#also i was on the second row when my ticket was put on the back row it was so so godo
potentiallyahuman · 2 years
i dont remember if i said anything because i was so tired when i got home last night BUT i went to see wtnv in nottingham and eeeeee it was so fun.
I took my bestie and we had to get a tram and a train to nottingham and we got to the hall and bought £80 of merch then went in to see the haunting of night vale then came out and spent another £25 on one of Dane Terry’s prints and music (we went halves but the whole night cost close to £250 aaaaaaa our poor wallets) but it was a good laugh.
We had a moment where we thought we were going to have to leave before the show started! Our ticket said doors opened at 6 and it started at 7 but the doors opened at 7 and it started at 8... Our train home was meant to be 9.25 and it was a 22 min walk. Fortuanately besties father offered to pick us up from our city train station so we could get the 11.30 train and a lift home (thank you!!)
ALSO we spent like an hour and a half sat next to the sky mirror. We only left when someone started walking towards it but we didnt see who. So we ran before the person got to the mirror. It was only fucking Cecil Baldwin + maybe others because the gods hate us (/j) so that kind of sucked because we literally were so close to meeting people.
BUT we had a really interesting conversation with Dane Terry about graphic design and music when we were the last in the queue for prints. We mentioned really oddly specific things thinking back on it and im guessing thats why he asked us about the ink and crap on our hands because I’d been inking some of my art and bestie was screen printing in her class before the show. He asked about and we got to show him some of our work!!! and we got a signed print.
Overall the night was so good and fun. We took a late walk while waiting for the train and when i get round to blocking out our identifying details I’ll post pictures. 
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bluemari23 · 2 months
soul haze || choi seungcheol
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soul glow
summary: you had just gotten home after leaving the seventeen concert early, only for your phone to start ringing with what you think is the biggest joke of the century. it turns out, that maybe you left too early.
pairing: choi seungcheol x neurodivergent reader
genre: soulmates, soul bonds, idol au, angst
warnings: some insecurity, angst, not much
after many requests here is the second part to soul glow! enjoy :)
You kept the lights off when you closed the door behind you, still overstimulated and almost needing the reprieve the darkness allowed. It's also not like you didn't know your apartment like the back of your hand, everything placed meticulously and to your liking. 
Locking the door, you maneuvered yourself to your bathroom, needing to remove the make up your friend had put on you before the concert. You could feel it on your skin and that was something that always seemed to bother you when you became overstimulated. You couldn’t help it. 
Once you felt that all of it was gone, you used your favorite moisturizer on your skin, loving that it cooled you down and left you feeling like you skin was soft. You know it was on your skin, but instead of feeling it on your skin, it was like it blended in perfectly, not just sitting on the surface. 
You were about to get changed into your pajamas when your phone rang, an unknown number coming up on your screen. You ignored it the first time, but the second time and then the third time had you wondering just who was calling you at almost ten pm. On the fourth ring you finally picked up the phone. 
“Hello, who—” You were cut off by a man’s deep voice. 
“Is this the phone of Ms. Y/n L/n?” Your face turned up in complete confusion, not wanting to deal with an important phone call so late when you were already overstimulated.
“Uhm, can I ask who is calling first before I give that answer?” You try in vain to see who was calling, as they just insist on asking if this was your phone number or not. 
“Is this Ms. L/n speaking?” 
“Yes. Now can I ask who is calling me so late at night?” You almost spit out, already tired of the person on the other end. 
“This is the manager for the group Seventeen who you just saw perform in concert. Now, before you hang up—” You almost look out your blinds, wondering how this man knew you were about to hang up the phone, now thinking this call is a huge prank. 
“Please note that you and your friend sat in row 1 seats 8 and 9 and you left the concert early. We also have your friend’s license plate number and both of your ticket confirmation numbers if you still don’t believe me.” Your eyes had now widened considerably, any tiredness now leaving your eyes and body. 
You were feeling a little scared at this point and were trying to figure out if you had broken any rule or etiquette at the concert that you didn’t know about. It was your first concert and you truly were worried that you did something wrong now. 
“Miss, are you there?” You hadn’t even realized you had spaced out, not listening to the man on the phone. 
“Uhm, y-yes I am.” You stuttered your reply. “Am I in trouble?’
“Uhm, no miss, you aren’t in any trouble—” You cut him off this time.
“I promise I didn’t mean to break any rules or anything. It was my first concert and I tried to learn proper etiquette before hand—” 
“Miss. I can assure you aren’t in trouble—” You can hear struggling happening on the other side of the phone and a new voice starts talking. 
Scoups was freaking out now, fearing you had gotten away and they would never find you, he would never find you. He could feel Jeonghan and Mingyu trying to talk to him but all he could imagine was the thought of never getting to hold you. 
That all stopped when he heard his manager on the phone, reassuring someone that they weren’t in trouble. He couldn’t stop himself; he just barreled forward and took the phone from his now frozen manager. 
“Y/n?” He asks, voice shaky as he feared he took the phone when it wasn’t his soulmate on the other end. 
“Yes?” He could feel his heart begin racing, hearing your voice. He knew it was you, then and there. The tingles he felt and the beating of his heart didn’t lie. 
He didn’t speak the best English, and he didn’t know how to vocalize what he wanted in his moment of urgency, so he called Joshua over, who was the closest, and told him what he wanted to say. 
“Tell her that she needs to come back to the stadium, that we will get a vehicle for her if needed.” He was straight to the point, his urgency almost bordering the line of manic, his fear of you disappearing covering his usual calm nature. 
“Hi, this is Joshua, Scoups does not speak the best English so he is asking me to translate, is this okay?” Oh, my, goodness. You were now on the phone with one of your biases. You felt way in over your head and that this was all a dream. 
“Uhm, hello. I—uh yes, that’s fine. I do speak some Korean but I am still learning.” You mention your knowledge of the Korean language hoping that it would help them communicate if needed. You didn’t know if you would be of any help, you had no clue what was going on at all. 
“Oh, that’s awesome. Well, is it possible for you to come back to the stadium? There are some things we need to discuss with you in person. It is very important.” You tilted your head to the side, confusion coming back into your head as shock is pushed to the back.
“I, uhm, my friend just dropped me off at home. I don’t have a way back to the stadium.”
“We can send a car right now. What is your address?” Joshua is quick to respond, ignoring Scoups hitting him in the shoulder and trying to get him to ask you more things. 
You give the man your address, hearing the almost stress in his voice. You would hate to cause anyone trouble, especially people who just finished an almost three hour concert and were probably dead on their feet. 
“Keep her on the phone, don’t let her hang up!” Someone tells Joshua, making you question everything. 
“Who was that? Why do I need to stay on the phone?” You ask after slowly translating their words in your head. 
“Uhm, that was Scoups, and we just want to make sure you get here safe!” You can tell the excuse was said by someone else, Joshua just repeating the words. 
To be honest, you were so tired and still overstimulated that you just decided to go along with everything hoping it meant you could get home sooner and into bed. You were bordering non-verbal again but you didn’t want to make things difficult for anyone, especially when they claim this was an important thing. 
You hated feeling like a burden. Like you were being difficult. 
By the time the car arrived for you, you had been asked a couple more questions, just basic things like what your favorite Seventeen song was, or when you became a carat. You think they were just trying to pass the time, but you still had a hard time answering them. 
You had grabbed your concert bag, thankful you hadn’t taken anything out of it yet, and made your way out to the car. 
It took about an hour to make it back to the stadium and inside, given the after-concert traffic, but you made it inside and the person who drove you there helped you get past security where someone was waiting for you. 
“Are you Miss Y/n” He was wearing a tour shirt and black jeans and lots of wires with a small earpiece. You figured he was someone on the Seventeen management or security team. The driver walked you forward, leaving you with a nod of his head. 
“Yes, sir.” Your voice was quiet. You tried hard to project your voice but it was like the connection between your brain and your voice box was faulty. 
“Please come this way.” The man had such a bright smile on his face with his dimples peeking through, that you almost felt uncomfortable. You were bordering grumpy now, not having slept or bed in bed by your normal time. 
“We are very that excited you are here.” The man tries to make small talk, but you don’t understand what he is trying to imply and it makes you even more annoyed. You don’t manage to respond by the time he stops in front of a door to your right.         
“You can go on in, Miss.” You nod your head in thanks, before slowly turning the door handle and pushing your way in. 
The first thing you notice is a bright, glowing silhouette, surrounding Scoups. You stood frozen, the both of you, just taking each other in. Him seeing you up close for the first time, and you trying your hardest not to faint at the implication of the glow.   
You knew what it meant, and suddenly everything made sense for why they needed you back to the stadium, as quick as you could. You were in a haze by the bright glow of the soul bond, realizing Scoups was your soulmate. 
You were still frozen in the doorway, trying to make sense of your soul bond when Scoups pushed forward, slowly and cautiously as he watched you. He thought you looked like a deer caught in the headlights, and it caused him some discomfort, seeing you like that. 
“Hello, my glow.” His voice was deep, yet soft as he approached you, causing tingles to shoot up your spine. 
“Can I—Can I hold you?” He just wanted to comfort you, feeling in his soul that you needed it and he couldn’t help but to take your silence and your doe eyes as a response. You could just feel his arms wrap around you, as if he knew exactly what you needed in that moment, something to ground you, to support you. 
The second his arms were around you, the glow you both held disappeared and you both felt like a weight was lifted from your shoulders. Both of your bodies almost immediately loosened, all of the tension leaving your bodies. 
“My glow.” Scoups whispered affectionately in your ears, pulling you into the room without letting you go from his embrace. 
“I’ve found you.”
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imaginidol · 11 months
Jongho: Backstage After-Hours
!!mentions of NSFW!! 18+ !! do NOT interact if you are not comfortable with smut!! as requested, here is a Jongho smut fic for you! This one is also pretty long so be prepared for that :3 IF you are comfortable, you may read more smuts here: hongjoong, san, mingi, yunho, wooyoung. PLEASE feel free to request more if you'd like! I'll get to ALL requests soon!!
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The last thing you would've expected of this year was to be screaming your lungs out at a front-row seat for ATEEZ.
The shock overwhelmed you the night that the ATEEZ tickets were released for their tour, and no more than four seconds into the queue, you managed to snag a front-row seat.
Front row. Front. Row. To ATEEZ.
Sure, this meant you'd be working overtime for the next few weeks, but it was a small sacrifice to pay for the unmatched excitement that would await you soon. You've never been so quick to put any purchase like this into your credit card, and now the day finally came and here you were--screaming you rabid lungs out for the boys who made you the happiest person in the world.
Your live-in-the-moment excitement bounced off and influenced the fans around you. Soon enough, your side of the pit was the most fun to visit by the boys. They loved the energy, the fact that you were hopping around and screaming your heart out, singing along to all of their songs, and you were one of the few fans who didn't have a phone up to your face capturing the perfect fancam for the entirety of the 3-hour long concert duration.
Now, if your luck for front-row hadn't been enough to convince you that fate was indeed real, you were surely re-considering it when a security guard briskly walked up to you as you started leaving your seat, asking you to follow him once the concert ended.
Am I in trouble? is all you can think in your head as you nervously walk behind the guard, going over the events of the night that might've caused a misunderstanding.
Maybe they think I'm a sasaeng. Maybe my tickets were a fraud!?
To your surprise, you weren't yelled at or interrogated at all. Instead, a tall, slender woman with a KQ shirt greets you with a smile.
"Before you accept to come backstage and we proceed with anything further, I'll need you to sign this," she hands you a pen and a clipboard with an NDA form for you to read and fill out.
I'm being given an NDA. A Non-Disclosure Agreement. These things only happen in...
You shakily hand back the form with your information and initials signed.
The woman takes you towards the back and you quietly admire a multitude of stretching backup dancers, audio and sound engineers, large camera and videography equipment, and so much more.
It's a lot brighter than I ever imagined a backstage to be, you thought, attempting to distract yourself from the impending elephant that would soon ensue.
Finally, you're introduced to Choi Jongho, main vocalist, main dancer, and the infamous maknae of ATEEZ.
No. Fucking. Way.
"Ah, I didn't think you'd agree to come back here," he bows his head, offering you a warmest smile and a water bottle. "I'm Jongho, thank you for coming."
He offers you a seat on a single-seater sofa, closing the door of his dressing room behind him. He sat himself on another single-seater to be closer to you, and now you were practically face-to-face with one of the most beautiful boys to ever cross your existence.
This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This. Isn't. Fucking. Happening.
"I know who you are," you giggle, introducing yourself and offering your warmest smile, ignoring the obvious screaming and fangirling raging on in your head.
"I wanted to meet you backstage because I wanted to tell you that I saw you up front," he smiles, "and I really liked your energy. I wanted to meet you so bad."
"You liked my energy?" you scoff, "Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"
"You wouldn't be too surprised if you knew what it's like from the stage," he smirked. "There's always a camera on you. I don't blame anyone, of course, because you do what you want with what you pay for. But sometimes the crowd is too immersed in their videos that they forget to enjoy the moment. It makes me feel like a robot."
He turns to you, covering his mouth in slight embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invite you here to listen to me vent."
"No," you giggle, "I totally get it. I enjoyed the moment with you guys too, and I loved seeing you come to my side of the stage when we linked. Sharing interactions like that really made me feel like you guys noticed me, too. You're really great performers."
"Thank you," he smiles.
Several small conversations (and several arm pinches to make sure you weren't dreaming or anything) later, you manage to calm yourself down the more and more you talked with Jongho.
He really is just an ordinary person, just like me.
"Who's your bias?" the boy suddenly asks, leaning back against his chair.
"My bias? Currently you, obviously," you laugh.
"Nah, you're just saying that 'cause I'm right here," he says.
"Fine. My bias currently is Yunho."
"Currently? What, it changes?"
"Mm-hmm," you nod, "I can't ever stick to one bias. You're all just so fun to stan."
"Okay," he grins, "we could change it from Yunho to me then, right?"
You grin, covering your mouth as your cheeks flushed a deep shade of red.
"How about you?" you poke back.
"Yeah, who's your favorite fan? Is that even a thing?"
He lets out a loud laugh, turning back to you.
"You could be my favorite fan," he smirks.
"You're also just saying that," you smile.
"Can I be honest?"
You cock your head to the side, a curious smile beaming across your face. "Honest? About what?"
"You're the only fan I've asked to come backstage for this tour," he says quietly.
"You're lying," you giggle.
"I'm not," he whispers as a more endearing smile crosses his face. "I think you're also very pretty."
He eyed you steadily now, slow blinking and leaning back against his chair. You couldn't help but think about where this could lead to, if you allowed it.
"Is that why you made me sign an NDA?" you smirk, crossing your legs and leaning against the armchair.
The boy scoffs, looking away in embarrassment. "No, I didn't mean to come off as--"
"Relax," you tease, "I'm just messing with you. I think you're really cute, too. Way cuter in person."
You eye him steadily now, a sly grin meeting his. "Can I be honest now?"
He keeps his eyes locked on you, marveling at the way the apples of your cheeks illuminated your face when you smiled.
"I'd love to put that NDA to good use."
