#World of the Coinless Trini
augment-techs · 16 days
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skyland2703 · 10 months
Now that I have access to good quality pictures of The Coinless #1, I believe I can give it a proper review~
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I'm gonna start with saying the art here was fucking gorgeous. And I’m not gonna cover the basic points, too many people already have. Just lil things that held MY attention, knowing all the plot twists and spoilers~
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Does this mean Drakkon DID have public executions in the street??
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Bulk/Kim crumbs!!! Bulk is such a Simp man. OHHH
and and and— he tells Skull everything. Every part of his day. And I think skull hears, Skull understands.
This might get a little out of order now, but
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It’s so sad the way she sits here bundled up like this. It also melts my heart. And she misses Zack So MUCH. And the guilt is swallowing her whole.
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You know what I’d be up to kill him too if I were in this world.
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Bro deserved this shot ngl.
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…now why do you have this stowed away like this, huh jason? Are we keeping the trauma like a trophy?? Are you going to wear that when you leave your little recluse’s hut???
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Untreated PTSD made worse by more incoming trauma. This guy got so fucked up and yet he finds a way for ME to be annoyed at HIM.
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Baby. Baby. Babyyyyyyy. Ultimate himbo Simp. BBY!!
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These women are in LOVE by the way. For the record. Just so you know. And every single scene they had deserved a post of its own because HHHHH
But this one in particular. They’re SOFT but they’re pretending to be so tough. They just need a HUG. That’ll fix like 99.9% problems.
Also does anyone remember what did happen to the scorpina of that universe??
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This is so funny to me and I don’t even know why
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Iconic shot. Could hear the BONK noise in the background.
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Glad finster got this moment. Even if it was short lived~
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Zack what are. You. Trying. To. Achieve. Why does he keep calling her out like this?? Like he's ridiculing her for what happened to HIM?! WHAT. IS. THIS.
Also does this mean we get lava zombie kim???
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oh he betrayed them.
oH buLk is hurt.
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Like i said, the art was GORGEOUS. Drakkon was annoying as fuck. I needed to punch him in every single shot he was in.
This feels like a potential redemption arc for him, and I don’t LIKE IT. I don’t like redemption arcs. 99.9% of them. They’re almost never done right.
Obviously, this COULD be something really good, but I feel like
Also the fact that all of the characters not explicitly mentioned are all zombies now saddens me beyond explanation. It somehow kills scope for fanfiction to me?
But on the bright side, Bulk’s development is some of the best of the BEST. He’s the glue that’s holding the team together, he’s also the guy who thought he’d never get this, the underdog, the guy who thinks he doesn’t deserve any of this, and yet, and yet in every interaction of the team, he shines through. He’s the one who’s holding them all together, even though his own world— aka skull— is collapsing.
and i hope we get more development for him.
And please please PLEASE can we have everyone turn back to normal when this shit ends?! These people need a goddamn break.
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azurezfiction · 7 months
kissing in an abandoned building+ World of the Coinless Trini/Zack; boom! power rangers
Places for kissing | @augment-techs
It was strange… being back here.
Being back at Angel Grove High. Rather, what had been left of Angel Grove High. Ever since Drakon and Rita began their takeover of the planet, no place had been left untouched during battles. Not even schools. The one place that the Rangers had some form of normalcy away from being Rangers. That had been until Drakon decided to destroy it. Taking away a piece of their humanity alongside it.
Zack and Trini walked through the building, taking a look around. Looking for anything useful they could scavenge, and surveying around.
“I can’t believe it’s kinda still standing. You’d think it would have collapsed by now,” Zack remarks with a slight teasing smile.
Trini stops herself from snorting. “It must have been built of stronger stuff,” She comments non unkindly.
“You know…” Zack pauses and glances towards her. “We never really did get to go to Prom, dd we?”
A frown soon marred her features with narrowed eyes. Trini stopped mid-stride confusion settling in trying to decipher his words. Prom? That had been so long ago. She barely remembered it. Everything became hectic. Chaotic. Trying their best to survive and push through Drakkon’s ever growing army, none of them ever truly graduated from high school. Dedicated their life to the fight.
“Zack, I don’t….” Zack takes her hand gently, his gaze ever so soft. She had forgotten how gentle he could look. He carefully brushes his lips upon her hand.
“Shall we have our first dance while we have the chance?” “Zack I…” Trini felt her face burn and glanced away. Eyes sliding back. “I’m not sure…” “When will we ever get the chance?” Zack asks, his shoulder sagged. 
Trini finds himself smiling despite herself, catching the glimpse of mischief that danced within his eyes. “Okay,” She relents. “One dance. That’s it.”
“That’s all I need.” Zack says with a grin that reminded her of his younger self, and kissed her cheek.
Trini turned away attempting to hide the blush that grew. Perhaps coming here had been a blessing. And, a sign that they still carried hope inside.
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estel-eruantien · 10 months
wanting to do things for them [ie. gifts, surprises, writing letters etc etc] + World of the Coinless Power Rangers + Zack/Trini
(I am so sorry these are late - I went without internet for a minute there and my pacing is also determined by where I am at in the comics hahaaaa)
What has life come to that a simple flower and a kind word is enough to bring tears to a man's eye?
Zack never would have pictured his life taking the turn that it has. He actually misses his early teenage days, before he became a ranger. He misses going to school, sparring with Jason, and dancing. Teasing Billy about girls. Flirting with Trini and Kimberly to make them smile. He thought that would go on forever, even during his Ranger days.
They were invincible. Those first few battles were a little rocky, but then, then they were on top of the world. At least, before he came. And even then, they almost won. They should have won. Even with Tommy initially rejecting them and walking away from the Power, he never imagined they would actually lose.
Now there is nothing to look forward to. Another battle, another scavenger hunt for food and weapons, another group of people to save -- even though he's powerless. Coinless.
Somehow when Trini is around it doesn't feel like that. She's his source of stability. Most days she feels more like the leader, the rock of their organization rather than he does. She is -- and always has been -- the definition of sunshine. And she brightens his day, every day, his whole life really, just by walking into a room and sharing a sweet smile.
Even when they are at their lowest she manages to surprise him. In his personal bag of items he keeps hidden, a small batch of flowers, some withered and dry now, can be seen sticking out of a pocket. He especially cherishes the little yellow ones. Trini started leaving them for him when they first gathered the Coinless and prepared to stand up against Drakkon. He didn't realize it was from her until he saw the same bunch of flowers by the picture of Billy she has.
Now, the flowers are forever a reminder that no matter how bad it gets, he is strong enough to push forward. She believes in him, and he absolutely believes in her. No matter how many lives have been ended or turned by Drakkon's dark magic - they will stand together and fight.
I wasn't entirely sure where to take this, but this is the first thing to tumble out of my brain. I love these two as a duo, a couple, whatever - I love them so much and their friendship is so important to me!
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ajgrey9647 · 2 months
Self-soothing prompts: Wrapping themself in a large blanket that makes them feel small and safe. + Coinless Zack?
Pain in Multiples/No One Can Save You But You
His life had changed so dramatically and rapidly that Zack had no time to process the traumatic events as they unfolded. The Black Ranger had stubbornly held on to the big picture once his initial shellshock in the aftermath of Drakkon’s birth had receded. There hadn’t been a choice, really.
The survivors needed him to get his head together, to keep them safe, to formulate some kind of plan to defeat the monster. However, everything he came up with amounted to a suicide mission, their chances of success well in the negative percentile. Which Billy claimed wasn’t empirically possible as his mind scrambled for tight control of whatever it could find and, of course, mathematics and its precise outcomes fit the bill nicely.
Zack barely kept himself from the flashpoint of rage at the silly, pedantic statement, his hand smacking sharply against the assortment of scribbled papers littering the rickety table.
“Obviously, I don’t literally mean we have a -1000% of defeating Lord Drakkon, Billy!” he snapped, hating himself for his irritation even as the words tumbled forth. “I just don’t care for the words ‘certain death’, alright?”
The Blue Ranger retreated back to his tiny cot in the stark, barren room of the abandoned nursing facility like a scolded puppy.
“Oh God, Billy! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” the black-clad teen sighed, following his friend’s retreat.
He nestled on the lumpy piece of furniture next to where the blonde genius huddled under a ragged scrap of a blanket, only the wispy top of his golden locks visible.
“No, Zack. I’m the one who should be apologizing… I should have been able to determine a quicker way to infuse Jason with the White Tiger powers. Or invented a way to help fortify the Command Center against breaches. If I had, then Zordon, Alpha, and Jason would still be here,” he sobbed brokenly. “This is all my fault!”
Placing a shaky hand over the tightly bundled fabric, the Black Ranger hissed forcefully.
“That’s not true, man! If anything is anyone’s fault…well, I could have tried harder or looked longer to find Tommy before that son of a bitch hitched himself back with Rita! I could have convinced him his place was with us! Then there would have no need for new powers or any of that other shit!”
Of course, words were hollow in moments such as these.
The icy fingers of blame stretched far and wide, ensnared deep in the darkest parts of each Ranger’s heart. No amount of countering could convince any of them that they did not have a direct hand in the terrible emergence of this homicidal, superpowered dickhead.
Zack already knew full well where Kimberly Hart stood on her role in this nightmarish clusterfuck. Their conversation had gone no better than the one he’d had with the Blue Ranger. Full of rage and vengeance in addition to her bitter tears, the Pink Ranger spit fire as she insisted upon her failure.
“And if I pressed harder on my suspicion that Tommy was the Green Ranger way back before we finally found out, maybe that would have changed things, given us more time, I don’t know! Or if I had been able to get through to him when I confronted him in the Youth Center before the Sword of Darkness was destroyed…” she yelled, kicking violently at a haphazard stack of old wooden crates outside the kitchen.
The tiny girl had been profoundly changed the moment Drakkon’s deadly hands held forth Jason’s blood streaked red Tyranno helmet with its shattered visor. Something broke inside her at seeing the graphic evidence of her beloved big brother’s murder.
Kimberly often awoke in the wee hours of the night, screaming a heartbroken wail that echoed easily down the tiled corridors where the remaining citizens secreted themselves from Drakkon’s Red Sentry army.
“I miss him, Zack! I don’t know how to live without him here, to protect us, guide us… I’d give anything for one more of his big teddy bear hugs right now!” she moaned, her knees giving out and dropping her to the ground. “To hear his voice…”
From a battered canvas bag she kept guarded on her person at all times, her trembling hands pulled out a small, velvety plush dinosaur, it’s black plastic eyes seemingly gazing into their souls, the two small front legs adorned with soft, felt claws.
“Rexy…” Zack gasped in wonderment. “How the hell did you get that? And when? Drakkon’s goons…”
Kim cuddled the T Rex tightly to her chest in defiance.
“Don’t worry about it,” she retorted. “It’s one piece of Jason that motherfucker won’t ever get!”
She breathed deeply of the top of Rexy’s head.
“It still has his smell. I’m afraid of the day that it will be gone too.”
But the Pink Ranger turned her head away.
“Just leave me alone, Zack… Please…”
As for Trini, she didn’t speak much for quite awhile after the events of Ascension Day, merely staring into space and only doing anything when guided physically by another person to do so. Usually that person was the Black Ranger. Caring for the catatonic girl was one concrete thing he could do to help anything in this godforsaken hellhole.
