#a major sucker
radiosummons · 1 year
I have no horse in this race, but I am kind of enjoying the lavender marriage angle a lot of SidLink shippers are going with. Mostly because it's above and beyond way better than a lot of the super sexist and hyper misogynistic vitriol that a certain portion of the LoZ fandom was spouting a few days ago.
But also, of course I am absolutely going to dig more queer headcanons!!!! I love this angle so much!!!!
Gimme more queer LoZ characters, I don't care how major or minor they are. I don't care if it's fanon or canon, either. If y'all wanna headcanon Yona as a lesbian, dude I am so fucking down you don't gotta convince me otherwise!!!!
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kami-ships-it · 5 months
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Even though he (luckily!!) didn’t lose the eye, I think he probably had to wear an eyepatch for at least some time.
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peachviz · 2 months
they may have been doomed from the start, but Kira deserved tenderness and understanding. And I’ll die on that hill that she received it
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chinzhilla · 6 months
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Are you always this talkative? ... I think you were born this way. If I don't say it, how will others know what I'm thinking?
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village-for-rambles · 9 months
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By the way I'm back on my queer block people nonsense. Ummm. here's a pirate because Mr. Major has the designs ever I don't know what to do about it
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gorjee-art · 1 month
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the wip is kinda cooking but I'm so intimidated by it woof
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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beloved frazie, her design is so fun and i love her hair,,, and also beloved dion, why the fuck do you see raz as a punching bag, im gonna bite you
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meat-fr · 7 months
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Tundras always winning <3 The fade on their fur looks especially good with the two-tone colors on Wish.
colors: Orca, Grapefruit, Peacock, Copper
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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Martin Evershed’s Dad Moments™ || requested by: anon
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quaranmine · 2 years
one thing i noticed about hc!false is that none of the other hermits seem to know about her....thing that's going on with e!false. now irl that's because it's her lore of course, not theirs. i don't really expect other hermits to majorly factor into the story she's creating. it's the same reason why moon big had such varied responses--the CCs were individually reacting to it in a way that they liked for their own creative direction
but that means that in-universe i am dying for some hermit to notice this and be like. false. bestie. WHAT is going on??? because i get the feeling she's keeping this secret from everybody, even her friends she's known for years. is she acting weird about it? do they try to question her why she has a doppleganger? how good has she been at hiding that Something Is Wrong. WHAT DO THEY THINK. this all gets really interesting to me if we assume this is part of her backstory, perhaps from before hermitcraft
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crownlesswizard · 11 months
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pride101 2023 winner #1 :3
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thatrobotkid · 8 months
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On this day, 20 years ago, the RJ episodes, “The Yogmans Strike Back” and “Hookie 101”, premiered at 11:00pm, on the 4th night of the new “Fridays”
Fun stuff below! Click “keep reading” to view!
A couple of cels from “Hookie 101”. This is one of four episodes to have had cels sold
(From WorthPoint)
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Unsold cel from “Hookie 101”. Looks like an unused cel too
(From Imgur)
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I’ve shared this before, but rare “Hookie 101” cel with sketch underneath. Only cel to be sold like so, and check out the camera angle notes too! Even cartoons abide by those rules/angles as well! (Source WorthPoint)
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Some “Hookie 101” cels with different layers
(From WorthPoint)
I’ve also shared this here before, but interior drawing of RJ’s house from “Hookie 101”
Robot Jones
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rosalie-starfall · 7 months
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Your beauty maddens the soul like wine.
Susan Emily Gilchrist & Major Farquhar Hercules Chevening
St. Ives - 1998
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echoing-gravity · 6 months
In the double legacy Au how do the gods, montera or Camp react to percies legacy? Does he meet any Northa?
In the Magnus Chase series it's said that Children of Norse gods aren't "detectable" to monsters and gods UNTIL they die. And since Sally's a Legacy of LOKI one of the Norse gods most commonly associated with like misdirection and like avoiding traps (not counting the whole ''i invented the thing that finally caught me'' thing. Please keep nets away from the Jackson family. its like their only weakness. Also Loki being the inventor of nets might have something to do with how Percy was able to host that one Egyptian god, in that one side story, who ALSO invented nets, but that's off topic) the gods just have like, no fucking clue about it. As for the whole legacy of Venus, it's so far down the generational chain that it's barely even noticable, beyond the whole ''singing-charmspeak-siren-powers'' which Sally has basically forbidden/scared?(unintentionally) Percy into never using. By the time anyone (Zeus, Ares, or other ppl who don't like Percy) realizes that Sally's and therefore Percy's heritage is cross-pantheon he's already won the favor of like- ALL the greek minor gods -(did you know that their are over 3100 immortals in the greek-mythos idk how many of that number are gods, compared to like primordials, titans, nymps, giants, and naliads but like that numbers' HUGE)- when he turned down immortality, has the begrudgingly support of Nico's dad, and has like literally saved the world twice. They can't do anything to them without like starting a war. Zeus is like trigger-happy one second from zappo murdering Percy but he CANT because Percy is the Darling. Everyone likes him now, if Zeus were to harm Percy he would have not only both his brothers to deal with but also LITERALLY everyone (minus maybe Athena and Ares) would be out for his blood.
Percy himself doesn't even find out he's a legacy until like after son of Neptune when Venus, says some shit and then his mom tells him what's up after he, Bob, and friendly giant friend get rescued from Tartarus: Ice Age Addition. to help with the final battle. (Speaking of battle Sally helps fight in the battle against Kronos in book 5, with her Seax Knives!(i remembered what her viking weapons was called!))
I have this scene in my head where like Alex Ferrari or however their name is spelt, comes to camp half blood like- 2 weeks post Dirt Fite, because she was told that they need a legacy of loki to help them complete a quest and that legacy was at the camp. and he's arguing with annabeth something like-
"Why would there be a Legacy of Loki HERE?!?!!?!"
"idk, but that's what THEY said"
Percy overhears this and is like 'No.'
'no that is nOt HaPpEnInG'
No you are not taking my mom on a quest when she is 7 months pregnant with his unborn little sister. And ends up joining the quest and that's how they find out cuz Percy asked Alex
"what generation legacy?"
And Alex is like 'why does that matter's and Percy goes off 'cuz either the gods want to force HIS MOM on a quest or they want to take a newborn and... Like...NO!!!' NOT HAPPENING. Percy rage.exe happens, there might have been an earthquake. Alex points out that Percy can just go instead. Nico is also their and ends up tagging along. He is still mad about the whole Percy saving Nico via 'distracting him with a kiss and shoving him in the elevator' in Tartarus thing. (Percy has been avoiding the subject, but now can't cuz they are stuck on a quest together) shenanigans insue.
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Sahota, the sixth ranger. Assigned to babysit the team and is not happy about it. The only one with any real experience, and the only one who seems to take the mission seriously.
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antiphrastic · 9 months
Me: tries to look up a simple thing about the book I'm reading
The internet: I'm not gonna answer that but here's twelve major spoilers that have nothing to do with your query
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