#all and that billy needs to be around steve all the time otherwise he feels like he can’t breathe and
ariesbilly · 11 months
Not to be sad on main but like if in season 2 timeline after the fight at the Byers steve planned this whole scenario to publicly humiliate billy and get back at him and finish their rivalry once and for all
But once it’s been executed billy doesn’t look angry and embarrassed like Steve was expecting. He just looks…really sad. And still embarrassed but not in any way steve can enjoy. He looks scared. And what Steve doesn’t know is billy had gotten into a real bad fight with neil earlier that day that already left him shaken and downtrodden so this hit him at the absolute worst time and there’s no glory in it for steve when he sees billy sneaking off to the bathroom or his car or wherever. Is pretty sure he saw tears sun the guys eyes and Steve thinks he SHOULDNT feel sympathy for him after what he did to his face. Fuck that guy. But it doesn’t stop this remorse eating away at his chest, pulling him in billys direction to check on him
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weird-an · 1 year
Tw: abuse, Billy trying to get other people to hurt him
Billy's life is a horror movie and he gets killed off every week when his dad slaps him around and tells him he's worth nothing.
Today is the most boring version when Neil stares down at him and decides he isn't worth the effort. Billy's skin feels thin and wrong and he's doing the dumbest thing: talking back.
Neil just shrugs. "I'm not wasting my time with you today."
Every muscle, every breathe is strained and Billy needs to let go. He needs to fucking hurt - and Neil doesn't want to. Billy stares at himself in the mirror, feels like a blurry copy of himself, like the tape has run out before he saw the end of the movie.
If Neil doesn't hurt him, someone else will. Billy drives to a bar, just outside town. They never check for ID, a bunch of drunks already yelling by the bar. He's bumping into a sturdy guy whose eyes are already glassy from too many sorrows getting drowned in beer and cheap whiskey.
"Fucking fag," he slurs and shoves Billy against the wall, knocking the breath out of his chest. It's a start, relief just around the corner, but it's not enough.
"He didn't mean it, sorry," a voice behind him says.
Billy still can't breathe. He turns around.
Steve Harrington looks terribly out of place, even though he's wearing a black leather jacket. Designer clothes, carefully styled hair.
He's pretty. He's ruining everything.
"What the fuck, Harrington?"
Steve shakes his head. "The guy is like ten times bigger than you."
"What do you care?" Maybe this is an opportunity. "You wanna get even for last time?"
Billy doesn't remember much. Only a red haze of Neil's hands pushing him and that he needed to hurt and get hurt and couldn’t fucking stop, like a dam that had broken and a valley getting flooded.
"What? No." Big brown eyes are blinking in confusion. "I just didn't want you to-"
Nobody wants Billy to do anything.
"Pussy," Billy sneers. He's about to snap. Everything hurts and it's not enough.
Steve grabs his collar. Yanks it. "We can talk. Outside."
Finally. Billy stumbles after him, cold air hitting his hot skin.
"I bet you still can't throw a punch." He needs Harrington to move first. Otherwise he can't.
"Jesus, I don’t want to fucking hurt you."
Steve's hand lets go of his collar and rests against Billy's face. Billy bites his tongue, so he doesn’t flinch.
It's not a slap, not a punch, not even a scratch. Steve's finger carefully strokes his cheek. Cups it. It doesn’t hurt.
Tension bleeds out of Billy's shoulders and it's scary, because he needs to hurt. It's all he wants and all he deserves.
"What are you doing?" It was supposed to be a warning, a threat, but it comes out weak and shaken.
Steve shrugs. "What feels right."
It does feel right. Steve's palm is warm against his face. Billy inhales.
He feels real. It's a twist he didn’t expect. Maybe he can survive, somehow.
"Don't stop."
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xoxoavenger · 10 months
pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: He says, "What you heard is true, but I Can't stop thinkin' 'bout you and I" I said, "I've been there too a few times"
word count: 2167
warnings: drinking while driving (very mild, only sipping beer), Henderson!sister but it's a stepsister that Ms. Henderson adopted so it's inclusive, mentions of sex, mentions of cheating but they're not official so it's not really cheating
1989 masterlist main masterlist
Steve doesn't like the way he feels during the SnowBall, watching Nancy chaperone as if she didn't break his heart into tiny little pieces. It's all so sickening that he can't take it. So, he drives to the only person he can think of; someone who had been willing before he was dating Nancy and he's hoping still is.
He pulls up to her house quietly, headlights turned off so that her step mom doesn't wake up. He hopes she's still awake, because one look at his watch before he shuts off his car tells him that it's later than he originally thought. He sneaks around the back of the house like a pro, finding her window with ease. His first words to her when he knocks on the window and she lets him in is that she needs to get her own place.
"Oh, because you have your own?" She teases, as if no time has passed and he didn't leave her to date Nancy. He heard she got around after they cut each other out, with people ranging from Eddie Munson to Billy Hargrove. But she smiles at him like he's the only one she's ever seen.
"Aren't you going to ask me what I'm doing here?" He prompts, laying on her bed. She's changed the layout of her rom, but otherwise the furniture and decorations are still the same from when they had been together. It puts him at ease. She smirks and lays down beside him as he tries not to stare at her boobs through her thin pajama shirt, as if he'd never seen them bare before.
"What are you doing here, Steve Harrington?" Her smile is alluring as always, and he finds himself smiling at her as well.
"Well," He starts, moving to lay on his back. "I figured we could go on a drive, catch up."
"Why are you here?" She repeats, now curious. Her head is tilted and her eyes sparkling, which can only mean trouble for Steve. She isn't exactly sure why she let him in her room in the first place, considering all her friends would kill her if they found out she talked to him again. "I mean, we haven't talked in, like, a year." She's skeptical, and rightfully so after their twisted history.
"I'll tell you in the car." He entices, standing. She sighs and stands as well, grabbing a sweatshirt and following him out her window and to his car. She's never been able to deny him, and arguing won't do anything except wake her mother up.
"So, Nancy broke your heart." She guesses as they fly down the freeway. The windows are down but the music is soft enough that they can hear each other talk.
"Pretty much." He admits with a nod, looking straight ahead. She sighs and looks in his backseat for the beer she knows he keeps back there. She knows him like the back of his hand, and when she offers one to him he can't help but crack it open, despite driving.
"Heartbreak's a bitch." She tells him, taking a sip and realizing that this is beer he's stolen from his father, which makes her smile slightly. It's rich and still tastes like shit, but she'll drink it if only to take the edge off.
"Like you would know." He scoffs, which leads her to roll her eyes.
"Just because you can't break my heart doesn't mean no one can." She tells him with a fake smile, annoyed that he would even bring that up.
"Okay, then who broke your heart?" He asks smugly. She shakes her head and looks out to the fields decorating each side of the road. "Come on, Y/N. I know some of your darkest secrets and you don't wanna tell me this?"
"What do you know?" She snaps her head toward him in time to see him smirk. It's so easy to kiss that stupid look of his face that she would give in if it weren't for the fact that he was driving.
"I know you lost your virginity to me." She's immediately stiff, ready to be defensive because she knows she never told Steve that.
"I did not!" She lies, but it sounds compelling to her.
"Y/N," He leans his head back and looks at her, and she puts her beer can in the cup holder before crossing her arms. Clearly, she did not sound compelling to Steve. "Come on."
"Are you trying to tell me I was a bad lay?" She frowns, mostly teasing. She knows she's not a bad lay. If she was, Steve wouldn't keep coming back.
"Oh my God." Steve rolls his eyes and stretches his arm as he slows down, turning off the freeway and into a random neighborhood. She's pretty sure they're not even in Hawkins anymore. "Just fishing for complements."
"Who told you?" She asks after a few moments, turning the radio down. It's now muted, and all they can hear is each other's soft breathing and the thrum of the engine as they slowly cruise past houses.
"I can't reveal my sources. That's just wrong." He tells her with a sly smirk.
The truth is, she knows who told Steve. They only have one mutual friend; Nancy Wheeler. She hadn't meant to tell Nancy, she was drunk and hurt. She hadn't known at the time that Nancy had begun dating Steve, which effectively ended their superficial friendship anyway.
"So," She starts, running her tongue over her teeth as she thinks of how to approach a serious topic. "Why did you really pick me up?" She asks, looking over. He stops, in the middle of the street in a random neighborhood, the sole lamp ahead of them illuminating only half his face. Part of it was right in her eye, but she continued to stare at him.
"Same reason as why you let me in," He shrugs, giving her a smile that looked more sad than happy. "I got my heartbroken."
The reason why Steve and Y/N worked was because they were so aesthetically pleasing.
Steve with his dark hair swooped to the side looking effortless, his light freckles and smirk that screams not giving a fuck but somehow personal and swoon worthy. Y/N with her short skirts, bright lipstick and winks that open doors. Her nails were always done, her hair was always perfect, her makeup always flawless. And while it was a lot of work, just like Steve's hair was, she enjoyed it. She liked getting up and pampering herself, having the time to herself to prepare for the day ahead. If she didn't enjoy it, she wouldn't do it, and Steve knew better than anyone that no one could make her do what she didn't want to do.
The only problem was, they'd never been official.
They went out. They made out. They had sex. They didn't plan study dates. They didn't kiss just for fun. They were not actually dating, a hard set boundary that was never fully discussed but still mutually agreed upon.
But that didn't matter. When they were on, everyone knew. And when they were off, everyone definitely knew. They had been in the on phase for awhile the last time, so long that people eventually forgot about their history, which was only a little embarrassing that everyone in Hawkins already knew about her love life.
And then he went and dated Nancy.
That falling out hurt. He didn't even tell her, just stopped calling until she found out from her step-brother Dustin. It was all he could complain about, coming back from Mike's house and having to endure Nancy and Steve.
"Honestly, I think it's better for her. Steve's a dick." She heard Dustin saying on the phone. She waited in the hall, wanting to hear the rest of what the little shit was going to spill about her. "I know she's your sister, dude, but she could probably help Steve. When he's with Y/N, it's like he doesn't give a shit about anyone else. At least now he seems nicer." And while it was cute that Dustin cared, it also made her furious.
Probably because it was true.
She marched over to him, taking the phone out of his hand and slamming it on the hook. He gaped at her, ready to call over his mother, but they both knew he wouldn't. Ms. Henderson was always on Y/N's side, especially after her father died, and Dustin had been talking about her.
"It's not like you guys won't get back together." Dustin scoffs, which makes Y/N narrow her eyes.
"He's with Nancy, and he seems a hell of a lot more interested in her than he ever was with me." She tells him, and he just rolls his eyes.
"You are so blind, God."
"If you're going to pick me up, the least you can do is make sure we don't die." Y/N chuckles, holding onto the side door of Steve's car. He had been staring at Y/N since she stepped in the car, causing him to almost crash multiple times.
"You're doing this on purpose." He tells her. It had been a couple weeks since he had gone through her window, and of course they had fallen back into old habits. He had picked her up almost every night, which alerted Dustin, and then before they knew it the whole town was once more in their business. Except this time, she was called a slut for hooking up with Steve so soon after Nancy. It didn't matter that Steve had come to her, or that Nancy had stolen Steve from her first. People just heard what they wanted to hear.
"Doing what on purpose?" She knows he's talking about the fact that she's wearing the short burgundy skirt, which is coincidentally the same one she wore the first night her and Steve had sex. She knew it would get him riled up, and she wanted to see it, since he was taking her to see a movie.
"You're just angry because I didn't pick your movie." They both know Steve is limited on friends right now, having lost his popular friends and also Nancy's friends, so Y/N agreed to go to the movies with him every once and awhile. Because he insisted on paying, he also insisted on picking the movie.
"Possibly." She tells him with a smirk. He makes a sharp turn, one that does not go in the direction of the drive-in, but she knows where they're going. It's exactly where she wanted to go anyway.
She always gets her way.
They arrive at Steve's empty house, racing in through the garage and upstairs to Steve's room, where he doesn't bother with lights or heating and just grabs her, pulling her mouth to his as he toes off his shoes.
"Hold on," She mutters as he pulls away to take off his jacket and shirt in one go. He doesn't go back to kissing her, but he puts his hands under her own untucked shirt and trails them up her bare back. "We need to talk." She whispers, and he just nods. He should have seen it coming, honestly.
They walk to the bed, Steve reaching over to turn his lamp on before he lays back. He'd rather not be looking at Y/N when she asks, which gives her every answer she needs.
"You know Dustin is my brother, right?" While they don't have the last name nor look alike, they both know that this question is rhetorical. Steve doesn't need to give a nod before she continues. "So what makes you think that you could get away with it?" She expects him to deny it, to tell her that Dustin heard wrong or that he doesn't even know what she's talking about, but they both know where that path leads.
"I didn't think I'd get away with it." He tells her, sitting up. "But I heard about you and Hargrove." Steve sighs, not taking any pleasure in the way her eyes widen and she presses her lips together.
"He doesn't have better hair, by the way." She's not quite sure what to say, both of them caught in the act.
"Does he have a bigger-"
"No," She shoves Steve with a small chuckle, rolling her eyes. "And he's not better, either." She looks up at him through her lashes, silently asking a question he's already going to answer.
"She's nothing compared to you." He mutters as he shifts on the bed, clearly ready to continue their previous activity. He ends up laying back on his pillows with her on his lap, his hands exploring her bare ass under her skirt. "I swear to God, I was worried I was going to say your name." He tells her as she leans in to kiss him. When she grinds her hips down, he tilts his head back while still keeping eye contact.
"Yeah, I've been there too a few times." 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @one-sweet-gubler @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina  @oblivion-void @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @icequeen1371 @mcueveryday @xxhellfiregirlxx @parkershoco @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @peculiarwren @freezaz123 @mads-weasley @munsstertwo @johnricharddeacy @sweetdreamsshifter @param8re @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @fangisms
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chrisbitchtree · 11 months
When it had first been announced that Heather was the new manager of the Hawkins Community Pool, Billy had been excited and proud. She put in a lot of hard work, and actually gave a shit about the safety of their patrons, unlike their previous manager, Kevin, who spent all of his time avoiding work and getting high in the storage shed out back.
That excitement had last all of about a week, before she started actually enforcing the rules. Right now, she had him in her office, which was really just a rickety desk shoved in the corner of the equipment room. She’d taped a rectangle around the area to show the parameters. Billy rolled his eyes every time he saw it.
“This is your third one this week, Hargrove. If you don’t stop it, I’m going to write you up and send you home.” She said, folding her hands on the top of the desk and giving him a scathing look.
Billy could feel his face heating up. “It’s not my fault, Heather! I can’t help what my body does!”
“You may not be able to help it, but your little boyfriend can help dressing like a whore in your workplace!”
Billy had no retort for that. While he did object to Heather calling Steve a whore, or saying that he dressed like one, or whatever, Billy couldn’t deny that Steve’s outfits were starting to veer into what one might call publicly indecent territory.
His latest new purchase, a tiny pair of aqua short shorts that if Billy had to guess, he’d say had a one inch inseam, had been driving him wild.
Steve would camp out in the mornings that Billy worked on a pool lounger, ass up and on display, and he’d lay there until Billy couldn’t ignore the temptation anymore, making his way over to ask if Steve needed help applying sunscreen to his back.
And ok, maybe his fingers had dipped below the waistband of Steve’s shorts a couple times, in full view of the pool patrons, and maybe he’d had to sit in Heather’s “office” until he’d cooled down, but it was innocent fun, right?
The citation she wrote him for having a public erection two days later said otherwise. Word made its way around the staff quickly, until Billy was being called Boner Boy by lunch. Heather didn’t even have to send him home, he clocked out early, at 2, feigning heat stroke.
But the docked pay was worth it to finally get his hands all the way down Steve’s shorts, on the deck of his own private pool later that afternoon.
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petersbaby · 2 years
Alright here we go
Soft!Billy x Harrington!reader
Warnings: smut, fingering, spanking but otherwise nothing too bad
A/N: Steve is a shit head in this story, and Billy is actually soft and sweet. Just the right amount of fluff, with a little extra at the end. reader and Billy having lil crushes on each other then having sex, basically. Reader goes to a different school so they never met before tonight. Reader is shy/emotional and clingy
The party was loud, you could hear the music, chatter, and footsteps all muffled but still very apparent. You sometimes hated having a brother as popular and extroverted as Steve Harrington because you were pretty much the opposite. With your parents never home, it was a party seemingly every weekend at times. The house was big, but not big enough to give you adequate space to get away from all the commotion.
This particular night, you were trying your best to get some work done for school. You did homework on Saturdays so that you could have a stress-free Sunday. As the night went on, you got more frustrated. Finally, you head downstairs to try to find Steve. You squeeze in between probably two dozen warm and sweaty bodies trying to maneuver your way around the different parts of the house. You finally find him outside, near the pool with some other people. Grabbing his arm, you pull him aside after smiling politely to his friends.
“When are you gonna wrap this up? I can’t hear myself think, and you’re stressing me out with this partying bullshit.”
“It’s only, like, 10pm. What are you, our grandma?” He replies sarcastically.
