#Zahid Butt
flatbstanley · 9 months
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Zahid and Ayla are so used to Emily butt-scooting like a maniac that it took them a few minutes to realize she's moved to crawling on all fours.
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xlnc1 · 2 years
Naya Aadmi - PTV Long Play
Naya Aadmi – PTV Long Play
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8cxl5h Naya Aadmi – PTV Long Play Written by: Yunus JavaidDirected by: Yawar Hayat Starring: Mehran Qavi, Mehar-ul-Nisa, Sohail Asghar, Jevan Sultan, Khalid Butt, Salma Khan, Zahid Saleem, Nasira Kamran, Inam Khan, Rifat Tajali, Najma Malik, Nazar Abbas, Fareha Jabbin, Afshan Qureshi, Zafar Lodhi, Sadaf Khan, Munawar-al-hassan, Bilal Akbar, Hamid Mehmood,…
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GhabrO Shair Punjab Day
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atlanticcanada · 3 years
'Better to do it now, than do it later': Maintain restrictions now in order to enjoy Christmas, say epidemiologists
New Brunswick doesn't have 90 per cent of its population fully vaccinated, and until that happens, public health measures should remain, advise some epidemiologists.
Zahid Butt, an infectious disease epidemiologist and assistant professor at the University of Waterloo's School of Public Health Sciences, says a balance of encouraging more vaccination and restrictions is necessary right now.
Especially if the province wants to experience a more normal holiday season.
"If you are able to do these circuit breaker lockdowns now, you will then be able to enjoy the holiday season, basically because that's just around the corner," he said. "So, it's better to do it now, than do it later."
The province announced 22 new COVID-19 cases on Monday, the lowest daily case count since Sept. 9. It was around that time when N.B. started to see a drastic rise in case count -- and hospitalizations – with a high of 140 daily cases on Oct. 2.
"Just being vaccinated or just public health restrictions alone won't work – it should be a combination of both," Butt said.
Epidemiologist Kevin Wilson says past outbreaks show it takes at least a month to get them under control. And now would be the time to do the work – in order to ensure people can gather for the holidays.
"Discovering that you have an epidemic, introducing restrictions, ramping up testing, isolating contacts, doing contact tracing, all of that public health work – that's weeks, it takes weeks – you can't just flick a switch and turn it off, otherwise we wouldn't be in a pandemic," he said. "If you really want to make sure the holidays are as restriction-free as we can manage, then that needs to be a bit of a heavy push up front."
Paul Richard says there are times he still gasps for his next breath. The Moncton city councillor tested positive for COVID-19 in late September – and has been dealing with lingering symptoms ever since.
"I'll describe my symptoms as mild, because I was double-vaxxed," he said. "I'm pretty sure that if I wouldn't have been vaccinated that I would, best-case scenario, I would be on a ventilator. Worst case, well we won't think about that."
He says since he's shared his story, people have been sending him messages of support.
Dozens have revealed they've gotten tested because of Richard's experience – and one person was negative.
He understands there are differing views on the vaccine -- but says testing is for everyone – and hopes more people will consider getting tested when they have symptoms.
"We don't know where this variant is, it can be anywhere in the province," he said. "If you're feeling the symptoms, please get tested."
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/2ZuLyJ1
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kindrednerdspirit · 3 years
Sometimes a Thing Feels so Right: Part 4
Excerpt: This revelation, however, is not without its issues, because Casey now finds herself in the tricky situation of knowing it’s best to avoid private moments with Iz, but she also wants private moments with her.
Monday, first block. Casey’s perspective.
It’s 20 minutes before track practice starts and Casey has one goal: avoid any potential private moments with Izzie. Her decision is influenced by her most recent talk with Elsa. In a bizarre turn of events, the universe decided Casey would connect with Elsa on a deeper level twice in one week. Their first talk about Casey’s grandma helped her understand Elsa’s helicopter parenting and why she gets, well, annoyingly intrusive. Their second talk was an accident. A host of Izzie feelings reached a boiling point for Casey and her Izzie issues spilled out in front of Elsa.
For context, this is how it all went down:
The smell of roast fills the Gardner house. Sam works at the kitchen table as Elsa takes dinner out of the oven. He is sketching a new piece for his art class. 
“Sam, honey, do you mind telling your sister that dinner is ready?” Elsa asks as she cuts the roast.
“I do mind. I have to finish this sketch by tomorrow.”
Elsa is not surprised by her son’s very literal answer. He had been in flow for hours, sitting in the same spot since he got home from class. This is not a battle she wants to take part in, so she walks up the stairs to get Casey. Strangely, the door is ajar by a few inches. Curious in a way that any parent is interested in their teenager’s “secret” life, Elsa peers in before announcing dinner is ready. Casey is lying on her bed, curled toward the wall and sniffling.
She acts like she hasn’t been spying, and quietly knocks. “Case, dinner is ready.”
“Uh, sure. I’ll be right down.” Casey’s voice is soft.
Don’t meddle, don’t meddle, don’t meddle. Elsa repeats the phrase over and over in her head as she walks back into the kitchen and takes dinner into the dining room. A few minutes pass before Casey makes her way downstairs.
She sees Sam drawing at the kitchen table. “Why aren’t you eating?”
“I need to finish my sketch. It’s due tomorrow.”
