#ada reeve
vintagestagehotties · 1 month
Hot Vintage Stage Actress Round 1
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Ada Reeve: Dudley in San Toy (1901 West End); Ada Branscombe in Three Little Maids (1902 West End); Rhodanthe in Butterflies (1908 West End)
Emily Stevens: Victoria Fairchild in Modern Marriage (1911 Broadway); Myra Dimsley in The Point of View (1912 Broadway); Madonna in Madonna of the Future (1926 Broadway)
Propaganda under the cut
Ada Reeve:
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Emily Stevens:
she stims!!! i dont wanna diagnose someone from a hundred years ago with anything but as someone with audhd, it was so lovely reading reviews of her as an actress and reading about how she constantly fidgeted and bit her lip like seeing someone from a hundred years ago who did the same things i do made her feel so human to me and was really special
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Eyewitness (1956) Muriel Box
August 14th 2022
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wondermutt20 · 10 months
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
Christopher Reeve - 1952-2004 - American Actor
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mr-ding-dong · 4 months
DBD men... And would I blow them?
The Trapper - No, I just feel like he'd be way too rough.
The Wraith - Yes yes yes... I will not further explain my reasoning.
The Hillbilly - no, I know he's musty from being in those walls for ages. But I'd give him a hug.
The Doctor - HELL NO... he creeps me tf out, and he's a huge psychopath... Most killers are, but he's on a special level.
The Shape - Probably, like in a really odd circumstance.
The Clown - Nope, I know for a fact he probably has some disease down there. Mungy clown.
The Cannibal - No... But I'd give him a hug and head pats.
The Legion (Frank) -... Maybe, he's a mixed bag for me. Probably not, simply because of Jules.
The Legion (Joey) - Yes, he's hot. Duh.
The Nightmare - Nope, I'd rather kill him.
The Ghost face - Yes, why not, seems like a fun time.
The Oni - I'd be down, ngl. Like 👉👈 perhaps I'd go down if my life was spared from his blood rage 👀
The Deathslinger - Nope, notta chance. Sorry... But no.
The Executioner -... Yes, he's definitely musty... But I'm willing to somewhat look past it. Just no damn scarab beetles.
The Blight - Nope, I don't want any of the infection juice he's having. I wouldn't even high five him without ten gloves on.
The Trickster - Nope, I hate him. I don't care if he's hot, he's not getting any, I'd rather kick his ass.
The Cenobite -... Probably. Not in the chatter skin, but if the chains don't go through my skin and just kinda tie... I'd be okay.
The Dredge - Wtf even is it? Does it even have one? No... Ew.
The Mastermind - Nah, I'm good. He doesn't need more of an ego trip. I'll be passing on that even if he's British.
The Nemesis - No... Again... Does it even have one?
The Singularity - Does it even have one #3? And no! I'd rather feed it a bomb and watch it explode, before high fiving Gabriel.
The Knight - Handjob... I feel like something is wrong down there so my mouth ain't touching shit.
The Good Guy - No, he's a married man and a doll. And a father! No... I'm not that type.
Jake Park - Yes, already on knees. No hesitation.
Dwight Fairfield -... Out of pity, sure. But only once.
David King - Nope. Not my type, too rough and weird face... Ngl.
Bill Overbeck - No, he's cool... But like in a badass grandpa type of way.
Ace Visconti - No... I can smell the STDs off of him, I don't trust that man.
Adam Francis - Sure, he seems nice, probably clean too.
Jeff Johansen - Nah... I'll pass. A bit too much like a relative.
Quentin Smith - Sure...if I don't stare at his face for a long time, because they really messed up his face.
Steve Harrington -... Yes. I won't deny it.
Ash Williams - He looks like my father, so no.
David Tapp - Nope, probably married or something and I don't do that.
Felix Richter - I just don't vibe that way, I forget he exists most of the time. So no.
Leon Kennedy - YES. Sorry Ada, but YES.
Jonah Vasquez -Nope, I just don't really... Like the vibes... I'll pass.
Yoichi Asakawa - He's so sweet, so yeah... Plus he's pretty. I'd be down.
Gabriel Soma - 100%, he's definitely traumatized but who isn't from the survivors...and killers.
Vittorio Toscano - I don't usually go for much older men or beards....but I'd be down.
Renato Lyra - I like messy hair, I'm a sicker for it. So as long as he doesn't cut his hair, my knees are on the ground.
Nicholas Cage - No! He is a married man with kids. Nuh uh.
Alan Wake - Nah... No offense but he looks like a cheaper Keanu Reeves. I'll pass.
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gogmstuff · 1 year
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More 1900s (from top to bottom) -
A young woman by Jules Scalbert (Balclis - 16Dec21 auction Lot 317). From invaluable.com-auction-lot-jules-scalbert-a-young-woman-317-c-26b43f2a82; fixed spots & some flaws w Pshop 2442X3502.
1900s Margit Cziráky Princess Esterházy de Galántha with her son Paul by Gyula Benczúr (location ?). From history-of-fashion.tumblr.com/image/154933073819 1108X1920.
1900s Baroness Catherine d'Erlanger by Alice Hughes. From antique-royals.tumblr.com/tagged/vintage 950X1389.
1900s outdoor dress. From antique-royals.tumblr.com/post/163813522158/1900s via pinterest.com/GloccaMoraBird/1900s-dresses/ 591X867.
1900s Vesta Tilley by Foulsham & Banfield. From historicalfashionnerd.tumblr.com/post/169463242046/vesta-tilley-by-foulsham-banfield-1900s via pinterest.com/GloccaMoraBird/1900s-dresses/ 540X782.The silhouette and princess cut suggest 1910.
1900s Ada Reeve by ?. From tumblr.com/fashionsfromthepast 916X1319.
1900s Ada Reeves in picture hat by ?. From tumblr.com/fashionsfromthepast 800X1171.
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Menulis (2?)
Ku lagi random banget di Cohen Quad sebetulnya lagi ada acara nonton bareng PPI Oxford menonton Jatuh Cinta Seperti di Film-film yang kata orang-orang bagus itu, tapi karena ku datengnya telat udah kehilangan plot awal, dan lagi gak pengen nonton juga (seharian udah nonton banyak banget), akhirnya ku memutuskan untuk ke depan PC dan ngetik ini.
