#allie and grizz
frankie-idk · 1 year
this is my grave to all the ships i lost because netflix is the worst
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tickletastic · 1 year
Up and Up and Up and Up
Fandom: The Society
Ship: N/A
Warnings: Very very brief mentions of drug use, obsessive behaviour, and depression (implied bipolar)
Summary: Things are looking up for Harry, finally, so Kelly takes it upon herself to ensure that he’s smiling as much as he can in their new life.
Harry feels, almost for the first time in his life, that he may be in the clear. Like maybe, just maybe, he won’t have to worry about how he’s going to make it to tomorrow, or next week, or even maybe next month. 
Before everything, before New Ham and mayoral elections and pill-popping, there had been his constant need for attention. His mother had never been much of a mom, but more of a stern, semi-regular presence in his house. He wasn’t good to her if he wasn’t making her look good, so he threw himself at school and sports and debate club, and subsequently, adderall, obsessive working out, and sleepless nights.
After, it was just him, his bed, and the uppers Campbell would give him, until the well ran dry and suddenly it was just him, his bed, and the incredibly interesting view provided to him by the peeling paint on his wall. After, it was month-long depressive episodes and getting his rations cut into half, and then a quarter, and then to almost nothing.
But now? Now he can sit patiently in the dirt and listen carefully while Grizz explains how their harvesting season will go. Now Gordie knows Harry’s family’s medical history and shows up at his doorstep each Monday with a week’s worth of mood-stabilisers. Now he has a codeword with Kelly when he’s having a really bad day and the two of them go for a long walk after she finds someone to cover their shifts. Now Harry has people that love him, and now he has the support he’s always believed he was unworthy of. 
Now, though, as in right now this minute, Harry is running desperately, giggling, as Grizz and Allie are hot on his heels, Kelly laughing while she watches the chase.
“Kelly, you traitor!” He screams, managing to trap himself between the kitchen’s island and counters. 
Allie stands on one side of the kitchen, Grizz on the other, and Harry calculates who would be easier to take on. The obvious answer is Allie, of course, but she’s not above playing dirty. Grizz, on the other hand, inches taller than Harry and much broader, would likely take him down in a second.
“Oho fuck,” Harry says, giggling in spite of himself at his current predicament. “Guys, don’t. I’m seherious.”
“Guys, don’t!” Allie mocks with her hands up, shaking her head, “I’m serious!”
The silliness in her action is enough to make Harry giggle harder, and he’s officially feeling the most embarrassed he’s ever been, face turning pink as he giggles in the corner like a little kid.
Grizz makes a move, faking Harry out, and Harry flinches back with a squeal. “Stohohop!”
The more the anticipation builds, the more he works himself up, giggling frantically and giving up hope of finding an escape. 
Kelly appears in the kitchen’s entrance, smiling fondly at Harry, making the embarrassment even worse. “Why’d you have to tell them?” 
“Don’t get all pouty,” she teases, “what if someone else had to cover my shift at the hospital one day and you needed a check-up? They would’ve found out eventually.”
“They don’t even work the hospital!” Harry shouts indignantly, “they wouldn’t have!” Harry hears Allie move and shifts to look in her direction, Grizz takes the opportunity and charges at him, grabbing him by the waist.
“No!” Harry screams as he’s tossed over Grizz’s shoulder, pounding his fists on Grizz’s back. “Kelly, help!”
“Sorry, Harry, but I have totally missed seeing you like this.”
Harry is tossed onto the couch, and within seconds Allie is looming over him, grinning menacingly down at him. “So Harry, where’s your worst spot?”
“What? Why would I- Ahahahallie nohohoho!” Harry squeals when Allie’s fingers touch down on his ribs, skittering and poking around every bone and space between them. Before he can grab Allie’s wrists, Grizz is taking both of Harry’s arms into one of his, raising them above his head. “Nohoho! Fuhuhuck yohohou!”
Allie gasps, putting on a disappointed face, “Harry, that’s so mean! Grizz is just trying to help me out, why would you say that?”
“Yeah, Harry. That really hurt my feelings,” Grizz teases, his free hand going to Harry’s neck. Instead of his shoulders scrunching to his ears, which had been the expected reaction, Harry throws his head back, snorting between his frantic giggles. 
“That was adorable, Bingham. Do that again,” Grizz coos, repeating the fluttering movement over Harry’s collarbones.
