dulaman-na-farraige · 10 months
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Tea time
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goth-albino-angel · 10 months
Screaming crying cheering to the heavens. It is nowhere even remotely near what I want for them, but having their house burned down because of some desperate power-hungry moron and having their egos shot by just Kudo but also Koji? It's a freaking start, man, it's a start.
In other news, Kiyoka and Yurie? Kiyoka and Yurie make my heart feel a type of way with how loving, supportive, caring, and attentive they are to Miyo. Just... it genuinely makes me happy to see people who actually care about her and worry about her and want her around. They reassure her that she's wanted, they reassure her that they like having her around, and they reassure her that she's not a burden. It's so freaking good and I will never have enough of it.
Miyo? Miyo? Miyo. I love her, your honor. I care about her, your honor. I'm infinitely proud of her, your honor. Still trying to avoid too many spoilers for those who haven't seen, but Miyo? Miyo.
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gothyorhamoved · 1 year
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nier: reincarnation beta designs from the second anniversary special show !!
— order: saryu, priyet, marie, yurie, yudil, sarafa, yuzuki & hina
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maria-eve-falcon · 10 months
lmfao, love this dynamic
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-Bombastic side eye
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Yurie, Flug's daughter. No one knows who the other parent is.
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She may or may not have skinned someone alive for the skull she's holding.
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kaichan24 · 21 days
Yurie is so important
Yurie is amazing. she scolds Kiyoka for his attitude
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Kiyoka was shocked because it was the first time Yurie defended one of the marriage candidates.
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Yurie knows best
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sonianevermind · 1 month
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Hope my girl eventually gets freed from the grips of eos hell. Going to miss you queen 🥺💗you had some of the best signs sob
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ecargmura · 10 months
My Happy Marriage Episode 4 Review: Kiyoka Is The Best Husband
I apologize that this review came out late. I’ve been busy with writing chapters for my internet novel Lavender Eyes that I didn’t have time to watch My Happy Marriage until now. While this episode had moments that angered me, it also made me tear up a bit. Also, excuse my language in this review because I don’t have pleasant things to say for some parts of this episode.
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The part that angered me was, of course, the scenes with Miyo’s scumbag family members. Miyo’s family is absolute shit. Her biological father developed no love for his first daughter because she lacked powers. It’s boggling that his love is only worth something if his child has power. What an absolute trash bag of a father he is. The fact that this is can apply to Asian families in real life hurts even more. Because her father finds her worthless, he was the reason why Kaya ended up the spiteful, entitled brat that she is. Miyo’s stepmother is a bitch and it’s because of her that Kaya became the way she is. I don’t care if Kaya’s attitude and behavior is because of how she was raised, she still engaged in abusing her sister and still does it to this day, meaning she enjoys doing it like the psychopathic bitch she is. The fact that she develops a liking to Kiyoka pisses me off even more given how bratty she is. Kaya is exactly the type of girl Kiyoka LOATHES because his previous fiancees were all gold-diggers and only saw him as a way for climb up the social ladder. Kaya only finds his exterior attractive.
Speaking of Kiyoka, he was an absolute JOY to watch. He visits Miyo’s crap family and tells them that if they don’t apologize to Miyo for all the abuse she had to endure from them, he won’t give them anything in return; he’s basically saying that he won’t give them money or associate them as his in-laws. He’s written absolutely well. He’s not someone who miscommunicates with Miyo or is dumb enough to believe in lies. He’s someone who believes in the truth and in love because he loves Miyo.
The fact that he figured out something was wrong with Miyo after she returned from her outing and wanted to do something to bring back the confidence and brightness she had before. He wrote a letter to someone and that was when Hana, Miyo’s former attendant, came to visit her and encouraged her to be confident and content with her current life.
Miyo feeling like she’s happy with her life but then regressing back to her old self was heartbreaking to see. Miyo finally felt like she had a place to belong, but when Kaya came in, everything got ruined. The fact that she decided to hyper fixate on making a hair tie for Kiyoka and looked rather out of it when she was done showed how bad her issues are. The way her voice actress voiced her so soft spoken to the point of being a mumbling robot was extremely good voice acting. Wow. I’m impressed.
The fact that she realized how much she is loved and worth from Hana is so well-written. Sometimes, people in despair just need that extra push to be able to move on. What Miyo needed was encouragement that everything is going to be okay and that she has people who care about her. The way she was moved to tears when she learned that it was her husband-to-be that sent a letter for her to come to the Kudou manor to see her tugged my heart.
