#Was my password once hah
Lost In Jealousy
Severus Snape Masterlist
Summary: You are invited to join The Order and go to your first meeting at Grimmauld Place. Once it's over, a certain dog starts flirting with you in front of your lover.
Severus x Y/N
Time: Order of The Phoenix
Warnings: slight angst
Word Count: 680
Recommended Song: Norman fucking Rockwell by Lana Del Rey & You're in Love by Joe Hisaishi (all songs can be found in my snape playlist in my Spotify account that is linked in my bio)
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It's Y/N's first Order meeting, and they're quite happy to finally be allowed to join. Severus, however, is a bit nervous for them and wishes Y/N to think more about it before being asked to potentially fight. They arrive at Headquarters on their own as Severus has some stuff to do before classes start up again. After they give the password and enter the door Y/N can hear talking going on down at the end of a very thin hallway. They take a moment to gaze at the art and the way the place is decorated. After a few minutes, everyone sat down at a very long dining table and began the meeting. Y/N was placed next to the Weasley twins and Severus was just across the table.
The meeting went well, and everyone welcomed Y/N kindly. They did notice however that Sirius, who was seated a few seats across from her kept looking at her while speaking. She didn't think anything of it as it was his place after all and maybe he was trying to be welcoming. His smile was calming, and he was ready to help lead the Order towards victory. Severus would share a glance with Y/N a few times during the meeting, but they kept their minds focused on the matter at hand.
After the meeting, Y/N found themselves just exploring the place a bit and ended up near the kitchen where Sirius appeared and began talking to them.
"Hello again. I hope the place isn't too dusty for you." A kind smile was on his face. Y/N smiled softly back at him.
"I do hope you don't mind the arguing that happened at the meeting. It always happens." Sirius leans against a wall and keeps his eyes on them. They shared some more light conversation before Sirius brought something up as he wanted to share his concern in the matter.
"Now, I've heard that you and sniva-... Snape are somewhat close to each other." Y/N nods in response not sure why he brought it up.
"I got to say he's got good eyes for finding nice and gentle souls." It seems as though Sirius tries to hide his distaste for Severus.
"And those who have a good-looking face." He begins to flirt with Y/N who quickly tries to hint that they aren't interested, but he doesn't quite catch on. During this Severus is standing around the corner in the kitchen and hears all of it. His blood boils and he makes sure that he's right in his suspicions. When he rounds the corner Sirius sees him but that doesn't stop him from continuing.
"You're special, "He smiled. "I get why Snivallius chose you." He leans in closer to Y/N causing them to step back a bit and bumping into Severus who now stands behind them. They stare at each other for a moment before Sirius speaks up.
"Quite a lovely friend you've got there Snivallius." Severus frowns greatly and insults Sirius.
"Yes, now don't go trying to taint them with your 'honeyed' words." The two share some back and forth as Y/N stands between them. They slip their hand into Severus' to let him know that they aren't going anywhere.
"How about you go lick your filthy fur instead."
"Hah! Says the greasy git. Trust me Y/n, you don't want this one anywhere near your lips." Severus begins to start to pick a fight with Sirius, but a voice from behind them stops him.
"Enough the both of you!" Molly comes out from the kitchen as she can hear the whole conversation.
"If you wish to find someone to care for you Sirius, don't go home wreaking." Molly scowls at Sirius and Y/N squeezes Severus' hand as to reassure him. They don't speak about what had happened, but Y/N does get a little more lovely and cuddly afterwards.
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quodekash · 1 year
i once again went to sleep instead of watching an episode but im here for the first vice versa episode now! (and depending on how im feeling, i might watch the second episode when it airs tonight, but no promises)
i love puentalay so much and THEYRE GONNA BE DADS and im also desperately hoping for some aoufuse because i love them so so much and their child who is a dog
aoufuse were parents before puentalay. they adopted a dog together. they beat you, puentalay. hah.
ANYWAY im gonna watch it now, wish me luck, ill probably cry
im also gonna try to not go over the 30 image limit again cos i keep doing that
i love how they put summaries at the start of these as though we havent aggressively rewatched each show in the week preceding the os2 episodes
talay singing happy birthday to puen? this feels familiar. except its actually puen's birthday this time. not pakorn/tun's.
"and as i wished for every year" HOW MANY YEARS HAS IT BEEN?????
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i know its gonna be fine, this is gonna be like entirely fluff for two episodes because CHILD and they look really happy in the preview
my prediction is this sadness will last three minutes at the most
but also WHYYYYY
honestly i love this acapella intro song
"since weve come back to this universe" okAY, COOL, GOOD A SUMMARY
"it's already the fifth year" W H A T
i know the questions will have answers probably very shortly
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bro puen youre so tired. go to sleep. please.
altho i would like to point out the mug that says "the cat's favourite"
does that imply that they have a cat
please answer my questions
"i really want to drink the coffee made by you, talay" dude i know youre deeply in love with him but you need to stop drinking so much coffee and GO TO SLEEP FOR CRYING OUT LOUD
"it's 9pm already???" is this adhd time blindness i am smelling
or perhaps an autism trait
bro what is it with our skyy 2 and birthdays
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they literally havent said either of their names this entire time
looking at talay's phone and im just now realising: how the hell did they unlock their phones in the other universe? they dont know tun and tess' passwords. how could they have gotten into their phones?
there are many things to do with the lore and logistics of the universes that dont make sense and we'll probably never get answers to, but its still fun to wonder and speculate
awwhhhhh poor puen feels unloved and forgotten
akk felt unloved and forgotten because aye had a surprise for him
talay is just neurodivergent and cant figure out time and so he genuinely did forget about it being puen's birthday
in both situations there is still the love
now i wanna talk about neurodivergence for three hours and justify talay and stuff but i wont because i need to actually watch this episode before it gets too late
why are they being sad and angsty
theyre supposed to be happy and in love and fluffy
"so lets change from a birthday to a hug day" YES PLEASE
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honestly it rly does feel like its been that long since the show aired
its only been like one year
but it feels like five
but also feels like three months
time is weird i dont like thinking about time
lets stop talking about time
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i love the concept of hug day
just hug your loved one/s at any random point in the day because ITS HUG DAY
i mean you can also do that any day (as long as theyre fine with hugs ofc)
but i think the hug feels more special on hug day
now i want a hug day
why isnt hug day a thing everywhere
i feel like i could probably talk about hug day for hours
hug day is good
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good. good good good. a man of fine taste.
unlike some people (MAITHEE) who DONT LIKE SPAGHETTI because its "too cheesy"????
mi dispiace, maithee not liking spaghetti because its too cheesy is a cause for anger in the minds of the little italians that live in my brain
anyway. spaghetti is good. its pasta. è un pasta meraviglioso
good job talay
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"day 2: flirting day" OH MY GOODNESS I NEED THIS
this is what i needed for soundwin after episode 9
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huge props to this guy, damn
i love that puen's nickname for him is "Lay" its so sweet
this is incredible so far but i have one question: when the hell is the child introduced and also WHY and also HOW
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come on bro, not again
why do you shower yourselves in chips
you did it with popcorn last time
and then you presumably had to clean it all up
now you have to clean up all the chips
why would you do that
why does he keep doing this
this is a really weird habit of his
puen, you confuse me
"confession day" why is that so funny
massage day, nice
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its the fact that "memory day" means to both of them the place they fell in love; the universe they dwelt together; the friends they made; the friends theyll never see again; the memories they created together; the lands where they wandered side by side, hand in hand, arm in arm, heart in heart.
im fine.
ooo going out day
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"honk the horn if you want me to hug you" GHERIUJDFGHKREJBFN
theres too much fluff
too much fluff for my sad little heart
a buttload of fluff for the eclipse, and now a buttload of fluff for vice versa
hey google, how to deal with happiness
theyre so freaking cute what the hell
ooo day 30: surprise day
two things to say about that
1. aye apparently thought it was day 30 on akk's birthday
2. does this mean the child is gonna appear today? is this very un-subtle foreshadowing?
ah shoot puen is ✨choking✨
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i sense merch
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i love them
probably too much
theyre so sweet
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that rly shows how observant i am, doesnt it
"but i fell in love with you when you wore glasses" IM GONNA CRY ITS SO SWEET
im rly hoping someone has a full translation of the calendar because its a lovely idea
"thank you for joining me in doing this crazy stuff" bro if im right, its about to get a WHOLE LOT crazier. youre about to have a child.
puen's final surprise: "im pregnant"
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oh no this child is cute
why must the child be cute
i hate children
its one of my defining personality traits
i despise children
(there are some exceptions)
why must i be immediately attached to the child
"is he another surprise from you" lmao yeah he just popped out a child for this specific day
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jigsaw and his four dads raising him
tup is also autistic i decided, and i love him
what if jigsaw is from the other universe.
its possible.
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had to have dinner but im back
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usually people are like "the feeling of responsibility for someone elses life" like its a good thing and im always like 'um no thanks i dont want to be responsible for that i can barely take care of myself' but now my brain is like LET ME BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS CHILD I WILL CARE FOR THIS CHILD AND DO EVERYTHING FOR THIS CHILD i hate this so much
i think its because the child's name is Jigsaw
its entirely bc of the funky name
"you bought a lot of stuff, so you're well-prepared" PUENS LITTLE SHRUG OMG
the shrug says 'what can i say, ive always wanted to be a dad but never wanted to tell you because i didnt know if you wanted that or not'
that could also not be the case, that is entirely possible
but the way puen's been acting since the child appeared makes me think hes either always wanted to be dad (or maybe wanted to be a dad since falling for talay) or the child awakened the dad-need inside him
omg i cant wait for puen's dad jokes
"i think jigsaw fits right into our lives, like a missing piece of us"
i swear if he doesnt say that at some point, im leaving
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kind of like an 'oh' mixed with an 'aw'
why is the oh-aw happening for the child
i dont like this feeling
they cant figure out whose kid it is. take the kid for a dna test you idiots
"does this mean jigsaw is my son? ...i dont have any savings. How am i gonna raise him???? i need to call my mum" BROOO HIS DAD INSTINCTS ARE KICKING IN AS WELL, I LOVE THIS
oh my goodness i think i might be dying
these scenes are too cute
theyre raising a child
theyre dads
and the child is DESPICABLY cute
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side note: both of them have such pretty hair
anyway. see you in like. a few hours. (that is, if i stay up, which i probably will)
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url0veb0t · 2 years
Hi Again! It's The Younger Sibling Anon, I'm Just Wondering If You Would Write The Same Younger Sibling Who Always Steal Their Clothes But With Kokoro, Yoruko And Sora! If You Do This Thanks! <3
(wanna check out pt.1? check here!!)
ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı.
ᥫ᭡ ; kokoro, yoruko, and sora with a younger sibling who always steals their clothes!!
ᥫ᭡ [a/n] ; i’ve finally finished this request! i love this prompt sm so im super glad you requested this prompt again!! hope you enjoy it anon!!!
tw!!: not really proofread, small spoilers (?) !!
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ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı.
— kokoro will definitely be annoyed, although she lacks a lot of basic emotions, she still feels some annoyance when she sees her new shirt that she couldn’t find this morning was on you, and you didn’t even care that she called you out on it
— kokoro let’s you steal her clothing, but only because she wants to observe her emotions overtime and how she reacts to it, she kinda views everything as somehow of a project (if it manages to make her react to something) and this is no different
— kokoro will notice that the laundry load has decreased, and how certain clothing she wants to wear must be hidden from you so that you won’t steal it, so she claims that she sees the instance as a “positive inconvenience” in a way? it hard to explain
— she won’t stop you from wearing her clothes if you’re already wearing them, but if she happens to catch you taking something from her closet she will snatch it from your hands, if you aren’t wearing it yet that doesn’t mean that she can’t take it right?
— “stop taking my clothing… don’t you have your own..?”
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ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı.
— the most annoyed out of the three, like hello? didn’t you have already a bunch of clothes? whether it’s her new shoes, or some of her work clothes, she’ll be super upset, and don’t be surprised if she scolds you for it
— yoruko is probably the most organized in your household, and when she does the laundry she will notice how there’s basically none of your clothes in the batch, and only hers.. and when that happens yoruko probably has had enough of you
— yoruko will definitely set some complicated lock on her closet that only she knows the password too, and imagine her satisfaction when she sees your pouting face and you wearing your own clothing (for once) when you come downstairs
— so unless you manage to somehow figure out past her super complicated lock without yorukos brain, i don’t think you’ll be able to wear some of her nice clothes to nice outings for a while now unless you ask her (politely)
— “hah! finally you wear your own clothing, took you long enough!”
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ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ılı.lıllılı.ıllı.
— one of the more chill older siblings when this happens, but i think she’d end up a little more annoyed when it just became kind of a daily thing, and when she runs out of basically anything in her closet she’s decided to have a chat with you
— because you’re her sister (and the only thing she really remembers when it comes to family) so she’ll express to you how she doesn’t appreciate the lack of her on clothing in her own closet, so she suggests ideas that come to her brain to fix the issue
— the only conclusion you both really came too an agreement was her giving you the clothing you really liked from her closet, and in exchange buying her some new clothes at the mall/other clothing shops so that you were even
— so far it’s working! sora tries her best to remember to be patient with you and be a good older sibling since you’re basically one of the only family members she even remembers having, so compromising it a big thing with her and you
— “… i’ll let you have 5 shirts if you buy my 5 more tomorrow”
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coralcatsea · 9 months
Japan: We need to wake Italy up.
