ongsasun · 2 years
Happy Birthday Ayesha!! forever grateful that I got know you 💛 I hope you have a wonderful day! Wishing you all the good things in life and a happy future 🥰💛🥰 I love you jaan !!!
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thank you jaan-e-mann!! i love you too, im so glad life brought you to me 🥺💖 aa jao, tumhe ice cream cake khilati hoon 😋
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thasorns · 2 years
Zeyyyyy this is me sending well wishes you way 💛💛💛 I hope things get better bb<3
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Aamna love! 💕 I hope you’re doing alright? thank you so much 🥺😭 I’m so needy rn it’s insane… but this made me smile I love you and thank you 🌸🧡
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exotic-indians · 3 months
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kingsoverjacks · 6 months
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Aamna Sharif and her bone crushing thighs
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eohachu · 2 years
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[ID: 8 gifs from the cdrama ‘the untamed‘. gif 1: lan wangji passing wei wuxian in front of the gates to cloud recesses who looks at him with a stunned expression. gif 2: wei wuxian looking at lan wangji, who looks up to the lanterns in the sky. when wei wuxian looks up as well, he seems to be confused about something, as his brows furrow for a split second. gif 3: wei wuxian looking at lan wangji with a sad expression, right after they bade farewell to song lan and xiao xingchen. gif 4: wei wuxian looking at lan wangji with an examining expression as petals fall down on them. gif 5: wei wuxian looking over at lan wangji in the library. he seems disgruntled but curious. gif 6: wei wuxian looking at lan wangji on the lake in caiyi town. he smiles widely. gif 7: wei wuxian looking at lan wangji during the wen indoctrination with a concerned and uneasy expression. gif 8: wei wuxian looking at a sleeping lan wangji in the xuanwu cave. he studies him, contemplating something. /end ID]
pre timeskip wangxian — wei wuxian Looking at lan wangji edition (ep 3-13)
for @yibo-wang
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archivist-goldfish · 1 year
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so uh just in case you thought acab is not applicable in the uk:
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[ALT Text:
CPS declined to charge undercover police officer who deceived woman into 19-year relationship
Senior officers convened in 2013 to hear ‘unbelievably bad’ news about relationship
Prosecutors did not hear evidence from victim before deciding not to charge officer for misconduct
Woman not told true identity of man with whom she has a child until 2020, when they were engaged
Rob Evans and Aamna Mohsin, 12:00, Wednesday 27th December 2023
The Crown Prosecution Service decided not to pursue charges against an undercover police officer who deceived a woman into a 19-year relationship without even hearing evidence from the victim in the case.
The CPS, which says its fundamental role is to support victims and protect the public, was informed in 2014 that an undercover officer at Avon and Somerset police had used his undercover identity to deceive the woman, who was innocent of any crime, into a long-term relationship.
The relationship had at that point already lasted more than a decade and resulted in the couple having a child together. The CPS, after receiving a file of evidence from Avon and Somerset police, concluded in March 2015 that the undercover officer should not face criminal prosecution for misconduct in public office.
However, the file did not contain any evidence from his victim, who could not be interviewed about the case because she had not been informed about the deception. The woman, whom the Guardian is referring to as Mary to protect her identity, was not informed about the true identity of her partner until five years later, in 2020.]
(link to full article in the guardian here)
now the guardian were also kind enough to create a timeline of this cop's abhorrent behaviour:
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[ALT Text:
Undercover officer's 19-year deception
Undercover police officer begins relationship with ‘Mary’ using his fictitious identity. The couple later have a child together
Avon and Somerset police hold an emergency meeting at which senior officers are told the undercover officer has been deceiving a woman for more than a decade. Representatives of the Association of Chief Police Officers attend meeting
Crown Prosecution Service decides not to prosecute the officer. The Independent Police Complaints Commission, an official watchdog that has since been disbanded, is also understood to have examined the case and decided to take no action
Avon and Somerset police inform the public inquiry into undercover policing, led by the retired judge Sir John Mitting, about the case
The newly formed official watchdog, the Independent Office for Police Conduct, starts investigating the case
Avon and Somerset police finally disclose to Mary that her partner of 19 years was an undercover officer living a double life. By that point, they are engaged to be married]
so according to the cps, "there was insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction" and the matter regarding mary being informed was a police matter, and both of those are very interesting things to say considering mary would not be informed of the deception for another five years. they were making choices for her without even telling her.
