#aka pre-mob teru
halcified · 5 months
gawd . gonna pop some tags here and expand on them but teru really is like... peak slow-burn horror as a character. hes, like, seven tragedies waltzing around in a colourful trench-coat. i like to think that the people around him put together the pieces eventually because, well, hes not exactly subtle, and even when we meet him there is this blaring feeling that something is wrong. aside from the obvious violence he commits, of course, but it just keeps fucking Building
even after his fight with mob, teru as a character is so focused on his capabilities and independence that even when he realizes hes a normal person he still cant believe hes a normal KID. he has to believe hes more mature or capable in Some Way because otherwise theres no way to rationalize what has been done to him-- which is why i find his pre-mob self so fascinating because he is just. Pure hurt. pure attention seeking in a way that overcompensates for what his parents never gave him. those issues never really get Dealt with, either. they just get compartmentalized differently.
it's so nonchalant, too. teru shares his living situation with two people-- mob, who he, at this point, believes is an unequivocally Good Person who wouldnt share more than he has without being prompted, and dimple who... is a ghost. he could exorcise him easily, but more than that, dimple can only communicate with psychics or those who can see him, which means esper kids (aka mob and ritsu, because those are the only esper kids teru's ever met) and esper adults. and to teru, if theyre an esper adult, that means theyre claw, which means they already know.
its hard to remember in the context of the whole show, but teru didnt even know reigen existed at this point-- regardless of assumed psychic status or not. teru had no reason to believe that any adult, especially not an esper adult, would care. it can be easy to read this as teru being cornered because he needed to bring mob somewhere safe, too, but considering how calculating of a character teru IS, its hard to believe he wouldnt at least be convincing himself of his control over the situation
teru views himself as a commoner who lives in uncommon circumstances and thinks its super normal and just happens to never to tell any adults about it-- except that hes stupidly smart and, for all his absurdity, has a pretty decent concept of, like, strategy, and how not to get fucked over by adults. this kid ( again, stupidly smart, figured out his ENTIRE CITY was being brainwashed before anyone else ) focuses so hard on Not thinking about how fucked his situation is that he convinces other people not to think about it, either.
and the thing is that we keep SEEING how adaptable and strategic he is. need a pyrokinetic? air whips? name the technique and teru is LEARNING it. it doesnt take a genius to note that your life is severely different to other peoples. no WONDER he grows up thinking the world revolves around him, he needs something to make it all make sense, and when he finally views himself as a commoner he cant help but urge everyone to look away from the curtains
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mtndw-whteout · 2 months
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An Ode to The Broken Heart
I think about Teru and his relationship with his parents, and how it affects him as a person, a LOT.
Age Swap AU aside, alike to how Mob and his relationship with his parents affects him, Terus lack of parental involvement effects his character quite a bit (as personal view of his character).
From pre-fight with Mob, how he was with his classmates and how he treated his status amongst others (with or without powers), how probably at first he sought the need to “show off” and to have attention on him in some way to feel alright with himself. As he got older, that need was still there but wasn’t as fulfilling as it was at first, so the need for control and consistency grew stronger. Aka, him being a shadow leader and utilizing his powers in ways he knew would keep how everyone viewed him the same.
To post-fight, with him working on himself and finding a better way to use his powers and skills. He still lacks the emotional understanding of creating relationships without any ulterior motives, and he most likely will for a while.
Being hunted by claw and everything definitely did not help with his view on his powers and how they should be used, nor did the lack of emotional support.
Like, when he was “fighting” Mob and telling him that “he’s ruined everything and his life won’t be the same because of him”, the only memory that pulls up regarding his parents is his mom saying “I’m proud of my son, Teruki.”
The only thing he thought of was his mom telling him SHES PROUD OF HIM.
He’s so emotionally confused it’s so fucking sad.
I need to stop thinking about Teru.
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mopcycle100 · 2 years
thinks abt how takenaka joins telepathy club the first time in hopes of finding another telepath like him. by the time we meet him, takenaka has had his powers for years, and unlike mob, he's had a negative perception of his powers from the start. Years of dealing with his powers alone, and lashing out at people using said powers to make himself feel better would likely lead to tunnel vision on his end. I see it as similar to pre-mob teru, who believes he's at the top of the world alone and special, but in takenaka's case, rather than seeing himself as special, he thinks only he suffers alone from the drawbacks of telepathy. No one else can relate to him, he's been beaten down so much he can't see it happening. The manga really drives this home, where he explicitly tells Mob that they have nothing in common: the psychic skillsets Mob and the Shiratori brothers possess could not be comparable to his own. He couldn't fathom them understanding his awful experiences (Mob would disagree).
