#adult dewey
tealottie · 1 month
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Magma Board doodles that I'll probably never turn into full drawings
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pokesil22-art · 1 year
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I decided to make adult designs of the triplets in my deljim au, I started with Dewey because I already had the idea.
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painted-piethon · 2 months
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I’ve been rewatching dwd91 and dt17 lately. I found that this version of drake and launchpad really sweet.
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ducktoonsfanart · 2 months
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Adult Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck as astronauts as Apolo 11 Crew (Neil Armstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins) - Space Race - Ducktales 2017 - Ducktales in Space
Since I drew Donald Duck as Yuri Gagarin and Della Duck as Valentina Tereshkova as the first men in space, then the parallel of the first men on the moon could have something to do with Huey, Dewey and Louie from Ducktales 2017. And I drew the three of them as Apollo 11 astronauts who were the first to walk on the moon (allegedly), but here they are no longer children, but adults. I don't usually draw adult Huey, Dewey and Louie, so this is my first time doing it and I did it with the Ducktales 2017 version, but in my own style. Yes, I redraw the poses of astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins who led the Apollo 11 crew in the Saturn V rocket from July 16 to July 24, 1969, with July 20 and 21 being Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon and were the first people to walk on the moon and brought great pride to the USA and to all mankind.
And this is where Huey, Dewey and Louie grew up, playing the role of the Apollo 11 crew and who will be the first ducks to walk on the moon. Yes, although they are different, they all together have their tasks in space. Huey as an explorer of new unknown frontiers and a scientist, Dewey as a pilot and coordinator and Louie as a businessman who finances it all, but they are all astronauts together. Like like their mother and like their uncle. And they are in spacesuits (Apollo/Skylab spacesuit) which are mostly white, but I colored some parts according to them.
"Look to the stars my darling baby boys Life is strange and vast Filled with wonders and joys Face each new sun with eyes clear and true Unafraid of the unknown Because I'll face it all with you" - a lullaby from their mother Della Duck.
Also this song about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1qQuSuQaHY
I hope you like this drawing and this idea. Also this is my gift to @ducksinspaceadventure , who asked for this. Also happy belated birthday to Huey, Dewey and Louie and may the guiding stars guide them to endless adventure and their destination! It's a small step for ducklings, but a big one for humanity, that is, for ducks. Feel like and reblog this!
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paw-present · 1 year
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Full versions of stuff I’ve posted before. A lot of doobles!
Bonus late night Huey:
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greengrossers · 9 days
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paprikaries · 2 years
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Trick or treat Huey_Louie_Dewey - Adult version Happy Halloween everyone! : D Okay, I made this drawing today as fast as possible, so it's sketchy, but I'm pretty happy with the result, so I've decided to post it anyway! I missed these guys. It's been a long time since I've made something about them, so I think it's a good choice to dedicate this Halloween to Huey, Louie and Dewey. Hope you like it! :D
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distantsonata · 4 months
i had a dream that malcolm, reese and dewey went to chuck.e cheese on a field trip, but the chucke cheese lady in the outfit was a murderer, so the kids kept disappearing 1 by 1 talking to the lady, and eventually, Dewey fucking snaps and starts killing the kids making him mad (like I have a vivid memory of him shoving a steel pipe through one of the kids chests because he was being annoying and Malcolm and Reese were like D: holy shit), and Malcolm, being the actual smart idiot he is, is the last one to get taken by the lady. bc he never realizes who is doing what and walks straight up to her and talks to her at the end of the episode. I don't know what happened to Reese I didn't see him a lot but I like to think he's fine
I don't dream often but every now and again I have one and it makes me think. why the fuck did I dream about that
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jillyb2004 · 1 year
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Day 20: Toys
Based on the second image from The PowerPuff Girls 1998
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the-wormwormworm · 17 days
John Dewey: Education Learning Series
John Dewey: Education Learning Series #FOANed #adultlearner #nurseeducator #nursing #Dewey
John Dewey: Education Learning Series Presentation Download
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tealottie · 1 month
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melissa is meant to be signing to dewey, but it kinda just looks like shes also whispering
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arkhmlcst · 1 year
father’s day. a look into the past.
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she’s got a broken crayon and her tongue sticking out of her mouth, doodling away on a paper like the little artist she wanted to be.
