#also tbc I do in fact have a timeline in my head and it does not end well for anyone involved
arolesbianism · 5 months
I have such a love hate relationship with Ellie. On the one hand I have my petty grudge against her, but on the other hand shes so sillyyyyy being Jackie's lil lackey did her so many favors in my mind she's not only a lil shit but also a lil teachers pet I love her
#rat rambles#oni posting#honestly my only genuine nit pick with her writing is that shes almost Too much of a presence#but thats just me being the guy who's favorite rw character is sliver of straw and favorite oc is the one that doesnt exist in universe#I love how theyre all varrying levels of just some guy who fell in too deep#as much as Ive been loving learning abt them and would kill to know more abt them the vagueness is like half the appeal to me#anyways to be clear abt ellie shes not like a huge suck up or anything shes just jackies lil errand boy#I like to imagine she and nikola's beef extended beyond the food stealing incident#the jackie lackey duo out for blood until they slowly realize that everything is so fucked#I like to imagine that ellie started cracking pretty bad towards the end as by then she rly couldn't keep playing dumb#especially when it starts reaching Her circle of scientists. whether joshua knew or not thats a scary situation for your bestie to be in#I doubt she like. did anything abt it. at least not without getting caught. but maybe she at least tried who knows#this might be giving her too much credit but Im choosing to believe that her care for joshua would stoke the flames enough#also her job as the numbers guy means that she likely at least could make an educated guess on the temporal bow situation#but yeah I like to imagine at some point ellie stops fucking with nikola and then stops showing up at work entirely#and nikola is just sitting there quietly freaking the fuck out as he realizes that everyone who was hired to help with this stuff is being#picked off and that there are absolutely Not enough people to manage how severe the situation is#also tbc I do in fact have a timeline in my head and it does not end well for anyone involved#but Im trying to refrain from going too into scientist hcs until Im sure Ive read everything#tbh Im not sure how Ill get the stuff Im missing but Ill certainly try
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lyricalt · 7 years
[ovw] Triple Threat - (1/3)
Rating: T Relationship: Recall Genji/Blackwatch Genji/Young Genji. (mcgenji^3 later) Note: Written for @badlyplanned. Call it Day 7 for McGenji Week: Fanart of Fanart, though I actually didn’t know they had drawn THIS also for Day 7, and I accidentally saw it beforehand. But Al has been wanting McGenji^2 for a while and for some reason I thought they meant McGenji^3?? I am bad at numbers and don’t know what those are.
There’s no plot. Just a lot of Genjis. Thanks. 
[Part 1] | [Part 2] | tbc
They say disasters come in threes. There are three of him.
Genji doesn’t know how it happens, but there hadn’t been enough time for reflection once he starts corralling two other—loud, protesting, confused—bodies into his room, locking the door and on the verge of keeping them there until they do something convenient, such as disappear.
No such thing happens. Genji feels as if all of Zenyatta’s teachings has come to a head for this very moment, as if a karmic force of the universe has decided to test him, forcing him confront his past and have some enormous life-changing self-revelation about himself.
But so far the only revelation Genji has is that his past selves are a pain. A huge pain. He has a headache. He doesn’t need any mysterious spiritual force to tell him what he has already known for years.
The youngest of him is by far the most pleasant, in a particular fake and calculating way Genji is very familiar with. For the sake of his sanity, Genji has taken to calling the youngest one Sparrow, an old nickname that sets a sardonic smile to the twenty-five year old Genji’s face and an immediate scowl to Blackwatch—the second Genji in the room, only older by three years and harboring an entire different demeanor.
Genji, by virtue of being the eldest and in the correct timeline, becomes the de-facto host. He had attempted to explain the future to his past selves, but neither of them had seemed interested. Genji isn’t very surprised because: one, he is acutely aware of Sparrow’s cheerily nihilistic outlook on life that had landed him half-murdered in the first place—so why worry, cyborg-san?—and two, Blackwatch’s self-absorbed bearing had been like talking to a silent wall made from sheer resentment and bitterness.
In terms of emotional turmoil and growth, Genji thinks he has done very well for himself, and his other self, and his other-other self. It’s something to be proud of. He keeps trying to keep this in mind, but it becomes very difficult to be proud of anything when Blackwatch suddenly decides to jump on Sparrow, teeth bared and voice shaking with fury.
