ziracona · 1 year
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My friends & me talking abt Wednesday Adams ships
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Weyler’s “I could kill you in an instant” “*sighs dreamily* I know” and Gothbee’s “I could kill you in an instant” “Good luck trying, my dear” are going to be the death of me I cannot experience them both at once
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sugarbear2001 · 2 years
So what do we think of Wianca for a Wednesday and Bianca shipname.
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off22theraces · 1 year
guys i miss them
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lorelaiblair · 9 months
Enid, having a conversation: she’s allergic to roses
Wednesday, was barely paying attention: querida, haven’t we talked about telling our enemies our weaknesses? not to do it?
Bianca: enemies?
Enid: what weakness? if she even thinks about it i’ll shred her to pieces
Wednesday: very well
Wianca: what.
Yoko: you get used to it
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zasttra · 7 years
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★★★★★ Thinking of buying INCHOR Wristfit HR Heart Rate Monitor Color OLED Touch Screen Bluetooth V4.0 Sport Smart Wristband for iOS / Android Smart Phone Sedentary Reminder / Pedometer / Sleep Monitor(Purple)? Read our latest review of the product by Wianca B. http://www.zasttra.com/products/inchor-wristfit-hr-heart-rate-monitor-color-oled-touch-screen-bluetooth-v4-0-sport-smart-wristband-for-ios-android-smart-phone-sedentary-reminder-pedometer-sleep-monitorpurple?ref=stampedio
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ziracona · 1 year
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Shark Queen
Fandom: Wednesday (2022) Summary: She may have swum with sharks before it, but it wasn't really swimming. It was existing in their tank in a cage, which was rather boring. As soon as her girlfriend finds out that she can't swim, though, she spends a lot more time in water with a much more dangerous creature. Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical child endangerment Word Count: 2,693 Ship(s): Wednesday Addams/Bianca Barclay
Archive link!
A/N: I love these two so much and if I'm not able to find fics with them in it then I'm just going to have to write them myself. I remember that this idea was given to me by someone else but I don't remember who it was so I can't give them a shoutout or dedicate this to them, sorry! I hope that you all enjoy this. Thank you all for reading <3
Bianca had been flabbergasted when she found out, which was something that she usually wasn’t. The siren was a very capable, intelligent woman that was able to take in information very quickly and decide what she wanted to do with the confidence of a royal. It was something that Wednesday admired her partner for very much, especially since a lot of the things that she usually said about her family and interests astounded the standard person. Bianca was anything but standard, which was half of what made it so surprising that the news shocked her as much as it did.
They were sitting in Wednesday’s dorm in Ophelia Hall, since Enid had escaped with Ajax for the day. They were going on some horrible sounding date involving shopping and cafes, which Wednesday had been forced to listen about for almost half an hour when they got up. The Raven was perched on the edge of the bed with her back ramrod straight and her hands perfectly poised in her lap. Bianca was sitting in Wednesday’s chair, now turned around so that she was grasping the back of it and twisted at the waist. She had been thumbing through the latest chapter of her girlfriend’s novel as she always did when she came over.
“Are you serious?” she asked, her golden eyes wide and her head tilting to the side. Her lips were open slightly as she asked the question, but as soon as the words had left her she pursed them tightly.
“I am never not serious, Bianca,” Wednesday replied curtly. It was true, while she let the occasional joke slip into the conversation most people found her gallows humor to be disturbing instead of funny so she usually just stuck to insulting them instead.
“I know, I know. You’re just overflowing with morbidity,” Bianca rolled her eyes fondly at her partner. They enjoyed the dynamic that they had, even if it was viewed as abnormal or even borderline unhealthy by the uneducated on the outside.
The siren slipped off of the chair that she had been perched on and then gracefully made her way over to where Wednesday was. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to the center of her forehead after tilting the other woman’s face up with one finger underneath her chin. Bianca then sat heavily down on the edge of the bed like what she had just done was almost intoxicating with its intensity.
“You’ve really never learned how to swim?” she asked, lolling her head to the side so that she could look at her girlfriend over her shoulder.
“My father taught me to swim with the sharks when I was young,” Wednesday gave a half-shrug.
Bianca shook her head while making a face. “That doesn’t count. You’re lowered into a shark cage, which are massively inhumane I hope you know, with a line that can pull you back at a moment’s notice and breathing equipment. It’s hardly more than a bath.”
Wednesday let out an annoyed little huff and folded her arms over her chest, “What do you count as swimming then?”
