#alexi's 2024 birthday !!
hismourningflower · 3 months
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「 just breathe | kai's 2024 birthday special! 」 jing yuan & blade x gn!reader | hurt/comfort, nightmares | birthday fanfiction. ↳ additional tags. reader with ptsd (yet again, self indulgent for my bday!) but you can read it as reader with just nightmares in general!! ooc jing yuan & blade, kinda soppy/fluff with angsty themes. ↳ happy birthday to me part one! this is the honkai edition, there's a genshin special scheduled for later today!
data has been uploaded! - send an ask to join the taglist; specify genshin, honkai or both! @lovingluxury, @dumbificat, @starryshinyskies, @ryuryuryuyurboat, @ainescribe
the jade's guidelines | honkai masterlist | bday m.list | previous work
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you could never forget the silk sheets that line your shared bed with JING YUAN, an aspect of the luxuries that the xianzhou alliance bathe themselves quite fondly over the years of their long-life species' existence. you would tease jing yuan that perhaps it was the xianzhou natives' way of comforting themselves after what happened regarding their ancestors but the more you considered it, the more highly likely it felt to be true.
every night you'd fall asleep in these sheets without fail, drowning amongst their soft touch that brushes against your skin. it slides against your every limb, wrapping itself around your body for comfort whenever you're forced to go to bed without jing yuan at your side; there'd be numerous occasions, ones that he was always forced to deal with. you'd always see the way his eyes soften and shift away from you when he admits that he'd be late to bed. it was always work related, of course it was, he was the esteemed general of the cloud knights, the luofu's very own divine foresight.
you could never be mad at him, you were lucky enough to even be on the arm of the general. in your eyes, there was no way you could complain about his workload interrupting things except when it weighs down on him, dragging on his ankles and his shoulders to the point where all he can do is smile and keep napping - this is normal behaviour you've adjusted to but where's that small smirk that you love so much?
unfortunately, there's a nagging that weighs you down too. even though you don't explicitly mention it to jing yuan, he's more than aware. he's by no means stupid and he's actually incredibly observant, especially for you, his dearest partner. he's been awake on more than one occasion when your peaceful sleep is disrupted, your brows furrowed as you clutch at the sheets - naively unaware of his presence in the first place.
the silence will fill with struggled whimpers and gasps for breath, evolving into tears you might not even know slip from your closed eyes, squeezed shut as if trying to wake yourself up. these things haunt you, remind you of your struggles and where life has taken you. jing yuan has never been one for interrupting your rest, after all you've never once disturbed him but he knows he can't let you lay there, thrashing as you cry. not only for your sake but his own, when it breaks his heart to even witness it.
jing yuan will force himself to disturb you, strong arms wrapping around you and fighting against every thrash and struggle your emotionally weak body fights with until you calm against the comfort of his chest, breaking out into muffled sobs as your knuckles go white clutching onto him. he'll let out a breath, noting that you're awake when you choke out his name between gasps for breath.
"just breathe," he coos, a large hand smoothing down your back as his face buries into your hair. long, white hair drapes over his shoulders, tickling at your nose now that it's not tied up with a red ribbon, "it's okay, i'm here."
never once has jing yuan pressed into what your nightmare was about, simply listening as you follow his instructions and take a deep breath, trying to regulate as your body calms. there's a soft sniffle every now and then, his chest damp from where you've been sobbing but he'd rather it be like this instead of the bedsheets from where you've struggled alone.
every time it'll break his heart but he'll do it over and over again, knowing that his mere presence is what soothes you and keeps the tormenting demons at bay. maybe you'll never say it to him but all you need in those moments is him and he's more than happy to hold your shaking body until you fall back asleep.
BLADE isn't a fool, in fact he has his own fair share of nightmares from the mara within him and his past deeds. even if he denies it, you're no fool too and you've been present many times when it comes to blade panicking in his sleep. you do know however not to wake him, aware of his violent tendencies - you could be anyone to him when he wakes up and despite putting every inch of your trust into him, you know that's something you can't risk with him.
the next morning, he'll always avoid your gaze. dark hair will hang over ruby red eyes, concealing them from your view as he goes about his business, still closely knit to your side. he's aware that you know, that you was there and you witnessed it. there's no convincing him for a moment that he can trust you enough just to receive some form of comfort, even if it's hours later when dawn is breaking and in his eyes, just another day begins.
despite his avoidance of the topic when it revolves around him, blade doesn't shy away from your nightmares at all. in fact, considering how well acquainted he is with them - and dealing with them alone, - blade is way more comforting than many may suspect when it comes to your nightmares. it can be a surprising addition to the relationship at first when you experience the first night of having a harsh nightmare while the two of you share a bed.
blade isn't afraid to give you a snap back to reality in the moments you need it the most. in his eyes it's better than letting you lay there and struggle, your body thrashing on woven sheets that are soft from the fabric detergent you'd recently swapped to. when your relationship had started, he'd been against the idea of you staying with him at the stellaron hunters' headquarters but blade was observant enough to notice how often you had nightmares when he'd come to visit your home outside of work. he'll never admit it out loud but that's what changed his mind about where you slept at night.
there's a cold exterior that your boyfriend wears but deep inside, he can't bear the sight of seeing you go through it. he can't bear to hear the way you cry out his name, wrapping your arms around his neck as he gently shakes you awake to wake you up from the horrors you were witnessing. that's why he'll clutch your body into his, never letting go even after you've calmed down. his fingers dig slightly into your soft flesh, his face buried into your neck as he takes a moment for him too to calm down.
"blade? you can let go..." you mumble against his scarred shoulder, bandages decorating the flesh of his upper arm. he'll grunt in response, the cold tip of his nose pressing harder against your skin.
"just a little longer," he mutters in response, albeit a little stubbornly as his hug tightens for a moment, squeezing you reassuringly, "just... keep breathing for me."
you're okay, you're awake, your breathing is slowing down. he repeats these things to himself like a mantra, ruby eyes fluttering shut behind long, dark eyelashes as he presses chaste kisses to your shoulder. you personally never understood why he seemed so affected by your nightmares as the two of you curl back up, pressed together so intimately with the sheets draped over your bodies but blade knows he can't cope with the idea of seeing you in any form of pain, whether physical or mental.
if he could, he would take every inch and sliver of your pain for you. he'd carry the weight of your past and struggles, just to never see you sob from another nightmare ever again.
© thexianzhoujade 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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midnight-in-town · 10 months
Frances Midford : The Mentor, a summary
To follow with my post about fighting against misinformation, here’s a first topic. 
Ciel’s remaining aunt is often viewed by the fandom as a mean lady who doesn’t care, because of a) all the mysteries around the family that Ciel doesn’t know about and b) the use of comic relief in Kuroshitsuji often used to hide some relevant clues, as previously demonstrated in this post. This is actually far from what her character really is about and I intend to demonstrate it now with a (long) recap post. 
