#aaaaa I’m trying to think of other things to say but it’s getting late oh no
merakiui · 1 year
Okay I’m back
Imagine you get captured by Azul and get tied up and hypothetically you’d just walk to the out zone but do you think he’d carry you there? Do you think Riddle would watch? The DRAMA the WEIRD SEXUAL TENSION.
Like what’s Riddle gonna do? Bc hes v much into some weird shit too. Like obvs is you were distressed or anything hes intervening but rivalry aside do you think hed be into it? Like ‘oo okok I just discovered a new part of me’ or do you think he’ll be ‘AYO’
There’s so much in my head rn. Bc you know Azul would be slick with it too, make it sound like you’re getting the better end of the deal when really hes giddy being so close to you so even if he gets nothing over than a kiss it’s a win. I mean obvs if you say no then he’ll let you out but like. Like. The teasing.
YAN AZUL JUST STRAIGHT UP KIDNAPS READER. FULL STOP. My original thought was he turns reader into a mermaid and keeps em in Octanivelle/the mostro lounge. Absolutely a ‘love potion’ type of yandere like you’ve said before.
Yan Riddle might just kill Azul for touching you. Like yeah it’s part of the game but he lost sight of you for ONE SECOND and this happened??? Nope stalker Riddle activated
OMG OMG RIDDLE DISCOVERING HIS BONDAGE KINK SEEING YOU ALL TIED UP AND AT AZUL’S MERCY…… his third eye has opened and for the longest moment he just stares at you. Of course he’s quick to correct himself because staring is impolite, but oh is he thinking Thoughts. Riddle is absolutely a closeted freak. He’s seen so much from confiscating r18 magazines from his dorm members, and you can’t tell me he doesn’t get curious and at least search online for some of the stuff he sees in those magazines.
OOOHHH THE TEASING OTL Azul will tease you to the deepest trenches of the Coral Sea and back. He’s probably just happy to be able to have you at his side and unable to run away for the moment, so he has all this time with you (however limited it might be). You can bet he’s going to make the most of it and tease you so that he can irritate you enough into giving him a kiss.
He’s a massive cheat, so love potions are definitely his backbone in case he can’t woo you in normal ways. I also think keeping you in the Mostro Lounge tank would be so good because you would truly be trapped there, and you’d have to hope he continues to bring you the potion that keeps you as a mer otherwise you’ll turn back and that wouldn’t be good when you’re so deep in an aquarium.
The game starts and Azul’s first priority is separating you from anyone who might want to form a team or an alliance so that he can have you all to himself. He kidnaps you right away and poor Riddle nearly goes mad with worry. How could he let you get captured so easily? He was going to protect you!
Aaaaa and stalker Riddle!!!!! That gives me so many thoughts. Yandere thoughts but also the silly thought of Azul and Riddle running into each other late at night and looking so suspicious near Ramshackle and they’re bickering over the entire thing and trying to justify why they’re there. And then they look towards Ramshackle and there Malleus is, sitting on the roof with you and chatting. And they have to throw themselves into the bushes before they’re noticed. They really should just team up with this common goal, but they’re going to compete instead because there’s no way Riddle wants to team up with a cheat like Azul and Azul would rather not be lectured on the “rules of morality” when he steals some of your things for himself.
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livesincerely · 1 year
Dude I got SO excited you don’t even know I’ve made a whole day out of rereading it and I’ve just read the last two chapters now (because I also managed to miss the interlude?? somehow??) and OMFG. THIS. FIC.
I’ve not been keeping up with the musical fandom as much lately and I can’t tell you how much fun it’s been to dive into it again (sorry that I’ve not come and said hello for a while). You’re one of the authors that I’m realising now that I’ve missed the most and I’m SO excited to see what you’ve been up to!!
This fic haunts me though I genuinely think about it like once a week it’s amazing. my general thoughts are: AAAAA WHY ARE THEY ALL LIKE THIS they’re all so goddam stubborn I want to shake them but also give them a hug at the same time ESPECIALLY Davey my BOY.
THE INTERLUDE??? Probably my favourite chapter so far (excluding the flower shop because YESSS SYMBOLISM) Race + Davey friendship for the win I love them both so. much. It’s just so SAD pure and simple Rave just wants Davey to be happy he’s such a good guy and oh don’t even get me started on Davey:
“Quietly, so quietly that Race can barely hear him over the wind, he says, “He’s in love with her, Racetrack.”
KILL ME IM SERIOUS my poor babyyyyy I know they’re trying their best but omfg why are they all so stubborn when they could just be happy I hate them (I don’t)
And that last chapter oh my gooooood it ripped my heart out it killed my entire family it stole my wallet it’s sooooooo good. POOR MAGGIE get her a new bf this one’s broken he keeps talking about his boy best friend when they’re supposed to be having a moment. She’s smart though my girl is figuring things out I can see it I like her so much ALSO the many references to the blue eyes I see you livesincerely I see you
Race and Jack though these IDIOTS make me want to slam my head against the wall CANT YOU SEE YOU WANT THE SAME THING like the way they both immediately jump to Davids defence without even really knowing why the other is there??? AAAAA. I actually love their fight scene because YES it hurts so bad but its just so perfect like the tension??? and snarky Race my beloved I love you in any universe JACK on the other hand is now officially the DENSEST MF ON EARTH how has it not clicked yet Jack honey this ain’t platonic anymore
“It’s like the ground’s dropped out from underneath him.
“Is… Is that what he said?” Jack asks numbly, the words settling like a layer of chalk on his tongue, dry enough to choke on. “Did he say that he didn’t…?””
JACK YOURE CAUSING ME ACTUAL PHYSICAL PAIN he’s trying so hard he’s also so so stupid
Those closing lines… OUCH. I hope they make up immediately I also hope they keep fighting forever it hurts sooo good
It’s quite late as I’m writing this so I might just be talking shit and I’ve just realised how long it is I’m so sorry but I just love this story so much and I love you and I can’t WAIT for the rest thank you for blessing us with it I hope you have an amazing day <333
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Yes hi hello I have been loving reading your blog, thank you so much for all of the choice S/holmes content! They have been simply *chefs kiss*
Could I maybe request how Holmes starts falling for/getting a crush on someone as well as how he would go about trying to express his feelings to them? How he would ~woo~ someone? I can't help but imagine some Period Drama-style pining and longing glances from this emotional boy. Maybe even... A Hand Touch™️? Anyways thank you for all the great work that you do!
a/n: hi anon ! thanks so much aaaaa i'm glad people enjoy my holmesie stuff !! sherlock pining is super fun to write so heheheee i hope you enjoy !
sherlock pining headcanons
sherlock is the kind of guy who just simply doesn't want to hide his feelings of love, but he does it anyways and my god is he good at hiding them. he's also very much so the person that sits at his desk for hours just zoning out, thinking about you. that is until iris snaps him out of his thoughts for dinner.
well, he's usually always upbeat with everyone he's with as that's how he is but if you pay attention veeeery very carefully to how he acts around you, he's more giddy, passionate and protective of you, but it's very subtle unless you could see through him like glass.
he goes home everyday and sighs because he's been pining so hard for you. iris notices and asks if there's something wrong and is met with silence, something she's very well used to with the likes of sherlock, so she assumes that it's just another one of those days... although something does feel off with him.
i think i've said this before but i like to imagine that sherlock does little acts of kindness for you at least every day for you. one day he buys you a cup of tea, coffee, whatever and the other he could shield you from the rain with his coat because yes he also forgot an umbrella.
one thing he remembers to do every day is bring you home safely and soundly after a long day of hanging out with him. he's always there for you and keeping an eye out for danger if you're out and about late at night.
he's so nice, especially to you ! it's just incredibly hard to see that he's so much warmer to you than to others. he buys you those nice little treats he knows you like from the nice sweet shoppe around the corner just to see your face light up as you nibble on them. it makes himself all happy just seeing you all happy !
sherlock tends to stick to you like you were tied to the hips together unless he's in his detective mode and deducing left and right, he can't seem to stay still during those segments but the rest of the time you two are inseparable.
he's always there for you and whenever you're having a conversation where you laugh or smile (most of the time because sherlock likes to tell you jokes and puns to see your reaction) it makes him pine more for you, all of his crops are watered, his skin cleared and all the birds in the world are singing.
oh !! have i mentioned that he likes to tell you stories from his old detective days ? he loves to ramble and it takes every fibre in his body to stop, and you don't tell him to because he's such a good storyteller and tells so many interesting stories !
most of which are bloated with white lies and words that make him more heroic looking tee hee.
since this blonde is very insistent on staying close to you at most times, there are times where you two are sitting down with each other whether it be on a bench, relaxing after a tiring day or in a cozy café while you don't realise you two are on a date until the moment sherlock drops you home.
in any case, there are moments where sherlock gently brushes his hand over yours (sometimes on accident, sometimes on purpose) and he realises a second too late, the poor man flushes red the moment you turn to see him. it's quite entertaining because you've never seen him go red in the face before ! he is cute though...
another thing he likes to do, sometimes he buys you little flowers on occasion in attempts to woo you which, they do. these come on nice holidays like valentines day or on your birthday but if he gives you some flowers on a day that's not those two sherlock makes excuses, saying that it's 'international give your bestie flowers day' before smirking and giving you the beautiful flowers.
he's such a sweetheart and you tell him this in a platonic way (even if you wish it were more in the romantic way) and it's something that he thinks about for ever ! even when you two are in a loving relationship, living the life in your retirement years, sherlock loves to look back on the old days and talk about how you used to call him cute names when you two were younger. aww~
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leahseclipse · 3 years
Unexpected visit
“Could you do a one-shot about Spencer and y/n aka his secret long term gf. They have a baby together and Spencer hasn't told the team for security reasons and one day y/n passes by the BAU when returming from a baby check up or smth and she goes to see him (with the baby), completely forgetting that they don't know anything and the baby (who can talk a little) calls him dada in front of everyone and the team is just left in shock. And just pure chaos ensues (aka everyone loving the baby genius)”
Requested by: @enchantedthoughts​
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: None that I can think of, just cute dad!spencer
Summary: Spencer and his girlfriend had a child together that stayed a secret for security reasons; but when the reader happens to go to the bureau one day, the visit, supposed to be casual, turns into a surprising revelation that no one expected.
Word count: 1.8 k 
A/N: AAAAA TYSM- It’s like, my very very first request, and I was so excited the day I went into my inbox to see that ;;;;;;;- you have no idea how happy u made me by sending me a request- I hope that you'll like it,, I currently don’t have a child and never took care of one, so excuse me for the mistakes I've did for the behaviour and stuff,,,
(The fic hasn't been checked over so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes.)
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When their daughter was born, they didn’t quite expect what had followed next. It was really difficult, but, the only complication that was to be taken into account was to not let anything slip out about her.
As much as Spencer wanted to, he couldn’t mention her at work, after both him and y/n had discussed the possible risks. Of course, the possibility of them occurring are not frequent, but not impossible as Spencer insisted during the chat they’ve had.
He had thought that it would be better to keep her as a secret for security reasons after witnessing what had happened around him; whether with people he was close with, or people he’d encounter with during cases, or at work.
On y/n’s side, she only happened to be working part-time at a small café, she’d mainly take orders and eventually clean, but she wasn’t very close with them, and had her daughter before she began working there, so whether she had let them know or not, nothing much would have changed.
Even though her job wasn’t as dangerous and totally not the same as Spencer’s, it also was preferable not to say anything else, she just decided not to inform her colleagues either.
At first, keeping the secret wasn’t as easy as they’d thought, but the only thing that they both wanted was to keep her safe, and it if meant that they couldn’t share it, especially for Spencer, as his team was as his family, they had to do with it, their child’s safety would go first.
They had managed to keep up with both their works and personal lives; Spencer would often have to take calls where no one could hear nor see him so he could see her.
It really was surprising to see him with a different phone, his old phone wasn’t the one to be usually seen, but he couldn’t resist to see her.
Spencer happened to be less at home than y/n, so video calls were a solution to be with her, in a way.
After that, the sudden change eventually had to be explained, as he wasn’t the kind to even touch a computer usually.
They had wished that the phone would be the only explanation to do, but Spencer’s work had decided otherwise.
Spencer didn’t seem to find excuses that would be seen as serious, or even understandable when the time to step aside for having time with his family when she was born had come.
It had eventually went well, really. More than expected.
Even if he couldn’t be home as he wanted to after he had to go back to work full-time, he really appreciated the little time he’d have with them.
He really didn’t expect all of this to happen at all just a few years ago, but he couldn’t wish for better now.
Both appreciated being with their daughter everyday, they’d get to discover more and more about her and enjoyed every moment they’d spend all together.
She had even begun talking a bit, sometimes some blabbering, or even fairly understandable words; like ‘dada’ or ‘mama’ recently, along with many others, including some invented ones.
They have been amazed by the number of stuff she’d learn each day, and couldn’t wait to see more.
Unfortunately, it’d have to wait.
She had a couple of appointments scheduled to see how she was doing, and happened to have one today, so ‘admiration time’ would have to wait.
Luckily, the appointment was on one of y/n’s days off, which could be attended without having to look for someone to cover her shift, or for Spencer to excuse himself if he didn’t happen to be on a case.
As expected, it didn’t take much time and she wasn’t fuzzy or anything, she was really calm for once, it really wasn’t surprising. She was usually calm in general and wouldn’t cause much problems.
But now that the appointment was done, she didn’t happen to have much on her schedule, and she could either go home or take a walk with her.
The weather seemed nice...ish, but she wasn’t so sure. She could, perhaps...pretend that Spencer forgot something, and go to his work?
That seemed like a good idea, and totally what she wanted to do.
Y/N had first decided to make a quick trip back to the apartment to catch some stuff she’d probably need, before heading to the car towards the bureau, it didn’t take much, just about twenty minutes, and plus, her daughter happened to be a bit sleepy, which was quite nice instead of having her cry the whole ride.
She had never come here at all, only walked by it or saw it when she happened to drive by, but never had she actually stepped inside.
She didn’t even know where to go, and even find where the hell Spencer could be, the only information she’d had was that he could possibly be at the 6th floor, somewhere in a room with desks.
Wow, very helpful.
The desks are literally EVERYWHERE.
She didn’t know what any of them looked like, she had only heard from them, and if Spencer showed her pictures of them, that must have been a while ago, because she barely remembers a single one.
That’s when she began to ask herself what the hell she was doing here.
How was she going to do, if literally, no one knew her, and, now that she realises, isn’t really supposed to be here.
She probably...got herself into a mess. Probably.
Y/N had swore that the universe was against her, because just when she had stepped in the ‘room with desks’, a couple of voices could be heard from the small staircase leading to a corridor.
“Y/N?” A familiar voice asked, which seemed a bit...nervous as well.
She tried her best not to let too much emotions show on her face, as she was literally around at least...eight profilers.
“Dada!” The child that she held in her arms yelled, as she pointed at Spencer.
Definitely screwed.
It’s over.
“Did that child just call him dad, or did I misheard it?” A blonde woman -probably JJ- asked, looking around as if she looked for approbation.
“You didn’t misheard it.” They all said.
In the meantime, y/n and Spencer just looked in the void, definitely realising that the secret they had tried to keep had just exposed them.
They wouldn’t have thought once that their own child would expose them.
“I think we may own everyone here an explanation, no?” Y/N hesitantly asked, looking at Spencer as if he could make the situation less worse than it already was.
“...we do.” Spencer answered, walking up to where his girlfriend was.
“For how long have you been hiding this beautiful girl and that cutie…?”
“Uh...I’ve been with her for...almost four years, and she’s going to be two soon.” Spencer answered, looking at Penelope. “You guys are really worrying me, is something wrong?”
“No, it’s just that...we’re, really, really, surprised. Especially for the child.”
“Yeah, it uh...mainly was for security reasons, for both of them. It if wasn’t for that, you guys would have already known.”
“At least uh...you know me, and I know you guys.” Y/N said, trying to break the silence.
“It’s really wow...she has Spence’s eyes too.” JJ told, a small smile on her face.
“She’s way too cute, no wonder why she’s so beautiful, look at her parents.” Penelope gestured at the couple.
“You really did hide them from us for a while.” One of the men said, as y/n just looked in confusion. “Oh, I’m uh, Matt.”
“Y/N. It’s uh…a bit overwhelming, there’s a lot of people I don’t know. I know names, but not which name to put on who’s face.
“It wasn’t...planned.” Spencer joined, pulling her close to reassure her.
"It's ok, don't worry. It won't change anything, we love you as much as we loved you before, we're happy to know that everything is going well with your small family."
"Yeah, I was aware of that, I've heard a lot of good stuff about everyone, I was just afraid. It's been a while since we got together, and had her, so it sure was surprising to know that your genius had a small family without anyone knowing." Y/N said, looking down at the small girl in her arms.
"It sure wasn't easy. I've had to find an excuse for whatever family member when I needed to take care of her. At least, I don't have to create an excuse about an imaginary aunt anymore." Spencer admitted.
