#alpha predator
angieloveshua · 1 year
“My five starts danmei novels.” Short, well, you do know, not short reasons why I like them.
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🎋 —C Language Cultivation.
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Programming? Cultivation? A pretty man with long hair? Fucking swipe my card— wait, I don't own a card... Anyways, you get my point!
This novel, C Language Cultivation, had all the possible elements to make it into the top of my favourite novels. Did it achieve it? Well, fellas, it is in the post for something!
Believe me, for a moment, I was crazy enough to think that studying Computer Science because of this book was a good idea of a degree (it is, but Angie is a literature girl), so Imagine how good it is.
If you're done with slow burn (I'm never done with slow burn, but there are times when I appreciate a couple who gets straight to the point), read C Language Cultivation! Dong Jun and Lin Xun had THEE tension going on from the moment they've met, and I was screaming with every single interaction.
I believe this novel had one of the best plot twists I've read in my entire life (and I've been reading since I was 10, guys, 10 years old!). I was literally staring into the wall, trying to process what I've just read. I still can't believe how it fucking played with me.
Alas, Dong Jun and I share birthdays! Do you need another reason to start reading it, like, mmm, NOW?
🎋 —Beyond The Outline.
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Grab yourself to something because this is the second, THE SECOND novel with almost no angst (there are sad moments, but it's mostly cute) that I ranked as a five starts book. The author? Obviously, Mu Gua Huang.
You see, guys, Mu Gua Huang makes me love happiness and to be quite addicted to it. Once I started this novel, I would keep reading it until 5 a.m., and it was worth it!
Beyond The Outline has a precious message behind the hilarious and mysterious situation where two high school students, completely opposite from each other, switch bodies after being hit by lightning. I was this emoji 🥺 all the time.
I love this couple. Shao Zhan 🤧, look, I don't mean to spoil you, but he does something that I was like, “No man will do this for me never. He's the last romantic.” He's the best boy and the best boyfriend. If someone hates him, they seriously need some help.
🎋 —Alpha Predator.
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No carrd, unfortunately.
Some of you may say, “Angie, didn't you review this novel before?” And I will do it again.
Alpha Predator is the last novel of the 188男团 (if you don't know, basically, the gongs are all 188 and scummy) and the best I've read from Suida. This book basically fell from the sky for me. I was on a reading block (is that the right term in English?) and needed something that made me retake my usual reading rhythm. May I aggregate that this has been the best novel I read in 2023 by so far? It is.
As the title suggests, Alpha Predator is an ABO world where rank plays an important role in society. The ML and scummy gong (mi bebé solo estaba jugando) is an S class Alpha, which means he is the one on top of the pyramid. I love Qu Moyu, and I am willing to defend him with my life. I accept that I tweeted that he was a stupid Alpha, but we all make mistakes, hahaha.
I love QuShen. 💜 They are my favourite 188 couple, and the best, in my not so humble opinion. They admire each other, and they come to love each other despite all the misunderstandings, and that makes me 🤧.
If you like scummy gongs and trust my taste, give it a try!
🎋 —Po Yun.
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What do we have here? My last reading, the best crime book, and the novel that made me couldn't look my chemistry teacher straight in the eye! The last point is kind of a long story that I'll tell you some other day.
Anyways, who are these sexy gentlemen? I'll introduce you to Yan Xie and Jiang Ting, the protagonists and couple of Po Yun!
I have great memories of reading this novel. I remember sending voice messages to one of my friends about this book: “Girl, you wouldn't believe what just happened...” Dalia and I agree that this is an amazing book.
I also found it quite realistic in the aspect of how much can drugs fuck up someone's life. I won't elaborate on this because it's spoiler, but you will piece a lot of things once you know about a certain character past.
🎋 —First-Class Lawyer.
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Look, maybe I wouldn't have dropped out of law school if it were as entertaining as this novel, but it wasn't in my case. Putting that new fun fact about me aside, welcome to First-Class Lawyer by Mu Su Li.
This novel is set in a futuristic environment, so Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan are not just lawyers but interstellar lawyers. Amazing, isn't it? The mystery involves the other planets, so you'll see them space-travelling to find out the truth. And if that didn't sell you, Yan Suizhi is “dead.” Yup, our main character was awakened from death and put in another body in the first chapter. As the critics (me) say, “You know the book is good when the author kills the protagonist in the first page.”
The couple, aw. Imagine having someone you could tell anything, it doesn't matter how insignificant it is, and that they listen to you and that they love you so much —that's Gu Yan and Yan Suizhi. They're also teacher × student, from those who like that kind of dynamic!
As I told you in the beginning, this is written by Mu Su Li, author of QQGK, which means it is freaking good!
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Some of you may be wondering, “Where the fuck is BAB?” I'M WAITING FOR OFFICIAL ART. 😭 HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO ART BAIT YOU IF THERE IS NO OFFICIAL ART???? /cries in it's my favourite book and it doesn't have art even though it was signed to a lot of publications
[coughs] I hope you like this pt. 4 of Angie recs! I don't know when I'll post the next, but this is my humble effort of making you read these amazing novels!
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la-duvalin · 1 year
Went out on a peaceful walk~
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He fell from the damn tree but he okay
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bubbletecito · 6 months
᯽— Alpha Predator.
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Sin carrd
Autor : Shui Qian Cheng
Capítulos : 132 capítulos + 1 extra
Género : Romance, BL, drama, omegaverse.
Mi calificación : ★★★★★
Son dos corazones que han pasado por muchas dificultades pero que siguen palpitando por el otro. Son dos cuerpos que una vez estuvieron conectados por una marca. Cuanto más se reprimen sus deseos mutuos, más fuertes se vuelven.
Mi primera novela omegaverse, y este es un mundo que suelo disfrutar mucho en el manga, por lo que no soy ajeno a los A/B/O y todo lo que tiene que ver, en particular adoro el concepto de las marcas, el celo y los nidos, siempre es grato ver cómo cada autor adapta estos universos a su manera y Shui Qian Cheng lo logró de forma genial.
Nos presenta al protagonista que es Shen Dai, un Omega de clasificación muy baja con feromonas bastante débiles, lo que hace que sea visto como Beta fácilmente. Destacando en su área de trabajo gracias a sus propios logros y esfuerzo, es un personaje con el que fácilmente te encariñas, no solo por su humor sino que además por su forma de pensar y desenvolverse, no se deja menospreciar con facilidad y pese a que pasa por muchas dificultades, continúa avanzando y enfrentándose a la vida. Pero su único secreto, es su enamoramiento por Qu Moyu.
Qu Moyu, un Alfa supremo con familia poderosa, nacido en cuna de oro y bastante respetado. Una vez, ayudó a Shen Dai cuando tuvo un celo inducido en su trabajo, dándole una marca temporal y dejando una profunda huella en el corazón de Shen Dai. Pero para Qu Moyu, luego de tres años tras ese suceso, no significaba nada, ni si quiera se hablaban.
Dos mundos totalmente opuestos, sin posibilidad de toparse.
Sin embargo, debido a los problemas económicos, Shen Dai acepta el trato de casarse con cierto Alfa debido a que su medio hermano que era el prometido de dicho Alfa, consiguió una marca de otro. Solo deben casarse para facilitar temas de negocios y recibiría una buena suma de dinero.
Lo que Shen Dai no imaginó es que se trataría de Qu Moyu.
Shen Dai firma un contrato, no puede embarazarse del hijo de Qu Moyu, tampoco contar los secretos de la familia ni tratar de conseguir su marca oficial.
Todos los Omegas desean la marca del Alfa clase S, consiguiendo prestigio, fama, dinero y prácticamente el mundo entero.
Pero Shen Dai solo desearía poder conseguir su corazón.
La historia nos va mostrando el desarrollo de su relación y las complicaciones de este mundo, cuando digo que hay sufrimiento es mucho y el amor no es para nada sencillo, lo más probable es que llegues a odiar a Qu Moyu y a varios del círculo que los rodea. Algo que me gusta mucho es la forma en que Qu Moyu fue escrito, él no es una mala persona, simplemente nunca fue criado en una familia donde exista el "amor", lo único que sabe es "ganar", pero créanme cuando les digo que el desarrollo que tiene es maravilloso.
Esta novela tiene muchos altos y bajos emocionales, pero lo que más destaco es la forma en que los protagonistas van evolucionando y se van enfrentando a todos los conflictos, es doloroso y sstisfactorio a la vez, ¡por favor no te dejes manipular por los comentarios que puedas ver de los lectores a lo largo de la historia! Tampoco endemonices a Qu Moyu, si estás dentro del mundo omegaverse como yo verás que de hecho es un buen alfa, e incluso si en un inicio lo odias, terminarás cayendo ante sus encantos igual.
El desarrollo de Shen Dai es de esos que se sienten como si te arrancaran el corazón que aún así sigue luchando por continuar latiendo, la fortaleza y reciliencia de él es admirable, su actitud y la forma en que nunca se deja pisotear, aunque debe aprender lecciones de forma muy cruel, termina superando cada prueba.
Y no creas que es amor del sencillo, hay toda una etapa de duelo, separación, desamor y enamoramiento nuevamente. Incluso puedes pensar "¿Pero cómo va a ser posible?", yo me lo preguntaba a medida y tenía miedo de que se sintiera forzado, ¡pero no! La forma en que se desenreda el nudo es amargo pero empalagosamente dulce a la vez.
Esta novela mezcla la amargura y la dulzura por igual, generándote múltiples emociones.
Espero odies tanto como yo al padre de Shen Dai y a la familia de Qu Moyu (a excepción de su madre).
Y no puedo no hablar de las escenas eróticas entre ellos, es de esas que te emocionan y hacen suspirar, las descripciones te dejan llenito y satisfecho (especialmente en un momento donde lo alimentan por arriba y por abajo al mismo tiempo, u know what I mean). 🤭
La lectura nunca se siente pesada aunque puede que en momentos quieras tomarte un tiempecito para tomar aire. La madurez de los personajes es maravilloso y terminarás enamorándote tanto de Qu Moyu como de Shen Dai. Si los odias, yo te odio a ti.
Por favor denle una oportunidad, les juro que lo disfrutarán y terminarán con una satisfacción muy grata. Esta novela se llevó mis cinco estrellas, la construcción de mundo, los personajes, el desarrollo de la historia, incluso si en un inicio sientes que es lo típico en el omegaverse, después te darás cuenta de la capacidad de escritura de este autor y cómo un concepto muy usado puede trabajarse de manera tan prolija.
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lianchuann · 1 year
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so handsome, so beautiful, and so pretty 😳
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kafeking157 · 2 years
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…to Jurassic Park!📸🦖
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frank-o-meter · 4 months
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Watch a panther and croc cuddle in the river!
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yuexuan · 8 months
Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)
Author: 水千丞
Length: 132 chapters + 1 extra
Tag: a/b/o, dogblood, complex family drama
Summary [taken from novel updates]:
The true top predator, plundering the best survival resources and hunting the top prey.
Novel [translated]
Comments **Contain spoilers**
I have read Shui Qianchen’s novel <寒武再临> before, I have also read a handful of 爽文 with similar dog blood tropes before, but I think this is the first novel that made me dislike the MC and ML so strongly.
But lemme try rephrase things in a way that would hopefully reach its target audience lol. 
First, a quick summary. Shen Dai was the bastard son of a wealthy businessman, a B-grade omega with weak pheromones. He worked at a research facility under the (in)famous S-grade alpha Qu Moyu. Overall, Shen Dai lived a humble life with his grandmother. 