Hari Sabtu! Yang sudah dikerjakan dan mau disyukuri: (karena balik lagi judul tumblr ini kan adalah Asri’s gratitude journal)
Berhasil tidur lumayan banyak(?) – nggak ngitung berapa durasi jam totalnya sih, tapi semalam akutu tidur cepet kayanya jam setengah 10 deh ketiduran karena saking kecapeannya seharian berdiri di lab dan kehujanan dan main pingpong sejam. Terus tapi kebangun jam 2 buat solat Isya terus gabisa tidur lagi sampai jam 5 HHHHHH. Tapi habis dari jam 5 baru kebangun lagi jam 9 sih buat prep kelas online jam 10…
Berhasil kelas pagi! Walaupun agak pusing kayanya kelasnya, tapi ku seneng banget dapat pertanyaan korelasi terus UDAH LAMA BANGET nggak ngerjain korelasi jadi ku sangat bacot tadi pasti. Habis itu bahas gelombang mayan pusing, tapi InsyaAllah bisa diterima.
Makan siang pakai Five Guys sisa semalam makan gak habis sambil lanjut nonton Jung-Pal. Terus tidur-tiduran aja di sofa nyelesein series Earth-nya BBC yang sama Chris Packham terus secara random nonton Equator (docu BBC tahun 2006) yang episode Indonesia, eh malah jadi NAKSIR BANGET SAMA SIMON REEVE??? Dulu di 2006 ganteng banget ni orang, tapi di 2024 ya masih ganteng cuma jadi daddy-daddy aja.
Mita nelpon, ngobrol sejam sama Mita bahas dia habis LARI 10K(???) padahal dia lagi hamil(!). Terus bahas betapa chaosnya si pelaksana Half Marathon event ini: mereka gak NYEDIAIN AMBULANS!!! Terus ku jadi mikir juga si EO events kaya gini di Indo tuh gaada SNI/ISO atau third party buat make sure standar mereka udah OK??? Kayak… mereka masa nggak bikin semacam risk assessment document gitu sih supaya dapat ijin pelaksanaan acara??? Ak aja yang bikin acara se-level MOSAIC gitu di Oxford, si council minta risk assessment! Atau ya kalau aku karena kerja di lab basah ya pasti harus ada risk assessmentnya tiap masuk lab baru. Terus dari situ jadi bahas bedanya healthcare system di Indo vs di UK/EU in general, bahas gimana kualitas air di Indo beda banget dengan di sini, cerita juga gimana pengalaman orang-orang bayi tabung dan kenapa rate keberhasilannya di sini lebih tinggi daripada di Indo (balik lagi ke kualitas air). Terus Mita ngantuk lalu kami udahan.
Dari situ aku sebetulnya dah bingung mau ngapain lagi ya. Awalnya mau keluar agak earlier karena cuaca cerah banget dan mau jajan ibu korea tapi berhubung masih ada burger mikir sayang juga kalau ngeluarin uang buat jajan. Terus tapi mikir “AH KU HARUS JALAN dan menikmati matahari mumpung ada!” aku pun jalan keluar. Awalnya mau ke Radcam buat NGETIK INI. Tapi melipir dulu ke Crosstown buat grabbing matcha latte dan ada Fay!! Berujung ngobrol ngalor ngidul juga sama Fay dan dia cabs duluan buat ke acara di Cohen Quad ini. Aku mengecek Radcam ternyata udah tutup, kata Angga tutup jam 18 buset cepet bener. Terus yaudahdeh jadinya ke sini sekarang.
Kemarin salah satu twitku juga habis viral (lagi). Itu berujung dari kebangun jam 3 buat solat Isya dan lanjut Subuh terus ya mikirin hidup aja gaksih. Kepikiran sesungguhnya dengan titel PhD Oxford yang akan kumiliki kurang dari setahun lagi ini aja, betulan the sky is the limit. Aku mau kerja apapun orang bakal mau hire, credibility aku jelas banget, terus kepikiran “YAKIN Non mau balik lagi ke UI dan being underappreciated??”. Makanya lahirlah tweet itu. Terus ditinggal tidur malah blow up dan VIRAL (emoji nangis). Paling aneh (dan paling males) kalo tweetnya udah nyampe ke antah berantah dan orang gak paham konteks tweetnya. Itu tuh betul-betul tweet ngatain kegoblokan diri sendiri, betul-betul tidak ada niatan buat menyindir siapapun SELAIN DIRI SAYA SENDIRI: I am my biggest hater aja gitu kannn. EH MALAH ada aja orang salah nangkep aneh banget. Tapi yaudah sepertinya itu memang resiko dari tweet yang relatable (dan (semoga) lucu).
Ada teman yang bilang “itu tuh mereka ngasih komen gak respectful gitu karena mereka gaktau lo siapa Non, makanya taroh dong itu semua credentials lo di bio biar mereka tahu mereka tu lagi ngomong sama siapa”. Credentials yang dimaksud di sini adalah: Oxford PhD student, dosen UI, geologist lulusan ITB, apa lagi, lulusan SMA8 Jakarta. Responku: “YAILAH, that defies the point of me being in the social media at all dong… kalau mau connect & interact sama Noni yang itu mah di Linkedin aja sekalian…” Aku tu suka banget socmed karena kita bisa jadi ANYONE despite everything, betul-betul bisa se-anonymous mungkin dan berinteraksi dengan banyak orang lain dengan anonimity itu.
Ku percaya kalau orangnya baik mah ya harusnya akan ngetreat orang lain dengan baik juga. Kenapa kita harus tau orang ini posisinya apa dan siapa untuk ngatur gimana cara kita ngomong ke orang lain ini? Kalau mau pake prinsip equality mah ya harusnya sama sopannya cara kita ngomong ke Presiden dan janitor… (WOW lihat idealis sekali wanita yang sedang hidup di negara dunia pertama ini).
Anyways, tapi iya… intinya diskriminasi dan treatment yang jadi berbeda ini kerasa banget kok, nggak perlu ke social media scene… Di kehidupan sehari-hari aja aku ngerasain saat ketemu orang pertama kali (terutama orang Indonesia ya), pas aku bilang aku “mahasiswa S3” aja vs saat kubilang later kalau aku “dosen di UI” juga. WHICH is weird. Really weird. Ku nggak yang berterima kasih atau gimana dengan status ini dan perbedaan sikap orang terhadapku karena pekerjaanku, tapi betulan yang “LAH emangnya kenapa kalau gw dosen atau bukan dosen dan kalau gw dosen di PTN bagus vs bukan di PTN???”. Hal ini terjadi juga di temanku seumuran yang udah jadi dokter spesialis btw. Treatment suster-suster ke dia di Rumah Sakit beda banget pas mereka belum tahu kalau temanku ini dokter spesialis vs sudah tahu.