“I’m trying to concentrate on something.”
“Just join everyone, get a drink and calm down a little.” He suggests. “You could definitely use it.”
You sigh frustratedly, deciding that, fuck it, you may as well. You never even thought to participate in these things, it’s not your crowd and not your idea of a good weekend. You’d rather relax and do something productive like school work or something you enjoy like drawing.
You walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, grabbing a beer in a glass bottle. From across the kitchen, leaning against the wall and sipping on a beer himself, Billy saw you for the first time. Instantly, something shifted, something changed noticeably inside him.
You definitely wanted to be able to calm down a little more, and thought maybe this would help. Popping off the cap, you took a sip, you were expecting it to taste bad so you were prepared but couldn’t help the sour expression that came across your face. He had watched you as you took that first sip, smiling slightly at your reaction. Adorable, he thought. And so pretty. You were the prettiest girl he’d seen since getting to this town, even in loungewear, glasses, and hair tied up with no shoes on. You had socks, but didn’t think about shoes because it is your own house, after all.
You stood around for a minute, feeling completely invisible. These were not your friends. You headed back towards your room, opting to just retreat, but stopped to just sit for a little while. People-watching, you guess.
He was enamored, he needed to know you. But he lost you in the crowd somewhere as you slipped away from his field of vision. He knew you came from somewhere outside from when he first laid eyes on you, so he decided to look out there. stepping out of the back door into the cool night air. Still, it was Steve and a small group of friends talking.
“Hey, Harrington, who was that girl that was just out here?”
It takes Steve’s drunk mind a little while to process the question. “Uhhh”
Billy just stares at him.
“OH, Her.” The memory came back to his head. “That’s my sister. She was just being annoying.”
“I didn’t know you had a sister, where’s she been hiding all this time?”
“Probably in her room like a hermit or something. Being lame. Wait- why are you asking? Don’t try anything, I’m s-serious,” He slurred, poking a finger at Billy in the chest as if to warn him.
“Yeah?” Billy asks mockingly, knowing Steve couldn’t take him even sober.
“Yeah. Don’t try anything with her. You’re bad news.”
He rolls his eyes and heads back inside, leaving Steve behind. He starts to scan the rooms for you, much like you had done for your brother minutes earlier. He’s about to check the other entrance in the front, where you’d maybe be sitting outside or something, when his eyes fall on you on the staircase. You were sitting about halfway up it on a step by yourself, drinking and watching all the other people mingle.
His face lights up in a smile when he finds you, a smile so blindingly white and perfect that it drew your attention from the corner of your eye and your gaze lands on him immediately. You smile politely, contemplating just going back up to your room. This boy was pretty, gorgeous actually, but he was also intimidating. He was a known bully and certified asshole from what you’d heard. You weren’t sure what he wanted with you or why he was staring at you like he was.
You look down at your hands, unsure whether you should say something or not, and when you look back up, he’s sitting down next to you. A strong scent of cologne and leather was very evident in the air surrounding him.
“Hi.” You start, with a nervous smile.
“Hi, sweetheart. I’m Billy. Billy Hargrove.”
He reached out a hand, and you took it in yours to shake it. His fingers were big, rough and calloused. His palms were the same, except ever so slightly softer. Your hand looked as if it had disappeared inside his, the size difference enough to make you blush like a little kid.
“Are you really Harrington’s sister? You don’t seem like as much of an asshole as him, it’s kinda hard to believe.”
“Hey. Only I’m allowed to insult my brother.” You start. “But yeah, he’s kind of an asshole.” You laugh.
You continue to talk, starting with small talk and introductions and leading to a conversation that just naturally flowed and flourished.
“You know,” you eventually say, “it’s actually you who is said to be the asshole around here.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that before. What do you think?”
“I think- you’re actually… not that bad.” You smile.
“Cmon, give me more credit than that. I’m nice! Say it.” He smiles back, joking around.
“Fine, Billy, you’re nice. You’ve been very nice to me, so far.”
He acts offended at the “so far” part, but it was true. You weren’t expecting this to be the way he actually was. The guy you’ve heard so many bad things about was being so sweet to you, you didn’t know what to think. It was almost like a switch flipped with you. When he saw your face, there was instantly and suddenly not a mean bone in his body.
“You want another?” He asks, gesturing down at your empty bottle sitting beside you and shaking his own to signify it was also gone.
He returns to you with two beers, handing one to you. “So sitting on the stairs is your thing? Doesn’t seem like much fun.”
“I don’t really like people.” You shrug. He turns to you with a challenging look.
“Okay, fine, maybe you’re an exception. Maybe.” You warn, holding up a finger feigning seriousness.
“There ya go, good girl. Thank you. I’m flattered.” He says the last part sarcastically but not the first. Those certain two words had your stomach in knots and squirming uncomfortably on the spot you were sitting on. You look down again, fiddling with your fingers, trying to forget about it.
“What are you getting shy again for?” He chuckles, noticing your nervousness.
“I’m not.” You state firmly.
“Mhm.” He says, doubting.
He reaches over and grabs one of the hands you had fumbling with each other. He holds your hand so very gently, almost as if he was afraid to crush it. You look down at both of your hands and he rubs his thumb over yours, tracing mindlessly.
The way he was treating you had your heard completely melting, and you were wondering if this was the same guy that everyone else is talking about. Also thinking about the fact that you like him, a lot. His energy is still daunting, though, and you don’t really know what you can do.
You decide to chug the rest of your drink, hoping to calm your nerves that had briefly washed away but now returned since he found your touch. You weren’t very much of a drinker and you had barely eaten that day, meaning only two beers had you relatively tipsy. He noticed this, amused and only slightly buzzed.
“You fucked up already, pretty girl?”
“No,” you say blushing, “not fucked up. Just… relaxed.”
He noticed your shy demeanor dissipating and couldn’t help but be attracted to your energy.
“And you’re the pretty one.” You add.
He smiles at this, never having received that compliment before.
“Well thank you, sweet heart, but you’re definitely prettier.”
“You wanna come to my room?” You ask boldly, figuring it’s now or never. The truth was that you wanted to kiss him bad, wanted him to hold you tight. But you didn’t want to risk being seen with him either by Steve or one of his friends.
It was an automatic yes, he didn’t even need to answer you. He just stood up, offering a hand down to you and you take it, pulling yourself up. You head the rest of the way up to the stairs and turn right, letting him in your room and closing the door behind you.
He looks around at all of your things and decorations. It wasn’t a very girly room, not what he expected.
“Don’t look too much, I haven’t cleaned it in a while, it’s messy.” You rush out embarrassedly when you notice, getting self conscious about him seeing all your stuff.
He chuckles. “I’m not judging you, sweetheart.”
sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheart. He kept saying it. Did it mean something or was this just something he called every girl? Why did you fall apart every time the word left his mouth? Why did the way the words fell off of his tongue light a fire inside you?
You started to clear off your bed, textbooks, notebooks, paper strayed across the comforter from when you were attempting to study earlier, setting it all on your desk and plopping down near the headboard. You decide to take your hair out of the messy bun it was in, as it was starting to give you a headache, and he watches with anticipation as your hair fell around your face and over your shoulders with a slight waviness to it. You slipped the hair tie onto your wrist and sat for a moment.
“You know you’re fuckin’ beautiful, right?” He asks.
You kind of wanted to crawl under your covers and hide, not knowing what to do with all of his sweet words.
“I mean it.” He reaffirms, reaching to tuck your hair behind your ear and afterwards letting his fingertips linger for a second on the skin of your soft cheek. The way he was staring as if you were the most invigorating thing he’d ever seen was unbearable and your body was heating up all over so you decided to lean in.
Pressing your lips against his, you relish the moment briefly but pull away to gauge his reaction, to see if you moved way too fast. Apparently not, because he returns his lips to yours, moving closer to you and eventually climbing on top of you where he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue was in your mouth in an instant, fighting against yours and winning. You loved the feeling, the way this kiss felt so absolutely vulgar and pornographic.
You reach down to unbutton his shirt which was not fully buttoned in the first place and pulled it off his shoulders along with the leather jacket. His figure was breathtaking, you’d never seen a body like his. You kept getting distracted by his abs and biceps, the tiniest bit of sweat beading up on his chest.
He must’ve noticed you staring, and smiles at you knowingly. You weren’t embarrassed, couldn’t possibly be. It was a sight to behold. You reach for the bottom of your own t-shirt, starting to pull it up over your head so it would be even, but he stops you before it gets past your chest.
“You sure you’re not drunk? If you are, we really shouldn’t do this.” He warns.
“I’m sure. Promise.” You breathe out, continuing your undressing. You truly weren’t, just high on what you think may be adrenaline from this rapidly unfolding romance. Once your shirt is off, he reaches behind your body to expertly unclasp your bra and then marvels at the beauty of your bare top half.
“Jesus Christ.” He groans, taking one of your tits in his large hand and kneading it while returning to kiss you again. You whimper at the feeling of him groping your chest and repeatedly rubbing his calloused thumb over your hardened nipples. You’re swapping heavy and hot breaths, the air around you starting to feel thick with warmth and desire. Hovering over you, he presses himself up against you as you spread your legs greedily for him.
The hard thickness of his cock pressed against your core, four barriers of clothing between the two of you.
“Fuck, I need it, feels so big” you whisper through shallow breaths. He reaches down in response and pulls your sweatpants off your body, his hand coming to cup your pussy over your little blue thong panties which left little to the imagination. You threw your head back at the contact, and it seemed like he did too.
“God damn, so wet.” He comments the obvious. “Mhm” you mumble desperately, quickly nodding your head in confirmation that it was all for him and he couldn’t take it any longer. He pulls the fabric aside, away from your pussy, entering a thick middle finger right away. The sound of your wetness at the point of contact filled the air. You pant, lazily attempting to keep eye contact with him but failing to when he adds his index finger too.
“Mmh” you moan, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure.
He started out normal, maybe even gentle, but soaking in your reactions gave him confidence to go faster, harder. He fucks his fingers in and out of you while his eyes scan your naked body, taking in the sight. You reach to pull his head down to you, kissing his lips in attempt to keep your noises under control, but he soon starts the curl his fingers deep inside you and the breath catches in your throat.
You fall away from the kiss, struggling to maintain it, lazily meeting his lips with yours when you could. Your whimpering and moaning got so frequent that he assumed you were close, and he was right, as you soon gush around his fingers when they curl for the last time. Instead of little noises, it was a huge high pitched moan that came out in response to the overwhelming pleasure of your orgasm and he smiled cockily as he listened to you. He pulls away his fingers, wiping them off on his jeans before unbuckling his belt.
“Turn over for me, sweetheart.” He instructs you.
You can only assume he means he wants you on your hands and knees, so that’s the position you assume. So when he finishes getting his pants and boxers down and looks back at you to find your ass arched up in the air, he groans. He delivers a harsh smack to your ass and you whine in response, relishing in the sting of it.
“You like that?”
You nod your head, unsure if he was expecting an answer or not.
Another smack, this one to the other ass cheek.
“I asked you a question.”
“Mhm, yes Billy I like it.” You managed to get out. He smiles, satisfied, from behind you.
You want to be patient, to take whatever he gives you, but it’s incredibly hard to do when you can feel the tip of his dick barely pressing against your entrance. Every part of you want to push back, to sink down on it all at once, but you don’t. It’s worth the wait as he finally enters, pushing to about halfway with his nails digging into your hips. He stays this way for a little too long, and you whine out, trying to let him know you want it all.
When he finally moves more, he goes for it completely, bottoming out with the tip hitting a spot deep inside. Your face fell forward into the mattress which helped muffle your loud sounds while he fucked you. His hands keep a firm grip on your ass for leverage and he fucks you harder. Having watched you take it all, he was confident in your abilities. He filled you up so perfect and every thrust felt like it took the breath out of your lungs. His hand moves to your lower back, pushing down on it with a flat palm to ensure your back is arched as far as it can be.
“Fucking Christ, so fucking sexy.” He mumbles to himself, barely loud enough for to hear but you did and you loved the praise.
You rest your weight on one arm, reaching in between your legs to touch yourself in order to speed up the journey to your next orgasm. Before long you were cumming again, just around his dick this time. It was intense and blinding, something you have never felt before. Nothing has ever even come close to the orgasms given to you by Billy fucking Hargrove. The way your pussy clenched and practically sucked him in when you reached your peak made him stutter, faltering in his movements.
His thrusts became lazy and sloppy as he continues, abruptly pulling out and cumming all over your back, going from the top of your ass, up your spine and even to your shoulder blades. He pulls out and you lower down onto the mattress, now laying on your stomach. You can sense that he’s panicking, unsure of what he should do to help you, you tell him to just use the t shirt you were wearing before. It wasn’t nice by any means so you didn’t mind it being used as a cum rag.
He cleans you off the best he can and pulled his jeans back up, closing them and starting to search for your clothes in the floor. He finds your panties first, then your pants, handing them to you and you slipped them on. You look around on the bed and find your discarded bra and put that back on too before standing up to go to your closet to throw a new shirt on.
You come back to your bed, sitting down on the edge and going back to your nervous habit of messing with your fingers.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, when he notices you go quiet.
“Oh, um, nothing.” You force a smile.
“Come on, tell me.” He persists, sitting down next to you.
“It’s just- I know this was a one time, random thing but I wish it wasn’t. I like you. And I know that’s crazy to say since we just met but I have this feeling I can’t shake. I’m gonna miss you.” Your eyes tear up and you feel like the biggest idiot in the world, immediately wiping them before even the slightest watering could be noticed.
“You don’t have to miss me. We’ll see each other again, okay?” He tries to comfort you, not fully knowing exactly what to do in an emotional situation.
“Uhh… tomorrow work for you? We’ll go on a date. Ice cream?”
“Why are you so surprised? I like you too. I don’t know the word for the feeling but I have it too. You’re something special.”
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Steve always averted his eyes while changing with his teammates in the locker room. He thought everyone did that. He thought that if one of the other guys caught his eyes wandering, they would think he was gay. He wasn’t, wasn’t he? It’s not that he had a problem with gay people. That was Tommy and Carol. Billy too, though he was more aggressive about it. No, people couldn’t control who they loved, otherwise he wouldn’t still be in love with Nancy after she shattered his heart. 
Despite what others said, Steve thought it was perfectly okay if people were gay. It just wasn’t okay if he was. But that didn’t matter, because he liked boobies. 
However, sometimes he did got that the same nervous fluttering in his stomach when seeing an attractive girl when he saw an attractive guy, but that didn’t really mean anything, right? And maybe amongst the Playboys stashed underneath his bed there were a few magazines that were filled with pictures of guys instead of girls, but he read those for the articles. Nope, he was definitely straight. Until he wasn’t.
Because then the Upside Down happened again, and Eddie Munson of all people had him pinned against the wall, broken bottle to his neck. And Steve? Well, of course he was nervous that this terrified man might use his improvised weapon, but more than that, he was focused on where Eddie was touching him and how close their faces were to each other, and that was confusing to say the least. Like, shouldn’t he be way more concerned about the glass pressing into his neck and not the arm pressed against his chest? Maybe this was what people meant when they said their lives flashed before their eyes. Though, he definitely wasn’t thinking about anything outside of this moment.
But then Eddie released him, and suddenly he was overcome with a sense of loss. Like, maybe he wanted Eddie to keep him pinned to that wall, which was an insane thought. Wasn’t it?
He couldn’t think about it too long--or at least he shouldn’t think about it for too long--because then he’s being pulled around by the kids and Robin and Nancy to go investigate, and that’s what he should be focusing on. However, the entire time, Eddie is lingering in the back of his mind. And it’s not simply that Steve is concerned for him or even replaying that moment to figure out how he could have gained the upper hand and pressed Eddie to the wall instead. No, it’s that he, for some reason, is itching to see him again. He wants to spend time with the man Dustin has been raving about all year, not because he wants to see what makes him so great--though he does want to know. Steve has this bone deep need to protect him. To comfort him after the horrors he saw. It’s not dissimilar from how Steve feels about the kids and Robin and even Nancy and Jonathan. But it’s not the same because Steve hardly even knows the guy. But he wants to.
So when Eddie falls in line with him as they walk through the Upside Down, Steve is ecstatic. So much, in fact, that he has a hard time following what the other man is talking about most of the time. Something about Nancy, maybe? But he’s also saying some harsh things about himself, which simply won’t do. Steve’s own first time dealing with all this shit caught him running away from the danger, and even after he ran back into the Byers’ house, he had a hard time sleeping for the next few months. And he let Eddie know just that. That any sane person would have booked it, had they witnessed what he did. And that Eddie was brave for diving headfirst back into the fray.
But Eddie brushes him off and changes the subject, leaving Steve wondering how could he get Eddie to believe him? Steve knows he’ll figure it out. He wants to help Eddie feel better about himself. Almost as much as he wants set fire to this Vecna guy. 
It isn’t until after they save the day and they’re all safe that he’s able to really think about all these new feelings. Only, they’re not new, are they? Cause the way he feels about Eddie is the same way he felt about Nancy and Jonathan and Tommy and even Robin for all of five minutes. He just didn’t realize until now that they were all the same feelings he’d felt before.
