#Yandere ROTTMNT
oleander-nin · 2 days
For the sentient bot au (rottmnt)
How would they react if their darling was able to crochet? Like every time they we’re watching the show, they’d be a little distracted with making a plushie or a piece of clothing. Would they be jealous that they aren’t paying attention, or if they bring them to their universe would they ask them to make something for them?
A/N, not important: This was super cool to write because I do a *lot* of needle work lol. I knit, crochet, sew, embroider, etc. I did headcannons for this, mostly because I didn't know how to write this as a proper fic and it's easier to get back into the groove. Apologies for my absence(and the fact this was requested back in September of 2023). Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me. - Ollie
CW: Stalking, being watched without your knowledge, sentient show characters, obsession, yandere themes, dark themes
Words: 849
Summary: You crochet, oblivious to the constant eyes on you.
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He thinks what you do is absolutely charming. Whenever the screen flickers and they can gaze back, he loves to watch you work. He admires the deftness of your craft, even going so far as to see if he could pick it up too. He sees it as a great way to bond. Whether he succeeds or not in picking up the needle work as well doesn’t matter much to him. He’s just delighted you’re a fellow artist in your own right.
He loves to design patterns for blankets or create his own unique stuffies for you to bring to life. He wants to bring his own touch into your work, to try and intertwine the both of you as much as possible. What better way than to combine your hobbies?
Obsesses over what you make to see if he can figure out what you like. He’ll take note of the colors you use, of whether you kept what you’ve been working on or gave it to a friend, or even sold it. He’ll see if you make more stuffies or sweaters, whether you prefer blankets or hats. He’s internalized every choice you’ve made, from the yarn fiber you prefer to where you most often work on your hobby.
Watches you in interest. He finds your hobby interesting and calming. He loves seeing your fingers curl around the yarn and how your hook moves so smoothly. It’s almost soothing to him, so much so he’ll do anything to keep watch. Home security system? Donnie can find a way to weasel his access from just your streaming devices to every electronic in your vicinity. He wants to keep an eye on you, and see what else you create.
Keeps a lot of knitted and crochet works for you to try and match what you have in your home. He’ll collect sweaters, blankets, stuffies, pillows, and anything in between that happens to be made via needle craft. He wants to make the lair seem more at home to you, and what better way then to find every sensory pleasing work he can?
Glad you have a hobby so you’re distracted while they work on bringing you ‘home’. Having you so focused on your work, while at times hurtful, makes their plans to cross the interdimensional barrier a lot easier. The less you pay attention to them, the more they can plan. Of course, once you’re actually in his arms that’ll change. He’s not fond of being ignored.
He’s ecstatic about it. He thinks it’s incredibly cute and uses it to solidify his image of you being some soft, fragile soul. He’ll internally coo and croon over you whenever they’re able to look back at you, eyeing your newest project with interest.
Raph has a lot of respect for your craft, especially since he’s tried to knit before. He hopes you’ll be able to teach him and let him work with you. He can hardly wait to snuggle next to you while you explain the steps to him.
He can’t help but hope for you to make him something when you’re finally able to come ‘home’. He wants to add your personal handiwork to his collection of stuffed animals. He’ll put it on his top shelf where no one can mess with it, only taking it down to cuddle on special occasions. It’ll be his pride and joy, something for him to treasure immensely.
Wanting to make it easier on you, he’ll start looking for patterns to give to you, some for when you’re finally with them and some for Donnie to nudge in your direction online. He’ll find yarn and hooks, creating a giant collection just for you. He wants to show you his love, show you that he can give you everything you need and more.
Thinks it’s sweet. He can’t help but view it in a cutesy way, no matter what you make. He sees it as part of your charm, knowing you at least have a hobby to keep you busy when he’s away. He just can’t help but wish you wouldn’t do it when you’re supposed to be watching him.
Leo wants you to pay more attention to him. As much as he adores your hobby, he despises how you only seem to do it when you’re watching them. You never give him your full attention, never have your eyes on the screen for the entire time he is. It makes him seethe inside. He’ll make sure to fix that habit once he has you in his arms though.
He always feels a bit bitter when you give something away in front of them, knowing he’d never be able to hold that piece himself. He wants nothing more than to hoard what you make. He can’t help but assume whoever you gifted something to is taking advantage of you. You shouldn’t give away your handiwork, especially when you could save it for him! He plans on finding everything you’ve made when they’re finally able to break the barrier between worlds to take you.
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i @rottmntsimp
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yanteetle · 6 months
My brother made this edit 😭
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I LOVE THE EDIT HELLO?? Have this humble animation in return, and say hi to your brother for me, I found the edit very amusing :)) ❤️ (I had this animation for a few months but Ive given up on trying to finish it, so theres some messed up frames here and there. Either way, please take care and have a nice day!)
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f1oricide · 8 months
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Taglist: @itsyagurlchip (if u want to be added, lmk in the inbox or comments)
KING BOO DONNIE!!! I kinda rushed this but I think it looks great :)) I am SO tempted to draw the tongue but I know better than to give y’all heart palpitations <3
Idea created by: @gal-with-pastels
And inspired by: @lexiechr @sweaterrat
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pianocat939 · 8 months
I mean one positive is that if someone mistreats MC they could just go to Mean girl Donnie and suddenly that person's reputation is in the negatives and they are kicked out of their clubs and stuff-
Tw: degradation, Donnie’s basically a toxic tsundere, supposed to be comedic
“Why are you moping around like that? Come on, I have to get this robotics project working here!”