Pernah aku lagi ke lapangan sebagai team leader (projek riset aku) di wilayah Citarum sama mahasiswa-mahasiswaku yang cowok semua (aku cewek sendiri), kami disamperin TNI. Terus tebak siapa orang pertama yang disamperin TNI ini buat nanya2? Mahasiswa-ku yang paling tinggi dan mukanya paling tua (HAHA). Terus aku baru intervensi bilang “OH saya dosennya, saya yang bertanggungjawab atas pengambilan data ini, ini surat ijinnya”. Si TNI-nya yang bingung gitu. Dia jelas-jelas nggak expect leader dari tim ini adalah ibu-ibu/mbak-mbak. Di menit itu juga statusku berubah dari “Cuma mbak-mbak (mungkin dia tukang nyatetnya di grup, karena cewek kan tugasnya menulis ye)” jadi “Dosen UI, ketua tim”. Cara Bapak TNI-nya ngomong juga langsung berubah ke aku. Betul-betul fenomena menarik.
Lah jadi ngebacot tentang ini di sini lol. Iya intinya mau bilang aja di Indonesia itu masih bergantung dengan “lu siapa” banget untuk bisa hidup nyaman. Ada salah satu reply yang bahas masalah “kenyamanan” juga di tweet viral kemarin. Aku bilang: “kalau kenyamanan ya jelas ke luar Indo dong”. Kenyamanan yang kumaksud di sini tentu saja melingkupi: akses pendidikan berkualitas yang terjangkau, fasilitas kesehatan, taman bermain untuk anak (dan untuk orang dewasa juga), alam, transportasi umum, TANPA MELIHAT kita ini kaya/miskin & koneksi kita siapa. Intinya ya kenyamanan untuk hidup sehari-hari aja.
Di Indonesia itu hidup baru “nyaman” kalau kita minimal masuk ke kelas ekonomi menengah (penghasilan kita di atas rata-rata, bagus kalau sampai 2x UMR) karena berarti kita bisa BAYAR untuk dapat akses ke pendidikan yang bagus, fasilitas kesehatan, dan hiburan (ke mall/nonton konser/ke luar kota/pulau/negeri untuk liburan sesekali). Dan uang banyak ini makin mantap kalau kita punya “jejaring” yang OK, kita “kenal” atau merupakan “kerabat” dari orang-orang tertentu yang merupakan key person/vital/Bahasa Indonesianya: “orang penting” yang bisa memberikan kita akses dan informasi yang OK. Koneksi ini bisa didapat dari mana? Tentu saja sekolah (alumni), pekerjaan, dan KELUARGA. Jadi… begitu ada orang yang pilih Indonesia untuk “KENYAMANAN”, sorry banget, tapi aku langsung “oh dia orang mampu”, lalu aku gak akan lanjutin argumennya, karena… ya hidup dia udah nyaman aja apparently di Indonesia. Orang-orang ini adalah orang-orang yang SAKING nyamannya dengan hidup mereka, mereka gaada rasa risih sedikitpun kayanya lihat uang pajak mereka dibuang-buang dan disalahgunakan.
Yaudah tapi intinya gitu deh, banyak banget sebetulnya yang bisa dijadikan percakapan/latihan mikir dari tweet viral kemarin. Seru. Aku suka banget sesekali buat ngalamin viral gini, jadi belajar BANYAK BUANGET. Dari tipe-tipe orang, tipe komunikasi, cara orang mikir…
Dah itu dulu aja, kututup curhatan hari ini karena kayanya filemnya udah mau habis dan aku pegel juga rupanya ngetik sambil berdiri (karena layarnya tinggi banget).
Sekian. Selamat berakhir pekan teman-teman!
Cohen Quad 20:57 04/05/2024
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fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
A Now You See Me BSD AU I will never write but here we go
(surprisingly the characters match very well | not a crossover | no ability AU)
J. Daniel Atlas + Merrit McKinney -> Fyodor Dostoyevsky:
an extremely resourceful illusionist + mentalist + psychic. Although a bit arrogant and having a notorious penchant to have perfect control over everything, he is quite talented with cards and manipulation tactics. He has photographic memory and can find his way out of any seemingly dead-end situation. Ostensibly the leader of the Decay of Angels
Henley Reeves -> Nikolai Gogol:
an escape artist + a master of disguise. Dostoyevsky's former assistant (unofficially ex-lovers). He has pulled very dangerous tricks in the past like the one 'Wretched Chair' that left his entire audience believing that he got killed for real. He started to flirt with Sigma if only to make Fyodor jealous in the beginning but soon realized he might actually be falling for him after all. He is always impeccably dressed and wears gloves all the time. Second-in-command of the DoA.
Jack Wilder -> Sigma:
Former street magician and a big fan of Dostoyevsky. He knows a bunch of odd tricks but hardly much to make a living or a name for himself. He was in a pretty bad situation before he got the formal invitation to join the DoA. Youngest member of the DoA.
Dylan Rhodes-> Dazai Osamu:
One of the detectives from ADA assigned to the DoA Super Heist case. He is exceptionally intelligent--on par with Dostoyevsky so the whole cat-and-mouse game goes toe-to-toe while the ADA aims to bring the DoA to book. He might be hiding a dark past that Dostoyevsky came close to unlocking with his observation skills. He likes to mess with his new partner from Interpol (only to find he might have fallen for him.)
Alma Dray-> Nakahara Chuuya:
A French-Japanese Interpol agent assigned to the DoA Super Heist case. He is tenacious, has a short fuse (maybe only because his new partner gets on his nerves too much) but sincerely puts his whole heart into solving the case because this is his first field job and he wants to bring in a good result. Although he was assigned to this job mainly for his multilingual skills, Chuuya seems to be hiding another ulterior motive for joining this particular case.
Thaddeus Bradley-> Mori Ougai: Once a famous magician who left the business of performing for a crowd and instead started making profits off selling other magicians' tricks deconstruction, in the process (unintentionally or otherwise) ruining many artists' livelihood. Oda Sakunosuke was one such artist who got killed, indirectly because of his meddling
Hermia-> Elise: Mori's assistant (she is adult here)
Arthur Tressler-> Fukuchi Oochi: an ex-military man and currently a wealthy magnate. He is the main sponsor and backer for all of DoA activities. He hopes to make the DoA a worldwide phenomena. The DoA too seem to respect him a lot and look up to him as their 'boss'.
Kunikida Doppo-> Dazai's sidekick from ADA
Other side characters: Ango, Gide, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Atsushi, Tanizaki
This is all I can think of right now ;-;
oh and I don't really like the Twist at the end of the actual movie--the Reveal of who had been 'pulling the strings' throughout (because it undermines the individual intelligence and efforts of the Four Horsemen or at least feels that way to me) so.... here, the two plots (and two brains) are moving simultaneously, seemingly deceiving the other while unwittingly working their way toward the same goal.
