#and Dan is on probation
definitely-a-real-man · 3 months
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Back on my dpxdc grind. My brain almost exploded trying to fit all my head canons in to this drawing but I hope they made it through. I saw a post about John Constantine parenting the phantoms so I had to add him in there too.
Danny: Ice core
Dan: Fire core (changed after the fusion)
Ellie/Dani: Water core
And Cujo is a Cane Curso coz I said so,,,
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breesperez139 · 11 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #2
Danny loved his life. After his reveal to Jack and Maddie as a half ghost went right, everything started falling into place.
Vlad stopped his insane schemes once his parents were set loose on him. Sure he’s still mayor but he funds the town, keeps them protected from unwanted visitors, and is no longer trying to kidnap/adopt/clone Danny anymore.
Speaking of clones, Ellie was officially adopted into the family. She didn’t live with them full time with her obsession being freedom, but at least she has a home to return to now.
Dan was also adopted into the family. He is still on probation but turns out having their adopted family again (and as many ghost fruits as he wants) helped ease the rage. That’s not to mention Dan’s and Skulker’s bi-weekly figh- errr meetups.
Well at least there’s been no property destruction since he’s been crowned. After he and his rogues began scheduling their own meetups, his grades started going up again. So while he may never become an astronaut like he always dreamed of, he could still go up to space and see the stars whenever he wanted to.
Sure, being king wasn’t exactly what he wanted in life (or death) but he could protect his ghosts and liminals better this way. And considering his entire town is either ghost or liminal, it was just easier to protect them from the GIW and the government in general with a crown on his head.
Besides being king isn’t all bad either. He’s rich now meaning they won’t be racked up in college debt, he has cool artifacts that were gifted to the ghost king over the millennia that were left untouched but he’s not about to return them (they were gifts to the ghost king, practically funeral gifts like flowers but more rare and expensive), and he has crazy powerful Ancients as friends/family/mentors/protectors. He’s still a baby in ghost years and a minor in human years so he’s not expected to do much either way.
Life was going great, especially after Amity Park adopted ghost etiquette and ecto-infused food and beverages.
So why the Ancients are the Justice League of all people standing outside his front door with the Batman looking thoroughly freaked out the moment he opened the door? He hasn’t said anything yet either!! Stupid fucking government heroes.
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satoshy12 · 5 months
I wish for a heir!
Pairing:" Desiree x Ra's al Ghul
Dan Phantom back to Human body. (Think of this body Toji JJK)
It all started as Ra had been sad even if he wouldn't say it and just said "I wish I had a worthy heir." He then heard a voice: " So you wish it, so shall it be." And he then saw a genie?
The next thing he knows on his arms is a Feral young adult who attacked him. And after a short time, he noticed what had happened and stopped attacking.
But seem to be pretty distrustful looking at the genie. He learned the boy, Dan, was on probation from a another being.
And that beautiful Genie was surprised; he was even summoned, but it made sense that his brother was the hero, not him.
Well, he did invite both to a tea.
And don't ask Ra how; he somehow got a new wife, Desiree, and an heir, Dante.
The boy was more pro-environmentalist, but hey, it's more he can say about the rest.
Who thinks all he is doing is murder!!
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 43
DcxDP crossover, yet again de-aged Danny & Dani, who would have thought?
Only this time, they’re being taken care of by teen/young adult Dan who is this close to snapping again but just finished community work and probation. Now they can’t stay in Amity, it’s not safe, like at all, or even in Illinois. 
So Dan takes the ‘twins’ and bolts from the city to somewhere else. Finds a simple job, even if it might not be fully legal, manages to secure an apartment and pay the rent for a few months ahead of time using some stolen money from Vlad. And is now in the middle of slightly freaking out on if this makes him a parent or not. 
However, he still destroyed the world in the future, and this is a crossover. Time travelling exists, and several heroes come back in time to stop the thing from happening. They aren’t expecting a teen dad and a pair of literal infants all covered in medical scars- and oh god is that a collar on the barely adult?! Misunderstandings ensue. 
