#and I *KNOW* that she does not have enough cursed energy to really be technically considered a sorcerer on her own
savrenim · 11 months
no because how can maki catch a bullet point blank and then be slower than... a punch
I mean she. she's a sorcerer. clearly some of what she's got going on is Sorcerer Rules Don't Abide By Normal Physics.
this is. about as much a gotcha. as going "well what the FUCK is QUANTUM TUNNELING then a BOWLING BALL can't just DECIDE THAT IT CAN TELEPORT THROUGH A WALL, BOWLING BALLS DON'T TELEPORT THROUGH WALLS TAKE THAT" well in the case that the bowling ball is the size of a proton it. uh. can bc quantum rules apply instead of classical rules, and it's where they interact at the boundaries that you get weird cool shit and fun technology and realize just how bullshit our world actually is
she's got some Sorcerer Stuff going on, the Sorcerer Physics applies there, whatever's happening can't be perfectly modeled by a classical understanding of the world, it's not that much weirder to catch a bullet and not a punch than for bowling balls to randomly teleport through walls
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thejujvtsupost · 8 months
Hello! This is my first time ever asking for a request 😭 I’m pretty shy but id like to request GetoxF!reader with smut where the reader is a new student/strong sorcerer and catches Getos attention
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Weak to Sunshine
Hi anon! I love this idea sm 😌 okay technically I like anything with Geto but that’s beside the point.
Notes: F!reader, both Geto and reader are teachers and oblivious, Geto is mean at first but dw it’s just because he’s a little dumb, smut, oral (f receiving), light fluff, cocky attitudes lead to porn.
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Geto wasn’t easy to surprise, but your sheer power was amazing. He’d prefer not to be on the receiving end of it ever again.
He was aware there was a new teacher and he didn’t go out of his way to welcome you the way others Gojo did.
When you tried to say hello to him in the hallway he acknowledged you with a grunt and nothing else. Gojo told you he was too grumpy all the time, that it probably wasn’t anything you did. So you still made sure to include him, inviting him to the activities you often did with Shoko and Gojo, saving space for him at lunch.
It wasn’t that he hated you or anything- quite the opposite. You had a sunshine personality, a soft demeanor and made students feel good about themselves, you were naturally caring. He valued people like that and found it adorable admirable.
But he didn’t understand why you were there. He had yet to see you spar (if he went outside once in a while he would see you training the kids every day) and you didn’t exude power the way other sorcerers did. If he wasn’t aware ahead of time, he would never have thought you were a sorcerer. So Geto, as nice as you seem and pretty as you were (wait, pretty?), didn’t think you could teach the students enough to be helpful- do you really belong there? And when Shoko was telling him he should be nicer to you, that every time you were around he grew quiet, he voiced his concerns. After all it was only Shoko.
Or he thought it was.
You went looking for her, intending to see if she wanted to get lunch together and you heard her voice down the hall.
You swear you weren’t eavesdropping. You knocked on the door frame but the pair didn’t acknowledge you, and when you walked inside you immediately wished you hadn’t.
“All I’m saying is if she can’t be valuable to the kids or the school then she shouldn’t be here. Her energy is so weak, she couldn’t overpower a first year. Seems pretty reliant on Gojo too. What use does the school have for someone that can’t train them? All she ever does is smile like a puppy, she makes the kids happy but do they even take her seriously?”
“She goes out just as often as Gojo for the hard curses. She picks up your slack and your missions, always saying she doesn’t mind helping out since you refuse to go anywhere. She can repress her energy dipshit. That’s mean Suguru, even for-” Shoko didn’t get to finish her sentence.
“So that’s what you think of me?” You could hear your voice crack. “You hate me because you think I’m weak? You really think I’m nice because I can’t do anything else?”
“Look I’m just trying to say…”
“I fucking heard what you said, you got your panties in a bunch because I know how to repress my energy! That’s pathetic. It’s not your job to evaluate my attitude or my work performance when I’m the one doing your shit on top of mine you lazy ass. What do you do all day while I risk my life to do your job for you?” Shoko decided it would be best to back away slowly. Standing in the doorway behind you was safer than between two angry sorcerers.
Gojo ended up standing beside her when he heard the commotion- you were both lucky the students weren’t around right now.
Geto’s fists clenched at his sides where he stood in an attempt to calm himself, “You have no idea what Gojo and I have done for this school, you have no right to call me-”
“Heyyy buddy maybe you shouldn’t-” Gojo went unheard and Shoko just put a hand in front of him to let you two work it out. If he intervened it only made you look like you couldn’t handle yourself.
“Oh fuck Gojo, you know he has nothing to do with this! You’re using him as a crutch for your excuses-”
“Oh so that’s it? It makes sense now. You’re fucking Gojo, no wonder he thinks so highly of you, or maybe lowly of you, I’m not in your bedroom.”
That’s when all hell broke loose. You made a strangled noise in the back of your throat and tried to hold back your tears. You wanted to hit him, it would’ve been more satisfying.
“Fuck you, Geto.” Instead, you raised your hand out from your body and blasted him through the wall of his classroom and into the courtyard. For the first time in a long time, you were happy it was pouring rain.
Once again Gojo and Shoko were ignored, you stomped past them and left for your office. You were gone before Geto could see your tears. You were sick of everyone treating you like that; being able to control your energy output was an advanced skill that most people didn’t have. You were strong. There was more to your life than being a sorcerer, being in control was an advantage to maintaining that.
And more than anything you were hurt. A little humiliated that the person you really liked thought you were a floozy and not to mention it was more than obvious he didn’t care to know you. What he actually thought of you hurt the most. You didn’t expect him to like you the way you liked him, but you at least wanted to be friends.
Shoko shook her head and went back to work, “Karma.”
“Oof- that’s gonna hurt for a few days!” Gojo approached Geto sitting in the rain and mud.
“Shut up Satoru.”
“Hmm nope! That was kinda mean of you but damnnnn she threw you like thirty feet. For someone so short she’s got a lot of fire in her.” Gojo wasn’t one to contain his teasing, this wasn’t an exception. If anything it was a golden opportunity to make fun of him for years to come. He took several selfies, some with a peace sign and they all had Geto’s soaked, irritated face. “Oh by the way, we’re not fucking. She’s cute buuuut not my type, and I’m not her type either. She has feelings for, well maybe not now, someone else; it’s much more of a brother/sister type of thing. So there’s no need to be jealous.”
Jealous? “I’m not jealous!” But who the hell did you have feelings for?
“That’s exactly what a jealous person would say! You should probably apologize if you want her to talk to you ever again, though you’ll be lucky is she does.” He waved and left Geto on his own, he’d be fine.
Since then you’ve avoided him. When you couldn’t, you ignored him. When you had to speak of him you were back to calling him Geto. You no longer tried to say hello or talk to him (it was nice of you, though he always gave you vague responses). You didn’t invite him to things. Actually, you didn’t go out or eat lunch with your friends at all these days. Always saying you felt sick or tired, letting them drag you places but staying home otherwise. Your insecurities were getting the best of you because even though you had no proof, what if the others didn’t actually see you as a teacher? What if they thought you were as weak as Geto did? Maybe not Shoko or Gojo, but you were careful with your own cursed energy, had been since you were a teenager. Much like Gojo’s infinity, it was second nature.
At first he thought you were being ridiculous. By week nine he was trying to actively engage with you. To no avail.
The break room was cold, the spaces you used to be were empty and he found himself missing your warm disposition, who’d thought he’d miss you calling his first name excitedly inviting him to sit with you guys. His friends didn’t mention you and when he tried to ask why you weren’t sitting with them, they gave him a dirty look. Gojo sighed, “Ah. She doesn’t really do lunch these days, at all anymore.”
Shoko enjoyed adding some guilt, rubbing salt into the wound. “She chose to step back so you could hang out with your best friends because ‘you were here first.’ She sits in her office alone and refuses to let us take her out after work unless we drag her. The students know she’s unhappy too, you should be grateful she hasn’t said anything like a professional because those kids would eat you alive- especially the first years. If they found out you’re the reason she’s putting in a transfer request for Kyoto they’d be devastated. All she’s said to us is that she wants to start fresh and act more professional- that she wants to be someone taken seriously like everyone else- except for Gojo. No one takes him seriously.” Gojo’s protest was background noise to Geto. “She looked up to you Suguru, she tried to be your friend and get to know you. Still she doesn’t bad mouth you even though it’s justified, she hasn’t even blamed you- she’s serious about it.”
“I figured she was just busy…” You looked up to him? He thought you were friendly but he must not have been paying enough attention, you wanted to know him. Him. Guilt flooded him like a tsunami.
“Clearly you thought wrong.” Shoko snapped at him and the rest of their lunch was silent.
Enough was enough, he needed to find a way to make it up to you. Fuck, he missed you.
So he tried to say hi to you every day.
You only nodded at him to be polite in front of others, professional.
He brought you fresh coffee to your now dreary classroom before you ran off to your office. When had you taken your colorful posters down? Where did your little desk ornaments go?
it went untouched.
Every attempt was denied.
It wasn’t until you were stuck in your office far past after hours, waiting out the rain that just wasn’t letting up- that he was able to talk to you.
He was finally able to leave and he was happy to but he noticed your office light was on.
Right, you don’t drive and everyone, including Ijichi already left; you wouldn’t bother him even though he’d happily come get you. (You happened to be one of his favorites.)
He knocked on your door and got no response, so he opened the door to check if you were actually there.
Oh god, you were. But you were asleep at your desk. He closed the door behind him and crouched down at your side. He knew he was tall, waking you up standing over you wasn’t a good way to start a conversation. “Hey, c’mon you can’t sleep here.” He kept his voice low and was gentle when he nudged your shoulder and rubbed your arm.
You mumbled something he couldn’t understand before blinking your eyes open and looking at him. “You gotta go home, your desk can’t be comfortable.” It was the first time you looked at him in weeks, he hated the dark circles under your eyes that weren’t as bright as they used to be- how they should be.
“Whatever. You can’t tell me what to do. And not that’s it’s any of your business since we’re professionals, but I am staying here.” You hid a yawn behind your hand and sat upright, rubbing the crick in your neck did little to soothe the ache.
Geto wasn’t good at apologizing but with the way you avoided him like it plague it was now or never. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said any of that. Everyone thinks you’re a great teacher. Shoko said you’re trying to transfer to Kyoto, but you just got here.”