Maybe, there is a secret middleman who is working with both the ADA-side and the DoA-side with neither group's awareness but that is not the same person as in the movie.
The Eye may or may not exist; I don't particularly like the idea of The Eye and magicians and artists working to 'get into' the Eye, however it might have been merely a red herring to the actual masterplan so yeah
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Adagio and Adam Mann (Yes, both of these names appeared in the first poll. Same names, different OCs.)
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Ada Reeves and Agent Sleet
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Atreus and Aida
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Albus White and Alden
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Amil Shining and Amy Suzuki
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spidersweet · 8 months
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Headcanons y one shots.
● Call of Duty:
☆capitán Price/John .
☆Ghost/ Simon Riley.
☆GAZ/ Kyle Garrick.
☆Soap/ Johnny Mactavish.
☆Alex Turner.
☆Valeria Garza.
☆Rodolfo parra.
☆Alejandro Vargas.
☆Phillip Graves.
☆Farah Karim.
☆Keegan Russ.
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●Resident Evil:
☆Carlos Oliviera.
☆Ada Wong.
☆Leon Kennedy.
☆Chris Redfield.
☆claire Redfield.
☆Jill Valentine.
☆ashley Graham.
☆Luis Serra.
☆Albert Wesker.
☆Ethan Winters.
☆Inviernos de romero.
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●Mortal Kombat:
☆Erron Black.
☆Johnny Cage.
☆Kung Lao.
☆Kenshi Takahashi.
☆Sub-zero/ Bi-Han.
☆Scorpion/ Kuai Liang.
☆Smoke/ Tomas Vrbada.
☆ Shang Tsung.
☆Liu Kang.
☆General Shao.
☆Li Mei.
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●Devil may cry:
☆Dante Sparda.
☆Vergil Sparda.
☆Nero Sparda.
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●House of the dragon.
☆Aemond Targaryen.
☆Aegon Targaryen.
☆Daemon Targaryen.
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☆Sheriff Nick Goode.
☆Tommy Slamet.
☆Jason Voorhees.
☆Michael Myers.
☆Letherface: Bubba Sawyer/ Thomas Hewitt. (Especificar).
☆Vicent Sinclair.
☆Bo Sinclair.
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●kenue reeves.
☆John Constantine.
☆John Wick.
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Estos son los personajes que manejó.
Pueden hacer sus pedidos basándose en esto. Les agradecería si lo hicieran.
Si quieren otros personajes, solo pidanlos y veré si puedo hacerlos.
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dianbudaya · 11 months
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Penelitian Etnografi untuk Kebijakan Pendidikan yang Lebih Baik
Etnografi secara sederhana adalah suatu cara atau metode untuk mempelajari fenomena sosial maupun kebudayaan di suatu masyarakat. Dijelaskan bahwa penelitian etnografi bersifat mengikuti keseharian penduduk dan peneliti harus berpartisipasi di dalam masyarakat, bukan hanya mengamati dari jauh atau wawancara belaka (Reeves et al., 2013). Selain itu, dalam penelitiannya cenderung terbatas karena apabila terlalu banyak yang diamati, akan terlalu banyak menimbulkan pertanyaan.
Penelitian etnografi merupakan penelitian dengan metode kualitatif yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan memahami secara mendalam kebudayaan masyarakat setempat yang menjadi objek penelitian. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan analisis kebudayaan secara holistik dari hal paling sederhana, seperti keluarga hingga perekonomian suatu masyarakat yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain.
Hasil akhir etnografi bisa berbentuk macam-macam seperti catatan lapangan—barangkali berupa catatan harian—dan bisa juga jurnal, paper, atau karya yang mirip dengan itu (karya ilmiah dan lain-lain) sebagai karya akhir dari penafsiran serta kumpulan data dari catatan lapangan tersebut (Reeves et al., 2013). Seperti buku Margaret Mead (1928) yang berjudul Coming of Age Samoa, buku jurnal perjalanan yang sangat insightful mengenai budaya akil balig suatu suku di Samoa yang pada saat itu berbeda sekali dengan budaya akil balig di Amerika Serikat yang cenderung tertutup atau buku yang ditulis oleh Levison Wood (2019) yang berjudul An Arabian Journey yang menceritakan perjalanannya ke ujung Timur Tengah. Selain itu, karya etnografi juga bisa berbentuk novel (contohnya Puya ke Puya oleh Faisal Oddang (2015), Tarian Bumi karya Oka Rusmini (2007), dan lain sebagainya) atau film (bisa dokumenter maupun tidak). Contoh film non-dokumenter dengan nuansa etnografi adalah Before, Now, and Then karya Kamila Andini dan Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap karya Bene Dion.
Penelitian etnografi dalam bidang pendidikan dapat dilakukan dengan observasi partisipatoris di sekolah-sekolah maupun daerah-daerah secara menyeluruh. Hal ini dikarenakan pendidikan dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal dan memengaruhi banyak hal pula, tak hanya seputar sekolah saja. Seperti misalnya perekonomian penduduk setempat berpengaruh pada pendidikan yang dipilih oleh masyarakat setempat. Apakah pendidikan itu hanya akan berhenti di SD, SMP, SMA, atau bahkan tak sekolah dan memilih untuk bekerja atau menikah saja. Begitu pula pendidikan berpengaruh pada perekonomian warga setempat. Idealnya, apabila pendidikan suatu masyarakat baik, perekonomian juga cenderung membaik. Masalah lain juga akan teratasi sedikit demi sedikit seperti pernikahan dini, angka pengangguran.
Pengetahuan mengenai suku, kebiasaan, ekonomi, kebudayaan, serta sosial masyarakat setempat yang didapatkan dari penelitian etnografi berdampak sangat baik dalam perancangan pendidikan bagi masyarakat setempat. Hampir sama seperti aspek demografi, pengetahuan mengenai kebudayaan setempat diharapkan dapat menjadikan pendidikan tepat sasaran. Akan tetapi, berbeda dengan demografi yang sebagian besar mengandalkan data kalkulatif, pengetahuan dan penelitian etnografi menjadikan seseorang mengetahui dengan mendalam apa yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan dan kebudayaan juga memiliki hubungan yang saling terkait. Perubahan-perubahan kebijakan pendidikan perlu memperhatikan dinamika kebudayaan dan perubahan kebudayaan bisa jadi merupakan akibat dari adanya perubahan rancangan pendidikan yang ada (Normina, 2018).