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On this day, 7 June 2020, the brother of a Seattle police officer drove his car at high speed into a Black Lives Matter protest in the city, then shot a Black protester. The driver ploughed into the protest at high speed, in an act reminiscent of the white supremacist terrorist attack in Charlottesville which killed Heather Heyer in 2017. One of the protesters, Dan Gregory, confronted the driver and grabbed his steering wheel, trying to protect the crowd. The driver then sped up, forcing Gregory to let go and give chase on foot. He soon caught up to the car and punched the driver, who then shot Gregory and fled, then handed himself into police. Gregory, himself the son of a former Baltimore police officer, survived and later told Sara Jean Green of the Seattle Times: "I would do it again. I would die for people I don’t know. That’s me." In 2023, the shooter was sentenced to just 24 months of probation and had his driving licence suspended for 30 days, having played guilty to reckless driving. Charges of first-degree assault were then dropped by prosecutors. Amidst a wave of protest in defence of Black people's lives, scores of people began ramming their vehicles into demonstrators. The Boston Globe found 139 rammings between May 2020 and September 2021, which killed at least three and wounded 100 people, including multiple attacks by white supremacists. Fewer than half of these incidents resulted in criminal charges. Meanwhile, Republicans in 15 states around the country attempted to introduce laws to legalise or prevent lawsuits against attackers who killed protesters with their vehicles, successfully introducing them in states such as Florida, Iowa and Oklahoma. Pictured: Gregory after being shot https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=640107084829177&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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elderwisp · 3 months
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◁ || ▷
Dan: … After reviewing, we have decided to withdraw from our decision of academic probation. I do expect to see a generous bump in your GPA as you finish the year strong. I hope to see you at graduation. With warm regards, Dr. Anika Kapoor. GUYS! I’m graduating!
Luis: Wat. Put me down, turd!
Dan: Scream with me! AHHH!
Esme: I’ll scream. AHHH!
Valeria: Daniela, stop screaming. What happened?
Dan: I’m not going on academic probation! I’m gonna get to walk!
Esme: ahhh!
Valeria: Wonderful. So, what’s the plan afterwards?
Dan: Plan?? There is no plan, I’m freaking graduating!
Valeria: There’s no internship lined up…?
Dan: No…?
Valeria: Daniela…
Dan: Mom, can’t you be happy for me?
Valeria: I am, I think we need to be realistic though. You’re about to be faced with loads of debt and your job at that burger joint isn’t going to cover it.
Dan: I’m positive I’ll find something. They’ll hire anyone with a biology degree nowadays.
Esme: [ giggles ] You can be a pirate!
Dan: Yeah! Wait, what?
Valeria: Sweetie, that’s not- I just want us to be smart about this second opportunity you have been given.
Dan: Oh my god, you aren’t going to let up, aren’t you?
Valeria: Qué dijiste? / What did you say?
Dan: Look, I know I’m not a star fucking kid, but when have you ever said, great job, Daniela, keep going. It’s always, what’s next, what can you do to be better, like I’m in some competition-
Valeria: Do not speak to me like that.
Dan: Or what? You’re gonna hit me?
Valeria: Esme, take your brother to your room.
Esme: But-
Valeria:  Now. You think you’re so fucking bad, Daniela. You steal shit, smoke a little weed with your friends, barely getting by. It’s like you want to know what it’s like to struggle and maybe that’s my fucking problem. I don’t let you.
Daniela: Mom…
Valeria: Shut up, I’m talking. Your father and I have been through some shit, seen some things that you’ll never experience. So you want to be grown? I expect your shit out of my house by Friday.
Dan: Dad’s not gonna let you-
Valeria: Try. Me.
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DCXDP prompt
Ok, so there's plenty of Danny laying low or freaking out about the no meta rule, but I have this CRAVING of someone for once just explaining it to him? Like whoever bird or birds he's talking to just leans in and whispers "Wanna know a secret? That's mostly just a mind control precaution. I mean would you want to see Supes jacked up on fear gas? If the league do come over he prefers to be called first so he's close if something happens."   
Danny- "Oh... yeah that makes sense actually, that shit isn't fun to be under.."
"Wait is THAT why you have that string of robberies on your record?!"
"That and the time my whole town got possessed in order to make me look bad and get arrested.."
The bird then drags Danny into the cave to open Bruce's file on him, and they both sit down and fill in the gaps on the shadier spots of his record. Heck Danny eventually gives Bats a few thermoses and other less harmful but still disabling device blueprints to add to the contingency file cause even if Dan is in therapy and on probation he knows his shit luck will probably make it needed sooner rather than later and he knows how fast it will go bad.