And over time, Steve realizes that if it’s okay that his best friend only likes boobies, then maybe it’s okay if he doesn’t just like boobies.
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Baby, I Got Sick This Morning
Chapter 9: You're My Medicine (Open Up and Let Me In)
Rating: Explicit
Ships: Harringroveson, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Word Count: 50,890
Status: On Going
Chapter Summary: An explanation, an understanding, accidental art, and Steve gets a lot closer with Billy. Literally. They bone ❤
Chapter Notes: I wasn't sure I would make this scheduled update but the muse was on my side! If my health gets worse, I might update every 3 weeks, but otherwise I will keep to the 2 week schedule. Thank you all so much for being here and coming by every chapter ❤
Your comments and kudos mean everything to me, so thank you so much. I write a lot but I don't always post much, due to health and straying attention. But knowing you're all here and love this story as much as I do makes posting worth it.
Summary: Steve is dying, but what hurts the most is watching how it's affecting his family, his friends, everyone around him.
Nothing seems to be helping - not his community rallying around him, not magic itself, and not the devoted attention of Eddie Munson. Eddie is a rock and a hurricane in Steve's life. Steve might also be a little bit in love with him.
Then, one day when all other options run out, Eddie introduces him to one Billy Hargrove, and Steve's already-screwed-up life might be taking a turn. But is it for the better or for the more dangerous?
Notes: not all of Steve's chronic issues will be healed. He will always have some disabilities because I ain't about about that 'cure all' shit. They're just saving his life here.
As for the magical pregnancy: it will be in the sequel, so you'll be able to read this as a stand alone if it's a squick for you. I gotchu buddies ❤
Tags: Terminal Illnesses, Chronic Illness, Fantasy, What If Stranger Things Was More Like Buffy The Vampire Slayer?, Magic Shit, Mentioned Malpractice, Magic Practice, Magical Healing Cock, Future Magical Pregnancy? It's all complicated and Fairy Tale Rumplestiltskin bullshit, Magical Creatures, Demodogs are Hellhounds, Steve is bad sick from an injury, head injuries, Head Injury, Past Torture, Past Relationship(s), past Stancy, Tinnitus, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Chrissy lived and is living her best life somewhere, mention of cults, Steve's having a bad time but it improves, Steve Needs a Hug, he's gonna get one and more, Billy Hargrove is Bad at Feelings, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve with long hair, I'm running out of ideas for tags so I'll add more later, please suggest tags if you like, slow updates but please comment it helps so much
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Believe~ 6~ B.H
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Part 5
Summary : After surviving by the Mind Flyer, Billy decides to leave Hawkins. Leave you. Max. He goes back to California, has a new look and a couple years later he's back. He's looking for you, this time he gets a surprise of his life. You're a mother of a little girl, and she calls Eddie Munson daddy.
@sidthedollface2 @tayhar811 @tanyaherondale @flvneurss @stories2504 @arsenicred @strangerthings1983fan @tlclick73
@lilostif16 @blackmagicwoman @iamaslutforcoffee @lynne0nfire
@nevermore66 @hayleybarnesx @misspygmypie @dystopianhellscape @magnificantmermaid
Both Steve and Robin watched with worry in their eyes as you had Lilly in your lap, feeding her little bits of food without a word to anyone for while.
When Steve had found out what Eddie had done, he was livid banning him to even step foot in Family Video or his home otherwise he would get his bat. Robin took notice of the way you walked into the house with Billy trailing behind you with the look on your face that only told her wasn't good. She tried to talk to you but you had shot her a look that told her not right now.
Billy took upon him that the next time he would see Eddie, he'd handle him the way he knew how to handle things. You hadn't bothered to talk to Billy after that night you slept in his arms in his car. He had drove you home watching the way you took Lilly in your arms and hold her.
" Mama's here" you mumble against her forehead as she sat in your lap looking at you with those blue eyes. You didn't know how to feel, you could just picture her with him over and over and over again.
Steve sat besides you in the kitchen with his arms folded on the table as he watched you. He watched as if he was boring a hole in your head. Your eyes locked with his and he felt a shiver go down his spine from the way you were looking at.
He was looking like he wanted to tell you something but you knew from the way he was looking at you. It told you that he was here for you whenever you needed him. Steve has been there for you through it all and most of all he took it upon himself to look after Lilly when you fall apart. He always wanted to have his own six little nuggets but you giving him the time, the chance with Lilly was all he ever wanted.
" 'm fine" you tell Steve, picking up Lilly in your arms and dropping her bowl in the sink as you headed upstairs to get her to change. You were due to go back to work and Steve was more than happy to look after Lilly. Keith had know that Lilly was yours, he saw her with you at Family Video letting you know she was the cutest thing in the world that he has seen.
" Mama's gotta work. Uncle Steve, Auntie Robin will look after you, okay?"
" Otay mama" she nodded her head pursing her lips up wanting a kiss. You leaned down kissing her, " Love you so much sweet girl."
" Wuv you Mama" she says as takes your hand as you two walk downstairs to the living room finding Steve arguing with Robin about something. They stopped noticing you stood there with Lilly holding your finger by your side.
" I gotta work, Lilly is dressed, brushed her teeth and she's already to go. Make sure to take her for a walk or play with her outside for a bit"
" You got it"
" Y/N" Robin calls out to you. Your head snaps over to her waiting for her to say something. But her lips goes in a thin line as she sighs, " Nothing."
Benny was happy that you were back to work. You had taken a couple of days off work due to throwing Lilly her birthday party to the things happening after to having some time to yourself. He understood you were a mother, you needed your time with Lilly and he loved it when Lilly came around.
You were taking orders from the customers when you heard the bell ring near the door. You wished you didn't look up to see who entered, scoffing at the sight of her as she stepped in. Her eyes roamed around until they landed on you and she hesitantly walked up to you.
" Y/N, can we talk?" Chrissy asks as she nervously looks around. You look at Benny seeing he was cooking, " I'm working."
" Please Y/N" she follows you to a table where you placed the food for the customers. You sent them a smile and Chrissy continued to follow you as you walked to another table, " Please." She begged.
You sighed and turned to face her, " Were you that desperate that you needed my boyfriends dick down your throat?" her mouth dropped open, a guilty look passes her face. But you could care less.
" I'm sorry" she mumbles as her eyes become teary. " It just happened"
" It also happened that he was my boyfriend, but enjoy the sloppy seconds Chrissy. He's all yours"
" Y/N, he loves you. He knows he made a mistake" you chuckled.
" Did he really send you down here to talk to me? Are you his lap dog or something?" she frowns.
" You don't have to be so harsh to me" she says.
" No, this is nothing dear Chrissy. You're lucky I don't drag you out of here by your pony tail and show you how I really feel" she gasped, putting as she walks out of the diner. You shook your head walking to the back to lean against the wall and take a deep breathe.
" Don't you look cute, doll" you heard the familiar voice as your head shot up looking to see Billy leaning against his car with his hands in his pockets. Benny was closing up the diner as you were leaving for today. You glance down at your uniform then up at him, " Shut it Hargrove."
He chuckled and rose his hands up.
" What are you doing here?" he waved a bag of Benny's. When did he come in? When he did order? " I got these while you were on break in the back. Benny wasn't too happy to see me."
" Did you wait for me?" He nods shyly. A beet or red flashes his cheeks. His blue eyes are the only thing you can see that are shining. You walk towards him and take the bag from his hands and look inside seeing two burgers. " They are cold" you muttered. Billy chuckles, shrugging.
" It's food. I know you didn't eat all day" You rose your eyebrow in question to how the hell he would know that?
" Steve" his head motions towards the diner " Benny too" you grumbled looking back just in time to see Benny walk out.
" Sorry kid but Mr Blue eyes over there wouldn't stop asking me" you turn to look at Billy who was rubbing the back of his neck, shyly. Since when was Billy like this?
" Good night Benny" he nodded at Billy then look at you, " Good night kid"
You were left with Billy and walked towards the side of your car as you put your purse inside, closing it and taking one burger out.
" Thank you" you mutter handing him the other bag as he took out the other burger leaning against his own car. There was a nice silence between the two of you as you two ate. Billy couldn't keep his eyes off of you though. He wanted to ask how you were holding up but he didn't want to pry.
But he cared too much to just let you be hurt in silence.
" I know you're hurting" he starts. Your eyes snap to his as you swallowed the food in your mouth. " You don't need to suffer in silence, you know?" you tiled your head as you gaze at him. He finished his burger putting the bag into the ball as he stuffs it into his pocket, he will throw it out later.
" He doesn't deserve you" This is the second time Billy has told you this. You leaned up off the car as you took a step towards him looking up at him as he looked down at you. His blue eyes holding a struggle in them as he thinks of what to do. His hand reaches out to your own, fingers brushing over your own. You glance down before looking back up at him knowing what he's doing.
He hold his palm facing up. He is holding his hand out to you and shivers feeling your fingers tracing over his palm. You'd do this every time you used to feel some sort of way. It would bring you comfort. His big hand wraps around your own and brings it up to his lips as he presses a kiss to your finger tips.
" It will be okay... I'm right here..." he whispers as he lets your hand go, it drops to your side but his words is what you find comfort in. Even though he left you, he is trying to make amends, he is trying to be there for you. This is isn't the same Billy that you used to know and it's nice that he wants to be here for you.
The door to the trailer creaked as you walked in being silent as possibly hoping he wouldn't be here. But the door to the bedroom was wide open and he sat against the wall with his eyes closed. As soon as the door cracked opened, his eyes snapped open and they fall on you.
For the fist time in awhile you are seeing him. His mop of curls are a bit longer and it looks like they aren't brushed through as they are messier than usual. He's wearing a Metallica shirt that you wore to bed and he's in black sweats.
You are frozen in your spot with your shoulder tense up as you look elsewhere but him. You take notices the dishes in the sink. You take notice of the counter next to the sink filled with cups. You notice the couch has blankets, your shoes on them and comic book on it. You notice on the table laid his notebook with many drawings on them but you take notice of your name all over it too.
You walk towards Lilly's room to take some toys she wanted as you stuffed them into your pocket not noticing the way Eddie is standing by the door. His brown doe eyes staring at you with sadness.
" Are you ever going to talk to me?" He asks with his hands on either side of the door. Your back is to him as you close your eyes hearing his voice for the first time in awhile.
" I don't know" you answer him, brushing your hair behind your ears as you look around for what you needed in her room.
" Do you still love?" you scoffed as you look at him.
" I was foolish to believe you ever loved me Eddie" you stood up wit the bag in your hands, staring coldly at him. He swallowed the lump in his throat feeling the tears running down his cheeks.
" I do you love you!" you laughed, throwing your head back feeling your own tears. " If you loved me, you wouldn't of treated me the way you treated me when she came along. I guess I wasn't good enough for you.." you felt your salty tears on your lips as you licked your bottom lip.
He shook his head, his shoulder shook as he cried.
" Baby.." he says. Your eyes snap to him, glaring.
" You don't get to call me that anymore" you spatted. You made your way to walk past him but he was blocking the door. " Move, Munson."
" Please.." he begs you. " I love you.."
" Move, Eddie" you tried to push past him once again but he wasn't budging from where he stood. " She didn't mean anything to me. Don't go.." he mumbles through his tears. His shaky hands reach up to touch you but you backed away.
" I can't do this with you, Eddie" he whimpers as he takes a step back. He is leaning against the wall as he sobs. One hand is gripping his hair while the other is balled into a fist by his side.
" Y/N, I love you. Baby.." his words cut deep into you. Those are lies.
" You don't love me Eddie. Go back to Chrissy, I'm sure she's ready to open her legs for you again"
" I don't want her! I never wanted her!"
" Yet you slipped your dick inside of her, you kissed her, you touched her in our bed. Right?" you didn't need to know his answer because you knew you were right.
" I'll come by later to get the rest of my stuff" you shakily say as you hurried out the door to your car. You threw the bag in before you close the door letting your head drop on the wheel as you cried.
You didn't know how to feel anymore with Eddie breaking your heart and with Billy trying to slither his way back into your heart. Billy was your first love and your first everything. You remember when the two of you would walk through the hallways of Hawkins High school with his arm over your shoulder as everyone whispered about you two. Steve was even envious of the attention you were getting.
Billy and Steve both got along for the sake of you as Steve was your best friend. He's been there for you since the beginning. He always told you that dating Billy was a bad idea and then he had held you that night when Billy left you.
No he didn't say I told you so, he simply held you and told you that you were more worth than you thought you were. It all changed when you met Eddie, those brown doe eyes, the dimples, the way he called you sweetheart, the way he was shy around you, the way he looked at you, the way you would simply have him wrapped around your finger and yet here you were, he broke your heart.
You felt alone in your thoughts. You wanted your daughter to have a happy life, you wanted her to be safe and what more than being safe in Steve Harrington's home and in his life.
You would watch the way he would be around her, the way they played together, the way he made her laugh and giggle, the way he would talk to her, the way he would cook he the food she liked, the way he would tell her stories and the way he would let her play with his hair but most of all you loved the way she called him Uncle Steve.
He defiantly was going to be a great father one day.
" Stevie" you called out to him. He turned around from the stove as you called out to him. Lilly was watching cartoons in the living room while Steve was making dinner.
" Y/N" he says your name, with a small smile on his face.
" Can you promise me something?" you asked. Steve turned his full attention towards you as he tilts his head in curiosity.
" Of course" he nods agreeing to whatever it was before hearing about it. Steve was always there for you so whatever his was, he would promise anyways.
" Look after Lilly if I'm not available. Promise me that she will have you always to lean on" Steve had no idea what led this on but he nodded his head.
" Say it, Harrington. I need to hear it"
" I promise Y/N" he nods again. He waited to hear if you were going to say anything else but when you turned your head to look into the living room at your daughter as she happily watched TV, he turned back to the stove. In the back of his mind, he pushed that worry little nudge as he continued to make dinner.
" I need to get something from the trailer" you said getting up from where you were sitting and heading towards your daughter. You lean down to kiss her head.
" Mama loves you"
" Wuv you Mama" Lilly says as she looks up at you with those beautiful eyes. You looked at Steve, giving him a smile as you headed out to the door with your keys in your hands. Steve had watched you go with worry in his eyes but held back what he wanted to say.
You arrived at the trailer not seeing Eddie's van in front of it as you headed inside. You knew what you were looking for you. You knew Lilly would be safe with Steve. You didn't want to feel the way you felt.
The familiar box that holds the strongest doses of what Eddie would keep as that wanted something stronger. Ketamine was something you were familiar with. You popped opened the box and stare down at it, your breath picked up at the sight. Where you going to do this?
Your shaky hands lift up the baggy in your eyesight. You put the box besides you as opened the small baggy with the little bit getting on your keys. You knew the risks of this and you needed this.
Your vision blurred with tears. You had no idea how much you were snorting when everything felt like a blur, like you didn't feel a thing and your body felt like it was lifting off the ground from the sensation.
Your body dropped to the ground with the baggy too spilling next to your head and your keys dropping besides you too. A visions of blur of mop of curls in your sight catches your attention.
Eddie walks through the doors of the trailer noticing the lights were on and he makes his way to his bedroom. His heart sinks to his stomach once he spots you on the ground. He rushes to your side seeing the box and the ketamine. He has no idea how much you snorted but his heart is racing, his eyes fill with tears as he takes you in his arms calling out your name.
Your face is pale, loss of color and Eddie races you to the bathroom in his arms. He is scared of losing you
You don't know how long you were out or what has happened but you woke up, groaning as you turn on your back looking up at the ceiling. A figure is sitting on the edge of the bed staring into nothing. You know that mop of curls as he sits there. He doesn't know that your awake.
You barely have words to speak out. His head turns as if feeling your eyes on him and when he sees you are awake, a sob erupts from him as he grabs onto you. His head is on your chest and you feel his tears soaking your shirt.
" Why.." he whispers. His hand is clutching your shirt as holds you like you were going to vanish. " Baby.." he mumbles lifting up his head. Those brown does eyes are in full blown tears.
You don't say a words he leans up towards you and presses his lips on your forehead.
" Say something" he says. Your mouth is dry and he takes the water besides his bed, opens it and helps you sit up as you drink. His hands are shaky as he holds you but he goes back to the position he was in, " Say something." He asks again.
" You" was all that you muttered out. His heart broke in two hearing that word. His head doesn't wrap around the fact that you did this because of him, " I love you."
" I don't" you whisper, Eddie shakes his head as he lets more tears run down his cheeks. " Don't do that ever again" he cups your face with both his hands. " I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."
" Eddie.."
" I fucking love you, you hear me? You aren't leaving me, you hear me? You aren't leaving Lilly. You aren't leaving Steve or Robin or Dustin or the rest of us. You aren't leaving, you hear me?"
" Yes" your own tears stream down your cheek as you let him hold you. He crawls next to you and pulls you to his side as he kisses the side of your head, " I love you." He whispers.