She told Kiyoka of her secrets and how that she’s nothing special despite being a daughter of a wealthy family, but he already knew. He doesn’t care and that he only wants her to be his wife. The way he hugged her so tenderly and how she accepted it back made me so emotional. Man, Kiyoka’s such a good man. The fact that he didn’t expect much from Miyo from when he first met her to falling for her gentle soul speaks so much; the fact that she was so different from his previous fiancees speaks so much in volume. Please only let good things happen to them from now on.
Koji’s brother Kazushi makes his debut in this episode. He doesn’t have much screen time, but all that is told from his 1 minute screen time is that he has abilities and that he doesn’t take his responsibilities seriously. He also teased Koji about being too nice to the point of being unkind. I feel like that’s Koji’s character in general. He’s a nice guy, but he didn’t do anything to stop Kaya from abusing Miyo despite being in love with her. I think Kazushi’s role is to foreshadow that aspect of him. Will he be more of a spineless coward in future episodes?
Wow, I wrote a lot for this review. I can’t help it. The episode was such a rollercoaster. I can’t wait for what’s to come next week as it feels as if something bad is going to happen now that Mr. Tatsuishi is trying to use Kaya in his plans to get his hands on Miyo. What are your thoughts on this episode and how much do you want to punch all of Miyo’s abusive family members in the face? I certainly want to beat the crap out of them and have them get a taste of their own medicine.
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intonerable · 4 months
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sebfreak · 10 months
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon or My happy marriage Ep6:
Ah to read all these angry comments made me very happy and I can understand why so many said that it was a blood boiling episode. :D I can only speak for myself but I was very relaxed because my anger is so big against this whole family that I don´t feel anything anymore. And I don´t write down my inner thoughts while seeing all these ugly people.
But what happened that made so many angry? Well a lot of things happened and I´m so glad that they didn´t shorten this whole situation because otherwise we couldn´´t have felt these emotion we felt. Miyo was kidnapped and then abused and then saved. This is a very short explanation before I go more into details.
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Can you believe that there are people who try to do everything to get what they want? And it doesn´t matter how ridiculous their goal is. Yeah, we all heard at least once this one motto or words: "No matter how small your goal is, you´ll have to fight for it." Yeah in a positive way it can be quite motivating but we are speaking here for this single damn goal: "Snap away Miyos financee and replacing here because he is far more beautiful." And for that they kidnap her and abuse her physically and psychologically. Like they did in the past. And for me this is really sick but on the other hand I´m not surprised. This whole family is so bitter so they can´t do anything else than make people feel worse and insult them and try to point out that they are nothing important in life. Miyo is FAR BETTER than this whole family but she never ever thought that specifically. Miyo didn´t think of her own: "Oh I´m better than my family."
More like it was the opposite case, she always felt way worse and thought: "Oh I don´t deserve anything they (Kudos family ---> yes I see Yurie and Kudo as a whole family) gave me."
But now that they saw how good her life is in the new family they can´t accept it because they really thought they could throw her out like trash. So they try to remember her where she comes from and that she can´t flee from her past. But if you ask me then I would say: She is better because she doesn´t feel toxic jealousy. And she has every right to think like that that she is better than these creatures.
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Yeah the classical: "You were always a victim and our punching bag and I won´t accept that you can easily forget us, so I have to remind you again where you come from." I mean it´s kinda cute that they try to use this method and make her regret again. They do all these things they did to her in the past but this time it will be different and I love how we could follow it. Also it was great to see the change in Miyo but her toxic abusing family didn´t change a single tiny thing.
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If you ask me, it was kinda cute that they thought, they could fight against Kudo-sama. XD He isn´t a monster just because he is way stronger than these old geezers. He is angry and also he is protecting himself because he wants to save Miyo. Also he is a general, like... isn´t it kinda good when he is that strong? And another thing but this might sound kinda crazy. I liked the fact that they made a wall as an attack and Kudo broke down this wall with easiness. For me it was a great metaphor to show us how easily he changes Miyos life (in a positive way).
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I really loved this scene. So satisfying and they deserved every second of it. XDDDD Like I mean the whole family is shit but these two old men are the main reason for all these things. Miyos father who needed a new woman and brought these two toxic female characters in this household and the other one who just see Miyo as a tool to gain and strenghten his power. F** THEM!!!!!