Greece: Rather than waking him up, I might just join him.
Sister: We also need to find the password.
-searches for a long time and gives up momentarily, putting Greece back in bed-
Me: Hah, just like he wanted! Okay, try talking to Germany, apparently he'll tell you how to wake Italy up according to this guide.
Germany: You can splash a bucket of water on him.
Greece: Thanks for the advice.
Me: Wait, in his own house?? Italy isn't sleeping outside, he's in one of Greece's beds!
Sister: Yeah, what. -gets water, goes to Italy-
Greece: Wait, am I about to dump water in my own house?
Me: Exactly! Wait, will we have to find something else?
Greece: Ah, well, you only live once. Ena, thio...
Italy: -wakes up on his own- Oh, buongiorno, Gree–
Me/Sister: HAHAHAHA.
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littlestuffstohide · 5 years
Me being random on Nalu
I always go for jealous Natsu or dense Lucy. Natsu juuuust hides it real well. And Lucy's just effing adorable in her denseness. Liiiiiike, she would interpret him liking her as something else out of the blue. Like He's peeking on Erza or the first master. (Totally something I read in a fic which I really need to review). And can I say I love it when Natsu wants to take care of Lucy? He would joke so she would laugh. He'd distract her if she was stressing herself too much. Natsu would always want Lucy to be smiling and happy. I headcanon that when Lucy is busy doing too much work, Natsu would take away her books and force her to rest, eat or relax. I'm rolling in love for all these one-shots I'm reading for the past few days. Let's not forget that there are probably thousands of wonder ful nalu fics and art to read. If you can't find it in tumblr, go for ao3 or fanfiction dot net. It's a treasure trove!
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littlelordfuckler0y · 2 years
Klaus mikaelson x reader Instagram au [1] [2,3,4,5]
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yourusername Can’t leave my phone unlocked for two minutes
@dam0nsalvat0re UMM??? You’re welcome you can now frame a picture of me sorry about Stefan
@yourusername Gladly. I’ve been waiting for your funeral for so long you have no idea 😍
@stefaNN18 We know your password tho?
@yousername No you don’t.
@stefaNN18 it’s literally ‘password’
@yousername Hah just changed it
@bonbonnie_ You changed it to ‘new password’ didn’t you?
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yourusername Don’t have a date to the dance…….yet
@carebare_ Can you get back to work🤨
@yourusername I am on my break
@itsrebekAh I see what you did there ;)
@klaus.mikealson. Once again Rebekah you’ve proved to be the treacherous traitor you are. Hope you’re having a great time living with that.
@itsrebelAh I—she’s joking?!!!! And for the millionth time klaus everyone can see your comments this isn’t a letter
@elenaaaagilbert Pick you up at 7
@yourusername Caroline’s not gonna let me leave until all the air in my lungs is in the balloons here 🙏
@elenaaaagilbert Regret volunteering?
@yourusername Yes. Very much.
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yourusername I pulled off managing actual alcohol for the party everyone say thank you
@elenaaaagilbert best at what you do
@yoursername RIGHT?
@bonbonnie When it’s stolen>>>>>>
@yourusername +you don’t get caught
@dam0nsalvat0re I am going to go check my bourbon shortage right now and if any of it is missing-
@yourusername Well fuck-Look I can explain 😭
@klaus.mikealson. You lay a hand at her and I will see to it you can no longer use your hands. Ever.
@dam0nsalvat0re Oh look! It’s the desperate original sicko of the town! Don’t you have anything better to do????
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yourusername <3
@elenaaaagilbert THE HUH THE WHAT?????????????
@stefaNN18 Is she answering anyone’s calls?
@bonbonnie I tried at least 20 times🥲
@dam0nsalvat0re Do we no if she’s still alive?
@eldest.Elijah_ Do all of you take my brother as some sort of savage?
@dam0nsalvat0re Yes. Yes we do.
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yourusername Apparently I got house arrest for obvious reasons (you all cockblocks) but wow someones really bad at their jobs so……
@bonbonnie god not again-
@yourusername I didn’t even have to try
@unofficialenzo It was barely 5 minutes you couldn’t have gotten that far
@yourusername Keep dreaming I’m already off of earth’s surface🙏
@carebare_ wait y/n actually left?
@dam0nsalvat0re 2 against 1 Stefan you had one job
@stefaNN18 I am just finding this out
Tags: @colbysbrocks
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
bts reaction -> their girlfriends acting bratty
> all of the gifs I use in every reaction posts aren’t mine! just wanting to clear that out of the way. <
"Baby, shhh, quiet, quiet," Namjoon giggles, pressing his index finger against his lips to signal you to keep quiet across the room. He sits on the couch with his legs crossed, on a phone-call meeting with his members while he gawks at you with a stern glare. 
You were wearing a short skirt, obviously teasing him all because of your playful mood. "Joon..." you teasingly moan, slowly bending over until the hem of your skirt hikes up your skin. Namjoon clenches his jaw, leaning back on the couch as he unconsciously manspreads. He lifts his arm up on the cushions behind him, observing your actions like a predator. 
You like how he reacted so you lift your skirt up with your hand, showing him your panties. Giggling when he bites his lip, you wiggle your ass in front of him without any second thoughts. 
But as soon as he puts the phone down, you let out a shriek when he unexpectedly grabs you by the waist and forcing you down to sit on his lap. Namjoon chuckles menacingly, wrapping a hand around your throat as he presses your back against his chest. "Someone wants attention," he whispers in your ear with a smirk, "If you want my attention so bad, baby, you could've just asked. Not make me stutter my fucking words when I'm on a call." 
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Seokjin was exhausted from working all day, but yet he still finds the time to cook you dinner as a surprise. You didn't hear him enter your apartment as he just started to prepare the ingredients. Yawning here and there, he fights back the urge to just lay down on the couch and sleep until the morning, just to treat his baby girl. 
"Babe!" your voice startles him for a moment, but it warms his heart finally seeing you. Embracing him in a backhug, your eyes expand as you take an inhale of the delicious food he's cooking. 
"Why didn't you tell me you're gonna cook, babe?" you pout, "Let me help you at least!" You take the pan away from him, ignoring his "no's". 
“No thank you, Y/n. Be a good girl and just wait for me, okay?" He gives you a kind smile, although you furrow your eyebrows at him. 
"Noooooo! You're tired, Seokjin. Just rest for a couple of hours. I can skip dinner!" 
"Y/n," he sighs deeply, "baby just sit on the couch and wait, okay? Let me do this." 
"No, Seokjin! You're tired and I—" 
"Listen to me," he warns with a stern voice, eyes burning holes into yours. You gulp in pure nervousness. "I love you baby, but just let me take care of you. I don't want you worrying over me." You pout at him, "But..." He leans closer and presses a tender kiss on your pouting lips, chuckling at you, "I said what I said, Y/n. There's nothing to worry about." 
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 The doorbell caused Yoongi to panic, immediately thinking that someone might've broken into his studio – but it was only you. "How did you..." Yoongi sighs when you giddily roll his chair away from the desk, keeping him away from doing work as you sit on his lap. 
"How did you get inside here, huh?" 
 "You told me your password, silly!" you giggle, booping his nose. Yoongi grunts and scoots back towards the desk, trying to push you away. 
"Y/n, didn't I told you to wait until I finish? You shouldn't be here." 
"No!" you puff, crossing your arms together in front of your chest. "I wanna stay here with you!" Your boyfriend quirks a brow, running his tongue against his lower lip. This action made you fight back a bratty laugh. 
"Oh yeah?" he teases. "Mhm. I do what I want, Yoongi— oopmh!" Suddenly with force, Yoongi pushes your body down to lay you across his lap, stomach pressed against his thighs while he had easy access to your ass. He doesn't hesitate to spank you roughly through the fabric of your clothes, making you whine. "Have you forgotten your place, babe? Hm? " he spanks you again, harder. You close your eyes as you dwell in the feeling. "You wanna do what you want, huh, baby? That's what you want?" He asks, and you nod your head up and down, "Then you’re gonna stay here, right over my lap and wait until I finish." 
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"Baby, c'mon now," he warns, eyes glaring at you intensely. "I've told you many times before that you can't come with me to practice."
"Why noooooot!" you dragged the vowel out, pouting your lips on purpose just to make your point across. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him closer to you as a playful smile paints across your face.
Hoseok fights the urges to just pin you against the wall and make you aware of what’s about to come when you push him further like that. “We have seven hours of practice baby. You’ll just be bored.”
"I won’t! I promiseeeee! Please please please? Pretty pleaaaaase?"
"No, baby." He states simply.
"Ugh, whatever," you scoff as you start walking away from him. However, this didn't sit well with him. Hoseok chuckles and grabs your arm, spinning you until your bodies were touching each other's. "Stop acting like a brat," he speaks lowly, "you don't want me to punish you."
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Jimin's a brat tamer — for all that we know. He likes discipline and absolutely despises when you don't obey his rules. Even though you had learned not to rebel, you can't help but push his buttons now and then. 
"Jimin!" you yell, speed-walking to the living room where he stands. "Let's go?" 
Jimin furrows his eyebrows as he studies your body, eyeing you from top to bottom. He suddenly scoffs, "You aren't going out dressed like that." 
Pouting, you reply, "Why? What's wrong with this?" you scan your outfit that is clearly not appropriate for the cold weather outside. You knew that he was going to say something about it, everything was entirely your plan — but you decide to act dumb. 
 "Babe," he sighs, stroking his hair back, "Go and put on a jacket or something. We're not going anywhere until you cover up." His gaze on you was sharp, those sultry eyes unwavering. 
You cross tour arms together, "Just say that you don't like it when I show skin, Jimin." 
Oops. Too much? 
You saw his demeanor instantly changes, as he firmly grabs your waist and pulls you to his chest. "No. That's not what I said. I just don't want you to catch a cold. Are you kidding me?”
Although you try to show him that you're pissed off by rolling your eyes, you were enjoying it deep down. You placed your hands on his chest and tried to push him away, "I'll wear whatever I want to." 
"It's not about that. Are you fucking foreal?" Jimin runs his warm hands down your exposed arms, clicking his tongue as he shakes his head side to side. "Baby, you need to know that I'm saying this because I care for you. You know I always let you wear whatever you want. But it's fucking freezing outside and I don't want my baby to get sick." 
Hah. There we go. 
"No?" he quirks a brow, smirking. "Ahh, baby. I think you're being excessive, huh?" He holds the back of your neck with one hand, the other pressing against your lower back. "Do I have to teach you another fucking lesson?" 
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Taehyung didn’t mind that you sometimes act a little bratty — he even calls it playful. He believes that there’s nothing wrong with acting a little goofy between two partners. 
But there’s a line. There’s a complete difference with acting playful and plain misbehavior. 
And you crossed that line. 
“Y/n, don’t talk to me like that. Just let me explain.” He sighs, the tiredness in his voice was evident. He was tired of you constantly shouting and yelling, just because you had suspected him that he’s talking to another girl when in fact was his cousin. You just wouldn’t listen and let him explain.
“No! Just get out of my house and fuckin’... I don’t know, fuck that bitch.” You spat the words without thinking, standing up from the couch as you try to make your way to your bedroom. 
But your heart almost stops when you felt a hand wrapping around your throat, Taehyung’s front pressing up against your back as his lips ghosts on the skin of your neck. “Don’t you walk away like this. Let me fucking explain for once and keep your mouth shut,” he growls deeply, causing chilling shivers to run throughout your body.  
Taehyung spins you around and his chest clenches to see your big doe eyes gawking up at him. “She’s my cousin, for god’s sake, Y/n! Why won’t you let me explain?” A wave of guilt starts to weigh your body while you tilt your head down. You were about to open your mouth but he was faster than you. “Want me to prove it to you? I can make you read our conversation if you don’t trust me enough.” Taehyung scoffs, rolling his eyes, “I guess you don’t really trust me, do you?” 
“No! That’s...” your voice appears softer, completely out of words to say, “I’m sorry, Tae—”
“You better be.” He snaps, suddenly grabbing your wrist before leading you to the bedroom with long strides of his feet. “After I’m done punishing you and teaching you another fucking lesson, I hope you’re truly sorry.” 
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“Hmm, don’t start that attitude with me, baby.” Jungkook smirks, pointing his finger at you.
“Jungkook, please! I’m gonna pay you back, I swear!” You pout as you stare at the screen in front of you, as if having a staring contest with the pair of Chanel heels that you wanted to purchase.
Jungkook chuckles and scoots closer to you, swinging his right arm around your shoulder, “Oh, darling, money’s not the issue here, you aren’t paying anyone back,” He rasps, making you look up at him with expecting, excited eyes. “But I’ve already bought several items for you today, wouldn’t you think that it’s enough?” 
Jungkook kisses your cheek, firmly holding your jaw in place as the pout doesn’t wipe off of your face. “Do you want more?” He asks. 
Without thinking, you reply instantly, “Yes.” 
“Oh, I think I’ve spoiled my girlfriend too much,” he sighs while shaking his head side to side. He stretches his arms up in the air, groaning. “That’s enough online shopping for today, baby.” 
“No!” you whirl your head to his direction, eyebrows furrowing. “For this pair I’ll pay you back with my own money, okay? Please? Jungkook pleeeaaase?” Your hands hold onto his forearms, shaking his arm to further persuade him to buy you this one pair of heels. “It’s on sale!” 
In a quick motion, you squeak when he forces you down on the couch, back hitting the cushion as he quickly hovers above you. You gulp, watching his pupils dilate. 
