#Yandere bakeneko
How the AU Shiggys cuddle you
(Shigaraki kick lately)
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Naga Shigaraki: MF is touch starved so expect loads of snuggles and cuddles. He uses his tail as a blanket, he bundles you up like a burrito then proceeds to gently massage your body. His scales might be rough and flaky but it’s a somewhat comfortable experience.
Wolf Shigaraki: He’s a fluffy pillow, he happily snuggles up with you and likes having you close to his stomach and tail. Also, get under his chin and happily bleat like the lamb you are, Shiggy will brag and might do the happy zoomy.
Bakeneko Shigaraki: This kitty boi loafs on your chest and/or your lap, he loudly purrs and nuzzles your cheeks. He also rubs on your back, on the rare occasion, MF makes biscuits.
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Bakeneko!Kunikuzushi x Fem!Reader
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Drawing: @fusaex3​  Warnings: Mentions of decapitation of background character, blood, Reader's life was threatened two times. This is NOT Yandere fic, Yōkais are beings that are not good but not bad either, they do whatever they want, Kuni may be a bit ooc, long fic. This is my first time writing a story like this and English is not my main language, so sorry for any mistakes.
You were going back home after stressful day of work. Your job as waitress in Uyuu Restaurant is not that bad but today some important people were visiting and your boss wanted everything to be perfect for them. Gladly you didn’t made any mistake and even wife of the boss was kind enough to give you some food as a bonus for doing great job. You jumped after hearing thunder and looked behind you, the dark clouds with storm were fast approaching, not wanting to get caught in the rain you start walk faster towards your village. -“meow” You stopped in your track and saw an adorable little cat under the tree. -“Aww aren’t you a cute one?” you always loved cats so you couldn’t help yourself and approach the little fellow. Before you could get any closer the cat run to you and started to rub it’s head against your legs, purring. -“Not only cute but a friendly one!” you crouched down to pet your new friend, the cat seemed delighted by your action. You felt something wet on your nose and then more drops started to fell from the sky. The cat took your whole attention that you didn’t realize that the whole sky was covered in dark clouds already. You couldn’t left this kitten in this rain and storm so you took it in your arms and ran towards your home. You tried to cover your little friend with your body so it wouldn’t get that much wet but it was useless at this point, the weather was getting worse and worse. 
Finally after reaching your home, first what you did was placing the cat on the floor and then box with food on the table, running towards bathroom to take some towels. When you came back you rubbed dry the little fellow with a towel, trying to be gentle. The cat seemed to not mind, surprisingly it was sitting calmly and let you do the thing. After making sure that cat wasn’t wet anymore you went to your bathroom to dry yourself and change into more comfortable clothes. After leaving bathroom you saw that cat was sitting by the box you got from work. -“Are you hungry?” at you question the cat looked at you and started meowing. -“How lucky that Okazaki-san gave me some fish as well!” You opened the box, taking the fishes that the cat can eat and put in front it while you eat the rest of the contents of the box. With every thunder you would slightly jump, you always hated storms like this, especially after you started to live alone. The cat seemed to notice your anxious state and it went to your lap, lying down and starting purring, hoping it will take your attention from bad weather. You started to pet it, trying your best to just put your whole attention on your little friend. -“Are you trying to comfort me? Thank you, you are such a lovely kitten.” You smiled. “I hope you’ll stay with me, sometimes it’s get little lonely in this house.” The cat looked at you adorably -“You’re truly the cutest cat I ever saw! And I did saw many of them!” you laughed. The cat meowed at you, starting purring louder. This evening you spent talking to your new friend about your day, till you get tired and decided it’s time to sleep. You took cat in your arms and went to your small bedroom. After preparing futon, you lied down, petting place close to your head to invite cat to join you. The cat quickly walked towards you and lied down and started purring again. -“Goodnight, have a nice dreams.” You said to it, closing your eyes and falling asleep. When the cat was sure you were in deep sleep, it get closer to you putting it little paw on your neck, it was observing you movements, after a while the little fellow went back to its previous spot like changing its mind whatever it wanted to do to you. If you only woke up now you would hear a male voice reply with "goodnight". Three days passed after your home welcomed a new resident, the past days were filled with happiness, in the morning you would eat breakfast with your cat, then it would follow you to your job, like making sure that you are safe in morning hours, after work you would come back home to be welcomed by cat that would meow happily at you, the two of you would eat dinner that you would prepare and then play with the cat, or read to it some novels you bought.  At first you wondered if you have some hole somewhere in wall for your cat to get back in the house without a problem, but you were too happy that the little fellow liked you so much that it wanted to go back on its own to your place so you didn’t think too long about it. Today was another day when you were coming back home, you were excited and couldn’t wait to see Tama, that’s a name you gave to him for now, the cat wasn’t seemed happy with this name. Tama gave you weird look when you started called him with this name, you even told him that you couldn’t came up with other name and it was the first time when your cat looked at you like you’re stupid. Today you bought some toys that Tama may enjoy, having hope that it will be enough to improve the little fellow mood. You couldn’t wait to see Tama’s reaction, so with happy steps you were going towards your village. On the road you saw some young man standing, like waiting for someone, you couldn't help but notice this person clothes that looked more expensive from what you wore. “Ah I wish I could afford clothes like this. Hmm... Is he from some clan? But why is he alone then?” you thought. -“Ah good morning~” the young man said after noticing you and smiled. He looked like he was genuinely happy to see you, but you never meet anyone like him before, right? After all it would be impossible to forget such beautiful man like him. -“G-good morning, today is really nice day isn’t it?” you responded with polite smile, you couldn’t help but start to appreciate the stranger looks, pale skin, indigo hair that covered his ears, as well as indigo eyes with bold red eyeliner, the stranger’s eyes reminded you of Tama’s ones. -“It is, it’s perfect weather for a walk don’t you think miss? Oh? If I may ask, what is this in this basket?” the stranger asked, even his voice was lovely, you started to feel relaxed by it and didn’t think too much before responding. -“Ah! Its’ toys for my cat Tama! I really hope he will like it” you said with enthusiasm, the young men hummed at response and then said -“Tama? Such an ugly name…” -“Eh? I think it’s cute name… but my cat doesn't seem to like it either… but I couldn't come up with any other one” you said a bit embarrassed. The stranger smiled. -“How about calling him Kunikuzushi?” Kunikuzushi? That’s very unusual name. -“Kunikuzushi?” when you said the name the stranger’s smile widen. “Why such a name?” you asked. -“I think it suits him.” Before you ask why he think so, when you never even described your cat in the first place, you noticed the child from your village no far away trying to climb the tree. -“Oi! Don’t climb it! You’ll get hurt!” you turned to say goodbyes to stranger but he wasn’t there anymore. “How did he do that?” you wondered before going to the child telling him how dangerous is to climb such big tree and being alone so far away from village. 