With his diligence, he’d finally coaxed the start of a few small words from the Yellow Ranger as they sat nibbling a stale piece of bread covered with a swath of crunchy peanut butter to disguise its brittleness.
“Evil won,” she whispered. “Rita…won..”
Zack couldn’t stomach hearing that sentiment.
“No, she didn’t. We’re still here, girl! And we’ll find a way to beat them! Just like we always do!”
But she shook her head, long dark swishing her upper arms.
“Not this time. There’s no going back. He killed them…”
Damn, but those early days were rough. Days? Hell, months to be more accurate.
They were all fortunate to have some time to regroup and rest within the confines of the crumbling facility Bulk had led them to before they’d been flushed out like a nest of fledgling mice into the night. More people were lost in the confusion and chaos… there was no to prevent that with the might of the jackal-like Sentries.
He, along with Kimberly, Billy, Trini, Bulk, and Skull, had managed to herd whoever he could to safety, delivering a series of satisfying blows to the marauders as he did so. Morphing into their respective suits was eerie and horrible without Jason there to call out in his deep, authoritative yell, ‘It’s Morphin’ Time!’ or ‘Tyrannosaurus!’
It was salt in their still fresh wound.
But once again, Zack was unable to take the time to properly mourn or grieve or fully appreciate the gravity of their new rebellious resistance. It felt like a movie or a nightmare or a really bad bout with alcohol… anything but reality. He always half expected to wake up in his bed before school or in the Command Center with his head bandaged or being given some elixir to reverse a spell… only to be depressingly disappointed.
The Black Ranger had not one spare minute, not when there were issues to address such as procuring food, medical equipment, weapons, clothing, or other supplies, finding safe places to hide out, or constructing their new Coinless leadership. Trini seemed to come back to life when this was going on, drawing on tremendous inner strength and determination in their fallen friends’ honor.
They would slay the dragon.
But the spiteful prick inflicted more lethal wounds before they even got that far in their day to day considerations, operating from a primal survival mode as they cared for what people remained of Angel Grove.
Rumor spread that Rita was dead, killed by ‘her’ evil Ranger’s dagger. Whispers swirled throughout what remained of the city where a lavish palace was being constructed even as the surrounding landscape slowly regressed, unnoticed in the wake of Drakkon’s coup. Those with firsthand knowledge described Rita’s final moments, screeching at the tyrant about his ‘careless, short-sighted, and impertinent decision’. No one knew to what she was referring but rather than argue, Drakkon turned toward his Empress, smiled beatifically as he declared his entitlement to a ‘prize from his battle’, and casually drove his blade through her torso.
Death and loss followed the asshole like a contagious disease.
Drakkon took Billy from them, as effortlessly as blowing a girlish kiss, his Red Sentry blasting a gory hole through the Blue Ranger as he stood protectively before Trini, her morpher already yanked from her belt and being twirled in the tyrant’s long fingers. Zack had swooped in then, challenging the dictator after knocking the murderous Sentry from the bluffs overlooking the ocean.
“Well, hello again, Zackary…” Drakkon purred, his helmet slowly roving up and down the Black Ranger’s battle-damaged suit. “Tough breaks, hmmm? Looks like you’re down another Ranger. Too bad little Skullovitch wasn’t here to save his precious boytoy this time.”
“Fuck you, you cowardly piece of shit!” Zack screamed, calling forth his axe. “I’m going to send you back to hell where you came from!”
This bluster only made Drakkon laugh wildly.
“Look around, dumbass… We’re already there.”
A white and gold saber appeared in the tyrant’s gloved hand.
“I’m glad we’ve finally gotten the chance to chat again…I never had the opportunity to regale you with my little convergence of the twain… Jason’s agonizing death when he refused to submit…”
“Shut up!” Zack snarled, swinging the heavy weapon in a wide arc that Drakkon deftly dodged with a combat roll.
Giggling, the evil Ranger slashed his blade through the air in an arrogant display.
“I tried to be merciful, Zackary, for what’s it worth… a quick, painless snap of his neck… like a chicken in a barnyard or a bunny rabbit outside its warren. But he just wouldn’t hold still… until I beat that hard head of his like a punching bag.”
Grinning through his lies, Drakkon wished he could see the Black Ranger’s face as he made up the nastiest details he could imagine.
“I destroyed that disgusting red helmet and he still thrashed around like an animal in a snare, covered in piss when he lost control of his bladder and running into things because his eyeballs ruptured under my fists. It looked like raspberry jelly smeared down his cheeks… But I really thought that crack to his neck did the trick when he dropped like a ton of bricks!”
Roaring in fury, Zack charged again, locking his axe with Drakkon’s sword as the tyrant continued to fib.
“I reached down to take his coin, Black Ranger, and that silky little belly was moving up and down. He was still breathing, crying and begging for his ‘mommy’”, he sneered in disdain. “So, I did the kindest thing I could… I hacked him open and field dressed him like a deer, pulling his guts out while he tried to scream…”
His words were cut off when Zack’s fist collided squarely with the hybridized helmet, knocking Drakkon backward toward the drop off to the turbulent ocean below. The Black Ranger was too enraged to question the tyrant about some of the inconsistences in his gruesome tale, namely that if he had gutted Jason, Drakkon should have been painted with his scarlet blood instead of just what dripped from the Tyranno helmet.
“And Zordon got to witness the whole shameful thing!”
Zack’s vision misted over with tears, the vile meanness of what happened to Jason making him want to vomit. And that was when Drakkon ceased his possumy, demure antics and proceeded to maul the Black Ranger like a pit bull, a stunning about-face that left the teen reeling.
His Mastodon coin was savagely yanked from his belt, depowering him in a flash of crackling black light. Only the sudden interference from Kimberly saved him from a deadly blow by Drakkon’s sword, as the Pink Ranger’s arrow struck the tyrant’s leg, dropping him to one knee.
She’d overheard everything, every vile detail he had had spewed and after seeing Trini cuddling Billy’s mangled corpse in her arms, watching Zack’s helpless struggle, she could no longer hold back.
“You son of a bitch! I’m going to kill you! Gut you just like you did Jason, you sick fuck!” Kim screamed.
Reinforcements arriving vibrated the ground they cowered upon and time was up. At least for now.
Trini dashed into the bracken, her blood-soaked shirt clinging to her upper body and Billy’s Triceratops coin hidden in her bra. Zack foolishly snared Kim’s waist and hauled her off into the woods as Drakkon bellowed in pain, pulling himself to his feet.
He glared after the retreating former Rangers, then lifted his hand, waggling his fingers like a toddler.
“See ya later, alligator!”
The Mastodon and Saber tooth Tiger coins were clutched tightly in his palm, perfect additions for those clamoring for the opportunity to serve in his ranks. He grinned, satisfied he’d supplied enough nightmare fuel to keep Kimberly and Zack awake for years to come.
The loss of his coin, forcefully removed from his body instead of transferred to another, left Zack in the throes of physical withdrawal as he adjusted from the enhancements of the Grid back to a mere mortal human. His skin was clammy, drenched in sweat, and he suffered the shakes to the point he couldn’t even feed himself without help.
Not that it mattered much.
He vomited everything he put in his mouth anyway.
So, ultimately all he could do at that point in time was lay upon a pallet in a ramshackle farmer’s barn somewhere in the countryside, listening to the world go on outside its sun-faded red walls. Unable to get up, or sit up, or speak more than a few words at a time, even that was exhausting.
Zack had the distinct privilege of hearing Kimberly’s loud, enraged cursing, swearing, and threatening all manner of violence upon Lord Drakkon, rebuffing all who attempted to calm her down. Skull curled into a ball somewhere near the cow pasture, wailing and wishing death for himself at the loss of Billy as Bulk tried helplessly to protect him from his own hand.
Eventually, both the Pink Ranger and Eugene disappeared into the night some time down the road. Kim returned as the devil’s right hand warrior and Skull not at all, both to Farkas’s immense grief.
Loss after loss after loss after loss. A whole goddamn mountain of them. And Zack was unable to stem the tide. What more were waiting just around the corner? Who else was going to die?
Zack was still a child himself; they all were. He wished Jason were here because he’d know how to handle things. Then thoughts of his deceased leader coalesced into images of his brutal, bloody murder and then the teen couldn’t sleep for fear of closing his eyes.
He didn’t want to be strong, dammit! He wanted someone to comfort him, to take over, to make decisions, to be a fucking adult, to fix things, right all these impossible wrongs…
But there was no one who could mentally or physically extend themselves to another, as all were as depleted as he was.
So, Zack settled for what he could given the circumstances. He pulled a heavy, old blanket from some unknown room from wherever the fuck they’d ended up now and disappeared into the shadows. Wrapping himself snuggly in the scratchy material, he scrunched into as small a ball as he could manage, feeling like an egg in a nest or an infant being swaddled in his mother’s arms.
And from that cocoon of safety, Zack finally allowed himself to release the agonized tears he’d saved up beginning the day that Jason ‘died’.
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morninkim · 9 months
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Non-Canon) - Madame Drakkon & The Ranger Slayer
In another timeline, the Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was much, much less of a rise.
(Rise' World of the Coinless deets under the cut, i'm having fun)
In another timeline, Rita's attack on Grace Oliver left her severely injured and near death. This threw Tommy into a fit, which forced the shadow out of her body in an incredibly traumatic and painful manner. Desperate, she pleaded with Zordon to help her mother, but the White Light confirmed her fears. Grace was gone.
Unstable and still reeling from Rita being ripped from her body, Tommy would seek out where the shadow was hiding, tracking her down to an abandoned warehouse on the docks. She would witness the partial resurrection of Lord Zedd and barge in, demanding the Dark Spectre bring her mother back. The Spectre agreed, on the condition that the Green Ranger help him recover the other five Power Coins and reunite the Zeo Crystal.
Over the next few months, Tommy would slowly lose more and more of herself as she pursued more power and learned dark magic from a weakened Rita inhabiting the body of Dr. Finster. A final assault against the Rangers would see Jason attempt to combine the spectrum of the team's powers to become a White Ranger, only to be struck down by Tommy. She would claim the coins for herself, corrupting and forcing the coins into her own White Ranger form.
Zedd and Tommy, with their combined powers and now endless source of energy, would then conquer the Earth unopposed. But as more time went on without Zedd's promise fulfilled, the more Tommy began plotting to overthrow the Dark Spectre. She's be encouraged by Rita, now unable to leave Dr. Finster's deteriorating body and kept alive with salvaged parts from the destroyed Command Center.
As the last of Earth's defenders fell, Tommy struck down Zedd with the Black Dragon Saber, laying claim to his seventh Zeo Crystal shard and the planet and taking the name Madame Drakkon.
Years later, tired of her friends being captured or dying and at her wit's end, Kimberly Hart would decide today is the day Drakkon dies. But she would be captured, her mind taken over with a spell Drakkon had been perfecting for some time, and become her right hand with her old Power Coin as the Slayer Ranger.
Kimberly would later break the spell with the help of the Coinless Resistance, who'd been built by the combined efforts of Trini, Richie, Bulk and Skull. She'd then lead the Resistance against Madame Drakkon's regime, taking on the name Ranger Slayer as a symbol of her goal to slay the last Ranger on Earth.