I have talked about Frances a lot in the past, about her caring about our!Ciel and about her possibly knowing, like Tanaka, that he was lying about his identity. While the former is undeniably true, the latter is still up for debate. [X][X][X][X] However, with the upcoming adaptation of the Weston arc (probably) in 2024, I don’t want the old discourse to come back, so without further ado...
What Yana has said about Frances’ character
Besides our!Ciel, Frances is the last remaining Phantomhive (not counting real!Ciel as a BD). She’s Vincent’s younger sister, they both have the same parents (that is to say Claudia P and Cedric K. Ros) and she married out of the family (implying that maybe the Phantomhives have distant relatives still alive), becoming Lady Midford. 
According to Yana, Frances takes after their dad while Vincent takes after their mom and the same is true for her kids, meaning Ed takes after her (thus takes after his maternal grandfather) while Liz takes after Alexis. 
As far as her relationship with our!Ciel is concerned, here’s what Yana said in the guidebook : “Frances' strength of character is why Sebastian chose her as a role model Ciel should follow”. Since her relationship with Lizzie is sometimes also viewed negatively, I’d like to add that both in the guidebook and on twitter, Yana said that “Liz thinks her mom is kind and strong so she looks up to her mom as a role model she aspires to become”, hence the similar hair style.
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TL;DR Yana’s overall description of Frances is that a) she’s kind and strong which is why b) she’s Lizzie’s role model, as well as the role model Sebastian thinks our!Ciel should follow.
Now that this is established, here’s what the canon story gives us, to illustrate Yana’s words. Spoilers for the entire manga series and long read below the cut.
Frances’ introduction
Frances is introduced in ch14 and, boy, what a generally misunderstood chapter by some parts of the fandom. xDD
Contextually, ch14 is Ciel’s birthday, meaning it is also the anniversary of the massacre of the previous household and Madam Red just died, after trying to kill him. For those who might wonder, the guidebook confirmed that our!Ciel was quite saddened by Ann’s death (obviously), so really, what a fun 13th birthday in perspective. Cue Liz and Frances. 
The comments on her strength aside, Frances’ introduction is otherwise often misread as her nagging being inappropriate but I beg to differ. As mentioned by @akumadeenglish​ and @chibimyumi​, Yana is Japanese author who likes to explore writing tropes in depth. Though it’s also important to remember that, before the curry arc, Yana didn’t know how long the series would run so everything had less intent, because the story was initially supposed to end quickly.
In other words, Frances’ introduction really is initially to be read as the severe mother-in-law (based on Japanese comical stereotypes) coming to check on how he handles his household, which is why Seb is so stressed out when everything goes bonkers. But that’s only the surface. 
Most importantly though, Frances showed up because it is Ciel’s birthday and, as said above, there’s a lot of negative and dreadful memories associated with this day. So...
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...let’s change his mind, shall we? 
Phantomhives love games and Frances is a Phantomhive too, the last one besides our!Ciel, so she knows her nephew and chooses an activity she knew he wouldn’t be able to resist. 
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Ch14 also introduces two important facts that are still relevant as plot points, especially as far as the Blue Revenge arc is concerned. The first one is that our!Ciel protected Lizzie from that bear, so Frances said she owes him. 
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Secondly, as stated by Frances herself, she knows the ropes of the “game” (aka acting as the Watchdog) better than our!Ciel (”you’ve still got a decade to go before you can even think of winning against me”). 
In fact, like our!Ciel with real!Ciel, Frances was probably raised as Vincent’s spare [X][X], but compared to our!Ciel who knew next to nothing about his father’s real job until 3 years ago (at the time of ch14), Frances is an experienced veteran...
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And that’s why Seb chose her as a role model for our!Ciel.
Therefore it is my opinion that ch14, despite being written back when Sensei didn’t know how long the series would be published, is still relevant as heck when it comes to Frances’ role in the series, aka acting as a mentor for our!Ciel (and for Lizzie, as Yana also stated). Kuroshitsuji is a slow story though, with a lot of build up and it’s why some fans still fail to see how significant Frances is to the plot and to our!Ciel’s development. 
Campania arc
Liz is the one who comes to ask our!Ciel to come with her whole family (thus introducing Alexis and Edward) on a cruise, but it’s also very important to note that she conveyed that Frances thought that our!Ciel should take time off of work:
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This led some of us fans to theorize that maybe Tanaka used to send updates to Frances about our!Ciel’s wellbeing and how he fared as the Watchdog: the timing of the cruise works well with Frances’ remark, considering that the Queen just sent Charles Grey as a merry punishment for Ciel’s deeds during the Circus arc. 
This arc mostly highlights Frances’ bravery and strength : she didn’t hesitate to fight for countless of passengers unrelated to her (something that UT said isn’t very typical of Phantomhives, during Weston)...
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More importantly, we finally get into Lizzie’s personal motivations and we indeed have the confirmation that...
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...Frances is a big key to Lizzie’s strength, confirming the role model/mentor position that she holds in Lizzie’s eyes. I’d like to also point out that Frances completely trusts in her daughter’s abilities, which highlights a very positive mother/daughter dynamic.
Lizzie’s flashback gives us this very important bit...
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...a part that’s unfortunately often overlooked by the fans complaining that Frances is too severe with our!Ciel and Lizzie. This scene however makes way more sense once we find out, after the Weston arc, that Frances lost her mother Claudia (the Watchdog before Vincent) when she was probably about 12 or 13 years old (Vincent being 15 years old then). 
To me, this is a big explanation as to why Frances is as serious about training as she is:
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Indeed, she lost at least her mom (and later her brother) so, since her daughter is betrothed to the future Watchdog, she wants Liz to be strong enough to survive. All I see in the former panel is a mother saddened by the burden on her child’s shoulder and desperate to imagine that she will be exposed to a lot of danger as an adult. 
Side point there, but it’s likely there’s a very relevant reason Frances’ only daughter was betrothed to Vincent’s heir when they were young kids. We’ll dive into it later, but I believe the answer is tied to the Phantomhive lineage introduced in ch103. 
Lastly, our!Ciel’s flashback also gave us another important bit to explore...
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...which is that our!Ciel directly applies what Frances once told him to his current path for revenge: 
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Also note the allusion again to Vincent “losing the game”, creating a parallel with Frances telling our!Ciel in ch14 that “he still has a decade to go before he can even think of winning against her”, because he has a lot to learn from her, especially since even he admits that he knows next to nothing about his own family.
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The previous spare teaching the spare. How fitting. :D
Weston arc
Even if Frances only appears in this arc during the cricket game, I think there is a lot to be deduced from it. First, I’ve said it long ago and I’ll say it again: I strongly believe Frances played a part into Vincent’s victory during the first blue miracle.
Mind you, Tanaka basically confirmed that Vincent cheated to win (since he knew what Seb and Ciel were up to) and I could totally see Vincent asking his strong little sister to crossdress in order to destroy the Green team. xDD Besides, she certainly seems uneasy whenever the topic is brought up and she also wasn’t fooled by Ciel’s act when he won, haha!