and thats also interesting because see in the uk, there is a law on the books that allows victims of alleged crime to ask a different cps officer to review their case if they received a decision not to prosecute.
thats the law stated as to why another review cannot happen because mary did not exercise that right.
mind you that mary was still not aware that her long time partner, who was a stepdad to one of her children and dad to another, was an undercover police officer. she would not find out for at least another five years.
so its really interesting as to how she was supposed to exercise that right.
also, mind you that the crown prosecution service was one of the six, count'em six public bodies who were aware of the deception, and at any point, they could have informed mary.
kinda feels like theyre witholding her right there, doesnt it?
i mean, former victims' commissioner vera baird believes so: "they deliberately eroded her rights by not telling her she has it. there is guidance in the cps that they should discuss complex issues with victims. but the only way you can trigger the victims’ right to review is if the cps tell her that they’ve had it and they’ve decided not to prosecute it. that is absolutely their obligation."
it is so clear that at no point did anyone have marys best interests in mind. because why would you? its not like shes the damn victim in all of this.
dont you all love how corrupt the cps and police in the uk are?
further into the article, mary's family describes the officer as "manipulative and controlling" which is unfortunately no surprise considering he was a fucking cop, and on top of that, a cop who was happy to lie to his girlfriend for 19 years.
its also made clear that theres no reason for him to lie to mary. she was not involved with whatever crimes he was investigating; in fact, she had absolutely no connections to it.
instead, he just lied to her for 19 years and several public bodies all lied for him too. because you dont grass on your friends, even when youre fully grown adults and in positions of considerable power.
oh and theres also this:
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[ALT Text:
Also at the meeting were attendees from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), the now-defunct body that represented the most senior officers in England and Wales. It was a delicate time for ACPO, which was linked to an emerging scandal involving a host of other undercover police officers who had deceived women into relationships as part of operations to monitor mostly leftwing protest groups.]
just in case you needed to be reminded that the police are a corrupt organisation and you should never trust a police officer.
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bookaddict24-7 · 9 months
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New Young Adult Releases! (September 19th, 2023)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
Nightbreaker by Coco Ma
When A Brown Girl Flees by Aamna Qureshi
How to Find A Missing Girl by Victoria Wlosok
A Prayer for Vengeance by Leanne Schwartz
The Forest Grimm by Kathryn Purdie
Of Dreams & Destiny by Sandhya Menon
All the Fighting Parts by Hannah V. Sawyerr
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid
Champion of Fate by Kendare Blake
The Society for Soulless Girls by Laura Steven
The Only Girl in Town by Ally Condie
The Collectors by Various
Running Past Dark by Han Nolan
Archives of Despair by Caleb Finn
New Sequels:
Shadow Coven (The Witchery #2) by S. Isabelle
A Crown So Cursed (The Nightmare-Verse #3) by L.L. McKinney
Happy reading!
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fauxreveur-young · 10 months
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form-at · 7 months
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Aamna Sharif
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alexshenry · 2 years
Nuria hii!! hfjdj this was delightful to wake up to
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yibo is just. he is just
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OH MY GOD!! Aamna, I need to repeat it again that he is a revelation and you’re so valid for loving him for all these years!! He is so handsome!! But also so talented 😭😭 and amazing, and he’s so pretty, but his acting!!! BUT ALSO HIS FACE?!??!?!
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And I did!!!! I started like 2 weeks ago, I think??? I was threatened into watching it by @snimeat, and I’m so glad I was bullied into it because it’s so, so good 😭😭 I never thought I’d love it as much as I do. And I’m not even halfway through watching it, but I’m slowing down since I don’t want to finish it so quickly. But I’m hooked, it’s all I think about. At this point, I need to inject every little content I can find into my veins 😅😅 
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ongsasun · 1 year
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— kayleb rae candrilli
for @yibo-wang 🤍
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indiantvconfessions · 2 years
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exotic-indians · 3 months
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kingsoverjacks · 6 months
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Gorgeous leggy Aamna Sharif
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eohachu · 2 years
if the tags on asiandramasource are wonky in the next 3 days or so please direct your complaints to @yibo-wang 🙂👍🏻
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