#aka me: grasping for straws
bluffmotel · 11 months
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as dusk falls, interior night / homosexuality in "dog day afternoon" (1975) : televisual surfaces and a "natural" man, christopher r. brown
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imprettybitchin · 2 years
@lcvedriven cont. from x
he's not a fan of the panic attack thing.
not unused to them, to being on either side of them, but that doesn't mean he likes them - the way he feels like he can't breathe, how he knows what it's like to not be able to breathe now. really not be able to breathe.
he knows he can and that doesn't change anything. there's a distant look on his face as he stares at her, blinks a couple of times he manages to reach out and take the mug from her.
"thanks," he chokes out, and - there it is. in and out. he can breathe. his head thunks back against the bathroom wall he was leaning against. "i didn't mean to be hiding in here.”
He has been in the bathroom too long. El isn’t sure if he is throwing up or if something else is wrong. She fills a mug with water and heads into the bathroom.
El has grown to know this look. She sees it in Hopper sometimes, but also in Will and some of her other friends, too. She probably has had this face also. She doesn’t get too close, but close enough where she can lean forward and give her dad some water.
“I brought you some water.”
She is worried for a second that he does not hear her, but after a few moments, he comes back to her and grabs the mug.
"Thanks.” He takes some breaths. "I didn't mean to be hiding in here."
“Hiding... keeps us safe.” It had kept her safe, and Will, too. She extends her hand in case Hopper needs it. “I am glad you are safe.”
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Shocked to discover I've now got only like twenty mins of The Batman left to write 🙈
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ayakinari · 2 years
being into a series that was at its peak 6-10 years ago and having your only chance of finding content for it be looking through old posts of old blogs is just another kind of painful
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dolyx · 15 days
(alnst au… luka!wraith using tala's guilt of corrupting sydney against xem.)
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writing-fanics · 9 months
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when i get back
Shanks x F!Reader
warning: implications of sex : angst : first time writing for shanks
As [Y/n] embraced her lover, she nuzzled her head into his bare chest and held him tightly. As she pouted, he asked, "Must you leave?". She mumbled into his chest, "Yes, love, I must.". Each time Shanks returned, he stayed for around three to four weeks, stocking up on supplies before leaving.
She looked up at him and just as she opened her mouth, "And before you ask," He said smiling as he looked down at his lover, "No, I won't let you come along this time." He said, and she closed her mouth and frowned. Letting out a sigh he said, "It's for your own safety love, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt or worse." He said, placing a finger underneath her chin.
"That goes for you and Luffy," He said and she stared at him, "But, I can fight I know how to handle a weapon I-"
"Can handle a fleet of marines? enemy pirates?" He said and he gently rubbed her cheek, "I know you can fight and handle a weapon," He said and pulled her closer, "that doesn't change anything about me letting you go or not," He said, and she frowned.
"Besides, I need you here to keep an eye on Luffy," He said to her and she frowned. "I'm going to miss you," She mumbled into his chest wrapping her arms around his back. Her head nuzzled into his chest as she listened to his heartbeat.
"Me too my darling," He whispered as he took her hand into his own, and brought it to his lips kissing her hand. She smiled sadly, "So, I'm really never going to see you again?" She asked, looking into his eyes and he stared into hers, and leaned his head forward pressing their heads together.
"I wish things could be different," He said to her. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me," He said leaning down and planting a passionate kiss on her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, a soft moan escaping her lips. and the lovers shared one last intimate embrace expressing their love for each other, in the early morning hours.
. . . . . . .
Shanks had lost his arm to Lord of the Coast after saving Luffy from drowning, and now her lover was about to leave. [Y/n] watched as Shanks placed his signature straw hat on Luffy's head. She smiled sadly knowing that this would be the last time she'd ever see him. He turned to look at her. She had tears brimming her eyes, and he walked towards her. He wrapped his right arm around her waist and kissed her on the cheek.
"I'll miss you," She said, nuzzling her head into his chest. "I'll miss you too my love," He said to her, pulling back and planting a kiss on her lips. He pulled back and placed something in the palm of her hand.
She looked at him in shock as he whispered, "When I get back," into her ear. He passionately kissed her on the lips before she could even say anything. She kissed him back while taking his hand and intertwining her fingers. She didn’t want this kiss to end she wanted it to last forever. She didn’t want him to leave her again.
But the fact is he’s a pirate a wanted man by the marines, and if they found out about their relationship. They’d most definitely use her as bait to drive him out, or even worse. She had to face the brutal heartbreaking fact, that despite the ring he gave her just now.
He might never come back and she’d have to live with that, and hope that in their next life maybe they can be together. And have that family shes dreamed of starting, but for now it’s a sad goodbye.