You don't know how long the time has passed but you hear little snores come from him. You turn to face him seeing the curls fall over his eyes. You bring up your hand to push them away, he mumbles something but returns to snoring. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps but you don't wanna get close to him. He was going to hurt you again.
" I can never hate you Eds, I don't know if I can love you though.You hurt me, I can't forgive you. But I miss you, I miss what we used to have... but maybe I wasn't meant to love you...maybe my love will never be good enough for you... maybe I was meant to love another.."
You turn back on your back to look at the ceiling with a deep sigh.
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ana-cantskywalker · 1 year
mom!Steve headcannons
Some thoughts I’ve had on Steve + The Party. These might be out of character, or these might be like basic things that have been said a dozen times already, idk and idc.
Dustin: Anyone who says he isn’t Steve’s favorite is lying to themselves, he definitely says he ‘doesn’t have favorites’ but out of the rest of the Party Steve spends the most one on one time with Dustin, and generally makes a bit more of an effort to be the male figure in Dustin’s life that he doesn’t have. I like to think that Claudia Henderson eventually realizes what Steve is doing and basically adopts him, he eats dinner at the Henderson house at least twice a week.
Max: Steve is more protective over Max than the rest of the Party, especially between seasons 2-3 when Billy is still around, not in a showy or noticeable way because she would hate that, but in little ways. He drives her places so she doesn’t have ride with Billy, and he doesn’t ask questions when she needs a place to stay because she doesn’t feel safe at home. Eventually, even after Billy is gone, she is a regular occupant of the Harrington guest bedroom (it’s not like his parents are home enough to notice anyways) and Steve grows to see her like a little sister.
Lucas: He definitely drives Lucas to basketball practice, and practices with him, and goes to every game possible. He offers relationship advice when Lucas asks because he and Max are going through another one of their breakups because Lucas doesn’t have an older sibling to go to . (Granted, it’s terrible advice, but it’s well meant)
Mike: He and Mike act one hundred percent exasperated with each other 24/7, but there is fondness there. It takes a bit longer for him to warm up to Mike than the rest of the Party (partially because of his ties to Nancy and partially because Mike is a little jerk) but he grows to like him just as much as the rest of the kids. He teases Mike the most out of the rest of the party, especially about his relationship with El. This might be a bit of reach, but I also like to think Steve understands Mike in a way that the rest of the Party doesn’t, because he understands what it’s like to have a dad that cares more about appearances and his view of success than an actual relationship with his son, so he has a bit more patience with Mike than he would have otherwise. (From what little we know about Steve’s parents, I feel like he wouldn’t have the greatest of relationships with them)
Will: While Dustin might be his favorite, he has an especially soft spot for the youngest Byers. Even without The Horrors™, Steve can tell  Will is a softer soul, and treats him as such. He offers to drive Will to go see the Party because Joyce is so busy, and while he works at Scoops Ahoy, he definitely gets him free ice-cream more than the rest of the party, and Steve always lends him his cassette tapes. He also doesn’t tease Will as often/ the same way he does the rest of the party, sure he jokes around with him, but he is far gentler about it.
El: Like with Will, Steve has a softer spot for El. He meets her last, and she is a bit of an enigma to him at first, but once he gets past the weirdness of it all he grows rather attached to her. He is a little gentler with her, maybe not as gentle as with will, but he’s still careful. Outside of Mike and Hop, he is one of the best at seeing her as a person and not just her powers, and is always there with firm looks and warning words when the Party (sans Mike) forgets to do so. Sometimes he stays at the cabin with her when Hop has work so she isn’t alone, and tries to introduce to more pop-culture than just what he calls ‘nerd things’, he also tries to make sure that when he’s there she gets better food than just tv-dinners, even though he isn't the best cook. He teaches her how to style her hair as it comes in, and he calls her ‘mini-hopper’ because it makes her giggle.
I just feel like his relationship with the kids isn’t expanded upon enough in the show tbh.
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schrijverr · 9 months
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 17
Chapter 17 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
In this chapter, a second body is found and Nancy also joins their little crew as they try to prove Eddie’s innocence. Later, they also run into Lucas. More and more of what is going on unraveling in front of them as Max is also marked as a target.
On AO3.
Ships: steddie & buckingham
Warnings: general season 4 shenanigans, child abuse mention, homophobia mention, period typical homophobia
Chapter 17: The Second Death
Chrissy is naturally terrified. None of them understand what is happening yet, but Chrissy is definitely a target and she is also new to all of this. She has taken to sticking to Robin’s side and once this is over Steve will mercilessly tease Robin about her continuous redness, though he has to admit, she hasn’t been rambling too much.
Max has also taken a shine to Chrissy, sticking close to her side in that quiet way that has snuck up on her while she was pulling away. Steve is glad to see Max again, he has been worried for her. She is probably still dealing with Billy and now with the Upside Down being back, which isn’t good, but she is at least in his line of sight. Safe.
It’s getting too late to still drive up to Weathertop especially with a teen just dead that has all parents on edge.
So, Steve drops off Dustin and Max at the Henderson house, telling them he’s going to come pick them up tomorrow. The trailer park is still a crime scene and Steve will be more at ease, knowing Max isn’t alone.
When it’s just the older teens in the car, he says: “Robs, do you think your parents will let you stay at Chrissy’s house tonight?”
“What?” Robin asks, looking back at Steve from where she’d been watching Chrissy in the backseat through the rear view mirror.
“I mean, Chrissy’s mom probably won’t let her stay at someone else’s house, but she shouldn’t be alone tonight and I am definitely not getting in,” Steve explains, knowing that Robin just wasn’t paying attention, but not calling her out on it.
Chrissy pipes up: “I’d love for you to stay over, tonight.”
Robin catches up and flushes slightly, before thinking: “Well, I can always ask if we swing by. I can be very convincing.”
“Sure,” Steve grins with a tone that earns him a pout from Robin that he ignored. “And otherwise I’ll just kidnap you, Chris. I’m sure you’ll look lovely on a milk carton.”
“Shut up, Stevie,” Chrissy giggles.
“Yeah, not funny, dingus,” Robin laughs.
Robin manages to convince her parents that she should stay at Chrissy’s house, before the two call Mrs. Cunningham and lie that otherwise Robin – sorry, Stevie – would be home alone tonight with a killer on the loose. When Mrs. Cunningham says okay, they drive to Family Video where the two get picked up, pretending Chrissy has been at work with Robin all day.
With the two safely on their way to the Cunningham house, Steve drives alone to the cabin. He feels both like he is going to burst out of his skin and collapse onto his bed and sleep for years.
When he gets home, his hand hovers over the phone and he considers calling the Sinclairs to ask about Lucas, but he doesn’t. It’s late and he doesn’t want to worry his parents and if Lucas manages to stay safe and away from all this, Steve doesn’t want to drag him back. There are already enough people in danger right now.
So, he doesn’t pick up the phone and instead paces around the house. He is exhausted, but his bed seems unappealing.
At multiple points he considers getting into his car and driving to Lover’s Lake to see if Eddie is alright. One time he is already opening the door when he stops himself. Eddie has only just offered a tentative peace, no need to force more. He’s going through a horrible thing right now, the last thing he wants is for Steve to force his company on him.
He should sleep instead. It’s the best move to rest up now that he can. None of them know what the coming days will bring. This might be the last time, he gets a good night’s rest. Not that it is likely with how he tosses and turns all throughout the night.
On the morning of the 23rd he is at the Henderson house at the crack of dawn to drive the two to Weathertop. At the Cerebro, Dustin immediately disappears into setting it all up properly so that he can listen in on the police. Max looks a little less excited to be up.
“You doing okay, Mayfield?” Steve asks, worried.
“Yeah. Fine,” Max answers curtly. “Just early.”
“Well, try to get some rest while you keep an eye on that guy, okay?” Steve smiles at her, nodding to Dustin, who is ignoring both of them.
Max smiles back and nods. “Sure, I’ll keep him safe.”
“I resent that,” Dustin finally speaks up, before turning a dial with an aha-exclamation, which makes both of them laugh.
After that, Steve drives to the grocery store that has only just opened its door, getting all Eddie’s favorites so he’ll have at least something. Then he goes to get Chrissy and Robin, who are waiting at the end of the road.
Robin scrambles into the passenger seat as she loudly says: “Thank god, I was going to smash something, I swear to god. I don’t know how you do it, Chris.”
“You get used to it,” Chrissy replies with a smile and a sad undertone.
“Oh, sorry,” Robin says, feeling awkward.
“It’s okay,” Chrissy tells her with a kind smile.
“Lets go pick up the kids and see Eddie,” Steve says to get the attention away from the fumble for which both are grateful.
However, that gratitude doesn’t last for long. With just them in the car, Robin asks: “Are you okay, you know, seeing Eddie again?”
“I’m fine,” Steve grits.
“Dingus,” Robin frowns. He hates it when she frowns.
“We’re just worried,” Chrissy backs Robin up, leaning between them from the back.
“No need,” Steve says. “I’m fine. Eddie seems to not hate me, so that’s good. He’s shaken right now. It’s not the time to talk about it.”
“Are you sure?” Robin questions, looking unsure. “I know it was like a whole thing and you feel guilty about it, but if he is only a little bit of a dick, I’m punching him. He can be an asshole too, you know.”
“Will you ever let the not saying thing go?” Steve groans.
“No, it was fucked up and you know it,” Robin pouts.
“It was my idea, Robs,” Steve says, glad he can throw the car in park to yell at Dustin and Max to come down, which they do, bearing the bad news that Eddie is indeed a wanted man.
Steve can already imagine how Eddie’s eyes will look when he hears the news and he is not looking forward to that, even if he is anxious to see Eddie alive and well. After the whole night of horror visions, he just needs to see Eddie breathe.
Eddie indeed doesn’t look so hot when they come in and takes the food gratefully, quickly stuffing his mouth so he’ll have something to do. Steve knows it is a little gross, but he can’t help but think it’s cute how Eddie munches on the cereal.
“So,” Dustin decides to break it to him, Steve is glad it’s not his task. “We got, uhm, some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer it?”
“Bad news first, always,” Eddie says, radiating nervous energy.
“All right. Bad news, we tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro and they’re definitely looking for you,” Dustin tells him. “Also, they’re- they’re pretty convinced you killed Patrick. Like a 100% kind of convinced.”
“And the good news?” Eddie asks with a desperate voice that has Steve’s heart breaking as he looks away, unable to meet those wide brown eyes.
Robin has the answer to that: “Your name hasn’t gone public yet.” Then she immediately ruins that with her motormouth. “But if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do and once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you.”
Eddie is quiet for a second as he thinks over her words. A thousand emotions flash over across his eyes, before he looks at Robin, then Steve and bitterly says: “Hunt the freak, right?”
And Steve knows exactly what Eddie means when he says that. The meaning behind the words that only he and Robin will pick up.
The Freak.
It’s a conversation they’ve had in the quiet nights, a conversation they’ve had without words, but with actions. The big difference between them. How Steve could hide his queerness, how he could go back and play King Steve and hold up the smoke and mirrors, while Eddie has always been too outspoken, too expressive, too queer. Too much of a target.
All of those emotions swirl inside Steve. The anger at everyone that judged, the hurt that he has also felt when being targeted, the indigence for this boy who was never given leeway, the guilt for turning away from Eddie, for succumbing and hiding when Eddie could not.
“Exactly,” he says, knowing all those emotions can’t be put into words. Not by Steve. Not right now.
“Shit,” Eddie replies and it sounds like he understands.
“So, before that happens, we find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence,” Dustin jumps in to cheer up Eddie, missing the extra layers that are added for him. For them.
“That’s all, Dustin? That’s all?” Eddie snaps with the voice of someone who hasn’t been dragged into this insanity by Dustin and his never ending optimism before.
“Yeah, no that is pretty much it,” Dustin tells him, oblivious to that.
“Listen, Eddie,” Robin starts what is clearly another disastrous attempt at cheering Eddie up that Steve knows he should stop, but he doesn’t know what to say to make it better either. “I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this before. I mean, they have a- a few times and- and I have once.”
Chrissy next to her nods vigorously: “She told me about it. They fought other stuff before.”
“Yeah, I mean, mine was more human-flesh based and theirs was more smoke-related,” Robin says, only knowing the bit Steve told her, while Eddie is slowly loosing more and more faith. “But bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this.”
While, Robin’s speech is not inspiring, Steve thinks that she is on the right track, so he adds: “We usually rely on this girl who has superpowers,” before realizing that he might have made a mistake as he trails off. “But, uh, those went bye-bye, so…”
“So, we’re technically in more of the-” Robin jumps in to help, however, one drawback to sharing a brain is that both draw a blank.
“Kinda…” Steve tries.
“Brainstorming phase,” Max saves them.
“Brainstorming,” Steve repeats, sounding unsure, but trying to come across like he knows what he’s talking about.
“There- There’s nothing to worry about,” Dustin adds, but the slight hesitation after all his naive optimism, only makes it worse. Eddie’s scoff speaks to that.
However, before the hopelessness of their situation can be revealed further, they’re snapped to attention by police sirens. Eddie curses and all of them panic, but Chrissy jumps into action and yells: “Tarp, the tarp,” as she ushers Eddie under it.
As Eddie hides, Dustin and Max fly to the window, followed by Steve, who is already thinking of excuses for the police if they do come knocking, though he comes up blank. Luckily, the police flies by the little house, urgently on their way to elsewhere.
They all let out a sigh of relief, before Chrissy wonders out loud: “Where do you think they’re going?”
“Maybe there’s another body,” Dustin proposes, his analytical mind working quicker than his social people mind, not realizing what he’s just said.
But the others do and all look at each other with wide eyes of horror. Max says: “We have to go check it out.”
“Yeah, here, Eddie,” Dustin hands Eddie a radio, so he can contact them, before marching out to the car. There is a sudden urgency about them and Steve only waves at Eddie, who is still sitting in the boat, before he’s rushing after them.
The police aren’t difficult to find, since the road is blocked where it curves closely to a beach. There are all sorts of people there, firefighters, an ambulance and Nancy- wait Nancy?
They all get out of the car and look at the scene in front of them, trying to comprehend what has just happened here. Steve catches Nancy’s eyes from where she is talking to Chief Powell and she seemingly almost bursts into tears when she sees them.
Steve watches her for a few moments, as she says something in the way he knows she is repeating something she said before. Then she gestures at Steve and the others, before pleading to Powell and only then is she let go, making her way to them.
When she gets there, she says relieved: “Thank god, you never guess what happened. Fred just got killed. It’s horrible, I think something is going on again.”
Then her eye falls on Chrissy and she frowns, obviously confused why they would take her along in their ragtag group. Luckily, Dustin, oblivious as he may be from time to time, says: “Good, we’ve been following it already. Lets talk about this somewhere else for a bit.”
With Nancy in the car too, it is more of a tight fit, but Steve makes Chrissy sit on Robin’s lap, which causes her to flush and glare at him, but Chrissy seems perfectly happy to be there, albeit a little embarrassed.
Nancy directs them to the trailer park where she left her car. At one of the picnic tables they compare notes, Nancy horrified by their discoveries and the return of the Upside Down and the others saddened by Fred’s death. Another victim, even if they didn’t know him well. Or Patrick for that matter.
However, despite her grief, Nancy realizes that the victims don’t make sense and Max and Chrissy have both seen the others at Ms. Kelley’s office – both also look equally uncomfortable to mention that they have been seeing Ms. Kelley, however Dustin immediate distracts by saying that’s where they have to investigate.
As they get up, Nancy doesn’t follow. Immediately Steve’s eyes are filled with hearing about her death, having to tell Mike when he returns from his trip to California. Before he knows it, he is exclaiming: “Whoa, whoa, Nance. Nance! Where are you going?”
“Oh,” Nancy says, playing innocent with her big eyes. “There is just something I wanna check on first.”
“Something you wanna share with us?” Steve immediately questions.
“I don’t want to waste your time. It’s a real shot in the dark,” Nancy tells him apologetically if Nancy’s ‘checking on something’ isn’t always incredibly dangerous and a little illegal.
“Yeah, okay,” Steve scoffs. “Are you out of your mind, flying solo wit Vecna on the loose? No, it’s too dangerous. You need- You need someone to-”
Steve doesn’t know what he’s offering exactly, he wants to make sure Nancy is safe, but he also wants to keep the other safe. He guesses Nancy’s excursion will be more dangerous, so he turns to the others and throws the car keys to Robin – the person he trusts most with his kids and Chrissy’s safety – and says: “Here, I’ll stick with Nancy. Take the car, check out the shrink.”
“I don’t think you want me driving your car,” Robin says and Steve can’t imagine why he wouldn’t want Robin in charge of these kind, loving, reckless, genius dumbasses.
“I don’t have a license,” Robin answers with an awkward look.
For a second, Steve is absolutely gobsmacked. They’ve been friends forever already and he never knew that. He thought she was just lazy and stubborn in making him drive, since it is his car they always take and he is a little protective about it. However, he would have taught her if she had told him, so he asks: “Why?”
“I’m poor,” Robin shoots back.
Next to her, Max lights up, jumping on it: “I can drive.”
