#album raro
flaninvisible · 6 months
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pa' no dejar la cuenta más abandonada que nada un dibujo del Sr.raro 🤓☝️
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pigeoninabowl69 · 5 months
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louifrangos · 23 days
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some drawings i posted on twt but never here lol Theyre like a dysfunctional family to me
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blueflavoredsprite · 3 days
Happy pride month, here you have these gays
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ohblackdiamond · 2 months
the story of mandate (conclusion)
Part I is here. Here is the completely signed magazine.
I went to a Paul event thanks to my dear friend @elrohare and I was a woman on a mission. This was my holy grail, my twelve labors of Hercules, my ultimate sacrifice of good sense, my Mandate, if you will. Paul is a man of constant sorrow who's seen trouble all his days. Paul had not known trouble until he saw my face again a mere two months after his last time.
Unlike Gene, who will randomly set a date to hand out his crap for hilarious prices, Ace, who will appear at any 500-1000 seater across the country and balefully advertise his meet and greets onstage, and Peter, who will roll out of bed every six months for a horror convention, Paul does his events at Wentworth galleries across the country. Paul is basically like Pokemon Red's Porygon. You can get him, but he'll take everything you have.
I was prepared. I had done the legwork and the paperwork. Part of my purchase included an autographed item. (Please note that this is not nearly the entirety of the, uh, Paul Stanley Experience, if you will-- this is only the Mandate aspect of it. There was more!)
Paul remembered both of us. "It's been awhile."
"Yeah, couple months, since February, yeah." I'm actually sort of not shocked he remembered us since neither of us look like typical KISS fans. There is also a very large height difference between us, so we are distinctive. We talk. I manage some conversation, some of which is sort of funny. But I'm not here to provide Paul with wit and candor. I'm here for Mandate, which he has already by that point seen the back of even with me trying to cover the naked men in the tub with my phone. He has already also seen the front of it, with its doodled-on-by-Gene cover. He has seen it open, because I had to set it down in order for us to take our picture together. He has probably spent the whole rest of our conversation leading up to this determining what to say to the lone weirdo that has not given him RARO, his solo album, his other solo album, the KISS comic book (mint condition), or various and sundry other KISS collectibles.
He has hit on it. He gestures to the president of Wentworth who is, incidentally, the one that's borrowing my phone to take our pictures. He comes closer as Paul shows him the magazine, along with me.
"Gene drew on it [the front cover of my copy]," I say.
"Mandate... this is the very first magazine we were ever in." (Peter said the same thing in his first book. They are both technically incorrect, but far be it from me to correct Paul Stanley on things that happened before I was born-- and to be honest, knowing what I know about how slow it could end up being to go from writing a feature for a monthly magazine to it actually being published, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they'd done the magazine some months prior to it being on the shelves).
"Our manager at the time said he could get us into a magazine. We didn't know it was a gay magazine. I mean, whatever you're into, but... ["I wasn't," basically, though I don't know if he said those two words specifically]....." as he flips, completely needlessly, through the pictures, sort of slowly, until he gets to page eight and page nine, where all three of his bandmates have signed in black Sharpie. "Of course, they blew me [the photo] up. ... And Gene drew on it."
I finally manage to pipe up.
"Yeah, Gene texted you about it, purportedly, anyway...."
"Yeah, he did."
"He did? Really?"
He looked like he was weirdly thoughtful. Well, sounded like he was. Maybe even a little bit amused. I had a hard time looking too hard at him while this was going on, and I found myself looking more at the naked men he was flipping through. But I had my plan and I would not be too distracted. I had brought my own black Sharpie, since I knew he had a penchant for signing in silver (this is because his Wentworth artwork always comes with an inscription on black paper that he writes on in silver). The Sharpie was right there and, possibly because he was keenly aware of my level of distress at the thought of Mandate being signed in a different color, he obediently took it and signed it and shut it, and handed it back to me. My smile could've broken through my dimples.
Triumph complete. Thank you, @elrohare for again allowing me the pleasure of coming with, and I was glad to plus-one and for once, return the favor.
Thank you, Mr. Paul Stanley of KISS. And thank you to Peter, Gene (especially Gene!), and Ace. I hope Mandate gave you all an unexpected blast from the past, and I really wish I'd told Paul that Peter quite appreciated the ass on the guy on the front cover. Maybe next time.