"And also, if uh…we do have another one, you won't have to find a super difficult excuse, that time."
"Oh, yeah...that."
"That, yeah. I've had her before I began working, so I didn't have explanations to do. Now uh...am I supposed to let them know?"
"If you want to. It's already too late here. Our own child exposed us, even, if it was a bit too late to get out of that mess from the moment everyone saw her. Hm?"
"A...bit too late. But, as she was great today, we can excuse her."
"Mhm. We can." Spencer agreed, as he looked at the people around along with y/n.
"So, everything's good?" Y/N asked.
"Of course! We're not upset or anything, it was just surprising at first. But now that I know about you two, you don't imagine the number of gifts and attention you're about to get." Penelope clearly did everyone else know that she wouldn't take her attention off them for a while.
"I can imagine. She's going to have a lot of aunts and uncles now that she has everyone here, she's going to be so spoiled." Y/N joked.
"You have no idea." A black haired woman said, she probably was Emily.
"Do you have time right now? You could stay for a bit, we don't have much to do." Spencer asked Y/N, to which she was quick to answer by nodding.
"Yeah, I am. Plus, after that, I don't think that I would get to go home before answering a million questions." Y/N said, trying to not look more stressed that she already was.
"Yay! We get to spend more with them!" Garcia said, visibly excited at the idea.
Even though nothing of that was planned to happen for a while, it went well overall. Of course, they would have preferred to wait a bit more, but they can't do much now.
The positive point is that she'll get to talk about her freely now, especially with his co-workers now that they know.
They've all been surprised, but very welcoming. They all reassured her and she really liked their presence.
Y/N really knew what Spencer meant when he considered them as family, they really were as a real one, and now, she gets to be a part of it along with their daughter.
The unexpected visit turned out to be a surprising revelation, that again, surprisingly turned out into a joyful mess.
Tags: @homoose ;
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stanleyb-art · 3 years
Okay so have another fic because even though I'm not SUPER GREAT at writing I have this idea and want to write it myself!
Summary: Stan tells Ford as soon as he breaks the perpetual motion machine and helps him fix it, hence saving his own ass and Ford doesn't lose his scholarship. (Lots of swearing of course)
"Fuck! Oh fuck, oh shit!" Stan's voice came out as more of a whimper than a shout as he stared at the machine on the ground before him. Ford would kill him, but, his future was riding on this. He had to tell him, and now, before it was too late to fix whatever he had ruined. It only took a few minutes to clean up what parts he could find and set them all back on the table.
As fast as he could, Stanley ran home, hoping things weren't beyond repair. He was quick and quiet as he made his way up to their shared bedroom, where he shook his twin awake. "Huh? Stan? Jesus what... what time is it? What's wrong?" The smaller teen rubbed at his eyes and sat up, grasping wildly for his glasses. "Sixer I'm, oh god I'm so sorry, I'm sorry! I was just.. I was at the school and I was walking around and-" A quiet sob came out and he struggled to calm down and finish explaining. "I was so upset, and.. I didn't mean to I wasn't thinking! I just, I was so stupid, I hit the table and... Sixer I didn't mean to but it fell! The machine, it just, it fell!" Ford's eyes shot open and he was completely stunned. "Did it.. did you break it?" His voice was hushed, still in shock. "I don't know! Maybe? I just, I'll help you fix it! I swear. I'll do anything to fix this, I swear it was an accident!" Stan gave him a pleading look as another sob bubbled up his throat, trying to escape. A sigh slowly left Ford's mouth and he told his brother to go with him to the school, now. The bigger teen nodded and followed behind him closely.
"Jesus christ Stanley I.. you're lucky I can fix this, you just knocked the screws loose in a few spots, just... go get me a screwdriver please?" His brother complied and was quick on his feet, searching for the janitors closet to retrieve the tool. It was pretty easy to find, and he prayed that this was truly all that needed to be fixed. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He smacked himself in the head as more tears swelled in his eyes, slowly falling as he continued to berate himself. Before entering the gymnasium, he took a deep breath and wiped the tears as best he could, trying to seem somewhat composed. "Thanks, here uh.. hold this like that." Ford showed him what he meant and Stanley nodded, holding the machine as still as he could. They worked in silence for a few minutes until Ford told him to let go and see if it worked, and when the motion resumed, they both let out a deep breath. "Thank fucking god..." Stan whispered as he began to cry again. "How did you even.. so why were you here Stan? I mean.. was this really an accident?" Ford asked, not wanting to think it was intentional but how could he really believe that after the talk they'd had earlier? "I was.. Well I was just... I thought I was gonna lose you! You were talking about college and.. and leaving and... it wasn't on purpose! I didn't think hitting the table would've broken the thing, I just was so, I don't know! I just didn't want to lose you!" Stanley felt embarrassed admitting it, for crying out loud they were bound to have to be separated at some point, but he'd never been away from his twin longer than a day at a time and the thought of him leaving forever? He hated it. Stan hated the thought of his brother, his best friend in the whole world, leaving and he was scared. Scared to grow up, to be left behind, to lose everything that he thought would be there forever, of his routine changing. This was new and he had so many emotions he couldn't process or understand and he could feel himself beginning to panic and freeze up. "Oh Stanley... You idiot! Why wouldn't you just tell me that? You know you can visit me on campus right? I mean hell we could even get an apartment together, just because I'm going to college doesn't mean I'll be gone forever!" Ford laughed and rolled his eyes, like this should've been obvious all along. When he said that, it was like all the bad feelings melted away for a second, and Stan lunged forward, pulling his brother into a tight hug. "Don't call me an idiot! I just didn't think about that..." He grumbled angrily into the other teen's shoulder. "Clearly, god Stanley, you are so lucky I love you or I'd wail on you for being so damn dumb!" They laughed and pulled away from each other. "Seriously though, I thought it was implied that I'd want you to come! I told you to visit dumbass! Seriously, come with me out to California, you can get a job there and we can get an apartment and you won't be stuck here. And you wouldn't have to visit, we'd already live together and boom! Problem solved." He smiled at the other teen. Stan simply gawked at him, like he couldn't believe the other boy was serious. "Are you sure? But.." His brother's eyes rolled and he groaned. "Stanley, shut up, yes I'm sure! I don't care what anyone says, I want you there by my side. You're my literal other half, my best friend, the only person who actually knows me! Sure maybe we'll go our own ways at some point and get married and what not, but hey," Ford gripped a hand on his shoulder before continuing, "Not today, not anytime soon. So please come with me?" Stanley's eyes were wide and a grin spread across his face. "Yes! Yea, of course, I'll go! And hey! Maybe we can take the Stan'O War with us! I bet the beaches out west are way cooler!" The teen was suddenly giddy and excited and felt so at ease now. "Of course we can, we should probably tell Ma and Pop tomorrow, but.. let's just go home for now and get some sleep, okay? It's so fucking late." Ford groaned out the last sentence and his brother laughed. "Yea, sure, let's go nerd!"
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
SPOILERSSS for Twisted Wonderland Chapter 6 : 1-16!!!
*rubs hands* aight it wont take long before genshin has me in its gacha hell grasp again, I just barely escaped this time— NOW ITS TIME TO SEE THE BOIS CHAPTER 6 omg— wtf happened last time lol it’s been too long
So, no voice over because of some problems which is understandable but— meh I don’t feel like reading lol So I’m watching otome ayui translations this time, because im that one dumbass student who skipped kanji class and now i cant read without sounding like im five _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): “what up im yume im way passed 19 and i never fucking learned how to read”
Also watching Hanayura Kanon stream for the rest that’s not yet been translated lol Because he’s very good at voice acting for the characters and he’s funny af lol
- Fun fact : I haven’t watched Hercules yet so I legit don’t know what’s about to come lol
- Aw, that’s cute— We called over Ace and Deuce late at night AND THEY REALLY CAME OVER AAAAA
- I forgot how fckin pure their friendship is _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
- Aight, so we actually have a huge-ass scratch from feral Grim lol That’s just fantastic, isn’t it
- FINALLY— We’re talking about Mickey and the stones my monster cat has been eating with Crowley AAAAA
- “Yeah there’s this bitch called mickey and i took his photo—“
- Bruh this crystal of blot sounds really dangerous why are we discussing this just now
- Speaking of this crystal, Crowley— you were looking for this crystal in chap one and when we asked you about wtf you’re trying to find you just went— “oH itS NothING.”
- I didnt see you searching for crystals after every chapter mr. crowley where were you 👁👄👁 dont you think it was weird that you didnt see a single one after like— five blotting incidents
- Oh so its rare i see— BRUH R U SURE ABOUT THAT grim literally found one every single chap LMAO
- Okay okay— see, he may be violent but listen— you aint gonna throw out my fucking cat okay
- Wh— THERE WAS A FESTIVAL!? Im dumb so its not just VDC LOL
- Aww, Ace and Deuce looked pissed about it too AAAAHH THE TRUE DEFINITION OF THE BOIS
- #Grimportectionsquad
- “It’s bout time for them to come” Who?
- FUCKING— CROWLEY STOP SAYING ITS NOTHING— This is why this school is so fucked, you never tell us anything ahead of time _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
- Aight he left, Ace Deuce hurry help me what you guys got
- He may be a monster but see— the worst he did is eat the whole tuna stack SO PLS HES STILL BABY AND I LOVE HIM
- Ace ヽ(;▽;)ノ The character development— im so proud of you, son
- Fuck this is so beautiful— just me and the bois on our way in the middle of the night to find our MISSING CAT I—
- Kalim Kalim Kalim Vil Vil Vil— Pls we’ve been through so much last chapter HELP
- Leona…A big fat mood honestly lmao
- Ey ey riddle pls— dont make this any more difficult—
- Shut up azul stay where u are all you’ve done is nothing but chaos since you arrive so SHHH
- MALLEUS IS NOT HERE AGAIN LILIA PLS— where is he when we need him the most LOL
- Ortho, your bro where?? Also— SURVIVAL STATUS BRUH—
- oh i forgot idia lives in his tablet LOL OF COURSE
- Omg he’s in the apple trees still looking scary as shi aaaaaaa pls kitty come home u just had too much catnip
- “Starting operation” ORTHO WHAT TF
- EY EY EY oh good he’s knocked out sighhh
- Aight I know this has been translated but I can’t help but to look at the original japanese and im just— wtf is RTS and TAS idia i dont understand this advanced gamer otaku language
- But Idia and Ortho really do be speedrunning on who can fucking kick my cat the hardest LOL
- THATS RIGHT IDIA You understand me— Fellow cat lovers unite, Grim is very cute, he can’t do no bad
- …so can i have him back pls—
- Can we just appreciate the fact that these bois are willing to take the risk of getting their heads chopped off by Riddle by doing all this for us??
- If this isnt what you call true friendship then i dont know what this is
- Lol ambrose is going to appear in this festival again and crowley’s prideful ass is QUAKING
- WHY are we not allowed to see him crowley im sure we can handle it— We’re the BOIS. CMON
- Imagine if they just summon a fcuking— magic vet or something lol
- It’s the next day lol
- I mean the NRC Tribe— ٩( ᐛ )و
- VIL. what you have my queen
- Vil pls dont remind me that my cat isnt here but thank you for saying thank you i do not deserve—
- Vil i miss the bad bitch but absolute oneesan energy but the apology— yeah are we gonna cry again lol
- AAAAAAHH why am i so proud— THAT vil is apologizing
- You dont need to maam what we had in chapter 5 was a fucking journey i regret nothing
- I swear if rook goes like— bitch that aint beautiful imma bonk him I WILL DO IT dont think i forgot what u did last chap
- Man i love me a man who can openly admit his mistakes MMMGH
- Rook i swear—
- Im glad that we’re not toning down ace’s brutal honesty lol
- Cheer up Vil, it’s not like it’s a complete failure anyways (;ω;) it was fun at least
- Hearing Jamil encourage Vil like this feels surreal BUT YES BOI U TELL EM
- What is this beautiful character development
- Ooff way to hit where it hurts the most vil my queen lol
- Bruh we appreciate Neige’s impeccable smile in this household— REMEMBER WHEN EVERYONE WAS LIKE NEIGE’S GON BE A BAD BOI??? WELP—
- It was me, i was that person and i shall drown in apple juice for it
- Of course, the ultimate Neige simp already knows that lol
- Bruh the background music has no business being this sad stop
- I hate it when vil is right sometimes omg— TRUEEE KALIM especially wouldn’t be able to stand properly on stage after knowing Neige’s own hardships aaaa
- Vil redemption arc??? 👀👀 you can help us cure our cat—
- !? Are we gonna get that money promised in that poster?? 👀👀
- Damn vil is STACKED He really didnt want to owe anyone anything LMAO YES QUEEN
- Kalim is making my heart go boom boom again baby boi ✨👁💧👄💧👁✨✨
- …sumimasen kalim for having a very rundown dorm 👁💧👄💧👁 but thank you for being nice about it lol
- But this man be such a sunshine holy shit i cant even be mad about it lol
- Aight adeuce pls— y’all dont have to force yourself to donate my guys (´;ω;`) being friends is enough lol i get it my bois
- Find me a man who can make me feel like this the way Vil can
- Man if only Grim is here :’) he’d be soo happy :’)) you can have all the tuna you want buddy :’)))
- Bro this is so wholesome omg
- Im sorry but still up to this day, my understanding of Epel’s accent is still lacking lmao
- Aight they be talking about how Rook already knew that they were going to lose from the very beginning
- The FORESHADOWING LOL The difference with how Rook said “What a wonderful performance” rather than “What a beautiful performance” sigh
- Honestly we gotta respect Rook’s resolve here lol man just knows what he wants
- Rook and Vil’s friendship lmao
- 👁👄👁 …!?
- EARTHQUAKE WTF How dare you ruin such moment—
- They look like something that belongs to the Ignihyde dorm HUH
- Oh bruh— Vil in his Dorm Leader mode is so cool AND YES I KNOW THIS IS NOT THE TIME BUT wheww~~ Vil YAS QUEEN
- so SO— the dorm leader’s have a protocol for outsider attacks like this 👁👄👁 OMG THEY’RE SO HOT
- They don’t seem like our bois anymore aaa just pure professionalism at this point—
- We were just talking about renovating it too wtf
- Bruh i dont know what is going on but dont touch my man’s face
- They’re targetting Vil and Jamil WHY— overblot men!!??? WHERE ARE YOU— GIVE THEM BACK
- I didnt understand what epel said here lmao BUT—!?
- BUDDYY >:’0000 Grimmm MY HEART—
- Are they kidnapping the overblot men?? What— the fucking absolute balls on these robots
- God we’re getting absolutely fucked in here
- I thought there’s going to be a festival not a fucking kidnapping event HEY
- Oh 👀 Rook pls help
- Oh ghad they got him during clubs WTF HOW—
- *nervous hornii chuckling* …angry expression silver 👁👄👁 im sorry
- AAAA Dorm leaders actually be acting like dorm leaders is soo cool i cant—
- Bruh the story is all chaos what is this chapter
- Are they gonna get Leona and Azul too what—
- RIDDLE BABY Jesus christ dont overblot like this again lol
- Whoever made these robots wtf is their deal lol TO BE ABLE TO BEAT A DORM LEADER—
- …Bruh where is our horned friend when u need him
- Silver and Sebek theorizing with dorm leaders but they took Jamil tho?? It’s probably the overblot men they’re after
- Also Malleus is probably good so you two calm down lol Lilia’s probs having tea with him right now
- Okay, Leona how are you going to get captured KING.
- Omg everything is getting destroyed wtf
- Bruh leona these are material robots— cant you just turn them into sand lol
- Oh they do have some kind of brand cmon just turn them into sand pls
- *hearing leona whisper his reasons ✋ 👁👄👁 🤚 okay sir im sorry
- Damn Leona acting like a real prince right now— it’s kinda hot 👀👀
- Idia : “bro we just chilling be cool— MY CHESS PIECE“
- “Aight ortho what’s the situation” “fucked"
- So Idia of course knows about this— why does he look like he’s so done lmao me getting the feeling this isnt the first time idia has encountered this situation before lol
- Man i want to see azul in action too but mehh— Idia told him to settle down cries
- Wait— are they taking idia too?? OH IS THIS THE DOING OF IDIA’S FAMILY
- AH THEY ALSO KNOW ABOUT THESE STYX BITCHES WHAT— and they’re just letting them GO whaaat
- Sounds to me that this must be idia’s family taking care of the overblotting students?? Like to protect Idia or something?? I DONT—
- “Gather all the dorm leaders” No, sir, they’re already gone besides my sunshine and the horn boi
- Malleus??? 👁👄👁 TSUNOTAROU
- Pls kill the robots they destroyed my place
- AAH UPSIDE DOWN LILIA long time no see lol
- Bruhh the diasomnia students are so lucky to have Malleus as a dorm leader omg
- Kalim sounds so desperate im so sad
- Bruh they just goku teleported their way out of the dorm lol
- Wait jack is not here lol did they just forget about him wtf
- Oh shit we here too i did not know LMAO
- S-So are we just gonna..continue school like— like these styx bitches didnt just ruin half the school, my dorm, injure my bois, and took my cat or…???