“Grizz, nohoho!” Harry squeals, shaking his head from side to side. “Stahap that!”
“Hmm, I don’t think so,” Grizz laughs, putting a little more pressure in his movements.  
“Ihihit tickles! Grihihizz, stahahap, ihihit tihihickles!” Harry chuckles, squirming in an attempt to release himself from his captors. 
Grizz’s face breaks out into a fond grin, eyes sparkling as he watches Harry dissolve into hysterics. “That’s like, the whole entire point, I think.”
Harry can only respond with a shriek as Allie’s fingers slither up and under his arms, scratching and poking as Harry giggles himself silly.
Amidst his struggling, Harry makes eye contact with Kelly, who’s perched on the chair across the room, and sees the most sickeningly fond look on her face. It’s so endearing and sweet that he has to close his eyes and turn his head to avoid turning red, surrendering himself to Grizz and Allie’s torture.
His eyes don’t stay closed for very long, though, because not even a minute later Allie is pinching up and down Harry’s sides and he is thrown into hiccup-filled silent laughter, trying desperately to regain the use of his hands. Pulling as hard as he can in an attempt to release himself from Grizz.
“Aww, does wittle Harry have terribly ticklish sides?” Grizz coos, his hand slowly moving down Harry’s torso until they’re at his tummy. Harry practically screams, arching his back so hard that he almost throws both of them off.
Grizz decides to show some mercy and frees Harry’s arms, while Allie moves from on top of him and lightens her touch, moving her fingers to Harry’s ribs, where he seemed to be less sensitive. 
“Never thought I’d say anything this nice about Harry Bingham,” Allie starts, smiling while Harry giggles lightly at her touches, “but this is adorable.”
“Shuhut up!” Harry exclaims, batting at Allie’s hands.
“Okay, okay, I’m done.” Allie says, rubbing away the tickles from Harry’s ribs. He squirms, whining quietly, “are you serious? Even this tickles?”
Harry turns, burying his reddening face in Grizz’s thigh, and Grizz just laughs, ruffling his curls. Harry mumbles something unintelligible, not once, but twice, refusing to repeat it loud enough for the other two to hear. 
Allie sends Kelly a look and Kelly smiles back, nodding. “He wants to cuddle.”
“What?” Grizz asks incredulously, eyebrows shooting up. 
“He couldn’t even ask for it when we were dating without turning red as a tomato,” Kelly laughs, “he wants to cuddle.”
Harry groans, bringing his hands up to cover his reddening ears. 
“Well, Bingham, looks like you’re spending an afternoon with Grizz the Cuddle Monster,” Grizz grins, repositioning Harry by the waist so that Grizz’s body is wrapped around Harry’s. Harry flips over so his face is buried in Grizz’s chest while he tries to stop his still fiery blush.
 “Okay, well, I’ve got to go to go visit Eden, but that was, and I will keep saying it just to see you blush, absolutely adorable,” Allie teases, tasering Harry in the side once more as she gets up. He bats her hands away, kicking out with a giggle. 
“Goho away!” Harry says, moving further into Grizz. 
“Whatever, whatever, see you guys after your little nap,” Allie laughs. 
“I’m gonna get going too, I’ve got an hour’s worth of check-ups to complete,” Kelly says, “but I will be back later to join the cuddle pile.”
“Whatever you say,” Grizz laughs, wrapping an arm around Harry, the other playing with his hair. 
It only takes Harry mere minutes of the peace to fall asleep, and he doubts he’ll go another sleepless night again now that he’s in the better part of the after, now that he’s living in the now.
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herinnerwolf · 2 years
the society coming back as a graphic novel, does that mean i’m finally gonna get my harry x allie enemies to co-leaders to lovers excellence???? CAN I SCREAM???
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starlightsweetheart · 11 months
Best friendship on the show. FU Netflix for cancelling this, it was awesome!
