#ais has a heckin' frustrate
ageless-aislynn · 3 months
I legit thought my computer was going to explode a few minutes ago. The Nvidia card made a sound like it had been literally kicked in the nuts into high gear. Everything froze. Then all 3 sets of considerable fans in the case blasted on. Hard shutting down (holding the power button down) did not work for about 10 very long seconds, giving me plenty of time to wonder if this was how death was going to come for me. I honestly kinda wish it would have. This thing might as well kill me as a grand finale.
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In other news, Dell removed their most current BIOS and the previous 3 versions. I'm sure there's nothing suspicious about that and that everything Dell is doing is really cool and awesome and will promote perfectly working computers.
I know it's not all Dell PCs but, God bless, it's more than just one or two, if my research proves anything. I wish I could get a refund so I could trade this off for something that actually works. I wish I'd never bought it. Maybe I can save towards some entry level PC that can't game or vid (which is no different from what I have right now) but might not make me feel like I'm taking my life in my hands just turning it on. I don't want to be scared of my own computer and I actually really am of this one.
If I disappear for good, just know I love you all and I died doing the thing I love the most: endless computer repairs. 😑
I'm joking... well, about loving endless computer repairs at least. ☠️
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onepawproductions · 6 months
Picking the Next Audiobook Podfic!
The Muddy Princess audiobook is done, and will be released over the next few months. Time to pick out the next one! It's a toss-up between Lady of the Lake by Colubrina, Things in Common by Colubrina, and Ring-Maker by Lithos Maitreiya. What do you think?
Expand for further musings!
The plan was to go with Ring-Maker by Lithos Maitreiya, but I've run into problems with creating the chapter art, on that front. Mainly, that I can get perfectly well-rendered images using "a young teen 16-year-old (Claudia Black1.5) with (pale skin 1.5) (a cloud of long curly dark black hair 1.4)(aquiline nose 1.3) (thin lips 1.2) (dark eyes 1.1)", but the results are not really reproducible to what I think Taylor should look like. And if it's not reproducible, it's not art-able.
I have a series of about 40 images from training an embedding using SD1.5, but the embedding won't work with SDXL, and it was heckin' overbaked, anyway.
So I can use the images from SD1.5 as references in the IP-Adaptor, and maybe that will be enough.
Or, even better, would be using the Dreambooth method to alter weights on a checkpoint model. But the last time I tried that, it completely wrecked my webui! I had to uninstall/reinstall! 10 frustrating hours of heartache. Oh, but there were some tears, that day!
But the goal--the ultimate goal--is to craft a LORA for Taylor. For everyone in Worm, really, since they don't have any counterparts that would be recognized by the LAION dataset. The dream is to create a whole Worm Fanart Suite, so other people (people who can see the art in their head, but lack the skill to bring it to life with their hands), can do what I'm doing (ie, bash their heads into their keyboards learning an incredibly complex software and also programming and coding, all for the sake of devotion to fanart). Picture a Worm Checkpoint Model that recognizes all the major characters, and comes with a LORA pack that includes offshoots and AU and Crossover elements. Something so highly trained that you could even specify "Pre-Powers Taylor", "Goddess Taylor", "Tinker Taylor", "Bio-Tinker Taylor", etc. I know that can be done with meticulous data preparation and tag editing before training.
Ambitious, I know. That would take YEARS of development!
So, I know I have alot to learn about the software before I can get steady, reproducible images of Taylor that match what I see in my head. I mean, sure, I can get zero-effort gens (ZEGs), easily. But that's not really *my art*, anymore, is it? That is the much-benighted Ai unArt. The current subject of tarring and feathering.
Aaaaaand...I'm back to having alot to learn.
I could dive into Lithos Maitreiya's Ring-Maker, and really push myself to figure out LORAs or Dreambooth. Which means, since the Dreambooth Extension don't work with my A1111, that I'll need to learn *yet another software*, ie, Google Colab or Kohya. And possibly start learning another programming language. Or, at least, getting familiar with another coding language. By NO MEANS am I fully fluent in ANY coding language.