- So that’s why leona and idia be like bro this is not worth it
- O-Oh yeah— they…they didnt know that Vil overblot— PFFT
- Malleus pls information who are you talking about—
- Ey, overblot squad are assembled lol this looks so dangerous
- LMAOO Riddle was sleeping on Leona’s lap for three hours THATS SO CUTE
- Where the fck did they take them, ITS CRAMPED AF
- Bro they’re just exposing Vil and Jamil’s overblot that’s supposed to be a SECRET LOL
- Oji-tan can sound so wise and reliable like this if he really tried lol sugar daddy energy
- Wtf these guys never thought that idia was from a big shot family??? They thought it was just coincidence that they had the same family name PFFT
- AZUL AAAA He was right there my guy BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN
- oh. They finally opened— isn’t this the ignihyde dorm what
This chapter is a fucking roller coaster like— literal 0 to 100 QUICC From having a moment with Vil and the bois to a FUCKING TERRORIST ATTACK LMAO IM HYPED FOR NEXT CHAP—
It’s been so long, I hope they released the next part soon (๑>◡<๑) I forgot how fine these men are lol at least I want to hear their voices again 👁👄👁
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xhisokas-harleyx · 3 years
okay but imagine hisoka and fem!reader going for an undercover mission, in a ball (well this gives me an excuse for hisoka in a suit with his hair down looking kinda normal yk aaaaa) and he and reader are waltzing across the ballroom, with the mutual pining, the flirting back and forth, constantly one upping each other without making it too crudely sexual while maintaining eye contact no matter what (bonus points if reader doesnt get flustered outwardly) <333
I’m sorry this took so long! Vacation and a few other things happened. I took a little creative liberty with this one I think... Hope you enjoy! 😊
Part 2 is out, link at the bottom :)
I’m getting to the other requests soon!
Song Inspiration: Fire on Fire; Sam Smith
Word Count: 2700
Hisoka x Fem Reader: Fire x Fire
You sigh as you look up at the clock that acts as a guardian for the entry hall you are sitting in. As of now, you’ve been waiting for Hisoka to enter the room for about 45 minutes. You have finished your hair, your makeup, and dressed accordingly, which took a decent amount of time- however, your male counterpart for the evening is still not ready.
“Hisoka… how much longer?!” You call to the upstairs bathroom, and you sigh melodramatically. You’d have thought he was ditching you if it wasn’t in fact a mission that HE himself had invited you to. “We’re going to be late, and that will attract attention!” You groan.
“Speaking of attracting attention…” A smooth, low voice coos from behind you, and you jolt up from your seat on the bottom of the stairs and wheel around. “…You call that undercover?” He says, as his tongue flashes across his bottom lip, a sinful gaze in his golden irises.
~Because I, for one, can’t keep my eyes off of you.~ He refrains from saying that last part.
There Hisoka stands, with a raised eyebrow, admiring you with a smirk as he plays with one of his cufflinks. His pink hair is down, covering his eyes only slightly, but not enough that you can’t see the hungry look in his golden irises. He doesn’t have any makeup on, and he is wearing a clean white suit with a tie and napkin that matches the color of your dress.
Quickly, you close your mouth, fighting to regain your composure and not allow him to see your reaction to his appearance. This mission was going to be hard enough without him distracting you throughout…
Little do you know, Hisoka is currently appraising your appearance as he strolls slowly down the stairs. Your sleek (f/c) dress hugs your curves perfectly, covered in sequins that catch the light of the chandelier at random intervals. Both of your outfits are a bit flamboyant- but honestly, could you expect any less from this efficient duo?
“It’s all about catching them off guard, hiding in plain sight.” You say to him, tipping your chin upward and placing a hand confidently on your hip. “The more attention we attract, the better chance we have of fooling those around us and identifying our target early.” You smirk as you meet his witty remark with your own explanation.
Hisoka lets out a small chuckle before he opens the door for you. “You know as well as I that that logic makes no sense.” He points out with a coy smile.
“Sounds good though, doesn’t it?” You retort, walking past him without so much as a glance.
“As does everything that comes from your lips.” He says it in a deep and yearning tone that catches you by surprise, even for Hisoka.
You fight the urge to tense up- this party hasn’t even begun yet, and Hisoka is already trying to get under your skin as you’d suspected he might. Luckily, you know exactly how to bat him off.
“Hurry up.” You order, completely ignoring him; it was phase one of your plan. Much to your chagrin, this pursuit only excites Hisoka, his eyes twinkling as he watches you get into the limo that will take you to the party.
On your way to the ball, Hisoka watches you silently as you look out the window, the stars flying by as you speed to the event. You don’t even notice, until you feel that familiar bloodlust rising from his direction.
“You’re going to have to control- that – if we are going to stay undercover. We don’t know how many Nen users are going to be here.” You say nonchalantly, looking to him.
In the low light, Hisoka doesn’t speak at first, almost as if you’ve caught him looking when you weren’t supposed to. He notices how well your makeup is done- and how much care you have taken in styling your hair tonight. He loves those golden earrings you are wearing and makes a note to steal them from you later.
You notice his silence. “Hey, Hisok-“
“We are almost there, madam.” The driver tells you, interrupting your snapping to bring the pink haired man’s attention back to you… even though it hasn’t left you he saw you sitting on those stairs.
You thank the man, and you take this opportunity to affix your knife under your dress, rolling the long fabric up to your thigh and strapping it around your leg. You know exactly what this will do to Hisoka; and yet, you do it anyway, deciding to fight fire with fire.
Hisoka’s eyes widen under his bangs, and he stifles a soft moan. He does his best to look away, knowing that, despite this game you two play… he must control himself around you. Because, somewhere deep inside, he is amazed that you even agreed to come with him tonight, and he doesn’t want to scare you off.
Luckily, you are very determined to stay unabashed.
Still, his bloodlust peaks at the sight, and you use this as an opportunity to order him again.
“Nen off. Now.” You demand, dropping your skirt back to its normal position and flashing him a side glance as the limo stops.
“Oh, is that an order?” He questions, kicking an eyebrow and biting the inside of his lip, fully expecting to trip you up. He just can’t help himself. He can’t resist the urge to play this game with you, and is so impressed with the fact that you willingly (and expertly) play it too.
“Absolutely.” You reply without missing a beat. His eyes focus on you, unsure how to take your hot and cold attitude, and your apparent disinterest in his flirtation. Still, he obeys, and clears his throat, exiting the limo and moving to your side to open the door for you.
You get out gracefully, refusing the hand he is holding out to you, which both infuriates and encourages him.
“The target is an older Nen user with blue hair. Rich guy. Tons of ladies. Right?” You whisper to Hisoka, trying to confirm the details so you can begin to scout for your victim. “Conjurer?”
Hisoka doesn’t answer you for a moment, and instead, seems distracted before coming back to his senses.
“Hm? Oh, yes. Conjurer. Those women he hangs with are replicas of the prostitutes he’s said to have murdered. Perhaps talking to them could be our key to finding him.” You weren’t questioning how he knew all of this, but glance at him.
“So you’re going to use this as a speed dating service.” You state, rolling your eyes, though your comment is meant to be more funny than mean. Hisoka, however, looks to you with a confused expression.
“You wound me!” He chuckles in response, dramatically clutching his chest, but taking great care not to reveal the actual hurt underneath. Is that what you saw him as?
There is an awkward silence between the two of you, but as you walk into the entryway of the mansion, you put on your acting expressions and begin to scout out the crowd. There are hundreds of people, live music, drinks, and conversations happening all over the large abode, and in an instant, you feel a bit overwhelmed.
“We should split up.” You suggest. Not that you wanted to leave his side, but wouldn’t it be easier to find the target this way?
Unbeknownst to you, your suggestion slightly upsets Hisoka. He had hoped you would stay together, but he doesn’t protest; he nods, and you two go your separate ways. However, you find yourself glancing in his direction as he slips through the crowd, a pang of guilt stabbing your heart.
An hour or so later, you have still had no luck locating this bastard, and have decided to stop at the bar for a drink. You know that you’re supposed to be working, but how can you relax at all without a break? You order a drink from the bartender, and promptly begin to down it, leaning on the bar and analyzing the crowd. You can’t help but think of Hisoka, and how handsome he looked in his proper outfit which was so different than what you normally saw him in.
Often, you wondered if his flirtation was just that and nothing else; or whether there could be a chance that he feels morefor you. There were times when he could be so caring toward you… but he did have the tendency to be fickle and dishonest with his emotions.
As much as you hated to admit it… you felt morefor him. He wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, you liked that about him. You had the ability to see through his apathetic exterior to the human underneath. You didn’t know whether that made you a hopeless romantic, or just plain crazy.
Suddenly, you see a flash of pink hair in the far distance, breaking your fantasy. It is Hisoka, shining like a diamond just next to the dance floor. A wave of relief washes over you briefly, and you set down your drink to make your way toward him, quicker than you’d imagined.
However, the sight you see there before you made your stomach flip, and you question the flirtation you’d just fantasized about. Through the crowd of people, you can see Hisoka talking to a bunch of nicely dressed ladies, a drink perched in his hand like he was some aristocrat. They seem to be laughing at just about everything he said, and one of them has the audacity to playfully touch his lapel, which set you off.
Now you were disobeying your own advice as your bloodlust piqued. Your fists clench and you begin to trudge toward the large magician, who doesn’t seem to notice your presence. That could not be more false, however, and he smirks to himself as he feels your approach, parting the crowd and traversing the ballroom dance floor.
Your high heels, however, have another idea: to ruin your night.
Your heel twists, and you trip over your own feet, a few people gasping as your body flies toward the floor. However, your momentum is stopped by the stern body of your audacious savior.
Hisoka pulls your arm past his neck, his strong arm wrapping around your waist and holding you flush against his body. A few of the people clap at the display, the women especially noting how dashing this charismatic man is, and how lucky the woman in his arms must be.
Obviously, they didn’t know the real Hisoka…
“If you wanted to dance, you could have just asked.” Hisoka notes softly, with a hubristic undertone. The way he holds you, however, is soft and careful, his fingers spread along your waist as he pulls you to your feet. You scoff, and look away, but you can’t bring yourself to pull away from his pleasing embrace. Still, you’re mad at him, and you don’t show your flustered expression outwardly.
Without your permission, Hisoka begins to move your body in tandem with his, guiding your hips to the beat of the new song playing in the ballroom.
“You look angry, (Y/N).” He notices your expression and rigidity but doesn’t stop moving his feet. It’s a rather timid tune at first, however, at the bridge of the song the tempo began to pick up, and you easily accommodated. You two begin to tango across the floor, much to the delight of the people watching your display in awe.
“We’re supposed to be working, and you’re over there flirting.” You scold yourself inwardly as you realize he’s going to have a heyday roasting your obvious jealousy.
“Ah, and you were working at the bar when you were sipping your cocktail?” He retorts fluently, surprising you. He has been watching you this whole time and was perfectly willing to never let you know it!
Hisoka whips his hair out of his eyes, his bangs parting just long enough to reveal to you a flash of his enchanted yellow eyes. Somehow, that hungry, almost pleading look behind his irises melts away your fear that he doesn’t feel anything for you. And from that moment on, you can’t break eye contact with him, as if he’s holding you under some sort of spell.
~God, that was hot.~ You think, but you are determined to keep your cool and not show all your cards, so you shoot him an equally suggestive look that makes his blood boil. Your eyes make him go crazy. He can’t take that look in your eyes, the way you encapsulate your emotions within them makes Hisoka lose his breath and feel a little weak in the knees (not something he’s used to). Both of you are too caught up in each other to realize how much you are both leaking bloodlust.
“Jealousy looks good on you.” He smirks, twirling your body around him, and catching you in his arms.
“Hm.” You smile, beginning to have fun with this performance. “I look good on you, wouldn’t you say?” You retort boldly, not expecting Hisoka to take it quite so seriously. His smile fades, and as you twirl back to him, the song dies down, and Hisoka bends you over his knee, hanging your body in his balance.
His gilded eyes have never looked more intense and sincere. Your comment seems to have uprooted his act, and his forehead presses to yours as it seems he is devouring your soul with his eyes.
“I couldn’t agree more, y/n.” He breathes against your lips at the closing note of the ballad, hoping that you’ll confirm his hopes and take the leap of faith he needs you to in that moment.
Your heart begins to skip beats, and you can’t hold your act any longer. Your cheeks are painted with a deep red shade, and your neck begins to crane. Somehow, on the fly, you are unsure. What would all of this lead to?
Your thoughts of leaving Hisoka hanging are interrupted by the annoying screech of one of the women from before, spewing a slurred, “Way to go, Mr. Horatio!”
Horrible fake name aside, this makes your jealousy skyrocket as you realize she’s talking about your white knight.
You turn back to him with the fire of Hell in your eyes, and meld your lips with Hisoka’s with such ferocity that it takes him off guard, and for a moment he is completely star struck. The taste of your lips ignites such a passion within him that his hand moves to your hair, tilting your head back with a gentle tug to allow him better access to your sensitive parts. His obsession for you is on full display, and he doesn’t care who sees it.
As you break for air, his lips move excitably to your neck, the both of you completely forgetting that you are in the middle of a mission and a whole crowd of people. Neither of you seem to care, and if Hisoka has his way you’ll end this party with a bang.
The guards have a different plan.
“The Magician! I’d recognize that Bloodlust anywhere!” Someone shouts, sending a force of guards your way. Hisoka can’t help but smirk in that general direction, and without a thought, he unleashes the full weight of his bloodlust, and scoops you into his arms protectively. “I think we’ve overstayed our welcome, darling. Let’s head out.” He purrs. Somehow, even being chased by a force of guards, which he could easily annihilate, he is as enticing with his voice as ever. You have not the power nor will to disobey that honey-like, nuanced voice that turns your resolve to ash. Instead, you are content with the view of his hair flying in the wind as he gracefully bursts out of the mansion, running with you in his arms.
You’re completely enthralled with him, and he knows it; he feels the same about you. But as the house vanishes from your sight, your eyes widen as you remember one key detail.
“Hisoka… WE DIDN’T KILL THE TARGET!” You panic, as he slows; you’re far enough away to be safe now.
Hisoka chuckles warmly, which confuses you.
“Not to worry, y/n. I killed him days ago.” He says matter-of-factly, anticipating your reaction at hearing that the party was completely unnecessary. “My place?” He skips past it like it’s a minor detail.
Your body tenses.
“Hold on…YOU WHAT?!”
…I could see a very NSFW Part Two for this... -///-
Part two is here!!
I loved this prompt. So cute. Hope you all liked it! <3
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rivalsforlife · 3 years
The AAI Cast Takes On Twitter
Hello! For the release of ace attorney investigations 2 ten years ago, on the official AA twitter account, Capcom posted a bunch of tweets that were made to sound like they came from the characters themselves. You can still find them if you dig far enough, but it’s a bit of a pain to find and especially a pain to understand in English, so I decided to compile them all here and attempt to translate them. (They have also been “localized” in true ace attorney fashion.)
First, a disclaimer: I am absolutely NOT a translator and my understanding of Japanese is abysmal. I put the original tweets through google translate and then went through trying to make them legible, including looking up words and phrases when they didn’t make any sense. As a result, I can’t guarantee that this is completely accurate, and I definitely messed with phrasing a bit to get things to flow better or sound more in character. Hopefully the general gist of things should make sense! I’ll put the original Japanese text below the English one, and if you actually know Japanese and would like to properly translate it, please do so! I just wanted to get this out here as fast as possible.
If you want to view the original tweets, I’ve filtered them (mostly!) here in reverse-chronological order. There are tweets from the game staff at the end that I did not “translate”.
With that said, here are the tweets. (It is long, so most of it is under the cut.) The breaks are things I added that I believe were breaks in time on the actual account, and represent new scenes.
<Edgeworth>: I was told to “tweet” what I usually think about to commemorate the release of “Ace Attorney Investigations 2”... What should I do?
<Kay>: Come on, Mr. Edgeworth! First, you need to introduce yourself!
<Edgeworth>: Oh. Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Miles Edgeworth, a prosecutor at the District Attorney's Office. Kay informed me that this is “Tweeter”. 
<Kay>: No! It’s pronounced "Twitter"!
<Edgeworth>: Is it "Tweeter"? I'm not very good at this kind of thing ...
<Kay>: Okay, moving on. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is about to be released, and Mr. Edgeworth has a lot to say, right?
<Edgeworth>: Mm. Certainly, there are few opportunities like this, so this should be a valuable experience.
<Kay>: Then this Great Thief, Kay Faraday, will teach Mr. Edgeworth the fun of tweeting!
<Edgeworth>: I’m not very interested in that… but alright. More importantly, Kay, do you want to start working soon?