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Yeah and who do you think you are? People who force you to play a role in this world are the worst. They are so damn toxic and I hate them from the bottom of my heart. Nobody should force Miyo and YOU to take a specific place in this world, okay?
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Another satisfying moment. The father on his knees beside his burning house he had all these years. Yeah maybe he worked very hard for that and tried to protect it but now after one mistake he lost everything and I don´t feel sad at all. He deserves it after all these years of ignoring the abusement. This is his punishment.
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Miyo remembering Kudo and gaining her strengh to withstand all this shit she has to endure. (sorry for my language) This was one of my most favourite scenes. He gave her self confidence and made her stronger because he showed her what true kindness is and yeah that people are out there who truly love her.
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Indeed he came because he isn´t the type of person who break his promises. <3
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A wonderful, beautiful and great pic. The women who tries to take everything for herself and her ugly daughter, has lost everything and can only observe the fires which are destroying the house she invaded. Now she has lost EVERYTHING. On the other hand you can see it as: Oh everything burns down that doesn´t belong to her, because she didn´t help her husband to build this house. She was never a part of it.
Really great. I was very happy to see it. <3 :D
Oh and with ugly I mean the personality. For me there is appearance beauty and character beauty. And yeah these two women are the most ugly people I´ve ever seen. (personality wise)
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Hmmmmm he is angry and soooo sexy. <3 I really love it how protective he is AND he made it very clear that he will never ever marry such an arrogant woman. Also, this is the thing that I always wanna see. Straight to the point and not long dialogues which are very vague in the end!!!!!
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Yeah everything is burning, so you can also see it as: "Miyo has lost now everything!" But on the other hand she gained so much more. So maybe it´s also a new beginning after closing an old chapter. <3
So, for some people it´s a completely end but for some others it´s a new start to build a new home which is far way more better than the old one. And I´m 100% here for that. :D
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Why is it that always really old people are the most shittiest characters in an anime? XDDDDD (okay this is a little exaggeration but you know what i mean) He is soooo damn old and yet he doesn´t wanna let go of his powers. And yep I´m scared what they meant with operation....
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He slept by her side the whole time. <3 Somehow while watching this scene I had to remember the words you hear when marrying someone: "in good times and in bad". (not sure if it´s worldwide but in germany they ask the couple these words before they marry each other) And yeah this was a bad time and yet he was there and protected her and stood by her side.
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She deserves a good hug because she thought it was her fault. But it wasn´t and she was so worried. :( Poor Yurie.
Well that was episode 6 and I´m really looking forward for episode 7. <3
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dulaman-na-farraige · 10 months
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Yurie the last scholar
At least this is what I imagine her face looks like under the blindfold cap. Her design is mainly based on the face data from the wiki and a photo of a Victorian hairstyle. Here's another little doodle of her face
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raidenfanclub · 1 month
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a bunch of doodles that are not quite miscellaneous but there's yurie from nier and emet-selch among my azem and wol sketchs lol
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opiumin · 1 year
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sketches bnuys on whiteboard you can draw or write something. please read the rules!! whiteboard will exist for 14 days!! https://r8.whiteboardfox.com/83319864-6567-3709
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maria-eve-falcon · 10 months
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sreliata · 2 years
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kaichan24 · 1 month
My happy marriage
Novel 1 (thoughts\ comments)
Kiyoka is so BEAUTIFUL.
Yurie is the best, the first day meeting Miyo and she liked her right way because she was considerate and helpful. Also, Yurie decided she is the one at the third day of meeting her.
Hahaha, Yurie scolded Kiyoka for the poison accusation
The kudou family outranked the majority of gifs user families, they have a court rank and vast tracks of land.
Kiyoka pretending that the comb wasn’t a marriage proposal was funny, also it was a very private moment as Yurie wasn’t there when it happened unlike the anime that put Yurie there.
Kouji couldn’t hold a candle to Kiyoka as a gift user or as a man and no amount of effort on his part would ever change that. (sadly, he is such a coward)
Kaya could have been a charismatic lady, but her parents ruined her. The fact that Kiyoka feels sorry for her is a testament of his good heart.
Keiko knows how to point out true beauty.
Kiyoka hadn’t even had a lover.
Hana saying that Kiyoka has a heart of gold is so TRUE.
Despite wanting to help Miyo, Kiyoka was unsure of himself. (he is so PRECIOUS)
The Saimoris starved Miyo they deserve the worst. 
Miyo is so strong that she considers that all the hardships and sacrifices that she was forced to endure were worth it for being with Kiyoka.
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