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kimberlyannharts · 2 months
The worst part about this Jason stuff is like it’s definitely just to prop him up (for why?) like just have him pilot Tor or Titanus and call it a day
Also I don’t want to speak it into existence but based on the Coinless World’s history compounded with the treatment of prime Jason I’m really concerned about the fact that Slayer has the white tiger coin
For a comic that's obviously priding itself on bringing in something as obscure as the Power Eggs it's honestly ridiculous that we've never used Tor or Titanus ONCE in the main series. If not for their cameos in the Coinless World you would be forgiven for assuming they just don't exist in this continuity
As for Jason himself, I'm holding Melissa to her promise that Jason won't become a Ranger again and his arc is learning how to do good without morphing or whatever, but yeah, it's frustrating that we have to dedicate so much time to him in the first place when he should be GONE. I mean, ALL the Omegas should be gone at this point, but it feels like he's had more of an arc than Zack and Trini, as they've mostly just had what? Hints at their romance?
(And I don't want to see that coin used for anything but a White Ranger/Ranger Slayer combo suit, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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ranger-ribbons · 7 months
Not sure how to go about the headcanon things, but here's some for the comic timelines we both see and only got little hints at during Shattered Grid and Graphic One-Shots:
Eric Myers is not as big of an asshole as he was in the live action Time Force, or he never would have GIVEN Jen a hug.
Cam missed every single member of his team and his dad while stuck in Beyond the Grid, but was mostly worried that Drakkon got his slimy hands on his cousins when he saw a lot of the villains throughout the dimensions and timelines out on the battlefield.
Mia ACTUALLY learned to cook in the second month on Promethea when she lost her powers, because Tyler Navarro, Dana Mitchell, and T.J. Johnson were all there and all of them would have recognized something was not right when she didn't cook chicken and thought a Carolina Reaper made a great condiment.
Fun idea about the World of the Coinless: the Comic Relief or Secondary Characters are all badass and pretty much evolved like Pokemon when Drakkon took over. Fran got shipped to Pai Zhua with Casey when Skull finagled them out of the dungeons they were in for stealing bread and was given Orange, which made her perfect for dual combat in the field with RJ; Victor and Monty got found by Bulk trying to protect grade school children some sentries were bullying after curfew and turned out perfect to help out Trini and the first assault fighters in the field; Ben and Betty got split up during a bombing that killed their dad--with Ben getting picked up by the Coinless and taken under the wing of Rocky and Aisha, whereas Betty got caught by the sentries to be turned over to the Mastodon Division BUT got a final hour diversion into palace housekeeping because Adam is a big softie even if he can't stand up for himself. And so on~
Spike Skullovitch DOES NOT have a mother. Make of that whatever you want.
Animals still exist in the RPM universe, but are kept underground in a specialized, secondary location not terribly unlike the Son Doong Cave.
Cassidy and Devin are actually exceptionally competent when paired up with the Rangers in their high school to do literally anything; largely because the Morphin Grid sets up certain people to assist their Rangers from one team to another and these two were perfect. Though...for some reason they work 90% better with Trent than any of the Primary Rangers?
Orange is the rarest Grid Color and most of those who end up wearing it are female or have a lot of femme qualities and/or some form of mental illness.
When the Psycho Rangers were left to their own devices in the aftermath of the Psycho Path, Yellow never took up a different name and none of them ever went looking for the person that they used to be.
J.J. Oliver is a trans man and Anara is a trans woman and they're both pansexual. They go to Pride together every year and there is a MASSIVE betting pool on when they finally figure out they're basically dating.
Clare might be a massive klutz and Leelee might still be getting used to the whole being human thing, but both of them are the most responsible people in their circle of friends and family.
Sharing your headcanons is just sending me headcanons to enjoy/share with me, with I'm 100% down for. Asking me about mine is just asking me about headcanons surrounding specific teams or people. As a precaution, I haven't seen the comics at all.
I fucking love all of these!
Thank you!
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theorangerangers · 3 years
library au + Boom! Comics; The Coinless~
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there's six people in the picture so we're doing these six. also I'm not counted bullets so it's a numbered list
there's always been a different world in the mirrors of the library everyone knew that. it was not a world like there's but it was interesting all the same to look in the mirror and see the second library all the same
none of the librarians had chosen to be librarians they simply woke up one day dress in the robes that librarians wear in the town. some like to say the library chooses it's keepers
the library is at the edge of the town, towering over any other man made building. the building was always growing as well, Bulk knows they did not have a large print section, or road atlases of Istanbul from the 1890s when he was a child
something about the library protects the town, so it is a librarian's duty to protect the library with their life
skull was scared when he first woke up in the main hall in his robes surrounded by books on marksmanship and horse care. he wasn't librarian material you had to be really smart and read constantly and know everything or so he thought.
something lurks in the shadows at the edge of town it is dark and shadowy but it cannot touch anywhere the library's shadow reaches
Zach doesn't like to talk about it but sometimes he hears something out in that darkness calling for him. it scares him immensely whatever this creature could want with him
Trini probably spends the most time of all them being an actual librarian. she enjoyed putting the books back on shelves. she would wave to the other version of herself who sometimes would also be walking past with a cart of books. the younger version would often stop and show off a new book that had just appeared in the older's collection.
Bulk tended to have a much less friendly reflection who hung close to skull's, often making faces or trying to spark some kind of funny reaction out of him. he and skull avoided the mirrors where they could but ultimately ignore their doubles
Rocky probably behaved the least like an actual librarian. he woke up in the top room of the clock town, the highest point of the building that just keeps getting taller. he was in the classics section and had books on swordsmanship and war strategy. every knew the books given to a librarian their first time waking up in the library would the most important of their studies so it didn't bode well for him. as much time as he can away from the functional duties he has has he uses to practice with the wooden swords that are normally desplayed in the early mideveil section
Bulk had books on leadership and the tactical advantages of using a shield as a weapon when he woke up in the foreign language section
it bothers rocky to no end when he sees his reflection eating in clearly marked out 'no eating' zones of the library but his reflection being so much younger than him just gets a bit embarrassed but doesn't stop doing it
zach and his reflection tend to just shrug each other off. is it creepy that a younger version of himself seemingly lives in a very similar but still quite differnt version of the same library? yes. is there anything he can do about the fact that he doesn't have a reflection sometimes late at night? no. so it doesn't really bother him.
Trini started screaming because Rocky's reflection once showed up in a mirror she was next to and was stabbing some type of horrible lizard creature into a book. like the other zach had a blank book in his hands while the other rocky stabbed the creature into the book until it began to get sucked in. other zach slams the book shut, drops, and the creature is gone. the reflections pick each other up and leave trini alone to stare at the now empty mirror, her own reflection absent. she looks at the floor on her own side and sees a book that definatly was not there before and it was idenitcal to the one other zach was using.
Trini was a good librarian though. she picked it up and saw the title read "1001 wild activities to do with your friends" By Zach Taylor and Rocky DeSantos. huh.
the other didn't even hear her screaming because of how far away they had been. sound carries but not well enough in a place like their library
later when she was returning a book series that had been checked out by one of their more regular clients she walked pasted on of the many display's in the library to see the sword that the other rocky had used to trap the beast
none of them had ever known life outside the town the darkness that kept people trapped here was not to be taken lightly
Zach's books were on ax throwing and open communication when he woke up in the children's historical fiction section, more of a reading room with stuffed animals really. it was actually the first time anyone even knew that section and room existed, which also made it a pain getting to the main hall. since had not clue where inside the building he was
librarians are highly regarded in the town as those chosen to protect and teach the rest of the town but are also expected to live in the library and be relatively isolated from their families as a result
there's a loft above the fashion section with bed that match the robes everyone woke up in. being roommates might actually be one of the harder parts at times.
something about being in the library for extended periods of time changes the librarians. their first year or so they stumbled on their robes, got lost and constantly had to consult the MASSIVE map mural on the ceiling on the main hall and still write down instructions for themselves on how to get paces
rocky did not enjoy the day he had to make a sign with the words "due to technical difficulty the fourth floor is currently the sub basement and the scifi section is now in Quebec french"
the language thing Bulk was the first to figure out was the library rejecting books put back on the incorrect shelf and floors were the results of multiple books in incorrect sections
by the second year hand any of them a book and they could take it directly home. even into sections that hadn't been there before or had mysteriously moved themselves to the opposite side of the library without any of the rookie mistakes of their first year
Trini often wonders what happened to the librarians before their current batch.
she knew there had been a boy named Tommy who had honestly been kinda dick but had vanished a few years before by going into the woods after whatever was lurking out there and didn't come back
Zach remembered the kind old man Zordon who was perhaps one of their towns longest serving librarians who had helped him pick out joke books when he was a child
Bulk out of all of them pointed out they have entire rooms full of maps that show them places they've never heard of and can never go without the shadow of the library gowing far further far faster than before
Zach smetimes woke up in a cold sweat with a feeling that the walls of the library were almost hungry. on those nights he would track down any stray book carts in the halls and put away books until her felt better. walking past mirrors that won't show him in the reflection doesn't help though.
some of the halls are completely covered in mirrors and they can see the reflects full of happy people who wear clothing very differnt than that of the people in the town and so many of them skull thinks if they got everyone to stand shoulder to shoulder they could fit the entire town in the north-east-west-down hall (it twists a lot)
it makes kat wonder what happened to all the people those reflections could have belonged to in town
it boggles bulk's mind sometimes that, that whole hall could be filled and the others can tell him they still see a more people in the reflections in other rooms
sometimes the town has events in the library and the librarians basically have to make sure everyone who walks in also walks out when its over other wise they will spend hours looking for one random citizen who didn't think to ask for an escort to the section they wanted to go to or even bother to look up at the map
once the librarians all went outside when they heard a voice in the forest that seemed to go through the entire building
they didn't pass the threshold of the doors that lead out back but what they saw was a being of green mist laughing in a horrible sort of way daring them to construct him some paper prison. it looked almost rotten from the way it twisted and moved. it rushed the doors and they all jumped back but it slammed into an invisible force feild and could not enter before it eventually vanished
they went back in and considered how well any of them knew how to fight and what they had in book smarts versus street smarts on how to deal with that thing
something they all hate immensily about having to live in the library is also when they see their reflections in the bath room mirror because the scars these young doubles have don't match their own and it can be alarming to see
Kat spends a lot of free time reading. it's a library what else are they going to do
when kat woke up she was in the education section with books on archery and psychology
her reflection looked rather sad, she wondered if she had looked that sad when she was a teenager or it was just the look of the reflections that live in their library
kat hated the creature after the initial encounter no matter how much research they did on things that live in the forest and even the history of their own town.
the library could tell them anything but their own history, how tragic
any event that leads to most of the librarians out of the library is considered a secured and somber affair with formalities that without any mentor or history books to guide them were awkward and based off of child hood memories of hoe the librarians were meant to act until one day skull heard someone mention it's normal for there to be at least one older librarian teaching the younger ones
everyone in town had assumed they had a teacher and weren't just winging it
there hasn't been any threats to the town since the library appeared but something is wrong and they know that for a fact now
Trini tells the others about how she got a new book once from the reflections
Zach talks about the voice
they end up deciding that maybe the creature that called them last time might know something
they go to speak with it armed with weapons from around the library Trini gives Rocky the sword she saw his reflection use and hands zach a note book and asks them to trust her incase anything goes wrong.