Its a bit daunting, to be honest.
I could take the safe road and do one more HP audiobook. Maybe two? Figure out the intricacies that I don't understand, a little at a time.
Or I could just...dive in like I always do! Lol.
If anyone's actually reading this far down (you go, you!), and has an opinion, feel free to comment, or PM me! I'm always open for discussion. Hearty believer in Star Trek style diplomacy, here :)
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ageless-aislynn · 8 months
If you're ever not sure how many programs/apps/custom settings/etc you have on your PC, just do a reinstall and you'll quickly realize there are probably A LOT. 😬
That said, yes, I had to reinstall Windows this morning. I'm very carefully adding back just the basics: drivers, updates, security and browser stuff, testing to see if things have stabilized. So far, no Blue Screening of Death so let's keep a good thought that that trend will keep going, hm? 🤞😣🤞
I really miss Word, Steam and Vegas, though. No writing or playing Halo or Mass Effect: Andromeda, no vidding or GIFfing. Hopefully in a few more days, though!
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(Head pats are TOTALLY appreciated right now, lol 🥺😉)
Anyway, just stopping by to say hello. Don't hesitate to @ me on anything you want me to see or to tag me in. I'll be back eventually!
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Love you, frens. I hope you're doing well. 🤗
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ageless-aislynn · 8 months
I'm trying REALLY HARD to not be annoyed by the fact that I've lost my Flash vid Youtube channel. After I reinstalled Windows and I went to sign back in, I was able to sign back in fine to my Halo/Mass Effect Andromeda vid channel but the one that has my Flash and assorted other fandoms grouped into it just... wouldn't let me. It said it couldn't authenticate my identity, despite the fact I had all of the info it asked for. Then it locked me out for trying.
I went through all of the Google help steps and the answer they gave me? Create a new channel.
The especially awesome part? I went to create a new channel and it won't let me... because there's already a channel with that email address. Yes, there is because IT'S MINE. I do not have an unending supply of email addresses, Google! 🤬🤬🤬
Yes, I can just get another email addy and all that but it just frustrates me that there is no good solution to this problem that I can't even figure out WHY it's a problem. And the bottom line is that all of the vids on that channel are now out of my control and THAT bugs me most of all.
And then there's the realization that I can lose my other channel just as easily and get absolutely no help in regaining control of it. Yeah, it's ultimately no big deal but mannnnn, if I was running a channel that was monetized? That would be devastating to lose your subscribers, wouldn't it? 🤬🤬🤬
Of course, if I was a review channel or whatever, they might help me regain access more than being *just* a vidding channel. Vidders are still kinda barely tolerated. The reason why I separate my channels into blocks of fandoms is because I lived through the early days of vidders getting rapid-fire copyright strikes from the video sources that would terminate your channel in a split second. So it was wisest to not put all of your eggs in one basket, as the saying goes.
Anyway, it doesn't really matter, I suppose. It's just annoying and frustrating. 😡
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ageless-aislynn · 9 months
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I am completely the Jackal in these GIFs and Noble Six and her Mighty Forklift of Doom™ is life. It's been a fun one these past few days in particular, friends.
I got to have my regular chat with my pals at the IRS a few days ago. Problem is solved, um, probably? I should've gotten a letter confirming that but yeahhhhh, we're sure it's fixed even though you didn't the letter saying it's fixed! 🙃
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In this GIF, John is kindly standing in for the IRS while Kwan represents me trying to GET THE DANG PROBLEM THAT THEY CAUSED IN THE FIRST PLACE fixed. Since February.
This morning, my landline was dead. (6 hours later, I found out that, oops, they accidentally turned off our service, I guess? 😬 Well, at least they turned it back on, so, WIN. 🤷‍♀️)
I can't seem to get the new pharmacy and my doctor's office on the same page when it comes to filling 2 of my meds. One of them is one of my diabetes meds. I DO NOT want to abruptly stop that one. Bad Things© will happen if I do.
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Silver Team representing my blood sugar levels in that scenario.
