thecoolblackwaves · 3 months
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aipilosse · 6 months
Now I am really really curious and want to know more about your theory of C&C and M&M not being close anymore in Beleriand and why you don't buy their super duper close relationship. I noticed that as well as the fact that C&C are the feanorians often linked not just to Aredhel but to the three Arafinweans, especially Orodreth and Angrod who in the many versions are actually close to C&C which honestly is pretty interesting and such cool thing.
oooh yeah sure, I'll talk about this! This is more contrarian headcanon-not-contradicted-by-canon than anything I came to organically, but it's now become my preferred way of thinking about them.
Anyway, first, I will clarify that my theory is not Celegorm & Curufin and Maedhros & Maglor not being close in Beleriand; it is that they were NEVER close, even in Aman. We know from the story that Fëanor's sons were fiercely devoted to him, but it's never said that they were especially close with each other. And with a father who was likely demanding, played clear favorites, and had piles of charisma, I could easily see the brothers' relationships being marked by jealousy and simmering resentment, but not in an 'every brother for himself' way. It seems M&M have a strong relationship and C&C do too. Caranthir is the odd one out where it seems like none of his brothers are too attached, and honestly there's so little about Amras & Amrod but from what's there they form another obvious pair. But yeah, C&C definitely have a lot connections to the rest of the family! And it seems like those friendships were created before the Darkening and the Flight, and then renewed after Maedhros' rescue.
After Fëanor's death, Maedhros leads his brothers, but here I don't think that's because of any especial familial love or 'big brother Maedhros protective power uwu', and more because as Princes of the Noldor descended from Fëanor they are a *political* unit.
Sidebar: I think the 'family' part of the family politics of the House of Finwë is super overemphasized and the 'politics' part languishes. Like, Maedhros' brothers owe some sort of political allegiance to him (I'd say fealty... but I feel like someone with more historical knowledge will jump out of the woodwork and 'well ackshually' me) -- they are not a normal modern family!!
Now, I think the common fandom interpretation of suffocatingly close and devoted sons of Fëanor is a reasonable conclusion to reach from reading 'Of the Return of the Noldor' and I don't think my 'brothers at odds' theory is more canon; it's more that I don't think close and devoted take is the only reasonable conclusion. I have in fact seen people discard an obvious interpretation of events off hand because of the fact that all of the sons of Fëanor were soooo obviously devoted to each other, any time they didn't seek each other out there must be *something* preventing them from joining their brothers.
I really must disagree -- while C&C seem very close as do M&M, I think it's just as likely that when they're all together they're an acrimonious bitter mess, and that Maedhros staked out lands for them out east not just to keep the peace with Fingolfin & Finrod, but also to reduce fighting between his brothers. Also, them being an acrimonious bitter mess together does not mean they aren't charming, fun even, apart. Finrod is friends with all three pairs (sorry Caranthir); there's the other aforementioned C&C Arafinwean friendships and Aredhel friendship; Maedhros is friends with Fingolfin and Fingon. They even form alliances with non-elves apart, with Curufin befriending some dwarvish groups independently, and different brothers forming different mannish alliances. And I haven't even mentioned Amrod & Amras and the green elves. This all points to the brothers being reasonable, personable people when separated, capable of forming friendships and political alliances both, and perhaps to some degree hating each other's guts when together.
Food for thought! I welcome any and all enjoyers of my 'the sons of Fëanor would rather not be in a room together ever again' theory.
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eilinelsghost · 10 months
(If you are one of the blessed few who does have this linguistics knowledge and knows with certainty, please do hop in the comments and let me know.)
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Maedhros gave Elrond and Elros the armor that the Ambarussas came to Belariand with.
Elrond doesn't have the heart to tell him that he's the one who killed Amros.
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twailia2455 · 5 months
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Sneak peak at something I may end up writing🙂
It was a calm and twinkling time under the stars like always. They were where you got your life force as all of the elder did at this time not yet knowing of a sun or a moon. Through the woods there was a cool breeze sifting through your hair as you wandered through the trees and moss in that ancient forest. It was the sleep cycle; most people took their rest in these hours and so you were out . Time alone is hard to come by as a princess, especially with a people as dynamic and connected as yours. Your horse was trotting along content with the state of scenery. The trees loved all animals and guarded them from the wretched and foul foes when they could. You went further and further into the placid trees that wove their arms of safety all around. Who would be out here if they were bad anyways?
He needed an escape. That should be easy enough in a place as vast and untrodden as this but with enemies all around and a foreign terrain alone time was far less peaceful that it was dubious. Alone time now meant truly alone, at a time not so long ago yet so unreachable it meant side by side with a brother. They’d managed to cross the relentless ocean together just to ripped apart at the shore. Burning ships and gleaming swords. No. He couldn’t think about it. He was out here to get away from the egregious pain that came with proximity to his brothers. They ones that were left and so different. If he had somewhere to run off to he probably would. I’d he couldn’t have his family whole and united he wasn’t sure he wanted the scraps at all. It sounded bad but in every one of their faces his own grief stared back at him. Through wading grass and encasing trees he wandered. Their arms welcoming him into the forest like they did at home. Whatever dangers we’re out here probably weren’t as terrifying as the empty seats at the dinner table. Who ever was out here anyways?
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awkwardkindatries · 2 years
@today’s confession:
Oh hell, I could worship Ecthelion’s cock all day long. Just say the word and I’m there. Anytime he needs me I’m down on my knees. He would never experience sexual frustration again. Lowkey this concept needs a fic because imagine giving the longest, most dedicated blowjob to your lover. 😍 Their pleasure is your pleasure and vice versa. Worship his cock obediently with your mouth.
Do you have a similar character?
And see Ecthelion is exactly the elf that can take it, hand on your head encouraging you further as he grunts out how to correct your form.
This would absolutely be Amras for me, just a sweet needy cute little sub begging for something he doesn't know he needs as I slowly edge him to the precipice of his answer.
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charlitosalcaraz · 4 months
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them 🫶
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leheckajiri · 4 months
Ruff of hair sticking out the back of jannik’s hat my beloved
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unaragazzainquieta · 3 months
sono così traumatizzata che la minima cosa mi angoscia
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devilspastorson · 6 months
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Bhaal's beloved son
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thecoolblackwaves · 1 month
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okbirdphotos · 3 months
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American Robin with a worm!
Virginia, March 2024.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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ceeturnalia · 1 month
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nablus city, by rijan amro // pieces.of.palestine on ig
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