<Kay>: Yes! Then, we can play later!
<Edgeworth>: (Well, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to tweet.)
<Kay>: Mr. Edgeworth ... Your inner voice is in the tweet! Isn't that neat?
<Edgeworth>: Ah! Tweeter… I shouldn’t underestimate it. 
<Edgeworth>: It's already 12 o'clock ... I wanted to take a break for lunch, but it seems that I won’t get the chance. The detective just reported a new case. I'm heading to the scene right now.
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe seems to have been in a hurry. He said he “lost something important”... It’s probably not something to worry about. I should concentrate on the investigation first. It takes a careful investigation to find out the truth hidden in the scene. There are many things that cannot be understood from desk work alone.
<Edgeworth>: I've arrived at the scene. Mm? It seems that some pencils have fallen near the victim.
<Edgeworth>: Search for the connection between information. That is the pursuit of "Logic". Assembling "Logic" is the key to the investigation even in Ace Attorney Investigations 2. “Something lost by Detective Gumshoe” and the “pencil left on the scene” ... There is one answer that can be derived from the two pieces of information.
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe! It seems that we found your lost pencil. ‥‥ Don’t leave extra evidence on the scene!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm ... Finally, the truth of the scene has come into view. This case will likely be resolved soon.
<Kay>: Good evening! I came to play as promised!
<Gumshoe>: Welcome, Kay!
<Kay>: Huh? Gummy, are you also on Twitter?
<Gumshoe>: It’s popular among my detective friends. As long as my number of followers keeps increasing, I’m happy!
<Edgeworth>: What is a "follower"?
<Gumshoe>: Well, people who read your tweets. To put it simply, it’s like a friend group.
<Kay>: It seems that there are many people who are watching this tweet! Ehehe. That makes me kind of happy!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm. Friend group...? That sounds a little embarrassing, but thank you, followers.
<Kay>: Hmm. I feel that followers and friends are a little different. Well, as long as he’s happy.
<Edgeworth>: Let’s say that tomorrow we’ll spend more time with our followers on Tweeter.
<Gumshoe>: I've been waiting for you, Prosecutor Edgeworth!
<Edgeworth>: Mm. Good morning Detective Gumshoe. It's rare for you to get to court earlier than me.
<Gumshoe>: That’s because I have to set a good example for my followers! I skipped dinner last night so I wouldn't be late.
<Edgeworth>: What does skipping dinner have to do with getting up early?
<Gumshoe>: Well, it sets a “belly clock”, so you wake up at breakfast time!
<Edgeworth>: (There are too many problems with that, and I don't feel like pointing them all out... I’ll just stay silent.)
<Gumshoe>: Mr. Edgeworth ... We can see the tweets of your inner voice, you know…?
<Edgeworth>: It's about time for the court to open. I'm heading into court without any uncertainty today.
<Kay>: Hello everybody! I'm Kay Faraday, also known as the Great Thief Yatagarasu. Fufufu ... I’m actually in the gallery right now! I wanted to see Mr. Edgeworth and Gummy in court, and keep an eye on the enemy!
<Kay>: Oh! Mr. Edgeworth screamed, “Objection!” This is the 5th time today. The other lawyer is sweating now. The judge’s gavel is getting fierce! Eh -- what? “You can’t tweet in the courtroom…?” Hey!
<Kay>: Uh ... I was kicked out of the courtroom. As expected by the new rival of Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Justine Courtney! She seems like a kind judge, but also very observant.
<Kay>: This is an unexpectedly strong enemy! Mr. Edgeworth, are you okay ...?
<Edgeworth>: Kay. What were you doing in the gallery today?
<Gumshoe>: I was surprised to see Kay being kicked out of court!
<Kay>: I didn't think that tweeting was prohibited. As a Great Thief, this is the ultimate mistake!
<Edgeworth>: If you have time to regret breaking the rules of the court, use it to learn a little more about them.
<Kay>: If I had to leave the court anyways, I wanted to have a cooler exit, befitting of a Great Thief!
<Gumshoe>: … I don’t think she regretted breaking the rules. 
<Kay>: Anyway! You’ve already finished your work today, right?
<Edgeworth>: Yes, I finished my work in the courtroom today. It looks like we can have a nice holiday.
<Kay>: So, why don’t the three of us go play together! Bowling, karaoke, game centers, etc.!
<Edgeworth>: No ... I'm not very good at such things.
<Gumshoe>: Since it’s Friday night, why don’t we play around and recover from working hard! I think watching movies would be fun!
<Kay>: Yeah, you worked so hard this week! Now, let’s go play!
<Edgeworth>: *sigh*. Whatever I say, it’ll be a waste of time… If we must, at least make it a movie.
<Gumshoe>: This Saturday morning is a nice time for a walk! I sometimes take a walk with Missile to build strength and give him training. As the “partner” of Prosecutor Edgeworth, I want to be useful in Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Gumshoe>: When investigating with a metal detector or collaborating with Missile, I will be second to none! Hey, Missile! Hmm? Is a scent bothering you? Aaaaa! Mi-Missile has run away! He must’ve smelled food.
<Gumshoe>: When this happens, I have to rely on the odor to chase after it! This is part of the investigation process! Uh… I lost him right away. When this happens, I have to prepare sweets that Missile likes to lure him in! …  I’m so overwhelmed.
<Kay>: It’s a shame to keep Missile as a police dog. He stole away Samurai Dogs from this Great Thief and ate them…! I was trying to eat with Ema.
<Gumshoe>: Sorry about that, pal. By the way, what were you doing together? Collecting fallen leaves…?
<Ema>: We’re grilling Samurai Dogs on this fire we made from scientific chemicals!
<Gumshoe>: Huh. Scientific chemicals, pal…? Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Missile! Do you feel alright?
<Kay>: It’s fine! He ate it before we started the fire.
<Gumshoe>: Oh. I wish I got to have some...
<Edgeworth>: It’s not good to use chemicals to play with fire, Ema. Scientific research is important, but please use moderation.
<Ema>: Yes! Moderation! By the way, are you going somewhere?
<Edgeworth>: Yes. I have some business. ... I don't have much time, so excuse me.
<Kay>: ... Mr. Edgeworth, where are you going?
<Ema>: Fufufu. In this case, we can follow his footsteps! Using the power of science… in moderation!
<Kay>: Alright! Let's follow him… in moderation!
<Gumshoe>: They both have a strange definition of “moderation”...
<Kay>: That overwhelming scale! I think I’m going to cry! That’s a first for an orchestra concert!
<Ema>: The powerful sound of brass instruments and the splendid melody of woodwind instruments! Scientifically speaking, changing between different sounds is what makes music good.
<Edgeworth>: Umm. While I was looking forward to today, I didn't expect you two to follow me.
<Kay>: I wanted to bring Gummy as well, but he had to walk Missile, so he couldn’t come with us.
<Edgeworth>: The detective can still hear the “Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Orchestra Arrangement Collection” CD. You can pre-order one at E-Capcom.
<Ema>: I already pre-ordered it, of course! I’ll also get the 1:10 figure of Mr. Edgeworth!
<Edgeworth>: A 1:10 figure of myself? I don't remember measuring my height, but ...
<Kay>: That's because I stole Mr. Edgeworth's height perfectly!
<Edgeworth>: I'm a little hesitant to say it in the orchestra hall, but let me just say one word.
<Kay>: "Objection!"
<Edgeworth>: Wha…? How did you --!
<Ema>: This must be the famous technique of the Great Thief, stealing the words right out of his mouth! How informative!
<Edgeworth>: I have no plans today, so I will spend my time reading at a nearby coffee shop. Naturally, I want to relax on Sundays.
<Edgeworth>: I’m drinking high-quality black tea in a comfortable sunny place. Today is going to be a good day off.
<Edgeworth>: Speaking of which, the other day, a follower named “Wendy” greeted me here on Tweeter. I don’t know how to return messages, so I haven’t done so yet. Let me thank you here. Ms. Wendy, thank you for following me.
<Oldbag>: E… Edgey-pooooooo! I finally found youuuuuuu!
<Edgeworth>: Gah! What are you doing in this coffee shop ...!?
<Oldbag>: No way, Edgey-poo! Just now, didn’t you say this on Twitter? Didn’t you just say “Ms. Wendy, thank you”? You made this old lady so happy! I just ran around all the coffee shops and searched for you everywhere, Edgey-poo. The power of lo
<Edgeworth>: Do you talk too much to fit on Tweeter? So, “Wendy” was you! No matter how many coffee shops you visit, there’s no way you found me so easily… Are you hiding something?
<Oldbag>: If you say that without evidence, you’d tarnish the title of “prosecutor!” I have nothing to hide from my dearest Edgey-poo!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm… Even without evidence, if I read your reactions and feelings, I can expose the truth while only using my words.
<Oldbag>: Oh, I heard about this, Edgey-poo! Isn’t it called “Logic Chess”? I know everything about you, Edgey-poo!
<Edgeworth>: What do you mean by “I know everything?”
<Oldbag>: You see, it’s because I’m a security guard. Recently, because the whippersnapper who was there before me got fired, I was temporarily guarding the prosecutor’s office. At that time, I just so happened to see your address, Edgey-poo.
<Edgeworth>: …………… I didn’t even need to pull out information, and you’re already telling me the answer!
<Oldbag>: Oh. It was a slip of the tongue. I thought I would get to see Logic chess.
<Edgeworth>: Well, could you see it in Ace Attorney Investigations 2? Please excuse me, I have very important business to attend to.
<Oldbag>: You mentioned that you have no business today! Today, I will never let you go!
<Edgeworth>: Ngh… That was quite the disaster today.
<Edgeworth>: I was too careful just because it was a holiday. I was neglecting my remarks and wasn’t vigilant of those around me ...
<Edgeworth>: Mm? Now “Tweeter” is showing something from “Wendy”. … “Sorry. - Wendy.” … I’m not going to respond to that!
<Gumshoe>: Prosecutor Edgeworth, did you hear? Agent Lang is coming from the Republic of Zheng Fa!
<Edgeworth>: Hm. Is he also involved in an international case? I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to him for long the last time. If I have time, I’ll go greet him.
<Gumshoe>: The last incident was a difficult one. I couldn’t talk much with Agent Lang’s subordinates, either.
<Gumshoe>: There are 100 people who know about it.
<Edgeworth>: If you tried to talk to everyone, the sun would set before you did.
<Gumshoe>: To be honest, I gave up trying to remember my own face and name.
<Edgeworth>: That’s just being lazy!
<Lang>: Yo, Mr. Prosecutor. It's strange to see you in a place like this.
<Edgeworth>: It's been a long time, Agent Lang. I never thought we would meet again at a restaurant like this.
<Lang>: I just happened to see this place while I was looking for somewhere I could go alone.
<Edgeworth>: Alone ...? That’s unusual for you. Aren’t you usually with your subordinates?
<Lang>: Well… Lang Zi says: “To know the feelings of a lone wolf, you should leave the pack.” Sometimes I do things on my own.
<Edgeworth>: Is that so? However, I see a contradiction right there on your table.
<Lang>: Hah! Is that the prosecutor’s famous “deduction”?
<Edgeworth>: For someone eating alone, you ordered a lot of “platters”, which seem to serve over twenty people.
<Lang>: Arooooooo! ‥‥Oops. It seems I have a habit of ordering too much. If you don’t mind, Mr. Prosecutor, would you take a little?
<Edgeworth>: It seems that you’re not very good at acting alone.
<Kay>: Eh? Agent Lang’s coming here again?
<Edgeworth>: Ah, yes. Unlike before, though, it seems like he’s acting alone for some reason.
<Kay>: Isn’t that because it’s difficult to sneak around with too many people? It’s an important rule for a Great Thief!
<Edgeworth>: He is an “international investigator”, not a “Great Thief”. … Anyway, he seemed to come to this country for some purpose.
<Kay>: Then, we might meet him again at a crime scene.
<Edgeworth>: Even if we both desire to pursue the truth, our paths often run counter to each other. If I meet him in the field, we may argue.
<Kay>: That’s nice. I also want a rival that will change me as a person! Ahh… I wonder if they’re out there… the rival who wants to hunt down the Great Thief!
<Edgeworth>: If you want to be arrested so badly, ask Detective Gumshoe.
<Kay>: Ugh! You just don’t get it!
<Kay>: It's finally February!
<Edgeworth>: Oh. So it is...
<Gumshoe>: I'm looking forward to February 3rd!
<Gumshoe>: At our police station, we will sow beans for the bean-throwing festival! February 3rd is a precious day when you can eat soybeans for free!
<Kay>: Every year, I challenge myself with how many beans I can throw! “Out with the demons, in with the fortune, and in with the Great Thief’s treasure!”
<Edgeworth>: Did you forget the most important thing?
<Kay>: I was just kidding! Of course I remember what’s happening February 3rd!
<Gumshoe>: There is no reason to forget the release date of Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Edgeworth>: Mm ... I hope.
<Edgeworth>: It’s three days before the game goes on sale. I hope the followers look forward to it as well.
<Edgeworth>: Investigating in winter is necessary, even if it’s cold, and you can’t catch a cold before the game goes on sale. Ergo, please take proper measures against the cold.
<Edgeworth>: Speaking of which, Detective Gumshoe wears the same coat all year round. Doesn’t that get cold? Ah… maybe it’s just that his salary is too low to buy anything else.
<Edgeworth>: ……… Should I invite Detective Gumshoe for dinner? What little I know about his eating habits worries me. I don’t think he’d eat instant noodles in winter… 
<Edgeworth>: There is a handmade udon restaurant near the prosecutor's office. The taste is satisfying for a reasonable price. ‥‥‥‥‥‥ Though, when it comes to inviting Detective Gumshoe, I shouldn’t limit myself to just noodles.
<Edgeworth>: Mm. I tweeted that it was only 3 days before the game’s release, but it was 2 days. I worked all night in the office yesterday. It seems my sense of time has gone haywire.
<Edgeworth>: What I tweeted then was contradictory… Pardon me. Thank you, followers who pointed that out.
<Gumshoe>: This pork roast is delicious! This is my first one of the year!
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe. Stop eating while tweeting!
<Gumshoe>: I've been eating only plain pasta this year. I couldn’t help myself!
<Kay>: I could, but I still tweeted!
<Edgeworth>: It may not be instant ramen, but his eating habits are always in crisis.
<Gumshoe>: Ugh... every time I make a mistake while investigating, the cost of living becomes a crisis.
<Kay>: But the one who is in the most danger right now is Mr. Edgeworth, isn't it? I saw it in a commercial! He’s having his “biggest crisis!”
<Gumshoe>: I heard it too ... What kind of mistake did you make, sir?
<Edgeworth>: Don’t compare me to you! I don’t know what it is, but I’m not afraid of any crisis. No matter what happens, I simply do what I think is right.
<Kay>: As expected of Mr. Edgeworth! Well, you can always count on this Great Thief to help you in an emergency!
<Gumshoe>: Of course, I will help too! If you want to manage your living expenses in a crisis, sir, just leave it to me!
<Edgeworth>: First, could you try helping me as a detective?
<Kay>: By the way, Mr. Edgeworth, what kind of person is your father?
<Edgeworth>: … Why would you suddenly ask such a question?
<Kay>: I just asked Mr. Shields. He said your father was a very good person! I also respect my dad, so I was a little curious about yours.
<Edgeworth>: When I was a child, he was someone I highly respected, and… the kind of man I aspired to be.
<Kay>: Huh? Is it different now?
<Edgeworth>: ……… About that… It’s difficult to explain. If you want to know the answer, please wait until tomorrow.
<Kay>: I see! The answer is hidden in Ace Attorney Investigations 2. I’ll be sure to steal the truth about Mr. Edgeworth!
<Kay>: Gummy! Please decorate it from the right side!
<Gumshoe>: Here it is! Oh no, the decoration fell!
<Edgeworth>: What are you doing in my office in the middle of my workday?
<Gumshoe>: I’m off duty, but since today’s the eve of the release date, I’m preparing a party!
<Kay>: It's almost time to tweet! Mr. Edgeworth, please work and just ignore us!
<Edgeworth>: If you truly want that, then please stop climbing on my desk. … I’ll finish work soon, so please wait until then. 
<Kay>: Eh! Are you going to help us?
<Edgeworth>: I would like to celebrate.
<Gumshoe>: That’s helpful, sir! Then, I’ll be sitting on the sofa and waiting until it’s time!
<Edgeworth>: ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Just wait in the corridor.
<Gumshoe>: Cheers for the release of Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm ... This party for the eve of the release is rather nice.
<Kay>: Ehehe. Tomorrow, we’ll give it our all!
<Edgeworth>: Umm. Thank you very much.
<Kay>: This is the last of our tweets ... It's a little regrettable.
<Edgeworth>: But I’m glad I had this opportunity to directly express my gratitude for the week. Those who were watching our tweets… let me thank you again.
<Gumshoe>: I still have something to talk about, but we’re already out of time!