“You have no fucking idea what’s going to happen,” snarls Blackwatch, finally snapping from Sparrow’s constant caustic remarks and lazy grins. “Stop pretending like you don’t care. Look at us. I know you’re scared.”
“I already see I don’t have much to look forward to,” Sparrow replies, shrugging. His arm moves to his side, as if toying with the idea of drawing his sword. He tips his head, green hair sweeping to the side. “You keep telling me Hanzo is going to kill me. Perhaps I should let him. Maybe then I wouldn’t have to turn into something like y-”
“Shut the fuck-”
With another shouting match set to fire off, Genji bounces to his feet, aiming a kick to Sparrow’s backside and a hard slap to the back of Blackwatch’s helmet. Maybe if he were a better person, someone with more patience and wisdom, Genji would have found another peaceful way to resolve things between the three of them, but Zenyatta’s not here to offer his advice, and Genji likes to imagine a kind of poetic tribute in deviating from Zenyatta’s teachings, just as Zenyatta had found an alternative to Mondatta’s doctrines.
Blackwatch almost rises, but Genji is faster, sweeping his leg under Blackwatch’s feet. For added effect, he does the same to Sparrow, just to wipe the beginnings of that smug smile from his face that Genji knows would only set off Blackwatch again.
Genji makes a silent promise to ask Zenyatta about non-violent conflict mediation next time.
With both his younger selves on the floor, Genji crosses his arms, determined not to raise his voice, but he can’t help sounding exasperated.
“Apologize to each other! Apologize to me. Foreheads to the floor, both of you! This is my timeline and I would appreciate it if you two not ruin it.”
“Oh, if the ojisama commands,” Sparrow mutters, not bowing despite his easily accessible position from the ground.
Genji shuts his eyes and takes a mental count to three. He barely gets to one in his head before Blackwatch tackles him, full body with all his strength to join everyone on the floor in what Genji suspects is the second worst apology of his life, just following Hanzo’s.
Genji hits the ground and hears the sharp hiss of a blade. He has just enough time to think— really?—before he looks past Blackwatch drawing his sword and spies Sparrow making a casual yet sauntering break for the door.
A wave of cold fear hits Genji. He doesn’t want Sparrow out of his room. He is not sure what will happen, but an inexplicable feeling of dread imbues him with the sudden cosmic knowledge that if he lets Sparrow go right this second, he could very well doom the universe and all his timelines.
Sparrow’s hand touches the control panel to the door. Genji’s future flashes before his eyes.
He imagines the new Overwatch base on fire, Sparrow flirting with any number of people as it burns down to cinders, the impending debt of his already meager bank account, Angela’s hair going gray when she sees his horrible Blackwatch-self again, and the probability of Moira sending him persistent emails, attempting to persuade him to sell of one of his past selves for the greater good of science—and Genji thinks he might even consider it, at this point.
There are more terrible things he could think of, but Genji has never been one to stew in anxiety. Less thought, more action—Genji, for want of a better word, blacks out for a millisecond.
It’s probably not the same kind of transcendence Zenyatta goes through, but it’s the most calm he has ever felt, grabbing Blackwatch’s shoulder with one hand and flicking the faceplate off with the other.
Genji jerks Blackwatch forward and crashes their lips together, tongue working to coax Blackwatch’s mouth open, and doesn’t stop.
Because Genji knows every weakness he’s ever had, and he cannot afford to hold on to his pride without exploiting everything he has on himself—that Blackwatch has been touch-starved for years, body-conscious and miserable about everything, and Sparrow, in all his false and empty happiness, only wants to be entertained while counting down his numbered days.
Genji seizes all these sad little facts about himself, pouring everything he has into a wildly desperate and passionate kiss he is sure he has been meaning to save for someone else. He pushes that thought out of the way, clasping both of sides of Blackwatch’s stunned face with his hands.
Blackwatch stares at him, the anger in his eyes replaced for a quick moment of pure shock. His tongue darts out, absently licking the wet corner of his mouth. Genji tips his head, foreheads almost touching, but he brushes his thumbs over Blackwatch’s cheeks in the way he’s grown to like over the past few months. Blackwatch twitches back in his hands, confused, and Genji carefully slides his gaze to Sparrow, giving his youngest self a quick glance before lowering his voice for only Blackwatch to hear.
