#all i write is rarepairs anyway so i don't have to even think about this lol
laugtherhyena · 4 months
Sometimes i remember how long it took for Dra to get a full translation and think, wow, if it had a more speedy english translation back in the day (sorta like the one Sdra2 had) and i had my first experience with the game be as intended i don't think i would be writing -2+2 today
#putting this in tags because idk. my self-conscious bitchass tells me that this may ruin the fic for some people#but.#-2+2 started as a hatamori oneshot#the idea i mean#and then i started going “hey wouldn't it be cool if” and the ideas kept piling and piling#and i was like you know what i should make this a bigger thing#and it became a story focused narrative rather than a ship fic#but in it's core it's still the story i started writing out of thinking about my weird little rarepair and going#I NEED TO SHOW THEM MY VISION‼️‼️#and I get to write them living and being nice to eachother#going back to what i was talking about in the post. if my first impression with Dra had been with the full translated game#rather than learning about it from random Wikipedia pages. biased posts and massive spoilers#i am 99% sure i would be an ayakane shipper#cuz like. c'mon#they have so many moments in canon it's crazy#but nooooooo your girl here had to do a fucking 180 and become attached to hatamori instead#and i MEAN attached because when i got back into the another series last year i lost interest in all the ships i liked back in the day#EXCEPT FOR THEM#THEY'RE STILL MY FAVORITE PAIRING IN THE ANOTHER SERIES#and it's wild to me because at this point i don't even remember why i started shipping them to begin with#anyway. if you went through all these tags and feel disapointed don't worry#-2+2 is never gonna get to a point where they're gonna have a love confession and kiss in the mouth#because i want the focus to be the story and the characters rather than the ship itself#but it's still me writing it at the end of the day#so yeah.#hyena ramblings#dra#dra -2+2#danganronpa another
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cheesybadgers · 3 months
Narcos Fic: Old Habits Die Hard (Chap. 24)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23
Read on AO3
Pairing: Javier Peña x Horacio Carrillo
Words: 3,440
Summary: It's been 15 years since Horacio and Javier brought down Gacha in Tolú, and now they're back where their story began.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY. Brief allusions to period-typical prejudices/politics/legislation, very brief sexual references, smoking, swearing, all the fluff.
Notes: Well....I feel like I should post this with a fanfare or something (just imagine there's one playing), but oh boy, oh man, oh god. I did it. I flipping did it 😭 It's only taken 36 months, copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears, a deranged amount of research, the last shred of my sanity, and probably a fair amount of back/neck pain from sitting at my laptop for too long to get here. But hey, if I don't write a self-indulgent novel-length fix-it fic for a criminally underrated rarepair from a defunct TV show, WHO WILL, I ASK THEE? 😂
I can't fully explain the journey this fic has taken me and my writing on, or the deep love I have in my heart for this ship and the OHDH universe that has lived constantly in my head these last few years. Even when I'm not actively writing, so many things remind me of these two everywhere I go. They got me through the darkest days of the pandemic and somehow became my comfort ship, despite er, certain canon events we don't talk about in this house.
Anyway, I think you've all heard quite enough from me for the time being. So, I will just say thank you so, so, so much to anyone who has read, commented, kudosed, reblogged, liked, sent me messages, made me things, suggested music recs, generally been incredibly supportive and kind ❤��
And thank you to anyone who may stumble across this fic in future. Please never be afraid to leave a comment, even if you're reading several years down the line, I will always love to hear from people about this story.
There will also be some moodboards and playlists posted on my Tumblr at some point (and *maybe* some new - much shorter lol - fics eventually) once I've caught my breath back a bit.
For the final time (unless I randomly think of anything I've forgotten, which is more than likely lol), I’ve also added to my OHDH trivia post to cover this chapter if anyone is interested.
Chapter 24: Suerte (Epilogue)
Early evening rays painted the pastel horizon, their last act of the day transforming the shimmering ocean into an inky palate of fuchsia, violet and saffron, the golden sands at the shore still warm to the touch hours past dusk.
Come the weekend, Colombians would travel far and wide to descend on the many beaches, bars and restaurants that dotted the waterfront. Or if they were feeling adventurous, they would birdwatch, dive off the Islas de San Bernardo, or canoe amongst the mangroves.
But it was mid-week and mid-December – when most locals were at work and school or preparing for Christmas. So, for now, Horacio and Javier had the place to themselves.
There was the added bonus of the coastline turning into a dense forest of palm trees just along from their beach house, civilisation a mile or so away on either side of them, so even at peak times, they remained secluded. It had become a daily ritual to luxuriate in the peace and quiet; a pre-dinner swim with no trunks required followed by entwined limbs and sand in their hair as the sun went down.
Today was no exception, the gentle lapping of the waves around them and their shallow breaths the only sounds to be heard, the taste of salt and scent of sun lotion heavy in the air and on their skin as Horacio rocked into Javier, slow and deep, their chests and foreheads drawn together.
It was almost dark when Javier switched on the shower taps, cascading soothing jets over his head, neck and shoulders. As he soaked his hair, the lights from inside the beach house sprung to life, illuminating the outdoor bathroom with an ambient glow. It was a feature of the premium accommodation they had splashed out on, a rare treat away for a special occasion.
The outside space was a mix of wood, tiles and natural stone for the walls and floors, encased by tall plants and trees for extra privacy. A double shower stood on a platform at the end of a walkway, with a large hot tub branching off in the other direction. On their first night here, they had opted for the tub, surrounding it with candles as a belated ode to Día de las Velitas, lost in each other beneath the bubbles and the stars.
A sturdy embrace enveloped Javier from behind, a position they had found themselves in every morning by the shore before breakfast, looking out to a tranquil sea and a kaleidoscopic sky. The day jobs kept them both on their feet and in good shape, although there was more softness around their stomachs, and Javier was stockier than in his younger years. But his upper body was even broader with muscle now.
He was no gym fiend, but he had accompanied Horacio in some of his strengthening training, wanting to keep his stamina up as much as possible. Not just for the obvious but because he was sometimes required to carry the heavier supplies at work and didn’t want to be shown up in front of his largely youthful team.
It was a welcome development to Horacio, whatever the reason. Not that he ever had any complaints before, but watching Javier blossom as he aged was a wonder to behold. Not to mention, there was more of him to enjoy now.
As for Horacio, aside from the sloping curve of his midriff, he was sheer jaguar strength. Not only in the noticeable places, but his core muscles were in peak condition, the daily horse riding improving his posture and taking him back to the drill commands of his cadet years. His skin was more weathered, and his days of being meticulously cleanly shaven at all times were long gone. But Javier assured him – a lot – the ruggedness was part of the appeal.
Javier wasn’t one to talk either, stubble being a more regular feature alongside his moustache nowadays. But that was mainly due to lack of time in his busy schedule rather than preference, so it wasn’t unheard of for Horacio to do the honours for him. For some reason, Horacio delicately scraping a razor blade across his jaw from the comfort of his lap was far more appealing to Javier than doing it himself in front of the bathroom mirror.
Their hair contained more grey patches, especially around the temples, which was easier to hide when they grew it longer. That wasn’t practical during the sweltering heat of a Texan summer, so they kept it shorter in the hotter months. But in the winter, they could run their fingers through choppy waves and coils of curls to their hearts’ content. And luckily for them, their anniversary fell in December.
“Can you believe it’s been 15 years to the day?” Horacio asked, scattering kisses across Javier’s back.
“This doesn’t even feel like the same fucking place, to be honest.”
“Tell me about it.”
Horacio let out a huff as flashbacks of leading his men on a fleet of raiding crafts towards Gacha’s hideout collided with memories from merely days ago of him and Javier island hopping in a hire boat along the same waters. They had taken a platter of fresh seafood and fruit, exploring the remotest beaches and lagoons, where their only company was the local wildlife.
