#also this is a genuine question please explain because i am genuinely curious what these books are about and why everyone loves them
lengthy-artery · 10 months
ok im going to swing a bat at a hornest's nest right now. what the fuck is the locked tomb actually about. what is it about and why is everyone on my dash obsessed with it AND YOU CAN'T JUST SAY 'IT'S GOT LESBIAN NECROMANCERS IN SPACE'. I KNOW THAT. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE PLOT IS HERE
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frogchiro · 5 months
Hello um, I was the anon who told you that I thought Makarov and Graves were the same person when I was still new
Well I don't have the game nor I have the gadgets to play it to know the lore and I have some questions...
• What's the difference between Makarov and Graves? And who really is the one who killed Soap? (Deeply sorry if anyone seeing this got spoiled)
• Who's Valeria? I've been seeing edits of her and I know she has something to do with bombs in the lore but that's all I know (unfortunately)
• Are KorTac and TF141 enemies or they completely do not know each other at all
• What's the general idea or the summary of the lore of Modern Warfare 2?
It's fine if you can't answer all or some of it, I'm not really trying to dig into the lore but I need some clearance up because sometimes when I read fanfictions about COD, I read stuff that's part of the lore and I have 0 context about it, also I want to show genuine interest in COD because I don't want people to think that I'm just here for the hot characters (I am) Because I don't wanna be *that* type of girl that the COD fandom hates *cough* annoying girl who says she's a fan of COD but has 0 knowledge about the lore *cough*
Again ot's fine if you can't answer some or all of it, just really curious here
-✰anon (can I claim it? :3)
Please don't worry about it and I will happily amswer these tothe best of my knowledge♡
WARNING: MAJOR spoliers under the cut, if someone doesn't want to get spoiled then do not proceed!
I really hope I explained it as well as I can♡
1. Makarov is the main antagonist of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare both the original version and the now reboot although in MW1 he didn't appear at all and wasn't even mentioned, and in MW2 he was a background antagonist. He's the leader of the the Ultranationalist Konni PMC group who want to 'restore glory to Russia' and basically control the world. It was Makarov who killed Soap in both the og series and in the reboot although in the original it was indirectly by an explosion he caused and in the reboot he shot him in the head.
Philip Graves served as an secondary antagonist in MW2. He's the commander and founder of the PMC group Shadow Company and he was working closely with General Shepherd and then 141 during the events of capturing Hassan in Al-Mazrah. He betrayed the 141 on orders from Shepherd and then supposedly died, killed by Soap and Rodolfo Parra from the Mexican Special Forces in the epilogue of MW2 but then in one of the Season Episodes(?) it turned out he didn't die and is still working with Shepherd now to capture Makarov.
He didn't have a role as big in MW3 as he had in MW2 but he returned to work alongside 141 again before he was put on trial together with Shepherd but, as it turned out, he betrayed the general to save his own ass and denied everything he did in MW2.
2) Valeria Garza also known as 'El Sin Hombre' "The Nameless" is a drug lord/cartel lord who was an antagonist in MW2 when 141 worked with the Mexican Special Forces while in Mexico where they hunted for Hassan. She was the one who ruled in Las Almas with an iron fist and helped Hassan to escape from the military/transport the missiles. She was captured and put in prison but in Season 2 (I think) it showed her escaping the prison and for now her whereabouts aren't known.
3) KorTac and 141 as far as in game campaign canon goes they never met or worked together. I don't really know if this is really canon or fanon but as far as we know they're opposite fractions and are enemies.
4) MW2 has quite many storylines, the general main one is that Task Force 141 chase and have to capture Major Hassan Zyani, an Al-Quatala member who wanted revenge for General Ghorbrani, another terrorist who was killed in the prologue. During an attack on a base where Hassan supposedly was, Ghost and Soap discovered american ballistic missiles that had absolutely no business being there.
From there on it was a chase after Hassan and the missiles and how did Al-Quatala get them. It turned out that it was General Shepherd who ordered the missiles moved in an 'under the radar' operation with the help of Shadow Company because he wanted to send them to the Middle East (supposedly to aid Farah Karim) but the convoy who was responsible for moving the missiles was attacked and killed by Konni soldiers who then took them over and ultimately sold to Al-Quatala. Shepherd and Graves covered the incident and because the 141 + Laswell and Mexican Special Forces were close to finding them out, Shepherd ordered Graves to kill them.
Graves was declared K.I.A after Soap and Rudy exploded the tank he was supposedly in and Valeria later admitted that the last missile out of three was heading with Hassan for Chicago where then they moved and ultimately killed Hassan. In an ending scene it was revealed that now 141 are chasing after Vladimir Makarov therefore kickstarting the events of MW3.
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myguidingmoon-light · 5 months
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“And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2:7)
No room. That’s something I’ve heard too much lately. Palestinians have been hearing that for 75 years. Since they were driven out of their homes—more than 700 000 of them—in 1948 to make room for the colony of Israel, there has been less and less room every day. Less land, literally, as even though lines and walls have been drawn over the years, Israel continues to illegally settle in Palestinian land. Less room to breathe, as the population of Gaza grew within the illegal blockade walling them into a tiny strip of land. Less room to live now, as Gaza has been under constant attack by Israeli bombs and guns and while the civilians of Gaza are pushed by this violence into even smaller and smaller “safe zones” (though there is nowhere safe in Gaza right now).
But also no room our conversations. No room in our imagination. No room in our understanding of our world of “human rights” and “developed nations.” You’d think “Palestinian” is a slur for how quickly it shuts up (or heats up) dialogue. These are our neighbours, and it feels like pulling teeth to get people to engage with their humanity—let alone ask their MP to ask our government to ask Israel’s government to please stop bombing civilians for the third month straight.
Today we recognize when a Jewish Palestinian family was forced by the state to leave their home, shelter in unfit terrain, give birth without proper medical care, survive a massacre, and become refugees. We Christians call the baby born in that family Emmanuel, which means God with us. God was born in Bethlehem, behind the border wall, in an occupation. What does that tell us about who God is?