“If you miss that past body, that old part of you so much,” Genji begins quietly, “Treat him better.”
Sparrow can’t hear him, but he goes still, unused to hearing himself with such a quiet, murmuring tone. His hand wavers over the door, and Genji catches the flash of wariness in Sparrow’s stance, of wanting to run and ignore everything, before Sparrow’s expression morphs into one of blithe carelessness and an empty grin that doesn’t reach his eyes.
“Interesting,” Sparrow says, meandering back to join them. He drops to a crouch next to Blackwatch, amused. “Can I try?”
Genji turns to him, giving him a look that says he’ll play the game and flirt back. It’ll make Sparrow feel better, giving the younger man a light peck on the cheek, meant to tease until Sparrow takes the initiative to deepen the kiss as if he’s had any control over the situation to begin with.
He probably would rather assume the worst of Genji, filing their actions as pathetic and sad. It’s a delicate balance between Blackwatch and Sparrow, and Genji feels on edge, caught with the need to lay everything out, all that he’s learned, or letting them go through their lives as is.
Instead, Genji reels Blackwatch in with one arm around the back of his neck, a hand sliding to Blackwatch’s side to stroke his fingers inside the sensitive areas beneath his armor. Blackwatch jumps, eyes narrowing at the invasion of space.
Genji breaks off from Sparrow, angling away so that Sparrow’s mouth trails down his neck.
“Here,” Genji says, taking Blackwatch by the wrist and placing Blackwatch’s hand over his own abdomen, beneath the grooves of his armor. He feels Blackwatch’s fingers curl over the synthetic skin, hesitant but not pulling away. Genji doesn’t smile, only gently says, “You lead me. I will touch wherever you want me to touch.”
Blackwatch looks down at that, eyes focusing on his hand over Genji’s stomach. He frowns, brow furrowing, and glances at Sparrow, unhappiness written across his drawn shoulders.
Sparrow is too busy pressing up against Genji to notice. Genji looks back at Blackwatch with a prickle of sympathy. Blackwatch truly does miss his old body, every working nerve and real patch of unscarred skin.
Genji brings him in, murmuring, “I know, I understand,” into his shoulder and feels Blackwatch’s hand slide from his stomach to Sparrow’s waist, body still more familiar to him than their cybernetic replacements.
Sparrow blinks, surprised to find Blackwatch now interested in him, but doesn’t hide his smug laugh as Blackwatch draws in for a rough, demanding kiss.
“You miss this?” Sparrow asks, stretching against Genji. His loose pants slide down to expose his hip bone and a part of the winding tattoo of his dragon.
Genji admits to himself that he misses his old body too, but saying it aloud to Sparrow would only feed the younger man’s ego and give Blackwatch the wrong impression. He brushes his lips along Blackwatch’s jaw, moving up to that spot behind his ear.
Blackwatch’s breath catches, though Genji can’t tell if it’s his doing or Sparrow being bold enough to explore Blackwatch’s chest with his mouth.
Blackwatch’s hand moves to graze over Genji’s inner thigh, thumb pressing deliberately under the armor and through the wires. Genji shudders, knocking against Sparrow, but he mirrors the same gesture, putting his fingers within Blackwatch’s cybernetics and making Blackwatch let out a gasp in return.
Sparrow’s smirk widens as he catches on.
“So like me to turn this into a game,” he says, watching them with his arms wrapped loosely around Blackwatch’s shoulders.
“If it is a game you’re looking for,” Blackwatch says, voice heating with annoyance.
Genji pushes against them both. He stops Blackwatch with another soft touch at his neck that takes him by surprise, and chastens Sparrow with a wolfish grin that makes it a very attractive challenge.
“Then start playing along.”
[Part 1] | [Part 2] | tbc
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Title:  The Full Moon Job ~ Prologue
By: @blaineandsamevanderson (SageK on ff.net, kaitlia777 on LJ and AO3)
Fandom: Leverage/Teen Wolf
Ships: Eliot/Parker/Hardison, Sophie/Nate, Scott/Malia, Isaac/Danny, Liam/Theo, Mason, Corey
Rating: PG
Summary: An alternate version of Teen Wolf Season 6.  Wet after the pack pretends to leave Beacon Hills, but after that, all timelines are chucked, characters are brought back and fun is had :)
Notes: Written for @purplehoodiesandleatherjackets.  Hugs Emily!