“So, take a 10 minute break, eat, then finish it.”
Sam avoids eye contact and looks at the table the entire time he speaks. “Professor Shinerock says you have to find your peak time to achieve flow. My peak time is in the afternoon around 2:30, so this is when I have to start working on my art, because it’s when I’ll be at my most creative and productive. Professor Shinerock says to continue working in flow state for as long as possible.” 
“You know what else helps creativity and productivity? Not starving.”
“Of course, starving ruins creativity and productivity, because you’d be dead!” Sam tilts his head and furrows his brow. “That’s a ridiculous thing to say.” Without another word, Sam puts on his headphones and returns to his sketch.
“If you’re not eating by the time I’m done dinner, I’m pretending you’re an egg.” Casey walks away with a smile, knowing that Sam did not hear her warning. She sits at the table with Elsa and starts helping herself to potatoes. The two sit in silence for a minute, save for cutlery clanging against their plates.
“Sweets, I know I shouldn’t meddle--”
“So don’t.” Casey finishes.
“--but I’m just going to say one thing, then nothing else. Promise.”
Casey rolls her eyes but let’s her mum continue. Elsa takes a deep breath to collect herself. “You just found out that UCLA is interested in you, but you seem sad. And you haven’t had Izzie over in weeks, you mope around the house, you’re unexpectedly crotchety...”
“Mum!” Casey groans. “Please, get to the point.”
“I don’t know if Izzie is jealous about UCLA scouting you, but whatever is happening between you two... it will sort itself out. Try not to fret too much.”
Casey stares at her plate and pauses to mull over her mum’s words. “How do you know?” She’s afraid to look at Elsa. Afraid that if she does, all her emotions will flood out.
“Because of how you two look at each other. It’s special.” Elsa smiles, reflecting on when she first met Doug. When they first met, they shared the same long stares and goofy smiles as Casey and Izzie. Boy, that seemed like a lifetime ago.
“Thanks.” Casey is surprised by her mum’s kind words. “I don’t know if it will, though.” Her voice cracks. She shuts her eyes, because she can feel the tears forming. Elsa practically leaps out of her seat to embrace her daughter. She kisses Casey’s head, then soothingly brushes back her hair with her fingers.
“She’s… embarrassed to be seen with me.” Casey murmurs.
Elsa nods, knowingly. “I’m sorry, love.” She tucks a strand of hair behind her daughter’s ear. “Not everyone is as confident and comfortable with themselves as you.”
Casey smiles sheepishly and swipes away the tears. Of course, Elsa feels protective of Casey. She doesn’t want anybody breaking her daughter’s heart. At the same time, Elsa also understands Izzie’s situation to a certain extent, making her feel like a protective momma bear toward her, too. They have the shared experience of growing up with an absent parent, and perhaps, similar insecurities. Not to mention that both Casey and Izzie are just beginning to understand their sexual identities, so it's not surprising that this self knowledge is leading to difficult feelings.
Elsa is suddenly very grateful for reading up on parenting tips for LGBTQ+ kids. She chooses her next words carefully, so as not to imply to Casey that she knows about Izzie’s home situation. “Give her time, hon.” 
“I think I love her.” Casey sniffles.
“I know.” 
“Love who?” Doug walks into the room looking for dinner. He just got back from work, and somehow slipped into the house without the girls noticing. The question hangs in the air a few beats too long.
“Uhm, Izzie.” Despite not wanting this conversation to happen in this moment, Casey looks her dad in the eye.
“Yeah, I love her too!” He grins and pulls out a chair, completely oblivious to what is going on. Casey is not sure what to do, so she looks at her mum. The two watch as Doug happily sticks a fork into the roast beef, then proceeds to scoop carrots. The girls stifle some laughter. Maybe it’s best to let this one slide, considering Casey and Izzie’s relationship status is currently unknown.
“What?” Doug asks after noticing the girls’ looks.
“Nothing, Dad. Girl stuff.” Casey looks at her mum as she says it, knowing it will mean something more to her. She then grabs her plate and excuses herself from the table before dropping her dishes in the sink. Sam is still in the kitchen, completely absorbed in his art.
“I warned you!” Casey shouts. “Prepare to be egged!” With that, she scrambles onto Sam’s chair and sticks her butt on his head.
“Hey, stop! What are you doing?!” Sam protests.
“Don’t blame me. You’re the one who compared me to a penguin, so now, you’re my egg.”
“Why would that make me an egg? That makes no sense! You ruined my flow!” They continue squabbling, wrestling, and yelling.
Meanwhile, Doug looks at Elsa with a bemused but impressed expression. “Girl talk? Really?”
Elsa cannot help but beam.
Needless to say, when Casey found herself stretching on the field 20 minutes early, it was a calculated move. It’s amazing how saying something out loud can make things so clear. Once she told Elsa that Izzie was embarrassed to be seen with her as her girlfriend, something clicked. Casey could never pretend to be just friends with Izzie, it would never work out. She simply wasn’t the type of person to pretend, the type to play a role, even if it meant keeping Izzie close. 
This revelation, however, is not without its issues, because Casey now finds herself in the tricky situation of knowing it’s best to avoid private moments with Iz, but she also wants private moments with her. 
