#akudama drive x reader
midnightlee25 · 1 year
Random Yandere Headcanons: Akudamas all sharing a darling
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This is with all 7 Akudama. 
 It’s going to be a mess from the beginning to the end. 
It is kind of a weird stand still only barely held together by their darling. Each one is biting their time until the chance arises when they can take their darling away from the others. 
As time goes on there’s at least four of them that accept sharing a darling but they’re still going to be two that will still try to take them away from the others.  
Since they are all a force to be reckoned with, their darling never has to worry about being attacked because they are always going to have bodyguards around somewhere.  
Their darling will also always be smothered by someone. 
Punishments are not out of the picture however they can be lighter depending on what happened and who’s around. 
They have absolutely no chance of escaping the akudama. 
Swindler, Courier, Hacker, Brawler & Hoodlum have collectively decided to not leave their darling alone with Doctor and Cutthroat nor let them do punishments. 
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dearestones · 11 months
Because I Feel Like a Winner (Hacker x M! Reader)
Warnings: Established relationship, fluff, slight humor. 
@mondgewalt Request: first off: congratulations on reaching 750 followers!! you absolutely deserve them!! i loved your hacker valentines day scenario btw!! again, thank u for doing my request <33
would you be okay with writing for hacker again? with a male reader and this prompt:
“ why are you looking at me like that? ” 
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It was to the sound of fast and nimble fingers tapping quickly across a series of keys that eventually woke you up from your impromptu nap. You roused, eyes still bleary and droopy from an unexpected awakening, that you took a moment to yourself to breathe in deeply and nuzzle your face into the soft sheets that lay curled and twisted underneath and around your body. While the sheets hadn't been washed in about a week or so (you had asked your boyfriend and he rolled his eyes, but you knew the truth), they didn't smell too bad. The opposite actually—the scent reminded you of your dear boyfriend.
Speaking of—
After rubbing your eyes free of Sandman's dust, you leaned up on your elbows to watch your lovely boyfriend hard at work.
Hacker, like what his name implied, was busy typing something into his computer that he built from the ground up. While he often spent his time playing around holograms and breaking into secret government... whatever it was the government was trying to hide from the well meaning and tax paying citizens of Kansai, he sometimes liked to acquaint himself with the tactile components of the old technology that preceded the old war.
It was a game to him, how fast his fingers could fly across the keys as if he were trying to play on a piano. Sometimes, if you closed your eyes and listened hard enough, maybe you could hear his soul fly in joy; flying in freedom from the drab life of Kansai, even if his hunger for games and more excitement was still left woefully undernourished. He didn't complain too much, especially if he was having fun with you, but you knew that if he could, he would leave this hellhole as fast as possible.
Negative thoughts aside, you enjoyed listening to Hacker play around his keyboard. A few months ago, you had offered to replace some of the keycaps with some that you made by hand. He had scoffed at first, but had taken you up on your offer when he realized that you were serious. The escape key, enter key, and a few random others were covered in Shark and Bunny, a few of Hacker's favorite jelly drinks, and a few special mementoes that you hoped would remind him of yourself whenever you were away. You wouldn't call yourself skilled in creating custom made resin keycaps, but you thought the addition of your little art pieces made his keyboard look cute.
Hacker wouldn't say so, but you knew that every so often, he would take a break and stroke the keycaps. While you could not see his face, you could see in your mind's eye that his expression would neither be mocking in victory or bland from boredom, but soft. Maybe even yearning.
It made you feel warm when you imagined such an expression on his face. 
You were practically burning whenever he turned that specific gaze on you. 
Carefully, you sat up from your previous position of lying on your stomach and began to rise. You tried to keep quiet, but your foot must have caught something because no sooner did you touch down on the floor did a series of baubles, bits and bobs, and wrappers fall down in your wake. Even the blanket, which you thought was still tucked into the bed, had fallen prey to the floor. Grimacing in a panic, you immediately flew into motion—quite like the way Hacker's fingers danced up and down the keys.
Up on the bed did you lay out the blanket again—still a rumpled mess, but you would get to folding it later—into the trash went the wrappers, and on a spare dresser, you placed the little knick-knacks. A shoddy job overall, but you didn't mean to make such a mess and maybe Hacker wouldn't mind that a few things were out of place... especially since most of the things that were placed carelessly atop his bed weren't supposed to be there in the first place!
Why did you take a nap on his bed again? It shouldn’t have been as comfortable as it was considering it was as untidy as a pigsty whenever he got into his moods. 
As you began folding and tucking in the blanket into Hacker's bed, you heard the telltale laugh of your favorite person. 
You sighed. 
A part of you wished that Hacker had donned his headphones, but you should have known better. When you were a person wanted by the law, it was probably best that he was on alert so he wouldn’t be caught unawares if they weren’t communicating through technology. 
You smoothed the covers before following it up by fluffing up his pillows. All the while, you bit down on your lip and hoped that the flaming heat in your cheeks and around your neck would die down. Your only saving grace was that you could try and hide your shame within the confines of Hacker’s room due to the relatively low lighting. Before you knew it, however, the minor tasks that you assigned yourself were done, which meant…
You looked up and balked, your face once again heating up in embarrassment. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” 
How long have you been looking at me?
You got the feeling that Hacker had been gauging your reaction and subsequently trying to hide his amusement ever since your first foray into clumsiness. 
Bright blue eyes, usually ensconced underneath a hardened veneer of callous boredom or hyped up with manic glee, was softened at the edges and his lips were curved up in a gentle smile. His laughter had long since ceased, but he leaned back with his elbow on his desk and his chin resting within the palm of his hand, as if the force of his laughter had caused him to lean back from the force. 
He caught your gaze and he winked. 
You heaved a sigh, but you smiled and made your way to him. 
“Got a good laugh at the show?” You bent down to smoosh your face against his shoulder, your voice muffled through the fabric of his jacket. Obliging your need for affection, Hacker rubbed at your bicep, his touch soothing if a bit inexperienced. “I feel like such a loser sometimes around you, you know?”
“You do?” Hacker smiled into your cheek. “Because every time I look at you, I feel like a winner.”
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toyafreethoughts · 5 months
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...[Jaxrel] is typing... <3 ↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ ꒰Enjoy Your Life Matchup, Quasar!꒱ 🦋~* Logging Off… @fourtyfourcatss
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A/N: Hello again Quasar! Words cannot describe how happy I am that you request an anime I enjoyed for over a while now, Since the fandom is kinda dead there isn’t a lot for me to crunch on but since you sent this hopefully I can also reach more people! Also if anyone wants to send in anything for akudama drive wether it’s requests, matchups, etc, I don’t care I’ll do whatever it takes to feed the dead fandom. Anyways, enjoy this matchup as much as I enjoyed your other matchups you’ve made for me. It’s always good to partner up with you again.
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𓆩♡𓆪 When you guys first met I think you guys instantly clicked, well… maybe not instantly but from what I can tell when I saw Courier he always seems wary of people at first, like he can’t really trust someone fully yet until he sees their true colors which is pretty much accurate of him and also very smart to as he’s an akudama.
𓆩♡𓆪 He appreciates that there’s someone like you, at least your an honest person he knows (besides swindler.) that’s another step he can take around you to know that you aren’t shady like the other akudamas, that you don’t really hide anything to make yourself look suspicious, I feel like you would have to confess to him first because I don’t feel like he’s the type of person to go and confess to you yet, UNLESS he can go first but he’ll be a little hesitant at first but when he confesses to you and you say yes he’ll be a little taken aback at first but also he’s happy but he’s obviously got gonna show it of course.
𓆩♡𓆪 He likes that your blunt, and also smart, it’s definitely what attracted him at first, he’s also glad your at least optimistic, I feel like he lost that hole a while back but with you around he will find that hope again soon, he was a bit annoyed at your pridefulness but later grows into not caring that much, I also read that people think your funny and you are! whenever you joke with him he’s not gonna laugh, no way in hell is he ever gonna laugh but I feel like you made him laugh at some point, mostly like a snort or a grin but he quickly hides it away (out of embarrassment).