The way I see it in the grand scheme of things... Takenaka doesn't believe other people can empathize with his situation. The invasive property built into telepathy turns ppl away from him too (again, he explicitly confirms this in the manga). He likely feels so alone and alienated (bah dum tss) that when given the chance to possibly meet other telepaths, he takes it. (I understand feelings of intense loneliness considering I lived alone for a year and I'd latched onto the one guy who'd invite me out to places) But when that backfires on his face because it didn't meet his perceived expectations (aka he desperately wanted to meet someone in the same position as him), takenaka retreats within himself more, leading to his more visceral rudeness towards the telepathy club in ch98 when he comes back.
But ironically enough, the telepathy club was the place takenaka belonged to at the end. Not for his initial reasons of joining (hoping to find other telepaths), but because they provide him company, something that he likely deprived himself of due to his powers. Sure, the telepathy club members are taken aback by his powers when he uses it on them, but they brush it off and show their honest desire to make tomes wish come true. Takenaka said it himself that people don't want anything to do with him once they found out abt his telepathy, yet the club is able to brush it off after their initial surprise, only asking him for his help and not judging him further for his powers (even Tome doesn't judge him for his telepathy, and the two share friendly banter in ch99). And it warms my heart seeing him in the epilogue, where he's still in the club, telling mob they'll summon aliens again, and in his tiny cameos, he looks much more happier in comparison to ch 98.
tl;dr takenaka was always meant to be in the telepathy club in a way he hadn't thought of
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genericswordsmaiden · 2 years
I'm bored, so I'm going to make a list of my favourite fictional characters.
One Piece:
Sanji (I believe in pre-timeskip Sanji supremacy)
Portgas D Ace (I'm still so salty at the fact that he died istg he didn't deserve it)
Sir Crocodile (best. villain. hands down. he's so goddamn cool)
Mob Psycho 100:
Reigen Arataka (he's literally the perfect man, and I know many people on this website agree with me)
Mob (small esper boy deserves all the hugs)
Teru Hanazawa (I love his character development! Also there's something about his design that makes him very likable, probably the hair)
Bungō Stray Dogs:
Atsushi Nakajima (At-sushi Roll is one of my favourite protagonists, even though I feel like he gets overshadowed by Dazai most of the time)
Edogawa Rampo and Akiko Yosano (you have no idea how much I ship these two. I love them sm)
Chūya Nakahara (I like the fact that he has a petite figure but still manages to be the coolest mfer in yokohama)
Lovecraft and Steinbeck (aka ocean man and grape boy. honestly would've liked to see more of their antics)
Francis S. Fitzgerald (he's a decent villain. he was an ass but it was for the sake of his family ;-;)
Fairy Tail:
Lucy Heartphilia (many people hate her but I don't care, honestly. FT was my first anime that wasn't one of the "big three" - and I liked her so much, she felt like a sisterly figure. Also, she dreams of becoming a writer just like me so...yep. She's a comfort character to me)
Gajeel (I only wish good things for him, bro turned his life around after a youth spent being cruel and murderous!)
Levy (I only wish good things for her, sis helped a cruel murderer on his way to redemption!)
The Elder Scrolls series:
Vivec (cool design, deep lore master, a rather peculiar backstory)
Martin Septim (one of my comfort characters, he has a piece of my heart)
Sheogorath (I'm beginning to feel like a mad god, mad god! He's bonkers, the incarnation of absurdity - and I love him for that reason)
Paarthurnax (old, wise, committed atrocities in the past but he's trying to repent... what's not to like?)
Fire Emblem:
Lyn (badass and elegant at the same time! She's my favourite character to use during tournaments in FEH)
Claude (i simp for this man so much it's unreal)
The Emerged World:
Nihal (an incredible warrior, worthy of legends and all the highest honors)
Sennar (a fool in love, redhead mage, powerful and loyal. the perfect man)
Laio (i'm still not over him. my small boy, he deserved so much more)
Aster (the twist when Nihal finally confronts him is still one of my favourites in all of fiction. an incredibly well written villain)
Learco (I was rooting for him since he was first introduced, I knew he was a good man at his core. Besides, he and Dubhe are an incredibly cute couple)
Adhara (I actually haven't read all of the third trilogy but I have a feeling she'll do great things. I just wonder...who was she, before losing her memories?)