After returning child to the grandparents the day went normally, Tama was happy with new toys and you couldn’t stop smiling how adorable it looked when playing with them. When the time for bed came you couldn’t help but think what stranger told you. Will Tama be more happy with that name? You looked at your side, Tama wasn’t there, so you called. -“Ta-… uhm… Kunikuzushi!” the cat never came so quickly before like now. -“Oh? So you really prefer this name? Kunikuzushi?” You asked and the cat started meowing happily, rubbing its head to your hand and purring. -“Woah I think this is first time seeing you that happy!” you smiled, taking cat in your arms, the cat stared with half closed eyelids and slowly blinked at you, repeatedly. -“Aww are you giving me kisses?” you couldn’t help but leave small kiss on cats forehead. You lied down on your futon, Tama, no, Kunikuzushi seems to make himself comfortable on your chest, so you let him sleep here. -“Goodnight, have a nice dreams” you said before falling asleep to the sound of purring cat. The week past by after adopting Kunikuzushi, you were coming back home from work, today was hard day but you earned so much money! Tomorrow is your day off so you can take Kunikuzushi to the city with you and spoil both of you with something. -“Oh maybe I should take Kuni to shop to choose a new toy? Or I’ll buy some big fish and prepare something delicious for both of us? Ah Thoma-san can make some cute clothes for animals, maybe I should commission him to make one for Kuni!” Thinking about how to spend day with your beloved cat you didn’t noticed someone approaching you from behind. Before you could even scream you mouth was covered by hand and sword pointed to your neck. -“If you want to live, give me all your mora” from looking at sword you can tell it’s belongs to a ronin, how unlucky, you thought that ronins won’t get close to the road at this time of the day. Without wanting to make man angry you reached for the bag filled with mora and gave to him. He whistled, checking contents of the bag. -“Hah, that will be enough, be grateful that I’m in good mood, you can life another day” the ronin left and you ran towards the city. You came back more later than normally, the Doushin from Tenryou commission told you that they will try find this ronin and promised to put more people to check the road. It may take awhile before you got the whole money back, but at least you should be thankful that the man didn’t decided to kill you after taking your money. When you opened door to your house the cat wasn’t there like always. -“Kuni?” nothing, you closed the door and checked bedroom and bathroom calling his name “Kunikuzushi? Pspsps” the cat was nowhere. The tears welled in your eyes, you were robbed, you could lose your life today and now the only companion you had, left you. You slumped on the wall and sit on the floor, bringing head to your knees you started sobbing. After a while you felt something rubbing on your legs -“Kuni!” your beloved cat was here, you took Kuni in your arms, happy that he didn’t left you. -“Don’t scare me like that! I thought you left!” the cat licked your tears like it wanted to say “Don’t cry, I won’t left you” After you calmed down you prepared some fish for Kuni but you didn't eat anything, not having appetite. The cat noticed it and brought his fish for you like trying to tell ‘you should eat’. -“It’s okay Kuni, just eat, I’m not hungry” you said patting Kuni’s head. The cat was looking around, then he went and bring his plush mouse to you. -“I’m sorry Kuni, today I’m not in the mood for playing” you apologized, you couldn't stop thinking how your live could end so easily earlier in the day, you still felt that sword touching your neck. -“I think I’m going to sleep, tomorrow…” you wanted to say that you can go to the city to buy something but you realized that you don’t have the money for spoiling yourself and Kuni, good that you still have some savings in the house so you don't have to worry about starving with your kitten till the next pay up. When you lied down, you couldn’t help but tell to your cat what happened today, you know that Kuni is a smart cat but even now you know that he can’t understand stuff like that, you just hoped that talking about it aloud will help you feel better. When you finally fell  asleep, Kuni got up from his spot and on his two legs went to the door swinging his tail in irritation. -"Haa, to think some pathetic worm even dare to try to ruin my peaceful life with my human tsk". The very next day, when you woke up you were feeling a little better, after eating breakfast you decided to go with Kuni for a walk to the city, even if you won’t be able to buy anything, you still wanted to enjoy this day with your beloved cat. You put Kuni into the basket and went off. After reaching the city you saw some ladies gossiping to each other. -“It has to be Kitsune! Or Oni!” the one lady said. -“I’m not so sure Himura-san, would really Yōkai be wandering so far away from Chinju Forest?” the other lady replied not believing her friend. -“But Takano-san, even if some samurais can behead someone perfectly, nobody has claws to make the face so unrecognizable and mutilated the body in such way! It has to be Yōkai!” you couldn’t help but wonder what those ladies talk about, are they referring to new novel? Lately the novels about Yōkais started to get popular, even you bought one called “The love story of a certain Bakeneko” but you didn’t had time to read it yet. -“(Y/n)-chan!” You turned around, there stood Okazaki-san, she waved to you to come to her -“Good Morning Okazaki-san” you said, bowing politely. -“Good Morning! Did you hear? Whole city talks about it! Today in the morning not far from the city body was found!” -“Body? Someone was murdered? That’s awful! Do you know who was the victim?” you asked with concern in your voice. -“I think nobody know who he was? Only one thing was sure the body belonged to ronin. That’s so scary! Some people say that the Yōkai is a culprit!... Oh? What a cute cat!” Okazaki-san suddenly noticed Kuni in the basket. -“Thank you! I was planning to buy some toy or big fish but…” Okazaki-san noticed your hesitation to continue. -“Did something happened? Did my husband forgot to pay you?” -“No,no! I… well… I was robed yesterday, the ronin took all my mora…”Okazaki-san gasped. -“What if that ronin is the same one which was murdered?! Well I wouldn’t be surprised if karma got to him so fast, after all how dare he rob such hard working and kind girl like you!” said Okazaki-san so sure that what she says must be true. -“You should go to find Doushin! Maybe they found your mora!” you thanked the boss’ wife, biding her goodbye and went searching for Doushin. In the end you were told no mora was found by the body, if the ronin was the same from yesterday then probably the person who killed him took everything. The day went by, some children would be amazed by Kuni, asking if they can pet your cat, Kuni surprised you when he started to hiss at children, apologizing, you said that the cat don’t like to be touched by people he doesn’t know. -“And I thought you’re friendly fellow, you surprised me Kuni.” You said to your cat, Kuni didn’t even looked at you, what you realized that after saying goodbyes to Okazaki-san, your cat looked like it was upset. The dinner time was approaching so you ended you walk around city and went back to your home to prepare one. When you opened the door you almost dropped basket with Kuni. On the table was bag, no, three bags of mora, there were some blood on it too, your cat jumped from the basket approaching the bags. -“What?! W-why is this here?” You were terrified, does that mean the person who killed that ronin broke into your house? -“Kuni, get back into basket, we need to leave now!” You said, scared that this person may be in your home, waiting to strike. -“Why? Shouldn't you be happy to get your money back? Also it will be more problematic if you tell Doushin about it.” You hold your breath and slowly looked at your cat. Kuni was standing on his two back legs like a human, tail wagging behind him. What happened to your beloved cat? The voice it spoke with… it sounded like- -“Like the guy’s from 5 days ago, yes that was me. I couldn’t stand that name, Tama, ugh..” the cat looked disgusted by that name “but at the time I didn’t wanted to show you what really I am.” The cat responded, like he was reading your thoughts. Yes, he had the voice of that young man but this time, the voice didn’t make you feel relaxed. -“What?” you were confused, what’s going on? -“What’s wrong (Y/n)? Aren’t you happy that we can now talk? Weren’t you always saying how nice it would be if I can talk?” you were getting ready to open door and run but before you could do that human hand slammed door, close to your head.  You just blinked and before you now stood that pretty young boy from before, but you noticed how his human ears weren’t there and on top of his head were cat ones. -“When we first meet I thought you’ll leave me in that rain, if you did that I planned to follow you and kill you in your sleep but..” Kunikuzushi put his hand on your cheek, caressing it gently.”I didn’t expect you to take me in, dry me, feed me, gave me place to sleep. I felt conflicted back then, I still thought about cutting your head yet…” he looked at you with gentles, now holding your face in both of his hands “I couldn’t bring myself to do that. You reminded me of the past, when I was still just a regular cat, living with humans.“ he smiled, looking so innocent “This warm feelings… how long it was since I felt like that? That day I lost everything, but now…” he started to get closer to your face, you could hear purr coming from him. You were to scared to move, to even say anything.  He continued -“I do enjoy living with you, so…” he gently kissed your lips, it seems he didn’t mind that you didn’t kiss him back. “Let this kiss be a proof of my promise that from now I’ll always protect you but…” he’s tone got lower, the way he glared at you sent shivers down your spine.”…you have to promise to never ever tell anyone what I am.” -“Wh-what will happen if I do?” you finally gathered courage to ask. Kunikuzushi laughed. -“No matter how much I like you, if you broke a promise then I’ll have to cut your pretty head off. So if you value your life, keep your mouth shut~” he smiled, but this smile wasn’t kind, this smile made you heart beat  faster that you thought it will stop soon. The bakeneko held you close, petting your head. -“ Alala~ What’s with that face? I think you should consider yourself lucky, it’s not easy to win mine affection but you did it without any problem~” he took your hand, placing it on his head. -“I’m still your beloved Kuni, am I not? I even get rid of that pathetic worm that laid their hands on you, aren’t you happy?” -“That ronin… did you… did you killed him?” -“Hmph, are you deaf or just dumb? I already told you that, yes, I did kill him.” The boy let you go and went to sit on the floor by your table. Right now you had a chance to open the door and run, scream for help but you couldn’t move. -“Tsk. Don't even think about it, even if you run away I’ll find you wherever you go. “he grimaced, you didn't like that look on his pretty face but you got a feeling from now on you’ll see this grimace more often. You gulped and asked -“What are you planning to do with me?” the boy looked at the bloody bags filled with mora. -“What? Do you think I’m going to eat you or something? Don’t think too highly of yourself, human meat is disgusting.” He sighed and looked into your eyes. -“I'll continue living with you, did you already forgot about my promise? Alright, stop shaking and go prepared dinner, I’m hungry.” Slowly the fear started to vanish, feeling more annoyed with the way he was talking to you. Where that cute cat, that loved to cuddle with you, went? ---- Thank you for reading till the end! I was surprised that nobody wrote a story with Bakeneko Scaramouche, especially after Hoyo confirmed that Scara is cat boy lol I saw Scara Kitsune but never Bakeneko/Nekomata etc even if Bakeneko really suit him, so I thought I’ll try to write one! (If you didn’t know, cats become bakenekos from cat’s vengeance and hatred, whenever the cat feels hatred to human/s who treated it horribly/killed or want to avenge the family/person that cat lived with.)
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garden-of-omegas · 9 months
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: kyonosuke aizen | teach | enju | hiroyuki ino | zantetsu | doman ashiya summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: referenced death, alienation, obsessiveness (mutual yandere?) rating: sfw a/n: this took so long, i'm sorry! :'< I got caught up playing coral island and then baldur's gate, the worm in my brain decided it wasn't writing time. but we're here now!
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≿━━━━༺❀ kyonosuke aizen ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an umibozu. you were often at the pier, looking at the ships coming and going, the waves raging against the stones. it seemed to be the only thing bringing you peace.