[ ☪︎ ִ ֶ֢࣪⋆ HOW’S THE COUPLE DOING NOW ? ]
𓆩♡𓆪 Your honor they are doing very well, ever since they got together they have been very happy together, seriously though, I feel like since he has you he’s been doing more better, I also believe you would live in his small house (or apartment, there wasent a lot of information of what house he has.) but since you dislike unhygienic things I feel like the house would always stay clean because of you, I mean it’s always been clean but still, I can imagine just courier cooking for the both of you while there’s soft music in the backround, just one of those happy and peaceful times between two lovers.
𓆩♡𓆪 You and Courier would go for walks during the night, somewhere where people aren’t around to freak the actual hell out when they spot a Akudama, He would also like watching you draw, he would always hang them up around the house to admire when he gets back home, he even keeps a drawing with him whenever he goes out, you don’t know though so he hopes you won’t catch him, I feel like Courier would also somewhat take naps, but not a lot like you do, but he’ll indulge with you though if you want him to rest and not stay up and smoke.
[ Round-Ups: Hacker, Hoodlum. ]
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REASONING: I feel like with your personality and also your hobbies and talents it felt like one of the best options, Since your usually psychically active I feel like it would make the best option.
My other options for you would be… A bow, An Axe, or a Spear.
I should also add this but I feel like you would be in a similar situation to swindler but with a little twist, I feel like you were in some situation that didn’t even associate with you but they still made you a Akudama anyways.
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— Hacker; You guys met before you became a akudama and also before you were couriers partner, he would only interact with you not with the others, he favored you more than the others, he likes spending time with you a lot! wether it be reading or writing or whatever, he was always grateful to be around you, I feel like you guys would listen to music with each other a lot.
— Hoodlum; When he met you he was a bit nervous at first I guess (?) but later on when you get to know each other more he was able to become quickly comfortable with you knowing he can trust you fully, you guys are always seen with each other or also with Brawler, he finds peace with you so much, he’s always with you so you can also protect him LMAO.
— Swindler; Yet another one! I feel like she immediately knew she can trust you, you were so honest with your information and advice, how could she not believe you? You are very trustful in her eyes, she always goes to you for a lot of advice and you always somehow help her so much?! She’s impressed! She’s always taking walks with you while you guys talk about whatever, she respects you so much I also believe she looks up to you so much, your a role model to her.
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Songs I was listening to: I’m a controversy (Ado), Show (Ado), Drunk-Dazed (ENHYPEN), Non-breath oblige (Pinocchio-P), What Is Love? (TWICE), CAKE (Itzy), Anti-Romantic (TXT), Cookie (NewJeans), DJANGO (ATEEZ), Mr. Simple (Super Junior), Blood Sweat Tears (BTS), I Want That (GI-DLE), In My Dreams (Red Velvet), FAILURE GIRL (Kairikibear), Last Night Good Night (Livetune), On the Rocks(OSTER project).
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nejiverse · 2 years
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a/n: i dont know much about aladdin but i really hope this is okay!! Fem! Reader
cw: harassment, violence
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1.5k words
Brawler let out a sigh for the nth time. He lost count a while back. Not that he was any good at math in the first place.
These days all went the same: he gets into fights, steals a couple things then runs away, sleeps then repeat.
He needed a bit of a change in his life, something interesting,
Someone interesting.
With his hands in his pockets, the red head walked through the crowd, looking for something that would catch his eyes. He wanted to spice things up a bit and nag something more valuable.
"Please just give it to me".
A voice reached the ears of Brawler. He was surprised he even heard the voice in the first place amongst the bustling crowd.
He retraced his steps and stood at the entrance of the eerie alleyway that he heard the voice come from.
"If you want it so bad, you're gonna have to jump higher than that miss", a masculine voice spoke out, followed by a chuckle.
She grunted, standing on her toes and reaching as high as she could, her body pressing against his own in the process.
After a few tries, she gave up and came back down onto her feet.
"Please", she pleaded, tears threatening her eyes. She spent so much on buying the textile she didn't know what she'd do if she couldn't get it back. "That fabric is very expensive".
'Expensive..', Brawler mumbled to himself. The word alone made him walk further into the alleyway and locate the two. Now he was simply dying to see this 'expensive' item that could reward him millions. Or that's what he was hoping anyway.
"You know, if you would only let me court you, I could buy you as much fabric as you need—".
She stopped him from continuing on. "I decline. Give it to me", she furrowed her brows with fake confidence on her visage.
The man gritted his teeth and grabbed her wrist, pinning it against the wall harshly.
"You're so ungrateful", he voiced. "I offered you everything and yet you still turn me down", his grip tightened around her wrist and she winced in pain.
"Would ya leave the lady alone? She clearly isn't interested idiot", Brawler intervened and simply used their moment of shock to his advantage, grabbing the fabric from the man's hands.
"As they say take your eye off your most prized possession and someone may snatch it from under your nose!", he snickered, running away with the textile, fantasising about the amount of money he was about to make.
"Wait!", while the man still stood there taken aback, Y/n broke free from his grip and ran after Brawler.
"I beg of you, give it back to me!", she shouted as Brawler paid no mind to her.
After all, it was a dog eat dog world.
After her legs gave up on her, she collapsed onto her knees and slouched her shoulders in defeat.
"Nobody even says that..", she mumbled.
...'As they say take your eye off your most prized possession and someone may snatch it from under your nose'...
She'd never heard that phrase in her entire life. 
Brawler made it back to his little hideout and sat down against the wall.
He laid his eyes on the two rolls of fabric in his hand and thought back to that woman.
The desperate and saddening look on her face was etched into his mind.
Brawler never felt this way about stealing anything before but something in him wanted to return what was rightfully hers.
"What the hell?!", the man scratched his head in frustration.
One part of his brain told him to just return it as to grant him peace of mind, but the other said forget about it there's no point in giving it back.
He shook his head and confirmed what he would do.
He'd return it tomorrow.
But one thing..
"How am I supposed to find her again?".
The next day, Brawler passed through the exact route he passed yesterday and all the stalls that were selling a variety of things.
He noticed it was less busy than yesterday which relieved him. It'd make it easier to look for the woman.
Or so he thought..
Because no matter how hard he looked, he just couldn't find her!
"Aw man! What if I never see her again?!", he frowned deeply at the thought.
He not only wanted to return the textiles, but he also wanted to apologise for how he left her to fend for herself with her harasser.
"A real man wouldn't do that", he said to himself.
In the midst of his inner conversation with himself, two guards turned the corner he was about to turn too.
“Hey! It’s you again!”, one of the guards shouted, pointing an accusing figure at Brawler.
Said man’s lips slowly and tauntingly curved into a smirk.
“You two are really eager for a round two aren’t ya”, he chuckled, running towards them with his fist out.
His fist hit the guard straight into his face, causing him to fly back into a wall as a result of Brawler’s brute strength.
The other guard gritted his teeth as he let out a battle cry and punched Brawler in the arm.
“Hm?”, the tall man tilted his head as what felt like a scratch to him.
The guard fell back onto the group and trembled him fear.
“Usually I would be up for a fight but i’m busy right now—”, Brawler was taken by surprise as the guard that was on the ground grabbed his ankle, causing him to fall back into a window, shattering the fragile solid.
The guard ran away with his tail between his legs. He certainly did not want to stay long enough to meet his end.
“You son of a—”, Brawler paused when he heard a gasp from behind him.
It was the woman from yesterday.
And as he looked around the small shop, it was clear to him that she was a lowly seamstress.
The shop wasn’t big at all but it was nice and cozy; that’s how Brawler would describe it.
And he went and ruined it by shattering the window.
He didn’t even know where to start, return her stolen items or apologise for breaking the window.
He got up and scratched his cheek sheepishly. “I’m sorry”, he handed her the fabric as she looked at him with wide eyes.
This act of kindness was so foreign to her.
“But..but why?”, she blinked curiously, taking it from his hands.
Brawler shrugged. “I’m not really sure myself”, he rubbed the back of his head and sighed at the mess he made.
Y/n looked up at him, a small grin tugging the corner of her lips.
“Hey”, she called out, gesturing for him to bend down to her height.
