#alpha evan buckley
babygirl-diaz · 1 month
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Eddie looked like a total omega in this scene for some reason. Just waiting to be taken by his alpha...
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tommykinard6 · 14 days
"But then Tommy becomes pregnant first and he doesn’t know what to do with that. Eddie was supposed to have this and he feels guilty for taking it away"
Lets make it angsty just a bit.
He doesn't want to take this from Eddie, so he decides to leave them and raise his pup alone so Buck and Eddie can have their own. BUT Eddie is like "where do you think you're going? You realized this is also my pup? Our pup! You're going anywhere! We are a family! You're not just Buck's, you're mine too!"
Ooooo now that’s an idea! Idk about him getting ready to leave in the dead of night or whatever, I don’t think that’s a mature move on his part, but I do feel like he would try to stick it out without telling them at first, but he loses his nerve to tell them. And they don’t know so they’re talking about Eddie’s attempts and Tommy just feels overwhelmingly guilty. He’s got the tests hidden away and he starts to believe he’s truly messed everything up. He starts thinking they’d be better off without him and he starts pulling away. He is planning to leave, to give them a chance to be together without him messing it up, but his heart is breaking because they may not have bitten each other yet but they’re his mates in all senses of the word except bite and he doesn’t know what to do about the baby.
He knows it wouldn’t be right to keep it from them, but he can’t do it.
And then Buck finds the tests and he thinks they’re Eddie’s, but when he asks Eddie about them when they’re all fixing dinner one night, the omega doesn’t know anything about them. And Tommy doesn’t even know what he’s doing before the door is closing behind him and he’s running, because he wasn’t ready for it to end and he can’t stop it. He can’t breathe and tears are running down his face.
He runs for a couple blocks until he can’t anymore and then Buck catches up to him, Eddie at his side. They pick him up from where he’d fallen and take him home, drying him off (ironically it was raining) and tucking him into their nest. He expects it to be Buck that talks to him but it’s Eddie. And it essentially goes how you said, and then Buck joins them both.
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
I’m so disappointed in fic writers (including myself).
We literally have canon Omega Eddie “I’m a nester. I nest.” Diaz, and I haven’t seen ANY new ABO fics on ao3. It’s a tragedy.
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eddie’s soul left his nest.
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screaming-universe · 25 days
Snippet Sunday
Let's pretend it's still Sunday for me ^^
I was on a train for three hours and started writing a third part for my werecat a/b/o series??? (not a direct sequel, I think it would contradict some of what's strongly implied in the first two fics but well)
Snippet is under the cut, please feel yourself tagged if you want to be!
Buck had liked Tommy, had maybe even flirted with him, but that had only lasted until he saw Tommy and Eddie together. Eddie, who was always free in his affections when it came to casual touches, hugged Tommy closely as a greeting and then didn't seem to let go. From saying hi to the moment he needed to let go to climb into the copter, Eddie's right arm stayed around Tommy's waist and Tommy put his arm around Eddie's shoulders.
Omegas are touchy, Philip Buckley would have said but Buck knew better. Humans were touchy, some more so, some less. But strong alphas were supposed to be stoic and above such basic human needs (and Buck failed so badly at that, frankly he was proud of it), unlike frail omegas who were allowed to indulge without risking society's judgemental eye.
So maybe Buck was upset about nothing- Eddie was tactile, he knew that - but it didn't mean that he had to like this. And it only continued: Tommy this and Tommy that, suddenly Tommy was everywhere! Or more precisely: everywhere around Eddie. Going to trivia nights, watching movies, having dinner at Eddie's, going to watch sweaty men beating each other up, being sweaty men beating each other up. Well, maybe not that last one. Buck had seen the bruises and cuts on Eddie during his fight club days and sparring with Tommy just did not compare.
And then there was basketball.
Eddie had asked Buck to come many times but Buck had refused every time. He could play but he just didn't like it. He preferred spending time with Eddie at home, in the kitchen or out with Christopher or maybe going for a drink. Just not basketball.
But now Tommy went along and Eddie had it in his calendar, circled.
So Buck may have lied to Chimney about wanting to go to the basketball game with him as a brotherly (in-law) bonding exercise. And of course Chimney knew as soon as they arrived, which probably meant that Maddie would soon know too. Buck was pissed from the start, from the moment he saw Eddie and Tommy touching, if he was honest with himself (which he certainly wasn't, as he knew even then). That should have been a good indication to not play. But no, like an idiot he went on.
