#all around good chill vibes :)
shmuzzieheart · 7 months
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boag · 19 days
I’m so glad we moved where we did omg…. We lived in this neighborhood before when we first moved to Philly but like on the other side which is technically a ~better~ area but we got in touch with these landlords through one of my mom’s best friends Shawn who lives across the street and knows the owners and was like “yo they are cool as hell and are planning on moving out you guys should rent from them” . And we’ve been going over Shawn’s house and hanging out with him and his friends for over a year now bc they’re all just great, genuine, fun ass people so we’ve gotten to know a lot of them. And now we live on their block and it’s the best vibes ever and we always know we’re surrounded by a whole group of SUPER cool/trustworthy people and we’re so often just outside at night hanging out on each other’s front stoops having some drinks and smoking some and having the best conversations and I just love it sm . I’m so done with the messy toxic drugged up bullshit of my past so it’s really awesome to have people around who are just kind and honest and have their shit together but can still have fun like it’s just an amazing group of people to be a part of
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mono-socke · 2 months
Day 19: Tarot Card
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little wholesome squip & jeremy action today
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clownsuu · 2 years
Why are Sun and Dj's interactions so wholesome and precious??
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I mean it is a chaotic good sun mans and an embodiment of a himbo spider dj-
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nerosdayinanime · 9 months
kny x tokyo ghoul au
was thinking abt following tokyo ghoul's storyline and making nezuko get organ donor ghoul-ified like kaneki but on second thought that seems a bit boring. the slayer marks (tanjiro's specifically- that one frame in the red light district arc where he looks like hes absolutely lost it) made me think of the sort of insanity thing with centipede kaneki when he started eating ghouls. (nezuko's bout of literally losing control of herself beating daki is probably a bit closer tho) dont know what to do with that. tanjiro being human and having to keep nezuko safe with her new life as a half-ghoul is pretty cool but i dont know. could make it different
#sakonji as coffee shop owner and sabito & giyuu as workers and the fox squad being the underground Good Ghouls makes me kick my feet#goth/alt vibe makomo as the mask maker MWAH and sabito & giyuu playing as regular college kids. giyuu 'eating' out with friends and#sabito drive-by eating his food before booking it (Sabito-! you bastard!) and later when theyre alone giyuu holding his hair back#(you should stop eating my food all the time..) ((im fine- as long as it makes it easier on you))#tanjiro working as a server & nezuko more as#.#i forgot hanae-san also voiced Kaneki#what the fuck is it with him and voicing the main characters of anime about the morality of cannibalism#its not much but its weird that its happened twice#i completely fucking forgot abt that and here i am literally putting tanjiro in his place#as i was saying nezuko has a 'job' there but shes not actually employed or forced to work she just hangs around in uniform like her brother#while tanjiro's the one thats employed. shes the cute mascot of the place and sabito gets hype with her and it entertains ppl#sabito nezuko interactions beloved<3 she makes him go big brother mode#giyuu's behind the counter helping sakonji make coffee so he doesnt have to interact with people (as much)#something something also half-ghoul genya being an antagonist at first until tanjiro & nezuko's bond makes him change his mind#and he becomes the newest employee at the coffee shop. que him and sabito bickering at eachother like children and tanjiro being so#sweetfaced and genuinely kind to him & giyuu being a chill comforting presence he can go to#confides in them his fear about his brother and the guilt he feels for being around them bc it puts them in danger#mm#sweet au. great playing field to ruin absolutely everyone#i should rewatch/read tokyo ghoul its been almost a year i think#do that then decide how i want the au to play out if i want it to try to follow that storyline or if i should do some worldbuilding fuckery#of my own instead to completely change how nezuko & genya's half-ghoulness would happen#i remember i dropped tokyo ghoulre but i dont remember why. didnt bother after that Hide scene in the anime but i dont remember y the manga#i was listening to Seijatachi for writing vibes and stared a bit too long at the album image i put#kny#tokyo ghoul#kamado tanjiro#kamado nezuko#kny x tokyo ghoul au
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gaminegay · 2 months
Sometimes I get this weird out-of-nowhere anxiety about how I'm like, not in the Right Place in life (that place according to my brain is in a nuclear family with a baby and a house and a stressful job or something adjacent- don't ask me why this persists despite being a nightmare to me)
But like what more could I ask for I'm healthy and happy I got a job that feeds me and lets me keep my hobby up I'm styling I have so many friends I'm comfortable with myself and by myself I feel like I'm living the dream rn. A modest dream sure! But I feel real good in it
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threegunbrainrot · 1 year
I look at the 98 anime with a fond fascination. It’s based off of only the original couple issues of Trigun plus like I want to say the first 4? Of trimax. And bc of how many things get developed and revealed much more down the line in the manga, it’s so interesting to think about this offshoot of the original source material where things didn’t quite ramp up to the same scale but still got to the heart of things anyways, where everyone’s backstories played out just a little to the left and led to a similar but different tale. Trimax is definitely my favorite, bc just everything about it is so well done to me, but 98 holds its own unique spot in my favor
i definitely agree anon ur So right
it's practically a branching timelines situation, where everything is so, SO close to being the same, but thanks to the butterfly effect everything got skewed ever so slightly and now the whole world is just that much more different
call it parallel universes, alternate dimensions, alternate timelines... i really love it all. there's so many specific parts of both trimax and 98 that shine brighter and dimmer than one another. unique pieces of the narrative that were either expounded or brushed aside.