“Closer..”, she added.
As he did so, she placed a chaste peck on his cheek.
“Thank you for returning these to me”, she smiled.
Brawler was frozen in shock. He’d never been kissed by a girl before..it made him feel like a high school boy from a novel.
His words were stuck at the back of his throat and he furrowed his brows.
“You’re a nice guy you know that? You really don’t need to be getting caught by the police like that, it’d be a shame if they arrested you”, she fiddled with the jewellery on her fingers, feeling as if she’d just made the man feel uncomfortable.
Heat rose to her cheeks.
“I didn’t mean it like that!”, she waved her hands around frantically.
“It’s just…”, she huffed out at her hopelessness. “Never mind”, she sulked. She was never good with words.
Brawler laughed at her silliness. It was quite amusing to watch her ramble on and on. He placed a hand on her shoulder.
“You’re real funny lady”, he grinned.
“Stop getting yourself in trouble and i’ll show you just how funny I can be”, she placed her hands on her hips proudly.
She was about to crack the worst and most unfunny joke known to man.
And Brawler would go on to laugh hysterically at it.
From that day forward, Brawler would pay occasional visits to her shop and they’d talk for hours on end.
There came a day when he felt really bad for making her cry. It wasn’t his intentions but he’d often show up to her shop with cuts and wounds.
She cried into his chest and Brawler reassured her (as well as himself) that he’d never start a fight again.
He never ever wanted to make her cry like that. Ever.
And dont worry, he fixed her window :)
Masterlist :)
Req: @princeasimdiya12
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uenovv · 2 years
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
HI BESTIE BOO!! HOW ARE YOU?? since you have no requests I wanna send one in plus I think this is a really interesting idea so anyways hehsnms
Could I request the Akudamas with a Reader who’s like Nanno from Girl From Nowhere? so there’s information on the wiki which I suggest reading but the reader is a mysterious person who isn’t human and pretends to be a 11th grader student and she has multiple super powers to get at people (her enemies) and maybe you can have them react when the reader gets killed but they survives (bc their immortal) and they comes back alive and there’s multiple clones of them?
Honestly you should watch the show if you’d like, it’s super interesting like seriously 😭😭 THANK YOUU!!
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HEHHEHEHE she’s so cool like look at her, bruhhhsjajwnsn ok enough joey, GOODBYE AND HAVE FUN BESTIE!!!
Akudama Drive x Nanno! Reader
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You met her when the group all showed up at the police station right where one of your close friends was on the verge of being. You weren't shocked to see some others there, but when seeing the new girl it became rather strange, especially when she declared herself as the swindler. It was clear to see that she was lying, but you kept that to yourself and let the girl tag along as the group was now given a new mission.
You didn't talk much until your guy's hotel room was attacked by the executioner and his pupil, leading to the group needing to make some quick moves. You dogged all of the bullets being shot at you, making sure to spin around and grab Swindler and Hoodlum, dragging the two of them to the ground behind a couch.
"Stay here!" You growled, jumping back out. Swindler widened her eyes, "What are you doing?"
"Don't worry about it," You muttered, lunging at the girl while the others took care of the executioner. You fought against her, stopping all of her attacks with ease being ten times faster than her, but things began to slow down when Swindler stepped out from the couch. You glared, "What are you doing?"
"Helping!" Swindler stated, right as the sound of more were heard now aimed right at her. Kicking the girl back, you rushed over towards her standing in front of her, blocking all of the metal being shot at her. Swindler screamed, "No!"
Dropping to her knees, Swindler checked your pulse seeing a bunch of red liquid, leaking out of your body creating a pool of blood around the two of them. Tears peeked her eyes when seeing someone who tried to protect her dead because of a silly action she made. Swindler siffled, "No…"
"Bring them over here." Doctor ordered, dragging your body towards her. Hoodlum widened his eyes. "What are you going to do to them?"
"I'm going to stop the bleeding g, now keep an eye out before we all end up just like them," Doctor grumbled. Grabbing some materials, Doctor went to begin the procedure and stop all of the - when breathing could be heard from your body. Doctor had a confused look, "What the...:
"Those damn bastards," You muttered, rubbing your head. Fluttering your eyes opened, you glanced around seeing the two still there with the others trying their hardest to deal with them. You shook your head. sitting up from the ground. "We can't keep going at this. Brawler! You think you can find us something to get out of here?"
Of course," Brawler smirked, breaking the room's wall and jumping out towards one of the ongoing transportations. Swindler shivered, "How are you… alive?"
"Don't worry about it, for now just hold on," You signed, grabbing her and the brown haired boy before jumping out after Brawler. That began the high amount of questions about how you were able to survive…
Many questions went through her head at your survival, but she felt more guilt instead knowing that your pain was from her doing. When the group was safe, Swindler definitely went to check up on your wounds, but was overly shocked when seeing none of them there anymore.
When hearing your explanation, things were so confusing, but she still had more questions as to how you were able to heal so quickly? And if there was anything that could make you die, sadly you didn't answer any of them, keeping them all to yourself.
Was shocked when seeing your once again and instead of coming back alive, another version of yourself appeared looking identical to your dead form on the ground. She didn't ask anymore questions barley even understanding her own thoughts now that nothing felt real.
All he felt was fear not wanting to die him self, but when his eyes landed on your gruesome body he wanted to throw up everything that was inside of him. He kept imagining himself in your position seeing the bullets inside his body and all of the blood pooling around him.
He was even more afraid when finding out the truth about what you were. He made sure to stay a couple of inches further, not wanting to come anywhere close to your wrath. He was the most scared when learning that there could be multiple of you, meaning that there could be multiple creatures around him.
He didn't see the happen since he was busy fighting himself, but when he turned, hearing your orders, he didn't ignore the blood soaked into your clothes. You could feel his gaze when following him onto the transportation, but it always went away when meeting his eyes.
He thought it was cool when you told the truth about your abilities, he also liked when your clone appeared thinking of it as a cool game. He doesn't get that all of this is real and that your first body was dead and that your clone was now taking your place. No one has the guts to tell him that you were actually dead and that the clone you wasn't the real you.
You met him before meeting the other Akudamas, working with him on a mission that required the two of you to be partners. After that mission, the two of you became inseparable and began working together on most projects, which makes sense now why you were at the station in the first place.
He didn't know how to feel when learning you couldn't actually die, but thought it would be a good choice to keep you around in case you actually did and he could see your bleeding body or hopefully be the one to kill you and see you bleed your beautiful red.
Confused when seeing your body heal on its own before she even had her hands on any of your wounds. She didn't know how to feel when seeing your body react differently from anything she's ever seen before.
When the truth came out, she was amused and wanted to do multiple tests and find out how your body reacted the way it did. Sadly, you refused to let her try anything and avoided all of her advances not wanting your body being tested on, especially from someone like her.
Found out later when you told the truth to everyone and he didn't really react, not surprised by your strange abilities. You didn't affect him much and once the mission ended all eight of you would never talk again.
Things changed when he was driving off on his bike with you and the siblings behind him. He went over all of the memories that wese shared with the other akudamas and he realized how happy he was with all of them. He was proud that someone like you was taking the kids and would be looking after them. He knew now that the kids would be safe and wouldn't have to hide in fear.
Your point of view:
You didn't mind telling them about your powers not thinking much of them since it was likely that all of them would be once the mission was over, but much like Courier your feelings changed. When running off towards the mountains with the two children, tears streamed down your eyes when remembering all of the moments with the group and for once you wished that you actually died, then maybe you could have been with them..
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A/n - Thank you for the request Joey and hope this isn't to bad! I also am happy to say I started Girl From Nowhere and I love it!
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sixknight · 2 years
Courier Relationship Headcanons
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I watched Akudama Drive recently and have some new bastards
🖤 You better have a lot of patience because it will take forever for this man to admit his feelings.
🖤 Being with Courier won't be easy. He wants to make sure you stay out of danger that comes with his line of work but he's going to teach you how to fight and use a gun anyway.
🖤 Nobody even knows you're a couple, and he's going to make sure it stays that way to keep you safe. He tells you to deny even having a boyfriend if anyone asks.