One day, out of the blue, Shen Dai was approached by his estranged father, who had abandoned him long ago. Apparently, the rightful heir of his father’s company, his half-brother by another mother, had been marked by the younger alpha son of the Qu family. As such, his half-brother's arranged marriage with Qu Moyu had been broken off and there was a chance that his father You Lihai won’t get the needed funding to support his failing company. In order to secure the funding, You Lihai turned to his bastard son, using Shen Dai as a tool in a loveless political marriage. 
Shen Dai was soon pulled into the turmoil of the social elite, from scheming brothers, to disapproving in-laws, to his scamming ‘mother’. But the thing that hurts him most was his supposed husband - Qu Moyu - who had little interest in him besides using him as a bed warmer. So, after he was accidentally impregnated (as a result of a conspiracy to ruin Qu Moyu), Shen Dai decided to run away with his child. 
Turns out that Qu Moyu did in fact fall in love with Shen Dai, a feeling he only realized after Shen Dai left. The Qu family also regretted their decision once they realized that Shen Dai was capable of giving them what they wanted: an S-class alpha son. 
Look. If you like dog blood tropes + all the known family drama that comes with the wealthy elite + smattering of smut + a scumbag gong + a spineless shou - by all means, this would probably be something you enjoy. I heard that many people like Shui Qianchengs 188 guy group of scum gongs, so I'm sure every novel has its own targeted audience.
Personally, I had read my fair share of 爽文 and don’t mind a scum gong, because ultimately there will be the delightful arc of him chasing back the love of his life. But in this novel, the MC is so spineless and caves in so quickly that there is little value in this whole wife-chasing arc. Even till the end, Shen Dai continually gives in to the ridiculous demands of the Qu and You families. It also didn’t help that the narrative kept on trying to paint him as this smart, independent omega, who resembles a beta more than an omega (a characteristic that supposedly attracted Qu Moyu), but the plot just doesn’t support it at all. You’ll literally have Shen Dai making a decision to finally stand his ground, only to be shattered within the next 2-3 paragraphs because someone changed his views with an unsubstantiated claim.
Also, in my opinion, Qu Moyu should just be thrown into the Scumbag Gong Reconditioning System from the danmei novel “Don’t pick up boyfriends from trashbin” lol. He barely regrets his decisions and continues to bully Shen Dai till the latter parts of the novel. =/
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msgexymunson · 5 months
One Slow Blink Part 2
Second part right here due to Tumblr restrictions
Description: As a nurse, you want to help people, as many as you can. But, with the insane things that have been going on in Hawkins, and the crazed look in Dustin's eyes when he stumbles into the ER covered in blood with an impossible tale to tell, it makes you wonder; how much are you prepared to give? 
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI, *Here there be monsters! Honestly, there's straight up monster fucking in this so if you're not into that do not read*, AFAB sub nurse reader x dom monster Eddie, kinda Alpha/Omega without them knowing it, injury descriptions, S4 does happen and Eddie lives but he be a monster, hand job, fem oral receiving, male oral receiving, consensual predator/prey dynamic, fingering, very rough sex, biting/marking, unprotected p in v, knotting.
A/N: This has come from yet another deranged dream of mine. I imagine Eddie looking kinda like a mix between the Beast from the original Beauty and the Beast, and the dog/kangaroo guys from Tank Girl, but with a longer snout. If you don't know, that's a dirty mix between a lion, a bear, a wolf and maybe a little of Venom's tongue (because I am a whore.)
22k words for both parts, I know, mental, but it's worth it ;)
Masterlist Part 1
You must have fallen asleep like that, as once your eyes open it looks to be almost night, the sun dipping past the horizon. The light slipping past your makeshift curtain is a deep red. You ache all over, especially your shoulder, but it doesn't stop you from smiling. 
At some point he must have pulled you on top of him, both arms circling you possessively, holding you to his chest like a child's doll. His member has slipped out of you; you can feel the stickiness of his release coating the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs. 
Breathing changes as he stirs beneath you, opening his eyes in a squint. 
“Hey you.” 
He murmurs a soft sound from his chest, licking your cheek with his long tongue. 
“Ew! Eddie, you've got dog breath.” 
You laugh, hitting his chest playfully, shifting above him so you're straddling him.
“We better get cleaned up, I've got to get to the hospital in a few hours.” 
Eddie whines, grabbing your hips as you try to stand, pushing your wet heat against his twitching bulge. 
You breathe out in a warning, but it sounds too needy. He's not listening, rubbing you back and forth over his swelling length. 
“Eddie I don't think I can take another round, you were- oh fuck-” 
The sentence falters as he catches your clit, setting a thousand butterflies loose in your tummy. 
“I’ll… be gentle.” 
You hiccup a little laugh, staring down at him with a raised brow. 
“I don't think you can.” 
“Forrr you… I can.” 
You reach out to stroke his fuzzy cheek and he nuzzles into the touch. The affection he shows from that simple gesture has you relenting, guiding his member into you, slipping in easily, his previous sticky release helping its journey. 
Sitting back and allowing yourself to revel in the beautiful stretch, you experience that familiar wash of relief, a calm caressing your very soul. Eddie seems to feel it too, letting out a long breath as his shoulders lose tension. 
“This feels right,” you confess, hand running down his chest, “like, like-” 
His gravelly purr interrupts your spill words, reverberating through your ribcage. 
“Like you… werrre made forrr me, sweet-hearrrt.” 
It's much slower this time, more of a languid grinding as you both move against each other, that undercurrent of need more of a smouldering heat, rather than the unquenchable fire from earlier. Eddie pants as he watches you, tongue hanging from the side of his mouth as you reach your precipice, your eyebrows knotting and body shuddering around him. 
Falling against his form, entirely spent, skin glowing with sweat, you hold onto him as he chases his own release. True to his word, he's much more gentle, gripping your hips and moving you to meet his shallow thrusts. You see his snout scrunch when he's on the brink, just before he pulls you off of him and holds you to his torso. You can feel his cock pumping out his orgasm against your stomach, glueing the pair of you together. 
“Eddie, you didn't need to-” 
“Last time we werrre… stuck togetherrr, for half hourrr.” 
You giggle, astonished at his words. 
“Really? Damn, I must have fell asleep.” 
“You did. Couldn't move. Was… nice.” 
Reaching up to play with the fur on his cheek, you think about what he just said. 
“You know, I think that's knotting. You know, like d-”
“If you say… dogs…” He warns, winding a finger in your hair and tugging gently. 
“Fine. Canines.” 
He grabs you, holding you in place as he slathers your face with his tongue, drooling all over you. 
“Eddie! Yuck, stop, stop!” 
“Thought I was… dog. This is what dogs do… rrrright?” 
You squeal loudly trying to extricate yourself from his hold. 
“OK, OK! You're not a dog! Stop!” 
He finally relents and you get up, unpeeling from the sticky skin and matted fur of his stomach. 
“Right, I'm gonna have a shower before you start humping my leg.” 
He snaps his teeth at you playfully as you leave. When you're standing in front of the bathroom mirror, you see why your shoulder hurts so much. There's teeth marks in it; pinpricks of broken skin tinged with blood. They aren't deep, but the redness around them looks like it's going to leave a hell of a bruise. For some reason, you're not mad. The opposite in fact. It feels like a claim. You are his, and this is so the world can see. 
Once you're clean and relatively dry, you go into the living area to find some food, throwing on one of Eddie's new t-shirts. It may as well be a dress, the hem kissing your mid thigh. 
Something doesn't feel right though. Suddenly there's a rolling in the pit of your stomach, a sense of impending doom. The light streaming through the partially boarded windows is still an ominous red. Risking a look, you peer out of the slats and see the sky. 
It's flashing red and blue, as if there's an enormous thunderstorm boiling the heavens, but there's no sound. It looks unnatural, colouring the landscape around in the same foreboding hues. You feel hot, and sick. 
Eddie barrels into the room with a towel still around his waist, tackling you to the ground. 
“Eddie, whats-” 
“Stay low… some-thing coming… smells wrrrong.” 
You whisper as quietly as you can.
“What can you smell?” 
He takes a moment, snuffling at the air with his eyes closed. 
“Outside… woods, dirrrt. Frrriends, coming. And… can't ex-plain in worrrds. Sticky… chem-i-cal… pulsing… grrey blue. Wrrrong.” 
You suppose that's what you get for asking a question about something you can't possibly understand, what with the stark differences in your senses. You try a different tact.
“Have you… smelled it before?” 
“Differrrent… but, similarrrr… to up-side-down.” 
There's the shoe that you were waiting to drop. Now the feeling in your gut made sense. 
“Eddie, you said… friends were coming?” 
“Harrrrrington… and Henderrrrson forrr surrre… smell the damn hairrsprrray.” 
In spite of the situation, you giggle. He flashes his teeth, dropping his guard for just an instant. 
There's a powerful knock at the door that makes you jump. Eddie leaps up and flings it open with such force that it slams into the wooden wall sending dust flying. 
You just about make out the figure of a girl with a shaved head and a bloody nose who thrusts an outstretched hand toward Eddie. Dustin's voice rings out behind her. 
“Elle no!” 
There's a strange force, like a gust of wind with no air that buffets around Eddie's snarling form. You feel it pulling you, ripping you backwards as you roll across the floorboards. Eddie seems unaffected, not moving from his spot. 
“Eleven, stop! You think monsters wear pink towels??”  
The girl looks baffled and turns to where Dustin is running forward, waving his arms wildly. Steve is following quickly behind. They both look battered and bruised. As Steve comes into focus you see his entire front is covered in blood. 
Instincts kicking in, you shoulder past Eddie and run toward him. 
“Steve, what happened!” 
“It's alright it's not my blood. Eleven, this is Eddie.” 
Ah, Eleven. It makes more sense now. The powers, the shaved head. 
“Who- is she?” 
Eleven stares at you with a confused expression. You introduce yourself, and explain what you think you are. 
“...I'm, er, Eddie's girlfriend.”
Eleven's eyes widen but she doesn't say anything. Dustin, however, can't possibly stop the words spilling from his mouth. 
“Girlfriend?? Seriously? But-” 
���Henderson, focus! That's not important right now!” 
“I was just asking, Steve!” 
“Well don't we have other stuff we need to-” 
Shocked, you realise the shout came from you. 
“Everyone, just calm down and get inside so we can talk, OK?” 
Your words seem to cut through all arguments as everybody makes it inside, standing and looking at you for direction. Attempting to keep the authoritative air you've managed to concoct, you order them to sit down whilst you and Eddie get dressed. 
When you're no longer feeling so exposed, you come back into the living room holding Eddie's hand. 
“Right now, Steve, you first. What the fucks going on?” 
He weirdly looks at Eleven first, who gives a curt nod. 
“Right, right, so, it's a little-” 
Dustin cuts in. 
“-Vecna's back from the Upside Down with his Demogorgons and bats and stuff and they're taking over Hawkins and we need Eddie Dog to help defeat him!” 
Stumbling back a little stunned, your wide eyes search his vainly for the sign of some prank. There is none. 
“So… you're saying there's monsters in Hawkins??”
Steve responds calmly, juxtaposing Dustin’s trembling form.
“ ‘fraid so. Nance and Hopper and everyone else are holed up in the library. Everyone left in the town’s there. Well, everyone who's not dead or ran away.” 
“Wait, so Hopper’s alive??” 