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Thinking about The Society and the fact that:
We’ll never see Sam and Grizz again
We’ll never see what Harry and Allie would’ve been (bc we all know where that was going)
We’ll never find out who the father of Becca’s child is
We’ll never know what happened to the kids
It was renewed but then got canceled🥲
It was such an amazing show and I’ll never get closure for it😭
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i-am-a-lost-girl16 · 23 days
Finally watching the Society 5 years after the first season came out, was a painful decision because now I'm in love with characters who will never be on screen again😂😭
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low-po1y-princess · 28 days
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i saw yt video abt this and had to make my own
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Sam appreciation post because I love him and he CARRIED the society
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toonyteethy · 2 years
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Coming soon :)
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snaplight-anxiety · 10 months
getting back into my the society (2019) era and remembering that it actually physically makes my stomach hurt to remember that it isnt going to get another season and. yeah. fuck netflix.
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murkyhazed · 1 year
boops these babies here cause no self control
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The fourth dimension and a half - Chapter 1 - low_selfesteem_and_god_complex - The Society (TV 2019) [Archive of Our Own]
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aureaa7777 · 1 year
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rivetgoth · 8 months
Black Alternative Music Recs
Not being Black myself, I hesitate to make myself a spokesperson specifically for Black alt artists as I don’t want to be tokenizing or reductive and I’d rather, like, uplift the voices of Black alt people than just make my own lists, BUT, I keep seeing people in the comments of recent posts about Death Grips asking for recs for more Black alternative artists, and I do know a good amount, so as a really basic list I wanted to throw out a few artists I really like—
Light Asylum: Darkwave. Really incredible vocalist, and openly queer. “Dark Allies” is a huge goth club hit but all of her work is great. I’ve seen her live twice and her live concerts are incredible too. One of the bigger Black goth artists.
Ho99o9: Punk/Industrial Hip Hop. Another big one, they’re pretty well known at this point but if you DON’T know them you should. Huuuge variety in sound here, all of it is so fun and solid, absolutely amazing energy.
clipping.: Industrial/Experimental Hip Hop. Really fun and catchy, great lyrics, great mixing, great experimental electronic sound.
Void Palace: Industrial/EBM. Local LA-based act with an amazing industrial dance club sound and vibe. Seen them live and they bring such cool but crazy energy. Really really solid.
O. Children: Darkwave/Post Punk. Really classic gothic sound, amazing vocals, really underrated, theatrical, fun, and moody gothic rock.
Izzy Spears: Industrial/Experimental Hip Hop. Openly gay alternative hip hop artist with a heavy and super danceable beat. I saw him live and he sounded great and had awesome punky energy.
LUSTSICKPUPPY: Punk/Electro-Industrial. Has almost a hyperpop sound sometimes, super high BPM high energy danceable electronic music with a really crazy theatrical style to their performances (kicking myself for missing them last year!). ETA: LSP uses they/them pronouns, corrected now but apologies for missing that irt any older iterations of this post floating around.
Baby Storme: Darkwave/Ethereal Pop. I think she got a bit of popularity on TikTok recently? I don’t use TikTok so idk, but she’s great. Really well mixed, fun, super solid dreamy darkwave with a dancey pop sound intermixed.
Grizz: Darkwave Hip Hop. I JUST discovered this artist, he’s another LA local who just put out a new single that’s getting some attention and he’s really good. Super cool goth fusion sound with really great classic darkwave electronic backing. Check him out!
Cold Gawd: Shoegaze/Post-Hardcore. Iconically sells merch that says “ABOLISH WHITE SHOEGAZE.” Absolute powerhouse of sound; I saw them live and their music sounded torrential, like this intense, powerful storm.
Debby Friday: Dark Electronic/Experimental Hip Hop. Really really haunting and dreamy gothic sound. Collaborates with artists like Boy Harsher. Superbly mixed. Lots of variety in sound but very consistently strong.
Dre Robinson: Industrial/Experimental Electronic. Longtime cEvin Key/Skinny Puppy collaborator. He was on stage with Skuppy during the recent live tour, doing sound and playing the maggot maracas (iykyk). He’s also been involved in a ton of cEvin’s solo work and accompanies him on stage for his live solo shows.
Charles Levi: Industrial/Industrial Rock. Wax Trax!/90s industrial icon, did work for My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult and Pigface. He’s recently had a bunch of serious health problems and has a GoFundMe up of you’d like to donate. He contributed to so much classic industrial rock, it’s crazy.