It comes in very handy at the next gala when Vlad attempts to have a duplicate overshadow Bruce who refuses to take his business propositions. Vlad gets nosey before Danny pulls up his king rights and makes vlad take an Oath (the magic binding kind) to not mess with Bruce or his family or reveal any of their super identities to anyone at all. Constantine is there beforehand to read over the contract and outthink any loopholes before vlad can take advantage of them.
Danny gives them samples of ecto-dejecto for medical emergencies, the Bat's keep them refreshed and in stock especally after they meet Ellie and hear about her stability problems. With help from Frostbite and Danny's ok they start working on a more reliable formula just for Ellie's sake.
Yes Jason is calmer around the halfas and he is slowly stabilizing enough form a proper core from it, (not an instant fix this time!) whether hes becoming a true halfa, more towards a remnant, or both they arent sure. But one night when the phantoms arent around Jason is having a bad time, reacting from something he was hit with during a fight. Tim just grabs one of the ecto-pens on a whim and it just flushes out the toxin so fast Jay passes out. When he wakes up his core has had a good growth spurt, its still not complete yet but he's beginning to get some minor abilities, the Phantom sibs start coaching him before it gets strong enough for Jason to turn completely intangible and if Jay starts complaining? Clockwork whisks them ALL up to the tower for a home movie night of Danny's greatest fails. Grampa has a collection, good and bad XD. Yes Danny is cringing in shame while eating Clockwork's ecto cookies but Jason is slowly starting to understand the importance of getting the basics right cause he does NOT want to accidentally sink completely under the ground without being able to get back out no thank you!!
What core type would he get anyway? Shadow's like Johnny because of the stealth perks? Earth to prevent being buried again? Would he have literature as a secondary obsession cause obviously he's gonna follow Danny into the family/protection category but since Danny also has a space obsession why not?
He puts Jazz's name in the list of superhero safe therapists, the fact she's already making waves at Arkam is only boosting her reputation. Especially once they read her paper on ghost obsessions and how sometimes they are comparable to hyper-fixations in autistics in the way they both satisfy and promote healthy growth for a ghosts physical and mental state but also how being deprived of them or forced to go against them can be severely harmful to their literal health.
And that was one thing the birds kept tripping on to understand whenever they needed to bench one of the halfas but they would end up just hovering around NEEDING to be helpful no mater how much they are told to go back to bed. They also get a whole new understanding on what happened to Dan cause yeah his whole timeline is based on loosing his family and retaliating out of grief.
So from then on the halfas are allowed to help with little tasks as long as they do not strain their recovery at all. Whenever Danny gets sickly and depressed they take him up to the watch tower, Ellie gets lessons in different languages so she can interact more when they let her join them on international trips, Jason gets set loose in a newly discovered bookstore when the manor's or Bab's library isn't enough, and Dan.. they're still figuring him out but he seems to enjoy wrecking little play city set ups and games where you play as the monster like Godzilla or Rampage along with general ghost sibling rough housing. (Lilo and Stitch is his favorite movie but you'd be hard pressed to get him to admit it,)
As for ships, definitely anger management. Jason becomes an unofficial fourth Phantom sib. Platonic everlasting trio cause Danny loves his friends and they will pet him like a cat for hours while his tail coils around them possessively like a giant snake and still make memes of it when he's grumpy. Brain dead is fun also, especially if Danny or the others are capable of Little Baby Man form and Tim has to fight Damian for cuddle rights! Bats has his usual girls but hey superman isn't that bad to hang around either.
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ghostsbimbo · 7 months
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the boys & hearing a song from your phone on shuffle a/n: nsfw songs ahead <3 ur welcome. tw: some songs contain heavy subjects such as rape.
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simon "ghost" riley - good lookin' by dixon dallas
He's bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy Call him "Daddy" while I holler Man, that boy so damn good looking (looking, looking)
He has a thousand yard stare as you try to contain your laughter at the song. you love this song, and the artist in general. You originally found him when he was just doing rap, his name being iamjakehill. you completely embraced both the pop punk (ur pretty) project & the country project of his. and now, you're showing your lieutenant one of his very gay masterpieces, despite the artist being a very straight man.