He could still remember the sensation of the blood at his temple as he lay disorientated on the sand in the aftermath of the explosion, a stark contrast to dozing together under the shade of a palm tree or reading aloud to each other the words of Lorca, Gaitán Durán, Arbeláez, Neruda, Paz, Castellanos and Mistral.
“Although, I did notice signs for the barracks towards Coveñas when we were driving here,” Horacio added with a nostalgic smirk.
“Oh yeah? You didn’t want another night there for old times’ sake?” Javier tilted his head until he found Horacio’s lips with his teeth.
Horacio hummed and put up no resistance, his wet hands sailing with ease down Javier’s body, finding purchase at his hip bones. “It was tempting. But I figured you’d want to make the most of this before Christmas.”
“Damn right.”
They took turns massaging shampoo into each other’s scalps, lathering the suds through thick spirals, tenderly pulling at strands until they purred, thoroughly indulging in the sensation whilst they had the chance. And then they did it all again, rinsing off the soap, floating away on the meditative pressure of the faucet and their fingers.
“We could always see if Alejandra has more spa freebies if it gets too much, though,” Javier suggested through the haze of steam now cocooning them.
“I like your thinking.”
It had been a while since they last used such tickets, their previous visits not dissimilar to how their current vacation was playing out. But despite the chaos that would no doubt ensue, they were looking forward to catching up with Horacio’s side of the family. Between expanding businesses in Texas and Manizales and the oldest half of the brood living and working elsewhere now with the twins staying at home studying, they didn’t get to meet up as much as they would have liked.
However, Elena visited Laredo several times, swapping life stories and recipes with Chucho and joining Horacio and Javier in San Antonio one spring for the Fiesta. Her last holiday outside of Colombia had been before Alejandra and Horacio were born, so she was determined to take advantage of having family abroad before age finally caught up with her. There had even been discussions of a trip to Madrid if Horacio and Javier could arrange cover at work the following year.
“Pops is flying out on the 20th, right?”
“Yes. Marco and Raúl are covering the ranch and animals until your father’s back on the 28th. And Jorge is covering the farm until we’re home from Miami in the New Year.”
No one was keen to leave Luna, Sol and Leo, who had long since retired from ranch duties, but between work and Christmas commitments, Connie taking a full-time job in a different hospital, now Olivia was a teenager going on 30, and the earlier-than-expected arrival of Felipe’s and Juana’s second child – Óscar, a little brother to Claudia – New Year was the only time everyone’s schedules matched up.
These days, Luna, whose main residence was the cottage now, Sol and Leo spent most of their time nestled on furniture or looking for treats in the kitchen whenever food was prepared. However, Luna would sometimes still ride in the back of Horacio’s truck and keep him company in the lower fields.
Kira and Fuego had become old pros, showing their younger siblings, Cielo and Tierra, the ropes, not as replacements to the trio but as a new team with their own quirks and personalities. Thankfully, the dogs and Coco had taken well to the pair of barn cats, Churro and Tamale, who patrolled the outbuildings and dealt with any rodent intruders.
Meanwhile, Chucho showed few signs of slowing down, except one summer when he twisted an ankle, and even that was hard work to get him to rest. But he had been happy to step back from some of his more physically demanding responsibilities in recent years, trusting that the ranch and farm were in capable hands. With their expansion plans a resounding success – plus some new ones up their sleeves – he had become more involved in the business side of the operation alongside Miguel.
And, of course, he was always happy to offer Horacio advice whenever needed. But for the most part, he left him to it since Félix’s retirement, preferring to arrange for the guesthouses to be refurbished or to deliver fresh batches of cooking to aid workers and exhausted arrivals alike on the frontline of the border.
“Bet Jorge was as thrilled about that arrangement as my team.”
“Well, we can always delegate to our deputies whenever necessary. One of the perks of being promoted.”
It had taken Horacio five years under Félix’s watchful eye – and decades of experience – to be granted the title of farm manager. Then, Félix had retired the previous year, satisfied he had picked the right man as his successor and Jorge as deputy.
Horacio still had plenty to learn and likely always would with the constant conveyor belt of change to farming methods and technology that landed on his desk each month. However, there was a sense of familiarity with certain parts of the job, like the meetings, the paperwork, and the budget constraints. Except, this time, it all came without the funerals, the upper echelons of the CNP breathing down his neck, and the crushing weight of a country’s future on his shoulders.
“And a holiday on the Caribbean coast was necessary, was it?” Now that Javier’s hair was free from sand and shampoo, he turned to face Horacio, their lips almost touching.
Horacio nodded sagely and closed the gap. “A critical business need.”
Once dried off, they lay in a hammock in matching white towel robes under the thatched porch of their beach house with a perfect view of the sea, moon and stars.
“So, you like it here?” Horacio asked after a comfortable silence.
“It’s beautiful. I’m glad we came back – to see it how it’s meant to be.”
“Me too. Although, I fear violence will always be a parasite latched onto Colombia. Just when you think it’s gone from one place, it rears its head again in another. Or even the same place twice if you’re unlucky.”
Horacio remembered the stories he had heard from Trujillo in the last couple of years – particularly about Operation Orion. Officially, the incursion on Comuna 13 had been a success by the Colombian military against the likes of FARC. Unofficially, however, there were rumours of a leaked CIA report, disappeared individuals, and collusion between an Army General and none other than Don Berna’s subordinate. It was hard to keep faith that Medellín would ever be free from its past when history had such a predictable habit of repeating itself.
“I know. It feels like one step forward and two steps back in the States, too. Terrorism might be the new bogeyman, but re-branding to ICE and throwing a shitload of money at the DHS hasn’t stopped the drugs and the people finding their way over the border.”
Javier had heard directly from Steve about the shift in his job role since 9/11. Overnight, Steve’s whole department was removed from their current caseloads and signed up for every counter-terrorism and narco-terrorism course under the sun. It was now customary for DEA agents to be redeployed to the FBI as intelligence analysts if resources required. And if their eyes and ears were pulled away from the drug traffickers, it didn’t take a genius to figure out the consequences.
Meanwhile, in Texas, if anything, people only took graver risks in the wake of a beefed-up Border Patrol. Javier had spent a lot of the past year helping to set up new aid teams in Arizona and New Mexico, the inhospitable conditions of the desert not enough of a deterrent to stop families trying their luck or handing over their life savings to coyotes who didn’t care whether they made it across alive.
“But small things can add up to change. Bit by bit,” Javier added. “And at least they can’t arrest us for fucking in our own home anymore.”
“True. Not that the law stopped us before...” Horacio nuzzled against Javier’s neck before making a move to get up.
They may have joked in the here and now, but it wasn’t a change they took for granted. In fact, Luz and Carla had even persuaded Javier to attend a protest or two and pay bond and legal fees for those who had been arrested. After all, he’d had plenty of experience exchanging money for people’s freedom.
When news of the Supreme Court decision spread, it was another weight off their backs and one less reason to look over their shoulders, a chance to permanently put to bed memories of being spied on during such unguarded sacred moments. It was the final line to be drawn under those dark years, not to erase them because that was impossible. But it was, at least, closure.
Their cigarette was almost done, and Horacio had left the opened pack on the kitchen counter. Once retrieved, he took out another and leaned into Javier across the hammock, pressing the tip of his unlit cigarette against the lit one until it sparked.
“But you’re right,” Horacio continued, holding Javier’s gaze between exhaling a plume of smoke. He balanced on the edge of the hammock, just enough to stop it tipping sideways. “Things can change. But only if we want them to.” He perched their new cigarette between his lips as he reached into the pocket of his robe.