They had come off a 24 h shift just an hour before the game and Buck had taken care to reapply his scent-blocker but he was certainly the exception. Chimney's smell grew stronger as they played, the sweat overpowering the vestiges of his scent-blocker. Buck liked the beta's smell – marriage or not: Chimney was his brother. There were the smells of two other alphas but Buck paid them no attention; these two in particular held no appeal to him.
There was Eddie's smell, which was a rarity outside of the Diazes' home. Eddie had told him once that he'd gotten used to scent-blockers in the Army and since then enjoyed not being clocked as an omega immediately. Things certainly were better than they had been fifty, thirty or even ten years ago, but Buck had observed how some people’s attitude towards Eddie shifted if his scent-blockers grew weak during a long day without any pauses and his smell became noticeable. To Buck, his best friend smelled like home; possibly the best smell in the world, but some people smelled an unmated omega and decided to take that as permission to feel superior and become a creep, to put it as nicely as possible. Normally Eddie's scent was soothing and calming but right now it pissed Buck off and he couldn't tell why.
And then there was Tommy, whose scent Buck had never smelled before. He was an omega too, which maybe would have surprised Buck 1.0, who had not shaken off the stereotypes as much as he'd thought back then, but especially since meeting Eddie and mistaking him for an alpha, Buck had given up trying to guess anybody's secondary sex. Tommy certainly didn't fit the omega stereotype: tall and built, more so than Buck, and he smelled enticing, exciting – even though Buck hated him.
Normally that last thought should have been enough for Buck to step back and take a moment to try and understand what was going on. But right now he was trying to get closer, even if that meant running into Tommy, literally, and then...then Buck got so close so quickly that Eddie was lying on the ground, groaning, and with a hurt ankle. Buck did that. And Buck did not understand.
Buck had some realisations while he tried to distract himself with some bills - which totally did not work. He'd been trying to get closer to Eddie because he'd felt as though Eddie was leaving him out, even though Eddie was just spending time with somebody else, a new friend. Buck knew he’d struggled with the fear of being replaced; he'd had long talks with Doctor Copeland about it. He’d thought he’d been over it, or at least better at recognising it for what it was. Apparently not. Fear of being replaced, that was all it was, right?
And he'd been trying to get closer to Tommy because Tommy was an interesting person and also a hot man, objectively. And also subjectively, when it came to Buck. There had been a reason why Buck had asked for a tour at the 217  after all, and asked Tommy specifically.
He'd wanted attention from his best friend and an attractive man, sue him. Which they actually maybe should, or Eddie at least. Buck had hurt his best friend – if Eddie even wanted to remain friends, Buck could understand if not, and- Buck cut off this catastrophising, spiralling train of thought. Whatever Eddie decided, Buck would learn about it. He'd just have to be patient.
Luckily for him it wasn't a long time between this realisation and a knock to his door that promised a good distraction from his impatience. He opened it and there stood Tommy. Buck didn't know who he was expecting, maybe a neighbour, but definitely not Tommy
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dropofbittersea · 6 days
After months of agonizing about how to tell his team that he was an omega, the truth came out on a regular Tuesday afternoon.
Chimney was showing them an ultrasound a victim from an accident a few weeks back had sent him, thanking Chim for his help saving his girlfriend and unborn child.
“They are the size of a peanut right now, just this small.” Buck was explaining to Christopher, fingers an inch apart.
“Whoa! Was I ever that small, dad?” Chris asked, looking up at Eddie, “Back when I was in your tummy?” He added, placing a hand on Eddie's stomach.
Eddie could hear the sharp intakes of breath, but he kept his eyes on Chris, placing a hand on top of his son’s and answering “Yeah bud, back when you were living right here.”
He forced himself to be brave then, taking a deep breath and holding on to his son’s hand, he looked up at the others. Both Chim and Buck looked shocked.
Buck had his hand raised towards him as if he too, was going to place it on Eddie's stomach.
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sortofanobsession · 2 years
A Bit Emotionally FUBAR - Ch. 3 (AlphaBetaOmega Buddie)
Author’s Note: As promised chapter 3. I do have a 4th chapter started, but it needs some work. Unbeta'd (that always gives me giggles on abo fics)
Tag Requests and Prompts are open
Tag list: diazbuckleysworld, chitownwolf
Warning: Language, violence, the truck bombing from end of season 2, fear, anxiety, injury, blood, broken bones, hospitals
Word count: 2k+
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Breathless Highs and Bloody Lows 
Eddie hugged his pup close and scented him. It had been the longest he’d been away from Christopher in years. 