“Swimming is when you actually have to use your arms and legs to keep yourself afloat or move yourself in the water. That means that bouncing around in the shallow end of a pool doesn’t count either,” she said quickly before Wednesday had the chance to find a loophole in what she had said. She shifted so that one of her arms was on the other side of Wednesday’s hips, caging her onto the bed. “I want you to meet me on Raven Island and I’ll teach you how to swim. We can do it at night so you don’t have to wear one of those horrible full-body swimsuits. Alright?”
The other girl sat there for a moment, stuck between wanting to insist that she didn’t need to learn how to swim and wanting to do whatever it was that Bianca wanted her to. There was something about the Siren that was so alluring and wonderful, even without the use of her powers. Wednesday had a sneaking suspicion that even though Xavier had now realized he was asexual and aromantic, he had been startled by falling so deeply into Bianca’s orbit. Wednesday found it intoxicating, like when she had switched to using arsenic in her tea instead of the usual cyanide.
She gave a nod of agreement to let her girlfriend know that she was going to show up. Bianca responded by closing the few-inch gap between the two of them and pressing their lips together in a brilliant kiss. Everywhere that her hands brushed over Wednesday’s sun-averse skin felt like it had been lit on fire in a way that she never wanted to forget.
Later that night, Wednesday had Thing help her row one of the boats out to Raven Island. The lake had been a place that not a lot of the other students wanted to go at night, even though Crackstone’s Crypt had been demolished and then relocated to the local cemetery after it was found covered in blood and already mostly smashed up due to his resurrection. Wednesday came here often, though, to remember the night where she had been so close to returning to death’s waiting arms. Bianca liked it because it was secluded and the events that happened due to Laurel Gates kept others away from it.
The boat pulled up to the bank of the island after about five minutes of rowing. Wednesday clambered out of it and paid no mind to Thing as he skittered off onto the island to do whatever it was he had been planning since she informed him of her date. Bianca walked out from behind one fo the large old-growth trees and looked over the other girl. “Are you going to change?” she asked.
The siren was already dressed in her bathing suit, apparently not planning on shifting to teach her lesson. It was a two piece bikini that was a lovely shade of blue with a yellow flower print that was tastefully scattered over the cloth. It revealed the beauty of her body, the curves of her hips and legs along with the stretch marks that were scattered over her hips and stomach. 
“I suppose,” Wednesday sighed. She grabbed the bag that she had packed with her out of the boat that she had arrived in. She then removed her top, folding it quickly so that she could stuff it into the almost-empty sack. She shucked off her pants next, which left her in only her bathing suit. Wednesday had gone with something a bit more conservative than her very confident girlfriend, a simple one piece black swim suit that had an o-ring in the back that held the pieces together. It covered her stomach entirely even if it revealed the side of her breasts and almost her entire back.
“You look wonderful,” Bianca reminded her. She placed her hands on on both of Wednesday’s hips to tug her forward and give her a comforting kiss on the lips.
The smaller woman hadn’t realized just how nervous she was about what they were doing until she had the steady reassurance of her partner above her. The feeling of Bianca’s hands heavy on her waist and her lips pressed against Wednesday’s own was enough to settle the anxiety that had been formed in her chest.
“You look acceptable as well, I suppose,” Wednesday hummed as her eyes drifted down to the golden chain that held the locket she had given Bianca for their one year anniversary. It wasn’t long after they returned from their impromptu winter break after everything that had gone down when they started dating. That meant that their anniversary had just passed, though they celebrated bringing down Crackstone more than they celebrated the day they started dating.
Bianca beamed. She had known Wednesday long enough and was familiar with how her girlfriend spoke to know that was a very earnest compliment. She leaned down and stole another kiss before she threaded their fingers together so she could move her girlfriend around as she liked. Bianca brought them down to the edge of the water, turning back to look at Wednesday with a big smile and to make sure that she was okay.
“We’re going to adjust to the temperature first and then I’ll show you how to do some strokes, alright?” Bianca asked. She was already about ankle deep into the rolling waves on the bank of the island, but she had stopped walking to give Wednesday the time to give her consent.
“Why is it so important to you that I learn how to swim?” Wednesday pouted after giving Bianca a little nod. They walked further into the water so that they were both up to their knees and then paused to adjust to the chill that was shooting through them both due to the difference in the water compared to the night air surrounding them.