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kiturts · 1 month
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El Cuarteto de Nós are a Uruguayan Rock band made in 1980 and still running.
They first started by making most of their albums of being satires of society and dark humor, all through "Alberto wolf" to 2004 "El cuarteto de nos" and went into inactivity, until coming back in 2006 "Raro" and onward to be more experimental and weird.
They've been nominated once in the grammy latino, their most famous songs are "Ya no sé qué hacer conmigo", "Lo malo de ser bueno" and "El Hijo de Hernández". Los Prisioneros was a Chilean Rock band first made in 1979 and became the most influential and impactful 80s band of that decade.
In the beginning, they developed a new wave sound with punk nuances to later approach synth pop in their garage. they became known for their songs full of content and social criticism, which served as inspiration to awaken a generation that was being oppressed by the military dictatorship, who used these songs as a fight against the regime of Augusto Pinochet.
This caused censorship of the band in the main media, until the early 1990s. Despite the veto, they had great unprecedented commercial success, which crossed borders in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Coinciding with the transition to democracy, the first breakup and restructuring of the band occurred: early 1992, when the band broke up.
Their most famous songs are "We Are Sudamerican Rockers" (Despite being banned in its home country), "Tren Al Sur" and "Estreches del Corazón".
Shakira is a Colombian Indie rock musician, she started her career in 1990 at the age of 13.
I decided to give her a chance since shes niche with her small fanbase of 68.......... point 7 million listeners, shes also a furry. <3
Famous songs of her are "Inevitable", "Pies descalzos, Sueños blancos" and "Te aviso, Te anuncio" propaganda below;
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snowfloral-lake · 5 months
En serio no me creo que hay gente que no le gusta AZ.
AZ es tal vez uno de los mejores albums de post raro, es concistente, tiene temazos, y simplemente es G O D
La única canción que no me gusta mucho es Nombres, pero incluso esa la canto.
(momento anécdota)
Una vez estaba tranquila hasta que mi hermana me muestra un vídeo de TikTok que decía como iniciar en el cuarteto, y lit lo que el chico dijo de AZ es que no le parece que iniciemos ahí porque sus canciones son... MALAS
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Les dejo esta cosa random de AZ
(seh, algún día haré fanarts de AZ, paciencia conmigo :( )
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yaoimafias · 9 months
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finished gen 1 of td </3 i love him heres harold as the raro album cover
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #261 - Pink Floyd, Animals, 1977
Le Storia Musicali di Febbraio, che iniziano eccezionalmente di sabato, avranno come matrice comune un aspetto che all’inizio della ricerca mi sembrava molto più presente, ma alla prova dei fatti non è affatto vero. Se infatti è molto facile trovare e ricordare canzoni che si ispirano ad un libro famoso, lo è molto più raro per gli album che prendono spunto da un libro. In effetti, se volessimo essere pignoli, pochissimi dischi sono strutturati come concept sulle vicende di un libro, qualcuno in più invece prende spunto, in molti casi in maniera decisiva, da un romanzo, un racconto o una raccolta per sviluppare dei temi simili a quelli del libro- fonte. E da questa seconda categoria che ho pescato le storie dei dischi di Febbraio. Che inizia con un gruppo che nel 1975 era probabilmente il più famoso (e ricco) del mondo. Reduci dall’accoppiata storica e leggendaria di The Dark Side Of the Moon e Wish You Were Here (due dei più grandiosi e leggendari dischi di tutti i tempi) i PInk Floyd erano sul punto di prendersi una pausa. Ma tramite un annuncio immobiliare, comprano un intero isolato della Chiesa a Britannia Row, a Islington, quartiere Nord di Londra. Furono creati dei magazzini e uno studio di registrazione all’avanguardia, dove la band iniziò a provare qualcosa. L’aria era piuttosto tesa: David Gilmour subì un clamoroso furto di strumenti, tra cui preziose chitarre, le idee erano piuttosto differenti sul da farsi fin quando Roger