You wanted to ignore him again, you wanted to throw him out of your office and sleep on your couch with the throw blanket you were grateful you kept on the back cushions. But he struck a nerve and your lip wobbled, “Doesn’t matter. You said it yourself people don’t take me seriously here, if I go to Kyoto they won’t think I’m a pushover there. It’ll open up a job for someone else who can help better than I can.” You were doing everything you could to hold yourself together, going as far as wrapping your arms around your midsection for comfort. “Thanks for apologizing but you said your piece and I said mine so can you go? I really just want to sleep right now.”
“I was wrong. You’re not a pushover. I don’t let people in easily and I took you for granted and then I got jealous and lashed out.” Ah shit, he said too much. But if being honest might get you to stay then he might as well go for it.
“Jealous?” You sounded so small and tired- it hurt his heart.
“I thought…” he tipped his head back with a groan. “You can make fun of me if you want after this, it’s dumb and not my business anyway. But I thought you were interested in Gojo and it irritated me. The more I saw you two together the more I wanted to block you out-” he stopped when we started giggling. Your tears spilled over and he didn’t know if you were crying because you were laughing or not. “You could’ve at least waited until I left I room to laugh but I suppose I deserve it.”
You shook your head and tried to get yourself under control. “No- no it’s not that. You’re just an idiot, I was-” you had to take another few breaths before you started giggling again. “I was hanging out with Shoko and Gojo so much because we’re friends and they knew I had feelings for you. Oh god this is hilarious.”
He pulled your hand into his, “You really mean that?”
You nodded and finally regulated your breathing. It was enough for him. He leaned up and kissed you.
Your surprised squeak made him smile against your lips and then you were kissing him back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned into him more- when you broke apart he was holding your face in his hands and wiping away your remaining tears. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for being an ass. I’m sorry you were the one picking up my slack and I’m sorry I made you stop smiling- I really miss your smile.”
“Really?” The upturn of your lips, though not a full smile, already made him feel warmer than he had in weeks.
“Really, it’s like sunshine. You look like you haven’t been sleeping for a while though, you’re a little zombie.”
You snorted a little laugh, it made him smile. “I’ve been working on ways to improve my teaching and looking for apartments in Kyoto. Do you know how hard it is to find an apartment in Kyoto on a teacher’s salary? It’s hard to relax.”
“Poor baby,” you could tell he wasn’t mocking you, he really felt bad and wanted to make it better. He stood and lifted you onto your desk- the change of position made you dizzy. How did he do that so fast? “How about you stop looking for apartments and I’ll make it up to you.” He kissed both of your cheeks before trailing them down your jaw and neck.
It lit you on fire, “Make it up to me?”
“Yeah baby, I’ll make it up to you good.” His hand laid on your upper thigh and gently started pushing your skirt up. “This okay? I’ll stop no problem if you want.”
You were already squirming for him. A tall, strong man you had feelings for, who you just made up with, who could crush you like a grape was between your legs and wanted to make it up to you. Why would you ever say no? “Please don’t stop?” You sounded more desperate than you’d like but it spurred him on.
“Hold on to me.” You did as he asked; he picked you up, sat you on the couch and got on his knees in front of you.
“What’re you doing I thought-” oh god.
He lifted your skirt to your waist and massaged along your thighs until he reached the edge of your panties, he played with the lace and looked up at you for permission with his blown pupils, he needed you so badly.
You nodded at him to continue and he was fast. You barely had to lift your hips before you were bare, Geto spread your legs and you had a flash of insecurity.
“Fuck you’re so pretty down here, so wet f’me.” He looked entranced by the sight of you. Insecurity waved.
He didn’t hesitate to hold your thighs in place and duck his head to give the first hint of pleasure to your clit, he moaned almost louder than you did. You heard him mutter something like “fuck” before he attacked himself to your cunt, eating like he’d been starved his entire life.
It was embarrassing how fast you were on the edge, you tried to push his head back but he growled. “God, m’already worked up. Gonna cum too soon.” Your face was red from the stimulation and the mortification.
“Not too soon-” he got distracted and went back to eating you out until you nudged him again. “I want it, s’mine, let me have it. Need to feel you cum- fuck ya later I just need to taste you so bad fuck…”
You didn’t disturb him again, he held onto you tighter when you started shaking. He slipped a finger into you and found your sensitive spot. You were so tight and wet for him it was driving him crazy.
“Suguru! Gonna- gonna!”
He didn’t let up at all, insistently licking and sucking your clit, rubbing you perfectly from the inside- you clamped your thighs around his head and came harder than you could ever remember.
The finger withdrew after a minute, letting you ride your orgasm out with something to clench on. His mouth however, didn’t stop. Careful to avoid overstimulating you, he cleaned you up with his own tongue.
Your body was boneless, dead weight and ready to fucking sleep but that wouldn’t be fair. You reached out for him and he held your hand in his clean one. “What’s wrong?”
Your eyes were closed but you just knew he was looking at you concerned. “W’about you?”
It took him a minute to realize what you meant and he chuckled, “No baby, I was making it up to you remember?” You were too tired to remember.
You shook your head and he adjusted your skirt to pull it down. “Let me clean up and I’ll take you home, yeah?”
“Too tired, don’t want y’too leave.”
“I wasn’t gonna leave you alone, you’re coming with me. I got a comfortable bed and a big tub for a soak with your name on it. Hold onto me again, I’ll carry you.”
You held onto him like a koala while he grabbed your purse and coat, draping it over you to keep you warm. The rain finally came to a drizzle, it was good timing on Mother Nature’s part.
After he grabbed his own keys he had you buckled in the passenger seat with the seat heater on blast. He didn’t like that you were shivering.
Geto was more than happy. Not only were you canceling your transfer, you were his now.
In his heart, he knew deep down Gojo was going to tease him relentlessly.
Worth it.
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Thinking about making a request? Check my bio to see if they’re open! <3
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ponderingmoonlight · 10 months
Could i request prompt number 3 with Suguru? Probably in which she’s a sorcerer with a heavenly restriction, but Suguru starts hating her despite all they went through together?
Ur writing’s great btw!
Thank you love 🖤As you all want to get hurt by Suguru so badly, I made this one extra cruel and long (like literally, it made me cry) Hope you enjoy :)
Us against the world
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Pairing: Geto Suguru x reader
Word Count: 4,1k
Synopsis: Suguru and you are inseperable, like ying and yang long before the both of you joined Jujutsu High. Despite you are technically a non-jujutsu sorcerer, you made your way up with him always by your side. Until something changed. Until it wasn't "us against the world" anymore.
Warnings: HURT, mentions of death, language, not proofread yet!
It wasn’t easy for you to see him like that. Suguru Geto is probably the best friend you could have asked for, a true sweetheart. You’ve been friends long before joining Jujutsu High. To be honest, he is the only reason for you being here. Other than Satoru, Shoko or basically everyone else, you aren’t able to produce any curse energy. To be exact, you aren’t even able to feel or see curses.
“I will join you!”
“Don’t be ridiculous (y/n). You aren’t even able to see curses.”
“Where there is a will, there is a way! I can’t let you go alone, Suguru. Life is way too boring without you in it.”
He smiled widely at you, shaking his head in disbelief. He always admired your stubbornness and courage, not afraid of anything in the world. Are you really going to get yourself into trouble because you don’t want to be without him?
“Remember? Us against the world”, you stretch out your pinky finger.
“Us against the world”, he confirms, finger intertwining with yours.
But still, you made your way through Jujutsu High, unstoppable until eventually, you got stopped. The incident with Toji Fushiguro and the decease of Riko Amanai really got to everyone involved, Satoru and especially Suguru fared the worst though. You can tell that he lost some weight and the dark circles under his eyes cause you great concern. He is your best friend, maybe even more than that. But still, you can’t seem to tease out of him what exactly he needs.
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
You press yourself next to him on the bench and stick a coke in his face, which he accepts without saying a word.
“As usual I guess.”
You rest your head against his shoulder, take in his fresh scent. Looks like he just got out of the shower, his hair still messy and a little wet. He puts his arm around you and stares at the ceiling, completely lost in thoughts.
“What’s on your mind, handsome?”
“Do you find it hard being a jujutsu sorcerer, (y/n)?”, he blurts out.
His sudden question catches you off guard. What does he mean, exactly?
“Well, I think I’m not getting paid enough but apart from that…I just love helping people out, I guess. I never thought about it too deeply if I’m being honest”, you mutter.
“To help people who cause curses in the first place”, he comments dryly.
“You mean non-jujutsu sorcerers?”
“Kind of”, he admits.
You lower your head, thoughts racing at his words while you begin to realize what he means. He finds it hard to help non-jujutsu sorcerers? Or does he even think that non-jujutsu sorcerers are the main problem?
“You know that I’m technically a non-jujutsu sorcerer myself, right? If it wasn’t for the lenses and weapons with cursed energy, I wouldn’t be here at Jujutsu High”, you carefully speak out, gaze fixed on his facial expression.
“Yeah, that’s kinda right actually…”, he murmurs more to himself than to you.
“I think it’s the job of the strongest to help the weakest, y’know?”
“Sounds like me, I think I’m gonna throw up”, he comments, a small smile on his face.
All the seriousness from before seems to be gone in the wind. You gift him with a breathtaking smirk, slightly bumping against his shoulder in a playful way. His words still linger through your mind, making you wonder why he even asked you in the first place. Is this what occupies his mind all the time? Maybe you just have to wait until he finally tells you what’s going on inside of him. But until that, you don’t want him to choke on his train of thoughts.
“Don’t think too much, it makes your hair fall out.”
Like you’re air and he can’t breathe he pulls you into his arms desperately, hugging you like never before. Of course you embrace him with open arms, fingers gently stroking his damp hair. God, it feels so incredibly good to be held by him, even though you just have to ask yourself where this sudden outburst of emotion comes from. Does it really matter though? Isn’t it much more important to give him what he needs now?
Gently, he cups your face and rests his forehead against yours. You close your eyes, let the magic sink in. Do you really see him only as a friend? In moments like these that make your knees go weak and your heart pound in your chest, you aren’t so sure about that.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, (y/n)”, he breathes against your lips.
You see nothing but stars, your heart aching in sentimentalism. It was rare for him to reveal his feelings like this to you. After all, your friendship is mostly nonsense, fun and freedom. Serious conversations just didn’t have to happen before.
