ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dp x dc AU - If the Internation Space Station orbits the Earth 16 times a day, then so does the Watchtower.
Danny’s on track to move out of his parent’s house and move to Gotham for college (He swears that Sam bribed the board to let him in- and she wasn’t even going to that university!) but the dorms don’t open for another three days and he cannot wait to escape. Seeing his parents try to perfect yet another weapon to use against him while he changed out the ecto filters on the portal was too much. He’s completely over the idea of staying when he already has everything packed and ready to go.
The solution? Take all his boxes into his haunt in the Ghost Zone, leave them there and then spend some time in camping in space. He’s already explored the Infinite Realms enough to be bored of it for a minute (not to mention he wants to avoid getting more ‘favors’ to do from Clockwork) and hell, he just wants to see some stars.
He grabs his tent, a sleeping bag and all the food and things he could need and brings it into the atmosphere with him. Keeping it all tethered to him, Danny stays in a fixed position above Gotham (Cause that’s where he’s going next, duh) and treats himself to some quality Me-time.
Only problem is that several times a day he has to make himself intangible while he lets satellites and things pass through. Easy enough and honestly pretty interesting to observe as a wannabe engineering student.
He doesn’t know when exactly it happened the first time- but it turns out the Heroes of Earth all congregated in a satelite office building? It was bigger than the ISS! What the heck!?
Going intangible but not invisible, the JL spot Danny and are incredibly confused how an ‘Alien’ teen just happens to appear in their meeting rooms disappearing at the rate (slowly but surely) of the Watchtower moving through space. Was that camping gear? How was he roasting a marshmallow? Did propane camping stoves even work in space??
16 times a day they get the opportunity to ask Danny a few questions. He mostly ignores them or gives them joke answers. Eventually Martian Manhunter phases through the Watchtower to join him.
They talk about how hard transition periods in life can be and having strained relationships with family. J’ohn returns to the watchtower on its next cycle and reports that the kid is just fine, being an adult is just a hard thing to do.
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laxxarian · 4 months
Clockwork's job is to overseer time and has to watch over the timelines continuously but there would be times where he gets to go out of his tower for a few days to take a break and this time, he wants to hang out with Danny.... In Gotham... To scold a certain speedster while Danny accompanies him.
Danny doesn't know why he has to go with Clockwork cuz he could tell that there's nothing he'll be doing but still decides to go with Clockwork cuz he got bribed with a "3 free straight answers" if Danny ever wants to ask him about something.
So now, Danny was just happily following Clockwork like a duckling with his mother.
Danny doesn't know how and why they're suddenly in space but he doesn't question it. Not even when he encounters a flashy colorful costumed people in front of him.
And this whole time, he was just Danny Fenton so he can't escape without exposing his powers if the people in front of him attacks so he only has Clockwork to rely on as he clutches Clockwork's cloak.
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frownyalfred · 10 months
every new vigilante goes through the “I want to be big and shredded like Batman” phase for approximately 10 minutes until they see him chug a smoothie on the Watchtower that consists entirely of two scoops of protein powder, four raw eggs, crushed up B vitamins and some liquid greens and realize it’s the only thing he’s going to eat until tomorrow
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angsty-ghost · 8 months
Batman slid over to Constantine after internally debating a singular issue over the last half hour.
“Constantine. I am unsure how to proceed with disciplining Danny. He needs sleep. How would you go about handling this?”
Constantine, on the verge of literally crying over the reminder that Batman is Danny’s father. Again.
“Bruce, he is a literal God-“
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #73
Danny was on the run from the GIW and he was damaged badly on the verge of retreating into his core. He was almost at Metropolis and was hopeful that he could leave his core with one of the supers. He spots Superman on top of the Daily Planet. Somehow he’s able to explain this to Superman and he actually agrees to take care of his core.
Superman realizes he may have bitten off more than he could chew. After Danny retreated into his core Superman felt weaker, this wasn’t as bad as actual Kriptonite but it did weaken him like it. He brings Danny to the Watchtower and the JL takes turns keeping an eye on the core.