Their first cigarette was little more than a stub, so Javier stooped down to the ashtray on the floor to extinguish it. Once he sat up again, a small cubed box was presented into his spare hand.
Javier stared at the black box and blew out remnants of smoke, eyeing Horacio with an unreadable expression, an unspoken question and answer lingering between them and the mist of tobacco.
He prised open the box to reveal a ring of plain silver. Or, so he thought at first glance. But as he raised it towards the moon, the iridescent light caught on the inner band to reveal an inscription.
Suerte que encontré a mi media naranja.
(Lucky that I found my soulmate.)
“Fuck, Horacio…” Javier’s voice was strained, and his words came out as little more than a whisper. He held the ring between his thumb and forefinger, letting the ethereal reflection from above capture each word.
Horacio watched every shift in Javier’s face with bated breath and a dry throat, his limbs lead and weightless all at once.
“The world’s changing around us,” Horacio said at last; swallowing his nerves and summoning his courage. “But no matter what the law or courts say in any state or country, this can mean whatever we want it to mean.”
Javier’s jaw worked back and forth, his teeth clamping down on the inside of his cheeks. But it was no use, and he let out a trembling scoff, an attempt to distract from the shining pupils he finally confronted Horacio with.
And then a broad smile crept across Javier’s features, his palm connecting with Horacio’s cheek before he plucked the cigarette from his fingers and took a drag. “Pass me my jeans.”
It took Horacio a moment to process Javier’s request. Of all the responses he had prepared for – the good and the bad – that hadn’t been on his list, funnily enough. With narrowed eyes and pursed lips, he complied and fetched the jeans that had been flung over a sun lounger when they stripped off to swim earlier. Apparently, regardless of how humid the climate in Tolú became, denim remained a reliable staple of Javier’s wardrobe.
“Check my left pocket.”
Whatever Javier was up to, Horacio was torn between intrigue and irritation at Javier’s temerity to issue orders despite leaving him hanging. But he did as he was told, and in an instant, everything made sense.
“I can always take it back if you’d prefer…”
But Horacio was already opening the near-identical box, and any teasing faded to white noise as he came face-to-face with the gold equivalent of his own proposal.
“Hold it up to the light.”
The night sky was brighter now, making it easier for the inscription to be revealed.
Mi amor, mi vida, mi hogar, mi vaquero. Siempre tuyo.
(My love, my life, my home, my cowboy. Yours always.)
It was Javier’s turn to observe, and it didn’t take long for Horacio to raise a brow in his direction, shooting him a look of feigned exasperation that only came with the territory of a relationship as enduring as theirs.
“What?” Javier said with disingenuous innocence and a vulpine smile.
It was a contagious kind of smile, one that reminded Horacio they were equals in this and that he shouldn’t have been surprised Javier had the same idea.
“I take it my mother showed you her ring?”
“On my first visit to Manizales. It was beautiful. And so’s this.”
“As is this.”
“I like to think I put my own spin on it.”
“You did.”
They sat side-by-side on the hammock, legs facing towards each other with the rings held in their outstretched hands.
Javier’s thumb slid across Horacio’s left palm, tracing patterns over new callouses born from hard labour rather than war. He circled his wrist, waiting for the familiar rhythm but finding a beat that was, unsurprisingly, drumming quicker than usual.
After subduing with his touch, Javier retrieved the gold band, gliding it carefully onto Horacio’s ring finger, easing it over the knuckle until it rested snugly at the base.
They sat transfixed, marvelling at the light dancing across it as Horacio’s thumb ran back and forth over the curved surface in fascination.
Horacio repeated the ritual of mapping Javier’s left hand, lacing their fingers together as a tangible reminder of their bond. Their devotion. Their vow. Their choice. Whether the law honoured it one day or not.
He picked up the silver to his gold, shimmying it along Javier’s ring finger and passing beyond the slight resistance at his knuckle. Not too much force, but firm enough for it to sink perfectly into place.
With palms connected and fingers interlocked, their foreheads met, chests rising and falling in tandem.
“Te amo tanto, Javier.”
“Yo también te amo. Tanto, Horacio. Tanto.” Javier whispered, over and over in Horacio’s ear like a prayer – their prayer – before brushing his lips above Horacio’s brow, the bridge of his nose, both cheeks and down to his mouth, creating their own sign of the cross with each kiss. A new beginning and a welcome home.
They untied their robes and collapsed onto the hammock in a tangle of limbs, silver and gold melding at their chests and hands; their past, present and future as inseparable as their hearts, bodies and souls.
With one smooth motion, Horacio pinned Javier’s arms down into the netting of the hammock, a dark, hungry gaze passing between them as cool metal fused with hot skin.
15 years and several lifetimes may have gone by. But when Horacio had the man he loved, the man who loved him, his media naranja, underneath him, only one word ran through his head. Mine.
Old habits die hard, he supposed.
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continentcakeshop · 1 month
You just don't have enough brains and courage for Roche/Ciri, stupid. strange and senseless is only Roche/Iorweth, because Roche will never fuck or love a nasty terrarist elf. strange and senseless is only Roche/Iorweth, because Roche will never fuck or love the nasty terrarist elf, with whom he is even bored to talk and about whom he does not care. Roche/Ciri at least have similar personalities and interests, and besides, according to the canon, they have the opportunity to communicate… Roche/Ciri are similar in that they are willing to protect the people they care about. Iorwethdoesn't care about anyone and only cares about his own tail. The Roche/Iorveth ship is mostly water without foundation. People love them more because they see them as a typical enemies-to-lovers ship, not caring about the characters' personalities.
The amount of effort this must have taken you to write from whatever hole you crawled into is actually astonishing. Even with all the run on sentences and spelling mistakes, it's partially coherent.
Anyway - no one cares what you have to say anymore Marina. Go write your own fics if you care so much about some imaginary characters. Meanwhile, someone gave me admin privileges and I'm going to use them for evil.
Rarepair time!
No one else cares about this pairing but me, but I think you should read them (absolutely no shade if you don't. Unlike some people, I am firmly in the ship and let ship... boat. That was not an intentional pun but now I have to live with it.)
Arnaghad/Valdo - two characters who have never and will never meet in Canon. Please enjoy.
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ok but rarepair WHO and HOW and tell me nooow
Ok this is the double bonus WIP doc even though only one of the WIPs is about a rarepair. The rarepair is Jonas/Mathieu, which is somewhat un-exciting I think because they are literally NEVER PICTURED TOGETHER and have NO CHEMISTRY. So it's not like a fun rarepair it's a de facto rare pair if you know what I mean. Anyway! The concept is this:
Jonas is on vacation in Benidorm sometime after his season ends. He starts talking to a ripped-looking blonde guy on grindr named Mathieu (yes, he would use his real first name, he obviously has no face pics so it's fine). It's going well, they make plans to meet in Jonas' hotel room.
Right before Mathieu arrives, Jonas checks the group chat and sees a message from Wout about being in Benidorm for a cyclocross race and he's like "oh fuck oh god that's Mathieu van der Poel" and tries to leave but it's too late, he runs into Mathieu in the lobby. Mathieu figures out what's going on, too. They decide it's a good idea to sign NDAs even though they didn't actually hook up, they both saw each other on grindr and their respective teams would think it was for the best. Here's all that:
Tumblr media
Anyway at this point Mathieu is like "well actually what if we did hook up" and I think they do, most of what I want to get out of this fic is
getting Jonas and Mathieu to plausibly hook up, and
Jonas realizing that he's going to have to like, interact with Wout knowing that he fucked Mathieu van der Poel. Wout is straight in this one so he doesn't care in that way but Jonas is like "he's going to be so mad at me" even though I don't actually think Wout would be mad.
and a secret third thing, maybe it ends up being a regular thing and I get to write awkward scenes where Mathieu appears on the bus, at training camp, etc. I just think that would be fun. Even if Wout's not mad about it I still think it would be pretty funny.