Zach still has his axes, Kat has a bow and arrow, Bulk has a shield, trini had a pair of daggers and Skull had a weapon none of them had seen before which he called a sniper rifle and cocked it loudly as they made their way to the back door
the creature wasn't there this time when the opened the door. they stood awkwardly at the thresh hold. very few people went beyond the library and lived to tell the tail.
kat, skull, and trini all figure they can just run back if something happens and they won't go in deep
zach, rocky, and bulk think if whatever is out there has begun to effect what's in there they need to wait
eventually skull and the girls lose the argument and when they were about to turn around they heard a woman laughing in the forest
"silly librarians, you'd think by now you'd know the pen is mighter than the sword?"
their breathe caught in their throats as they saw her, a childhood friend who had become a librarian when they were younger. who vanished like all librarians eventually do
"kim?" Bulk asked and she laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed at them. "not anymore, but once. though you all are right about one thing." "what?" "times are changing, this building alone can't do all the work anymore" "can you help us?" "I'm afraid I'm past that point, i set foot in there and POOF" she mimed and explosion.
"can you teach us from here?" "Librarians shouldn't have to be warriors" "well tough kim because some freaky green thing is messing with all of our heads and we don't think it'll be too long before it goes after the townspeople" that shut her up. "you need to prepaire an evacuation,"
"to where kim we don't know where our town is?" "what do mena you don't know?" "like we don't know," "this is angel grove, we all grew up here," "but where is here?" "california?" "what's california?"
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multiverseforger · 3 years
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This version of Kimberly Ann Hart is from the World of the Coinless who (before being freed) had served under Lord Drakkon as a brainwashed Power Ranger, known as the Ranger Slayer. She is the leader of the Promethea Rangers. She is also the pilot of the Gravezord.
After the complete defeat of Drakkon, sometimes after the storyline Beyond the Grid and Necessary Evil, Kimberly became the new leader of her restored world, restoring the peace and undone everything what Drakkon destroyed.Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer
Character History
The Fall of the Rangers
As the Pink Ranger.The history of this version of Kimberly Hart parallels the history of her counterpart from the central timeline until events which creates the World of the Coinless. Kimberly fought alongside her fellow Power Rangers against the forces of Rita Repulsa and Lord Drakkon, culminating in "The Fall of the Power Rangers" battle that saw the deaths of Jason Lee Scott, Billy Cranston, and her world's version of Zordon. As a result of the battle, Lord Drakkon claimed the Tyrannosaurus, Sabertooth Tiger, Pterodactyl, and Mastodon Power Coins. Zack Taylor and Trini Kwan would eventually escape and form the resistance movement known as The Coinless.
Kimberly was also a member of the resistance helping get people to safety and running reconnaissance missions with Bulk. On one of these missions, she witnesses the death of her universe's Matthew Cook. This, combined with the other losses she has experienced, leads her to wage an attack against Lord Drakkon on her own. While she was able to defeat many Sentries on her own, she is eventually put under mind control by Drakkon using a similar spell as the one Rita used on him as the Green Ranger. 
Even though the Pterodactyl Power Coin was originally claimed with the others
Kimberly shortly after being put under mind control.and used to power Pterodactyl Sentries, the coin was returned to her and, combined with the new, evil energy of the Bow of Darkness, she is able to become the Ranger Slayer.
Shattered Grid
As the Ranger Slayer.After Lord Drakkon's defeat during the Black Dragon arc of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he was dragged back into the present day by accident; eventually getting captured and remanded to the care of Promethea and its CEO (and Red Ranger of the 1969 Power Rangers) Grace Sterling. Meanwhile, on Drakkon's world, the power structures were under revolt as the Coinless were making strides and Scorpina and her loyalists were going rogue; a situation exacerbated by the arrival of the HyperForce Rangers. In desperation, Finster 5 gave the last shard of the Green Chaos Crystal to the Ranger Slayer with the hopes that she could use it and the Gravezord to track Lord Drakkon and bring him back. 
Unfortunately for her, she arrived at a point when the Rangers were still new and long before Tommy Oliver ever arrived in Angel Grove. Desperate, she tried to contact Finster 5 but failed. It was then that Rita Repulsa arrived and offered to charge the Gravezord for her. Later the Ranger Slayer sent her Gravezord into downtown Angel Grove to draw out the Power Rangers, and while it attacked them, she sneaked into the Command Center with her Pterodactyl Power Coin. She used a Quantum Field Disruptor to disrupt Zordon’s brain and ripped off Alpha 5's arm. She then issued an ultimatum: If they cooperate and let her use the Command Center’s sub-spectrum long-range communication array, she’ll leave them all in peace. When Alpha 5 got defiant, she readied to brutally attack him but then was attacked by the main world's Kimberly Hart, who ordered her to keep her hands off of Alpha. In the ensuing fight, the main world's Kimberly managed to shatter the Ranger Slayer's Bow of Darkness and thus breaking Drakkon's hold on her.
Immediately, the elder Kimberly had PTSD flashbacks of what Drakkon made her do. To alleviate her pain, both Kimberlys went to the juice bar; whereas Kimberly's cousin Sally, she was overjoyed to see Bulk (who was a loyal comrade in the World of the Coinless), and conflicted by seeing Matthew Cook (whose counterpart in her timeline died in her arms). Eventually, Drakkon managed to contact the Ranger Slayer saying that she would be stranded a little longer as he is on the verge of breaking the Morphin Grid. When he asked where her bow was, he realized that she had broken his control and left her to rot in the past.
She returned to the Command Center to repair her bow and plot her next move by using an opportunity changing the fate of past-present Power Rangers, including that timeline's Tommy and Matthew. She uses an improved Green Crystal to revive the Gravezord to fight alongside the Mighty Morphin Megazord against two monsters, then implanted one of the crystal's fragments into her arrows to shoot past-present Tommy, giving him the vision to prevent his original future-present's fate without killing him. The Rangers managed to defeat the two monsters with Mega Gravezord's Inferno Blaster.
Final Battle Against Lord Drakkon
Immediately after the battle with the two monsters, Kimberly was recruited to the main timeline by Grace Sterling, presumably bringing the Gravezord with her, as it unmerged and dematerialized from the Mighty Morphin Megazord at the same time.
She takes part in a rescue mission to Lord Drakkon's moonbase in the World of the Coinless as the other Rangers are waging the final battle against Drakkon's forces. Ultimately, the rescue is successful, and the depowered Rangers who were being held captive are taken aboard the Promethea. 
She is aboard the ship as the World of the Coinless began tearing apart as space and time were wiped away. She observes as Andros tries to command the crew to teleport the Promethea base away and while the base manages to begin a teleport, it fades away into nothing as it does so. With no space or time to exist, once the multiverse was restarted, the Promethea re-materialized into existence and exited at a random vector from the teleport stream. While the Promethea has taken damage, she is seen, as the Ranger Slayer, helping to rescue the injured and trapped aboard the ship. 
Beyond the Grid
After the events of Shattered Grid and the recreation of the multiverse, Kimberly is aboard the Promethea as it drifts through what seems like a void in space. She is one of the few Rangers who still has the ability to morph, though she observes that she has few morphs left in her morpher, since where the group presumably has no access to a Morphing Grid.
She expresses a great amount of grief over her time as the possessed Ranger Slayer and contemplates leaving the ship. However, she is stopped by Grace, who insists that she is needed and cannot leave.
She is the de facto leader of the new group of Power Rangers (consisting of herself, Tanya Sloan, Cameron Watanabe, Andros, Mike Corbett, and Heckyl). She leads them on a mission to answer a distress call that is heard somewhere in the universe, though it is revealed that the call was a ploy to lure her group away from the Promethea.
Road to Redemption and New Heir
Kimberly Hart awakens after reality was reborn to find herself in a corn field on the World of the Coinless. Feeling regret from her dreadful actions as the Ranger Slayer, Kimberly regrets coming back to life in the new universe but decides to make the best of a bad situation when she hears riffle fire.
Nearby, a lieutenant Sabertooth Sentry fires her gun into the air and demands everyone get inside as part of a curfew under order of Lord Drakkon or be "re-educated" (taken away to prison). A Mastodon Sentry (with the rank of private) approaches and questions their somewhat extreme actions since they had been sent to protect the people and not recruit them with the lieutenant rebutting by stating that this amounted to insubordination and that being so sensitive would only come back to hurt him in the long run. Kimberly hid in the bushes and prepared to fire an arrow but a bunch of glowing green Red Rangers come out of the woods, attacking the Ranger Sentry patrol and killing the lieutenant. Luckily, Kimberly killed the leader with an arrow through the eye and cutting the rest down although the leader managed to escape to inform his mysterious leader of the Ranger Slayer's return. Taking command, the private unmasks and says he can escort Kimberly back to Drakkon's palace but she declined and told him to take the citizens to safety to which he agrees. Kimberly then walks into the woods before passive aggressively telling him to stay out of her way.
Later on, in the Coinless' hideout, Kimberly has arrived and reveals that she came back to help overthrow Drakkon's forces to Trini, Zack and Bulk. Considering that she had been a murderous enemy whilst controlled by Drakkon, everyone was understandably sceptical of her motives and Zack suspected that Scorpina's forces were about to attack and this was to lower their guard. Kimberly countered that she came back to answer for her mistakes but her former allies took um-bridge with her somewhat euphemistic language used since she was a war criminal. Trini even stated everyone present wished her dead and thought that they could take her Power Coin and create their own Ranger Sentries to counter Drakkon's but they'd have to take her out first. However, Bulk (ever the optimistic member of the group) came to Kimberly's defence and said he'd have to die with her much to Trini's surprise. Bulk countered that she had been brainwashed and couldn't be blamed and that they believed in second chances which made this argument somewhat hypocritical since they wanted a peaceful world but were unwilling to give their former friend a chance. by saying that they were fighting for nothing if they refused to help their friend coming to them for help since this was the opposite of the Coinless' goals. He then closed his soliloquy by saying that they needed her help anyway, revealing the mysterious Rangers to be the undead. Trini countered that they had no proof of their nature but Bulk pointed out their resemblance to "ghosts in body armor" with Kimberly stating she fought some earlier just for Zack to cut her off by saying how lucky she was to have survived that encounter.
Zack tells Kimberly that the Rangers had appeared some months ago and were so ruthless that they would attack anyone they encountered whether they were Coinless or Ranger Sentry before revealing that they had been tracked to the remains of the Command Center which Drakkon had destroyed before he took over the world. However, they had no clue what was inside since no one had ever lived to come back and report to them whilst Bulk tells them that Kimberly's presence gave them a fighting chance although Kimberly tells him that her actions had destroyed any chance of them trusting her. She then steps forward and offers her Power Coin and herself up for trial when it was all over but Trini just storms off, leaving the decision to Zack. He allows her into the organisation but reminds her that there was no way in safely but she had an idea.