“Yes! He was captured by evil Russians but Mrs Byers got him back and-” 
“Alright, alright,” you hold your palms up to Dustin, “what does Eddie have to do with this?” 
“Listen, Henderson's got this theory that Eddie's… powers… came out so he can stop Vecna.” 
“But that's absurd, he was bitten!” You turn to Eddie but he looks just as shocked as you. 
“Yeah but, we've seen a lot of people today who've been bitten by something. No one else changed.” 
“Exactly,” Dustin says, grinning, “Eddie's got super strength now, he's all healed, I bet he's got other powers.” 
Eleven starts talking unexpectedly. 
“I tried to throw him. He did not move.” 
“See!? He's a superhero.” 
“So, wait, Eleven can't throw him,” you begin, “but that doesn't mean she can't throw stuff at him. What's to stop Vecna throwing a car or something?” 
Everyone looks at Eleven.
Wordlessly, she focuses on a lamp that sits on a side table. To your astonishment, it begins to float in the air, then hurls itself at Eddie with remarkable force. Then the strangest thing happens. It hovers a few inches from Eddie as if stopped by an invisible barrier, then falls to the floor uselessly. 
Silence. You break it, voice splitting as it goes high pitched with worry. 
“Right, but that doesn't mean Vecna can't hurt him, just because Eleven can't, right? Right??” 
Eddie's the one to respond, holding your hands in one bearish paw. 
“Sweet-hearrrt, they'rrre rrright… I can help… I should help… need to prrotect the Shirrre… prrrotect you.” 
“But-but-” Tears well in your eyes as you stare back at him. 
“I need to… otherrrrwise… I am… this… is all a waste.” 
You nod, but pull your hands from his and walk into the bedroom, shutting the door behind you. The pain is too much to bear. It does make sense, if you were being rational, but right now you aren't rational. Nothing about this is rational. You've just found the love of your life and you might lose him to this stupid fight. 
Fuck. You love him.
It's finally clear. The feeling in your stomach, the draw you have toward him, the fire in your veins, in your heart. You barely know him, but you love him. 
And now that might get ripped away because of some damn fight that shouldn't have had anything to do with him in the first place. 
You perch on the bed, head in your hands as tears leak down your cheeks. There's no fight in you to stop them, grieving for something that hasn't happened yet but seems inevitable. There's whispering in the other room, plans being made, but it all sounds like it's underwater, drowned by the power of your tears. 
After a while, Eddie opens the door and shuffles in the room, sitting down on the bed next to you. He slowly starts to explain the plan to you, how Will can sense when Vecna or the monsters are near, how Elle will help clear a path, how he has the strength to defeat him, since Vecna's powers are all he has. He doesn't have the speed or strength that Eddie does. 
There's a loaded quiet when he's finished. You're angry, wiping away stray tears fiercely from your face, but you're not angry at him. You're angry at the situation, at Vecna, at the Upside Down. Angry at the powers that seem to be pulling you apart. 
“Fine. But I'm coming with you.” 
“No,” he snarls, pulling his arm around you, “they need… heal-ers. You… can help.” 
“But what if- what if you get hurt?” 
Staring up whilst you are brimming with tears, he cups your face, looking back at you with soulful eyes. 
“I'll do… everrry-thing I can.”
“No!” You shout, tears falling once again as your face heats up, “you can't say that, they say that in the hospital and people die!”
Wringing your hands, flipping them over and over each other in your lap, you barely notice Eddie falling to the floor in front of you. 
Then his burly arms are circling you, his maw pushed into your abdomen, inhaling you deeply, sweetly. It stops your incessant fidgeting, fingers resting in his long locks. They wind into his hair, twisting through to massage his scalp as he purrs into the flesh of your stomach. 
“Eddie, if you love me you'll come back to me. Do-do you love me, Eddie?”
He looks up at you, deep chestnut eyes searching your face. 
One slow blink. 
There's a soft knock at the door and Dustin opens it. 
“We have to go soon. Are you ready Eddie Dog?” 
Eddie growls low in his throat, swivelling to face him on all fours, hackles raised. Dustin immediately attempts to backtrack, arm raised to try and protect his face. 
“I mean, I didn't mean- it's from the demogorgon, you know, demodogs, Eddie Dog, I did think DemoEddie but Dog-”
Eddie pounces, pinning Dustin to the ground. Dustin's eyes scrunch shut as he screams, voice breaking in terror. 
“Shit shit shiiiiiiiiiit!!!” 
You giggle inanely as Eddie licks Dustin's face wetly. He bounds off him and shoots a wink at you, before lending Dustin a hand and dragging him to his feet. 
“I am not… a dog.” 
Dustin is laughing in relief, nerves racking through it. 
“No you're not, I'm sorry I'm sorry-” 
Steve appears in the doorway. 
“Guys, get in here.”
All mockery forgotten, you make your way into the living space in silence. 
“Steve, what's going on?” 
“That's just it. Listen.” 
You all stop, ears working in overdrive as you all try to hear what he hears. Breaking the quiet spell that had drifted over everyone, you speak. 
“I can't hear anything.”
“Exactly. Don't you get it? All over town, all through the woods, there's been these things. Demogorgons, bats, horrible things. But here, there's nothing.” 
“Eddie, you smell anything?” 
Eddie closes his eyes, snout wiggling in effort as he opens his preternatural senses. His voice rumbles out in its usual gravelly purr.
“That scent… it's herrre, it's on them… up-side-down smell… therrres nothing close by… except a few deerrr.” 
Steve holds a hand up, stage whispering to you.
“He can smell that?” 
“Yes… and hearrr acrrross rrrooms.” 
“Sorry big guy, I just- that's awesome.” 
Dustin is beaming, staring at Eddie like he's a superhero. Steve continues, making sure he's looking at Eddie, you notice, keeping him in the conversation. 
“So, if those things aren't nearby… maybe, maybe they're afraid of him? Hate to say it but I'm starting to agree with Dustin. Maybe you're supposed to be like this Munson.” 
Sighing in acceptance, you turn to Eddie. 
“Fine. If you think you can help you should go. Don't let me stop you. But you have to come back to me.” 
He gives you a slow blink, and you nod, accepting fate. Then you move into action, grabbing the partially used trauma kit, along with anything else you think might be helpful. Everyone else is doing the same, as if they were waiting for your approval. 
Pretty soon you're being bundled into what appears to be a stolen pick up truck with Eddie sitting in the back, as you race back into town. 
If you could call it town anymore. 
Your mind rolls to every post apocalyptic movie you've ever seen, but none of them compare to it happening in front of your eyes. Crumbling buildings that you recognise send spears of hurt through your heart. Over there, the gas station where you bought your first underage beers, now a smoking wreckage. On your left, the drug store where you used to pick up your mom's prescription, cracked and half buried in rubble. 
A cloud of chattering sound passes quickly overhead; you hear Eddie growling low as batlike creatures wing their way to another destination, seemingly unbothered by your presence. It's either that, or they don't want to tangle with your boyfriend. You pray that it's the latter.
Steve takes a sharp left turn and you fling to the side in your seat. 
“I thought we were heading to the library, isn't it that way?” 
“Yep, if you wanna cross a gorge. The roads opened so wide that nothing can get through.” 
The enormity of the situation is sinking into you, winding around your spine, fear clasping you in its unwanted clutches. 
Ignore it. Don't recognise it. Turn your back on it. There's people that need your help. 
Steve pulls up a few yards away from the library, and you clench your jaw, telling your tears to fuck right off. Now is not the time for tears. 
You and Dustin jump out of the truck, and he rushes to the library to bring everyone who needs to be part of this final stand. A final stand that doesn't involve you. A final stand that has the love of your life sitting front and centre. 
Running around to the back of the truck you grab Eddie's head firmly in both your hands. 
“You- you remember what I said? You need to come back to me, you hear me? ‘Cause if you don't I'll kill you myself. Get it Eddie? You do this and you come back to me!!” 
Eddie holds your hands in his enormous paws, enveloping your soft flesh instantly. Nuzzling his snout against your cheek, he breathes in your ear. 
“I'll come back… to what's mmine.” 
You press fierce hot kisses to the soft fur of his face, over and over, until he pulls you from him, holding your hands away. 
“You love me Eddie. I know you do.” 
One slow blink. 
In an instant, he's gone, quieter than snow. Falling to the floor, you hold your head in your hands, crushed by the barbarity of the situation. 
You didn't say it. You didn't tell him you love him too. Saying it out loud would make it more real. Saying it out loud would make the pain worse if you lose him. 
Soft fingers pry at you, leading you onward, inside. In a daze you follow, feet on autopilot as you clutch the trauma bag in front of you like a shield. 
Inside is a bustle of activity, a hive of ants that all have a purpose and none of them involve you. You're guided gently down onto a seat and the insects run about, fetching food, water, bandages. It all seems to be happening outside of you, following a rhythm that you can't hear. 
“Hey, hey!” One of the swarm seems to be addressing you. Tilting your head, you look towards them. It's an older woman; half her face is concealed by a makeshift eyepatch. 
“You're a doctor, right? We need someone over here now!” 
Instincts take over. Legs rising of their own accord, they march over to a camp bed that's been set up. Another woman lays there, breaths shallow and humanising. There's an enormous gash in her side. 
“OK OK, I can help, just don't move too much, I'll try and stop the bleeding.” 
Then the next person. And then, the next person. 
Mind floating into a subconscious haze, your memories take over. That situation before at the hospital, the textbook you once studied, a hypothetical conversation with a doctor. You take it, all at once, power beyond what should be possible, but you do it. 
You do it for him. 
Minutes pass into hours unseen as you tear through every available useful item, every strip of gauze from your bag, until it happens. 
A pain so profound that grips your shoulder and your heart hard enough for you to look around for the shotgun. It emanates out of the bitemark, pulsing into your veins with alarming force. 
“He's hurt.”
Collapsing to the side, you hold a firm hand to your own heart, as if you could will it to slow. Legs give out from under you, your rear landing on the hard surface behind. For a minute you sit, unable to move, unable to think, wondering why everyone around seems so controlled. Don't they realise your entire universe is shattering into splinters before their very eyes? 
There's a hand shaking you by the arm, someone asking if you're OK. They lift you, place you in a seat, and keep asking, and asking. Your tongue feels heavy, unable to form words to explain the hurt you're feeling. This deep hurt is rooted into your bone marrow; heavy, hard and cold. 
There's a familiar face in front of you, a round childish face with curling boyish locks and a worried expression. Dustin. 
“Hey, you there? Can ya hear me?” 
Nodding wordlessly, you point to your chest, directly over your heart, eyes wincing in pain. 
“Did you get hurt?” 
You shake your head, and manage one word. 
Before Dustin can respond, Nancy runs in, face covered in grime and dark blood, panting for breath. 
“They… did it… Hoppers here with Eleven. The gates are closed. But, Eddie-” 
Hearing his name you rush back into your body. 
“Where is he?” 
“Steve and Jonathan are taking him back to the cabin. He's unconscious. He’s… in a bad way, but he's alive.”
He's alive. 
“I need to get to him. Dustin, grab any bandages you can find. Nancy, you got a car?” 
She nods and leads you outside. The sky has quietened, no longer flashing in supernatural colours. Looking upward, you  can almost believe this is a normal night in Hawkins. Taking in the streets, the truth is far from it. 
Three monstrous things lay on the sidewalk, covered in some slimy substance and splattered in unnatural blood. Their skin has a blue grey sheen to it, and their limbs are twisted awkwardly. Their heads seem to have been split open, but then you realise it's just one gigantic mouth, unfurling like a gristly lily. The fleshy petals are lined with dozens of tiny sharp teeth. 