Penelitian etnografi juga dapat dijadikan pertimbangan untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan yang ada agar kedepannya tidak lagi tidak tepat sasaran. Misalnya, kebijakan tentang masuk jam lima pagi di Nusa Tenggara Timur yang bisa dievaluasi menggunakan observasi partisipatoris. Ada baiknya peneliti merupakan bagian dari pemangku kebijakan, mengikuti anak-anak berangkat sekolah pukul lima pagi dan merasakan efeknya sendiri-sendiri lalu menuliskan pengalaman itu dalam catatan lapangan untuk kemudian dianalisis. Hasil analisis ini apabila digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan diharapkan dapat menjadikan kebijakan lebih tepat sasaran sehingga tak ada lagi kasus menginap di sekolah seperti yang dilansir oleh Tempo pada tanggal 9 Maret 2023 lalu (Pitaloka, 2023).
Pendidikan yang merupakan hal mendasar dalam kehidupan saling mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi kebudayaan. Hal ini menjadikan kebijakan yang diterapkan harus menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian etnografi yang berupa analisis secara mendalam tentang kebudayaan (termasuk ekonomi, tradisi, hingga pendidikan) masyarakat setempat dinilai dapat membantu pemangku kebijakan dalam menentukan aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam bidang pendidikan. Dengan begitu, dipertimbangkannya penelitian etnografi dalam penentuan kebijakan akan menciptakan kebijakan pendidikan yang lebih baik.
Penulis: Salsabila Ananda Nur Fadila
Penyunting: Nur Adzim Aminuddin
Ilustrator: Oktafiani Zahra Indira
Andini, K. (Director). (2022). Before, Now, and Then [Film]. Fourcolours Film; Titimangsa Foundation; Wild Bunch.
Dion, B. (Director). (2022). Ngeri-Ngeri Sedap [Film]. Imajinari; Visionari Film Fund; Netflix.
Mead, M. (2001). Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation. Harper Collins.
Normina, N. (2018). PENDIDIKAN DALAM KEBUDAYAAN. ITTIHAD. https://doi.org/10.18592/ittihad.v15i28.1930
Oddang, F. (2015). Puya ke puya: surga diciptakan karena. . .. Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia.
Pitaloka, P. S. (2023, March 8). Cara Masuk Sekolah Jam 5 Pagi di NTT, Naik Kuda sampai Menginap di Sekolah Biar Tak Telat. Tempo. https://tekno.tempo.co/read/1700301/cara-masuk-sekolah-jam-5-pagi-di-ntt-naik-kuda-sampai-menginap-di-sekolah-biar-tak-telat
Reeves, S., Peller, J., Goldman, J., & Kitto, S. (2013). Ethnography in qualitative educational research: AMEE Guide No. 80. Medical Teacher, 35(8), e1365–e1379. https://doi.org/10.3109/0142159x.2013.804977
Rusmini, O. (2007). Tarian bumi: sebuah novel. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Wood, L. (2019). An Arabian Journey: One Man’s Quest Through the Heart of the Middle East.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hello! Could I request a level 5 ship?
- Peaky Blinders
- Stranger Things
- The Walking Dead
Sexuality: Demisexual (Hetero-romantic)
Pronouns: She/Her
Signs: Leo Sun, Cancer Moon, Capricorn Rising
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Love Language:
- Quality Time. This is my go-to love language.
- Acts of Second. Very close second.
- Imaginative. And can get lost in my own thoughts and imagination.
- Introspective
- Avoidant but insightful
- Fantastical. Which is a nice way of calling myself strange.
- Loyal. It may take a while to earn my trust but once you do I am a ride or die completely.
- I do have a fear of rejection
- Organised
- Passive
- Withdrawn
- Detail oriented.
- Intellectual
- Rebellious
- Can be an isolationist but mostly because I know isolating myself is safe.
- I do have a playful and sarcastic side that is reserved for the people I truly trust.
- I have, on several occasions, been called an old soul.
- I walk the line between idealistic and realistic. Sometimes it seems like I have a foot planted firmly on either side.
My Brain/Conditions:
- Autism (I don't have an official diagnosis, but I did take a screening and my results came back that if I did go in for a diagnosis I would get diagnosed as autistic)
- OCD (checking and intrusive thoughts)
- Prone to migraines
Fashion: Romantic Academia
Preferred Interior Design: Minimalist/Hygge
- Writing (mostly fanfiction - most of it is on different accounts)
- Travelling
- Photography
- Nature Walks
- My favorite color is dusty blue
- I love working with animals and have 3 cats. A torbie named Mewlius Caesar, A black domestic shorthair named Bard, and a magpie/piebald shorthair named Dave. I also have a Reeves turtle named Keanu.
- I love leather-bound books
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬
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I ship you with Arthur Shelby. You two would be a great match as he would literally beat all your problems away. If anyone had an issue with you, he would ... well, he'd completely decimate them honestly.
・Whenever he asks you about your day, he makes sure to note if you have any problems. Because he will always sort them out for you
・Calls you 'darling' and 'sweetheart'
・Likes when you make him a cup of tea when he comes home from a tough day
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ 'I'd Rather Go Blind' by Etta James
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 ����𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆:
▪️ Emotionally Unstable x Also Emotionally Unstable But Tries To Hide It
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Arthur likes how imaginative you are, and how kind your heart is. You always take him and his feelings into account and he's so thankful of that.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Would be Ada, and Polly. The Shelby women are very close and are practically ride or die. So when they accept you, they fully accept you.
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Eddie Munson! I think he would be a great match for you because of his loud nature. Opposites would really attract in this situation. Where you're quiet, he's loud and talkative. He would love raving on about DnD to you, what's happening in Hellfire and the like.
・Loves your writing and has asked you if you'd like to write something for the campaign he's doing in Hellfire
・You'd be best friends at first, and then your relationship became romantic. He adores your point of view
・Calls you 'sweetheart'
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ The Immigrant Song by Led Zepplin
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
▪️ Dumbass x Oh God I Guess That’s My Dumbass
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
Loves your mind. He constantly asks you for your opinion, because it's so different than anyone else's.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Would DEFINITELY WITHOUT A DOUBT, be Robin. She would understand you and your feelings on a deeper level. She would be happy staying inside and watching tv, or going out and doing literally whatever you want. She's just happy to be in your company.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝
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I ship you with Daryl Dixon! I think this match-up would be the most natural. I think Daryl is on the spectrum as well, and that makes relationships a bit hard for him (as he doesn't know he's on the spectrum.) With you, he feels seen, he feels heard.