— he is going to be so proud of you. one circle. two biiiig ovals. a smaller oval inside each. a triangle for a nose and two sparkly eyes. he’s going to show everyone what you’ve drawn.
trapezoid for the body. three big lines indicating hairs on the forehead. circles for feet. two lines to separate the toes.
— a darling bunny rabbit. don’t forget his bowtie.
she then begins work on the smaller bunny. a circle for the head. two big ovals for the ears. two smaller ovals for the- oh. she had drawn outside of the line.
— that’s alright. nobodies perfect.
a trapezoid for the body. no, she’s a girl. make it a …triangle. …oh. now it looks silly. scribbling on the page now, maybe out of frustration. you aren’t perfect. her face reddens, the crayon breaking further from the pressure she’s put on the paper. she’s frantically scribbling all over the smaller bunny. but now she’s gone and ruined the bigger bunny too.
— you’ve ruined it. you’ve ruined your drawing.
silhouette at the doorway. her head snaps to see who it is, her hands fumbling to crumple up the paper and hide it.
…she can’t show him this. not a word was spoken between them and yet she fell to the floor, crying. shaking like a pound puppy. she maybe got a scowl out of him, before he closed the door and turned the lock.
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writebackatya · 29 days
Beakley: grrr you need to step up and be a more responsible parent and discipline your children!
Della: fuck off, I’ve been gone for years and right now my kids need to see me as their friend!
Louie: surely this get rich quick scheme that I refuse to tell any responsible adult about won’t blow up in my face!
Launchpad: There are a lot of moral and gray areas in this adventure that I must ponder over!
Gyro: What the fuck!? Someone broke into my lab and stole my shit, again!!
Scrooge: There are Spanish Freedom Fighters on the roof!! Wait, they might be French!
Dewey and Webby:
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stephstars08 · 1 year
Ethan Landry x Reader
Summary: Y/N Riley is the only child of Gale Weathers and Dewey Riley. Y/N is living in New York with her friends Sam, Tara, Chad, and Mindy who she met a year prior in Woodsboro. The thing they all have in common is that they survived the last Ghostface killings. Y/N is still reliving the killings due to the trauma she suffered from her father’s death. The one person that has been helping her through it is Chad’s roommate who goes by the name of Ethan Landry. Everything seems to be going great for this group till the return of Ghostface who isn’t just targeting Sam and Tara but are also targeting Y/N. Who will be the one behind the mask this time? Will Y/N lose trust in the boy who has helped her through so much? Find out in Still Alive!
Story Inspired By: Still Alive by Demi Lovato
Warnings: Adult Language, Past/Present Trauma, Nightmares, Violence, Blood, Parent Issues, Fighting, Alcohol, Death/Murder, Angst but also Fluff, Anxiety, Weapons, Trust Issues, Characters getting attacked, Mental Breakdowns, and Death Threats. Maybe some Plot Holes and Grammar Errors.
*Each Chapter will have there own individual warnings!*
Author’s Note: Hello new readers! This is my first Scream series so I am so excited to be sharing it with you all. I’ve mentioned this before but this book does follow Scream VI but I did make changes like I added new scenes and a completely different ending! Yes, I do have some scenes and lines from the movie but I also kinda made something of my own. Their may be some plot holes and if there is don’t be afraid to ask questions! This story mainly surrounds the reader and Ethan! When I watched this film I just fell in love with his character and Jack Champion is so adorable so how could I not write something. Anyways I hope everyone enjoys this story since I really fell in love while writing it!
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
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paw-present · 1 year
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I was doing some Della studies.