Constantine walks into the room and in his shocked stated blurts, “How the hell did you get ahold of a baby ancients core!?! How did it get hurt!? I swear to god, do you want an inter dimensional war?! Because this is how you get an inter dimensional war!”
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91939art · 4 months
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This Valentine's day, try anew! Loyalty and Will never looked better together 💚🦅
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seronefada · 5 months
Danny inner feeling is "save" (based on agit)
But as you could think of a 14 year old bulied teen with a unstable family life, who died. Didn't just want to save people, he also wanted to be saved.
Nobody knew this not even Danny.
But Constantin and Deadman both have the same problem. Sometimes when they are in the Watchtower they hear a child like voice, who is alway whispering:" somebody save me. I need help. Save me this is dagerous."
They never see something strange, a few other heroes, a few mechanics. All normal, they also don't hear it all the time. They just hear it when it's Danny's shift and he's working nearby, though a wall through the floor goes the konstant whisper.
It almost drives them insane.
Then Constantin realized that it might goes with the working shifts. Somebody must be haunted.
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violent138 · 2 months
Bruce, outside Clark's room on the Watchtower: "Clark? What's happened, your message said it was an emergency--"
Clark: "Oh good I'm losing my mind." *yanks Bruce in*
Clark, exhausted, rocking a wailing Jon: "Lois had an emergency and I really need your help because no matter what I do he won't stop crying."
Bruce, rubbing his temples: "Uhh."
Clark: "Well?"
Bruce, glaring at him: "Well? Well what?"
Clark: "You've had so many kids!"
Bruce: "None of them were ever babies! Call me back in eight years!"
Both of them flinched as Jon wailed louder.
Clark, in despair: "I'm calling Diana."
Diana, with lasso clenched in Jon's hand: "Why do you cry, little one?"
Jon: *still shrieking and sobbing*
Diana, looking up at them both: "This usually works."
Barry, hands on his knees as he examined Jon: "Maybe he's in pain?"
Bruce glared at Barry as Clark panicked, hands messing up hair.
Oliver, cooing: "Uncle Ollie's got this lil' guy, you just need some white noise." *turns on his playlist*
Jon:*screaming now*
Bruce: "You're completely useless."
Hal: "What's going on in here?" *elbowing his way into the crowded room*
Bruce: "Busy right now, Jordan." *frantically going through scientific articles*
Hal stared in horror at the child, who J'onn and Arthur are negotiating with while vigorously rocking the screaming toddler: "Jeez, what the hell are you two doing?" *conjures a giant green rattled and shakes it*
Jon, utterly transfixed abruptly stops crying. Clark raises his head off the table the second the sound stops, relieved.
Hal: "Want to see something even cooler?" *makes a plane and has it fly around*
Jon, reaching out to it, smiling a little despite the tears. Half the room isn't breathing.
Hal, grinning: "That's right little man, it is cool. So guys, seriously, why are we all in here?"
The League, as the small plane vanishes: "Don't stop!"
Hal, startled: "Whoa, relax! Uh, who wants to see a dinosaur?"
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philotheoristic · 3 months
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Watchtower at Desert View... East end of Grand Canyon South Rim. It was very breezy with wind gusting to 50 mph this morning (March 2nd), so it was also a bit chilly - probably why there weren't a lot of people around.
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basilf1res · 1 year
I don’t see Amorpho getting used in DPxDC prompts, like, he’s the guy, you know.
He may be a shapeshifter but at least he’s got style… and pranks…
Just imagine him casually strolling into the watchtower dressed as Phantom and into a JL meeting like he belongs there. Everyone’s like “who tf is this guy” and it gets them into looking at Amity Park after he leaves like: hhhmmmmm
Danny’s entire reaction is:
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
The Justice League team meeting was wrapping up on the Watchtower, all major heavy hitting heroes present and involved.