“…Sorry- I just, something’s been bothering me today.”
“Oh? What is it? Some dumb favourite character of yours died?”
“No. A friend of mine just said something really hurtful to me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh never mind, you don’t need to-“
*drags MC by collar*
“Huh?? Wait what?”
“WELL? WHO SAID THAT? Ugh, I swear, I’m gonna burn that imbecile for making me look bad-“
*Aggressive marching and heels clacking intensely*
*The next day. MC finds out the person has been expelled from clubs and has a bad reputation instantly*
“…I- that was a really terrible way to handle it. But, thanks…I guess.”
*Donnie’s smugly smiling*
“Aren’t I just so wonderful~? Be grateful you’re mine.”
“Uh yeah…Now can I go home?”
“Ugh, obviously not! We need to finish that project because of your slacking!”
(Mean Girl Donnie would absolutely kiss tf out of MC’s face everywhere when they’re in private. And be smiley and giggly)
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0mysticmidnight0 · 3 months
Hey so how do you think the rise boys would deal with a crush who finds it difficult to open jars, they experience this for the first time: crush literally tries everything but it never opens and crush gets to a point where they are just like “I’m gonna nuke this thing”. And the boys open it so easily and crush hugs them out of joy?
Hmm. This is cute! But i added a personal spin! I hope you don't mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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-You were in the Lair and you got hungry so you grabbed a jar of (Any food) While you're trying to open it, Leo grabs a chair and sits on it while he watches you. -This confused you, you had some difficulty with the jar, using basically everything in you saw. To knives, forks, spoons and the table.. -He watched you, laughing and making jokes at everything, teasing you all the way. -You finally sighed and grabbed a drill ready to end this. Leo grabs the jar before you could wreck the kitchen. Then Leo grabs the jar, and easily opens it. Your mouth stood agape. You smiled and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!". -Then you paused. "YOU COULD'VE DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIME?!" and he just laughs and places his hand on your shoulder.
"Now where's the fun in that?"
-Mikey was walking pass the kitchen when he saw you.. "Hey, you're-" You cut him off. "I can't talk right now, focusing." -Mikey keeps trying to tell you something and you keep cutting him off telling him you're busy. You used every tool in your arsenal, it wouldn't open. -"Why won't this thing open?!" you yelled as you tried using multiple utensils, counter tops, etc.. -You groaned in defeat. "This is impossible.". Mikey grabbed the jar and opened it. You hugged him tight then You gasped. "Wait, how?!"
"You were turning it the wrong way.."
-You went in the kitchen and got a jar and tried to open it, Using basically the whole kitchen. The whole kitchen was a wreck. A messy wreck. -You had lost hope. Until you remembered Donnie made you 4 in one can opener. You ran to your bag and tried it.. It broke.. You just stood there. Feeling like all hope is lost. -You put the jar on the counter and started cleaning the kitchen, once you finished a tired, sleep deprived Donnie enters the room and open the jar on the counter, adding whatever was in it to his sandwich and you stood there.. -You hugged him. He didn't seem to mind, as he uses his metal arms to hug you back.
"What happened to that can opener i made you?"
-He probably offered to open it for you but you refused. -You just continued to struggle with everything, You tried everything! Then you saw Raph kicking and punching a dummy and you stared at the jar, then at Raph. -You continued to try and open it. You already refused Raph earlier, it would be embarrassing to ask now. -You gripped with all your might and you finally gave up. You walked over to Raph and asked if he could open it. He did it with ease. You smiled and jumped at him, hugging him or tackling him with joy.
"Ya' shoulda' told me earlier.."
I Hope you enjoyed!! Have a great day/night to you all! From: MysticMidight
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umbrella-show · 4 months
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Yandere Vampire Mikey short
This was inspired by @yanteetle wonderful vampire Mikey art :) THIS IS IN NO WAY ROMANTICIZING OR APPROVING OF A ABUSIVE OR TOXIC RELATIONSHIP Warnings : Nonconsensual touching (nonsexual), brief mention of blood.
◤ ☆🦇 ˚🍷₊ ✞‧✧ ◥
Your stomach was tied into a sickening knot as your captors arms were firmly wrapped around your torso, hugging you tightly. His face was buried into your shoulder, his slow breathing the only sound in the room. Your entire body was stiff as you sat as still as a statue on the floor. A large blanket was draped over both of your bodies, though it barely kept you from shivering whenever he touched you. He suddenly moved to nuzzle his head into the side of your neck, a satisfied hum coming from him when you didn’t fight him. It wasn’t like you could, or wanted too after how upset he got when you did. Especially today.