・Likes to take you on walks in the woods, always with Dog, who absolutely adores you
・He loves homecooked meals and always makes them for you
・And you ALWAYS feel safe with Daryl. He's your rock, the person you can always turn to
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
▪️ Sweet Carolina by Lana Del Rey
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
▪️ Curious and Wide-Eyed x Has Seen Everything, Thinks It’s Cute
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
He likes that he doesn't have to make so much conversation, that he doesn't have to force things to happen. Everything is so nature between the two of you.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Your best friend is Rosita. She practically took you under her wing and showed you how to defend yourself. She sees you as a sister and would do anything for you. Her daughter calls you "Aunty"
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Richard Widmark in Night and the City (Jules Dassin, 1950)
Cast: Richard Widmark, Gene Tierney, Googie Withers, Hugh Marlowe, Francis L. Sullivan, Herbert Lom, Stanislaus Zbyszko, Mike Mazurki, Charles Farrell, Ada Reeve, Ken Richmond. Screenplay: Jo Eisenger, based on a novel by Gerald Kersh. Cinematography: Mutz Greenbaum. Art direction: C.P. Norman. Film editing: Nick DeMaggio, Sidney Stone. Music: Franz Waxman. 
Bosley Crowther of the New York Times called Jules Dassin's Night and the City "a pointless, trashy yarn," "a turgid pictorial grotesque," "a melange of maggoty episodes," and a "cruel, repulsive picture of human brutishness." It makes you want to run right out and see it, doesn't it? Crowther today is generally regarded as an old foof, but Night and the City is just a little too dark to be credible, and some elements of it -- such as Richard Widmark's over-the-top performance and the expressionistic camera angles of cinematographer Mutz Greenbaum (billed as Max Greene) -- verge on film noir self-parody. Still, the great energy in Night and the City often reminds me of Dickens's forays into the underworld -- the titular city is London -- especially when it comes to character names. The chief villain (Francis L. Sullivan, imitating Sydney Greenstreet) is a Mr. Nosseross -- you almost want his given name to be Rye, but it's Philip -- and there's a minor character with the über-Dickensian name of Fergus Chilk. Widmark plays Harry Fabian, whose life is a continuous hustle, trying to gather enough money to finance his various get-rich-quick schemes. His long-suffering girlfriend, Mary Bristol (Gene Tierney, in a smaller role than her billing suggests), is a singer in a clip joint run by the Nosserosses -- Philip and his wife, Helen (Googie Withers). Eventually, Harry overreaches by trying to loosen the hold on the pro wrestling exhibition racket in London held by Kristo (Herbert Lom), whose star wrestler is known as the Strangler (Mike Mazurki). Harry cons an honest old Greek wrestler named Gregorius (Stanislaus Zbyszko) into staging a bout between Gregorius's protégé, Nikolas of Athens (Ken Richmond) and the Strangler, but everything goes to hell when Nosseross withdraws his promised financial support. There is a great wrestling scene in which Gregorius himself takes on the Strangler, who has broken Nikolas's wrist. Gregorius wins, but dies of a heart attack afterward, one of the many deaths the movie accumulates. The film makes great atmospheric use of its London setting, which was necessitated because Dassin was about to be blacklisted in Hollywood -- it's to the credit of 20th Century Fox head Darryl F. Zanuck that he warned Dassin of this and, when Dassin decided he would seek work in Europe, allowed him to make the film in London.
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ledenews · 2 months
Wheeling Park’s New Stifel Playground Opening Memorial Day Weekend
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It’s a $1.2 million capital improvement project that’s billed as the largest inclusive play area in West Virginia, and the new facility should be completed in time for the Memorial Weekend at Wheeling Park. Eriks Janelsins, the CEO of the Oglebay Foundation, revealed the play area will continue to be named the “Stifel Playground” in honor of the family’s tremendous support since the public park initially opened in 1925. The Wheeling Park Commission was awarded grants from the federal Land & Water Conservation Fund, the Christopher Reeve Foundation, and the Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust, and U.S. Judge Fred and his wife Joan Stamp also contributed significantly to the new playground. Mrs. Stamp is a descendant of the Stifel family. “Judge and Mrs. Stamp have stayed connected to the family’s history of philanthropy in our community, so this project is very special to them,” Janelsins said. “That’s one of many reasons why we can’t wait for the Memorial Day weekend when we will be prepared to re-dedicate the play area and then turn it over to the local kids to enjoy. The new equipment designed by GameTime will be very colorful and inclusive once installed. “The new playground area is going to pop with all new colors, have a softened surface, and thanks to the company we work with – GameTime – the kids who play there are going to be thrilled with all of the latest equipment,” he explained. “And there will be a lot of areas for natural play, too, so there will be room for the kids to just run and be active, and there are the inclusive play elements, too. It’s going to be about creative, mind-stimulating play while being the most inclusive and largest playground in the state of West Virginia.” The play area is located above Good Lake and the park’s miniature golf course and has been lined with bushes for decades.  A shelter with ADA restrooms has been in place for several years and, according to the renderings, a similar structure will be included in the new area, as well. “When the project is finished it will be obvious that we’ve moved a lot of dirt, and we’ve even created a new parking lot that will be for this new playground. And there will be two different areas for the kids with one for the younger children, and another area for the older kids,” Janelsins said. “There’s still lots of swings in the designs, and also a new feature called the ‘Expression Swings.’ Those allow the children to swing with trusted adults so the experience stimulates the young mind in a positive way. “When this free, new play area is completed, it will be a great way to start celebrating Wheeling Park’s 100th birthday,” he said. “This is a capital improvement project and the donor community really stepped up to make this a reality.” The new Stifel Playground will include play areas so children can run around and be as active as possible. Renovations at Wheeling Park have been taking place over the past several years, including a $1.3 million renovation to the Memorial Ice Rink in 2020 and a $3.2 million to the White Palace in 2023 that included the addition of Café 1925.   “Since we started having ‘FunFest Fridays’ a few years again, it reactivated Wheeling Park in a way that people loved and appreciated so much, and that’s why every Friday between Memorial Day and Labor Day, the park will be filled with local families again who enjoy the live music, the food, and all of the other activities,” Janelsins explained. “We’ve addressed every area of the park, and this new play area is going to attract even more people. “There’s been an investment made with Good Lake with new paddle boats, and we’re going to address the concession stand there, too, and it’s all focused on our local residents,” he added. “These improvements will help make our community more attractive to folks looking to move here, and that’s one of the goals behind all of the improvements that have been made in the past five years or so.” Read the full article
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petty-crush · 2 months
“Resident evil 3” (2020)
What a glorious romp. Resident Evil 3 (henceforth RE3) starts with good times, adds more good times, and is over with pretty much nothing boring put into it. A remarkably focused and fun game.