There’s a billion more. These are just some artists I genuinely really like personally who are Black, and I think all of them deserve a ton of support and recognition as contributors to the alternative scene. There’s so many amazing Black-fronted alternative bands and projects, and I’m just scratching the surface with artists I know and enjoy, Also considered listing some larger names like Yves Tumor and Tricky, but I feel they’re slightly more well known in the mainstream with ~1mil+ listeners on Spotify and I wanted to highlight some slightly more underground voices (to varying degrees—obviously some artists here are more well known than others).
Check them out!! Support Black alternative music!
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ar0rin · 2 months
plz infodump about ur agents
Thank you for the ask. I'm so sorry for not answering sooner. I am going to rant about neo 3 and my creative process regarding their character.
My idea for Veronika's parents is that they're either dead or living not knowing of the whereabouts of their eldest child. Initially I wanted Veronika to try to find their birth parents as a set up for some sort of tragic rejected-by-your-own-family scenario, but I realized that sort of defies the "raised by salmonids" statement, so I decided to scrap it.
Instead of developing their ties to their inkling family, I decided to expand on the Salmonids that Veronika grew up around, and what their opinions on them would be. While there are many salmonids who are fine with Veronika, the majority of salmonids don't approve of them living there due to the history behind Inkling and Salmonid relations. Veronika's situation was and still is a hot debate among salmonids. While Veronika is an inkling, they have nothing to do with grizzco's interference with the salmon runs, so there's no reason to be outright hostile towards them; However, some salmonids still hold the belief that an inkling has no place in their society. Given their circumstances, I guess that can't really be helped.
One of the more prevalent arguments for Veronika's case is the "Octo-village", which is a small part of the Salmonid city inhabited by Octarians who were left stranded as a result of the tide rising after diplomatic meetings held between Octarians and Salmonids. Because Octolings also live in the village, a common argument is that Veronika is no different from an Octoling who was left behind by their allies.
Veronika was raised on salmonid values and beliefs, so I always have to remind myself of this when thinking about important events in their life. During their fight against Mr. Grizz, they weren't afraid of dying, but rather letting down the people they love. Mr. Grizz was the one who caused the inkling interferences in the salmon runs, and the main perpetrator of hostility between the two species. Mr. Grizz's plan was to cover the entire world in fuzzy ooze and lay waste to the world as they knew it, which meant that everyone that Veronika had ever known would be lost. Defeating Mr. Grizz was Veronika's responsibility at this point. After all, who else has the capability and means to do it?
Veronika sells scrap metal to make enough money to live in Splatsville. Scrap metal foraging is a talent they've had since childhood, as Salmonids frequently use scrap metal in their buildings. Veronika moved to Splatsville at 15, because the Salmonids agreed that because an inkling doesn't have the necessary capabilities to participate in salmon runs, they shouldn't be encouraged to stay within Salmonid society, which puts emphasis on fighting for the pride of one's clan. I'll expand on this point in the next paragraph. Veronika learned the inkling language (inklish) mainly through their friends, which means they know a lot of slang and not a lot of complicated words. They're pretty content with this.
The Salmonid belief that fighting to the death is honourable and a necessary part of the cycle of life was a huge factor in both Veronika's character and how they interact with other characters. while their peers fight for the sake of "claiming turf", Veronika fights for the belief that it is honorable and unites them with the world. This leads them into getting into a lot of fights around Splatsville, and subsequently claiming a lot of turf because of it.
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I'm going to end this here! So long..
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bellwood-qudditch · 2 years
If the society season 2 happened I think that these things would happen
•Campbell would’ve died (maybe in season 3 tbh but we’ll never know)
•Bean and Gordie’s message they sent in episode 1/2 is seen by the parents
•More of the parents POV
•Harry flips sides and frees Ally
•Someone on the inside knows exactly what is happening to the teenagers but no one knows who and it’s the season 2 ending cliffhanger
•The first two episodes would basically be how shit Lexie and Harry are running things
•Luke and Helena break up
•Cassandra, Emily and Dewey possibly still alive in the other world/universe
•Becca’s baby daddy would deffos be revealed this season
•Speaking of, there would be cute Sam and baby Eden moments for sure
•Grizz and Sam wouldn’t be on the right path for a couple of episodes but hopefully they would work it out, however I think if Campbell died it would’ve thrown their relationship around a lot
•Elle stands up to Campbell before he dies (idk who would kill him exactly because it could be her or Sam maybe in self defence or even Allie)
•Also they could plot twist it that Dewey wasn’t the one to kill Cassandra and it was actually Campbell
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