You press a toe to one of them nervously. Its head lulls to one side, utterly lifeless. 
“Hey I got the band- Holy shit!!” 
Dustin's voice cracks mid sentence, then he sighs in relief when he realises the monsters are dead. Nancy calls at you both to hurry and you bundle into the car as she races through the cracked, ruined streets of Hawkins. 
The gas station, the shops, town hall, it's all unimportant. What matters is getting to Eddie. You need to save him. 
Suddenly a heavy feeling in your chest lifts, but not in comfort. It's as if someone's tugged a weighted blanket off of you, exposing your vulnerability for the world to see. Eddie's presence, once a firm hold coddling your heart, is reduced to a whisper of a thought. Gossamer threads tie you instead of lead ropes that you hadn't even realised were there until they were nearly gone. 
“Nancy, we need to hurry, he's almost gone!” 
She doesn't question how you know, just presses her foot to the accelerator and bombs through Hawkins and onto the familiar country road. She gets as near as the woods will allow, until you're yanking the door open and continuing on shaky legs, feet pounding at the bracken and tears streaming from the corners of your eyes. 
A singular thought races through your mind with each footfall. Save him. Save him. Like a heartbeat. 
The cabin starts to appear out of the darkness, the lights inside a beacon of hope. As you reach the front door it flies open, Steve standing in the frame. 
His hair is sticking out in every direction; part of it is plastered to his forehead with blood. A bat with nails in it is hanging limply at his side and his clothes are torn. There's gashes in his front, as if gigantic claws had swiped at him. Previously you would have stopped, gaping at his wounds in horror and done anything you could to help, but after everything you've seen tonight they seem almost trivial. 
“Is he here?” 
Steve takes a deep breath in, swinging the bat at his side as if on instinct. 
“He's here, I guess. He was awesome, then- he wasn't him, in the end. He's not said a word after Vecna, then when Mrs- well, he passed out. Just, be careful.” 
You nod and shoulder your way through, past a long haired guy with the intense expression who you assume is Jonathan, and into the bedroom.
It's a familiar scene, so much so that it borders on comfort. He's strapped down to the bed, a belt wrapped around his feral maw. His breaths are shallow and wet sounding. A snarling whistle of a snore escapes on each exhale. 
His wounds are deep, much deeper than before. There's blood pooling at his side from a gaping wound, it looks like one of those bastard monsters took a bite out of him. That seems the worst damage, that and a bite on his shoulder that almost mirrors your own. You'd laugh at the irony if you weren't so upset. On top of that, there are so many scrapes and claw marks and bruises that it makes your heart ache. 
“One of you, come in here and help me.” 
Steve appears in the door frame, bat held high as if Eddie were about to pounce. 
“Steve, put the bat down. I need your help cleaning these wounds.” 
He lowers his arm and moves nearer to you, but doesn't let the bat go. 
“I don't think you get it. When Vecna- when he realised he couldn't hurt him, those demogorgons got him. He fought three of them at once and then he… well, he tore Vecna in half. Since then he's not… he was a beast. Tried to attack me and Hopper, until Mrs Byers whacked him over the head, knocked him out cold. I'm not sure he's Eddie, anymore.”
There's a tug at your heart, a spindly web like thread that pulls you to your love. 
“He's weak, but he's there. I know it. Help me clean these wounds and bind them before he bleeds out.” 
The two of you work in silence, Steve flinching when Eddie stirs, but he doesn't wake up. When the hole in his side is padded with gauze and tightly bound with bandages, you work on the rest. There's just so many injuries, it's a wonder he's still alive and hasn't bled out yet. 
When it's done, with Eddie patched and bandaged as well as you know how, you collapse onto the floor, hands on your knees. All you can do is wait for him to wake up. That's if he wakes up. If he wakes up as him, and not some mindless beast. 
“Listen, you've done what you can. You're awesome, really.” 
Steve's hand grasps yours on top of your knee. 
“If he's gonna come back for anyone, he'll come back for you.” 
The smile he flashes melts your heart as he gets up to leave. A second later, he returns with a musty blanket and a worn cushion. You take them gratefully and get comfortable on the floor, hoping against hope that your love wakes up. 
A roaring growl shatters through your nerves and startles you awake, rocketing through your senses before you have a chance to think. Hot breath blows across your face, messing your hair and making you blink in its turbulence. 
Eddie's on all fours on top of you, crouched low and teeth bared, bindings in tatters all about you. The belt is gone from his jaw; you can only assume he managed to break it with sheer force. A dribble of slobber hangs from his maw; for some reason it's all you can focus on. It wobbles in your vision, as you scramble for some way to get through to him.
He barks roughly, snapping his teeth barely an inch from your face. 
“N-now, you listen to me, Eddie!” 
Your voice squeaks, belying the stern demeanour you're attempting to convey. He growls low, crouching even further over you, giving you an undeniable urge to flee. You can't, not with Eddie on top of you. Not just that, you know deep within your bones that if you attempt to escape, you're dead. 
It suddenly dawns on you that it doesn't matter. You could just throw yourself out there and be eaten. Sure, it'd be painful, but since he's hovering right over your jugular it'd probably be quick. Living without him seems far worse. Or, you might just succeed, and live. 
There's no time for hesitation and pleasantries. So, you grasp the fur around his maw and clutch it desperately, fingers winding into his pelt. His eyes widen, jaw closing slightly, and you take the opportunity to pull his head closer. Your forehead sits flush with his, searching his eyes for any sign of the Eddie you know. 
“Eddie Munson, you listen to me! You know who I am! Can't you smell it? My smell, your smell? You're mine, and I'm yours. You promised you'd come back to me! So do it, come the fuck back to me or I swear I'll kill you myself!” 
Releasing one hand, you pull your t-shirt over your shoulder and show him the mark he left you. 
“You see this? You know what this is? Remember, Eddie!” 
There's a flicker in his hard gaze, a flash of something that just might be your Eddie. Pressing his snout to the mark, he inhales deeply. Then, he's pressing his jaw to yours, nuzzling your neck with his nose. Moving your head to meet his affection, you rub your faces against each other. The tension in the room dissipates as you finally start to see the human behind the beast.
As he pulls his face away, you stare deep in his eyes. 
‘I love you Eddie Munson. I knew you'd come back. You had to, because you love me too. Right?” 
One slow blink. 
Then, he's falling to the floor on his side, seemingly exhausted with the strain. There's no way you'll be able to get him back into the bed, so you throw your blanket around you both and snuggle into his warm pelt before you fall asleep in his arms. 
When you finally wake up, he's still asleep breathing heavily through his nose. The breaths sound much better than before, a stark difference from the heavy, wet sound he was making previously. 
Every joint hurts from sleeping on the wooden floor. You stretch in place, click your elbows, and glance back down at Eddie. 
Even a few hours seems to have helped Eddie with his recovery. The small grazes you didn't bother to cover up are completely healed; just tiny fine lines of scars are all that's left, like the inking of a delicate pen. 
You try to stand up but Eddie's heavy paw is resting on your hip, keeping your back flush to his torso. 
“Eddie,” you whisper, half ashamed to disturb him, “I need to move, my back hurts.” 
One chestnut eye blinks roughly at you then opens, shrivelling from the light pouring through your ad hoc curtains. He's not said a word yet, a fact that is eating your insides up with worry, but you don't mention it. 
He pushes himself off of the floor, managing to stand shakily before flopping to the bed. Even this small movement has him exhausted beyond what should be possible. 
“Eddie, do you want me to get you something to eat? You know, to help the healing?” 
Those soulful deep eyes bore into you, stretching time for just a moment. Then he blinks deliberately at you, twice. 
“No? So, what can I do?” 
Wordlessly, he holds his arms out. You crawl into his embrace as he clutches you to his chest tightly, as if he's scared you'll run away. You couldn't though. Not now, not ever. 
After a few hours, he's breathing deeply, and you risk moving to the living space. Once you enter you see Steve and Jonathan there. Nancy climbs out of an armchair and makes her way towards the group, diplomatically standing exactly between them. 
“We didn't want to disturb. How's he doing?” 
Nancy's soft voice breaks the quiet and you allow her a small smile. 
“Great. I mean, he's healing like crazy, seems to be something he can do, and he remembers me for sure. He's not spoken yet, but give him time.” 
She beams at you, then flashes a thousand watt smile at Steve. Shaking her head slightly, apparently at her own actions, she grabs Jonathan's hand and gives it a squeeze. You don't miss the slight frown that flickers on Steve's face, or the little wanton appraising look he gives Jonathan. It's funny, viewing something from an outsider's perspective. They're the perfect little threesone and they don't seem to even know it. 
There's a stirring noise from the bedroom and you run immediately toward it. Eddie's sitting up in bed; it looks like he's trying to inspect the hole in his side with clumsy fingers. 
“Hey, it's OK Eddie, don't touch it. I'm gonna look after you, alright?” 
A flicker of relief passes across his face and he settles down into the mattress, placated. 
You inspect the wound; his recovery is remarkable but there's still a way to go before it's healed. By rights he shouldn't be breathing at all. 
“It looks good, it'll take a while to heal completely but I think you're gonna be alright.” 
A large hand reaches tentatively to your face and cups it, shaking slightly with the effort. His face scrunches, an internal pain crossing it that seems too much to bear. Then, words emerge. 
“...love… you.” 
Instantly welling with tears, you cup his hand in your own. 
“I love you too Eddie. Now sleep, you need to rest. I'll bring you some water, and some food in a while to get your strength back up.” 
He blinks slowly at you, then settles his head back into the mattress, palm dropping from your cheek almost instantly as he falls asleep. You take the cushion from the floor and anchor his head up, slipping it underneath so he doesn't strain his neck. 
Staring at him for a moment looking so peaceful makes your eyes well. Wiping furiously at your face, you disperse the tears and turn towards the doorway. 
“You alright?” 
Steve's standing there, thankfully no longer holding a bat. You nod and walk out of the room with him, after a final glance at Eddie's sleeping form. 
Now the danger has passed, the rest of them leave to go get some much needed sleep. The snippets you've been told about the battle for Hawkins sounded bloody and taxing, they all need to recuperate. 
When Eddie starts eating you breathe another sigh of relief. It's a good sign. He seems to be having trouble again with picking things up and using words but it's getting better by the hour. 
Collecting a bucket from outside, you fill it with warm water and grab some soap and a washcloth from the bathroom, then take it to the bedroom. Eddie's sitting up in bed, having just finished a whole chicken. He's licking juices from his furred fingers when you walk in. 
“Hey, that good? Want any more?” 
“Good… forrr now.” 
You smile at him and waddle over with the heavy bucket. Placing it on the ground with a heavy thud, you soak the cloth and add some soap to it. 
“What… doing?” 
“Oh, well you've got too many bandages on for me to clean you in the tub, so I thought I'd wash you in here, if that's alright.” 
Flashing his teeth in the epitome of a wolfish grin, he purrs out a response as he whips off the blanket covering him. 
“Hot nurrrse…. Giving me… sponge bath? Yess please!” 
You roll your eyes but you're smiling as you do it, and help him wriggle out of his sweatpants. He's naked, cock already kicking up with your proximity. 
“This isn't about that, Eddie!” 
“And don't just drop your s'es to be cute, I know you can say them!” 
He gently grasps your hand in his and you melt just a little. 