Today was not a good day for him, and all he wanted was to cuddle up with his lovely partner. Maybe watch some Jupiter Jim or Luo Jitsu as he cuddles you. Or maybe doing something more productive, like art or cooking. Even though eating normal food didn’t do much for him anymore, he just wanted something that would involve spending time with you. At least, that’s what he wanted to do with you when he came back from patrol with his brothers. Except, you weren’t as compliant as he hoped. Sure, you were never fully compliant when it came to his hugs and giving you affection. And he somewhat understands why you’re so rowdy. He did trap you in the sewers, under the city you had grown up in, and was basically isolating you from the outside world. But you should have been happy that it was him doing it. Your best friend. Your lover. Your everything. Instead, you insisted on fighting him. Grimacing when he gave you a kiss on the cheek. Squirming when he tried to hug you. It wasn’t fair. He gave you everything. He made your favorite foods everyday, he spent quality time with you. The whole reason you’re safe and sound in his home is because he cares and loves you. You never did this the first couple of months of when you two were together. You used to love his affection, his touch, his love. Now you were just being selfish. You didn’t appreciate how much he did for you. So sometimes he had to force you to accept his love. Like what he was doing now.
His cold and hard plastron pressing uncomfortably against your back as he hugged you tightly. You could feel the cold scrape of his fangs on your shoulder, making you flinch. A slight giggle came from him when he witnessed your reaction.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt to have just one eensy weensy bite right? After all, I’ve been thirsty all day while being out on patrol.”
His hand came up to slowly run through your hair, the action doing nothing to soothe your stiff figure as you felt his breath against your shoulder. He gave your shoulder a gentle kiss before opening his mouth and sinking his fangs into your it. You harshly flinched as you felt the skin break, feeling the uncomfortable sensation of your muscles painfully burning from the stress of Mikey’s bite. He was obviously trying to make this as agonizing as possible as he continued to feed until you felt dizzy and nauseous. Time felt like it slowed, seconds feeling like minutes. Your vision swam when he finally brought his head away to lick your blood off his lips, watching with interest as instinctively leaned back against him for support. His arms tightened around you as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you soon fell unconscious from blood loss.
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helpfandom · 6 months
nervously taps you on the shoulder
Hi, soooo uhhh if you're comfortable with topics like these, could you write the yandere ROTTMNT boys with a reader who has PTSD-?? (If you do groups/team-ups, then I'd like this to be one) Platonic or romantic, whatever you want :D
Flinches at the sound of a door opening in a room they're in and at yelling or loud noises, tears up when they're yelled at, gets nervous when someone looks angry or upset, and is terrified of pain. Very affectionate, but doesn't cross any lines, kind, soft, sensitive and compassionate. Projecting? Who, me? ..Yes, actually-
I read the rules and I didn't see anything about stuff like this, so I'm guessing it's alright with you? If it's not, I am terribly sorry, and you can ignore this ask! If it's not against your rules, and you want to write it, take your time! (*´▽`*)
I love you for reading the rules! Thank you for being nice, and as I asked the other anon, would you like an anon name?
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They all interact with you differently, but a few things will be the same, so it starts with the same activities they do, and then delves into the characters.
Similarities: They all recognize that this is what you have, and would never make you feel bad about it, but Donnie is the one who realizes first, seeing as he placed a tracker to track your mood and heartbeat, noticing how you flinch at little sounds, and the like. They all wish to find out who caused this to you, and why this happened to their little sibling, however their way of removing that being from your life is quite differing.
Raph: Raph is more babying than his typical Yandere counterpart, and often finds himself speaking softer and more vulnerable around you, trying to show you that it's okay to be vulnerable, and to tell your brothers friends what happened.
Leo: Leo is a lot more comforting, and a lot less cocky than he would be around a typical darling. He creates a tiny little space for them in his room, and lowers his voice rather than his typical scream/yell voice, for he doesn't want to upset you.
Mikey: Mikey is a lot more willing to cross edges or lines he wouldn't find himself crossing with a typical darling. He finds himself a lot more angry and more clingy, wanting to assure you that the person is gone now and to trust your brothers.
Donnie: Donnie is one of the most normal [aka the most like his typical yandere counterpart] and is more technologically giving, putting microphones on things you own to find out why, and finding out triggers [something that Raph and Leo forgot to do] to eliminate them from your life, and to make their home a safer space for you.
No matter what, you just need to trust your brothers!
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mimastuff · 11 months
Sooo do you think if the rise turtles had a human or fluffy mutant so when it’s cold and snowy and the heatings not working, do you think they’d brag to the other turtles that their s/o is their own personal oven and their brothers should be jealous? (Donnie messages them to brag about this rather than speak it in person. Probably locked him and his s/o in his lab so Leo can’t fuck with them in revenge). Also can I get something on s/o offering their turtle cuddles in bed cuz s/o is 100% fine and their boyfriend are freezing?
Thank you for this request!! I really love this one Ilysm <33
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Ice cold
You met the turtles through big mama. Let me explain. When big mama asked the turtles for help and they set off for the task, you were called into her office. You knew this wasn’t good. As you sat down in her chair you could feel all her eight eyes on you.