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könig - dana dan by bloodywood
Not all men, yes, all men Need all men for what we're solvin' Can't be what it's been but we're evolvin' You see for yourself now get involved in Talking all in, do more, boy, it's a war Chainsaw to the dead weight, leave it raw Bloody galore as we clean out the core Yeah, we do it for her, so we kick in the door
he definitely looked up the lyrics, meaning behind the song, and translation as soon as it was over, and with that he found a new band to listen to. listen, the dude may basically be a war criminal [ they all fuckin are, lets admit it ] but he sure as hell would fucking destroy a rapist as soon as he had the opportunity. all of them would.
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john price - i threw glass at my friend's eyes and now I'm on probation by destroy boys
But fuck you! You're so old, dude! Like seriously, what do you think you're doing? Your hands are so big and you're so tall, wow! You know, I kinda wish I had let you do that one thing that one time But in retrospect, it would've been a bad idea 'cause You don't care about me like I care about you so I feel bad
man, this dude felt this song was a personal attack on him. yes, y'all had an age gap, but you needed to assure him he was perfectly fine, and you just liked the song because of trauma prior to meeting him. being a kid/teenager with unmonitered internet access really fucked you up, buddy.
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keegan p. russ - chokehold by sleep token [ cover by will ramos ]
So show me that which I cannot see Even if it hurts me Even if I can't sleep Oh, and though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake
to say he loved the dudes voice would be an understatement, and then to figure out it was a cover of a song and he heard the original? the man was offended you kept will ramos, his band lorna shore, and the band sleep token from him. his phone would end up being filled with both bands discography.
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kyle "gaz" garrick - to the hellfire by lorna shore
Accept this descent into the night Releasing your grasp to induce separation Plunged into the shadows Lost in sensation, we're free falling down into the everblack Can you feel it? These pins and needles
He got scared. He also wondered how you could understand what the guy was saying the whole time. He got VERY confused when the pig squeals started - confused enough to ask if they had a pig in studio. You laughed and explained that no, the vocalist that was screaming - Will - did it all himself. It then lead to you info dumping on the genre of music as a whole.
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johnny "soap" mactavish - pisces by JINJER
No promises I ever give Don't rely on me and I won't deceive The beginning or the end you can't tell When I wave my fin and shake my tail I grew in different normality With unblamable morality Hooks and nets are there for me But I'm skittish
The soft voice is what got to him, his eyes going wide when he heard the screaming. He didn't believe you at first when you told him the woman singing was also the one screaming, too. - "No fuckin' way is that a bonnie doin' that." - so you pulled up the song on youtube, and then also pulled up a few live videos of the band, too. He believed you after a few videos, and may have gotten a little jealous when you said she causes you to have a MAJOR gay panic. You also state you wish you had the same amount of talent as her, especially with the screaming.
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octuscle · 6 months
Mate, believe me, I'd love nothing more dan to go out drinking with you n start uh big brawl somewhere.
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but I've just finished my shift at da slaughterhouse n have to report to my probation officer afterwards. Fucking hell, but da big fun will have to wait. But I still have time for uh blowjob…
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offender42085 · 9 months
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Post 1032
Trent Sheldon, Michigan inmate 977237, born 1997, incarceration intake May 2016 at age 18, released April 2021
DUI causing death
In April 2016, eighteen-year-old Trent Sheldon was sentenced to 3 to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty March 1 to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated causing death. He also was ordered to pay restitution to Cody Hilliker, who was injured in the Jan.15 crash that killed Jason Schultz.
A truck from Schultz's employer, A Preferred Towing was parked outside the courthouse Friday during sentencing. People wearing armbands and T-shirts in support of Jason Schultz packed the courtroom and flowed into the hallway.
Dressed in orange and wearing chains around his wrists and ankles, Sheldon apologized to the families impacted by the crash.
Dan Damman, Sheldon’s lawyer, said guilt and remorse have been the driving force in Sheldon’s life since the crash.
“Here, everyone has lost something,” Damman said. “Everyone is experiencing a sense of loss, but to varying degrees. “…There are no winners in this room. There is only an immeasurable sense of loss, hurt, pain and suffering.”
Before sentencing Sheldon, the Judge said Jason Schultz's death was a needless tragedy. He said he was guided by the pre-sentence report from probation and victims' statements in deciding Sheldon's sentence.
"No matter what sentence I impose I know it will be far too lenient for some and maybe unnecessarily harsh in the minds of others," the Judge said. "There is no sentence that I can impose that will heal the hurt and the pain that you feel.”