That night, the so-called Spirit Sentries are patrolling the Command Center whilst the Coinless looked on and a shadowy figure wanted to go in alone which Zack refuses outright because he was done burying his friends. Before the argument could persist, call sign "Lion" told them to get ready to enter at which point the Gravezord (piloted by Kimberly and Bulk, the latter excited to finally get to pilot a Zord) flies in and bombards the Spirit Sentries. With the enemy distracted, the other Coinless enter the ruins where they notice a significantly more Gothic atmosphere to the place than before. They eventually entered what would once have been the main chamber, fully alert only to be confronted by Rita Repulsa. Zack was understandably struck dumb by her presence since Drakkon had killed her straight after the Power Chamber had been destroyed whilst Rita gloated about how they had outrun death for so long yet they had been forced to face it eventually. Zack told Trini to leave and Rita seals him inside the chamber with her to their horror. Zack tired to energy slash Rita to death but this failed since she was a ghost. She then referenced when she tried and failed to convince Zack to become her new Green Ranger which led her to recruit Tommy and eventually her death. She then threw him down, revealed that Trini was why she had returned from the dead, and declares that she will not hurt them because it would "ruin all the fun." She then turned to where the Gravezord was making mincemeat out of the undead and enlarges a resurrected Goldar who had now been reduced to a mindless snarling creature. The Gravezord mops up the last minions but is tore apart and destroyed Kimberly's Zord although her and Bulk manage to escape from it in the Firebird Thunderzord. Zack and Trini are shocked but Rita lets them go, convinced that they would no longer pose a threat to her as she prepared for the final attack after which she could then recreate the Earth to her own designs.
Later, the Coinless have regrouped at the Mastodon Warehouse where they were based but the organization had splintered since many had given up after finding out that Rita had returned. Kimberly walks over to Trini whilst revealing that Bulk was grieving over the Gravezord and Trini apologized for doubting her motives only for Zack to enter and confront Trini since Rita had revealed that his friend was responsible for her return. Kimberly was shocked but Trini rebutted that she was trying to save them all and made the assumption based on Zordon saying before that Rita wasn't truly evil. Trini had naively assumed that she could be redeemed but she was wrong and was too ashamed to admit it before. She reveals to Kimberly that, when Drakkon ruled, every alien invasion was quickly stomped out to the point of other villains such as Master Vile and Lord Zedd skipped over the Earth for fear of their own lives. With Drakkon gone, there was a massive power struggle over Drakkon's Empire and the various alien factions with Scorpina eventually coming out on top. However, the Coinless were caught in the middle of the fighting and were considered enemies of every warring factions so were getting subsequently wiped out. In the remains of the Command Center, Trini resurrected Rita as a ghost using her wand (which she stole from Drakkon's palace after the events of Shattered Grid) to try and defend Earth from the invaders. At first, she was amiable and hid them from detection but quickly turned on them and started resurrecting an army of the dead to invade and take over the world.
Understandably angry, Zack asked why she made a deal with one of their worst enemies with Trini's response hankering back to his earlier comment about hating to have to bury friends. Any further arguing was cut off by insane laughter from Kimberly who lightened the mood by wondering what Zordon would have said had Drakkon not have killed him. With the mood lightened, and Kimberly reminding them of their old days as a team, Zack wonders how they could save the world without their powers. Trini said they could destroy her connection to the mortal plain which would make her army disappear but to do that, they would need an army to distract the Spirit Sentries although Zack had a very bad solution to that. Sometime later, a Mastodon Sentry stands guard in the city when an energy arrow strikes near their head. They look at it and looks back to see the Ranger SLayer aiming her Slayer Bow at them and demanding to talk to Commander Scorpina.
Maybe an hour later, Kimberly stands before Commander Scorpina in front of the entire army of Ranger Sentries whilst the Coinless leadership stood in chains behind her. She talks about their former allegiances and saying that she wanted to save Scorpina and all of her allies from evil. Scorpina mockingly said it was inspiring but then revealed she didn't trust Kimberly's intentions since she was brainwashed whilst under Drakkon so had no actual loyalty to him so her act of having apparently captured The Coinless was just a ruse. Kimberly reminded Scorpina that she was just weakening the Drakkon Empire by being its leader and that she needed to act selfless in order to regain lost territory. She may have been Drakkon's brainwashed and unwilling slave but motivations and rivalries didn't matter because Rita Repulsa was coming and did not care about allegiances. Whether they were Drakkon's army or Coinless, Rita did not care and would butcher both in order to conquer the world and the only way to stand against her was together otherwise they would both be subsequently wiped out. Scorpina doesn't buy the "enemy of my enemy" argument and orders the Ranger Sentries to execute Kimberly for treason but they do nothing so she shrieks at them to kill the entire group. However, the Ranger Sentries apparently have more common sense than their leader and swore their allegiance to Kimberly which forces Scorpina to aid her enemy.
The next morning, Rita enters the city with Goldar and orders him to start demolishing buildings whilst ordering her right hand man to begin the attack on the city. Scorpina watches the advancing Spirit Sentry army whilst still having her misgivings about Kimberly's plan since she believes they were just prolonging the inevitable. Kimberly mockingly thanks her for the moral support before telling her army to fight with passion since this fight was for the entire planet and their loved ones before ordering her army of Putties, giant Zord like machines, and Ranger Sentries to attack. Whilst the majority of the forces clash in the remains of Angel Grove, Scorpina and Trini fight their way towards Rita whilst Scorpina reminded Kimberly that this alliance was meaningless. It was simply an alliance of convenience and they would return to being mortal enemies with their common enemy was defeated. They then spotted Rita floating in the sky and Scorpina, realising that this mighty be her final battle, admitted that the Coinless had proven to be a worthy enemy but Trini refused the backhanded insult. In the meantime, Goldar is still demolishing buildings and annihilating the Ranger Slayer's army but she calls in Finster-5's creation which turns out to be a hybrid of Lord Zedd, the Dragonzord and a lizard. The Zord is able to almost immediately overpower Goldar, taking him to the ground with an energy blast to the face and beating him to death with its bare hands. With Goldar gone, the battle begins to turn in the favor of the Ranger Sentries. Meanwhile, Scorpina confronted Rita, managing to seal her away once and for all. With their leader gone, the magic keeping the Spirit Sentries in the world of the living ceases to exist and they return to the underworld which saves the Earth for good.
Later that day, the two armies meet up inside Drakkon's palace and Trini tries to force a surrender in exchange for leniency but Scorpina refuses since she was the one supplying the soldiers who allowed for Rita's defeat. Trini then reminds her that they aren't her army which Scorpina rebuts since they were loyal only to Drakkon, not the Coinless and thus this was a means to an end for them in keeping Drakkon's empire secure. Zack tries to leave since all this arguing was just resulting in them spinning their wheels but Scorpina swears personal revenge until Bulk realizes that they needed a new common leader or they'd just tear the Earth apart in their never-ending war. Much to Kimberly's immense surprise, he suggests her as "the next Drakkon" and she tried to suggest he was joking only for the others to agree since the troops see her as Drakkon's successor and are loyal to her since she just won them a major victory. Scorpina is about to object but Finster-5 tells her it might be a good idea to have her as a placeholder of sorts until they could find a better idea. Kimberly tries to refuse it but Scorpina reminds her of her speech from earlier about the greater good and personal needs vs societal needs. However, she does say to Finster-5 that Kimberly needs to look more imperial and he has some ideas about that.
Sometime later, Kimberly was coronated as she says that they had survived an invasion by the dead and that, despite the fact that the Coinless and Ranger Sentries had different methods and allegiances, they both lost loved ones and they all had the goal of the common peace. She decides to forgive all past crimes committed and clean the proverbial slate. The Ranger Sentries now bow to her as she concludes the speech by saying that they had to fight to save the Earth together and that "today is a new beginning." The final page then shows Kimberly in the Ranger Slayer suit on Zedd's giant throne, wearing a Dragon Shield-esque chest plate and a headpiece.
After defeating The Anointed and would assist The Coinless in defeating Drakkon’s Army, that is now commanded by Scorpina. She would prove herself by successfully forming an alliance with Commander Scorpina to defeat a revived Rita Repulsa. After defeating Rita Repulsa, Kim would assume Lord Drakkon’s former role in a figurehead position. Kim’s first mission as leader would be to free all of the prisoners of Deadlock, including an unknown prison clad in armor who is eventually revealed to be Jason Lee Scott. After being ravaged by Eclipta after Jason retrieves the Power Coin and causing the Ranger Sentries to lose their powers, she gives up her own Power Coin so that the entire populace would obtain Morphin’ Grid powers to fight off Eclipta.
Video game appearances
Power Rangers Legacy Wars
Ranger Slayer in Legacy WarsKimberly, as the Ranger Slayer, is a playable character in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
Ranger Slayer in Battle for the GridRanger Slayer is one of the characters featured in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid. She primarily uses her bow as well as arrows and futuristic-looking bombs when she is fighting. She is voiced by Meghan Camarena.
Kimberly remained the same as her prime counterpart, but her story became far more tragic upon losing her world’s Jason, Billy, and Matthew at the hands of Lord Drakkon. This leads her to decide to work alone for the sake of her friends. Due to being brainwashed with the evil energy in the Bow of Darkness implanted by Drakkon, Kimberly is turned as ruthless as Drakkon. However, the only known remaining good side left in her is sparing the past-present counterpart of Matthew, to make sure he will never die as his World of the Coinless counterpart did.
After her past-present-day counterpart manages to unleash an energy blast that breaks the Bow of Darkness and clears her of her connection to Drakkon's magic and manipulations, she is left shaken and furious at herself for what she did under his influence. She is not truly the monster she was made to be, feeling an immense sense of personal accountability for the things that she was forced to do under the mad ranger's control. 
Due to her world's ruined state, she has come to appreciate the small things in life. While spending time with her past alternate counterpart, Kimberly took time to remind her younger self to take time to appreciate life's small trivial pleasures, such as days at her favorite hangouts, the goofiness of her friends, and even high school, as such small things is what the larger battles are fought to protect: the chance to live one's life and not have to fight for it. 
Due to having been controlled and manipulated by Drakkon for so long and having lost so many people including Jason, Billy, Matt, and many others, Kimberly defected, explicitly stating her intent to kill Drakkon herself. Due to the subtle undertones of Drakkon's conversation with her prior to the revelation that she is free from him, it is implied that Kimberly was made to be in a relationship with him against her will. Given the depths of Drakkon's madness and depravity, it is quite likely that Kimberly was coerced by him in such a manner.
Ranger Powers
Ranger CostumeThis is Kimberly's original Ranger form as given to her by Zordon through the Power Coin. Zords
Pterodactyl Dinozord
Firebird Thunderzord
Wrist Communicator
Power Morpher
Pterodactyl Power Coin
Blade Blaster
Power Bow
Even though she is using the same Power Coin as her original form, this form has taken on a new appearance.
Power Morpher
Pterodactyl Power Coin
Blade Blaster
Bow of Darkness (Sword of Darkness)
Gravezord - remains of the Power Rangers zords from the World of the Coinless
Solarix Morphin’ Energy Pterodactyl Zord - A remake of the original MMPR Pterodactyl Zord made completely of energy from the Solarix
Pink Solar RangerArsenal
Energy Bow
Solarix Morphin’ Energy Pterodactyl Zord - A recreation of her Pterodactyl Zord made completely from the energy of the Solarix
Behind the Scenes
Kyle Higgins described the Ranger as someone we have seen before, but not in this way. The clue to her identity as Kimberly was actually set up and somewhat foreshadowed early in the comics during the Black Dragon Arc.