The Lord of the Rings
Pippin (he's so tiny! billy boyd's interpretation of him in the movies is so good.)
Boromir (he's so much more than what people usually make him out to be. I guess I have a thing for people who do bad stuff but then try to redeem even though the price to pay for it is their life)
Elrond (a king, a strong warrior, who's also as gentle as summer)
hpl's works:
Randolph Carter (I find it kinda inspirational that he always manages to get through whatever his bizarre life throws at him: it's like he's oblivious to the fact he's supposed to be in a series of horror stories - except maybe for "The Statement" - Warren's death really shook him... But then in Dream Quest it seems like he's having the time of his life. Also, I love the way the fandom treats him, he's like a treasure)
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shimokitazawathree · 5 years
2019 07 16-31
16 tue
Live Time
OPEN 18:30  START 19:00
adv. ¥2500 +1d
GUEST 『錯乱前線』 
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Bar Time
17 wed
Live Time
OPEN/START 20:00¥1000/ND
Controvertial Asian 
and more
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18 thu
Live Time
open18:30 start19:00 
前売2500+1D 当日3000+1D 
 出演 / Su凸ko D凹koi 
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Bar Time
19 fri
Live Time / Club Time
Block Party at THREE
Ryo Makino and The Undertakers
and more
to be announce
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20 sat
Live Time
CARD 7inch Vinyl『CHICKEN/METRONOME』 release party
open / start 18:00 / 18:30
ADV 2,500yen(+1drink) / DOOR 3,000(+1drink)
CARD / ベランダ / DJ DAWA
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Club Time
イエイエ presents  “sunrise pussy” RELEASE PARTY  
¥1500 (+1D)  
sunrise pussy 持参 or 購入者 ¥1000 (+1D) 
Hi,how are you? 
℃-want you!
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21 sun
Live Time
ADV ¥2800 
START 18:00 
Live /
The Chainups 
Glimpse Group 
Submarine Dog 
The Million Dollar Dogs 
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22 mon
Live Time
Stop the season in the 3 ~ ビリヒェア盛GO(びりひぇあもりごー) 
これ急遽やります!ライヴにDJ! 皆で夏を感じよう! 
START 20:00 CLOSE25:00 
神宮大佐(サーティーン) / DJ CD焼けてない / 昼酔宴選曲係 / おきゃんぬぱいぬ(WAO!) / and more
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23 tue
Live Time
ADV2000 DOOR3000
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Bar Time
24 wed
Live Time
open19:00 start19:30
ticket ¥1500 + 1d
O.A シバノソウ 
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Bar Time
25 thu
Live Time
Planet DUDE vol.17
adm / ¥2,500 with 1d
OPEN 18:30
 act / 中川一郎 aka Ambient Samurai
Comets & Satellites 
Slow Wolves Club
Mini Miracles
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Bar Time
26 fri
Live Time
Bar Time
27 sat
Live Time
OPEN/START 18:00 前売り¥2000 当日¥2500
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28 sun
Live Time
OPEN 16:00
adv.¥3000 +1d / door ¥3800 +1d
Live /
THE Erexionals
Dj /
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29 mon
Live Time
Live /
Three Ring Circus 
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Bar Time
30 tue
Live Time
4×4=16 LIVE08 「loves」 
OPEN 19:30 START 20:00 
ADV./DOOR. ¥1,500(+1D) 
ez do dan子 
DJ /
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Bar Time
31 wed
Live Time
“Kira Kira Vol.17″
OPEN / START 19:00
DOOR 1000円(+2D)
役畜 / Please / ギョ・ビリーズ! / サヨナラボーイ
DJミシシッピ / DJ 青瓢箪
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Bar Time
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mp100ficrec · 7 years
do u have any fic recs for rarepairs?? id love to see some more of those since theyre always fun!