Waters iniziò a indirizzare le scelte su un binario ben preciso. Ispirandosi a La Fattoria Degli Animali, pensò a canzoni che descrivevano una simbolica struttura sociale piramidale, come nel romanzo, ma se nel capolavoro orwelliano la critica era alla dittatura Stalinista, qui gli animali sono schiavi del capitalismo, del perbenismo e sono uno dei più aspri e critici attacchi alla società contemporanea in musica. Waters scrive tutte le musiche e i testi di Animals, che esce nel gennaio 1977, tanto che è il primo disco dei dieci dei Pink Floyd senza nessun contributo di Richard Wright o di Nick Mason; Gilmour canta solo in un brano, e gli vengono accreditati solo due brani (per una band da decine di milioni di copie, era punto centrale). Waters pesca dalle sessioni di Wish You Were Here due canzoni, Gotta Be Crazy (che fu suonata anche qualche volta dal vivo) e Raving And Drooling: furono riadattate con i titoli Dogs e Sheep. Paragonando il comportamento umano a quello delle bestie, sono quindi presenti Pigs (Three Different Ones), al vertice della piramide sociale, che sarebbe la classe dirigente, i Dogs, arrampicatori sociali, arrivisti disposti a vendersi per il potere, e Sheep, al singolare, la massa di persone più deboli che hanno bisogno di un leader per sentirsi al sicuro. Questi tre brani costituiscono il nucleo centrale del disco, e sono anticipati e poi conclusi da una canzone acustica, solo voce e chitarra, Pigs On The Wing 1 e 2, in cui Waters descrive cosa succederebbe se lui e sua moglie non si curassero l'una dell'altro (Parte 1), e del rapporto di amore reciproco tra loro (Parte 2). Musicalmente, abbandonata l’epica di Wish You Were Here, qui la musica accompagna la cupezza dei testi, mai così potenti e forti. In Dogs si dice: Sordo, muto e cieco, continui solo a far finta\Che tutti sono sacrificabili e nessuno ha un vero amico\E ti sembra che quello che bisogna fare è isolare il vincitore\E tutto è fatto alla luce del sole\E tu ci credi veramente, tutti sono assassini; in Sheep: Cosa ottieni facendo finta che il pericolo non è reale\Mite e obbediente segui il capo\Lungo sentieri ben battuti nella valle d'acciaio\Che sorpresa! Uno sguardo di shock nei tuoi occhi\Ora le cose sono proprio quello che sembrano\No, questo non è un brutto sogno. Tra l’altro con una voce modificata da un vocoder, un roadie scozzese del gruppo legge una versione modificata del Salmo 23, il cui testo riprende la tematica del seguire ciecamente il leader (In verdi pascoli, mi conduce presso calme acque\Con luccicanti coltelli\ Egli libera la mia anima\Mi fa penzolare dall'alto, appeso a ganci\Mi trasforma in cotolette d'agnello). In Pigs (Three Different Ones), vengono presi in esami tre pezzi grossi: di due, un uomo e una donna, non è tanto facile capire chi siano (e le ricostruzioni che vedono gli attacchi di Waters a Margaret Thatcher non sono credibili, dato che divenne primo ministro solo nel 1979, l’album è di tre anni prima), ma di una è diretto lo strale. Waters canta: Ehi tu, Whitehouse, ah ah, sei una sciarada, in riferimento a Mary Whitehouse, capo dell’Associazione Nazionale dei telespettatori e franca promotrice di una campagna contro la TV, dove vedeva solo sesso e violenza. Ha un record niente male: i Deep Purple, presi di mira per lo stesso motivo, le dedicarono una canzone, Mary Lord, in Who Do You Think We Are? del 1973, insieme a Frank Pakenham, Settimo Conte di Longford, parlamentare che in quegli anni si batté molto contro la rappresentazione dell’omosessualità e redasse un rapporto, The Longfort Report, sugli effetti della pornografia, tanto che fu soprannominato dai detrattori Lord Porn. Un disco cupo, aspro, nerissimo anche nell’uso molto più potente dei sintetizzatori e di assoli drammatici di Gilmour, passò alla storia anche per la copertina, una delle più famose di tutti i tempi. Insieme a Storm Thorgerson e Aubrey Powell della mitica Hipgnosis, Waters chiese alla stessa azienda che realizzò i dirigibili Zeppelin di costruire un gigantesco Maiale aerostatico, che fu battezzato Algie. Come sfondo Waters scelse la centrale elettrica di Battersea, che con le sue quattro ciminiere agli angoli sembrava una gigantesca mucca stecchita capovolta. L’idea era di fotografare Algie tra le ciminiere, ma il 2 Dicembre 1976 un violento temporale fece prendere il volo a Algie che arrivò a 3000 metri di altezza. Powell