“Hello fluffy-poo I have just sent some turtles out to do a curtain job for me. I want you to help me capture them when they get back here. Understand?” You froze. You didn’t like her plans you only stayed here because you had no place to go to. People hated your kind. Mutants. Well you were actually a yokai. A very fluffy yokai. “But big mama I don’t really wan-“ you could barely finish before she interrupted you. “Are you disagreeing with me? After all I have done ! I gave you a place to say , your my best fighter you know. I want you to do great things fluffy-poo don’t you get that?” You looked down and nodded. You felt sick helping her , but she gave you a place to stay when no one else would. She’s the reason your probably not dead right now. As the turtles came in you took the ooze-squitos from the red ones hand you couldn’t help but listen to their words. “She’s…. Adorable” *your turtle of choice* whispered. You smiled at you contemplated giving the green coloured bugs to big mama. Her smirk to you and signal meant you now had to try and capture them. The two body guards moved towards them and the turtles, they could fight !! Pretty well. As they got thrown onto the floor you held off the guards. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING Y/N , I have you home and I can take it!!” You pushed the guards away and knocked them out one by one. The turtles watched in awe as you fought so well ! As you fought the last guard you ran the turtles to help them up. You turned on the elevator and pushed them inside. “Go , get out of this place ! It’s not safe for you. I will take care of big mama.” They gave you a sympathetic look as they all ran to the elevator. The orange one turned around to see you smash the glass bottle of the ooze-squitos and sent big mama into a hissy fit. You turned around to see the brothers running to you as big mama tried to strike you. You ran with a confused look on your face. “We can’t just leave you in here with her, not after you just saved us” you smiled and thanked them. You all moved into the elevator going down to your room to grab your stuff. You only came last month so you still had your suitcase full of things. You Grabbed it and ran with them. Suddenly the blue turtle seemed to have met up with you guys and gave you a questioning look as you ran outside the hotel. The 3 brothers explained what happened and they all took you to their lair. Later that day you met April. Who happened to be your childhood best friend! You two bonded quick and she soon let you stay now at your guys apartment. But , one of the turtles really caught your eye. And apparently you caught their eye as well! You two started talking and now you’re dating ! He loves your fluffiness and your warmth ever since winter came around…
- he would absolutely love it
- He would text you to come over just because he is cold
- He would be a bit scared about you catching on his spikes but you prove him wrong
- Because your so so fluffy you couldn’t even feel the spikes!
- Cuddle and Jupiter Jim marathons in the winter are to die for
- Also I see him coming up behind you while your doing something and just brushing his face in your fluffiness
- In his eyes , your his personal heater during those chilly months
- When you come over when it cold he would brag about how no one else will get warm because he has his own heat pack
- You!
- They would all roll their eyes at him but once you two get to his room , you two are not coming out soon
- You love it due to your fluffiness being too much warmth so he is the perfect temperature to cool you off while he gets warmed up
- He would carry you around just so he can be close to you and feel the heat!
- in my opinion he is the coldest turtle out of the four brothers
- Once he actually realises that your a walking heater
- He will none stop cling to you
- He is just walking around freezing when he sees you cooking
- Mikey would climb your back just to get a piece of your fluffy warmth
- Cuddle sessions after a mission are amazing
- He would always fall asleep on your chest
- The brothers would soon catch on to what he was doing
- The clinginess seemed a bit too much for mikey
- They felt your fur and soon became aware of Mike’s little secret
- He was the coldest turtle by touch , but with you he felt as though your heat could lull him to sleep
- Would defo go on the brothers group chat and brag about how warm he is
- Especially when it snows
- That boy is all over you
- He loves you very much
- omg
- This boy.
- When he finds out your secret heat
- He is all over you
- He would send photos to his brothers of you two cuddling captioned “you guys feel that ? Oh yeah sorry would that be the cold because I definitely can’t 👹”
- Leo would wait at your apartment freezing as ever
- When you walk through the door he is sweet talking you to the couch
- He is smooth , ngl 😩
- He would set you on the couch and fall asleep on your chest floof
- ok , so you have two options
- One take a pic and use it as blackmail
- Orr you can leave him be
- Because he is not going to get up anytime soon
- Sooo get some popcorn because you are in for a long ride
- He would run up and hug you just to feel your floof and heat
- He is physical touch depending
- So you two are a total power couple
Donnie 💜
- as he spends the most time in his lab
- It’s is naturally cold in there
- Soo he did the next best thing
- He has a heater in their
- But one time
- During New York’s biggest snow season yet
- After a huge explosion in his lab
- It broke his beloved heater
- As he sat in his lab
- Inevitably waiting his cold doom
- That’s when you walk in with some hot coffee
- You see him on the ground shaking
- His body Aches for warmth
- You help his get up onto his seat
- You instantly know what to do
- You put the coffee on his desk
- Which he thanks you for
- And sit in his lap
- At first he stiffs up, but when you tap your arms around him he gives in
- He finally felt warmth for what felt like the first time ever
- He hugs you back and falls asleep with his head atop of yours
- Now , he texts you a secret code to indicate he wants warming up
Hope you guys enjoyed this one
Phew ! Another one done !! Keep the requests coming !!
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Yan!Rottmnt find you sleeping in their bed
A/N, not important: Told you I'd get out more this week. I figured out a system to (hopefully)stop me from burning out as quick. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: watching you sleep, implied kidnapping, yandere themes, Raph overthinking and slight babying, unconsentual touching(nonsexual)
Words: 961
Summary: The Yan!ROTTMNT turtles find you sleeping in their bed, and they didn't even have to bribe you for once.