While she works on her quads, Izzie jogs past and veers off to stretch on her own. She’s wearing the tight Adidas shorts that show off her beautiful curves. Casey always considered her own muscular legs to be tall and lanky, but Izzie’s… they were shapely in all the most appealing ways from her legs to her hips. The same hips she held onto whenever she pulled Izzie close. She fit so comfortably in her embrace, with her delightful warmth and faint smell of vanilla beans.
The best part was when Iz was really close and her chin would dip up. Casey would look down and see the same desire in her eyes as she felt all over her body. A shiver would go down her spine, her breathing would quicken. And everything else would just, sort of, disappear. Fade off into the background. Iz would smile, showing off her button dimples and Casey would want to devour her right then and there for being too adorable.
Oh. My. God. Casey! You have one job. Actually, two jobs. No private moments with Izzie and no getting turned on by Izzie because it’s a slippery slope, my dude. Quick, think of gross things. Zahid kissing Gretchen? Zahid in a robe? Ew, ew, ew! Too far. Poor Zahid. I love the guy for being Sam’s friend, but he’s a serious vagina mood killer.
Izzie looks up from her stretching and their eyes meet. She has the longing eyes and Casey knows exactly what she wants. Shit. It’s too hard, so she looks away. Much too hard. The rest of track practice follows a similar pattern of eyes meeting and diverting. 
After 60 minutes of failing miserably at ignoring Izzie, Casey is relieved when Coach blows the whistle. She hustles to the locker room with a few other teammates. Casey is talking to another teammate when Iz jogs over, her high ponytail bouncing with each step. She cannot help but disassociate from the conversation, because she sees the infamous Adidas shorts. And just like that, she’s done for. Blood rushes toward her southern regions. The Zahid tactic fails. Once again, Casey curses her body and heart for betraying her brain. 
“Yo, Newton! Wait up!” Iz shouts.
At the sound of her voice, Casey wavers for a millisecond. She decides to continue listening to her peers, pretending not to hear. But Iz is persistent. Casey’s words from the other night with Elsa race through her head.
She’s embarrassed to be seen with me.
The words are upsetting. There’s so many reasons why, it’s hard to pick only one, but she mostly feels frustrated. Frustrated that she cannot hold or kiss Izzie in public, that she cannot share her love with the world, despite their mutual feelings. Worst of all, she feels the immense hurt that comes with knowing she cannot pretend to be just friends. She hates that it has to be all or nothing. But to do otherwise, would be to betray herself. All these complicated emotions build up inside her until she finds herself towering over Izzie.
“I don’t know how to make this more clear. I don’t want to talk to you.”
Her cold tone surprises even her. She watches Izzie’s eyes widen, then feels her heart clench in response. Despite everything, her instant reaction is to make Iz feel better. And she easily could. Casey could slip her arms around her, up to the small of her back. Then, she could gently pull Izzie toward her and lean in. She could hover in front of her lips to tease Iz, the two sharing the same, delicious air.
“Please, don’t follow me.” Casey cuts off Iz with a firm response. She gulps--that was close. Her feet hurry toward the locker room, whisking her away as quickly as possible. She hated feeling like an overdramatic school girl or like she was in some terrible rom-com. Big deal. Just be friends, right? At the same time, though, she knew there was no other way.
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latestnewspk · 3 years
Did Alizeh Shah Just Make Her Break Up With Noaman Sami
Alizeh Shah is another exciting and staggering TV and film entertainer and model of Pakistan who is without a doubt another pulverize around there. Her excellence and her guiltlessness have made everybody succumbed to her in no time. This article contains definite data about her, including الیزہ شاہ Account and Alizeh Shah Dramatizations.
Alizeh Shah Life story
A youthful gifted and charming young lady who hails from Karachi is another and undoubtedly amazing expansion to the Showbiz business and is administering the TV screens nowadays. In spite of the fact that she has as of late showed up on the little screen yet, she was picked for a go for a brand when she was not really 5 or 6 years of age. She supposed to date Noman Sami, who is in like manner a Pakistani entertainer and model. She has a deadly combination of magnificence and ability, which turned into a justification for her notoriety in a brief time frame.
She was brought into the world on ninth June 2002 in Karachi, where she grew up. At present, she dwells in a similar city with her family.
AS AN Entertainer
She turned into a piece of the Showbiz business when she was just six years of age when a chief for displaying moved toward her. She began her acting profession with a show sequential 'Daldal' of Murmur television as a side part inverse Zahid Ahmad, Armeena Khan, Kinza Hashmi, and Muneeb Butt. Not long after Daldal, she got an opportunity to improve her acting abilities in well-known dramatization sequential 'Ishq Tamasha' featuring Aiman Khan, Junaid Khan, and Kinza Hashmi. This dramatization gave her promotion, and individuals began drolling once again her magnificence and acting.
A couple of other striking serials of her fuses 'Dil Mother Ka Dia' featuring Hira Mani, Neelum Munir, Yasir Nawaz, and Imran Ashraf. 'Jo Tu Chahay' inverse Imran Abbas and Zarnish Khan, 'Ehd e Wafa' featuring Ahad Raza Mir, Osman Khalid Butt, Wahaj Ali, and Ahmad Ali Akbar, and few different serials.