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This is silly, but this shows (imo) that Frances and Vincent had a good sibling dynamic, with Frances supporting her brother as the Watchdog as much as she could, which is heartwarming because this means Frances would have no reason not to support her brother’s sons after his death. 
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Tanaka (who, according to Yana, was already in the household taking care of Vincent and Frances as children) and Frances happily dancing together at the end of the tournament also confirms this. Vincent and Frances having a strong sibling bond would also explain why, despite Claudia’s death, Frances would agree to the betrothal between Lizzie and Vincent’s heir (and would keep it that way, even after Vincent’s death).
All that to say, I’m sure the cricket game confirmed to Frances how similar our!Ciel is to Vincent on some aspects (the second blue miracle attests to that), which probably makes him somewhat predictable (and reassuring?) to her.
One thing that I also believe is important is Ed’s mini flashback during the game. On this topic, Yana has said that she couldn’t draw his backstory in detail, so she’ll probably expand on that in the future, which makes me think that there is some foreshadowing in there. 
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TBH I think it’s ironic that Ed would consider himself as “ordinary”, considering the whole lineage thing introduced one arc later. xDD But also, if we consider that the tale of Vincent’s first blue miracle is supposed to hint that Vincent and Frances were close as siblings, it’s nice that Ed, who takes after his mom the most, would also have his own flashback about loving and looking up to his sister a lot, despite his small inferiority complex. Considering that Liz sees their mom as her role model though, I guess that means Ed also sees his mom as a role model (though the Campania arc already made that pretty clear). 
During the Weston arc, Frances also managed to surprise Sebastian, both by recognizing him (lol) and by stopping him despite his intent to leave, which is, according to the demon himself, no small feat: 
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Like the usual nagging she does towards Seb though, it’s played for laugh, but as introduced in this post, I believe overused comic relief is a way to foreshadow some hints and we’ll dive into it with the next arc. 
Last but not least, during this arc UT commented that our!Ciel was different from his ancestors when he willingly put himself in danger to save Joanne...
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...but as presented during the Campania arc, it seems it’s a trait he shares at least with his aunt, furthering the parallels between them and the fact that she would definitely make a good mentor for our!Ciel, because they’re quite alike and can probably understand each other. 
Green Witch arc
The only relevant part of this arc with Frances’ character is the introduction of a special lineage in the Phantomhive family by German Shinigamis...
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...something that might explain why our!Ciel was able to notice them, when even Seb didn’t. So this begs the question: who else in his family shares this lineage? And obviously, Frances and her kids might !
My personal opinion is that the lineage thing is old and is probably why the Phantomhive family became the Watchdogs, many generations ago. But also, if our!Ciel can notice Shinigamis thanks to it, could it explain why Frances was able to detect and catch Seb during opening ceremony before the cricket game at Weston? And why she always nags him about his appearance (both hair and face)? That remains to be confirmed, but...
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...at the very least Bravat in the recent arc confirmed that some gifted people like himself can “sense” that demons are different. Just like animals [x][x], apparently. Bravat is irrelevant besides being a small scale villain though, so I take it as a hint for a more plot significant character, such as Frances, whose nagging behavior towards Seb is way too overused as comic relief anyway. 
The lineage thing is yet one more family topic on which Frances probably has answers to give to our!Ciel (the only other people who might know about it being Tanaka and UT). 
Bonus : if what Vincent said below about strong-willed women in the family line (from a side story “With Father”) is a hint towards the lineage thing...
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...then it’s probably why Vincent wanted Lizzie to be betrothed to his heir in the first place and why Frances agreed. 
Blue sect & blue revenge arcs
I already mentioned that Bravat’s innate ability to recognize Seb as a demon was a hint that other characters, like Frances, might be able to guess that Seb is a demon as well, so moving on to ch151 :
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This chapter confirms that UT has known Frances since she was very young (which is a hint to the UT = Cedric theory of course), which also explains why, knowing about her strength, UT went on with the whole BD massacre on the Campania despite the presence of our!Ciel and the Midfords on board. 
Also, while this chapter neither confirms nor denies if Frances knew about our!Ciel lying about his identity (like Tanaka and UT did), she didn’t show anger nor disbelief about the situation, just her incomprehension.  
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More than anything, this chapter strongly hints that our!Ciel will at some point seek his aunt for a talk before the final confrontation with UT and real!Ciel, because both are seeking answers to their different questions (our!Ciel needs to find out about UT & his grandmother and the lineage thing, while Frances will want to know what’s the deal between the twins). Speaking of which, a talk between Lizzie and Frances is probably also in order, before Lizzie can choose our!Ciel’s side again.
Lastly, ch151 hinted that Frances doesn’t fully believe that real!Ciel’s return is “natural”...
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...and, i mean, why would she? She faced the Bizarre Dolls on the Campania and, for all we know, Edward told her how the Weston arc ended so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ considering that UT has been involved every time, the Midfords probably aren’t far from connecting the dots about real!Ciel being already dead. 
To sum up !
Outside of the narrative, Yana said that Frances was Lizzie’s role model and that Seb also wanted her to be the model our!Ciel should follow. And, in my opinion, the entire series so far (as I tried to present in this post) is slowly building up to that because :
our!Ciel and Frances are very similar: both the spares & both survived their parents’ and brothers’ death 
both saved folks unrelated to them despite being Phantomhives, meaning that they are a bit alike and can understand each other
our!Ciel literally built his path of revenge following the advice Frances told him about how to counterattack an opponent
Again, to understand who targeted his family, our!Ciel needs to find out about his grandmother, about the lineage and about why his dad had to be killed amongst other things. The only people who can answer him are UT, Tanaka and Frances. 
I believe UT and Tanaka are more connected to Claudia, but also both are by real!Ciel’s side for now, making them less accessible for a talk. This leaves Frances for the time being and, as Vincent’s sister and Claudia’s daughter, it seems appropriate that answers would be coming from her. 
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Also, in shonen series, usually the hero(es) have a mentor figure who will help them “unlock their potential” through training. Kuroshitsuji is not your usual shonen and I doubt our!Ciel can become better at fighting lmao, but Frances can certainly help him better appreciate the massive scale he’s bound to face when seeking his revenge. Especially if it all goes back to events from 3 generations ago and a worldbuilding full of supernatural elements, as well as a world war he doesn’t entirely comprehend yet. 
Frances acting as a mentor/role model for her own kids also foreshadows that they’ll follow our!Ciel on his journey and, like him, they’ll definitely need her wisdom/knowledge to be able to reach the necessary level for survival by his side.
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As to when all that is going to happen, well, I’d say Frances will probably take on a more active role in the plot when, to quote Seb in ch14, "[our!Ciel] will overconfidently believe that he cannot lose and that it will be necessary for him to carry himself with humility while striving for his goal". Because by then, "an adult who will be firm with him is what he'll need". 
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If that doesn’t foreshadow the current conflict between the twins, I don’t know what does. xD
Thanks for reading!! As always, let me know if I’ve forgotten anything !