“Enough is enough, baby. Do you want me to call you my spoiled brat, huh?” He was fast to pin your wrists up above your head, trapping your legs under his own so that you can’t escape. 
Jungkook leans down slowly, watching the way his tongue prods out to lick his lips. “If you wanna act like a spoiled little brat, then you should be treated like one, right?” 
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 8]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, sex toys, dom!seungcheol, blowjob, cumplay, overstimulation, minor degradation/dirty talk, big dick seungcheol is in the house ladies ‘n gents, what we’ve all been waiting for!!! 😩💕 this was actually meant to be a shorter chapter which I guess depending on how you look at 5k words I guess that can be seen as short!!, anyway thank you so much for your patience 🥺 I know a ton of you were waiting for this and it’s finally here!! hehe~ enjoy! have a great weekend!! 🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - ? 
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“Well… It’s not much but welcome home for the next few days.”
Seungcheol helps you into his studio apartment; setting your things by the bed before turning to you.
“So, I take it the cat isn’t real then, huh?” You joke, plopping down onto the sofa. He shoots you a sheepish smile when he sits on the other end, cheeks blooming crimson.
“Uh… no, sorry... If there’s anything I lied about, it was definitely only the cat.”
The two of you share a laugh as you look around the apartment, noting the cookbooks on the kitchen countertop and the extensive PC setup on his desk. “Oh, I should show you around. I mean, it’s not much, but I figure I should let you know where everything is.”
You nod, getting up as Seungcheol starts showing you around the place. He shows you to the bathroom, lets you know where he keeps all of his snacks and even pauses to give you the wi-fi password. You follow him around the place, remarking that it seemed more homey and lived-in than your space did.
“I mean, it’s not much, but it’s comfy. I even tried to be a plant dad but I forgot to water them so that didn’t really work out.”
“Maybe just buy the fake ones for aesthetic purposes, y’know? Give it a greenhouse vibe.”
Seungcheol nods; chuckling as he brings you back to the living space. “Okay, I should go get the things from ‘Guk before it gets any later. And you have a show to do tomorrow too so we should definitely setup once I get back.” He makes sure he has all of his things, keys jingling in his hold as he makes his way to the door.
“Do you need anything else while I’m out? I’ll probably be about 45 minutes, give or take an hour if I catch traffic.”
You shake your head ‘no’ in response, walking up to him. “Just drive safe~” Waving, you wait until the door lock falls into place before you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
In truth, you’d never stopped thinking about the video you had uploaded hours earlier. It had lingered at the back of your head the entire day despite Seungcheol’s valiant efforts to keep your mind off of the entire thing. 
It was the first time you were alone all day and you were finally ready to face the repercussions of your actions, should they have gone sour.
Sitting on the sofa, you unlock your phone before hesitantly opening a web browser and typing in the URL for the camming website. Taking a deep breath, you login, already nervous when the browser lags due to the amount of notifications.
Your eyes quickly flit across the multitude of comments; cheeks hot as your fingers go numb.
“Oh my god…”
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Seungcheol gets an earful once he gets the equipment from Jeongguk’s place; the younger male’s smug face ingrained in Seungcheol’s head even when he gets back to the apartment in record speed.
It takes him a bit of trapezing to get everything in one go, cables spilling out of the box that Jeongguk haphazardly put together, but Seungcheol manages to get the door open.
“Oh my god, ‘Cheol, there you are! Please hurry, come look at this!”
He quickly drags in the box, kicking the door shut before hurriedly jogging over to the sofa where you sat with your laptop. “I--I… I don’t know what to say, I’m just…” You quickly turn the screen to let him read the comments, a wide and giddy smile on your face.
‘Whoa… this is amazing…’
‘Wait who’s the guy???’
‘Please please more content like this’
‘Fuck you sound so good begging for daddy like this…’
‘In public? Such a naughty girl… but daddy will give it to you since you asked so nicely…’
‘Shit you really do look good getting fucked like this… better than your toys tbh’
“Whoa…” Seungcheol breathes out, scrolling through the rest as he sits next to you. “It seems like it did pretty damn well, huh?” You nod feverishly, leaning over him as you click on the video’s revenue page.
“‘Cheol look at this… The donations and revenue from this video alone... I--It’s… it’s more than I get in some of my live shows…” You trail off, wide eyes meeting Seungcheol’s equally shocked face.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment; various thoughts running through your head at the possibilities.
Seungcheol fares no different, already feeling the atmosphere change when you place the laptop on the coffee table.
“Seungcheol…” He can only chuckle in response, already knowing the next words that would spill from your lips.
“Let me take a wild guess… You want to film more like this?”
Nodding, you lean in close to him, wrapping your own arms around his as you rest your head on his shoulder. “I know we kinda… agreed to not get intimate so fast and--and I think we have a lot we need to talk about but ‘Cheol… I--I don’t want to beg but… Would you? Film some videos with me, I mean? They don’t have to be, like, both of us, they can just be from your POV and we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with doing on camera!”
He bites the inside of his cheek as he stares off into the living room. “How about this… Let’s set up, since you have a show to do tomorrow. And then Tuesday morning before I head to work, we can talk about it. I’m not saying no, I’m just… there’s some ground rules I think we need to put down first. Hard limits, things we’re okay with filming… Y’know, just, what we’re comfortable with.”
“Okay, yeah! That makes total and complete sense~” You open your mouth to speak again, only a small squeak coming out instead. “Hmm? Something the matter?”
“Just… Thank you. For everything. I really didn’t expect this to do as well as it did and--and just, I guess I’m in shock?” You laugh, pulling away from Seungcheol as he stares down at you. “And to be honest… I mean, it’s not like we haven’t thought about each other, right?”
Seungcheol feels his body getting warmer by the passing second; gulping when he understands what you mean. “Y-yeah, it’s just.. Hah, I guess I thought I’d have more time to woo you over.”
Letting out an airy laugh, you stand from the sofa and make your way towards the momentarily forgotten box of equipment; dragging it towards the bed before you sit on the floor next to it. “You have plenty of time to do that~ And anyway, who says I’m not already woo’d over?” You place a ring light down by your side just as Seungcheol sits on the bed, watching as you go through the items.
“Wow, Jeongguk sure has a lot of really nice equipment in here! Are you sure it’s okay we borrowed it?”
“Yeah, he’s a bit of a nerd for video equipment and I’m pretty sure as long as we don’t break anything we’re good.”
It only takes about 35 minutes and Seungcheol stepping on an outlet plug to finish setting up all the lighting equipment and camera as you and Seungcheol finally plop down onto the bed.
“Jeez, I never realized how convoluted it was to set up a few ring lights and one camera. I don’t want to see another cable for at least 50 years.” Seungcheol jokes; wiping a bead of sweat that trickles down his temple. “Is this how it’s set up at your place?”
“Mmhmm~ All the time. It’s like I’m never really ‘offline’.”
He stands from the bed a second later, walking to the fridge to get some water for the two of you. “Really? You don’t ever put the equipment away?”
You sigh softly, flopping onto your back onto the cold sheets. “In a perfect world I would, but it gets really annoying to always take down and put everything back up so I usually kind of just leave them in their places. But it’s fine ‘cause it’s only me anyway and I’m lazy~”
Seungcheol laughs as he places a glass of water next to the bed. “I guess that’s fair. I’d probably do the same.” You get comfy on his bed; eyes already threatening to slide shut.
“We should probably get some sleep, huh? I have work in the morning…” He mumbles, watching as you already seem to drift off into sleep.
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Seungcheol’s bed is comfy.
So comfy that you barely register him leaning down to let you know that he’d be leaving for work. And so comfy that you spend most of your day in it until he gets back.
“Honey, I’m home~” He singsongs; kicking his shoes off at the door before making his way into the kitchen. “I grabbed some takeout on the way back, hope you don’t mind. My cookbooks came in a while ago, but to be honest, I’ve barely even looked at ‘em, much less even opened them up.”
“I don’t mind~ And thank you!”
The two of you set up in the living space, placing the food on the coffee table and easing onto the rug. “So how was work, darling~?”
Seungcheol chokes on a bite of food in an instant, hand on his chest as he tries to swallow it down. “Urgh, f-fine!” He pauses as he clears his airway. “Jeongguk really won’t let me live it down but it’s okay. He asked what you saw in me and that killed my ego a bit.” He snorts.
“Pfft, there’s a lot to like about you! He just doesn’t see ‘that’ side of you, y’know?” Seungcheol blushes, clearing his throat before trying to change the subject. “How was your day? Hope it wasn’t too boring?”
“Mmm~ Not really... Your bed is really comfy though! I didn’t wanna leave it~ Oh! And I spent some time brainstorming some ideas ‘n stuff for tomorrow!”
“Yeah? Anything good?”
Your cheeks flush crimson; a shy smile on your lips. “Maybe~ But we’ll save it for our talk!!”
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dom.cheol: aren’t you a pretty lil thing?
angelhan has donated $70
dom.cheol has donated $300
artist8hao: oh? A new location again? It looks nice
alphagyu97: are we all forgetting the most important thing??
alphagyu97: whos the dude???
universe_WZ: you sound pressed over there, u ok?
hoshi_tiger_xx: honestly idrc that video was HOT
“Oh my gosh~ You guys!!” Your eyes flit to the side where Seungcheol sits with his phone in hand; a sly smirk on his face when your eyes meet. “Actually, I didn’t know you’d all like it so much… I kinda just thought to do it on the fly and my---my friend, um, agreed to help me…” Mumbling, you shyly readjust on Seungcheol’s sheets.
gc__koo: a friend? interesting tell me more
sleepy_wonu: who tf
kitty_junjun: i see our babygirl is getting more regulars~ so popular~
You giggle cutely as you tuck a stray hair behind your ear. “Did my video do that well?” You already know the answer but you read off a few more responses, biting your lip when you glance Seungcheol’s way again.
“Actually… my friend is here with me. He’s making sure I behave~”
Seungcheol pauses, head tilted questioningly at you. He mouths a simple ‘what are you doing?’ to which you wink back, readjusting yourself against the headboard.
“He’s really shy though… So he won’t be on camera~ But… But thinking about his fingers so deep in me… Fuck I’m--I’m already…” You trail off; hand reaching for the small bullet vibrator next to you on the bed.
gc__koo: guess he really gave it to you good huh?
xcaliburDK: fuck we kno he did… god that was so hot
tangerine_kwan: ur cute lil pussy was so wet and tight around those fingers, fuck
chwenon has donated $45
chwenon: it was so diff from seeing your own fingers or toys but in a good way
You trail the small vibrator across your body; mewling when you press it against the growing wet patch on your panties. “S-so you guys wouldn’t mind seeing more?”
gentleman_josh95: fuck yea i wanna see more
therealchan99: yes god plz, wanna see that cute lil cunt stretching around a fat cock
Seungcheol blushes as he clenches his jaw, suddenly a little embarrassed.
“Yeah? Mmh, I--I want that too…” You whimper. Using your free hand, you hook your thumb into the waistband of your panties as you shimmy them down before you continue. “Do you think my friend would be so kind as to give it to me~?” You tease; spreading your legs wide in front of the camera.
dom.cheol: if you behave, maybe he will.
artist8hao: mmm he’s right, only good girls get their pussies filled with cock
“Heeeey, but I’m good, right?” You pout, brows furrowing cutely at the camera. “I’ve been so good lately… Think I deserve a reward~”
dom.cheol: do you though? Have you been good, baby?
therealchan99: uh oh trouble in paradise?
gc__koo: maybe hes jealous
Jealous!? Seungcheol exclaims in his head; reminding himself to keep quiet as he stares at you incredulously.
You can only laugh loudly in response, shaking your head as you bring the wet toy up to your lips. You lick the wetness off of the silicone, lips settling into a sly smirk when you set the vibrator to it’s strongest setting.
“Let me show you how good I can be.”
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“So, restraints?”
“For me or for you?” You blink up at Seungcheol from a mouthful of cereal, hair messy as you lounge in one of his shirts you happened to find on the floor. “Uh, well, mostly for you. I’m--I’m not opposed to it but… Yeah.”
You get comfy in his makeshift sofa bed, giggling as he sits across from you. “I’m totally cool with it! Oh! Um… you… you’re clean, right? Before we continue.” He nods in response, clearing his throat. “Yeah, I got tested a few weeks ago… Just in case.”
“Okay cool, so… Hmm… ‘Cheol is there anything you don’t want to do?”
“I should be asking you that, baby. ‘Cause I’m okay with anything you want to do… I think.”
“Okay so no piss kinks and no weird diaper baby stuff then.”
Seungcheol snorts, running a hand through his hair. “Sounds good to me. Is there anything you’re… really opposed to? Like choking or spitplay or degradation... I mean, you talking about it on your camshows is different from us doing it in real life so I--I just want to make sure you’re really okay with it.” You nod slowly, taking in his words.
“Yeah… I mean, I wanna try it with you. I trust you.” Pausing, you bite your lip as you try to hide the giddy smile on your face to no avail. “If we’re being honest, the thought of you being rough with me and spitting in my mouth is kinda really hot.”
He grits his teeth, already feeling his cock throb when you say that. “Ooookay, baby, I gotta go to work after this so let’s… not go there right now, okay? I don’t need ‘Guk having any more ammo against me.”
“Sorry, ‘Cheol~ I’ll be good! And--oh, by the way… Um, what about your v-voice? What are we gonna do about that…”
Oh, right.
Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek, contemplating. In truth, he’d been thinking about it since you asked him to help the first time and he knew eventually he’d have to revisit the topic. It seemed like a minuscule thing, but a part of him was a little worried that he’d be recognizable. “I--I’ll think about it. I’m more okay on the idea of it but I’ll let you know before we do anything.” Nodding, you get up from the sofa the same time Seungcheol does, walking with him towards the front door.
“Oh and one last thing, ‘Cheol!”
“Safe word?”
He takes a second to think, brows furrowing as he stares up at the ceiling.
You raise a brow, blinking up at Seungcheol. “Really? Cranberry?”
“Yeah, why not, it’s easy to remember and it’s not Cherry but it’s kinda similar?”
“That’s fair, I guess.”
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“Hey hyung, cool apartment! Didn’t think I’d see it like that, if you know what I mean.”
“Don’t you have popcorn to burn?”
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Seungcheol sighs a breath of relief when he turns the lock to his apartment door; already excited to see you when he gets home from work.
“I’m back!” He yells, toeing his shoes off at the entrance as he sees you quietly shuffle to the entrance.
“I… I was bad today…”
Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s features as his eyes dance over your form still dressed in one of his t-shirts.
Ohhhh. Okay.
“You were bad, huh? Wanna tell me what you did, baby?”
You nod in response, linking your hands with his as you guide him back towards the bed. You hand him your phone, already having it in video mode and recording by the time he adjusts it in his palm
“You don’t have to… say anything if you don’t want to.” Seungcheol nods.
Gulping, you peer up at him once you sit on the bed. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you after you left for work… I--I couldn’t stop touching myself thinking about you…” You rub your thighs together; already feeling the wetness pooling between them again.
“I made myself cum and I--I used your pillow to make myself cum and got them dirty… ‘m sorry…”
Seungcheol feels himself slip into character, bringing his free hand up to your hair before he slightly tugs on it.
“So your greedy ‘lil pussy couldn’t wait ‘til I got home from work? And you got my favorite pillows dirty? Naughty ‘lil thing. I can’t even leave you alone for a few hours, can I?”
You feel your body heat up incredibly fast, head tilted up towards the camera as he brings it in closer. You were fully expecting him to keep quiet, but you were incredibly elated to hear him interacting with you. “I k-know, I’m sorry! I couldn’t s-stop thinking about your cock…” He scoffs, grinning down at you when he sees the lust already pooling in your eyes.
“How are you going to make it up to me, baby?”
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“Fuck, you’re so pretty choking on my cock.”
The tears blur your vision as you swallow around him; pussy throbbing around your fingers at the feeling of him already being too big for your mouth. His hand guides you down until your lips almost reach the base of his cock, a strained moan on his lips when you gag around him. “Ngh, god, your mouth is so fuckin’ small. Bet you can’t wait ‘til my cock is in that pussy of yours, huh?”
You moan around him in response; head getting fuzzy when the lightheadedness starts to bite. You continue to thrust your own fingers into your pussy, prepping yourself for Seungcheol as you scissor and curl the digits.
Seungcheol holds you onto his cock a second more before he tugs on your hair, pulling you off of his cock as you sputter and catch your breath. “You look good like this, baby.” He smirks, letting the camera catch your messy hair, teary eyes and swollen lips before he lets go of your hair.
“Now get on the bed. Legs spread for me.”
You nod; getting up from the floor on shaky legs as Seungcheol lets the camera follow.
You strip off all your clothes and get onto the bed before resting against the pillows and spreading your legs for Seungcheol to situate himself between them.
“You need to be punished for misbehaving, sweetheart. You know you’re not allowed to cum without my permission. And you got my sheets dirty.”
“I know…” You whimper, “I couldn’t help it…”
Scoffing, he rolls his eyes. “I know you can’t. All you ever think about is my cock inside that pussy of yours. What would you do without me, baby? Do you think anyone could satisfy you like I do?”
Seungcheol slots himself between your legs, making sure to keep most of himself out of frame. He wraps his free hand around his cock, running it up and down before bringing his cock to your wet folds. He runs the head through your folds, letting it tap against your clit as you jolt.  “Do you want me?” He whispers; his eyes meeting yours.
He knew this was the second everything would change for the two of you, and he wanted to make sure you truly wanted it before he took the leap.
“Yes, please… I want you so bad…” You whimper, legs wrapping around Seungcheol’s waist. He nods shakily, making sure your phone is angled down as he slowly sinks his cock into your pussy.
The two of you share a broken moan as Seungcheol’s grip on your phone tightens and your own hands find purchase in the pillow tucked underneath your head.
Seungcheol was big.
And the stretch had you whining; a small sting biting into you as he slowly eased his cock into you. “Relax for me, sweetheart. You’re already so fuckin’ tight around me. You need to relax a little more.”
You try your best to even your breathing as you also attempt to relax; pupils blown wide when you look straight into the camera. “G-god, you’re so b-big, oh, I--I’m--a-ah!” Tiny cries spill from your lips as you cum unexpectedly, nails digging into the pillow as your walls flutter around him.
“Hmm~ Only got half my cock into your tight pussy and you’re already cumming? So easy.” He laughs, letting you ride out your high as he waits.
Internally, Seungcheol was dying. There were so many things he wanted to say but couldn’t; knowing he, too, at this moment, was playing a character with you.
“Fuck, your pussy is so warm and wet and I’m not even all the way in yet. Think you can still take the rest of me, baby?”
“I, hah, y-yes, please! Wanna fuh--feel all of y-you…” Mumbling, you don’t even wait to come down from your high before you’re already wanting more; squirming underneath him.
“If you say so~”
Seungcheol inches in the rest of his cock, exhaling harshly when he bottoms out completely. “Holy fuck, you’re so goddamn tight!” His free hand grips your thigh, nails digging into the flesh as he gives you a second to adjust to his size. You can feel your entire body trembling, pussy clenching around him as the sting from the stretch starts to subside and bleed into unadulterated pleasure. “God, please--please m-move!”
He starts slow at first, only shallowly thrusting into you as the two of you get used to each other’s body. And despite your first time together being on camera, Seungcheol doesn’t seem to mind all too much, although he does remember to keep himself out as much as possible.
Your breathy moans and clipped breaths are music to his ears when he starts going a little faster; the sweat starting to trickle down his temple when he keeps at a moderate pace. “O-oh, fuck!” A string of incoherent curses follow as you wince when the head of Seungcheol’s cock taps your cervix.
“Oh, go----d, right there, please, it feels so g-good!”
“Right here? Does it feel good when you’re full of my cock?” Seungcheol clenches his jaw when you tighten around him, small curses falling from his own lips.
“Yes, yes, god, fuck… I--ngh!” Your eyes clamp shut as you fully get lost in pleasure; your head tossed back into the pillow when Seungcheol thrusts into you particularly hard.
You hear him laugh lightly, followed by a buzzing noise that has your eyes peeling open. “H-huh?”
Seungcheol smiles down at you, eyes filled with mischief when he plays with the settings on the vibrator in his hand.
“Well, you wanted to cum so bad that you did it without my permission, right? Since you wanna cum so bad, let’s see it, sweetheart.” He brings the toy to your clit; letting the vibrations throw your body into overdrive as your back arches off of the sheets.
“A-ah, Seu--Mmh! Fuck ‘m g-gonna cum a-again!” You cry, thighs quivering around his waist as he keeps the silicone toy pressed up against your swollen clit.
He doesn’t let up as he starts to thrust into you quicker, fucking you through your orgasm as he chases his. “God, your fuckin’ cunt was made for me. Bet you want me to cum inside too, huh? Fill you up nice and good until it’s spilling out of you?”
“Please, please, please!”
“You gotta cum for me one more time, baby. Get my cock wet.” You let out a choked cry, lashes wet with tears when he sets the toy to its strongest setting.
“Mmh, ‘m so s-sensitive… I--- I don’t know if--if I can, ah, cum a-again…” Seungcheol licks his lips watching your fucked out expression, cock throbbing between your walls. “I know you can, baby. I can feel you already getting tight around me again.”
And Seungcheol’s right; only a few more thrusts from him before you’re cumming one last time, heels digging into the small of his back as he finally shuts the toy off and grinds against you. And this time, your lips part in a silent scream, back arching off of the bed as your entire body goes rigid underneath him.
He makes sure to do a full sweep of your body through the camera in the midst of your high, halting his movements as he lets you ride it out before he continues.
“Oh my g-god, I--fu--fuck…”
Your body finally untenses after a few minutes; chest heaving in deep breaths as Seungcheol resumes his pace.
“Ready for me to cum inside that cute ‘lil cunt of yours?”
“Mmh, yes, give it to me~”
Seungcheol snickers, thrusting into you hard one last time before he pulls out completely. “That’s too bad~” He taunts, wrapping his free hand around the shaft of his cock. “Only good girls get creampies~” He lets out a cocky laugh, running his hand up and down his cock as he positions it over your abdomen.
You clench around emptiness, a weak moan floating through the air when Seungcheol finally cums, painting your chest in warm wet streaks of the salty substance. “Fuck, but you look so pretty covered in my cum too…” He grits out, cock throbbing in his palm as he works himself through his orgasm.
You watch him through foggy eyes; licking your chapped lips as you watch his brows furrow in concentration and his eyes slide shut as he, too, gets overwhelmed with bliss.
It takes a moment for him to catch his breath, palm sweaty around the phone as his thumb hovers over the ‘stop’ button. “W-wait…”
“Hmm? What’s wrong, baby?”
You run your fingers through the rivulets of cum coating your skin, gathering the viscous liquid on your fingertips before you bring them up to your mouth to lick them clean. “We can’t let it go to waste, can we?” Popping the digits into your mouth, you moan around your fingers as you clean Seungcheol’s cum off of them.
“You’re right, baby. We shouldn’t.”
You smile up at him, eyes dancing towards the camera for what feels like the first time in a long time before popping the digits out of your mouth.
Seungcheol’s eyes follow your movements, throat dry when you run your fingertips through the settling cum again. Except this time, you drag your fingers down until they’re teasing your clit, coating it in his cum. “Ngh, w-wanted you to cum inside but…”
His shaky eyes follow the way your fingers dip lower and lower until your cum coated fingers sink into your swollen pussy. He mentally screams, half tempted to shut off the camera.
“That’s right, baby. You want my cum so bad that you have to do it yourself, huh? Maybe next time you’ll remember to behave, won’t you?”
Nodding, you repeat the same steps a few more times; fingering Seungcheol’s cum into your pussy until most of it is cleaned off of your chest.
“I promise I won’t misbehave again~” You coo.
You wait a few seconds before you lean up, hand circling Seungcheol’s wrist as you bring the phone down and press the ‘stop’ button yourself.
“And scene!” You blurt out, laying back down in a tired mess as Seungcheol chuckles above you.
“Well, can’t say I expected that, if I’m being honest.” He moves back, eyes fixated on his cum that dries on your skin and the little bit that trickles from your pussy. “I’ve gotta ask, did you really… before I got home…”
“Honestly? Yeah… I mean the--the pillows were a lie ‘cause I didn’t wanna get them dirty but…” You chuckle tiredly, aiming to sit up which you find difficult to do. “Fuck, ‘Cheol, I think you broke me!” He pouts in response, leaning over you to make sure you were okay.
“Did I though? Be honest. ‘Cause I wasn’t expecting to go that hard on our first time together but it just---it--I--”
“Whoa, it’s okay! Seungcheol, relax. You didn’t hurt me… I r-really liked it actually… It felt--You felt really good. And I just wanted to, um, say sorry. I kinda sprung that on you out of nowhere too.”
“Honestly? I didn’t mind. I seemed to fall into character a lot easier than I expected which shocked me too.” 
The two of you fall into a comfortable yet shy silence; catching your breath.
Seungcheol makes the first move, sliding off of the bed as you fight off the sleep that threatens to take you. “Hey, we need to get you cleaned up and hydrated. I need to change the sheets too.”
“Mmm.. but ‘m tired, ‘Cheol…”
He smiles at your tired form, helping you into a sitting position before shuffling to the kitchen to get you a glass of water. “I know you’re tired. And you can go to sleep after we get you cleaned off, get the sheets changed and probably eat a little, okay?”
“Mmkay~ Oh, but the video…” He passes you the glass, making you finish it before you continue.
“What about the video?”
You wipe at your dry lips, handing the glass back to Seungcheol. “We… We should probably watch it back and edit it a bit to make sure everything’s okay, shouldn’t we? Just in case we, um, said something we shouldn’t have or something...”
A blush blooms on Seungcheol’s skin, suddenly shy at the idea that he’d have to not only listen to himself but also watch, at least, part of himself on camera. “R-right, which--which we can do tomorrow when I get back from work. If that’s okay with you?”
You nod up at him, a beaming smile on your face.
“It’s definitely okay with me~”
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ohagialpaca · 3 years
Fling Posse: "Catch Us If You Can" DRAMA TRACK | Fan Translation: Part 1
I remember someone asking for this a long time ago, I finally had some time to do it; this is my first time translating something really long so please let me know if I messed up ;w; and enjoy!
drama track
Fake Ramuda Clone: Hm~ Hmmhm~m Hm~
Lady 1 : Ramuda-chan! Let's see each other again!
Fake Ramuda Clone: Let's meet again another time!
Lady 2: Ahh...but I also wanna hang out with you~
Fake Ramuda Clone: Lady, I also wanna as well, but I have some su~per hard work left~
Lady 3: Ramuda-kun! I had so much fun today with you!