“Dad,” Christopher giggled.
“I missed you,” the omega said. 
“Missed you too,” Christopher said. 
“I love you so much,” Eddie added.
“I know,” Christopher smiled. “Love you too, Dad.” Eddie still hadn’t let go. 
“Eddie,” Buck chuckled as he put Christopher’s backpack on the table. “Can you at least let the kid take his jacket off?”
“No,” Eddie said before overdramatically squeezing Christopher in a hug, earning a laugh from his son. “Okay, fine.” He grumbled as he let his pup go. 
“You have fun with Denny?” Buck asked, accepting the jacket when Christopher took it off. 
“Yeah, we built a fort with the table, and his moms let us keep it up the whole time,” Christopher told them. Eddie smiled. He owed Hen and Karen big for this. He listened as his pup told him every important detail about the last few days. He and Denny had apparently talked about seeing some new animated movie that Eddie had no idea what the name was the following weekend. Eddie wondered if Hen knew about that, but maybe he’d offer to take the boys soon. Maybe they should start spending more time with the team. Team dinners were nice, but Christopher had loved his day with the team. He had a blast with Denny. Was he the one holding Christopher back? Was his insistence on keeping Christopher so close keeping him from being happy? Eddie was drawn out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see the concern in Buck’s baby blues.
“Hey, you okay?” Buck asked. 
Eddie nodded and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, just...starting to remember what it is like not being numb.”
“That a good thing or a bad thing?” Buck questioned. 
Eddie shrugged. “Still sorting that out,” the omega admitted. 
“Let me know if I can help,” the alpha stated. 
“You already are,” Eddie grinned. “Honestly, I have no idea if I could do this without you.”
Buck chuckled. “You survived the military, and you managed to be a single dad for this long. You save lives on the regular. As crappy as you feel now, you’ve survived worse on your own.”
“But never as the real me, not really,” Eddie admitted. “I’m serious. It’s like being a teen again. Feelings and all that.”
“You were still you,” Buck said, pulling the omega to him. “You have always been you, just, I don’t know, somewhat muted. But I won’t lie, I like unmuted you. I want to know all of you.”
“So this is that charming Buck that got all ladies and gents before I showed up?” Eddie said, hugging the alpha back and keeping him there. 
Buck snorted a laugh. “Oh no, that was Buck 1.0.” The alpha shook his head. “Nah, I like to think I’ve grown up since then. But I’m not opposed to having some fun.” A smirk played at the alpha’s lips. “Although, Bobby said not in the truck.” 
Eddie choked on air for a moment before recovering. “There’s the smart ass, Buck I’m used to.” 
“You had plenty of good things to say about my ass the last few days,” Buck replied, his tone low so Christopher wouldn’t hear him. 
Eddie shook his head and laughed. “You are something else,” the omega grinned. 
“Damn right,” Buck nodded. “One of a kind, and you like it.”
“Your ass? You know it, but the rest of you, meh.”
“Now that’s a flat-out lie. You like my eyes more,” Buck stated. 
“I like all of you,” Eddie admitted. “Even when your smart mouth ends up being a big pain in my ass.”
Buck actually laughed and bit his lip as he looked into the living room to make sure Christopher was preoccupied. The alpha pulled Eddie close. “I will gladly do much more than just be a pain to that ass.” He playfully nipped at the omega’s bottom lip before kissing him. “But that might have to wait for a bit.” 
Eddie felt warm to the core. Despite having just ended an exhausting heat, he forced himself to reign it in. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Alpha.” Eddie kissed him back.
“Only making promises, ‘mega,” Buck grinned, kissing the omega more gently this time. “Just making it clear you’re stuck with me now.”
“Oh, I will hold you to that,” Eddie said, kissing him back. The omega froze when they both heard a giggle. 
“Does this mean Buck can come to parents' day at school?” Christopher asked. Eddie’s eyes widened a bit. 
Buck smiled and gave Eddie a quick peck on the lips before turning to Christopher. “Buddy, you know I’ll go anywhere with you guys. All you have to do with ask. You’re my most favorite kid in the world.” The alpha scooped the pup into his arms and hugged him tight. “Nothing could stop me from joining you.”