Because I want to draw her better…
…anddd because I wanted draw the adult triplets more accurate…
I drew ✨ them ✨
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baby-alien11 · 11 months
Could you do a headcanon with Ethan Landry and Carpenter!reader (I love love ur fics btw)
hiii, thank you so much for the love
I hope you like how I interpretate your idea, for this I wanted to do it with gf ethan because when you sent the idea my mind started to flow with reader reaction during the act three
credits to CZsWorld and his video of 156 Things You Missed on Scream VI because it helped me to write a part of the shrine
being a Carpenter and dating Ethan Landry
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Since your older sister left the house due to a fight with your mom, you and Tara stayed together
Due to Tara being the oldest by a year, she was the one that took care of you when your mom was on a work trip
Like the one that changed everyone lives with the return of ghostface
That night while you and Tara were preparing dinner, she answered a call that seemed innocent and some prank at the beggining, but the moment it turned threatening, Tara instructed you to run towards the second floor and call the police
Even if you wanted to stay with her, she was quick to push you to the second floor
While you were in there calling the police, you cried hearing how your sister was being attacked, finally getting down the moment you heard the police on the first floor
During the whole night at the hospital, you spend it answering the police questions and waiting in Tara's room unable to sleep
The arrive of Sam along with her boyfriend was a relief to you because having your older sister meant someone to take care of both of you
But the killings didn't stopped, ending in loosing Wes, sheriff Judy and Dewey; and you, Tara and Richie were attacked at the hospital, leaving you with a medium scar in your thigh and a small one in your back
Deciding that leaving the city was the best for yours and Tara security, Sam took the decision to move to Modesto where she and Richie lived
Unfortunately, Tara didn't had her inhaler with her and the replace was at Amber's house
Hell broke in there because of the reveal of Amber as the murder when she shot Liv on the head, and then Richie when he stabbed Sam
So, after a long night that ended up in you, Sam, Tara, Chad, Mindy and Sidney and Gale, the OG's, injured, the killing spree was over
Since your mom ignored Sam after she told you and Tara the truth about her biological father, you felt bad for her because she did everything to protect both of you
So you started to hang out more with her to recover the lost time
After Tara and the twins finished high school, they decided to go to Blackmore University in New York, along with you since you mannaged to finish your last year online
Sam also went with the four of you to keep an eye on both of you, which Tara didn't like
While Tara decided that the best way to cope with the situation was forgetting what happened and try to live her life as a normal young adult, you got closer to Sam because you felt safe with her
Renting an apartment close to the university, the three of you manage to get a roommate named Quinn to share the costs of living there, who was the daughter of a detective
Meanwhile, Chad and Mindy stayed in the dorms
That's how you and Ethan met
He was a little shy and quiet, and that's what you liked of him, also how he was sweet, nice and caring with you
So, after three months of knowing each other, you and Ethan started a relationship
But before he had a small interrogative by Sam, Tara, Mindy and Chad
Ethan was basically the perfect boyfriend
He listen to everything you said, took notice of small mannerisms you use to do, remember everything you liked, help you with your homework or school projects, almost every morning got your favourite drink from your favourite cafeteria or your favourite snacks, give you gifts on random days
Taking you to dates to dinner, to the movies, to the theater, etc
You trusted him enough to tell him what happened last year
When Halloween was around the corner and a frathernity was organizing a party where all the friend group planned to go, Sam didn't let you and Tara go
"What about we stay in your department or in my dorm and have a movie night?", Ethan suggested while walking around campus
"Oh, we're going to that party", you exclaimed
"I thought Sam forbidden you and Tara to go to the party"
"She did, but she also has her therapy session that night, so we are going to scape the apartment, and Quinn already said she will cover us, anyway, what are you going to use as a costume?"