She made her big-screen debut in 2018 in the film 'Hotshot' featuring Mahira Khan and Bilal Ashraf. The film got one of the greatest superhits of 2018.
Despite the fact that her profession in the showbiz business has recently started, yet she has effectively done numerous photoshoots. She was the substance of Alkaram Studio's MAK assortment. In this photoshoot, she donned a charming and perky look. Other than this she has additionally done a marriage photoshoot and take the spotlight through her entrancing looks.
Planning Alizeh and Noaman's Vocations
Alizeh Shah has demonstrated her ability since the time she assumed a supporting part in Ishq Tamasha, a Murmur Program featuring Junaid Khan and Aimen Khan. In a brief period, she has done various dramatizations where she played the lead. Her ability and looks made individuals experience passionate feelings for her, and now she has more than 2.5 million Instagram devotees. In her continuous, soon to end dramatization Mera Dil Mera Dushman, she is assuming the part inverse Noaman.
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pakihead · 3 years
What Franchises might go for in PSL 6 Draft?
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Pakistan Super League’s 6th edition is all set to take place from 20th February, 2021 with final to be played on 22nd March, 2021 at Gaddafi Stadium, Lahore. The tournament would require a strong team composition for reaching grand finale and as a part of making teams, all the 6 Franchises had given their retentions list to Pakistan Cricket Board. All the retentions were announced by PCB’s twitter handle today which is just a day before the actual draft takes place. The draft for making up full teams for PSL 6 is scheduled on 10th January, 2021 in Lahore which will help in shaping up the teams for the flagship event of PCB.
Keeping a look at the retentions, it looks like all the teams have opted for those players which they feel can help them in creating a winning combination. Every team had an option of retaining a maximum of 8 players. All the teams retained 8 players except Peshawar Zalmi, who retained only 5 players. Majority of the retained players are local players, whereas, out of 45 retained players only 10 are international players. An evenly balanced set of players has been retained which includes openers, middle order batsmen, fast bowlers, spinners and all-rounders. Let us have a look on each and every team individually which will help in identifying the possible picks for 2021.
Islamabad United
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One of the most successful teams is Islamabad with 2 PSL titles to their name and they have retained 2 opening batsmen in which one has been traded with Karachi Kings. Other retentions include 3 all-rounders and 1 each middle-order batsman, fast bowler and spinner. Retained players include Alex Hales, Colin Munro, Asif Ali, Musa Khan, Zafar Gohar, Shadab Khan, Faheem Ashraf and Hussain Talat. Some of the major releases included Dale Steyn, Rumman Raees, Amad Butt, Phil Salt and Dawid Malan. But from the retentions, it seems that Islamabad’s management has gone for retaining performers and impact players only. With probably, the most balanced retentions, it seems like Islamabad will be eyeing on picking few batsmen of one whom can keep wickets as well along with strengthening their fast bowling unit. Another factor needs to keep in mind is that majority of England, New Zealand, Bangladesh and Australian players might not be available as they will be on their national duties.
Karachi Kings
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Defending champions have gone on to retain 8 players in which majority of local performing players are included. Retentions include the likes of Babar Azam, Sharjeel Khan, Imad Wasim, Muhammad Amir, Aamir Yamin, Waqas Maqsood, Arshad Iqbal and Colin Ingram. Karachi has opted for a majority of local players which seems that they will be relying more on local talent because international cricketing commitments for foreign players will make it tough. Looking at the retentions of KK, it seems they will be eyeing to select some all-rounders stuff including a wicket-keeping option. Karachi has gone for retaining majority of those players which will gurantee them good bowling stuff. Therefore, they will look out to pick middle-order batsmen including the likes of some hard hitting batsmen with spin bowling options. Some of the major miss-outs from Karachi’s retentions are Mohammad Rizwan, Chadwick Walton, Iftikhar Ahmed, Umer Khan, Cameron Delport, Umaid Asif and Chris Jordan.
Lahore Qalandars
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Finally, Lahore was able to turn the tables for themselves by finishing 3rd on the points table for the first time and peaked just at the right time of the tournament. Lahore was so close to winning the title but ended as runners up. The retentions list of Lahore included Mohammad Hafeez, Fakhar Zaman, Sohail Akhter, David Wiese, Dilbar Hussain, Shaheen Shah Afridi, Haris Rauf and Ben Dunk. All of these retentions were major performers in 2020 with each giving his performance at crucial stages of the tournament. However, Lahore didn’t retain one of their critical success factor, Samit Patel. It was earlier announced that Fakhar Zaman would not be retained but retentions list showed that Lahore has opted for retaining him. Key miss-outs were Usman Shinwar, Samit Patel and Chris Lynn. Lahore will be looking to pick some middle-order batsmen and spin options.
Multan Sultans
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Multan had their best PSL last year but was unfortunately not able to win the trophy. The retention list of Multan included Shan Masood, James Vince, Rilee Rossouw, Sohail Tanvir, Shahid Afridi, Imran Tahir and Usman Qadir. Multan has also retained those players which makes the core of their team including middle order and top order batting along with one reliable T20 bowler in Sohail Tanvir and 3 leg spinners. From the team outlook, it seems that Usman Qadir, this time might get a longer run with Afridi and Imran Tahir at the eve of their playing careers. Key players that were not retained by Sultans included Moeen Ali, Zeeshan Ashraf, Ravi Bopara, Junaid Khan, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Ilyas and Rohail Nazir. Looking at the retentions, it seems like Multan will be looking to pick likes of fast bowlers and middle order batsmen as it self-sufficient in the spin department. However, like majority of teams, Multan will also be searching for a wicket keeping option in the drafts.