Jongho smiles slowly, relaxing against his chair and man-spreading his legs.
"Come here, then," he whispers.
His expression fades to lust at the sight of you slowly making your way to his lap. One of the many things he loved about you tonight was your outfit. You were wearing a black and white blazer dress with a deep, plunging neckline. An outfit that made your pretty face stand out in a crowd, but also one that implied you were grown enough to fuck.
And man, was he glad that you were initiating it.
You lean over him as he pulls your legs over his lap, grazing his lips gently against yours, closing your eyes as you caressed each other's faces and bodies in unison. As he kisses you slowly, he brings a hand against your thighs, curiously outlining his fingertips over your curves. You bring a hand to his jaw and push further into his mouth, inviting his tongue into yours with each fervent kiss. Jongho glides his hand from your hips to your inner thighs, circling his fingers around your clothed groin. The feel of Jongho's fingers poking at you through your clothes was enough to make you crave for his warmth against your body.
"Jongho," you whisper into him, "let me entertain you tonight."
You begin sliding off his lap and start unbuttoning your dress, taking a few step backs as you slowly and seductively exposed more of your collarbone, shoulders, and breasts. You step out of your dress and fold it neatly on the floor, using it as a cushion for your knees.
Jongho bites his lower lip and brings a hand to cover his mouth to hold back a grunt. Seeing you bend to your knees in front of him was enough to ignite an emerging boner rising deep inside his black sweatpants.
You slowly glide your hands against his hips until you reach the waist of his pants, tugging at them slowly until his boxers were out.
Cute, you think, as you're greeted by a pair of pink AllSaints boxers.
"I ran out of black pairs," is all he can embarrassingly admit, his cheeks growing bright and hot at seeing your smile.
"No," you whisper, "these are so much better."
You pull his boxers down to reveal his long, hardened cock already pleading for your entertainment.
You dampen your lips as you begin stroking the erect member with your hands, pulling soft, deep strokes as the boy reposed against his chair.
He bites his lip harder to hold back a low grunt, his lust for you enticing further at the feel of your warm hands wrapped around him. He exhaled deeper and heavier breaths as you began twisting his member, gently stroking it over and over. Suddenly, he felt the warmth and wetness of your tongue delicately licking against his tip.
The boy reaches a hand to your head, calmly running his fingers through your hair before proceeding to nudge you further, bringing your mouth gingerly around his cock. You obeyed, sucking on him considerately before picking up the pace.
You experimented with your timing for a bit, switching between your hands and your mouth (and sometimes both) wrapped around his throbbing member. The boy's breathing intensified as he began to feel himself on the verge of reaching a climax. He massaged your scalp as he pushed you deeper into him, soft sounds of gagging and choking erupting in the air.
The boy lets out a whimper as he looks down to see you shying away from him, licking your lips and wiping your mouth as you stood up.
"Why'd you--why'd you stop? I.. I was so.."
You grinned, knowing that edging him was part of the entertainment deal you wanted to give him exclusively.
"Are you being entertained? I didn't say I was done," you grin, climbing back on his lap and wrapping your thighs around his cock. You leaned into him, placing your hands over his shoulders as you slowly began riding his dick, throwing your head back as your soft moans progressively got louder. All at once, the tempered boy was also thrusting himself underneath you, desperately wanting to take charge of what was about to come.
And so, when he couldn't hold himself back anymore, he did.
He stood up and carried you towards his vanity mirror, sitting you against the tabletop. Your legs wrapped around his waist, sinking your fingernails deep into his back, gasping as the boy started fucking you. And he was going in hard.
From behind you, he caught sight of himself in the mirror as he fucked you hard, and to his surprise, the reflection in the mirror had aroused him even more. The way your legs were clenched and buckled around his waist, the way you bounced up and down at every protruding thrust, the way your head was leaning into his shoulder as you desperately bit into his blades with hopes of silencing your screams. Now he was going in harder, clutching onto the sides of the desk as the furniture rattled underneath you both.
He turned to face you, sticking his tongue inside your mouth agape. At this point, he was taking full control of you and your body, and all you could do was try to ease the thristing moans repeatedly escaping your lips.
"Fuck," Jongho grunts as he feels himself on the verge of climaxing, and in a sudden instant you find yourself on your back against the floor in an attempt to make you more comfortable.
If only there was a fucking longer couch instead of single ones, he quietly cursed in his head, pulling your legs over his shoulders and mindlessly fucking you on the carpet. While the floor wasn't the most comfortable place to fuck, it had come in great luck as Jongho had managed to finally reach your G-spot.
You tightened your handgrip against the legs of the vanity desk behind you, letting out the last of your cries before feeling the hot release of your orgasm rush through your lower abdomen. You noticed the boy's face scrunch up as he was about to ejaculate inside of you, and then in an instant you felt the rush of his hot cum spilling in and all over your inner thighs, making a mess of the floor beneath you.
"Fuck," he panted, bringing your legs down from his shoulders and wrapping them around his hips instead. You looked in awe as the sweat drops rolled down his forehead, his mouth agape and eyes closed as he tried to steady his breathing.
You sat up and placed your hands around his jaw, giving him a quick kiss before he could open his eyes again.
"What was that for?" he smiled tiredly.
"For being a good performer off-stage, too," you smirk.
He laughs, repositioning himself on the floor to where you were sitting across his lap again, his hands wrapped around your waist and your arms around his neck.
"You're a good fan," he says, his eyes softening as a smile crossed your face, "both in a crowd and in private."
You smile, letting him pepper kisses all over your cheek, jaw, and lips.
"Are you gonna look for me when you come back for your next tour?" you say, cocking your head to the side.
"I don't think you believed me when I said you're the only person I've picked from a crowd for this tour," he insists again.
"You're lying, that's why I don't believe you," you tease.
"I'm serious. I mean, I've invited people over before... for my past tours... but none of them have had as much of a colorful personality as yours. You're the first who really stuck out to me in a long time, really. Both on and offstage. I hope you never lose that part of you."
"Awe," you smile warmly, "look at you being so sweet. It makes me kind of want to bias you, now."
"I haven't been able to change your mind from biasing me instead of Yunho?" he furrows his brows in annoyance.
"I don't know yet," you shrug, planting another soft kiss against his cheek.
"Then I guess that leaves me only one option," he grins, giggling into your neck and rocking you gently back and forth, "be my girlfriend one day, so I can make more time to convince you to always choose me."
small pt. 2 coming soon!! (sfw :))
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norinenglish · 2 months
Stardew Rancher AU - Intro cutscene
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Here's my first piece for the Stardew AU challenge.
If you want to take part too, use the #traffic stardew au tag (You can also use the banner I made). On my blog, I will be using #stardew ranchers au as well.
The writing is under the cut.
>> Next Part
I hate this life.
Jimmy doesn’t remember a day in the last year he has not thought this. He’s staring at a computer screen, as he has been for the last seven hours, when it hits him. He hates this life. In fact, it could barely be qualified as a life. 
He misses nature. Running around in the grass, playing, talking to people… He turns his head around to look at the window, but there isn’t even any on the office walls. He looks around him and only sees rows and rows of cubicles with other lifeless people slaving all day. The clicking of keyboards and mouths, the buzzing of the neon lights, it’s all too much.
I can’t stand it anymore, he thinks to himself. I need a way out.
Suddenly, he remembers a conversation he had with his grandpa, when he was young, about the burden of modern life. He hadn’t really realised what it had meant before today. Jimmy, like his parents, had dismissed it as the stubbornness of an old man who was made to live in the countryside. But it must have stayed on the back of his mind, because he kept the letter. 
In fact… 
He opens the drawer of his desk and there it is. A fancy old letter with a fancy purple seal. 
(He’s definitely not going to think about the fact that he kept it in his drawer at work and the possible implication of that. Nope.)
With shaky hands, he breaks the seal and opens it. The swoosh of the paper unfolding is the loudest sound he’s ever heard in his life. 
The letter says: 
Dear Jimmy, 
If you’re reading this, you must be in dire need of a change.
The same thing happened to me, long ago. I’d lost sight of what mattered most in life… real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong. 
I’ve enclosed the deed to that place… my pride and joy: The Ranch. It’s located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It’s the perfect place to start your new life. 
This was my most precious gift of all, and now it’s yours. I know you’ll honour the family name, my boy. Good luck. 
Love, Grandpa. 
PS: If the Sherrif is still alive say hi to the old guy for me, will ya? 
He puts the letter down and looks up at the ceiling for a second. 
In all the emptiness he feels, it’s like he’s just grown wing. 
🌿 loading🌿
The bus startles to a stop and Jimmy wakes up. 
“Pelican Town!” The driver screams. 
Jimmy looks around. There’s no else on anymore. He quickly grabs his travel bag and gets out. He says his thanks to the bus driver who just hums unhappily. Guess he really didn’t want to go that far out for just one person. 
On the side of the road is just a small clearing, with broken fences and dirt path. Someone is waiting for him, though. A man with cyan blue hair and an easygoing smile. 
“Hello, you must be Jimmy,” he sayswith a cheerful voice. “I’m Scott, the local florist. Mayor Grian sent me here to fetch you and show you the way to your new home. He’s there right now, tidying things up for your arrival.”
It takes a second for Jimmy to find his words. The reality of what he’s done hitting him finally. He quit his job. He moved out of his appartment. He sold his things and bought a ticket for this small town in the middle of nowhere to become a farmer. 
“Nice to meet you, Scott,” he says after swallowing. “I…”
Gosh, he cannot screw this up. This isn’t like in the city. The people he meets are going to be the community he’s going to live with. He wants to make a good impression. 
Scott smiles, tilting his head to the side. He looks Jimmy up and down with mischief in his eyes in a way that makes Jimmy blush a little. He must be tired. 
“The farm’s right over here, if you’ll follow me.”
Jimmy nods and follows him on the dirt path until they reach an area with a… house. Supposedly. 
“This is the Ranch,” Scott announces, waving his arm around to show the land that stretches before them.. 
The Ranch is an old building made out of wood. It looks like it’s been built in the last century. The farmland around, which was included in Scott’s gesture, is littered with some kind of forest. There are different types of trees, dead wood on the ground, bushes, and even some rocks! Is this really the farm his grandfather loved ? 
“What’s the matter?” Scott asks in a light voice. He’s got his arms crossed in front of him and an air of challenge about him. “Sure, it’s a bit overgrown, but there’s some good soil underneath that mess! With a little dedication, you’ll have it cleaned up in no time.”
He turns back towards the house itself. Jimmy notes that there’s plenty of firewood on the side of the house. Someone must have stacked it for him. That thought settles in his chest, fluttering like a bird. He won’t sleep in the cold tonight, and that’s thanks to strangers. 
“... And here we are, your new home,” Scott says. 
Just like his words summoned him, a man opens the door and gets down the few steps of his porch to stop in front of them. He pulls the sleeves of his red sweater back to his writs and offers his hand to Jimmy. 
“Ah, the new farmer! Welcome, I’m Grian, the Mayor of Pelican Town.”
Jimmy shakes his hand and introduces himself. Grian nods, seemingly satisfied. 
“You know, everyone’s been asking about you. It’s not every day that someone new moves in. It’s quite a big deal.” He turns to look back at the house. “So… you’re moving into your grandfather’s old cottage. It’s a good house… very ‘rustic’.”
“Rustic?” Scott chimes in. “That’s one way to put it… ‘Crusty’ might be a little more apt, though.”
“Rude,” Grian says under his breath, his eyebrows frowning. “Don’t listen to him, Jimmy. He’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of Gem’s house upgrades.”
“Gem?” Jimmy asks.
“She’s the local carpenter. She lives north of the valley, near the mountain.”
Gem, the local carpenter. Jimmy tries to mentally catalogue. She makes house upgrades.  He turns his eyes towards Scott. He doesn’t remember if he said what he was doing. 
“Anyway… You must be tired from the long journey,” Grian says, looking back at the house. “You should get some rest. Tomorrow you ought to explore the town a bit and introduce yourself. The townspeople would appreciate that.”
He turns to leave and sees the box placed next to the mailbox. 
 “Oh, I almost forgot. If you have anything to sell, just place it in the box here. I’ll come by during the night to collect it. Well… Good luck!”
They are gone before Jimmy can really say anything else. But it might be for the better, because he’s exhausted. 
“I’m here,” he says to no one. Maybe to himself. Or maybe to his grandfather. 
Going into the house is a blurr. He barely have time to register the small table with one chair, the fireplace that was lit up for him and the bed. He just melts into the mattress and passes out.
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unhingedpolycule · 9 months
Dogs on an airplane
Townsfolk of Tumblr! Y'all have decided on my dialogue so this is what I made of it! I hope you guys enjoy it!
It's also on my AO3 :)
His luggage had been lost, his connection flight severely delayed and the room in which he stayed had not just one couple fucking the whole night in the neighbouring rooms but two! So, it was just Johnny’s luck that he, upon getting onto the tightly packed plane, was seated right next to the creepy as shit looking guy who, for some reason, was allowed to wear a goddamned balaclava on the plane. Why not a stressed business woman. Or a couple of retired folks. Why did it have to be the guy that Johnny would constantly feel on guard about? 
Thank fuck the flight only took a few hours. 
He smiled politely when putting his luggage in the overhead compartment and then nodded toward where the man was sitting. 
“Sorry mate. Ah think yer on my seat.” 
A long, cold stare. Johnny didn’t avert his eyes, rising to the challenge and not letting the man stare him down. He wasn't going to let a man with a skull print mask for no apparent reason other than to scare people off. 
“No I’m not.” 
Johnny checked his ticket. He had booked the window seat, right? A look on the row and seat, a quick check on the overhead signs indicating which seat was which. Yes, he had been right. 
 “Well, my ticket says-” 
The stranger just kept staring and behind him a woman got impatient with the idiot who just stood in the aisle so Johnny sighed and just took the seat at the aisle, sliding his backpack underneath it. The one between them was taken up by a book and a bottle of water. A few last passengers filtered in while Johnny put on his headphones and picked a playlist, closing his eyes. He loved takeoff, loved watching the world beneath them shrink and finally disappear under a blanket of clouds but he could live without it. He wasn't a child. 
The plane began to move, maneuvering into position on the runway, stopping briefly before starting to move again, faster and faster, finally the wheels lost contact with the ground and Johnny was pushed back into his seat comfortably. He enjoyed the sensation for a long moment before the biggest rush was over. He opened his eyes again, a vacant smile on his lips that vanished the second he looked over to catch a glimpse out the window despite his seat. 
“That's a dog!” Johnny’s voice was as quiet as a shriek of absolute terror would allow. 
“Yes.” Came the answer matter-of-factly, “a puppy. Now keep quiet about this or I will get in trouble.” 
The man didn't seem to think that simply telling Johnny to shut up could possibly backfire on him. Usually people were intimidated by his presence, he supposed, but with a couple years of military career, Johnny was not. That didn't mean that he wasn't positively floundering at the dog that had poked its head out of the three quarters unzipped hoodie jacket of the man beside him. 
“How did you- this-” Soap opened and closed his mouth a few times in a quite passable carp impersonation, “How did ye get this thing through security!” 