"I was thinking about the cardboard knight costume of Murder Party"
"Sounds interesting! I might be using something similar so that way we can be complementing each other"
"I like that idea", Ethan smiled leaning over to give you a kiss that you acepted with a smile
After an emergency go out shopping with Tara, both of you got your costumes
The night of the party, the moment Sam anounced she was going, you and Tara were getting ready to leave for the party
While Tara dressed as a pirate, you chose to be a princess, with your outfit that consisted in a short pink dress with silver platform ankle boots and a tiara with your hair in small waves
A few minutes after Sam left the building, you and Tara practically run towards the campus which wasn't so far
Arriving at the frat house, you were quick to glue to Ethan and Chad while Tara stayed with her friends but still been supervised by Mindy and Anika
Things were normal for a few hours, except for the people dressed as ghostface, until Tara got into little trouble
"Hey, big guy, you're needed", Anika called, "You too little Carpenter"
Knowing it was about Tara, all of you ran towards the stairs where a drunk Tara was going to the second floor with a random guy
"Hey partner!", Chad called getting their attention, "Tara's good down here"
"Sorry, bro, I didn't catch that", the random guy said
"Yeah, you did", Chad laughed sarcastically
"Tara, what if we go to get some shots", you tried to convince her to stay, "A fun contest between sisters"
"Chad, Y/N, it's fine", Tara said getting down from some stairs, "I want to"
"No, you don't", you continue to try, "Just stay here with us, please"
"Yeah, see, Chad?", the creepy guy intervined, "She wants to, Y/N can come too, to have more fun"
"Don't talk to her", Ethan intervined steping closer to you
Taking Tara by the arm with strength causing her to fall at what Chad was quick to pull him to the first floor and start a small fight, while you kneeled next to Tara to help her
Things started to get violent, until Sam arrived tasing the creepy guy in the balls leaving him in the floor, but Tara wasn't happy to see her sister there, so she was quick to leave the party with Sam and the rest of you following close
"Tara, will you stop?", Sam demanded walking behind her
"I cannot believe you did that! You embarrased me", Tara yelled
"That guy was a dick", Sam yelled in response, "He was gonna take advantage of you"
"You did not say that!", you intervined getting closer to them
"If I want to hook up with an asshole, that's my decision! It's my decision", Tara exclaimed, "It's not about you! You're out of mine and Y/N lives for five years, and then you can't leave us alone for five minutes"
"Hey! I'm happy to have Sam around us", you said standing by their side
"Because you're not dealing with what happened to us, Y/N has gone with me sometimes with my therapist to talk about it, have you even gone to see the counselor once?"
"No, I'm not going to"
"Why not?", Sam asked
"Because I'm uninterested in living in the past like you are"
"What's that supposed to mean?", Sam questioned a little shocked
"Guys, come on", Chad tried to stop the discussion but it didn't work
"It means I'm not gonna let what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life", Tara explained
"So you're just gonna pretend it never happened", Sam concluded
"What are you doing here, Sam? In New York", Tara sighed, "You're working two shitty jobs to help with rent, whatever, but what's your plan? I know what I'm gonna do, okay? Because I'm gonna keep going to college, I'm gonna get my degree, and I'm gonna live my life"
"I was the one who told Sam about our plans to move here", you revealed surprising her, "And convinced her to come with us"
"Why did you do that?", Tara questioned
"Because I feel safer with her around", you exclaimed
"Are you fucking serious?", Tara yelled, "She is here breathing in our necks because of you?"
"Exactly", you responded in the same way, "You're welcome"
"I'm just trying to look out for you", Sam spoke looking at the both of you
"I know you are", Tara sighed more calmed, "You can't do it for the rest of my life, though, you have to let me go, you have to let us go"
But before Sam could say anything, a group of random girls throw a drink towards her accusing her to be a murderer
Arriving at the apartment Tara was quick to enter her room while you did the same to change into your pajamas that consisted in an oversized shirt and biker shorts and to return to the living room where the rest was and sit with Ethan in the one-person couch
Watching the news, they anounced that there was a multiple murder that night alerting everyone because ghostsface masks were involved
Of course the instant reaction of Sam towards that was to you and Tara to pack your things to move, but of course both of you refused
Getting a call from detective Bailey, Sam started to make her way to the police station, at what you and Tara decided to follow her
But Ghostface apeared threatening to kill the three of you, ending up in a tense scene in the bodega close to the apartment, fortunately getting alive from there
So, after being in the police station all night, meeting Kirby Reed and knowing by Gale that Sidney decided to not intervined and go away, which the three of you understand
After changing clothes and being a little more calmed and reuniting with the others, all of you decided to have a little reunion to discuss the situation
"Okay, nerds, listen up!", Mindy started with her monologue, "As terrifying as this all is, I’m actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time, the way I see it, someone is out making a sequel to the requel?"