🖤 Dates consist of dinner and movies at his hideout mostly. If you wear a helmet that conceals your face then he's okay with taking you out for a ride on his motorcycle too.
🖤 Speaking of dinner dates, LET HIM COOK FOR YOU! It's canon that he's a good cook so he can make you some amazing meals. Loves it of you help out too, he likes bonding with you over cooking.
🖤 You wouldn't think it but he really likes old Cowboy Western movies and old Samurai movies. He gets it if they aren't your thing though and will watch what you want to on movie nights.
🖤 His affection is very subtle. He'll rest an arm behind you while you two are on the couch, or stand closer to you than he normally would anyone else when you two are out somewhere. He likes to be near you even if you two aren't touching.
🖤 He's not much for gift giving but every now and then if he sees something he thinks you'd like while browsing the black market he'll pick it up for you. He doesn't make a big deal out of the gifts either, usually just sets them down in front of you and says it's for you.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Just passing through (Yandere Courier x Reader)
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I’m doing it again courier thought as he passed the same apartment building for the third time that day.  He reasoned that it just so happens to be the shortest way to where he was going but deep down, he knew it was because of who lived in the building, yet he just can’t let himself admit that. 
  It was just a few weeks ago when he saw them again for the first time in years. An old friend from his childhood the only other person that he was close to but after everything that went down, he just couldn’t bear to be around them anymore even when he started to feel guilty, he just couldn’t bring himself to see them again that was until he saw them walking out of the store randomly by chance or fate. 
  They had grown just like he had along with the feelings he tried to bury deep into his heart. It was only a few days later when the second meeting happened, he had seen them simply walking down the sidewalk. He couldn’t help but to follow them all the way until they were home. Maybe it was because he was looking out for them just like he did all those years ago. 
  He had no plans on communicating with them. Simply passing through their neighborhood was enough for him until one night it had been the sixth time that day he had gone through the neighborhood after a delivery when he looked up to the window and saw a silhouette that looked nothing like them. That’s when he decided to go down another path. 
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dearestones · 1 year
Into That Imaginary Sunset (Courier x F! Reader)
Warnings: Fluff. 
@hiitogata Request: hello! I want to request that goes along with courier with his fem s/o going on a midnight ride together since they can't sleep or things like that🥺 been missing your works lately so I thought of requesting again! thanks in advance!
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“Have you… I don’t know…” 
You paused for a moment, intent on trying to find the right words to convey your question. However, most people in Kansai would tell you that time flows differently in the city. While one would think that you would have enough time to savor the night air and have eternity for conversation, that was not the case. Life passed on quickly and if you weren’t too careful, Kansai would swallow you whole and spit out your bones. In the case of the man who stood beside you, time moved faster still—the work of a criminal such as him could take his life as easily as granting him a boon of money. 
In the middle of lighting his cigarette, Courier paused. You watched as he snapped his lighter shut in a decisive, practiced motion. Years ago, he had found that lighter in the aftermath of a deal gone wrong. Once upon a time, you teased him for it. If it were not for his ventures as a black market courier, that lighter would have been the most expensive thing he would ever own. 
That was life for you in Kansai. The most useless and expensive trash were either abandoned or stolen straight from the teats of the upper class.
Not that you, scum upon the bottom of their soles and drainage of their sewers, could care less about their trivial problems. 
His voice was coarse and low, but as always, captured your attention. It had been that way for a while now. Despite his taciturn nature, the right words never seemed to fail to come straight from his lips. You had to work hard to converse, Courier need only speak. 
“Better make it quick, I’ve got another job in forty five minutes.” Blunt as always, Courier was quick to dispel the contemplative mood that you were spelled under. Still, though, any irritation dissipated when he wrapped his jacket around you, the leather warm from his body heat. He may have been a few minutes late in offering his jacket, but you supposed that it was the thought that counted in the end. 
“The one with the…” You fingered his pockets, your skin coming into contact with a tattered box of cigarettes. Idly, you shook it and estimated that there were at least five left. Later, if you remembered, you would remind him not to smoke so much. He bought that pack two days ago. “I keep forgetting which gangs are still active, but is it the deal between the Sekimoto and Ryokuryu gangs?”
Courier shrugged in lieu of responding. “It doesn’t matter who they are or what they stand for. Their money is the same no matter what.” He closed his eyes as he leaned his back against the warehouse door. “Your question?”
Oh, right. You were asking Courier a question. 
“Leaving,” you remembered, “have you ever thought about leaving?”
You took a second to look at Courier, how his posture was still relaxed in a half slouch that only he could perfect. He twiddled with his cigarette, the stick spinning around his fingers as easily as if it were a pen. Without the flame from the lighter, his face was shrouded in the relative darkness. Above, there was a waning moon that did little to illuminate your surroundings. Elsewhere, you knew that there were others acting under the dead of night—the waning moon a guardian saint to those who thrived in the criminal underground. 
Courier shrugged, his face upturned towards the sky. From the little light provided, you saw that his eyes were closed, face relaxed.
“Come on, not even a little?”
“I didn’t disagree,” Courier huffed. He cracked open an eye to peer at you. Years ago, you would have thought him condescending, but now you saw that he was giving your inquiry some serious thought. Courier was always serious, but knowing that all of his attention was on you made you feel important. That sharing this moment held the same gravity as the moon pulling the tides. 
Finally, he said, “Sometimes.”
You smiled and leaned your head against his shoulder. Despite his lanky frame, there was a surprising amount of meat and muscle encasing bone. Tools of the trade, you supposed, if one of his jobs ever went wrong. 
“Me too.” You breathed in a little and felt your cheeks heat in embarrassment. “Sometimes, I wish that you and I could leave Kansai together. You and I are riding off into the sunset…”
It was a romantic thought, but you knew that dreams like yours were easily crushed by the reality that no one left Kansai. Shark and Bunny, cogs of the great propaganda machine, had exaggerated how the outside world was basically a barren landscape, but even you knew that there was at least a grain of truth in their words. Few people left the city and those who did were never seen again. 
The only signs that there was life outside of Kansai, out of Japan even, were the smuggled contraband that were supposedly from other nations. You could never be too sure that they weren’t manufactured by the same people who hosted the news and entertainment industries, but you were entertained all the same.
“You’ve been watching those foreign movies again.”
“You should watch them with me.”
He sighed, but turned towards you. “Before or after we ride off into the sunset?”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed. His deadpan facial expression paired with the serious tone of voice did little to hinder the hilarity of the situation. 
As you tried to regain your composure, Courier gently guided you by the small of your back and towards his motorcycle which he parked a few feet away. Was it that time already? You could have sworn that only a few minutes had passed, but then again, Courier was a man of punctuality. 
“After?” You asked as you sat behind him. You leaned against his back, a solid mass that radiated warmth and strength. Your hands, which you had stuffed into his jacket’s pockets for warmth earlier, clutched the sides of his waist as he kicked the engine into gear. “We’ll watch some after you’re done, right?”
One of Courier’s hands intertwined with yours, a gentle squeeze igniting warmth within you that spread from your fingers and into your heart. 
With that, Courier drove his motorcycle down the streets of Kansai. As the wind whipped through your clothes and stung the skin on your cheeks, you buried yourself deeper into Courier’s back. Above and around you, streetlights and advertisements glittered with a combination of electric reds and stinging yellows that burned your retainas. If you were to wish one thing to come true, it would be that if this were all a dream, it would never end. 
The engine was loud and the night was cold, but Courier remained stoic, yet warm and yielding to your touch.
In that moment between wakefulness and slumber, you made a promise that you would ride with Courier into that imaginary sunset. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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toyafreethoughts · 10 months
Hey everyone! I take matchups and requests right now! Feel free to read my masterlist to see what fandoms I write for!
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nejiverse · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ OTHERS
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Akudama Drive - Brawler !!
The Riff-Raff
Haikyuu - Various !!
Bllk + Hq + Knb boys when you’re driving
Kuroko no Basket - Various !!
Bllk + Hq + Knb boys when you’re driving
My Hero Academia - Denki !!
The Rizzler
Kamisama Kiss - Mizuki !!