“Are there any final closing remarks?” Batman asks in his grumbling tone, tired from endless family antics and the shear length of the all-hands meeting.
“Yeah, uh, actually I have something.” Phantom speaks up. He’s normally very reclusive and rarely attends their meetings. The league is aware that his ghostly titles make him hard to pin down, and in general, he’s spoken often about not getting too involved with the affairs of the living. He’s all about balance so over-stepping is something he actively avoids.
“One of you is about to die and it’s getting really annoying to deal with. This is supposed to be an accommodating work space, so like, chill it out with the flowers.” Phantom announces.
“Is that a threat?” Batman instinctively replies, not taking kindly to the inclination that a team member is in harms way and that it’s an annoyance rather than alarming.
“What? No. Dude I can literally sense Death, and while she’s cool and all, I would just really appreciate who ever it is with Hanahaki disease confess already or manage their waste better. Im not bringing kryptonite to the tower so it’s not nice to keep finding blood blossoms in all the meeting room waste bins.” Phantom sounds frustrated but all of sudden alarm bells are blaring.
Batman is processing that Phantom has been working under duress when they literally dealt with Darkseid last week AND that someone on the tower was literally dying of a curable disease.
“Why didn’t you bring this up sooner?” Wonder Woman presses, her concern obvious to everyone in the room.
“And what? Exacerbate their disease for what’s basically a really bad allergy?” He rolls his eyes. Nobody liked that.
“An allergy wouldn’t kill you Phantom you shouldn’t trivialize-“
“Peanuts and bees kill people all the time. The issue is that it’s not my place to interfere with someone dying. Death would badger me for decades if I did. So like, can y’all sort out a way for them to get rid of the flowers? Or like, if it’s one of yall, could you just confess already? It’d be a huge bummer to work with you from the other side of the veil.”
*hero of your choice coughs up a petal*
“Uh, I mean I’m the Ghost king, want me to put in a good word for you? I can try to find Aphrodite in the Realms and see if she’ll help you out?” Phantom looks equally awkward as he is excited to help.
*pairing of your choice moves forward*
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illustratus · 2 months
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The Galata Tower by Moonlight by Ivan Aivazovsky
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frownyalfred · 6 months
Hal Jordan, probably: man, fuck Batman. He shouldn’t even be part of the League. I say we vote him out.
Clark, who knows that if Bruce is gone, so is the League’s funding, the entire Watchtower, and probably 110 of their different gadgets: um….haha…
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scorpiosleeps · 1 month
Liminal Spaces - 141
((For this to make even a little bit of sense, please go read the wonderful brainchild of the talented @notspiders - I've linked the post at the bottom, you can't miss it! All credit goes to them ♥))
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Part 1 - The Watchtower
There's only ever been one rule - You're supposed to stay up in the watchtower when he isn't with you (a rare occurrence as he seems to hate being away even for a moment) and you'd think there'd be some pull, some inclination to explore and see things for yourself... but not really? (Not anymore). 
Sometimes there's a nagging, irritating feeling in the back of your head, it tells you to do silly things, dangerous things - like putting on your hiking boots, getting some essentials together... and running away. 
But that's silly. (And you shiver when you think about going out into the woods on your own.) 
It's cozy up in the watchtower, always the perfect temperature inside, always a drink fitting the weather set out waiting for you, a snack prepared in advance if you get peckish, a blanket or some fuzzy socks if it's chilly or a pair of sunglasses and a hat if the sunbeams are persistent.  
Your biggest weakness however - several piles of books by the bed. You.. don't really remember how long you've been here, but you've read so many books one would think you should have managed to make a dent in the stacks by now - but no. 
And it's not like you're complaining, not at all, every single book you've picked up thus far has scratched just the right itch for that day. (But it's weird, isn't it?) 