He’s surprised at first.
You’ve been fighting him on this for so long, despite him trying to reason with you. You hadn’t even touched his bed of your own volition so far.
And yet here you were, curled up in between pillows and blankets and the small rabbit stuffie Mikey had given you when he first met you.
He doesn’t touch you at first, opting to silently watch from a distance.
Has the biggest grin on his face as he coos at your sleeping figure, admiring you.
In his mind, this was a step forward to you accepting him, to you loving him.
Depending on the time of day and what Mikey was doing/how important it is, he’ll either get in bed with you and cuddle you while trying not to wake you, or he’ll sit on his desk and watch you as he draws.
Mikey hushes anyone who walks by, making sure his loud brothers don’t disturb you.
Until he wants your attention.
Then you’re getting dragged out of bed, an excited Mikey holding you in his arms.
You can always sleep later, after all, you obviously don’t care about sleeping in his bed anymore.
Don’t fight it, he knows you better than you know yourself.
Knew about it as soon as you fell asleep.
Is a bit miffed, especially if you didn’t wash before getting into his bed. He’s big on cleanliness, and will not stand for you making his bed all gross. He has to sleep there too, you know.
If you didn’t wash up first, he wakes you up and makes you go take a shower/bath first, taking the sheets to be cleaned and replacing them with spares as you do so. Drags you back to bed once you’re done, you don’t get a choice now. Plus, if you're so eager to sleep in his bed dirty, you’d enjoy it even better now that you’re clean.
If you were already clean, he leaves you be for now, having SHELLDON keep an eye on you to make sure nothing goes wrong while you sleep if he’s too busy to do it himself.
If he can spare the time however, he goes into his room and sits at his desk, being able to work while still being near you.
If he’s done with his work and is feeling up to it, he’s crawling in with you, collapsing on top of you and using you as his pillow. You’re soft and warm, you should’ve expected this to happen.
Gets pissy if you fight back, considering you most likely awoke when he flopped on top of you.
You should be grateful he’s showing you such kindness, he can always make you sleep on the floor.
Overall, he is quite indifferent about it. He doesn’t need you to sleep in his bed by your own volition, he can always just make you. Thinks nothing of it as you should be doing so anyway.
Very pleased with you.
Seeing you sleeping under the covers of his bed of your own volition, just as he wanted you too was so comforting to him. He almost melted at the sight of you surrounded by his various plushies, one of the bears being held in your arms.
The problem lies with his anxiety, however.
You are currently in his bed, alone. If he leaves, you could get hurt. What if a plush falls on your face and suffocates you in your sleep? What if he leaves and you roll off the bed, breaking your neck? What if you have a nightmare, and he’s not here to comfort you?
Despite what he was doing prior, he drops it to watch over you, not trusting you to be safe on your own as you sleep. There were too many things that could go wrong, too many variables that could lead to your suffering.
No, he had to stay with you, to protect you.
It’s what he’s here for after all.
He tries to stay away for as long as he can hold out, watching you from the opposite end of his room as he sits on the floor, just silently staring.
If it gets too much for him, seeing you there all cozy paired with the worry he has for you, he’d crawl into bed with you. He tries his best to not wake you up, simply depositing your body on his plastron as his arms wrap around you.
Freaks out if he wakes you up by accident, shushing you and trying to coax you back to sleep. You need your sleep after all.
This man’s ego raises so high, you have no idea. Is incredibly smug for the rest of the day(unless you do something wrong after you wake up).
See’s this as a win, thinks you’re finally giving in to him. Takes a photo to commemorate the memory before walking over to you.
Depending on his mood, he’ll either slip into bed with you, or sit on the bed next to you and just watch you while you sleep, enjoying this small step towards your reciprocating love.
No matter what, he drops whatever he’s doing to stay near you, not caring how much his brothers fuss at him.
If he slips into bed with you, he’s full on wrapping his arms around you and clinging to you like he’s never felt the touch of a lover before. Absolutely milks it.
If you wake up from his movements, he just shushes your complaints, refusing to let you go now that he’s with you.
You’re the one who was here first, why do you want to leave now?
Is very proud he’s finally making some progress, he knew you’d come around.
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yanteetle · 8 months
Do you have any more yan!Raph sketches you'd be willing to share? 👉👈
Because like idk how to describe it the way you draw him is just so cuddly and omg my sweet slightly insane baby-- 😔🙏
(No pressure or anything sorry if this comes off as kinda demanding!!)
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sure thing! I have a few Raph sketches that I don't really plan on finishing, so I may as well dump it here :)) I love him so much I need to draw him more <33 I loved the idea that before kidnapping y/n, he'd made a plushie of them and knit cute little blankets and outfits for them while kissing the mini yn plushie goodnight and tucking them in bed. He's just a little guy, tootally not capable of murder or anything :D
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f1oricide · 9 months
Hi would it be alright to request yandere Donnie singing stalkers tango by autoheart while forcing reader to dance with him please
since we all know he’s a theatre kid who likes to dance XD
Love to see what you come up with ^^ also I love your art it looks amazing!