Bianca slowly began to guide them in deeper, wading into the water like she was meant to be in it. Which was true, as she was a magical sea creature in many senses of the phrase. “Well, it’s kind of ridiculous for a siren spouse to not be able to swim whatsoever,” she laughed.
“Awfully bold of you to assume that we’re going to be getting married,” Wednesday clicked her tongue. As much as she liked to say that she was never going to become a housewife, get married, or have children, she did like the idea of marrying Bianca at least a little bit. Bianca wouldn’t try to force her to be someone that she wasn’t, so the idea of getting to be with her forever did have a bit of allure to it. She couldn’t let the other girl know that just yet, though.
She laughed, tossing her head back so that she could stumble back into the water. She had already released the other teenager’s hand so that she wouldn’t be dragging Wednesday down into the water before she was ready for it. Her body tumbled down into the clear water of the lake. “You know that no one will ever be able to understand us like we do each other. It’s only reasonable that if we’re going to be staying together like this then we would get married. If not to get our parents to leave us alone, but so that we have to pay less taxes and have more rights to each other,” she reasoned.
Wednesday had almost forgotten to listen to what her girlfriend was saying as she marveled at how beautiful her partner was. She knew how to appreciate beauty, even if what she found beautiful was often different than what normal people did. Bianca often looked like she was a star that had been plucked down from the sky, immaculate with all of her magnificent imperfections.
She sighed as she slowly lowered herself down into the water so that her toes were just barely able to touch the silt and sand on the bottom of the lake. “I suppose that you’re right. Now are you going to get on with the lesson?”
“I am, if you just let me,” Bianca replied with another little snort. She was so cute when she laughed like that, it made Wednesday want to carve out a place for herself inside of her girlfriend and live there forever.
She pushed herself off of the little bank that she had been using to bounce in the water and towards Bianca. The other teenager reached out so that her hands were pulling at Wednesday’s shoulders to bring her further into the water. She gently moved them around so that they were no longer able to use the bottom of the lake to keep themselves up. She instructed her girlfriend on how to kick her legs and arms in the water so that she could stay up in between learning how to shoot herself through the cool, inky liquid.
As afraid of this as she had been, though she would never admit that, Wednesday found that it was rather enjoyable. She had never been fond of the idea of her body being dumped into water so that it could decay and eventually wash up, which is probably where her near fear of swimming had come from. If she was going to die and her body was to be dumped somewhere, she wanted to make sure that it was able to be found so that she could turn into a mystery.
Now that she was here with her girlfriend, however, a lot of that fear was slipping away. She listened to what Bianca had to say about moving her limbs around to keep her afloat in the water. She knew that it would have been easier to learn if they had been in a stagnant pool instead of the lake, which had waves created by the small breeze blowing through the grounds.
The thing that she enjoyed most about the experience was the way that Bianca’s hands slipped over her silky skin. Wednesday wasn’t very partial to being touched, not even by her parents and brother, but whenever Bianca even grazed against her it felt like she was being pumped full of a kind of life that she had never felt before. It was the kind of feeling that became addictive after she had gotten somewhat used to it. Sometimes she found herself going out of her way to get even a little bit of it.
While she didn’t want to be swimming and didn’t care much for learning how to swim, she would take thousands of lessons whenever Bianca wanted if it meant that she got to have her girlfriend’s hands over her like this more than once.
The sun was beginning to peak up over the edges of Nevermore’s spire by the time that they had finished. Granted, they had started after a nap pretty late at night so that they could be assured that even the night owls would have retired to bed and they would be well and truly alone. 
Wednesday slowly paddled back to the edge of the island and then hefted herself up onto the shore. Her muscles ached in a way that she hadn’t experienced before. She did exercise to make sure that she would be able to have the stamina for her investigations and torture sessions, but this was still different than anything that she had done before. She didn’t ache in the same way that she had when she had been hunting the Hyde and Laurel Gates the year before. Her muscles were exhausted but they didn’t feel bruised and ruined like they had back then.
She rolled over so that she was laying on her back with either of her arms extended out next to her. Bianca let out a little laugh as she gracefully swam to the point in the lake where she could walk out and then sat down beside her partner. “So how was that? Am I at least decent at teaching swim?”
The smaller girl thought for a moment before she gave a small nod. “Yes, I suppose. But I think that the next time we should do this during the daytime. I’m cold,” she was borderline complaining but she didn’t care. Bianca was the only person to hear her and she trusted the other woman with her life. Bianca had already saved it once, after all.