Peshawar Zalmi
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One of few teams who are eyeing a complete overhaul is Peshawar Zalmi. They have retained only 5 players as there was an option of retaining 8 but quite a selective list is being selected by them. Keeping in mind their turn in the draft, they seem to select diverse group of players as they have retained only 1 fast bowler, Wahab Riaz; 3 batsmen, Kamran Akmal, Liam Livingstone, Haider Ali and 1 all-round option in Shoaib Malik. It seems that majority of batting talent has been retained but some lower order batting options and complete bowling unit shall be picked in the draft. Peshawar had not performed that well in the last season and may be they want to completely overhaul their team composition as they have even gone on to release Hasan Ali, who had performed brilliantly with bat and ball in the domestic 4-day tournament. Some major outliers from Zalmi were Hammad Azam, Umar Amin, Tom Banton, Liam Dawson, Carlos Brathwaite, Imam ul Haq, Yasir Shah and Rahat Ali.
Quetta Gladiators
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With most number of matches won in first four seasons of PSL, Quetta was named among top contenders as PSL returned home last year. However, Gladiators performed quite badly as they were 6th on the points table this year. Their combinations didn’t seem right and as a result of that, they have probably released all of their batting options. Retained players include Sarfraz Ahmed, Azam Khan, Ben Cutting, Muhammad Nawaz, Muhammad Hasnain, Anwar Ali, Naseem Shah and Zahid Mahmood. With decent performances in the domestic tournaments, Zahid Mahmood, unexpectedly has been retained. Some major players who were unable to see their names in the retention list of Quetta were Ahmed Shehzad, Ahsan Ali, Jason Roy, Fawad Ahmed, Tymal Mills, Sohail Khan and Khurram Manzoor. Keeping in mind the retentions list, core of the bowling unit has been retained, whereas, batting department’s overhaul will be done by picking appropriate players from the draft.
Let us all see that how teams shape up after the PSL draft on 10th January, 2021.
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aquaboob · 5 years
My Fav things about Atypical Season 3
- the soundtrack was so good this season, like they really went hard with it!
- the script is just so well written (it has always been since season 1), but this season was especially good
- everything with Doug and Elsa is really important, because it’s realistic!! Sure at the end they kissed and made up, but it took them the entire season of growth and therapy to get to that point, which is natural
- I love Evan so much. The writers of the show really hurt me there because of course I want Casey to end up with Izzie, but Evan is such a good person and also deserves Casey. Which again, is realistic, it’s not like the man is a complete jerk, both options are good for her.
- Sam and Zahid’s fight was so intense yet so real. In the past two seasons, they didn’t really seem to butt heads a lot
- But in the end Sam and Zahid’s friendship is one of my favorite relationship throughout the whole. I wish more tv shows showed guy friends like hugging and stuff.
- I grow to continue to HATE Elsa and continue to love doug. I was so happy for him that he was sticking up for himself!!
- Cassie and Izzie have to get over a bunch of obstacles before they start a relationship, and that’s what happened! Healthy!
- the shots are a lot more creative than the first two seasons
- showing Sam in a college environment, with a teacher that doesn’t treat him like he’s on the spectrum is so IMPORTANT and REAL.
- it was an interesting yet perfect choice to make Paige drop out of college. It shows that no matter how much you think you may want something, it may not always turn out how you plan it which again, is REAL!
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pozmagazine · 4 years
People with hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV coinfection are at a much higher risk of death when compared with people who have only one or even two of these viruses, researchers reported in a study published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases.
Around the world, hep B, hep C and HIV affect millions of people. Each virus is independently linked to higher mortality. With shared transmission routes and increased susceptibility to other infections, two or three of the viruses may occur together, a phenomenon known as coinfection.
Zahid Butt, MBBS, PhD, of the University of Waterloo, and colleagues conducted a study to determine the mortality risk of people coinfected with two or three of these viruses. “None of the previous studies on hepatitis C, hepatitis B or HIV infections evaluated the transition of infection status from no infection to coinfection and triple infection and the impact of this transition on mortality,” Butt told Healio.
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cloningfailure · 5 years
 🤝 + sarah & zahid
TEXTS THE OTHER MEMES AT 3 AM: I´d say Zahid because he´s most likely up at that hour because of his job and studying and stuff and Sarah hates (secretly likes) it and just sends back the middle finger emoji before going back to sleep.
TRIES TO CONVINCE THE OTHER TO DO AN IDEA THAT DEFINITELY SOUNDS QUESTIONABLE: Okay, this screams Sarah. Let´s be honest, she owes him lots of no-questions-asked-favors because of all the dumb and dangerous ideas she´s had in the past.
IS THE DESIGNATED DRIVER AND WHO ALWAYS GETS WASTED: I have to say Sarah once again kdfjdfjkfdj she has a drinking problem and Zahid has to endure her awful, drunk singing and conversations and jokes while also concentrating on the road it´s awful.