“Oh Suguru”, is all you are able to get out of your mouth, arms wrapped around his neck.
And then his lips meet yours. Only for a brief moment, as if a gust of wind had brushed them. But still enough to make sparks fly around you and your heart thunder. It wasn’t the first time that he kissed you so tenderly, from time to time you shared a few intimate moment with each other.
But it was the last. ______________________________________________________________
“How could this happen?”, you cry out, head resting against the dead body of no other than Yu Haibara.
“You need to rest now, Nanami”, Suguru’s utters far away.  
Your knees meet the floor, whole body consumed by nothing but pain. He was such a good friend and comrade, it was supposed to be an easy mission. Fuck, he still had so damn much planned, wanted to travel the whole world, help people with his skills. Why? Why on earth did he have to die?
“Come on, (y/n). We should get going.”
You can feel his big hand on your shoulder, a gentle way to tell you that you have to let Yu go. You lift your trembling body off the floor, swaying back and forth in nothing but grief. Suguru wraps his arms around your waist. With one last glance at your beloved friend, you leave Yu to his final rest.
“I-I can’t believe it! He still got so much ahead of him! He didn’t deserve to die! Why do they have to kill us?”
Yu’s passing really got to Suguru, but your sight is absolutely killing him. The way your whole body trembles in grief, your tear-stained, redden cheeks and your choked words. How much he hates seeing you like that, your needless suffering because of curses. Or rather, because of non-jujutsu sorcerers.
No…He shakes his head in disbelief. He can’t allow himself these thoughts. You are a non-jujutsu sorcerer yourself. Hating them means hating you too and Suguru could never in a million years dislike anything about you.
“Just because of these fucking curses…I will exorcise them all. I will fucking kill everyone responsible for this”, you hiss through gritted teeth, face completely eaten up by your rage.
Suguru doesn’t say anything. Instead, he just sits by your side, gaze lingering over your features. Your anger is more than justified. But are the curses really the main problem? Maybe there is an even better solution to stop this madness definite.
“I’ll help you with that. It’s us against the world after all”
His pinky finger meets yours, fingers intertwining with each other. Suguru’s right. You will get through this together. ______________________________________________________________
“(y/n), why are you just standing there? Do something!”, Suguru screams over the constant rumbling around him.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. You aren’t wearing your lenses, after all this was supposed to be a fun shopping trip. And to top it off, you have no weapon with cursed energy by hand. To be honest, you are completely fucked and useless.
“I can’t!”, you reply, eyes darting around the area in a despairing attempt to catch a glimpse of the curse Suguru detected earlier.
“Get out of the way then!”
You are completely overwhelmed, too stunned to speak or move. What the fuck are you supposed to do? And why the hell is Suguru screaming at you as if you’re an idiot?
He moves towards you at breakneck speed, grabs you by the waist and pulls you with him, explosions and rumbling following him on the heel. You have absolutely no idea from what or where he’s running. All you can do is stare into distance and hope that Suguru has everything under control.
After what feels like eternity, he stops in his tracks and lets go of your waist, walking away without saying another word.
“Uh, did you catch it?”, you question.
God, you feel so dumb and awkward and…hurt. The aggressive tone in Suguru’s voice was so unknown, he never spoke this rudely to you. After all, it wasn’t your fault that a simple shopping tour turned out this horribly.
“What does it look like, huh?”, he barks back.
Your heart skips a beat, the urge to burst into tears grows louder and louder. What the hell is going on? Why is he this angry with you? Did you do something wrong? Your hands curl into fists, eyebrows furrowing. No, you did absolutely nothing to deserve this irritation towards you, there is no need to cry.
“Watch how you talk to me, Geto”, you reply with firm voice, eyes darted on his back.
“We both almost died because of you!”, he hollers at you, voice suddenly so loud and treacherous that you flinch.
“I think I misheard, you’ve got to be kidding, right? Because of me!? Isn’t my fault that this stupid curse appeared in my leisure time!”, you shout back and straighten your body.
“You’re just no jujutsu-sorcerer and therefore no more than a burden!”
“So this is how you feel about me? That’s why you’re acting this way?”
You try so desperately to keep your voice firm, to not let him see the way his world smash your soul, but you simply can’t.
“I’m trying my hardest to not act how I feel!”, he cries in frustration.
His words hit you with full force and shatter your heart in an instant. Your fingers begin trembling, tears start to pool your eyes uncontrollably. Is this really how he feels about you? All this time he has been so supportive when it came to you being a jujutsu sorcerer. Suguru was the one who always lifted you up when you doubted yourself. Suguru was the one who trained with you the most. Suguru was the one who told you over and over how proud he was, that you always have to remind yourself of your abilities. And now? Suddenly you became a burden, an obstacle in his way.
You don’t say a word. Instead, you simply turn on your hell and walk away from him, back to Jujutsu High. Over and over you try to aggressively wipe away your falling tears. It’s so stupid to cry about his words. Maybe he’s been so stressed out that he wasn’t able to think straight anymore. Maybe everything is too much for him at the moment. Does it really matter though? Do all of these things justify that he hurt you like that?
Fuck, he never lashed out like that before, especially not in such a personal way. Your feet stomp against the ground, you are gasping for breath.
No, you don’t want to see or hear him right now. This hurts way too fucking bad to just let it slide and fall back into his arms as if nothing ever happened.
“(y/n), stop!”
“Back off, Geto! I don’t want you near me!”, you yell over your shoulder, picking up your pace in an instant.
“Why are you here so early? And what’s up with that grumpy face (y/n)?”
You can’t stand Satoru’s teasing right now. Without even looking at him, you storm past his tall figure into the girl wings, right into your dorm.
“You’re just no jujutsu-sorcerer and therefore no more than a burden!”
Fuck. You throw the container of your lenses across the room, veins pumping in pure anger. This is just not fair. Does he really think he is somehow better than you because you aren’t able to see curses by yourself? Does this make you to a worse jujutsu-sorcerer? You look for support at the edge of the table, fingernails digging into the hard wood while you let your head hang.
What hurts you way more than Suguru denying your abilities is the way he looked at you. God, is eyes were filled with nothing but disgust and anger, a gaze he didn’t even throw at Toji back then. What did you do to deserve this? What changed his affection for you this severely?
“Come on, (y/n), I didn’t mean it like that.”
His voice echoes through the empty corridors as he gently knows on your door. Of course he followed you, he always does. But what else does he have to say?
“I don’t know how I could understand it any other way, Suguru.”
He opens the door, you are unable to move an inch, cheeks puffy and covered in tears. You’re never really that emotional, after all crying doesn’t solve any problems.
All the more it shocks Suguru to see you like this, eyes bloodshot, body trembling and your glistering gaze that is set on the window. He really didn’t mean it. It was never his intention to hurt you with his harsh words. But he just couldn’t hold it back, it felt like something inside him just snapped. In this moment, he saw nothing but the fact that you are a non-jujutsu-sorcerer, completely dependent on his help and assistance. Why did he suddenly get so angry with you? He never lashed out on you like that.
“I feel like I’m not the same anymore. I’ll admit it, a lot of shit got on me. I…don’t know how to explain it, though. It feels like I’m torn on the inside, all of this just doesn’t make any sense to me anymore”, he speaks out with low voice.
You let his words sink in. This is the first time he admitted that the incident with Toji changed and still affected him. You swallow your pride and look at him. His words had nothing to do with you personally. Right now it’s way more important that he finally opens up.
“What exactly doesn’t make sense?”
He seems to stare straight through your eyes with his glossy orbs. It’s at moments like this that make you realize how tired and worn out he actually looks.
“I feel like I’m fighting for the wrong people on the right side. There must be a way to end this madness, but not like now.”
You cross the room with quick steps and cup his face.
“Unfortunately there is no simple solution for complex problems. Maybe you need some time off and someone to talk to. The last few months were absolute shit, you must be totally worn out. Just remember I’m with you all the way, okay? Us against the world, y’know?”
You stick out your finger as usual.
“Yeah, whatever. I have to get going, been set on a mission this evening and still need to take a shower. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
And with that, he turns around and walks away, your pinky finger hanging in the air. _____________________________________________________________
This can’t be true. The words that reach your ear are straight out of a nightmare, too cruel to be true. Suguru killed innocent people, including his parents?
“Don’t make me laugh man”, you breathe out.
But this isn’t a dumb joke or a nightmare that you can wake up to. Suguru Geto murdered his very own hometown completely – all of them non-jujutsu sorcerers. All you can do is sit on the stairs and stare into distance, pictures of his beaming grin and gorgeous face flooding your mind. Your body feels like falling apart, you can’t remember the last time you ate something or let alone slept an hour or two.
“As jujutsu-sorcerers, it is our job to protect the weaker.”
It’s like he’s a stranger, the shell of your longtime friend. At this point your whole body is numbed by pain, you’ve got no tears left to cry. The last few days without him are like trance, it seems like you’re just existing at this point. It hurts too much to think or let alone talk about. You miss him so much, your best friend that woke you up every morning, made you a cup of tea, beat your ass in multiple training sessions and handmade sushi for the both of you. What happened to that man you used to know?
You want nothing more than to see him, to hear his side of the story. Maybe there was a good reason behind all of it, maybe it was nothing more than an accident.
Then why did he flee?
He didn’t talk with you again on that fateful day when he called you a burden. No pinky promise, no usual hug, no small kiss. He just turned on his heel and walked out.
You should have sensed that something is wrong, he acted so strange that day. But you never expected a loving man like Suguru to turn into a mass murderer on the run.
The ringing of your phone makes you startle, trembling fingers take the call from none other than Satoru.
“He’s here, (y/n). I’ll send you the address. You talk to him.”
Hung up.
You jump up, feeling like you can’t breathe with your heart hammering against your ribcage. This is your chance to finally talk this out, to see your friend again, to get Suguru back.
It isn’t hard to find him, his long black hair sticking out of the crowd like no other. That’s it, the moment you’ve been waiting for since hearing the bloodcurdling news a week ago.
“Think you can just leave without telling me, Suguru?”, you shout above the noise of everyday life.
Your hands begin to tremble. What will happen? How did his conversation with Satoru go? What will he say to you? Your head starts spinning – out of hunger, lack of sleep or thoughts running up and down your head? You can’t tell.
He turns around, looking better than over the last year. Suguru wears his hair out of a bun, the dark circles under his eyes have disappeared completely, it’s like you swapped lives. The smile on his face seems so…pure and honest, making your heart sting in agony.