✿ you were five, two years younger than aizen. your mother was the one still taking you to the piers, but she'd promised that soon you'd be allowed to go on your own. aizen had just recently been adopted.
✿ your mother was busy on that day, and your father had an important business partner over, so no one could take you to see the boats. you weren't having it, so the guest asked his son to take you. kyonosuke gladly took to the orders, and took your hand to guide you to your favorite place. he protected you the whole way fiercely, even though realistically there was no danger. he was like a knight to you.
✿ while aizen didn't come over nearly as much as tatsuomi, you liked him a hell of a lot more. mostly because when he did come over, he'd gladly entertain you and your obsession with boats. whether it be by taking you to the pier or helping you build your boats. and when your mother died, he was always the one to track you down from whenever you'd run off to that time.
✿ aizen couldn't really describe the feeling he had, the first time he met you. but he was certain it wasn't actually the first time the two of you had seen each other. but he was quick to dismiss the whole thing and move on to making sure you were safe in his presence. aizen very very quickly became like a hero to you, pretty much from the moment he took your hand and didn't say a single complaint about taking you to your favorite place. he was just so amazing in your eyes, just like he'd always been.
≿━━━━༺❀ teach ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an iju. no-one in town really knew much about you, mostly because you spent most of your time wandering around the mountains doing who-knows-what. but everyone did agree that you were very kind.
✿ you were 17, a whole year older than teach. after your mother's death several years prior, you'd pretty much moved yourself into the mountains permanently, only occasionally visiting your father.
✿ you'd been slowly fashioning yourself a house out of an abandoned temple when teach approached you alongside a small bakeneko who was looking worse for wear. you immediately invited them inside, your kind nature winning over any suspicion you might've had about a teenager and kid suddenly showing up. and that's how you ended up with basically an adopted son and a partner living with you.
✿ you and teach started living together after that, as sort of an unspoken agreement. and it didn't take long for it to unofficially become a small orphanage for various ayakashi children. and all this happened before you even realized it had. and by then it was a little too late to look back, not that you really wanted to.
✿ teach found you charming, in a quiet sort of way. you got things done, not a single complaint or a curse. that, and the sight of a strong alpha building a home is a beautiful sight for anyone, especially an omega guarding a kid. familiarity and all that. teach was a breath of fresh air in your life, that was for sure. most other people didn't take to your kindness that freely (too rough and tumble looking for most people's tastes). but you had a feeling that that had never and would never matter to him.
≿━━━━༺❀ enju ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a chochin obake. you were mostly known for your impressive collection of old artifacts, your obsession with it the most people saw you. unless you were scaring someone half to death for fun.
✿ you were 20, and soon to be the proud owner of an antique store. at least, you were hoping so. and enju... well, his age will remain a mystery to all.
✿ you were on a tour of a small building you were hoping to buy. one of the previous employees was showing it, as the owner was apparently too busy. though, not too busy to show up right at the end of the tour, just as you were saying your goodbyes to the tour guide. enju greeted you, which made the small flame inside your chest brighten. he managed to notice it before you quickly covered it up.
✿ you didn't end up buying that particular building, it wasn't at a good place for your business, though enju promised to show you some other buildings he owned that might work better. that ended in a few dinners and a trip to the theater, and... well, those just never ended.
✿ enju found you fascinating, especially the small flame in you. for a while he thought you were something like him, but after a while he realized he was wrong. didn't make you any less beautiful in his eyes though, even when you failed to pick up on his courting signals. you thought enju to be... strange. but also one of the most beautiful things you'd ever seen. it made your flame burning brighter somehow even more embarrassing, especially since you couldn't get it to stop doing that around him.
≿━━━━༺❀ hiroyuki ino ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and bakekujira. you were always followed around by various birds, and fish if you were close to water. this made you seem way scarier than you actually were.
✿ you were 16, just like hiroyuki. your mother had died ten years prior, so you were mostly over the whole thing. hiroyuki had just recently started in the army as a cadet.
✿ you were in the park, gazing into the lake while your little fish friends showed off to you. they were so pretty that you weren't paying attention to the amount of birds starting to gather around you. hiroyuki, a young cadet with a bit too much eagerness, saw that and became concerned. he ran to you quickly to ask if you needed help, to which you looked at him with the most amount of confusion ever.
✿ hiroyuki started noticing you around a lot after that, and realized that any time he'd seen a concerning amount of birds had probably been you. but now anytime he saw lots of birds he'd walk over and chat with you, which you were still confused about. but at least he was nice to your friends so you didn't mention the weirdness.
✿ hiroyuki mostly found you concerning. you were eerie, kind of scary, people avoided your path more than they did actual criminals... but you were still so nice. mostly you just wanted to sit around with your friends, though he was certain that wasn't all there was to you. you thought hiroyuki was weird, both for wanting to be around you and for being concerned for you. no one's ever concerned for you, aside from your father. but soon after meeting him, some part of you started looking forward to seeing him.
≿━━━━༺❀ zantetsu ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a daki. you were pretty much a hermit despite your apparent talkativeness, living on your boat when you weren't in the city with your father, which was starting to become rarer and rarer.
✿ you were 22, two years older than zantetsu. your mother had died 12 years prior, and you'd slowly been spending more time away from the city since. zantetsu was already part of the senkitai.
✿ you'd just come to the shore from a fishing trip and had gotten to roasting your catches. zantetsu had seen your fire from their current camp and came to investigate, at which point you spotted him and invited him to sit and eat with you. he was rather shocked at being noticed, and in his confusion took your invitation. which is how he ended up listening to you talk and talk for a few hours while eating roasted fish.
✿ zantetsu would find your fires every once in a while, at which point you'd invite him to sit with you again. he'd, for some reason, take your offer everytime. then he'd sit and listen to you for a few hours before leaving. after a while he even started talking back to you which got you talking even more!
✿ zantetsu really didn't know what to think of you, you were a weird ayakashi to him. at least, he assumed you were an ayakashi. normal humans don't live on their boats, he was fairly certain. but regardless, he wasn't really sure why he kept indulging you. your life was rather lonely a lot of the time, for someone who liked talking as much as you did, so zantetsu was a breath of fresh air whenever he appeared. he really grew on you, really quickly, and for some reason you didn't mind it.
≿━━━━༺❀ doman ashiya ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a hinnagami. you were known mostly for your creepy, doll-like stare and your very insistent helpfulness. no one around you was safe from your need to be of use.
✿ you were about 23, though you've always felt much older, like there was chunks of your life you simply couldn't remember. doman was over a thousand, this time around anyways.
✿ you were out and about helping one of your neighbors with their shed. it was a bit deeper into the woods, and they were too old to make the trip anymore to get wood, so you'd gone instead. just as you were ready to leave with a back full of logs, you locked eyes with a pair in the woods. a flood of memories invaded you and the eyes turned fearful.
✿ remembering your past life with doman, your old hinnagami instincts took over and you essentially abandoned everything to follow the man around. you weren't really sure why he was so insistent on you leaving, you still had some holes in your memories, but you were determined to stay with him.
✿ doman was conflicted about meeting you again. your past was turbulent and complicated, your mutual obsession hadn't ended well that time. who was to say that this time would turn out better, especially with how you looked at him, so familiarly obsessive. you loved him. it was pretty much the only thing you were certain of upon meeting him, it was like everything about your life made sense. you knew it was possibly just your instincts as a half-hinnagami, but it didn't really matter. you just knew that you belonged together.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
anon’s got nothing to worry about: it’s actually sussy ayaka’s cat form triggering the allergies so if she finally caves or sussy ayato gets rid of her then his human imposter form shouldn’t be triggering nothing, yes?
Yep yep :DD! When Ayato's in human form it shouldn't be triggering! I haven't gotten much information on how nekomatas/bakenekos' shapeshifting works since they seem to be varied. I've read that bakenekos take the form of their masters... And I twisted that by giving the interpretation that these yokais have to eat their masters to gain their skin. (Imagine venti, but cannibal venti i guess–)
For this fic, it's mostly ayaka who causes the allergic reactions. Since ayato takes care of her, her allergens often rub off his clothes. She couldn't transform into a human (yet.) So yeah, Ayato could either get rid of her (he may be a yandere, but I don't think he would ever dream about killing his sister) or forc– persuade her to eat human meat.
Tbh, the fic was supposed to be the both of them as peaceful bakenekos but I went "why not eat humans too? Let's have ayato eat his rivals." lmao. I had Ayato as a nekomata and Ayaka as a bakeneko because based off yokai.com:
"Nekomata are found in cities and villages and are born in the same way as other bakeneko. However, only the oldest, largest cats with the longest tails—and thus the most intelligence—become this powerful variety."