“If I’m hearing you right, your current plan is to get everyone killed?”
Almost as one, every head bent over the exam table they were using to plan their counter attack against Gerard ‘Evil Grandpa’ Argent and his minions turned to glare at Peter.  He could care less about their annoyance, because they were hopelessly outmatched honestly, even with the waves of reinforcements that had arrived the previous night.
Small waves, but slightly better than nothing.
“It’s the best shot we have,” Angry Baby Beta protested, bristling at the perceived insult to Scott’s plan.
The fact that Peter was definitely insulting the plan didn’t matter.  Sometimes he wondered how this group of children had ever bested his own plans...okay, it probably didn’t hurt that until recently he’d still been dealing with bouts of post fire coma/death craziness and brain damage, but still it was insulting.  
“So you want me to believe that our best shot is hoping you two walking balls of hormones and anger issues can keep from fucking and or killing each other long enough to fool the super paranoid hunters into thinking the whole pack is at an abandoned zoo...and when that fails everyone else goes on an obvious suicide mission to attack Evil Grandpa’s heavily fortified and booby trapped armory?” Peter asked, them jabbed a finger at the only sane Argent left alive.  “See, even he agrees with me.  You can tell because he looks even more like a human personification of a stress migraine than usual.”
Malia let out a low growl.  “Not like you have a better idea.”
“Actually, I do,” Peter retorted, which seemed to startled the assembled masses.  “Curly, The Hacker, FireFox, AberKanima and Twunk Wolf over there might be your idea of back up, but I actually plan on surviving this.  I called in a favor from an old...acquaintance.  He’s a bastard and his blood is 82% Jameson’s but he has a team.....”
“Not that anyone is going to listen to me, but I want to stress again that I am not comfortable with the number of mysterious animal mailings that happen in this town,” Alec said, once again scrolling through the data he had compiled on Beacon Hills California.  Someone from Nate’s past had called asking for help and after the older man had muttered for a while about the caller being an asshole, the team had piled into Lucille and Eliot’s truck and headed south.
“The town is surrounded by a giant nature preserve, Hardison,” Nate pointed out, but that only made him snort.
“Lots of towns in wooded areas have preserves, but most of those places don’t have a history that would make Stephen King look around and say, ‘Hmmm, I should set my next book here!’  Why does a small town have a rundown warehouse district and an abandoned subway line?  A subway to where?  No one seems to know or have records!  I can find records about the town’s extra creepy asylum and also a very well hidden WWII era Japanese internment camp that ended in a massacre.  Nana would slap me upside the head for messing with this.”
Over the comm, Eliot rumbled, “Relax, hardison, it’s probably just werewolves.”
“Real nice.  Mock my totally legitimate concerns.  It’ll serve y’all right if I leave you to the murderous sewer clowns,” Hardison said, then reached over to pat Parker’s hand.  “Not you.  I got you girl.”
Parker however didn’t seem too perturbed.  “I can take a clown out,” she said confidently, then asked, “Werewolves?”
Because of course.
“Sure.  They’re understandably not big on cities,”. Eliot replied.  “Most are all right, but there are some shitheads in every group.”
“So, like people, but furrier,” she decided with a nod.
Alec decided her was gonna let Eliot deal with Parker’s disappointed face when she found out there weren’t any werewolves in Beacon Hills.
There were god damn werewolves in Beacon Hills.
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Chapter 1 Part 1 ,,My boys”
 This is my very first imagine. I intend to create one, big and complete story with multiple threads in different timelines. In the future it will DEFINITELY involve more of the Avengers members. And some of them as a reader love interest. I will write fluff but also smut from time to time. Hope you enjoy it and let me know did you like it, what can I improve etc. Love ya! Warnings: Sorry for all the facts not fitting in with the comics reality but I prefer at least for the age (of Steve and James) the MCU version. Words: 1077 Summary: Introducing characters and their background.Bucky and Steve origins. Soon to be continued Some might say finding a soulmate is a blessing. What would they have to say about you finding two kindred spirits in one lifetime? That it’s not fair. Others often don’t get to meet theirs even once. So Y/N was a pretty lucky girl. But also yet to learn the price of that luck.