It Runs in the Family by fireflysummers_ao3
Asagiri Minori/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo, Hanazawa Teruki/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo
“Teru agrees to attend a party celebrating his uncle’s full recovery after a horrific “car accident,” but he’s not excited about reconnecting with his cousin, Minori, who he recalls is as bad, and likely worse, as he used to be.However, he is not expecting to find her trying to turn over a new leaf in the wake of a traumatic spiritual possession, and in dire need of a confidant. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, they have more in common than Teru would like to admit…especially when he realizes that Minori is trying to track down her mysterious rescuer.”
Mob is 100% developing a fanclub.
but I digress, my dear by exogenesis
Mezato Ichi/Emi (Mob Psycho 100)
“When Mezato found out that the last copy of the textbook she needed was checked out of the library already, she became a girl with a mission; that mission was to track down the person who had the gall to take two entire weeks to return a library book.”
Super cute, I love this?
Movie night by DeerMom
Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo/Suzuki Shou
“Movie night, cuddles and sweet smooches on a couch.” 
Keys To The Heart by sketchy_shark
Gouda Musashi/Onigawara Tenga
“Onigawara has a big secret. He loves to play the piano, and he also loves Musashi. When Musashi finds out about Onigawara’s talent, he encourages him to share it. Onigawara, meanwhile, struggles to share his talent and his feelings.” *not pre-read by mods
space voyage by azatoi
Kurata Tome/Mezato Ichi
“Tome Kurata is slightly famous—or notorious, more like—for being… a weirdo, to put it simply. She’s definitely a person of interest. Just not exactly in a newsworthy way, which is obviously the only way that matters.”
I love this too much. This author is fantastic and so are the fic and the pairing.
Seasons by texmexboy
Gouda Musashi/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo
“In the summer Musashi plants sweet potatoes, and in the summer Mob comes to visit. (AKA the fic where Musashi doesn’t realize he gets a boyfriend and Mob flirts shamelessly.)”
This ship kills me, all of its content is super cute? There’s a tag for this ship in our pairings list if you would like more content. 
Mishto by texmexboy
Gouda Musashi/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo
“Musashi gets up the guts to confess to Mob”
I love every single MP100 work of this author’s and want to spread this love.
Let’s Pretend Together by paperficwriter
Gouda Musashi/Onigawara Tenga, Hanazawa Teruki/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo
“Musashi asks Onigawara to pretend to be his boyfriend so they can support Mob after Teru asks on a date. But when Mob asks the “couple” to accompany them, everything becomes much more complicated. Especially because a certain pompadour’d bancho has real for his fake boyfriend.“
Extracurriculars by paperficwriter
Gouda Musashi/Onigawara Tenga
“Onigawara likes Musashi. It’s as simple and as complicated as that.”
I love this author as well, and recommend their works generally.
A Kick In The Teeth Is Good For Some by whaleshork
Hanazawa Teruki/Kageyama Ritsu
Warning: Read the tags to avoid triggers. There’s also mention of semi-canonical character death.
“All Ritsu wants is to move on and be happy with his life. But something keeps growing inside him. From his stomach to his chest to his throat and out his eyes and mouth, until it fully surrounds him making it impossible to ignore. He can cut it down, but it will just grow back. He needs to destroy it, to pull it up from the roots. And he thinks he finally knows how. But there’s only one person who can help with that. Unfortunately, that person is Teruki Hanazawa.”
This will soon be part of a series for other rarepairs (ShouMob and eMInori). I look forward to that quite a bit, as I enjoy this author’s works.
Ships at a Distance Have Every Man’s Wish On Board by thejapanesemapletree
Kamuro Shinji/Tokugawa, Onigawara Tenga/Mariko
A very sweet series that’s mostly about the first pairing, with one shot for the latter. Just read it. Please. It deserves it. 
Taking Notes by gutter_girl_100
Takane Tsubomi/Mezato Ichi
“Falling for the school’s idol is surprisingly ordinary.”
The Way the Sunflower Grows by uglyelleth
unrequited Minegishi/Serizawa Katsuya
“Minegishi regrets little.One thing he does regret is something he hardly admits to himself.”
The melancholy character study I never knew I wanted. 