This also means it’s pretty short. It’s kinda like a music EP, it sprints out the gate and never slows down. I consider it this a superb move, one that makes RE3 rather re-playable.
For the first time in the series, Resident Evil has a side character that is actually fun. In fact, those sections with Carlos are possibly the best parts of the game. Somehow they got “Contra” peanut butter in my Resident Evil chocolate.
There was never a moment playing with Ashley (Resident Evil 4), Ada or Sherry (Resident Evil 2 & RE2) or anyone else that was as fun as Carlos blasting away at the zombies with machine gun fire.
In fact I dare say I rather liked this part more than the entire play through of Leon or Claire in the preceding Resident Evil 2 (2019) remake, aka RE2. It’s a smooth update, almost like “Street Fighter 2 Turbo”.
A lot of this enjoyment was based on playing RE2 (which Carlos’ first section is based on) and knowing how I would want to blaze through the police station while still experiencing it in a new way. I even remembered the same safe combinations.
Mowing down zombies with machine guns in short sprint levels that are stilly moody and creepy is fun.
Jill’s sections are enjoyable as well, and here the RE3 team are trying new ideas.
I was compelled and thrown off kilter at the opening sequences in Jill’s apartment, entirely in first person perspective. It’s an unusual gambit but really drew me in.
I really enjoyed the jewel puzzle stand, where each new piece gives a different unlockable item. It makes it more fun to constantly return to it, knowing there are multiple rewards.
The puzzle pieces in general are pretty sparse, but this is a deliberate decision to increase the pacing of the game, and it completely works.
This also allows the personality of the game to shine through. The implication that the design of Mega man for the American nes release is a popular character in this universe is hysterical.
Other jolts of personality are the letters in the game (particularly the “love” letter about the sewer creatures, and their “character flaws”), the rolling of a certain head, and Carlos inflecting a nasally nerdy voice trying to fool the voice ID door code.
These moments underscore the decision of the game designers; this is more an action romp, of agreeable meat headiness. Of bravado charm.
Carlos himself is clearly based on Keanu Reeves’ John Wick and (to a lesser extent) Jill takes a grab from Milla Jovovich’s Alice in the Resident Evil film series.
Indeed, the shorter run time allowed the developers to fine tune the game and add their goofy humor.
I’ve mentioned this run time again not to complain, but to make clear this is a game that is more interested in fun, re-playability, and the utter lack of slogging through sections (first part RE2 mostly had, but was almost totally lacking concerning the 2nd and 3rd part).
This is a decision that comes from the top down. Even if many players will feel thwarted.
The biggest improvement between RE2 and RE3 is that the boss battles in the latter are excellent. Frequently surprising, often different, it is a series of challenges I look forward to setting new personal bests on.
I like Nemesis more than Mr X. His action figure type variants, with new weapons, are delightful.
X was good, but he largely only worked in tight spaces and was more annoying than scary after initial encounter. Since RE3 has a much bigger landscape it makes sense that this giant would be faster, can jump, use flamethrowers etc.
The enemies are in general all improvements over RE2. The sewer frogs do indeed have more personality than the clumps in RE2. The eyeball whips are more freaky than the garden bodies. The hunters, wow, what a sick bastard of an enemy.
The zombies are about equal, there is notably less body decay animation for them in RE3, but this is a decision based on having them in bigger numbers with more light. All is forgiven when the hospital hordes come battering in.
My few complaints are that the final form of nemesis is a step down (I’m over giant blobs as end bosses), there could be more impact weapons (shotguns, crossbows) in Carlos’ sections, and there are no extra modes.
The last part is somewhat mystifying considering RE2 had four mini scenarios and that engine execution was not half as fun as this one.
But in general this is a serious improvement over RE2. Honestly it’s more like a side story, as it compliments and fills in extra details to the environment of RE2, and contains none of the slog that is the back half of that game.
I’ve been advocating for short games with no filler for a while and here the bullseye is hit perfectly.
Nice to see the weapons and other rewards are unlockable through points. Why make a bazooka only for those who beat hardest difficulty in under 2 hours? What’s even the point then?
Though, again, why is there no infinite ammo for shotguns or explosion weapons below a bazooka, or weapons that are completely different than the main ones?
I loved the remix parts in Nightmare mode (the return of Brad was hilarious and shocking) but I kinda wished it was playable below that difficulty. A sewer frog leading a pack of dogs is awesome, why should I have to bust my hump to get there?
I’ve never played 1999/PS1 Resident Evil 3: nemesis (REM). Honestly doesn’t matter, this was a total blast. I’m sure that enthusiasts who know REM by heart were mad, but that’s not the entry point for me playing RE3.
Frankly I would much rather play 3 games exactly like this than remake a perfect game like resident evil 4.
Make them cheaper price wise and pump them out.
Maybe even with some dinosaurs in crisis…
Hell, have a whole game of nothing but Carlos doing short parallel missions.
Maybe one where he keeps running into Mr X but this time he can actually die and you get ammo for taking him out
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nicknumber · 5 months
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Ada Reeve as Lady Holyrood in Florodora
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skziinou · 7 months
Rangkuman Kejadian.
Poin-poin penting pada ledakan pertama.
1. Terjadi dua ledakan sekaligus di kawasan perumahan yang menyebabkan dua rumah di jalan ST. Rouselle No. 12 dan No. 22 terbakar. Dari ledakan ini, beberapa anggota keluarga dinyatakan meninggal dunia.
2. Pantauan dari CCTV, pelaku memakai kostum Ghost Rider dan meletakkan labu di depan kedua rumah tersebut, ia juga memancing para penghuni rumah untuk keluar yang bertepatan dengan ledakan itu terjadi.
3. Setelah ledakan tersebut, pelaku menghilang tanpa meninggalkan jejak.
4. Kemungkinan besar pelaku sudah menargetkan korban terlebih dahulu.
5. Ketika penyelidikan di tempat tengah berjalan, seorang wanita tua mendatangi dan memberikan informasi jika ia beberapa waktu lalu melihat seseorang dengan kostum Ghost Rider datang untuk mengantarkan pizza di sekitar rumah tersebut.
6. Gambaran pelaku menurut informasi yang didapatkan dari wanita tua tersebut adalah tinggi pelaku sekitar 180cm, memakai topeng untuk menutupi wajah, motor yang dikendarai tidak terpasang nomor polisi, dan restoran pizza tempat pelaku bekerja adalah PA's Pizza.
Poin-poin penting pada ledakan kedua.