She watched as he walked away her fingers slipping from his grasp, and gave her one last smile before leaving. She held the velvet box close to her chest, her most prized possession. for now at least.
until nine months later, when she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with hair just like her father, Aka.
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alkhale · 9 months
Ahhhh I’m so happy you’re back with all the memos tidbits!!! That little snippet of kid and his crew and the latest where he was literally thinking of throwing her into a crate and stealing her onto his ship really really realllyy makes me wonder what would happen is Hoku actually did join his crew (aka hokunapped) hahah. Been in love with their dynamic since the chapter they met hehe
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Hoku would be an absolute menace on Kid's crew
His crew would actually begin to question whether or not it was a good decision to let their captain force her onto their ship
Would claim she's only working temp on his ship because she had strangely rationalized that this was a good way to get Luffy to give up on her/she could just ditch this crew whenever and go die peacefully in a hut somewhere after following the news of the Straw Hat's journey
Is constantly questioning/not listening to his authority, she never takes it to the point of being blatantly mean, but just kinda ignores his orders/does whatever she wants
Hoku makes sure to get work done for the crew to earn her keep, helping out with ship chores, figuring out who's the cleanliest and making sure things don't look too gross with all these grease monkeys hanging around (she's not that neat either)
pops up in strange places around the ship, gets along with random crew members, even offers to help ink tattoos for them from time to time once she really warms up to them
she's become a bit fond of these weird, punk rock pirates
is always fighting with Kid, it's either two-sided shouting matches or one-sided curses and shouts from Kid while she picks at her ear and ignores him
unironically ends up causing him to be both a more destructive and less destructive pirate, he causes less human bodily harm but ends up destroying more houses or towns from his fights with Hoku (she always tries to rebuild homes for anyone)
it's a running joke to see how long they can go at sea before Kid gets angry at her, he seems to get livid at the very sight of her just lounging on her back on top of some barrels, but his crew reminds him its his fault for wanting her
Hoku likes messing with Kid but she actually starts to warm up, very, very little to him. She kind of finds him more amusing than anything else, fun to mess with, likes that he's so bullheadedly passionate about his dreams but just hates how angry he always is
"I think he just needs to get laid," Hoku finally joked once to Killer, causing the first mate to pause completely in the middle of his meal. There's a few things Killer could say to that, but he decides it's wiser not to get involved with anything in that regard
Killer just isn't sure how to tell her that sometimes Kid's "anger" isn't quite "anger"...
Hoku and Kid spar often, mostly because it's a fight turned physical but Kid genuinely thrives when it comes to fighting with Hoku
one sparring match in particular ends up a bit...
"You're always runnin' around like a rat," Kid accused, kicking up a storm of sand as he lunged for Hoku. She leapt out of his reach, dodging his metal extended claws. "Afraid of getting caught, doll?"
"You're always grabbing," Hoku snapped back. She lowered herself briefly to the sand, swinging her foot out and catching Kid in his side. He grabbed quickly for her ankle, but Hoku swung her foot up and sprung back on her hands, just out of his grasp. "Always tryin' to hug me."
"Shut it!" Kid snarled. The shore line lapped right at their side, encroaching closer onto the sandy slope. A salty breeze tousled Hoku's hair out of her face, baring her completely to him. "One of these days you're gonna be cryin' because of this."
Hoku laughed, a loose, breezy sound that grated against his ears. Kid felt his pulse thundering louder in his ears. Hoku leapt nimbly closer, he knew this tactic well by now, her way of getting ready to try to finish him off. Her fingers reached for her sword. "Whatever you say, brat—"
Kid moved differently this time, lunging forward, arms raised. Hoku balked for a second in surprise, eyes wide at his frontal assault. Kid still had hulk and mass over her, the entirety of him slamming her down into the ground with a ghost of her breath rushing past his ear.
Hoku reacted quickly, scrambling with him in the sand as grains flew across the both of them. Kid wrestled with her, trying to force either both her wrists into one of his or pin her legs down—whichever he could manage first—a knee slammed into his ribcage, a foot managed to extend and catch the side of his head—damn she's flexible.
Hoku's hand grabbed at his hair, pulling roughly. Kid snarled, blood pumping at the sensation while Hoku glared fiercely beneath him. Something thrummed, a little louder in his ears, and before Kid could force her down Hoku was suddenly heaving with all her might—legs locked tightly around his waist. Kid felt himself go sideways before he could fight back, forced with a rough palm down onto his back and facing upwards as Hoku straddled him.
Her hair fanned out wildly around her face. Sweat dripped a bit from her chin from their brief and rough struggle. Hoku glared down at him, daring him to fight back. Her lips pulled into a little bit of a snarl, the faint glint of that sharp canine catching light. Kid's hand shot up automatically, gripping her waist, the other grasping her thigh—his entire hand could almost cover the expanse of her thigh, he realized suddenly, like a screw clattering to the ground in the back of his head. He could feel the heat of her skin through her rough pants, the taut muscle and still slightly plush flesh at his fingertips, dents pressing under his grip.