Fake Ramuda Clone: Me too! Hope we can spend another date together ehe~!
Ladies: *fangirls*
Fake Ramuda Clone: Ahahahahaha! See you all later!
Gentaro: Good thing we hid our Ramuda somewhere else before all of this...
Dice: Chuohku seems to already have planned ahead before us, huh.
Gentaro: Given that, if we get caught trying to save our Ramuda, we'll be in for the consequences.
Dice: Of course. It's absolutely disgusting of how that Ramuda is just walking around like nothing has happened...
Gentaro: I agree, yet aside from the both of us, everyone is Shibuya believes that the real Ramuda.
Dice: Let's head back to where Ramuda is, we can talk about what's going on to him.
Gentaro: Alright, but I think it's better for us to part ways, we'll attract too much attention if we're together.
Dice: 'kay, see you later then.
Ichijiku: Excuse me for the interruption, Otome-sama.
Otome: So...how did things fare in Shibuya's division, with replacing the old Ramuda Amemura with a new one go?
Ichijiku: We have reports that the job of placing a new Ramuda Amemura in Shibuya Division has went well. Yet the old Ramuda Amemura has been missing and hasn’t been found.
Otome: Hm...very well. Then send out the special forces to Shibuya is case anything will get in our way. Honobono will lead the forces.
Ichijiku: I see then...
Otome: I understand why you are concern about Honobono going, but I believe it’s necessary to send her in this situation because of her skill.
Ichijiku: ...Very well then, we will do all we can to eliminate any opponent that stands in our way.
Otome: Thank you.
Ichijiku: In case if we find them, what shall we do about Gentaro Yumeno.......and Dice Arisugawa?
Otome: ...
Ichijiku: Otome-sama...?
Otome: We will have them both arrested and sent to the Special Maximum Security Prison.
Ichijiku: Ah...very well.
Gentaro: Ramuda, it's me.
Ramuda: Ahem~! Please say the password in order to open the door!
Gentaro: Ramuda...this isn't the right time to fool around.
Dice: Eh? We aren't you going in yet?
Gentaro: See for yourself.
Dice: Hmm...It me! Let me in.
Ramuda: Ahem~! Please say the password in order to open the door!
Dice: Password? Umm...we are the BEST, AMAZING, BOUNDED- TIGHT POSSE!
Gentaro: Ugh..how are you not embarrassed by saying that so straightforwardly-
Dice: Oh! It worked!
Ramuda: Dice~su! I love you so~o much!
Dice: Tch. Get offa' me!!!
Ramuda: Hehee! But you just said we're the best, amazing, bounded-tight pose ever, right?
Gentaro: Ramuda...you don't have to act all kitty-cutesy around us.
Ramuda: Eh? But during a time like this you need to act all light and fluffy to cheer everyone up!
Gentaro: I guess you're right.
Dice: So, what are we gonna do now? We're more than likely gonna get caught.
Gentaro: Yes, but they have already have replace Ramuda’s presence with a fake one in Shibuya.
Ramuda: So the “other me” has already been sent down...
Gentaro: It appears so. Chuohku is already a step ahead of us, Dice; how much candy do we have left?
Dice: Looking at the amount, I think we're fine for now.
Gentaro: As we are doing fine for right now, once the candies are gone, that will be it. We can't be too happy about our situation.
Dice: Yep, but they'll probably are going to come here and get rid of Ramuda.
Ramuda: You are right. After all, my existence is one of the many secrets those ladies know about. I don't think they'll will let me go on my own.
Ramuda: That means that Chuohku will definitely send 'Kotosarhai'.
Gentaro: Kotosarhai?
Ramuda: They're a powerful special force unit within Chuohku's department of justice, lead by a powerful woman named Honobono Keitouin.
Dice: Do you think that Honobono lady will come after us?
Ramuda: Looking at all the elements here, she'll probably show up soon.
Dice: ...
Ramuda: I think the best resort if we do encounter her is to run away and leave everything behind.
Dice: Run, huh...hahaha! In gambling, people say that taking on stronger opponent is the best way to gamble!
Ramuda: Don't fool around we me!
Gentaro: As a writer myself, I cannot help but be curious more and more about someone you fear.
Ramuda: That isn't the point. Honobono is not the person to just act up too!
Dice: Calm down Ramuda. If anyone tries to hurt or endanger you, Gentaro and I will protect you 'till the end. Right Gentaro?
Gentaro: Indeed, we will not let anyone get in the way of our goal.
Ramuda: But your guy's opinion isn't being back up with any real knowledge or facts about the opponent themselves!!
Dice: Hahaha! I'm a gambler, I'm all about instinct, not facts.
Gentaro: Actually I disagree with that statement. As a writer, knowledge is power, but the determination to make something happen is what overlooks knowledge. If I'm determined to save Ramuda, I can make it happen.
Dice: If that will save Ramuda, then I'll repeat it as much as I can!! Ramuda will survive!! Ramuda will survive!! Ramuda will survive!! Hah...hah..Gentaro...how was that?
Gentaro: Hm...no quite there yet, but if you say it another 1000 times, it will work.
Dice: A-a 1000 times??? Alright then...but since it's for Ramuda I'LL DEFINITELY DO IT!!! RAMUDA WILL SURVIVE!! RAMUDA WILL SURVIVE!! RAMUDA WILL SURVIVE!! RAMUDA WILL SURVIVE!-!
Gentaro: ahaha..
Ramuda: I'm doing it right, right?
Dice and Gentaro: You did it perfectly Ramuda.
Ramuda: Ehehee!
Dice: Okay then! We're going to make those words a reality!
Gentaro: Ramuda, both of us will go now. Please stay put.
Ramuda: Mhm!
Gentaro: Dice, do you have a plan after all this sweet-talking to Ramuda?
Dice: Not really, but I can't let the main "aspect" let me down. What about you?
Gentaro: "Aspect" huh....I do and don't have a plan.
Dice: What's that suppose to mean?
Gentaro: I will do the best I can to protect him. Dice, please be careful.
Dice: Yeah, you too.
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theweasleyslytherin · 3 years
i knew you (ron weasley x reader) part 13
part 1/masterlist
summary: Ron inexplicably broke up with Cassiah Black of Slytherin house just days before their final year at Hogwarts, leaving them both with broken hearts and no future plans, but too stubborn and too proud to fix things. Will they find their way back together before the year ends, or will the end of their time at Hogwarts be the last time they ever see the each other?
general fic warnings: smut, drug/alcohol use, language
CHAPTER 13 - screaming color
But it's not forever But it's just tonight Oh, we're still the greatest The greatest ___________________________
Ron had avoided hanging out with Cassiah for a few days after the naked Quidditch incident. Frankly, he couldn't shake the image of her naked body out of his head and he knew he'd start blushing tomato-red from head to toe the moment he looked at her. Cassiah knew him so well and was so good at reading people that she would have known instantly why he was flushing. Just the idea of that brand of embarrassment had Ron's face flaming.
He recovered from his funk fairly quickly though, aided by copious amounts of bud and extensive, vivid sexual fantasies about imaginary women. Embarrassing? Yes. Effective? ...Also yes, apparently.
Just in time, too, because there was another Potions test coming up that week and after his humongous flunk on the last test, he needed Cassiah's help more than ever to bring his grade back up. She was such a good teacher; she was always so patient with him. In the past, she'd rewarded correct answers with kisses or by removing articles of clothing, but Ron had a sneaking suspicion that was off the table this time.
The point was, no matter how smart Cassiah was and how easily this stuff came to her, she never for a second made Ron feel stupid. On the contrary, she made him feel confident. She was the first person to ever make him realize that he was smart; he was a great communicator and very intuitive. Just because he wasn't a good tester didn't mean he wasn't intelligent. Cassiah had told him that he was smart in ways she could never be. That made Ron feel good.
And if Ron did a little advanced reading before their scheduled study session just to impress her... that was nobody's bloody business.
Despite the fact that he'd spent the last few days completely entranced by the thought of Cassiah, Ron actually felt pretty relaxed on his way to the Slytherin dorms. Even when there were underlying and confusing thoughts, things felt natural between them. There was an organic quality to their dynamic that he didn't even realize himself and wouldn't have been able to describe even if he did. All he knew was hanging out with Cassiah was easy and fun.
Cassiah was surprised to find that Ron had beaten her to the dorms. She could see his ruffled red hair from down the hall, waiting out in the hallway for her to let him in. While Cassiah knew the password to the Gryffindor dorms ("Quidditch" wasn't super difficult to guess), Ron had no idea what the Slytherin passcode was. Because of Ron's never-ending feud with Malfoy, they hadn't hung out in the Slytherin dorms often enough for her to bother telling him.
They always studied at night, after the library was closed, so common rooms were pretty much the only option. This time around, however, they were meeting in the Slytherin dorms because Cassiah really didn't feel like running into Ginny or Hermione sober. This left Draco as the more amicable option, and he'd agreed to basically vacate the premises or hide in his room while Ron was there, and make sure the others did the same. The promise that he wouldn't get called a blood traitor by any random students really eased Ron's nerves about coming to see Cassiah in the dungeons, and he'd agreed.
And now this was going to be their first time hanging out alone since the breakup.
"Hey Ronald," she said in greeting, bumping into him lightly. "You weren't waiting long, were you?"
"Only a couple hours; don't worry," Ron deadpanned in return. She punched him in the arm – a very hard, muscled arm – for his sarcasm, but she also couldn't help but laugh. He never failed to make her laugh.
"Shut the fuck up," she shook her head, but she was smiling widely as she leaned in and whispered the password.
"No way! Your password is Quidditch, too?" Ron gasped with excitement as they stepped into the common room.
Cassiah looked at him like he had seven heads. "Merlin, no. Are you hard of hearing, Weasley?" she teased, "It's in Latin. It's practically impossible to guess unless you speak the language. Which I clearly don't, based on my marks in that class."
"Bloody hell, Cassie. You got a B–. Plus, we were fourteen. That was four years ago. Quit it with the melodrama," Ron rolled his eyes but his tone was playful so Cassiah knew he wasn't actually annoyed. She could probably count on one hand the number of times Ron had been genuinely annoyed with her.
Cassiah huffed and placed her books down on the coffee table, organizing them in neat stacks: "Just sit before I change my mind about tutoring you."
"Yes, sir," Ron joked, carelessly dropping his beat-up book bag onto the floor beside the couch and scooping out the contents before plopping them haphazardly onto the table. Cassiah winced at the pile of crinkled papers and bent notebook covers. Ron was so messy sometimes.
Cassiah wasn't a neat freak herself, but she liked to keep most of her belongings in pristine condition. She squinted and was pretty sure one of the notebooks had "PENIS" scrawled across it in Ron's abominable handwriting and then "BOOBIES" in Harry's neat block-print. But what else could she expect? Sure, they were in their last year and not children anymore, but Ron and Harry were going to be like this forever, probably.
"Where do you want to start?" she asked Ron, flipping through her notes quickly. They were color-coordinated.
"Everything," Ron grumbled, "I don't get the whole lot of it. Even when Neville and I are paying attention, I only remember the stuff when I'm doing it, and then I forget it the moment we walk out the door."
"Must be all the weed," Cassiah teased. But she was also probably just the slightest bit right.
"Very funny," Ron snorted, "Seriously, though. I have some notes, but I just never can tell what the important stuff is going to be, so I just end up copying almost the entire thing and I'm back at square one."
"Okay," Cassiah leveled with him, "Then we'll start at the beginning of this unit and just try to decide what's going to be important enough to be on the test. We'll focus on actually remembering the stuff later. Now c'mere."
Ron scooted closer to her on the couch and leaned over to share the textbook. They worked quietly for about forty minutes, completely focused. They had always worked fairly well together. Ron even corrected Cassiah on a few things, which made his chest swell up with pride.
After they finished one of the chapters, Ron leaned back against the couch, exhaling heavily. "I'm getting hungry. Do you have any study snacks?" he asked. When Cassiah just looked at him for a moment, he shrugged his shoulders, "Nevermind, I brought my own."
He reached into his bag and produced a whole array of sweet and salty snacks, spreading them out on the coffee table on top of the notebooks. "Snack break?"
"I guess it wouldn't hurt," Cassiah wagered, "Oh! Do you have–"
Ron beat her to it, holding up a bag of butterbeer popcorn. "Of course I do," he grinned.
She squealed with delight, grabbing the bag and opening it immediately. "Mmm," she murmured as she popped the first one into her mouth, "I hardly ever have these but Merlin they're good."
"Oh, trust me. I know," Ron agreed, stuffing his hand into the bag on Cassiah's lap, causing her to shriek and giggle as she batted his hand away.
"It's so good to be hanging out again," Ron said after Cassiah's laughter died down, "I really wasn't sure if we ever would after everything that happened."
"Well, we were friends first, right?" Cassiah gave him a half-grin through a mouthful of popcorn.
Ron scoffed. "Yeah, but I wasn't sure if you were going to ever want to be friends with me again after the fit I threw over you and Malfoy," he explained, and then fell silent. After a moment, he asked cautiously, "Whatever became of that anyways? When I asked him about it he just gave me some vague, non-answer about your relationship not being what it appeared to be."
Cassiah was floored. "You talked to him?"
"Long story. But answer my question!"
She sighed. "Well, I guess his answer was right. Draco and I were never like that in the way that you thought. We're just friends – entirely platonic."
Ron furrowed his brow, clearly perplexed, "So you guys never...?"