(Yeah, so they should try to get me samples or something to prevent me from running totally out so hopefully this won't be the case. But it's a little scary because it's still technically on the table, you know?😬)
And then, to add insult to the injury of the absolute DAY I've been having for the past 2 weeks or so... Walmart delivered my white chocolate caramel coffee... to somebody that wasn't me. And sent me a picture of hanging out on somebody else's porch, just, you know... mocking me. 😱😉
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Me without my white chocolate caramel coffee.
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Also me without my white chocolate caramel coffee.
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Whoever got my white chocolate caramel coffee.
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Me pretend drinking my white chocolate caramel coffee.
😂😉 Yeah, so I'm just being silly now, of course. Better to laugh, right? They refunded me and hopefully tomorrow my shiny new order will be here.
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And all I really want to do is make more Mass Effect Andromeda vids. I have no idea why my muse is determined to just keep showing up to that party 6 years after everybody else left.
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Don't mind my muse, she's just here partying by herself, lol! Be careful, it might get a little wild in here!
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All right, I've complained more than enough. 😉 If you're still reading this, thanks and have a hug and/or a heart cookie, if you'd like! 🤗💖
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Love you, frens. Hope you're well. 💖
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ageless-aislynn · 7 months
Okay, so this just feels not very fair. I was finishing up my N7 Day Andromeda vid and just needed to capture a couple more scenes. But even though the recording seemed to start as usual, there was just nothing there when it was done. Then I realized that the Game Bar itself wouldn't actually even load. None of the fixes for that have, you know, fixed it. (The Game Bar was working as of Nov 2 because that's the last day I have any captures recorded.)
Digging around, I discovered that my computer is throwing errors left and right but just managing to correct from them and not crashing. Rather, not crashing yet. Clearly something is STILL wrong, despite having acted normal in the month since it was Blue Screening like mad before I reinstalled Windows.
But. Here's the kicker. My dad's computer started Blue Screening right after I got mine working again. The difference, though, is that it's very difficult to get his to restart. If I can get it to come on once more, I'm going to try to completely reinstall its Windows but I don't honestly know if it's going to be able to or not. This thing is pretty fried and, of course, is *just* past its warranty. 😣
I was already assuming we're going to have to replace his computer but now mine, which is much older, is starting to circle the ol' drain. He told me tonight to focus on replacing mine and not to worry about his. He's been able to pretty much do the stuff he likes to do on the computer via our tv's Fire Stick so he said he's not missing out on anything. But still. I'll feel awful if he gets bumped back because of me since he's already not had a reliable computer for the past 3 weeks.
That said, in my 20 some years of having computers, I've never before had BOTH of them in danger of being bricked at the same time. This just sucks so much! I just want to be able to make my silly little videos and to try to get my WIPs done with NaNo. I was actually doing pretty good juggling both up until now.
Ah well. I'm just venting, sorry. I may be gone again, depending on how things go. However, I did schedule my Andromeda video to post on Youtube on November 7 whether I'm able to get here or not. Will post it here and on my AO3 when I can. Even though it's not completely the vision I had for it, I still like how it turned out. Surprisingly, it's not a shipper vid this time. And probably nobody thought I could MAKE a character study that didn't have even a hint of shippiness, right? 🤷‍♀️😉
*sigh* I'm trying not to let this get me down but dang if I'm not just tired of pretending I have any idea how to fix all of these issues. I can't find any place decent to take them for repairs that doesn't want a ton of money just to reinstall Windows and since I can do that, I don't want to pay somebody else for something I can do for free, you know? But I'm getting to the point where I think they've either got some sort of hardware issues that just reinstalling can't fix or I'm just borking up the reinstall somehow. I don't know. I'm so, so, so tired of it.