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ratguy-nico · 4 months
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Geneuary prompt Crush / Birthday
This as a matter of fact was the firts Geneuary piece I drew, why? Cause... it was the first prompt that come to mind. yeah Im not that deep. At least not at thinking.
Scene from the movie Sixteen Candles, why? cause for me this movie combine perfectly the Crush prompt with the b-day prompt.
-ejem ejem- Starring in this piece not only my Genie Wieny Beanie but also co-starring as the romantic interest -dum duru dum- ALEXIS!!! oc, child of the awesome @golden--doodler also known as the person to whom we owe Geneuary @goldendoodlerlockerlove -fuegos artificiales, epic solo de guitarra, explosiones piu-piu piu-
fvk forget to mention draw Alexis heavily inspired in @drawthething commision with golden were they drew Alexis so kudos to them too. (love your drawings)
(more about the drawing down here)
... Yeah...
The thing is! As I said before this is a scene from the movie Sixteen Candles starring Molly Ringwald most known for The Breakfast Club movie that actually have an episode of Bob's Burgers dedicated to it. do you see the connection?
So yeah, don't remember if is actually mentioned but I'm totally sure Gene is a big Molly Ringwald fan, is just his type of girl icon.
The movie in itself is a movie that carries a lot of good memories for me. My mom loves to show me movies from her childhood and teen years.
I remember watching this movie with my mom we both laughing of all the craziest shit that this movie had, commenting how different movies were back then and crushing over Molly Ringwald.
And then just a couple of days ago as a way to find the inspiration again I decided to watch it again with my lil sis who almost cry in the end scene (not the romantic one, the one with the girl and her dad)
And we catch sight of a lesbian! Hunting lesbians in older movies since 2024
The thing is even though I love this movie I have to say is from the 80's, wich mean hella racist toward asian people, very misogynist, and it have boobs (that is not a real problem but since people on twit is trying to banned sex I added it) so yeah, watch carefully. But totally recommended.
There's a scene I would also draw with Tina and Bob from this movie.
Second fun fact. Even though this was the first drawing I made I didn't made the romantic interest until this wednesday.
Originally I though Alex, but I wasn't 100% convinced cause at that point I was heart broken at the realization they were probably discarding his character (note: I don't know if they are discarding the character) (read as a Mort situation) So yeah.
Then I though DAH! Courtney, but I don't ship them as a couple so that didn't seem quite right.
Then talking with Golden I got really fond of their OC Alexis and though, why not? I believed in signs.
The universe talk and I have to listen. The fact that Golden decided to tell me about their character right when I was starting to draw this piece was all I needed to know.
Also I though of just letting that spot blank and maybe made a dynamic were people put whoever they wanted with Gene. Which for me could been hella funny. But I don't think anyone would actually want to do that so yeah.
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april-is · 2 months
April 2, 2024: from Understory, Craig Santos Perez
from Understory Craig Santos Perez
(to my wife, nālani and our 7-month old daughter, kai)
kai cries from teething—
how do new parents
comfort a child in
pain, bullied in school,
shot by a drunk
APEC agent? #justicefor
-kollinelderts— nālani gently
massages kai's gums with
her fingers— how do
we wipe away tear-
gas and blood? provide
shelter from snipers? disarm
occupying armies? #freepalestine—
nālani sings to kai
a song about the
Hawaiian alphabet— what dreams
will echo inside detention
centers and cross teething
borders to soothe the
thousands of children atop
la bestia? #unaccompanied—
nālani rubs kai's back
warm with coconut oil—
how do we hold
violence at arm's length
when raising [our] hands
up is no longer
a universal sign of
surrender? #black livesmatter—
kai finally falls asleep
in nālani's cradling arms,
skin to skin against
the news— when do
we tell our daughter
there's no safe place
for us to breathe #...
More like this:
+ Good Bones, Maggie Smith + Prayer for My Unborn Niece or Nephew, Ross Gay + not an elegy for Mike Brown, Danez Smith & the first poem below:
Today in...
2023: The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On, Franny Choi 2022: For the Journalists Who Write About Ukraine, Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach 2021: For My Friends, in Reply to a Question, Safia Elhillo 2020: The Conditional, Ada Limón 2019: Dorothy Wordsworth, Jennifer Chang 2018: A Small Needful Fact, Ross Gay 2017: What We Need, David Budbill 2016: Husky Boys’ Dickies, Jill McDonough 2015: Why Some Girls Love Horses, Paisley Rekdal 2014: The Fox, Faith Shearin 2013: You Can’t Have It All, Barbara Ras 2012: Road Trip, Kurt Brown 2011: Onset, Kim Addonizio 2010: February, Margaret Atwood 2009: Domestic, Carl Phillips 2008: A Birthday, W.S. Merwin 2007: Words for Love, Ted Berrigan 2006: At the Trial of Hamlet, Chicago, 1994, Sherman Alexie 2005: The Waking, Theodore Roethke
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???: What is Inaaya please tell us what you wished for on your birthday and new year you were saying about-
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Inaaya: *inhales* IF THIS WAS-
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Another v3nt cause i prayed for everyone's safety now....what i prayed for was i hope i get through my trauma and 2024...and i made another prayer bc i had in my heart the feeling....but that one was personally ofc you wouldn't like it...even alexis....buttt today i am going to the grave.....of Nadia.....
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theuniverseawakens347 · 2 months
Lee, mother “dearest”
I know you’re wondering a lot…
Like how I know the day you “met” Tristan when inspecting Howard’s truck for “purchase” ( which you sold to Tristan January 2024 and told Howard to tell me it was your friend…Jim who bought it )…you texted him that day ( before meeting) telling him to “pretend” to date me until September to “get my hopes up for our future” …
Then started paying him September to finalize us “separating” ..then paid him AGAIN Valentine’s Day to delete his instagram to look like he “got back with Daisy/ done with me for GOOD …and paid him to “live” with her 🤣 BITCH YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO DAISY IS TO OUR FAMILY LINE. A DEATH PET. TO THE WALLACE BARTON FAMILY.
…also you paid for his trip to Turkey knowing he wanted his hair procedure as a means of…bribery to “get what you want..in the long run”
( which is us to not get married ) …
Me knowing these VERY specific details KNOWING I haven’t physically talked to Tristan makes you question ALL this being in fact VERY MUCH SO REAL.
…my granny had a similar conversation with you for my 15th birthday confirming some family truths, and you thought she was absolutely bat shit crazy, which you told Howard,
Then AGAIN when I was 15 before my 16th birthday and granny, Dee, Jose, Alexis and Brandi came over for dinner..when Lexi, Brandi and I left the house to get something from the car, you AGAIN, were told some MORE truths about the wallace name which again..you thought my grandma and WHOLE family was a nut job, and you talked with Howard that night how to prove me crazy in the future …KNOWING granny was speaking truth because Ben from Equinox had already approached you in your “ secret society” telling you EXACTLY who I am.