So yeah idk I'm kind of stuck on the sex scene with this one because, well, it's a random hook up and it's going to be awkward and I'm also not entirely sure what they're both like in bed yet, but I add onto this a little bit every month so maybe some day it'll make it out of the drafts!
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cryptids · 1 year
I think it's been about like 3-4 years now since I resolved to try and leave a comment on every fic I enjoy enough to read all the way through to the end, and I do pretty much all of them (the few exceptions are always when I'm reading before bed and accidentally fall asleep then forget to do it lmao) So uhhh.... for no particular reason, here are some things I've learned over time? This is just me personally though so ymmv of course.
It becomes a lot easier to think of what to say after you've been doing it for a while. At first I used to really struggle with what to write and putting stuff into words?? But is easy for me now.
The commenting itself also becomes a habit after some time and stops feeling like something that takes significant extra effort. It's just second nature now and really does feel easier.
I only get a response from the authors on maybe like.... 1/5th?? Of the comments I leave. It can be disheartening at first (especially when it's a really long or heartfelt comment that took you ages to write) bc it feels like the writer isn't seeing it and you're just posting into the void lmao. My only advice is just to try not to let it discourage you... I know a lot of writers don't reply bc they're shy or aren't sure what to say, or they intend to and forget, or they just haven't checked that account in years. Tbh I just figured there's no way to know if my comment will be seen, but it's worth leaving them anyway bc the times they are appreciated always makes up for it like tenfold.
If you can't think of much to say or don't have the energy, simple stuff like "I loved this" or even just some heart emojis still seem to be appreciated in my experience.
Please don't feel too embarassed to leave comments on super old fics!! I've commented on some fics from 10+ years ago, and gotten delighted responses from their authors who were super happy to know people still enjoyed them.
Please don't feel embarassed to be the first commenter on a fic either. This could just be bc I'm always in rarepair hell but I can't even tell you how many fics I'm the singular comment under, even ones that have a lot of kudos and bookmarks. I promise its not weird to be the only person in a comment section, and yours might encourage others.
Making an account makes things quicker and easier than having to put your info in for anon comments each time. I have an empty ao3 account I use only for commenting and bookmarking, I recommend that for anyone else like me who is not a writer themselves.
I'm not bothering with "don't comment rude or entitled things" type of points or "how to write/structure a comment" bc there's already a lot of posts like that from fic writers, this is just some things from the pov of a regular commenter that I learned through my experience.
I think my final thing worth saying is that if you have any anxiety issues with feeling self conscious like I do, you might worry a lot that you're "being annoying" by leaving comments (especially if you end up leaving multiple by commenting on different chapters). But I've expressed this worry to a number of writers over the years and all of them have told me that its actually the opposite to annoying and they love it. So please let their words reassure you as well gsjshdjs
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sagegarnish · 10 months
I DO understand the frustration of having a rarepair, of seeing a ship and dynamic you think is SO GOOD and "why can't other people see it?" Some of my ships only have two fanfics and then one of them is MINE. But the "solution" is not to yell at people for not making other fanworks. If someone told you YOUR ship was shitty, and that you should write this other pair instead, would that make you want to write it? Probably not, right? It's the same for other people, even if you haven't figured that out. OTHER PEOPLE ALSO DO NOT LIKE THAT.
"How did THAT pair get so many fics? That's fucked up, when OTHER PAIR is right there!!"
The secret: Positivity.
Fandom communities where people are positive and encourage others are the best soil to grow in. Big Bangs, Fic Fests, Pairing Weeks, art/fic trades...and a general sense of welcoming to newcomers and multishippers. That is how you get the big numbers. If every time someone sees your ship on their TL and they associate it with a sense of negativity, and dread, that's NOT GOOD. Be an evangelist for your ship! When you post about your ship, pretend you're making a pitch for why it's good, not why OTHER ships are bad.
Think about reasons why you ship something. Talk about those reasons! No one is out there shipping characters "because the other pair sucks". Keep in mind that many of the most popular ships are that popular because the already experienced and prolific fic and art creators found it and said "Oh wow this is great, I gotta do something for this ship!" The goal is to draw EVERYONE IN, to welcome people.
Many of the ships that people complain about "not having much content" are the same ones where the negative posts about that topic is often all people see. They witness the complaints and bad behavior first. Many people think "Wow, that ship fandom is full of mean people, and they kinda scare me, so I'm not going to make anything."
I hope this was not too lecturey, because I see the real true emotion behind the complaints. It SUCKS when you can't find fics/art of a pairing! It can feel very alone and frustrating! I know that's why there's so much negativity.
But the negativity only increases the problem.
Anyway, next time you feel annoyed or frustrated by the lack of fanworks or attention for a genre or pair or dynamic, try organizing an event. Start small! Maybe just your own mutuals. Or go big! But don't police what other ships those people enjoy.
And most of all, be kind.
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nogenrealldrama · 5 months
Hi! Love the excerpts of your work that you've shared here. Do you have any advice for someone just starting to dip their toes into writing? Fanfic, or just generally? Thanks! :)
First of all thank you for reading and I'm so, so happy you liked my snippets :D
Second of all: Ummm giant disclaimer that I have almost nothing actually published to my name, so altogether I also consider myself a new writer. But I love to rant about writing anyway so here goes:
Don't listen too much to writing advice. When I first tried writing, I would spend way too much time on writing advice blogs. Many of them aren't that good, to be quite honest. And even for the good ones, there is such a thing as right advice given at the wrong time, or at the wrong place in your writing journey. If you're an overthinker, reading too much advice can make you start worrying about small things, and/or not have the confidence to try something wild but important on your own. Frankly, all it really comes down to is: 1) Having a vision, 2) Writing the vision down, 3) Noticing the ways your writing falls short of the vision, and 4) Tweaking things until they reach the level of imperfection you can personally live with. For me, writing advice is best searched for to apply to the specific issues I have in Steps 3 and 4. I apply any advice only in so far as it helps me get closer to the vision in my head. putting the rest under a cut because it got long - sorry!
2. Be uncompromising about writing things that bring you joy.
Kind of similar to #1, but it's doubly important when you're really just starting out. Or when you've been writing a while but always find it hard to begin. Double that importance again when what you're writing is fanfiction, because then you really have no genre definitions or deadlines or publishers or any other actual reason to compromise your vision. You already have some amazing ideas, and for each idea there is probably a feeling or a vibe or a message that you want to capture. Give yourself time to get lost in that feeling, to really indulge in it. And then write it down in its full glory, even the parts that might make you cringe a little from how dramatic or vulnerable they are. If there is a way to make your story more indulgent, do it. Because it will keep you writing. And if you really think it's too much, you can always edit stuff out before publication. You know, after you've actually written the story down. The thing that made me start writing in the first place was a giant longfic/possibly trilogy Canon Divergence rarepair plot idea that is still not finished, and on paper that's pretty much the last thing one should start their writing journey with. But if I stopped myself from writing that in favour of forcing out some oneshots, I never would've written anything at all. Give yourself permission to write exactly and only the ideas that make you excited to write.