Her hip fit even easier into his hand, one firm grip. His eyes flickered up briefly to her face, still twisted into a daring look of triumph above him—the faint heave of her chest, the rise and fall, rise and fall—
A drop of sweat rolled down the column of her neck. Kid felt something heavy pull into his gut.
God, he should kill this woman.
More screws clattered to the ground in his mind, a ruckus of noise, each one a shattering image of Hoku laughing annoyingly amidst his crew, shoving Wire as she almost fell over her barrel. An image of her snoozing uselessly in the sun, glowing from its warmth, sprawled out with ease across the deck. Her hair catching the first rays of light as she peeked over the crow's nest from the watch the night before. Her eyes meeting his across a bar, crinkled at the corners in teasing annoyance—
He needed to wreck this woman.
Her fingers wrapped around her brush. The slow or quick turn of her hand across paper. The colors that spilled out beneath her fingertips. Her happy, grudging huffs of awe at his work. The soft, audible sound of her in his private workshop, gaze lowered to whatever project laid before her.
He needed to—
Her eyes, flickering to meet his gaze, reflecting his visage entirely.
Hoku suddenly went ramrod straight above Kid. She paused, her once firm grip of his chest and head faltering. Kid blinked, annoyed to have been dragged from his thoughts as he looked back up at Hoku—
Kid blinked, once, twice, going almost slack in disbelief at the sight before him.
Hoku's cheeks had flushed, a dark, flustered red. She looked stunned, stupified almost as though she was trying to comprehend and register the situation at hand herself. Kid watched, almost mesmerized by the way that blush seemed to creep from the back of her neck as well—did her whole body flush like that? How far did it go?
Why the hell was she blushing in the first place—
(Something hard pressed flush against the inside of Hoku's thigh, a size she did not need to consider, situated right beneath the weight of her pressing originally hard down against Kid to keep him pinned—)
Kid went carefully still in realization. His grip on Hoku instantly went slack.
(Her weight fit snug against him. A shudder threatened to run down the back of his neck. Shamelessly he imagined for a second her back against the sand, her hair sprawled out amidst it. Her eyes, round and wide filled with his visage, her cheeks flushed, his lips following it down her neck. Something hot pooling in his gut flushed upwards, right to his fingertips as they flexed, suddenly itching to hold—)
Hoku was off Kid in a flash, jumping to her feet as her hands flew up into the air as though she were under arrest. Kid scrambled up onto his elbows, jaw working—
"Hey, uh, sorry about that," Hoku said first before Kid could even think of what ought to come out of his mouth. He blinked dumbly at her. "It's—that's a totally normal thing to happen, so don't worry about it, yeah? No worries, bud. Uh—I'll um, go? See ya back on the ship!"
Hoku darted away, running off the sand before he could even grab for her ankle or hold her back. Kid sat there amidst the sand, heat pulsing against his skin, a very real, very personal problem tenting upwards against his—
Kid let out something like a slew of curses, shouting angrily at nothing and everything—
Killer was perplexed for only about five minutes later that evening when Kid returned, some time after Hoku, more angry and grumpy but strangely subdued around her in a way he was not before, and then Killer sorta figured it out
-basically Hoku on Kid's crew is 3/5 her giving him an aneurysm and 2/5s something else
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venixthelorekeeper · 4 months
Does MePhone4 Think Cobs has MePad?
Just hear me out as someone always asking why MePhone abandoned MePad and never tried to look for him. Why did MePhone never go back for someone he saved from Cobs? Does he not care?
What if he does care?
MePhone thought it was Cobs when what we know as aliens showed up in s2. He ran off and hid with MePad in that cave. Then MePad left the cave only to later get taken out by Taco. The Alien Debacle happens, then MePhone resurfaces, too busy hiding his nerves and having said nerves to process anything. Then he realizes MePad is missing and brushes it off.
As the viewers, we have all the context of both Aliens and Taco.
Did he? No.
What it probly looked like to MePhone was Cob's alleged spaceship showed up and all he knew he could do was hide with MePad. MePad left the hiding spot. The next thing a very terrified MePhone processed was what he thought was Cobs leaving. He then goes to the vote session, sees no MePad, gets all the more freaked out and can't process any further truth because of how worry works.
He then puts all this misinformation together and assumes Cobs took MePad, making saving him infinitely more complicated than just finding Taco.
Like.....??? Am I grasping at straws or does this line of thinking make sense? Like, a lot of sense?