informò la Polizia, e i piloti della Raf che videro un maiale gigante volare sopra Londra bloccarono per qualche ora i voli a Heathrow, fin quando verso sera un contadino del Kent chiamò per lamentarsi che un maiale atterrato nella sua proprietà infastidiva il bestiame. Il secondo giorno andò tutto per il meglio, ma Powell conservò il cielo plumbeo del giorno precedente, che fa da perfetto sfondo all’intera atmosfera dell’album, a cui aggiunse le foto di Algie del giorno dopo. Un disco che vendette moltissimo, nonostante la visione pessimistica del mondo che conteneva. E che ha un’ultima storia legata. Durante il tour In The Flesh per promuovere il disco, dove compare in tutta la sua grandezza anche Algie, a Birmingham, uno spettatore, secondo la leggenda vestito punk, lanciò una bottiglia contro Waters, che in tutta risposta rabbiosa gli sputò in faccia. Negli stessi mesi in cui il disco veniva alla luce, Johnny Lyndon dei Sex Pistols si presentava spesso con una maglietta con la scritta “I hate Pink Floyd”, da lui definiti “i dinosauri del rock”, epiteto che va ancora oggi per la maggiore: rappresentavano “quello che non volevano essere”. Solo anni dopo si scoprirà la verità, che era solo un modo per farsi pubblicità, tant’è vero che Nick Mason negli stessi Studi di Britannia Row produrrà Music For Pleasure dei The Damned, famoso gruppo punk, nel 1977, anno sacro del movimento. Tuttavia, quell’episodio fu centrale per Waters nell’esplorare l’incomunicabilità di certi pensieri, che sarà alla base del successivo, e leggendario, lavoro del gruppo.
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insanityisdivine · 5 months
Get to Know Me and My Obsession with KISS 🎸
Thanks for the tag @starry-eyed-never-satisfied
1. Who is your favourite member?
Okay. Paul is my first love but sexy Ace is competing with him but god I have to say Paul.
2. Who is your least favourite member?
Everyone saying Mark. I know nothing bout him
3. Best album?
RARO ...I'm assuming studio albums and live albums don't count???
4. Worst album?
I didn't listen to their last two albums and have no intention to do so ATM
5. Favourite song?
THIS IS TOO HARD TO CHOOSE. Guess I gotta say Love Gun Though But I love C'mon and Love Me!
6. Say one nice thing about each member.
Paul- He's the STAR of KISS. I probably wouldn't have gotten into KISS if it weren't for him. Everything I adore and want to be
Gene- I wanna listen to him talk while we share milk and chocolate chip cookies together
Peter- I have a soft spot for him. I think he can be really sweet and cute
Ace- Sexy, trashy, baby girl, sexy girl in hooker boots. Wanna bend over and smack that ass. He and Paul are my bisexual fantasies. BUT SERIOUSLY, The first guitar player that made me go WOW. Never got the hype about lead guitarists before but then I was thinking of 80s rock and 80's rock solos never resonated with me. His solos are iconic, not just shredding/mindless noodling. As someone who never learned how to read music, I think it's amazing he influenced many to learn. I'd love to learn how to play. Not to be in a band but I've always wanted to play a guitar. Also, I'd love to hang out with him. He's funny and bright. I think there's softness to him and I'd like to believe (coming from a fan, of course) that he's a good person. He also reminds me of my ex early 90s era....so I guess I have a soft spot for him
Eric C- I wish I could meet him. If I had to pick one member I could meet it would be him because I know he'd be super sweet
Vinnie- talented songwriter and amazing voice. Gorgeous
Mark- He did his job on Animalize
Bruce- Super sweet. He was the cutie of the group during revenge era ngl. Paul had competition.
Eric S- Seems really funny. got a nice tight body. seems every KISS drummer has a nice bod.
Tommy- Loyal and hard working. I can see why KISS kept him. Honestly he'd the kind of guy you want in your group.
7. What do you dislike about each member?
Gene- Condescending. I can see he has some views on things that I'd butt heads with him on
Paul- Overly critical of others, may come across cold. He scares me. y'all see his posts for new years???? He can come across very hurtful in his choice of words
Peter- Bitter (in the past it seems) and tbh some of the shit I read and heard that unfortunately was allowed to slide (sometimes even passed off as "funny" stories). It's a sensitive topic for me.