You start cleaning him as best as you can, tenderly mopping in between the bandages, taking care to remove as much of the crusted blood and grime as possible. 
As you work, you feel his furred finger curl under your chin, guiding you to look at him. 
“You… rrreally carrrre about… mme, don't you?” 
Trying to move out of his grip shyly, he holds your chin firmly waiting for your reply.
“I mean, yes, of course. I told you Eddie, I love you.” 
Damp fingers twine in his thick burly hand. His eyes are on you but seeing through you, deep in thought. You squeeze his fingers in encouragement. 
“What's on your mind, Eddie?” 
He huffs a laugh, shaking his head. 
“It's stu-pid… I just thought… when it all ended… when gate closed… I'd go back… be norrrmal.” 
Emotion floods those brandy hued eyes, you force a lump in your throat to go away. 
“Eddie, you've never been normal,” you say, smiling at him, whilst he growls a little chuckle in his throat, “but that's not a bad thing. You're different Eddie. You've always been different. You're odd, and funny, and intense. I love you, and not in spite of those things. Because of them. Because you're you.” 
Eddie roughly rubs a hand over his eyes to disguise the tears. 
“Love you… what the fuck… did I do… to deserrrve you.” 
“Don't know, but it must have been pretty awesome.” 
You smile as you finish cleaning him, drying him off as best as you can, and let him get more rest. It seems each time he naps his healing quickens exponentially, so you encouraged as many as you could. 
It was late evening by the time you saw him again. You had fallen asleep on the couch in front of the TV, curled up wearing Eddie's black t-shirt and nothing else, with a cushion between your knees for comfort. 
There was warm pressure just on the inside of your thigh, a heaviness that for some reason made you feel safe. 
Cracking one eye open, you see Eddie is sitting on the floor facing you, his furred cheek resting on your leg. His snout is just breaching the hem of the t-shirt, dangerously close to your heat. 
“Eddie, what are you doing?” 
He takes a deep breath in and your cheeks flood with embarrassment. 
“I miss-ed you… miss-ed this.” 
“We can't, like, do anything Eddie, not until you're healed.” 
Lifting his head up, he points wordlessly to his side. The bandage has been removed. Amazingly, it's knotted scar tissue; a few tufts of fur are growing on it already. In a few days you'd be surprised if you could even tell the near life threatening blow had even happened. 
“Wow, thats- fuck, that's incredible. You're amazing!” 
He makes a little satisfied noise at the praise and sits up, towering over you on the sofa. 
“So… arrre we good? Forrr… a little game?” 
Tilting your head, you mockingly appraise him, looking him up and down and checking each knot of scars. 
“Well… seems I can give you the all clear. What did you have in mind?” 
Opening his maw, he flicks his tongue over his teeth, and stares at you hungrily. 
“I've got… an i-dea.” 
He stands up and pulls you to your feet, reminding you again of the sheer size of him, and wordlessly leads you to the back door. 
When you're outside, the lack of noise really strikes you. There's not a sound in the woods. An eerie quiet washes over you, making each breath, each heartbeat all the louder. The air is crisp, but not freezing. It nips at your bare legs, trailing goosebumps up your thighs. You look up at the sky; a beautiful array of shining stars fill it, and the moon provides a little light so you can make out the dark shadow of trees about you. It's ethereal and beautiful. 
“It's really pretty Eddie, but what's this got to do with a game?” 
He stands just behind you, firmly grabbing you by your hips as he bends to speak in your ear. 
“We'rrre tied… in ourrr little chases… thought we could…” 
“Out here? In the dark? Eddie what if theres-” 
“Nothings herrre… animals fled frrrom the monsterrrs… can smell. It's just you… and mme.” 
The thought sends a little shiver down your spine, pins and needles rushing from the base of your neck. 
“You like the… i-dea. Can tell.” 
You curse your own body for betraying you, but he's absolutely right. You're already wet just thinking about it and it's starting to dampen your thighs. A heat floods through you, making you forget about the cold. 
“OK… say I'm interested, what are the rules?”
“Two minutes head starrrt… then, when I catch you…” He playfully licks the shell of your ear, “I can do… whateverrr I want.” 
“Within reason?” You say, voice already shaking. 
“Within… rrreason.” 
“Five minutes.” 
Immediately you tear away from his grasp and run, giving him no time to think about it. The forest floor is surprisingly soft under your bare feet, a carpet of pine needles allowing you to run comfortably, unhindered. 
Your ears are occupied by the sound of your own beating heart. It's pumping wildly in your chest, pure adrenaline coursing through your veins, making each decision. You zig zag, double back a little, and turn in a circle, to try and throw him off the scent. A part of you wishes there was a river nearby to help confuse the trail further. Then again, most of you is glad there isn't. It's not like you don't want to be caught. 
A fallen branch makes you trip and you sprawl unseen in the dark. The rush is still there, but you try to be more careful and take a little time looking for anything on the ground that could harm you. Squinting in the dark, you make out a huge stone in front of you which could have seriously injured you. Skirting around it, there's a copse of close together trees to one side. Then, there's an alrighty roar. 
He sounds so close, you must have made less progress than you thought. Dashing for the trees, you enter a little circle of pines and press your back against one panting for breath. You can hear him now. It sounds like he's galloping through the forest on all fours, crashing through branches and twigs like a hot knife through butter. 
You daren’t move, you daren’t breathe. This close there's no chance he won't hear you. Thighs clenching so hard you're in danger of losing blood flow, you feel your slick covering them, nearly slipping apart because of it. It's uncanny; you don't know why your body seems to have this visceral reaction to his presence, but really you don't need to know. All you know is that this feels so right, so natural for you, that it's accepted without hesitation. 
The absence of noise is what makes you jump. One minute there's crashing and breaking branches; the next, silence. You grip onto the rough bark, fingers white knuckling in fervent anticipation. 
You hear him then, soft footfalls crunching and sniffing noises. Keeping your back pressed firmly against the tree trunk, you try to breathe as quietly as you can. Each second that goes by feels like it stretches on for an eternity, as you hear him get closer and closer… and then walk past behind you. Breath leaving you in a gasp, you relax your muscles slightly. 
Until he's directly in front of you, completely naked, the sheer weight of him pressed up against you as he pins both your arms by your sides. His cock is throbbing against your stomach, huge and painfully hard. Bending his head to your level, his snout nudges your ear. 
“I win… you’rrre mmine.” 
He nips at your neck, his sharp teeth breaking the skin. Pain blossoms out from the mark, but it's followed by a wave of pleasure that sends another wash of wetness out of you. 
Eddie growls so deeply that you shiver, and suddenly your world is shooting upward as he grasps you firmly by the ass and lifts you up, your t-shirt riding up to your chest. The hard bark of the tree is pressing into your naked skin as he holds you there like a play thing, claws digging in your flesh. His tongue laps through your folds, tasting you with such ferocity that it makes you moan wantonly, your nails scraping into his scalp, hanging on for dear life. 
Cloying heat is surrounding you, suffocating you. You pull the shirt over your head and toss it in a vain attempt to get some relief but it's no use. Eddie's tongue is buried inside your tight cunt, a dizzying tornado that's making your head spin, but you need more. 
“Fuck- please Eddie, I-I need- oh God- I need you inside me.” 
He lifts your back off of the tree, then slams your spine against the rough wood, expelling all breath from your lungs. He's shaking his head back and forth, long snout rubbing over your clit. A hard no, but it's setting fireworks off inside you all the same. He lets up for a moment, just one, rumbling out words so close to your pussy you feel the warm air of his breath and the vibration of it on your clit. 
“You want me… so bad… then fuckin’ cum. Now.” 
His thumb breaching your weeping sex is a complete surprise. It's just so thick; moving inside you with such animalistic intensity that you're clenching and coming with an obscene scream directed at the heavens. You crumble to ash and dust within his very clutches, the smouldering fire flaming bright and burning all of you, inside and out. 
There's no time to recover, to breathe. He slides you down the tree trunk and onto his waiting member, forcing it inside with barely any warning. Tears spring from the corners of your eyes as he forcibly lifts you by your hips and slams you back down, over and over, his powerful thrusts pulling whimpers out of you. You're just so full, his swollen length pulsing inside, throbbing you to ecstasy. 
The strings tighten inside you, firming the pressure in your belly, which suddenly snaps, dissolving into an intense wave of pleasure that gushes from your hole and threatens to push him out due to its violence. He shudders with you, holding you close and grinding into you, helping you ride it out with almost gentle movements that bely the ferality he displayed only moments ago. Your foreheads touch softly, breaths in tandem. 
For a second you think he's finished. You couldn't be further from the truth. His voice is strained, as if he's trying to keep it under control. 
“You… do that… again.” 
Before you can blink his knuckles are dragging harshly over your clit, back and forth, sending a shiver through your spine on each rough pass. 
“Eddie- oh holy- oh fuuuck!” 
You're barely able to speak, to think. Sentences fail to form, in fact your bordering on drooling at the way he's fucking you dumb. In moments you're clenching around him, walls fluttering uncontrollably as you sob out another release, muscles contracting involuntarily and quivering all over your body. After a while, you realise you're weeping, tears streaming with no barriers to stop them. 
It still doesn't stop Eddie and his violent conquest over your form. He seems intent on owning you, ruining you, taking every last ounce of pleasure out of you to leave you a shattered blubbering mess. It's as if he needs to get his pain and anguish out; it's pouring from him and into each movement of his hips.
Sobs are bubbling out of your mouth, wet and round, spit gathering at the corners. 
“Eddie, I- I can't-” 
Then he's pinching your clit hard between thumb and forefinger, as his teeth nip at your breast. The overbearing pain and the zealous pleasure are too much. Shamefully, you release yet again, slick running down your legs and onto the forest floor in a sticky web. 
It's only then that he holds you close, hard arms snaking around your back as your legs shake wildly either side of his hips. His bearish hands grasp you tightly as he throbs his own messy climax deep inside you, roaring loudly, pulsing and pulsing until you've milked him dry. Even then he remains, hard and swollen, locked in and unable to separate. 
His touch is far more gentle now, lifting you by the hips as if you are to be cherished and placing your back softly to the pine needle covered ground. He hovers over you, almost in fear of breaking you, one rough hand stroking at the delicate skin of your cheek. Staring into his eyes, you see the shame harbouring within them.
Before he can speak, you're grasping his furred cheeks and holding his gaze. 
“Eddie, it's OK, honestly. I mean, it was a little rough… but fuck me… that was amazing. You're amazing.” 
He nuzzles into you, deeply breathing in your smell as he cuddles you in the softest embrace. 
“You trying to be cute with me again, Eddie Munson?” 
Your stern words just earn you another squeeze, a slightly tighter hold from his firm arms. For a while you lay there, feeling the other's heartbeat and listening to nothing but the wind between the trees. 
It takes a bit, but the knot finally subsides and you are able to extricate yourselves from its hold. As soon as Eddie's comforting arms are no longer around you, you start to shiver massively. 
“Need.. get you home… climb on.” 
He's on all fours, crouching low in front of you like a tamed lion. 
“You've got to be fucking kidding me.” 
There's a soft rumble in his throat that almost sounds like laughter. 
“Get on… beforrrre you frrreeze.” 
You can't really argue with that. 
Hesitating with your knee up high, you're trying to work out where you need to be. You've never ridden a… a wolf? A lion? A monster? Briefly, you think you've never ridden an Eddie, but you blush profusely when you remember that's simply not true.