3. Bonus advice that might or might not be useful to you, but it was ground-breaking in helping me write the way I want to write - in this excellent post, @little-hermit-crab56 makes a point that dialogue is a dance. I'd take it further/in a slightly different direction and say that storytelling as a whole is a dance. Juts like a dance, dialogue feels most dynamic when you allow it to go back and forth a little, to have short breaks and pauses here and there. I think the same can apply to an action sequence, or a bit of internal monologue, or an emotional trajectory of a whole scene. Just like a dance, it's less about the exact movements (e.g. describing precisely what happens in an action scene) and more about the rhythm of the back and forth (e.g. describing just enough to let the reader know that the protagonist is winning, but then - oh no! - the villain has the upper hand, but then the protagonist gets lucky and they're winning again). I swear that with enough skill to set up the right back-and-forth, even a character tying their shoelaces for a page and a half will feel dynamic. You can alter that rhythm, make it faster or slower, more dominated by "ups" or "downs", but even a little contrast can elevate a plot beat or an emotion more than I had initially thought possible. Of course, there is no need to simplify the "ups" to being good and "downs" to being bad - the back and the forth can both be morally grey or both similarly convenient/inconvenient to the protagonist. They just need to be meaningfully different. You can zoom this out even more and apply the back-and-forth to character arcs, or dynamics between characters, or entire plots. (The three act plot structure is, IMO, simply a choreography for a satisfying back-and-forth). In a longer work, you can have many "dancers" doing their own back-and-forth simultaneously, at multiple levels of the story structure. In a oneshot, you can have one or several backs-and-forths distilled to the most dramatic steps of the dance. In my experience, the whole thing gets quite addictive once you start seeing it.
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ayaitch · 3 months
So, I was thinking that I never use this space to talk about my fanfics. Other fanfic writers go on about their stories and they look like they're having so much fun. I wanted to try it out, even though I mostly cater to an unpopular rarepair, so can't expect a lot of engagement with my stuff. But I'll talk about my WIPs anyway.
Walk Unafraid - My oldest and saddest WIP that haunts me daily. An Ikkotah/Chekkatah origin story. I was raised on too many Disney movies though where as soon as they confess their love and kiss, that's the end of the story. So as soon as they confessed their feelings and kissed, my brain decided that was the end. But it is not supposed to be the end! I have loose ends that need to be tied up and a resolution to reach.
Unnamed WIP for Ikkotah and Chekkatah origin story - Yes, another of my favorite pairing. But this time, they start off as rivals! I had a thought that maybe Chekkatah was kind of in a Kotallo position at one point. Brought in by Tekotteh and mentored like a son (though they are basically the same age, I'm still thinking about how this works), and Chekkatah being very full of himself because of it. Ikkotah, from podunk, backwater Cliffwatch, is unimpressed, and always assuming the worst about Chekkatah's behavior. As I write it, it's very Pride & Prejudice-y.... For better or worse.
Lothrats in the Walls (Working Title) - This is predominantly a Kalluzeb get-together fic, but in an eldritch horror setting. I don't know if I can pull off horror, as much as I love reading it. Zeb, Kallus, Kanan, and Ezra go exploring in some ancient pre-Jedi Order Jedi ruins on a deserted planet/moon/something. I'm not very well-read on the old ways of Star Wars lore, so a lot of this is just fun ideas from my head that I'm dabbling in.
These are the only serious WIPs I have at the moment. I have three non-serious ones: Ikkotah and Aratak romance pre-Nemesis; a part 2 of an earlier Kalluzeb fic (Fulcrum Kallus and Zeb interacting on small adventures); and a mini Ikkotah and Chekkatah adventure after Chekkatah has become a Marshal. I have technically one more WIP, but is very unseriously being worked on, which is very outside my usual fandoms.
I love all these ideas, but I'm just stuck in a rut, feeling like my imagination has failed me. Anyway, this was kind of fun, getting my thoughts out in the open.
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amemenojaku · 3 months
Askgame 001: Seija/Shinmyoumaru
When I started shipping it if I did: Right when the full version of DDC came out, so... more than 10 years ago... It's hard to believe it's been a full decade LOL
My thoughts: They've been my favorite touhou pairing ever since then so I have a lot of thoughts, but in general I think they're one of the most interesting relationships in the series (and ZUN's favorite in DDC apparently >:3), whether it's interpreted as romantic or not. That being said, there's clearly some kind of affection or attachment in canon given how much they've interacted and how they stuck together in the end despite how things started, and that makes me really happy. I love the push and pull, the "we're partners in crime and then I turn on you and then we're together again etc" of it all... It's just really really good.
The other day I was talking with a friend about the amount of canon content they got for a duo that isn't made of main or recurring characters, and it's actually... a lot... A lot more than I would've believed 10 years ago at least!!
Things done in fanworks that annoy me: I'm not super vocal about it because I did it too back in the day, when there wasn't much to work with besides DDC's basic plot, but with everything we got now I have a hard time enjoying works where Shinmyoumaru's just a poor victim of Seija's lies and nothing else. Or the other way around where there wasn't any conflict and manipulation at all, although that's much more rare lol (but I've seen it)...
Things I look for in fanworks: The main appeal to me nowadays is how they change one another in a way that just wouldn't happen in their interactions with other characters, so I'm very fond of works where her meeting with Seija allowed Shinmyoumaru to finally know freedom, or how Seija somehow both mellows and gets worse when Shinmyoumaru's around, etc. Something else I love to see is pre-DDC works where Shinmyoumaru is aware of Seija's lies but rolls with it anyway. I think it goes well with the previous thing of Shinmyoumaru finally getting to live the life she wanted; she gains something from being a pawn anyway, so why would she care?
Also I am a very simple person and seeing Shinmyoumaru sitting on Seija's shoulder or Seija holding her in her hands (and being gentle as she does so, unconsciously) is always the best to me and I hope people continue drawing/writing that. I eat it up
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Realistically, no one lol. I love what happens when you add Reimu to the equation (and Marisa for even more of a mess), and Reimu/Seija is by far my favorite rarepair, but I don't think any of it would work the way seishin could work (with all its ups and downs, but work nonetheless)...
My prefered future/ending for them: I think they should stay the way they are forever :] I'm serious I think it's already perfect the way it is, with the push and pull and sometimes they fall down and they get back together and they annoy everyone in the process etc. I do think Seija's gonna outlive Shinmyoumaru eventually but that part isn't something I enjoy thinking about, as opposed to other pairs where it's a big aspect of it.
What is their favorite activity together: Going places they haven't seen before (mostly for Shinmyoumaru, I think Seija's been around long enough to know most of Gensokyo), and just moving outdoors in general. There's no way either of them can sit still inside for a while without going nuts. And there's more people to bother outside anyway!! I love pictures of Shinmyoumaru exploring nature and I think Seija who spends most of her time outdoors anyway would appreciate the company, regardless of what she says about it.
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gaffney · 4 months
totally stealing this from you but i am very curious: what are your top 3 julie rarepairs?
ok so after a lot of filtering (why is there fast and furious fic in the julie tag???), i've deduced that the top 3 most popular julie pairings on ao3 are adam/julie, connie/julie, and dean/julie, so i'm considering everything else is a rarepair!!
charlie/julie. i just love how comfortable these two are with each other ever!! like charlie was hanging off of her basically 5 seconds after they met, or him catching julie in a hug after she caught the puck. also this deleted scene in d3 where he's got an arm around her and fulton. she's very relaxed around him and is usually near his side in bg scenes. i also really like that moment in d3 where charlie ices the puck because he realizes julie's having a hard time, and then skates over to tell her 'way to hang tough'. RESPECT. VALIDATION. two things i really wish they'd given to julie more. i don't remember anyone else complimenting julie's skills and i love that charlie looks out for her. (i mean the writers even made her starting 1st all about goldberg's feelings. hell, julie ended up complimenting goldberg even though he basically poisoned her... blergh). we don't really get to see what type of people julie is attracted to aside from scooter who was kinda a snake, but i def think charlie has a thing for headstrong people who speak their minds (hi linda) and julie fits that description. and considering julie actually shares charlie's main interest with him (hockey), it's easy to imagine them together. anyway self-promo but read my charlie/julie fic rose-colored boy bc it is canon TO ME.
guy/julie. SO ADMITTEDLY, i do only ship this if they're poly with connie because i think they would work super well as a trio, but like, d3 made me go 👀 because it felt like (contrary to the popular belief of connie & julie being besties) guy got julie in the divorce. like they were constantly together?? but yeah, honestly, my reason for this is simply that i think guy is a sweet dude (who likes his partners to be able to destroy him) and julie deserves to be doted on and also they are both in love with connie so obviously they are also in love with each other.
julie/tammy. considering they haven't even met i literally have no reason other than tammy's "PEOPLE!" vs julie's "AND GIRLS!" lines. BUT LIKE IMAGINE. i think they would butt heads over how similar they are but then realize they'd work great together and kiss. that's it that's the fic. i will write it one day...
i think there's a case to be made for julie/russ but i mostly view them as gossip-y besties. i would however read it if anyone else wrote it...