Tl;dr: Ayato went "I REJECT MY YOKAI IDENTITY, (Y/N)!!!" and it's mostly ayaka who's causing the allergic reactions since she's still a cat
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tiaragqueen · 4 years
Ferae Naturae
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Bakeneko! Sakuya x Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,4k+
✂ Trigger Warnings: Death, arson, possessiveness, implied abuse
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A longer version of my old story, Get Even, with a lot few tweaks here and there. And I finally got to use my favorite word here. I present to you my favorite darling, Sakuya! Above is his human form.
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“I promise you're safe with me. You're not alone. You're safe with me. Your heart is home. Now and forever, I'll be your shelter.” - Safe With Me [Megan Nicole]
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Sakuya never really understood why most humans always stayed or returned to the person who had hurt them, even when the said person had blatantly displayed no sign of repentance. Irrefutable matters such as consanguinity must’ve played a huge factor in their so-called ‘loyalty’, he supposed, but it still didn’t justify their self-destructive actions. The way they behaved as though nothing was wrong and deliberately allowed their pain to fester under a veneer of tolerance was exasperating and absurd at best, even for him who tended to observe from the distance.
Then again, Sakuya wasn’t born in a human family, anyway. There was only so much he could learn from their lives without actually experiencing them.
But he knew enough to know that hitting his owner was an unforgivable sin; one that deserved an equal punishment.
“You never do anything right!”
A sturdy man, whom Sakuya learned his name was Araki, shouted. He had been doing this ever since he came home and found that you hadn’t cooked dinner because you were exhausted from cleaning the house all day. Granted, it was a humble cabin in the middle of a forest, but for someone to clean all the nooks and crannies while doing other tasks proved to be taxing. Sakuya knew it, too, because he’d seen just how tirelessly you worked every day with little rest and appreciation. All you’d gotten was more and more complaints from that bastard of a husband, sometimes elevating to verbal abuse. Sakuya wondered why and how you bore such an attitude for a long time and stuck with him when you could have someone better.
If it were him, he’d surely leave without a second thought. Better yet, kill him.
But, alas, you were too meek. Under the pretense of loyalty, you accepted everything from him – every word, every beating, every overt manipulation – and toiled even harder. However, Sakuya wasn’t a fool. He was fully aware of your insecurities and fears; of being incompetent, of being abandoned, of being lonely. Although you already had him, a cat that had been spending time with you more than your own husband, you remained hopelessly in love with the latter.
And, honestly, Sakuya couldn’t fault you. It wasn’t easy to separate a wife from her husband due to the finality of marriage, and the only way would be death.
Would it be worth the effort, though? It wasn’t as if you were blind to Araki's vices, anyway. Rather, you accepted them wholeheartedly and believed he’d change someday despite the lack of progress. You loved and married him, knowing full well you’d plunge yourself into a turbulent life. Heck, you’d even confessed it to Sakuya! You weren’t naïve and acknowledged that your love story was far from perfect or even good.
You comprehended the result of marrying such a rough man, which meant, you also comprehended his treatment towards you.
However, wrath defenestrated every understanding and sense the moment Araki raised a hand to slap you. Normally, Sakuya wouldn’t bother much with domestic violence because he wasn’t attached to either of them. But you were his owner – no, belonging – and he protected what was his, regardless of the consequences.
Sakuya hissed and leaped to Araki’s face, swiping the delicate skin ferociously. He didn’t even use his real claws, but the current ones were enough to provoke a stream of curses and groans from Araki.
Your eyes swelled, torn between intervening and doing nothing. Should you help him? You didn’t want to get scratched too, but your cat was clearly and purposefully harming him for unknown reasons. Maru usually left whenever an argument arose and returned when Araki had exited the room. It’d become such a pattern until you believed that he’d recognized human quarrel and learned to avoid it to maintain his peace.
Cats weren’t entirely stupid, after all. Although his constant, almost acrid, glare towards Araki was a little strange, to begin with.
Finally, Araki was able to yank Sakuya from his bleeding visage and flung him against the wall. You gasped and rushed to his aid, examining his tiny body for any sign of grievous injuries. Araki was enraged with the way you prioritized him than your husband who clearly displayed raw gashes, and grabbed you by the collar of your kimono.
“Oh, so you care about that dumb cat more than me, huh?” he snarled through ground teeth, his glower intensified when you shook your head frantically. “What? You’re in love with it or something? Well, why don’t you live with it then?”
Araki seized Sakuya by the scruff of his neck and dragged you both to the porch. “This is where disobedient wife sleeps!” he declared, dropping Sakuya on to your lap carelessly. “Hope you enjoy your stay.”
You watched his retreating back helplessly and flinched when he slammed the door shut. Pursing your trembling lips, you looked down and caressed Sakuya’s dark fur as a poor attempt of solace.
“It’s alright, now. You’re safe,” you whispered, trying to ignore the slight quiver within your voice. “He’ll be in a better mood tomorrow, and then we can go back inside. We just have to endure sleeping here for tonight.”
‘He’ll be in a better mood tomorrow’. Did that mean he’d locked you out before? Did that mean he’d slapped you before? Sakuya had only met you around a month ago, but it was enough to show him everything he needed to know regarding your daily life.
And with this new information, came another surge of fury strong enough to shapeshifted him into a human.
You could only gape at the sight of his dainty body burst to reveal a leaner, paler one underneath. His hair remained its raven sheen, but the cat ears were probably the sole thing to pinpoint his genuine form. Had the latter weren’t present, you would’ve thought this was his true appearance instead. His eyes were yellow with black slits, smoldering under the tranquil moonlight. He had a boyish face, but his aura suggested otherworldliness and ancient. You averted your gaze from traveling lower, noticing the lack of… fur to cover his private area.
“Are you… my cat?” Would it be foolish of you to ask that? No. That was just natural, wasn’t it? It wasn’t as though you knew what else to say after witnessing what would be a staggering transformation in your whole life.
“Duh,” he retorted. “I’m human. Can you see?”
Yes, you could recognize it perfectly; every detail, except his ears and irises, that just screamed a human throughout. And you didn’t know how to respond to his quip or react.
Then, you spotted it. A large tail, flicking behind him and left a trail of flame in the air. A cat’s tail. How you didn’t notice it before, especially with its substantial size, was beyond your perception.
“Maru, why are there fire on your tail?” you asked shakily.
“I wonder…” he drawled lazily, much to your chagrin. There was a spark of panic that ignited within you when the tail shot up and flared in the sky. “Oh, the name’s Sakuya, by the way.”
His name breezed past your ears at the same speed of his tail that swept your house. The fire kindled your dilated eyes and parched your throat from screaming or uttering anything. You listened to the frenzied screams of your husband and the constant tugging at the front door. The desperation wrenched your heart, but there was nothing you could do than standing and let the blaze engulfed the cabin you once called ‘home’.
You just realized how powerful Maru, no, Sakuya was. Even his grasp on your arms and flinty stare rendered you immobile throughout the arson.
Once the smoke cleared up and exposed the soot and chars littering the ground, you wilted against his grip. Sakuya instinctively kneeled to free your body from its invisible pressure and hugged you, whispering sweet nothings. You stared blankly at the debris despite his solace to break your composure, the shock hindered you from processing the situation properly. It wasn’t long before you broke down, however, and wailed on his shoulder.
“It’s alright, now. You’re safe.” Sakuya mimicked the words you’d spoken to comfort him earlier. It was excruciating to remember how fast the tables had turned, and how your lovely pet soon became your killer.
Sakuya buried his face on your shoulder and smiled, relishing the proximity now that the bastard was no longer exist to separate you both.
Because that was how it should be the moment he encountered you in that riverside; a diligent yet fatigued woman who kept washing the clothes despite the setting sun.
“… I’m here now, [Name], and I’ll always be.”
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Sakuya: 昨夜
Araki: 荒木
Maru: まる
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hemic-hokuto · 6 years
maybe your favs are at a halloween party? or graduation?