“You’ll never meet another me~”
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All while I was listening to the song too, hope y’all like it :>
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pianocat939 · 1 year
I stumbled across your blog, and from one writer to another you make excellent work. So I bring you this.
*sips tea*
Three words:
In the episode “Down with the Sickness” there’s a stage where the patient becomes very and I mean VERY affectionate, (it was the Captain Cuddle-Cakes stage if I remember correctly) I rewatched the entire series and I couldn’t stop thinking about this when I watched this episode.
Like imagine them getting all needy for affection and attention while the reader is taking care of them. The shenanigans would be unreal.
You started to sweat under the hazmat suit still confused as to how they managed to get anything done in these things. For once Donnie’s insistent medical procedures came to your rescue, because all four of the turtles managed to come down with the infamous “Rat Flu”.
You remembered how the illness came with several stages, one of which being the Must-Say-Yes stage (as Leo called it). If you could manage to not get sick, you could finally be free from this nightmare.
“What is it Leo?” You groaned, somehow the slider managed to be more needy while sick.
“Can you come into my arms so I can be whole again, Mi Vida?~”
It was going to be a long day
- 🫖 Anon
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I shouldn't be taking this since requests are closed but um
Tw: MC gets hit into a wall but no major head injury, forced cuddles at the end-, mostly turtaleles begging for affection
Sickly in Love
Ok, so the five of you are trying not to get sick with the rat flu. With only the biohazard suits made by Donnie as your only protection.
So far, everything is great, until Leo decides to be a little idiotic and not keep his suit on. Which ended in him getting ill.
He's locked in the quarantine area with his only companion an empty space. He complains endlessly about the heat, which is ironic considering he's a reptile.
And before you know it, he hits stage 2.
While the others go off and attempt to contain Splinter, you're stuck with a red-eared slider who is absolutely in love with you.
"Mi cariño~ won't you come closer? I want us to hold hands." He calls, his palm scraping against the plastic barrier.
"No, Leo. You might infect me if I do." You retort, scrolling through your phone.
He pushes himself against the temporary wall harder, wanting to be closer to you. "Oh but if I infect you, we can cuddle and give each other love!”
“Mh yeah but the group might need me so…No.”
Leo whines in response, clearly unhappy with the situation. He can’t help it! He wants to be held and adored by you so desperately! He longingly stares at you through the transparent cage, the urge to cry swallowing his entire being.
Just then, Donnie barges through the tunnel or rather thrown. He lands clumsily on the floor, a bit shocked by the impact. He groans in pain, rubbing his arm.
"Quick! Get 'em in there!" Raph commands, carrying Mikey in one arm. He then dashes off, escaping from the murderous rat behind him.
You lightly guide Donnie to the containment area, unsure of what else to do. Right before you open the zipper, he snatches the end of your sleeve, his eyes narrowed in disbelief. "I am not sick thank you, I just happen to- achoo!" He's interrupted by a high-pitched sneeze, his body hunched from the sudden action.
Skeptically, you move an eyebrow muscle; unamused by his statement. "Mh yeah, let's get you inside." You reveal the entrance, gesturing for him to enter.
Once he's inside, he shivers, rapidly rubbing his limbs. "Ugh, it's freezing in here..."
Leo snickers from a distance, pointing a finger at him, "That's the first stage kicking in!" He turns back to stare at you, hearts practically floating from him.
"So...Who would you rather have as your significant other, me or Donald?" Donald Duck Leo inquires, still pressed up against the barrier.
"Ronald McDonald. This situation is only getting worse."
"Wha- EXCUSE ME? I'm obviously the better choice than some ketchup clown!"
As Leo rages about how he's the superior one, Donnie stops shivering, his eyes blank. He glances up at you, holding his knees to his chest. He rocks back and forth a little, seemingly pondering about something.
"Donnie? You good?"
"Did I ever tell you about the time I hacked into your enemy's bank account? I took vengeance for you." He smiles slightly, tapping his feet against the floor.
"I- what? Who?"
Donnie breaks out into a psychotic grin, emotion waving through him. "Your enemy~ The ones who hurt you!"
"The fact you're grinning either means you're really happy or a maniac. I'm scared it's a mix of both."
"Why wouldn't I be happy? I protected you from those evil, disgusting heathens!"
Offended, Leo hisses, "Donnie back off! They're mine, you weirdo nerd!" He claws at the plastic, wanting to engage in a fight with his brother.
"Please no. Leo, don't hit the 3rd stage I'm begging you."
And as if things couldn't get worse Raph walks in, his walk agonizingly slow. "Ugh...Gettin' sick is not fun."
You frown, realizing the situation is much direr than expected. "That means Mikey is the only one left. Maybe I should leave to go help out." You ponder to yourself, grimacing a little when Raph collapses into his little chamber.
“No! You’re not leaving me! You’re staying right here with me!” Leo pounds against the transparent wall, angered by the statement.
Donnie whimpers, “What? No, don’t leave me! I get anxious if you do!” He taps his feet faster than before, his stims taking over.
“But if I don't go help Mikey, then you guys will have no chance of getting what you want!"