1. Rai dan Atta melihat secara langsung bahwa pelaku menggunakan kostum yang sama, yaitu Ghost Rider. Sayangnya, mereka kehilangan jejak pelaku tersebut saat melakukan pengejaran.
2. Ledakan kali ini berada di ST. Rouselle No. 32.
3. Setelah pemeriksaan pegawai yang dilakukan oleh PA's Pizza kepada karyawannya, terdapat 2 laki-laki yang berkerja sebagai pengantar pizza, yaitu Raven Munoz dan Mark Reeves.
4. Mark Reeves memiliki rambut panjang, ia juga mengatakan bahwa pemakaian kostum Ghost Rider karena ia bekerja saat Halloween sehingga ia disuruh oleh atasan untuk memakai kostum ketika mengantar pizza.
5. Raven Munoz, memiliki rambut pendek, ia saat itu mengambil shift siang karena saat malam hari merupakan shift Mark untuk mengantar pizza.
6. Dari pernyataan wanita tua sebelumnya, bisa disimpulkan bahwa pelaku mengetahui cara agar penghuni rumah keluar, misalnya seperti salah mengirim pizza, atau mengatakan Trick or Treats ketika malam hari saat Halloween.
7. Ketiga korban meninggal pada ledakan di St. Rouselle merupakan orang yang pernah menjadi saksi di pengadilan yang dilaksanakan 6 tahun lalu atas kasus kebakaran gedung yang menyangkut regangnya puluhan nyawa penghuni gedung.
8. Pelaku kasus pembakaran gedung dihukum mati dan meninggalkan satu orang anak remaja laki-laki.
Poin penjelasan.
1. Adam Munoz, pelaku yang dihukum mati atas kasus kebakaran gedung 6 tahun yang lalu. Bukti-bukti kasus yang dikumpulkan menyatakan bahwa Adam tidak dapat dijadikan tersangka, tetapi para saksi bersikeras mengatakan bahwa Adam merupakan tersangka dari kasus yang menewaskan puluhan orang dari kebakaran gedung saat itu.
2. Korban dari kasus ledakan yang baru saja terjadi pernah menjadi saksi atas hukuman mati yang dijatuhkan kepada Adam Munoz.
3. Hakim Kevin Wagner merupakan orang yang mengurus kasus pembakaran gedung ternyata disuap oleh para saksi untuk tutup mulut dan menjadikan Adam Munoz sebagai tersangka. Hal ini dilakukan oleh para saksi agar anak-anak mereka —yang merupakan pelaku sebenarnya dari kejadian kebakaran tersebut— tidak terkena hukuman yang bisa merusak masa depan mereka.
Penjelasan tambahan dari Senior Manda.
1. Perayaan halloween depan rumah pasti banyak ornamen hantu, salah satu nya yg paling klasik ya jack o lantern.
2. Jenis jack o lantern ada yang menggunakan labu asli dan palsu, yg artian di dalam labu palsu itu hanya sebuah rangkaian lampu dan beban nya tidak seberat labu asli.
3. Penggunaan tangan sangat berpengaruh, bagaimana dia membawa labu tersebut tanpa jatuh saat berkendara, menaruhnya dengan mulus tanpa menjatuhkannya juga. (Dari clue ini, Mark bisa karena dia ambidexterity, Raven juga bisa karena pernah kerja jadi kuli proyek, sehingga tangannya kuat)
3. Motor sang ghost rider tidak memiliki plat polisi, sementara mereka masih mengantarkan pizza, biasanya kendaraan milik restoran "pasti" ada plat nya.
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1. Jika Mark menggantikan Raven, berati Raven berbohong saat mengatakan "Raven Munoz mengatakan dia melakukan pekerjaan Shift siang karena pada malam Haloween merupakan tugas pekerjaan dari Mark Reeves."
2. Pelaku (Adam Munoz) dihukum mati dan meninggalkan satu orang anak remaja laki-laki. Kalau kata google, "A teenager, or teen, is someone who is 13 to 19 years old." ini cocok sama umurnya Raven 6 tahun lalu yaitu 19.
Barang bukti:
1. Kostum Ghost Rider.
2. Rekaman CCTV setempat.
4. Informasi dari wanita tua disekitar TKP.
5. Berkas kasus 6 tahun lalu tentang kasus kebakaran gedung.
Terduga Kejahatan — Raven Munoz:
Pelaku ledakan memiliki hubungan kasus 6 tahun lalu dimana dia juga memiliki kaitan dengan kasus kebakaran gedung yang menewaskan puluhan orang, tetapi hukuman tersebut malah menimpa ayahnya sendiri dan menjadikan sang Ayah kambing hitam atas kejahatannya. Setelah kejadian 6 tahun lalu, Raven seumur hidupnya tidak pernah tidak merasa bersalah kepada ayahnya. Maka dari itu alasan Raven melakukannya adalah untuk membalas apa yang dilakukan semua orang terhadap dia dan ayahnya selama 6 tahun ini.
Bukti pendukungnya fisiknya mirip sama ciri-ciri yang disebutin nenek-nenek di cerita, dia gak punya keluarga buat ngerayain malam halloween makanya ambil shift siang, pernah jadi kuli proyek dan mengalami kecelakaan selama periode bekerja juga karena hidupnya susah karena bapaknya ditangkap dan dihukum habis-habisan.
Kuli proyek biasanya lebih teliti, apik, dan tau titik vital bangunan karena dia tau proses bikin bangunannya gimana.
Raven Munoz, salah satu bagian dari sekelompok remaja yang memainkan petasan mengakibatkan terbakarnya gedung serta meninggalnya puluhan orang di kejadian 6 tahun lalu tidak terima dengan perilaku para saksi palsu —yaitu korban ledakan— yang menjadikan ayahnya sebagai kambing hitam untuk menutupi kesalahan para pelaku sebenarnya. Dengan para korban yang memberi suap kepada hakim, ia menaruh dendam karena melihat pelaku lainnya hidup dengan tenang bersama keluarganya sedangkan ia hidup sendirian. Oleh karena itu, Raven bertekad untuk balas dendam pada keluarga Miller, keluarga Morgan, dan keluarga Jason dengan memperhatikan kehidupan mereka terlebih dahulu sebelum memasang labu yang meledakkan kediaman mereka.
After Case:
Akhirnya setelah 6 tahun hidup dalam kesusahan dan fitnah kali ini Raven bisa hidup dengan tenang karena nama Ayahnya yaitu Adam Munoz sudah di bersihkan dan Jaksa keji yang membuat hidupnya hancur juga sudah mendapatkan hukumannya.
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