Four out of five Rangers of the Mighty Morphin team were either dead or de-powered in the World of the Coinless as seen in the story: Jason and Billy were murdered by Lord Drakkon when he first got his fused powers, Zack and Trini had lost their Power Coins to Lord Drakkon but managed to survive as part of the resistance.
Up until the reveal at WonderCon 2018's Boom! Studios panel, readers assumed the Kimberly of the World of the Coinless was killed by Lord Drakkon due to the fact that the Ranger Sentries need the energy of specific Power Coins to be able to morph and her coin's powers were being used by the Pterodactyl Sentries. Adding to this ruse was the fact that Kimberly was never seen, except in flashbacks during "The Fall of the Power Rangers".
Kimberly's Solar Ranger suit was designed by Simone Di Meo.
This Kimberly shares some similarities as two prime counterparts of Tommy Oliver (original live-action and his 2016 comic book counterpart) (as a Green Ranger), such as being temporarily brainwashed, and began to redeem themselves in return while initially rather work alone for the sake of their friends.
Kimberly, as the Ranger Slayer, is a playable character in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.
She is one of the few rangers named by the accents in her suit instead of the main color, like the Gold Ranger from Power Rangers Zeo.  
Kimberly, as the Ranger Slayer, is playable character in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid. She also has her original MMPR Outfit as a secondary skin, which ironically both as flashback suit and worn by a different counterpart who shares a same character select slot.
 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 12
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 15
Go Go Power Rangers Issue 8
Go Go Power Rangers Issue 9
Go Go Power Rangers Issue 10
Go Go Power Rangers Issue 11
Go Go Power Rangers Issue 12
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 29
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 30
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid Finale Issue 1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 31
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 32
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 33
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 34
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 35
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 36
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 37
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 38
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 39
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 48
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 50
Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer Issue 1
See Also
Kimberly Ann Hart (2016 comic) - prime reality counterpart from the Boom! Studios comic timeline.
Pink RangersIdentities
Kimberly • Kat • Cassie • Kendrix • Karone • Dana • Jen • Syd • Vida • Rose • Mia • Emma • Shelby • Sarah • Amelia
Kimberly (alternate continuity 1995) • Kimberly (2016 comic) • Kimberly (alternate continuity 2017) • Chloe • Daniel
Secondary Rangers
Kimberly Putty • Putty • Kristen • Marie • Pink Shadow Ranger • Robo Cassie • Pink Creep
Psycho Pink • Pink Cyborg Ranger • Evil Time Force Pink • A-Squad Pink
Evil Pink Mystic Ranger • Evil Pink Overdrive Ranger
Power Sets
Pink Ranger • Zeo Ranger I Pink • Pink Turbo Ranger • Pink Space Ranger • Galaxy Pink Ranger
Pink Lightspeed Ranger • Time Force Pink Ranger • S.P.D. Pink Ranger • Pink Mystic Ranger
Pink Overdrive Ranger • Pink Samurai Ranger • Megaforce Pink Ranger • Super Megaforce Pink Ranger
Dino Charge Pink Ranger • Ninja Steel Pink
Pink Ranger (1995 movie) • Pink Ranger (2017 movie)
View • Edit
Power Rangers (Boom Studios) RangersJason - Zack - Billy - Trini - Kimberly - Tommy OliverThe 1969 RangersGrace Sterling - Nikolai Chukarin - Terona Washington - Daniel O' Halloran - Jamie GilmoreThe All-New Power RangersBritt - SergePromethea Rangers/Solar RangersKimberly Ann Hart - Mike Corbett - Tanya Sloan - Heckyl - Cameron Watanabe - AndrosPost-Shattered Grid RangersAdam Park - Aisha Campbell - Rocky DeSantosOmega RangersKiyaAlliesZordon - Alpha 5 - Matthew Cook - Ninjor - Dr. K - Amanda - The Justice LeagueTeenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesLeonardo - Raphael - Michelangelo - Donatello - April O'NeilMisc.Bulk - Skull - Ms. Appleby - Ernie - Mrs. Pruitt - Roger Hart - Helen Hart - Mrs. Kwan - Mrs. Oliver - Mr. Cranston - Mrs. Cranston - Violet Arias - Sam ScottEvil Space AliensRita Repulsa - Lord Zedd - Dayne - Goldar - Squat - Baboo - Scorpina - Putty Patrollers (2016 comic)MMPR MonstersSir Locks-A-Lot - Vixenya - Commandant - Vitruvian Man Giant - Black Dragon - Unnamed Plant Monster - Double Disastron - Karmadillo - Boarlock - Goth Sloth - Crowverload - Mr. Meowgi - Wizard of Deception - Psycho Green - Sheeple - Crystal Cryptid - Monsieur Muster - Mutant RangersGo Go Power Rangers MonstersFlog - Putty Infiltrator - Montaur - Rammerhead - Pudgy Pig - Megaputty - Stabasaurus Rex - Warbunny Shattered Grid and Beyond the Grid Power RangersLauren Shiba - Jen Scotts - Dark Ranger - Space Rangers - Ninja Steel Rangers - Carter Grayson - HyperForce Rangers - Mike Corbett - Ari - RemiWorld of the CoinlessZack - Trini - Saba - Ranger Slayer - Skull - Billy - Jason - Bulk - Aisha Campbell - Matt - Scorpina - Adam ParkVillainsShattered Grid: Lord Drakkon - Finster 5 - Ranger Sentries - Rita Repulsa - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - A-Squad - Psycho Rangers - Cogs - GrindersBeyond the Grid: PraetorIssuesMighty Morphin Power Rangers0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 -
42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55
Go Go Power Rangers1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32Mighty Morphin1 - 2 - 3Power Rangers1 - 2 - 3Annuals/Specials and Crossovers2016 Annual - 2017 Annual - 2018 Annual - Anniversary Special - Free Comic Book Day 2018 Special - Shattered Grid Finale - Back To School Special - Forever RangersJustice League/Power RangersIssue 1 - Issue 2 - Issue 3 - Issue 4 - Issue 5 - Issue 6Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesMMPR/TMNT Issue 1 - MMPR/TMNT Issue 2 - MMPR/TMNT Issue 3 - MMPR/TMNT Issue 4 - MMPR/TMNT Issue 5View • Edit
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augment-techs · 1 month
A sort of-kind of review for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Darkest Hour #118. Kinda. Spoilers below the cut, because this issue was...kind of impressive. Ish.
Due to @ikindamaybewanthertositonmyface bringing to my attention that I should really read the latest Darkest Hour issue, I have pulled a speed run and...have some feelings...
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I'm ALMOST 80% sure that this is Boom!'s way of saying that Coinless Trini is queer, for which we might all give infinite thanks. If she's not an old lesbian, she's at LEAST an old bisexual. Either is good and I will TAKE IT. Even if the implications moving forward aren't great.
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On the one hand, the Tommy & Rita team-up is something that does mean that maybe we the audience will get to see Rita grow into Mystic Mother of her own volition; but on the other hand, if Tommy goes down into the road to forgiveness and ACTIVELY tries to bring her into the light, I am going to be sick.
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Okay...I am more alright with Slayer Kim still having obvious Drakkon issues if it means Tommy gets to get tossed around like a ragdoll--but like, with good intention. This was kind of funny.
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I'm gonna say it: Trini actually looks really good in red. It FITS.
Also, one million points for giving both Trini/Zack and Omega OT3 shots for those in the fandom that multiship and just LOVE these babies being in shot together. I miss them as a unit. They fill each other out.
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....I imagine this is very much what others wanted to alert me to. And when I read it the first time I was over the moon. I made the most stupid fucking noise ever when I got down to Jason saying what these two DESERVE to hear. He's met their Coinless counterparts, he knows what they're capable of being, he is a leader and a shine can recognize a shine. But. Then I read it again. And again.
They are training to back up the Rangers if the fight comes to Earth and the fucking lava zombies come knocking. Zelya has just cast a very dark shadow of doubt and fear in their awareness of the Rangers knowing her and not being able to contact her. Bulk speaks the truth. Coinless Bulk is locked up for who the hell knows why with Scorpina and the others, and Coinless Skull is still missing in action AS a lava zombie.
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I am...so scared for them.
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skyland2703 · 28 days
Bingo Ask:
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Coinless Trini x Scorpina?
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World of the Coinless, ESPECIALLY Drakkon New Dawn and afterwards… made it quite BLATANT that heck yes, they were indeed together. I think I like the idea of Scorpina and Adam a lot, but in the aftermath of Adam’s death, I like to think Trini helped her GRIEVE. And THAT is what got me here :3 another pair of angsty bad bitches XD
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Character Ask: Grace Sterling Ryan Mitchell Coinless Zack Taylor
send me a character and i’ll list: @augment-techs Grace Sterling:
favorite thing about them: The fact that Grace doesn’t down and take shit, she moves forward, while learning from the past. She means well to the MMPR rangers and is trying to do what’s best, simply doing it in her own way.
least favorite thing about them: There are times where Grace comes off as condescending, but that’s due to the trauma from her first mission with her team and losing them bar Terona. I get where she comes from with Zordon and he views his failures, the loss of Jamie, Daniel, and Nikolai and the weight she carries due to those deaths. He carries the same level of blame and now there’s a team of rangers that are rangers? Yeah no dice there. 
favorite line: Her telling off Drakon like he’s a spoiled little brat that got caught and is grounded. 
brOTP: Grace and Nikolai. I think if the series continued, she and Nikolai would have built up a great BrOTP and Nikolai acting as her second in command as Billy basically does with Jason.
OTP: Grace Sterling/Jamie Gimour, Grace Sterling/Terona Washington, Grace Sterling/Terona Washington/Jamie Gilmour. 
nOTP: Grace Sterling x Any of the MMPR Rangers. 
random headcanon: Grace actually cooks her own meals, and does her own house work. She might have company and all, but she’s still a regular person. 
unpopular opinion: She needs to cool down a bit? I guess? I don’t mind that she ended up recruiting someone to be the Green Ranger, given the circumstances. But honestly, Grace, a teenager? Really? 
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them: Her turning to her team trying to prompt them to taking Zordon’s offer to head to the moon with the nod. Idk but I think it was a funny pic.
send me a character and i’ll list: Ryan Mitchell
favorite thing about them: Despite Ryan being raised by demons and all, immerses himself straight into the team and is trying to do his best helping them fight off Queen Banshera and her demon army, despite them taking him in and all. 
least favorite thing about them: The fact we never really got to see his knowledge about the demon’s and how being raised by them affected Ryan when transitioning to the human world or the consequences of trying to return to the human world after so many years. 
favorite line: “I don’t know if there’s any good left in me.” Idk but that line hits hard.
brOTP: Ryan and Dana. Brother and Sister dynamic for the win!
OTP: Ryan Mitchell x Carter Grayson. I feel like Ryan can help Carter out of his comfort zone, and help him have fun outside of his introverted nature. Plus I think they’d have a very romantic relationship. 
nOTP: Incest, Ryan x Kelsey.
random headcanon: Ryan is not the greatest with technology, due to his time in the demon world, he does possess a level of magic that does interfere and short-circuit technology from time to time. It’s gotten better over the years, but every now and again he blows up a toaster merely by touching it.
unpopular opinion: WIsh we got more scenes with him struggling in the human world and confusion on how human society works.
song i associate with them: n/a
favorite picture of them: Ryan smiling when receiving his Lightspeed jacket and officially becoming a member of the team.
send me a character and i’ll list: World of the Coinless Zack
favorite thing about them: That even in the World of the Coinless, Zack is still Zack. He’s doing his best to ensure the survival of humanity and trying to protect the people around him. 
least favorite thing about them: That he’s suffered so much and can’t seem to catch a decent break. 
favorite line: Zack snapping at Trini for bringing back Rita, without telling him and calling her out.
brOTP: Zack and Trini, Coinless Zack and Younger Zack!