like in 98, meryl didn't want to believe that vash was the legend she was looking for. it was a ridiculous notion that such a friendly, goofy guy could be the bloodthirsty killer she hunted for
but in the manga, she and milly took to it instantly. in fact, they jumped into it with AGGRESSION- actively getting involved in the fighting and PUSHING to calm the situation down. this panel in particular i think sums it up very well lol:
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they meet him with confidence and they're not afraid to fire upon others for the sake of collective peace. vash is caught off by how readily he's approached and even defended, in a way. when the automatic reaction to learning his identity is usually either hostility or fear, it makes sense.
and i dont have a convenient shot of any particular moment in 98 that portrayed their early relationship well, but it's easy to see the differences anyway.
instead of steady confidence, meryl met vash with confusion and outright denial for awhile. she and milly both got involved in fewer fights overall i think? but i might be wrong. i won't speak much on this since i don't remember 98 very well, but i get the sense they sought out vash's fights much less in that rendition (at least early on. they went CRAZY toward the end- meryl especially).
and there's countless little differences like this.
so yeah, even if trimax is the source content, 98 is this funky little spinoff that treats vash just a little bit more nicely lmao. the whole thing is a little more watered down, i think; intentionally to make it more palatable. i still love it regardless, of course. it just oozes charm <3
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mossyinkynebulous · 6 months
Don't be what the government wants you to be. Go out there and be gay!
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oflgtfol · 7 months
think my taste in music is directly related to my mental health. i used to listen to noise music and breakcore shit. now all i ever listen to is lofi and indie rock
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oculusxcaro · 11 months
☀️   best friends
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 !
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That would be fantastic! Khare is in dire need of more friends and Ava would be such a good one to have! Being so sweet and friendly, Ava's vibes are just the sort that Khare can feel chill around and it doesn't hurt that she's got a career in Paleontology also. Khare LOVES dinosaurs and anything prehistoric, it's so interesting to her so it's quite apt that these two who can find it hard to break out of their shells (haha) can end up being very good friends? Khare would definitely look into new recipes for Ava to try (including her favourite fried crickets!)
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finally watched rottmnt movie! i’ll put my thoughts below the cut lol
so basically, i...just kinda thought it was okay? nothing great, unfortunately? it obviously had some great moments, but i think the arc of the movie as a whole was hindered by a couple key things:
1. it was kinda just Leo: The Movie. and i didnt really dig that. i think it would’ve made a much stronger story if they’d had ALL the turtles grow in some kind of way, but all of them stayed static except for Leo.
3. i’ve heard people saying that the creative team was pressured to make this as appealing as possible even to tmnt fans who maybe didnt actually watch Rise, but in the end it that means we lose a LOT of what made the Rise characterizations and writing so great in the series itself. the writing isn’t as snappy or quirky; maybe these writers are just more suited for writing serialized stories instead of a feature-length story, and that’s fine! or maybe they felt the need/were pressured to tone down some of the more Rise-specific narrative style, if that makes any sense. (small example that i feel reflects this vibe: the moment where they finally call themselves the teenage mutant ninja turtles. it was a running gag in the show to never actually claim that name for themselves in that exact order, and so when they finally do, it feels almost inauthentic, because i think that running gag helped re-inforce the whole theme this series was going for in terms of separating this iteration of the Turtles from the past iterations and really stepping out and making their own way. that’s the joy of the Rise series, honestly, is how unafraid they are to make their OWN world with these characters without diverging completely from the source material.) And i couldn’t help but feel the stark absence of the typical Rise running jokes/catch phrases/references in the movie. that’s something i love so much about the show: the careful attention to detail in maintaining continuity and continuing/resolving past gags. they literally only said “hot soup!” twice in this movie. and i feel like that’s really, really indicative of the whole vibe of it, honestly. it just lacks the explosive energy that makes the show so great. :(
as for a couple key things i did like:
the animation was obviously gorgeous, just as it is in the main series, too. seriously, rottmnt has forever spoiled me for tv series animation. and i did really like what they did with the Krang! THIS part certainly felt like how the series normally runs—taking a traditional TMNT concept and breathing fresh, new life into it, making it take on a different form so it’s unique to THIS tmnt universe. i love it!!
they went out of their way to devote time to donnie’s softshell! ahhhhhh!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!! (tho i think a majority of donnie’s dialogue was missing a little.... je ne sais quois. the donnie-ness, if you will. his snark often felt either too dry, or not quite witty enough—never in the sweet spot that it’d hit in the show. but maybe im just being nitpicky and other fans didn’t really find a problem with it!)