Finally deciding on swinging your leg over near his waist at the thinnest part of him, you settle into the soft fur. He swings a paw up and grasps your hand, leading it toward the longer hair down his spine. 
“Might want… to hold on… sweet-hearrrt.” 
You twine your fingers delicately into the thicker part of his pelt. That is, until he starts running on all fours through the trees. You grip tightly when you feel the sudden rush of speed, fingers losing blood as you hold on in fear of crashing to the floor. 
Once the initial shock is over, it's electrifying; a thrilling, hedonistic mix of riding a horse and a motorcycle at once. The wind whips through your hair and stings your uncovered skin, making you feel oh so alive. The constant push and pull of powerful muscles beneath you make you realise just how strong Eddie is. It suddenly dawns on you that no matter how rough he's been with you, he's holding back. If he showed you half his power you doubt you'd live to tell the tale. That stark realisation has you falling for him all over again. 
It's that power that seems to flow up from him and through you. You feel like some sort of heathen queen, riding through the forest on your monstrous steed, naked as the day you were born. Wild, savage, and formidable.
Too soon, your impromptu ride is over as he lopes toward the lights of the cabin, eventually coming to a stop. Sliding off of his mighty form, you land on both feet practically buzzing with excitement, caring not a jot for the fact that you were still naked. 
“Eddie, that was incredible! We need to do that again, like, every night. Fuck, I'm shaking!” 
You beam at him, glowing inside and out. 
“If anyone else… said that… I'd bite them. But… it's you. I'll be you’rrre… steed.” 
“You just want me to ride you again.” 
In the short time you've been together, you've gotten used to the subtle signs in his face, in the looks in his eyes, enough to be able to read him. You don't need any of those though, not when his usual whiskey eyes are blackened with desire. 
“You… not done?” 
Grinning profusely, you open the back door and beckon him with your finger. 
“You… animal.” 
You laugh; a messy, loud, belly laugh at the pure irony of the situation. 
Walking into the bedroom, you watch him follow you in. There's pine needles stuck in his fur, and mud crusted into his hands and feet. The very air surrounding him is of forests; of damp and bark and moonlight. 
All it's doing is stirring up your insides further. Right now, this heathen queen needs her monster king. 
“Lay down.” 
He huffs lowly, towering over your tiny form. 
“You… telling mme… what to do?” 
“Yes. I am. You got a problem?” 
You push lightly at his chest, making him collapse mockingly onto the bed, face twisted in taunting pain, as if you had caused him serious harm. 
“Don't… hurrrrt mme, prrrincess.” 
“I wasn't going to… hurt you, exactly.” 
You straddle his body, backwards, mouth hovering near his already firm length as your ass swings tantalisingly just out of reach of his drooling maw. 
“Now…. Sweet-hearrrrt, fuuuck… so unfairrr…” 
You can feel the breath expelling from his mouth, the way the sweep of his tongue creates air that is failing to make it between your folds. It makes your cunt throb from the lack of attention, still puffy and drooling from your encounter in the woods. 
You lick a firm stripe from his heavy balls to the tip of his engorged purple member, watching it shiver with the affection. There's a salty, brutish taste to him, mixed with the sweet, feminine tang of you, that makes you want to lick him over and over. Rolling the tip of his weighty length into your mouth, you roll it around with your tongue, licking any trace of you and him together away, to be stored in your memories forever. 
“Sweet-hearrrt… please!” 
He's panting, each short breath firing bursts of air at your cunt. You don't let up, not yet, suckling at his tip, pressing firm kisses to the slit on the tip. He's growling and whining, muscles twitching all over. 
There's no way you can take more than a third of his threatening member into your mouth, but you do what you can, stroking firmly with both hands what you cannot take. Spit dribbles out of your mouth and down to your fisted palms, wetting the rest of his length with soaked, messy need. 
He roars, lion-like behind you, fingers pressing further bruises into your soft flesh. You don't let up, you can't. You need to make him tremble beneath you; to feel those controlling muscles fold under the feel of your mouth. 
The thrust up into your wet lips has you gagging around his length, gargling and spluttering around his thick head. You can't chide him for it, not since the movement sets your insides ablaze with need. 
He curls as hard as his spine will allow; the tip of his tongue ghosting over your slick heat. Quivering, you let up on your assault with your mouth, and twist so you can face him. Whines and whimpers expel from his throat as his thick fingers wind around your waist. Before they can contort into growls and snarls, you sink down onto his slippery cock, all the way to the hilt, as if he were the perfect sword to your tight sheath. 
“Lay back and relax… There's a good boy.”  
Instead of taking control, he gives it to you. A whine, high pitched and needy, rolls out of his mouth. 
Bending down, with him still flush inside you, you press your pretty lips against his slathered maw. Open mouthed kisses are pressed onto his jaw, tongue sneaking in and feeling his pointed fangs delicately. He licks purposely into your mouth, dancing against your tensed muscle. 
Grinding hard into him, his solid weapon presses harshly against your g spot, stars forming in the corners of your eyes. He sits up so he can lace his thick arms around you, as if he needed to be even closer somehow. Responding in kind, you position your legs around him, holding tight as he thrusts up into you. 
Sweat is glistening, dripping down your spine at the proximity of his boiling hot body. Your fingers wind into the thicker fur on his spine as he rocks into you, feeling him in your very core. 
Suddenly he's grasping your hips, about to pull you off him. Whining, you shake your head, forcing yourself back down. 
“I'mm gonna-” 
“I know, please, I need to feel it, fill me up, please!” 
Those words are all it takes for Eddie, pushing him over that precipice, free falling into ecstasy. You join him, plummeting into your own release as the feel of his knot consumes you. 
For a while you hold each other, the only clue that time had failed to stop being your panting breaths. Your head is snuggled into the soft coat of his neck, his chin resting on the top of your head. As his hardness finally begins to subside you still remain, the sanctitude of the moment ongoing. It feels as if it will be an ongoing memory to play on a loop in the back of your mind, forever. 
The following two weeks flew by in a hum buzz of activity. You're pulling shift after shift at the hospital and helping out at the emergency shelter when you can. The town is pulling together, trying to heal and coming to terms with what will forever be a little bit broken. 
Eddie's mood has been in a shifting, unstable state since the night he defeated Vecna. The nightmares were the worst part of it; on more than one occasion you've had to physically hit him to get him to wake up and stop thrashing in panic on the bed. You try to soothe with words, soft touches and kindness. It's helping, but you know he's got a long way to go. 
Being busy has helped. He and Hopper have come to form an odd friendship. To his credit, Hopper never treated Eddie any different despite his appearance. In fact, he said he's one of ‘Hawkins’ finest upstanding citizens’, since he can't go out and cause trouble. It's not like he can be the town's weed supplier, after all. 
Eddie needed something to do. Hopper understood that deeply, he explained, from his own past traumas and grief. So, he started towing cars to the cabin, getting Eddie to fix them up and send them back as an impromptu mechanic. Fixing things and earning a little money have certainly improved his mood. When he wasn't doing that he was working on the cabin which was starting to feel like home. 
You're on your way there right now. After the conversation you had with Hopper this morning, a huge smile is glued to your face. 
Approaching your home, you see Eddie outside working on a car. When he sees you he bounds over, grabbing the two enormous suitcases you've been struggling with and lifting them with ease. 
“What's all… this?” 
“Take them inside, I've got some news.” 
He does as you ask, depositing them on the floor before he holds you close, snout breathing in your scent at the crook of your neck. 
“Eddie, I spoke with Hopper. He's agreed to give us the cabin for nothing. I just gave away my apartment, so I can stay here with you.” 
Eddie barks with delight, picking you up and spinning you around. You giggle, holding onto his shoulders. He presses his maw to your tummy, breathing you in. 
When he puts you down on the floor, there's a queer look in his eye. 
“Eddie, something wrong?” 
Shaking his head, he falls to his knees so he can look you in the eyes as he holds both your hands in one enormous paw. 
“Not wrrrong… differrrrent. We'll need the cabin, forrr all of us.” 
You tilt your head, confused. 
“What do you mean? There's only me and you.” 
Staring at you as if to gauge your reaction, he presses one bearish hand to your stomach reverently. The hint isn't lost on you, eyes widening in disbelief. 
“Eddie, are you saying that you think I'm… pregnant?” 
One slow blink. 
Legs wobbling, you sit on the floor in front of him. 
“I'm on birth control, I mean, surely I can't be… are you sure?” 
Eddie taps his nose. 
“I'm sure. Is it… a prrroblemm?”
Searching your thoughts you realise it isn't. It really isn't. There's nothing you want more than to spend your life with him, to have a family, no matter what that looks like.
“No, not at all. It's a little… fast, but I want this.” 
Holding your cheek with his rough hand, he makes sure you keep your eyes trained on him. 
“Are you surrre? What… if it's…” 
He gestures to himself, in all his monstrous glory. Cupping his hand on your face, you shake your head.
“I don't care if we have a baby, or a-a cub, or a pup, as long as it's yours and mine.” 
He holds you then, softly and close as you twine your fingers into his thick pelt. 
A life lies before you, one that you couldn't have possibly predicted. A fairytale life; one where the monster gets the girl, and gets the happily ever after. 
Taglist (if you want to be added/removed please PM me)
@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @usedtobecooler @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n
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shallyne · 1 year
Not to get hot and heavy on main but I need a bat boy, a hawk boy, a fallen angel, a demon prince, a demon king, a dragon, a demon, a wingleader, a mafia guy with a motorcycle, a mafia heir, a mafia guy with one eye, a dude with death powers and/or the High Lady of the Night Court to fuck the depression out of me
And a talking sword to give me a pep talk
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So. Predatory species Obi-wan.
Mostly I just think it's funny to make him a predator bc if you take all the SW character and go "which one looks more likely to eat someone" Obi-Wan would definitely not be it. Not even top 20. He's much more likely to deliver a devastating burn with a flat tone lmao but anyway!
Specifically, Obi-wan being from a species who's pretty damn known for eating people. Like, it's not the only thing they can eat but a...... Something big happened a while ago and the galaxy never really forgot. Nowadays Stewjoni people don't really eat anyone but it's.... Mostly because they don't leave their planet. The predatory instincts are definitely here (Quinlan wears proof of that because once when they were teenagers he made the mistake of pissing obi-wan off and letting his finger wander a bit too close and long story short, Obi-wan bit him so hard he severed Quinlan's finger and they had to go to a healer really fast. Obi-wan felt super guilty for a while but Quinlan annoyed him into forgiving himself. Nowadays he's more embarassed that he lost control so bad. Quinlan thinks it was hilarious and that he definitely expected to get bitten but he didn't expect the result.)
Mostly the instincts are just Obi-wan really wanting to bite people when they're annoying and maybe wanting to chase people if they turn their back to him and run. Also headbutting people to show affection, which became a Whole Thing™ when he was on Mandalore. He doesn't really thinks about how people would taste until he's hungry and he's really good at controlling himself.
But basically this whole thing came from an idea I had with Alpha-17!
Basically it's like. Obi-wan being a predatory species is a bit of a secret bc like.... It's not like he'd be killed if people knew but Stewjoni still have a really bad reputation. So he doesn't like to talk about it. And people don't really know because he looks so mild-mannered and he smiles with his mouth closed so you can't see the teeth and he hides his hands in his sleeves because otherwise he picks at his skin which is not good when one has claws.