OTP: Coinless Zack x Coinless Aisha
nOTP: Coinless Zack x Drakon, Coinless Zack x Scorpina
random headcanon: Doing weapon maintenance and basic exercises help calm him down, and re-focus on things. It’s the little things that he has control that reminds Coinless Zack that even though there’s a war out there, the smallest things can make the difference.
unpopular opinion: I don’t think I have one?
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them: All scenes with Coinless Zack are perfect~
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #7289: Boom Studios Red Rangers.
Row 1: Grace Sterling / Red Ranger [MMPR 1969], Jason Lee Scott / Red Ranger [MMPR Boom-GGPR] and Britt / All-New Red Ranger [MMPR: Pink]
Row 2: Rocky DeSantos / Red Ranger [MMPR: Pink] and Jason Lee Scott / Red Ranger [World of the Coinless]
Row 3: Eugene Skullovich / Tyrannosaurus Sentry [World of the Coinless], Lauren Shiba / Red Samurai Ranger [MMPR: Shattered Grid] and Andros / Red Space Ranger [MMPR: Beyond the Grid-Shattered Grid]
Row 4: Trini Kwan / Red Ranger [GGPR] and Ace / Supersonic Red [MMPR - Psychotic]
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ajgrey9647 · 3 months
Frantically checking them over for injuries after a traumatic event+ Matt Cook & Billy Cranston (any timeline ^^)
An Outsider Hiding Within
“No way, kid. It’s not going to happen…” 
Turning from the blinking console, Grace Sterling firmly crossed her arms over the white lab coat she typically wore when deeply embedded in one of her many ‘projects’. She claimed the garment helped to center her mind and to focus on the task at hand. Her face was stern, dismissive of any argument.
“Grace, please! I can help them! You can’t just…” Matt pleaded again, hating how he sounded like a small child. 
“Yes, Matthew, I can,” she interrupted, her tone icy and clinical. “The Green Dragon powers are still in flux until I can get them stabilized and there isn’t time. Lord Drakkon and his Sentries are vicious! You have no idea what that ‘Ranger’ is capable of, but I do!”
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Grace briefly closed her eyes, not wanting to recall the many conversations she’d had with the monster when he was chained in the bowels of Promethea. She’d had nightmares from what Drakkon had gleefully shared with her, hellish, brutal punishments and executions. He’d spared no detail, his eyes almost glowing with remembered pleasure.
It was almost sexual.
The older woman shook her head, trying to clear away the disturbing image. 
“Lord Drakkon is a sadist. I’m not going to get into the depraved things he said while we had him contained. Just trust me when I say there are worse things than death…”
“So, you’re just going to risk Billy and the others dying at the hands of this demon?” Matt yelled incredulously. “From what I heard, they were lucky the first fucking time!”
Lifting a brow at the teen’s language, Grace clucked her tongue.
“The Rangers have experience with Drakkon, experience you don’t have. You are still learning how to fight and, when your powers are working, how to utilize the Green Dragon energy. This isn’t a video game, Mr. Cook! There is no practice run, no extra lives, no going back.”
Running his hands through his thick brown hair, Matt grit his teeth before giving in with a scream of frustration. The sudden grip of a hand on his shoulder caused him to whirl around, his face twisted in anger.
Immediately, he found himself gazing into Billy’s crystalline blue eyes behind his wire frame glasses. The tightness gripping his chest eased, replaced by the tickle of butterflies fluttering about his guts. Hoping his cheeks weren’t as red as they felt, Matt took a deep breath.
“Grace is right, Matt. This isn’t the time for you to make introductions with the other Rangers, let alone Lord Drakkon. No one else is aware of what we’ve been doing here and finding out now could be a distraction we can’t afford,” the blonde teen explained gently. 
Matt lowered his eyes and glumly braced himself against a console.
“I’m afraid for you guys,” he admitted. “What if one of you gets…”
“Don’t speak it into existence, Matthew,” Grace snapped, her own traumatic past closing in on her mind.
Billy settled next to the new Green Ranger, his blue Triceratops helmet clutched in his gloved hands.
“It won’t just be us,” he offered. “There are other Coinless versions of us who will be assisting. Ranger Slayer, Trini, Zack, Bulk, Skull… And the Omega Rangers are going too. Rocky, Aisha, and Adam will be staying here in case there’s a monster attack.”
Matt sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat. He didn’t like it one bit. 
But there wasn’t a damned thing he could do about it.
Staying behind with Grace as Tommy, Billy, Kimberly, and the Omega Rangers ventured to that dark world was one of the hardest things Matthew had ever experienced. Those were his friends walking into the path of a mad man…
Well, the White Ranger was not a ‘friend’ friend. As the new kid in school back in the day, Tommy had been a huge fucking dick, mean as a striped snake, easy to anger, and vicious with his mouth. No one wanted anything to do with his ass, including Bulk and Skull and their fellow punks. 
More often than not, poor Jase sported a black eye or busted lip, sometimes even limping down the school hallways. The others in his friend group also had their turns in the hot seat, just not as often. Matt had tried to stay out of it, as Jason had insisted, until he just couldn’t stop himself.
That afternoon, during their shared lunch period, Matt had attempted to have a conversation with Jason about a class project they’d been assigned, but his friend was in so much pain he’d barely been able to talk. One hand curled protectively around his red t-shirt, guarding tender ribs. That was the last straw. 
Biding his time, Matt waited behind in the locker room after gym class, pretending he wasn’t watching Oliver’s progress as his football buddies changed and made their way into the hall.
“You checking me out, Mr. Football Superstar?” Tommy hissed, his head slowly swiveling in Matt’s direction. “Put your eyes back in your head. I’m not interested.”
“Oh, I know you aren’t interested in me, dickhead. And from the look of things, I should count my lucky stars,” the other teen hissed, voice low as he dared approach the surly, green-clad student. “I’m just here to give you some ‘friendly’ advice.”
Tommy rolled his eyes in annoyance, huffing loudly, and turning to face Matt.
“And what’s that?”
Grinning broadly, the jock leaned an arm against the cool metal lockers.
“Leave them alone.”
The corner of Tommy’s mouth twitched and a strange look washed over his face.
“Let me guess… You’re their guard dog, right? Protecting your little puppies…” 
Laughing darkly, he licked his lips deliberately, staring into Matt’s eyes intently. Then, the smirking teen sucker punched him, the blow glancing off his cheekbone and knocking his head around. For several minutes, the pair pummeled one another with Matt managing to get in a few lucky punches of his own despite Tommy’s martial arts skill. Fortunately, the P.E. teacher overheard the brawl and interceded, giving both fighters detention. 
Knowing the truth now, that Tommy was under a spell by the evil witch, Rita Repulsa, Matthew tried not to hold his previous behavior against him. It wasn’t always easy, especially when Kimberly started dating him. And it was weird how fast he and Jason became the best of friends.
But that was a good thing, right? It didn’t mean he wanted something bad to happen to the White Ranger, who tried to make amends and atone for his cruel actions. 
“Kid, you’re going to worry yourself sick if you don’t get your mind on something else,” Grace’s voice called over his shoulder. 
She stood at a control panel, monitoring several different screens at once. Pulling himself from the window, the Green Ranger moved to stand beside her.
“Easier said than done. What else am I going to think about?”
The former Red Ranger shrugged.
“Beats me, Mr. Cook… but wallowing around thinking about your friends isn’t helping anything.”
Staring down at the displays flashing at random as Grace manipulated the dials, he frowned. 
“What are you working on? What does all that mean?” he puzzled, trying to make sense of the data stream flowing through the monitors.
Grace couldn’t help a smirk. This particular project hadn’t been shared with anyone, not even Billy. 
“I suppose I can let the new Green Ranger in on my secret,” she teased, her eyes sparkling as they slid to his confused face. “I’m quite proud of this little guy.”
Pulling up a chair, she gestured for Matt to take a seat.
“You might not find this as interesting as Billy will, but perhaps you will…”
“As you may have been aware, Mr. Cook, Promethea was in possession of the illustrious Lord Drakkon, locked away in a secure holding cell deep within our facility. For a time anyways,” Grace began. “I had hoped and planned for his residence to become permanent, but I’m no fool.”
Flipping a switch, a large screen materialized into view before Matt’s eyes. Drakkon’s name was typed at the top with pertinent physical characteristics described below. 
“I knew there was ALWAYS a risk of escape with that one. And sure enough, he managed to find a way to worm his way free and return to the Coinless World.”
She chuckled, the sound contemptuous.
“But his ‘lordship’ was unaware that he brought ‘Scout’ along with him when he departed.”
Matt’s brow scrunched and he looked up at Grace, who stood at his shoulder.
The screen switched images and a blueprint appeared in place of Drakkon’s face sheet. The little robot resembled what Matt always knew as a ‘daddy long-legs”, the tiny mechanical body held aloft by eight wispy, featherlight appendages. 
“Scout is a ‘spatial collector of observations and universe tracking’. This one is specific to the Coinless dimension,” she announced grandly, excited to finally be able to share her invention. “During one of my many audiences with that arrogant prick, I kept him distracted so Scout could hitch a ride in his pocket. Just in case.”
Her face darkened.
“I knew getting him to revel in his psychotic storytelling would do the trick. That made the nightmares worth it.”
Pointing at the screen, Matt shook his head.
“But what exactly does Scout do?”
Patting the Green Ranger’s shoulder, Grace grinned down at him. 
“Once Drakkon crossed back into his dimension, Scout has been collecting a variety of information about the Coinless universe. Things like weather, topography, air quality, plant and animal life, which is laughable by the way. Microbes. All the nitty gritty. But the most interesting discovery…”
Again, the screen shifted, displaying a graph with a number of squiggly lines that Matthew didn’t understand. Noticing the younger man’s lack of comprehension, Grace sighed. 
“I forget I have to explain in greater detail for you than I do with Billy,” she grunted. 
Walking to stand beside the image, she pointed at the lines.
“From this data, I’ve learned that the Coinless Universe operates in a peculiar timestream. Basically, time is a funny thing, both within their world and between it and ours.”
Hazarding an observation and risking looking foolish, Matt spoke up.
“Aren’t they further along than us? I mean, Billy said the Coinless Rangers were older versions of the ones here.”
Tilting her head, the older woman tried to decide how to answer or explain such a bizarre phenomenon. 
“Sort of, Mr. Cook. For example, the Rangers have only been gone two hours per our time table. In the Coinless universe, that could be days, weeks, months. It…changes.”
Grace raked her brains to explain, but truthfully, the whole timestream was unexplainable. 
“For a time, it appears we were aligned with their world. But that changed when Lord Drakkon came to power. Something happened, something ‘not good.’ There are ways they advanced and ways that they reversed the clock,” she tried. “It’s not stable. One good ‘whack’ and everything’s screwed.”