Our Christian siblings in Palestine have asked us not to let this Christmas pass as usual. To that, I ask, what is Christmas as usual? If we don’t see our neighbours in the story of Jesus, what is the point? If we need to put the real, genuine injustices of the world out of our mind so that we can be comforted by Christmas, we are frankly doing it wrong. The point—the whole point—is that love and justice are possible for the unloved and the oppressed, even when it doesn’t feel that way. It is our responsibility to make that happen, and we can’t do that with our eyes closed.
You should feel uncomfortable about celebrating Christmas while a genocide is going on. We need to have room for that. We also need to have room for the hope that Christmas represents. We need to have room in our hearts for justice, lasting peace, and a free Palestine, because we are all needed to make it a reality.
And for God’s sake, CEASEFIRE NOW!
“He has brought down the mighty from their thrones/ and exalted those of humble estate;/ he has filled the hungry with good things,/ and the rich he has sent away empty.” (Luke 1:52-53)
I am indebted to Rev. Munther Isaac for his wisdom in helping so many of us walk through this time. Personally, I just finished his book “The Other Side of the Wall”—if you are a Christian, you have to read this book. I’ll buy you a copy if you want.
I also want to note that this post isn’t really supposed to be an explainer or an argument. I didn’t cite anything here, but if you’re curious about anything I referenced (e.g. why did I bring up medical care?), send me a message and I’d be happy to give you more details about what’s happening in Palestine. I’m no expert, but I know some people just genuinely don’t know the extent of the injustice and don’t know where to learn more; if you have questions I’m happy to help, but I’m not here to fight with you.
Same deal if you want to help but don’t know how. I’m happy to give you some ideas and even help you out with them (distance permitting). One important action you can always take is contacting your Member of Parliament. You don’t have to write anything fancy—just tell them honestly how you’re feeling and ask them to support an urgent ceasefire. This is literally your right as a Canadian, so you don’t have to worry about doing something wrong.
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yelenasdiary · 7 months
Read this or don't, that's completely fine. I was going to explain everything in a reply to an ask that I was sent but an anon that has nothing to do with this, they are lovely! I just think a post on its own is more appropriate.
Below the cut I warn you that topics like, Sexual Assault, Physical & Mental abuse are spoken about. Please do not bother to read this if you're not comfortable. I literally do not expect anybody to read this, I am simply posting this because of how I am feeling towards the asks I received before I went to bed last night.
I just want to say that I've been open about certain things in my life on here and that is simply because I want my blog to welcome everybody (within reason). I want those who unfortunately have been through similar stuff to feel seen, heard and know you are loved! I want those who feel alone to know that you're never alone, I am here for you, my blog is here for you.
This isn't the first time I have received asks about my sexual experiences. A month or two ago I received a spam of asks that I never answered because of how disturbing and outright disgusting they were. Now, after last night, I feel that I need post this. I am not asking for anything in return, I just want to make that clear. All I want is for people to understand the hurt I am currently feeling.
I've always been open on here about the fact that I am a virgin. It's nothing that I feel ashamed about, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I know there are plenty of people like myself who are also virgins. I wish there were more people who are open about being a virgin, if people can be so open about the fact they aren't a virgin, why can't we be open about the fact we are?
So when this anon asked if I was a virgin, I was honest and said yes. My mind was already racing with "oh god, what's next?" and I was just hoping whoever they are was jus being curious. But instead, I feel like they've made me ashamed of the fact I am a virgin, 25 and write smut.
TW; SA, Physical & Mental Abuse Mentioned -
A few of you would already know that unfortunately yes, I am a victim of sexual assault. I was a child and it was something that happened daily for a couple of years. Due to this, I have trauma, PTSD, depression and anxiety. I grew up with little knowledge on the basics of sex because of how triggering it was for me. I couldn't sit in on sexual education classes, I couldn't joke around about penis's with my friends let along look at one. For so long, I genuinely believed what happened to me was normal. I was 12 when I realised it wasn't.
It took me years to even be okay with the topic of sex, to see it in movies or even think of it. My sexuality wasn't something I always questioned, I had a big crush on Bieber during my teen years and there were a few other male celebrities that I found rather attractive, it wasn't until I was 17 that I saw women in a different way and tbh, the feeling I got from thinking about myself in a relationship with a woman was a lot more comforting then it was to thinking of myself with a male.
Did my abuse make me bisexual? Maybe. I don't know. I don't really care. I like women a lot more than I like men, I feel more comfortable talking to women than I do men.
Did my abuse stop me from having 'normal' teenage experiences? Yes. I have never physically been with anybody, I have never kissed anybody nor have I ever been on a date. Is that sad? maybe to some, to me? No.
I have little to no trust in males. Given that my abuser also physically abused me for such little things and mentally, I don't know what it feels like to not have the thoughts I do about myself. This person has ruined so much of my life and has had control over what I do because of the trauma they caused me.
But all that aside for a moment, I am still a human. I am a woman who still feels things. I am learning every day of new things. I have done plenty of research for the things I felt I missed out on in school. I have a best friend who is so fucking patient and understanding with me that he will explain things to me if needed.
Writing & reading smut over the last year has been really good for me. I don't mean that in a weird way, I mean that in a way it has helped me explore things I didn't know were a thing, it has helped me grow more comfortable with sex and that sex is a normal thing. Don't worry, I know what is written in smut is purely fiction, I know what happens in porn isn't real. I am not stupid.
But I can't sit here and say that smut has been really helpful. Some of you might not understand that and that's okay. But I have come a long way with being comfortable and finally feeling like I can be open about things I enjoy.
Back to this anon.
Yes, I am 25 and never had sex. I have never voluntarily sucked a guy off. i have never voluntarily slept with a male, touched a male or seen a males body. Why any of that is important to you makes no sense to me. You have brought back things that I wish to not think about. You have made me feel triggered and as though I shouldn't be writing such topics because of my lack of experience. You had no consideration whats so ever and I believe found it rather funny.
I am feeling so many feelings and having thoughts that I wish to express but I know you'll most likely see it has a sob story and make matters worse. What I do hope though is that if you have read this that you understand that your words and actions hurt. I am not weak for telling you this, I am not weak for not having any sexual experience, I am not weak for asking you to understand that your thoughtless actions were not called for.