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itookyoudown · 3 months
hey bestie its me here.
apologies if you’ve answered this before and ive missed it but i must know. whats your favorite fic that YOUVE written? what work are you most proud of? i have to make sure its on my roster if it hasnt been read already.
- xx your freak wynn duffy gal who patiently hopes to see him in a fic someday <3
my bestie my justie this is so nice what the hell thank you.
i haven't answered this before in fact i don't think anyone has ever asked me this! oh boy how exciting.
so i'd say my favorite is some object of desire (worthy of being held down)
it's a gift fic for my co-captain beloved and one of my dearest friends @sublightsleeper. bless kerri for being so understanding and gracious and loving this fic even though it's been a WIP for a long time. it'll be finished someday. i have sooo much written for it, it's just taken forever to write because i won't update it until i'm pleased with the results.
this fic has everything i love. it was born from me and kerri's chatter so it's very special to me. i'm very proud of creating this when the ot3 was pretty much dead in the fandom. i'm not going to be humble about that, me and kerri nurtured this rare pairing by the skin of our teeth.
this fic has my most beloved ot3, an indulgent scene with a lot of inward thinking and feeling and reminiscing, long conversations, plenty of metaphors and tricksy use of language to convey emotions. it has the stormy Raylan & Boyd dynamic that i feel is so integral to their characters. jealous Raylan and Raylan being sweeter on Tim than he is on Boyd because Raylan does play favorites. a reticent and more careful Tim. it's just !!!
it's a christmas fic without being All About Christmas which is my favorite type of christmas stuff :)
it also is gonna have some killer smut when i get to that point in the story hehe.
anyways yeah! this is my fic i'm most proud of both on a technical skill level combined with its place in the history of this rarepair along with my personal fondness of it because it was born from my love and appreciation and respect for me and kerri's friendship.
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canayams-art · 8 months
yesyes i do think after lqq gets that shock out of his system first, he would want to confront mq about him and hear his side and an explanation. i don't believe lqq knowing that would put an irreparable dent into their relationship because at the end of the day, that suggestion never went through and mq never pursued to destroy yong'an after the war.
and OH MY GOD the way you put mq's side of the story here is soo true because i don't think he would focus too much on the one suggestion to end the war that never went through until it was brought up and threatened to ruin a relationship with someone he genuinely began to care for. because at the end, it was more of a desperate way to end the war that is being dragged on than any real malice towards yong'an. and i do think after both thinking about it himself and hearing what mq has to say on the matter, lqq would understand that as well.
the two of them healing together and learning to let go of the past pains regarding their kingdoms history 🥹 they make me so soft
this is tickling the very specific side of my brain as well and oh my god i genuinely hope i will have time to maybe turn this into a fic at some point because i absolutely ADOREE getting new rarepairs into my collection and this one is ticking almost all of the boxes at this point jsjsjsjdjdjd if i do end up writing something for them i will make sure to let you know dwdw
and mq getting the friendship he never believed he could have from xl in lqq is making me bawl, especially because there is less of an obvious power imbalance between them, since they would obviously start off as more or less of equals when they meet. which would make mq both more open with lqq in a way he never could be with xl
im curious tho, how do you think the rest of the heavens would see their relationship? because im sure there would be side comments about mq probably wanting to "serve another prince" and such thrown around :"))
Shaking your hands shaking your hands !!!
It really is making me think about the perspective immortality gives to a person when they’re able to be so far away from events of their own life because those events were maybe one or two (or more) lifetimes ago. Would a god be more forgiving than a man? It’s a fun space to play in.
AND YEAH SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR AN EARNEST FRIENDSHIP ! Something mq lacks and lqq can so easily offer! I always think about the fact that lqq answers any private communication he receives regardless of the person’s status— he’s easy to talk to and I feel like he’s generally well liked among the other gods, even if they also think he’s naive. And maybe mq also thinks that way about him. Maybe that changes the more he gets to know lqq— similar to how he felt with xl. But like you said— less power imbalance!
I feel like the other gods would be confused to see mq making a genuine attempt at friendship with lqq— Tai Hua doesn’t seem like the type of person he would want to associate with. And he’s not even making snippy quips at him! His scoldings about how lqq is too lenient with his duties and too carefree don’t have the same cutting bite that the gods are used to seeing when mq engages with fx, for example, or even when he decides to lurk in the group communication arrays. I could see it raising eyebrows for sure.
And that’s not to say mq wouldn’t make remarks at lqq but I think lqq would probably brush them off unless they called into question his own moral standings. They feel like they would be able to tease and banter comfortably, even if mq is the main source of teasing and lqq is the main source of banter.
Anyway, circling back to the gods seeing this happen,,,, I do think the ones most likely to tease mq about finding another prince to serve would be the same gods Hua Cheng dueled and destroyed— mq seems pretty well-respected by most of the gods, even if he’s not liked by them. The gods he helped during xl’s first banishment seem like the types who would easily judge and comment. But once they’re gone I feel like maybe mq would feel a pressure come off of him. They got what they had coming in mq’s mind— they were vane fools for accepting hc’s terms. Their opinions of mq don’t affect him anymore.
On the other hand it feels like the aggressions would all be pointed at mq more than lqq cos lqq’s reaction— I assume— would be a straightforward confrontation that kicks up a stink among the gods. We’ve all seen how he acted in court when xl’s identity was revealed to him, and while this doesn’t feel as weighty as that situation, I don’t think lqq would stand to hear the way the gods talk about mq— whether he’s mad about mq’s war strategies or not. He WILL make it into something if he ever catches wind of the gossip. Mq wouldn’t roll over and take any of it either, but his way of fighting back isn’t as loud as lqq’s would be. Mq works behind the scenes while lqq takes to the stage lol
If you ever decide to write something for any of this please know you would have my life in the palm of your hands. I will never be the same. Lives will be changed !
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cookies-over-yonder · 5 months
Sorry to crawl in here but dude. Loaded up your fics bc I've been meaning to read some and wow. WOW. I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HORRIFICALLY SAD AND THEN GIDDY SO FAST?? absolutely in love with I Just Want You For My Own + i don't know how to say this, 'cause you're really my dearest friend, but Accommodate and Masked Weakling also had me punching the wall /pos /lh
How's it feel to write peak? /lh
HI DAJOSAJAKADNSF. I THINK I SAW YOU COMMENT ON ONE OF MY FICS TOO AND AJSLAKSKQKSKADKS. HI.HI . fun fact i actually really admire you and your art so i am extremely flustered right now HXUCUDOFIUUVOCV
literally i dont know how to say this cuz ur rlly my dearest friend is like. still one of my faves of all time its the fic that kinda made everyone notice me jn th fandom JAJAHAHAJSBAHAHABAGA AND RHE FIC THAT CONVERTED MORE PEOPLE TO SWIFTLI WOOHOOOO. also for the xmas fic YEAH. I LOVE. MAKING TAYLOR CATCH ON FIRE FROM INTENSE EMOTIONS HDKDLAKLAJSAJSHAJS!!!!!!!
accommodate was very much extrwmely self indulgent as myself who is disabled cuz i think taylor deserves help with things !!!!!! and idk i just like. nonsexual intimacy like helping people put on clothes and such
masked weakling was also because i. i love taylor and erica. it's my secret rarepair....
also. i have like. 52 dndads fics now??? on ao3??? and i've also taken up nearly half of the swiftli tag on ao3 as a whole . whoa .