And again you’re going to wonder after reading THIS how I know that, since you as well paid off Ben to 1. Get me hired at equinox downtown and 2. Paid him off August 17th 2021- my time at clarity to not tell me my own life truth/ purpose and AGAIN paid him off this year to not talk to me AT ALL since our last training session early October 2023 ( ironically when you left for your BIG trip) - NOW
And during that trip you paid Michael and Andre to stash paraphernalia all throughout my room to make me look like a VERY BIG ADDICT ( BITCH I DONT SMOKE BONGS 🖕🏽…if you gon lie, AT LEAST MAKE IT CUTE BITCH! ADONDI 👽🛸)
And now after reading this..you’re going to play the guessing game with yourself.. who are YOUR missing pieces…who amongst “YOUR SIDE” IS MY BLOOD LINE FAMILY WANTING ME BACK …
Well just recently , yesterday 4/3/24 I HAVE YOU ADMITTING in front of two people that you in fact DONT believe I am crazy and making up things about who I am/ the universe…
But you “cleverly” OMIT the truth of your end … like bribing Preston to move me to San Francisco ( knowing i wanted to move there since Aja and I went to pride when I was 17) ..your best acting job yet “pretending” like you TRULY hated Preston and paying Howard to “back you up” on that..you even admitted in from of Michell cauley ON RECORD that you and Preston have friends in common… you tried to say you didn’t want me to go in front of Howard to cover your ass but behind closed doors you’re pushing me to go…the EXACT DAY YOU BRIBED PRESTON WAS WHEN YPU READ MY FUCKING COMPUTER ..WHICH WAS RIGHT AFTER THE THERAPY SESSION WOTH MICHELL WHERE YOU TOLD ME YOU KNEW ABOUT HIS “secret love child” and my emotions around it…AGIN INVADING MY PRIVACY AND READING MY PERSONAL JOURNALS …LIKE YOU DID AGIN THIS PAST TRIP TO THE PSYCH WARD WHEN YOU “MOVED” things to my “Storage” unit.
“HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE KNOW THIS” is what you were thinking during yesterdays sit down with Vivvica and Howard…
I let Cashay communicate her hurt to you, the part of me that wanted you as a mother,
And most recently after sessions with Amy Perry, I have you questioning, if YEA IN FACT YOU ARE DORRIS JEAN BENNETT AND HOW THE HELL THAT WOULD ACTUALLY WORK …well
Let ME CASHAY tell you this,
I AS ADONDI, will “Gift” you…( as you like to call it for your FAT tax write offs ) THE TRUTH ABOUT HOW LIFE ACTUALLY WORKS ..how you are IN FACT DORIS HER SELF.
..I CAN hear you discussing with Howard RIGJT FUCKING NOW, “ how do [we] get out of this”
And if you continue to play me, YOU DROP THE BALL AND YOU’ll BE GOING DOWN LIKE DIDDY #JAIL.
From Doctors, therapist, teachers, family members , friends ..I HAVE ALL THEIR RECEIPTS.
I STRONGLY suggest your next move be talking with Cashay - ADONI / TRISTAN / FLORENCE
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haitilegends · 3 months
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Art, Heart, and Heritage: Celebrating Heidi Alexis and the Spirit of Giving
Thrilled to celebrate the remarkable talent of Haitian-American artist Heidi Alexis Lmt (@eyealexis)! Anticipation is building for her Fall 2024 art exhibition.
A stunning creation, "Shades of a Woman," an acrylic on canvas masterpiece (16x20), found its new home during Naïka Charles DHaiti's (@naikacharlesdhaiti) birthday celebration and fundraiser on February 25, 2024. This event successfully raised funds for Project St Anne (@psahaiti). To discover more about their impactful work, make sure to follow their journey!
Website: https://projectstanne.org/
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#10K2024 1-2-2024
143. La Soldier-Sakurakkorabu Sakurasumi 144. All Good Things Come to an End-DJ Traytex 145. Could You Love Me While I Hate Myself-Zeph 146. Safe and Sound (Taylor's Version)-Taylor Swift 147. Back to Me-Lindsay Lohan 148. Here We Go Again-Pixie Lott 149. Vente Pa'ca (Feat. Maluma)-Ricky Martin 150. Suerte (Whenever, Wherever)-Shakira 151. American Girl-Bonnie McKee 152. R Matb.... Russian Artist 153. OctaTbCR CTO6On-russian 154. Shakira BZRP Music Sessions, Vol. 53-Bizarap/Shakira 155. A Little Bit Alexis-Annie Murphy 156. I Need-Meredith Brooks 157. Bitch-Meredith Brooks 158. Some Days-Meredith Brooks 159. Watched You Fall-Meredith Brooks 160. Pollyanne-Meredith Brooks 161. Shatter-Meredith Brooks 162. My Little Town-Meredith Brooks 163. What Would Happen-Meredith Brooks 164. It Don't Get Better-Meredith Brooks 165. Birthday-Meredith Brooks 166. Stop-Meredith Brooks 167. Wash My Hands-Meredith Brooks 168. Little Slice-Meredith Brooks 169. Every Time She Walks Away-Meredith Brooks 170. I Need (Crusty Mix)- Meredith Brooks 171. Good For Me-Amy Grant 172. Baby Baby-Amy Grant 173. Every Heartbeat-Amy Grant 174 That's What Love is For-Amy Grant 175. Ask Me-Amy Grant 176. Galileo-Amy Grant 177. You're Not ALone-AMy Grant 178. Hats-Amy Grant 179. I Will Remember You-Amy Grant 180. How Can We See That Far-Amy Grant 181. Don't Ever Want to Lose It-Amy Grant 182. Stand By Me-Amy Grant 183. Hope Set High-Amy Grant 184. Every Heartbeat-Bishir Edit-Amy Grant 185. Day and Night-Amy Grant 186. Mind Your Business-Will. I. Am/Britney Spears 187. 3-Britney Spears 188. That's What Love is For(Demo)-Amy Grant 189. Pretty Girls-Britney Spears/Iggy Azalea 190. Boss Bitch-Doja Cat
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hismourningflower · 3 months
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「 worth your weight in gold | kai's 2024 birthday! 」 albedo & zhongli x gn!reader | hurt/comfort, insecure reader | birthday fanfiction. ↳ additional tags. reader with insecurities & needing reassurance, probably ooc albedo and zhongli?? reassurance + doubts (albedo), body insecurities (zhongli) ↳ happy birthday to me part two! zhongli's part was much more than i anticipated hshdfhhf
data has been uploaded! - send an ask to join the taglist; specify genshin, honkai or both! @lovingluxury, @dumbificat, @starryshinyskies, @ryuryuryuyurboat, @ainescribe, @soleillunne, @sangoqueenkoko
the jade's guidelines | genshin masterlist | bday m.list | previous work
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ALBEDO has an undeniable lack of human understanding. he stays cooped up at the summit of dragonspine, breathing air in that's sharp and stabs at his lungs with every intake. there's hardly any time for the chief alchemist of the knights of favonius to breach his lack of understanding - there's a much more important job for him to do.