And you couldn't have asked for a better companion, he doesn't crowd you when you want to be alone (though he's never far from sight). If you want to spend the day reading away, he'll simply take the four-wheeler (that only ever works for him) and go on a provision run, it's kinda funny how those trips are always on days when you have no desire to leave the watchtower (right?). Or he'll go hunting - disappearing in to the woods without gear or weapons of any kind and yet always bringing back game slung over his strong, broad back.  
It's not that he refuses to take you with him (not at all, he loves your company!) it's just that when you go with him, the two of you always seem to get distracted and end up doing something completely different then what you set out to do. Like rock-climbing! Or he'll teach you how to throw axes, or tie a snare - always willing to please you, quick to laugh and even quicker with a joke. 
Some days, instead of being boisterous and smiling, blue eyes glittering with mischief, he will go quiet, contemplative and go sit out by the railing and watch the horizon. - And you've found yourself thinking, on more than one occasion that it's as if he is actively trying not to look at you. His fingers wrapped around the old rusty metal, knuckles white and taut. You learned quickly that he was best left alone on days like that. (So things don't get out of hand). 
He always keeps you safe though, even from yourself. Because as good as you have it here, sometimes you have bad days too and you get confused. You don't like yourself very much on those days, on those days you don't like your companion very much either, or at all in fact.  
You scream and shout and cry, accuse him of horrible things, of scary things.. and on really bad days he has to restrain you, take hold of your smacking hands and scratching nails and push you down in bed under his solid body. Holding you still while he coos and whispers sweet nothings in your ear (always with that warm highland lilt) until you've calmed down, until you can breath again. When your head finally stops hurting, finally stops feeling like it's going to tear in two. 
And you can't fault him if his touch lingers, if he's reluctant to let you go. To release your body from under his much bigger one. And him grinding up against your core, slotting your body perfectly against his.. that's just to keep you from hurting yourself (Even if it short circuits your brain). So what if his eyes go a little crazed and stares at inappropriate places on your body - anyone can get cabin fever! 
The important thing is - He keeps you safe and even if you sulk and pout afterwards (his words, not yours), if you refuse to get out of bed and spend days simply laying curled up under covers and blankets staring out over the vast (never ending) stretch of forest surrounding you... he always takes care of you.  
He'll nail up an old bedsheet and set up the projector so you can watch movies together, or he'll pick up the book you've started on and read aloud - picking up right where you left off. 
More often than not he'll do voices for the characters, bring them to life with exaggerated accents and gesticulations, all to make you smile. Or he'll go completely off script and put on his own little show, just for your amusement, it never fails to leave you in stitches. 
He'll tempt you and entice you with delicious smelling foods, stacks of pancakes with butter and maple syrup, rich flavourful stews that leave you both groaning and unbuttoning your pants. Or he'll pull a pint of your favourite ice-cream out of the icebox, when you could have sworn, you'd run out days ago (Gaz only knows where he got it from).  
And soon enough the bad mood will pass, it will slip away and you're back to enjoying yourself in the quiet of the watchtower, feeling at peace once more. 
His big, steady arm wrapped around your shoulders, his nose pressed down at the top of your head, breathing you in, calming him down and stirring him up in equal measure. (Unbeknownst to you.) 
You're right where you should be, where you belong.
With him. 
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
dp x dc
Danny the cat
I just want shenanigans of Damian and danny, his friend who can transform into any animal relate to death (and is half-ghost)
Danny would definitively use his new hability to get more sleep and damian would just take him to his lap cause he is so fluffly an purr.
That's how Danny become Damian's favorite.
Damian one day take Danny (in cat form) to the wachtower and use him as a gun with everyone that upset him. At the end, Danny can shoot lasers.
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #39
Danny gets turned into a cat and winds up falling through a portal to a world where ghosts don’t exist and he winds up on the watchtower. He still has access to his powers and he figures why not mess with the hero’s here while he looks for a way home? I imagine he had a bigger form in ghost form like kujo.
the JL is just confused how this cat can fly and go through walls and is also somehow according to John to be the king of ghosts.
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