Mmmh what about Yokai AU
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Dandy as a Veiled Priest from Fatal Frame 2 because they’re cool afGema as a Maneki NekoHojiro as an Ayakashi (also called Ikuchi)Yaku as a KawausoHokuto as a KitsunePlacey as a BakenekoSpiky as a Tengu
gotta tag it in case i do more
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tsukuyomi-e · 4 years
31 days AU challenge
That may interest some people here, so I’ll copy paste my custom prompt list I did for Inktober 2019 ! :)
Hello ! I didn't know what to draw for Inktober and didn't want to do the official list... I didn't find any list I'd like to do (maybe I'll do a goretober someday), but I felt like drawing some alternate universe, so I did my own list ! So feel free to use it, just don't forget to credit me and notice me, so I can see what you drew ! Or what your wrote, you're free to do it in any media you want :D Also you're free to do it with one and only character or with 31 different characters, or more if you draw several characters a day, or less if you draw a character multiple times :) You can do it with your characters or a character from a show/anime/manga etc :) (If you want to use someone else's character, ask permission before !) And of course you can use it for any 31 days challenge, and not only for Inktober :D And if you can’t finish it or keep up the pace, it’s okay, you’ve done your best, so stop or take your time and continue later or slowlier ! :) If your character already have an official version of an AU, stick to the official version or do your own ! If your character canonically fits to one of these AUs (so it's not an AU anymore...), you have solutions : - Draw its normal version - Have a free space and choose an AU that is not on this list - Do one of the AUs on this list twice, differently if possible - Stick with the trope but do it different as the normal one - Do the opposite of the trope - Any other solution I didn't think of, this prompt list doesn't really have rules ! So here is the list ! 1 - Different hairstyle Longer, shorter, curly, straight, tied, untied, braided, shaved... You can also have fun with facial hair ! 2 - Butler/maid If it doesn't fit your character or feel too outdated, feel free to draw them as a cafe waiter or a bartender instead :) 3 - Artist Your character is now an artist, be it a musician, a painter, a photographer, an actor... Draw them in action, do they do it alone or are they famous ? 4 - Pokemon Draw them with a pokemon that would fit them, or even with a whole pokemon team ! You can draw them as a pokemon trainer if you want, or they can stay with their usual outfit. If you're really not familiar with Pokemon, you can still draw a cute scene with a Pikachu, or at least search a pokemon with a type, with a color, or based on an animal that would fit them. If you really don't know, I can help you :) 5 - Mermaid/Merman Of course you're not forced to stick to fishes, you can mix a human with any aquatic creature if you prefer. 6 - Younger or older / Future or past 7 - Japanese traditional clothing If being a ninja, a samurai, or a geisha would fit your character, it's time ! But Japan is not only those cool types of characters, you can just dress them in a simple yukata, or choose an elaborated type of kimono from a precise era ! 8 - Modern There are other modern AUs in this list, but what would they usually wear if they lived in our world ? 9 - Hot springs More a situation than an AU... But still pretty cool, and depending on the world your chracter is from, they may not have an easy access to it ;) 10 - Angel/Demon Choose one... Or do a mix ;) If your character is already one, it's time to switch ! Unless you want to keep this option for role reversal and race reversal days ^^ 11 - Role reversal/change If you draw, that may be quite difficult to show, so if possible change their looks in consequence. Try not making them too much OOC (there is an OOC AU later), though this change may affect a bit their personality. If you don't have ideas, just make them changes sides, heroes become villains. 12 - Pirate 13 - Suit Be it for an office worker, for a CEO, for an important party/dinner, for a marriage, for a crime syndicate leader... Make them wear it ! Of course for girls (or crossdressers~) it can be a women suit or a pretty dress, any way it's formal wear, choose for which occasion ! 14 - Cosplay Your character dressed as any other character, be it from its show or another ! 15 - Animal As an actual animal, as a furry if you prefer, or with animal parts only like ears, tail, wings, scales... Be careful with this last one, because there are mermaids, werewolves, angels and demons and yôkais days ! Or you can draw them with a pet if you prefer. 16 - Genderbend 17 - Chinese traditional clothing 18 - Sports Your character as an athlete ! If they already do a sport, you can make them do a different one ! 19 - Cross-over Your character is now in any other show world you know ! What would their role be, their powers, their outfits... That's different from the cosplay category, because they would have their own outfits and would have been born in this world :D 20 - Vampire 21 - Tattoo Add them a tattoo. If they already have one or some, add them more, or erase them or change their design ! 22 - Military 23 - Beach Swimsuits time ! 24 - Medieval fantasy European medieval times, but you can add magic ! Your character can be from any fantasy race or any role-playing game class you want ! 25 - Werewolf 26 -  Race reversal/change If there is only one race in their universe, draw them as any race from any fictive universe you know :) Or, because with races I mean humanoïds with different powers/abilities, if there is only one race but with different powers between individuals, you can just change their powers :) 27 - Arabian traditional clothing 28 - School Your character as a student, or as a teacher if you want ! 29 - Sci-fi That's pretty large ! But you can draw them as experiments, as zombies, as aliens, as cosmonauts, as cyborgs, as mecha pilots, or mecha itselves, in an intergalactic war, in a devastated world... You have choice ! 30 - OOC Out Of Character. You're not forced to make your character act the exact opposite he usually does, but make him act unusually ! This is the place if you want to draw you character as a tsundere, a yandere, blushing, shy, cold, crual, cute, afraid, badass, agressive... Or you can even give him another character's personality, and/or adding a body swap AU ! 31 - Yôkai Japanese monsters. You have a lot of choice but most famous ones are kitsune, tanuki, kappa, baku, bakeneko/nekomata, yûrei, oni, tengu... Don't forget, let me know if you plan to do this list !
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: [幽幻ロマンチカ・真骨頂] ≁Bakeneko Arahagi・Inugami Toneri≁
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No audio track this time sorry! But anyway, I’ve made sizeable progress on the Yuuroma series: Hifumi + Utashiro’s Hatenkou, Zakuro, Toneri, and a bunch of tokuten for everybody (/*^-^)/. I’ll do the 2nd Shinkocchou first, for continuity.
And I haven’t listened to the two individual discs before this, so I had no idea who they are... or that their names are actually Arahagi (cat demon; cv. Kaji Yuuki) and Toneri (dog deity; cv, Hirakawa Daisuke) until about 3/4 into the story, since they kept calling each other ‘Stupid Cat’ and ‘Stupid Dog’. Orz
Obvsly this time there is no bromance like in the 1st disc and they fight like... err... cats and dogs (for lack of a better description XD).
As before, hidden messages from the both of them:
1.壱、都市伝説『二次元カレシ』 2.弐、手が<か>りはどこ? 3.参、そこは見せか<け>の幸福世界 4.四、ここにず<っ>といよう 5.伍、意地でも負<け>られない 6.六、この世界が壊れ<る>としても 7.七、 都市伝説『二次元カレシ』看破 8.キャストトーク
Arahagi: bold⋆ spells 「どこにでも」 (‘No matter where [you are]...’)
Toneri: <⋆> spells 「かけつける」 (‘...I will rush to your side’)
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[The Second Rumour: Urban Legend ‘2D Boyfriend’]
All the girls at your school are addicted to a mobile otome game app. Rumour has it that players can end up getting trapped in the game world, and their bodies are found in sleeping position holding their phones in one hand.
Toilet Guy has again asked Arahagi and Toneri to investigate. This time your team name is: the Pitch-Black Executors ~DARK (K)NIGHT MESSIAH~. Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪」∠)_. And both your animal manservants have the good sense to hate this abomination of a name. But it will come in handy later on...
So. First order of business is to throw *you* into the virtual world. It’s been rumoured that collecting a full set of accessories from one game character can accomplish this, so your animal bfs possess your body and go shopping.
They push a bunch of bling on you (Toneri makes you wear a choker that reminds him of a dog collar XD), and eventually you can’t take it anymore and run out of the store because you don’t wanna turn into the lovechild of Katy Perry and Flavor Flav. And anyway it didn’t work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ RIP Operation BringTheBling1.
Plan #2: There is another rumour that players get sucked in when they access the app at midnight. So Catboy and Dogman (henceforth ‘CatDog’) camp over in your bed, and sure enough, when the clock strikes 12, you fall into a deep sleep and enter the game world.
The game is set in a high school that’s an *exact* replica of Nanagiri, with two characters who sound (and look) exactly like your Cat and Dog bfs. [Hirarin is the senpai and Kaji is the kouhai, ofc.] You are shocked by this unfolding of events, and the two of them think you have a cold and need to go to the nurse’s office to rest.
You take this as an opportunity to escape, and as you are running you hear Arahagi and Toneri’s voices from the other side. They successfully possess your sleeping body and enter the virtual world as well.
Senpai and Kouhai can see the demons possessing you. They forcibly exorcise the duo and drag you away. As the exorcised duo come to, they find themselves turned into their chibi forms XDD. Meanwhile, Senpai and Kouhai have taken you to the nurse’s office. As they are trying to approach you, you spray the fire extinguisher at them and make your escape. Niceee.
You manage to find Arahagi and Toneri hiding in the courtyard. They repossess your body to regain their powers and apologise for not being able to protect you. But you have come up with a battle plan: Operation LoveLetter1. Dun dun DUNNN.
The plan is to put a love letter in their shoe locker asking Senpai and Kouhai to meet with you next evening. Being in an otome game, they can only do as they are told to unlock the love event. (Also what is with this 3P-harem setting where you can confess and unlock event for two characters at once?? I need to get in on dis yo. ¬‿¬)
You and CatDog stay up all night to discuss the battle plan, and Arahagi thinks this whole game reeks of the work of a human being. He figures out that they can rob the game characters of their powers by stealing their phones. (Why do even the characters have phones inside the game??) And to power-up themselves, CatDog trade hugs and kisses with each other (I WISH!!) you to feed off of your human energy.
Next day, Senpai and Kouhai show up at the arranged meeting time, and CatDog appear to start a riot. They throw out your team name Pitch-Black Executors ~DARK (K)NIGHT MESSIAH~, which confuses their opponents and gives them the perfect opportunity to steal the opponents’ phones.