The Rizzler
Honkai Star Rail - Boothill !!
A distant memory
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*More coming soon*
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vikkirosko · 3 months
Hi! I wanted to send in a request again because I absolutely LOVED what you wrote for my request I sent not to long ago :D also if you don’t wanna do this then you can delete it! no pressure! here I go!
Could I request (Platonic) Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Niffty, Sir Pentious and Possibly Lucifer with a GN! Reader who acts and looks exactly like Cutthroat from Akudama Drive?
This is just a brief description of how he acts even though I put the link in, he’s very obsessed with the color “Red”, if he see anything that’s red he gets very excited, and if one of the crew members have a red halo around their head (which only the reader can see) boy I’ll be praying for them because the reader will not let go of them at all!! (I was thinking Alastor to have the red halo, so maybe it can be romantic for Alastor instead?)
Thank you so much!
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Partially platonic headcanons Cutthroat
🌈 Charlie Morningstar x gn!Reader 🎶
Charlie was glad to see every new guest in her hotel, so when you came there she was sincerely glad, especially looking at you, so unusual and friendly. You had white hair, purple eyes, pale skin and white clothes. You were friendly and sometimes childish. Charlie understood that since you were in Hell, it means you were far from as innocent as you seemed at first glance, but she wanted to believe that you sincerely wanted to atone for your sins
She was trying to get to know you better and you weren't trying to hide anything from her. You told her that you dreamed of finding the person who was destined for you. You claimed that this person would have a red halo, although only you have seen these halos, but so far you have not met such a person. When Charlie asked you why the halo should be red, you told her that red is the most beautiful color, and especially the bright scarlet color of blood, which you loved so much. At that moment, Charlie realized that it was your love of red that led you to Hell. You were a killer who liked the sight of the victims' blood
You didn't hurt those who were in the hotel, but several times you went for a walk and came back covered in blood. Charlie understood that you had killed someone, and she tried to use rehabilitation exercises to help you stop doing that, but you had absolutely no remorse for either the old murders or the new ones. Charlie understood that it would be difficult to deal with this, but she was not going to give up
Charlie hoped that if you met the person with the red halo, you would stop killing. When she suggested it, you just smiled, not confirming her words but not denying them either. Charlie sincerely believed that even you, whose hands were up to the elbows in blood, would be able to atone for your sins and go to Heaven
❌ Vaggie x gn!Reader 🎀
When you came to the hotel, Vaggie didn't feel a drop of trust in you, even though Charlie welcomed you into the hotel with open arms. Vaggie has been watching you from a distance. You stood out among the sinners. You had white hair, pale skin, unusual eye color, and white clothes. You were friendly and sometimes childish. Vaggie didn't trust you. She expected a trick from you no less than from Alastor, even though Charlie told her that you were not dangerous
Vaggie continued to be wary of you and when you were alone she told you bluntly that she didn't trust you and that if you tried to harm the others in the hotel she wouldn't let you do it. She expected to see surprise, but the only thing her words caused was your laughter. You told her that you had no reason to harm those who lived in the hotel, and if you wanted to see the beautiful, red blood, you would find another place to do it
You didn't hide that you were attracted to the color red. You got excited about everything that was red, and especially the sight of blood. However, you weren't going to destroy this corner of peace that you had found, so you told her not to tell about it. It wasn't a request. You told her bluntly that if she destroyed your corner of tranquility, then you would show that her blood was not a beautiful red color
Vaggie didn't know how you knew she was an angel. You saw the confusion on her face perfectly well and told her it was all about the halo. No one else had one, even though her halo wasn't red. Vaggie didn't understand what you were talking about, but you told her that you intended to protect the hotel and that as long as you were on the same side, she could trust you. She wasn't sure about that, but Vaggie didn't seem to have any other option
🕷 Angel Dust x gn!Reader 💖
When you started living at the Hotel, Angel tried to communicate with you. You were unusual not only because of your appearance, but also because of your childish, friendly nature. You didn't mind talking to him, treating him as a friend, but sometimes Angel had the feeling that something was wrong with you. He didn't fully understand the reason for this, but sometimes he got the feeling that you could be dangerous
Angel was convinced that his intuition did not deceive him when he saw you in the alley when he was returning to the hotel. Your white clothes were heavily stained with blood, and you looked with delight at the blood and dead bodies spreading on the ground. Angel thought you were fighting, but when he got closer, he felt something frightening. You looked at him with a smile and asked him if he would like to see such beautiful red blood too
He realized that you were a brutal killer. You didn't perceive other people's deaths as something that could make you sad. You liked the color red, including the color of blood, and you didn't really hide it if it wasn't necessary. However, seeing his concern, you told Angel that you did not intend to harm anyone at the hotel, because they were your friends. Your only goal was to find the person who was destined for you, but Angel didn't have to worry, because his halo wasn't red. He didn't understand what you were talking about, but he hoped that he really had nothing to worry about
You continued to act friendly, as if nothing had happened, but Angel found it difficult to treat you as lightly as before. He still remembered your image, stained with blood, and sometimes it seemed to him that a little more and you would massacre the hotel, but perhaps, on the other hand, the fact that you considered him your friend was even good. It was definitely better than if you considered him your enemy
📻 Alastor x gn!Reader 🎙
Alastor has been watching you since the day you came to the hotel. You were friendly and stood out from Hell with your white clothes, white hair, pale skin and unusual eye color. You attracted people with your unusual appearance and childlike friendly nature, but Alastor felt that it was just a mask, and your gaze directed at him only confirmed his guesses. It was like you were worried every time he was around, but not out of fear. It was like you were in awe of him, even though you didn't say it openly
At first, he was told that the reason for your behavior was that you were fixated on the color red. Alastor wasn't bothered by the fact that you often followed him around. You didn't violate his personal boundaries, but you were always there, and it would seem that if someone tried to get too close to Alastor, then you could easily attack this person, which seemed even funny to him. That was until you told him that it wasn't just about the color red
You told him that even before you were in Hell, you saw halos that surrounded people and your goal was to find a man with a red halo. And you finally found him. It was Alastor. You were sure that he was destined for you. You were so in love with him that you were ready to shed someone else's blood for him. You loved him so much that you were ready to kill him with your own hands. You spoke more than sincerely, and Alastor, listening to you, felt some kind of gloomy satisfaction
Alastor saw that you were serious. You were ready to take the life of anyone at one whisper. You clearly had experience in murder, and Alastor couldn't help but take advantage of your strong loyalty to him. Alastor liked to see your loving gaze, and the fact that you were willing to go to great lengths to protect him further flattered his ego
🧹 Niffty x gn!Reader ❤
From the first day you met, you attracted the attention of Niffty. Outwardly, you seemed friendly and completely harmless. You had white hair, pale skin, white clothes and your unusual eye color seemed to fascinate others. However, for some reason Niffty liked you. She called you bad boy and often spent time with you, which made it clear to others that you were not as kind as you seemed at first glance
You didn't hide from Niffty that you were a murderer. You liked her and you didn't hide from her your thoughts that you would like to see beautiful, red splashes of blood. You loved the color red and you killed a lot of people before you died yourself. Niffty saw that spark in you and that's what attracted her. You reminded her of Alastor in some way
You told Niffty that you dreamed of finally meeting the person you've been looking for for a second life. You were looking for a person who would have a red halo. You were the only one who saw these halos and was sure that you had to find the red halo. Niffty, giggling, told you that maybe the owner of the red halo was destined for you. You assumed that this was the case, but so far you have not found this person
Niffty enjoyed spending time with you. She considered you her friend and didn't worry about your love of red, blood and cruelty. She wanted to see that beautiful red blood, like flowers, that you were talking about. Niffty was sure that it would really be something beautiful