All that he got in reply was a shrug. And then, after a long pause, finally some words: “Same way I got my guns through security.” 
Words that Johnny couldn’t believe got a single second. “Yer fucking what?”
“My guns, aren't you listening?”
“How are ye more casual about having weapons on you than a fucking--” The look the stranger gave him made Johnny lower his voice again, his whisper urgent, “A fucking dog! Nobody hijacked a plane with the help of a puppy!” the stranger looked quite unimpressed with his outburst, “Okay, right, how the fuck did ye get yer weapons through the security check?” 
“Have you ever seen a guy with three knives and a micro uzi get through security?” Johnny shook his head and the stranger rolled his eyes at how simple the solution to this problem seemed to be to him,  “Obviously, I wouldn't have, so I didn't.” 
Now he was just fucking with Johnny. Straight up. There was no way this was actually true. 
Over him staring at the man unbelievingly, he didn't notice the small, wet nose that came closer until it touched Johnny’s bare upper arm which made him yelp, pulling away as the stranger zipped his hoodie up further, giving Johnny a glare, “You’ll give us away!”
“Us? Ah am having no part in this!” Johnny snapped. If it was up to him there would be no dog existing in a ten foot radius of him! 
“You know about her, you have part in this now.” The man would absolutely lie about this, wouldn't he? He would get Johnny in trouble alongside him if he got caught. Fine, he would try to be more subtle. Just having made peace with the thought of coexisting with the puppy quietly, the stranger spoke up again, “You almost act like you’re scared of her.” 
“Ah’m not scared!” Johnny insisted, the man sitting in front of them had apparently heard him over his blasting music and turned to look at the two of them through the slit between seats. Johnny smiled apologetically. Inside voice, he reminded himself. 
“Pet her then.” The man said when the man had turned back around and they had made sure that they hadn’t roused any other attention. The zipper was pulled down a little again and the happily little panting face pushed out of the confines of the shirt again, curiously pushing toward Johnny. Johnny reared back, the stranger pulled the little dog back and distracted her with head scratches way more careful than Johnny would have ever considered of a behemoth like that, “Knew you were scared.” he commented drily without any kind of smug satisfaction. 
“Snakes are more up my alley. They dinnae bite, they dinnae pee all the time, they are quiet.” Well, the noise level wasn't exactly what drew Johnny to snakes but who had to know that? Nobody. He would never see the man again. 
“She doesn't bite. Has been in my hoodie for hours now and she's been behaving just great.” 
“Hours, huh?” How could a person have trust in a dog like that? Even just considering, what if she started whining? Or what if she needed to go? Oh god, that was an issue, wasn't it? Because the stranger couldn't just take his dog to the damn bathroom. 
“Yes.” The man was utterly oblivious of the necessarily impending doom. 
Johnny tipped his head to the side and gave the stranger a long look, “It’s only a matter of time before it pees on ye.” 
“She peed before we came on here.” The man said and the flight attendant walking by gave them a weird look. Johnny smiled at her and gave her a one shouldered shrug. Both of them waited until the flight attendant was gone before looking back at each other,  “Which means she’ll make it until we land again.” 
There was a stretch of silence. 
“You’re a sick fuck.”
He looked back down at the puppy whose movements were very clear if Johnny actually paid attention. 
“Oh, Ah’m a sick fuck?” Johnny asked incredulously, “Ah am a sick fuck?” 
The stranger gave him an appraising look before coming out with his answer that was just as short as it was easy. 
“Oh, humor me. What makes me the sick fuck between the both of us, Mr. ‘Ah wear a balaclava on a plane and also ah say ah have guns on me and also ah am hiding a god damned dog in me sweater and if ye tell anyone ah’ll get ye into trouble too’?” 
Another pause. When the stranger answered it sounded 100 percent serious. 
“It’s not a sweater.” 
Johnny gaped at the man, speechless. That was the point he was trying to nitpick then? The sweater? 
“Close your mouth before flies get in it.” the stranger’s eyes crinkled at the corners. A smile, finally. This motherfucker. “And it’s the snakes. Snakes are fucking nasty.” 
“Ye’re fucking nasty.” Johnny muttered. The stranger turned back to look out of the small window but he audibly tried to hide his chuckle by clearing his throat loudly. 
Johnny didn’t put his headphones back on, but he fell asleep in his seat with the conversation between them having run its course. 
When he woke up, it was to a big hand on his shoulder and the printed smile of a skull mask. 
“Touching down in 20.”
“Huh?” Johnny said intelligently and this time the huff sounded a little annoyed. 
“We’re landing in twenty minutes. Wipe the drool off your face.” 
Johnny scrambled to do just that, swiping his sleeve over his mouth and cheeks. This time he missed the way the stranger smiled, turning his masked face back to the window. He brushed his hands over his face roughly and yawned, trying to wake up properly. 
“Th’nks fer wakin’ me.” 
“You’re welcome.” The stranger said, petting the sleepy puppy who was curled up on his lap and half hidden by the hoodie. 
Johnny watched him pet her. 
“Yer not going to hide her a wee bit better? Woulnae surprise me if someone saw.” 
“What are they going to do? Kick us out at 20.000 feet?” The stranger said with a noncommittal shrug. 
“First of all, ye better mean yerself and that dog and not me.” Johnny said and the look that the man gave him told him that no, he was clearly seeing Johnny as his partner in crime. Great. “Second, ye were really insistent about me keeping it quiet earlier. Wha’ changed?” He yawned again and the stranger handed him a closed bottle of water. 
“Don’t ask stupid questions.” Johnny was about to ask what exactly qualified as stupid questions but in the end decided to just roll his eyes and crack the bottle open, taking a few swigs. 
They didn't speak much before the plane landed, Johnny dozing some more and the stranger quite preoccupied with the dog whenever Johnny did open his eyes to check the time and how much more time he had before having to get out and into his hotel. 
One more night in a hotel bed before he was expected to report for duty with the 141. He smiled and the plane landed. 
Somehow the stranger got off the plane before Johnny, throwing him a lazy salute when Johnny walked down the stairs and onto the tarmac. He was wearing a simple duffel bag over his shoulder that clearly had its best years behind it, and held his arm in a highly suspicious pose. 
Before Johnny could catch up with him so they could walk out together, the man disappeared in the opposite direction to everyone else. Johnny grinned, shouldering his own duffel and followed the crowd. He had no reason not to go through the regular channels after all, fun as it might have been to watch a man and his puppy - and maybe guns, Johnny reminded himself - evade security. 
The base was busy, soldiers buzzing all around him as the man who had introduced himself to Johnny as Kyle led him over the premises. He was nice, around Johnny’s age and easy to talk to, laughing at his ludacris story of the man on the airplane.
“Sounds like one hell of a trip, Soap. At least it wasn't boring, huh - oh! Hey, there’s someone you should meet!” Kyle shouted across the open area, waving his arm, “Lieutenant!'' The person he wanted to attract the attention of apparently wasn't showing the reaction that Kyle had wanted to because he shouted louder, “Oi! Ghost!” 
Johnny froze. 
“That’s the one.” was all he could whisper before the man in the skull balaclava came to stand in front of him, frowning under his mask. Gaz gave Johnny a confused look but didn’t ask any further questions. 
“Sergeant.” The Ghost said. Johnny felt like his breath had been punched out of him. He had spent the entire flight watching his superior officer hide a dog in his hoodie and hadn't even known!
“That’s the new guy, John-”
“Sergeant MacTavish.” Ghost finished. His voice was neutral and his brown eyes were sparkling mischievously, “Hand picked by Price for the 141. Youngest person to ever make the tryouts for the SAS. Impressive.” 
Johnny did his carp impression again, his eyes now flicking down Ghost’s body, only dressed in a shirt and jeans, arms crossed over his chest, a whole sleeve of tattoos sneaking down one of them. When he looked back up, the Lieutenant was grinning again, it bled into his voice, smug, “I am sure that you are capable of honoring confidentiality, Sergeant?”
Kyle was looking back and forth between them. The question was right on the tip of his tongue but he didn’t ask, instead watching the situation play out. 
“Aye, sir.” Johnny said, “Can keep my yap closed.” 
“Good man.” The Lieutenant clapped his hand on his shoulder and then walked away again, “Come to my room after Sergeant Garrick has finished showing you around!” he rounded the corner and was gone. 
“Gaz, he is the one!” Johnny whispered urgently. 
“The one you wanna marry? Yeah, saw you eyefuck each other, alright. As long as you two can keep it quiet it should be fine, our Captain doesn't take certain rules too seriously." 
Johnny huffed, shaking his head, “From the plane, ye numpty! That was the guy from the plane, with the goddamned dog!” 
There was a long moment of silence between them. 
“Ah. Well. It does sound like something Ghost would do.” Kyle finally said, then adding "It's The Crow Incident all over again…"
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nekoashiii · 11 months
Hi there, hope you have a wonderful day.
I would like to request Focalors with prompt 3 from your new event, if that’s not a problem. It can be fem or gn reader. What ever you like better. Thanks in advance.
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”I’m allowed to do as I wish with you, I’m your wife/husband”
Warnings: Use of focalors real name (spoilers). Dark content (not really). Mentions of executions.
[the requests for the event is now closed!]
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How many days has it passed since you last had peaceful sleep, or when you could spend your time alone without any worries. Without the worries of a pair of judgmental eyes on you.
[Name?] [Nameee!] A voice called out in the grand halls.
Ah dang it, where are you? The whiney voice continued to echo and trail in the rooms and hallways of the palace.
'Click' 'Click' ... Aha! There you are!
'Sigh' what is it Furina, I thought you had a court trial to judge this morning? don't tell me you ditched that as well, 'You said as you continued to brush your hair in front of the big mirror, fitting both you and Focalors in the frame'
Is this the way you treat your lover? 'She asked as she placed her gloved hands on her hips'
Here she goes again. 'You thought as you closed your eyes and stood up'
Ah~ 'she let out a dramatic sigh' how cruel of you [name], I expected a more thrilling reaction out of you! But nonetheless you are very entertaining, way better than sitting in a crowded courtroom, watching a stupid person get sentenced to an even stupider amount of time. I mean, when will we ever see a real twist in these cases for once! 'Furina rambled as she placed the back of her palm on her forehead, her face showing grimace as she stood in a dramatic and dynamic posture.'
Okay okay, you can stop. I understand.
'Furina's smile dropped as she opened one eye, looking at you for a solid 50 seconds before she continued with a sigh' Mmm, boring, boring... but...
Have you ever thought of putting on...those clothes that other mortals from Fontaine wear? 'Before you could answer she cut you off' Your answer aside, I have a very exciting Revelation, 'she said as she turned away'
I hired the best hairstylists, makeup artists and tailors to make us the perfect matching outfit, I also bought us first row tickets to an execution event that will start in 2 days! After so long, an entertaining event will happen beside those slimy, dry soap operas! bleh!
'Furina said with a small smile and raised eyebrows, waiting for your reaction as silence filled the room'
Furina what! I thought you promised to pass a new law to stop public executions! Not only that, why do you always do things with my involvement and never say a word to me until It's just-
'Your words were cut by her again' blah blah blah, come on [name] you can be better than this. I'm not the biggest fan of this type of drama! I mean come on now, I’m allowed to do as I wish with you, I’m your wife! Furthermore, I can decide for you and change your future as I like.
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topguncortez · 8 months
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Let Your Senses Guide You || Whumptober Day 3 - N. Trace
Whumptober Masterlist || Whumptober Taglist Form
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Synopsis: Natasha thinks she has everything under control after the bird strike, but you think she's heading towards a break down.
word count: 2.9k
@ailesswhumptober prompt: Overstimulation
warnings: bird strike, panic attack, mentions of character death, anger, grief, mentions of injury
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You knew what you were getting into when you started dating the lovely and strong Natasha “Phoenix” Trace. She was a fierce woman, with a passion for flying, something the two of you both shared. You loved that look in her eye that she got when she would walk out onto the flight deck and see her most prized possession. You loved the sound of her voice when she was calling commands or giving shit right back to Hangman. Natasha was born to fly, and you loved that you got a front-row ticket to watch her day after day. 
But, you also knew all of the risks that come with being one of the best the Navy has to offer. Hell, you knew it probably better than anyone. You were a mere months old when your father, Nick Bradshaw, had met his untimely end doing the one thing that he loved more than being a father to you and Bradley. 
You liked to pretend that the death of Nick Bradshaw didn’t bother you. You didn’t even know the man who your brother looked so much alike. You only had the stories that Bradley, your mother, and Maverick had told you. You told yourself that you couldn’t be sad over his death, or even fear that the same fate could happen to Bradley or anyone else you loved. 
 But you were scared that the same tragic accident could happen to Bradley or anyone else you loved. 
This was why when you heard Natasha’s panicked voice come over the radio, your heart stopped in your chest. Your vision started to blacken as you stared at the clunky radio sitting on the bar top in the rec room. Your hands began to sweat and feel clammy as Bob called out that they were losing altitude. You felt your knees go weak and your stomach started to turn. 
“Eject Phoenix! You can’t save it!” 
“Fuck! Okay! Eject! Eject! Eject!”
Then, the radio went silent. 
Bradley looked over his shoulder at you, the look of fear quickly placed with concern as he saw your internal panic. He swiftly paced over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder, that seemed to pull you from the darkest thoughts swirling in your mind. You hadn’t spared him a glance when you shoved past him and ran out to the flight deck, watching as emergency crews were starting to arrive. Maverick’s jet was quick to land and the older pilot was barking orders to the emergency crews about where to go, how far out they were, and that he had only seen one parachute. 
You had waited for agonizing hours in the rec room with Rooster. Since neither of you was related to Bob and Phoenix, you were both told you could wait for news in the rec room. Rooster was a ball of anxiety as his knee bounced relentlessly, while you were silent staring out at the setting sun. The moment Maverick had walked in and said they were going to be alright, you didn’t wait a second longer in the room, getting to Phoenix at the hospital as quickly as you could. You were lucky that Maverick had already pulled some strings and made some calls, so the nurses could let you in. 
“Natasha,” You breathed out, the moment your feet came to the threshold of her room. She looked up at you, a small smile gracing her face. 
“It’s Bachelor night, and they won’t let me watch TV,” A small sob left your lips as you ran to her, nearly collapsing in her lap, “Hey, shh, it’s alright, I’m alright,” Natasha cooed, running her hand over your back. Your hair was still pulled back in a tight bun and you were still in your flight suit. 
You shook your head, sitting back on her bed, “I have never been so scared in my life,” You wiped your tears away with the back of your hand, “Please, don’t leave me. Not like that. Not like how my. . . Just not like that.” 
Natasha sat up in her hospital bed, a small wince leaving her lips as she grabbed your hand, “I will never ever leave you. I may not always agree with you, or remember when your cat’s birthday is, but I will never leave you. You got that? You’re stuck with me, Bradshaw.” 
You nodded your head. Phoenix smiled, sitting back in her bed and holding her arms out. You didn’t hesitate and collapsed right in her warm embrace, your head resting on her chest, listening to the steady sound of her heartbeat. 