Okay so the clones don't know Obi-wan is from a predatory species. He's not hiding it, but when the clones see him headbutt Anakin like an affectionate Tooka they either go "maybe that's a nat-born thing" or "maybe that's a Jedi thing" or "makes sense, my batch mate like keldabe kisses too". Due to their childhood they have literally no idea of what is Normal Human Behavior so they don't notice that Obi-Wan isn't human.
Point is, Obi-wan and Alpha-17 get captured by Ventress and she tries to sow discord by being all "how can you trust a predator ? Unless you didn't know what he was? Then how can you trust something that hides what it is" basically she's just trying to get Alpha to distrust Obi-wan so he won't try to help him escape.
Obi-Wan's kind of expecting.... Not fear, exactly. Alpha-17 sort of doesn't do fear. But he's expecting some agressivity at least. Some wariness.
Except Alpha is just mostly outraged. How come Kenobi, who won't even kill a few annoying senators, gets the biological advantages that comes with being a predator?? That's so unfair. This idiot wouldn't even think about eating anyone. Alpha could use the biology way better! He would have loved to be able to eat a few kaminoans!! That's fucking unfair. How come his Jedi gets sharp fangs and he doesn't?? UN. FAIR.
Lmao yeah the whole plot is basically just Alpha-17 being offended that his pacifist of a general won the genetic lottery while he (who would have used the fangs as they're meant to be used!!) didn't. Boo.
(Obi-wan is wondering why Alpha-17 and Anakin don't get along better because they have startlingly similar reactions to learning about his species)
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praazlwurm · 10 months
Giratina's Temple and the Celestica Ruins
aka Giratina/platinum clan theory is back (also sorry for using mspaint lmao)
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So we all know about the Shrouded Ruins, yeah?
(This is the only spoiler warning for Pokemon Legends: Arceus you're gonna get)
Spooky. Ever-cloaked in mists and mystery, surrounded by black-stoned cairns like graves and home to the giant Odd Keystone that once (?) housed 108 souls. Very ghost-centric.
Well what if I told you it was a temple?
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Greco-roman temples (and, problematic or otherwise the celestica are absolutely greco-roman coded) are constructed relatively uniformly, with an outer later of columns holding up the roof and an inner layer holding up an internal structure, providing additional support, ect.
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We have a perfect in-game model to project from, too, in the Temple of Sinnoh (pre-explosion). You can see that some of the smaller columns are sometimes decorative - likely they held up torches or, in the case of the two nearest the 'altar,' offerings
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So knowing that style and having the remaining structures we do see in-game, we can approximate a lay out of what the building may have looked like.
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What makes this a temple, however, is more open to interpretation. My evidence to support that it is is actually the blue-tinged pedestals seen within the outline of the building - the place(s) of honor in any temple. Irl, the inner structure - the cella - was often fully-walled in, though sometimes this was constructed via wood and other materials that don't withstand time.
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Now, ENORMOUS shout-out to pokemaniacchris and the incredible Crimson Mirelands Archeological Survey Project for a really detailed, in-character breakdown of the ruins structures throughout the mirelands. I can only assume the 'surveyors' hadn't reached Mt. Coronet yet in their explorations.
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Pedestals like these (at least superficially similar) are found beneath dozens of statues around Mt. Coronet, including beneath Giratina, Palkia and Dialga in the Sacred Plaza area. Now, I know I'm supposed to be claiming that this is a temple to Giratina, but if we work on the assumption that the four pedestals corollate with Giratina, Palkia, Dialga, and Arceus, a new conclusion can, perhaps, be drawn:
That whoever built this temple saw all four of them on the same 'level' of power or -- and this is my hc taking over -- if the statues were placed in a certain orientation (see below) that they saw Arceus and Giratina on equal footing, with Dialga and Palkia one rank below.
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And there is, imo, more evidence to support this disruption of the 'creation trio' into two pairs on equal footing, found in the Celestica Ruins! So, among the structures there are two notable, circular buildings that the Greeks also utilized, called tholoi (plural). Irl, tholoi were a mix of secular-use and small-scale temples, and seeing as these two are small (maybe 10ft across inside?) I would maintain the claim that they're small temples.
And they align/mirror each other just as the statues of Palkia and Dialga do.
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This part becomes pure conjecture, but I like to think the smaller structures in the ruins might be other small-scale temples for the various mythicals, honoring each much as the Greeks honored a pantheon.
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Lastly, the CMASP describes the "Gapejaw Bog Complex" as being potentially an entire agora all its own and I can't agree more. Such evidence would support the idea of there being two groups of Celestica (Note: Not the Clans.)
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I actually found myself wondering if the mirelands weren't always quite so swampy, and instead flooded at some point in the past with the depressions around Gapejaw - left by housing foundations - filled in with swamp water.
At the end of the day, I think there's a lot of evidence that the Celestica revered Giratina as well as Arceus, Dialga and Palkia - at least early on. Something happened to cause this schism, and the Old Verses/Plate inscriptions point to an outburst of rage from Giratina -- though, in "pick a god (and pray)" I actually argue it was mispercieved on the part of the Celestica and this misperception is what caused Arceus to despair and withdraw.
Open to discussion!! fellow nerds please interact!!
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angieloveshua · 1 year
“188男团 novels.” | Angie reviews novels that she read in Spanish because she was too lazy to translate her reactions to English, pt. 1.
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🫧 —Alpha Predator. | 5/5 ☆.
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No carrd, unfortunately.
Alpha Predator is the latest 188男团 novel of the series, and by so far, my absolute favourite. The story follows Shen Dai, an B rate omega, who agrees to marry off on behalf of his half-brother to pay off his father's debts. Little did he know that his meant-to-be husband was Qu Moyu, the heir of the Xingzhou Group, his boss, and the man who saved him from an embarrassing situation years ago. Shen Dai knows that the best option for him is to see this marriage as a financial exchange, but he can't help falling in love with the handsome yet ruthless Qu Moyu.
This novel is an ABO classic, but who doesn't love classics? I do. I love Alpha Predator, and I read the whole book in four days. I must mention that Suida knows how to draft addictive novels. I devour this one, and I miss the feeling I got while reading it.
Before reading the novel, I saw someone ranking Qu Moyu as the scummiest gong of all the series, even worse than Shao Qun, and I was scared. What could have this man do to be worse than Shao Qun? When I finished the novel, I couldn't disagree more.
Although I am well aware that what Qu Moyu did was atrocious, to say the least, I understand why he did all of that. He was raised to always value rationality and benefits above everything, even his own feelings. And guess what? I'm weak. I never hated him. I adore how he addressed all what he did, he reflects about it (and I put this in italics because I feel like most of the love interests don't regret their mistakes and just try not to do that badly again), and he works hard to be a better husband, father, and man. In conclusion: I'm biased. Qu Moyu best 188男团 gong. 💜
Before going to the next novel, let me at these two bullet points:
The ABO. It was extremely interesting to see how alphas and omegas were divided into classes according to their pheromone level and how it played a key role in the protagonists' lives. The scenes where pheromones came into place were /screams.
The romance. QuShen is the best 188 couple, beat it.
🫧 —Winner Takes All. | 4/5 ☆.
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Winner Takes All is the first 188男团 novel I read, and I would also recommend it to be your first one if you want to get into the 188男团 world. The pace is easy to follow, and Zhao Jinxin is one of the least scummy gongs of the series.
The book's MC is Li Shuo, who is dearly loved within the fandom and had played the second love interest in other novels (Sissy, for example), and we see how he falls in love with 🥁 his enemy's cousin, Zhao Jinxin. Really, one of the greatest sins Zhao Jinxin has committed is to be Shao Qun's cousin (and this isn't even his fault, you see).
Li Shuo and Zhao Jinxin have good chemistry. They have a lot of interests in common and their families are friends. One could say it's a match made in heaven and that nothing could go wrong... right?
Well, well, well, let me tell you that I was so heartbroken that I had to listen to Bad Bunny songs to not cry. But don't worry! It's a HE.
🫧 —Additional Inheritance. | 3/5 ☆.
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No carrd, unfortunately.
Additional Inheritance («Maldita herencia», Damned Inheritance in Spanish) is Luo Yi's and Wen Xiaohui's story. Everything starts when Wen Xiaohui receives her adoptive jiejie's suicide notice —but not only that, her jiejie left him a considerable amount of inheritance along with her only child, a fifteen-year-old boy named Luo Yi, who has a high IQ and is considered matured for his age.
For this novel, I remembered I posted a tweet with a theory of what could ruined Luo Yi's and Wen Xiaohui's happiness. My moots called me ‘witch,’ and for one moment in my life, I hated being right.
To say I was shocked was the least. I texted, let's say, six of my friends and told them what was going because I couldn't believe my eyes. How could he...?!
And so, yes, I can't say that I hate Luo Yi, but I also can't say that I love him. I don't want to post a spoiler here, but, hey, I was reading a little in my graduation party and I didn't know what to do with my feelings.
As for the plot, I enjoyed how Wen Xiaohui escalated in the fashion world (I like to call it that way) and I felt proud of myself for understanding the finance part (my financial market course is so useful, hehehe).
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So, these were the 188男团 I've read so far and a little of what I think. I plan to read Yet You're In Love With an Idiot and Professional Body Double, so the next post of 188男团 will be of them. I hope you enjoy the reviews and give a try to any of these novels if they attracted your attention (READ ALPHA PREDATOR). Angie's off.
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la-duvalin · 1 year
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So Frijolito and I wait (yes he is named Juanito Frijol)
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captain039 · 9 months
The predator grounds (Halsin)
Alpha!Halsin x omega!reader
Warnings: prey/predator, forced heats and ruts, sexual, smut, light angst, age gap, claiming., feels tadpoles make you honry 🤣
Tryna make up for my astarion post lmao
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Gods your head, it screamed in pain and felt like something moved? Your body felt like it was on fire, did you just go through the seven hells? And that smell- oh. That smell was alpha, specifically alpha in a rut, more than one. You were alert quickly then, shooting up and looking around worried at the unknown forest. Hell, where were you? You stood on shaky legs feeling something trickle down your thigh, pain going through your stomach. You winced leaning against the closest tree, hells you were in heat too?! What sort of sick twisted game was this? Your mind pulsated making you groan and topple over, hands holding your head. Suddenly you were on the ground a rather rut-induced alpha on top of you. He was a tiefling, red eyes boring down at you, tail swishing behind him. You panicked trying to find a rock or something to knock him out with. You pushed and groaned, body submitting too easily for your liking. He was panting nose pressing against your neck to inhale your scent. You yelped punching him, he groaned not expecting it, but didn’t move. You screamed though when something knocked him off. You stood on your feet and began running away from the fighting. You ran for what felt like ages before you collapsed to your knees and breathed harshly. You didn’t notice you were followed till it was too late though and snapped your head around seeing another alpha there. An elf, wood elf you think. He looked confused and a lot less angry than the tiefling that had just attacked you, gods his scent.
“Are you alright?” He asked before your head pulsated you both groaned holding your heads as thoughts connected before they left. You panted and whined in pain, gods what was happening? You stood up shakily again, hoping he’d let you walk away. You tried to jog away before the same pain in your head happened again. You cried out falling to your knees again. You felt tears in your eyes, you looked up noticing yet another alpha, his gaze strong. You shuffled and backed away slowly before you hit something. You jolted seeing the elf from before, he was snarling at the other alpha in front of you apparently shaking his claim.
“Leave” the elf behind you said, alpha tone clear making your whole body shudder in delight.
“You haven’t claimed,” the other alpha said and the elf growled in response.