This feeling in my stomach won’t go away by PostApocalypticLaundryPile
Gouda Musashi/Onigawara Tenga, Hanazawa Teruki/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo
“Tenga wasn’t exactly sure when this… crush developed. It was almost like he woke up one day and his brain decided to point out that, hey your body improvement club captain is pretty hot, and it all sorta snowballed from there.” aka Tenga is awkward and anxious and hopelessly in love with his club captain and friend, but doesn’t know what to do with all these feelings.”
darkness isn’t a hindrance by distraitLoser
“It’s amazing how he can find someone so appealing to him without having to know what they look like. He never thought the distant and quiet person among them in Super 5 will be the one he’ll end up with, sleeping right next to him at this very moment.”
Pulling Weeds by unluckyships
Kurata Tome/Mezato Ichi
“Tome finds herself in neck-deep. Mezato goes on a hunt. There’s something cryptic in the woods, and it has a familiar face.”
Moving Onto Nothingby Crunchwrap Supreme (ghxsttype113)
Warning: Past vore. Also, this turns into a shitpost at some point. 
“But when he was alone? There was nobody, nobody to justify his actions, or to tell him why he was feeling certain ways.
“You had someone like that, you know.“”
Light Pollution by seafoamlungs
Kurata Tome/Kurosaki Rei
“Tome and Rei go UFO hunting together.”
Confession by amaranthinecanicular
Gouda Musashi/Onigawara Tenga, Hanazawa Teruki/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo
“Mob receives a love letter. It’s the duty of the Body Improvement Club to support him.”
ShouMob drabble by minusram
unrequited Suzuki Shou/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo
It has a happy continuation, which you should check out. As well as anything that doesn’t make you uncomfortable by this person.
Maybe by power (teii)
not exactly platonic or romantic Sakurai/Koyama
““Are you planning on getting a place of your own anytime soon?” Sakurai asks as he walks through the door, frowning at all the beer cans and dried fish snack bags strewn around the floor.
Koyama huffs, not even bothering to turn around to face him as he continues flipping through the channels, though he does manage to raise his left hand to send a lazy bird Sakurai’s way.
Apparently not.”
I love Claw settling back into society and I love the author’s take on the characters.
Loop Loop & Dive by prettypistachio
Hanazawa Teruki/Kageyama “Mob” Shigeo, side Kageyama Ritsu/Suzuki Shou, side Sakurai/Koyama, even more side Kurosaki Rei/Asagiri Minori, side Tsuchiya/colleague
“It doesn’t matter what shape or colour your aura as an esper is, Mob realised, it’s all the same in the end when that special person makes yours loop loop & dive.”
in his image by EnlighteningBugs
Hanazawa Teruki/Hanazawa Teruki
Warning: Yes, this is selfcest. More precisely, future Teru/past Teru-cest.
“Who made you who you are today?”
Symbiosis by hamlingo
Warning: The author warns of future dub con. As of now, there’s Dimple getting kidnapped by Matsuo and the latter acting creepily affectionate for someone who sealed Dimple away once again in an attempt to brainwash him.
“Matsuo gets a new pet with a god-complex.”
Телепатия by sad_all_life
Kurata Tome/Mezato Ichi
“Томэ Курата обычная японская школьница. И это действительно так. Она не надеется, что ее жизнь резко изменится, но продолжает попытки связаться с другими галактиками.”
Страшный секрет by Рейгар Кертье
Hanazawa Teruki/Kurosaki Rei
“Этот день настал. День, когда Теру решился доверить Рей свою страшную тайну.”
Я отвезу тебя на Аляску by TheLadyInJeans
Suzuki Touichirou/his wife, implied Kageyama Ritsu/Suzuki Shou
“Единое обещание, однажды данное разными людьми своим близким.”
Весна by Annita
temporary Kageyama “Mob Shigeo/Takane Tsubomi, endgame Kageyama “Mob Shigeo/Mezato Ichi
Предупреждение: Тсубоми тут совсем не добрая и по моему OOC.