“Shouldn’t I be the one holding-” 
“Shh,” Natasha giggled, running her hand up and down your back. 
That night, as you slept soundly in your lover’s arms, Natasha was plagued with the images of making you a widow. The sound of your sobs, the image of Bradley having to hold you up while Bob presented you with a flag that was draped over a dark mahogany coffin, and a large picture of Natasha standing in the corner. It was the worst feeling in the world, even if it was only a nightmare. Sometimes, dreams come true. 
— — — 
It only took three days for Natasha to be cleared and get back up in the air. Natasha had some bruises and small burns from the ejection. Bob, on the other hand, couldn’t come back until next week, dealing with a minor concussion and sprained wrist. Natasha didn’t want to get in the air without Bob, but she also knew how important it was that training for the mission still be carried out. She already felt days behind everyone else on training, and they hadn’t learned anything new. 
“You ready for today?” You asked, looking over to the other side of the sink. Natasha wasn’t normally a morning person, so her silence didn’t normally offend you, but today, it sent a small shiver down your spine. 
“As I’ll ever be,” Natasha said as she slicked back her brown hair. 
Natasha’s body might’ve healed in the past three days, but you could tell her mind had not. The dream she had the first night in the hospital had plagued her for the past three nights. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was your tear-stained face as you were handed a folded flag and a copy of her dog tags. 
You had opened up to Natasha about how hard it was for your mom after your dad died. How depressed Carole had become to the point where every year on Goose’s anniversary, she would crawl into bed and spend the whole day clutching one of his Hawaiian shirts. Natasha hated that her mind kept showing her images of your dull, lifeless eyes clutching onto one of her shirts and laying motionless in bed. 
“Nat,” You sighed, putting your hairbrush down, “You don’t need to” 
“If I don’t go then that could take me out of the running to go on this mission. And over my dead body will I let you go fly with Hangman,” Natasha spat, angrily throwing her hair items into her toiletry bag. The other dream Natasha was having was if it had been you who didn’t eject in time from the jet. If it had been your coffin and your funeral and Natasha having to be held up by your brother. It was torture either way. 
You nodded your head, knowing the history that was between Phoenix and Hangman, and why she didn’t want to be up in the sky with him. Instead, you followed her lead, packing up your hair items and getting dressed in your flight suit. Natasha was already waiting by the door with her duffle bag, lunch box, and travel mug in her hand. You avoided looking at her as you grabbed your things and walked out behind her. 
The first thing you had on the docket was a hop with your brother. You were happy to be in the sky, Maverick had you grounded for the past three days, keeping a close eye on you. Bradley had expressed some concern for you, worried that you might be scared to go back up in the sky after Phoenix’s accident. But you’re a Bradshaw, flying is in your blood. The only way you were going to feel better was by being in the air. 
You had stopped briefly in the classroom, setting down your coffee mug and notebook, before going and getting suited up for your flight. You had barely said anything to Natasha, watching as she sat in her usual spot in the front row, the seat next to her vacant. You knew that she would be watching on the screen as you and Rooster attempted to complete the course. So far, the two of you have been the only ones to complete the course and keep your wingman alive. Now, Maverick had put the two of you together to see if you could complete it. 
“You ready for this?” Rooster asked as you walked towards your planes. 
You nodded your head, “Yep. You know me, I’m no good in a classroom. Got the need for speed.” 
Rooster shook his head, “How’s Nat?” 
Your smile faltered as you stood in front of your F/A-18, “Getting there. I think the birdstrike shook her up more than she let on. She hasn’t really talked about it.” 
You had tried to get Natasha to talk to you about it. You knew that she was having nightmares at night, you could feel her moving and trashing beside you and waking up with a jolt. But anytime you ask her, she denies it. She tells you that she’s fine, and she’s just restless to get back up in the sky. However, her brown eyes, the ones that you loved so much told a different story. They told a story of fear, of anxiety. 
But you couldn’t worry about Natasha. Not when you had the weight of this mission on your shoulders as you waited for the signal for you to take off. You hadn’t ever flown a mission with your brother before. Sure, the two of you had been stationed on the same carrier, but never did you two take the air at the same time. When you learned the risks of this mission and knew that either one of you would be chosen to fly it, a certain weight settled in the pits of your stomachs. Neither one of you could fathom losing the other, after losing both of your parents. Rooster had become the one constant in your life. Every time you took to the air, you flew as if it was the real thing. As if one of you might not come home. 
— — — 
“Why is she dead?” Maverick’s voice cut through the silence. You sat next to your brother, head hung in defeat. The hop had almost gone perfect, almost. . . but Rooster had decreased his speed, making so you had to pull up to avoid hitting him at the last moment, and you had set off the SAMs. 
“He made it to the target,” You justified. 
“Not good enough,” Maverick shook his head, “Yes, he made it to the target, but he caused you to get hit by a SAM. That’s not the goal of this.” 
You licked your lips, “Rooster is one of the only people to make it to the target. Yes, I had to pull up and go above the Hard Deck and set off the SAMs, but he still made it to the-” 
“That’s not the point of the mission!” Phoenix cut you off. You couldn’t see her face as she was sitting in front of you, but you furrowed your brows confused by her outburst. She never spoke out like that, not even when Maverick had grilled her about why she had “killed” Bob. Phoenix was always the pilot one, nodding and taking notes on how she could do better. 
You looked up at Maverick, concern in your eyes. He sighed, “I agree with Phoenix. That’s not the point of the mission. Rooster made it to the target but it cost your life. . . that’s not how this mission gets completed.” 
You clenched your jaw and looked out the window of the classroom. You listened as Maverick called up Phoenix, Fanboy, and Coyote to go for their hop. Phoenix walked by you, not saying a single word or even bothering to look at you. You shook your head, standing up and following after her. 
“Nix!” You shouted, making the female pilot stop in her tracks. She slowly turned to you, her face stoic, “What was that in there? Are you okay?” 
Phoenix looked you in the eye, blinking a couple of times. She clenched her jaw and looked down at her boots, “I’m fine. The goal of the mission is to get to the target, destroy it and everyone comes home,” She looked back up at you, her eyes hard, “If you have some sort of death wish, maybe you shouldn’t go.”
You scoffed as Phoenix brushed past you, making sure to bump your shoulder with hers. You watched her frame retreat down the hallway and out towards the flight deck. With a sigh, you turned on your heels and headed back to the classroom. Rooster shot you a look of concern as you sat back down, but you just shook your head. 
It wasn’t long before the trio’s location beacons were turned on, and two digital fighter jets showed up on the map in the front of the classroom. They were sitting on the flight deck, waiting for the all-clear to go take to the sky. Rueben’s voice filled the classroom as he called to the tower for clearance. You waited with bated breath to hear Natasha’s commanding voice, but you were met with silence. 
“Lieutenant Trace?” The tower called, “Lieutenant Trace, the sky is clear.” 
Phoenix couldn’t feel anything. The only thing she knew was that she was breathing. She could feel her lungs compressing and inflating with every inhale and exhale. Her vision was blurry as she looked down at the dash of the new multi-million dollar jet that the Navy had given her. It made her head spin on how quickly they had just given her another jet after she crashed the last one. Her helmet and flight gear felt exponentially heavy as she sat frozen. 
“Phoenix, the sky is yours. You’re good for take off,” The tower said to her over comms. 
“No, I’m not,” Phoenix whispered. She wasn’t sure what set her off, what put her into this panic. Maybe it was watching as an animated SAM hit her girlfriend’s animated cockpit on the map. Maybe it was the way you had justified being hit because Rooster made it to the target on time. Maybe it was the fact she was just not ready yet but felt like she had to be. 
“Phoenix! We need to go!” Coyote called over comms, but the girl shook her head. 
“Get me out,” Phoenix mumbled, her hands fiddling with the belt holding her in place, “Get me out! Get me out!” She pounded on the top of her canopy. Her breaths became frantic as she pressed the button for the canopy to open. It felt like the oxygen had been ripped from her lungs. Her helmet felt heavy as if it could snap her neck. 
Phoenix wasn’t sure what happened next, but she felt the canopy of her jet open, and fresh air come rushing into her lungs. She felt someone’s hands touching her, helping her out of her safety belt, and gently out of the jet. Her vision was still blurry, as her feet hit solid ground and her knees gave way. Phoenix shut her eyes tightly, expecting her knees to hit the hard concrete, but instead, she was gently led to the ground. 
“Look at me, Nat,” A calm, familiar voice called out to her. She could feel dainty, yet calloused hands on her face, thumbs brushing away the tears she didn’t know were falling, “Breathe with me, okay?” Natasha nodded her head, “Ready, inhale,” Natasha took a deep breath, feeling her lungs fill with air, “Exhale, slow,” Natasha did as she was told, her heart rate starting to slow.
Slowly, Natasha became aware of where she was. She looked down at the black tar of the tarmac. Her flight suit suddenly felt tighter than normal as she looked around, noticing the other officers and aviators staring at her. Her brown eyes then trailed to the owner of the hands on her face. Your eyes were glassy with tears as Natasha grabbed your wrists, running her thumbs on the inside. Natasha’s bottom lip wobbled, as a sob threatened to escape her lips. You quickly pulled her into a hug, resting her head on your chest. 
“It’s alright,” You looked up at the sky, blinking back tears, “It’s okay.” 
“I’m not ready to fly,” Natasha sobbed, “I-I just can’t do it. Every time I just think o-of what happened. I-I almost killed some-” 
“No,” You pulled back from her, holding her face in your hands again, “It was an accident. You didn’t almost kill Bob. You did what you were trained to do, and that was to try and recover. If anything, you saved Bob’s life with your quick thinking.” 
Natasha nodded, “I don’t like feeling like this.” 
“No one does, baby,” You smiled sadly, pushing a stray hair behind her ear, “It’s what makes us human.”
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taglist form: @els-marvelvsp @sarahsmi13s @topgun-imagines @xoxabs88xox @cassiemitchell @seitmai @a-reader-and-a-writer @bradleybeachbabe @kmc1989 @senawashere @beautifulandvoid
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finniestoncrane · 21 days
Hey finnie first off an huge congrats on 2k, I’ve been following you since before the 1k event and it’s so amazing to see how much you’ve developed your writing and amassed such a big following!! I’m super proud of you!!
I’d like to buy a ticket please, front row for a science-fiction movie. For my snacks I’ll have a fruit juice, wine, peanuts and vanilla ice cream.
Again a huge congratulations on 2k, it’s an amazing achievement :)
thank you!! this means so much ;-; i love seeing you in my notes and around the place and it's nice to know it's nice to see me too lol (also i got your second message, you are not an idiot at all, you are wonderful and precious!!)💚🩷 cw: sex, awkward sex, virginity mention, praise kink, soft eddie soft eddie soft eddie soft eddie 🔞minors dni🔞 send a request • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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At no point had he displayed any kind of pleasure on his face, and the lack of joy, even a small smile or a gasp of delight was beginning to put you off. So, reluctantly, you stopped him, his cock buried in you, his body mounting yours on his bed.
"Eddie... Eddie, stop..."
"What's wrong? Is it not good? I knew it. But let me assure you this is the first thing I have ever failed at, I have conquered every other moment in my life and have approached things as a novice in technicality only."
"You quite finished?"
His brash outburst was borne out of his need to placate his ego, his anxiety demanding to be soothed over by settling on the only thing he ever knew to be concrete: that he was the best. He had to be.
And for a first-timer, he was doing well. But he could stand to loosen up. You knew that would be difficult for him, as Edward was someone with a limited capability for humanity or relations, and less even for a display of physical affection. His body tensed when you placed a hand on his shoulder, he had seized up the first time you embraced him. It was a miracle he hadn't turned to stone the moment he had thrust his cock inside of you.
"Eddie, it's not that it's not good. It's just that you're... you're awful tense. Do you think you could loosen up just a bit?"
"Well, take a deep breath, and then your back, it's rigid. Maybe try curving it."
Eddie did as instructed, and immediately, his cock shifted in your body, the tip stroking against a more sensitive area, making you moan softly.
"Oh... that really worked?"
"Yeah, see... you are naturally good at this, just like everything else."
At the praise, his body relaxed further, and he began to roll his hips far more rhythmically than before.
"God, Eddie... that's it... that feels nice... it feels so right."
His breath was ragged, pace quickening, his face relaxing into a soft, open-mouthed smile.
"You're doing such a good job, Eddie."
A soft whimper slipped over his lips, and he began to stutter through his words.
"Uh, i-if you don't mind... I have a critique for you..."
"Of course!"
"Could you... please spread the praise out? If you keep going like this, I won't last much longer."
You laughed, nodding as you pressed your lips shut, ready to dish out the next compliment at the next best moment.
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First off I love your tangerine x tabasco fics and head canons, also loved the idea of ladybug trying to make tangerine jealous just for laughs 😂 but the fic got me thinking, what if ladybug gave tabasco his shirt/jacket/whatever before she got out the bar so she wouldn't have to go out there shirtless? Like what would tangerine think when seeing her wearing ladybug's clothes?
Thank you so so much for the compliment!! 🧡🍊
And I REALLY like how your mind works ,sooo here are the HCs:
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-Ladybug gave Tabasco his shirt not wanting his friend to feel exposed
-(maybe also not wanting to risk Tangerine‘s brain to malfunction)
-(And MAYBEEEE wanting to MAKE tangerine even angrier)
-Tabasco finds Tangerine, staring out of the window
-She sits down across from him
-Tangerine won’t greet her or anything , immediately asking “Whose shirt is that?” Fully knowing it’s Ladybug’s , fuming internally
-When Tabasco tells him it’s indeed Ladybug’s shirt , Tangerine will insist that it doesn’t suit her and that she’ll probably get a rash from wearing it
-Being just as hot headed as Tangerine Tabasco of course won’t back down from a fight
-They keep quietly arguing until Tabasco is fed up
-“Oh so you’d rather have me coming to check on you in my bra huh ?” And she starts to unbutton the shirt
-“What are you doing ?? “
-“Stopping this fucking argument and fulfilling your wish, even tho I think it is a little sexist.” And with that the shirt is off and thrown on the table between them
-Now Tangerine is more flustered than angry , his fists clenched and the slight twitch in his eye returning
-“That’s not what I meant , put that shirt back on.”
-“Nah, I’ll probably get a rash , don’t you remember?”
-The conductor is slowly coming nearer , ready to check the tickets
-“You fucking- ..” Tangerine points at the shirt in the most aggressive way you have ever seen someone point at something “PUT IT BACK ON!” he whisper yells , his voice a slight octave higher
-Trying not to laugh at the scene in front of her and deciding to keep playing with him Tabasco “accidentally” spills water on the shirt
-“Oh nooo , now I can’t wear that for sure. I might catch a cold in a wet shirt.”
-some part of her brain feels a bit sorry for Ladybug and his shirt
-whipping his head around , Tangerine sees that the conductor is only 2 rows behind them , getting nearer by the second
-he quickly jumps out of his seat, plopping down next to Tabasco , throwing his suit jacket around her shoulders
-knowing the conductor is about to check their tickets next , he quickly pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket starting to wipe down the table where the shirt lies
-catching on that Tangerine wants to cover up their little fight and the fact that Tabasco doesn’t have a ticket on her, she leans into him “I am so sorry honey, the train just took a sudden turn and I wasn’t focusing.”