🃏 Husk x gn!Reader 🥃
You and Husk have known each other for a long time. When you first met, he sensed some kind of trick from you. You were too friendly to actually be like that. You stood out from Hell with your appearance. You had white hair, pale skin, unusual-colored eyes, and white clothes. You were childish, friendly, and too friendly for the bartender's taste. And at some point he realized exactly what was wrong with you. You were a killer who was obsessed with the color red and who didn't have the slightest remorse
At the hotel, you were friendly towards the rest of the hotel's residents, including Husk. You called him your old friend, to which Husk himself just rolled his eyes. He knew a lot about you and made sure you didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He saw how Charlie, Angel, and Sir Pentious treated you at the hotel without the slightest suspicion. You were popular with people who didn't know what Husk knew about you, and you seemed to be trusted by others. You did not harm others, so Husk was in no hurry to do anything
One late evening, you were sitting with Husk and told him that you wanted to tell him one of your secrets, since he was your friend. Husk did not have time to answer you, as you, in a confidential whisper, told him that you were looking for someone in Hell who had a scarlet halo. You were sure that it was in Hell that you could find such a person. Husk didn't know why you wanted to find this person, but he doubted that the reason for this was benevolent
Husk wasn't sure if you could be called a friend or even an ally. He didn't know at what point you would take it into your head to harm anyone, but for now he kept you close. He didn't know how strong you were in battle, but as long as you were on the same side, Husk didn't start being hostile to you
🐍Sir Pentious x gn!Reader 🎩
Your first meeting with Sir Pentious took place on Pentagram City Street. His Egg Boiz stopped, looking at you with great curiosity. Sir Pentious hurried to you to pick them up, but he also froze, looking at you mesmerized. You stood out from other sinners with your white hair, pale skin, white clothes and unusual eye color. You were squatting and looking at Egg Boiz with childish curiosity. At that meeting, you seemed to him quite a friendly person, even unusual, but he was really surprised when he met you again at the hotel
You were one of the hotel guests and Sir Pentious was glad to see a familiar face. He often tried to spend time with you and he enjoyed talking to you. You've often been friendly, and almost childish. He could call you his friend, even though he saw that you had some oddities. You were fixated on the color red. This color made you nervous and you told him several times about how often you tried to see red before you died. You shed a lot of blood, which made it clear to him that you were a murderer, but there were a lot of murderers in Hell, even though Sir Pentious was surprised, because you looked so innocent
Several times you accompanied him on a hike to the city and then you were attacked, but it all ended before Sir Pentious had time to realize anything. He saw you kill those who attacked you with a calm expression on your face, then looked at him with a smile and asked him if he wanted to look at the beautiful blood. At that moment, Sir Pentious realized that the fact that you are not his enemy was even a good thing. You might not have been an overlord, but you were dangerous and it was obvious
Sir Pentious sometimes forgot how dangerous you were. You were pleasant to talk to, you often admired the beauty of Hell, even though you said that red was the only really beautiful color. Despite all your oddities, he liked you and was glad that he had a friend like you
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x gn!Reader 🐍
Lucifer and you met at the hotel where you lived. He felt that you were looking at him, but he didn't understand the reason for that. Charlie told her father that you had some oddities, including a slight fixation on the color red. It was especially contrasting, considering that you yourself had white hair, pale skin, purple eyes and usually wore white clothes. Despite your oddities, Lucifer couldn't quite take you seriously, and the reason for that was your friendly, almost childish behavior
When Lucifer was making apple pancakes, you came to the kitchen. You looked at him again, and then focused your attention on the red apples that he used for cooking. Lucifer missed the moment when you took a knife and easily pierced an apple. Lucifer looked at you with a shocked look, to which you, with an innocent smile, told him that you love red apples. At that moment, he was sure that you really should be taken seriously, otherwise it could be dangerous. You became a frequent guest in the kitchen, mostly because you were bored. It was there that you told him that you were telling the truth about yourself. You told him that you very often admired the blood you shed during the murders back when you were human
Despite the fact that you could clearly be dangerous, you were popular among sinners. Lucifer heard from the others that you were getting a lot of attention. Perhaps the reason for this was that you stood out a lot because of your appearance. Maybe you could have brought more guests to the hotel, but his daughter didn't want to use the hotel guests to attract new people. Lucifer saw that you were more interested in Charlie because of the red elements of her clothes, so Lucifer tried to turn your attention to himself, not wanting you to harm his daughter. He didn't trust you enough to trust his child's safety
He didn't know exactly what happened to you and at what point something went wrong, but as long as you didn't harm the hotel's inhabitants, he was completely satisfied with it. Sometimes it was nice to talk to you, and maybe if the rehabilitation exercises help you, communication with you will become even easier and more enjoyable, but in the meantime, he was watching you, thinking about what happened to you earlier, when you were alive
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Tentative list of characters!
1. Siyun Baek, Dreaming Freedom:
2. Juhyeon, Dreaming Freedom:
3. Khalid, From a Knight to a Lady:
4. “hikaru" from the summer hikaru died.
5. komaeda, danganronpa:
6. Dagmar from Disenchantment -
7. Zylith, Freaking Romance:
8. Morae Baek, I Don’t Want This Kind of Hero:
9. Fiona Frost, Spy X Family:
10. Der Tod, Elisabeth:
11. Ijin Yu. Teenage Mercenary.
12. Fu Shenxing, Who is the Prey:
13. Cutthroat from Akudama Drive:
14. Damon Gant from Ace Attorney:
15. godot from ace attorney.
16. Atsushi Nakajima from Bungo Stray Dogs.
17. Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul.
18. Hidan from naruto!
19. Nagisa Kaworu from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
20. Joshua Kiryu from The World Ends With You,
21. Tomura Shigaraki, BNHA,
22. Qifrey from Witch Hat Atelier
23. Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen
24. Killua Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter
25. Nikolai Gogol from Bungou Stray Dogs
26. Akio Ohtori from Revolutionary Girl Utena:
27. Some Rabbid from Rayman Raving Rabbids.
28. Tooru Mutsuki from Tokyo Ghoul.
29. Hoshiumi Kourai, Haikyuu
30. Allegro from Vampire in the Garden.
31. Pina, Beastars.
32. Henry from Fire Emblem.
33. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII series.
34. Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem.
35. Divus Crewel from Twisted Wonderland.
36. Sky Kids from Sky: Children of the Light.
37. Charlotte Wiltshire from Hello Charlotte (video game series)
38. Kim Namwoon from omniscient reader's viewpoint,
39. Mammon Obey Me!
40. Quercus Alba from Ace Attorney Investigations.
41. Kyubey from Madoka Magica:
42. Shinya Banba from Akuma no Riddle:
43. Yukako Yamagishi from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.
44. Enrico Pucci from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean.
45. Sukone Tei, VIPPERloid.
46. Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale,
47. Lysithea von Ordelia from fire emblem three houses.
48. Ursula - The Little Mermaid -
49. Shogo Makishima from PSYCHOPASS.
50. Enoch Drebber from The Great Ace Attorney 2.
51. Ayame Sohma, Fruits Basket:
52. Yashiro nene
53. Muraki Kazukata (Yami no Matsuei/Descendants of Darkness)
54. Brook (I’m the Grim Reaper)
55. Dr Frost
56. Reinhart (I Failed To Oust the Villain)
57. The Sandman from The Sandman (Uri/RPGMaker).
58. Sal (Wadanohara)
59. Kanna kamui from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid.
60. Ice King from Adventure Time.
61. Jiraiya from Naruto.
62. Dash X from Eerie Indiana:
63. griffith of berserk.
64. Noi, Dorohedoro
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chaosmarshmallow · 2 years
I hope you wouldn’t care if i send in a request to you, but i hope your days going fantastic as usual:) here i go!!
Can you do Eddie Munson with a S/O who has a Brawler Personality From Akudama Drive??
Stay healthy & safe my friend!!
A/N: Hey heyyy!! Ofc I don't mind! i'm doing great, I hope your day is going great too :D
Lmao, I finished this a bit earlier than I expected, but oh well!
I tried my best, I hope you enjoy :D
Tw: Violence, swearing,
Eddie had seen you around school sometimes before. 
It was kinda hard to miss you actually, with your punk like clothing and with you loudly challenging everyone that you thought was strong.
It happened more than once that in the middle of the hallway, during the breaks, you walked up to some poor schoolmate and asked them to fight you.
They of course had no other choice than agreeing.
After all, nobody wanted to anger you.
And they, of course, never won.