He might care about MePad a whole lot more than we're lead on to believe, he's just either
Too scared of Cobs OR
thinks Cobs just scrapped his buddy because Cobs probably would do that to an old creation that didn't end up serving it's purpose.
And why in the world would MePhone go back for a (hypothetical) pile of scrap thats just gonna make him feel more things when he can live in ignorance? (aka s3)
(theory kinda supported by his not wanting to go back, I guess?)
idk if this even is something but it might be.
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drottni · 7 months
LBFAD Rewatch Part 11:
1. The way he can't even LOOK at her as he tells her "I knew this was a dream from the beginning " 😭😭😭😭
2. XLH's master reeling in her two boyfriends with bait. Like "come here you poor miserable little fishies. I got some juicy worms for you."
3. idc how epic of an intro you get Lady Arbiter and her little pet dragon, YOU DONT JUST HIT MY BOY DFQC LIKE THAT. NO. *angry glares* Also my poor baby just closing his eyes and bracing for it like "ah shit here we go again". Him thinking he just deserves it 😭🥺 Can he just have a break plz.
4. "So she has been saving me since we first met. And I have been hurting her." 🥺🥺🥺
5. Changheng: The splitting process is very painful. No matter what you must persevere.
DFQC who has been through every torture life could throw at him: -_- Bro. I got this.
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6. DFQC as soon as Changheng leaves: *cue music* I am in my plant parent, cottage core, countryside girlie era. I am gonna be so full of love you will have to come back to me.
7. If he doesn't plant you like a seed, carry you around in a pot like a baby, water you with freshly collected dew with gentle drops, take you for morning sunrise walks, talk to you continuously, and watch over you even while sleeping, he ain't it. WHY WAS THIS SO ROMANTIC. SHE IS LITERALLY IN A POT OF DIRT AND I AM GUSHING OVER THE ROMANCE. No one is doing it like them.
8. XLH having to create straight up physical barriers between her and DFQC so that he can't come close enough to see that emotionally she's barely holding on. How his pleading eyes and sweet apologies are two seconds away from making her cry. She can barely even muster anger towards him.
9. The bridge scene: *exists*
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11. DFQC: For her, I will alter fate.
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13. DFQC: There is nothing in this world that can shake me.
Taisui: *grasping at straws, panicking* What if the love of your life forgot about you? What then?
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14. The fact that its DFQC who reminds XLH aka "Goddess who says she will only care about the 3 realms now and not personal desires", that she has to kill him to save the three realms. The fact that her love for him is and always will be stronger than anything else. The fact that he knows this is what must be done and is the one to convince her to do it! AHHHHH KILL ME.
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trancylovecraft · 7 months
What do you think of the new episode of Helluva?
amazing timing! I just got off a discord call about this topic
And jeez.. this is gonna be a rant, prolly not what you were expecting from an ask about the new episode but.. yk.. I'm sorry this wasn't more positive than you probably wanted, But I don't want to lie and I have a lot to get off my chest
If you enjoy Helluva boss then please, You do what you do and enjoy what you want to. And I'm happy it can bring you joy, Don't let me prevent you from loving something you love <3
So first of all, I bloody hate Helluva boss. I know I've written for it and still write for it but OMG I just don't like it at all and the direction its gone.
Like season one is good, I like it. Its amazing season to start off a seemingly good show with a lot of potential.
The villains are threatening and are set up to become major plot points. Verosika, Striker, The cherubs (which admittedly were the weakest out of the trio, But hey, you can't be perfect)
The conflicts are being set, Aka stolas and Blitzo's toxic relationship and it's struggles. It's got potential for a lot of nuance and oppertunities to explore gay relationships in a more abusive light and I can appreciate that a lot.
Characters arcs have been put into motion with Moxxies inferiority, Blitzo's need for validation and the star prophecy going on with stolas and his daughter.
The animation, The music and the voice acting are all on point with such high profile actors. Ahem ahem.. INVADER ZIM AND BEETLEJUICE!!
It was amazing, A major accomplishment for indie animation and the trailblazer that aet off the youtube animation reinessance.
But then season two comes along.
Right off the bat with the circus its suddenly revealed that stolas and blitzo knew each other from childhood.
This is confusing. Stolas and blitzo knowing each other starts to change their relationship from the toxic transactional it was suppose to explore into a more
This episode could've been great, If it was stella and not blitz. This episode could've explored the begginings of their relationship (platonic)
It was stated by octavia that they at one point liked each other then degraded. This episode couldve shown that and given stella some actual development.
Now throughout the season more issues become prevelant..
The villains that were threatening before have become nothing more than cannon fodder. A monster of the week, If you will. Striker and crimson (we're not gonna get into that episode) were easily defeated by blitz and fizzaroli (ILL GET ONTO HIM) making fun of them and removing all their threatening aura.