-“It’s alright darling, these things happen.”
-Upon being asked for their tickets Tangerine hands the conductor his ticket , explaining how “his lovely wife” accidentally spilled a glass of water , ruining her ticket in the process
-Tabasco even pulled off a teary eyed act , apologising profoundly
-The conductor leaves the wagon
-Tabasco looks up at Tangerine smirking , “So your LOVELY wife huh?”
-Tangerine traps her in her seat , one arm on the headrest, the other on the wall behind/besides her , leaning over/into her
-“We’re not done here yet , princess.”
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xxaraaq · 1 year
𝘼 𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙎𝙮𝙢𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙮
Hobie Brown x Black!Reader
Synopsis | Hobie Brown has listened to you play three times, each time, he falls harder in love
wc | 1342
a/n: I'm simply obsessed with hobie Brown, like he's so fine. But anyways, here y'all go. I also tried new borders and adding synopsis and stuff and honestly I like it, don't know why I didn't do it sooner.
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The first time he heard you play was an accident.
Like usual, he had come by your place after dealing with his spiderman duties, or ‘problems the British government are too weak to fix’ as he would say to you time and time again. You had been practicing for an upcoming recital and you had been struggling with the end of it, always gliding your bow too rough or vice-versa. You were so immersed into what you were doing that he couldn’t interrupt, so instead, he sat on the edge of your bed, waiting for you to finish.
“Ok, I basically got it do-” you jump, screaming in fear as you turn around to see hobie with a smile on his face, chin in hand. “What the hell hobes’, why’re you just sittin’ there like a creep?!” and he smiles even more, getting up to hold you. “Why’ve you never told me you could play like that?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“I have, you’ve just never heard me play before.” You smile, putting your violin back in its case. “You're lying straight through your teeth, you know that?” He jokes, walking around your room as if examining it.
He was half right. You didn’t tell him that you played the violin, but what you did tell him is that you played an instrument, so he can't be mad at that. Besides, if he wanted to hear you play, he could've asked at any time of day and you would've done it.
“Okay okay, you're right. But now you know, so you gonna stand there sulkin’ like a baby or are you gonna come over here and lay with me?” You ask, patting the empty side of your bed. “You know how to change the topic of conversation a little to well for my likin’, you know that?” He says, laying next to you, pulling you onto his chest. 
“Yes, now stop bein a little baby so we can watch that show you were buggin’ me about.”
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The second time he heard you play, you were on stage.
You had bought him a ticket to the concert hall where you would be performing. He could tell that you were excited to play, which is why he made sure to tell Miguel that he wouldn't be available today.
He walks in, confused as to where to go. So he goes to the closest person he thinks works there; a receptionist behind the desk. “Where do I go to find… auditorium seven?” With a pointed finger to the left, he says thank you and walks off, ticket in hand.
He goes up to row fourteen, picking out his seat from dozens. Sitting down with a deep sigh, he plays with the ribbed scrunchie you had given him months ago. He waits in silence for the recital to start, fatigue almost taking him. 
His attention is caught once the lights dim down from everywhere besides the middle of the stage. The pianists go first, and he enjoys it, but it doesn’t really catch his attention. His knee shakes out of suspense as the stage closes for what could've been the twentieth time. The violinists go next, and he gets excited, sitting up straighter in his chair. You told him that you would be the fifth to last one to play, but you didn’t tell him how many people would be playing. So here he was, waiting to see when you would come out from the side of the stage in all your beauty. 
The seventh person goes, and now he’s just straight bored. Now don’t get him wrong, he fucked with classical music, he thought it was cool, but he wasn’t all that interested it if it wasn’t you. So when you came out, he was all the more happier. 
The audiences’ volume lowered once again, and you put your bow unto the strings. He leaned forward, as if to get closer to you; then you started playing. He didn’t know if it was the fact that he was in love with you, or if he knew that you being on stage meant that this entire was close to being over, but it was as if you and him were the only ones who existed. He could see the passion you had inside of you from the way you played, and it brought a smile onto his features. You had a certain expression on your face that he could only read as a love only you could understand.
When it was all over, you found him through the thick crowd and ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. “Did you see me hobes’?” You ask, taking his hand in yours. “No, I fell asleep. Sorry love.” He deadpans, struggling to hold back a grin as he watches your face drop. “Your fuckin joking babe. Don't do that to me!” You whine, playfully punching him in the arm as he almost doubles over in laughter. “I'm so sorry love, I had to do it.” He sighs, wiping a tear from his eye “Don't get slapped.” You whisper as the two of you walk out onto the crowded street. “What was that?” He teases, bending down to hear you better. “I'm gonna hit you in a second.” You say, pushing his head from yours. 
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The third time he hears you play, he knows he’s gonna spend the rest of his life with you.
He was making dinner, a simple dish of spaghetti and garlic bread, while you were on the couch watching something that you’ve surely already watched a million times before. He was checking to see if the bread was ready when all of a sudden you gasp loudly, causing him to almost burn himself against the top of the oven. “Shit- what the yell y/n, you good?”
You don’t answer, instead running to your now shared room to get your violin. Curious to see what you're doing, he follows after you. “What idea has your frightening brain come up with that you screamed like a dying banshee?” He asks, leaning against the doorframe. “Hobes, you're about to see me flex on something that I’ve been able to do since I was fourteen.” You smile, running back to the living room. “ This should be interesting.”
You unpause the movie, placing the violin under your chin as you get ready to play. The scene unfolding before Hobie Brown is… a spectacle to say the least. You’re currently playing the violin version of the scene from the end of Sister Act 2. The fact that you took the time to learn this more than five years ago is wild to him. But it’s what makes him fall in love with you all the more. You finish, turning to him with a smile that could rival the sun. “Why did you take time out of your life to learn that specific part of the movie, and why did you do it so well?” He asks, confusion written all over his face. “I used to hyperfixate on things for like months a time, and this was one of them.” You say, big smile still painted on your face
“Was the hyperfixation the movie itself, or was it learning songs from movies on the violin?” “It was both, but you can’t lie; both Sister Act movies were nothing but fire.” You say, walking up to him, violin long discarded.
“Sure love, whatever you say.” He takes your hips in his grasp, gently pulling you against him. “What, you don’t think so?” You ask, pressing kisses onto his entire face, effectively making him laugh. “Yes, I do think that both Sister Act movies are good, great even.” He chuckles, pressing one kiss on the side of your forehead. “You know you love me and all of my unusual interests.’ You smirk, walking into the kitchen. “Do I, do I really?”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
Yeah, he’s never letting you go, you sound to sweet to him.
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
At the Edge of the World with You
Wrote this for @waywardangel-wilds and @loungemermaid who said they were interested in an everlark survival story. 
Here’s the first part. I don’t know when I plan on writing the second part, as I am still working on my submission for the TWHHA summer challenge 2023 I was actually hoping that maybe another writer might want to pick up this thread, and continue this. Maybe we could play pass the baton and have multiple people contribute to it??? Let me know what you all think. Also, just so everyone knows I have a reason for the age gap in the story and the description of Peeta's build. If anyone wants to know why DM me and I will tell you. Also this story is losely inspired by a survival story I recently read. 
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I was twenty-one and he was seventeen when our plane went down over the Maldives. 
I wasn’t even supposed to be on that trip, the ticket initially belonged to my younger sister, Prim, but she caught a bad case of the flu and wasn’t going to get better in time for her departure date. She’d won the ticket in one of those sweepstakes giveaway contests months ago. When she found out she couldn’t change the departure and return flight dates she asked me to go in her stead. I had just recently broken up with my boyfriend of six years and I needed a change of scenery, or at least that's what Prim said when she gave me her all-expenses-paid vacation to a luxury resort in Malé and made me promise to get a tan and have at least one fling while I was in paradise for her. 
I never even made it to the resort. 
An unexpected thunderstorm threw our plane way off track in the last leg of our journey to the capital of the Maldives. The turbulence was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I’d flown on my fair share of flights. As the long-time girlfriend of a full-time officer in the U.S. Airforce I had flown all over the world to visit my boyfriend Gale when he had annual leave wherever he happened to be stationed at the time. But this storm was unreal. The sound of the wind pounding against the plane was terrifying. 
You could hear the metal creak and groan, and with every bang and thud, it kept growing louder and louder with the occasional loud crack of booming thunder to break up the chorus. 
Multiple passengers were screaming and crying and the sound of the storm just kept climbing higher and higher, building into a chaotic crescendo that frightened me down to my bones. 
Captain Crane got on the intercom and ordered everyone to put on their life preserver jackets. By then even the flight attendants were freaking out and had stopped trying to calm the passengers. Instead, they were running around trying to get the emergency life raft inflated. They couldn’t seem to get the air canister to lock on correctly to the seal, they were too nervous and were holding the can the wrong way. I unhooked my seatbelt, intending to go over and help them. I collided with the skinny, pale teenager wearing a baseball cap that had been seated in the row across from me when I got into the aisle, who might have been trying to help the flight attendants like me or maybe was just panicking and trying to get away from the screaming redhead next to him. 
That’s when the plane was buffeted by a particularly hard gust. We fell backward together, as the plane dipped. His extraordinary blue eyes locked onto mine and he might have murmured an apology but I was too preoccupied to hear. I shook my head and tried to move off him, but found myself caught by something. We struggled in a tangle of messy limbs and desperation, to right ourselves, but couldn’t. Until we could, and finally we separated and tumbled apart, him stumbling back into his seat next to the hysterical redhead, and me falling on my ass in the middle of the aisle. 
Then the plane gave a great groan. It sounded horrific like the hundreds of feet of metal and plastic were being torn apart by the furious winds outside. 
I knew then what was happening. I thought of my sister Prim who was waiting for the call I promised her I’d make when I landed safely in Malé. I thought of my two best friends, Johanna and Madge who were expecting texts and pictures of my vacation. I thought of Gale Hawthorne my former boyfriend of six years and best friend for half my life and wondered how he’d feel when he learned of my death. 
I knew I’d never see or speak to any of them again, and tears instantly sprang to my eyes. 
I looked down at my watch, in a moment of morbid curiosity, wanting to know down to the minute when I was going to die, and I’ll never forget how the minute hand switched over to midnight at the exact moment that lightning struck the plane. 
The impact knocked me off my feet and the sound of shattering glass and twisting metal filled my ears as the plane was wrenched apart. 
I experienced the strange sensation of being weightless for a second as the plane plummeted, then I was flying. 
The last thing I saw before I hit the water was the wide-eyed, terrified look of the skinny blue-eyed boy who plummeted through the air alongside me. 
His hand was reaching for mine when we both hit the water. 
I blacked out for a large amount of time after the impact. It was midnight when we crashed and I regained semi-consciousness around mid-morning the same day. 
The only early sensations I can recall from that time are disorientation, pain, and the coolness of the ocean water drenching my clothes and the buoyancy of the life jacket that helped keep me afloat. 
I became more aware of time and things around me as the heat of the sun beat down on my face as I floated somewhere in the Indian Ocean. 
At first, I was astounded I had survived the crash. Then, as my thoughts became clearer, I realized I needed to try and get myself out of the water and onto a piece of wreckage or something. 
The warm waters in the archipelago of the Maldives were known to be infested with sharks at all times of the year. 
That thought got my heart pumping and my blood racing. 
Eventually, I was able to move. 
I looked around and saw various debris from the plane bobbing or slowly sinking in the water. 
I didn’t see any of the other passengers though. 
I tried to call out but my voice came out a hoarse croak, and it hurt to even try to speak. I was sure I had hurt my throat during the crash somehow, and not wanting to make it worse, I gave up on trying to communicate for the moment. 
I focused instead on finding a way out of the water. 
I half swam, half doggy paddled my way over to a section of the ocean filled with more plane debris. 
I tried to climb onto a section of what looked like the wing but it was too slippery and it capsized under my weight. 
I grew frustrated and silent tears slipped down my face after my second attempt ended up the same as the first. 
Then I heard it. 
A faint groaning sound. 
It came from my left, and was so quiet at first I thought I must have imagined it. Then it happened again. I spun in a clumsy circle trying to locate the source. 
There was nothing around me but water and pieces of wreckage. 
But no, I heard it again and then I saw it. Or, rather him. He was camouflaged, his torso and most of his face and head trapped under the dark navy blue seat cushions of one of the plane’s passenger chairs. 
I swam over to him and pulled the seat cushions off of him. 
He wasn’t conscious, and it took me two tries to fully wake him. 
“What happened?” He asked when he finally opened his eyes and looked at me. 
“Our plane crashed,” I said, in a hoarse whisper, looking him over, and finding his face and what I could see of his upper body mostly intact and healthy aside from some minor scrapes and bruises. 
His eyes widened in realization, and I watched his expression shift, as the memory of the storm and crash came back to him. 
“Are we the only ones who made it?” He asked, looking around, the seriousness of our situation dawning on him. 
I shook my head. 
“I don’t know. You’re the only one I could find.” I told him honestly. My voice was creaking, and my throat was dry, but talking wasn’t as painful as my initial attempts. 
“Do you feel ok?” I asked. 
“All things considered, yeah.” He answered. 
“Good, because we have to get out of the water as soon as possible,” I told him as I started scanning the distance for bigger pieces of wreckage that we could use as a makeshift raft. 
“Right, because of the sharks.” I heard the boy say but I was only half paying attention. 
In my visual scan, I hadn’t been able to locate any more pieces of the plane but I was able to find something that was possibly better. 
“See that right there?” I pointed to something south of us and the boy turned in the water to see where I was indicating. 
“Yeah,” He replied, his nearly bald head bobbing excitedly, covered by only the faint hint of very light blond peach fuzz. The harsh sun practically glinted off his pale skin. He must have lost his baseball cap in the crash. 
“We need to swim in that direction,” I told him seriously. 
He looked over at me and nodded again. His blue eyes grew serious and determined as he fixed his gaze on the island in the distance. 
I nodded, mostly to myself and then I started moving through the water. My entire body was sore, and it hurt like bitch to rotate my right arm, but I knew the stakes. 
I would force myself to swim if it meant that I could reach safety and wait for a rescue plane, or maybe find a phone or help on the far-away beach. 
“My name’s Peeta, by the way. Peeta Mellark.” I heard the young man call out, close behind me. 
I exhaled, and without turning around, I answered his unspoken question. 
“I’m Katniss,” I said, clumsily cutting through the water, swimming slightly parallel to the shore while inching closer to it at an angle. 
“Katniss Everdeen.” 
It took us over an hour to reach the shore. By the time we did, we were both exhausted. 
Peeta, it seemed wasn’t as good a swimmer as me. He slumped on the sand, spitting and choking up half a liter of seawater. 
The sun was brutal as it pounded down on our prone forms. I tried to say something, about how we needed to find shelter, but my mouth wasn’t working. 