ALWAYS HAS TO HOST THE IMPROMPTU SLEEPOVER: Zahid because she might need a place to stay once in a while when she got into a fight with her adoptive mom or when she´s running from something.
WHO’S NETFLIX ACCOUNT GETS MOOCHED OFF OF: ...She has no money, so, sorry, Zahid ://////
BRINGS ALL THE SNACKS AND WHO SUPPLIES THE MOVIE: Sarah! His Netflix, her snacks and drinks, it´s only fair.
IS USUALLY THE FIRST ONE TO SAY SORRY AFTER A FIGHT: Sarah is usually someone who doesn´t hold a grudge for very long, so, she´ll be the one apologising first.
IS THE ‘ MOM FRIEND ‘: Sarah´s a total mom friend and we all know it. She probably won´t admit it but she´s very protective of the people she cares about and she´s a mom, sooooo, yep xD
CALLS THE OTHER AT 12 AM TO WISH THE OTHER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY WITHOUT FAIL: I´d say they both do that, but now and then Sarah can be 1 or 2 minutes late.
IS THE BETTER WINGMAN TO THE OTHER: Well, I don´t know if Sarah´s a good wingman, that´s questionable xD But she´ll most likely just take matters into her own hands and will literally push Zahid against someone to “break the ice.” I definitely think Zahid is the better wingman. He´ll probably work out a whole plan because he´s good at it while Sarah´s more spontaneous.
‘ THE STRONG MUST PROTECT THE SWEET ‘ , WHO’S THE ‘ STRONG ‘ AND WHO’S THE ‘ SWEET ‘: I definitely don´t wanna say that one of them is not strong because they´re both lions for sure don´t fight me. In Sarah´s point of view Zahid´s the adorable teddy bear who needs to be protected at all cost and also she´s used to being the protector.
PULLS THE OTHER UP FOR KARAOKE TO SING A DUET TOGETHER: I feel like Zahid has to drag Sarah´s butt to the stage because unless she´s totally shitfaced she won´t do Karaoke willingly xD
         SEND 🤝 AND I WILL FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING (x) Accepting !
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Chichawatni city is the tehsil of sahiwal district and is located about 41 km from sahwail at multan bypass road. History of Chichawatni refers back to the British Raj. There are two references why this city is called Chichawatni.
First, this name was given by Maharaja Dahir. Secondly, a hindu family lived there whose names were Chicha (man) and Watni (his wife) name.
Nobody lives in present times who could exactly tell the reason of calling this city Chichawatni. chichawatni postal code is 57200 and chichawatni map shows it as a small city having a number of villages. Chichawatni to Multan distance is about 132.8 km and Harappa, a historical place, is about 23.9 km from Chichawatni. Lahore to Chichawatni travel is about 214 km and it takes 3 hours drive. Chichawatni weather is extremely hot in summer and usually it goes up to 46 degree centigrade. It’s big stations are Kassowal, Iqbal Nagar, Farid Nagar (90 Morr),  Okanwala Bangla, Gaziabad and Harappa.
Chichawatni tehsil is famous for its second largest jungle (chichawatni forest) after Changa Manga. Chichawatni Jungle, (Chichawatni forest), was planted by the prisoners in 19th century. There used to be a central jail in Chichawatni near kotla adeeb shahid forest.
Rai Murtaza Iqbal is the present Chichawatni MNA and he belongs to Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI). He defeated his PMLN rivals Ch Tufail Jutt and Ch Hanif Jutt with the heavy lead of 26000 votes in chichawatni election 2018.
There are 3 provincial assembly constituencies in the city
PP200, PP201 and PP202. There is only one National assembly seat named NA-149 in Chichawatni. PMLN could only win one provincial seat in 2018 election from this city and that was in PP200.
Other renowned Chichawatni politicians are ch munir azhar prior mna, Ch Zahid Iqbal, Rai Hassan Nawaz, Ch Saeed Ahmad Gujjar, Malik Nauman Ahmad Langrial, Ch Arshad Jutt, Ali Javed, Rana Riaz Ahmad, Ch Waheed Asghar Dogar and Rai Azizullah.
In Chichawatni Rahmani, Rajput, Jatt , Arain , Butt, Sheikh , Malik , Ansari , Khokhar and other castes live with harmony.
Government Degree College Chichawatni was established in 1967 with the efforts of Sheikh Zaman, the father of Begum Shahnaz Javed.
Government M.C Model High School Chichawatni was established in 1916. DPS Chichawatni is the best private educational institure in Chichawatni. There are several other old institutions i.e. Punjab Group of Colleges, The Educators, Mission High School, Allama Iqbal College and the Dawn High School. Many Sikh temples are now working as primary and secondary schools in Chichawatni. Government Crescent College Chichawatni was also established with the efforts of Sheikh Zaman family and they paid for its land.
Chichawatni railway station was established in 1918. It was expanded with the passage of time. Especially in 2007 its new building was built.
There are some interesting historical references about Chichawatni. Its major colony Gaoshala was a grassland for the cows before the division of Hindustan. Gao means “the cow”. Shala is called to any place. So the Gaoshala means the place where the cows graze.
Halqa Arbab e Zauq Chichawatni is a famous literary society of Chichawatni which holds its meeting on every sunday atGovernment M.C Model High School Chichawatni.