“Really?” Christopher’s eyes lit up as he asked.
“You will always have me,” Buck promised, squeezing the pup to emphasize the point. “No matter what happens, you’ve got me.” 
Eddie had to blink a few times to control the tears in his eyes. The sight of Buck, the sweetest and most caring alpha he’d ever met, standing there holding Christopher and promising to always be there was almost too much. It was like an amazing dream. The warm and happy feeling in the omega’s chest made him rethink wanting to go back on his meds. He hadn’t felt love like that in years. Sure, the doubt and lack of control sucked, and stopping them abruptly had been an awful feeling, but he felt so happy his heart might explode. Easing off a bit, that is what Buck had said he should do. Baby steps. Yeah, that’s what he’d do because he didn’t want to lose this feeling. 
Eddie was starting to regret the lowered doses. He loved how much more he was feeling when he was with Buck and Christopher. But now he had his doubts. His heart was in his throat as he watched Buck suffer and not be able to do anything. His Buck, his alpha, was face down on the pavement, surrounded by flames and pinned by a 20-ton truck, and there was nothing he could do. The omega’s hands shook as the bomber approached the injured alpha. Eddie felt fear and anger course through him as the kid lashed out at Buck. The uneasy knot in his stomach refused to ease. Eddie wasn’t sure he could handle losing another alpha, especially not like this. Shannon leaving had been terrible, but losing Buck. No. He wasn’t sure he’d survive this. He jumped when he felt a hand on his arm. Hen squeezed his arm. He gripped her hand like a lifeline for a second. But the moment was short-lived as they all turned to see Bobby approaching the bomber. Eddie felt his anxiety tick up again. Bobby was more than just their captain. He was like a father to Buck. And the feeling always seemed mutual. The team was a family. He’d realized when he’d first joined that Buck was a linchpin to how the team functions. Eddie wouldn’t be the only one devastated if this didn’t end well. The omega’s heart hurt for his captain. Eddie was sure of one thing. If anything happened to either alpha, things would never be the same. Buck would never be the same if he thought Bobby was hurt for him, but Bobby wasn’t going to sit back and let anyone hurt Buck because of him. Bobby had lost too much already. Eddie’s heart was in his throat again as Bobby lunged for the bomber. As soon as the all-clear was called, Eddie ran. He ran to the only thing that mattered right now, his alpha. His hands reached for Buck the moment he dropped down beside him. 
“I’m here,” Eddie told the bleeding alpha. Buck’s hand felt weak in his when the alpha took it.
“Eddie…” Buck started, but Eddie stopped him. 
“I’ve got you, Buck, okay?” the omega repeated what the alpha always told him. “I’ve got you.”
Buck nodded weakly. Hen and Eddie started working on saving Buck.
The omega’s leg bounced as he sat in the surgical waiting room while the surgeons tried to save not only his alpha’s leg but his life. He loved that stubborn, pain-in-the-ass alpha. He refused to imagine having to live a life without Buck. What would he tell Christopher? Christopher loved his Buck. He could feel his lungs tighten again as he thought about it. His head snapped up when a hand reached over and gripped his. It was Maddie. 
“He’s a fighter, Eddie,” Maddie grinned.
“I know, I just...I never, I haven’t-” the omega started to say. 
“He loves you too,” Maddie said with a smile. “He just didn’t want to freak you out by telling you. I told him he was an idiot, but he always said you’d been through a lot, and if he had to wait a bit longer, he would. He just wanted to be there with you guys.” 
Eddie felt a new wave of tears in his eyes. “I can’t lose him too.”
“Oh, Eddie,” Maddie said, pulling him into a hug. “No matter what happens, he loves you. You and Christopher are his world.”
Eddie practically jumped out of the chair as a doctor approached them.
“How is he?” Maddie asked.
“The surgery went well. Evan is stable. We were able to save his leg; we placed a rod-”
Eddie was unable to focus on the rest of what the doctor was saying. The sense of relief that his alpha was alive was overwhelming. He tried to reign in his emotions but had been failing since he heard the bomb go off. It was like being back at war. He sat down as he tried to shake that feeling again. He felt arms wrap around him. He knew from the scent it was Maddie again.
“He’s going to be okay,” Maddie smiled. “Might be a tough few months, but he’ll pull through.”