Toneri ties the two characters up with chains and Arahagi drops a bunch of machinery and shit on top of them, but dis ain’t ovah ya’ll. The two of them go into *dark mode*. They change the backdrop and damage the data of Arahagi and Toneri’s bodies. As they bury CatDog alive and take you away, you tell them that you believe in CatDog, which gives them the power they need to free themselves from entombment and destroy the game characters.
...When the smoke clears, they see a student that was sucked into the game world. Strangely enough, *it��s a boy*, and they figure that he must be the human that the game monster is possessing and feeding off of.
It turns out that the boy offered himself as a human sacrifice to the urban legend and created this game world to shield his younger sister from the harsh reality. The game world begins to disintegrate, and Toneri tells the boy to face his sister properly instead of doing this stupid shit in the name of ‘protection’. To Toneri and Arahagi, who come into this world all alone, every little detail of the familial bonds and ties between humans seems magical and deserves to be treasured.
The three of you wake up in your bed, and CatDog wonder if the boy’s little sister is going to be alright. You devise a plan... for the two of them to appear to her in a dream pretending to be the two game characters. Toneri flubs his lines and gets beaten up by Arahagi XD. They tell the girl they are relieved that she has finally awoken from her slumber, and invite her to play the game again whenever she is feeling down.
Now a new urban legend has arisen: that whenever a girl gets sucked into the game world, her 2D boyfriend tells her to get out or else she won’t make it to her own wedding in the future. (#meirl XDD.) What’s more, CatDog have erased the oniisan’s memories of the whole incident, and both he and his sister have returned to school as usual.
*Meanwhile*, YOU have become addicted to this game app XD. After unsuccessfully trying to snatch your phone out of your hands, CatDog tease you with kisses and promise to make your real life more exciting than any game ever... yes please Hirarin and Kaji the two of you can come and possess me any time I don’t mind fufufufu~~~ (´┓`*)
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[Thoughts] ⋆敬称略⋆
Ok so this was my first introduction to both characters (Arahagi/Toneri). I kept thinking as I was listening to it: wouldn’t it be great if Kaji and Hirarin switched roles? Doesn’t it feel like Kaji has more of an excitable puppy-like personality (or quality to his voice, rather), and Hirarin has more of a slow, cat-like temperament??
In fact in the Free Talk when Hirarin said that he is 100% a Cat Person and he thinks Arahagi is really cute, I was all ready to jump out of my chair all like, ‘I KNEW IT!!!’ #notoverreactingatall._(:3」∠)_. ...I guess Rejet wanted to switch it up a little? Or maybe Kimura Ryouhei was busy, because Toneri [yandere + dog ears] sounds like the job for him. Also I can’t help but wonder how perfect Hirarin would be as Utashiro lulling me to sleep with his soothing voice...
But all this fantasy casting aside, every time I hear Toneri’s adorable grumpy/growling noises that he makes when he’s dissatisfied, I feel like they made the right casting choice after all. #omgWANT ლ(⁰⊖⁰ლ)
What else, what else... HmMMmMmm, the story and characters/pair dynamics this time round is a bit more childish and less ‘tight’ than before. So idk, I didn’t feel as much of *Deh Romantic Feelz* towards Arahagi/Toneri like I did for Hifumi/Utashiro. Although I still enjoyed it because I am immature.
The doppelganger bit was pretty kewl though. Although the battle scene kind of got resolved in a very #WTF kind of way and left me wanting more. Also the overprotective older brother story would’ve benefited from a better explanation/backstory of why he did what he did, no? Overall just kind of #わけわかんない, and not a very tight story, like I said.
The otome game theme was kind of relevant and interesting, esp the senpai character in the game who kept emphasising the use of this kind of romance fantasies as a form of escapism. ...Which got a bit philosophical/personal in a way, although I’m not sure if Toneri was the best person to expound on this because he’s so... erm... simple-minded XD.
Nonetheless, the overall message was clear: that it’s always better to face things head-on, and you have limitless potential as a human being. +++
But *then again* this series isn’t meant to be analysed very deeply. It’s more just for ya’ll to enjoy the cute huggable chibi things and the powerful demons protecting the fuck out of you. Yeah? Yeahh.
Although!! From the cast commentaries it seems like the seiyuu themselves can’t/won’t actually protect you from anything in the event of an actual urban legend/haunting. It’s funny how they voice all these powerful/scary demon and spirit characters, but when they see an actual horror programme or whatever on TV they quickly look away and change the channel!! (-_-|||) SENSEI I AM DISAPPOINT. 
The only exception so far is Sakurai Takahiro, who spouted off a bunch of kaidan-banashi from his old high school enthusiastically when asked. Like, everyone else is a wimp and he is the One True Hero. He even has ‘he[/i]ro’ in his name!!
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clearui · 6 years
幽幻ロマンチカ 満天花 / Yuugen Romantica Mantenka [Characters]
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"I'll show you that I can make you happy with my own hands."
Aggresive Tengu-sama
ヒフミ / Hifumi CV. KENN
The youkai that caused one of The Seven Wonders, "Spirited Old School Building."
Before, he had accepted his fate to disappear, but he chose to keep on living after meeting a certain girl. He has also overcome his fear toward humans and has grown up.
Having graduated with you from the school, he's living among human surroundings, even he has got his own place. Dessert is a must for his meals due to his extreme sweet tooth. When it's just the two of you, he has fun flirting and teasing you.
PROFILE Age: Just turned into 19 years old. (Approximately 589 years old) Height / Weight: 175cm / 60kg Birthday: October 9th Race: Karasu-Tengu Likes: Crepe Dislikes: Mackerel What do you do at home? "Something like feeding her?"
VS Reappearing Shadow in Prefab building
Prefab bulding in the old school building site It seems a wandering shadow can be seen in the middle of the night. It seems anyone encountering will have their existence erased. I know we are going to part ways soon, but how can I accept to lose you this way!?
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      "If you keep doing such cute things, I'll curse you, you know?"
メリィ / Merry CV. Toriumi Kousuke
The youkai that caused one of The Seven Wonders, "Merry-san of Broadcasting Room."
He has a frightening appearance since he is covered in black attire, but he is actually a shy young man. He is just a shy youkai who is in love with you. He is not scary at all.
Even living under one roof, he seems to be expressing his love at his own pace. He is very dependable most of times since he is good at handling electronics. Even though he's embarassed, he always makes sure to hug you. His next goal is, "Meal? Bath? or......me?" or so he said.
PROFILE Age: Is it alright to say that I'm 19 years old? (Real age is unknown) Height / Weight: 189cm / 74kg Birthday: July 7th Race: Merry-san Likes: Hamburger, especially the meat. Dislikes: The fact he's embarassed to death to initiate something by himself. What do you do at home? How about watching horror movie together......?
VS You who Forgets
You keep forgetting one thing and another. His smiles, his embarassed expression, his frightened eyes, and this feeling. If you forget everything, I don't think I can handle it. Hey, don't disappear......Senpai.
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      "Let's both of us keep on going for the sake of our happiness."
Mean Baku-sama
ウタシロ / Utashiro CV. Kimura Ryohei
The youkai who caused one of The Seven Wonders, "The Thirteenth Step of Nightmare.”
He is the last surviving of dream-eating youkai known as [Baku]. He once wandered in order to search for his surviving clansmen, now he is freeloading in the your house. He decided to live together with you.
He likes frigthening you by showing nightmare, but he would not let anything beside him to be the cause of your lack of sleep. He is actually secretly happy that he got to buy matching pillow with yours for the new house. And of course, those feelings are obvious to you.
PROFILE Age: Let's just say I'm 20 years old (Approximately 811 years old) Height / Weight: 176cm / 59kg Birthday: April 6th Race: Baku Likes: Dreams that are easy to digest Dislikes: Overeating What do you do at home? Reading. Reading together?
VS Presence under the Pillow
Even without sound or signs, that thing is coming. The nightmare that you've been seeing in the middle of the night has become a reality. It begins to erode the city little by little. It becomes stronger by each time you sleep. You won't be able to open your eyes......forever.
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      "I won't lie about my feeling toward someone I love."
Yandere Inugami
トネリ / Toneri Cv. Hirakawa Daisuke
The youkai who caused one of The Seven Wonders, "Youkai of Gymnasium."
Since he was used as a medium to curse people in the past, he did not understand about affection. However, he has understand the importance of life and love after he met you.
After the graduation, he stays in your house as your lover (even as a guard dog). He also plans to be useful. However, since you are addicted with games and television show, please be careful of being possessed all of a sudden.
PROFILE Age: I'm 19 years old! (Approximately 659) Height / Weight: 172cm / 56kg Birthday: November 11th Race: Inugami Likes: Beef jerky Dislikes: Leek What do you do at home? More importantly, let's go for a walk!
VS Unknown Backstreet
In the usual path, we find ourself turning into an unfamiliar backstreet. There are no people or youkai there, but there are lots of monsters. What to do to escape from this place!? If we get lost, we'll get killed. So, you better not let go of my hand!