I do not need to have sex to know what I am doing. I do not need to have sex with a cis male to know how to write about dicks. I do not need you to make me feel ashamed of this either.
This is already such a long post and I don't even expect anybody to still be reading this but if you are, please, please remember to always be kind! spread love, support and happiness. You honest have no idea what your words and actions can do to somebody. Be aware and be considerate, you would never want your closest friends to feel that way I am currently feeling.
I am sending love to everybody, if you ever need a friend to talk too my DMS//asks are always open. I will listen and be whoever it is you need 💜
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mama-vaggie · 1 month
Hi! Please feel free to ignore this, I am not trying to hate at all! Just curious!/gen Why do you tak care of Rhea but not other vent littles?/lh /gen /curious I know your mental health isn't the best, so I now that could be reason, I just thought that if it was, you would take a step back form Rhea too. Again no hate what so ever!/gen sending lots of love Sorry if this came off as rude or offensive!/gen
Dear Anon
I am Mod E, I dont normally answer asks in anyway on Vaggie's blog. Im just here to monitor the inbox, make special announcements, and block problematic blogs, however, Mod Ocean (aka Vaggie) and I agreed that its probably best that I handle your ask in particular in order to allow you to help you get a better understanding of what actually is going on here.
We know you meant nothing offensive in your ask and that you are genuinely concerned about Mod Ocean and her mental health. However 'stepping back' from Rhea is not possible. This is because Mod Ocean and Rhea are the same person. 
Now its a little hard for me to explain. Im going to be using terms generally used by systems (I myself am part of a system) but I want to make it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR:
Mod Ocean has a diagnosis of BPD. One of the effects of BPD is (quote taken from the NHS website) "disturbed patterns of thinking or perception – "cognitive distortions" or "perceptual distortions" " I personally dont like the use of the term 'disturbed' here but that is straight from this website: https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/borderline-personality-disorder/symptoms/
There isnt a lot of research into BPD and how these distortions manifest in individuals but for Mod Ocean, it manifests in almost alter-like personalities that have taken on an appearance and have histories all their own. They tend to 'come to front' to help Mod Ocean process the extreme emotional disregulation that comes with BPD.
Mod Ocean is my best friend, she has been a massive support in my own journey of discovering that im part of a system and encouraging me to speak to a therapist. Rhea is real. She has her own thoughts and feelings that can be hurt. I can always tell there is a massive difference when im talking to Ocean vs when Im talking to Rhea or Jadie vs when im talking to Vaggie. 
So your ask was sent with good intentions, yes. But you also sent it under an incorrect assumption. Vaggie cannot take a step back from Rhea. 
This is also part of the reason why Mod Ocean isnt always comfortable handling other vent regressors. They are always welcome to reach out to her, vent and cry and that but when they start getting violent/aggressive towards themselves or her is when she has to step back. 
I hope this makes sense and helps explain the situation a bit better. If you have any further questions please reach out to me on my blog @the-hellion-collective and ill answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability.
~Mod E 👾
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what do you think of Makoto as a character, I'm really curious about what you actually like about him as he's my favourite protagonist aswell
This is an interesting question. I had to sit down to write a thoughtful response while waiting for my shift to start.
As a character for me, Makoto can be very relatable. He can come across as intimidating, but he's considerate of the people around him. He has no problem with calling you out and defends those who can't or don't normally defend themselves.
Seeing him bonding with Koro melts my heart. If he had lived, I pictured Koromaru in his care instead of Ken's. I like in Reload that he takes his role as a leader seriously.
In the movies, he is also a guy who struggles with loss in his life and always withdraws himself from others. I don't call him emo because the term doesn't suit him. Rather, I describe him as reserved and introverted. I think people call him emo because his hair is always in his eyes.
As a matter of fact, I don't think he was ever called that in the games and movies. If I am wrong, please correct me with canon material, hehe. 😆
I haven't finished Reload yet, but I have been enjoying the difference between the original and his characteristics. I love that now we can see his thoughts instead of narration in past P3 installments. How he acts in Reload reminds me a lot of the P3 movies.
His relationships (romantic as well) show how genuine he is with relationships. He always goes out of his way to spend time with an old couple who lost their son, which favors a lot of Makoto.
Who does that? I'll tell you, not many 16/17-year-old boys (or girls) hang out with old people these days. The more social links you are involved in just brings out his character, and I love it.
What I've mentioned can be seen in the original games. But Reload and the P3 movies help me love him more, and that is why he is my favorite protagonist.
I hope that explains why to you. And I appreciate the question.💖
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kimbapisnotsushi · 8 months
you seem to have a good read on HQ and your takes are great, so i have a question...and if you'd rather not go there, please ignore this! but i see oikawa get called "arrogant" quite often and i'm curious, would you say he is? what is it that makes people think that? imo he has a plenty of flaws, but i truly don't think arrogance is one of them. self-centered, sure, but not arrogant i think. i'm open to being wrong, i'm just legit so confused by that particular criticism, it makes me doubting my reading comprehension. i feel like that one post that's like "free my man, he didn't do that. he did a lot of other stuff tho" LOL. if you do answer this, then thanks for your time!
oh, dear anon. this is a very very big question and i'm honored you think i am capable of providing an answer that does it justice!! i don't consider myself an oikawa expert by far, but i'll do my best because he's still very beloved to me, and i hope whatever i say helps!
(but also - maybe take what i say with a grain of salt LMAO)
anyways, to get the main point out of the way: i completely agree that oikawa isn't arrogant! i actually haven't seen any commentary about that myself (bless!!!), so i can't say for sure why some people might think that, but my guess is that they think his pridefulness = arrogance — they think that the confidence he has in himself and seijoh contributes nothing to their actual power and is utterly meaningless if they don't win, especially in the face of ushijima. which, like, come on. what kind of captain would he be if he wasn't confident in himself and his teammates? is he supposed to tell them that they're going to lose??? is he supposed to discourage their hard work and effort???
or maybe it's because oikawa acts like he's all that, but doesn't have anything to show for it. who does he think he is? what does he think his pride is worth? what right does he have to go around making grand declarations when he has nothing to his name?