“We’ll make sure of it.”
Eddie bit back a sob as he took in the sight of his alpha, wrapped in bandages, leg in a cast, and out cold. The omega just wanted to crawl in bed beside his alpha and cry, but he forced himself to keep it together. His feet remained as if glued to the spot until Maddie took his hand and pulled him to sit with her beside her brother. “He’d want you here,” the beta smiled as she put Eddie’s hand on her brother’s. 
Eddie froze in his tracks when he heard Buck talking to Carla. His heart pounding in his chest at the way Buck spoke about his leg. He tried to school his features and took a deep breath, and went into the room. He handed Carla a cup of coffee, and he set his own off to the side. 
“Eddie?” Buck asked, staring at him.
Carla looked between the two. “I’m going to let everyone know you’re up,” the female omega excused herself. Buck looked like he was just about to say something but didn’t get the chance. Eddie rushed over and kissed the alpha. 
“Eddie,” Buck said when they broke apart. 
“You scared the hell out of me,” Eddie stated. 
“I didn’t mean to, I-”
Eddie kissed him again before leaning his forehead against his alpha. “You didn’t do anything wrong, so don’t you dare apologize. You’re still here, so just...keep doing that. Okay? I cannot lose you. I won’t lose another alpha. I don’t think my heart can take it. I love you too much.”
“You love me?” Buck asked.
“Yes, you might end up being the literal death of me, but yes, I love you,” Eddie nodded. 
“I love you too,” Buck smiled sadly.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asked, taking in the sad state and a slight shift in the alpha’s scent. Buck seemed to hesitate. “Hey, Buck,” Eddie held his hand tight. “No more hiding, remember? We do this as a team. No matter what.”
Buck glared at his cast. “Even if you get stuck with an alpha that can’t even work?”
“Doctors said you’d be back up and back to your reckless self in no time,” Eddie stated.
“I doubt they said that.”
“I’m paraphrasing slightly,” Eddie admitted, earning a snort from the alpha. “The metal rod will do its job, and you’ll be back to trying to give me a heart attack by jumping headfirst into whatever rescue mission we get called to. You just have to let yourself heal first.”
“That is going to take forever,” Buck grumbled. 
“Well, you won’t have to do it alone, got it?” Eddie assured him. Buck nodded but didn’t respond. The omega had a feeling that this was far from the last time they’d be having this discussion. It was going to be a long road to recovery, but he wasn’t about to back down now. Not when he finally had someone he genuinely loved.
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
If anyone is wondering what Buck’s “like sea monkeys” comment is about:
Sea monkeys are the advertising name for brine shrimp which were sold basically as a sorta toy where you get three pooches (one of the eggs, one of nutrients, one of dye) and you pour it in and then you get these weird looking creatures
But the reason for bucks comment is that sea monkeys are actually an artificial breed made from hybridisation and they hatch from eggs that can remain dormant for years until exposed to water
So yeah Eddie😌like sea monkeys😌
Let the man cook next time🫡
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lemonzestywrites · 2 months
Of course I have to ask about omega Eddie
your wish is my command!!
heard the words "im a nester. i nest' and well...rightfully spiraleld
Buck does his best to calm down his overactive mind before entering Eddie's house. It’s one thing for Eddie to take a sick day or two every now and then, but a whole week? Out of nowhere, too- the whole thing is off. Because if he knew about it beforehand he would have told Buck about it, right? …Right? He shakes his head. This isn’t about him. This is about Eddie. With swift, anxious fingers, he slides his key into place and unlocks the front door, allowing himself inside. Immediately upon entering, Buck takes a half step back, physically reeling from the sudden aroma that hits him. It’s strong. Sweet. And yet oddly familiar. What the fuck? It sends Buck’s back a bit as he shuts the door behind him. It’s not a bad smell by any means, and definitely not artificial in any sense; fuck, just the opposite. Like someone took the natural scent of the Diaz home and cranked it by a thousand.  But there’s something else there. Something Buck doesn’t know, but it feels like he should. His stomach turns, and the hairs on his arms stand as sweat gathers between his shoulders. Fuck, what is happening here? He squeezes his eyes shut, quickly shaking his head. His body is overreacting, he needs to focus. Buck came here for a reason. With a deep breath, he pulls himself together. “Eddie?” he calls out, heading further into the living room. Buck ignores how the scent feels like it’s getting stronger there. He definitely ignores the way his body seems to crave more of it, too. Now is definitely not the time. There’s no sign of Eddie here besides the smell, but then out of the corner of his eye, he spots it. On the floor of the living room, where the coffee table once stood, a gathering of pillows, blankets, and sheets now stands.  Buck glances down at the pile, slowly noticing a smattering of a few hoodies and T-shirts strewn about the floor as well. The realization hits him like a brick upside the head. It’s a nest. Eddie’s nest. His mind spins, all the information swirling around in his mind wildly. The days off. The smell. The nest. Oh fuck. Eddie’s going into heat.
