court.
For even added scumminess, this was before the events of Oct.7 onwards, so while he didn’t fire the first shot of this stage of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, he’s more then happy to exploit it to keep his new “friends” happy. They get to wipe out innocent people, while he gets attention drawn away from his other tomfuckery.
Oh, and if you wanna know how morally flaccid this man is, he took Mariah Carey concert tickets as a political bribe.
I believe in having a state where Jewish people can live, but I sure as Hell don’t want it at the expense of innocent people. I may do a second post about my experiences on a Birthright trip in 2019 and my evolving thoughts since then,but for now I leave it here.
Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
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noisyasalways · 24 days
vent incoming.
my day is wasting away. i feel like extra shit today with the migraines and the weakness. i want my body back. i want my comfort back. this is a cruel existence at times.
my friend texted me trying to make plans for the weekend saying i "need to get out of the house more". true or not thats not your call. my home is where my meds are, where my bed is, where im safest to rest from the pain and fatigue.
i have a new evaluation with my physical therapist coming up next week. i think we'll be asking for more sessions. i dont think ive improved enough. my life is still halted.
i want to return to where i was 3 months ago, before this new lesion. have my strength back. but i dont think i'll be there anytime soon at all. i wont be returning to work. i wont be returning to culinary school. im going to have to figure something out.
i miss driving myself, standing to shower, showering daily, cooking, baking, working, going where i want, doing what i want, DOING. instead i am 24 with an arm disability that its hard to even google tips on how to help me make my life a little bit easier.
vent over.
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