Verosika is gone, She might return, Idk tho. The cherubs we'e heard nothing from either. And do NOT get me started on the new villains. (The agents, Crimson, Andrealphus)
The women in helluva are EXTREMELY underdeveloped. There are no girls that stand on their own, Just another limb for the male characters to further their own arcs (Millie is just Moxxies concious, Octavia is just Stolas' reason for staying and Loona is just there tobexplore Blitzo's abandonment issues
Millie especially. The only episode she got out of two seasons is unhappy campers. And even then she had to be a boy to get the praise, It feels like the writers were self aware at that poimt.
Her only personality is violence and moxxie, Thats it.
(I have a lot more to say about Helluva boss, Such as the awful story. The woobification of stolas and Blitzo. The humour. The gay overglorification. Fizzaroli and Asmodeus. The rushed pacing and the non-existant set up)
The newest episode I genuinley disliked, One of my least favourite in the season.
I feel like this was the writers grasping at straws. To make a story and an arc, You've got to set it up.
We had no idea that Fizzaroli was connected to Mammon in any way, We had no hints or suggestion that he was. Nor did we have any hints of his underlying arc about wanting to be free.
For instance this can be done through dialogue or the characters body language. We got none of this and instead this was just pulled out of the writers asses.
I dont care for fizzaroli, I hate him apart from his voice actor. To me, He's boring and just a recoloured blitz.
The whole episode was the setup and the solution. This should not of been the case, This was rushed and this episode should of been the solution of the hinted issue in previous episodes like the one where they got kidnapped.
(That was a great chance to talk about being free, Since yk, They were in a cage and it would of prompted a deeper conversation)
It feels like a reheated angel dust and valentino but platonic im ngl. Besides, Fizz and ozzie's relationship is just not good.
Its too sickly sweet. Im not saying it has to all be angst but a spat or an arguement to prompt the episode wouldve been good you know? All healthy relationships have their rocky parts and it wouldve been nice to see here.
Asmodeus and Mammon just dont seem threatening for demon kings? They take insults and jabs that really degrade their intimidation for the audience yk?
The whole episode boils down to "clown twink gets abused by capitalism"
Overall I ranted too long about this animated show. The episode was not good and the future for this series is looking bleak.
This was a really shallow examination of helluva boss. Im writing this in bed so i dont have time to go deeper into the story structure and concepts portrayed in there
I fucking love mammon tho, He's my husband, Please request him.
-Trancy M. Lovecraft
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
I saw your post in which you defended Mace Windu and it is such a good post. Thank you.
At the moment I debate with someone on twitter and it is super frustrating because they are saying Mace is a potential villain because he hates the Sith and wants to kill Anakin in episode I (even through he doesn't admit it).
I'm slightly shocked that someone thinks like this. Could you maybe help me to argue that Mace isn't a villain and a potential child killer?
Hey there!
I appreciate you asking me this, but honestly it looks to me like this is a debate you just won't "win" and you should quit while you're ahead.
Firstly, because those are two arguments so ridiculous and baseless that they have to either
be made in bad faith, AKA you're arguing with someone who's literally grasping at straws and making bullshit arguments for the sake of having the last tweet. In which case you can quit interacting with them because this is a victory in and of itself.
be made by someone completely insane and/or who has made their own headcanon about it. In which case, you might as well quit because there's no way you'll change this person's mind.
But, secondly, being pro-Jedi on Twitter is hell.
I'm not kidding, there's literally SO many people who think the point of the Prequels is the Jedi's failure that if you try to dispel the notion, a rain of (factually incorrect) anti-Jedi arguments falls floods your notifications, and it inevitably devolves into "this guy missed the point of the Prequels".
I'm training myself more and more to take a page out of the Jedi's book and just "let go" because the shit I see sometimes is just infuriating. Like this one, I saw last night:
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Out of 154 collected quotes where George Lucas talks about the Jedi, their relationship with Anakin and their rules (namely the attachment one), he is only critical about them twice.
But I didn't reply to this.
I drafted the tweet, then deleted it because this is such a big subject that you're not gonna be able to dispel it with a single tweet (and fuck getting Twitter blue, are you crazy? but even if you did, you really think anyone will read your essay of a tweet?)
And also because last year, I got into an argument re: if Qui-Gon was a better master for Anakin than Obi-Wan (my opinion is "nope"). And I argued the hell out of my case. You know what I got in return?
Fucking nothing.
All I got was the people I was arguing against (who kept piling on on like the 5th tweet in a thread instead of reading everything from the beginning, which was messy in and of itself) just... stop replying.
At some point when you're in that deep, you think it'll inevitably end with your "opponent" going:
'well argued sir, you have completely changed my mind for I have now seen the truth; jolly good show'.
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Instead all you get is... nothing. They stop replying.