Ace- like Peter, awful things said and done that cannot be solely blamed on addiction which I'm very glad he recovered from btw. I'm honestly glad I never put this man on a pedestal and it's not just because "he's human like the rest of us". lol I love him but I'm glad I've been exposed to the bad early on this obsession so I don't have any unrealistic ideas about ppl, you know? I think I need to sleep with him to sort out these feelings lol
Eric C- I don't know that much to comment and feels almost unfair because he was taken away from us much too soon
Vinnie- stop scamming people omg. the insanity and charging ppl for memberships and you haven't released shit???
Mark- don't know about him. can't comment
Bruce- Maybe too nice for his own good.
Eric S- I don't know. Should have created a sex tape with Gene
Tommy- Kinda weird seeing him try to mimic Ace's facial expressions. One thing to imitate solos and his space persona but his mannerisms? I dunno just weird to see someone mimic what Ace's face naturally does? Kissy pouty lips only work for Ace
8. How did you get into KISS?
years ago, just bombarded with their imagery and sound on TV shows
9. Have you been to a concert?
Their last show. Crushing, I know
10. Do you have any merch?
I have a shirt
11. Unique thing you have related to KISS?
None, sadly. Like I have nothing solid if that's what you mean. anything that may have in common? sure but feels too personal to share here
12. Who is/are your favourite lineup?
This is hard because early 90s KISS was TIGHT. but I'll always love the original 4, but sweet Foxy and Brucie is so precious
13. What's your favourite era?
FUCCKKK....see this is hard. I have a big soft spot for Dynasty/Unmasked but I also love DTK and HTH
14. What are your opinions on Tommy and Eric?
They did their job. If they hadn't stepped in I wouldn't have seen KISS final show and for that I am grateful. I enjoyed their participation.
15. A question you would ask the band if you could?
I'd ask if I could suck their dick. That's tough. What haven't they've been asked before? Honestly I got some questions for Ace that's been bugging me and I know I'd never get them answered unless I knew him personally and had a real heart-to-heart conversion. I dunno I can only go off from a fan's perspective about how that'll go
16. What other bands/artists are you into?
Led Zeppelin, Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Lady Gaga, Stromae, used to really like Adam Ant, The Sweet, OLP, Franz Ferdinand, Daft Punk. I listen to all kinds of genres and artists so I like what I like
17. Do you have a KISSona?
Don't have one. I'm assuming like a fursona? lol
18. Who are some of your favourite blogs?
@ladyshandioftheendless @elrohare @silverstarfoxx (thank you for tolerating all my pestering! never hesitate to reach out to me for more Ace goodies!) @notpaulsguitar @ohblackdiamond (though tbh I swear you have answered this lol) @space-frehley-22 @spacefoxy (resident eric carr connoisseur) @speckster (you have crazy ass edits) and same goes for @bangbangyou love your funny memes. the IP address as a response always gets me lol @starry-eyed-never-satisfied (you already did this but adding you here anyway fellow Paulie enjoyer!) There's many more I wish I could just mass tag KISS blogs lol. There are blogs that are no longer active but I am glad they are still around
19. If you could spend a day with one member who would it be?
Hard because I love Paul but he scares me. I think I'd need more than a day to get comfortable with him. I'd love to spend a day with Eric C or Bruce because they seem the nicest. Maybe I'd love to hang with Peter now. Gene, may be fun. He's a good talker. Though it be fun to get one-on-one time with Ace. I'd love a tour of all his tech and then we can compare and just geek out on technology.
20. How would you explain the band to someone who isn't familiar with KISS?
I don't know. Honestly the other people who answered this already gave greats explanations. So many pass judgment on them without giving them a chance. They're a one-of-a-kind experience. There will never be a band like them.
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brewsterispunkk · 2 months
i was tagged by @fineosaur (raniyah, my love🥹) to post my nine favourite albums. I would agree that this is the HARDEST tag, but these are the ones that came to my head right away. as always, there are more, these are just some of my staples ;)
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From left-right/down:
- Uprising by Bob Marley and The Wailers
- American Idiot by Green Day
- From Under the Cork Tree by Fall Out Boy
- Pearl by Janis Joplin
- Mi Mundo Raro by Chavela Vargas
- Amor Prohibido by Selena
- Blue by Joni Mitchell
- Voulez-Vous by ABBA
- Rumours by Fleetwood Mac
Of course, there are so so many more, but THESE are some of the ones that shaped me in my younger years (hello, fall out boy&green day) and today.