Taj Mahal Chichawatni, greenland hotel chichawatni, Fresco Hotel Chichawatni and Gujjar hotel are its famous food points.
Chichawatni Buffalo Mandi (also known as Chichawatni Cattle mandi or Chichawatni cow mandi) is the second largest cattle market in Pakistan. Since 2014 it is given to the chichawatni cattle market management company. It is now become model mandi in gaushala chichawatni at chichawatni bypass.
For the latest chichawatni news you can visit four local websites. One is CHICHAWATNI NEWS in which you are reading this article. There is a documentary program in this website named Chichawatni Zero Km in which the history of chichawatni and its problems are covered
Secondly you can visit QLMDAN which is a political document of division Sahiwal.
Thirdly SAHIWAL NEWS is also getting good ranking for urdu news, sahiwal news, chichawatni news and Urdu columns.
There are a lot of historical buildings in Chichawatni. One of them is ‘Marri Building” which was the home of a Sikh family. Here is a complete documentary program about it. Other historical buildings will be soon included in this article.
Chichawatni local singers have a great talent but devoid of National level media attention. Listen a beautiful song by Muhammad Shabbir from Gaushala Chichawatni.
Chichawatni by election 2018 : Rai Murtaza Iqbal vacaned the MPA seat as he could only keep either MNA or MPA seat. So he decided to keep MNA seat and took oath.
His vacaned MPA seat in PP 201 became a battle field between two political families i.e Ch Tufail Jutt vs Samsam Bukhari.
Chichawatni by election held on Oct 14 and Syed Samsam Bukhari won the seat.
Tehsil Head Quarters Hospital Chichawatni is located near 45 Adda, Okanawala Road, Chichawatni. It’s old building is now TMA Chichawatni. It is upgraded yet lack of facilities and the staff is a comman complain.
A strange fact is that there used to be a brothel in the midst of thecity chichawatni punjab. Hindu and Sikh culture in chichawatni pakistan was replaced by the Muslims after the division of sub-continent.
Keep visiting this article as we’ll keep updating it with more and more information about Chichawatni.
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askkrenko · 6 years
Krenko’s Guide to Creature Types: Djinn
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Art by  Magali Villeneuve
What is a Djinn (flavorfully)?
You ever watch Disney’s Aladdin? ...What do you mean no? Get off Tumblr right now and go watch Disney’s Aladdin. Seriously. The singular of Djinn in the real world is Djinni AKA Genie. Same word. They’re big and magical. Djinn are similar to Spirits or Elementals, but Djinn were never humans first, they’re simply people made of flame and air. Djinn are powerful but willful, and though they can be controlled by strong mages they will often struggle and fight back. While some djinn are powerful enough to grant wishes, they usually reserve this for people they like or people strong enough to force them. Djinn live on many planes, with a large population on Tarkir.
What is a Djinn (mechanically)?
Though there are many varieties of Djinn and they exist in all five colors, the majority of Djinn are large, blue fliers, often used as a blue iconic before Sphinxes became solidified in the role. Many Djinn, especially in the earlier days of magic, included drawbacks, enabling some to be particularly powerful.
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Can I make a Djinn deck?
Relatively low numbers, no support, and little synergy with one another means no, making a Djinn deck is not particularly reasonable. As usual, this isn’t to say one can’t make a deck with Djinn in it, with Juzam Djinn specifically being a powerhouse of years past, but there’s no real benefit from leaning toward Djinn. Even taking advantage of drawbacks to play many particularly aggressive Djinn is unlikely to work as too many of them require an upkeep cost. What’s worse, though you’re unlikely to sever see them, there are two cards that specifically harm Djinn: King Suleiman and Suleiman’s Legacy.
In Commander, the only Legendary Djinn is  mediocre at best. Zahid is, in optimal circumstances, a 5/6 Flying creature for 4, which is solid value and could be useful in Brawl, but is basically a joke in Commander.
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Is Djinn a good creature type?
Djinn was a great creature type, though it’s gotten a bit lost over the years. Early Djinn were almost universally undercosted creatures with some sort of drawback, representing the powerful entity struggling against its controller. This was a great identity for them to have. For a while, they tried to take the slot of the Blue Iconic creature. This wasn’t too awful for them, but the problem with being a big blue flier is that blue is full of big fliers.  Since then, Djinn abilities are mostly random. Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp and Djinn of Wishes strongly play into the classic Djinn stories that became Disney’s Aladdin, but otherwise are just another flier in blue’s arsenal. These Djinn are far less interesting.
As far as flavor and other creature types go, Djinn has a few problems. The historic loose terminology for Djinn included all spiritual creatures, including Angels and Demons. Obviously that’s not the appropriate definition to use here, as there are far, far too many things that would fall under Djinn for it to be an effective creature type. More specifically, mythological Djinn are creatures created of air and fire in a mirror to the way God created Adam out of earth. They live in the world in much the same way humans do, but are inherently invisible to human eyes unless outside magic is involved. While this doesn’t butt heads too much with the concept of elementals as a whole, it does run counter to the human-like Flamekin in Lorwyn. People made of fire in that way should almost certainly be Djinn.