You don't get the satisfaction of an admission of defeat and you don't wanna be the person spamming "WELL?! NOTHING TO SAY?!" because that's just pathetic.
So all you're left with is an hour of your life gone, WASTED proving "I know more about a fictional universe than you, Internet stranger".
My suggestion is: break the wheel, turn that outrage into creativity and instead of getting into debates with people whose minds you'll never change, write a fanfic/draw a comic/shoot a short film that will transfer the emotions you feel re: Windu to anyone witnessing it.
It's a much more productive approach than arguing with someone whose either grasping at straws or genuinely thinks MACE WANTED TO KILL A CHILD????!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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thedeliverygod · 7 months
So I know everyone's joking about how every game set in the past that has a female character we automatically decide it's Kairi's grandmother
the trailer is talking about arriving on the night of a meteor shower (presumably the player, aka you) just like Kairi arrived on Destiny Islands.
Secondly, the 'new' version of Scala Ad Caelum is very reminiscent of Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion to me. Especially the areas under construction.
Kairi and her Grandmother are from Radiant Garden. Kairi's Grandmother is also the first person to tell us that all worlds used to be one.
Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived... in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world.
The plotline of KHUX and arguably Missing Link as well, as Scala Ad Caelum is built from the remains of Daybreak Town.
It's the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps deep within the darkness. That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return. So listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away.
The rest of the story is arguably the Xehanort saga aka BBS through KH3 and possibly continuing into the new saga.
Basically what I'm getting at is Radiant Garden literally a broken off piece of Scala Ad Caelum? Or influenced by its architecture/style because its first residents wanted to build something reminiscent to their first home? Because those things would certainly lead to Kairi's Grandmother being involved, wouldn't you say?
I don't think it's grasping for straws or Kairi fans just wanting more to her backstory, I think it genuinely makes sense given the lore that we've been presented in the series so far.
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Soft Sign (ь) vs Hard Sign (ъ): Russian
If you’re anything like me (a beginner grasping at straws trying to learn Russian) then the soft vs hard sign concept is very foreign to you. The signs are not sounds of their own— they are clues telling you how to pronounce the consonant that precedes it. Here is a quick overview of soft vs hard signs:
Soft Sign (ь)
When ь is present after a consonant, this is your indication to palatalize the sound (aka soften). The middle of the tongue should rise toward the roof the the mouth.
Example: стиль - style, фильм - film
Hard Sign (ъ)
When ъ is present after a consonant, this indicates a slight break or pause in the word where the hard sign is located.
Example: объект - object
If anyone has any further resources for this, it would be greatly appreciated! I understand the concept of this, but not entirely grasping the pronunciation. Any YouTube videos or audio lessons would be very helpful! Also feel free to comment more tips for me on this topic!
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kurisus · 10 months
Chapter 107 thoughts
[downing a bottle of tequila]
Ummm, so this was fun! Not!
Silly goofy me for thinking since we're wrapping up the manga they were out of opportunities to hurt me further. I let my guard down and got bamboozled so that's on me. Well, one last time to let them twist the knife, I suppose.
Soooo after waiting 5 years for Yato and Hiyori to so much as be on the same fucking page together, Father drops in out of nowhere and snaps Hiyori's cord, leaving her to crumple lifelessly on the ground while the Sakura quote about death repeats in the background. This was really so fucking rude to me personally. It's like Adachitoka reached into my greatest fears and decided to make the reunion happen in the way that would cause me specifically the most possible pain. Did they have to put the reminder of the hospital arc there?! I hate it here.
Anyway, while that part made me feel absolutely horrible, I've been talking to a lot of people and we all agree we don't think Hiyori is permadead. A conflict spanning the entire manga wouldn't be resolved in three pages, it would make no sense for either Yato or Hiyori's development to end her life, Father is able to manipulate the appearance of his surroundings but couldn't actually bring back Kaya from the dead, and Hiyori's unusual condition meant no one really knew quite how to fix it or what ripping the cord would entail. The official translation wrote it as "if it gets cut, you're dead" which reads to me like "you're as good as dead" rather than "you will die."
I may just be grasping at straws here, but my guess is that this scare will just be the push Yato needs to finally cut ties with Hiyori, as much as she's helped him out in ways he'll never be able to repay. Perhaps she will be very weak, or my personal guess is comatose, but I don't think that was it. If it was, well...that would be a very sour note to leave the manga on.
Could Yato name Hiyori and make her his shinki? Sure, probably, but that would also be antithetical to the themes of this manga, which are that change is inevitable while not always a bad thing; and relationships between the living and dead, while necessary, are tenuous. I wrote a 100k canon divergence fic about Yato making Hiyori his shinki back in 2016, because I didn't want it to happen in canon then and I don't want it to happen in canon now. Bringing them both over to the far shore wouldn't properly resolve the conflict that drives this manga, the single human involved with the gods and spirits.