YOU HTINK I WRITE PEAK ?$)02938933!)1)1$;_0&03!&)$0&0#)#9#0')$+9:9:9$)'
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nottoofondofgaypeople · 5 months
make an unnecessarily long post about vylad :3
Ohhhh boy a Vylad rewrite post, huh?
Vylad is honestly the character I have struggled the most with when conceptualizing when coming up with ideas for this rewrite. In my brain the main timeline MCD Vylad is aro/ace, so I never think about him in the kinds of situations characters are going to end up in.
I think for the sake of this rewrite Vylad is definitely demi both romantic, sexual, and gender. What demi gender? Good question!
Vylad needs an emotional connection with someone in order to feel attraction to them, but forming an emotional bond with Vylad is pretty difficult. In the entirety of this rewrite I think three people end up getting this, and those people are Agnes, Laurance, and Zenix but in a bad way. And two of those people end up dating his brother, and the other one goes a little insane. So Vylad is just not doing great in the dating pool.
Luckily Vylad is a lot more open to talking to people in this rewrite. Once the 15 year gap has passed, they've spent so long without anyone to really talk to that Vylad is a lot more open to communication. Agnes especially gets on his case for this, forcing Vylad to interact with people more because she will not have her baby brother that's older than her and not even her brother be so stand offish.
All my musician head canons I talked about in this post and it's follow up on my main are all canon to this story. Vylad doesn't do conversations the best, but he is able to become total besties with Aaron and Travis around the fire and kind of third wheels as Aaron and Travis are having their homosexual tension, but they don't mind that much. Vylad has always loved just observing people as they exist and do their stupid human shit, watching two dumb dorks fall in love while looking longingly at one another's hands on an instrument is Vylad's soap opera.
If popcorn existed in Ru'aun, Vylad would be addicted to it. I don't know why but this is a headcanon I will fight to the death about now, MCD Vylad would absolutely adore popcorn.
Just thought about MCD Vylad in a dress. Not something too showy, a dress that fully covers their body and is like a dark green maybe, definitely a custom order from Cadenza but one that she is happy to fill. Wait do Vylad and Cadenza even talk in the entirety of mcd?? Well they do in this rewrite because Vylad is way too shy to ask someone else to do it for them. But Cadenza is completely chill about the whole ordeal, asks the standard amount of questions, and when she's getting measurements she checks in with Vylad constantly to make sure he isn't uncomfortable.
And when Cadenza finishes it she just drops it off at Vylad's house. Vylad has a dress now :)
I don't want to ask too much but please if there are any artists that have somehow read this far I need this 🙏🏻
I think Vylad and Cadenza would have a great friendship. She's just so fucking chill despite being wound up as a lord. Vylad may not get it in the sense of being a lord, but he grew up with Garroth as an older brother and literally helped guide Agnes on the path to being a lord, so he understands it's trials and tribulations very well. I want to write a scene of these two getting high and just talking about literally whatever, maybe they make fun of Laurance, or Vylad opens up about what it feels like to be a Shadow Knight because Cadenza has a Shadow Knight as a guard and one as a brother, she fuckin gets it.
I-Is this a new rarepair? I mean, if I take it down that route we do have to acknowledge that Vylad is lowkey rebounding from Laurance to Laurance's sister which... I mean, given Vylad's track record with romance, that completely tracks. Gods even when I let him feel romantic and sexual things they're so bad at it!
Uhh, anyways, I think Vylad's favorite color is a pale green. The color of his mothers eyes because Vylad is such a mama's boy oh my Irene I will never shut up about this! I always headcanon that his scarf was made by his mom, and that's part of why Vylad is so attached to it.
Just had the thought of Vylad and Agnes singing a duet together :)
Vylad is still really shy about their singing voice and panics at the thought of singing in front of others, but they feel calm enough around Agnes that he doesn't mind if it's just the two of them. Don't know what they'd sing. Maybe Wolves of the Revolution as a trio with Garroth. Oh that's eating my brain alive right now.
I think as a teenager Vylad was really unsupervised, so they spent a lot of time just figuring out how to sneak around their estate. He made new secret passages just because he wanted to fuck with Garroth and Zane. I think Vylad was a total prankster, but both of his brothers got sick of it pretty quickly, and their reactions weren't funny anymore.
Give Vylad more chaotic energy when the alliance island is built and operational. Nothing malicious, but sometimes Vylad will just climb in through your window, grab an apple off the counter, give you a wave and then dip out. I want Vylad to disappear for like two and a half months, come back with no explanation and then hand Agnes some ancient artifact that he "just found while exploring." Vylad is the king of not elaborating. He loves hearing people's guesses, but never confirms or denies how accurate they are.
Garroth's guesses are always the closest to being accurate, but he still doesn't entirely understand the person his brother has become. I think Vylad being older than Garroth would be really weird for both of them. Like in Garroth's brain Vylad is younger little small baby brother, but Vylad is a smart ass who always has to correct him and remind Garroth that they're technically older than he is. This is thanks to both Nether time dilation, and Irene Dimension time dilation! The divine really just like fucking with time.
I think I want an entire episode of just Vylad and Hyria talking over tea. I always imagined Hyria being akin to a mother to Vylad as both of them sort of leaned on one another and used each other to cope with the losses in their lives. And Vylad still makes visits every now and then to the enchanted forest to visit Hyria and have a chat with her. I think it'd be neat.
Even funnier if Lucinda shows up to ask Hyria about a witchcraft thing and she just stares at Vylad like "When did you become friends with my mom?" "Before I met you."
One time while Vylad and Travis were practicing a song alone Vylad set down his ocarina, looked Travis in the eye and said "I've explored the entirety of Gal'ruk. No one will ever believe you." The only person who does is Laurance, but he still makes fun of Travis.
Vylad is just a chaotic confusing freak!! I love him!!!
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hihimissamericanbi · 5 months
For your wip tag game and I'm very intrigued by #10 🤩 - the pairing? Hmmmmm flip a coin between wolfstar and drarry ♡
Hello, gorgeous anon!!
I answered number 10 here with rarepair rosekiller x lily. let's see how this looks with wolfstar, first war era. CW: war-typical trauma, deaths, grittiness, etc. once again i got lost in the lead-up sauce and the smut is more of an idea/some sexy lines :') happy ending tho (heh)
Ok i never write canon/first war wolfstar it's too depressing. BUT i think it gives us lots of delicious tension to have everything in the world so fucked up they stop caring about the consequences of outing themselves to each other (period-typical homophobia), or what would happen to their friendship, if one of them finally made a move.
We are deep into the war years. Lily and James have already gone into hiding. Neither remus nor sirius are home very often in their shared flat. They barely speak to each other these days.
benji has just been found in pieces.
You'd think by now they'd be used to it. the shock, another one of their friends gone in an instant. death surrounds them every day; they can't get more familiar with it. it's the air they breathe, it's the song in their heads that rocks them to sleep each night in their cold, separate beds.
yet here they are, well on their way to getting pissed on cheap firewhiskey, sitting on the floor of their small living room and not looking at each other.
not speaking to each other.
what words could they possibly say that they haven't each thought a million times over, like tickertape running nonstop behind their eyes. A litany of saints. Well, martyrs, at least.
They stopped believing they were saints a long time ago.