unfortunately this in turn rubs off on you, his beloved partner; he cherishes you, treats you like a fragile gemstone every time he holds onto you as if you're the one made of chalk instead of himself. despite this, he's never been good at showing it. while you stay in the safety - and warmth - of the city of mondstadt, your boyfriend is much more content in the harsh climate that is dragonspine.
you are completely aware of albedo's situation, hell you knew when you dived head first into this relationship with the chalk prince himself but sometimes, just sometimes, the empty feeling would be a bitter taste in your mouth that you were unable to bring up to him. you didn't want him to think it was completely his fault - no, of course not. he'd sat you down and explained everything about rhinedottir, his master.
it's a rare sight for you to be seen venturing close to dragonspine, especially without the permission granted from your overprotective boyfriend but the only present you wanted among the numerous gifts you'd received for your birthday was spend the day with him. you had no choice but to just show up at his tiny camp tucked into the nook of the mountain, sheltered from the winds when you knew that sending a letter would just take too long.
albedo is more than surprised to see you when he returns from a walk and after the initial light scolding is over, his ocean blue eyes sparkling with worry as his gloved hands squeeze your hands tightly, he finally pulls you into his chest to hug you, breathing a short "happy birthday" into your hair.
"bedo," you mumble into his chest, cold fingertips brushing over the details of his clothing layers as he hums in response, encouraging you to continue, "do you love me?"
there's a brief silence that makes you nervous. perhaps this shouldn't have been the day you asked this. suddenly, albedo makes an amused noise - you assumed it to be amused from the crack of a smile that decorates his face as he pulls away to look you in the eye. gloved hands cup your cheeks, a warm touch to combat the bitter cold as he glances over every single detail of your face.
"every star will burn out in the night sky before my love for you dies, darling," he muses, pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose and you feel his warm breath fan over your skin, "perhaps i need to say it more?"
you nod, a sheepish smile cracking on your face as you look away in embarrassment from all your doubts and needs for reassurances. albedo clicks his tongue, his fingers under his chin as he turns your face back towards him and this time, he presses his lips to yours as if washing away your fears.
"my darling sweetheart baby i know, i know the past haunts you i know let me kiss your fears away."
an archon in the disguise as a mere funeral parlour consultant, ZHONGLI has seen his fair share of souls and their unique personalities. he was indeed extremely grateful that you just happened to be one of those souls, beautiful and rich with a kind heart he'd never fail to love.
in his golden eyes that resembled the cor lapis of his country, every inch of you was perfect; beautiful, divine, worthy of worship from the most devoted. he'd never get enough of you, your scent, the way you spoke or the way you laughed. he could hear a million laughs - perhaps he had heard a million laughs, each as different as their owner - but yours was always his favourite.
it was melodic, soothing and could work as a siren's song to him, luring him into the depths of the vast ocean that sat on liyue's doorstep, unexplored yet not untouched. he would jump from the highest cliffs of nantianmen, feeling the breeze in his dark hair for the sake of that cherished laugh. he would pull the sun out from behind the clouds and over the horizon if it meant he could see the way your eyes sparkle in the golden light that basks over you.
zhongli could utter these things to you time and time again, hellbent on the way he feels about you but you'd always brush it off. you knew he was an archon or rather an ex-archon in his words and that he'd always have vast and expressive ways of saying the most simplest things, such was the habit of a man who had roamed teyvat for as long as your boyfriend had.
sometimes, looking in the mirror was too difficult. you wonder if your reflection felt the same when it saw you, eyes traipsing other curve and insecurity of your body that you felt just didn't sit right. maybe it was the way your teeth looked when you smiled too wide or the bridge of your nose or the hip dips you'd place your hands over every day just to see what your body looks like without them distracting your gaze.
warm amber eyes would sit and watch every single time. perched in a bamboo chair you'd tucked into the corner of your shared bedroom, a rich fabric blanket from inazuma draped over the arm of the chair as you stand before the floor length mirror. after too many months of watching your clear unhappiness and seeing you shrug off his devotion, zhongli finally approached you from behind.
your eyes watch the way your boyfriend approaches in the mirror's reflection, dark hands decorated with golden veins brushing against your hips as he holds you in place, his chest pressed to your back. you loved to see him without his gloves around the house, his long coat discarded somewhere else as you admire the way the dark fades as it travels up his arm.
zhongli makes a noise as he follows your gaze to his arms. how come you could love the things about him that he wasn't fond of but not your own special touches? your body had been through a hard life, travelled countless different paths until fate intertwined with his and brought you to him. it was going to be scarred, worn and used as you experienced life. it made you all the much more beautiful to him.
"i know what you're going to say..." you sigh, finally lifting your gaze back to his. he quirks a brow, a little amused that you could read his intentions well.
"do you?" he hums, pressing a kiss to your head as he leans forward, peering at your reflection over your shoulder. you click your tongue, looking away embarrassedly from the experienced man.
"i'm dragging myself down again." you mutter and he nods without a hesitation. his weathered hands squeeze your hips, a warm breath leaving his lips that you feel faintly on the back of your neck.
"i am more than happy to repeat my thoughts to you, dear," he clarifies as you close your eyes, a little too embarrassed to meet his eyes as he speaks in that soft timbre voice, "until you learn to listen to me. i'll kiss every imperfection you claim you have, trace every stretchmark and scar until you learn to love yourself too."
there's a silence except for the bustle of liyue harbour outside of your shared home, the population finally moving past the excitement of lantern rite as the annual holiday comes to an end. your breathing is gentle, relaxed and zhongli feels content with your reaction.
"you know... i've walked teyvat for centuries, experienced countless of events and met individuals beyond anyone's comprehension and yet," zhongli leans to press his cheek against yours, his arms snaking around your waist to hold you closer, "i breathed the same air as you, walked the same streets of liyue harbour as you, shared the same bed as you... and for that i am the most honoured man alive."
artists critique their own work, lingering on every minor detail but to the eye of the beholder, it's a masterpiece, a work of art to be framed and admired for centuries to come. we are those works of art, seen as beauty by everyone but ourselves.
"between seas, galaxies and moons i was lucky i stepped on the same land i dreamed under the same stars as you."
© thexianzhoujade 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media.
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jay-stoner-baner · 7 years
Après la publication de l’affiche de la prochaine édition du festival international de la bande dessinée d’Angoulême réalisée par Cosey que vous pouvez découvrir ci-dessous, ce fut au tour de la sélection d’albums en compétition d’être dévoilée cette semaine. Je vous propose de la découvrir ci-dessous ainsi que mon avis sur celle-ci.