“(y/n), how you’re doing?”
You ball your hands into fists. He has some nerves, smiling at you as if nothing ever happened.
“Not that good ever since a little bird chirped me that you are a mass murder. What did happen to you, Suguru? What about your morals as a jujutsu-sorcerer?”
“Come on, don’t look at me with those eyes and come here instead.”
You stand still for a moment. After all the things he did, the countless non-jujutsu-sorcerers that lost their lives through his cruel hands, should you follow his invitation?
Your feet start to move on their own. Towards the man you called a friend for so many years, towards the man that held you in his arms until you fell asleep, towards the man that is part of all your memories.
Towards the man you love.
“I just can’t believe it. This didn’t sound like you at all. I’ve known you for so many years. This…This just doesn’t make any sense, Suguru”, you breathe out, gaze desperately searching for a spark of affection in his eyes.
“Oh (y/n), I can imagine that this was very unexpected for you.”
And then he wraps his arms around you, just like he always did. Your heart sinks into your chest, dumb tears start to pool your eyes again. When you heard the news, you were sure that you’ll never be able to hold him again, that your life with him by your side was over forever. Standing with him on this busy street, his arms wrapped around your frame makes your whole body tremble in nothing but relief. You melt into his arms, head resting against his chest. He smells like usual, even though he doesn’t wear his uniform anymore.
“I thought I lost our friendship together…To see you here again, knowing that you still care is just…everything to me”, you reveal, throat burning from all the tears you try to hold back.
Finally everything will be okay. You will return to Jujutsu High with him by your side, you will avert the death sentence that awaits him, he will start therapy to work through his feelings. Yeah, everything is going to be okay as long as Suguru is there.
Us against the world.
“You think I care about you? Cute.”
His words snap you out of your dreaming in an instant, his grip around your body tightens to a point where you feel like your ribcage is going to crack under his force, glossy eyes widen in horror.
“In my world, you are nothing more than a monkey that isn’t even able to see curses. There is no place for you in my life. Mark my words, the next time we meet I’ll kill you without blinking, (y/n).”
He lets go of you, your body instantly sinking to the floor. No, this can’t happen. Did he just call you a monkey? He threatened to kill you. Suguru Geto, your friend of a lifetime, said he will murder you when he sees you again. How is this possible? Your hands cramp into the warm tarmac under you, it feels like he shoved a knife directly into your heart. Does he really…hate you?
“What has become of you? I know you loved me the way I did”, you hiss through gritted teeth, every breath throbbing in your chest.
“And for that I’m deeply ashamed. I recognized it now, though. It isn’t the curses, but the non-jujutsu-sorcerers that are the core of the problem. How could I still like you knowing that, huh? You are a part of the problem after all.”
“You’re a fucking asshole if you think that killing innocent people only because they aren’t jujutsu sorcerers can be justified! You won’t get away with this!”
Despite the pain that echoes through your whole body, you lift yourself off the ground and look him dead in the eye.
“Who’s gonna stop me? You? I could attack you right here and you wouldn’t even be able to notice. Pathetic, weak, useless”, he spits into your face, his gaze holding nothing but untainted revulsion.
“There is no us against the world anymore, you get that?”, his hand grabs your chin roughly before you are able to stop him.
“I fucking hate you, (y/n). You and all the other monkeys on this planet. From now on, you are nothing but a little that insect I trample on. Go on, keep fooling yourself and pretend your actions and your life mean something. You will never be more than a hypocrite. And now get off my sight and remember my words.”
He pushes you away, your back hitting the cold wall just in time before you stumble to the ground. You can’t speak or even breathe anymore, his words repeating themselves over and over in your head as you watch his figure getting lost in the crowd. Silent tears stain your face, your heart feels like it’s going to stop beating at any moment.
Your Suguru, your best friend, your lover.
He hates you. A look in his eyes was enough to be certain of the fact that he holds no affection for you anymore.
“Us against the world”, he said, stretching out his pinky.
“Us against the world.”
“Us against the world”, you mutter to yourself, face scrunching up when a new wave of pain hits you.
You thought you’d grow old with him. Fuck, you even thought you might marry that man someday. All of that, gone in the wind.
That Suguru you knew just a few weeks ago is dead. And a part of you just died with him.
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stackthedeck · 1 year
you got any teacher!peter fic recs?
YES ALWAYS!! This is my favorite era of Peter's life and I curse Marvel every day for taking it from me
You've Got a Friend in Me by my beloved mutual @earth90214 It is so fun to see Miles and Peter's relationship out of costume and I adore the headcanon of Peter working at Miles' school because I want it to be canon I love how they match each other's energies and also Felicia showing up
a photograph to hang on my wall (superstar) by another beloved mutual @seek--rest I love seeing how Peter interacts with his students and the potential he sees in them and also MJ is so perfect in this!
Learning Curve by ABC24. I adore this fic because Mayday is here!! and she's in her awkward teen years and so embarrassed that her dad is working at her school. This fic is mostly focused on May, but there are some wonderful small moments of Peter working with students
no stupid questions by zippe. I almost didn't read this fic because other than Peter and Miles all the characters are ocs in everything except name. Like why is Ben Reilly Peter's student?? But this is a fantastic fic and the outside perspective of how Peter cares for his students is so fun! Like it really is sweet and explores so many different types of students and has some inventive story structure
Add Without Subtraction by kitausuret. Oh my god, I adore this fic! The lengths that Peter will go to for a student's learning are just so fantastic and this is honestly a really good mini PBL unit. I love MJ and Peter's relationship in this and also there are some Felicia and Johnny cameos
Up There Came a Flower by kitausuret. This fic has less teacher stuff, but school is an important factor. I love Peter/Flash especially because there's a hint that Flash is also working towards his teaching license. Honestly just a really cute getting together fic
Mr. Parker by Spiro. Not enough spideypool fics take advantage of Teacher!Peter and Ellie, but this fic gets so fun with it! Like Peter and Wade have fantastic chemistry but Peter is more concerned about Ellie and her growth as a student and it's just so cute!
Okay, this one is technically a professor!Peter fic and it's barely focused on Peter as a professor, but I've been dying to talk about it! Educational Purposes by Traincat. You know it's good, it's traincat! Peter is a professor and Johnny wants to do a roleplay about it, Peter's not that into it at first, but he does it for Johnny, but keeps breaking character to gush about how much he loves his husband. The tags make it sound like filth when this is some of the most emotional porn I've ever read
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i’m curious to what tsumiki’s reaction to the whole zen’in drama was? did megs ever tell her what was happening to him or did he never say anything because he didn’t want to worry her?
does she know that megs told gojo what was happening and even then it still continued? both fushiguro siblings seem the type to prioritise each other over anything else in the world so i wouldn’t be surprised if she screamed at gojo for the first and probably last time when she found out and then promptly started to plan a run away route for her and her brother.
bc like, this man promised he would protect her and more importantly megumi from this super freaky cult family and then she finds out that not only have they been abusing her baby brother but that technically megumi told gojo and nothing ever changed. this whole incident must have played a really important turning point in their family dynamic with tsumiki getting even more protective over megs and putting a distance between her and the people taking care of them.
Hm. I’m actually gonna wait to answer how tsumiki reacted. We’re not going to find out about it in sea glass gardens but it’s heavily contextualized by details we do find about in sea glass gardens, so I’m going to come back to this when we pass that point of the story.
I will say that Tsumiki knows everything, because, for me, it’s an important character point on her that she’s legitimately in the loop. She’s not the non-magic sibling who is clueless of this world and most of her brother’s life—she legitimately is very deeply involved in the family’s wider interests and the family doesn’t hide things from her.
The only thing she’s not in the loop with is stuff hidden from her specifically, and it’s usually because it’s something that would have a really bad impact specific to her. There, I’m talking about when Gojo told the rest to not tell tsumiki that megumi had a seizure because he used up his cursed energy sending his dogs after her, because megumi would be pissed if anyone did.
If she’s being kept out of a loop, it’s usually megumi as the driving factor, and it’s because of something extreme as “So your brother did die in front of you as a direct result of him waking up in total delirium after you left him alone and trying to protect you to his direct and fatal detriment.” Gojo doesn’t think Tsumiki’s in a mindset where she could process that in a healthy way, he knows Megumi is not physically, mentally, or emotionally capable of finding out that someone told his sister that she fucking killed him and processing it in a healthy way, and it’s not actually something that affects any of them in the long term.
Megumi didn’t tell her about the Zenin’s abuse while it was happening. He only told Gojo, because Gojo was the only one he thought would be strong enough to stop it, and he would have kept it a secret forever if he didn’t need it to stop so badly. But she knows. And she knows Megumi told Gojo, and that Gojo fucked up and let it keep happening. I’ll come back and answer how she reacted after we find out a little bit more about Gojo and Tsumikis early relationship
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renee-writer · 2 months
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A Rescue Chapter 9
“Ah maybe I shouldn’t have, ah…” He feels awkward standing there by her. She has yet to answer him.
“No, you should. Sorry I really don’t know how to, ah, really interact with blokes,” she shakes her head, “I used too but after… Yes please. I ah accept your offer of help, again.”
“Good. Don’t worry. I am a perfect gentleman.”
A perfect gentleman who killed her husband, deserved or not. He mentally shakes that thought away. Plenty of time to deal with that. Right now, she needs help moving.
“I know. I mean I sense you are from all you have done for me. Ah, I don’t know what is next.”
He smiles. “We start with gathering boxes.”
She feels a wave of relief. Now, she must  be careful not to rely to much on him. He has done more then enough and she must stand on her own to avoid another situation like… Nevertheless, being guided now helps. She truly doesn’t  know what to do.
She has a place thanks to her uncle. What would he think about how she let herself be treated? Oh that doesn’t bare thinking about! Okay, one step at a time. A place. She will need a job to maintain it and pay Jamie back for, well all she can.
Move first. Then think about work.
“Claire?” She starts. Lost in her own mind, she forgot, for a second, time and place.
“Pardon what?”
He smiles. It is soft and reaches his eyes. Soothing, his smile was soothing.
“Would you feel more comfortable taken your own car and having me follow?”
“I haven’t a car. He had one. I can drive, my uncle taught me but…”
Deep inside him, he utters another curse. The man was dead and good riddance to him!
“I ah, took a bus here.”
“My car then?”