(which isn't entirely true, either, but we'll get into that, promise.)
now, do i think that he can, occasionally, be flippant, shallow, and/or petty? yeah, sure. he's got one hell of a personality about it. even iwaizumi says as much. oikawa is great at being a little shit. it's one of my favorite things about him!
but is oikawa genuinely arrogant, or self-centered? well . . . i don't think so.
see, here's the thing about oikawa: he knows he's good, but he doesn't think he's good enough. i think it'd be easiest to really explain what that meant if we broke this down into two separate parts, so let's give it a go, shall we?
(buckle up, friends, because it's about to get LONG. also: TIMESKIP SPOILERS!! and there's a tldr at the start of the tags because. WOW.)
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so, first things first: if people are calling oikawa arrogant, then i'm like 99% sure that they don't actually know what the word "arrogant" means.
"arrogant" is used to describe someone full of themselves. it's used to describe someone conceited and pompous. it's used to describe someone so assured of and invested in their self-importance that they don't care for other people, and if it seems like they do, then it's usually wildly off the mark and still serves to inflate their own egos.
oikawa has never once been like that. he's been pretty much the exact opposite, in fact.
and yeah, sure, by his third year of high school, he knows he's good at volleyball, and that's fine! it's perfectly all right to claim you're good at something if you have the skills/experience to back it up. confidence is healthy as long as it isn't in overabundance, and we actually see a lot of this throughout the series!
(not to mention that this was where ushijima fell short. he was overflowing with confidence. he did not believe, for even a single second, that hinata shouyou and his meager, scrappy little flock of crows could beat him.
but oikawa? he knew. he knew what it looked like to make something bloom.)
the key to oikawa's confidence that made him better was that he could pinpoint others' strengths and weaknesses just as well as he could with his own. and (bear with me, please, i might get kind of boring here bc it's nothing that hasn't been said in the manga before) i don't mean it in the way we see the coaches or more analytical players do, as observations to be taken advantage of by everyone else; i mean that in the sense of how vital it is to his position as a setter. that was always the biggest difference between oikawa and kageyama: no matter how much more raw talent kageyama had, no matter how much better oikawa believed him to be, kageyama, especially in the beginning, struggled to do what oikawa could with a team. kageyama struggled to bring out the best in each player. and it wasn't because he didn't know how -- oikawa freely admitted that kageyama had the skill for it, that kageyama, once he got his shit together, could win against him -- it was because kageyama didn't have that same confidence in himself.
(not until much later, anyways. but that's another story, for another time.)
so, oikawa's confident. he knows he's good. he can bring out the best in each player. he's got a killer serve (and a killer smile!), a mind for tactics that borders on machievallianism, and cherishes the trust he is given like it's something precious. his coaches let him lead without leaning on them. his team has the utmost respect and admiration for him. he has a reputation. from karasuno to shiratorizawa to the whole of miyagi -- there is not a single character who knows oikawa tooru and would believe that he is, in any way, bad at volleyball.
but it's not enough. despite all of that, oikawa still doesn't think he's good enough. and that, friends, brings us to the second point.
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oikawa tooru is nothing if not passionate.
so were the others, of course. kageyama kept going after his grandfather's death. hinata kept going while being a nobody from nowhere with no one to back him up. atsumu kept going while osamu didn't. it's not even about just those who went pro -- kenma, kuroo, noya, and everyone else found things that they were passionate about and kept going with it. the entire story revolves around loving what you do and trying to keep that love alive, and, sometimes, that can be really, really difficult when it seems like it doesn't love you back.
oikawa was so insecure over kageyama to the point where he nearly decked the poor kid. oikawa got crushed by ushijima-- who kept telling him that his team was not good enough, that his choices were not good enough, that there was nothing good enough to be proud of -- for years in a row. oikawa was taught that there would always be someone better than him no matter how skilled he was, but if he let that stop him then he didn't fucking belong on the court in the first place.
oikawa tooru is intimately acquainted with not being good enough, but he keeps trying to be. he keeps going. he tries to keep the love alive even if he's not loved back. he pushes and practices and takes a plane far from home to become even better. even if he doesn't have the skill, even if he doesn't have the talent, even if he doesn't have the love -- he still has his pride. and what does that mean, in the end? how far does that take him?
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in the end, oikawa tooru walks across a world stage and sees people who believed in him on the other side and calls it a family reunion. in the end, he gets to play the volleyball that reminds him of why he loves it and how it gives him so much love back. in the end, his pride is unyielding and unbreakable, a product of the forge. he molded it with his own two hands. he will not let it falter so easily.
arrogance would not have taken oikawa tooru this far. i hope this has proven that he is anything but.
remember: instinct is something you polish. talent is something you make bloom. and never, ever let anyone else tell you what your pride is worth.
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dhiings · 4 months
𖦹 LIVE - 180428
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"Hi everyone, i hope that's everyone is doing well", Jane said opening the live.
"I know many of you guys are confused about the things that are going on right now and demand an explanation about this matter. That's why, today, i'm going to openly talk about it and tell what's actually true", She stopped mid sentence.
"I hope you guys will open your heart and help me to spread this to deny the rumour", She continued.
"The person that is rumored with me almost a year ago is the same person as the one that is 'revealed' ", She quoted with her hands.
"Lee Minho",
"We are not dating. We never even have any romantic relationship. It's just a pure friendship that we had and still develop to this day. We first met was way back in mid 2015 at my old dance academy", Jane explain in a brief.
"That's it from me, I am very open to any questions that you are still curious about. So, quickly comment in the chat column, okaay?"
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Q: How did you get to know each other ?
"Ah! Okay, first question. We got to know each other from the dance academy itself and also we often hangout after out class. Even when i left the academy, we still hangout", Jane answered.
Q: Who approached each other first ?
"I'm the one who approached him first! When he first joined, I remembered that I was coming late for the class. So, i have to quickly catch up the choreography that was assigned. At that time, Minho is standing right beside me. That's why i asked him directly to show me", She paused.