Anyway, here's my prediction: Hiyori will be in a coma, Yato will cut her ties while she's asleep, and she'll wake up with only vague memories of their time together. I want to say she'll be able to give a proper goodbye to him and Yukine, but we're also living in the worst timeline so I won't get my hopes too far up.
I admit I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the chapter after that happened, but let's continue: ohhh Yato you wanna kill trash dad soooo badly <3 throttle him with your bare hands before I do <3
Kiun talking about how it's the younger generation's turn to lead makes me a bit more optimistic for the ending. In this sense, heaven's "kill first, ask questions later" attitude is not justified, and the newer shinki will slowly change the minds of the gods, and a more just heaven will emerge.
All the gods seem to be blighted, however. Kofuku and Take are shown holding hands to their necks, and Ebisu, Tenjin, and Arahabaki seem to have a faint cloud arising from that area too. Judging by Take's line following, the shinki seem to be uneasy about their choice to change the status quo, because the world is heading into a new, uncertain time. Kiun doubts his choice as well, since his determination not to kill anyone caused a fellow shinki to die.
"Weak gods will die, while only the strong gods remain, and this world shall witness the advent of gods without mercy" sounds kinda like a cull of heaven aka what Father wants...except in this case I think it refers to the gods who are willing to change and be more just being the ones who survive into this new age.
So, to recap, the status quo is changing, heaven seems to be heading for a marked improvement, as an indirect result of Hiyori's involvement. Thus, her impact will have a lasting, positive effect on their culture, and she'll be able to live her life knowing she made a very big difference in a few people's lives, and a smaller difference in more people's lives. Make it happen.
Small side note: I'm going to be starting a reread of the manga soonish, and since Twitter is going down the toilet I've decided to switch back over to liveblogging on Tumblr. I'm thinking of doing thoughts posts per volume similar to this format, but I'll see how I feel once I actually begin. I'll be tagging everything as #Noragami reread, which will also be my tag for future rereads after it ends! Hope to see you there :]
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abundantchewtoys · 4 months
HS^2 re: p534-576
Woof (pun not intended), it's a doozy, this one.
Jade as doting mother was hilariously embarassing. But it seems her reasons to have a child in the first place stem from her intense loneliness, exacerbated by her celebrity status.
Meanwhile, Rose's motivation to carry the child... There's two ways to interpret it. The least complimentary is that she's just as manipulative as Dirk, using her powers to 'okay' a disgraceful decision because she'll be forgiven in the end anyway. I hope she actually wanted to see if she could do something her powers couldn't predict the outcome of. It would mean she's aware of the Candy timeline's nature of decreasing truthfulness, relevance and necessity and is trying to do something about it. The fact that she's so dismissive about Earth C's people, as is Jade, could point in that direction.
In fact, it would seem that, for all that the Candy timeline appeared to be a 'saccharine end state' for most of the kids, they do seem to be aware that even beyond the totalitarian government, there's something else fundamentally wrong with the timeline?
Meanwhlie, Yiffany not talking is so funny when you think about it. Even while we're being her, she's just too cool to lower herself to such base characterizational devices.
Would be funny if she's treated as the teen version of hypothetical older Maggie Simpson of Beyond Canon. Implied to be witty & talkative but never shown. :p
What else? So, uh, Tavros & Yiffany are acquainted, and Yiffy probably got locked up/kept hidden in Tavros' house when she was away from boarding school. Like a perverse Rapunzel. Making Tavros not just her biological uncle but also foster brother, oh jeez. So, uh, it might also mean her enmity with Gamzee's corpse stemmed from actual, in-person interactions with the clown.
Meenah's probably calling to let Rose & Kanaya know that Jane's coming to the meteor too.
So, the Point. I'm assuming it's to do with the device behind the curtain, beneath the meteor.
Spitballing & exchanging theories with Blaperile, I'm assuming it's a way for the Candy people to travel into the Meat timeline.
I wouldn't like it to be one way, for one thing because some people might not want to leave. For another, what would The Influencers even be able to do?
It could be a Sburb copy for the new kids to boot a session with & interact with the Deltritus gang?
Would be funny to have a sort of Hivebent situation going on with 2 separate teams turning out to be entering the same session.
If it's a giant version of the Hiveswap device, maybe the Candy & Meat timeline meteors get swapped (a literal swapping of hives).
Then maybe Candy Earth C with the Meat meteor turns out to be Alternate Calliope's home timeline, and the reverse for Caliborn/Lord English?
It would seem Jade was carrying around a stuffed corpse in her sylladex! Of course Adult Dave (now Davebot) is the most likely person. It could lead to Davebot exploding if his corpse is ever prototyped! But then we'd have a new version of Davesprite...