“No, never again, please,” Steve shrieks, having flashbacks to her driving while he was heavily concussed. “Anybody but you. No.”
Dustin points to himself as he pulls a face and an even more horrible movie plays across Steve’s eyes as he imagines Dustin driving. He shudders and says: “No chance.”
“Oh come on.” Dustin pleads.
“No,” Steve says, instead looking to Chrissy, who might be the only one there that can actually drive safely and normally.
She grimaces apologetically and says: “My mom thinks driving isn’t lady like.”
Steve feels himself deflate at that, unsure of what to do now. Robin, fortunately steps in. “Alright, okay, this is stupid. Us ladies will stick together. Me and Chris will go, safety in numbers,” she says, taking a radio so she can contact Steve. Then she pulls a shit eating grin at him and says: “Unless you think we need you to protect us.”
He glares at her, knowing that they both know he doesn’t think that. Chrissy and her friends protected him for half his senior year and Robin was just as badass as him in that Russian bunker, so he just says: “Be careful,” and hopes they will. He can’t loose Robin or Chrissy. He can't.It’ll break him.
Robin looks back and gives him a small nod, to show she knows. Chrissy looks between them, perhaps for the first time fully grasping their closeness, before promising: “We will,” then they both disappear with Nancy.
Steve watches them go and feels a heaviness in his chest that always comes when they’re sucked back into this nonsense again. A dark part of him, can’t help but wonder if he’ll ever see the girls again, if Eddie will make it out of this, if any of them will.
He is snapped out of it by Dustin who smirks: “Just going to stand there and gawk?”
“Shut up,” Steve tells him, knowing what Dustin is going to imply and he is not here for it. He knows he has spend moths building up his straightness in front of Dustin, but he is so not in the mood to defend himself right now, so he won’t be shoved with any of the girls. It can get exhaustive.
The three of them drive to Ms. Kelley’s house and Steve can feel Dustin brimming with something that he ignores in favor of watching Max, saying: “She’s in.”
“I’m missing collarbones not eyes,” Dustin says and Steve suppresses an eye roll as he keeps an eye on where Max disappeared instead.
It’s quiet for a second, before Dustin breaks it. “So, we going to talk about it?”
“Huh, sorry, talk about what?” Steve plays dumb, something he’s good at.
“Your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at Nance?” Dustin points out, showing how he can be so smart and so dense too.
“That’s no what happened,” Steve tells him, hoping the squirt will drop it.
“Pretty sure that’s what happened,” Dustin counters, in that annoying condescending tone. “It was public. There were a lot of witnesses.”
“You implying I still have a thing for Nance?” Steve asks with pure disbelief, not sure how this is where his day is going.
“No,” Dustin says and Steve has a moment of relief, before he continues his sentence, “I’m not implying. I’m stating. And, as it relates to your steadfast refusal to date Robin or Chrissy, it is pretty much the only logical explanation.”
“That’s not the only one,” Steve mutters darkly, not wanting to out himself, but wanting Dustin to not jump to conclusions either. “And as for Nance,” he adds, because it is important. “I was just trying to protect a friend. A friend, Henderson.”
“Okay,” Dustin smirks, like he thinks Steve’s lying, which is flustering him and making him frustrated. It’s like he’s being interrogated by his peers again. Holy shit.
“I don want to find her with her eyes sucked out of her skull by this Vecna creep,” he exclaims, not understanding why Dustin doesn’t get it. Is this another straight boy thing?
“You’re bright red in the face right now,” Dustin points out with a chuckle.
It’s that fucking chuckle that makes Steve’s heckles raise. It reminds him of all the chuckles of less friendly people that followed him for months, how hard it was to shake their whispers, how they are still going on according to Lucas. It’s not meant like that, but it feels like scrutiny and Steve feels cornered.
And because Steve is still learning, he goes back to what he knows, he relapses and snaps: “I’m not and I don’t wanna talk about it. I’ll punch you so hard, you teeth will fall back out.”
One look at Dustin is enough to tell him how wrong that is and guilt floods through him as he immediately backtracks: “Whoa, too far. Not cool. Sorry.”
Luckily, Dustin is as kind as he is probing, so he just nods: “Not cool. It’s okay.”
After which the two sit in the silence of the car as they wait for Max to come back out and relieve them of their awkward silence.
They are saved when Max comes out of the house, seemingly rushing. Steve spots her first and starts the car as he says: “Here she comes. Here she comes.”
“What’d she say?” Dustin asks immediately.
“Nothing, just drive,” Max says and her tone makes Steve stop, but she’s not having it, forcefully repeating: “Steve, drive.”
“Okay, okay,” Steve says as he drives off.
As they drive, Max only tells them to go to the school. That they have to look at more files and with the state she’s in, Steve doesn’t ask too many questions and does as he’s told.
The tense silence that hangs in the car is broken by the radio going off. Steve’s first instinct is fear that something has happened to the girls, but then Lucas’s voice says: “Dustin. It’s Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin?”
However, it doesn’t take long for the fear to set in again. Steve thought he could keep Lucas out of it this time, to keep him safe, but apparently not. Apparently whatever is haunting Hawkins always manages to drag all of them back in.
Dustin pick up the radio and replies: “Lucas? Where the hell have you been?”
“Just listen,” Lucas says. “Are you looking for Eddie?” and Steve’s heart sinks more. Lucas is already in too deep again to turn him away.
“We found him, no thanks to you,” Dustin frowns, in that undeserved indignant way only he can pull of.
“You found him?” Lucas asks and Steve can’t tell if he’s glad or horrified.
“He’s at a boathouse on Coal Mill Road,” Dustin says. “Don’t worry. He’s safe.”
“You guys know he killed Patrick, right?” Lucas asks in a hurt voice.
Steve remembers how Lucas found a friend in Patrick, how scared he must be right now. Fuck, he should have called to check in on him the moment he heard the news. Feeling a little guilty that he’s glad that he isn’t the one that has to face Lucas as Dustin replies: “That’s bullshit, Eddie tried to save Patrick.”
“Then why do all the cops say he did it?” Lucas says.
Max leans over the back of the seat and takes the radio. In her usually blunt manner, she rolls her eyes and says: “Lucas, you are so behind, it’s ridiculous, okay? Just meet us at school. We’ll explain later.”
“I- I can’t,” Lucas says and Steve feels his heart sink, something that is not helped with Lucas goes on. “I think some real bad shit’s about to go down.”
“What are you talking about? What bad shit?” Max asks the question that Steve has been wanting to ask too, worry tinting her voice. This worry does not fade when they get static over the radio instead of an answer. Max pushes the button again and asks: “Lucas? Lucas?”
All three of them exchange glances and Steve speaks up first: “We should go look for Lucas. He could be in trouble.”
Max nods, but Dustin shakes his head: “We’ll never find him. He knows where we’re headed, if he doesn’t meet up with us there, we can go look for him and one of us can stay behind in case he shows up. It’s no use if we’re looking for him in one place, while he’s coming to meet us.”
Steve hates that Dustin is right, so he just drives to the school. The closed school. That they are breaking into, because Max said it was important. Since this is Steve’s life again. God, does he not miss the Upside Down when it is gone.
It’s already getting dark and Steve doesn’t know how he’ll explain this to their parents when they finally come home. However, the darkness does cloak their actions from prying eyes as they make it into the school and to Ms. Kelley’s office, where Max starts rustling through the files.
While they’re searching through the office, the girls contact them and Steve has never been more happy to hear Robin’s rambling, even if her voice is tinny through the radio. And he’s so glad, they’re coming too. All of them together is much safer, and he thinks of Eddie, all alone in that boathouse. His heart aches.
However, before he can be glad the three are okay – that’s at least three out of four okay, Lucas is still out there, his brain reminds him – he is distracted by Dustin, who has an anxious voice as he shakes Max and pleads: “Max, come on.”
She doesn’t respond, eyes far away and Eddie’s words flash through his mind as Steve joins Dustin and asks: “Max?”
Max just stands there.
Steve feels ice flood his veins. Not Max. Not like this. Not after all she survived. He can’t loose one of his kids. He can’t watch that.
Then Max takes a deep breath of air, coming back to them, relief evident in the room. But Max isn’t saying anything, just walking out of the room as Steve and Dustin follow her immediately as she makes her way through the hallways.
She comes to a stop in front of a normal wall, frowning. Right at that moment Chrissy, Nancy and Robin come in. The three of them looking curiously at the group in front of the wall, trying to see if there is anything about it.
Nancy looks a little bit on edge, side-eying Robin. Steve is just glad to see the three of them alive and well, especially Chrissy, looking completely unharmed.
He’s been worrying about her in the back of her head. Though all other worries have been playing in front of it, it was there the whole time and with what just happened to Max, his worry has been tenfold. But she looks okay, smiling at Robin and him.
“What’s going on?” Nancy asks, always the reporter.
Max tells them a story that has all their blood running cold. Tells them about a vision, a clock in the hallway that wasn’t there, but felt so real.
“That’s not even the bad part,” she says, turning back to them, looking like the small, scared child she is. And Steve can’t fix it. “Patrick and Fred, they both came to Ms. Kelley for help. Uh, they both were having headaches. Bad headaches. That wouldn’t go away. And then- then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. They’d wake up in a cold sweat. Then they started seeing things. From their past. Bad things.”
Steve knows exactly what Max must have been seeing and his heart breaks for this young girl, who has already seen too much. He can’t help but notice, however, that Chrissy has been slowly becoming paler as Max talks.
“These visions, they just- they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually,” she trails of for a second, then finishes, “everything ended.”
“Patrick’s headache started a week ago, Fred’s six days ago,” Max tells them. “I’ve been having them for five days. I don’t know how long I have. All I know is that for Fred and Patrick, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision and I just saw that goddamn clock, so…” she lets out an uneven breath, looking terrified. She gives them a wobbly smile that will likely haunt Steve’s dreams for years to come as she says: “Looks like I’m gonna die tomorrow.”
“No, we can-” Steve starts, but he actually doesn’t know what to do. Max has been branded by death. She is going to die. And they have no clue how to stop it. Nothing. A weight crushes his chest, helplessness at this new enemy, who he can’t stand in front of, whose attacks he can’t take instead of these kids. These fucking kids that means so much to him.
“Chrissy,” Robin’s uncharacteristically sharp voice cuts through his panic as they all look at Robin, then at Chrissy, who has been trying to fade to the background. “How long have you been getting headaches?”
“Uhm, four days,” Chrissy says softly. And Steve’s panic only increases. It’s not just Max, his baby sister Max, who is in danger, but also Chrissy. Chrissy his best friend next to Robin. Chrissy with whom he does cheer, who gets that exercise helps him get out of his head.
The other person he cares about that he can’t protect from Vecna.
Before they can process it all, they are interrupted by a clang somewhere in the building. They are not alone anymore. This Steve can do something about, so he grabs the lamp, missing his nail bat, as he tells the others: “Stay here.”
None of them listen of course, but they at least stay behind him. All of them creeping through the hallway, until someone enters their line of visions. Everyone is yelling and Steve is about to swing when he recognizes the voice saying: “It’s me!”
“Lucas?” Nancy exclaims behind him.
“It’s me,” Lucas confirms.
“Jesus, what’s wrong with you, Sinclair?” Steve yells, trying to slow his rabbiting heartbeat.
“I’m sorry.”
“I could have taken you out with this lamp!” He shakes the lamp for emphasis, so Lucas realizes how stupid that was.
Lucas waves him away, still panting as he says: “Sorry, guys, sorry. I was- I was biking for eight miles. Gimme a second. Shit. We’ve got a code red.”
Steve can appreciate the dedication to that, eight miles is nothing to sniff at, but he doesn’t get why Lucas can have a code red, while they’re already in the middle of a pretty big code red. He is obviously fine, so nothing happened to him since their last talk on the radio. Confused he asks: “What?
“Dustin,” Lucas says, walking up to the boy in question. “I’ve been with Jason, Andy and Chance, and they’ve gone totally off the rails. They’re trying to capture Eddie. And they think you know where he is. You’re in terrible danger.”
Holy fuck. No. Just no. Steve can’t deal with someone else being in danger right now. It’s too much for one day.
Chrissy and Max are cursed and on the cusp of death. And not only is someone hunting Eddie, who is already wanted by the police, but those people are also targeting Dustin to do it. Just no, Steve, will die at 19 of a stress induced heart attack.
“Alright,” Dustin nods, sounding a little underwhelmed about the implications. “Yeah, that definitely sucks, but we’ve got bigger problems than Jason right now.”
Lucas looks confused at those words, eyes flitting between the others, before landing on Max, who doesn’t look him in the eyes. And Steve will never forget how Lucas’ face falls as he gets filled on what has been happening with them.
“What are we going to do now?” he asks, voice scared and terribly small.
And Steve isn’t trying to answer that again, even though Chrissy is looking at him with those scared eyes. She hasn’t been with them for long enough to know that Steve isn’t the plan guy, that Steve is only there to hit what needs to be hit.
When he doesn’t meet her eyes, she looks at Robin, who gives her a smile that says she doesn’t feel like smiling, but has no clue what else to do with her face.
Nancy, fortunately, takes the lead. She says: “We can’t do anything right now, but we three found a lead in Victor Creel. If we can talk to him, we can figure out why he was targeted by Vecna with his family and how he survived.”
“Vecna has killed before?” Dustin asks.
“Yes, in the fifties,” Nancy answers.
“We made copies of the information that you guys can read,” Robin tells them. “The library lady thought we were insane, but that is kind of usual for me. I mean, my library history is wild, so this won’t be too out of place and- and I’ll shut up now.”
“Thanks,” says Nancy in that tight lipped way that Steve doesn’t like. “I suggest we all go home, sleep and reconvene at my house in the mornings. It’ll be best for us to stay together, no one goes alone, okay.”
“You can stay at my place,” Robin offers to Chrissy, who looks relieved at takes it with a grateful smile, before the duo turns to Steve, obviously expecting him to join them as well.
Normally, Steve would take it immediately. However, his mind jumps to Eddie, who is being hunted by jocks as well as the police. Fred died of the same causes as Patrick, but at the lake, they’ll most certainly be looking for Eddie there. And Eddie is actually there.
He shakes his head and says: “I’m going to get Eddie and shelter him at the cabin. It’s the last place people will expect and with everyone after him, it’s the safest place for him to be. What about the rest of you guys?”
“If I go home, my mom won’t let me leave,” Dustin says.
“Same,” Lucas adds, displeased.
“I- I’d rather not go home right now,” Max says.
“You three can come with me,” Nancy tells them. “My parents won’t notice at this hour.”
“Then that’s settled,” Steve claps his hands to signal this conversation is over. “Robs, Chris, I’ll drive you two. As for you three, behave and be safe,” he looks all the kids in their eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the Wheeler’s, okay.”
The three all say something along the lines of ‘Yes, Steve’ and ‘Goodbye, Steve’ which is good enough for him. He is anxious to check in with Eddie, but also nervous. If he doesn’t do it right now, he’s sure he’ll back out.
In the car, he asks Chrissy if she’s okay and she gives a crooked smile that breaks his heart as she says: “At least I have two days, am I right?”
“God, I hate this, I hate how it always comes back,” Steve groans.
“Hey, it’ll be okay, dingus,” Robin says, but she doesn’t look like she believes it, but Chrissy besides her nods, still hopeful, so Steve doesn’t counter it.
Instead he tells them both to be safe and Chrissy says: “You too, Stevie. Don’t do anything stupid tonight.”
“I won’t,” he promises.
“You sure, you’re going to be okay with Eddie?” Robin asks. “I still haven’t forgotten some of his dick moves and I’ll come with you, if you want.”
Steve is touched by her concern, but he doesn’t want to put her or Chrissy in danger and he actually wants to talk to Eddie. Alone. Make sure they’re cool if they’re going to be stuck in a life or death situation. So he just nods: “I’ll be fine. It’s the best way to keep everyone safe.”
“Alright, but radio if it goes bad,” Robin says, before the two get out of the car.
He waits until they’re both safely inside, greeted with relief by Daisy and Thomas, before he speeds off to Lover’s Lake to get Eddie.
Figuring out the timeline and how to fit all the new shit into this is going to be the thing that breaks me, I swear to god (especially what happens on the 22nd and what on the 23rd). If you notice a mistake, no you don’t <3
Also, yeah, I think what Steve said to Dustin was too harsh, but holy shit does Dustin get on my nerves with his pushing, like I would be so uncomfortable, even if I could be attracted to the person, you know. My mans needs to learn boundaries istg
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theladycarpathia · 2 years
Harringrove week day 1: Right where you left me
Steve doesn’t bother looking up when the door to the classroom opens. He knows who it is.
“Didn’t expect you to be at prom,” he says, staring up at the ceiling. He’s lying flat on his back on one of the tables, not caring if it creases his suit or not. He’s already taken off his jacket and slung it over the back of the chair. His parents aren’t around to take pictures, or to straighten his tie, or even notice when he stumbles in the door at 2 am.
Hell, they didn’t even do any of that at his own prom.