Sélection Officielle
– Alors que j’essayais d’être quelqu’un de bien, Ulli Lust, çà et là – Les Amours suspendues, Marion Fayolle, Magnani – Au travail #2, Olivier Josso-Hamel, L’Association – Bangalore par Simon Lamouret, Warum – Des Bâtisseurs, Yannis La Macchia (Atrabile) – Beverly, Nick Drnaso, Presque Lune – Big Kids, Michael DeForge, Atrabile – Black dog – Les rêves de Paul Nash, Dave McKean, Glénat – Black Hammer 1,Dean Ormston & Jeff Lemire, Urban Comics – Black Project, Gareth Brookes, La Boîte à bulles – La Cantine de minuit 1, Abe Yarô, Le Lézard Noir – Les Cent nuits de Héro, Isabel Greenberg, Casterman – Ces jours qui disparaissent, Timothé Le Boucher, Glénat – Charlie Chan Hock Chye : une vie dessinée, Sonny Liew, Urban Comics – Crache trois fois, Davide Reviati, Ici Même – Crépuscule, Jérémy Perrodeau, 2024 – Dans l’antre de la pénitence, Ian Bertram & Peter J. Tomasi, Glénat – Dans la combi de Thomas Pesquet, Marion Montaigne, Dargaud – Dans le noir, Daria Bogdanska, Rackham – Demon 3, Jason Shiga, Cambourakis – Emma G. Wildford, Édith & Zidrou, Soleil – Empress, Stuart Immonen & Mark Millar, Panini Comics – L’Enfant et le maudit 3, Nagabe, Komikku – Epiphania 1, Ludovic Debeurme, Casterman – Guirlanda, Mattotti & Kramsky, Casterman – Gus 4, Christophe Blain, Dargaud – Hip-Hop Family Tree 3, Ed Piskor, Papa Guédé – L’Inconnu, Anna Sommer, Les Cahiers dessinés – Istrati ! 1 : le Vagabond, Golo, Actes Sud BD – Jérôme K. Jérôme Bloche 26, Dodier, Dupuis – Megg, Mogg & Howl – Happy Fucking Birthday, Simon Hanselmann, Misma – Le Monde à tes pieds, Nadar, La Boîte à Bulles – Les Nouvelles Aventures de Lapinot : un monde un peu meilleur, Lewis Trondheim, L’Association – Opération Copperhead, Jean Harambat, Dargaud – La Petite couronne, Gilles Rochier, 6 pieds sous terre – La Saga de Grimr, Jérémie Moreau, Delcourt – Scalp : la funeste chevauchée de John Glanton et de ses compagnons de carnage, Hugues Micol, Futuropolis – Une soeur, Bastien Vivès, Casterman – La Terre des fils, Gipi, Futuropolis – Tokyo Alien Bros 1, Shinzo Keigo, Le Lézard Noir – Urban 4, Ricci & Brunschwig, Futuropolis – Variations, Blutch, Dargaud – Les Voyages de Tulipe, Sophie Guerrive, 2024 – Voyages en Égypte et en Nubie de Giambattista Belzoni, Lucie Castel Grégory Jarry & Nicole Augereau, FLBLB – Tes yeux ont vu, Jérôme Dubois, Cornélius
Sélection Patrimoine
– Anarcoma, Nazario, Misma – C’est la jungle !, Harvey Kurtzman, Wombat – Dans l’infini – 1906-1913, G. Ri, 2024/BnF – Je suis Shingo 1, Kazuo Umezu, Le Lézard Noir – Jojo intégrale 1 (1983-1991), André Geerts, Dupuis – Nouveautés à prix cassés, Ben Katchor, Rackham – Quartier en guerre – New York années 1980, Seth Tobocman, CMDE – Soft City, Hariton Pushwagner, Inculte
Sélection Jeunesse
– 5 Mondes 1, Bouma/Mark & Alexis Siegel/Boya Sun/Rockefeller, Gallimard – Le Chasseur de rêves 2, Martin Desbat, Sarbacane – Clémence Évidence a toujours raison, Merwan & Sandrine Bonini, Delcourt – L’Écorce des choses, Cécile Bidault, Warum – L’Extrabouriffante aventure des Super Deltas, Édouard Cour, Akileos – La Guerre de Catherine, Claire Fauvel & Julia Billet, Rue de Sèvres – Hanada le garnement 1, Makoto Isshiki, Ki-oon – Imbattable 1, Pascal Jousselin, Dupuis – Le Meilleurissime repaire de la terre, Oriane Lassus, Biscoto – Pepito 2, Luciano Bottaro, Cornélius – Radiant 7, Tony Valente, Ankama – Titeuf 15, Zep, Glénat
Sélection Polar
– Bâtard, Max de Radiguès, Casterman – La Cité des trois saints, Lorenzo Bizarri & Stefano Nardella, Sarbacane – Jean Doux et le mystère de la disquette molle, Philippe Valette, Delcourt – The Private Eye, Marcos Martin & Brian K. Vaughan, Urban Comics – Le Profil de Jean Melville, Robin Cousin, FLBLB
Sélection Prix du public Cultura (albums choisis dans la Sélection officielle)
– Black Hammer 1,Dean Ormston & Jeff Lemire, Urban Comics – La Cantine de minuit 1, Abe Yarô, Le Lézard Noir – Ces jours qui disparaissent, Timothé Le Boucher, Glénat – Dans la combi de Thomas Pesquet, Marion Montaigne, Dargaud – Demon 3, Jason Shiga, Cambourakis – Emma G. Wildford, Édith & Zidrou, Soleil – Empress, Stuart Immonen & Mark Millar, Panini Comics – Epiphania 1, Ludovic Debeurme, Casterman – Les Nouvelles Aventures de Lapinot : un monde un peu meilleur, Lewis Trondheim, L’Association – Opération Copperhead, Jean Harambat, Dargaud – La Petite couronne, Gilles Rochier, 6 pieds sous terre – Une soeur, Bastien Vivès, Casterman
Mon avis
Ma première constatation à la découverte de cette sélection est une présence plus importante des éditeurs alternatifs par rapport aux 2 précédentes éditions. Nous avons donc une sélection dans l’ensemble plus exigeante. Ceci est un élément important à noter car bien qu’ils soient parvenus dans les années 1990 et 2000 à donner une impulsion nouvelle à la BD en parvenant à séduire un nouveau lectorat avec une production dite “roman graphique”, ils sont aujourd’hui à nouveau noyés sous la masse alors que les gros éditeurs historiques ont récupéré le genre. Il suffit de voir la majeure partie des prix décernés ces dernières années pour le comprendre ou plus récemment les 5 finalistes du Grand prix de la critique ACBD 2018. Une présence importante d’albums et éditeurs peu connus du grand public donc, mais qui sont rarement mis en avant ailleurs.
On retrouve néanmoins la plupart de ces 5 finalistes ainsi que les albums qui font parler d’eux depuis la rentrée en sélection officielle ici : La saga de Grimr, Opération Copperhead (Prix Goscinny du meilleur scénario), Ces jours qui disparaissent et Terre des fils de Gipi qui jusqu’alors rafle tous les prix sur son passage : Prix BD Utopiales 2017, Prix Ouest France Quai des Bulles 2017, Grand Prix RTL de la BD et Grand prix de la critique ACBD 2018. Il ne manque que L’aimant de Lucas Harari chez Sarbacane qui était le meilleur à mon goût.