Just like everyone at school, he had a healthy amount of fear towards you, trying his best to stay away from you as much as possible even though he was a bit intrigued by you. 
He loved your style and suspected that maybe you liked metal too? 
Luckily for him, you didn’t think of him as a possible match. 
Though he didn't really know how to feel about the fact that you thought he was weak.
His first time really speaking with you was… slightly embarrassing? Some basketball players had pushed him on the floor and thought it was funny to kick and throw dirt at him, calling him a freak and other things, the usual stuff.
Only this time, you were there. Suddenly, like some vengeful spirit you appeared behind one of the bullies and grabbed him by the neck so tight it made him yelp like some little girl. 
“Say, what do we have here?” You drawled, a large grin on your face. For a fleeting moment he feared that you would join in and maybe even challenge him to a fight. “Trying to show who’s the strongest, ey? Say why don’t y’all fight me, so we”ll truly see who’s stronger!” 
Of course, everyone of the group that even had a single brain cell ran away like the devil was hot on their heels.
And of course there were also some dumbasses who thought they could handle you…
They couldn’t.
After that accident, you sometimes hang out with him, mostly staying by his side like some guardian angel, protecting him from bullies.
And after a couple of talks, it turned out that his suspicions were correct! You did like metal, so you bonded over a mutual love for Iron Maiden
He really enjoyed your company, but his shoulder and wrist began to ache from all the fist bumps you gave.
Eddie always thought you were some aggressive buffoon that bullied people like him and loved making people feel weak and unimportant.
And to a certain extent that impression was correct, you were aggressive, but you were no bully and didn’t stand for making people feel unimportant, the weak part was correct however. 
It didn’t take long for him to notice how much value you put in strength and in being the strongest.
He wondered where that came from, but he wasn’t going to ask, still kinda afraid of you.
You were… special. Nothing like he expected at all.
But when you came to his hiding spot at Reefer Rick's, together with Dustin and his friends after the Chrissy incident, well… to say he was surprised would be an understatement. For a second he thought he was just imagining things, but no there you were, standing with your arms crossed at the back of the group.
Apparently you also helped them fight some monster called the mind flayer and Russians, which… was a bit strange but after what he’d seen, he believed every word they said. 
When he asked you why you helped him, you just answered “You’re not strong enough to do something like that.” with a shrug.
Not… not the answer he expected but okay.
You were, somehow, also friends with Robin and apparently she has asked you to help them in finding and helping/protecting him.
Apparently you had punched Jason so hard in the face that he lost consciousness when he was spouting some nonsense about  Eddie being a satanist or some shit. 
You bought him a new cassette player and tapes of bands he liked to keep him occupied while he was hiding, which was surprisingly sweet of you.
You were a bit of a meathead or simpleminded, act first (mostly with your fists), think later kinda person, but you were loyal. 
Which was really proven at Watergate, with you jumping after Robin without a second thought.
With everyone gone, it seemed like he had no other choice but to follow, even though he really didn’t wanna.
When he got through the gate, the first thing he saw was you, letting loose on some poor bat that had the misfortune of being your chosen victim. 
You were, softly put, absolutely impressive and looked crazy as hell, with an imensive grin on your face. Laughing like some maniac as you threw it on the ground and shifted your attention to your next prey, screaming something along the lines of “Hah! These are some of the easiest opponents I’ve ever fought!” or “Come here ya small fry, let me show you real power!”.
Too shocked by your actions he didn’t notice the bats coming towards him, until he saw you running towards him and plucking one from right beside his head and smashing it on the ground, giving it a last stomp for good measure.
“Watch out, metal man!” You said while patting him on the shoulder (though it was more of a punch than a pat, making him almost fall over). “Ah-Yeah yeah, right.” He answered gulping, holding the pedal he took with him ready. You let out a buldering laugh and shook your head. “Fine, I’ll protect you! That’s what strong people are supposed to do anyway!” 
And you did exactly as you promised. Beating all the bats that got close to him to the ground with your bare fists, like some barbarian, b̶u̶t̶ a̶ v̶e̶r̶y̶ h̶o̶t̶ b̶a̶r̶b̶a̶r̶i̶a̶n̶ i̶f̶ h̶e̶ s̶a̶i̶d̶ s̶o̶ h̶i̶m̶s̶e̶l̶f̶.
With your help, it barely took any time to take care of all the bats.
“HAHAH! You weaklings, this was too easy!” You cackled like some madman and posed with your hands on your hips. After your boasting you turned to him and put your hand on his shoulder, surprisingly gentle. “Are ya okay?” He blinked a couple of times with his eyes, too surprised to answer, but eventually nodded. 
Immediately after that you turned to the others and asked screaming if Robin was okay, which she was.
“Well, let’s go forth then! We can’t stay here and wait for new bats to come.” You said, while the others nodded in agreement. 
Eddie was still a bit shocked by your display of power though, he knew you were strong, but seeing it like this was something completely different from how he saw it before.
Eddie rn: Well, mark me down as horny and scared!
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
HELLO MOOTIE!! I AM SENDING A MATCHUP REQUEST FOR MY NEW OC I MADE THE PAST COUPLE DAYS—! Also I do gotta say that I rlly do enjoy your work and keep going! you make a lot of people happy, i can tell but anyways I’ll do a romantic matchup for Akudama Drive, Danganronpa and Monster High!! here we go—!
Name: Anonymous (yes that’s her name)
Sex: Woman but shes not real, she sounds like a robot but her form is unknown to all
Pronouns and Sexuality: She/Them, Bisexual and Asexual
Powers: she has a lot of powers that can affect human which the powers are listed in this link here
Fun fact: she is made by Joey (me LOLOL so she acts like him but theres some things off and also he’s like her best friend/brother so he’s there to protect her and she’s there to protect him so there siblings who are there for each other)
Personality: Well, she is a ENTP but mostly all the time shes Introverted and barely talks, when people ask her questions like “what are some of your hobbies?” or “what do you like to eat” she’ll replay “ないです。人間じゃないので” which translates “Nothing. Because i'm not human.”, but when she warms up to someone she can love or just be comfortable around with then she will show a little bit of emotion but not much, she doesnt show any emotions shes just neutral, she stays away from people a lot because she doesnt wanna try to converse with people but if it's needed then she’ll talk, since she is a robot shes basically really intelligent in everything, shes a very anxious person and she does care a ton for the people around her she loves but doesnt show it--!, shes also like a mother she knows how to comfort people and talk with them, so shes like the therapist mom! Oh and one last thing shes very great in combat she has hand guns with her just in case for incidence for whatever it may be but may not use it a lot since she has powers and she also has a lower monotone robotic voice like miku.
Apperance: she has long, messy and uneven warm grey ponytails that fall down to her knees that have a darker gray coat at the very bottom of her ponytails, they are held up by their white bows while the other bow is uneven on her right side, she has heterochromia so her right eye is a turquoise and the other is a pink one, her eyes also change color when she has a mood like red is upset, yellow is happy, baby blue is sad, etc, She wears a white, long-sleeved collared blouse with buttons that go all the way down to the bottom, with 3 buttons unbuttoned at the end to reveal a petticoat. The dress is thigh length and turns gray towards the bottom, either by design or from dirt. Around her neck she wears a thin red bow and her nails are painted turquoise. She wears a black harness across her chest. On her right leg, she wears a dark grey sock with no shoe, and her left leg and foot is left bare and she also wears some gothic clothing from their creator which is a long black dress with a black headband that has a little veil with a black rose and gold trimmings on the dress. (Also this is the inspiration and yes this is her apperance off of her bc it’s amazing and I could t progress anything else
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Likes: we know that there were no listed hobbies but she does enjoy singing but she also likes to spend her time in more quiet places like a library and maybe she’ll watch a show or read a book, but she mostly likes to sing and sleep
Dislikes: she has no dislikes, like at all, and alos no discomforts either.
Matchup For Anonymous! An Oc Created By Joey!
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Akudama Drive: Doctor
When first meeting her, she wasn't much of a talker or a friendly person and neither were you and that's what made you catch her attention. You were different from the others in the group, you talked when it was necessary and you didn't need any saving, always being able to protect yourself. She also doesn't hate that you're a robot and thinks that you're better than all of the others who stand around and waste her air.