“Шигео становится старшеклассником. Но всё ли так просто? Новые проблемы, потрясения, опасности и, конечно же, любовь, которую остерегаться стоит больше всего. Она погубила не мало простых людей, а паренька-эспера, которому нужно сдерживать эмоции, так и подавно в свои сети захватит и долго отпускать не будет. “
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kitzup · 7 years
some thoughts and light meta on hanazawa teruki
a big trope i see is that post-mob teru is actively trying to be a better person (someone that regrets his violent nature, is softer & kinder, doesn’t look down on people, etc. etc.) and while i think it’s true that post-mob teru goes through a drastic attitude shift i don’t think it actually makes him a softer person
teru is still pretty vicious (even within just the anime, he waterboards someone and lights someone on fire, for christ’s sake - he has no qualms about beating people to pulp), and while he doesn’t use his powers to life-hack everything, he still has no trouble using his powers on people when the situation calls for it. his “i’m the best” attitude hasn’t really lessened so much as it’s been put into perspective - “i’m the best... excepting kageyama, of course”
he still has the whole “i can never be beaten” superiority complex (ch. 82)
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he still utilizes his powers to put people in their place (his meeting with ritsu in episode 7)
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he still has, um, less than ethical methods of getting information (ch. 78) 
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so, he’s definitely still got all of the qualities of pre-mob teru, he’s not especially interested in being soft or kind on other people, the only difference is..... well,
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he spends
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a lot of time
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a certain OP ESP-er. . .
like sure, yes, he’s much more easy-going in regards to challenges to his ego, he seems to get along with other people better, and there’s a certain self-awareness to his flaws that he didn’t have before, but honestly? he’s still mr. arrogant-and-violent, it’s just his actions now seem to stem mostly from an untouchable respect for shigeo and his power (”you aren’t special, because there is someone much stronger than you”, “you shouldn’t abuse your psychic powers, because there is someone who will stop you”, etc. etc.) as well as a need to not disappoint him, hurt him, or let him get hurt
tl;dr teru is still a cold & terrifying boy with esteem issues (aka not really a nice softboy) but now he’s gay for shigeo
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prettypistachio · 7 years
Thanks for the ask! A sorry has to come first cuz I had to reverse the order to 7-16-19-20-14. Thing is No. 14 went outta control so plz forgive me;)
7: What’s the most hilarious moment to you?
Hanazawa. Teruki. Ochimusha. OMFG. Not only did I learn a new word but it’s Genius humour from ONE. Awesome Idea. Hands Down. The way I laughed that day like no other last year. Just Perfect. Manga and Anime likewise the scene will never be forgotten by me. NEVER.
16: What would be your first or basic psychic skill (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, ect)?
19: Would you hone your basic psychic skill or try to learn different ones?
Yes. Yes to both. I’d follow in my son’s footsteps: Teru. I’d just learn from everyone and everything. After Hydrokinesis I’d just learn the other three elements and basically become the avatar of this world. Someone has to do it.
20: Would you try to use your psychic powers for personal gain or only if you had to?
It’d be a shame not to use such power, right? Like personal gain to arrive early to places, or maybe flying instead of using transport to save money, or maybe invisibility…for the right purposes ofc. So, yes within reason that it doesn’t harm or kill anyone in any possible way. But I’d love to use my powers freak out my family and friends for fun though. I mean, wouldn’t you?
14: Are there any MP 100 fanfics you HAVE to rec?
Yup, here we go. Bear with me cuz it’s long but it’s not my fault the MP100 fandom has good fics. I kinda feel spoiled. I can’t rec ‘em all. So here’s a few among many.  
(Order is: General, Sakuyama, Ekurei, Serirei, Ritshou, and ofc TeruMob)
Temporary Accommodations by Originia is superb. Characters in character, dramatic moments, serious moments, intriguing moments. The body mind switch thing between Reigen and…? Yeah, it’s well written.
Three by Ravenesta is extremely excellent. Sensational to me. It has this as the summary on ao3: ‘ The staff of Salt Middle School consider Kageyama Shigeo’s third emergency contact.’ IF you’re not hooked like I was then I don’t know what to say.
Groceries by @crescentmoonrider is also superb. This writer’s background on Teru is extremely thought out well. The way it’s written grabs your attention.
9.8 meters per second by exogenesis is fantastic. The way Teru is explored in this fic is perfect, haunting, and real.
Silver and Gold by Sifl / @onepunchmusical is also fantastic. This writer gives me my quota of Reigen & Teru interaction. The Reigen & Teru with a touch of Mob is exactly what I’m after. I mean it.
ah, young love! by @dreamy–dark by is terrific. Thank goodness this writer brought more Reigen & Teru to mp100. This Reigen & Teru with a hint of Mob is wonderfully written. Love their nosy Reigen. I have no complaints.