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     "Please entrust your life to me. As my wife that is."
Shameless Yamata-no-Orochi
イリヤ / Iriya CV. Tachibana Shinnosuke
The youkai who caused one of The Seven Wonders, "Sleep Paralysis in Infirmary."
He once had distorted feeling against human. Since, he has been afraid of hurting someone. However, he has overcome his anxiety from the love he received from you.
He lives in the same house with you, and he's practically making himself at home. Why, he is still a person with twisted personality. He's the type who takes his time catching his prey. In addition, he likes the crying face of his beloved girl. I wonder if you understand.
PROFILE Age: It's not bad to be 20 years old, huh? (Approximately 765 years old) Height / Weight: 180cm / 64kg Birthday: December 8th Race: Yamata-no-Orochi Likes: Cola Dislikes: Heat What do you do at home? I want to touch you.
VS Unreachable Voice
What is happening to you is definitely a curse. Voice was robbed from you, sight was also robbed from you. In this darkness, senses are taken away from you. Is this a punishment from falling in love with a youkai? Hey, can my voice reach him?
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      "As expected, I really want to live together with humans."
Haraguro Bakeneko-sama
アラハギ / Arahagi CV. Kaji Yuki
The youkai who caused of The Seven Wonders, "Piano that Plays by Itself in the Music Room."
He is carefree and popular as usual. He had forgotten the kindness he received from human when he was born. He has lived not attached to people, but now that he has spent time with you, he has been enjoying his happiness everyday.
Even he still looks cute and manly, even he starts living together with you, he has the tendency to take care of you no matter what. He cannot resist the magical power of kotatsu. He loves licking you and rolling around together.
PROFILE Age: Seems I've turned 19 years old! (Approximately 475 years old) Height / Weight: 168cm / 54kg Birthday: February 22nd Race: Bake-neko Likes: Strolling aimlessly Dislikes: Rain What do you do at home? Let's roll around together, just both of us~
VS Me that has disappeared from the photo
You found a nostalgic picture you've taken with everyone. However, you are not there in the picture. More and more people around you seem to be unable to recognize you any longer. Why are humans so futile? How about I take you inside forever?
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      "Living together and supporting each other. Isn't that what it means of being a couple?"
Tsundere Youko-sama
ザクロ / Zakuro CV. Sakurai Takahiro
The youkai that caused one of The Seven Wonders, “Fireballs in Biology Preparation Room.”
Although he used to detest human before because he was betrayed by humans, he already forgave them once he gave his heart to you. He might be clumsy, but he's naturally dignified and gentlemanly.
It is in the progress, but he is actually planning to have a wedding ceremony with you. He tends to call you out "My wife" without realizing. Even with that tendency, this fox is still shaking even from you holding his hand. He is onset to take care of you as a husband. Relying on him might be trouble, but you can see him grinning.
PROFILE Age: You have problems with me being 20 years old? (Approximately 774 years old) Height / Weight: 182cm / 67kg Birthday: March 6th Race: Youko Likes: Fried tofu Dislikes: Tails What do you do at home? Even I can make my own meals.
VS Snake God
There used to be a land God protecting this land since long time ago. However that whom they call Snake God is no longer. However, there are a strange rumor circulating around. It says that the Snake God is currently looking for a sacrifice. Also, the one it sets its eyes on is......you.
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       "I have been in love with you since over hundred years ago."   ※Residence of Toilet
Hanawo of Toilet
ハナヲ / Hanawo CV. Midorikawa Hikaru
He is the youkai who caused one of The Seven Wonders, “Hanawo of Toilet.”
His identity is "Hajimari no Youkai(Youkai of Beginning)." He has been watching humans and youkai together for hundreds years along. However, it seems the loneliness has been brought to a close when he fell in love with you.
He is a friendly big brother that feels satisfied from seeing you smile. When he feels bored, he always wants to pamper you. He likes games and manga, so that explains how often he buys latest works quickly. Excalibur (toilet brush) is his weapon when he's cleaning the toilet.
PROFILE Age: If I'm already 20 years old, then I'm an adult now! (Roughly around 870 years old) Height / Weight: 181cm / 66kg Birthday: August 7th Race: Secret Likes: Expressing love Dislikes: The pain of being forgotten What do you do at home? Let's play game together!
VS Nanagiri Gakuen
Nanagiri Gakuen has been a school shrouded in Seven Wonders since ancient times. The school is rumored that it is possible to meet youkai there. However, when the story about it is distorted, the youkai who lived in the school also get distorted. If you don't restore them, you will disappear. Aah, what a tragedy it is!
Translated by clearui
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cannonette · 7 years
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7 Wonders Land
Hifumi - Pushy Karasu-Tengu-sama
Utashiro - Mean Baku-sama
Zakuro - Tsundere Youko-sama
Iriya - Lethargic Yamatano Orochi-sama
Meri - Lonley Meri-san
Arahagi - Black-hearted Bakeneko-sama
Toneri - Yandere Inugami-sama
Beautiful Hanao-sama of the Toilet
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How would bakeneko shiggy react to having a naga reader?
Irony, sheer irony.
Cats are afraid of snakes so Shiggy was surprised at seeing Reader hanging around in one of his claimed onsens.
At first he was pissed and started hissing, batting at Reader’s tail and telling them to leave. Then he realized that Reader was only a little baby naga instead, who had a sad expression and was getting ready to crawl out.
Shiggy proceeded to feel like he had ate this kid’s eye balls so he swatted them back into the tub. He groomed and bathed you before adopting you.
He makes biscuits on your tail and regularly snuggles you.
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Do not repost or copy or use in any way my works without permission. All banners with drawings by @fusaex3
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-Bakeneko!Kunikuzushi x Fem!Reader- Neko Ja 1 , Neko Ja 2
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-In another’s shoes (Genshin School AU x Fem!Reader)- [Prologue] , [Chapter 1], [Chapter 2], [Chapter 3]
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-Dreamer in Teyvat- Night 1: [1] , [2] , [3], [4] , [5] ,[6]
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-Traveler's little helper- Teyvat (Aether / Dainsleif) Mondstadt Liyue
Extras: Trust [Lyney x Fem!Reader] Lover [Aether x Fem!Reader] Divine prospect in love [Aether x Fem!Reader] Curiosity - Nahida [feat Sumeru Boys x Fem!Reader] The love is in the air! - Charlotte [Feat. Fontaine boys + Aether x Fem!Reader] Love Potion! - Lisa (Feat. Aether/Diluc/Venti/Gorou x Fem!Reader) A Little Maid!