“Wouldn’t expect it to be your scene either,” Billy Hargrove says, closing the door behind him and shutting them in darkness once again. Steve hadn’t bothered with any of the lights, figuring that someone is less likely to find him and turf him out that way. He’s definitely not meant to be in here.
“Came as Robin’s date,” Steve explains, because there’s no fucking way he’d do this for anyone else. He left high school and going back after the fact is just pathetic. “And she’s busy.”
With her tongue down Vickie’s throat in the back of the auditorium, which was the whole point. Steve was only ever a distraction, just enough that when Robin vanished halfway in, no one would really question it. Judging by the flasks hidden in suit pockets and tiny clutches, no one is going to notice much of anything.
“You could go home,” Billy suggests, not without reason. Vickie could give Robin a ride, or Nancy and Jonathan at a push. Steve doesn’t need to be here. But he doesn’t want to go home to an empty house either. Where he can sit in the dark with a bottle of his father’s scotch and think about all the things he was meant to have. The things he wants. The life he’s never going to get.
“Nah,” Steve says, watching the dark mass that is Billy wind his way through the tables. He’d spotted Billy a few times in the milling crowds: at the punch bowl, dancing with Heather. Steve had had to take a breath and turn his head away. No good can come from going down that rabbit hole. “Got nothing better to do.” Billy snorts and hauls himself up onto the table next to Steve’s.
“King Steve not got a date for Saturday night?”  he asks, but any of the bite that would have been there a year ago is missing. Without Neil, Billy just doesn’t have any of the same edges.
“I did,” Steve says to the ceiling. Even in the dark, he can’t bring himself to look at Billy. “She’s busy.”
“I don’t mean little miss band geek,” Billy says wearily, swinging his legs over the edge of the table. He lies back, taking up a similar position to Steve. Steve momentarily wishes that the tables were closer, that he might be able to feel some of the warmth from Billy’s body. “Someone you actually like.”
Steve inhales, and stops short when he doesn’t find the right words.
“I don’t have anyone I like,” he lies. Because he had liked some of them - statistically, after dating every available girl in Hawkins, he was bound to like some of them. The problem was that it wasn’t enough.
“Maybe you’ve dated every eligible girl in town,” Billy smirks, echoing Steve’s line of thought. “You’ll have to start all over again.”
Steve makes a face. Once you’ve been on three dates, had sex and then never called her again, he’s not likely to get a second chance.
“What about you and Heather?” Steve asks, because he has to know. “Big romance there or is it a summer fling until she heads off to college?”
“We’re not dating,” Billy says shortly. Something eases in Steve’s chest.
“She got dumped a few weeks before prom. There wasn’t anyone else available and I didn’t have a date.” A car drives past the window, headlights briefly lighting up the room. Steve can see the line of Billy’s jaw, the soft curve of his bottom lip, before the beam is gone. Steve sighs and turns his head back to the ceiling. Only trouble lies that way in thinking too long of Billy Hargrove’s mouth.
“So you weren’t going to come otherwise?” Steve asks, and Billy snorts loudly.
“I’m not a prom kind of person, Steve-o,” Billy says, stretching his arms above his head. “But if I could piss off Aaron Samuels, then I figured that might be worth an evening of my time.”
“Yeah, that sounds more like you,” Steve agrees. It’s Billy’s favorite pastime. Being an asshole.
Billy grunts, one hand dangling off the edge of the table. Long, thick fingers, a scar winding its way around one knuckle. Steve’s never asked about it. He doesn’t ask about anything that might bring up Neil, or California.
“What would you be doing?” Steve asks, because he knows that his own options were ‘empty house and blackout drunk.’ Most of his friends are here, and although he knows that Dustin and the others wouldn’t mind him crashing the Wheelers’ basement, he feels like he still has some standards. 
“Fucking anything else,” Billy grunts and pulls himself up. “Man, small towns. All the fucking same. Hay bales and proms and hoedowns.” Steve gives a surprised snort of laughter.
“You’ve lived here for like two years now? How is your idea of Hawkins that fucked up?”
“It’s just like that,” Billy mutters churlishly, pulling his legs up and folding them under him. “I half expected cow tipping.”
Steve keeps his mouth shut. Some stories don’t need to be told.
“So...you’re still going?” he asks, the words feeling like thorns in his throat. He thinks he shouldn’t have asked. He can deal with not knowing. He can just go about his life, going to shifts at Family Video and arguing with Robin and ferrying the kids around, and not knowing that Billy is gone until it’s too late and he overhears some old biddies gossiping about how that nice boy from the community pool just vanished into the night.
It would hurt, sure. But it would be easier than feeling that he was waiting for the ax to drop down onto his head at any second.
“Yeah,” Billy says finally, voice barely carrying in the few feet between him and Steve. “Yeah, I’m still going.”
Steve closes his eyes. It was never going to change. Billy’s never going to be the kind of person happy with a small town like this. He was never going to stay.
“Max will miss you,” he says instead, because it’s easier than what he wants to say. It’s true anyway: Max and Billy have this weird relationship going that is more arguing than anything else but he knows her. Knows that she looks up to Billy, needs him at her back.
“I’ll miss the little shit too,” Billy says, and there’s enough of a dip in his voice that Steve knows that it’s true. “But maybe in a few years, she can come join me.”
“Yeah,” Steve says, weakly. Max misses California too, but it’s not the same. Billy needs it like air, like the whole damn state is a wound in his side that needs healing over by salt water and surfers.
Billy sighs suddenly and jumps down off the table. The sound of his shoes hitting the floor is jarring in the silence. 
“I’d better…” he says, jabbing a thumb at the door. There’s still the faint beat of music in the distance, their vanishing going unnoticed by anyone else. Once upon a time, Steve would have ruled court at dances like these. Turns out the guy who took his crown took his heart too. “Heather is probably looking for me.”
“Don’t put out on a first date,” Steve says, still staring skywards. There’s a missing ceiling tile here somewhere: he used to see it every day in this class, when he wasn’t staring at Sabrina Rizzo’s legs.
“I’m not that easy, Harrington,” Billy retorts and Steve swallows. No, he’s not.
“Have fun,” he says, a clear dismissal. He doesn’t look, even as he hears Billy walk away, sees the light as the door is opened onto the main hallway. 
“Steve?” Billy asks, hand still on the door handle. Steve turns his head and feels his heart begin to race as he sees Billy in the dim light: long legs in black, white shirt unbuttoned down to his collar bones, suit jacket slung over one arm. He remembers the taste of peppermint, the faint smell of cookies and a fresh layer of snow. The warm light of the Byers house mere feet behind him and the cold, deep expanse of the woods in front of him. There’s cigarette smoke on the wind, Billy in a long, dark coat leaning against a tree.
He remembers the softness of Billy’s mouth. How cold he’d felt after Billy pulled away.
“I can’t,” Billy says, the words coming out in a tangled rush. Like he thinks he owes Steve some explanation, like Steve hasn’t known for the longest time. “I can’t. Not here. It’s a small town and…if my dad ever found out…If he ever found out, he’d kill us both.”
“I know,” Steve says quietly. It’s why - five months later - he has never pushed Billy. Never asked for anything after that brief, perfect kiss. 
“I’m just tired of being afraid, Steve,” Billy says miserably, and then the door drops shut behind him, once again leaving Steve behind.
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weird-an · 11 months
Hawkins is the most boring dot on the map Neil could find and now Billy is here. In a town that feels all superior in its tristesse and stiffness, but otherwise everybody lives at least twenty years in the past. A place where wearing a crop top is considered a sin and everybody is so painfully conservative Billy bets his ass that the police swings by to check if people are only fucking in missionary position and are wearing their wedding rings.
Well. Apparently they are fucking in missionary position. But it's not very conservative. Billy closes the door of the bedroom he stumbled in. It's another party from a girl or a guy from High School (or so Billy thinks) and he just wanted to take a break from the noise and pretending.
It doesn't make sense. Tommy hates Steve Harrington, why would he be under him? And worse, why does it make Billy's stomach twist? Maybe because it's gay shit. Billy doesn't do gay shit.
A few days later when the last week of school starts Billy can't look either of them in the eye. He swears Harrington winks at him in the hallway. Billy turns around. During algebra he's sneaking out to smoke on the school's toilet when he hears a loud moan. He rubs his temples. It's Harrington's voice. He recognizes that low timbre. That can't be.
He presses out his cigarette against the tiles. Just the moment Harrington comes out of the stall, pulling up his zipper.
"I thought you were a player not a spectator," he says to Billy. Eyes raking over him. He looks hungry.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Billy grunts.
Hagan walks out of the stall, combing his hair with his hands. "C'mon, you know what he's saying. You can join us."
"You said Harrington turned bitch." Billy doesn't get Tommy. He just knows he hates the hickey above his collarbone.
"I say a lot of things." Tommy shrugs.
Harrington laughs. Unfazed. His eyes don't leave Billy. "Some people just need to get it out of their system."
Billy doesn't need to work through anything. He jerks off at home, pretending to look at a magazine and at Shauna Grant, but ends off thinking about Harrington's big dick. Billy doesn't do gay shit. Doesn't mean he doesn't think about it.
The next day Harrington leans against his car. Designer clothes and expensive aftershave. Billy crosses his arms.
"What do you want?" he sneers.
"Isn't that obvious?" Harrington asks, raising a brow.
Billy feels like a dessert. Harrington looks like he wants to eat him, he thinks.
"You," Harrington says. "I want you. So are you comin' or what?"
Billy looks over to the BMW. Tommy is already sitting on the backseat, grinning at him.
"I'm not your bitch," he says.
Harrington smiles. "Of course."
Billy just needs to get it out of his system. It's only one time, right?
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werewolfnick · 1 year
Before I get started, I wanted to give @intothedysphoria credit for this because he was the one to think of the Billy Hargrove Autism Acceptance and Harringrove Autism Acceptance tags. I wanted to give it a try and give Billy some of my autistic traits. This might be a one time thing because I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with it for the entire month simply because I’ve found writing while attending a uni semester challenging. 
So, welcome to my potential one-time autistic Billy Hargrove fic. Hope you enjoy.
Billy always felt like he had to mask his autistic traits and tendencies. Wasn’t allowed to show them, otherwise he would get called weird, get into trouble or to get over it. But it never really stopped him from sometimes accidentally letting his autism slip through the mask. 
Today was one of those days. He couldn’t keep his mask up. Everything was just setting him off. The few people who were sniffling, the people whispering behind him, the tag on his shirt that he forgot to cut off, the person beside him was constantly picking at their nails. It was driving him mad. 
No one had ever picked it up, yet Steve knew Billy was hiding it. He watched as Billy’s leg bounced up and down. Steve knew Billy was having some sensory overload. 
Billy held his hands over his ears, attempting to block out the noises, but the sniffling still managed to get to him. He couldn’t deal with it anymore. It got to be too much. He got up from his seat and walked straight out of the classroom, not explaining where he was going. 
“Billy, where are you going?” the teacher asked, “Billy?” She was about to go after the student, but Steve got up from his seat. 
“I’ll go after him, Ms,” he said. Following his footsteps, Steve walked out of the classroom. He already knew where Billy would be. The toilets. He always ended up in the toilets. Steve began walking the toilets. There was a little bit of a distance between the classroom and the toilets, but it was something Steve was willing to deal with. 
He knew this was Billy’s way of attempting to regulate again. So, walking into the male’s toilets and seeing Billy sitting on the floor, back against the wall, his knees against his chest, head against his knees, hands still over his ears and sobbing silently. Steve already knew what to do. 
He walked over to Billy and sat down in front of him, crossing his legs and put his hands in his lap.
“Hey Billy,” Steve said, softly, “Are you having a sensory overload?” While he already knew the answer, he knew it was better to hear it from Billy. Billy nodded at the question. 
“Is it ok if I give you a hug?” he asked, “Or are you not feeling ready for physical touch yet?” Billy shook his head.
“That’s ok,” Steve said, “Let me know when you are ready. But no pressure.” Falling silent, Billy and Steve just sat. Steve wanted to give Billy the space he needed to regulate himself. 
Billy kept his head in his knees and his hands over his ears, still silently sobbing. He needed to let it all out. With every deep breath he took, he felt slightly more relaxed, yet it would take him a solid twenty minutes to regulate and calm himself. 
A solid twenty minutes that Steve didn’t mind waiting. Billy lowered his hands and lifted his head, wrapping his arms around his legs. He didn’t make eye contact with Steve. He always struggled with eye contact, but Steve didn’t mind. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. 
“Hey, don’t be sorry,” Steve said, “It’s not your fault. Your brain is just wired differently to mine and everyone else's. You don’t need to apologise for a sensory overload, ok?” 
Billy nodded. Steve was the only one that understood or seemed to understand. The only one to take the time to understand what was going on in Billy’s brain. 
Billy uncrossed his arms and straightened his legs, reaching out his arms towards Steve. 
“Are you ready for a hug?” Steve asked. Again, already knowing the answer, but he wanted to hear it from the male first. Billy nodded at the question. Steve moved into a crouch position and moved closer to the male. 
As gently as he could, he wrapped his arms around Billy. Billy did the same thing, his grip a little bit tighter than Steve’s. If it wasn’t Steve, Billy wouldn’t feel accepted. All it took was one person to understand for Billy to not feel like a complete outcast and unwelcomed.
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chrisbitchtree · 2 years
One of Steve’s moms favourite things to do when she was with Billy was to tell him embarrassing stories about Steve’s childhood, which Billy was incredibly thankful for, even if Steve was always mortified when Billy would recount the tales later.
Of all the stories, the one that had stood out to him the most was the story of Steve going to the dentist and getting laughing gas as a child. He was convinced that there were tall, green aliens at the end of the dental chair, waving hello to him, and he couldn’t be convinced otherwise.
“They’re right there!” He’d shouted around the dental tools in his mouth, pointing at his feet and causing the dentist to jump and almost puncture Steve in the gums.
“Sure there are, honey,” his mom had replied, patting his hand from her chair beside the dental chair, trying to hide her giggle. “You stay still and I’ll wave for you.”
For the remainder of the appointment, Steve continued to point at the “aliens” and it had taken hours after they’d returned home to convince him that the aliens were special dental aliens and they hadn’t followed them home, and no, they weren’t under Steve’s bed.
Billy had laughed, but then largely forgot about the story until Steve had come home from a dental appointment saying that he had to get a root canal, and they would be administering laughing gas.
“I’ll take you, pretty boy, that way you don’t need to call a taxi after.” Now was his time to see Steve on laughing gas in action.
Steve had protested, telling Billy that there was really no reason for the blond to take time off work, but Billy insisted, so Steve shrugged, agreeing.
The day of the procedure arrived, and Billy drove Steve there, waiting in the lobby while Steve had his dental work done.
About an hour later, Steve emerged into the reception area on the arm of the dental assistant.
“Hi Billy baby!” Steve garbled out around the gauze stuffed in his mouth, waving frantically at Billy, a dopey smile on his face. “I can’t feel my face!”
Billy rushed to collect Steve, a grin spreading over his face. He thanked the assistant, who informed Billy that the dentist would be out soon to talk to Billy about Steve’s after appointment care.
A couple minutes later, a young brunette woman emerged through the swinging door and headed right for Billy and Steve.
“Hi,” she said, sticking out her hand for Billy to shake. “I’m Dr. Phillips. You must be Billy. Steve’s husband? Steve’s told me so much about you.”
Billy took her hand and shook it. “Nice to meet you Dr. Phillips.”
“Isn’t he pretty? Look at him. His hair is so curly and his skin is so gold.” Steve said suddenly, turning to the oral surgeon.
She nodded, a smile on her face. “Yes, Steve, he’s very pretty.”
Steve leaned in closer to her. “Did I tell you how nice his boobies are? He has nice boobies. And a big” Steve held his hands out about a foot apart, which was flattering, but frankly untrue. “I have a big crush on him. But don’t tell him, ok? Billy can’t know I like him.”
The doctor winked at Steve conspiratorially, making a motion as if locking her lips. “Your secrets safe with me.”
She turned to Billy, whose face was now crimson. Fuck, he thought Steve would just talk about aliens or something again. Billy felt like he was going to melt into the floor.
Thankfully, the doctor went through Steve’s care plan quickly, and they were able to get on their way.
“Hey,” Steve said to Billy, tugging on the blonde’s sleeve. “Did I tell you I have a crush on Billy? He’s the best.”
Billy smiled, looping his arm around Steve’s shoulder and pulling him close as they walked to the parking lot. “No, Steve. You’ve never told me. I’m sure he’d be really happy to hear it though. I think he has a crush on you too.”
“Really, you think so?” Steve asked, his eyes wide.
Billy’s heart warmed, filled with fondness for the silly brunette. “Yeah, I really think so.”
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lovebillyhargrove · 7 months
Wake me up when July is around
Chapter 15/? What doesn't kill you
Hawkins royalty is nowhere to be seen, and Billy wonders where he is.
Correction, he doesn't simply wonder
He suddenly needs to know
Like it's very important
Like Billy's worried, for fuck's sake.