the escape pods just as a general concept were fucking GREAT. (tho here’s another negative, oops: i feel like donnie’s tech didn’t feature in the movie NEARLY as much as it does in the show, precisely because of how this was trying to still have watch value even for non-Rise fans. i mean, the number of times donnie’s been without a battle shell and just called one to him remotely, and yet somehow that couldn’t happen this time? am i missing something here or.....?)
all in all, it was definitely enjoyable, but i’d say it has MUCH lower re-watch value than the show does for me. i think what’s the most telling, though, is how i teared up and had goose-bumps for the entire final fifteen minutes during the Rise series finale, during the absolutely GORGEOUS Shredder fight scene—which was even better than the final battle in the movie, imo (though the fight scenes in the film still looked fucking amazing). i truly loved the emotional catharsis at the end of the movie, and mikey’s big savior moment was well-executed, too (huge shout out to the movie soundtrack which really helped drive the tension and emotion in critical scenes like this!), but all in all, i guess i’ve just got one thing to say to sum up how i’m feeling:
i never thought i’d prefer leo’s odachi over his katana.
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apothecareful · 2 years
i really don’t know what i’d do if the boyfriend didn’t pass every single animal he’s ever met’s vibe check
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bxxbunniepup · 3 months
*standing in the way of the oven u need to use* 'hey ur oven is preheated' hey thanks man! what would u like me to do with this information except continue to wait?
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dreamties · 8 months
also like honestly soooooo unrelated to my blog but like !!!! i've been taking a beginners improv class at my community college and like????? i think i'm learning a lot that can also be applied to my writing <:O which is soooooo exciting <33333
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comradekatara · 4 months
i know that a lot of people take issue with the fact that pakku only agrees to teach katara because he realizes that she’s the granddaughter of the woman he tried to get with a bajillion years ago, but i actually see that moment of him realizing that kanna left to escape their marriage as a moment of self-reflection from him. like, imagine having to contend with the fact that your rancid vibes drove the love of your life away after having just publicly humiliated her fourteen year old granddaughter who was begat on the literal other side of the earth because how that’s far she went to escape him. sokka gets the moment of realizing “oh, men and woman are ontologically equal in their capacities, and divisions between genders are socially assigned and arbitrary,” but that isn’t really pakku’s deal at all. pakku’s deal is more like, “oh, my unyielding insistence on adhering to and imposing unjust patriarchal traditions actually makes me deeply unpleasant to be around and drives my loved ones away. maybe I should take a fucking chill pill perhaps.”
like, the fact that katara ultimately loses the fight and nothing she actually says or does persuades him is interesting, because it means that his reflection is internal, his moment of revelation not brought about by didactic moralizing, but through taking a long, hard look in the mirror, and realizing that being kind is more important than being right. and that’s why he seems to make an effort to be friendlier and more helpful, more so than making any effort to become a male feminist and fight for women’s rights. sokka, for example, initially has a narrow view of gender because his worldview is limited and then it expands, but pakku, by contrast, is literally a member of the white lotus; he is old and worldly, so he clearly already understands that their tribe’s traditions are not ontologically necessitated, but he nonetheless supports them because they benefit him. it is only when he learns that the love of his love literally escaped their tribe and left behind everything she ever knew just to avoid him that he decides to reevaluate his staunch insistence on clinging to his patriarchal values. and who wouldn’t. i mean, that’s gotta fucking hurt!
i know that katara’s fight against him does feel like a grand feminist moment as she fights for her ideals and her rights as a girl, and to her (and to us as the audience) it certainly does feel that way, but to pakku, his change of heart is one of realizing that he should probably stop being an asshole to every woman he’s ever met while he still has a few good years left. a core motif of katara’s arc is that she cannot actually preach her ideals and simply enlighten every asshole she meets, as much as she’d certainly like to; enlightenment comes from within. and so it is pakku’s regrets that motivate him to be kinder, because it’s never too late to change for the better. and that’s kind of beautiful actually.
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vivanightcity · 11 months
Johnny’s opinions on my trio of dipshits
Were it not for the fact that Didi is a media, I think he’d be the one of them Johnny would actually get along with. Ivan doesn’t like unnecessary human violence, doesn’t agree with the idea of acceptable losses or the way Johnny talks about other humans who want different things. Adiel is a ‘whore who sold their soul to a corp’ cause like, he’s not exactly great around sex workers (at least not in the dialog and shit i’ve seen and experienced, so it tracked to all hell that he’d have some  Shitty Ass opinions about Adiel and its situation).
Meanwhile there’s Didi who uses his in with corporate sponsored news outlets to steal information and works constantly in his off time to undermine by spreading the information they don’t want known, and by introducing people to a side of life and perspective they might otherwise not have known. While gleefully screaming into the night as explosions go off. Who was raised seeing rioting as just another kind of necessary political activism, and isn’t afraid to take risks and put himself on that front line.
Didi is more actively anti-corp than either of the others. Ivan is, too, more so than Adiel despite what Arasaka did to it, but Ivan is also very trash the buildings, trash the tech, don’t hurt the people. Which, in Johnny’s eyes, is a bit of a wet sock zero follow through little bitch approach.
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