Officials have said Sheldon used marijuana prior to driving the morning of Jan. 15, 2016. Sheldon hit Preferred Towing’s Jason Schultz, who was attempting to tow Hilliker's vehicle out of a west ditch.
Sheldon pleased guilty on March 1, 2016. Sheldon’s $250,000 personal recognizance bond was revoked shortly thereafter when lab tests confirmed he’d used marijuana while out on bond. He was taken into custody.
More than 250 tow truck drivers joined Schultz's funeral procession Jan. 20.
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herides · 8 months
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"Assassin here [...] In position to strike" -Anonymous Vindicair Assassin
"I am the weapon [...] My name is Eristede Kell. Assassin-at-Marque of the Clade Vindicare, Epsilon-dan… And I have defied my orders" -Eristede Kell, Vindicair Assassin, active towards the end of The Great Crusade and the beginning of The Horus Heresy
"Exitus Acta Probat: The Outcome Justifies The Deed." -Motto of the Vindicair Temple
"I am the reconnaissance sniper weehh [...] I already sniped you a week ago" -Anonymous very gravelly voiced Vindicair Assassin
Really pushed myself with this model. This one is fairly special so I put extra effort in and tried a lot of new things because this (along with a few other models) is going to be my centerpiece of a fancy miniature painting exhibition my local hobby store is going to be holding.
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bunnakit · 6 months
hurt/comfort prompt #5 for gumpa/yok!
hurt/comfort prompts 🌸
“Hey, come on. Look at me. Breathe in. Breathe out. You’re fine. You’re here with me. It’s okay.”
Some nights Gumpa still couldn't believe this was real. He found it hard to imagine he was truly here, curled up in bed with a proverbial ball of warmth and light curled against his chest, sleeping soundly and holding onto him just as desperately. A soft smile curled over his lips as he lowered his head and pressed a feather-light kiss between Yok's eyebrows, suppressing a soft laugh at the way they furrowed before he settled back into a deep sleep. It'd taken so long to get here; navigating Yok's recovery, his break up with Dan, Black's departure from the group, the trial, and their resulting probation.
Life had been an endless whirlwind ever since they stepped foot out of that black van, each of them barely able to pull in a full breath before the next obstacle blocked their way. In hindsight, perhaps the gravitational pull between them had been inevitable. Even before all of this he and Yok had been close. He'd known about Yok's home situation, known about the struggles his mother faced, and Yok's mother knew of him in her periphery, often asking after Gumpa. He'd just always convinced himself anything more was one sided wishful thinking.
Slowly, Gumpa settled further against his pillows and cushioned his arm to ensure it couldn't fall asleep tucked beneath Yok as it was. He couldn't help but tuck his smile against the crown of Yok's head as he closed his eyes and let sleep drag him into an inky black undertow. He only hoped the waves would calmly lap at the shore rather than toss him up against the rocks.
"Hia, hey, hia- Gumpa. You're alright." A voice whispered just out of his reach, soft and warm and soothing. It felt like a warm balm against tender, scarred flesh. That same soft voice let out a slight sound of pain and it instantly had him recoiling, the world falling out from under him with a series of thuds.
The unceremonious landing was enough to pry his eyes open and Gumpa quickly looked around the dimly lit room with his heart in his throat. Yok sat tangled in their sheets, eyes overflowing with concern and hand outstretched. He could feel his own chest heaving as if he'd run a marathon, unable to find calm even though it was clear his entire world was perfectly safe in the comfort of their bed.
"Hey, come on," Yok whispered as he crawled forward, kneeling down on the bed and gently cupping Gumpa's face between his warm palms. "Look at me, hia. Breathe in and out, slowly. You're alright." He cooed as if speaking to a cornered junkyard dog, though Gumpa would never bare his teeth at the Sun.
"You're here with me, you're alright. We're alright." Yok whispered before slowly leaning down and pressing their foreheads together. He lifted one of Gumpa's hands and pressed it to his own bare chest, drawing in measured breaths. "See? We're both right here."
How many times had Gumpa woke him like this? Guilt settled like lead in his stomach as he closed his eyes and focused on slowing both his breath and his heart.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, voice cracked and broken like the pottery Yok had retrieved from the kiln last week.
"Shh. No sorrys, there's nothing to apologize for." Yok whispered before pressing a lingering kiss to his brow that did more to soothe him than any medication ever could (though he'd need to be better about remembering to take that, too.)