This fic by @paperficwriter is splendid. I am a sucker for Reigen when he’s doing his father-role with Mob. The bond between them is so sweet in this.
Maybe by power (teii) is also terrific. It’s not shippy but it’s not not shippy. It’s awesome. It’s Sakurai and Koyama dealing with things life after Reigen’s badassery, and it touches my soul and makes me want to explore them more. This writer has hooked me on them dangerously well.
1 by slutreigen (pleasejustno) is extraordinary. Don’t let the author’s name fool you but they write these two well. The subtly in the relationship kills me every time. But the banter in this fic 2 …it’s gooood. One day soon I know I’ll end up shipping ekurei.
This Place is Big Enough for Two of Us by WritingIsMyCoffee is also extraordinary. The writer’s made it real and it’s gets real in this fic.
flower language by matsunoble is wonderful. Reigen is a freakin’ florist! It drives me crazy. This fic gives me life. Florist!Reigen is the best.
The Time of Change by SpringZephyr is also wonderful. It’s the sweet, real teen-like, funny fic on them I’ve ever read.
Aubade by Ravenesta is amazing. It’s Ritsu, Shou, College AU, Slow Burn and both of them decide to…well, I’m not telling you. Please read this yourself ;)
ANYTHING that is Ritshou by allthingsunrelated OR by krypkaktus (Regndoft) is also amazing.
Terumob [OTP]
Teen Spirit by @potato-eating-intensifies is impressive. The writer wrote one my fav AU’S in MP100. This delinquent!au gives me so much inspiration. Characterisation is handled really well, especially delinquent!Mob. The teen angst and frustration…loved every moment reading it. You should read it too. Like now.
asleep and constantly floating away by theholychesse is magnificent. It’s on-going, and I’m officially addicted, and it has PRE HUMILITY TERU AND MOB. It’s kinda my wormhole!terumob wish come to life. And Mob in this fic is, well…it’s a shock. Read this please. I CAN’T stress this enough.
And Under Your Breath (You Spoke of Innocence) by @terubi is also impressive. Nothing but excellence. So in character for my fav espers.
STANDING ON A BOX FULL OF STARS by @peanut-jars is brillant. Makes me say wow again and again and again. It’s short, sweet, and special. I can not not tell the world about this.
I Need Him by Kinyve is also brilliant. It’s Shou, Mob, and Ritsu crushing on my fav Teru. He’s the wanted protagonist weirdly enough. Growth by Kinyve is brilliant too plus college au, and on-going. One of my favs as you can see.
On The Other Side by tofuandnuts is remarkable. Seriously. It’s like the 1st age swap au on AO3 plus the first one I read, and still great as ever. Characterisation and relationships are handled well. Teen Reigen in this is a freakin’ joy!
Wake by @amaranthinecanicular is a must-read. This age swap AU has the word Hanazawa Shigeo in the summary. How can I resist? Relationships in this fic are gorgeously explored and Reigen is the MVP in this. He’s so precious. Teru’s job cracks me up but it’s becoming a real hc for me now. You can’t persuade me otherwise.
Turning Slowly by sorrow_key is also a must-read. This writer writes Mob like they have the blueprints to hi. The layers added to Mob were killing me. We are like literally inside his head! The addition of Teru and thoughtful use of other characters was beautifully done.
A Half A Spoonful of Sugar by bikeaesthetic aka @kageyamashigeo  is worthy of my heart, soul, and mind. One of the first terumob fics I ever ever read. Still fantastic to read again when I’m in need of cavities.
A Way With Words by entrenched is beautiful. I can’t take it. Plus the writer did a series. And the ending? My heart was failing and starting all at the same time.
Heat and Light by classicteacake is also beautiful. Gosh, the way they write just takes pieces of my soul I never knew I had.
Chick Flicks are Poor References for Romance by @fireflysummers is delightful. It seriously seriously is. Characterization for terumob is spot on.
If You Love Me, Won’t You Let Me Know by @one-trash-man is also delightful. Title itself speaks volumes. I was hopeless. I couldn’t resist and I don’t regret a thing. Pretty art goes with the fic too.
how the light gets in by iapetuses is also splendid. One of the tags the writer used was ‘oblivious teru’…That is the kind of swap realisation idea I adore in terumob fics. Let Teru be the clueless one. Btw the ending still kills me.
The end.
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