She nods and follows him. He opens the door for her. A quick smile and she slips in.
She directs him to the flat she shared with the monster.
“I guess, technically, his car is now mine. I never thought about driving it. It seems…” She hasn’t the word but he understands. The bastard had taken any hint of independence away from her. She sat, hands on her lap, beside him. Eyes straight ahead. The idea of driving…
He imagines that is how she did because it is how she does now. Stiff as a plank, staring straight ahead even as she spoke to him.
“I understand. You can sell it and buy one that is yours.”
She turns then, just for a fraction of a second. “I never would have thought of that,” back to staring straight ahead. “Thank you Jamie.”
“You’re welcome Claire.”
The flat is full of masculine energy. Nothing of her is here. She has personal items to be sure but, they don’t blend into the place they way they should. His control is felt, like a heavy weight, as soon as they enter.
“I don’t know what to do with his things.” She comments as he helps her pack the few things that are hers.
“Burn them and salt the ground,” is what he longs to say, instead he answers, “A charity thrift shop would make good use of them.”
He is shocked by her smile, the first real one he has seen from her.
“How deliciously ironic that would be. He never gave to charity, said no one really needed it, it was just a way to scam people.”
“And you Claire, what do you think?” He tapes up the box of her clothes. He is surprised at how little she has.
“My uncle raised me all over the world. I know need is real and other people are the way to help them. I never forgot it. He couldn’t beat that belief out of me.”
“Good. I am very glad to hear that.” It is something anyway, to grow from.
“I don’t want to pack up his things. Don’t want to touch them.”
He nods in understanding. “I know a few lads that can do it. Don’t worry, they owe me a favor. Then you can decide what charity to gift them too and they can pick them up.”
“Thanks again.”
It takes no time to pack up what belongs to her. Clothes, hygiene supplies, a few books, a few nick knacks. Everything fits in the boot of his car.
At his look, she says, “I have stuff stored in the basement of Uncle Lamb ‘s house. Stuff he wouldn’t allow here.”
They drive out there.
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lucakairomi · 2 years
Luca and Malik
Still working on formatting! I was inspired by the lovely @lumpsbumpsandwhumps Red Room asks and decided to write something based on their answer to Luca and Malik meeting! Also serves as an intro piece for my main whumpee, Luca Montoya. As always, if I need to add any tags or warnings, just let me know! Meg belongs to @fandom-trash-xl and Jacob belongs to @space-is-out-there! Malik belongs to @lumpsbumpsandwhumps.
(Not sure how to do under the cut, so forgive my formatting.)
In retrospect, this wasn't one of Luca's better ideas.
Sure, it sounded good in theory. Sneak into the suspect's place of work, root around for any evidence or suspicious-looking packages, snap some pictures, and get the Hell outta dodge.
But in practice?
Well, Murphy's Law did have a habit of screwing her over.
She was trying to jimmy the lock of a particularly stubborn desk drawer, fiddling with the lockpick and muttering curses under her breath. Locked drawers were always a prime candidate for dossiers, or firearms, or folders with incriminating information in them- incriminating information that she needed.
The rumors of a serial kidnapper had been more than enough to spark her interest. The interest has only deepened as she looked and found evidence- scarce, but there- missing persons cases, with victims never well-known enough to really get on the cops' radar, but just often enough to show some semblance of a pattern. And it had led her here. To a funeral home.
Normally, she wouldn't be alone for something like this, but Meg was out on another case and Jake was probably high at a park somewhere. So alone it was.
Not that she minded, as less people meant less auras to keep track of. The people outside passed by like fireflies, dimming as they walked away and brightening as they neared the building, but none of them were hostile or alarmed. None of them had seen her.
Until Murphy's Law got involved.
Luca swore again as she lost the sweet spot when her hand shook. She shouldn't waste so much time on one lock. She's still got plenty of things to look at, and she's got to leave before her presence draws any attention-
"And who might you be?" A southern drawl made her jump in alarm, and too late did she sense the cooly malicious aura behind her.
Fuck you, Murphy.
She carefully rose to her feet and turned around, being careful to show her empty palms. No use getting shot now.
The man asking was older, but only by a few years, she thought. Lean, but well-muscled, with a bandanna covering half his face. His stance was relaxed, easy- not what one would expect when finding an intruder in their place of work. His aura, while dormant, subtly pulsed with... excitement wasn't the right word, maybe... alertness? Anticipation?
She thought quickly. Fight or bluff her way out of it? She glanced down. His hand was by his pocket. Not quite touching, but close enough. He was probably armed. That made the decision for her.
"I'm sorry, I came here to talk to someone about a service?" She does her best to look confused and relieved. "I tried to call earlier, but nobody answered..."
Technically not a lie- she had called on a day she knew they were closed to check if anyone was working late or overtime.
"We're closed," the man observed, and she mentally cursed herself. Think of something!
"...The door was unlocked?"
He raises a manicured eyebrow and she resists the urge to smack herself. "Anyway, you're closed, sorry to bother you, I'll just be on my way," she says as she attempts to slip past him and out the door, but a hand is on her arm and Oh Fuck No-
Instinct takes over as she whirls to shove him away from her, and as her palm meets his chest a burst of blue energy explodes on contact, sending him crashing into a nearby file cabinet. She catches a glimpse of his surprised expression before she regains her senses and bolts for the door-
She twists the doorknob.
It's locked.
The deafening footsteps behind her warn of an incoming attack, and she turns just in time to see the man’s fist hurtling towards her face. She lifts her arm to block it. His fist strikes first her arm, then her head. The world explodes into a cascade of bright lights; her arm goes numb and then her skull is pounding. Even with her healing factor, she'd be feeling that for weeks.
She chokes as he grabs her by her jacket collar and slams her bodily against the wall. Her feet strain to touch the ground as she grips his arm with both hands to relieve the pressure on her windpipe.
"You're an interesting one, aren't you?" His tone is intrigued, but his aura is dripping with a twisted kind of excitement she's only felt from a few other people in her line of work...
And all of them were killers.
Aura flows through her veins, stifled by the lack of oxygen. His southern accent is lilting, almost amused. "I'd be honored to get to know you better."
She spits at him. He looks surprised, then amazed, then delighted. Never a good combination.
He releases his grip on her throat slightly, enough for her to gasp for air, before he chuckles and throws her over his shoulder. She kicks and thrashes, landing a few good hits, but this guy is no pushover as he carries her to another room in the back and opens a door.
Craning her neck, she sees stairs descending into pure black. She doesn't have much time to think about it, as she's tossed head over heels down the stairs. She lands hard on the cement floor and tastes blood in her mouth, eyes wild as she scrambles to her feet and back up the stairs, determined to rip her attacker apart-
Malik slams the door in her face.
She pounds against the other side, screaming curses and punching the door until her knuckles bleed, but it's no use. She hears him laugh from the opposite side.
"I'll be with you in a moment, darlin'. Just have to get my equipment set up..."
She doesn't want to know what he's planning to do with it.
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
Sending another ask so the psot doens't get too long but YEAH I SPENT. A REALLY REALLY LONG TIME ON THAT MOUNTAIN. Actually back pre-sumeru when I had more time and energy (less school) I was extremely intense with my gameplay. I'm talking the Chasm 100%ed within give or take a week after it's release. Hours upon hours spent getting the map to full completion. It was actually INSANE.
ALSO. Also also. Opinions on the organization setup of Khaenri'ah/related groups bc like I KNOW that so far the only DRECTLY Khaenri'ah related groups are the Hexenzircle, Fatui and the Abyss Order but I have. A reallllly really strong feeling that there's a fourth group and that's the one Kaeya belongs to BUT. I am very curious as to what you think :3
100% chasm??? You are so fucking real for that, I could never!
Well, about the different organizations, i sure have some thoughts... There are probably innacurate to some oscure lore but hey, whatever...
So, the Alberich are definetely not connected to the fatui, but that should be a given at this point. The ideologies are just different, one wants to restore the homeland or some semblance of it, the other (Pierro) is described as a traitor to Khaenri'ah, does not seem to care for the restoration and his organazation mostly focuses on ending destiny and destroying celestia. Moreso the second than the first.
So the Alberich. I have a feeling that Skirk is an Alberich (you know Skirk, right? Childe's master in the abyss), because she is incredibly misterious, described as looming in the dark, ridicoulusly powerful and in the Abyss where it is speculated Khaenri'ah's survivors went. She's also speculated to be part of the Herzenicle but i don't think so becase she's only describe as a swordwoman and not as a witch.
Dain's also an alberich, imo. Since he's against both the abyss order and the fatui and he can't be part of the Herzickel.
My theory about the Alberich is deeply connected with my theory on the abyss sibling. Which is that the sibling went through the entire journey just as we did and challenged the Heavenly principals, who, since they were loosing, basically reset the entire timeline, choose the traveler as the new descender and pushed the sibling into the role of leader of the abyss to fill in the blanks.
This is because the only, as far as I'm aware, time we can hear about our sister's journey, like really and in detail, is through the Aranara who call them by a nickname and talk in riddles. Which would bypass Irminsul
There's one time from the fatui, i think, but I can't find it and it doesn't seem specific enough to be erased, plus pierro may know how to avoid Irminsul through codes and written "fake" languages.
Now, back to the Alberich. My theory is that the place the alberich had in the world is the equivalent of the fatui in our timeline. So all the fatui's plans are similar to the Alberich's, which would explain why Pierro seems to be able to tell the future. In this case Childe would be Skirk (since I think it'd be funny) and dottore would be rhinedottir (since, you know, insane scientist ect,ect)
Now, after the Alberich's plans failed (since they were using the sibling to defy the world) the intelligence network divided into two groups. Kaeya's father and company basically form the most insane case of maliscous compliance.
Like "technically" they follow the heavenly principals while slowly making sure that the heavens still are defeated. Pierro doesn't like that so he creates the fatui to continue the revolution.
Now the Herznickel I'm not sure about, haven't researched it much to be honest, but my gut tells me they are associated with Celestia. Not sure why, like I said, Haven't researched it, but i'd be glad to listen if you can disprove it or something.
And the Abyss order seems like the farthest away from Khaenri'ah, oddly enough, maybe because most of the people that are part of it are just... mindless monsters trasformed by the curse. Also, any faction (the fatuii, dain, Kaeya to an extent) all seem to hate them or want them gone? We know that Khaenri'ah used to use the field tillers to cleanse the abyss beasts so it may because of that but idk...
