#aka enemies to lovers
hesbambi · 2 years
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szfiction · 3 months
Is it really an enemies to lovers ship if there isn't a moment of one of the characters expressing that if only they knew each other earlier or could meet again in some other way? Because surely if fate had only dealt them a kinder hand, they would have been friends.
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crystalstarstuff · 5 months
I want us to be doomed by the narrative, I want you to be the only person that understands me, yet I will get in the way of your goal. One of us will have to die, we love each other, but we love our goals more. We're at a stalemate, perfectly positioned against each other so that we can foil our plans together. Make this love last a little bit longer, until someone brings an opportunity for one of us to reach our goals, and one of us dies because of it.
'oh no, they're doomed by the narrative' this and 'why do they have to be doomed by the narrative' that. Maybe I want to be doomed by the narrative, maybe I want to be on opposite sides, against an army, but during a battle I discover someone that understands me, someone that in other circumstances I could grow to love. But here I'm more loyal to my cause than to them, no matter how good they were, I try to make them come with me, but they too are more loyal to their cause than to me. We love each other, but we don't love each other enough, because our loyalty has been taken by a cause we don't understand, a cause that will ruin everything.
Maybe being doomed by the narrative means that you meet someone in love, but not towards you. Together you two make a great team, perfectly in balance, everything about you two makes sense, but they're in love with someone else, and you have to sit and watch as they give their love to someone who may or may not return it. If they do then good for them, they're both happy, but maybe they don't, and you see how your friend(love) starts to lose themselves. You want to help- you really do, but you don't know how. You can't comfort them because you love them too much, your emotions may get in the way, and you think it's not your place to do so anyways. Still you try, and try, and maybe they start to see you as more than just a friend, but maybe they don't, and you fail at comforting them, and they push you away. It becomes a tragedy so easily, emotions never really make sense in these situations, sometimes people don't even reach this part, they just start to drift away, because they can't handle the feelings.
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ottosbigtop · 1 month
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Look at my pc boy. My funny Druid dwarf. Also shoutout to this game for letting me go by they/them every time i hear a character refer to me i turn into the wojack pointing image
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more enemies to lovers where the girl is worse / the one with power, please
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justaz · 5 months
i do not know if this has been said but i am going to say it bc fuck it almost knocked me off my feet when i thought of it
merlin waiting patiently for arthur for YEARS. mourning him for longer than he knew him. watching everyone he knew in camelot die and himself not age a day. watching the stone of the castle begin to crack, the wood begin to rot, the streets begin to empty. camelot has fallen. he ventures out but not far in case arthur returns. he experiences decades pass by him in a flash, still nothing. humanity advances and advances, yet they are also their undoing. they build themselves up just to tear themselves down a moment later. years and years and years and years and years pass, still nothing. the great dragons words echo in his head and he holds them close in hope, arthur will rise again. a day in spring, merlin catches a whiff of something he can’t place but he’s hit with a wave of nostalgia. it’s not until he’s lying in bed later that day that he remembers it’s what arthur used to smell like. not long after that, he tries to recall arthur’s laugh, but the memory is mute. and fuzzy. why is it fuzzy? stop focusing on the laugh and focus on his face…what did he look like again? oh god. no focus on something small. his eye color. what color were his eyes? blue…right? or were they green?
merlin forgetting the pieces of the puzzle that make up arthur, he can’t remember what he smelled like, what he looked like, what his laugh sounded like, he can’t even recall the way he screamed his name everyday when he needed something. merlin’s loosing arthur again. how long has it been? too long, too long and arthur still isn’t back. the dragon said he’d be back. he remembers that. he’s been repeating the words in his head since they were spoken to him long ago. every morning when he woke, every night before he slept, whenever the world around him seemed out to get him. he’s coming back. arthur’s coming back. why isn’t he back? what had that damn dragon said? he always talked in riddles but merlin had thought his words were clear for the first time since he’d known him. what had he said?
when albion’s need is greatest, arthur will rise again.
he’ll rise again. arthur will be back. and they’ll fight a great evil like they used to, side by side, two sides of the same coin, arthur and merlin together at last. he just has to wait for such a great evil. a great evil that would constitute arthur’s return. merlin’s lived many, many years. he’s seen much evil. arthur never returned then. something bigger and badder then. something worse that anything he could imagine…would it be immoral to instigate the evil to come to pass? (merlin’s tries to recall arthur’s secret smile when merlin made a face at him across the room or whispered something in his ear when visiting noble and royals were acting like fools and comes up empty.) to hell with morals. to hell with the damn dragon. to hell with it all. merlin’s been alive for centuries. arthur’s been asleep for centuries. they’ve been waiting for each other for centuries. merlin’s sick of it. to hell with it all. arthur needs a great evil? he’ll give him a great evil.
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wikitpowers · 6 months
no but like i literally cannot WAIT for twp to come out
i want the new crew to be absolute badasses and i'm ready for another series filled with lovable characters and sarcastic leads and angsty plotlines which drive us mad and reading the books together and SCREAMING at anything that happens
this series already has my entire heart and it's not even out yet :')
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buddieswhvre · 7 months
Okay everyone hear me out, imagine teen buddie where Buck absolutely hates Eddie's guts because be it anything, Eddie is always competing in the same and somehow he's better than him in all of them. It's as if Buck will only be the second best always below Eddie no matter how hard he tries. Finally he goes to college and just when he's sure that Eddie won't be able to one up him anymore, that's when he finds him, again. Buck is sure that the only feeling he'll have for Eddie is hate but what would happen if circumstances force them to stay more time with each other. And why does it feel like that maybe Eddie actually doesn't hate him and on the contrary might like him??
(loosely based on the series We best love: No. 1 for you)
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Screen Shot comes from The Stupendium's Art of Darkness (You can find their song here:
Anyhow, this is vibes so....
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bakawitch · 5 months
Guys- It's done XD
My first official contribution to this new ship from my fever dream
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Kudos to @iamallyetnotatall for reinforcing my fav ship name for them
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stormsofasorceress · 7 months
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mans really said this line to a hot powerful spy sorceress with his entire body and breath and expected to get away with it☠️
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zingaplanet · 2 years
Enemies to lovers, 50k:
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raayllum · 2 years
like one of my favourite story / dynamic tropes ever is “hero feels indebted to a villain for something positive they cannot possibly repay that happens while they are enemies, even though they still despise one another and are completely ideologically opposed” so that rayla claudia scene at the end really checked off my boxes
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chemzee · 8 months
One thing I really love about CassDan/Wallpaper shippers is that they get really excited and happy about how in official concept artworks Cassandra and Ivy are mentioned in respective "dislike" sections(just how is Dan for the Freys) yet that's not the case for Cassandra and Daniel.
Cuz hahaha,,, girl I getcha 😔
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swordmaid · 9 months
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most beautiful woman in the world BTW…
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riverthebooknerd · 2 months
ftm and mtf solidarity is actually so insanely amazing if you think about it. it almost reads like a soulmate enemies-to-lovers AU. we're the same, you and i. two sides of the same coin. one cannot exist without the other. we're both here, alive, under the same flag, but we're going in opposite directions. you have everything i've ever dreamed of and you don't want it. i have everything you've ever dreamed of and i don't want it. people see you as the villain, and me as the victim. and yet, in spite of it all, we're fighting side by side. isn't that fucking cool?
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