"I remembered how impressed i was by his dancing skill. Oh! also, how fast he's learning the dance steps", She continued while smiling.
"Being a curious person i am, i was determined to get to know him better. It's not easy to break his wall. Don't get me wrong, he is a very genuine, kind, and fun to be around. But, he's... how do i say it, he is quite a closed person", She laughed.
Q: Are you still friends with each other ?
"Yes. We still contact with each other but it's not everyday as we both kept getting busy day by day. But, if there's like a free time and there's no schedule, we just hangout together."
Q: What about the pictures ? Why do you look so suspicious ?
Jane laughed seeing that comment.
"Ah, the reason i look suspicious in that photo is because... hmm.. i'm not sure tho", Jane genuinely answered
"I think, it's just my natural face (?)", ending the sentence with a questioning tone
Q : Can you please explain all of the photos published ?
"Oh yes, of course. So, the first photo that was taken years ago with me using puffy jackets is in a basement of my mom's old apartment. He suddenly came by to give me a late-birthday present",
"The second one, is when we actually start to get in contact with each other again. We lost in touch for like several months. We just want to catch up on each other's life update",
"While the last one is when we met up at a cafe and he told me that he's going to try auditioning in a company to become an idol. Then, we just talked to each other for several hours in there"
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"Okay, i think it's getting a bit late. I hope that by asnwering the questions in this live can clear up some misunderstandings and false accusation that have been going around",
"Thank you for joining this live. I hope that all the hates that is thrown on both sides could be stop immediately. Lee Minho is a really good person and talented ones. I'm wishing the best for Lee Minho and Stray Kid's future."
"Bye everyone, stay healthy and happy", Jane ended the live.
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luna-lovegreat · 4 months
Why don’t you have your pronouns in your bio? I want to interact with your account but as a trans person it makes me feels unsafe if an account doesn’t have pronouns listed. (Genuine question, not trying to attack or anything)
Hello hi :D
I generally take a long time to reply (I choose to take a while so I am not rushing my responses), but I want you to feel safe so I will try and respond quickly
***I tried to respond as a private ask but I think I can't, so my response to anon is under the cut. It is way too long, but I don't want to trim it down and keep friend waiting
^^tone indicators for all of my response is positive and genuine- I am curious and sincere
Thank you for sending this- I love that you are brave enough to ask and I hear you. I'm honoured that you like my account and would love for you to interact with it! I want you to feel safe tho, let's figure it out
Could I ask for advice? I am not yet completely understanding of tumblr or how everything works. I'm not certain what a bio is or where to put it.
I have so far avoided posting a pinned post, or having personal information in my blog description (<is that bio?). I have preferred just having posts- I am also not very comfortable reblogging things yet. I'm not certain how to explain why, but that is the form my anxiety has taken in managing my account appearance. Is it ok to leave it as is?
As far as changes I am slow on that as well, and might take a bit- but again I will try to hurry because I never want you to feel unsafe. You are worth any extent of kindness
So if I may ask- what is a blog bio, and where would I be supposed to put my pronouns? I think others have explained a bit on this but sometimes I don't understand immediately. Is this something that will make people feel unsafe? And may I ask why? I understand if this is uncomfortable, but I always want to be honest and genuine, and learn rather than pretending I know everything. I am autistic and often take a long time to understand things socially. Could not having pronouns be seen as a rejection of my trans friends?
I also have believed they/them to be the sort of default- as a sign of respect for my trans people I say they/them if I am uncertain. I want to help people feel validated with they/them, rather than assume and say something that is not who they are
My pronouns are she/her! :D but I am ok with they/them as normal which is another reason I hadn't put them.
I have several friends I plan on asking for advice on this as well, but I would love advice from your perspective. I want to make sure your concerns specifically are cared for since you asked. If you are ok to go off of anon, could you dm me or talk in replies? I want to learn. Or you could send me asks in anon- but I do not want to seem like I’m telling you what to do, or demand you talk openly if it makes you uncomfortable.
Friend :)
If I have accidentally said something very offensive I am so sorry and please help me understand- I have a heart for you even if words get in the way. I hope I am not defensive- learning and growing and changing are the best parts of life
If anything I said came across as rude or blunt I am sorry- I tell you that is not what I mean and I want to be friendly and light. I struggle with language sometimes (sometimes) which is why I normally take long to respond.
Hi friend! I think you are very cool and you've made me happy- now I can learn more :D if I was too intense or seemed demanding I am sorry- I got slightly panicked. I want you to feel heard and safe :)))
I feel secure in my gender identity and would not be adverse to being trans. I have spent so much time searching tho- I enjoy bragging about always having skirts with the best pockets.
I know this post is way too long and I repeated myself- I ramble lol but want to help you feel loved quickly
Edit: hate to add more, but hi anon! Many of my friends have come to help me understand more. Thank you for asking- I did not know and love to learn. I've added pronouns, and want to always make changes so people can feel safe. You don't have to go off of anon if you don't want, but if there's anything else I can do let me know. You are so so cool :)))
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coldresolve · 4 months
Hey, I wanted to come and let you know your post was incredibly well-written. You got me to consider something I never usually consider when writing, and I really do appreciate the message of “hey, just remember this is a real thing that happens and maybe be a little more careful when writing it.”
I hope you don’t mind me asking a question or two, I’ve noticed that you’ve answered a question before mine and I don’t want to bombard you but I’m curious. How does a bad character doing a bad thing (torture) become apologia in your opinion? I understand that by giving torture usefulness, as you explained in the last post, it can come across as a bad thing. But wouldn’t a bad character trying to justify them torturing someone just further prove that people like that will do anything to avoid admitting guilt? That they justify their actions because they know they are in the wrong?