Honestly, this is the first time I've externalized any of this so it may not make sense at all. But I'd be glad to hear your theories in turn oh wise sage from the old times (1.3 lmao)(non making fun of you btw, we're both just as insane.
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deathleadsarc · 11 months
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here's a massive compile of JJK info that I wanted all in one place.
NAME: Qistina Quina Leota RACE:  Qistina is a German born woman of Arabic descent APPEARANCE: Roughly unchanged. Conservative blouses and skirts, carefully pulled back hair. OCCUPATION: Bio-Chemist. Previously a surgeon. Transferred to a lab in Japan to study cursed objects and spirits. Visited the School many times before settling in Japan until the Culling Game. BIRTHDATE: Oct. 31st 1985. ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil GRADE:  ???  ( this is one of the only details I’m on the fence with. So I’ll say for her abilities potential, she’s a GRADE 1 ) AFFILIATION: none. technically, Jujutsu High and it’s students. She is not formally involved, but will help on occasion, for a very specific price. Her weakness for children plays a part in that. I could also see a verse where she went along with Geto's cult/plans.
SPECIAL ABILITIES:     Creation and Destruction   :   Alchemy.
Along with being able to perform menial tasks one could think of when creating and destroying is involved  ( fixing things, getting the dirt off of things, making things dry or repairing dents, etc ) She can also increase the amount of metals in the body to cause toxicity of varying types, turn the air into carbon monoxide, rust and decay metals outside the body, etc. It can melt the skin, the bones, the eyes  -  boil the blood and rot the insides. She mostly uses her Alchemy and knowledge of the human body to further her research into organically transmuted human parts, organs, and cursed injuries. Initially beginning her research to replace several failing organs of her own, continuing when she became a little too fond of what her own Alchemy could do.
She must know what her target’s components are, or at least have an extended guesstimate, in order to transmute it. 
Requires the joining of array’s on her Hands.
There must be Equivalent Exchange involved, but not necessarily from only her. 
Each dive into the more intense Alchemy requires a significant toll. for her, it is her mind that suffers.
Examples.     Clouds of radiation from the soil and rock in the ground  -  as all soil and rock contain radioactive material ( like uranium, thorium, and radium ). Meaning, she can also cause Ionizing RADIATION . Which is the kind that minerals, atom bombs and nuclear reactors emit. The main thing it does to the HUMAN BODY is that it weakens and breaks up DNA , either damaging cells enough to kill them or causing them to mutate in ways that may eventually lead to cancer. With alchemy, she could speed up the process. 
     OUTSIDE OF A BATTLE SETTING , she can uses her alchemy to just do the exact opposite. After her duty in battle she spends her time in the medicinal field, to help remove certain radiations, toxicity, and ruin in not just the surrounding areas of their enemies but around the country too. When understanding the components of that cursed energy, she is able to steadily deconstruct it - though she tends to get intense headaches after each transmutation.
WEAKNESSES:  Close Combat. Her intensity in her work. Technology. Having to fight against children or teenagers.
Qistina's JJK verse is her at her most modern and probably the most modern version of her you will ever be seeing. She's 'most human' here, but not really. she encourages students to be at their best. doesn't help them even when they beg and cheers them on while they're getting their ass beat by some low level curse like "I know you were taught better than that!!"
she wants to see people at their best. Despite the desire to maim and kill and bleed dry her opposition and even thinking of doing such things to people in that world, she still has the desire to see the true heart and soul of the world around her! no secrets or holding back, no mollycoddling, she's just.
she's just her.
[ If Bell has a room a JJTech, would she make it feel like home, or treat it more like a temporary workspace? ]
     that.... is not something I had ever thought of before! She’s a bit fickle with her workspaces and home, as she considers her ‘work’/’alchemy’ to be something that makes her feel as if she’s at home. Her Sanctuary, as she always calls it. If she knows she’ll be staying somewhere and will be using her alchemy extendedly, she’ll be making that space a very comfortable one. Over time, it’ll look more like a home for her. potted plants, countless books, beds for Basker, ruffled feathers and torn paper corners from Poe, etc. She’s quite meticulous when it comes to curating a space for herself to be comfortable! So even just stepping into a room of hers, it’ll look as if she’s lived there for ages.
JJTech applies to this of course! When it comes to her work, she doesn’t ever want to feel like things are missing in that space. Just a regular table or even a hotel table, she has a hard time concentrating because she.... requires the addition of her pencils, tools, bookshelves, scrawled notes, literal space where she can stand and walk about in thought - you get the idea.
She’ll probably playfully refer to it as a Sanctuary but even in this more modern verse of JJK, she takes that term very seriously. and especially treats the room very seriously as well. 
[ Pieces of her Yakuza verse fit rather nicely with her JJK verse so I’m reposting these bits into that tag! ]
In this verse, Qistina will have her two lovely little yellow canaries Sol and Luna. She brings them downstairs to the clinic ( living in the above loft to keep Qistina herself close by ) considering that these small birds are very attached to her and very greatly need her around throughout the day. They really require company from her.
There is also a rather large Raven that has been following her around since she arrived in Japan, having fed it a few times. She’s taken to calling him ‘Poe’, and he’ll usually hang out around the windows for her to come outside during her lunch breaks ( and yes, she still gives him food )
During these breaks, she will go through her stock of medicines at that moment during the day, place orders through her laptop if need be, make calls, etc. But every other day, you’ll spot her practicing her Japanese and handwriting. HINT: it is very meticulously written, in fact, it looks more like typing than handwriting. She frets whether or not her kanji/katakana/hiragana is legible. At the moment, she’s at a N3.
N3 is the INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: The ability to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to a certain degree. Reading. One is able to read and understand written materials with specific contents concerning everyday topics. One is also able to grasp summary information such as newspaper headlines.
I’d say she really beats herself up over not knowing kanji, despite even native-born Japanese people constantly learning Kanji in schools all throughout their life. However, though her Hiragana and Katakana are perfectly memorized and never mistaken, she’ll do the same thing if she forgets even the simplest of words or phrases.
Everything she does must be perfect, just like in all her verses. Her note-taking is something you’d see in some pinterest board ; highlights, straight lines, descriptions, lots of pretty writing, sometimes even diagrams, etc.
Her speech is incredibly polite and highly formal, but sometimes she’ll slip into the same dialect depending on who she speaks to. Picking up certain shortened phrases and really sounding like a native speaker... buuuut you’ll still hear that incredibly over-polite speech.
The Realm of Truth. Killing and mutating the DNA and cells. A pure white area. A single, massive door behind her. The Eye of the One pulling and dragging you in as if each touch is breaking down the body, molecule by molecule, until you are consumed fully by the door. A slow, agonizing death as ionizing RADIATION courses through the body. Dying a thousand deaths in an instant, leaving you alive and well with the pain of that death still ever shivering up and down the spine.
At least until you start breathing again, touched by the oxygen of earth, there comes the chain reaction of the body. Cells broken down little by little until the agony of dying again and again finally destroys you on the molecular level. Returned to Nothing. a pure blast of radiation none can survive.
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missingn000 · 2 years
hi, it's messeduplittlebastard from your frequent commentors back on ao3! i havent really asked you anything over on tumblr, but i'm curious if you dont mind answering. what are five characters in jjk you think arent fleshed out enough, even though they have the potential for so much more? unrelated to tpg, just curious! <3 thanks lol
HI OMG GOOD TO SEE YOU HERE!! this is such a fun question. unsurprisingly my reply got long so answers below cut!
okay. first up. TOGE. i love him to pieces, but we know shockingly little about him. no backstory. not a single line of inner monologue/thoughts in the WHOLE series. while it's definitely fun to write him because you can do so much interpretation as to his thoughts and personality, it would be really cool to have at least some background on his past and how that crazy lil mind of his works. also, where the fuck is he? i only half-heartedly keep up with the manga based on spoilers i see online, but fuck, even panda got to come back. toge is a fan-favorite, come on gege. i am annoyed as hell. give me back my boy!!!!!!!
second!! KAMO! yes, i know he is technically back for the moment, but i think he had a lot more potential than just throwing him in another fight scene. i think he could've been a really great character foil for megumi, and yet...well. they barely interacted. to me, he was definitely the most interesting of the kyoto kids, other than mai. he was vying to be a clan head and learning of his past beyond a mommy issues flashback could've shed light on how the other major clans operate. sigh
third: SHOKO!!! my beloved, my wife, my everything. we know so little about her, and even in gojo's past arc she barely got any screentime and was mostly sidelined to stsg. i think she has such a unique perspective on jujutsu society, and her isolation could offer some insights on the many ways this horrible world treats their most important members. how does she cope, beyond drinking and smoking? i want to see her emotions, i want people to stop reducing her to a character that just smokes and is tired of stsg's bullshit. i think she could've also been a great character complement to nanami, which i--clearly have feelings about and am acting upon. yeah.
fourth: YUKI. this one i am genuinely annoyed about. she's the only woman special grade and we don't even know her technique. she hasn't been in a fight scene, and even when she did finally arrive she was here for maybe like what, 3 chapters? before she got stuck in a tree to #$%@ choso. i'm so interested in hearing more about her research to eradicate cursed energy and her personality/backstory as a whole. her one conversation with getou was so interesting, and i want to hear more of her opinions on non-sorcerers and the trajectory of the world. clearly i had feelings about this too. yuki my queen
last, and definitely least: naoya. now, i absolutely do not mean this in a "he was great and i wanted more of him!!1!1!" way, but rather, i think he had so much more potential either as a villain or a character with insane development than...whatever the fuck he is now. i knew he was going to come back as a curse, but...idk. to me, he represents everything wrong with jujutsu society. exploring his character really could've shed light on how things got this bad, and how he was raised. the thing is, people forget frankenstein is the one who created the monster, and i feel that way about him. jj society failed him as much as it failed others. do i think he deserved his fate? absolutely i do. but i wish more had happened before that, or, if his character arc was going to go in a different way, that could've been interesting too. anyway
thanks again for asking this, and i hope you like the new chapter today!! i always love your comments btw, but you know that. still, i'll say it again❤️️
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durotoswrites · 2 years
This is the other part of the anon ask for character breakdowns.  This time, we’re featuring Archeologist Carter!