Asks: Vision , Clothes , Weapon , Materials , Diving
Event Masterlist
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-Short stories/imagines- Pretty Stranger (Kabukimono (AU)) Little Friend (Xiao) True Love (Kabukimono/Scaramouche/Wanderer) Self Aware (one character of your choice is yandere) Kisses and warmth (Kabukimono/Scaramouche/Wanderer) Happy Birthday Venti Heizou x Reader Choose me (Lyney x Reader x Freminet) You from my dream (Wanderer) Short Neuvillette x Reader Self Aware – Your sadness Self Aware Zhongli [R] The choice (Tatarasuna) Welcome to Teyvat (Self Aware) Merman!Kabukimono
[R] is for works that were Requested
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diabolikpersonals · 7 years
i have so many ocs pls help me
ok so i know you guys like taking about ocs so i’m gonna give ya’ll a taste of my hellspawns??? yes hello  most of them are yokai bc i kinda wanted to stray away from the typical stuff in the canon
but yea i have a blog for them (@diabolik-menagerie) but it’s very very wip rn
mika - heiress of the family; birth name is tatsumi; a nure-onna, aka a vampiric snake lady; very very gay for yui; saved yui from richter and cordelia; kinda obsessed with yui honestly, but it’s a pure love i guess; on good terms with ruki and reiji chisuke - pain-obsessed vampiric yokai boy; the middle child of his siblings; can change his weight at will, from being weightless to insanely heavy; that’s how he usually kills his “prey”; hates/loves shin; they hate each other but end up attached to each other it’s so weird; very gay; tries to get in shiki and itachi’s pants all the time; an iso-onna  arisu - grumpy lolita girl; half chinese; real name is lei; is a first blood bc of her mom; chisuke and mika’s half sister; claims she’s gonna marry kanato; kind of a brat; genuinely loves being around kanato, especially when she pleases him; the baby of the group; really doesn’t like the tsukinamis naoyu - grunge werewolf kid; was raised by russians; became a werewolf at 13; is dating subaru and is crazy for him; honestly the most stable of the group; everyone’s big bro himei - sadistic goth babe; kinda sorta in love with azusa; tentacle fucker (he’s an umibozu); says his gender is “knife”, claims his dick is also a knife; will kill someone if they even look at azusa wrong sei - tsundere dragon boy; himei’s maternal younger half brother; trained as a reaper before running away from home; tends to be abusive towards others and is trying to change; in a weird relationship with laito; kinda yandere for laito; okay really yandere sorry; pyromaniac shiki - depressed druggie stalker; has a dark and terrible past that ended with him killing his parents and being adopted and experimented on by two vampires; obsessed with shu and lowkey stalks him; addicted to morphine and alcohol; has a little sister; technically still human despite being much older than he looks; murders pedophiles for a living and hobby sanae - lost forest boy; half kodama, half bakeneko; birth name is anri; was trapped in a tree for 80 years; childhood friends with himei, “adopted” by ameya and ayumu; being stalked by kaoru; best friends with arisu ameya - ice-skating before yuri!! on ice made it cool; half thai; birth name is ratri; kind of a kuudere, but generally kind and sweet; sanae calls him “papa”; is himei’s paternal older half sibling; an umibozu ayumu - super cool kick-boxing champion; ameya’s twin; half thai; birth name is thiwa; generally cheerful, just kinda gruff; sanae calls her “mama”; is himei’s paternal older half sister; an umibozu rika - a dead kid that awakened after 150 years of “sleep”; shiki’s “assistant”; completely loyal to shiki, and by extension, shu; slowly develops a crush on ayato, which may or may not be requited; is slowly learning to feel emotions again; is literally dead, just not rotting mukuro - corpse boy who knew sei when he was young; died at the reaper training complex and remained as a walking corpse; was bullied by sei at first; an angel came and made him partially alive; is a full-fledged reaper now; basically sei’s best friend itachi - very gay bird boy; arisu’s retainer; basically dedicates his life to her; very quiet and nervous; a natural pacifist, despite being insanely powerful; a daitengu sasuke - grumpy cat boy; a total tsundere; resident emo; curses people that piss him off; his family adopted itachi; itachi’s really the only one he loves; he’s a bakeneko deidara - pretty spider boy; half german; easily angered; super violent; tends to flirt with anyone; watched his mother eat his father at a young age; thinks loving someone involves eating them; he’s a tsuchigumo sasori - lurker boy that was sacrificed by his village as a hitobashira to keep their temple stable; half irish; cursed his village for betraying him; travels around aimlessly for the hell of it; not the healthiest person to be around hidan - playboy that died a horrible death and came back as an onryou; grew up in an orphanage with itachi; is celibate due to being fucking dead; kills indiscriminately to soothe is angry ass  kaoru - aloof angel man with an obsession with sanae; very very old; never felt any kind of attraction until he met sanae; willing to kill to keep sanae to himself; technically a fallen angel
rika is relatable because I, too, am dead
check out their oc blog!!! >:D
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
Get Even
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This one-shot might be kind of weird, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to write one of my favorite animals.
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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“Realize that everything connects to everything else.” - Leonardo DaVinci
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There was an odd feeling of numbness as you watched the blaze engulfed the village you grew up in. You stood a few meters away from the burning houses, unable to do anything but stare. Even when a silhouette appeared in the midst of the raging fire that should’ve scorch them, you remained still.
“[Name]-sama,” it – no, he – spoke. You slowly averted your gaze to the said person, mouth dry yet dying to utter a single word. Four letters that you’d said so tenderly. A name that gave him an identity.
Maru stopped in front of you and smiled. A pair of fangs peeked through those pinkish lips, blood dripping ominously. His dark tail swished behind him, sparks of flame flickered in the air. You couldn’t believe it was the same tail that had reduced many villages and towns to ashes. The same tail that you had touched and grabbed before.
Slowly yet hesitantly, you walked towards him as if he was a timid animal ready to flee at any wrong movement. Your hand reached out to stroke those ebony strands that framed his dimpled cheeks. He closed his piercing, amber eyes and purred contentedly like a cat.
But he wasn’t a cat. He was a monster.
A monster cat.
Your monster.
Frowning, you gritted your teeth to prevent the tears from falling because you couldn’t. You couldn’t and refused to believe that your pet was here, standing in front of you in all his human glory. You couldn’t and refused to believe that he had destroyed your hometown. You couldn’t and refused to believe that he had killed many people.
Because this... This was all just a dream. A nightmare. And you were waiting to wake up, to meet that cat and play with him again. To pretend that none of this occurred right before your eyes. To convince yourself that Maru was still a harmless cat and not a killer.
An arsonist.
“What... happened?” You blinked away the tears in your lashes and looked up to those irises that you often got lost into. “Maru, what happened? What did you do?”
“You were hurt,” he said gently. It reminded you of a calming breeze in the beach after a hard day; the same place where you found him. A black cat that sat near the shore, gazing at the setting sun. He lifted a hand and stroked your bruised cheek, where your abusive husband had slapped you last night. “I couldn’t let that happen any longer, especially not on my watch.”
You wanted to correct him that it was you who had taken care of him, but he beat you to it. “I’ve seen everything, you know? The pain you endured... I’ve witnessed it all.” Those slit eyes appeared more intimidating under the moonlight as he peered through his shoulder and towards the ruins of your house. “Every slap, every hit, every beating that you’d received. It was unfair how you took the blame for something that you didn’t even do.”
Maru paused, caressing your trembling lip. “You didn’t deserve such treatment. After all, you’re nothing but a saint. An angel. And that man was a scum. A bastard. He’d abused you; calling you bad names that a husband shouldn’t have called to his wife. He didn’t deserve to be with you, nor he deserved you. He didn’t deserve everything you gave him.” A small, tender smile softened his hard features. “But that’s alright because I’m here now. I’m here to save you, [Name]-sama.”
Maybe he has always been possessive. Maybe this was his real personality that has been hidden under the guise of an affectionate feline. But when he patted your head – the same way you often did to him – you knew that some part of him was still that affectionate feline.
“Come with me,” he said. “Leave this terrible village and come with me.”
You withdrew from his touch and shook your head, much to his dismay. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because...” Because who knows what would happen if you come with him. Who knows how many dying people you could see but unable to help. Who knows how many buildings he would burn down mercilessly. But there was no way you would say that to him. Not when his intentions were... pure, to say the least. “Because I can’t. I just can’t, Maru. It’s... It’s not that easy.”
Maru frowned. “I don’t understand. I offer you a chance to live freely. I offer you a chance to explore the outside world. Why did you reject it? What’s bothering you? What’s hindering you from getting your freedom, [Name]-sama?”
Because you were scared, was what you wanted to say. “I... I just don’t feel ready yet.”
“I’ll be with you in every step of the way. I swear on my life that I will always protect you from any harm, [Name]-sama.”
“No, Maru.” You clenched your fists, sniffling slightly. “You can’t... You can’t just come to me and ask me to go with you after you killed them! I... I know that you hate Jin, but most of these people were innocent. They didn’t deserve to die!”
Maru scowled, obviously displeased with your stubbornness. “Do you think I didn’t know that those people have been badmouthing you behind your back? Do you think I didn’t know that someone had tried to ruin your business? Do you think I didn’t know that you’ve been sobbing alone in the living room after that bastard used you as a punching bag?”
You ducked your head from his glare. “H-how long...?” you mumbled.
“Does it matter? You don’t need them, and you certainly don’t need those kind of people in your life. They were toxic. They could taint your purity.” Maru was quick to close the distance and grabbed your forearm. “Come with me and I’ll guarantee that you will have your freedom.”
“This isn’t freedom if you’re forcing me against my will!” you hissed, clawing at his knuckle to ease the increasingly tight grip.
“It is freedom,” he insisted through gritted teeth. “Can’t you see that I just want to make you happy, [Name]-sama? I gave you an option but you refused. Therefore, I have no choice but to use force.”
“Maru, no! Stop this nonsense. I don’t want to go with you!” you yelled, trying to dig your heels against the ground but to no avail. “As your master, I order you to stop!”
He halted on his tracks before slowly turned his head to look at you. “And as your protector, I order you to follow me.”
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The bakeneko (化け猫, “changed cat”) is a type of Japanese yōkai, or supernatural creature. According to its name, it is a cat that has changed into a yōkai.
Bakeneko possess great shape-shifting abilities and frequently disguise themselves as smaller cats or humans – sometimes even their own masters. While in disguise, they like to dress up as humans with a towel wrapped around their head and dance around merrily. Many learn to speak human languages. They can eat things that are much bigger than they are, and even poisonous things, without any difficulty at all. It is even possible for a bakeneko to eat its own master and then take his form, living on in his place. If they do not kill their owners, they often bring down great curses and misfortune upon them. They can summon ghostly fireballs and are known to accidentally start house fires, their tails acting like torches on any flammable materials in the house. They also have the disturbing ability to reanimate fresh corpses and use them like puppets for their own nefarious purposes. They are generally a menace to any house they live in or near. – Wikipedia and Yokai.com
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Naga Shigadabi with a Bakeneko Reader has my heart. Reader purring as you lay on Dabi’s chest, you and Shigaraki hunting together.
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Okay but Bakeneko Shigaraki with a Naga darling is adorable. He snuggles your tail and reassures you that you’re a good snek and his baby. When in his humanoid form, he’ll cradle you like a baby and let’s you coil around his stomach for warmth.
Just, sweet little dynamic
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