<Kay>: But the eve of the release has only just begun! After this, you can talk to the development staff of “Ace Attorney Investigations 2” directly!
<Gumshoe>: Oh! Is that the plan?
<Kay>: I’m certain, because it’s information I stole from Capcom! It seems like it will start around 18:00!
<Edgeworth>: I do have a lot to ask, but let's leave that to the followers. Well then, excuse us for now.
<Edgeworth>: If you have any questions for the development staff, please quickly send them in!
Translation notes first:
The localized foods are as follows: 
dorayaki -> Samurai Dogs (since Missile also has a habit of eating those, though I don’t believe the original was dorayaki?)
somen -> instant ramen
katsudon -> pork roast
shirataki -> plain pasta
The “bean-throwing festival” is Setsubun, a festival where you toss soybeans and eat some in order to toss out bad luck and bring in good luck (to my understanding, please correct me if I’m wrong). What Kay said (minus the Great Thief part) is one translation of  a phrase you shout while throwing the beans. I obviously gave up on trying to localize this.
Original Japanese (minus breaks):
〈ミツルギ〉:『逆転検事2 発売直前記念』として、私が日頃思っていることを“つぶやく”ように言われたのだが‥‥どうすればいいのだろうか?
〈ミクモ〉:はーい! それじゃ、また後で遊びに来ますね!
〈ミクモ〉:ううう‥‥‥‥法廷内から追い出されちゃいました。さすがは逆転検事2の新ライバル“水鏡 秤”さん!優しそうな裁判官だと思ってユダンしていました。
〈ミクモ〉:それはともかく! 今日はもうお仕事終わりなんですよね?
〈アカネ〉:ヒゾウのカガク薬品でおこした火を利用して、あったか~い “焼きどら焼き”を作ろうかと!
〈ミツルギ〉:刑事には、サウンドトラックCD「オーケストラ・アレンジ楽曲集 〜奏でられし逆転〜」を聞かせるとしよう。いまからでもイーカプコンで予約出来るだろう。
〈ミツルギ〉:ム?また“カオルさん”から私あてに“ついーと”が来ているな。『残念無念 カオル』‥‥と言われても、断じて誘いに乗るつもりはない!
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
Saddest Beach Party Ever :(
Watch out for this one folks, it gets a bit dark -- mind the tags (though nothing outside of what you'd expect for.. this episode)
VOD: Tommy Is Left ALONE at his Exile Party with Dream (Start - 35:30)
(rp) I have Absolutely been putting off watching this one because I WILL cry and I am scared
I can't imagine what it was like to watch live and see NO ONE on the beach
He's keeping up a good face, adding more chairs... I'm not looking forward to it setting in.
like fuck man, fuck Dream for chasing of Ghostbur for MULTIPLE reasons but also because no one else even KNEW about the party :(
He's so excited about maybe seeing Tubbo I hate it Thanks
and now he's putting things down for Quackity and adding more things he's still so happy and excited (though you can occasionally see the mask break - there's a lot of nervous energy here)
"Where... no, well go place this" "why did Fundy leave the game" THANKS I HATE IT
Lazer and Fundy have been some of the people who have visited toooo :(
Tommy's face when no one is on the nether path.............. ouch
log off right now green demon
log off RIGHT NOW
just stewing in silence ..... painful....
cc!Tommy really is one of the best actors on the server, this hurts quite a bit
I know that's Dream joining the call and I hate it
"I'm running a little late, sorry :)" >:|
fuck, Tommy apologized and tossed his armor immediately INCLUDING HIS GIFT SHOES AND AXE, Dream didn't even ask
Dream of course taking the chance to be '''''''benevolent''''.... probably as a reward for Tommy doing it immediately and without prompting >:|
and ofc Dream just straight up lies about the invites to rub salt into the wound. Cant have Tommy thinking people CARE ABOUT HIM OR ANYTHING.
Even mentioned Tubbo SPECIFICALLY YOU BASTARD "in L'manburg" was that truly necessary bastard
the sun setting... a symbol of hope... the symbol of their friendship.... disappearing into the ocean... I hate it :(
Dream pushing him into eating the cake.. "I've lost my appetite"
just digging in that Tubbo For Sure got the Invite Definitely and no one came except Dream.
"I didn't mind being a little bit late because I thought everyone else would be here" why did he keep pointing out he was late, kept hammering that point home. Like even Dreams attention is not important to Dream? like it has to be earned maybe ..?
"No one cares about me anymore" "that's not true" *BREAKS CAKE* "None of them care about me anymore"
"No one cares... other than You(Derogatory)"
"Maybe they had something more important" I hate how Dream hides his digs behind sounding consoling it fucking SUCKS
I hate how depressed he sounds, how resigned
....threw away the chicken, and he isn't eating or healing. I knew to watch out for it but its never been this pronounced before. He's down to three hearts ;-;
"I'm pretty sure he burned it, or lost it" I do not believe that for a SECOND Dream, or at least its not as clear cut as it seems. Tubbo CARES ABOUT TOMMY, I *JUST SAW* a clip of him holding the compass aaaaa
"at least SOMEONE on this entire 30 person server got an invite" "He said he was going to give it to at least 13 people, and at least one person I saw give it in person"
he really is gonna toss the compass isn't he nooooooooo
staring into the lava again. "he burned it. On purpose"
Dream quibbling ... but doubling down i hate it
.......its just... so clear he's not only thinking about the compass in lava
Dream shooting at the Ghast,,, telling Tommy to sleep on it, coaxing him back from the edge "almost fell off, careful Tommy" I hate it here
"I don't sleep anymore Dream" "I just want to go home" "Please can I go home" he sounds so broken ;A;
"why can't I stay" :( :( :(
"It's not like they want you anyway Tommy. No one showed up to your party and everyone was invited" And THIS is why Dream tanked the party on purpose. Because if Tommy thinks no one even wants him, he won't even try to get back, and will just stay under Dreams control. There's such a mental and emotional difference and toll from "Outside forces (Dream) are keeping me from going home and maybe I can subvert or change them" and "Home doesn't want me and they're better off without me"
It truly is creepy how Dream is trying to coax him with the Christmas tree, like he's trying to pull this balancing act because he can tell Tommy is on the edge of really giving up and I hate it so much
He still hasn't eaten
"c'monn you want to see the Christmas tree :)" overwriting his feelings as well ugh
"I'm sure if you asked them, they'd say they care about you" I see you invalidating any future concern someone might show him
.....him asking Dream to defend him is... painful. Especially having just watched the latest stream where he asked the same of Tubbo right after being triggered as hell ugh. He really has gotten used to being made helpless and depending on Dream, even on the one day he didn't get his armor and weapons taken away from him. He sounds so resigned :(
he's bribing him with the trident and I hate it. Though at least hes enjoying it??? Mixed feelings on that. He ate too and I hate that Dreams honeymoon stage is w o r k i n g )
that is the most sincere I have ever heard Tommy say Dream cares about him and it FUCKING SUCKS
I know we never could have had "Happy Party AU" because Dream never would have allowed people to come and validate Tommy but man Trident tricks w everyone would have been nice
...lol someone pointed out the red looks like blood. the fake girlfriend bits are so Weird
Dream what do you GET out of this, why are you so OBSESSED. He spends so much time here
"I wont bring it up with them because that would be awkward" oof and I bet he won't believe it if anyone says they didn't get the invite will he oof
.. He pulls out the Axe but lets dream actually kill the skeleton, he already put it away before Dream even got on screen how many times do i have to say THANKS I HATE IT HERE before it becomes meaningless
So this was around the point (or maybe a little bit later, but talking about this point) during dsmp where I started seeing it cross my dash without any context and saw a lot of takes about "oh but they didn't get the invite" and I had NO IDEA why Tommy was so upset about what was clearly a misunderstanding or why he was making it such a big deal.... well I get it now
Tommy really really isn't in a place where he can believe someone when they say they didn't get an invite. And it Really Truly WAS a big deal and actually I'm 100% on Tommy's side on this issue now (though I also don't blame the other characters for this: See Big Green Bastard Man who is truly at fault) I can understand completely why he throws it in their face later though
He's doubting if he wants to go back now.. that was exactly the point of it all :(
"Thanks for letting me keep my armor today btw" I hate how sincere Tommy is about this. I hate how Dream has so effectively done this, where Tommy sees it as a FAVOR that Dream doesn't come and blow up all of his things and hard work and THANKS him for it.
People much smarter than me have pointed out how 1:1 this is to real abusive relationships and how well its portrayed. I don't have anything clever or insightful to say here I guess, just that its exhausting and heavy to watch (but also really powerful as well, because we DON'T see shit like this played this realistically, or in this much accurate detail)
I just want Tommy to be out of here safely and realize what is being done to him is WRONG and not his fault and be given a chance to actually heal. I know the likelihood of that in the future, considering whats to come, is also. complicated to say the least.
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k3rm1e · 3 years
hey hey! it’s me 🥀 anon.. micheal x reader in 3rd grade ( being friends ofc:] ) 🙂 tommy’s daughter ( or gn reader any is cool😎 ) but reader beats up bully for making fun of micheal
hey hey! it’s me 🥀 anon.. michael x reader in 3rd grade ( being friends ofc:] ) 🙂 tommy’s daughter ( or gn reader any is cool😎 ) but reader beats up bully for making fun of michael
hello 🥀 anon! apologies for the long wait, i have been doing things ;-;
but!!! i am here now with this so i hope you enjoy :D
cw: cursing 
  you hated him. you hated the small half-piglin half-zombie kid. it was unreasonable, he was your dad’s best friends’ kid. the infamous bench trio, with kids of their own. the legacy left behind, of fallen countries and terrible men, to fall on your shoulders.
  you always spoke with him. sat with him on the bus, at lunch, in class, sitting. talking. more of he spoke, you listened. even though the other students came to ask questions, they never stayed. the simple existence of two of you, two kids, with the parents you had was too much.
  the old stories of l’manburg, manburg, pogtopia, the infamous button room, the burnt mushroom house, the obsidian walls, logstedshire, the disc confrontation, pandora’s vault, all of it. every story, every tale, included your father. in history class you were stared at, you and the piglin boy. when students wanted to ask about the historical figures they learnt about, it was to the two of you. and you hated it.
  the attention, it was never on you. always him. whether it was from students, teachers, family, friends, hell, even the hecking sheep that belonged to the fading soul of a long gone man cared more for the kid. not even tommy, your father, paid more attention to you. he was always out, causing trouble even now. tubbo and ranboo, despite their efforts to keep michael safe, had somehow ended up with him becoming even more of a trouble maker than the three of them combined. you would much rather spend time with the fading soul, listening to his songs as you sat on the glass covering a crater. he claimed it gave him inspiration, to sit above the symphony he never finished.
  so, when you saw the small boy talking to others at lunch, you were conflicted. was it good, good he had gained more people, more friends? you never enjoyed sitting with him, having to listen to him speak for hours. he never even realized he was being annoying, causing trouble.  so, shouldn’t this have solved your problems? knocked them down the drain?
  and yet, you felt bad. staring at them on the playground, your soul hurt. you didn’t want to be like the fading soul, to feel like this. michael, turned to look behind him. the look on his face seeming like it was begging for you to walk over there. but you felt guilt. and so, you ran.
  “ghost!” you ran above the glass, making sure your steps weren’t too heavy footed.
  he looked up, from his sheet music and the guitar. “oh, hello. are you just getting back from school?” the area around was abandoned. after so many years of being near such a negative place, everyone left. deserted it. all that was left was the glass and the small, somehow still standing structures. at the very bottom of the pit was a sea of red, always growing but never moving, sitting dead yet alive.
  “yeah. it was a long day today. and i need advice. but first, do you have any music for me?” you sat in front of him, pulling out extra snacks from lunch out of your back.
  “music later, speak now. what’s wrong? do you need some blue?” anytime you seemed upset, ghost gave you blue. when tommy saw, he was nervous. more distant. you didn’t want him to see it, you didn’t want to drive him away. so, you used the dye for other things. your pants, your shirts hoodies, what ever could be dyed. all of it, a deep blue the color of old, burnt suits, used for a country few actually remembered.
  “no, no blue today, ghost. i still have some from last time, so thank you. and i need to ask a question. if i do not like someone, should i help them when they are in trouble?” you laid back, the cold of the glass hitting your neck.
  “it really depends, what has this person done? in the past, i’ve been wronged by others. heavily.” in his eyes, you could see the healing wounds that may never form, as he felt the blue wool in his hands. the memories of a father and a brother and a sheep, you could see them in the fading soul. 
  “i was helped, or at least he tried to help me. i didn’t like him. as far as my knowledge goes, he did not like me. he hurt those i loved. even so, he helped me. tried to save me. it backfired, badly. but he still tried. i owe him my gratitude, i wish i could repay him. for all he’s done.” he stared down, reminiscing. the ever living dying red shone in the setting sun.
  “so, to conclude, you should help him, in my opinion. i think its good, to help others, even when they’ve wronged you. build amends, y’know?” he looked down to you, who was sitting silently.
  “thanks ghost. can you play me something now?” you watched him sigh. you needed to think about what to do, how to go about this. slowly, you heard the faint sounds of a guitar begin.
  “the cute bomber jacket you've had since sixth form…”
  in the morning, you were ready. at school you pestered michael to no end, speaking when he didn’t. he looked sad? here’s some blue dye my friend gave me , its supposed to make you happy! it’s even the same color of that sheep you like. when the older boys tried to approach him at lunch, you ran with him over to the swings.
  “michael, push me on the swings! after i’ll push you and we can try to knock each other off!” he pushed you higher and higher and higher. piglins are stronger than you expected.
  for weeks, it was like this. constant talking. michael, despite his usual talkativeness, was quiet. it was tuesday, and you couldn’t find him anywhere. what if those boys were rude to him? is he gonna get hurt? he may be strong, but he’s small. you found him surrounded by taller boys in the corner.
  “hey!” you screamed at them, inwardly terrified. dad had always said to be strong so be strong, ‘don’t be a pussy’ he would say (in a joking manner of course).
  “the hell you gonna do, shortie?” on of the boys turned around, laughing at you.
  “go away!” the boys chuckled again and you felt the anger flow through you. “fuck off you pussies! you cunts!” you screamed at them, using words you’ve heard your dad say. you pushed them over and grabbed michael’s hand. time to run. the boys chased you throughout the woods as you made your way to the location. once you reached the small forest clearing, they were gone. you started walking with him to the crater.
  michael was silent before looking at you. “... why’d you help me? i thought you hated me.”
  “i... i don’t hate you. not anymore at least! i was mad for dumb reasons and found you annoying because of that. but now, i know that its fine.” you tried to explain your self to him.
  “i always talked to you because i don’t like talking to others. i didn’t want you to feel lonely. i know uncle tommy doesn’t talk with you much. he gets nervous.”
  this was new information. “why does dad get nervous?”
  “i think it has something to do with his own dad. he might be scared of being like him, disappointing you.”
  “...oh. i’m sorry. for being bad to you.”
  “it’s okay. we’re friends now, right?” he looked over to you, smiling.
  you stared down at him. “yeah, yeah we are.” after some silent walking, you arrived at the crater. ghost was sitting on the glass.
  “ghost!” you ran to him, dragging michael with him. “ghost, this is michael. michael, this is ghost.” you proudly stood, making michael shake hands with him. he visibly cringed at the coldness of ghost’s hand.
  “oh, hello michael. would you like some blue?”
  you all sat, talking. you told michael about ghost’s guitar skills and the two of you forced him to play you songs. you were friends now, and it would stay that way.
  when the sun went down and you got home, your parents were pissed. your dad was on his knees, crying. he held you in a hug around your waist. “why are you crying?”
  “i was so worried about you. don’t do that shit to me again, okay?” you looked up at you and held your face in his hands.
  “...okay dad. okay.” you bent down and hugged him as the fading soul watched from a distance.
late post tonight aaaaa
y’know, i really need to stop going off track from asks just to write found family type fluff 
but nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed 
also is it spelt michael or michEal bc on the dsmp wiki its michAel but idk??
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luckysliceofbread · 3 years
Genshin Characters Reactions to you having the powers of someone from another world
(Aka: yet another excuse to talk a bit about Honkai imapct)
Tw: talks about fighting but I think that was a given, swearing
Oh also just know that I’m barley ever serious, it’s not enough to be a whole crack fic buuuuuut...
Quick explanation/ the best explanation I can make about Honkai imapct and how the fighting stuff works:
People called Valkyries are trained to fight these things called Honkai beasts and use these things called “battle suits” to fight them, but there are the gods called Herrschers, they don’t count as Valkyrie’s but some fight Honkai beasts.
One person can have multiple battle suits and depending on the battle suits, they can control elements, there are no elemental reactions, but the elements are still in the battle suits.
I’ll assign you a random battle suit, with pictures of said battle suit and the stats, of course (Although the weapon stats are the stats of the weapons when you first get it).
Oh, and I should also add:
SP is like the energy that’s used for ultimates.