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Danganronpa: Nagito Komaeda
He made the mistake of trying to playfully attack you and that backfired with him being tossed onto the ground with the air knocked out of him. You immediately apologized, not realizing it was him and helped him from the now prominent bruise forming on his back.
When the two of you are alone, he'll ask for you to sing to him saying that it helps him calm down. He definitely has a recording of you singing and when he can't sleep he'll use the recording to help him drift off thinking that it's a melody from a goddess.
Monster High: Robecca Steam
There's times when Robecca remembers that she's the only one left of her family and that she'll never be able to hold her father like the two did when they were younger. You make sure to be there for her when she gets those thoughts and comforts her, telling her that you're here for her and that you're not leaving anytime soon.
Library dates are a must for the two of you, especially when Robecca needs to find pieces for one of her projects or when the two of you have to study for an upcoming test or quiz. When the two of you agree that a break is needed, the two of you read a book having a book club just with the two of you, (Don't tell anyone, but it's not really a bookclub and instead the two of you cuddle up close to each other)
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Dragon's Ultimate Danganronpa: Killing Harmony Masterlist
How Yandere Kokichi Would React to His Darling Escaping
Yandere Rantaro Amami x Gang Leader Reader
Yandere Shuichi Saihara with a Darling Who's Best Friends With Maki Harukawa
Maki Harukawa Confession Headcanons
Shuichi Saihara Fluff Headcanons
Yandere Korekiyo Shinguji with a Clingy Darling
Kokichi Oma x Stoic Reader Who Easily Gets Him Flustered
'Secret Psycho Admirer' Rantaro Amami x Reader
Yandere Rantaro Amami x Ultimate Gang Leader Reader Part Two
Maki Harukawa x Reader Who Dies/Becomes Blackened
Rantaro Amami Crush Headcanons
Korekiyo Shinguji Cuddling Headcanons
Gamer Kokichi Oma x Nintendo Fan Reader
Gonta Gokuhara Fluff Headcanons
Yandere Shuichi Saihara x Reader Who's Afraid of Him
Rantaro Amami x Reader Who Snaps Like Mikan Tsumiki During the Class Trial
Gonta Gokuhara Crush Headcanons
Yandere Kokichi Oma Fluff Headcanons
Kokichi Oma Reacting to His Crush Dying in the Killing Game
Kokichi Oma x Crush Reader Who Died in the Killing Game Part Two (?) - How It Affects Everyone Else
Shuichi x Reader Who Introduces Him to Lofi Music Headcanons
Rantaro Amami Dating a Reader With a Bad Reputation Headcanons
Rantaro Amami x Reader Who Loves Traveling and Going to Disney World
Yandere Mastermind Rantaro Amami x Ultimate Military Reader
Yandere Mastermind Rantaro Amami x Ultimate Weaponsmith Reader
DV3 Cast x Reader Who Commits Suicide to Save Them
Rantaro Amami x Reader Who Goes Insane During the Killing Game
Gonta Gokuhara x Self Deprecating Reader
Regular/Mastermind/Pregame Rantaro Amami x Ultimate Florist Reader
Pregame Gonta Gokuhara Dating Headcanons
Kokichi Oma x Ultimate Suicide Reader
Makoto, Hajime, Shuichi and Komaru with an Ultimate Refrigerator Reader Headcanons
Kokichi Oma Comforting a Best Friend Reader Who Acts Like his Therapist
Yasuhiro, Sakura, Akane, Nagito, Kokichi, and Maki x Ultimate Refrigerator Reader Headcanons
Sayaka, Kaede, Tsumugi, and Celeste x Female Reader Who Gets out of a Pool in a 'Hot' Way
Kaede Akamatsu and Kirumi Tojo x Hyper Reader
Kyoko Kirigiri, Mukuro Ikusaba, Peko Pekoyama and Maki Harukawa x Ultimate Angel Reader Headcanons
Mahiru and Tenko x Male Ultimate Street Fighter Reader Who is Also a Delinquent Headcanons
Sayaka, Chiaki and Kokichi x Ultimate Exorcist Reader Who's Like Chongyun (Genshin Impact)
Himiko, Tenko, Sonia and Ibuki x Ultimate Occultist Reader Who is Chihiro’s Sibling
Tenko, Peko, Mahiru, Mukuro and Maki x Reader Who’s Like Kyou Sawagi (Ben-To)
Celeste, Makoto, Mikan, Korekiyo and Gonta x Reader Who’s Like Sangonomiya (Genshin Impact)
Shuichi, Kaito, Gonta, Maki, and Tenko x Reader Going Through a Deadly Time Loop like Kokona (Yandere Simulator)
Monokuma's Motive - DV3 Edition
Ibuki, Mahiru, Mikan, Kyoko, Peko and Miu with a Stoic S/O Who Texts Like a Crackhead
Tenko, Aoi, Maki, Kirumi, Angie and Kaede x Stoic Reader Who Texts Like a Crackhead
Ibuki, Mikan, Hiyoko, Mahiru and Miu x Reader Who’s Like Chieko Maki (Danganronpa Abandoned Sanity)
Mikan, Hiyoko and Miu x Affectionate Reader Who Loves to Praise Them
Akane, Ryoma, Chihiro, and Mondo x Reader Who's Like Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Kyoko Kirigiri and Maki Harukawa x Reader Who Breaks up with Them with a Note
Kyoko Kirigiri and Maki Harukawa x Reader Who Breaks up with Them with a Note Part Two
Sayaka, Kaede, Miu, Celeste, Kyoko and Sonia x Reader Who’s Like Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
Himiko, Tenko, Celestia, Akane, Sonia, Ibuki, Korekiyo and Maki x Reader Who’s Like Cutthroat (Akudama Drive)
Kyoko Kirigiri and Maki Harukawa x Reader Who Gives Them Kisses (Breakup Part Three)
Miu, Kyoko, Celeste, Sayaka and Kaede x Reader Who Sticks Their Cold Hands on Their Backs
Sayaka, Kaede, Miu, Celeste, Kyoko and Sonia x Reader Who’s Like Asuka Langley (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Chiaki, Sonia, Kyoko, Junko, Mukuro, Peko and Maki with an S/O Who Vocal Stims With Their Name
Kaede, Miu and Sayaka x Reader Who Messes With Them While Swimming
Junko, Miu, Hiyoko, Maki, Mikan, Mahiru and Celestia x Reader Who Holds Their Face in Their Hands
Miu, Kyoko, Celeste, Mondo, Sayaka and Kaede x Reader Who Screams and Faints When They See a Body
Mondo, Celestia, Akane, Sonia, Junko, Leon and Maki x Reader Who’s Like Lawrence Oleander (Boyfriend to Death)
Kyoko, Kaede and Maki x Ultimate Actor Reader
Angie Yonaga x Reader Who Loves to Squish Her Cheeks
Yandere Junko, Mukuro, Maki, Tenko, Miu, Kaede and Sonia with a Willing Reader Headcanons
Yandere Mahiru, Aoi, Akane, Peko, Kirumi, Mikan and Celeste with a Willing Reader Headcanons
Miu, Tenko, Akane, Ibuki, Mukuro and Mikan x Reader Who Gushes Over How Cool They Are
Miu, Mikan, Ibuki, Mahiru, Akane, Tenko and Junko x Reader Who Stims With Their Clothing
Kaede, Miu and Komaru's Ahoges Forming Hearts Around Crush Reader
Mukuro, Kyoko, Maki, Peko, Tenko, Sakura and Natsumi Fighting Over a Kind and Pure Female Reader
Tenko, Himiko, Ibuki, Natsumi, Maki, Akane and Sonia Fighting Over Reader Who’s Like Chieko Maki (Danganronpa Abandoned Sanity)
Kyoko, Maki and Mukuro Watching Reader Jump Out of a Window
Shuichi Saihara x Reader Who's The Exact Opposite of Him
Hiyoko, Miu, Kaede, Aoi and Ibuki and a Childhood Friend Reader Who’s Like Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
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