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How I feel about this character:
As I mentioned in the Grant ask, I haven’t gotten past the first year of AWL yet, so I have yet to interact with Carter in-game.  I’ve seen screencaps, but most of my experience with Carter is from HMDS and HMDS Cute.  This is actually the first Harvest Moon Carter I was acquainted with, and I always thought it was odd you could phone the church in HMDS to remove curses and a different Carter would answer the line.  Technically you had two Carters in one game, hehe.
Carter has always struck me as incredibly focused on his work at the dig, to the point of obsession.  He’s a very hard worker, but despite that, he does enjoy the fresh air outside of the dig.  I never really think of him having many other interests outside of his studies and looking into finding out more about his ancestors.  Because of this, I feel like he falls a little flat.  He doesn’t spend much time outside of the dig, and when he is anywhere else, he seems to be focused either on work or how much he hates Flora’s cooking.  Oh, yeah, and getting his energy from the sun…  
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I honestly don’t really ship Carter with anyone because I feel like he’s basically married to his work.  There are other characters who have this, like Doctor Trent, but I can see Trent as more receptive to others’ emotions.  I feel that with a little more development for Carter, he could be someone you could count on.
Farmer x Carter: Because the main character is basically a blank slate, he could work as a good partner for the player.  The only problem is that he needs to find some more hobbies.  I mean, I appreciate that he’s a hard worker - and I think that meshes well if you play as a hardworking farmer.  The problem is that he tends to treat the MC like an assistant.  I think if he was written with some more development, he could be a good partner.  I guess this is an instance where fanfic comes into play, haha.
Flora x Carter: Again, if he was able to see her as more than an assistant, I think things would work better.  Their communication isn’t the greatest.  I get the impression he has a sensitive stomach and her serving spicy foods makes him feel sick.  If he just spelled that out for her and she was more willing to listen, or if he could, you know, cook for once, things would go better.  They do have an odd love scene in AWL that I saw online where it’s clear they have some sort of feelings for each other.  I just feel like it was portrayed in a really awkward way.  Then again, I feel like both Carter and Flora are kinda awkward in their own ways, hehe.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I could see Carter becoming friends with the locals at the bar when stops by for a drink.  Honestly, I see Muffy and Griffin being friends with the whole town.  I feel like Carter values his alone time, and he’s okay with having a smaller network of friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t think he’s a very popular character, so probably most of these opinions aren’t too wild.  Firstly, Carter’s age doesn’t bother me at all, and I think his design looks fine.  I thought of him as “sooo old” when I was a kid, but now that I’m older, I appreciate that there were older characters available to marry.  However, I think he could use some more development to become a better marriage candidate.  I don’t feel like they added enough to him in HMDS to make him a valid marriage choice.  With Cody and Daryl, I felt like there were far more interesting characters to marry.
I don’t dislike Carter, but I feel like he doesn’t have a good sense of other people’s feelings.  It doesn’t help that Flora is also stubborn in her own ways.  Them as a couple is a little concerning because I feel like they don’t communicate that well as they’re currently written.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I really wish that Carter was given more of a chance to grow more in personality.  His heart events with Flora fall a little flat for me, as do the ones with the MC.  I’d like to see him with a passion for more than just one thing.  I guess he likes taking in the sunlight, but have him practice Tai-Chi or something for variety.  I’d love some more scenes with Carter at the bar that are more than just him getting drunk.  I want to see him interacting with Griffin and Muffy in a friendly manner.
Thank you so much for the ask!  Have a good one! ^-^
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"It seems to me that if we love, we grieve. That's the deal. That's the pact. Grief and love are forever intertwined. Grief is the terrible reminder of the depths of our love and, like love, grief is non-negotiable" -Nick Cave
He had just wanted people to feel safe and welcome in their own home.
Where did he go wrong? How did he go wrong?
Noo Rafael😭😭 I just want to hug him sooo bad. I love how he is a good leader and takes responsability for his actions, but still🥺
Hey Kingsley? Fuck you!! 🔪
“Commander Nightstorm, I do not judge your race based on Valentine’s actions. So, I ask you to extend the same courtesy.” OHHH BURN!!! LOVE THIS WOMAN SO MUCH😍
“What is it?” she asked because she knew him well. Sometimes friends knew you better than your family. THEIR FRIENDSHIP IS SO GOOD AND HEARTWARMING 😭😭
Don't be too hard on yourself, love, I am sure they don't think that!!!
But she gave him what he needed.
Support and strength.
And for now, it felt like enough.
It felt like everything.
Being a good leader sometimes meant knowing when to shut up.
Being a good person meant admitting to your mistakes and allowing yourself to be held accountable.
God, Rosewood are THAT badass huh??
Look, I understand the warlocks. I REALLY do bc it must have been just so much things happening for them to put their foot down, but fuck I am STRESSED!! Just 7 days???? AND THEN THEY ARE DONE?? FUCK
Besides, nephilim without warlocks!!! They are doomed!!
What if they remove themselves from the Accords? What if they won’t recognize marriages between nephilim and warlocks? Malec came a long fucking way for this to happen!!!
With the Prince of Darkness they can complete the nine-point circle, right?!!!!
“The solution you seek is a problem,” I have been thinking about this but I can't figure what the fuck does it mean 😭😭
“Maybe we’ll figure it out now that we have a deadline,” me with every single project ever lmaoo
Nooo!! If they can't solve it no one can!!! I AM ANXIETY!!
Can you just let the Lightwood-Bane brother console each other, please??? 🥺 That would fix something in me I just feel it!!!
“Because there is a rumor, and I don’t buy it mind you, that the Beauchamp family are descendants of Jonathan Shadowhunter.” OH MY GOD JSVSJDJ. Idk what to think of this BUT THIS IS GOING TL BE IMPORTANT IN THE FUTURE I THINK!!
“When you have children of your own, if you have them, promise me that you will let them be whoever they want.” Lance and AJ😭😭
This scene remind me of when Asmodeus showed David that Coraline was alive and he said something like "There was only one monster in that story, and it wasn't her"🥺🥺
I am not ok. I screamed at this ksfsjbdkdkdk
This will be in my memory stored besides the Max-opening-a-thousand-portals-in-hell bc of how EPIC that was!! 😍
“Lexi,” Max said. “Follow that bolt of lightning.” Finally!!! Heck yeah!!!
Last POV chapter reaction: *INCOHERENT SCREAMING*
“Oh my god,” Logan gasped dramatically. “This would technically make you Max’s cousin.”
David growled softly. “Jokes on you. He is already my cousin.”
Ok yeah, this was all so sad but god if I laughed at this😂😂😂
Petition for Alec Lightwood-Bane to kill every single Devlin in existence thank you very much :))
#Let David curse everyday
She inhaled sharply. “I don’t like that word.” then you shouldn't be trying so hard to be A CRAZY BITCH!!
She heard a soft delirious chuckle.
She turned around.
“He is here,” David smiled. “My Max is here.”
😭😭😭 HE KNOWS!!!!
But he doesn't remember what Ayaan means. I am about to set fire to someone🔪🙂🙂
“He will see the real David. And he will be disgusted by you,” she promised. “And he will stop loving you.” MAX WOULD NEVER!!! FUCK YOU!!!
No, no, no😭😭 not his hair and eyes!!! Please I need to see that blonde hair and blue eyes!!!!
Ahhhhh I am so scared and excited and sad and scared and-
I literally can't wait for next chapter!!! Now I better go bc I have two assignments for next class I forgot to do😂
Song rec: She's my religion by Pale Waves
There was something so profound and painful about that quote you shared at the beginning. Thank you. I love it.
Also that song was so sapphic 😤
Here is a song rec for David 👀
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I think I have forced Natsume Yuujincho and Jujutsu Kaisen into a coherent crossover.
Since Curses/Cursed Energy are explicitly stated to originate from *human emotions*, all the Natsume Yuujincho yokai stuff could technically be happening over in the *non-human* corners of the world at the same time without impacting anything in Jujutsu Kaisen.
In fact, if nature energy and cursed energy are opposites- as some schools of thought hold human industry and the natural world to be- perhaps the two can't usually interact at all. If you've got yokai around, there's too much nature energy for Curses to flourish and vice versa.
Exorcists never see Curses due to their high nature energy, Jujutsu sorcerers never see yokai due to their high Cursed energy, and lay people are probably only going to be affected by one or the other depending on where they live.
But there are some sick bastard Curses, so *of course* at least one of those sickos is going to ~experiment~ when they figure out there's a whole group of people who're typically out of reach.
I don't know all that much about Jujutsu Kaisen, but apparently it is A Thing for people to become Curses after death, at least under specific circumstances. And Natsume Yuujincho has an incredibly important deceased character.
So. A Curse killed Natsume Reiko and made her a Curse too because of her spiritual power.
This does not work out very well. Because of the nature energy/ Cursed energy mismatch, she's basically just chilling unconscious in her tree until her grandson finds it and wakes her up.
Because of their blood relation, Natsume Takashi is ~the literal only person~ Natsume Reiko could possibly possess. And because of the janky energy thing, she can't even really*do* anything else after.
Not that she wants to. Not until the sorcerers show up to exorcise her and kill her vessel.
But in the end, they're spared because Natsume squared spiritual energy is enough to deplete an area's Cursed energy at an *insane* rate. They can essentially exorcise a Curse just by standing close to it long enough.
They can't do anything *else* because nature energy can't effect Curses, but it's still a terrifying, game-breaking ability on the Cursed side of things.
And because I *love* meshing anime! Natsume and manga! Natsume's appearances together with Plot, Natsume Reiko and Takashi change from blonde hair/ brown eyes to silver hair/ green eyes because of the Curse, and Takashi gets shorter every time they use Cursed energy because they're using HP instead of mana because of the janky energy mismatch.
But whoever said that Natsume Takashi would not thrive in a Shonen environment is absolutely correct, and he is 100% the Living MacGuffin. Natsume Reiko may or may not buy into the constant Shonen power quest, but Takashi is not having any of that bullshit.
No, Takashi's introducing all the Jujutsu Kaisen characters to Shojo conventions of Relationships And Their Consequences.
Unlike Itadori Yuiji, Natsume Takashi has living guardians to care about his well-being. And close friends. And yokai. And exorcists.
Oh yeah, the sorcerers have a *storm coming* trying to just disappear Natsume Takashi.
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nikkywrites · 2 years
happy STS! (I've never done this before)
tell us about the WIP you're currently obsessing over..
Happy STS!! Welcome :D Thanks for stopping by. This ended up being a ramble about Celeste’s obsession entirely by accident. Still counts, though?