Some cost less than others some cost more. You get SP from hitting monsters and stuff.
Now onto the headcanons!
You loved Genshin Impact, playing the game when you felt like it, trying your hardest to get a good team and then build them up, you hated the constant grind, but you put up with it because you were having so much fun playing the game.
Recently you’ve heard about another game MiHoYo released a few years back, Honkai Impact 3rd, you saw a video of one cutscene from inside the game and immediately went to download the game.
Now you’ve been playing for a while and you’re also having a pretty great time there too, you’ve pulled for quite a few characters and found it fairly easy to build a team.
One night, you stay up to late playing Genshin and you wake up literally inside Teyvat. You soon discover that you have the powers and abilities of the Valkyrie you were building up.
Cool part is, you look exactly like the Battle suit, the only things you kept were your skin, eyes, hair colour and body shape, pretty cool that you somehow magically also took their fighting reflexes, fighting style, weapon and powers/abilities.
(No seriously, fighting like the Valkyrie does in the game feels like second nature to you.)
You spend a few weeks in Teyvat, and make quick friends with a few people, however you only tell one about- uh- this mess.
Battle suit: Stygian Nymph
Let me clarify that the more SP Stygian Nymph has during her ultimate increases her damage output. That’s why she’s op.
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Oh wait that makes a lot of sense.
He knew you came from another world, you told him that
But to also imitate that person’s abilities?
How interesting
He studies you a lot, asking questions about the Valkyrie herself
You tell him that Seele (the Valkyrie that uses this battle suit), also uses her ‘other self’ to fight in battle, but you haven’t tried to summon her because you literally have no idea what would happen
Which is pretty reasonable
Albedo asks you if you’re okay with trying it out for the reasearch
You go “fuck it” and call upon your ‘other self to lend you their strength’ just like Seele does
It works, but you still have full control, no ‘other you’ sadly
You test out the fact that your sythe had turned into these giant floating claws and tenticals
You have SO MUCH fun bulling the hilihurls
Poor them
Then after clearing through many, many, many camps (listen this battle suit can solo anything), you remember Stygian Nymph’s Ultimate
You figure that you’ve definitely maxed out your SP and that the damage is going to be humongous
So you go to bully that poor cryo flower (I forgot what it’s called)
Albedo is unsure, but after you tell him that this battle suit has solo fought a god, a killing machine, a giant dog and more stronger things in Honkai impact, he agrees, completely ready to step in, only just in case though
You just run in, and Albedo goes to find a safe spot to sit down while he watches you fight for a while
He’s like ‘this’ll probably take a while’
So it took less than a minute
You used your ultimate when the boss slouched on the ground
That flower is very dead
You collect your rewards and leave
Albedo’s like wtf was that
You’re like idk man, I had a lot of SP
wtf is an SP?
Battle suit: Herrscher of the Void
Side note: you also evade and float around like HotV I just couldn’t find a way to bring it up here without getting off-track.
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This is the only acceptation to the ‘your eyes stay the same too’ bit
Your eye colour looks the exact same now
Aether looked you in the eyes and went ‘hey that looks like the person who kidnapped my sister’
He attacked you and you were like ‘Aether wtf’
You tried explaining the situation as calmly as you can while almost being stabbed
He calms down a bit and is like
“So, can you use her powers?”
“The Herrscher of the Void and that unknown goddess are probably not the same person.”
“But I’m pretty sure they’re like, alternate universe counterparts?”
“Really? Cool.”
You joined his party after a few weeks of Paimon BEGGING Aether to just “Invite y/n, already!”
Paimon is getting tired of watching your semi-awkward interactions
So they hope bringing you on the team will stop making things so awkward
It kinda worked?
After gaining enough SP you used your ultimate, knowing that the missiles(?) couldn’t hurt anyone on your team
You scared the FUCK out of everyone
I mean you helped a lot but like
Give a warning please
Wait no he’s not mad at you don’t feel bad
Battle suit: Motolov Cherry: Augment Core
Let me tell you what an augment core is. I don’t know if they have a canon explanation because I skipped a lot of the HI3rd text, but it’s like a battle suit inside a battle suit.
They usually work similarly but in this case the battle suits aren’t very similar.
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The way he met you was unique
He heard a ruckus around Wangshu inn and went to go see if it was trouble
It was but you were taking care of it
He was about to leave because you looked more than capable of handling this
But then he saw that you dual-wield greatswords (or claymores, as they’re called in Teyvat)
You were just flinging them around like it was nothing???
Curious, he stuck around to watch you fight from afar
Then you used your ultimate
Great, now there’s even more pink and blue paint every—
Wait what it all disappeared after the fight wtf
See, the thing is, you actually expected him to be there
That’s why you were clearing out any remaining hilichurl camps around the inn
But you didn’t tell him
So now your talking
You trust him a lot, considering you literally lured him out to talk to him
He sticks around, and of course he asks questions
“Are those horns?”
“Uh, I think?”
“You think?”
“How do you dual-wield strange looking claymores, and then fight with them like they’re regular blades?”
“They’re not actually that heavy.”
“Yeah, you can hold one to test it out.”
He then dropped it on the ground, and fell down with it
Obviously it was kinda funny, but this is Xiao, so you try to hold back your laughter in order to keep Xiao as your friend
He then disappears out of embarrassment
You make a mental note to visit him at the inn sometime
Oh, and don’t forget the Almond Tofu
Battle suit: Starlit Astrologos
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Yeah she’s a support-dps
She’s my child and I love her
So it all started when you went to the adventures guild to find a place to stay
That’s where he heard you say “I have an anemo vision, but it’s in my coat.”
He surely didn’t remember giving you a vision, he’d definitely remember someone who looked as pretty as you
You got away with it and you were allowed into the adventurers guild!
Suspicious, he goes all like
“Hey, I couldn’t help but over-hear that you have an anemo vision! Let’s be anemo buddies!”
After he says that your just like oh no he’s on to me
You feign obliviousness, pretending like this man isn’t the literal anemo archon, and you agree
So you’re doing a commission and he tags along
Mainly because he doesn’t believe you have anemo powers and he waits for an excuse to come from you
“I’ll stay a bit behind and shoot a bit.”
“Ok, be careful.”
“I will.”
You dig your weapon into the ground, it made a musical bum sound
Wait do you actually have anemo powers
You used your charged attack and deal MASSIVE amounts of damage
And you use your normal attack to heal yourself when you get hit
He’s already amazed
Then a hilichurl is about to attack you from behind, but he can’t shoot it in time
Luckily, you dodge it in time, activating your ultimate evasion
Now, ultimate evasions differentiate from different battle suits
But the most common one is literally stopping time
But an extra thing this battle suit does is release a large burst of wind at the enemy who cause the evasion in the first place
Venti is so confused because he can move, you can move, but the hilichurls are slowed down by a lot
You yell at him to come step in the formation on the ground after time stops
So you continue attacking the hilichurls, and Venti makes his way to the small formation on the ground
The entire time he’s like
‘What the fuck, is y/n actually a human? What’s happening??’
Time goes back to normal and he steps in the forma— AAAAA EVERYTHING IS FROZEN AGAIN
Then the cherry on top to the cake of confusion was your ultimate
Hoo boy
Your ultimate is a giant formation with a tornado inside it
“Ok what the fu—“
After that you tell him that your from another world and about the whole situation blah blah blah
“So, you come from a different world, and then you took the powers of someone else from a different world?”
“Yeah, she’s like, really strong.”
“Is she a god?”
“Then what are the gods in that world like..?”
“You don’t wanna know.”
“I wha—“
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
WOW this got much longer than expected, and basically a full-blown fic idea that I desperately want now
(might add more to this since it doesn’t hold all of my thoughts yet and I’m nowhere finished it)
the idea is: ritsu accidentally confesses to teru when he didn’t even want to confess. he doesn’t like teru at all. but of course, teru hears nothing of that. he completely misunderstands, and thinks that ritsu is in love with him.
things escalate.
they do end up falling in love, in the end, though. <3
ft. one-sided terumob and Other Ideas
this manhwa summary/plot hit me out of nowhere, like I just recalled and went, oh my god, this would be the perfect idea for riteru
imagining Ritsu that accidentally confesses to teru. it’s completely by accident, and because a series of events that too complicated to explain. the problem is that now teru is convinced that Ritsu likes him, and nothing that Ritsu says will see as anything but that
“oh, brother-kun. I never knew.” teru says, with a bright smile. “is that how you act with your crushes? where you just shy all the time.... I almost got the wrong time”
this is all going to fast for ritsu to swallow. too fast for to ritsu to deal with. he’s still stuck in the moment where his own mouth betrayed him. “no...” he manages to get out, but it’s all already to late.
every time that ritsu tries to object, teru is going to think that he’s been shy and embarassed which is horribly not true. he hates that teru thinks is, doesn’t want teru to ever think that. the idea of him in — in —
just thinking of it, repulses him.
he tries his everything to correct this misunderstanding. (he fails)
omg, I just remembered! I was thinking about my other wip, where teru does misunderstand about Ritsu asking him out on a date or smth and then, while I was thinking about I was like... what if it was a confession? and then I recalled that manhwa
anyways! oh my god this would definitely get to mob at one point. but first all, thinking about Teru’s thoughts regarding all of this
he’s like of course, little brother-kun likes me. I’m me. but unfortunately for him, teru is already in love with someone else. mob. well. I was thinking that teru doesn’t like ritsu back, but teru being in love with his mob instead also sounds fun
teru looking at him with a pitying look, teru agreeing to week-date and giving Ritsu some of his time to deal with all this. Ritsu being baffled at all. like who the hell...
and just dislikes teru more, because the ego and the audacity he has... just what. the fuck.
Ritsu has never said anything, teru is just running with this and Ritsu is aware of how he likes his brother, so he tries to use that to get out of this whole mess. “but what about—”
teru hasn’t realised that his love for mob was that obvious and goes, oh, and acts all more pitying towards ritsu and is like Ritsu is all heartbroken about his. and going this is all makes sense now. ritsu likes him, and that’s why he tried to intervene with his precious time with mob. it’s all very understandable now.
it’s not understandable.
ritsu does not like him
ritsu is not heartbroken
teru is missing all the points. he just hated teru presence there, and wanted to be the one to spend with his brother then. and he hated how disgustingly shameless teru was around shigeo.
but of course, ritsu doesn’t get time to explain. he doesn’t get time to do anything. he has to go home, wondering, how did fuck this happen, why teru. blames on the elder woman who was there and had to speak then, and interrupt him him at that time, and blames reigen because actually this was all his fault. he wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for him. teru wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for him. the elder woman wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t him. clearly, the fault of mis-timing and him tripping of his words all falls on reigen.
he goes home, dark-faced and clutching the handle of his school bag, with a more deep distaste of reigen
oblivious to all that was occurring, and because of his simple act of telling mob something, reigen feels a ice-cold shudder at the back of his neck.
(perhaps, he just got cursed)
ritsu goes home, exhausted by everything, and sees mob there. sitting and looking happy, and expectant when he sees mob.
after a moment, ritsu asks his usual question of, how did your day go?
mob excitedly tells him how he managed to do this thing in the body improvement club which would seem like a trival thing to any person. but ritsu knows about his brother and his struggles and how this is a improvement. also yeah, I did say that mob says it excitedly but felt like I need to express how it sounds monotone and like it’s anything but exciteding and you weren’t someone that knew him you wouldn’t see how obviously exciting he is
at least one of them had a good day. “that’s good. that’s an amazing achievement, brother.”
mob beams.
ritsu feels worse at the fact that he can’t put more enthusiasm at that and hates teru even more, and reigen, and this whole situation
he goes to sleep.
he has a undisturbed sleep to the degree that when he wakes the next time, he can ALMOST delude himself that nothing. absolutely nothing happened.
teru appearing that morning disturbs it. he had forgotten about teru uninvited morning drop-ins despite how he doesn’t live in the same school as them and his house isn’t close to them
(oh my god, this just reminded me of haru. and now I’m thinking about a mp100 khr au which AAAAA would be so good.)
teru is the same as every morning. he’s dressed and dazzling with his bright yellow aura, way to early in the morning, and up in shigeo’s presence as his brother tries to go about his morning routine of getting ready for school.
just got struck by the image of: mob, sleepy, and brushing his teeth in the bathroom while teru stands in there with him and talks about stuff and admires himself in the mirror. it would be so perfect
ritsu is annoyed by his whole existence. he busies himself with getting though, and spends him lowkey (highkey this is ritsu after all) in awful anticipation of whatever teru is going to say about the confession
no, no, no, Hold on wait. ritsu WOULDNT busing himself with getting ready. he would be doing anything but that. he wouldn’t be able to relax and get ready in the house, when teru is here and everything unknown. and especially when teru is here and he talks a lot.... and might say something to his brother...
yeah, no, ritsu is taking no chances. he’s up in teru’s presence and trying to take him from his brother, and just making sure that he doesn’t say something.
.........which of course oh my god horribly makes this misunderstanding even worse
(will teru even learn that it’s misunderstanding? is it more better for him to never know. so what if it was based on a lie? ritsu will fall for him anyways.)
before this, I was thinking that teru doesn’t say anything and ritsu is almost able to relax when he gets a call, and then, a date dropped on him. because of course, having the tense/anticipation built up while teru is the same as always and acting like he doesn’t know anything, until the moment that they are saying goodbye and mob is out of the frame —
doesn’t even GIVE time for ritsu to be aware of anything, or be prepared, when he turns to him after saying goodbye to mob, and with a smile, “
did I say a call before? well. not a call anymore. it’s said in person, with a wink, and a smile. “gonna collect you after school”
ritsu is left........ idk actually. how would he act after that?? how does ONE act after that??? after the
wait, oh my god. yes, teru would definitely also drop in the fact that ritsu focusing on him all that time, and how did he never knew.... telling ritsu how his actions helped to grow this misunderstandings
it would be PERFECT
jeez. this is getting really long and totally a full blown fic idea. do I stop here and do little time stamps? or do I continue.
im continuing.
ritsu wishing that teru doesn’t appear. ritsu technically having no school, shit I forgot. what club is in again? whatever that school thing is. yeah, that. having no meeting or anything to do there there, but ritsu trying to find something to do. only to delay the time.
but, undisturbed by ever, standing in all his dazzlingly glory, teru is waiting for him there while he’s in conversation with others
in contract, ritsu looks weary and time and wishing to be nowhere but here. and wishing that he didn’t take those extra duties, because it was tedious and trying and the fact that teru is here and is still waiting after that....
teru directs a bright smile to ritsu when he notices him, that ritsu has to slightly squint at,
oh my god. that just remembered me of that tumblr post that goes on about “zy was like the sun” descriptions and how they would be squinting or smth. and that’s definitely teru and Ritsu. oh my god, I need to write that scrne
anyways, back to the story. I don’t think that they would go on a date this time around. maybe, something had happen. I was thinking along the lines that teru wasn’t here because of ritsu, but because of mob and plans they had but that went to poof that morning because of reigen or smth. after all, ritsu is the one who likes teru and teru isnt.
actually. maybe that doesn’t happen this scene but I WOULD LOVE a moment where ritsu misunderstands and teru immediately corrects about that, like how he wasn’t here for him or that he wasn’t waiting for him or smth. and that his life/thoughts doesn’t resolve him (implying that Ritsu’s does resolve teru) and honestly, he should know, that this whole setup is because ritsu is the one with the feelings and teru is here and being a good person and indulging him out of pityness
ritsu seethes. none of that is right. and he hates teru’s condescending attitude. like the AUDACITY of this man. (he’s also very, very embarrassed about his mistake which I imagine would him make go the mile in never mistaking teru’s actions; which wouldn’t in favour for teru when he does fall for ritsu and his actions become more genuine in the nature that it’s for love but ritsu has that iron wall up)
so like, going back, where was I? yes, them walking home because there’s enough time for date. that works better for this situation. mmh, but I was thinking about whether teru would be waiting that long for him. or maybe, because he said so and so he did wait. or maybe, that teru has some other plan now and doesn’t have time for that date or smth
either way, ritsu is glad. ritsu is happy. ritsu is very relieved that
(oh no, another fic idea. from that meme(TM) where teru falls the downstairs, and reigen asks why ritsu is happy, because he never is in reigen’s presence and shou goes; teru fell the downstairs. and now I’m thinking about how the fuck did teru fall the downstairs. properly because of mob. definitely because of mob. and ritsu love for his brother and resolve that his brother is the best person grow because of this)
anyways back to what I was saying. ritsu is relived that he did that club activity thing.
what he isn’t happy about that teru is here, and still walking him home. doesn’t he have better stuff to...? and then, at time, teru asks him when he fell for him and
things click in place.
teru is here because he wants to get off more on the non-love that Ritsu has for love because he has that much of an ego
“I don’t.” ritsu says. which, of course, teru replies with amusement and saying that he doesn’t have to hide now. he knows. which makes ritsu go, urghhh in frustration and digust.
just looked at the time and I swear I started writing this somewhere in 9pm and now it’s 10pm. whoops.
anyways, teru asking ritsu questions about his love for him and ritsu saying, “no, I don’t love you” and
“no I don’t — what the hell? what [specific-thing-about-teru-that-teru-expects-ritsu-to-notice] no I haven’t. why would I??????”
and teru going, hmm, “guess your love isn’t that strong” and Ritsu bafflement,
and teru definitely asking him about what about he loves about him, and Ritsu going “nothing” and teru laughing, “you got humour” but ritsu is not joking
(now whether the teru knows ritsu actually doesn’t love him or he doesn’t is never addressed. I love it being ambiguous more)
they eventually reach ritsu’s home, and teru has a good satisfied ego-stroke from that conversation while ritsu just looks Tired
skipping over to fun date shenanigans! what types dates would they go on?
of course we gotta have cinema date!!! I have been thinking of ritsu having “likes human drama” in his character profile a lot and while I don’t remember what it said for teru, he does...like gossip right?? I’m actually unsure about that as we’ll BUT ANYWAYS teru loves to give his ideas on stuff
and anyways thinking about how ritsu expected to having the worst time, and it starts off as awful. like about how he doesn’t want to be here, and the movie that teru chooses doesn’t look good, and teru picked up the love seats for them
and anyways thinking about, how ritsu is not optimistic about anything and is not here to enjoy himself but as the movie starts....as the movie continues in.....
he gets INVOLVED. he finds that this is straight up his genre
and teru asking him how the movie was afterwards and talking about it, and immediately refuting whatever he says and offering an alternative that teru refutes and that one part in the convo where they
oh my god STRAWS. DRINKS STRAWS. Ritsu getting a specific drink that he likes and that teru side eying it, and going, huh, I haven’t that before, it good? and Ritsu nodding and teru just going for it and drinking it as well from the other side
...because it’s a couple drink or smth and Ritsu PAUSE
and teru acting like it’s totally a normal thing.