Cassiah snorted, burying her face in her hands in embarrassment. "Merlin, no, Ron. Nothing romantic ever happened between us. Or sexual, for that matter," she reassured him, and then added, half under her breath, "Nothing sexual has happened for me in a looong time."
"Hah. Me neither," Ron groaned, leaning back in his seat a little bit.
Cassiah's eyes widened a bit. She wasn't entirely expecting Ron to hear her. But to hear that he hadn't been with another girl was definitely an interesting surprise.
Ron must've been thinking the same thing: "I kind of would've thought that you would have, you know, been with someone. Malfoy or MacMillan or someone. I mean, guys were always hitting on you even when we were together. You have plenty of options."
She raised her eyebrows and grunted, "No opportunities have really presented themselves, unfortunately. It's just me and my lonesome."
Ron chuckled at that. "Bloody hell, tell me about it," he murmured. He waited a second, considering, and then said, "It's really hard, you know? Going from have sex every day or at least once or twice a week to just... nothing."
"Yeah, I'm sure it's really hard," Cassiah joked and Ron shoved her in the arm for her pun. "But I know what you mean. Sometimes it drives me crazy. I got so spoiled that now I feel like I need sex and I can't have it."
Cassiah looked up from her lap to see Ron's face aflame, suddenly aware of how close together they were on the couch. Ron was clearly caught off guard by how candid she was being about her needs. She knew she normally didn't talk like this, but he'd started it and it felt good to just vent.*
"That was never our problem, was it?" Ron said. The sentence itself was a joke but his tone was completely serious. "Sex, I mean..." his tone was gruff, almost a whisper.
Cassiah felt the energy shift in the room and her nerves start tingling. "No," she manages to squeak out, "Definitely not... You knew me in that way like nobody else."
She could've sworn she heard Ron let out the smallest groan. He always liked the praise.
Cassiah looked up at him through her lashes, feeling her heart pounding in her chest and hearing both of their breathing become a bit ragged. Ron was staring back at her with a look in his eyes that she couldn't quite comprehend. Needy but also controlled and–
"Oh, fuck it," heard him mutter and suddenly his hands were grabbing her face and his lips were crashing into hers and bloody fuck this time it was real, not a dream or a memory.
His hands on her face and gripping the back of her hair were rough as his lips slid against hers, his tongue licking against hers.
"Oh, Ron," she murmured into his mouth immediately and he let out a loud, unbridled groan at the sound of his name on her lips. That sound sent heat straight in between Cassiah's legs and she rolled her hips into the couch.
"C'mere," he growled, his voice gruffer than she'd ever heard as Cassiah felt his big hands grab onto her waist and roughly guide her into his lap. She let out a low whine when she could feel his length already hard and pressing up against her core. She rolled her hips down and shocks of electricity sparked through her body as she felt his hardness brush against her through the crotch of her leggings. The friction was so delicious that she kept rolling her hips again and again with Ron's hands on her waist guiding her in the figure eights he always used to like.
"Bloody fucking hell. I didn't know how long I've been wanting this until now," Ron panted, thrusting his hips up to make contact with the apex of her thighs. Cassiah ground down against him, coaxing a long, low moan out of him.
Ron reached up and moved his hands from her hips to her breasts, squeezing roughly and kneading his fingers into her flesh through her bra. He pulled the hemline of her shirt up to reveal her bra and then pushed her bra down as far as he could. He licked a circle around her nipple before roughly sucking it into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it again and again. Cassiah tangled her head in Ron's hair, panting heavily as she watched him. He was looking up at her with big blue-green eyes as he sucked her nipple into his mouth.
And then she was tugging his head back up to her mouth, reconnecting their lips briefly before pulling away again to say breathlessly, "Get me ready for you, Ron."
Rom growled, and Cassiah felt him throbbing at the mere thought of being inside her again after so long. She felt his lips trail over to the nape of her neck where he began sucking a harsh mark in just the right spot to send shivers down her spine. He licked a thick stripe over the mark before quickly turned to suck the lobe of her ear into her mouth.
"Ah," Cassiah gasped, the combination of his tongue and his hot breath on the shell of her ear making her wetter by the second. She could feel her slick forming a wet stain on the lap of Ron's slacks but she knew he'd love it when he realized. There was never anything that turned him on more than seeing how wet she got for him.
Cassiah didn't let up on the rotation of her hips on his thick length. She could feel him hot and ready in his pants. She had half a mind to climb off him so she could unbutton his pants and take him into her mouth so she could hear him completely lose control, but she wanted him inside of her even more.
She reached down in between them and cupped him over his pants, causing him to hold his breath. She gripped his length and gave it a squeeze. It felt huge and hard even through the fabric and Ron sucked in a breath at the contact.
She kept rubbing him in circles through his pants, pressing her thumb over where she knew the tip was every now and then.
"Harder. More. Tighter, fuck, Cassie, please," Ron was chanting, his lips still attached to her neck, which was covered in huge, dark bruises by now. Just the thought of that had her growing slick.
She pressed harder against his length, now running her hands up and down his shaft through his pants. She couldn't stand the tension and heat in her core anymore and started grinding down against his thigh as best as she could.
"Bloody hell, are you getting yourself off?" Ron moaned and when Cassiah gave him a wicked smile in response, he gripped onto her hips hard enough to bruise and let his head fall back as he let out a long, quiet "fuck yeah."
"You're so dirty," he continued, his voice ragged and rushed as Cassiah kept rubbing him faster, "So fucking desperate for me that you're fucking yourself on my thigh. I'm gonna make you feel so bloody good, Cassie."
His filthy words sent fiery heat all over her body and egged her on.
"O- Cassie, I-" Ron stuttered bucking his hips against hers. "Stop stop stop stop, I'm–"
But she didn't listen. His whines and his hot breath were too delicious and sinful for her to just stop. She never wanted him to stop making those greedy little sounds. It was rare he completely lost control like this.
And then she felt him go completely rigid, his fingers digging into her waist and his head falling back as he let out a choked "Ohhhh" and squeezed his eyes shut.
She didn't realize at first and kept pumping him through his pants until he rushed to say, "Merlin. Stopstopstop, just– Give me a minute, bloody hell..."
That's when she felt the rapidly growing wet spot on the front of his pants, and it wasn't from her. She stared down at it in shock. That had certainly never happened before.
When she looked up, Ron's face was flaming red. Before she could say anything, he was grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and shoving it over his crotch as best as he could with Cassiah still on his lap. "B-bloody hell, Cassie, I'm so sorry. You know I never do that; it's just been so long that I just couldn't hold off. I-I tried to tell you to stop but–"
"Ron," she soothed, giggling softly, "It's okay."
"It's bloody humiliating. I'm a grown-ass adult and I just shot a load in my pants."
"Felt good though, didn't it?" she asked, and Ron nodded enthusiastically. "Plus," she added, "You know you'd think it was hot if I did that. And I happen to find it unbearably hot when you can't control yourself because I make you feel so good."
Ron stared up at her, the mischievous glint beginning to return to his eyes.
"Prove it."
Cassiah grabbed his hand from where it was resting on her waist and took two of his fingers in her own. She guided his hand down into her leggings, slipping his fingers under her panties. She shimmied a bit and then swiped their fingers through her sex. He groaned when he felt that she was dripping for him between her legs, his fingers becoming coated in her slick. They brushed against her swollen clit as he removed them from her panties and Cassiah let out a needy, high-pitched whine.
Ron locked his eyes with her and he brought her fingers to his lips, sticking them in his mouth and sucking them clean of her juices. That visual paired with the intense eye contact had Cassiah's sex throbbing between her legs.
"Wh-" she started, her voice shaky, "Why don't you take care of me until you're ready for round two?"
"If I fuck you after I just came I'm gonna last–"
"I know," Cassiah blurted out and blushed, ducking her head in slight embarrassment at the memory. There was a time over the summer when they'd gone for a second round immediately after Ron had finished and he'd lasted so long that she'd come about four times before he'd finished and she'd actually been crying from how oversensitive and fucked out she was.
"You naughty little slut," Ron murmured, his eyes bright with admiration, "I'm going to make you scream."
Before she could even respond, he grabbed her and swung her around, pressing her back into the cool leather of the couch as she pinned her wrists above her head with just one hand. She struggled against him, loving the thrill of the fact that his one hand could hold her down.
Ron roughly pulled her leggings and panties down in one motion, leaving them pooled around her ankles as she wrapped her legs around the back of his head.
She crawled up so her core was aligned with her face and he stared at her wetness with a hungry, animal look. He licked his lips and groaned, "Fuck, I missed this pretty pussy."
He delivered a tiny slap to her dripping lips and clit before running a finger through her slick and spreading it over her swollen clitoris. She was already a needy mess under him, whining and whimpering.
"How fast can I make you come for me?" Ron wondered aloud, "No one's touched you like this in so long." He circled his finger over her clit at an agonizingly slow pace and she rotated her hips, signaling for him to spread up.
"Have you been touching yourself?" he questioned her and she nodded quickly and desperately, wanting to answer his question so that he'd pick up his pace and give her a release.
"Merlin, you're so bad, Cassie. Such a bad girl, I fucking love it. I'm gonna fucking destroy you," he promised and she moaned.
Ron sped his fingers up to a torturously fast pace and Cassiah felt herself hurtling towards the edge. Her legs started to shake uncontrollably and her thighs clenched around Ron. Her back arched and her head shot back as she chanted, "Ronronron, bloody hell, I'm coming, I'm coming Ron..."
He kept stroking her through her climax until he could tell her was done, completely spent and relaxed back against the couch. But he wasn't even half done with her, and she knew it as he loomed over her, shucking off his stained slacks and his wet underwear.
He stroked over his aching cock as he towered over her, already hard and leaking at the tip after she'd made him come just minutes ago.
"On your hands and knees," Ron demanded, pumping his thick length expertly in his hand. Cassiah felt her heartbeat between her legs at the sight of him touching himself and immediately moved to follow his orders.
Cassiah braced herself on her elbows, leaning to arch her back and push herself closer to him. She looked back over her shoulder and saw Ron shifting to move up behind her. She bit her lip and looked up at him.
"Fuck," Ron murmured at the sight. "Get ready, baby. I'm not going slow with you," he said as he linked his tip up with her entrance.
"Would never want you to," she countered, pushing back against him, silently begging him to put it in.
Without any warning, he thrust into her in one push, giving her no time to adjust and as a result earning him a winded, shrill, "Ron!"
She could hear him chuckle slightly behind her and knew he smiling as he palmed the thick flesh of her ass in his hands, kneading it between his fingers as he caught his breath.
"Merlin, Cassie, you f-feel tighter than ever," he stammered as he started moving his hips, keeping up his promise of not going slow with her. His thrusts were short and rough. When he hit the right spot deep inside her, Cassiah cried out and pushed back against him to take him deeper and he kept up angling for that spot, earning the same reaction every time.
"Merlin, Ron, right there," she begged, circling her hips, "Please don't stop. Keep going."
"I couldn't stop if I wanted to baby. You feel so good," Ron responded, the loud smack of his hips slamming into her over and over echoing throughout the room.
Cassiah began to whine almost non-stop, obviously losing control, and he quickened his pace and went even harder on her than before, knowing from experience that this was just what she needed to come.
He leaned over her, his chest hovering just over her back so that he could place sloppy kisses along the back of her neck and her shoulders. She turned her head to kiss him but Ron had reached underneath her to begin playing her clit and instead, her mouth fell open and her eyes rolled back into her head. She came hard with a sob, her walls pulsing around.
But she knew Ron wouldn't be done with her yet. He started back up with slower, more thorough thrusts, pulling almost all the way out every time before pushing back in at an agonizing pace, but still just as hard as before. Their bodies jerked with every movement.
Ron fathered Cassiah's hair in a fist behind her head and yanked, pulling her head back and coaxing a sharp cry out of her. He was finally able to kiss her, and he pressed his lips sensually to hers. She moaned as he licked into her mouth, just as needy as she was.
She could feel her third orgasm coming on and knew that she wouldn't be able to hold out or handle another afterward. She clenched around Ron, circling her hips in rhythm with him, and panted, "Come for me, Ron. You know you want to. You've made me come twice, you're gonna make me come a third. You deserve it."
She knew his praise kink would take him right over the edge and it did. He let out an earth-shattering groan and cried out her name, finishing inside her and giving a few final thrusts before going still and collapsing on top of her back. They stayed there for a moment, no sound but the sound of them catching their breath for several moments.
"Bloody hell," he panted, peeling himself off of her sweaty back and sitting back on the couch.
She gingerly sat up too, still over-sensitive, and faced him. "You can say that again," she murmured.
"Bloody hell," he repeated, and Cassiah barked out a laugh, weakly punching him in the arm and telling him to shut up.
"You're so right," she conceded, "We may have had little disagreements every now and then, and you had to do what was best for you and end things but... Sex was never our weak point."
"Definitely not," Ron agreed, pushing his sweaty hair back off of his forehead before starting to get redressed. "Merlin, can we please keep doing this? I don't think I'll be able to handle it going back to my hand after this. I had no idea how much tension had built up until now," he admitted – more like pleaded.
"One hundred percent. Trust me, Ron. You know I always needed this just as much as you did," Cassiah said, fully dressed and pulling her hair on top of her head in a messy bun. "We just have to be cool about it. Friends can definitely have passionate sex and then be just that – friends," she explained to him, but it felt more like she was trying to convince herself.
"Totally," Ron was quick to agree, staring forward in a sexed-out daze.