Love you, friends. Hope you're doing well and that I'll see you again soon. 💖
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
Argh, for some reason my fic for Snowellsweek Day 1 just is refusing to appear at AO3. I posted it and it just... vanished. I’ve never had one take this long to appear in my works before but I’m afraid to post it again and end up with two of them. 😣
If it still hasn’t appeared in another hour or so, I’ll at least post the fic here and then worry about AO3 later. *sigh*
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Well, yeah, I’d say a little bit! 😡😉
UPDATE: Fina-frickin’-ly. 🤷‍♀️😉
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
I think I FINALLY have figured out why it has taken me so long to finish “Cupid’s Kiss” aka my oldest WIP. The problem is actually very simple:
I’m an idiot.
I put something in as a throwaway when it was just a one-shot and now it’s turning out to be causing a MASSIVE ISSUE in resolving the entire fic in a satisfactory manner. Every time I try to resolve it/write around it/etc., it just causes a frickin’ logjam on the entire ending.
This is why I generally try to have at least a first draft done for all chapters of a multi-chaptered fic before I start posting so I don’t wind up with this problem. I’m either going to have to keep trying different things to resolve it, go back and edit the first two chapters to get rid of The Thing, or just abandon the entire fic.
Or, you know, just pretend like I don’t see the Giant Problem In Resolving This Fic and just end it.
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
Wow, did I ever have A Day today. Over 3 total hours on the phone trying to get a cell phone problem straightened out. Over 5 hours if you count the past couple of days. I couldn’t figure out why my legs are so sore tonight and I mentioned that to my dad and he said, “It’s because you paced pretty much the entire time.”
Yep, that’ll do it when you’re a couch computer potato, I suppose. 😉
I’m glad there aren’t any handy cliffs nearby because I think I would’ve yeeted myself off of them by about hour 2 of today.
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Me at about 2 1/2 hours...
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...but it’s a one-story window so I would’ve just ended up out on the lawn, had to dust myself off, get up and finish the call, so...
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I’m sooooo tiiiiiired. 😴
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
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*sigh* It’s so refreshing to have a ship that actually has a CANON relationship with CANON romantic scenes to use for vidding. If I were, you know, vidding them.
Okay, so I’m being really tempted to vid them right now while my Snowells writing muse, for some reason or another, is insisting on doing variations of the following on every WIP I have:
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And, lastly, not to forget the ever-popular...
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I guess I’d just like to vid some sweet, sweet Scarlet Vision right now while my writing muse is having her “moment.” 😦
Hm, I actually have a song that might work... 💡!
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ageless-aislynn · 4 years
I don’t know why my Aliens vids attract the most “ThIS isN’T hoW IT haPPenED!!!” comments but, dang, do they tend to bring out the butthurts. :S I honestly was tempted today to just ask who peed in their Cheerios. 
I’m stressed, fam. I’ve got just a couple of days left before NaNo ends and 14k words to write to make it to the finish line. Normally I don’t sass back on negative comments but I swear today was NOT the day to leave me a butthurt comment... 
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Edit: Ohhhhh, fam, let this be a lesson to you about walking away and not responding with your first, angry impression. ‘Cause I came back at them blasting with both barrels to discover that I was reading the original comment wrong. They were COMPLIMENTING me for not being how the Aliens movie had went. And I went all
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at them. 
Well, I feel ~this tall~ right about now and I very, very sincerely apologized for my mistake. But I shouldn’t have made it in the first mistake. NOT responding angrily is always the better option and I let my petty, hurt feelings make the wrong choice. :(
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ageless-aislynn · 4 years
Tumblr ate my Daily Reverse Flash post. My lovingly curated and carefully crafted ode to my Murder Boi(s).
Tell ‘em how we feel about that, Murder Boi(s)!
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I’d run if I were you, Tumblr! O_O
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Eobard: “Tumblr, where are yoooooo? I want to talk to yoooooo...”
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If Eo sees Tumblr, he’s gonna knock its block off!
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Self explanatory. :P
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Barry: “Why do I have to pretend to be Tumblr???” :(
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And I wanted that post you were in to live, too! *large anime style tears*
Oh well, I’ll try to recreate it later. But for now, my Murder Boi(s) will be watching you, Tumblr. Very. Closely.