We must have lost consciousness for a while, because one minute I was resting my eyes, trying to catch my breath after having dragged myself out of the water, and the next I was waking up, hot, thirsty, and disoriented, the tide washing over my lower legs and the sun in a different position overhead than I remembered. 
I was only able to help Peeta drag himself the rest of the way out of the water, as he too had collapsed and lost consciousness like me, due to dehydration and exhaustion. 
I found a palm tree a few feet away and settled us under it, hoping the shade would at least help keep us awake and avoid us getting a third-degree sunburn. 
Peeta’s fair skin was already lobster red everywhere he wasn’t covered with clothing. His eyes looked glassy, and his skin was clammy feeling. A minute or two after I moved him he vomited and passed out again. 
I wondered if he had a concussion or heat exhaustion. I thought belatedly, that my sister Prim would know since she was a medical student. I wished I could ask her what to do, but she was thousands of miles away. 
I tried to scan the beach for any sign of civilization but all I saw was a long stretch of empty sand to my left and right, and a dense-looking jungle behind me. 
No sign of houses or human habitation anywhere I looked. 
I tried to get up, thinking if I could walk that maybe I could find some help for Peeta and myself but I crumpled to the ground almost immediately, my body giving out on me. 
Tears sprang to my eyes, and I prayed the young man next to me wouldn’t die after everything I had endured to try and save his life. I prayed I wouldn’t die either.
I knew I needed to find some branches and make a signal fire or something to attract attention from the planes I was sure would be out searching for us even this minute. 
But ultimately, it was out of my hands. I wasn’t able to keep conscious. I wasn’t able to move. 
The first evening and night passed in a terrible blur of helplessness. 
The next morning we woke up, confused and in bad shape. 
We were the only two survivors that we knew of out of the twenty-four people that we set out with from the German airport, en route to Malé less than forty-eight hours earlier. 
We were just two people brought together by fate and disaster. And I knew we were in serious trouble if we didn’t find water soon. 
I told Peeta as much, relaying the cold hard facts about dehydration and heat exposure to him. He grimaced, at the thought of moving. 
His lips cracked and bled when he agreed to help me search the island for drinkable water. But he got up anyway. 
We staggered and stumbled through the brush, heads pounding, tongues sticking to the roof of our mouths, hungry and thirsty unlike ever before. 
The jungle was eerily quiet, except for the buzz of mosquitoes, and the sound of us walking. 
They followed us in a dizzy cloud, biting and sucking blood from every exposed inch of skin they could safely reach. 
I quickly lost count of how many I squashed and slapped off myself. After a while, I stopped bothering. 
Peeta huffed and puffed his way through the dense foliage, his feet dragging every step and his sneaker-covered footsteps unnaturally loud. 
I wanted to gripe at him to keep it down, scared of attracting wild animals, but I knew it wasn’t his fault. 
He really did look awful. His skin was peeling in patches on his nose and cheeks and the tops of his head, where the sun had gotten him and his eyes still looked exhausted. 
I probably looked only marginally better, having collapsed face down onto the sand the day before instead of face up like him. 
My olive skin tone tanned rather than burned usually, but in the tropical sun, I had a feeling it wouldn’t matter. After a few hours of exposure, I probably would have gotten heat stroke or something close to it like Peeta. 
We stumbled through the jungle for an inordinate amount of time, directionless and it was only when my knees started to give out that I realized my error. 
We had gone too far and hadn’t kept track of the way we’d come. We were lost. 
I said as much to Peeta, and he fell to his knees with a pained groan. 
I clutched a tree, scrambling against the thick vines that grew around its trunk, fighting to stay vertical, but eventually losing that fight. 
With a little sob, I sank down to my knees as well, mud coating my ripped jeans and seeping into the gaps. 
It took a minute or two for the cold, wet feeling to register, but when it did, I gasped. 
“Peeta, Peeta wake up.” I implored. 
All I got was a little grunt in reply. Peeta was face down in the mud, seemingly passed out again. 
“Peeta! WAKE UP!” I said, louder. I repeated myself until he answered. 
“Noooo.” His voice was muffled against the ground, but he was awake again. 
“Peeta, look. It’s mud.” I said, crawling in his direction. 
“Yeah, it tastes awful.” Was the warbled response I got. 
“Peeta, if there’s mud then there must be water nearby,” I said, more forcefully than before. 
He picked his head up at that. 
“Water?” He asked, voice full of longing. 
“Yes, water. We just have to find it.” I told him. 
He groaned, but moved a little, crawling forward like me on his hands and knees. 
“Okay.” He said, looking over at me. His face was half covered in mud, but his eyes were more alert than I’d seen them since before our plane crashed.
“Okay,” He said again, more determined this time. 
“Let’s go.” 
It took us at least another five minutes to find the spring, as slow-moving as we were, but when we did we crawled in face-first and gulped mouthfuls until we couldn’t hold anymore in our stomachs. 
We were lucky the water wasn’t stagnant, and that we found it when we did. 
The mosquitoes swarmed us as we lay along the spring’s edge, and I was too exhausted to swat them away. 
I heard some rustling next to me and looked over to find Peeta playing with the mud, gathering it up in handfuls and spreading it over his arms. 
I blinked at him in confusion. 
“You should do it too.” He told me and gestured to the mud. 
I must have looked at him like he was crazy. 
“It’ll help with the bugs and the sunburn.” He explained and I nodded, amazed that I hadn’t thought of it first. 
Covering yourself in mud was an old hunting trick my father had mentioned when I was little. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten it. 
I gathered up mud by the handfuls and started spreading it across my skin. 
I looked over at my fellow survivor and cracked a faint smile. My first one since before the crash. 
It took us two hours to make it back to the beach. I was dismayed at having nothing to use as a container so that we could take some water back with us, but there was nothing usable in the jungle. Just trees, vines, and mosquitoes. It was a long and tiring trek back, and by the time we reached the shore, the sun was beating down over our heads and the sand was scorching hot. 
“Maybe we should’ve stayed in the jungle,” Peeta suggested, the layer of mud on his face already cracking in the blistering heat. 
“No, we need to stay close to the shore. In case a plane comes by.” I told him in a weary voice. 
My body felt better after having drunk enough water, but the heat and lack of food were making me lightheaded. 
“Do you think they know where to look? I thought I heard the flight attendant say something about us being thrown off course before the crash.” Peeta asked, his voice sounded a lot smoother after having drunk water. 
I contemplated his question. I had also heard the same thing but I didn’t want to give into fear or panic. 
“I’m not sure. I just hope they’ll see the wreckage in the ocean and start searching the closest islands.” 
“Well, every plane has one of those flight recorders right? They are outfitted with locator beacons and can transmit their locations for up to thirty days. Or at least, I think I read something like that.” He said, voice hopeful but unsure. 
“No, I think you’re right. We were supposed to arrive yesterday afternoon. They’ve got to be searching for us by now, and the locator beacon thing will lead them right to the crash. They’ll zero in on us soon.” I said, letting out a sigh of relief. 
Peeta nodded as we settled under the palm tree, eyes turned upwards, scanning the clouds. 
“Do you think anyone else made it?” He asked after some time had passed and we remained watching the sky with anticipation. 
“I’m not sure. It's entirely possible. The Maldives are made up of over 2,000 islands. And the flight attendants were working on inflating that emergency raft right before we crashed…..” I said, voice trailing off, unsure. 
“Man, I really hope somebody else made it. That one flight attendant Octavia, with the long green nails, and the green eyeshadow,” Peeta said after I gave him a blank look when he said the woman’s name, I hadn't been paying close enough attention to learn anyone of my fellow passenger’s names, I realized, “she said this was her dream assignment. Working for a small company in the tropics. She was looking forward to spending her off time working on her tan.” He said as he looked out over the ocean solemnly. 
“And the redhead next to me, Lavinia? She was flying out to her best friend’s destination wedding. She was going to be a bridesmaid.” Peeta added, voice soft and distant. 
I swallowed down a lump that rose in my throat and fought back tears. I knew I couldn’t waste any of the precious water we had so painfully worked to obtain so soon. 
“There were 24 of us on that flight. Twenty-four people with twenty-four stories. Each of them was filled with their own hopes and dreams. We can’t be the only ones left.” He said, voice so sad that I felt a pang in my chest from hearing his empathetic tone alone. I wondered for the first time who this young man next to me was. How did he end up stranded on what was looking more and more like a deserted island with me? 
“You can’t think about all that right now Peeta. You need to focus on yourself. On surviving. We both do.” I said in a stern voice. 
He regarded me for a long moment, and his big blue eyes didn’t appear the least bit chastised as I had expected, but instead, he seemed perplexed underneath the tiredness that blanketed his features. 
“Ok, well, then why don’t you tell me about yourself, Katniss?” 
“There’s not much to tell. I mean, we were on the same flight, headed to the same destination. Our plane crashed. We both ended up here. We’re both fighting to survive this insane situation.” I said in summary. 
“Yeah, but you said we should focus on ourselves and our reasons for surviving. So tell me, what or who is waiting for you in Malé? What’s your reason for fighting so hard to live through this crazy circumstance we both find ourselves in?” 
I was taken aback for a moment. He seemed almost too introspective for a what? A fifteen or sixteen-year-old? 
“How old are you, kid?” 
“I’m seventeen, turning eighteen in three months, so I’m not really a kid. Closer to an adult if you want to get technical about it. How old are you, Katniss? You don’t look much older than me.” 
“I’m 21. But people often say I look young for my age.” 
“You do.” 
I shrugged. I’d heard it pretty much all my life. I blamed it on a combination of genetics that gave me shorter than average stature. I stood at 5’3 with a small frame (skinny with just enough curves to not be mistaken for a boy but not enough to look womanly). 
I wasn’t about to continue that pointless line of conversation though. It didn’t really matter what our personal stories were or why we were headed to the Maldives. We had bigger things to worry about. 
“Well, despite how old I do or don’t look, we’ve got to figure out a way to catch the attention of any planes that might be passing overhead. That means lighting a signal fire. So, as soon as you’re up for it we can each take turns looking for dry branches.” 
“Why don’t we just both go at the same time? In case one of us gets lost?”
“Someone should stay behind in case a plane comes by, if nothing else we can try to flag them down by waving our arms, ineffectual as it may be. But if they are searching for survivors then hopefully they’ll be flying low enough to spot us. A signal fire though, would help them locate us from far away. We’ll just have to stay close to shore and only go about ten to fifteen paces into the jungle. Not far enough that we lose the sight of the shore.” 
Peeta nodded and surprised me when he stood up. 
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll go first.” He said quietly before walking away. 
anyone who wants to jump in and continue the story feel free! @mega-aulover , @dandelionlovesyou @periwinckles @jhsgf82 @broken-everlark @pearlbeth @thesweetnessofspring @professionalfangrrl @sommmee​
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mitamicah · 3 months
Two days ago I arrived home from the last of the See You Soon tour dates I will be attending and wow it was such a ride I have been pretty much walking in and out of existence and longingly daydreaming all day. So here’s my experience at the different gigs.
Tldr; Helsinki one was me in the seats – cozy first concert and bit of warmup for both me and the band – and Hojan!!; Helsinki two had much more energy and good vibes yet strict security made it so a few people had to almost faint before we got offered water… also I missed Jere by one and a half hours; Malmö was the one were I kept winning and I am still in awe this day even happened; Gothenburg was great especially for interactions between the members of the band although I wasn’t keen on the queue location.
Helsinki 1+2 I have decided to put these two together since they were at the same place and because I am very late to write this. I had seating tickets to the first show, so me and Anniina (@formulalakana) spend the day being käärijä city tourists in Vantaa. After that we went to Käbnb (I’d rented it for the weekend) and fanboyed some more over the apartment and wearing the bolero. Since the apartment was an hour away, we only just joined the queue right before opening of general entry at 5.50.
The show was great. If I am asked to describe it with one word, I’ll chose cozy which might seem like an odd word to use about a Joker Out show. In my defense I had been up since 4 am and had a whole day behind me of getting excited over käärijä stuff (also since I was staying at käbnb). I loved hearing the new songs (Sta Bih Ja and Bluza) live together with seeing Hojan join the encore. I was glad we got Metulji so we could use the cute little butterflies we got from people at the queue to hold up in the air (it was really quite pretty from the back). I remember thinking how Jan must’ve been warm in his furcoat on stage and that I appreciated the little hints back to Stozice with the outfits like Nace’s leg chain.
Tbh I mostly just took this gig as a warmup where I filmed lots of the songs and took in the vibe, now that I couldn’t really jump around myself. The guys might have needed time to get back into touring because I talked with some people yesterday that agreed that the band had been great if a little held back on the first day.
On the second day I joined the queue around 10.10. It was amazing meeting up with old and new faces. Everybody got so excited about being gifted stickers that I ran out a few hours before lining up for the queue started. In turn I got so many nice wristbands as well I think I managed to beat the record of most bracelets gifted to me in a day which had been Berlin previously.
Today’s vibe was completely different; there was way more energy from the stage and from the crowd, the latter possibly because I was in the pit this time, four rows from the stage. I had decided to wear my häärijä suit for the occasion together with a little Danish flag that I kept waving in the air. I was with a strong Nace girlie so we had placed ourselves by Nace and Jan. She got a few genuine smiles and nods from the bassist.
Katrina was a good opening song and while I haven’t listened much to Galaxy of Me/Behind Those Eyes/Schlager since hearing it live I remember enjoying it quite nicely. Padam was gorgeous as a piano ballad! Nace looked adorable in his glasses and holed blouse, and I enjoyed Kris’ outfit a lot. However the pit did get quite hot at one point so a few people around seemed to be feint and the security guards didn’t want to give us water until we directly cried out for help then they suddenly wanted to give us all the water we could muster. Other than that the experience was great! I felt my stomach drop hard at one point and I realized it was because Bojan’s eyes were locked with mine for solid five seconds. I loved that we got Kris bullied into singing NVGOT for the encore.
I felt almost as a celebrity when people complemented my häärijä cosplay (or Dojan as somebody later called me; the Danish Hojan). I even got asked for an autograph where I had to break it to them that I wasn’t the “real deal” yet they still wanted the autographs for the funsies.
After the concert a good portion of people collected outside by the tourbus and played Everybody’s Waiting over and over. I joined for a time yet felt ambivalent about it all given I could imagine how intimidating it must be for the band seeing such a big group of people standing around like this. Anniina suggested we catch the last bus home around 0.30 and I agreed it was probably for the best. The bus at the Pasilla station didn’t want to open its doors for me although I stood with my face more or less on the door window so I had to wait for another less convenient bus that left me gliding and sliding on ice home for 1,5 km. That together with learning the next day that had I waited one and a half hours more I could’ve met not only Bojan and Jan, but Jere soured my mood a bit I must admit. I bought myself the 3xl käärijä shirt that was offered as a nightgown and went to gift Jere his little gift (Helsinki sticker and Bojere keychain) but got lost so I had to hand in the letter at the Warner Bros Studios instead of the käärijä fanmail box – for this reason I am not sure if Jere will ever get it sadly.
All in all some great concerts although what I think I mostly will remember this trip for was the amount of käärijä related firsts that I got (first time seeing the mural, first time tasting oddly good, first time trying on the bolero, you name it) together with the joker out firsts as well (first concert, first time hearing the new songs etc. etc.)