I really don’t want to be aggressive at all; I respect you and your opinion, and I appreciate you bringing light to the subject that torture can and does happen in the real world, and that it does affect real people. I guess I’m trying to play devil’s advocate almost and pick your brain a little. Your stances on the subject are genuinely well thought-out, and I am 100% typing this from a place of respect and genuine curiosity. If this makes you uncomfortable to answer, please just disregard.
i answered an ask abt this exact thing just now but ig ill mention it here too: it's not about the motives of your perpetrator, it's about what torture itself is shown to be able to achieve. idk i might have phrased something wonky since ppl are asking about that
bad guy doing torture for x reason isn't torture apologia. zero problems here, smooth sailing
torture works at x is torture apologia. landmine zone, its hard to go here without something fucken blowing up
unless x = sadistic gratification, which, as far as i can tell, is the only thing you can ostensibly reliably "achieve" from torturing someone. but perpetrator trauma is common, and it doesn't steer clear of sadists, so it's like. yeah you're hard but now you also have ptsd
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identitty-dickruption · 11 months
I'm genuinely curious and i am conflicted myself regarding this topic and I hope you understand my question
I understand that you don't want people to say that they want to or even can transition into being intersex and still advocate for trans rights/people that identify as nonbinary ect. Your reasoning behind that is that having an intersex body comes with certain experiences/discriminations ect. that you can't just claim as an identity.
How it is that different from women who have experienced abuse/misogyny / sexual violence that feel mocked and misunderstood when people say that they can just transition into being a woman and using that as an identity category? And I don't mean women who are against transitioning in general:
Transition to have a female-looking body.. of course. Wanting to be addressed with she/her pronouns.. fair. But saying that you now know what it is to be a woman and using that as an identity category and dismissing women who say that being a woman is more than just trying to look like one... maybe not fair?
Idk. I really would like to hear your take on this. Please don't just block me, this is a genuine question that I don't know how to answer..
this is something I’ve grappled with quite a bit, because it’s a comparison a lot of TERFs have made in the past. and. you know. I like to try and internally engage with arguments I’m against in order to make sure I’m being logically and politically consistent in a way that I’m comfortable with
to be honest, I’m not sure there are many responses that will feel satisfying to anyone who isn’t a trans intersex person themself. “it’s just different” isn’t going to cut it, even though that response is the instinctive one. and, in a sense, it is just different
being a woman or being female is a known category in a way that being intersex isn’t. I mean. most people know that intersex people exist, but in an entirely abstract way. they know a fetishisation of being intersex that is never going to be entirely accurate to the real intersex experience — in the same way that an abled person only knows a fetishised version of being disabled
some TERFs and other transphobes will say that the same is true for womanhood. those people are wrong. partially due to the work of feminists in the past, the popular understanding of womanhood has expanded. almost everyone also knowingly interacts with women every single day. there’s an understanding of the complexity of womanhood that isn’t granted to intersex people. nobody sees us as complex, they see us as freaks with scientifically fascinating bodies
this is all assuming, of course, that the trans identity is a choice. sometimes it is. I choose to be trans every time I wake up in the morning. not everyone does. most trans women don’t choose to be women, they just are. and maybe they don’t have identical experiences to cis women, but that doesn’t mean their experiences aren’t women’s experiences. my experiences with ableism as someone with genetic disabilities are different from the experiences of someone with an acquired disability, but we’re all still disabled
I’d like to finish by saying that “intersex” also doesn’t just mean one thing. it means many many things. most of my issue with dyadic people identifying as intersex is that they do it without understanding the complexities of intersex experiences. I would like there to be a day when the complexities of intersex experiences are acknowledged enough that people see us outside of the fetishised lens. we’re just not there yet, so I cannot trust that a dyadic person is going to see us as human beings when they claim to have experiences that match mine
this is an ongoing discussion I have with myself. trans women are women. transmisogyny is not okay. that can coexist with my desire to tell dyadic people that they’re not intersex. it’s just about finding ways to explain that those two ideas CAN coexist
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mycolalia · 5 months
(a bit out of nowhere - please feel free to ignore this!) Do you have a favorite mushroom and/or a favorite lichen? I think they are neat but I know very little about them other than that!
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oohhhhhh you know not what you ask okay hell yeah hell yeah
im currently in the middle of being violently ill so this is going to be SPOTTY and INEXHUASTIVE
to first explain why i love them:
fungi and bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, et. all) are some of the oldest forms of life on this planet. about 250 million years ago roughly some fungi and algae and cyanobacteria and sometimes extra secret things depending on the organism were like hey what if we formed a gang
lichens are gangs, or civilizations, or what have you. they're multiple different organisms that came together and decided to be something new. as far as im currently aware you cannot cultivate a lichen in a lab environment the components have to be feeling it. they're everywhere. every environment lichen so real.
they can do a bunch of cool things and they're important bio-indicators for the health of different environments but i love, looking at them i love them i love them i LOVE THEM I
im not answering the question uhhh
fungi in turn also like. ancient. unfathomably ancient. near divinity, to me. achingly, genuinely near impossible to reckon with old. fungi on this planet have seen the birth and death of stars. i am so comforted by them. no matter how bad the planet gets fucked up fungi will continue on. it will find a way to use whatever situation we give it.
thats still not answering the question though uhhhhHHHHHHHHH IF IM RESTRICTING MYSELF FOR THE PURPOSES OF ANSWERING THIS I WILL PICK MY CURRENT FAVES OUT: Mycena Subcyanocephala, for a bunch of different reasons, one is i currently associate it with a friend's project that's bringing me no end of joy and the other is LOOK AT IT. LOOK IT UP LOOK AT IT IT IS A MILLIMETER TALL. only 8 known observations. unfathomably precious. i legitimately cannot think about or look at it too long before i start to cry.
For lichens the flavour of the moment is Coenogonium implexum, the Pixie-Hair lichen, because it looks so much like a moss covered in little fungi. Why'd you do that? I am so curious. i want to know. but also shine on you beautiful fucking cryptid i adore you.
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crypticbeliever123 · 1 year
Someone who's watched the 2003 TMNT series recently as an adult please tell me, am I really the only one who thinks it's overrated?
Like it has to be nostalgia right?
Utrom Shredder stopped feeling like a real threat in season 2 partly because he stopped having as menacing a presence as season 1 and mostly because he lets Hun and Stockman get away with far too much. Like it's hard to take him seriously when he makes more threats than he carries out.