If it were Candy Dirk, we'd get Dirksprite: aka Arquiusprite minus Equius minus autoresponder.
With how Rose's mom got touched on in the argument, what if Jade had stuffed Mom and Dad? As Blaperile pointed out to me, while John & Jade had a funeral for them pre-retcon, we don't know that they did post-retcon, do we?
No chance for a Johnsprite beyond Terezi prototyping Meat John, though! Would've been funny to have Johnsprite^2 or *2. But unless Jade took John's original body (from his quest bed) from LOWAS before it exploded, we won't have that. As she never found the bodies for John & Davesprite in her timeline.
(Yeah I'm just grasping at straws to get a POV & further fleshing out for Dad, can't help it.)
As for the newspost, turns out I missed the one from Feb 1st. Wow, Vast Error has gotten the Hussie stamp of approval and now falls under the HICU protection and can monetize on their work!
I haven't read it yet, but I know from experience how engaging fanventures can be, so good for them!
And oh geez, so much unvaulted commentary to read on Patreon. :B
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
"To be fair kidnapping Chay wasn't Vegas's fucking plan" anon, have you forgoten about the men he sent to kill Chay on the last episode? Maybe Gun gave the order but Vegas was the one that knew where Chay was...
Vegas who by the way was going to gleefuly execute Porsche to break Kinn, bff roadtrip be damned.
People truly are grasping at straws to justify their hate for Kim, and they can!! Whatever floats their boat! But all those characterizations are very ooc, and we all should stop pretending otherwhise.
(re this and this)
answering this one month late but exactly anon, exactlyyyyyyy. Vegas has a lot of extremely complicated feelings about his cousins which mostly express themselves in the form of "i need to overcome Kinn any way possible, up to and including killing my new friend and/or destroying him by killing his brother." Vegas could've easily kept quiet about knowing where Chay is--Gun was relying on Vegas to keep him updated on Porsche and look into him. Vegas was holding all those cards. but, as Vegas had warned Porsche, Vegas's only goal during the finale shitshow was to protect Pete, and Vegas played every card he had (including Chay) to make sure Pete made it out of that compound alive and safe from Gun's coup. we don't even know if he'd actually tucked Macau off somewhere safe first or not--obviously Vegas looks out for Macau throughout canon (and personally i do think he ensured Macau was safe before riding off into the gunfight), but he also could've just left Macau at home or school or whatever, because Gun wasn't going to rely on him for the gunfight and Kinn never dragged other people's brothers into his fights.
i'm veering off into headcanon territory instead of canon here so i'll shush, but my general point is that i hate hate hate Chay & Vegas fic that doesn't do the legwork of them working through their wildly messy canon relationship first, because the only person Chay has a worse relationship with would be Korn. and for good reason! Vegas is responsible some extremely crappy stuff Chay goes through! he outright tries to kill Chay's brother multiple times! Chay and Vegas don't have any relationship prior or afterwards where they might make up or better understand each other! Porsche might not hold shit against Vegas, but he's also the world's worst grudge holder and sympathizes with Vegas's shitty situation, whereas Chay doesn't have that context and is canonically much less forgiving than him ("lets just leave uncle to suffer the loansharks while we runaway from his problems hia, we're not responsible for his trouble hia" anyone?)
similarly, i have a lot of issues with fic that makes Chay hate on Kim (in general, but especially when he has just a golly swell relationship with Vegas out of nowhere) because the only thing Chay's ever upset with Kim over is Kim's mixed messages. he didn't give a shit about Kim secretly being mafia, because frankly they were not in a deep enough relationship yet for Kim to owe him that secret, and Chay's canonical response to that was literally "so you're mafia. now i know. but did u like me?" (king). fandom makes so many jokes about Chay living a wattpad dream life, yet thinks he'd be blind to the "you were my mission but then i caught feelings oh no" genre?? lol nah. i'm joking here, but Chay was only (understandably!) upset that Kim implied he didn't care about Chay and then sent a lot of mixed signals showing that he DID and Chay just wanted a straight answer. which...Kim does give later, in the form of protecting him in the finale and the emotional whopper of "why don't you stay" (i'm not getting too into my beef with fandom's treatment of that, but Kim reached out to Chay with music, aka their favorite form of communicating and shared passion!! not to mention that is a fucking whopper of emotions and explaining his feelings. HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING, he knew his message would reach Chay dammit)
like. whatever. people are going to have different characterizations of these guys than me, and there's a lot of different takes on their various relationships to explore, which is fine!! i have a LOT of apparently unpopular takes about how i characterize Chay's various relationships which i can keep to my spaces, but sometimes...idk man. i really wonder what show some people are watching, because some characterizations are so wildly different from the characters in the show i watched
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