"How do you feel?" Yok wondered as his hands slid around to cup Gumpa's jaw, cradling the tall, broad mechanic as if he was something delicate and precious. Gumpa only felt his love for Yok bloom, the bouquet already nestled in his chest expanding into a full floral arrangement that left no room for anything other than his steadily beating heart.
"Exhausted." He admitted with a wry smile as he lifted his own hands to Yok's, not pushing or pulling but merely connecting them like two synapses that kept him tethered to the here and now.
"I'm sure. Want to take a shower?" Gumpa could only nod at the question, knowing getting clean would help ground and reset him mentally.
"Get some more sleep. I'll be back in a bit." Slowly, he rose to his feet with the barest crackle of his knees. Yok didn't smile or tease like he usually did, only lifted himself up on the bed before climbing off it as well.
"I'll shower with you." Yok insisted, already padding to the bathroom ahead of him. He paused in the doorway, looking back at Gumpa without a hint of desire in his eyes and Gumpa was struck with the realization of how much Yok had grown these last few months. "Let me take care of you, hia."
He couldn't remember the last time anyone had taken care of him. He was always the one holding things together; the group, the business, the plans, everything. The idea of sharing the burden felt foreign and set him adrift in a way that wasn't totally unwelcome.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Okay, I've seen a couple fics and posts about Gotham spirit!Danny (which is absolutely amazing, yes) but I think we're all sleeping on the other possibility that doesn't require Danny getting metaphysically attached to another high profile, high maintenance city when he's already got his hands full with his own haunt.
Gotham spirit!Dan.
Now THAT would be a fic. On probation with clockwork, maybe, or having 'escaped' (been let out by clocky) the thermos and accidentally attached himself to a new, more fitting haunt.
Dan would be such a good fit for the spiritual consciousness of Gotham! And it would be such a good parallel to Danny's more happy go lucky town of amity, the pair of them protectors of their own live haunts, both anchor and reflector of the people in it. Dan having changed so much that his old home is no longer fit for or safe with him, but still an integral part of his core that is finally able to begin to heal.
Whether Gotham was in an alternate dimension or just a few states over would work equally well.
Dan's newfound haughty cunning and feral ruthlessness (and bulk) would be SUCH a good fit for the dark crime pit that is Gotham. I think he and Jason would certainly get on, if they ever interacted.
Danny, of course, would most likely have no idea until he chased someone into the city and came face to face with a very large, seething version of himself. Oof.
Or maybe clockwork gave him a heads up and he stopped by to remind Dan to keep his hands to himself - he defeated him once he could do it again. Oh, the simmering tension! Would Danny be even more wary, seeing Dan free and wandering, or would he ease up, seeing him anchored and in another city to keep him busy, like him?
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lilie-stuffs · 17 days
Appel aux créateur-ices
Hello ! Je suis à la recherche d'âmes charitables et inspirées par Chad Michael Murray. J'aimerais beaucoup des avatars 400*640 avec sa bouille. Pour ça, voici une galerie de photos d'un shooting très récent : https://imgbox.com/g/otu6QxpP1h Mon personnage, Aédan O'Sullivan a la double nationalité Irlando-Américaine. Il est un sorcier de l'éther, doublé d'un vampire. Race appelée Altéré sur le forum Crescent City. C'est un homme bon, qui lutte contre sa soif de sang et le côté vampire qui tente parfois de prendre le dessus. Il est père de famille, en couple. Ancien flic, il est maintenant agent de probation dans une prison spéciale pour créatures surnaturelles. Possible de jouer sur un côté clair/sombre.
J'aime le noir et blanc. Mais la couleur, si elle n'est pas flashy, ne me dérange aucune. Breeeeyyyfff, si le môssieur vous inspire, faites vous plaisir et n'hésitez pas à me taguer pour que je puisse voir vos oeuvres ! ♥ Merci d'avance à celleux qui s'essayeront. PS : ouais je pourrais venir en mp toussa, mais j'ose pas déranger les gens, j'suis timide xD
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zalrb · 9 months
i find the whole deb ball thing in tsitp so stupid like that wasn’t even a plot point in the book so why this…. i get that this show is probably mainly written to be wish fulfillment for 13 year olds and the whole ‘polite society’ scene is popular i guess but this show is playing everything straight and its just boring. like obviously i don’t expect the show to engage with any political implication nor do i want it to but at least gossip girl did it in a more ironic way and it actually fit the show (but i haven’t rewatched those eps in a long time to be fair). if the point is supposed to be about belly becoming more confident and self assured.. well. they didn’t do that either!