Karai was barely the Shredder at all even though she got the title sequence for a season and a half even as season 5 was hyping up the tengu Shredder who because he looked, acted, and sounded basically just like the old Shredder but give him mystic powers had the same danger feeling as Ch'rell, to me at least.
Plus I know I've read something about how the Justice Force existing in TMNT is justified by "if the audience can accept talking ninja turtles why not superheroes" but that just brings up the question of WHY THE FUCK DO THE TURTLES EVEN HIDE?! Like Dr. Dome has a see through skull and nobody bats an eye, but the humanoid turtles who interact with homeless folks on the regular who assume they're just REALLY into cosplay, would freak everyone out????
Plus it seems like the first few seasons really liked to save the animation budget with flashback recaps of previous events or felt the need to over explain things that have happened even when every character in the room ALREADY KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED. Casey and April's romance is bland and boring but at times I'd almost rather watch an entire series of them instead of hearing the turtles remind us of what we and the other characters in the room already know.
Season 2 also had the annoying habit of having multi-part episodes which is fine if you do one or two 2-parters per season but season 2 had if I recall the 5-part Fugitoid arc and then two separate 2-part arcs for the Triceraton invasion. I had this same issue with the og Justice League series where all but one episode was a multi-parter and just makes the story feel dragged out.
Then there's Stockman who keeps being revived and kept as a brain in a jar for evil science even though HE'S LITERALLY INCOMPETENT AND UNTRUSTWORTHY!!! Why tf do Ch'rell and Bishop keep him around, especially after he backstabbed Ch'rell in the climax of season 1 and caused an entire mutation outbreak in season 4? Just let the megalomaniacal moron rest in fucking peace already!
Also can we just talk about how Hun was the original simp? Like that man was so fucking devoted to Utrom Shredder that even in a dystopian realm where Ch'rell had fused him to Stockman and was literally going to execute him this purple dragon bitch still begged for his master to take him back! Like we get it, Hun, you want to ride the Shredder's alien dick. Good God that man was loyal not to a fault but beyond fault. Never seen a bigger simp in animation before or since I swear.
The turtles don't feel like teenagers except Mikey and it's mostly because of their voices. They all sound like adults.
The garbage man did not need to exist. Most disgusting fatphobic and ableist caricature of villainy I've ever laid eyes on and his episodes are just gross.
Master Splinter calling Yoshi his father in the season 3 finale felt like it came out of nowhere. And I don't recall him calling Yoshi that afterward either.
Splinter knowing Shredder was an Utrom was a stupid retcon and just causes problems like my guy you couldn't have bothered to tell your sons that cutting off the Shredder's head would be pointless? And the Guardians were already canonically in the know in season 1 and didn't think anything of it when Shredder's head came off like "well done Leonardo you definitely killed the Shredder and we have no reason to inspect the body or be concerned whatsoever". The foreshadowing for the Utroms is great in some aspects but it makes retcons and general writing like this feel so stupid.
And lastly and this might just be me but the humor just doesn't hit home for me. It's funny in a way but not always. And the dialogue feels forced or stilted at times. I just don't get the hype and I want to.
This isn't to hate on any fans. I'm just genuinely curious what y'all see in this show that I just don't. Like what you like but please tell me why so I can maybe see the merits of it myself.
Like the main good point I can see is Leo's trauma arc but that's so late in the series it's just...
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farfarawaygirl · 2 years
The Rookie Recap - 5x07
In which I have many questions, several reactions, and get mildly confused. (Also, excuse my typos and formatting, I did this on mobile, and all I can say is sometimes it do be like that.) 🦀🥰😇
Celina and Bailey is the team up of my nightmares. Is anyone enjoying them? Is this an in demand dynamic? If you actually like them please leave me a comment explaining why! I am curious. If you don’t like them, please leave a comment telling me I have excellent taste. 🫣
I am not an astrological person, I respect those that are, but I feel like the show is not treating them kindly? Like, wrapping all mystics/Astro/etc etc believers up in a ball and saying Celina is all of them? These are separate things and really important to some people.
This Wesley/Elijah/Lopez/Grey business is a plot hole built on a dream, all based on us, the viewer, suddenly caring about the lack of continuity we have grown to embrace! Tim can be in the spin team for his wife’s drug deal, but Angela is not allowed to be on the takedown team for a man who is blackmailing her husband? Don’t make the rules messy and then break them. 😤
Elijah: I’m going to hit them where it hurts! I’ll accuse Lopez of using excessive force, and even worse, I’ll stop Wes from getting his *checks notes* cranberry scones.
A dead man is shot? 🧐 this is like an Agatha Christie novel.
Only Thorsen is looking out for this kid. I am shocked that anyone is doing this? Lucy? Nyla?
(Sidenote: the trailer for The Menu ran every break for me, and it looks genuinely like the marriage of a true thriller and gore, and I am equal parts scared and intrigued.)
Why is Bailey bringing all that house stuff to the station, in an episode where they have highlighted the need for separation of church and state why is this allowed? She moved in with none of her stuff? Has no one who works on this show been in a healthy relationship?
Do gangs just have block parties? This seems counterproductive to criminal life.
Lucy was in her feels when Tayvon was beat up - as she should be! Tim should apologize to Aaron, keeping him in was about Lucy’s career and Aaron calling him on it was interesting to see. (Is this maybe why Tim and Aaron are not riding together next week?)
That Mom was exactly the right kind of mad. Shame on that whole team for using him!
An interesting note on Lucy’s makeup for UC, they emphasized her Asian features and did something different with her under eyes. I would love to see the notes as to why. It is hard to guess the reasoning for that direction without explicit comment.
Now Elijah is there bring up Nolan? I don’t even remember if Nolan was on the raid. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention- but what does this biker take down have to do with… anything?
The man who was shot, was already stabbed, and was poisoned?
Vena was gorgeous. Too bad she’s a murderer! Do we need to be worried that Lucy has now made and blown like 3 covers in LA? How come Aaron is not recognized more?
If you have made it this far, here’s a quick tip: should you ever be arrested for a murder you did in fact commit, don’t give them a line like, “I was owed at least the life insurance.”