Trinkets from the Helsinki shows including doodle from @ya-boi-joule , wrapping paper @formulalakana was so kind to buy and safe for me, merch and the many lovely bracelets and stickers :D Not shown here are the cool sparklative pin that @hazzybat made (and the cute kangaroo keychain I also got from Haz) together with the homemade Bojan earring I've basically worn nonstop since xD
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Malmö I had thought about adding the two Sweden shows together but honestly the vibes were too different for me to do so.
I had gotten early entry to Malmö, so I had probably put way too much weight on making this gig the best of the bunch. For this reason, I woke up at 4 so I could be at the venue around 9. I was met by the oddest and most chill queue I have ever seen. By now point were we more than 15-20 people present before the line was formed at 5. I had been fairly certain that the only of my many goals (x) I would be able to accomplish would be gifting all my stickers away but spoilers; that didn’t happen.
At soundcheck I managed to get second row in the middle between Bojan and Kris (very strategic of me since two of my goals were related to Bojan and Kris respectfully). Having told quite a few people in the queue about my dream of getting Bojan to see my sign I had so many eyes on me cheering me on that I didn’t hesitate to throw my silly sign in the air. Bojan hesitated even less and agreed immediately (I might do another post about the whole experience with the tattoo when I have it done). In return I gave him the pencilcase full of gift and he looked at it confused until he read the little sign and said with a smile ‘gifts :D’. So that was two of the goals I had been so scared I wouldn’t in a million years be able to accomplish and the show hadn’t even started. When he later got down to slide his hand over ours I ended up being the awkward boy in the room going for a handshake (don’t know what I was thinking tbh) so instead Bojan held his hand in mind so gently for like a minute and locked eyes with me. Safe to say I was on cloud nine after that soundcheck.
The energy that had been great in Helsinki day 2 was somehow even better in Malmö! The band was fully on and so were we in the crowd. Jure wore what looked like a simplified Stozice shirt aka just a harness with a diamond down his chest. Kris and Bojan complimented each other, one wearing blue pants and the other a blue shirt and then the other way around with white shirt and white pants.
We started out strong with Sunny Side of London which I honestly hadn’t expected given I hadn’t heard it in Helsinki at all (and I haven’t looked too much into the setlist of the other dates). But that was not all: We got the demoni scream!! And NVGOT!! Padam was gorgeous as a piano ballad yet again. Me and Bojan held eye contact while screaming the bridge to Bluza together. So many different versions of Umazane Misli was sung including a version from both the people next to me that I had bonded with in the queue!! (that made me go into proud dad mode and gave me tons of dopamine seeing them win as well). We even got Bojan rapping the chorus himself from the middle of the crowd!! Fittingly he was given a crown by a fan immediately after. My last piece of Bojan eye contact came during Novi Val where I have on video him looking for five seconds at my phone and tapping his mic to his chest which threw me off for a bit rushing to make him a heart back.
Honestly this whole show was peak to me already before leaving the venue. Yet as I’d been the whole day, I was a man with a mission and now the mission was to gift away the last stickers. This quest let me to talk to Hearts, the supporting act (these guys were chill and cool as well) together with accidentally be close by when Kiki came out with two free setlists where I then ran to get one of them. What I remember most vividly was everybody I showed the setlist too being annoyed at ASTP being replaced by Sta Bih Jah and fair.
We were a small group of people that met up afterwards just to chill. At this point I didn’t even know where the tour bus was, so I didn’t expect to see the guys at all. Yet at some point one pointed out Jan walking by and me high on everything that had already happened had no shame and shouted ‘great concert :D’ at him where his response was a ‘thank you :D’ back.
It turned out that not 20 minutes later I spied Bojan in the corner of my eye down the hill where we were standing and wanting to thank him for the tattoo I went down there. I gave him a tight hug shaking a bit from everything and we ‘are you’ed each other for what felt like 30 seconds to a minute. He told me that he recognized me from Helsinki in the yellow suit and at that point I was ready to melt then and there. Bojan was just so easy and lovely to talk to I can see why Jere and so many others fall for him.
Going back up to the rest of the folk we noticed Jan and Kris hanging out, but Kris had to go when I got there. Nace stayed and we got a long talk about his turtles which meant lots of new turtle lore. I loved feeling how great of a turtle dad he is from the way he was talking about them, and I felt connected to him in the way he too speaks a lot with his hands. After Nace Jan turned up to speak to us yet I had a bit of a harder time talking to him maybe because we both can be a bit distracted (me mostly by Jure standing in a colourful sweater and smoking by the tour bus). He agreed to us taking turns taking pictures and getting hugs which was nice.
On my way home from the venue I had to record all my experiences which turned into me babbling only semi sensical at a camera for almost 3 minutes letting my legs show me the way home. I was surprised to find I didn’t get lost. I was not at all surprised to see I was close to tears in the video footage.
Trinkets from Malmö including my sign and Bojan's handwriting, the setlist and more <3
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Gothenburg I only arrived at 2 o’clock for the queue given the bus I’d been able to get from Malmö. It was a bit colder than yesterday and the queuing space way less cozy being a parking lot with the bus behind a caged fence and us just outside the fence compared to the nice little park with the tourbus out of sight in Malmö. I did manage to get a wave from a person I am pretty sure was Bojan (my stomach dropped like it did in Helsinki as well so I guess this is how I recognize Bojan from now on xD).
I began doodle a bit for people and getting back into the queue vibe when I noticed the time; I had to go throw my stuff at the hotel, so I had a place to sleep and because the venue had a bag ban. I managed to get lost and curse myself for not paying extra for a closer hotel when walking around the construction heavy central station. It turned out the hotel I’d booked was a boat which I find cool (and fitting given the whole titanic thing with Bojere).
Being lost I ended up going on a tiny side quest to ICA and buy the käärijä youghurt. It tasted pretty okay (I ate it in the queue later)! I prefer dreamy lemon tho (my breakfast in Helsinki). I arrived in the nick of time because just 20 minutes later the lines were formed. Now being forced to stand close to the fence we managed to catch glimpses of the fan running back and forth (especially Jure) but none of us said anything. One person I was with told me about Jure being cornered by a fan and forced to flee into the tourbus only to be followed and to be honest that story was the cherry on cake for me; the rest of the night I found myself being in overempathetic mode to the point of later masking and stepping away when being afraid of invading somebody’s space.
The concert was great especially when it comes to gifts given to the guys and the interactions between the guys as well. I especially loved Jance’s dance during Umazane Misli (that today were mostly Swedish versions) and Bojan gently caressing Kris’ cheek to get his attention. Jure also got some action going on with the two guitarists joining in on both sides of the drumset and Bojan vibing when Bluza was playing. I really enjoyed Kris and Jan in yellow especially Kris with blondes down his arms. Everybody got tons of sunglasses, Jan got a Teletubbies hairband, Kris a crown (he threw off real fast after just one song) and Jure got a few bracelets he gently took from the hands of the people in the crowd during Novi Val (that was the one time he seemed to get eye contact with us at all – I still felt very bad).
The setlist wasn’t too different from Malmö but with Gola replacing SSOL (nice full circle moment for me since Gola also opened my first ever JO show and the first on the whole tour aka Helsinki 1), Metulji replacing Padam, NVGOT being skipped, and Katrina moved up the setlist (maybe there were more changes but that is what I recall). I seemed to have tons of eye contact yet again with the Bojan even more than the other three days combined. And that was despite being a bit farther away this time almost at the edge by Kris yet pretty close to the barricade (third row) all things considered. Once again, he gently held my hand. This time it happened during the show where he let his hand jump over a (tiny) sea of other hands to rest his in mind and he winked at me. I had to happy stim after that which is oddly not something I do a lot at shows. When Mira next to me was invited to do her choreography for UM on stage I got another rush of dopamine (Idk why I get these proud father feelings for people I’ve only just meant; I was just so happy for her).
We were a group that hung out by the venue afterwards; it was bigger than Malmö but smaller than Helsinki 2. Still big enough that my overly sensitive empathy today felt bad for being there. At the same time, I wanted to cool my nerves down after being boosted with all that dopamine. As time went on I also grew stubborn and didn’t want to repeat Helsinki 2 where I had moved home too early.
When it looked like we’d only wave at the bus today, Nace came out to the cage to say hi. At first, he seemed uncomfortable especially with how he tensed up laughing. He loosened up seeing the amazing Joker Out inspired jackets some fans had made and almost gave them both a heart attack asking for pictures of the jackets.
After that he came out to us on the other side of the fence, and we talked about the silliest topics like what signature picture pose each member have (sadly I forgot to ask about Nace’s own go to pose). I gave him a very rushed doodle of himself doing Jan’s pose (I had cold hands and wouldn’t risk him going away) and he got so genuinely excited for it my heart melted a bit.
Jan also joined yet only after Nace had gone and just before me and some others were on our way home, so we sneaked back again to chat. He was wearing his scarf as a hat so of course I had to draw and gift him a doodle like that. He too seemed genuinely happy for it. We gushed about the new songs and spread the ‘come to Denmark’ propaganda (we were two danes amongst others). Today I felt it was easier to talk to Jan. He was very nice and polite and open. We went away after Jan had said goodnight so I don’t know if any other of the guys came out to say hello. I couldn’t argue with my sense of being the crazy fan stepping over an invisible line anymore (even after dad Nace had told me that – like yesterday – he would not chose to come out and say hi if he felt uncomfortable so I shouldn’t worry … right before then saying the most people-pleaser thing like ‘I felt bad for you waiting in the cold’ so I don’t know how to interpret the two messages I got there. I guess Nace is right tho; he himself knows best what he is comfortable with and after all we were all nice and respectful).
Trinkets including the tour shirt (finally got it after three attempts) and the k youghurt
Fun fact about the blue flower bracelet: It was thrown to me by a crew member after Hearts' set - I didn't know what he had but I nodded to him when he asked with his eyes if somebody wanted the thing and so I was pleasantly surprised to see how pretty a bracelet it is. I have no idea who it was originally meant for x'D
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ladylooch · 1 year
Choose Me with Trevor Moore
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A/N: TREVOR!!!!!!!!!! Love bringing these little, obscure babies to life. Originally from this request, with a separate request for some angst. Also, that GIF is stupid precious. K, sorry this took so many more weekends than I thought it would!
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, smutty if you squint
It’s raining in California this morning while I sip my morning coffee, looking out the deck door of mine and Trevor’s house in Manhattan Beach. The gray rain clouds meet the deeper gray of the Pacific Ocean, making it difficult to know where land and sky separate. It’s all around dreadful out and the forecast calls for more rain through the weekend. I don’t care though. Because after a grind of a NHL season, littered with scary injuries for Trevor, we are heading on a two week vacation to Maui. I am so excited. I’ve never been to the Hawaiian Islands and can barely wait. Two weeks of white beaches, poke, and coconut flavored drinks. Two weeks of reconnecting with my sweet soulmate.
That sweet soulmate is currently behind me, grabbing himself a cup of coffee as well.
“This weather sucks.” He says, groggily rubbing at his tired face. I walk over to him, going on my tip toes to give him a good morning smooch. He softens into my touch, feeling content with our arms wrapped around each other.
When the machine finishes his cup, we walk to the couch to drink our coffee together. We sit close to each other, hands easily resting on one another. Spotify plays soft country music through the house speakers as we spend some quiet time together.
“Do you have any plans for your first hockey free day?” I ask him, raking my fingers through the side of his brown hair. 
“Not much. Going to lift weights at the rink in a bit, then sit here on the couch the rest of the day.” His brown eyes slide closed, relaxing into my touch. I move forward, careful of my cup to trail kisses along his strong jaw. When I get close to his chin, he turns, capturing my lips with his. “Gotta make a decision about Worlds today though. They keep blowing up my phone.” He mutters a bit annoyed. I pause a millimeter away from his face, lips still puckered. Pre-worlds activities and practice begins right when we are supposed to be leaving for Hawaii. 
“Yeah, USA hockey has called and texted me every day since Saturday.” It’s now Tuesday. “Kinda sucks that I even have to be called about it… for the second year in a row.” I pull back, looking at his side profile. Did he forget?
“Babe, we are going to Hawaii.” I remind him.
“Yeah, I know that was the plan, but we could move our trip around. The tickets and hotel are refundable.” Anger shoots immediately through my whole body.
“Wow, when were you going to ask me my thoughts on this?” He senses the shift as I pull every part of my body away from his. I sit up straight, coffee mug set on the table in front of us.
“I mean… when I decided to go or not?” His tone is cautious and confused, like he isn’t understanding the sudden shift in my behavior.
“Trev, what the hell?”
“If I go, you don’t have to, babe.” He shrugs, reaching out for my thigh. He’s completely missing the point. I shove his hand off of me, standing up to pace in front of him. He’s completely alert now, sensing the fight brewing.
“What about our vacation? The one you told me to plan right after the team was eliminated. I just did all of this work and now you’re like.. well maybe I’ll go to Worlds! Without even asking me if that is okay?” Trevor is immediately put off by my raised voice and his nostrils flare.
“I don’t need to ask permission to go somewhere.” I baulk at him. 
“No, but you probably should check in with your long-term girlfriend, who you’ve been ring shopping with, to see if she’s cool with you moving your vacation.”
“Why is this such a big deal? It’s not like we can’t afford to change plans.”
“That is not the point, Trevor. Why is everything more important than me and what I want?” I wave my hands around in frustration. “I have sat here patiently next to you for three seasons now while you have lived your dream. I’ve cooked, cleaned, shopped, rubbed at your body and held you when you had insomnia because of your concussion. And this is the thanks I get? A moved vacation so you can go do more of what you love while I wait?”
His gaze drops from me. He says nothing. My chest rises and falls rapidly with my heavy breathing. I blink back tears, then look out at the different shades of California gray. I narrow my eyes. Fuck this.
“You know what, go to Worlds. I’ll go to Hawaii by myself. I could use a break from more than just this rain.” My tone is insinuating.
I reach for my coffee cup, walking it back to the kitchen sink and dumping it out. I set it aggressively in the dishwasher then slam the door shut. Trevor sighs heavily then stands, coming to block my path from leaving the room. 
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have asked if this was okay. I’ll tell them no if that’s what will make you happy.” I scowl. “What?” He responds.
“Why do I have to tell you to choose me? Why can’t you just do that?” He opens his mouth to respond as I step back from his grasp, holding my hands up. “I’m done with this conversation. I need space from you right now.”
“Okay.” He steps to the side, letting me pass without another touch or word.
I’m absolutely seething as I walk down to our bedroom. How does he not get it? Why do I have to lead him to the answer? How could he just assume this would be fine with me? I need to calm down and I know the answer is a long, hot shower.
I rip my clothes off when I get in the bathroom, still absolutely seething. Why does anything hockey related come before me? It’s like we have a third person in this relationship at all times. I’m asking for two fucking weeks of his time. Is that really too much to ask after sharing him with the world for the last 7 months?