“Fair game,” the man said. The elf behind you knelt mumbling a ‘I’m sorry’ in your ear. You frowned feeling his hand holding your neck gently and teeth going to your neck. Your attack instincts kicked in, the other alpha seemed swayed enough and left, you however went to punching the elf behind you. You cried, pushing him to the ground which wasn’t an easy task, but he seemed willing to take your anger. You sat on his hips hands balled on his exposed chest. You bared your teeth like a rabid dog as you touched your neck. You froze though, he hadn’t claimed you, just bit lightly. You stuttered in confusion body shaking slightly. You also realised the position, you felt embarrassment fill you, along with need. You saw his eyes grow hungry one of his hands going to your thigh slowly. He sat up keeping his eyes on you, you were trying to spit insults but found yourself captivated by his eyes.
“What’s going on?” You finally managed and he seemed to snap out of his hunger.
“I don’t know,” he said slightly breathless.
“I’m surrounded by a dozen alphas?!” You snarled his calming scent filling your body.
“There are other omegas also” he said hand gently squeezing your thigh. You slapped his hand and saw the brief smirk on his lips.
“What the hell is happening then?!” You demanded.
“I don’t know, I swear to you,” he said voice too calm for your liking. You growled at him in frustration, before you felt your stomach clench in pain. You winced and held your stomach with a small groan. Your mind went hazy, you felt his hard muscles between you, felt the way his cock strained against his pants. You looked at him with hazy eyes before you forced yourself out of that haze. You scrambled off him standing on your legs again, you huffed trying to make sense of your surroundings. You heard a cry in the distance that made your blood run cold, an omega.
“What-?” You whispered was this some kind of alpha hunting ground? Alphas have their pick of omegas ripe for the picking. You weren’t even due for heat for a month. Your head spun and your stomach churned as you began to walk in no particular direction, only to have a follower. You walked for a while, the sun slowly setting, was this an infinite forest? There seemed to be no end. It was getting increasingly hard to ignore the need nagging at your mind and the weird thing squirming in your head. What happened before you got caught? You remember leaving the markets, heading home then nothingness, now you were here. You were also increasingly aware of the alpha following behind him, the thought of his teeth on your neck made your body shudder till you punched him. He was large for an elf, his scent was earthy and powerful. You suddenly heard trickling water and quickly went in that direction seeing a stream. You sighed in relief taking a drink of the refreshing water. The alpha had hung back and you groaned turning to him.
“Drink would you?” You gestured to the water and he walked forward slowly before kneeling to drink as well. You watched him, his muscles flexing as he took water into his hands and drank. It ran down his mouth, jaw and onto his chest, gods. You flushed and looked away quickly wiping your mouth. The sun was close to gone, gods what were you supposed to do? Sleep in unknown woods with unknown alphas. You cursed you were exhausted, you suppose your adrenaline was slowly running out.
“You need to rest,” the alpha said.
“I’ll rest when I die” You bit back as you stood and began following the steam upwards. The alpha followed again making you growl in frustration.
“Stop following me!” You yelled, cursing the feeling in your stomach.
“I don’t need your protection” you said as he faltered a small smile going to his lips.
“I doubt you do” he chuckled lightly.
“However-“ he began and slowly walked away before your head pulsated in pain as did his.
“I don’t think I can leave you” he said and you groaned.
“Whatever” you grumbled continuing your walking. You finally found a small waterfall, but you still didn’t recognise it. You saw a small cave behind it and smiled, perfect. You climbed over the rocks with small grunts before making it to the cave with a small sigh. You practically collapsed down on the cold rock and sighed leaning your head back and closing your eyes. You listened to the elf grunt and follow you before sitting down on the other side of the cave. You finally looked over him, a layer of sweat covering him, he had hair all over him, odd for an elf, but then again his size was odd too. You looked at the scars over his eyes and the tattoos on his face. His shoulder-length hair was pulled back halfway with some plats and accessories in them. You notice him trembling slightly too, he was fighting also. You looked away not wanting to get lost in his features. Your body was hot, and slick making your underwear wet and ruined, your stomach churning in need to be claimed and filled. You could fight this you had for so many times, you didn’t need an alpha.
Next part ->
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sex-storytime · 5 months
Alpha Female
She awaits him in the dark. Standing there in her long leather coat. The lights in the corridor are movement-sensitive and she has not moved in the last half hour. Suddenly the lights start coming on, she retreats further into the shadows. Knowing that he is on his way. The corridor outside his apartment-door is shaped like an upside-down capital L, his apartment-door being located just at the bend. While he's coming from the far end of the short side she's waiting for him a bit into the longer side. She stands there watching as he takes his keys out of his pocket and fumbles with them a little.
When he opens the door she acts quickly. Getting a running start she pushes him into the apartment, rapidly closing the door behind them. He stumbles into the living room. Turning around in surprise to see her. She pushes him down on the floor, spreading her long coat around her as she sits down on top of his crotch. He's too bewildered to struggle as she pulls his shirt open. Doing so quickly, powerfully. Buttons are flying all over the room. She reaches in under the shirt, twisting his nipples and scratching his skin.
He has no idea what to think. On top of his groin sits a perfect woman. Her blond hair pulled back into a tight knot. Beneath the now wide open leather coat she's basically naked, a pair of thigh-high nylon stockings are all the undergarments she has on. Her proud bush, unhidden by any cloth. Too stunned to offer any resistance he still shivers as she pulls out a knife from a pocket on the coat. Watching the blade glistening in the moonlight seeping in through the windows.
She pulls at his tie but instead of dissolving the knot she cuts it off, baring his throat as she pulls open the collar. Pulling the shirt even wider apart to expose his torso to her fingers, her nails. Bewildered as he is, his member soon responds to her touch and presence. The more blood that fills it the more sensitive it gets and the more unbearable her sitting on top of him gets.
Holding his arms down she leans down over him, biting into his right nipple. Making him squirm. Leaning back up she unbuckles his belt and with great haste opens up his trousers, exposing his by now quite enlarged member. Touching it and tugging at it she makes him squirm and shiver at the same time. Reacting to her touch it grows firmer in her hand. She smiles, a wolf's grin. A deep-seated smile coming from the knowledge that she's got her prey and it's doing exactly what she wants it to.
She finds it amusing and quite ironic, that even in normal circumstances men have got so very little power over their members as this man now has over the situation. When she first discovered how she by showing just a little too much could make a whole group of men or just one man sit uncomfortably it amused her to no end. The male member was her favourite toy. She couldn't resist kneading it a bit more than strictly necessary, she loved the feel of it. The firmness of it coupled with the softness of the thin skin.
He was moaning and groaning on the floor, in heaven and hell at the same time. Her treatment affects nerves that overrode his whole mind. She lifted herself a bit and aimed him in, aiming to take him completely. To conquer him and his body for her own pleasure. No victory ever felt sweeter than claiming a supposedly strong man. Lowering herself onto him lowly she felt his member fill her up inside
He wanted to dig his fingers into the wooden floorboards when she slowly lowered herself in over him, feeling her engulfing his member. Feeling his staff slide into her soft wet cave, pulsating like a second mouth. This was the ultimate victory she thought when she opened her eyes again, seeing how overcome with pleasure he became. She could ask him for anything at this moment and he would gladly give it just as long as she let his dick stay. Knowledge of that power made it all that much sweeter.
But she would decide when it would end, she was in command. She breathed deeply as she started to ride him. Digging her fingers into his chest as he moaned below her. It was such a rush, feeling him, taking him, riding him. It was all her desire, unlike those men that had begged her for sex at times. Her desire, her initiative. Her lust. She felt his hips starting to counter-thrust, smiling at how helpful his body was being. How the instinct to mate seemed to overrule all other considerations.
He touched her thighs, to give her any kind of resistance at this moment was unthinkable. He just had to see this through to the finish. Gripping her thighs he started working with his hips. He wanted to just take her until they both exploded but she was holding him down. Her right hand wandered up across his chest up to his neck. Soon it was holding around his neck, squeezing but a little.
The more excited she got the harder she rode him. As her desires started to override her mind her hand closed in. He wasn't comfortable with it but her heavy riding kept him from doing anything, fearing in those few moments of clarity that he had that she would stop if he did anything. He was sweating allover, shuddering from the pleasure that had built up in his body. Her pulse was racing, she was breathing faster and faster the harder she rode him.
She squeezed and he lost his breath for a while, pausing she moved her hands to his chest instead, she wanted him to live after all, what was the point in conquering a dead man? She kept riding him as he regained his breath, slowing down just a little until he could breathe again. Then she accelerates. Gripping and holding down his arms she starts riding him even fiercer. Leaning down over him so she can look straight into his eyes as madness seizes them both.
They can both feel it. This is it. Bouncing on the floor like a fish out of water, his body too tensed up to keep calm. She can feel the warning signs. She knows what's coming for her, to her, inside of her. She's hunting for it. He feels like he's about to explode, his body rigid with tension. He cannot move, cannot think except for that only obsession. The need for release overwhelming to them both.
Reading the signs in his face she's like a drooling monster from some fairytale, aiming to devour him whole. She wants him, all of him, to be hers. This is her moment of complete triumph. She's shuddering herself as she rides him, her thighs and calves as hard as steel each time the muscles tightens. She's pounding his groin, her juices running down along his member and leaving a wet spot on his pants that neither of them have noticed. Her eyes glisten with her triumph as she rides him on like in a fever. It has to happen is her only thought.
Flickers of electric impulses start to make her tingle in every part of her body, the very last warning signals before the main event. He's biting his lip just to keep from going insane, glad of the pain she gives him as that helps a little too. Holding his arms down hard. He starts shuddering, shaking. About to blow. The first stroke, the first drop... and then he feels like a geyser that's just exploding. Everything starts to flow, shoot, out of him.
She feels him, flowing into her. His essence, he's lost it to her. He is hers, finally, completely. The victory was the last thing she needed to push herself over the edge. To let herself go completely and just go with the flow of her inner tsunami. She keeps riding him, squeezing every last drop out of him. The pleasure mixing with pain as his member starts to feel overused.
Wave after wave washes her tensions away, each flow bouncing back and forth inside her body. Her self-control gone as she dissolves into pleasure. Her cunt squeezing the last few droplets out of him on it's own. He feels like he's lost his entire spinal cord into her, his nervous system and all his blood. Not one shred of energy left as he lies in his sweaty clothes. His member still hard but more and more sore and sensitive by the second.
Shuddering with the last flashes of pleasure she grabs his chest, holding on to it like she would fall off otherwise. The last few waves shaking their way out of her body followed by her moans. Each moan sounding like it robs her of more energy. Like it leaves her even less composed than the one before. Slowly her pleasure dies away, slowly she loosens her grip on his chest. Leaving marks that will turn into bruises. Leaning down, she kisses him for the first time.
"Thank you." She says, tracing his cheek with one of her fingers. "For letting me try this fantasy I mean."
"You're very welcome." He says, smiling up at her. "This was very interesting. Was it like you wanted?"
"Oh yes. I can't wait to do it again some time... Did you like it?"
"Oh yes..."
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yautjalover · 7 days
Whoever is out there sending death threats, especially to a MINOR, over a post is a real loser. That’s all I gotta say.
This is fandom. Not a war zone. For fuck sakes people.
If you sent a death threat to that person I had a disagreement with…
First, go fuck yourself.
Second, unfollow me.
I don’t float with that shit. Grow the fuck up. Sending death threats is immature and makes you look like a beta bitch. May a Yautja rip out your dishonorable spine and feed it to the hounds.
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