Aaron apologized to Tim? 🫠
If you were a criminal (Elijah) how would someone who worked for the DA saying you deserved a second chance be a win?
Does that ending mean there might actually be another plot line about John and Bailey fumbling towards the alter?
Very Chenford light.
I am rating this episode two birthday cake Oreo cookies out of four, because the points are made up and the rules don’t matter.
How are we feeling, party people?
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cranky-kyrati · 1 year
why do i like dark stuff?
A little while ago I received an anonymous ask that I won't be publishing, because the way it was phrased suggests it was asked in bad faith (think "Have you stopped beating your wife?"). The question essentially boiled down to "Why are you into [works featuring] a horrible thing?".
I am generally a very open person, and normally wouldn't mind waxing philosophical about why my mind is twisted the way it is, but the thing is, it doesn't actually matter.
The way I see it, what we engage with in works of fiction, both as writers and readers, is akin to roleplaying.
For instance, when I write or read stories featuring rape, that's functionally no different from playing out a force fantasy with a partner. Assuming a story has been outfitted with appropriate tags and warnings, everyone involved have given their informed consent - because the characters in the story? Those are fictional.
No actual real people are being subjected to any kind of violation or abuse in the content I enjoy.* And writing or reading about abuse does not equate to condoning it.
Now, I understand that it can be upsetting to find that the creator of something you enjoy also creates or engages with works that you find morally repugnant (or even just a bit icky). Truly! I get it. But the thing is, dealing with your feelings about what other people consent to do with one another (as writers and readers of these stories) really isn't their responsibility. It's yours.
If you find the mere existence of a certain kind of story so triggering or upsetting as to feel abused yourself, you may want to look into the many ways you can filter and hide stories from AO3 so you won't be exposed to them. People who are into darkfic of all kinds are generally extremely aware that what we enjoy is often upsetting/triggering to others, and we're good at using tags and warnings to make sure no one who doesn't want to see our work will read it by accident.
Like I said at the beginning of this post, I am not going to attempt to justify "why" I like the things I do, but I do want to say one thing on that topic: the psychology behind why people are into these kinds of things is incredibly complex, and as far as I know, science has barely begun to scratch the surface. Most people don't know why they kink the way they do. But please bear in mind that some who are into darkfic are using it as a way of processing their own traumatic experiences of abuse of various kinds. And if I were one of those people, being put on the spot with an anonymous demand that I explain and justify myself publicly would probably not help.
Finally, to the anon who sent the ask: If you are genuinely curious and did not mean to attack me - if you are prepared to actually listen to my answer - reach out to me in private and we'll talk.
* In fact, I'm so damn sensitive I can't even watch BDSM porn from reputable sources with actor interviews and all, because of the constant niggling worry that maybe, just maybe they're not into it after all.
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My thoughts on the season 1 finale for Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai
Warning!!! There will be spoilers so be sure and watch the show up until the end if you haven't already!
I'm super happy with how season 1 wrapped up but it...definitely wasn't what I was expecting, lets just say that... and I have lots of questions, thoughts, and just random tidbits I really liked so I thought I'd pile them all into one big post (I may make a second one if it gets too long I'll see where my brain goes).
First of all:
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I love that Henchman #2 (or whatever his number was haha I can't remember) showed up at the end with Gaptooth and thought "oh their going to play a really big part in the finale!" and the he just proceeded to go "f*ck this sh*t I'm out" like that one vine of the guy jumping into the water and I can't even with him 🤣
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Claw is a queen, need I say more? I am sad she ended up dying she was my fave (even though I figured she and the others would since that is typical for Gremlins in the movies to all perish by the end). But I can't help but wonder in this scene when she's looking up at Riley and telling her fellow brethren to kill him, if she'll somehow come back in season 2 for revenge? I think it was confirmed by Joe Dante or someone working on the original Gremlins movies that Stripe was essentially "reincarnated" as Mohawk (someone correct me if I'm wrong on this!) so it's definitely possible, Claw might even get reincarnated into Stripe somehow. They gave her such a fun personality I really hope she does return! (same for that one Gremlin that can sing really good I'm curious as to why the creators made her stand out so much).
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Also, I'm glad Snout survived! He doesn't seem too pleased to be a mogwai again but I'm glad he's ok, he's so cute! I do think it's interesting he (and another gremlin I'll mention later) made it, I wonder if the creators have plans for him in season 2...
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(Wow having a knife in your mouth makes you look really cool even if you don't have any hands)
So Riley died??? I put the question marks because yes, he did get turned into a cockroach and cut in half (REALLY rough way to go) but if you go back and watch this scene, do you notice anything strange?
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This mogwai he ate back in episode 8 wasn't with the people he consumed with pearl magic. All the gremlins got turned back into mogwai, but I didn't see this little guy anywhere with them. I was WAY too lazy to grab screenshots of all the mogwai at the end, but if you go back and look I swear I didn't see him anywhere. I bring this up for a couple of reasons. The "fourth rule" is that if you eat a mogwai you live forever right? Well, he never spit this guy back out, so shouldn't he still technically be able to live forever, regardless of what happens to him? And this mogwai looks so different than the others, and has a little tuft of fur with a white stripe on his head. Interesting that this is the mogwai he ended up eating... Wishful thinking I suppose, I'd just really love for him to come back. He was such a good villain!
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I'm glad Grandpa and Nuwa came back! Sam's Grandpa was such a fun character and Gizmo missing Nuwa was making me sad ;-;
Also I love that the Wing family essentially adopted Elle at the end it was really sweet. And it was nice Gizmo got to stay though after all that happened, I'm genuinely shocked Nuwa would let him?? Like yeah I know the show is a prequel and Sam is the old shopkeeper in the first movie, so naturally they'd have to end up together. But still!
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And finally: Yaaaaaay one Gremlin survived! I'm so happy this is essentially the Brain Gremlin from the second movie, he was my favorite character in that one and I'm glad they left him as a cliffhanger for season 2. He's still got a slightly evil side to him but as he explained to Elle, he isn't quite as chaotic as his brothers and sisters are. I wonder what his plans will be for season 2?
That's all folks, may make a follow up post to this one if anything else comes to mind!
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