This is an open tag! So whoever wants to join, pls do!
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pigeoninabowl69 · 6 months
El cuarteto de nos shitpost
(literal todas las canciones de Raro tienen al menos alg que ver con la depresión/soledad)
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louifrangos · 8 days
best CDN album in your opinion??
this question is a bit tricky for me because i categorize them instead of picking one to be the objectively best. like.
i find Habla tu espejo to do better than Raro when it comes to more introspective and personal songs But i also think Raro is way better lyrically than HTE ^^' basically i jst think each album has their own merit to examine in specific areas
that being said Its definitely Bipolar for me i would kill someone to have any merch related to ths album 😭😭 i find most tracks to have the perfect balance between lyrics and sound and at the same time most songs speak to me in a very personal level
and when they arent relatable or something like that i still find them to be very charming Like. i still havent got tired of listening to breve descripcion de mi persona and its just a bunch of random facts from the members of the band 🤒
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blueflavoredsprite · 15 days
pumpkin spice latte child and his black coffee dad (drew this on the plain on my way home)
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ohblackdiamond · 5 months
the story of mandate
I have wrestled with sharing this in detail for many months, both because it is a goofy story and because, well, it is a goofy story.
I went on a protracted hunt for a number of months for the issue of Mandate (a gay pornographic magazine) in which KISS have an article, because Peter's book explicitly states it was the first magazine they ever got an article in (this is actually incorrect, but I wasn't aware of that at the time) and because I could find absolutely nothing online about the writeup itself, and I was very curious. (The text is here, and some rather lazy scans are here, if you are interested.) KISS fandom has a bit more focus on stuff like the guitars and albums (imagine that), and if there is a repository of old KISS articles, I've never found it. I've never even found where anyone posted the full text of Paul's Playgirl article, although that issue used to be easy enough to find.
That, I thought, was the end of it. It's a puff piece, even if the picture of Paul in particular is pretty nice and even if they refer to them as "boys" and their look as "spicy." An offbeat piece of KISStory (incidentally this was not KISS' first or only foray into gay magazines-- Paul, as mentioned, was in Playgirl, which while ostensibly marketed to women, had a majority gay male audience, and KISS was featured in After Dark in July 1974), that I could never unload on ebay with anywhere near the ease or success of, say, the KISS Hello Kitty Beanie Babies.
That was it, until over two years later, when--
I went to a Gene event with my dear friend @elrohare in May 2023. On a whim, I had brought the magazine along with a couple other more traditional things (the RARO and Love Gun albums), trying to decide which of these I should get him to sign for me. @elrohare as anticipated/hoped, encouraged me to get him to sign Mandate.
I was extremely torn. Mostly, though, I was worried he'd take it in a way I didn't mean it, like it was an attempt to embarrass him. I didn't, and don't, think there's anything shameful about them being in the magazine. It is not an indication of their sexuality.
But wouldn't it be neat to have a signature on Mandate, instead of a signature on, say, Rock and Roll Over? At the very least, it probably wasn't something he'd had thrust in his face often, if ever. Probably ever. While Gene is known for being exceptionally friendly regardless (at a price), I thought it might, if he was receptive, start an interesting conversation.
And if not, I had those stupid KISS baseballesque (bubblegum) cards he could sign instead.
The day came and we both were starting to regret what we had decided to do. Cynthia suggested I just turn the magazine straight to the page he was on so that Gene would hopefully ask no questions and simply, blindly, sign. I did exactly that. My nerves were so bad in general that I was shaking and Gene's handler was having to wave his little Gene-hand-puppet (he'd drawn Gene's makeup on his fingers and thumb) to distract me and Cynthia into calming down.
Not only did Gene know exactly what magazine it was, even with it turned to the correct page, he exclaimed "Mandate!" got a big smile on his face, said, "I'm texting Paul right now," stopped the entire meet and greet to text Paul, had me hold up the magazine for him to take a picture, which he then sent to Paul, and simultaneously made and ruined my life right then and there.