As you were drinking your everyday black tea a bright smile was placed on your  face. Stroll down the memory lane happening in your head. Only 11 when you left Poland and came to America. Four years later the World War II broke out. Leaving was hard. But mama and papa knew what was best for their babygirl. 
The family that took you in was more then you ever expected. They were loving and caring. Already great luck. And yeah... Brooklyn. Your new home.   You chuckle remembering how anxious you were about going to school there.  Language was no problem. But starting completly new life was and that scared the shit out of you. But They made it easy. And painless.  And even enjoyable. These two companions you were just about to meet.
First day of new school and you got detention for beating the shit out of a guy twice your size. Did you help yourself with a big cane? That’s nobody’s business.  *wink* The big deal is that you only did that to help this clumsy, lanky, blue-eyed boy. Thinking he was younger than you, you had to intervene when you saw a bulky boy abusing him. . When you finished with the big guy,breaking that big stick on his body, you reached out to the boy with the ocean eyes. He  murmured: - I had him on the ropes. - I know. Just wanted to introduce myself with a bang. My name is Y/N and you are? - Steve. Nice to meet you. – the boy gets up quietly and slowly turns around. But while he’s at it you speak up a little discouraged and looking down at the ground: - Let me tell you, you have a great right hook! - Oh really? You think so? – he almost screams turning back, eyes all sparkly. You’ve gained his sympathy. - I do. And I know about this stuff. My cousin used to… Your speech was interrupted as a tall, muscular for his age boy approached you. He seemed worried. -Hi Stevie is everything alright? Did you get hurt? – brunette asked. - Noooo Bucky, it was nothing. Besides Y/N helped me out a little bit. - Yeah only a little – you said and then both of you chuckled. But the newcomer remained silent. - You know you can’t keep doing this. You’re like a brother to me and I just can’t let anything happen to you… As for such a young boy he created the impression of an adult well aware of his responsibilities. Feeling a bit unwanted your chicks started blushing and you’ve started backing away. - Hey aren’t you going to introduce yourself to my savior? You should be thankful that she kept your promise for you. – the blonde said to his friend tilting his head in your direction. - I’m sorry for being rude. I’m James but you can call me Bucky. – You could see the relief on his face after making sure his brother from another mother was in one piece. At that very moment you felt that the three of you are going to be best friends real soon. Little did you know. - I’m Y/N. And you’re welcome by the way! You all laughed and then spent the entire day together. They made you feel like home. And the next day. And the next one. And the day after that.  That’s how you met the greatest human beings on the planet Earth and your best friends Steve and Bucky. The tea got cold because you were too occupied with remembering every detail of one of the greatest memories of your childhood. Happiness fulfilled you. But then your smile changed into a grin when your soon to be husband came into the kitchen.  After being friends for many years you were lucky to finally call James Buchanan Barnes  your fiance. What you two had was magical. Everyone saw that. Still... some said you were too young to understand love, marriage and commitment but during the WWII life was short and neither one of you wanted to blow the chance of having yours lived together. Deciding to wait with the marriage part, you still loved each other more then one could describe.  James came into the kitchen in his military trousers and a white tank top, his dog tag waving from his neck. You loved the fact he had his tag engraved not only with his personal data but also yours “so he could always be brought back to you even in pieces” as he use to say. - Morning beautiful. – he laid a kiss on the top of your hair - Hi sleeping beauty. Did you get a good rest? – you asked brushing aside your cup. - Providing you didn’t let me fall asleep for half of the night? Awesome. Oooh cold tea – Bucky grabbed the cup from the table furrowing his eyebrows at your disgusted face. - What? - Nothing. I just don’t know how can you drink this hideous room temperature beverage. – you asked shaking your head with disapproval - Are you serious right now? You love tea! – James answers resting his hand on his hip.He always does that when he thinks you’re wrong. - Yeah but only when it’s HOT. Otherwise it’s just… ugh yucky. – you rolled your eyes as he drank the “tea” in one gulp. - You are something different, woman.  – he looked at you with the most adoring look that warmed your heart. Both of you just smiled and stared into each other eyes for what it felt like eternity. Love was in the air. - It’s time for breakfast. - the most handsome soldier announced.
~ J.      
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