"fuck it." Sirius spits, his face cracking into some version of his old smile. he looks terrifying. Remus still thinks he's beautiful. "Truth or dare, moony mine?"
Remus nearly chokes on his firewhiskey. "i'm sorry?"
"what, you got something better to do?" Sirius grabs the bottle from Remus' hand, takes a swig. "truth or fucking dare."
"come on padfoot, i'm tired---"
"you're always tired"
"i just don't want to"
"you never want anything, anymore." and what sirius means, in a very small voice in the back of his head: you never want me anymore.
And despite everything, Remus still speaks fluent Padfoot.
"What kind of dares could we possible do anyway?---"
"Oh, I'm sure i can think of something" Sirius interjects.
"---we are stuck here, no where to go, very little magic we can do without giving ourselves away---"
Sirius cuts him off again. "Truth or dare, moony."
Remus grabs the bottle, glaring, utterly miserable but beneath that, a spark of something. nervousness?
"Dare you to finish the bottle."
"If i do that we won't have any more to drink," Remus argues.
"Fair point. Dare you anyway."
"Fine." Remus finishes the last of the bottle, a good 3-4 shots worth of alcohol. He's not sure what the point of that was; Sirius isn't that drunk yet and honestly, his own werewolf metabolism can handle a lot more than this. This much alcohol will only just now start to hit him. Said metabolism makes your usual pain potions practically useless, unless he drinks the whole fucking flask, and at 10 galleons an ounce---
He stops that train of thought. He's been there too many times today alone. "Truth or dare," he says instead, and he finds he actually does feel a little more relaxed, a little more open, with the extra alcohol after all.
Sirius looks him in the eye. "truth."
If remus is shocked Sirius Take-the-Dare Black has picked truth, he doesn't show it, just holds the eye contact. "why don't you tell me anything anymore?"
Sirius answers immediately. "to keep you safe. Would you like truth or dare, Remus?"
Remus doesn't have time to even register he's saying it before his mouth opens automatically and "truth" comes out.
"Why don't you tell me anything anymore?"
And like before, Remus is answering before the thoughts even form in his head. "I'm scared. i'm scared i'm bad, i'll get you killed, i'll get you all killed, james and lily and harry and peter. we'll be next. and if i keep myself away from you, it's like, it's like i can protect you, or more, i can protect the idea of you. i could bear a lot but what i can't bear is losing who i thought you were." His mouth hangs open. a knot forms in his brow. "Sirius--"
"Ask me." Sirius' gaze is firm. unyielding. "Truth or dare."
Remus shakes his head, disoriented. "Sirius---" he tries again.
"Ask me." He shuffles up onto his knees, leans towards remus on all fours. A dog with a bone. "What do you really want to ask me, Remus?"
"Are you the spy?"
The answer is out of Sirius' mouth before Remus is even done asking.
"No. Are you the spy?"
Likewise, Remus' answer is immediate. "No."
and both their breaths are coming fast and shallow, and their hearts are roaring in their ears, and they just want to not be in their own heads for two goddamn seconds, and, well, Sirius was always the brave one---
"Do you want to kiss me?"
"Yes." Remus breathes. Just like that. 10 years of hiding this secret, from himself as well as everyone around him, and he gives it up. Just because Sirius Black asks.
Sirius' lip curls in triumph. He crawls closer, predator locking on his prey, and it's too hot and Remus is dizzy.
"Dare you," he whispers across his lips.
Sirius may be brave, but Remus has a kind of willpower that only comes with facing down the moon month after month.
Remus doesn't move to close the gap, but he doesn't move away either. Holds perfectly still, controlled, and the roles are reversed and the wolf is in charge and he's closing in on the dog--
"Not until you tell me, too."
---making him submit---
"Do you want want me the way i want you, Sirius Orion Black?"
Sirius' enthusiastic "yes" is more or less silent, as it's given to the press of Remus' lips.
They are going to take turns asking each other "do you want xyz?" and the other will say yes and then the other will say "dare you."
"Do you want to touch me?"
"Dare you."
"Do you want to take off my shirt?"
"Dare you."
"Do you want to put me on my back?" -"yes"- "open my legs?" -"yes"- undo my belt, pull down my fly? -"yes"- "reach your hand down my pants, touch my cock?" -"yes, yes"--
A beat, locked eyes, panting chests, kiss-swollen lips.
"Then I fucking dare you, Remus Lupin."
They take each other right there on the carpet, ten years' worth of hurt and love spilling out all over and inside of them.
And in Sirius' bedroom, tucked away where he keep his now-empty stash of alcohol--- an empty bottle of veritiserum.
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kholran · 6 days
twenty questions for fic writers!
tagged by @lucientelrunya Thank you friend!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
DMBJ right now, but in the past I have written for The Hobbit movies and Les Mis. I've written half a Weilan fic for Guardian but...
4. top five fics by kudos
I Will Go Now to My Pyre (DMBJ, RiSang, 262) And Here My Troubles Begin (The Hobbit, Barduil, 256) When the Stars Align (The Hobbit, Barduil, 220) I Get By (DMBJ, Gen/Liu Sang-centric, 215) Skin Deep (The Hobbit, Barduil, 205)
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes one or two falls through the cracks when I don't have the spoons to respond right away, but I do try and at least acknowledge them even if it's been ages.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a little ficlet I wrote here on Tumblr and never put on AO3, in which one of the characters is revealed to have been dead the whole time. Usually I'm not about the super depressing endings though, just about everything else at least ends on a hopeful note, if not a resolved one.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think most of my RiSang fics end on a happy note, especially the one-shots and the exchange fics. Love Light, Ordinary World, ADHAU, Wild Fire, Last to Know...I think they're pretty equally happy?
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not really, but I did get one bizarre comment on a fic where the commenter presumed to predict where the plot was going and then comment on how much they didn't like when things like that happened? Except it wasn't a fully published fic yet and the actual ending was...nothing at all like they predicted.
9. do you write smut?
I sure do.
10. craziest crossover?
I don't think I've ever actually written a crossover. Crazies fusion fic was definitely Les Amis Do Titanic (In Every Age).
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. I mostly write rarepair/pool noodle fic in a tiny fandom so...who's really going to take it?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I used to do a lot of forum-based RP, back when invision/tapatalk/proboards forums were all the rage in the early 2000s. In terms of fic I've published on AO3, I haven't. But that's largely due to the fact that I'm the slowest writer known to man, and I'd just end up frustrating any writing partner I had with my slowness ^_^;
14. all time favorite ship?
I think Weilan (Guardian) is the ship I've read the most fic for overall. But it's definitely not my longest-term ship or anything.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Weilan Mermaid AU I started back in like...2020? I fell into the DMBJ pits before I finished it and idk if I'll ever go back to it at this point.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm good at setting scenes and writing things that people can visualize, so that, I guess?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Oh god dialogue. I cannot write a normal conversation to save my life. What even is normal human interaction?
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Nah. I mean I'll use a word here or there, if it's something very commonly understood in the fandom (like calling Wu Erbai "Er-shu" or Zhang Rishan "fuguan" if that's how a character would address them in the show). But in terms of full sentences? I wouldn't be confident enough in my ability to write the language fluently, and even if I could, I'd just have to provide translations anyway. Far easier to say "...'said so-and-so in [language]."
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Like, EVER? I had a generic American Girl doll that I named after a Baywatch character and wrote a story for her when I was like...9? Does that count?
20. favorite fic you've written?
I'm still really proud of Ordinary World. It's not my most popular by any measure, but I put a ton of work into it and I still enjoy re-reading it sometimes. Plus I'm proud of the fact that I churned out nearly 60k words in like a month since it was for an exchange that had a deadline.
Tagging: @merinnan @eirenical @xantissa @alxina @amidalogicdive (if you want to!) and anyone else who may also want to, consider yourself tagged!
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