"What's a requel?", Anika asked
"You'are beautiful sweetie, let's hold questions to the end", Mindy responded
"Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro, Stab 2 took place in college", Sam reminded
"So the killer is trying to copy the movies?", Tara suggested
"That is one posibility", Mindy nodded, "Heroes now in college, check, suspicious new characters brought into to add to the suspect list and our body count, check, check and check"
"I don't like this", Ethan murmured at what you sitting by his side took his hand in yours
"But it can't be just about Stab 2"
"Why not?", Tara frowned at Mindy comment
"It make sense if this just a sequel, but we are not in a sequel, because no one does sequels anymore, we're in a franchise!", Mindy exclaimed, "And there are certain rules to in a continuing franchise, rule one: everything is bigger than last time, bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chasings, shoot outs, beheadings, you've got to duplicate everything to make people keep coming back; rule two: whatever happen last time expect the opposite, franchises only survive by suberting expectations, if the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be though here; and rule three: no one is safe, legacy characters are expandable at this point, usually brought back only to be killed of in some cheap bit of nostalgia, it's not looking too good for Gale and Kirby, and that's not even the worst part"
"This is the part were she tells us the worst part", Chad said writting in his notebook
"The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic stallments designed to boost an IP, which means, main characters are completely expandable too, Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Ellen Ripley, Sally Hardessy, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond, even Luke Skywalker, all died so their franchises could live on, that means it's not just us friend group, any of us could go at anytime, specially Sam, Tara and Y/N"
"Wait, wait, wait", Ethan spoke, "Any of us? Am I in the friend group?Am I like one of the targets? Am I gonna die a virgin?"
"You're not a virgin", you exclaimed turning to look him while frowning, "And we both know it"
"That was a weird and gross overshare", Mindy interrupted, "But that bring us to our current suspects, Ethan, the shy dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky"
"Wait, why am I on the suspect list? Because I randomly Chad's roommate and Y/N and I are dating?"
"Rommate lotteries can be juked, you could've fix it to be next to us, and that also applies to your relationship with Y/N; Quinn, the slutty roommate, a horror movie classic"
"Sex positive, but, thank you?"
"Hmm, how did you come up to live with Sam, Tara and Y/N?", Mindy asked
"I answered their add online"
"Okay, say no more, you already implicated yourself enough"
"It was an anonymous add, Mindy", Tara said, "And you know we vetted her, plus her dad is a cop"
"And that makes her more likely that she is the killer, because having a cop dad is a great cover, you don't remeber how this movies work, Tara?!
"Is she always like this?", Quinn asked at what Sam nodded
"And finally, Anika, never trust the love interest, that also goes to you, Y/N"
For the rest of the day, all of you tried to stay together or in pairs, untill the night were everyone will be having a sleepover at the appartment, but Ethan couldn't go because he had econ that night
Things started normal at first, until Danny, the cute neighboor and Sam's boyfriend airdroped a photo in which the scene of Quinn being stabbed by ghostface in her room followed by screams and hits inside her room, and then a creepy silence was enough to run towards her door
Hell was released when the dead body of Quinn was thrown out of the room towards the group landing on Anika
In a reflex move, Chad took Tara's hand who took you by your arm dragging the three of you to the entrance door to scape, but leaving the rest inside, but relazing that the rest were still inside the three of you tried to enter again but all of your keys were inside
The next morning, Ethan arrived at the scene instantly being interrogated by Chad about where he was last night, at what he said that he was at econ, just what he told you the day before
After everyone was more calmed, Gale lead the group to a old theater that now was a shrine dedicated to ghostface and the Stab franchise, from some posters to all of the ghostface robes, everything was there, except the masks
Coming out with a plan to catch ghostface in broad daylight and in a public space, you along with your sisters put yourselves as the bait while the others wait in the van where Kirby will be tracking the origin of the call
Unfortunately, the call was track down in the same appartment building where Gale lives, making the three of you to "steal" Wayne's police car and drive towards there, arriving when she was laying on the floor with life threatening injuries but alive
Another plan was made: catching ghostface in the shrine and traveling in group
Arriving at the subway, and due to the crowd station because of Halloween, the group got separated in two, with you, Sam, Tara, Chad and Danny in a train, and Mindy and Ethan waiting for the next one