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babygirl-diaz · 1 month
Adventures Of A Drunk Dumbass and His Done Omega (Omegaverse Mpreg)
Tommy arrived at the bar and tried not to let the smell of alcohol mixed with the old tavern smell make him puke. Tommy didn't know what to expect when he arrived at the bar. He spotted Evan pretty quickly as he was near the bar, chugging down a beer while his friends cheered him on. The bartender looked less than enthused, though, and Tommy stepped in before things could get out of hand.
"Evan!" Tommy called out when he approached the bar.
Evan stopped chugging and turned around to look at him. His eyes widened slightly and he hiccuped as he said, "Hi there, handsome." It was obvious that he was trying to appear charming by putting on a seductive smile, but it just came off as goofy.
"Hi," Tommy said, confused. "You okay?"
Evan swayed on his feet and took another sip of the beer that was still in his hand. "Better now that you're here." He winked at him or at least tried to, but ended up closing both eyes.
"Um... Okay?" Tommy was suddenly even more confused. "Ready to go home?"
"Whoa, let me buy you dinner first, babyboy," Evan replied and stepped closer to him. "And then you can take me home and let me make your night."
Tommy raised an eyebrow at him and almost burst out laughing. "What?"
"Buck becomes Buck 1.0 when he's drunk," Hen chimed in.
"He doesn't remember who you are," Chimney added.
Tommy's eyebrows shot up and his hand protectively went on his belly. "Evan, do you know who I am?"
"My next boyfriend?" Evan smirked.
"No, I'm your-"
"Wait, you're mated?!" Evan cried out. "How could you be mated?"
"Yeah, I'm mated and three months pregnant with our first pup," Tommy informed him.
"Nooooooooo!" Evan whined loudly and went to legitimately cry on Chimney's shoulder. "You were supposed to be my soulmate!"
"There, there, it's okay, Buck," Chimney said, patting Buck's shoulder.
Tommy watched them in amusement. "Evan, do you really not remember who I am?"
"You were supposed to be the love of my life," Evan replied in between his sobs.
He sobbed for a while before it died down and then he wiped his tears and came back to Tommy. His eyes flashed golden and there was an indecipherable look on his face. "Who is your mate?" He asked with a low growl.
Evan's voice sent shivers down Tommy's spine but not out of fear. He could never fear Evan. "Why does it matter who my mate is?"
"It does!" Evan growled again. "And do they treat you right? Because if they don't then I would like to have a word with them! No, I'd like to fight them!"
"I don't think you'll win if you fought against my alpha. He's powerful," Tommy informed him.
"I don't care." Evan's eyes flashed gold again. "I will fight him for you. Where is he?"
Tommy's heart was bursting with all the love in the world for this lovable idiot. He couldn't help but chuckle at how silly his mate was being.
"I can't let you fight him. I love him too much," Tommy told him, playing along.
Evan pouted at him in return. "Does he at least treat you well? He's not mean to you, is he?"
"He treats me like a king," Tommy replied and sat down on an empty stool.
Evan sat down beside him, still pouting, and wiped away fresh tears. "You deserve to be treated like a princess, though."
Tommy chuckled and shook his head. "I guess he treats me like a princess, too."
"Why did you have to be so perfect and not mine?" Evan whined turned around in his seat, going back to cry on Chimney's shoulder.
Chimney took out his phone and started recording Evan. "It's okay, brother-in-law, we'll find you another omega."
"I don't want another omega. I want him," Buck said pointing over at Tommy.
"But I'm sure we can find you a different omega. How about that one?"
Tommy looked over to where Hen was pointing and burst out laughing. "Pretty sure that's a wooden pole."
"Don't you call Buck's future omega a wooden pole!" Hen huffed.