De ce fait, je constate aussi un déficit de proposition pour certains prix, notamment celui de la meilleure série  qui est naturellement celui récompensant souvent une oeuvre grand public.
Malgré cela, nul doute que chaque prix trouvera son lauréat alors je vous propose mon palmarès idéal.
Prix de la BD jeunesse : mon choix se porte sur 3 mondes chez Gallimard. Mais Imbattable de Jousselin chez Dupuis, déja Prix ACBD 2018 de la BD jeunesse est un fort prétendant.
Prix du patrimoine : mon lauréat idéal est Je suis Shingo de Kazuo Umezo au Lézard Noir. Mais Jojo de Geerts à beaucoup de chance afin de récompenser la mémoire d’un auteur discret disparu il y a peu.
Prix du Polar : mon choix irait incontestablement à La cité des 3 saints aux éditions Sarbacane même si The private eye m’a aussi beaucoup plu. Mais je pense que Jean Doux et le mystère de la disquette molle déjà prix Landerneau 2017 à plus de chance.
Prix révélation : je pense à Crache trois fois de Davide Reviati chez Ici Même ou bien Tes yeux ont vu de Jérôme Dubois chez Cornélius
Prix spécial du Jury : Scalp : la funeste chevauchée de John Glanton et de ses compagnons de carnage de Hugues Micol chez Futuropolis
Prix de la série : Demon de Jason Shiga chez Cambourakis ou bien L’Enfant et le maudit de Nagabe chez Komikku
Prix du public : mes choix iraient vers Emma G. Wildford d’Édith & Zidrou ou bien Black Hammer 1 de Dean Ormston & Jeff Lemire. Mais je pense que Dans la combi de Thomas Pesquet de Marion Montaigne, Une fille de Bastien Vivès ou Ces jours qui disparaissent de Thimoté Le Boucher. Ce dernier est un bon album mais il souffre à mon goût de trop de maladresses de finition pour en faire un prétendant sérieux.
Fauve d’or du meilleur album : Les Amours suspendues de Marion Fayolle chez Magnani, un album qui possède toutes les qualités pour ce prix : de l’audace dans l’écriture et la narration, une approche esthétique forte, un propos très maîtrisé.
Mais avec un président du jury tel que Guillaume Bouzard, on peut s’attendre à tout alors rendez-vous fin janvier pour le résultat !
Du nouveau SurLaBD : #Angoulême 2018 : la sélection officielle #FIBD #BD Après la publication de l'affiche de la prochaine édition du festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême réalisée par Cosey que vous pouvez découvrir ci-dessous, ce fut au tour de la sélection d'albums en compétition d'être dévoilée cette semaine.
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hismourningflower · 3 months
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「 imagine being loved by me | kai's 2024 birthday! 」 ↳ well, happy birthday to me !! i ended up creating this masterlist so i can come back and re-read everything when times are a little rough! thanks to you guys, this has been my best birthday ever so thank you so much!! ↳ additional note but... go show these guys some love! and if i missed anyone/anything, please lemme know so i can add it to the masterlist <3
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so i try to talk refined for fear that you find out how i'm imaginin' you.
i. just breathe | @thexianzhoujade !! jing yuan & blade ★ hurt/comfort ii. worth your weight in gold | @thexianzhoujade !! albedo & zhongli ★ hurt/comfort iii. snowed in | @amalythea !! albedo ★ fluff iv. moments with you | @aventurne !! aventurine, dan heng & jing yuan ★ fluff v. sakura petals | @amalythea !! heizou ★ fluff vi. may sparks fly | @amalythea !! lyney ★ fluff vii. search & papers | @sparklyspring !! jing yuan ★ fluff viii. happy birthday | @dumbificat !! cyno, albedo, zhongli, heizou, tighnari, raiden, shenhe, jing yuan, blade & kafka (dumbi, pls /lh) ★ fluff ix. sunsettias n' apples | @ryuryuryuyurboat !! cyno ★ fluff x. birthday affections | @auroratumbles !! lyney ★ fluff
starryshinyskies [avery] | naenaex0xx | lovingluxury [zenith] | crackheadclownery | yaekko | dumbificat [dumbi] | whipped-for-fictionals [nessa] | manumimiii [manu] | soleillunne [aly] | blue-b3rries [bell] | umgatochamadopercyval [clara] | heiayen [heia] | zaephix | thestarswhisper [zee] | camvrin [oli] | hwaitham [coco] | sailorstar9 | bisexuawolfsalt
i. a special message | @sparklyspring !! ii. the moon badge | @dumbificat !!
© thexianzhoujade 2024. | do not re-upload, copy, translate, etc. my works on any form of media. an additional warning to not re-upload, copy, translate, feed into ai, etc. any of my mutuals' works onto any form of media as well!
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hismourningflower · 3 months
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hello kaiiii
i wanted to write you something as a birthday present but you just had to be born in the middle of my exam week (quite rude honestly /lh) and i have barely had a second of free time.
so instead i am here! i wanted to wish you a happy birthday, and i want you to know just how important you are to so many people! it’s honestly been so amazing meeting you and i’m always going to be grateful for how welcome you made me feel in a community i was very new to. you’re such a lovely person, and i hope that you always know that.
have some little drawings of izanami and chrysalis and qianzhi as a treat (i had to scroll up to find the picrews you sent but im sorry if they’re not how you imagined them.)
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i need the cynowheeze emote rn isndjdjkskd thank you so much please don’t worry, good luck with your exams !! (‘m sorry i will be personally fighting myself because i has 5 days late… i should have been born on the 1st pookie 😩)
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hismourningflower · 3 months
thank you so much !! <3
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hismourningflower · 3 months
*Looks around* Am I late?
Anyways, happy birthday, Kai!
*Gives Kai a hug, a birthday cupcake, and a bowl of longevity noodles*
eeeek thank you so much !! <3
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hismourningflower · 3 months
KAI BABIE!!!! im so late waah but i wntd to wish u before i went to bed 2nigh ,, happi twinkling 23 beloved!!! 💝💞🎀💫 promise i’ll be the first next yr to make up for wishing u this late this yr :3 i hope this coming year around the sun treats u so kindly!!!! u’ve never once not been kind n welcoming to me, and u rllie are such a sweetheart :( ILUSM!!! i hope u n yuannie n mimi had such a lovelie time celebrating together ♡! ( they got their party hats on for the whole monf .. march is international kai month after all heehee ! ! )
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COCO IM SCREAMING !!! oh oh oh oh i love you sm )): thank you wahhh.. you’re not late !! it’s still my birthday somewhere !! <3
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hismourningflower · 3 months
AHAHAH shhh it’s only 3 hrs into march 7th for me, technically it’s still my birthday in america <3 thank you oli !!
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