(oh my god, new idea: fake dating!!! them having to act like a couple to get into something because of something and getting all-couple things!!!!)
(this reminds me of my other fake dating idea that I want to write, which oh my god would fit with this one I just got)
(riteru fake dating is just So Good. So Perfect heart starry eyes)
gonna stop here, because stuff. so much ideas though!!! still buzzing!!! god, I love them so much and this is gonna be FANTASTIC
but ending off on, teru doing the arm around shoulder thing for ritsu like all the girls he had dated. oh my god, yes.
also...thinking about....mob and him learning through teru but ritsu doesn’t know yet and mob just Dropping on ritsu on time and Ritsu having a flashback through all the times that he had gotten back from date with teru and filling the blanks of
wait. would teru tell mob? would teru want mob to know this.
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minty-chocco · 4 years
Hello! May I request a cupcake with a grumpy Leona Kingscholar, trying to woo an GN Reader with like lion courting methods? Like brushing out his mane and giving meat and such, but it isn't working? Until Ruggie tips him off to try human courting? I don't really care what format but a scenario would be preferred. Thank you!
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𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 🧁
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Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x GN! Reader
Warning(s): None.
Word Count: 1.8k words
Extra Note: aaaaa I’ve written this prompt the other way around at first (the reader is the one courting Leona) and realized my mistake halfway through lol. Anyways, writing this was quite a challenge for me since I still haven’t fully grasped Leona’s personality yet. To be honest, the reader was supposed to be dense but then I thought what would be the fun in that? So I made the reader quick witted so they could push Leona into doing more effort in courting! I apologize if this isn’t what you had in mind and if Leona’s character is a bit off. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading! Here’s your cupcake~! (sorry it took so long)
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The reader would be following canon mc here but they’re in 3rd year instead because Leona is 20 years old.
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These past few days you have noticed the dorm leader of Savanaclaw, Leona Kingscholar, is acting a little bit odd.
 At first, you thought that he was just in the mood of being nice but then quickly erased that thought—Leona wouldn’t be nice with just anyone. You were suspicious if he was planning something being the scheming person that he is.
He would send Ruggie to give you food and jewelries. Whenever you would meet him at the Botanical garden he would be somewhat clinging to you while taking a nap. If others were to find you in that position they would assume you two were lovers.
 It wasn’t like that before. Leona despised any presence in his sleeping place not wanting anyone to disturb him. He would prefer to be alone and be basked in silence.
 Now he seems to tolerate you or even so.. he seems to now like your presence.
He would scoff whenever he smells another person’s scent on you and would become quite possessive, hugging you close until that nasty scent of others is now overpowered with his.
 He wasn’t like that before.
 You had some suspicions that maybe he likes you—but then you quickly erased that thought out of your mind.
 He wouldn’t.. right?
By this time, you were starting to get confused by his sudden behavioral change. You decided to ask him directly about it.
Walking through the school’s halls, your footsteps echoing throughout the empty corridor as you quickened your pace to get through the Botanical Garden.
 You wanted answers. Now.
 The botanical garden was peaceful as always. The sun shone down through its glass roof giving it a calm scenery. The vibrant colored flowers that surrounds the inside of the building was beautiful and fragrant. You inhaled the fresh scent of air. You can’t really blame Leona for liking this spot.
 You saw Leona at his usual sleeping area. He was softly snoring seemingly deep in his slumber.
 You observed his features while he’s busy dozing his problems away. He looked peaceful. His soft brown hair looked messy because he kept moving while sleeping. The shade of the tree he’s sleeping under kept him away from the light of the sun. You observed that his ear was slightly twitching.
 ‘He must be having a dream..’ You thought.
 You poked his cheeks gently to wake him up. When he didn’t give any response, you tugged at his sensitive ears instead.
 Of course, this caused him to wake up looking annoyed. The lion shifted and fluttered his eyes open revealing beautiful deep emeralds that shone like crystals. 
His eyes were like hues of the forest, surrounded with dark moss. It was the kind of earthy green that reveals the grass after the winter snow melted. The mystifying glow of his reflected on your (e/c) colored eyes. 
 “Oi, who would—” His deep voice was commanding with a hint of annoyance. Upon realizing that it was you, his irritated expression turned neutral. “It’s you, herbivore.”
 Leona wouldn’t hesitate show his dismay to anyone who would dare wake him up and mercilessly kick them out but why isn’t he doing so to you?
 “You’re acting weird, Leona-san.” You confronted him quite concerned for the man in front of you. Maybe he ate something he shouldn’t have. Maybe Ruggie got sick of this man and have been putting funny potions in his meal. You never know.
 “Haah?” He rubbed his eyes still sleepy because of his nap that was cut short. “Be straightforward.”
 You sighed shaking your head a little. “You’re acting too nice.”
 He frowned hearing this but you continued on not giving him a chance to talk. “First of all, why are you giving me meat through Ruggie? What do you expect me to do with it?”
 He was about to say something in defense but you raised a finger to add more. “Second of all, you’ve been touchy touchy with me lately to the point that I’m becoming your personal pillow.”
 “Lastly.” You gave him a pointed glare. “You’re becoming protective of me. You couldn’t care less about me before.”
 Leona sighed seemingly frustrated. “You really don’t get it, do you?”
“No. Explain it to me.” You stubbornly replied, tired on whatever game he was doing.
Does he like you?
 “What a pain.” He turned his back to you begrudgingly and proceeded to lay down to take a nap ignoring your request. He pulled you aside with him and held you tightly while shutting his eyes close.
 “You--!” You gasped in surprise.
 When you noticed that he was already asleep, there was nothing you can do. You looked at him at disbelief. How can he fall asleep in just a matter of seconds? You decided not to ponder on your thoughts anymore. It’s Leona after all.
 “What should I do with you..” You said in a whisper.
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“Leona-san.” Ruggie looked at his senior and pursed his lips. “You should be courting (Y/N)-san as any normal human would do.”
 The hyena didn’t really care if his senior was doing the wrong method of courting as long as he was being paid but after a long time, he couldn’t bear to see Leona failing at his pathetic attempts.
 “You think I don’t know that?” He raised a brow at his junior in front of him. Leona was clever enough to know that but he didn’t want to take his time to do research so he resorted to a method he’s familiar with. “This would do.”
 Ruggie looked at the dorm leader in incredulity. “I’m sure (Y/N)-san would appreciate it more.”
 After noticing the lack of response, Ruggie realized that Leona has already fallen deep in his slumber.
Ruggie just shook his head while picking up Leona’s clothes to take them to laundry. Atleast he tried.
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After debating some time with yourself you decided to tell Leona directly to keep his act up. You’re slowly believing your first suspicions that he might like you when his actions continued.
 You visited him in Savanaclaw after a few days. “Do you like me?”
 Leona’s ears perked up upon hearing this. He looked at you with an amused expression. “Oh? You finally noticed?”
 Shaking your head, you looked at him straight in the eyes. “Then were you trying to woo me or something all this time?”
 He shifted to his bed to get into a more comfortable position before answering. “Yeah, what do you think I was doing?”
 “Well..” You studied his expression before speaking up. “You got to do a lot more than that.”
 Leona has been ‘courting’ you by giving you meat through Ruggie and often times he would just hold you in place while sleeping. He didn’t really extort real effort upon doing so.
It’s not like you’re materialistic or anything but you wanted him to be more proactive in his goals. You wanted him to be the one doing all the work instead of Ruggie but since it’s Leona we’re talking about—it seems like it would be an impossible goal.
 If he wanted you then he’s got to work harder than that. You ain’t no easy fish to catch.
 You made sure to send the message across not paying to his reaction before walking off.
 The lion looked at your retreating figure before gathering his thoughts and finally making a decision.
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Leona has stopped doing his method of courting after that conversation you had the other day.
 You can’t help but feel disappointment fill you up. You expected the lion to atleast put some effort and challenged him but you guess it was too much for him.
 Although, it may not seem like it.. you did like the lion back. Even when he can be seen as standoffish, prideful, and lazy you can see some of his good points.
 Closing the magical book and bouncing off your seat in the library, you returned the book to its respected shelf.
 Exiting the library, you tried to take your mind off things by looking through the students passing by you while walking.
 After coming back to the Ramshakle dorm, what you didn’t expect to see was a certain lion that has been invading your mind lately. Leona’s turned to look at you after smelling your familiar scent, his tail slightly raising.
 “Leona.” You looked at him in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
 “Oi, (Y/N)” The man in front of you looked at you with an unreadable expression.
 You flinched when he called your name. This was the first time Leona ever called you by your name instead of herbivore.
 “I like you.” He awkwardly looked away scratching the back of his head not really used to these kinds of things. He wanted to take a more straight approach instead of poking around.
 Truthfully, Leona considered giving up. He thought it was such a pain that he would have to get his ass off from his comfort zone but that changed when reflecting back your moments shared together.
 This lion started to get used to your presence that It just feels wrong whenever you’re not with him. At first, he was satisfied with being friends thinking that being in a relationship would be a lot of work. That opinion of his changed when he saw you being buddy buddy with the other students.
 Yes, it made him jealous. Leona was quite possessive and he didn’t like the fact that there were students that dare try to make a move on you. He would often get annoyed smelling other scents on you.
 Although, he’s embarrassed to voice these thoughts out loud. He had hoped that his feelings reached you across. He then outstretched his hand to reveal a little box. He looked like he was waiting for you to take it and so you did.
 When you opened the box, it revealed a bracelet. It was just like his but more personalized and fit into your style.
 You raised a brow at him waiting him to explain eyeing him suspiciously.
 “Don’t look at me like that.” He raised his hand defensively and you can see him become flustered for a split second before regaining his composure. “I made that.”
 “Really? Are you sure?” You took at stepped and looked at him intensely as if you can tell if he’s lying or not.
 He groaned seemingly frustrated. “I did, okay? I even put your favorite colors to suit your taste.”
 “Hm.” You observed the bracelet closely and it was embedded to fit your aesthetic on just the way you like. “You’re right.”
Leona clicked his tongue upon this. “What a troublesome herbivore you are.. making me do these things.”
You can’t help but feel giddy inside. He really did this for you, huh? To others it may not seem much but Leona taking his time to make something for you makes you happy. You’re very much aware about the lack of effort he put into things and the fact that he made effort into making you this was already priceless to you.
 You chuckled and smiled fondly at him. “Aww aren’t you a cute kitty~”
“Heh.” He gave you his signature smirk which made your heart skip a beat. “Have you fallen for me now?”
“Who knows~?” You gave the lion a kiss on the cheek which wiped the smug grin on his face and is replaced with surprise, a light dust of pink painting his cheek.
 Ah, how dare you steal his heart just like that.
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!  🧁
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zirkkun-uthcs · 4 years
What about Ink and Error falling in love with the same person 👀 btw love your blog, you write for the characters that people hardly see in x readers, so thank you!
Ooh, a very fun prompt! I'm an absolute sucker for love triangles. Also thank you!! I'm glad you enjoy my character selection hehe, I always feel like my AU choices are so different from the norm that nobody really likes them as much, but I'm glad to see that's not the case!
also my apologies, this got a little long, aaaaa I get too invested in love triangles
So Ink and Error are the weirdest pair of frenemies you'll ever see. One day they'll be trying to kill each other over Ink doing something purely to piss off Error, the next you'll see them hanging out calmly as if nothing ever happened. If you ask them how they feel about the other, Ink's response will be a carefree, "Error's fun to mess with!", while Error's will be "Ink is a piece of shit." They could literally be sitting next to each other, enjoying the other's company, and still give these exact answers.
With them seeing each other so much, it's no surprise that they both came across the same person and fall for them at the very same time. Error knew immediately what he was feeling, and rejected it just as fast, trying desperately to delete his own emotions, even though he knew that wasn't possible. Ink, on the other hand, has absolutely no idea, and is so oblivious to not only his own feelings, but accidental flirting as well, and can't understand for the life of him why you'll get so flustered over what he thinks is just a simple sentence. This infuriates Error for a few reasons: one, why of all people does he have to compete with Ink for your heart. Two, why of all people is Ink this much of an emotional dumbass.
They'll go back and forth between you, never interacting with you as a pair. More than likely, you probably had no idea who either of them were before they started hanging out with you all the time, so their sudden constant presence is a little ominous. It feels so weirdly timed, like a story -- one day, you'll be with Ink at the park while he loosely rambles about one thing or another, maybe sketching out some scenes while you're there; the next you'll be with Error, who's grumpily doing his best to try and cater to something you want to do, but man is he both awkward and quiet while trying. You also find out about his haphephobia very quickly, and he usually keeps at least a 1-2 ft (0.3-0.6 m) radius around you at all times.
Error, while hanging out with you, definitely tries his best. He's been a victim to emotions before -- and frankly, he knows he wouldn't have even bothered getting close to you if it wasn't for the fact he was competing against Ink. He can't like you be swooned by a dumbass like him. But the problem is that he has absolutely no idea how to aporoach this. What do people do when they like someone? Do they hang out? Do they get stuff for them? You'll probably get a lot of weird mixed messages, and maybe a plethora of hand-knit things.
Ink is also going to be extremely unclear and give just as many mixed messages as Error, if not more, and he is not once going to acknowledge how he feels. It's difficult for him to discern what of his feelings is artificial and what has manifested from the ink he's drank, and especially without drinking his pink or purple vials, those being care and attraction, he has absolutely no idea that the reason he's so happy and feels bubbly around you is because he likes you, since his emotions are pretty much inside like "Uhhh where's the caring emotion?? Not here?? Okay, so we don't care. Just happy."
One day they'll both meet up with you, unintentionally, and Error will be the first one to snap and get mad at Ink. They'll probably babble on in some sort of argument for a while -- c'mon guys this is awkward you were just trying to eat lunch -- before Error will break and just confess on the spot. When he realizes what he's done, it's too late, so, fuck it, he confesses on Ink's behalf as well, which confuses both Ink and you tremendously. Error just scolds at Ink for being a dumbass and not realizing what his emotions meant, and when it's explained, Ink says something like "Ohhhh! THAT'S what that feeling is?" and probably just laugh it off. He doesn't even feel shame or embarrassed.
Error just furiously demands you make a choice: him or Ink. Technically, you do have two more options, being none and both.
If you pick Error, he's going to have so many feelings at once he won't know what to process first. His face has bluescreened and his eyes are not visible amongst the errors. He wants to rub it in Ink's face that someone can care about him, he's baffled by the idea that someone would genuinely like him, and he's worried you'll not be okay with him and his haphephobia. Physical contact is a thing in relationships, right? Now he's panicking. Oh God what has he done. Meanwhile, though, Ink doesn't care. He only thought of you as a friend anyway, but that is in part because he had no idea what was he was feeling and just kinda labeled it that way.
If you pick Ink, suddenly it will click. Suddenly, the concept of being happy around someone specific will click in his head, overwhelm him entirely, and -- ah, there he goes, he's puked up ink again. Er, you still happy with your choice? Ink doesn't say much of anything; he's not been so silent in so long, but the silence is just echoing in his skull as he thinks about the fact that someone so genuinely cares about him. Should he... try to do the same? No, he thinks, he doesn't want to create any artificial care by downing a bottle of pink love paint. That would be wrong. Error, on the other hand, is internally furious, but mostly at himself. He immediately goes back to the Anti-Void before he snaps.
