#adhd memory
laestoica · 2 years
The two ADHD moods:
I can't do it.
I can't stop doing it.
The two types of ADHD time:
Not now.
The two ADHD memory modes:
I literally cannot recall the words that just came out of my mouth.
I can recite the opening paragraph of every single magic treehouse book.
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thatadhdmood · 1 year
adhd is hunting desperately for ur earbuds then suddenly remembering you put them in your hat when u sat down hours ago for "safe keeping" and then realising ur wearing ur hat and ur earbuds r under ur hat on top of ur damn head
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mrs-prentiss · 9 months
I love my ADHD because my memories so bad that when i go back and “reread” fanfictions i’m just as surprised by the fanfic the second or third time around because i forgot it all it’s like a constant new update
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k-dhd · 2 years
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panic-sl0th · 1 year
Mmmm, etch a sketch brain
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I didn't post much during my time on Reddit, mostly only a few memes about having ADHD. I'll just leave them here ^_^
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audhdnight · 7 months
Got muted in three of my Facebook groups this week alone for pointing out ableism because they call it “armchair diagnosis”.
Like bro I didn’t say “this person definitely has pda profile autism” I said “it’s ableist to moan incessantly about how gross it is when people don’t brush their teeth and how disgusting people who struggle with hygiene are, whether this person has a causal condition or not”.
I have since left all three groups because FUCK THAT but also one woman responded to my comment simply saying “yeah as someone who struggles with hygiene I probably shouldn’t have read these comments” and THAT is exactly who I’m speaking up for. I am so sick of getting silenced for defending my own fucking community.
For context: the group I’m specifically referencing in the above example is dedicated to making fun of the trash men who send unsolicited pics and get really really upset when you aren’t impressed. Someone shared a post in that group where a woman told a man she would expect him to brush his teeth multiple times a day, and his response was, verbatim: “That doesn’t work for me. I suggest you find someone you think is better than me. Good luck.”
Like… that’s not even what this group is for??? He said they didn’t click, respectfully cut contact, and wished her well?? He wasn’t even rude! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM WITH ANY OF WHAT HE SAID??????
And everyone was in the comments with puke emojis and saying things like “no one should have to ask for basic hygiene” or “there is no excuse for this” or “men are so fucking disgusting”. Like hello casual ableism? Also, men are not the only ones who could struggle with caring for themselves. There are SO. MANY. reasons someone might not brush their teeth often. I personally have a hard time with it because with my adhd I genuinely just forget and with my autism the sensory experience can be a LOT so it’s hard to make myself do it on the rare occasions when I do remember. And I’m definitely not a man, cis or otherwise.
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fifteen-yemen-road · 1 year
having adhd is like that feeling when you walk into a room and can’t remember what you went in there for, except it’s almost constant
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miggymagic · 1 year
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The amount of times I’ve entered a room with an objective in mind and just…forgot it instantaneously…it’s astounding. 😅
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laestoica · 2 years
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bbybearcubbs · 8 months
"But that's not how it happened" you said, disbelief in your tone
"Tell me how it happened then." they reply
"I can't remember how it happened but I know it wasn't like that" you chuckle dryly. They're doing it again
"Oh so you conveniently can't remember now?" They cross their arms, disbelief on their face
"I don't forget things on purpose." You cross yours. Shit not again...please not again...
"Just like you don't choose to forget doing all the important things you need to do to make my life easier right?" They step closer. Raising their voice louder.
You hated when they raised their voice.
"I don't choose to forget!" You shout in desperation that they'll listen.
"Don't raise your voice at me. Fix your face, you're acting like I told you something wrong-"
"But you're not listening to me!" You say stronger this time, trying not to shout.
"No you're not listening to me! You actively forgot to-"
"I didn't forget on purpose!" You plead "I don't do it on purpose! I just forget sometimes! Maybe to often but it's not my fault! I don't do it on purpose!" Your eyes are tearful but no water was spilled yet. Why couldn't you defend yourself without crying?
"Why are you crying? You have no reason to be crying right now" They crossed their arms again. Looking at you dead in your face.
You take a deep breath in and then a deep breath you. Clenching and unclenching your fists. You blink back the tears and try to swallow the lump in your throat that seems to have grown bigger since last time. Don't fight it. It always ends the same so why do you even try? Just accept it. If they say you did it on purpose maybe you did. Maybe you just convinced yourself you didn't.
"Fine...you're right, whatever. I forgot on purpose 'cause I didn't wanna do it in the first place" You mumble. Your head hangs low at first but you raise it and look at them straight in the face. Deadpanned. No anger, no sadness. You just look at them.
"I don't know why you make us go through this every single time..." They begin to rant.
You've gotten used to drowning them out. You watch them pace up and down. Mixing the words they speak with the voices in your head. You try your best to make them as quiet as possible and pick out a random quote from one of your comfort people amidst the hurricane in your head. You feel your lips twitch as you stop yourself from smiling. This is what you've come too. But it's okay. You can hold out just a little bit longer.
They finally shut up. They say to go. Just leave. So you do. You go to your room, climb onto your bed and pull out your phone. Your plan was to watch your favorite people do silly things and the things they love online but before you can even unlock your phone you realize you're smiling. They won't help you right now. Any emotion you try to feel is going to feel like it's squeezing at your heart. Your chest already hurts. Maybe you should just sleep. The emptiness will be gone when you wake up and you'll be okay again. Probably. Like usual.
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nothisisbirdess · 1 year
Me: I don't need to write it down, I'll remember it later.
ADHD: She did not, in fact, remember it later.
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popfishjr · 1 year
Snuck out of my house because it was raining and I felt like it and I came back soaking wet but extremely happy and i blowdried all my clothes with a hairdryer and then i couldn't find my glasses that I'm pretty sure I had a few seconds ago then now I'm freaking out because I can't watch Supernatural on my TV without my glasses and I searched everywhere but they're nowhere and I feel so sleepy because everythung's blurry and WHERR THE FUCK ARE MY GLASSES
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crystalpine49 · 2 years
Attempting to take my meds in the morning while not on my meds is the equivalent of the “trying to make coffee without coffee” meme
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EDIT: you’re all wonderful, you found it!
Ok look. I give up. I read chapter one of a byler fic last week. I can’t remember the name of it or find it ANYWHERE. And literally all I remember is a) I liked it, b) it ended with Will and Mike getting interrupted by Nancy coming into the library and saying “we’ve got something” and c) I may have dreamed this. Also I left a cheeky note on it instead of reblogging it because I’m an eejit.
Can someone please identify your fic, I’m going insane?
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audhdnight · 9 months
Me, adhd as fuck: I’ll definitely remember to take my meds tomorrow
My partner, also adhd as fuck: if you forget I’ll remind you
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