"No, that's a literal wooden pole you're pointing at. How drunk are you people?" Tommy asked. "Eddie looks like he's passed out over there."
"Oh no, he isn't passed out. He's crying because he doesn't have an alpha," Chimney informed him.
That tugged at Tommy's heart. He got off his stool and went over to Eddie. "Hey, buddy, you okay there?"
Eddie looked up and a huge grin spread across his lips, although his cheeks were tear-stained. "Tommy!"
Tommy cupped the back of Eddie's head and smiled at him. "You okay?"
"No! I want an alpha, Tommy. I am very lonely," Eddie replied, pouting at him.
"We'll find you, someone, Eddie!" Hen chimed in. "How about that one?"
"That's still a wooden pole, Hen," Tommy sighed.
"Don't call Eddie's future alpha a wooden pole!" Hen chastised him again.
Eddie shrugged at that. "I'll take a wooden pole at this point."
"WAIT! EDDIE! YOU'RE MATED TO MY BEST FRIEND?!" Evan practically yelled and jumped off the stool to come stand next to them. "I can't fight him!"
"Eddie's an omega, Evan, and I am mated to an alpha. I am mated to you, you dumbass," Tommy informed him and rolled his eyes. He kept running his fingers through Eddie's hair.
"What?" Evan's face softened and his blue eyes widened. "Really?"
"Yes," Tommy replied and shook his head.
Evan's eyes filled with tears again and he went over to Chimney and started crying. "Tommy's my omega! How did I get so lucky? I mean, he's so pretty and sweet, and everything I never thought I would get. I don't deserve him."
Tommy's heart hurt a little hearing that. "Evan," he sighed and moved away from Eddie. He went over to Evan and pulled him up. Cupping Evan's cheeks, he looked him in the eyes and said, "You deserve the world and more, Evan Buckley."
Evan sniffled and threw his arms around Tommy, pulling him into a hug. "You're perfect, Tommy, and I can't believe you're mine."
"Well, you better believe it," Tommy chuckled and hugged him back. "I love you, you lovable dumbass."
"So you're having my baby?" Evan asked pulling away from the hug.
Tommy took Evan's hand and put it on his stomach. "Yes, I am. And I will never let you live down the fact that you forgot me and our baby."
Evan pouted at him. "I don't expect you to."
Tommy leaned in and pecked Evan on the nose and then on the lips. "Good."
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tommykinard6 · 23 days
Hello everyone! I’ve now written another fic, even though my brain is so tired.
And I write this as a gift for two people. First, @babygirl-diaz . They’ve been holding up the omega Tommy tag almost single handedly. Second, the nonnie in my ask box who has been asking about my a/b/o headcanons but I haven’t had a coherent thought to type them out, so I wrote a fic instead. Stay patient with me, nonnie.
Mind the tags! It’s only rated teen and up and no archive warnings apply, but check additional tags for squicks.
Love you guys!
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because i can never decide which i like better, and because im bored and curious, help me decide!
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peggingeddiediaz · 3 months
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Eddie Diaz forgetting to log out of his work twitter account part 120/?
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iltrpls · 13 days
summary : He forces his attention away from the little family peacefully playing across the room to his boyfriend instead. He swallows. “I think I know what’s going on with me,” he whispers, taking Eddie’s hand into his.
Eddie cocks his head to the side, a question on his face. “What do you mean?”
Buck turns his head back to the omega and her three pups. A strong, sudden feeling of jealousy and envy takes him over. Buck’s never felt like this before. He turns to look at Eddie again.
It’s Eddie’s turn to have his entire attention focused on the four of them on the other side of the waiting room. Only, in his eyes, Buck sees something else than jealousy.
He sees possessiveness.
Or : omegaverse mpreg buck fic
this fic was a request made through a fundraiser for gaza by @911actionforgaza
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dropofbittersea · 7 days
“Hey, hey, Eddie,” Buck says, and one of his hands cups around Eddie’s jaw, easing his head back until they can meet each other’s eyes. “Eddie, what happened, what’s wrong?”
“Wanna lick your dimples,” Eddie murmurs, transfixed.
“Um,” Buck squeaks, his eyes going wide.
Or: Eddie gets dosed with heat inducers while on shift. Buck, of course, makes everything better. Now, it’s just a matter of convincing him to stay.
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flowersonmymind1016 · 2 months
Alright, one Omega!Buck and Alpha!Tommy fic comin’ up!
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