If you choose both, they'll be taken aback, neither of them expecting that response. Error will first try to tell you that didn't answer the question, but if you persist in saying you can't pick between the two, he'll shut himself down. Ink, once he registers what you said, is incredibly open to the idea, but Error takes a bit more coaxing to warm up to the idea, but even still he might need some time. The idea of dating the same person as Ink bothers him greatly. He'd probably be more okay with it if it was literally anyone else. ...okay, literally anyone other than Ink or Fresh. But, eventually, he'll cave to his own emotions and try it.
If you choose neither, well. Genuinely, they don't care. Error's going to be a bit mad at himself for bringing himself this far down the line for no result, all just because Ink pissed him off, but he is definitely not concerned about the fact he just got rejected. Ink just never really cared to begin with. He's fine with just being friends. He probably wouldn't even care if you told him to never talk to you again in your life. He'd just be like "Okay!" and leave. No point in arguing.
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katara0524 · 3 years
Impromptu Ramblings about the NEO:TWEWY Demo
In case y'all weren't aware, I've been a pretty big fan of TWEWY for a couple years now, and with the sequel coming out next month, the excitement I feel for this game is greater than ever :) I played the Demo for the first time yesterday, and following a couple views of some livestreams of others playing it, I felt like sharing my (very ramble-y) thoughts prior to the release of the full game. This post WILL contain spoilers for both TWEWY and NEO:TWEWY, so if you want to avoid those from now on, please block the tags: #twewy spoilers, #ntwewy spoilers, #neo twewy spoilers, #ntwewy, and #neo twewy ^_^ Oh, and if you wanna keep up with any other posts I make about my experience with this game, please refer to the tag "kat plays neo twewy" :)
-First things first: I have not watched the Final Trailer and I don't plan on doing so to avoid spoilers, especially after the pre-release era of KH3 where a lot of the later trailers spoiled a lot of the endgame content. That being said, I've seen some minor screenshots from the final trailer including what many believe to be characters from the original TWEWY, namely Shiki and Joshua. That is all I know about the Final Trailer and I would very much like to remain as blind as possible going into NEO :)
-The very first cutscene was quite ominous in the sense that this game is likely going to be about "changing fate" (a recently common theme in Squeenix games, which I do appreciate), perhaps leading off from the end of A New Day in the OG and trying to stop an Inversion of Shibuya. Also worth noting that A New Day had similar aspects in which the main character experienced "future visions" of tragic events, although in A New Day these events were not able to be changed, while in NEO it seems like one of the main "powers" our protagonist has is specifically to rewrite these events and avoid a "bad ending." Very interesting indeed!
-I really like the revamped comic book style dialogue scenes, it's much more fluid and modern, which is an excellent direction for the series to take!
-I would love to have an actual PokemonGO knockoff of Final Fantasy creatures, please Squeenix that would be incredibleeeeee
-Also the LINE stickers??? Are so cute???
-I would just like to point out that Fret is an absolute treasure throughout this entire demo, he's hilarious and I will protect him with my life
-UHHHH don't like that Fret picked up some Reaper Pins just out of nowhere.....or the fact that they're apparently popular all over Shibuya.............did y'all not learn anything from the OG game or what lmao
-Okay so when I first got the "curry or ramen" scene and heard NPCs talking about the new curry place replacing the old ramen place I became IMMENSELY distressed that Ramen Don was totally cut from the game because....well, Ramen Don is a King okay?? But I'm glad to learn that no, he didn't fall off the face of the earth, he's still in business and he's the one opening the curry restaurant lolol. PHEW, crisis averted!
-.....I don't like the sudden appearance of a Wall Reaper and being able to read NPC thoughts. Wtf happened when they left the ramen place??? Are they playing the Game alive somehow?
-Okay so I have my own theories about this "Swallow" character and what they're up to but considering this is only the Demo and I still Have No Idea What's Happening, I'm just gonna say that I think Swallow intentionally led Rindo and Fret to the Crossing so they could join the Game. I mean, add in the fact that Swallow still communicates with Rindo during the Game and you've got yourself a suspicious character right there lol
-"Hey they're shooting off fireworks!" Fret honey that's not fireworks oof (see also: "*laughs* I'm in danger")
-WOOOOOO way to traumatize Rindo right off the bat like that LMAOO
-The visuals for the intro are VERY GOOD, the song is pretty decent until it gets all "screamo" (which I absolutely cannot stand sorry lol)
-Shoka is every Customer Service employee ever and I respect that
-Susukichi went from being "meh" to "WOW THIS GUY IS FUN" in the span of 10 seconds and I also respect that (he is also built like an Absolute Unit which is hilarious)
-The Wall Reapers (and just Reapers in general) seem.....way nicer and more helpful this time around?? Like in the OG the Wall Reapers were SO RUDE gfhjgjdfkhn and yeah I'm sure we'll get some like that but the juxtaposition of the first Wall Reaper in the OG compared to the first one in NEO is insane.
-The puzzles are quite a bit more entertaining this time around even if it's generally the same "fetch quest" formula lol
-"Rindo's Group" way to go Fret HFKJDGHSDFKJ mans really left the default name in there lmao
-OKAYOKAYOKAY so to those who aren't aware I am a MASSIVE SIMP for Sho Minamimoto, he's my absolute favorite and I think about him daily. HIS INTRODUCTION IS. INCREDIBLE. I LOVE IT SM.
-GOD hearing him actually SPEAK FULL SENTENCES is just SO SURREAL I love this sm
-Also the remix of his theme???? NEO TRANSFORMATION????? IT'S SO GOOD????????? It's like gone from a Boss Theme to a more triumphant sounding theme and I am HERE for it (every version of Transformation is just INCREDIBLE and getting a new one is even better)
-I Love Him, Your Honor
-Also idk how exactly but it's kinda weird seeing Sho in the OG vs NEO, cuz while he's mostly the same Insane Math-Obsessed Catboy, he's.....calmed down quite a bit?? Like OG made a whole point of how poorly he cooperates with others (not to mention just being completely unhinged and trying to kill everyone), whereas here in NEO he's......actually kinda working with others??? HELLO???? Sir what happened to you and Neku during those 3 years I would love to know all about it
-I guarantee you Sho is still probably scheming shite and will likely pull some total insane BS later down the road, and I am very much looking forward to that. Also, is he looking for a certain Pin or something??? Cuz he keeps talking about different Pins and even mentions "this is just another Psych Pin" like he's actively looking for a Pin to do something with. Maybe it also has to do with the "latent powers of Players" thing he mentioned as well??? What is this dude UP TO oml (also is he in contact with Neku at all?? they're both technically fugitives at this point right?? WHAT HAPPENED AFTER A NEW DAY I AM BEGGING YOU)
-I seems like Sho ALSO has an idea of what's going on in this specific game (even if he won't admit it straightforward). Per his quote "The game's 142,857. Factor it out," he's essentially saying, "This game is a neverending cyle, figure out how to get out of it" (or at least that's what I got from his "cyclic number" nonsense lolol)
-I do like how Sho mostly stays out of sight until he's needed for a battle or assisting with a mission, that's kind of on par with his whole "uncooperative" quirk from the OG, plus he might literally have to stay out of sight of other Reapers and Players considering he's likely breaking the rules of the Game (not surprising considering him and Neku broke practically every rule in the book during OG)
-The nicknames for Sho- I can't- They're so FUNNYYYY GFHJSDFKJ
-He goes from being called "Pi-Face" and "Tabooty" in OG to "Mr. Minami" and "M-Teezy" in NEO LMAOO
-(Wowee I just realized I've been mostly talking about Sho oopsies sorry y'all, this is what I meant by thinking about him almost daily he is THAT much of a fav of mine ghfkjsd)
-Okay RIP Fret and Rindo for not getting literally ANY explanation as to how the Game works OOF, that is kinda cringe that whoever gets the Pin earns points, not whoever erases the Noise (which like I understand but also URRRGGHHH I WANNA SEE THE SQUAD SUCCEED)
-"I should be going home now it's getting late" Oh you sweet summer child-
-Also love the mention of parents in this game???? KH you could learn a thing or two from TWEWY (poor Rindo's mom fhgjkdh)
-KUBO IS HILARIOUS I SUPPORT HIM AND HIS GROSS FACE (also thank you Final Trailer thumbnail for spoiling my suspicions about him very cool smh)
-Kaie is a LAD I also support him, go King type those funky texts I believe in you
-FRET PLS STOP SCANNING FHGJKSDHKJFGHFKJ he's like me when I scan in OG during Weeks 2 and 3 and see Taboo Noise coming after me ghfjdshfj
-Also Rindo can you stay off your phone for TWO SECONDS ik you're trying to figure things out but Fret is a jelly boi and I don't want him to be upset with you my guy
-Sho being an actual sorta mentor to the kiddos?? Who are you sir this is so unlike you ghfgskj what happened to the guy who tried shooting children in the face 8 times over LMAO (granted he's probably just using them but it's still nice to see him actually cooperating and sharing knowledge with the kiddos aaaaa)
-hgjkfshgkjf "we aren't glorifying capitalism on my watch" THATS SO FUNNY TO ME GFHJFSDGHJKS (also an all-orange ensemble is disgusting you deserve jail for one thousand years fkn Cheddar Goldfish Cheezit ass woman)
-gfhsgjf Poor Rindo embarassing himself for the sake of the Game that's incredible
-R e t u r n t o M O N K E. That is all.
-Dialogue during boss battles is HELLA cool i love that
-HHHHH THE KANON SCENE MADE ME A N G E R Y FRET STOP SIMPING MY GUY says the girl with a Literal Simp Encyclopedia and simps for pixels on a screen daily
-Can't wait to see the other Reapers :eyes emoji:
-CAN'T WAIT TO SEE NAGI MY BELOVED YEAHHHH WOOOOOO AAAAND that's about it for the demo lolol, I absolutely CANNOT wait for next month, this game is gonna be INCREDIBLE holy hell Prepare for more simping, more screaming, and more vibing from Yours Truly :) I fully intend on sharing more general thoughts like this on both Tumblr and Twitter so it's not just reblog-retweet-reblog-retweet with the occasional comment fhgskjd
If you wanna witness my insanity up close and personal I have a Square Enix Discord server called Sea Side Dreamers! You can look it up on Disboard, or you can add me on Discord @Katara0524#9244 for a direct link :) We have topics about Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, NieR, and ofc TWEWY (as well as other topics!), so if you want some good ol' chaos and chitchat, you're more than welcome to join!
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eldritch-elrics · 3 years
svsss: journey through the mausoleum (plus, zhuzhi-lang is a himbo)
got to chapter 65 last night!
as usually i have a lot to say i guess jkdhgsds i think putting stuff under cuts makes people scroll past these posts more? but also i don’t really want to be too annoying with my Many Reactions so cuts are a good way to go
tldr: loved the mausoleum arc, big fan of tlj, communication is good, and i have a new favorite scene in the book
binghe is extra as FUCK for bringing in all those rhino pythons
so i maintain that tianlang-jun should have been foreshadowed more/is introduced too late in the story, but other than that i think he’s a really fun villain and i’m a fan
for one - he’s the only one who’s able to hurt binghe :0 harm the protagonist...
which creates some Very Good Tension
count number one of zhuzhi-lang being a himbo: trying to sacrifice himself for tlj while being threatened
“is zzl really a himbo” you ask. well, yes. is he dumb? very much so. is he nice? absolutely. is he hot? well, i have no idea. i forget if he’s described as attractive or not. but, i think he can be if he wants. does being a little bit evil negate his himbo-ness? idk! i’m sticking with my assessment
i think i have a bit of a soft spot for evil henchmen
zzl also protects sqq from the corpses <3 good for him
it’s always fun to me when the system is like “wooo yay you fixed the storyline! cut the filler!” because 1. love seeing sqq lay waste to pidw and 2. the implications?? once more i am wondering WHY is the system so interested in making pidw a better story. (and the fact that it’s still calling his adventures in this world a story.) are sqq’s adventures being written down and serialized in the real world? are we as readers supposed to believe that scum villain, as a text, is a direct result of sqq’s “editing” of pidw?
uh, back to the plot
binghe wasted spiritual energy trying to preserve the mushroom/plant body :( come on man...
i really like the whole stretch of plot when binghe’s unconscious. it’s just so tense!! really well-done in my opinion - this is the first time in a while we’ve got a sense that lbh is in danger, and sqq is also running low on energy and stuff, so they’re both in bad places and the stakes are high
PLUS the hurt-comfort of it all. sqq trying not to hurt lbh’s body :(
the whole part in the coffin!! excellent. and the convo with meng mo... sqq calling himself lbh’s shizun finally...
cuddles <3
dying at lbh’s fuckin. boner. and the system’s REACTION it’s so EXCITED i am just. holds my head in my hands. i can’t deal with this novel
the confrontation with qiu haitang and the old palace master was very cool and intense. though i have to say i’m not really a fan of either “angry unreasonable woman” or “bitter disabled person” as tropes/archtypes (especially how sqq was reacting to the palace master’s condition). and poor qiu haitang! i have no idea if there’s any way to set her mind at ease other than revealing the whole transmigration thing. i do hope she’ll turn up again and get a better ending?
so the plague city sqq callout party is once again not directly lbh’s fault! the old palace master is the one to blame!
SO ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS IN THE BIT I READ LAST NIGHT. is. sqq realizing that he could utilize lbh’s plot armor to his advantage. but then deciding that he doesn’t want to take that risk. doesn’t want to use lbh’s body as a prop!!!
character development :D
he’s really starting to see lbh as a person as opposed to a character! and being less selfish/survival-oriented...
man. sqq, almost beaten, lying on the ground holding binghe in his arms........ :(((
so is the implication that lbh injured/took revenge on the old palace master because the palace master was being creepy to him about his mom? it’s a bit vague but that’s my theory. weirdo old man...
speaking of people lbh killed. maybe it will be revealed that gongyi xiao is actually alive too :( i’m still salty about that
so i don’t think i got how sqq was able to free himself from zzl’s blood manipulation? was it because binghe woke up and subdued it?
binghe waking up was a lil deus-ex-machina-y lol i would have liked to see some sort of trigger for it (even a cheesy one). like i get why he’s ok and no longer hurt (protagonist powers!) but like, gimme a reason for the shift to happen at that precise moment...
lbh realizes how much sqq went through to save him :( and he’s so happy he didn’t get abandoned!!!! aaaaaa my poor boy
i like crybaby lbh much more than i like cold/cruel lbh lol
i do agree with sqq’s assessment though - lbh keeps doing the thing where he cries and apologizes but doesn’t actually change. he’s slowly getting better about it but that’s some development i’d like to see
so tlj.... DOESN’T want lbh’s body? i stg his motivations change every 5 minutes. that’s one other thing i don’t really like about him. is the “trying to steal lbh’s body” thing just gonna go nowhere? f...
binghe dumbass moments <3 gave him the sword...
..........zhuzhi-lang vore.......
zzl, while healing sqq’s plant arm: don’t worry i don’t want to fuck you unlike LUO BINGHE.
i really hope there exists shipfic of sqq and zzl. like i don’t ship them at all but they just get into so many Situations that i cannot help but think about it. like it would make a funny crack premise
you know what? sqq deserves his own harem. it could consist of lbh, lqg, sqh, zzl.....
modern au tlj is the dad who is way way way too supportive and thinks sqq would just be a wonderful husband for his son~~
interested in tlj’s intention to unite the human and demon worlds. like on the surface it sounds like a good idea right? peace and harmony and reconciling differences and stuff. but tlj’s plan is certainly not well-thought-out, and i’m sure his intentions also skew towards a sort of “merge them so they’re both easier to rule over” thing - which i don’t think is confirmed or anything, it’s just my suspicion
both tlj and lbh have a sort of entitlement thing going on - “i’m powerful so i can do whatever i like / take for myself something i love (whether that be humans or sqq).” which is then backed up by the power the system allows them as final boss and protagonist respectfully
speaking of lbh taking whatever he wants: stop kissing sqq without asking him aaaaa!!!! we know you love him and it’s sweet but please bro
him going all that way to reunite with sqq though <3
and then zzl comes in and i just.
this scene is simply the best
the slapstick of it!!!! i wanna see it animated so bad holy shit
the scene was good when it was just “sqq hides lbh under the bedcovers and he’s having none of it” but then it just kept escalating...
sqq and zzl’s convo is so suggestive too...
zzl himbo moments again?
“no need to explain, i understand everything” OK BRO.
tlj fanboying over him a little lmao
tlj, upon realizing that lbh had been in the bed with zzl and sqq: oh, you guys were having a threesome?
i cannot deal with this. i’m gonna do some sketches from this scene it’s so funny
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