Technically it’s Masks and Trust at the moment, but I think my obsession is about to shift. Let’s ramble a little about Celeste and Vega, though. They are my babies and they pair together so well and I love them.
Something I noticed when gathering up picrews to give people an idea of how they look (because I’ve yet to share anything really, aside from a single photo in their character intros) — is what they both did with their hair post-quitting being a hero/villain and how their definition of freedom with it is not the same. Because they both change it because they finally have the time/freedom/energy to do so. Celeste always has longer hair and she never considers cutting it short until she quits and chops it off on impulse and likes it. Vega keeps hers… mid-length? Like, shoulder-ish length, give or take (maybe?), and after quitting, she grows it out.
She has a lot of hair and Celeste is obsessed with it (need to write something with that actually because it’s a Thing) and they get into a groove of Celeste brushing/braiding/whatever Vega’s hair if she’s stressed or nervous. It’s just super calming for her and Vega is not at all opposed to it (aka she loves it. Why manage her own hair when she has a girlfriend to do it for her?). She’s actually really good at it and Vega doesn’t understand how she can do a nice bun because hers always come out super messy (I’m not projecting there at all, why would you think that). And if they’re going on a fancy date, unless it’s a surprise, she’s 100% doing Vega’s hair because she’s better with it.
She definitely forces Vega into better hair care, though it takes Vega a while to notice it. Pre-Celeste she just does the minimum. Keeps it brushed, uses a random shampoo/conditioner she chose based on scent, doesn’t think about it too much. But post-Celeste, she has a handful of products and a schedule and fancy shampoo and conditioner (god, I’m going to need to do hair care research because it’s a thing that Celeste will have done research about. Celeste, why are you like this? I didn’t write you to be obsessed with your girlfriend’s hair. It’s not a personality trait). Like. She gives Vega a whole Routine and I should probably write when she realizes because she’ll just be… idk putting in oil or gel or whatever and just. Have an epiphany about the effort she’s putting in that she never has before and never would have started doing on her own. She’ll call Celeste out for tricking her into it but Celeste won’t know what she’s talking about because she wasn’t trying to be sneaky. It was obvious. She laughs at Vega for not noticing. Vega’s hair becomes shinier and softer thanks to Celeste, which worsens the obsession with it. It’s a cycle.
And Vega regarding Celeste’s hair — she loves it too, and if Celeste’s hands are shaking too much or she’s not… present/focused enough (she’s got Trauma, poor baby), she’ll do tiny little braids in her hair but that’s about all that can be done. She might play with it, twist it in her fingers when they’re cuddling, to define the loose curls she already has. Actually scratch that, no might about it, she will play with her hair. It’s soothing for both of them.
Did not mean to ramble about their hair (mostly Vega’s. Curse you, Celeste. Have a hobby that isn’t your girlfriend’s hair challenge) ((She’ll fail)).
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rangerdrabbles · 1 year
Psycho raiders 9
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and this is not my story, nor the actual plot. Check out Crimson Vision’s Bloodline of the Grid ep. 1&2. Gun mention and bit o cursing. Mildly suggestive.
Carlos was cursing next to his ship. He’d pulled into a black market trade planet for repairs. He was also making plans to get revenge on the crazy woman who’d almost brought him down in the first place.
“Well look who it is.” Charlie had, in fact, tracked him down after dropping Marie off at a safer location. “Technically I could arrest you for vigilanteism, but I’d rather have a bit of a chat instead.”
Carlos spun around at the sound of the voice, and realization hit him. “You!” He charged forward in a fit of anger, only to find himself swept off his feet with a large gun pointed at him.
“Nice try, handsome.” Charlie grinned. “Carlos Vallerte, former In Space Black ranger, now turned bounty hunter. Let me guess, either the coalition convinced you to turn in your morpher for the ‘greater’ purpose of hunting down its enemies? Man, you sure are dumb.”
“I don’t give a shit about the Coalition or anything else as long as I’m paid!” Carlos snarled. He actually tried to grab for the gun and catch the woman by surprise, but she ended up kicking him and smacking him on the back of the head with her firearm. “Dammit!”
“Listen up, hothead,” Charlie said. She shifted the gun again. “Now it’s pointed straight at your head. I may be SPD, but I’m pretty sure I can pull off an escaping fugitive who tried to kill me defense.” She grinned widely.
“You’re crazy,” Carlos replied. Then he grinned a little. “Crazy enough to almost be my type.”
“We’ll talk when you’re not trying to bring down the Red Raiders,” Charlie replied.
“Why does SPD care anyway? Shouldn’t you be helping the coalition bring them down too?”
“First of all, SPD operates as an independent law-abiding force and owes the Coalition nothing. Second, our own investigations have revealed that ranger and villain usage of the grid over time has drained its power. The coalition is ignoring that and wants to give grid energy to any dumbass that swears fealty or falls under their control. Even if their grid energy runs out like everyone else’s, by the time that happens, they’ll have taken over everything.”
Carlos shrugged-or about as much as one could shrug with a gun pointed at him-and said, “So what? In the end, I can still get paid hunting down the coalition’s enemies.”
Charlie rolled her eyes. “You really did leave behind the boy scout, didn’t you? Listen dumbass, you might get paid for a while. Then they get tired of you, or you become a thorn in their side and they try and get rid of you. You piss off the wrong person over there, and it’s curtains for you.  Or worse , they don’t pay you at all and brainwash you into becoming their little lapdog.
Carlos glared up at Charlie. “What makes you so sure? Deep down though, he knew she had a point-several points.”
“I know I didn’t hit you on the head that hard, so you really must be that much of a dumbass,” Charlie drawled. “All the signs are there. You really think the Morphing Masters are going to bother to repair the grid when mortals have squandered it in the first place, and the Coalition alone wants to use it for their own gain? Idiot. I’d hit you again, but it might cause brain damage.”
“Hit me again, I might like it,” Carlos retorted with a wide grin.
“Stop distracting me,” Charlie replied. But there was a slight twitch in her lips, as if she wanted to laugh. “But now that our chat’s over, I’ll leave you to it. But if you go after the Red Raiders again, I will come after you.”
“You promise?” Carlos grinned wider.
“Listen pal, you stop being a thorn in the Raiders’ side and we’ll talk. Until then, stay out of the way.” 
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stellasorbet · 2 years
The Curse of the Love Sweater
I thought this week I'd take a break from some of the more technical aspects of crafting to get into something a little more fun! As with any passing of time, those before us love to create stories and superstitions. Crafting is no exception! Here I'd like to share with you (and perhaps grant a warning!) the curse of the Love Sweater... AKA don't knit your partner a sweater if you want the relationship to last!
What Is the "Curse of the Love Sweater"?
Also known as the Sweater Curse, this superstition comes down to the idea that anyone who knits a sweater for a partner in which they have a serious romantic interest in, once gifted or even while knitting that sweater, the relationship will come to an end. Even worse, the tale describes that the RECIPIENT of the sweater will be the one to end the relationship with the gifter. How awful! To spend so much hard work and love into a hand-made gift, only to be the one to be dumped in a sick, twisted act of fate.
I know what you're thinking... How could a SWEATER lead to the end of a relationship?! And just as any superstition can seem pretty outlandish and silly, this one can also seem pretty hard to believe. But when in love, we don't really want to take any chances do we? In fact, in a 2005 poll, 15% of knitters said that they had fallen victim to the knitter's curse of the Love Sweater. With this statistic making the rounds in the knitting community, 41% said that this curse was something to take stock of and warned that it should be taken seriously.
Does That Make All Crafts Off-Limits As Gifts to a Partner?!
Of course not! In fact, there are even some ways around this urban legend. Some sources say that getting the recipient involved in the design process of the sweater can be a simple step that can be used as a precaution against the curse. Though they do warn that to avoid the fate of the curse, the recipient's design choices must be honored even if the gifter does not agree with the design choice! How picky!
Some even say that intentionally knitting a mistake into the sweater breaks the curse and allows the gift to be given with no risk of harm to the relationship. Others say that this simply does not work enough to consider it as a loop-hole in the legend.
Is It All Superstition?
Well, yes and no! Not all superstitions are simply just magical-thinking. The symbolism behind the partner knitting the sweater is best put by the New York Times writer Alison Lurie who writes "a handmade sweater is typically thick, elastic, and clingy: it suggests that the woman who is making it wants to surround its recipient and enclose him". Essentially, being gifted with such a gift that holds so much meaning and seriousness can scare off a suitor with the unintentional sense of seriousness of the gift. Katherine Welsh of knitty.com reinforces this idea when stating "When a man receives a hand-knit gift from his girlfriend, he must confront the fact that she cares about him enough to spend the thought, time, and energy required to create a personalized, hand-crafted gift for him. Some men are uncomfortable with so obvious and public a declaration of emotional intimacy, especially if they fear or are not ready for a higher level of commitment".
From Superstition to the Perfect Gift
As the legend goes, one should not knit a sweater (and for some, it even extends to other things such as scarves or other clothing items) for their partner or romantic suitor. Does that mean that you can't show this specific kind of affection towards a partner ever?! No! In fact, once a couple is married, this type of knitting exchange is actually seen as good luck, with the "husband" wearing the sweater as signifying a commitment to the relationship. Seemingly, all you have to do is wait for the wedding day and your knitting needles are free to craft as much as they'd please for a significant other.
So what can we make of this "curse"? And can it really be seen as such? Perhaps supernatural forces aren't at play here and what really lies at the core of this legend is something more tangible.
Putting hours into a craft for someone you love shows a very special kind of care and compassion toward that person. A homemade card is always more meaningful than a store-bought one. A sweater can be symbolic of domesticity and seriousness, which could bring up some uncomfortable feelings if the recipient isn't ready for those things. What this curse is, is more of an opportunity for a spotlight to be placed on how both partners are feeling towards the relationship and if there are any disparities towards each partner's intentions and feelings at that moment. It can even potentially highlight an unevenness in the relationship itself- is the other person as committed and inspired by their partner to spend countless hours knitting such a grand act of love? Maybe not. And that can be a make-or-break issue.
Who knew that knitting could cross over into the realm of love and interpersonal conflicts! All in all, I believe that you should craft and show love to whoever you please. Crafting is such a personal and compassionate act that you should choose wisely who you share your magic with. It's all up to you!
Whether it's for your partner or for yourself, happy crafting! <3
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