Being the first ones to arrive at the shrine and leaving Danny outside, Tara and Chad went to the snack bar, while you stayed with Sam, trying to contact Ethan or Mindy but none of them responded
Being there, you just took a seat in the steps of the stage watching how Sam took the old knife that once belonged to her father
"Should I grab a knife too?", you asked getting her attention
"Only for security", Sam nodded
Walking a little, you watched the collection until you stopped in front of a display where a draw of Richie's death was along with a knife covered in blood, so you opened it to take the knife and hide it in the back of your jeans
Things went down quickly when Sam recieved a call from detective Bailey warning about Kirby being ghostface due to being to affected by the Woodsboro 2011 masacre
Running to get Chad and Tara, they informed that ghostface was there and where attacked by him, so a persecution in the whole theater started, realizing that they were two of them when Chad was stabbed multiple times by them leaving him in the floor
Keeping running and dragging Tara, the three of you returned to the central part of the shrine only to being circled by the two ghostface at what Sam took some brick from the floor to defend yourselves
But the son-to-be fight was interrupted by a injured but alive Kirby who started shooting at the masked killers
When detective Bailey arrived, in a unexpected move, he shot Kirby while the two ghostfaces
"Great job, both of you", Wayne praised his two partners leaving the three of you shocked
"You?", Tara asked in shock
"Yeah, of course me", Wayne responded, "Frankly, I expected more from the three of you after what you did to us"
"What do you mean, 'us'?", Tara asked again
The moment you saw the face of one of the ghostface you felt like something broke inside of you, most exactly your heart
Sensing how you must be feeling, Sam was quick to hold one of your hands
"Mindy was right", Ethan laughed, "It was easy to juke the roommate lottery, all I had to do to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha literally named Chad, fuck it felt good to kill him! And Y/n, you were never part of the plan, but we kinda connected, so being in a relationship with you was even better for this"
"Fuck you", was the only thing that was able to come out of your mouth at that moment
"This was your grandmother's, Sam", Ethan continued pointing at the mask, "Nancy Loomis, really runs in the fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family...wait for it, my name's not Ethan Landry, is it, dad?"
"Well, that explains why I never met your parents", you commented with your arms crossed, "Wait a second, if you are father and son, that means Quinn was also part of your family, and most probably knew the twisted plan, and she was "killed" last night, or it was all fake, am I right?"
"I told you she has a great mind", Ethan murmured to his father while the other ghostface took their mask out
"Hey, roomies", Quinn sing softly, "You didn't see that coming, did you?"
"Yeah, because you died!", Tara exclaimed
"Kind of didn't, though", Quinn said, "It was a good way to get off the suspect list, stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train, that sort of things"
"Yep, and I just made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one", Wayne explained like it was a normal thing, "Little fake blood, a prosthetic, you'd be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with"
"I got Stu Macher's mask", Quinn spoke now being at one side behind some displays, "He was my favorite"
"Nice, that's number three", Wayne continued refering to the masks, That's two, which leaves your father's, this is what we've been counting down to, Sam, I'm gonna need you to put it on"
"Fuck you!", Sam yelled throwing the mask away
That action made Ethan slash Sam's arm scaring you and Tara more
"What? What is this? You did this as a family?", Sam interrogated
"Hell yeah, bitch!", Quinn screamed getting closer to the three of you, "You should know better than anyone"
"They're still not getting it", Ethan giggled
"I don't know what you believe, but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro", Sam said with desesperation, "It wasn't me!"
"We know that", Wayne spoke again, "Of course you didn't, you think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory? Come on, who do you think started the rumors about you in first place?"
"Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain?", Quinn mocked, "How easy it is to convice the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?"
"Because it's not enough to just kill someone these days", Ethan continued, "You have to assassinate their character first, so when dad here "discovers" your horribly mutilated bodies posed with Sam wearing her father's mask, he'll say some poor bastard read on the internet that you're the real ghostface and took matters into their own deluded hands"
"Exactly! That's why it's the perfect alibi", Wayne exclaimed, "All the best lies are based on the truth, and you're a killer, just like your father"
"No, I'm not!", Sam denied
"Yes, you are, you motherfucker!", Quinn yelled, "You killed our brother!"