Where is Harrington?
The loser who magically transformed into Prince fucking Charming over the winter break
And has been especially - on a whole new level - poisoning Billy's existence ever since.
The question crashes Billy's Tuesday morning when he doesn't see Harrington having an eight-twenty smoke surrounded by his usual crowd
And stays for the whole day.
The question is still rolling around in his head when Billy drops the ever-pouting obnoxious gremlin off the next morning and saunters through school hallways. King Steve doesn't grace Hawkins High with his presence on Wednesday as well.
It's the same situation on Thursday.
Billy's eyes are searching for the familiar BMW in the parking lot.
His ears are perked up to hear the sound of the recognizable laughter ringing in the lunch hall, carefree and playful.
Billy's nose, like a hound, is trying to get a whiff of Harrington's expensive perfume.
Nope. He's not here on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Why, what's going on? Another vacation? Are the rumours true, did his parents transfer him to another school?
That's it ?? Two kisses, starting a want, and that's all Billy's gonna get?
It's not fair.
A couple of weeks ago Harrington came back, wrapped in wintery crispiness, so cool, so fresh, so .. new? Like the snow that falls down at night,
A pure white blanket
That's so beautiful, you take your time admiring it
Before you step on it. It's not pristine anymore, but is has your footstep on. Like you're the first one who has touched it, and that carries a meaning, between you and the snow
It's same as leaving your footsteps on the clean crunchy sand, smoothed out by the waves.
Damn, he misses the ocean.
One morning while waiting for Max, Hargrove writes on the hood of his car, covered with a thin layer of snow
He then wipes it all off, otherwise Max would giggle or show her scorn in some other irritating way
But yeah
Snow is cool.
So where the fuck is Harrington?
He looked so yummy. Like a fancy intricately decorated dessert, the one that you get in a posh restaurant. The one you want to savour with your eyes. Break the chocolate crust with a spoon, feel it crack, delicately, and crumble under your fingers. Harrington smelled so good. Every day a new outfit. How big is his closet, exactly. Fucking richie rich, just swiping daddy's credit card left and right.
Is Billy jealous?
A bit. Like .. he's okay with what he has. He's very much okay, so many people have much less than him, and Billy knows how to appreciate things in life. It wouldn't hurt not having to think about the money though. It gives you that special sense of freedom, when so many things are so much easier. Of course, Billy's jealous, everyone is.
A couple of times during these last two weeks Harrington came to school wearing his letterman jacket. Number 8. Infinity. Looked too damn gorgeous in it. Made Billy think of .. of them, walking together, side by side, Hargrove 11, Harrington 8, both so spectacularly good-looking, girls' jaws be dropping
Billy thinks, these days no matter what's on his mind
The snow, the gloss, or King Steve's jacket, all is fine
It all comes back to
Where the fuck is he, what happened?
How many times has Billy asked this question already?
It's annoying, right?
Billy annoys the hell out of his own idiotic self.
He tries asking Andy once, but all he gets is an indifferent
"Dunno, man."
He wants to fish for information from Tommy but decides against it. He always asks Hagan about Harrington, dude might get suspicious if he isn't already. And yeah, Billy doesn't give a fuck about anyone getting whatever ideas, but like .. run around showing interest in that bitch? It's pathetic, and pathetic is not what Hargrove is about
Billy is frustrated with himself. Why the fuck does he care. Why so suddenly invested in this whole Harrington thing.
It's just that maybe he is horny. Okay, he jacks off a lot, in recent days more than usual. But he kinda needs physical touch? Maybe? He broke it off with Vicky before New Year. Well, he just stopped paying attention to her. That sucks, but hey, she's a big girl, she'll be alright. In his defense, he never made any promises nor did he make anything official.
It's not about being horny. It's not like he's crawling up the walls, he's always taken care of his most urgent needs, thank his left hand. He can make it work with his right one as well, but he's left-handed, so.
Fuck, he just wants to leave this place. He's almost there, he's almost back home. It's less than six months. June or July he is fucking off and never looking back. He's got this antsy feeling like he's ready, he's fucking ready to go
He's technically not. Turning 18, finishing school, getting enough money for the way and the first months until he settles down. More or less. A job, a place to live. Or college? He's still thinking about it. March and April will tell, college-wise.
Billy's sliding into madness here, he's numb and cold, it's only school and work, and this sudden Harrington fixation is just another sign that tells him he's going nuts and he has to get the hell out of this town as soon as possible because it's killing him, and Susan's "everything should be spick and span" is killing him, and his dad's sour face is fucking not letting him live
Be patient, Billy. It'll pass.
He has no other option but to be patient, although it's getting harder
Neil has been breathing down his neck these past few days, and that's been keeping him on edge. Billy this, Billy that, in the stone-cold authoritative tone. It's not like Billy gave his dad a reason to get physical with him, he's literally been on his best behaviour, working and studying, no parties, being super punctual about driving Max around, not even raising his eyes at Neil, not once.
Billy also drove Max's friend a couple of times - that weird bunker girl he saw at the winter ball. Janet, Jane ..? They don't talk, but she looks at him strange. He even met her uncle probably - Chief of Hawkins police, no less
"Saw your blue camaro breaking the limit on my roads once or twice, kid."
"Can't be late for school, sir."
Speeding is in the past. Ice has done the impossible. Billy Hargrove almost never speeds anymore.
So yeah, Billy's behaviour is irreproachable
Dad doesn't like it when Billy's a good son.
One day Hargrove comes home after work to find all of his stuff - fucking all of it - on the floor of his room, thrown off the shelves, the desk, the bedside table and the vanity, all his clothes in one big pile on the carpet
Neil is standing in the doorway
"Yesterday I specifically asked you to clean up the mess in your room. You didn't."
"Dad! I told you I was gonna do it after work today, why would you .."
Neil isn't shouting, Billy is. His dad's voice is ice-cold and seeping with contempt
"Watch the tone, you ungrateful son of a whore!"
"She wasn't a wh .."
Slap. Sharp, expected. Humiliating. Neil always aims for the mouth
Why does he keep defending her? It only infuriates his father even more, and Billy knows it too well, but he still hasn't learnt the lesson.
"The state of your room? The ashtray? The beer cans lying around? It's worse than a pig stay!"
"I was going to clean it all up !!"
"Well, you can do it right now. Also, you're going to apologize."
Breathe, Billy, breathe. Push back the tears, it's not worth it, he'll never love you
"Of course." He's taking lungfuls of air.
"I'm sorry. Sir." Neil walks out of the room, slamming the door.
Usually his dad doesn't care much about what's going on inside Billy's room, but seldom, very seldom, he does. Neil has always had a short fuse when dealing with his son, but lately it's like he has no fuse at all.
Billy doesn't know why things between parents and kids have to be so messed up. It's like parents take revenge on their own children every fucking day. For all the time and power and lost hopes and dreams they had to abandon because they had to take care of a child? Wasn't his dad's case, no. Dad always did what he wanted to, Billy was never a priority. When Billy was still little and his mom left, Neil never took a day off sick because of his son's cold. Billy always stayed at home alone, running a fever, throwing up. Once his fever was so high, he started being delirious and hallucinated his mother sitting on his bed touching his hot forehead. Billy always handled everything on his own. Dad never considered offering him help beyond his direct parental responsibilities, never asked Billy for his opinion. Kids don't have any opinions.
Why then? For all the expectations and hopes that went wrong because the kid turned out the way parents didn't want them to?
Billy feels like his dad punishes him every day simply for being born.
Also, Neil probably understands that Billy is going to leave him soon, and wants to take it out on his son, full blast.
If dad's starting now, it's gonna be helluva half a year.
Thank god the suitcase was left untouched, with the weed and the magazines and the porn tapes. Everything else is on the floor.
Billy picks up the Panasonic boom box. Great. The cassette deck lid is broken. A couple of tapes are crashed, Neil must've stepped on them with his heavy boot.
He feels his stomach growling, he hasn't eaten anything since lunch. It's fine, he can choke down tears for late dinner.
One time during these three weeks Billy almost starts writing a fucking letter to Nick. No, he does start writing it, but then stops mid page, tears it up. It's stupid.
Instead, he drives to a payphone and dials his friend's number. No-one picks up, wrong time. He might try later.
Sometimes laying late at night with eyes open and brain humming, Billy considers getting up, dressing, stuffing his bag, taking all the money he has saved. Quietly opening the door, walking out of the house. Leaving. For good.
Not waiting for graduation. Not waiting for anything.
He could drive to San Diego, crash at Nick's place
But not forever. His friend's parents are way better than Neil but staying under their roof for months until he gets on his feet? Billy doesn't want charity.
Or, Billy could become homeless. Sleep in his car while trying to scrape money for a living.
He's always wanted a home though. Growing up in a loveless place, he's treasured it like crazy, because it was the only one he had.
Billy keeps getting dreams about brilliant, blinding sunshine. It just shines down on him, it's hot and he loves it. Sometimes there's also Harrington's face, mixed with the sun rays, with that dazzling smile of his, warm and beautiful.
The motherfucking asshole, meddling with the things Hargrove can't possibly control, having wriggled his way into Billy's subconscious.
Why doesn't he see Vicky's face while asleep, or .. or literally anyone else's ??
On the days when he doesn't have to deal with his dad's anger, or when Billy's not thinking too much about all this shit, Billy has sex dreams, too, some obscure and hazy, some so graphic, it makes him blush in his sleep. Sometimes he wakes up with a sticky mess in his underwear. On other occasions it takes him only a couple of strokes to make that mess. Harrington is somehow present in all scenarios. It's ridiculous.
Billy comes down from the high, and it's gray and cold. He hates it.
At times, he's got this feeling like he's full to the brim with hate, with despair. He's all torn up, and he's coming apart at the seams.
But then he knows, he's got no choice. You don't choose the parents
Parents also don't choose the kids.
The world works in fucked up ways.
It's less than six months until he's gonna get that choice, until his dad can forget that he ever had a son.
Billy just has to wait.
It's Thursday around 4 in the afternoon. Billy's in the garage working on a 1980 Buick regal, when he hears a car pull up. No, it's not just one car actually.
His boss Mr. Dailey went to get something from a store, so Billy wipes his hands and heads outside
He first sees Tommy's ford and then
It's like he's getting sick right this second
Billy feels hot and cold, all at the same time, his cheeks start burning, his palms turn slightly sweaty which never even happened before, the belly feels strange, knees turn wobbly and blood suddenly roars in his head
What is this fucking shit
Also he doesn't know what to do with his eyes
How long should he look at him for? For it to be normal ?
Harrington gets out of the passenger's door while Tommy and Billy exchange a handshake
He looks awful. His face is pale, almost white like the snow all around, his unstyled hair is a mess of disheveled strands, and there are dark circles under his eyes like the dude hasn't had a good night's sleep for several days.
Billy almost feels sorry for the guy.
Harrington is sighing like he's been dragged here against his will and drawls
"Hey uh .. Hargrove. I've been meaning to uhm .. change the oil for a while now."
All three of them move behind Tommy's ford and
Whoa, that's one hell of a sight.
"Looks like it's gonna need more than an oil change, man. The fuck happened?"
"A deer. I ran a deer over at night, and uh .. yeah."
Billy is circling the beamer.
"You got lucky the deer didn't get you with its hooves."
"What do you mean?"
"Depends on the angle, how you hit 'em .. Sometimes they kick the driver or the passenger with their hooves through the windshield, and then it's not only the deer that's in big trouble."
Tommy's nodding
"Yeah, lucky."
Harrington is just slouching his shoulders even more
Back to being a lovesick loser, or still in shock after the accident?
"So what do you think, man? How soon can you fix it?" Tommy's eager to know. Oh wait, that's right, unless Harrington owns one more car, Hagan's gonna be Steve's driver for the time being
"Some dents can be leveled out and repainted, you won't even tell something was wrong. The windshield must be ordered from Indianapolis. The hood though.. if you want a new one, it must be ordered as well, or we can try to work on it, too. I'll talk to the boss and give you the details at school tomorrow? He's out at the moment."
Are you coming to school ?
Yeah, okay."
"Alright and .. about the money, it's also Mr. Dailey's word."
"Of course."
Tommy takes out a pack of cigarettes and offers for everyone to partake
"Hey, man. You still got some of that weed left?"
"I might. Why?"
"Valentine's Day party, dude."
A party, fucking finally.
Billy physically makes himself not to give Harrington a meaningful glance
A party means there's a chance of being left alone in a room with you, pretty boy
And succeeds. He's still in control of something at least, thank fuck
Instead, he's looking at the smoke curls, drifting in the frosty air
"Who's hosting?"
"Andy again. Bro's super excited about his future scholarship. Everything seems to be working out with that."
"Good for him."
"You gonna come?"
"We'll see. It's like three weeks from now."
"I know. We could always uh .. team up before that." Tommy winks and Hargrove's chuckling
"Sure, why not."
Harrington isn't saying a word anymore.
When they detach the beamer from the ford and exchange a
"See you at school tomorrow, Hargrove!"
Steve just sulks.
"The keys, Harrington!"
"The keys? To the car?"
"Oh, yes. Sorry."
Is it the accident? Only the accident, nothing else?
On Friday Steve has to go back to school.
He opens his eyes in the morning and looks at the ceiling. Waits for it to open up, spit out a monstrous creature
Nothing happens.
No place is safe.
Steve can't hide in his room till the end of time. He puts his feet on the carpet, gets up and shuffles to the shower.
Tommy picks him up at 8.10. He bitches about it, but Steve knows he doesn't mind.
At school he gets called to vice principal Mrs. Donovan who monitors students' attendance. Yes, he was sick for three days. Yes, his parents know about it, but they are out of town. No, the issue doesn't need to be brought to the principal's attention. Of course, he will catch up with the classes.
Hargrove comes up to him during lunch break and they decide what to do with the beamer. It'll take a week and a half, maybe two. Steve will stop next week by the repair shop to settle the money question with old Mr. Dailey.
Hargrove looks a bit strange, like he's nervous or something. Maybe it has to do with those uh .. moments they had, but Steve's not gonna think about it now. Seems like it all happened to him in another lifetime.
All in all, everything and everyone looks the same. Like there are no monsters lurking around behind walls waiting for the chance to jump out from another dimension.
When Steve catches sight of Nancy and Byers, he gives them both a nod and
Tommy and Carol exchange disbelieving glances.
They let it slide. Tommy's not gonna risk having another fight with his best friend cause of those weirdos.
Harrington's parents come back on Friday evening. Steve makes sure the door is locked after they enter the house. He tells them about the car and Mom looks worried and relieved at the same time.
"I'm so happy nothing bad happened to you and you're okay, honey."
I'm not okay, mom.
You can't talk with anyone, they said. It's a highly confidential top secret government hush-hush matter.
"Do you need help getting to school, Steven?"
"I don't think I do? Tommy will drive me."
"Ask if you need any help."
"Thanks, dad."
Steve keeps the bat under his bed. He should definitely get some kind of a weapon to put in the trunk of the beamer. When he gets the car back, that is. He could put a knife under his bed, and the bat in the trunk. Also a knife in the glove compartment. Is a knife a good weapon? He should probably try to make another bat like Jonathan's. He can't take anything like that to school with him, however, carry it around, which is a shame, really.
Billy thinks, is Harrington on drugs? He must be on drugs, that's the only logical explanation. When he came to the repair shop yesterday he looked like he hadn't slept for days. He comes to school on Friday looking a bit better, at least his hair looks decent, but the dark circles under his pretty eyes are still there and he seems .. twitchy. Like he's going through withdrawals. Or like he was spooked really badly, and now he's looking at things in a creepy way.
Harrington falls asleep during Literature class. The teacher doesn't notice though, so it's all good.
Is it still about the wheeler Princess? It can't be. Jesus, how much can a guy suffer from a breakup? Have some self-respect for fucks sake. Self-love. No, that's not it. Self-love was right there when Harrington came back from lake Michigan, everyone could see it. The fire was back, and Billy saw Steve being King again, like he owns the place, laughing with Tommy, flirting with girls, looking so fucking good, so confident. The attitude? Captivating. The holiday did Harrington good, but what the fuck is going on?
Something else has happened. The accident, yeah, but Billy feels it's not just that.
Another mystery. How many layers does Harrington have? What's happening in his life?
That girl wheeled him good though. Bleh. Not Billy's type.
In fact, Billy has never had a type, if he comes to think of it. He hooked up if there was a chance, a good-looking face, a need
In his pants
It's all about the chemical reaction, really
Fired up by alcohol and weed in most cases.
They've experimented twice already, Harrington and he, and as for the reaction, it was an undeniable success.
Okay, the first kiss - he doesn't remember much about it. It was followed by deep regret and genuine remorse, he does remember the moment when he realized what he had done. The no no no noooooooo one.
However, even days and weeks after, Billy's brain kept on providing him with little bits and pieces of that night
How pushy Harrington was, how insistent. Like he wouldn't take no for an answer. Holding Billy by the back of his head. Pulling him, pulling him into the deep end.
The absolute fucking sheer boldness of it.