"Paul's in this. They thought he was--" and he kind of waved his hand.
"You're in it, too!"
"No, Paul is in it."
"But you're... okay, okay, Paul is in it..." One does not simply argue with Gene Simmons. I tried. "I...if you don't want to sign it I have baseball cards!"
He opened the magazine and then declares it to be sticky.
"It's not sticky..."
He licked his thumb and proceeded to smear it on the pages as he turned them. Slowly. He just kept on going and going and going. Page after page of black and white vintage pornography.
"Okay, where is it?" he said after awhile (apparently, even Gene can eventually tire of seeing naked people).
"Page eight!" I said, very, very, very quickly. Everyone laughed. "And Gene's on page 9!"
Gene did turn to page eight and nine. But instead, he proceeded to deface my copy of Mandate with his artwork. The mostly-naked blonde on the front cover suddenly and incredibly was graced with Paul's 1970's hair and star on his eye. I wailed "Geeeene" in a pretty pathetic squeak.
"Where do you want me to sign?"
"On your picture...." (inside the magazine) (which he did). I think, had I stopped with his signature, I would've preferred he sign it on the cover, by his artwork, but already I had an idea. An awful idea.
Let's call this the Mandate Reunion and leave it at that.
Several months later, immediately after an Ace concert, I found myself in front of Cynthia in line (we had to do this one individually). Ace's entourage gazed at Mandate magazine with great interest and murmuring. They were accustomed to records, posters, comic books. They had not seen it before. I have rarely heard great things about meeting Ace and was anticipating total silence, and Ace to just blindly sign as I'd thought that Gene would.
Ace did not.
Ace took one look at that magazine, recognized it immediately, and looked me dead in the eye, even with the sunglasses.
"That's gay." (His tone was as a statement of fact, not as a judgment/anything derisive.) "Paul is in it."
"You're in it, too. Page nine."
Ace did not acknowledge that he was, in fact, in it.
"Do you really want me to sign this?"
No, Ace, I just brought this to you so you could look at it. You never have seen a picture of yourself before.
Ace acquiesced, signing by his picture (making sure his signature was larger than Gene's), and was so distracted he forgot to switch pens or ask my name (he will personalize one autograph for you and typically swaps pen colors throughout autographs), though he wished me a safe trip home.
Two out of four. Now I was obligated to try for Peter, who, happily, had deigned to do Mad Monster Atlanta, which would not require me to fly out or book a hotel. Unlike the other adventures, I couldn't do this one with Cynthia and had to fly solo. I had met Peter prior at Creaturesfest and he was incredibly kind to me-- even teased me, gently, for my high, somewhat squeaky voice. I did not think he would object too hard, but was curious. Would he, like Gene and Ace, immediately go to, "That's gay, Paul is in it," and never really admit he was in it, too? Would he have some odd inside information about how Bill had gotten them the magazine space?
None of the above.
Peter looked at that magazine, immediately said, with great interest, "Is that guy on the cover naked?"
"No, no, he's got a rug-thing... he's not naked."
"Who is that, is that David Lee Roth?"
"No, I actually don't know who it is." (Apologies for my less than stellar responses-- I should have, obviously, told him that Gene had been the one to doodle on the front cover-- but I could not believe he was responding like he was responding!)
"He's got a nice ass, though. I've seen all kinds of asses." He continued to talk about asses for a solid bit of time there, looking quite pleased with himself (I think I told him there were lots more in the magazine), though I don't remember what he said exactly.
Peter was so far removed from the gentleman-of-KISS image that, for some reason, Kissfaq enjoys espousing. It's almost like they think not trashing the rest of the band equates to sainthood and erases all memory of hotel romps, threesomes, orgies, and asses. It was incredible. Gigi looked completely and absolutely appalled, but she did manage to ask if I wanted it signed in black (to match the others), and I said yes, ma'am, and she handed him the pen. Then she said that I was "too nice a girl for this [I think she meant to hear this/have the magazine]" and I said, "Oh, I dunno about that, it is my magazine" as I departed.
I guess the real KISStory was the porno the OGs signed along the way.
In summary, I'd like to thank the wonderful @elrohare for aiding and abetting and being a thorough part of both this very ridiculous quest and throughout so many of my KISS misadventures. Something weird always happens with KISS, guaranteed.
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