"Y/n, you listen to me right now. I don't care if we won't win if it means you'll stay. Now come here before I try to destroy everything." Leo hisses out, stomping his food and starting to hit the flexible barrier, trying to break it.
You look in the direction where Mikey is dealing with Splinter and back to Leo and Donnie who both stare at you longingly: one of aggravation and the other of fear. You can't deny, their faces make you want to calm them down so you sigh and sit next to their individual quarantine enclosures.
"You guys are seriously going to be the death of me..."
The two turtles only chirp and churr joyfully as they sit as close as possible to you (while still in their enclosures).
"Sweets! C'mere! I want snuggles please!"
You hear Raph exclaim as he motions for you to come closer to him, and you form a slight frown on your face realizing that Raph has already advanced to the 2nd stage in such little time.
"Raph, you know I can't. You're contagious."
He makes dejected whines from his throat as he presses his face against the wall, pouting with puppy eyes.
"No, sorry Raph-" But you were interrupted by Donnie who sneered at his elder brother, "Stop it. You're making me want to gag at this lovey-dovey affection you're begging for." You give a short, small glare at the scientist, not enjoying his sudden cruelty. Looks like he's forwarded to the 3rd stage.
"I don't care...I only care for cuddles and kisses from you sweets!" Despite Donnie's harsh comment Raphie seems to bounce right back up and ignore him, which was quite unusual for the watchful turtle. For a split second, you look at Leo's area and notice he's sleeping on the floor soundly, occasionally letting out a small snore.
"Hey, hey! Your attention should be on me! Not him!"
As you were about to turn your head back to the big guy, a sudden weight crashed into you, slamming you against the wall.
"Agh!" You yelp, wincing at the throbbing pain in your head that came soon after you were hit. "What the..." You were then met with the youngest one, Mikey, snuggling into your abdomen with a grin on his face.
"I love you so much, my divinity!"
And before you know it, all four brothers are surrounding you (Leo somehow woke up out of nowhere) with smiles so big it's unnerving.
"We all love you so much,"
"And we think it's best~"
"If you stayed with us forever,"
"So that you can always be happy!"
You then find yourself in an enclosure of your own, except this time it's not for quarantine; no, your enclosure was their arms that wrapped around you so tightly, not letting you escape for freedom.
This was sitting in my drafts for a long time so I decided to just finish it and get it over with- so the ending might be rushed. Apologies.
- Celina
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0mysticmidnight0 · 3 months
Ooo!! The disaster twins, pls!!
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Of course!! I've seen plenty of these fics and they were amazing! Hopefully you'll like this!<3
~Yandere Donnie and Leo headcannons~ -These two are one if not the MOST dangerous Yanderes.. But as a duo? Now they are twice as powerful and twice as hard to escape.. -They will bicker a lot and have a few fights but that doesn't mean they won't instantly team up when you try to escape them. -Leo is the one who you think is laid back and casual until you look through his chill facade and realize he might be more overprotective than Donnie.. and THAT'S saying something! -When the other is busy, the other one would cover for them. They take turns sleeping with you. (NOT IN THE SEXUAL WAY) and take different shifts watching over you. -You mean so much to them! Don't expect to get away so easily..If they both have to go on a mission, prepare yourself cause you're coming with! on rare occasions.. Or they could lock you up in your room till they get back. They always choose the second option of course. -Donnie is the type to install cameras, speakers, trackers and all that jazz everywhere in your apartment and he can easily just hack in to the security cameras of the places you frequent.. -These two are very overprotective and very dangerous. They could kill someone and Donnie would erase any documents about them like they never existed..while Leo portals the body to nowhere- -But they wouldn't hurt you! If you were obedient.. If you tick them off or make them very mad you might have a few bruises.. it's just to make sure you know your place.. -Would have a BUNCH of rules! and a bunch of punishments that come with if you were to disobey any of them.. -In any case, they would be very strict.. It's for your safety. They will show you affection.. forcefully. Cuddling and kisses without your consent.. Let's just say bruises won't be the only marks you have on your body.. WOOH! that was fun for me to write! hope you enjoyed, i apologize for how short this is!! From: MysticMidnight -
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theangelcatalogue · 3 months
Gender-neutral !☆
Romantic !☆
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★ -> He feel for you when him and his brothers fought with you and P/N (That's mean Partner name,you can see it romantic or friendship)
☆ -> And after you two fight and you tease him a little,he is in love,oh god....
★ -> He is delusional,he thinks you are a good person,that you being forced to do everything you do and that you are asking for help while fighting
☆ -> He blames it on P/N,he thinks P/N is using you,manipulating and forcing you to act like that and doing everything you do,so he always will try to convince you manipulate and guilty trip you(he says to himself that is for your own good) to be on his and his brothers side
" I know that P/N is forcing you Y/N! You don't need to work for/with him anymore! "
" Come on! I hurt you and your brothers and you think i am a good person? "
" I know you are asking for help,i can help! "
" Gosh, you are kinda delusional, uh? "
★ -> He won't would say delusional, he knows you are a good person nop you are just a villain lol
☆ -> He is obsessive, he knows everything about you
★ -> Fight style? Yup! Favorite food? Yup! Favorite color? Yup! What do you said to him in their second fight? Yup! How? Maybe he already stalked you and heard your reunions with P/N...