The siren let out a small chuckle. She leaned down, keeping her body halfway up with one elbow. Bianca then turned so that she was laying part of her body over the top of her girlfriend. Her spare hand, the one that wasn’t helping to keep her upright, she cupped the side of Wednesday’s cheek. “I’ll keep you warm and then once you’re feeling better we can get dressed and head back to the school, alright?”
“Alright,” Wednesday nodded in agreement. She leaned up and connected their lips while relishing in the feeling of the other’s body against her own.
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Another Round?
Fandom: Wednesday (2022) Summary: Wednesday likes having someone on the same level as her, just as Bianca is. It would be rude to not show that appreciation by asking her for a dance at the Rave'N. Warnings: Canon typical violence and gore Word Count: 2,772 Ship(s): Bianca Barclay/Wednesday Addams
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A/N: So I have absolutely fallen in love with these two as a couple and I wish I could find more content with them. I thought that with their heart-to-heart at the Rave'N was a good jumping off point for a little oneshot where they flirt with each other. I hope that I captured the 'going to kill you while flirting with you' vibe that I was trying to go with worked! Thanks for reading, everyone that stick with me through this, lol. Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Having gone to public school all of her life, Wednesday was used to being different than other people. Her parents had different values than the standard family did, after all. That meant while other parents had been focusing on teaching their children how to read and dress, her parents had been making sure that she could identify any kind of poison by taste alone and how to fight with a saber in a way that would save her life. She had developed a very unique set of hobbies after that, involving herself in the study of murders and other unique aspects of life.
When she came to Nevermore, she was no longer as unique as she had been before, but she found that she had something new to keep her mind occupied with. She was given an academic rival to try and fight against to keep her busy among her schoolwork and the murder that she was trying to solve.
Something that she had enjoyed her entire life was an aching kind of pain, a torment of the mind. She was able to find that in the other teenager that she was pitted against in the way that she had none other before. When she had been in public school everyone had been so ignorant of the things that she enjoyed that she was able to best them in a test of wits in only a moment. Bianca was different than that, though.
The aforementioned teenager was intelligent in all of the same realms as she was and just able to keep up with her. She was also the best swordswoman that Wednesday had ever met other than herself. It was a challenge to be able to defeat her and she hadn’t even been able to draw first blood when they danced together on her first day of school. 
The torment that Bianca gave her by besting her in swordplay was only soothed by being able to stomp on the other teenager’s hope of winning a school competition. It was delicious to see the frustration and rage seething over Bianca’s elegant, beautiful features when Wednesday was the one being handed the oversized trophy. She had enjoyed the feeling so much that she couldn’t help but wish that she could feel it forever.
Her original impulse upon hearing about the dance had been to show Bianca up and maybe take a title from her like she had done during the Poe Cup. When she had discovered the cave, though, she had decided that it wasn’t worth doing. She didn’t want to give the other girl more attention than she really deserved because it would inflate her ego. Now that she was attending the dance to try and keep one of her informants, that had been erased from her mind entirely.
She wasn’t even thinking about it as she slipped out of the white-and-blue brightness of the ballroom into the small side room that existed for people to be able to rest away from the noises and smells of the dance. She paid no mind to her rival sitting on the same part of the round couch that she was hurrying to so that she could make herself more comfortable.
She flipped one of the many layers of tulle out of the way as she sat down and then said, “Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer.”
She unfastened the latch on the top of her shoe and then removed it form her foot entirely. The amount of relief that she felt when the restrictive garment was no longer on her was entirely indescribable. Wednesday enjoyed pain as much as the next person, but this kind was more annoying than exciting.
“As my dear mother always says,” Bianca sighed from behind her. “Fire tests gold, suffering tests a woman.”
Wednesday turned her head back so that she was looking at the other girl. Bianca was beautiful, as always, Wednesday could admit that to herself despite the relationship that she had. She carried a kind of elegance about herself even when she was sitting depressed like this, and it was admirable.
“Speaking of suffering, where’s your date?” she asked. She had seen Xavier sitting beside Bianca and moping for the majority of the night while she had been trying to have some time with Tyler. She supposed that it was a bit rude of her to ask him out for self preservation and then to show up  to the very same dance with the boy that he very much did not like. She couldn’t bring herself to care that much, though, when he was her number one suspect at the moment. “I didn’t seen you and Xavier on the dance floor.”
Despite herself, she had been kind of hoping to see Bianca dance. She was able to bring a mysterious kind of beauty to everything that she did, so Wednesday was sure that her dancing ability would also be something to behold.