“Asshole.” I mumble as I light my Sweater Weather candle. I grab a lavender shower steamer, tossing it onto the tile to give me some extra calming power. I take my time from there, trying to refocus my anxious energy into self-care. I do a hair mask. I exfoliate my skin. I stand under the scalding water hoping it will relax my neck muscles. I admittedly shed a few tears too.
After I dry off, I do my whole skin care routine with every oil, cream, and moisturizer I have in my drawers. I lather lotion on every inch of my skin and put in air drying hair cream to de-frizz my hair before it has a chance to poof with the rainy weather.
When I open the bathroom door, I see Trevor sitting on the edge of our bed. His doe eyes lifts to me in the doorway, fingers laced together in his lap.
“I asked for space.” I remind him, walking by his sluggish body to our large closet.
“I know. And I’m respecting that as much as I can. I had to physically restrain myself from getting into the shower with you.” I roll my eyes at him. He’s such people pleaser, it kills him when I’m angry with him.
“Should I get you a gold star?” I quip back. His jaw ticks as he grits his teeth together to avoid a similar retort.
I drop the towel, going to my dresser to grab a fresh set of bra and panties. They’re black and Trevor’s eyes watch longingly as they glide into place against my smooth skin. I reach for a pair of jeans folded in a different drawer. The sound of denim against my legs is the only noise in our large closet. Trevor leans against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest. 
As I get dressed, my inner thoughts begin to swirl, telling myself a twisted victim story that brings tears to my eyes. I sniff as they form, turning my back to Trevor as I reach for a t-shirt. I’m so disappointed and hurt. I feel like he would rather go halfway across the world than spend time with me. When I turn back towards the door, two tears slip down my face. Trevor can’t hold back anymore. 
“I’m not going to go. I already told them no.” He wraps his arms around me, kissing my wet hair. His hands rub along my fresh shirt, pressing me as deep as I can go into his body. “And not because you asked me not to, but because I’m choosing you. I want you to know that it really isn’t a choice though. It’s always you, babe.” I collapse further into his body. “And, I’m so sorry I made you feel like just an option.” His words soothe my inner thoughts until the truth of his intentions are clear again.
“Trev, that’s enough.” I whisper, turning my face to catch his lips. “I know you’re choosing me and that’s everything.”
“I love you so much.” He says between kisses. “I appreciate everything you do for us. And me specifically. I’m so lucky. I’d be lost without you.” I smile against his shirt. “Couldn’t even make my morning smoothie.” He jokes. Last week, he almost turned the blender on without the top on.
“It would be a really sad life for you.” I agree “I’d be fine.” I purse my lips against the laugh.
“Thanks, babe.” He chuckles against my hair. “Keeping it real as always.” 
“It’s why you keep me around.” I pat his butt before stepping away from him. He pulls me back into his embrace.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He nips at my mouth. “You put those sexy panties on and think you’re leaving me?” 
“Thought you were going to the rink.” My heart skips a beat at the molten desire in his brown eyes.
This time, his choice is easy and obvious.
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Chapter 25 - The Twelve Days of Christmas
Warnings: one vague allusion to sex
Summary: After nearly five months apart, George surprises Y/N with twelve days of Christmas romance, pure fluff
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On the First Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
One hearty breakfast in bed
George knew Y/N'd be exhausted when she arrived. Determined to let her sleep in, he spent the morning threatening to hex anyone who woke her up. She slept in a little longer than expected, and breakfast became brunch. It didn’t matter, though. Her bright eyes and surprised smile made it well worth the wait.
On the Second Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Two pairs of warm, fuzzy socks
George had been prepping for months. He had Ginny teach him how to knit and managed to make, not one but two pairs of socks for Y/N. "Oh Georgie! These are perfect!" She said as she slipped a pair on before giving him a hug that nearly bowled him over.
On the Third Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Three chocolate treats
On his last trip to Hogsmede, George picked up her favorite chocolates from Honeydukes. Y/N did the Snoopy Dance. He had no idea what that meant, but it was adorable. Then, grinning wide, he watched her eat them all in the span of about two seconds.
On the Fourth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Four favorite movies
A couple of months earlier, Arthur had managed to get Sirius a TV. George took full advantage of it by sequestering the living room that evening for a movie marathon with four of Y/N's favorite holiday movies complete with hot cocoa, popcorn, and cookies. They fell asleep cuddling on the sofa about halfway through the third movie.
On the Fifth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Five love poems
Not only had George composed five love poems ranging from silly to romantic, but he acted them out, sang them, and one was conveyed solely through interpretive dance. Y/N went from laughing to crying happy tears to laughing again.
On the Sixth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Six happy memories
George put together a collage of six of their favorite photos. He'd charmed the frame to change periodically with little quotes signifying each special moment. Y/N was rendered speechless, giving him a long, passionate kiss instead.
"Ew! Get a room!" Fred joked as he walked by. So, they did.
On the Seventh Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Matching silver swans charms
George still had a bit of money left over from buying their lockets. He was glad he'd held onto it.
"Swans, they're the seventh gift in the song," he'd explained, holding out the tiny charms. "They also mate for life. I thought we could wear them next to our lockets."
For the seventh day in a row, Y/N found herself wiping away happy tears. "You're making it very, very difficult for me to go back to the States."
George winked. "Good."
On the Eighth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
A full night of pampering
The evening began with a chamomile milk bath with rose petals, surrounded by what seemed like hundreds of candles. Then George attempted to give her a full massage on the rose petal covered bed, but things didn't quite go as planned. Y/N was still a little damp when she lay down, causing the petals to bleed their lovely red color. It ended up looking like a crime scene rather than a romantic interlude, sending both of them into fits of uncontrollable laughter.
On the Ninth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Nine ladies dancing
"You brought a fancy dress, yeah?" George asked.
"Of course."
"Good, you'll need it tonight."
For the second time, they snuck out of the house. Except this time, they apparated to a theatre where he surprised her with tickets to see The Nutcracker. He could only afford nosebleed seats, but Y/N didn't care. She showered him with kisses all the same.
George, though, made a silent promise that when the joke shop became a success, which he was confident it would, he'd bring her back with tickets for the best seats in the house.
On the Tenth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Ten romantic songs
They'd planned on making a mixtape before she left last summer but never got around to it with everything else going on. George decided to remedy that, spending a couple of weeks curating the perfect collection to encapsulate their relationship.
He was on top of the world when Y/N told him he was the best boyfriend ever.
On the Eleventh Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
Late night waltzing in the living room
At 11pm, once everyone had retired for the night, George led Y/N downstairs to the living room. With nothing but the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree illuminating the room, they danced and talked and laughed until the wee hours of the morning.
On the Twelveth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me...
12,000 kisses
Every time Y/N turned around, George was standing there, grinning like a fool and holding up a sprig of mistletoe.
"Oh look, love, it's mistletoe!" He'd say innocently. "You know what that means."
"Gee, I wonder how that got there," she'd say with a giggle.
"Hey, we gotta stock up for lean times," he told her with a wink before pulling her in for one of many kisses that day.
@milivanili99 @slytherclaw1978 @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ladylizzieofdarbyshire
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juneviews · 1 year
my precious's first premiere
hi everyone, this is gonna be a post to condense all of my thoughts about the my precious premiere! I will also give my full review, first without spoilers, and under the cut, with. enjoy :)
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so I didn't really get what I expected from this premiere, simply bc I didn't know what to expect, except for my own experience with premieres in france, and also imo gmmtv didn't give enough information about it.
I arrived at 5:45 pm at siam paragon's cineplex (2h15 before the movie), and already knowing where to withdraw my ticket was hard, so I had to ask a gmmtv staff, but after that it was easy. there were SO MANY people waiting for the actors, it was a bit overwhelming tbh & didn't help me know where to go lol.
I immediately understood that the press conference that is usually done inside of the movie theater, was done in front of the entrance hall, meaning a lot of people without tickets came to see it, whereas a lot of people with tickets were pushed far from it. since the conference was livestreamed, imo people with tickets should've been front row. the time of the conference wasn't announced either, so I missed it coming down to get dinner before the movie. when I came back, the conference was half over, and I could barely see bc there were too many people. I think it's a cultural difference, but I did expect to get to see the conference by paying for the premiere ticket which is twice as expensive as a regular one. but whatever lol, I had other good moments.
first of all I accidentally ran into winny which was insane lol, he literally came put of nowhere & I was in his way lmaoooo. also, I chose a seat in the first row thinking it would be close to the stage (as indicated on thaiticketmajor), but there was no stage so I was just too close to the screen. I ended up moving seats before the movie started bc a lot of the seats were empty (I'll talk about it later.)
ALSO! I got a poster of the movie & photocards, I got chimon, euro and the one person I didn't want to get... ohm 😂 (I already knew I would get him tho so it's all good haha)
but then I saw film's face peak out from the emergency exit, and realized the cast were gonna come greet us. as we were waiting for them, the other gmmtv actors that came to the premiere came from the regular entrance, and sat at the back. here's everyone I saw clearly apart from the my precious cast:
winny (duh, he ran into me lol)
louis <3
prigkhing <3
force <3 (with his cute glasses!!!)
ciize <3
jan <3
jane <3
phuwin <3
aun napat
tui from project alpha
then it was time for the main cast to come & there were SO close!!! but they stayed very little, and barely said anything. since there were 3 different theaters with the premiere, I'm not surprised or mad, though.
and then, it was time for the movie to start! after the movie, I literally passed by the actors who were leaving the theater at the same time as me 😭🫶
I really liked this movie. in fact, I absolutely loved the first part, but imo the second one dragged a little bit. though I'll say this: because this movie is set during y2k & the 2000's, it incorporates some thai specific events which I always love to see! the acting was very, very good, as expected, and nanon imo was perfect for the role!
also this is not a spoiler bc it says nothing about the movie: I SAW NANON'S ASS!!! like, his entire backside!!! everyone was screaming so fucking loud hahaha, I find it very bold bc I've never seen this type of scene happen in a thai movie before, especially not from the main lead!
there's also a lot of nanonchimon crumbs, and it made me realize how much I would've actually wanted them to play a ship. yes, THIS is when I realize it lmao.
the acting was so good, and especially nanon was made for this role, he was so lovable in it! I'm such a fan of the nanonfilm ship, they have amazing chemistry together & are just adorable <3 everyone else did an amazing job, but I especially loved chimon in this more comedic role I've never seen him in before, he was so cute (yes I'm slowly becoming a chimon fan shhhhh) :')
the cinematography was beautiful & overall the writing was very good, creating so many high impact scenes that I will remember for a long time for either being hilarious (it's a very fun movie, gosh I love thai humor), adorable or very touching. I laughed, I smiled like an idiot, I was touched, I almost cried...
I especially loved the depiction of friendship in this movie, it was very believable & cute! what's nice is that even though the side characters aren't that developed, they all have such recognizable traits that they stood out a lot.
so yeah overall I really loved this movie, even though the ending does lower its note for me.
warning: once you click "read more", you will be spoiled!
context: film ends up marrying fluke pusit, and the friend group (nanon, chimon, neo, euro & ohm) who were all in love with her, go to tease the groom to ask to kiss film once. fluke answers yes, but they have to kiss him first. all of the guys complain, and give up. but not nanon!!! he goes for it, and once he does, all of the other guys follow, and poor fluke is attacked from all sides 😂😂😂
this is so fucking funny on so many levels, first of all this would be an iconic scene no matter what, but the fact that I'm a fan from everyone involved makes it hilarious 😂
now though, if film is married to fluke, that means it's not a happy ending, and it's not. the whole movie ends to show what could've been, with nanon & film marrying each other, but instead they fight for a dumb reason & never see each other again until the wedding.
in my opinion, that sad ending felt too forced. from the beginning, lin & tong's relationship (that's their characters' names) advanced smoothly bc they both put in effort & clearly showed that they like each other.
there's an adorable scene (one of my faves from the whole movie, probably the one after the nanonfluke kiss lmao) where lin invites tong to sleep in her bed, and they almost kiss, but tong pulls away because he's too shy. AND IT'S THE CUTEST SCENE EVER!!! nanon is so adorable in it, he did so good I wanted to squish his cheeks!!!
so for them to be so committed to each other, even when they were long distance, and then break it off for a dumb fight... doesn't sit right with me. it always annoys me when couples who clearly love each other & are meant for each other don't end up together bc it feels so forced. but tbh idk if a happy ending would've hit as hard.
all of that to say that I still really liked this movie & I loved going to this premiere as the only non asian person there lmao, and also ohm's character always has a boner & neo's character always scratches his balls & ass 😂 thought y'all should know, this movie is very dumb but adorable at the same time!
anyways good night, I'm drained!
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bunni-bun · 4 months
Hi :)
Please tell me/us more about your BamBam stage experience because that sounds like a whole lot of fun! 😁
hi friend!! absolutely cuz it's still such a wild moment, all these years later 😆
back in 2017, GOT7 had a fanmeet tour, Flight Log: Turbulence and Miami was the first stop in the US. my friends and i worked really hard to make it the best stop since Miami never gets anyone, honestly.
anyway! when everyone walked in to go to their seats, we all got a raffle ticket since this was a fanmeet, not a concert, and the boys play some games throughout the fanmeet. i really didn't think anything of my ticket and just put it in my pocket and went to my seat (lol).
they had a guess the song game, which was the fan game, so the MC had all of the boys pick a ticket and read the number out. They would only read the ticket number 3 times before moving on to a different person. Bambam chose my ticket and the first time he read the number, no one did anything and i didn't have my ticket out. So he read it a second time and i took my ticket out, purely out of suspicion cuz there was no way it was me, and he read my number one last time before i registered that it was, in fact, me and i screamed bloody murder so they knew they had the right person 😆 the MC jumped and was like "oh, we found her!" since i was sitting a bit in the back.
cue everyone in my row cheering and pushing me forward to get to the stage. Bambam was on the other end of the stage so Jackson helped me up from his end and he's really sweet (also short lmao). but i was stunned when i got to Bambam and he's pretty tall since i only reach his shoulders (his jacket was gorgeous and i focused on that a lot to keep from dying lmaoooo).
once all the fans were on stage, each member did a short little introduction of their fan. when they got to Bambam and I, he did his thing by asking what's my name, how old am i, where am i from. what i didn't register at all cuz i was in shock was that at the end he asked "so do you have a boyfriend?" and i shook my head no cuz i didn't and he said "well now you do" and both the crowd and i lost it. my soul ascended straight to the pearly gates cuz he was smooth as hell for that one 😂
we didn't do great at the game since i was still very new to GOT7 and kpop in general but we had so much fun! he was super nice to me and was really reassuring cuz i was nervous and he hugged me a bunch of times and thanked me for being sweet. he was absolutely ethereal and so funny and just genuinely a silly sweetheart. he made himself my bias for life 😆💚
someone actually managed to get a video of the whole fan game, if you wanna see this moment! i straight up blacked out the minute i screamed in my seat and all of my friends afterwards were like "DUDE ARE YOU ALIVE??!?!?!" and i was like "No, my soul ascended lmao who am i?". it was fantastic and still brings me so much joy. i love GOT7.
here's the video, if you wanna see it! it's not great quality but it's still a wonderful moment💚
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