☆ -> In the middle of your two fights, he would say things to make you join his side, resume?
★ -> Manipulation and Guilty trip!
" Look, you can join us! I know P/N is forcing you! But i- I mean, we can't help you! Set you free! "
" Pls Y/N i know you are a good person...! "
★ -> And when he sees P/N he focus more on him than you, like if he wanted to destroy him
☆ -> And he wants! He is the motive you are like that! When P/N be gone, you will be free
★ -> Because everything he is doing, is for you
☆ -> He already said about for his brothers, April and Splinter, did they understand him? No.
★ -> But he does not care! One day will you be in his side
☆ -> On the lair, on the good side, where you belong.
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NOTES || ★
✮ Tbh i dind't watch Hazbin Hotel,but Lute and Adam's designs are ✮
✮ and a person said that i could use these two in this hc,so here we are ✮
✮ Leo could be more delusional and obssesive than Donnie,omg(?) ✮
✮ Idk just remember of drink water and take care of yourself ✮
✮ Thanks for reading! ✮
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helpfandom · 5 months
heyyo!! love love LOVE your work,,, you are soso good at what you do, brah!! praise, praise for one thousand years!! /ref
what do you think about yan rise (ROTTMNT) boys with a reader that's stronger than them??
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/\ Me fr when I got that compliment\
They definitely take it the wrong way when you say that you're stronger than them, but after you prove it, Donnie becomes suspicious, whereas the others are in awe of how you beat 4 mutants in a strength battle [More specifically Raph]. Donnie begins to wonder if this is because of trauma [because he's paranoid], and the others are a little more careless around you. In most of their minds, strength = ability to take it, however...
If this ends up in being a glass cannon scenario, once you have been hurt, and you can't take it. Then their minds are changed and they must keep you safe.
All in all, it would take longer for them to become yandere, seeing as they don't feel such a need to protect you, to make sure their little sibling is safe.
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yangoodomens · 6 months
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Yandere!Rise Leo x GN reader
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CW: implied kidnapped
•°•°•°•°•《The beginning of forever》°•°•°•°•°•
I breathed in, trying to keep myself calm. I was going on a date, but not just any date, THE date. I have been friends with the Turtles for years now, and I wouldn't be lying if I said I had feelings for one of them, and he finally asked me on a date. 
I looked in the mirror one last time. I looked good, my [outfit of choice] was clean, my hair was neatly done in a [style of choice]. He had mentioned I didn't need to dress up, we weren't going somewhere extremely fancy. 
I hear my phone go off, I look over to see Leo's contact, a message displayed on the screen.
💙Blue boy💙 - Hope you're ready, ill be there in 5! Can't wait to see how Pretty/Handsome you are! 
🌸Y/N🌸 - I am, im really excited Leo, see you soon! 
Almost on cue, I heard a knock on my door. I took one last look at myself before I head down to greet him. Opening the door I see Leo. He wore a casual white collared sweater and jeans. He smiled as he saw me. "You're stunning", he praised, as he hands me a bouquet of light blue flowers, with a small shark plushie in the middle. 
A small giggle escaped me as I took the bouquet, "Leo, you didn't have to," I said to him. 
He smiles "I wanted to, you deserve it". He extends his hand to me, "ready to go?" 
I smiled, "Of course". I took his hand and walked with him. This day was going to be the best. 
We finally got to the place: a giant aquarium. He guides me in, and we start to walk around, pointing at all the pretty fish and sharks, laughing at the funny animals.
We walk into a underwater glass tunnel, As I walk through the mesmerizing aquarium tunnel, my senses are overwhelmed with the ethereal beauty that surrounds me. The vibrant colors of the coral reefs and the graceful movements of the exotic fish create a visual spectacle that transports me into a different world. The gentle sway of the water and the soft lighting further enhances the surreal atmosphere, casting a calming spell on my soul. The tunnel provides a unique perspective, allowing me to feel like I am swimming alongside these magnificent creatures, witnessing their elegance up close. It is a truly enchanting experience that leaves me in awe of the wonders of the underwater world.
I snap out of my amazed state to point to a turtle looking at lei, "it's you." I smiled stupidly as I joked. I looked at him, being met with him staring at me, "what?" I asked in a joking tone. 
"while the beauty of the aquarium tunnel catches the attention of all who pass through, your beauty passes even its amazement. Your vibrancy and grace fill my heart with an awe that no man-made wonder could ever match.", he longingly murmurs. 
I look at him, my face flared in a blush, "Leo..." I say, he cups my face, kissing my forehead, as he says, "I hope I make you half as happy as you make me." 
We finished our date. As he's walking me home, we chat and joke. I never see the glint in his eyes. We made it to my house. I kissed his cheeks as I said goodbye, starting to walk to my door. 
He grabs me, covering my mouth with a damp rag. I cough as he holds it to my face. I am getting dizzy. I hear him whisper in my ear as he pulls out his odachi sword and makes a portal, 
"There are plenty of fish in the sea, but you're the one for me. Sleep well, mi tesoro. "
°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•《End of story》°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°
Hope you enjoyed
- Jett
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