yeah because the issue is they aren't doing anything with cotillion or the deb ball or anything really. there's no drama in this teen drama.
with gossip girl, the peacocking of the event is emphasized
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but it's also used -- and not very well imo but much much better than whatever they're doing here -- to emphasize what is going to be the primary issue between dan and serena which is class/insider vs. outsider
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and it's also used to ramp up the tension in the triangle between blair and chuck and nate
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it's also used to show that lily now accepts dan at the very same time that rufus doesn't want to let the mistakes of the past repeat in the present but their kids are dating
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like the cotillion actually represents something, same thing with the o.c.
so, the o.c.'s cotillion is my favourite cotillion and it's because so much drama that has been building up for three episodes erupts at cotillion (and that's a the o.c. theme -- if things are brewing, it's all going to explode publicly at a function, it already happens the episode before at casino night) and it works because it also connects to various themes that put pressure on the actual event.
the episode begins with sandy and kirsten formally asking ryan if they can become his guardians and he's like yes, and they're like great but that means you can't get into any trouble because you're on probation and CPS is up our ass, it also means that ryan -- the outsider -- has to partake in cohen family traditions like going to cotillion so there's that pressure.
plus there's the marissa and luke and ryan triangle and they're all going to be at cotillion and luke and ryan essentially always fight when they see each other so there's that tension. and luke tries to instigate a fight at a pre-cotillion party and ryan's trying to keep his temper in check.
jimmy has been stealing from his clients who are all a part of the community he lives in and has asked kirsten for a loan to cover up his debt obviously no one knows that he's been stealing from them but the walls are closing in, officers show up at his house in like the second episode.
seth is somewhere pining for summer.
and then all the actions happens at the biggest event of the season -- luke breaks up with her,
ryan and marissa get to dance which adds to their buildup and julie's hatred of ryan intensifies
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summer has no date, anna's introduced so we're kicking off another love triangle
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holly -- who is marissa's friend -- her dad punches jimmy out in the middle of the waltz, which starts a bit of a brawl and alienates marissa and her family from everyone else
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and it all matters
nothing about this deb ball seems to matter except for the fact that susannah just really wants to see belly attend before she dies. the biggest thing i can see happening at this ball is susannah collapses at it and now belly, jere and steven will find out that she has cancer but even the susannah has cancer and is hiding it from everybody plot line doesn't feel like it's a ticking time bomb where you're just waiting for everyone to figure out what's going on and it's going to be awful because it mostly consists of susannah sleeping sometimes, there isn't this impending sense of dread.
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elderwisp · 4 months
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Alex: twizzlers or red vines? 
Kai: Neither, anyone that likes either shouldn’t be trusted 
Alex: i didn’t realize you have such a vendetta towards a piece of candy / fear me o mighty twizzler
Kai: So I’m guessing you just outed yourself as a licorice fan? EWW! 
Alex: WHAT no
Dan: Kai! Over here.
Kai: Hi poopy.
Dan: Dude, what did I say about calling me that?
Frances: [ giggles ] Aww that’s cute.
Dan: Don’t encourage him. Also, aren’t you supposed to be in class or some shit?
Kai: Well, I was going to study at our library but they found a raccoon so they shut down most of the area. 
Frances: You should really think about transferring.
Kai: With what scholarship? I’m surprised Dan was able to get one.
Dan: Hey!
Kai: Aren’t you on like academic probation or something?
Frances: Yeah, I’m curious as well. You submitted the essay, right…?
Dan: I paid some kid to write it for me. 
Frances: Dan! Are you serious?!
Dan: No! The fuck? What kind of money do you think I have?
Kai: Wow, hilarious. 
Dan: Bitch…
Frances: So…? Back to the important matter!
Dan: Yes! Alright, I did it.
Frances: Yay!
Dan: It took the will of god and several adderalls.
Frances: Dude, you can’t say that shit out loud.
Dan: At a college pub?? I think I absolutely can.
Frances: Ohmygod.
Kai: I think she’s having a stroke. Lovely, you killed our friend.
Dan: She’ll be fine. The slight eye twitch is normal.
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