"So long as nobody finds out, there will be no weirdness. Just two friends who also happen to enjoy having sex with each other in secret."
"Amazing, mind-blowing sex," he added.
"Uh-huh," Cassiah agreed, still not entirely recovered, "So it's deal."
"Yes," Ron finalized it, "It's a deal. Now let's get out stuff and get out of this common room before they get tired of being holes up in their dorms and wander in here. We've already pushed our luck enough."
Cassiah nodded, grabbing her books, "I suppose we have. But what about the test? We didn't finish studying."
"Cassie," Ron answered earnestly, grabbing her hand, "I don't care if I never pass a test again if I'm having sex that good."
i think this is the most sinful, blasphemous thing i've ever written in my life and i really hope you guys enjoyed it lol.
all my love! xx
tag list: @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @girl22334 @mariellelovescupcakes @lateautumn @heartofcanvas @gloryekaterina @mackaywhore 
Published on my Wattpad and my Tumblr (theweasleyslytherin).
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fallenrepublick · 3 years
Me after reading something of yours that ripped my heart out and spat on it: n-nic e 🥲👍
So what do you think would be something about Vader, Grievous, Maul, and Savage’s s/os that would always make them laugh?
Like my bf can’t put furniture together to save his life. He always ends up on the floor, frustrated almost to the point of tears, with a HUGE mess of tools and unassembled furniture surrounding him. It makes me cackle to the point of getting stomach cramps every single time 😂😂😂
(I always end up helping him, btw! After I’m done laughing jajskshgdd)
Hah! I love that! Putting together furniture is always a great bonding activity
Vader can’t help but laugh whenever you have technological issues. Any sort of screens or high-tech entertainment creations are the absolute worst to both set up and use, meaning that you always have to yell his name to get him to hurry over and fix the thing that you broke. He chuckles and snickers whenever you can’t figure out which stupid wire goes into which stupid port, and why the wi-fi password is so goddamn long.
You need to get Grievous to laugh? Make fun of Dooku. Works like a charm every time. Grateful as he is for his Master’s teachings, the guy’s a complete stiff, and nothing’s as fun with him around. After a quick meeting once, you lowered your voice and tilted up your chin, saying, “Oh yEs, you see I’m bEtTeR than you, because I was sixty during the Old Republic,” Grievous breaks out into laughs just thinking about it now.
Maul always appreciates a good prank on his brother, as well as you being mean to multiple officials who have little choice other than to shut up and take it. Many of the Mandalorian advisors are rude anyways, and when you offer a dry, mild to severe jab in return to their petty conversation, you may hear Maul choke a little beside you, before taking a deep breath to compose himself and continue on with the meeting. Once it’s over, however, he repeats what you said amusedly and begins full-on laughing at it, agreeing that every word was true.
Of course, Savage always has a good laugh whenever you can’t reach something. Mandalorian ceilings are high by design, as well as their shelfs, and Savage has a tendency to utilise all the space available to him without a second thought. You’ve found yourself on multiple occasions having to stand on counters or stools to bring down something you need, or just making him get it for you. He happily obliges, but not without a chuckle and maybe a few teasing pats about how short you are compared to him.
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josephsaturn · 3 years
Danganronpa Trial 6/Epilogue thoughts
Here’s the ending! I really enjoyed this game, And’ll prob give a full review sometime later, but which game should I play next, dr2 or dr:udg?
Either way:
That’s a lotta ultimates
Nice of Komatsuzaki to shade kyoko’s patootie so we can’t see her unmentionables
Girl you should be more worried about slipping than me with those heels
Hm that’s a kinda sad backstory
My opinions on u don’t change, but I have some respect for ya
Dang Kyoko way to sell that
Bear jokes? Who are you, Teddie?
Oh dang…it really is a final showdown
Dang, she never broke a rule, eh?
Why u mentioning Junko now?
Yay! My friends! And Byakuya!
Miss Cleo? Am I missing something?
Ok miss pot is there anything else you wanna call black or just the kettle
I am once again asking toko fukawa to please cease
Aw hina don’t say that!
You’re more useful than Hiro at least
Honestly I can see some ship tease between our boring hope man and milk-bag swimmer girl
Ok, let’s go!
Ruins?! Hey what’s this?!
Nice swanky bathroom they have
The headmaster’s room, huh
Also quite swanky
A hidden room? We’ve reached levels of swank I don’t think exist yet
Aww his password for the computer is her name!
So sweet if u don’t remember he left her in the care of the extended family
Oh, a box?
Aww, what a cute picture
Game are you trying to give me a seizure?
Hello eye of Horus, what are you doing here?
Oh dang, that’s mukuro?
A whole Monokuma room? Really?
Why would you not check the hatch, Makoto
Is this a bio lab or a morgue?
There are 16 fridges…
Girl you have the spine of a sea cucumber, of course people won’t accept you
Aw dang, I thought it was trial time…
A photo?
It sure is nice, though
Are you not even gonna consider that Junko’s face is blocked?
I stILL can’t go in there?
Come ON!
Why’s everyone avoiding me?
At least Jill isn’t
Wow! That doesn’t sound foreshadowy at all, Jill!
Ooh a cd!
Wait…interviews? For what purpose?
Staying here forever?? Why tho??
Ok is it actually trial time????
Why’s everyone so mean-looking??
If byakuya’s team dad then Kyoko’s team mom
They’re both just disappointed
The localization team really had a lot of fun didn’t they?…
Too many deepers, Mako
Even Byakuya’s too disgusted for words
Holy…girl needs some moisturizer
Y’all are just now realizing it’s Junko??
Heh, Xanadu
That was a p. Cool ending frame for the closing argument
Ope there she is
What’s with the robo voice?
At least the game is self-aware enough to point out that the twin reveal is kinda dumb
Woah she changed
Maybe the last name thing is that Junko’s using a moniker
GAH again??
Dang a complete verbal cutdown
again??? Why tho???
How could u expect that Kiri?
I find that hard to believe, Junko
“Always filled with despair,”????????
How many personas does this girl have
My thoughts exactly Hiro
That’s a bit of a stretch, Junko
Also it seems like she repeated the words Togami said in his first FTE
Her Monokuma voice is kinda nice
At least she’s cordial
A theme?
She seemed so fake when congratulating me for the second time
Ok I’ll admit this is pretty cool
Crazy Eddie??? Whomst???
Wow, that foreshadowing was important
that’s the name?
Hah, the secretary
Ooh, a fourth-wall break!
That’s…kinda sad…
2 full YEARS?
I know that amnesia is a weird thing…but that specific???
She loves us????
What even happened during the tragedy?
Yeah it is a lil hard to believe
That’s a pretty cool splash art
Wait but when Sakura…that doesn’t make sense
That’s hypocritical of you, since u forced your despair-filled view on everyone
I mean she HAS a point…but still
Chunsoft really saying “fuck ur ‘abused Junko’ headcanons, she she just don’t care”
Schrödinger’s cat is very apt rn
Ooh a new voice clip
Oh, the main theme!!
So he’s the…Ultimate Hope?
Didn’t expact that, eh?
A callback to Leon? In MY trial 6?
Not gonna lie…I almost died in that last BTB
Has Junko’s face always been on there?
Dang she really is crazy
First and last colossal despair?
I would say I want what she’s smoking…but I’m kinda scared to even think abt what that is
Whoa those some crazy eyes
There she is
She’s going through EVERY PUNISHMENT?!
How is she surviving all of these?!
And in the end…crushed to death, but not before having a small spot of hope
(I’m putting the epilogue here as well)
Are you sure it isn’t just the lack of air, mako?
Toko. CEASE.
It took 2 hours to do that trial…
Here we go!
Aw, it just ends?!
Who’s kujira?
At least the ED is nice
I got an eestur egggg
That’s the end, huh?
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thefallenangelsgang · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme Tag (oh boy)
@just-another-wasteland-merc tagged me for this and let me tell you I am honored. I don’t even have a fic out yet and here she is. I’m tagging my best friend and rumored gay lover (when will that rumor ever die?) @helena-bug, all around fandom mom and lover of Macready @theartofblossoming, and newcomer to my feed and lovely person @dumbwastelander. And anyone else who wants to do this can name me as their challenger if they so wish!
Lets consolidate this to things I write for, shall we? Fallout, The Hunger Games, and Minecraft Diaries (mainly for nostalgia factor I’m probably not going to post it anytime soon)
Most Popular Oneshot:
I actually don’t write oneshots? I am not sure why? I am mainly a little rat tip-tapping away at chapters.
Most popular multichapter:
Oh Jesus it was a disgustingly bad fic for Minecraft Diaries from when I was twelve. It had something like 3k reads on Wattpad and was just awful. It doesn’t exist anymore.
Actual worst part of writing:
Writing through writers block. Mine can last up to a year so I’ve gotten in the habit of writing through it until I get inspired again. What I write doesn’t have to be good, it just has to be words. Also losing all of your files. That happened to me once. My phone straight up broke (likely a software error but we still don’t know) and locked me out one night. I tried old passwords, I tried current passwords, nothing could get me in. We had to wipe the phone and I sobbed myself to sleep.
How you choose your titles:
They usually come out of nowhere. I also name my books before I even get to writing them. For my Fallout fic it took some doing. I was looking up name inspirations, the works. I finally settled on The Fallen for the first one (originally it was The Fallen Angels Gang but it didn’t feel like it fit) and One More Tomorrow for the second because that song slaps so hard. For my Diaries fic it’s I Can Do Better, I Promise, I Swear which were names that meant nothing until I developed the story further. For my Hunger Games fic Dead Giveaway was there from the beginning (once again from out of the blue) but I struggled a lot with the other names of the books. I just recently named them. Catching fire is named Rules and Roses, Mockingjay is Requiem, and the epilogue period is called The Burden of Tomorrow. They had names before that I hated, A Shadow In A Dream, Throne of Names, and Children Of Silence. They didn’t fit at all.
Do you Outline?:
Hah, no. I have a general path I follow usually (ie the plot of the work in writing about) but 9 times out of 10 I’m swinging wildly. The one exception is The Fallen. Because I have the opportunity to use dates (WHICH NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS) I am incredibly excited to plot it literally day by day.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?:
I’ve always wanted to write an original story. I actually have an idea for one. I t has to do with gods and fantasy warfare (I actually wrote a short story for Lit class of it that I might post.) I just don’t have the inspiration or the time to work the whole thing out quite yet.
Callouts @ Me: 
Stop being down in the dumps about not writing enough! You wrote! That’s an achievement. If you didn’t write at least you stared at the screen for a while thinking! You used your brain! 
Best writing traits:
Both bad and good, I edit as I write. It’s easier for me if I have the full picture in my head. 
Spicy Tangential Opinion:
Most writing advice is bullshit so don’t let it shame you. Everyone has a different process. Some can pound out chapter after chapter. Others don’t share their work. It’s okay. If you write anything, even just dumb scenarios, you are a writer.
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youllgocrystalcrazy · 4 years
   November 14th? Gosh what time does to a person sometimes. It hadn’t even fully registered in the genius’ mind that it was already drawing close to the years end. Halloween had come and gone, but he’d hardly batted an eye at it, even with it’s vampiric perks. Plus, it didn’t help that he’d spent the last twenty-some-odd years in a distant crack in time to the past. The sweltering heat. The chasm he was forced to reside in... All alone. With N. Tropy and Uka Uka... Of course his internal clock was off!! It’s only tonight that it fully strikes him what day it is. What month it is... It’s his birthday. Hair sagging at the idea of it, Cortex sighs, resuming his business. Nothing good EVER came from his birthday. Oh, the notion of just having ONE year, just ONE where he could celebrate it while on top!! Or in the lap of luxury! With the world at his disposal or just a simple island vacation, either or would be lovely... But why celebrate the day where everything started to go wrong in his life? He’d been trying to preoccupy himself with organizing and tidying his room; Try to make heads or tails of all the stuff his alternate had amassed during his stay in this city. Sitting bow-legged on the floor while rummaging through various boxes in his closet, expression flat.
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   Peeking inside the closet, the most noteworthy thing he can see are those very same items he was met with on his arrival. Teddy Bears. The Ushanka. The scarf. Not to mention some of the other brick-a-brack. The most damning thing though... The photo of the golden knight. It lies face down on his desk, tossed aside haphazardly in a desperate attempt to stay out of sight. Embarrassing. It’s a little too embarrassing to look at; head down and eyes fixated on the box before him, Cortex desperately tries to ignore the photo. All it did was force a heat to rise to his cheeks, recollecting that humiliating and pathetic display. A ‘heartfelt’ reunion? Greetings and being toyed with? Hugs and... Kisses? The latter generates a chill to run throughout his body. Cortex hasn’t the foggiest idea of the last instance anyone has given that level of affection, and he’d rather not be reminded of it. Such a breach in personal space. “Better now, Doctor Grumpy-wears~?” He paraphrases. “I’d rather bide my time waiting to return to the End of the Universe than be met with such treatment again... Really!! DO I LOOK the sort to rub shoulders with someone like... THAT?! A King? ...Knight? King Knight?! Ah, what did I do to get myself into this situation?! That lout!!” He crosses his arms, snorting at his alternate’s endeavors. He wants to curse his own name so terribly, but what good would that do? At least he’s found SOME Things of use his alternate had prior in the box before him.