Bianca took a moment to respond. “We had a little tiff. About you, actually.”
She looked at the other teenager for a moment longer before she gave a small shake of her head and turned back to staring at the wall a few feet away. “You don’t know what it’s like.”
“Being beautiful and popular?” Wednesday asked. She didn’t know why she immediately jumped to that because usually she didn’t care about that kind of thing. For some reason, when it was Bianca, she cared more than she really should have.
“Never knowing people’s true feelings,” the other replied quickly, like it had been bottled inside of her for an eon. “If someone likes me for me.”
“What about your amulet?” Wednesday asked as she cast her gaze down to the beautiful golden necklace resting above Bianca’s breasts.
“It’s not foolproof,” she snorted. “It’s a mild prophylactic, so to speak. It’s wy Xavier broke up with me. He never fully trusted me.”
That seemed to be a common theme with Nevermore’s resident tortured artist. Wednesday knew that it had something to do with his father and all of the visions that he was dolled out in his sleep. It might have also had something to do with his tie to the monster.
“The worst part is, I could never trust his feelings either. I never knew if they were real or not. You’re lucky,” she said it all with a kind of grief-filled mourning that Wednesday hadn’t been expecting to see. It was almost like her entire world view was shattering around her as she realized that Bianca wasn’t who she had chalked her up to be upon her arrival at Nevermore.
“Do tell.”
“You don’t care what people think of you,” Bianca replied. She leaned back against the couch like the weight of everything that she had just spilled to the girl that was supposed to be her rival was actually pushing her down.
Wednesday pursed her lips. “Honestly, I wish I cared a little more. I think my bravado and dismissal of people’s emotions make them resent me so that I find myself to be alone. I don’t think that you’re ever alone, though.”
“I’m alone in a way that no one wants to talk about. I don’t think I can confide in anyone because I don’t know if they want to be close to me because I used my power on them or not,” Bianca gave a half-shrug.
“Why tell me, then?” the seer asked as she turned slightly. She had been facing away from the other teenager the entire time that they had their discussion, not so much that it was obvious what she was doing, but enough that Bianca didn’t feel forced to speak with her. Contrary to popular belief, Wednesday did understand what people wanted when it came to social interaction, she just couldn’t bring herself to care about what they thought of her after an interaction since most people decided they hated her before she even opened her mouth.
“Because you hate me. I know that I couldn’t have used my power on you. If I had, you’d be fawning over me like everyone else in this school. Not that I have used my powers on anyone to get them to be my friends or to let me be the leader of the fencing team,” she quickly corrected towards the end.
“I think that you’re more the capable of making people like you without your power. I’m very aware of my body and my emotions so I doubt that I would be able to fall under your Siren Song even if you did use it against me. And you were able to best me in fencing, if you remember,” Wednesday looked the other girl up and down. It was a peculiar thing, to have an ability that manipulated other people’s emotions so the perpetrator had no way if the victim were really feeling something for them or not. But Wednesday was an Addams, so there was a chance that she was immune to such manipulations the same way that the poisons her mother dosed her tea with served only to change the flavor.
Bianca smiled. Some of that hurt that she had been carrying in her shoulders was beginning to ease off the more they talked, and despite herself, Wednesday wanted it all to go. She usually liked it when people were hurt or suffering, but she preferred seeing Bianca indignant with rage or haughty with ego.
She turned her head back to the ballroom as the music suddenly changed to something slower. Several of the people that had come to the Rave’N stag were stumbling back into the adjacent room that the two girls were in so that they could have a chance to rest. Wednesday turned to Bianca as she got up so that she was standing in front of the other girl. She placed her hand out in front of her in offering. “Seeing as neither of our dates are currently present, would you care for a dance?”
“This is rather forward of you, Addams,” Bianca replied. The cat-like grin of confidence fell over her features again. This time it felt more honest and far less like a mask. The complement and reminder of her accomplishments earlier seemed to have worked like a charm, then, Wednesday mused.
The siren reached out and took the other girl’s hand as she rose to her feet. “Let’s see if you’re as good at slow dancing as you are at failing to seduce normies with a mating dance.”
“I just wanted him to know what he was dealing with. My cousins and I used to do similar things at family balls,” she explained quickly. She enjoyed speaking with Bianca, she realized. As much as she loved all of her friends (though she would never tell them that) it was hard to talk to any of them in a way that gave her the enrichment she so desperately craved. Bianca kept her on her toes in the most tantalizing, spine curling way imaginable.