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[By @supercanaries​]
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ageless-aislynn · 4 years
Welp, I’ve literally spent all day doing virtual surgery on my computer and the only positive fact is that I’m typing to you on it still. The negative is that everything is still FREAKING BIG because, as I’ve learned -- I didn’t want to learn this by the way, I was forced to by circumstance -- the Windows update for some reason decided to tell Windows 10 that my monitor is 1024x768. My monitor is 1920x1200. This is a problem. Win10 will not let me change the resolution so hence, it’s like I’m looking at everything through a magnifying glass. Nothing fits in the monitor frame properly, you have to scan across most everything to read it all. Images and video are particularly distorted.
The graphics card can override Win10 and do a custom resolution size. But then everything becomes properly sized but too blurry to read. And Win10 constantly harps that I have the size set wrong. :|
Last ditch effort was to reinstall Win10. That failed. That was scary, I’ve never had that happen in all my years of computer doctoring. :S Instead of rebooting and starting the wipe/reinstall, it just...went dark. I sat here for 20 minutes not sure if it was doing something or not because I’m looking at a black screen.
So, here I am with Camp NaNo still on going and a choice to make: send the computer in for repairs (if there’s some place even open, non-essential businesses are being closed again here) and lose Camp or... deal with the inconvenience as long as the computer will keep going and finish Camp. I’m going with option 2 for now. I can offset the distortion to some degree by zooming out in the browser and in Word so that I can at least get everything on the screen even if it looks funky. Obviously no vidding or the like but I’m supposed to be writing anyway, so that’s all right for now.
Things I’ve learned today: the power light blinking amber means your BIOS is dying. You really DO NOT want that. Fortunately, it revived but listening to your computer making pitiful noises while trying to rev like a car with a mostly dead battery is SAD. Other thing I learned today is I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ALL OF THESE COMPUTER THINGS. I just want to...push the power button and mysterious magic happens and everything works like it’s supposed to. THAT’S ALL I NEED TO KNOW, KTHXBYE.
Maybe magic will happen and I’ll turn the computer on tomorrow and suddenly Win10 will have noticed the right size of the monitor? (I even tried unplugging/plugging it back in, hoping it would read the size again but nope, I think it was like, “Hey, George! I know you, come on in, no need to give me your info, we’ve been pals for a while!”)
That has seriously been my face all day today. Except for the time when I sat here stress-crying. Ugh. I’m so tired. I just want it to work.
Again, if I disappear completely, you’ll know things catastrophically failed. Hope to see you again soon.
PS - I need a hug. :(
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ageless-aislynn · 4 years
Welp, I’m not quite out of commission but I’m impaired. It turns out the main problem I was having is that my monitor was going out. It’s now dead and I’m typing to you from its ghost... Just kidding, I’m using our laptop with 4 poor little GBs of RAM. By comparison, my computer has 32 GB, so I just have to remember to give it time and not expect insta-anything. ;) He’s actually doing a good job considering he’s also 6 years old, so I just have to be patient. ;)
I’ve lost a couple of days of work towards Camp NaNo but luckily while I could still kinda see on my monitor, I transferred all of my in-progress Snowells Kisses prompts, plus the next chapter of “Haunted” up to Google Docs, so I can at least continue to work from there.
Anyway, probably won’t be around much until after the new monitor arrives but I can at least check in. Hope to be back doing Daily Reverse Flash posts again soon. I miss my Murder Boi(s), lol! ;) *group hug* ♥♥♥
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ageless-aislynn · 4 years
Toothache pros and cons:
1. It’s keeping me from doing that whole “last year on this day at this time this is what was happening right now...” thing that my brain will torture me with today if it gets the chance. Well, keeping me from doing that too much.
1. It’s a toothache ow ow ow ow owwww
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ageless-aislynn · 5 years
I hate that moment when you’re writing and you’re at, like, Point Q and Point S is clearly in the distance but where the frickfrack is POINT R to link the two of them together??? So you’re hovering at Point Q like some party guest who’s overstayed their welcome and the hosts would kinda like you to, you know, LEAVE but you can’t find the friggin’ Point R door to get out to your Point S car.
If I had drawing talent, I would draw that. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk. ;)
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