   Holding up the wires in his gloves hands tenderly, Cortex analyzes what it is. A Surveillance system; One used for the confines of their home. Ah, to spy on everyone. Maybe he’ll set this up when Crash isn’t home. Hair drooping again, the genius scoffs. He’s never going to get used to that is he? Living with Crash Bandicoot. Why? Whatever force placed him here must have thought it a funny little joke to pull. He’s hardly laughing. Setting the cords aside, he continues to root around in the box again. A Pharaoh Costume? Really? He owned something like this?! The Headdress even has an ‘N’ Embroidered onto it!! “...Fine. At least my other self seemed to have impeccable taste in costumes.” Bringing the linen to his face, he gives it a light whiff. “Smells sweet. Halloween costume, no doubt. ...I didn’t go to a party in this, did I?” Setting that aside now, hands return to poke around in the container. This time, an ugly holiday sweater is removed, and honestly what it reads makes Cortex’s face twist in confusion. “‘I survived Empatheorem.’ ...What?” The hell’s ‘Empatheorem’? Well, whatever that meant, he balls up the sweater and tosses over his shoulder with reckless abandon. 
   Another box he begins to hunt through. “OW!!” Having something jab his finger, pinch it, results in him sucking on his finger comically. What the hell? Oh, It’s a tool box. He couldn’t see the wrenches and screwdrivers beneath the scrapped sheets of blueprint paper. Plucking one of the sheets from the pile however, Neo skims over it. Plans for a ‘Memoryraser’, as it’s called. Something to, well, wipe the memories of anyone it’s used on!! Looks to have been scrapped however. Clicking his tongue, he sets the paper back down and sighs. “Nothing of note yet... It seems. That Memoryaser idea sounded quite scintillating however. Perhaps if I revise it?” 
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   One last box. Hopes are rather low, for answers, but maybe something? Anything at all? The Tupper clicks, and what he sees inside is- “A laptop. Hm. A little outdated too, if you ask me. Ah, it’s better than nothing... Let’s have ourselves a little looky-loo~” Charge cord plugged into the wall, Cortex sits himself at the desk, opening the device up. 
   ...He sees it out of his peripheral vision. A small groan, flushed cheeks, and eyes darting to the nearest wall, a gloved hand paws at the desk until it makes contact with the photo, quickly stowing it away where he won’t see it again for a bit. Beneath the desk. Of course! Ideal! Deep breaths and eyes focus on the screen again. “Now... If I know Me. And I AM Me, Hmhmh~ The password is...” A twenty-two letter word. Atomic number 119. Of course. It’s no surprise he uses that at his password. A bit of loading and... He’s in! “HAH!! Take that!! ...Me! ...” No one heard that, right? It’d be embarrassing if anyone, especially Crash, heard that. And should he really be trying to rub it in his own face that he had the password to his own laptop? Tossing his hands in the air nonchalantly, fingers hastily type away at the keys. Oh, there’s already quite the plethora of stuff in here to discover!!! Files on the citizens of Spirale! Well... a select few of them, but did their information shine!! Especially the information on Rosa. 
   ...This island wasn’t some sort of strange place overruled by some higher force?! But just a faction of individuals?! Some group calling themselves ‘The Island Stars’?! A new wave of anger washes over him. He was pulled here?! For what reason?! As part of an experiment?! A Game?! What were they doing this for?! To make fools or everyone?! To make a fool of him?! He wants to lash out and curse them, in his usual Cortex Fashion, but there’s still more information to uncover. 
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   ...He- ...He had plans to take over this place. Well, it’s not unexpected, but it’s still surprising how much information on this strange city he’d gathered in his short amount of time!! Dating back to mid 2019 even!! What blows him away the most is his plans on The Cortex Vortex Redux. The N.E.O. How he planned to use a workshop called ‘Facet Five’ to his own machinations. Rosa and why she played such a significant part in it all!! Amazing!! Simply amazing!! Of course this was Dr. Neo Cortex’s own thought process being laid bare before him. Of COURSE He thought it was Perfect!! “My, my, and here I was beginning to think something was terribly wrong with my other self!! Still... Who is this ‘Rosa’? The photo of her is so blurred I can hardly make a thing out. I only have description to go on... An Underground shark dragon woman?” Well, one good thing about this city was that he wouldn’t need to make a brand new Evolve-o-ray. All the strange folk here made the need for such a devastating device pointless!! Why not just get right to the brainwashing after all?!
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   One thing was clear. That little well deserved vacation could wait. Cortex, now filled with a new desire for revenge, a new ambition, and a new hope to turn everything in his favor, was grinning maliciously from ear to ear. Yes. It might take some time, more studying, and an arduous process, but he’d make this city his... It was like a reverse Rift Generator after all!! Bringing everything to him and isolating them from where they belonged. Underneath his rule... YES!!! IT’S ALL COMING TOGETHER!!! ...Oh. But, Crash. And N. Tropy...
   Quickly peering out his bedroom doorway, he scans the house. No sign of anyone or anything. Still, to be safe, he stows the laptop away in the closet again, sandwiched between some of the boxes of his belongings. The last thing he needs is them snooping and finding out what he’s planning. Crash would no doubt try to stop him before he could even try.... And Tropy might try and steal his plans. No. Even improve them!! Hypocrite that he is, between the pair of them, Cortex is more known for hijacking anyone’s plans... Still, with these worries bouncing around in his skull, that smile remains on his face. The laughter is welling up inside him... But not here. He can’t!! He has to hold back... at least a little bit.
   So he laughs. And laughs, and laughs and laughs. Chuckling devilishly to himself about his new discovery. Soft, low, villainous laughter can be heard from within... Looks like this birthday went well for him for once... 
Happy Birthday, Dr. Cortex. Don’t get too Cocky, though!!
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous)
“Hey, Orchid?” Midnight was lying on top of her desk, tapping his heels against the front and arching back to watch her type. “How many kids do you want?”
“What are you daydreaming about now?” She sighed, trying to focus on the after-action report she’d been trying to finish since he came in an hour ago.
He shrugged, which shuffled some of the papers beneath him. “I’m just curious. I know you’ve already got A6, but have you ever thought about starting a proper family? Getting round, having some little birdies floating around in there, making yourself a little nest?”
“It’d be my husband’s job to make the nest,” Orchid smirked. “If you want to know why I’m not thinking about it, that’s why. I barely make enough money for myself, let alone a kid.”
“Weeell, I’ve got some money stowed away from my days as the Demon of the Night. Nice little nest egg for a decent place to live.”
She rolled her eyes. “That would mean I’d have to fall in love with your first, wouldn’t it?”
“What, you mean you haven’t yet?” He sighed. “Well, back to the drawing board, then. You’ll let me know if you change your mind, right?”
“Yeah, sure, why not?”
Midnight rose off her desk, looking at the paper angel he left in his wake. “Great!...I’ll put these back, and then I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Great, than-” She stopped herself. “Wait, say that again?”
“‘I’ll put these back, and then I’ll get out of your hair.’ Is that weird?”
Orchid blinked. “Yes, it’s weird! You’ve never said anything like that to me before!”
“Wow.” He chuckled. “That explains that, then.”
“Wait, are you telling me you’re actually helpful?”
Midnight’s hand raced to his heart. “Madame, you wound me.”
“It wouldn't hurt so much if you were like this around me more often.” She glanced around her office. “You know, if you’ll straighten up a few more things for me, I’ll let you stay longer.”
“I can clean my way into your heart? Say no more.” To Orchid’s utter shock, while the smile remained on his face, it hardened somewhat with determination. For the next two hours, while Orchid finished not one, not two, but three reports, Midnight straightened the papers he’d shifted, reorganized her furniture for the sake of feng shui, found a label maker and noted which cabinets were for reports and which for magazines, sorted those cabinets’ contents by date and alphabetically, and swept the floor without Orchid moving once.
When she’d finished the third report, she looked around the room and gasped. “M-midnight, this is...You’ve been capable of this the whole time?”
“Do you really think so little of me?” He sighed, shaking his head. “It’s simply tidying up, Orchid.”
“But it would take me hours just to sort one of those cabinets...I’m sorry I’ve held out on you.”
Midnight smiled, waving his hand. “Oh, don’t get so flustered about it-”
“No, Midnight, I mean...” She blushed. “I mean for never considering your offers, because right now, it sounds very appealing.”
“Oh! In that case, get as flustered as you like.” He made his way back to her desk, leaning forward with a victorious smirk.
Orchid sighed. “There is no way to win with you...so I’ll just have to get better at losing. It’s 2, by the way.”
“What is?” The lightbulb clicked on. “Two kids? Really?”
“One of each, as close together as possible. They keep each other in check, they get along nicely, and we aren’t constantly stepping in between them.”
Midnight shrugged. “Honestly, I’m fine with zero, but whatever you want’s fine with me.”
“Wait, you don’t want to be a dad?” She laughed. “Oh, honey, I’ve got some bad news for you.”
“...No, no no no-”
Orchid nodded, still laughing. “I’m not the only one anymore! Hah! Thank you for volunteering, Mr. Co-Captain!”
“What a dirty trick.” He smiled. “But if it lets me spend more time with you, I’m game.”
“...I didn’t expect you to go there,” she muttered, the blushing returning.
Midnight walked around to her chair and offered her his hand. “If you’ll let me, Orchid, there are hundreds of places I can take you. Some of them you might even remember afterwards.”
“Only some?” She sighed. “Should I ask about the others?”
“Probably not.”
Orchid nodded. “Alright, then, Co-Captain. Where are we heading first?”
“The shop.” He blushed. “I um...I need to restock on something.”
“Eh, I’ve got spares somewhere in my room.”
Midnight stared. “Spare what?”
“Are we talking about different things?” She stared back. “Please tell me you meant what I think you did.”
“I was going to buy more wine to share.”
Orchid’s face became a plumed tomato. “I have that, too.”
“So...straight to your place, then?” Both of them had lost any sense of composure.
“I guess?” She shrugged. “What was your plan?”
Midnight shook his head. “I don’t know. Do you have a plan?”
“Well...Do you wanna have a practice run?”
“Practice?” He chuckled. “I’ve had plenty of practice, Orchid.”
Orchid smirked. “But not with me.”
“Oh, so you’re expecting to be a challenge, then?”
“Maybe.” She took his hand, stood up using him as leverage, and whispered in his ear. “Or maybe I just want you to take the limiters off.”
That solved it. “I hope you’re prepared to take tomorrow off, then.”
“Prove yourself, and I might just give us two days off instead.”
“Two whole days?” Midnight picked her up and started walking towards the door. “Alright, then.”
Orchid punched his shoulder. “Hang on! Let me log out first.”
“Sure.” He carried back over to her keyboard and held her over it, looking away while she typed in her password (not that he didn’t already have it memorized). She tapped his shoulder when she was done, and Midnight carried her off to earn his weekend.
Three days later, when the rest of the squad next saw them, their three subordinates had to wonder if they’d actually rested at all.
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narutomaki · 3 years
I was tagged by @shikakunaras to do this tag game, thank u Julesey🥺🥺🥺
What do you prefer to be called name-wise? Mav , Vinny , Maverick
When is your birthday? June 2 1997
Where do you live? Canada in Southwestern Ontario  
Three things you are doing right now: At this very second; doing this, preparing for bed, coping with pain. Overall; working out plans in my head for the next month irt budget and meal planning, cleaning up the house and preparing my mothers gifts, and coping with pain.
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest? RGG/Yakuza, Naruto, LOZ BoTW, and The Way of the Househusband  
How has the pandemic been treating you? There have been some scares but overall. Eh. It just made my fears rational in some areas, negated them in others, and I've been coping with the isolation aspect of it decently because I have / had a job as well as a roommate and do all the household shopping. So I'm never really bored or alone.
A song you can’t stop listening to right now? The Ballad of Love and Hate by The Avett Brothers , Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos , and Flesh and Bone and Small Hand both by Keaton Henson. I listen to them all in a row and then repeat em.
How old are you? 23
School, university, occupation, other? Highschool dropout working on my HS diploma, crossing guard, aspiring Househusband.
Do you prefer heat or cold? No. I don't prefer either. I want to be at a solid 20°c (which is a good temp for me these days where I could wear whatever and be fine) at all times. I hate both extremes now. If I was forced to choose I would saw cold bcus its more expensive and I pay for electric heating and have to buy weather appropriate gear for my job (NOT CHEAP)
Name one fact others may not know about you: I'm much quieter in real life unless I'm talking about a SI, which involves a lot of yelling and pacing and stamping/clapping. It's embarrassing.
Are you shy? Yes 😔
Pronouns? He/Him , They/Them , It/Its
Biggest pet peeves? Hah. Haha. Haha ha ha. Hmmm... Uh I don't have a lot of em in general that aren't brought on by mental health problems so I don't consider them pet peeves??? Idk
What is your favorite “dere” type? whichever the male slut dere is./hj (i don't know these things...)
Rate your life from 1-10, one being crappy and 10 being the best it could be: my entire life? 2. my current situation? 6.5
What’s your main blog? This one :^)
List your side blogs and what they’re used for: mlmtoadsage - gay yearning reblogs, mostly defunct , nardoau - for my naruto au(s) also mostly defunct , and i have a password locked vent blog
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? I communicate poorly / can't keep conversation going most of the time unless my hand is being held. It comes from both autism and the fact I suffered month long bouts of isolation for 3/4 years. (Saw no one, talked to no one, went out for groceries once a month.) So there's definitely some left over ... *gestures* issues I'm still working on wrt relearning social rules and skills that I knew before along with learning the new ones expected of me as a 23 y/o and adult.
I tag - uhhhh idk. Im sowey
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