"What are you talking about?", Sam questioned
"You said your brother died in a car accident", Tara reminded
"No, no no, you sweet, dumb thing", Ethan spoke again, "He died in Woodsboro at the hands of your bitch sister"
"Wait a second", you said finally realizing everything, "Curly and kinda light hair, light colored eyes, Richie was your son and sibling"
"Yeah", Wayne nodded
Slightly turning around, Sam recieved a quick stab near her chest by Ethan, which made the three of you to try to scape but again you were circled
"Now! It wasn't until I saw that photograph of what you'd actually done to him that I knew, that I knew you had to fucking die! You had to be punished! Along with anyone else who stands in our way", Wayne continued to yell
"There she is", Quinn murmured with her knife against Sam's throat noticing the look in her eyes, "There's the fucking killer"
"Great parenting job, by the way", Tara commented at what you snorted
"Shut your whore fucking mouth!", Quinn screamed pushing the three of you to the center of the space
"Have I been a perfect dad? No", Wayne proceeded, "Have I maybe overindulged Richie's love of these little movies? Yeah, maybe, for me, they're just a little dark, but...Richie really loved them, he loved them! He even made a few of his own"
In the screen on the scenary, one of Richie's home made movies was playing while Wayne started to climb the stairs
"There's a very special bond between a father and his first son"
Hearing that phrase, you turn your head to look at your psycho boyfriend with pity at what he shared a look with you that demostrated a little bit of pain, but he hide it quickly pointing his knife at you, making you return your attention to the stage
"Which is why I helped him build this collection"
"This was all his?", Sam asked
"Yes, he's a very passionate collector, and he inspired others, we had to kill those two wannabe film students because, well, we had to do kill you first, Sam, I put the theater in their name, then good old detective Bailey would've just stumble on it, but I didn't have to because, by golly, that Gale Weathers is one hell of a journalist, I built a tribute to my son, which is why this is where you have to die, Sam, surrounded by the things he loved the most"
"What happens next? After you're done with us you just disappear?"
"No! We got to hurry over the hospital and make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through, because everybody dies, Sam! Everyone who had anything to do with the death of my son suffers and dies, now put on the mask"
"He was so pathetic", Sam sighed
"That's not true", Wayne suttered
"Yeah, your son, he was a man-baby who made his girlfriend do all the killing"
"He was a strong, virile young man", Wayne insisted slightly trembling
"He was a limp-dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat"
With that last phrase, hell got loose because Quinn angry for hearing those words of her late brother loose control running towards the three of you which caused to you and Tara to hit her with the blocks, running towards a stairs thanks to a distraction by a very alive Kirby who shoot at Wayne
Stopping for a second, you turn to look at Sam stabbing Ethan repeatedly in the chest and shoulder, before following Tara on the stairs to the second floor, at what you were quick to grab your knife from your jeans
Once Sam was by your side, the three of you started to walk in the little to no space being careful to not fall
Until a bullet hit where you were passing, causing you to almost fall if it wasn't for your sisters holding your hands
"Guys, I'm sliping", you said with desesperation
"We got you", Tara tried to reassure you
"It's okay", Sam continued
But even with both strenghts combined you were still sliping because the blood on their hands, even worse when Ethan was under you waving his knife at your feet
"Come here so we can play like we like to, Y/N", Ethan mocked
"Fucking psycho!", you yelled, "And I'm breaking up with you!"
"Fuck you! You guys are so fucked now"
Noticing how Quinn with her face all bloody and a few teeths gone was aproaching the three of you, Tara was quick to give a solution
"Sam, we have to let her go"
"No", Sam denied
"Sam, please", you pleaded understanding the plan, "It's the only way, please, let me go"
"We have to let her go"
Trusting in both of you and making sure you got your knife in your hand, Sam and Tara let go your hands to take care of Quinn
Falling to the first floor, you landed in front of Ethan who was quick to stab you in the stomach
"Gotcha!", Ethan smiled with pure evil
Taking advantage of his open mouth to return the stab in his throat leaving him surprised by that action, but still looking you in the eyes
"At least you won't die a virgin, my love", you said in a low voice twisting the knife, "By the way, this is the knife that killed your brother"
With that last sentence you pulled the knife feeling the blood combined with saliva splashed in your face and upper body from your psycho now ex boyfriend at the same time his body fell on the ground
Almost a few seconds later of your first kill, a gunshot along with screams sounded on the shrine, next to the scene of Sam and Wayne falling into a glass display
Thankfuly you and Tara managed to wake her up and make a plan to finish the situation
So while Sam will be using her father's robe and mask to kill him, you and Tara will be doing an old fashioned ghostface call from her phone
Fortunately, Wayne fell into the trap, ending in Sam stabing him multiple times, finishing him with a stab on the eye
After a jumpscare of Ethan which ended in Kirby trowing a TV in his head to kill him, Danny arriving with the police and the core five reunited and alive, hell was over
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