But questioning what else they could be is not nearly as relevant to me here than complaining about what should be Djinn. There is a creature type of twenty one cards that should, by all traditional terminology, by Djinn. Their creature type comes from the same mythology, and uses a word that means powerful, evil Djinni, and sometimes demon, but never a thing that is neither a Djinni nor a demon. This creature type is Efreet, and it is completely and utterly absurd that Efreet are not the same creature type as Djinn. If it were just Tarkir’s unique type of Efreet, that would be one thing, but Serendib Efreet, Frenetic Efreet, and even Cheatyface just have all the visual cues of a Djinni. Further, plenty of Efreet have that same “powerful creature with drawback” design that’s so common among early Djinn.
Overall, I’m calling Djinn a falling creature type. In earlier days of Magic it was a great one, with a strong mechanical identity, even if there was a foolish divide between Efreet and Djinn. Now, even after various updates, the divide remains, and more recent Djinn and Efreet are abandoning their traditional mechanical identity. Further, without any cards that reward Djinn and two that punish them, the Djinn creature type itself is actually a strict drawback. Djinn is a bad type, but the fixes are easy: Absorb Efreet, print more strong guys with drawbacks, and while I wouldn’t ask for a proper ‘lord,’ a creature or artifact that made Djinn cost less would be nice.
And seriously, Djinni is singular, Djinn is plural. Go and fix that on... all the old cards please. That’s right, I want names eratta’d.
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xlnc1 · 2 years
Jaan Ke Lale - Long Play
Jaan Ke Lale – Long Play
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8cscko Jaan Ke Lale – Long Play Written by: Mirza Athar BaigDirected by: Muhammad Salem Tahir Starring: Nadia Afgan, Adnan Qavi, Khayam Sarhadi, Semi Rahil, Sohail Asghar, Khalid But, Nasren Qureshi, Irfan Butt, Munir Narang, Mian Jahngir, Khalid Siddiqui, Zahid Qureshi, Sultan Raza, Muhammad Arif, Ghulam Noor Khan, Abdul Sattar, Abdul Rashid, Zahir Shah,…
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Maritime provinces moving away from daily COVID-19 reporting as restrictions ease
Maritime provinces are moving to weekly COVID-19 data updates, as restrictions continue to ease in the region.
Beginning Monday, Nova Scotia will only update its dashboard and send out news releases weekly – the next scheduled for March 10.
Prince Edward Island is now reporting seven-day case averages, and New Brunswick stopped doing daily news releases over a month ago – with plans to no longer use its dashboard once restrictions are removed March 14.
The changes in reporting COVID-19 data come as we close in on two years since the pandemic in Canada began.
The general public is likely noticing fewer numbers all over their newsfeeds and social media.
“I think what people need to realize, even if the authorities don’t do daily reporting of cases, is that the virus is still there,” said epidemiologist Zahid Butt.
Butt says the data reporting is important for public health to show transparency. And while it doesn’t have to happen daily, twice weekly would be appropriate, he said.
“We need to know, right? We need to know what’s happening around us in terms of the virus,” he said. “We need to know whether there is community transmission, whether hospitalizations have increased or not.”
Some people shared on social media how they feel about the change. Several said it will be good for their mental health.
“Fantastic, will do wonders for my blood pressure,” said one.
But others still want to know.
“I would like to know numbers because it will help me make a decision regarding continuing to mask up,” another said.
Dr. Mark MacMillan, the president of the New Brunswick Medical Society, says no matter what public health does, the health networks – Horizon and Vitalité – will continue to track COVID-19 within hospitals.
“And also note that when you come to the hospital, you will still need to have one of these (mask). There will be no unmasking in the hospital for a very long time,” he said.
Come March 14 when restrictions are removed in New Brunswick, the COVID-19 dashboard will no longer be used.
“COVID-19 information will instead be shared in the communicable disease section of the public health website and reported on a weekly basis,” the province said in a statement. “Public health will continue to provide guidance on how people can lower their risks as restrictions are removed.”
As of March 7, families and school staff will no longer have to self-report cases of COVID-19 to their school.
“Families will still be required to notify the school of any absences, due to illness or otherwise, and we will continue to track student absenteeism to monitor the situation with public health,” said Flavio Nienow, a spokesperson for New Brunswick’s Department of Education.
Dr. MacMillan said what’s happening inside hospitals will remain important. He’s encouraging the general public to still keep COVID-19 in mind, especially during the transition period.
“Use your judgement, be cautious, but also – it’s time to open up a little bit and enjoy more of life,” he said
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/MDAgVsO
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lahoreherald · 3 years
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Test players will depart for the West Indies on July 26
The national team Test players of the West Indies-bound Pakistan National Team will be on Monday, 26 July in Barbados.
The 11 players who will join the remaining West Indies test players have completed their training and conditioning camp for 10 days today at the Karachi National Stadium.
On July 22, before the player departs for Barbados, he will enter a bio-secure bubble in a hotel in Lahore. The players will be tested in their home cities on Monday 19 July before entering the bio-safe bubble.
On 12 August, Sabina Park, Kingston, Jamaica will be hosting the first Western India-Pakistan Test.
There are 11 players:
Abid AliFawad AlamSajid KhanImran ButtAzhar AliMohammad AbbasNaseem ShahNauman AliShahnawaz DahaniZahid MahmoodNauman Ali
Players Names
Published in Lahore Herald #lahoreherald #breakingnews #breaking
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