Matt jumped up in alarm.
“So they could already be dead and forgotten and we’d have no way of knowing!”
“Settle down, kid. You think with all this tech I don’t have a way to at least keep tabs?” she laughed. “That’s a little insulting.”
Another image change and the screen showed glowing images of the Rangers in their respective colors. 
“See? All alive…”
Matt sank back in his chair with relief. So far, so good. But when would they be back? How would they know if there was something wrong besides being dead? 
Grace was right. He needed something else to ponder. He needed to trust in his friends.
“You know, I’ve heard Lord Drakkon’s name thrown around and how he’s this crazy asshole. But I need to know everything about this dude, Grace. What if he were to find a way back here?” he growled.
“I doubt Drakkon will attempt to cross back. He’s got his happy little kingdom in the Coinless universe and almost lost it. But again, I’m no fool. It could happen. He’s not the most mentally well individual I’ve ever come across.”
Returning to the image of Drakkon’s face sheet, Grace pulled up a separate tab. This not only listed the physical characteristics, but also his history, such as it was known and had been corroborated. In the middle of the page, was a photograph and this was what caused Matthew to cry out in surprise.
“You’ve got to be shitting me, Grace! Oliver? That’s who Drakkon used to be over there?”
Grace nodded. 
“Get comfy, Mr. Cook. You’ve had the cliff notes version of this monster. It’s time for a deep dive…”
By the time Grace Sterling had finished bringing Matt up to speed regarding the demonic Lord Drakkon, the young man was so stunned he couldn’t find words at first. His mouth moved as if to speak but nothing came out. 
Drakkon was the Coinless world’s Tommy Oliver. Damn but didn’t that make sense…
“What the fuck…” he whispered harshly.
Grace gave a sharp nod.
“That’s the understatement of the century, but you have to remember something, Matthew. Tommy is not Drakkon. He could have been, but he chose to join the Rangers. You can’t hold him accountable for the vile things Drakkon did in his world.”
“That might be hard,” the Green Ranger confessed. “I wasn’t Tommy’s biggest fan to begin with even after finding out about the spell. But it sounds like it wasn’t just the spell making him act like an asshole.”
“Tommy’s past is sad and full of abuse, so he easily could have been what Drakkon turned into. It’s very telling that he hates Tommy as badly as he does.”
“I guess…” Matt started, when a flash of blue energy blinded the pair. 
Shielding his eyes, the young man stepped protectively in front of Grace even as his brain registered that it was the Blue Ranger returning to Promethea.
And his appearance was jarring.
The blue and white of his uniform was scorched and torn, blood blossoming over the silk. His face was pale and streaked with tears. In his gloved hands, Billy clutched a thick leather-bound book.
“Oh my God! Billy! Shit! What the hell happened? Are you alright?” Matt cried, darting towards his mentor. 
Grace was right behind him.
“Billy! Where are the others?”
Struggling to catch his breath, the genius thrust the book at the former Red Ranger. He couldn’t bear to have it in his possession still. 
“He blitzed us… barely got away…” he gasped. “The others… at the Command Center… Told them I… had to get… here…”
Matt’s strong arms cradled Billy as he collapsed to the tiled floor, muscles shivering and heart racing. The Green Ranger quickly roved over his body, trying to assess the severity of his injuries. The special healing factor from the Grid had already started to repair the wounds and none looked to be life-threatening.
“Are they alright? Because you look bad, man…”
Billy nodded.
“Yes, but we all pretty much… look like this,” the Blue Ranger whispered. “We couldn’t end Drakkon… He’s still in power. Only he’s gloating and more riled up.”
His red rimmed eyes locked on Grace’s face and he pointed an accusing finger at her.
“Did you know about this? And don’t lie or mislead me this time! I have a right to know!”
The woman’s brow wrinkled as she briefly thumbed the pages, skimming the entries. Matt was too worried about Billy to give the mysterious book any consideration.
“What happened over there?”
Shaking his head vigorously, the blonde teen couldn’t find a way to begin explaining the explosive revelation they’d discovered in the Coinless universe. He shuddered in Matt’s arms and tucked his face in the Green Ranger’s neck.
“I failed! That’s what happened! I couldn’t fix it! And I still don’t know how… I should have found an answer! When it counted, I came up empty and he actually left with him!”
Matt put a hand under Billy’s chin and forced him to look him in the eyes.
“What are you talking about?”
Grace cleared her throat, catching their attention.
“I’ll need time to read this in its entirety, Billy. Drakkon enjoyed spending his time here discussing the sick things he carried out. From what I’ve been able to glean right here, no, I wasn’t aware of what really happened to him.”
“Who?” Matt tried again, annoyed at being left in the dark.
“Not now, Matthew. Billy needs tending to.”
And with that, she hefted the book under her arm and ducked through the automatic door.
Matt gaped after her a moment, then helped the Blue Ranger to his feet. Tears still flowed and dripped from his cheeks to dot the front of his uniform.
“I don’t want to talk about it right now, Matt. I… I can’t.”
Once he’d assisted cleaning and dressing Billy’s wounds, Matt gently tucked him into bed in one of Promethea’s sleeping quarters. He hated to leave him alone, but he needed to find Grace. She’d all but disappeared after departing with the book Billy had brought back from the Coinless world.
In fact, almost no one had seen her and he was starting to worry.
The Green Ranger scoured every inch of the facility before he thought to go outside. And that’s where he found her.
She was standing near a roaring bonfire, her back to him as he approached. There was something off in the way she stood and he was surprised when the woman blew a puff of smoke in the air.
She jumped slightly, trying to hide her cigarette.
“Matthew? What are you doing out here? Is Billy patched up?”
She gave up trying to conceal her vice and gave Matt a stern look, though her eyes were wet.
“Dirty habit. I gave it up a long time ago, but every now and then… Nights like tonight beg for one. Or two or three.”
She fished in a pocket of her lab coat and pulled out an orange colored plastic bottle that rattled slightly. Matt recognized it as a prescription medication bottle.
“Haven’t needed one of these in awhile either… Drakkon really has a way of bringing out your deepest fears.”
Within the flames, the young man realized that Grace had tossed the thick volume into the pit to burn. She took another puff of her cigarette and looked at where he was gazing. 
“What was that?” Matt whispered.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with, kid. Let this one go. Stay close to Billy right now. He’s your focus…”
She turned back to watch the book withering into ash.
“I’m not going to be much company tonight so why don’t you get back inside?”
Wordlessly, Matt nodded as he too watched the book disintegrating for a moment. Then he turned and made his way back inside Promethea and down the corridor towards where Billy was nestled.
Except from the sound of it, he wasn’t peacefully resting.
Racing the rest of the way to the sleeping quarters, Matt nearly broke the door down before it could swish open. The screams had been terrified and his chest tightened in fear.
On the bed, Billy was sitting upright, eyes tightly shut, screaming forlornly into the darkness. 
“Billy! Billy! It’s alright! I’m here!” Matt yelled over the din, hoping the teen could hear him. “You’re safe! You’re safe!”
“NO! Don’t go! Don’t do this!”
“Billy! Wake up!”
“We can help you! It’s not real! He’s deceiving you!”
Matt gripped Billy’s shoulders firmly and gave a few sharp shakes, causing the boy’s eyes to snap open. Reflexively, he pulled back, prepared to punch his attacker but the Green Ranger seized his fist and held it gently.
“Matt?” Billy gasped, looking around in confusion. “Where are we?”
“Promethea. We’re safe, we’re safe…”
Swallowing miserably, Billy burrowed into Matt’s arms.
“Will you stay awhile, Matt? I don’t want to be alone right now. I don’t want to keep seeing it over and over and over…”
Pulling back, he grinned down softly at the Blue Ranger.
“I’ll stay as long as you need me. All night if I have too. I’m here.”
He snuggled down into blankets, cuddling Billy close.
“I’ll always be here…”
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kimberlyannharts · 10 months
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So remember Drakkon?  Tommy Oliver if he sucked?  The only thing that kept the Power Rangers side of the main series interesting?  Well he’s back!!!!  He’s back and making new friends (Kiya, who wants to kill him) and reuniting with old friends (the Coinless Rangers, who want to kill him) to fight against Dark Specter, who wants to kill all of them.  Let’s see what wacky shenanigans they get up to in Power Rangers Unlimited: The Coinless!
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- remember what i said about this book having old woman yuri?  yeah.
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- not to be weird but I totally get Drakkon’s smile rn.  I would also be super happy if Scorpina was on top of me about to murder me
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- you ever get saved from street execution by your ex-wife and immediately start nagging her.  he’s such an asshole
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- ignoring how he sucks this is our first confirmation that the events of DND were important to this book (Dark Specter refers to this as the first world he conquered, so I guess the idea is it’s because he was summoned through the Deadlock opening) though Evil Andros isn’t mentioned or referenced in any way.  So I don’t know if he’ll be important later or if he’ll just be quietly written off as having been killed by this point
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- Kiya just doesn’t have the headspace to even try and figure out the weird anti-divorce dynamic being laid out in front of her and I don’t blame her.  Finster-5 gets more points for literally not even listening to them (he’s been dealing with them for over a decade) 
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- "keep zombie loved one hidden as a way to keep them safe and possibly get through to them even though it’ll inevitably come back to bite you in the ass” is an inherently gay trope
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- Honestly, between the White powers being unable to be split and Drakkon refusing to give up the Green coin, this is more respect for Tommy’s powers and more analysis of Tommy’s feelings towards them than the main series have done..................since Necessary Evil 
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- yes it sucks that Zack had to be the one sacrificed here but at least it’s giving him more narrative and emotional importance than he has in ages
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- and heyyyyy we got a little explanation of where the fuck the Triceratops coin has been these past few Coinless stories!  Trini had it and refused to let anyone else take it in order to keep Billy close to her.  Simple, but effective
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- CAN YOU TWO JUST...........................I DON’T EVEN KNOW.  KNOCK IT OFF
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- you know I didn’t think you could make Drakkon and Slayer’s dynamic even funnier but turns out what you had to do was add a bloodthirsty daughter who really wants to kill her horrible new dad 
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- oh.........i hoped you would be dead, tbh 
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- remember how I said in my one ask Drakkon and Slayer get pissed if the other gets hurt by someone else?  yeah.  
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- and yeah.  This one wins though for being probably the funniest sequences of panels in the book.  Just casually stopping the fifth attempted murder of your ex that day 
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- AND YEAH.  this one is just insane though
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- oh look it’s the sequence that made me want to chew through my walls at five am on a Wednesday morning
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- HE’S SO FUCKING PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  this scene was described to me as “he said ‘it’s all yours’ to Dark Specter but apparently he meant everything except Kim” and i just GHRHGHRHGHRGHRHRH  
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- [sobbing] old woman yuri
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- tfw you acted like a dick to people grieving a lost loved one the entire book but now it happened to you and it fucking SUCKS
so yeah obviously I hate that Slayer was captured and is more than likely going to end up possessed this entire event BUT looking at it from a story perspective 
a) Slayer’s too popular and too crucial to the Coinless World for her to be killed off.  She’ll be back
b) If they’re going where I think they’re going with Drakkon’s development here taking out Slayer is the way to do it.  That page in particular was very clearly setting up that this is meant to hit him personally and possibly be the moment where he finally “wakes up” in a sense 
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