The duo quickly made their way out to the dance floor where a few of the already established couples were trying their best to dance- some of them more successful than others. “Do you know how to waltz?”
“Of course I do. What kind of self respecting royalty doesn’t know how to do something as basic as a waltz?” Bianca asked.
Wednesday smirked. She was going to enjoy the time that she spent with Bianca after this, she just knew it.
She brought her hands up, making the motion for Bianca to step closer to her. She wanted to be able to get their dance underway before the song was over so that they could actually have some fun. The siren smirked as she placed her left hand on the other girl’s shoulder and then turned her right wrist ninety degrees. Wednesday placed her left hand on Bianca’s waist and then clasped the right with her own. 
They began the steps on the same beat, elegant and mature as they swirled around the ballroom. Neither of them were really noticing the other people around them as they followed the beat of the music and continued with the steps of the waltz.
“Does this count as luring me in with your siren song or is this something that you only do to the people you well and truly hate?” Wednesday asked before she carefully instigated a spin.
The taller of the two took that as an opportunity to turn herself around entirely so that her shoulders were pressed against Wednesday’s forearms and their heads were mere inches apart. “Just as you are in all things, you’re special, Addams. I don’t think I’ve ever danced with someone like this before. Then again, no one has ever been able to go toe-to-toe with me in fencing, let alone keep up with me in a waltz.”
“I can do a lot of things that others can’t do. I’m surprised that it’s taken you this long to find that out about me,” she replied immediately. They were soaring around the room like nothing that Nevermore had seen in a good long while. There was something feral and beautiful about the way that they worked with each other. They were able to anticipate the other’s movements with just a twitch of a muscle and a twist of a joint. It kept them moving and spinning with perfect precision.
“I’m surprised, too, you know. For as much time as you spend having visions and collapsing on the ground, you haven’t even stepped on my toes once,” Bianca smirked before she flicked her wrist and pushed on Wednesday’s shoulder, pushing her into a perfect spin before they picked up on the right beat to continue the steps.
“I would never make such a foolish error in something like this. It would be improper to treat my date with such barbaric misconduct,” she replied, not realizing what she had just said until it was out of her mouth.
“Your date, huh? I thought that you tried to come here with Xavier and then got stuck with that normie,” Bianca gestured her head over to where the aforementioned boys were standing by one of the tables. Both of them had been expecting some kind of huge argument to break out between the two since tensions ran so high, but they seemed to be having a somewhat civilized discussion.
“They seem to be getting along fine without us. Would you prefer that I go over there and coerce Xavier into giving you to me?” she asked, raising one eyebrow at the other.
“I am not an object to be won,” Bianca objected, the fire and fight back in her words full-force. The two of them were slowly moving closer and closer to each other as the dance went on and the tension of their words and proximity doubled tenfold.
Wednesday spun her around again, keeping them in the reverse position that Bianca had tried out for a moment at the beginning of their waltz. “Somehow I think that you’d enjoy the idea of us both vying for your attention, begging the other to drop out of the race so that we had a chance. I wouldn’t do that with Xavier, though, you’d have to find a suitor that was more up on my level.”
They unraveled from the position that they had been in before so that they were gliding around the dance floor. Neither of them had noticed that all of the teenagers sitting at the tables had turned towards them, staring with wide, shocked eyes. “I’ll get right on that. I could never pass up the chance to see Wednesday Addams begging on her knees for the chance to kiss me,” Bianca smirked.
The song came to an end with a few more quick notes, which left them standing a few inches from each other. They were both breathing hard from the pace that they had set. Wednesday couldn't look Bianca in the eyes, her gaze fixated on her plump lips instead. 
Bianca smirked. "Play your cards right tonight and I just might kiss you without all the begging or you having to ruin your dress by being on your knees. Now, would you like to share a yeti-tini with me?"
The other girl considered it for a moment. Her eyes flickered over to where Tyler and Xavier were now talking to each other in quiet, hushed voices at one of the blindingly white tables. "I would, thank you."
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Last Sentence Tag War
Tagged by: @realmermaid333
Rules: In a new post, give the last sentence of your WIP and then tag as many people as there are words
Line: Her lips were open slightly as she asked the question, but as soon as the words had left her she pursed them tightly.
Tagging: No one cause I already tagged quite a few mutuals during the last one and that was less than a couple hours ago :)
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