The surprise, the startle, the jolt of shock - that's how Billy started to remember their first kiss.
And also, the drunken elation, when you feel that anything is possible, anything can happen
In that particular right now, right here moment
Until Harrington broke it off.
He started it twice, he broke it off twice.
Fucking coward.
The second one? Oh, Billy remembers it well, despite the fact that his mind was fogged up by alcohol and weed. He liked it.
The free fall.
Did he like it to the point of wanting to repeat it?
The Valentine's Day party can't come soon enough.
Billy spends the whole weekend working his ass off on the beamer, and on Tuesday
After watching Harrington walk around like a spooked ghost who obviously has a heavy drug addiction, no doubt about that, he decides to reach out.
Life doesn't teach him. Nope. Never.
The last - and the only time - Hargrove tried stretching out a helping hand to King Steve, he got called a fag.
What's it gonna be this time?
After an especially irritating game when Harrington didn't know what he was doing and where he was going - are we really back at it, again, Steve? Just last week you were playing so much better
It's all in the dude's head.
Fuck it.
When Billy pushes the lame-o too hard and he goes down on the gym floor
Billy gives him a hand as if to help him get up
Harrington accepts, they are holding hands, and Hargrove feels fucking tasered
"Plant your feet, Harrington. Draw a charge."
Stop being a total pussy. Break up, accident, be a fucking warrior dammit. Shine. Because I miss it
Harrington looks up with those pools of darkness that are dragging Billy into the
Still waters that run so abysmally deep
And whispers
"You have no fucking idea what is .."
Stops in the middle of the sentence and then
There's a flare in those dusky waters
"Get your hands off of me, wiseass."
Seriously? As your Highness wishes
Billy lifts Steve up a little and then lets go of his hand, making Harrington hit the floor with his back
Wiseass is less venomous than fag
But still.
There's a little twist of a smile on Billy's lips
What a fucking asshole.
Welcome home, honey.
Anger is rising up and Steve wants to kick the self-entitled dickhead's ass. Like he's so smart, he's sharing the blessing of his priceless advice. Like he knows everything
When he doesn't know shit
Harrington is back on his feet, and the next opportunity he has to get into Billy's way, he sticks his foot out to purposefully trip him, and now it's Hargrove who crashes heavy onto the gym floor
Uh-oh, Hargrove's face turns red and he's about to go ballistic
"The fuck is your problem, you moron?"
"Hargrove! Language!" The coach is blowing the whistle but Billy is already shoving Steve in his chest with both hands
Harrington plants his feet - thanks for the advice, douchebag - pushes Billy back and then, quickly lunges at him and swings
Unprepared for such an outburst, Hargrove recoils from the punch. He's tasting metal and, wincing, touches his lip incredulously
The rest of the team players are scattered around the court in confusion
"Break it up, guys! Sweet Jesus, when are you going to knock it off with your cockfighting?" Coach Nelson is blowing the whistle but it doesn't produce any effect on either participant of the fight
Because Billy rushes at Steve and aims for the nose
Hargrove's fist is like a rock. The force of the punch sends Harrington stumbling back
A couple of blood drops from his smashed up nose fall on the floor
The coach has had enough. He gets in the middle
"Andy, Roy, Danny! Come on, boys, help me pull them apart, before they kill each other, for Christ's sake!"
Hargrove and Harrington get separated, both not stopping to glare at each other viciously
"Normally it's the matter for Principle Foster. But I'll deal with you myself. See the mess ??"
The coach is pointing at Steve's blood
"Mop the floor! The whole floor, dammit! Maybe it's gonna teach you not to start stupid fights! Class is dismissed!"
The guys go to the locker room, whispering between one another and exchanging glances. Hagan is pausing near the door
"Yo, Tommy! Gonna give me a lift later?"
Steve's wiping his bloody nose with his t-shirt
"Sure, man. When are you gonna be finished?"
"Pick me up at 4.00?"
"You got it."
"Okey-dokey, boys! This is your half," - coach Nelson hands a mop to Hargrove and motions to the right, showing him his field of work
"And this is yours." - motions to the left and gives another mop to Harrington. - "Get down to work, I ain't got all day!"
The two guys take a bucket of water each, and reluctantly walk in different directions of the gym. They start mopping, squeaks from their sneakers echoing in the empty hall. The coach sits down on a bench and is watching them in silence
About thirty minutes later school radio comes alive
"Mr. Nelson, please report to the principal's office. Mr. Nelson, please report to the principal's office."
The coach gets on his feet
"Hargrove! Harrington! If I come back and see you kicking each other's asses again, I swear to god!" He raises an index finger as if warning them of possible much harsher than just cleaning the floor consequences, and leaves the gym.
Billy and Steve are alone in the gym. They avoid looking at one another, diligently doing their jobs
But then Hargrove throws a glance over his shoulder
He can't let this chance slip away
Steve's slightly bent over, working hard, swinging that mop right and left. All serious. Fucking focused.
What an idiot. Clearly, he's never held a mop in his hands.
Hargrove's pulse picks up the tempo, for no obvious reason. He gets this itchy maddeningly itchy feeling at the back of his head like ..
Steve's moving his ass towards him and Billy wants to hit it with the mop handle.
He feels -
Damn it, fuck. Not this now.
his dick hardening.
"Just stay on your fucking half, shithead!" - comes out as a hiss. When Harrington gets too close, Billy gives him a light push on the shoulder
"YOU stay away, jackass!" Steve turns around too fast, ready to .. what, throw fists again?
Hargrove's dick is hard wood
"Or else?" He pushes Harrington just a bit, closer to the wall
"Or else .. pretty boy ??"
What the fuck is wrong with his voice, that's not his voice
It's fucking broken
Steve looks unafraid and .. waiting?
Billy takes handfuls of his grey t-shirt, twists it in his palms
Pins the annoying loser up the wall
Harrington keeps staring at him with his big eyes with dark circles under them
Hargrove lets out a quiet chuckle
Eyes - lips - eyes - lips
Daring him. Goading.
"Leave me alone you stupid prick." Harrington talks in hiccups
However, he is not putting up a fight
He's letting Billy do what he wants
Take control this time
So Hargrove does.
He kisses Steve's lips sharp, like bites him
Quick, rough.
Come on, pretty boy
I know you want to
It's not only the king who can be a bitch and a tease.
Harrington looks .. hurt ?? Like he needs .. needs it to be more gentle?
Billy can be gentle.
His hands are roaming all over Steve's chest and front
He pulls up Steve's t-shirt and touches the skin of his belly
Kisses the neck
The skin is so tender Hargrove wants to fucking cry
It's salty
Steve's gasping
Billy kisses his neck again, hiding his nose in that dark hair.
They grind against each other.
Grind and grind, more, please
Billy only needs a little bit more to come in his shorts right there
God, he hates the idiot with his whole wretched heart
Why does he make him so .. so fucking aroused? What's so special about him?
Billy's rock hard, and he can feel Harrington's got the same situation in his shorts
It's too reckless. Someone might come in, and they won't even hear it.
Billy will definitely jerk off to this falling asleep tonight
He might not make it till tonight. Might lock himself up in the shower right after coming home. He doesn't have to go to work today, it's his day off.
This goddamn kiss - and more - is so .. dangerous. It feels too dangerous because there's no alcohol clouding their judgement, always being the perfect excuse. No, they are doing it sober.
They are so close but this time
It's Billy now who's suddenly stepping away
It's too fucking dangerous. He needs to be drunk, or high for that.
"Why the fuck .." an indistinct sigh is leaving Steve's pretty lips
How dares he .. He's just giving the taste, tickles the taste buds and then backs off
Steve is watching Hargrove with lust frenzied eyes for one more second and he'd be pulling him back into his orbit right now ..
When there's someone's, a girl's voice, a bit distant and careful
The swishing sound of one of the gym doors being opened
Billy quickly takes another step backwards
Far away from Harrington.
And then louder
"Where were you?? I'm freezing! In the parking lot!"
Billy's still high.
Oh shit, he forgot about Max. He completely forgot about Max !!
Harrington is not good for him.
His brain stops functioning when Steve's close.
Harrington makes him brainless.
Of course! Today she doesn't have AV, he was supposed to pick her up right after his basketball practice, but he was late and didn't remember to warn her to wait for him somewhere at school. Thank fuck, she had enough sense to come look for Billy. Thank fuck she didn't walk home. Neil would flip.
Next second, the door swings again and coach Nelson walks in
"What's going on? Who's that?"
Billy's swiftly picking the mop up and getting back to business.
"My uh .. step-sister. Can she wait here till I finish? I'm supposed to drive her home after school."
Fucking hell.
"The heck were you two doing?"
"Nothing! Just mopping!"
Billy's not turning around to face Max or the coach. It must look weird.
His dick is still tenting his shorts up.
He picks up Harrington's mop as well, handing it over to him, trying to block him
Because his shorts, too, are up and flying like a proud banner
"Back to work, yeah? My working day finishes in fifteen, come on, boys!"
Steve turns his back to the coach and starts mopping as well.
"You're a fucking douche." He mumbles quietly for only the two of them to hear
Tell me something I don't know, amigo
Billy can still taste Steve's sweat on his lips.
Somehow it's not gross.
It tastes like ocean salt.
Harrington is back to school and his usual self. If Steve's absolutely honest with himself, that little episode with Hargrove kinda snapped him out of .. this monster-related thing he's been going through lately.
It's like he was underwater all that time, and Hargrove's hand reached for him and pulled him out.
Steve keeps thinking about Billy's bloody lip on his own mouth.
The fucking chest out for everyone to see, the rough stubble, the stupid mess of hair. His eyes, crazy with want. His hard cock pressed against Steve's thigh. The big wide hands on Steve's body. His scent. Harrington is reminded of that perfume again, what's it called, he always forgets to remember the name
He also thinks how different Hargrove looked at the place of his work, the day they brought the beamer in. Wearing navy blue coveralls, with oil and grease stains here and there, a couple of rips, a grey turtleneck sweater under the coveralls. A dark grey beanie. Steve's so used to seeing him in jeans hugging his ass tight, it was a bit unexpected. Like seeing a whole different person.
Steve took his time again today at the mirror, getting ready for school. He's back to looking great.
He's been waiting for another monster's visit for a week now, maybe they aren't planning any in the near future
Sitting close to Nicole during lunch break, he smiles and laughs at her joke.
Remembers that he actually wanted to take her out on a date.
Why shouldn't he?
If the world's this close to finishing, Steve shouldn't be sitting locked up in his room.
He should be living it to the fullest, right?
He can't stay scared forever.
He actually .. almost single-handedly killed a horror creature. He, Steve Harrington. Isn't that something to be kinda .. proud of? Like it's .. badass?
The world doesn't know it but, as a matter of fact, Steve Harrington is a total badass.
Steve throws his arm over Nicole's shoulder and the girl melts.
He whispers in her ear
"I've been wanting to ask you .. Why don't we go out tonight?"
His eyes fall on Hargrove who's sitting at a different table together with the guys from the team
Just for a second
Hargrove's watching
That's right, baby, eyes on me.
The same story begins to unfold.
Billy's tries not to look but Steve is aware of Hargrove's every glance
Because they burn a hole in his body, he can feel the heat from dozens of feet away.
Every damn time.
On Friday, the fourth day after their fight
And the kiss
While waiting for Maxine in the parking lot Billy slides his fists into the pockets of his jacket
There's something .. a piece of paper
He takes it out, and
It's a note.
There's someone's phone number, written in black ink and
Call me
There's no name.
The fuck?
It's not Vicky's number.
Billy's fingers tremble and heart crashes down from the wave ridge
Can it be .. ?
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mourntheantagonist · 2 years
Well since you're open for asks...
Thoughts on Billy craving rough, almost violent sex? And how he and Steve figure this out and navigate it together?
oh goodness you know me so well…
| nsfw |
I can see this being a hurdle for the two of them, especially with steve relying on this, careful and caring and loving view of himself. He views himself as a gentle lover, goes as far as to explicitly call himself that to people which earns many a groan from dustin and robin alike. and there’s also just the way he was raised. he was always raised with the mantra that you aren’t supposed to hurt the people you love, because otherwise you don’t actually love the person, and that’s part of the reason every time he’s reminded of what billy’s own dad has done to him all those years hits him that much harder because nobody should be violent towards anybody regardless, but least of all someone’s father, someone who is supposed to love you.
but then there’s billy, who has grown up with relentless violence since such a young age, and he understands why steve is so adamant about being gentle with him. he can see it in his eyes that he doesn’t want to resemble neil in any way, so billy let’s his own desires slip away for a while, because the gentle sex isn’t bad by any means. he loves when steve is soft and he for sure doesn’t want that to go away. hell, he craves the soft and gentle sex every now and then but it’s just.
he can’t stop wanting the other things too.
billy doesn’t ask for it with words, and he doesn’t ask for it all at once. he approaches it in little bits at a time.
the first time he asks for something rough, it’s when steve is on top of him, slowly pushing in and out of him less like he’s fucking him and more like he’s gently massaging him. billy sees the opportunity when he notices steve with a free hand, not occupied by anything else, so billy grabs him tightly by the wrist and guides steve’s hand to his neck. billy holds on tight, and presses down hard against steve’s hand, against his own neck, feeling his air flow cut off and somehow, it’s like a breath of fresh air. steve tries to pull away, but billy doesn’t let him until he comes.
steve feels off after that first time, feeling gross, like he’s just broke some divine law. he’s upset, asking billy why he made him do that, and billy just shrugs it off telling him he wanted to try something new and steve gets even more upset, telling billy that he didn’t like it.
they leave the conversation at that for then. steve excusing himself to go shower and by the time he’s out billy’s already fast asleep.
but it happens again the next time. they’re halfway into things, steve’s inside of him and he sees the opportunity and grabs steve’s wrist again. this time steve pulls away before billy can get a good enough grip. and it would have all been fine, forgotten about, if steve hadn’t looked down and seen that pleading look in billy’s eyes. and he just doesn’t understand it. he can’t think of a good reason why billy would want to be hurt.
they finish without steve obliging with billy’s wishes, but that time, they actually talk about it. billy explains that he likes the gentle and soft stuff, but sometimes he just needs it rough. he needs steve to hurt him a little bit. he shyly tells him how he’d like steve to put his hand around his throat and bite him. he tells him about how he wants to be slapped around, all nonchalant in the way he says it, and steve just can’t understand. because why would he want that? why would billy want steve to hurt him in the same ways neil had?
steve says no. that he won’t do it. he explains all his reasons and billy pushes back against every single one, trying so hard to explain why he wants it without giving steve the actual reason because the truth is too humiliating to say out loud.
the truth is that he needs something good to associate with all that pain that haunts him. he wants to stop picturing neil hovering over him with a belt in his hands whenever he feels a sting in his lower back. he wants to see steve instead. sweet, soft, caring and loving steve. he wants to see someone that he loves and loves him back.
but he doesn’t say any of that to steve. instead, they drop the issue again, until they’re back in bed, and billy is reaching for steve’s free hand again…and again…and again. and steve is averting his gaze from billy’s pleading eyes again…and again…and again.
until the one time billy doesn’t reach for steve’s hand, and instead looks him in the eye, finally deciding to use his words. “steve.” he says, calling his attention, “please.” his words are soft and shy and he doesn’t need to elaborate for steve to understand exactly what it is that he’s asking for. and it’s something about the way his lip quivers when he asks for it, something broken and desperate and steve wonders if he’s hurting billy more by refusing than he would be by putting his hand around his throat.
he’s hesitant, but, he does it. he gives in. “I need you to tell me when to stop okay?” steve says, and he’s almost in tears as he does it, because he’s afraid that something will happen. he just tries to keep his focus on billy’s eyes and they aren’t dead like they were when billy would come over in the middle of the night, beaten and battered, trying to wish away the pain. his eyes are filled with what steve could only describe as love, and happiness, and he doesn’t understand it, but it’s enough to make it feel okay.
when they finish that time, they’re both crying, holding each other, steve is kissing his back softly and freaking out inside because he is so sure billy is crying because he hurt him. he’s so sure that billy looked up at him and saw his father’s face and he can’t handle it. that’s until billy rolls over and presses a deep kiss to his lips and tells him “thank you.” and that he wants him to do it again…and again… and again.
and eventually, steve becomes more comfortable with the idea. they talk about it again, like really talk about it. they go into explicit detail about what’s okay and what’s not okay, and what steve absolutely will not do no matter how much billy asks him to. they come up with a safe word and eventually steve is pitching ideas, like tying him up and fucking him hard from behind and the blush on billy’s face is almost enough to give him the go ahead on that one.
and it’s a lot to get used to, but they do eventually get there, and steve finds himself falling in love with the aftercare part. he loves getting to, after all of that, love on billy with only the softest of touches and the gentlest of kisses and tell him he’s amazing and wonderful and that he did “such a good job” and it’s okay. it’s good. and billy’s happy and steve can’t lie and say that billy doesn’t walk through the world with lighter shoulders now. and hey, he doesn’t totally understand, but he accepts that he doesn’t have to as long as billy’s shoulders stay light.
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