#and a snob
shhhhimwatchingthis · 2 years
Vincenzo Cassano discovering the "italian" chef in his building is a fraud and never studied in Italy so he goes to his restaurant, orders, takes one bite only to spit out and ROAST the food, crushing and psychologically tormenting the chef for his bad food, and he does this MULTIPLE TIMES because he's an Italian mafia consigliere and bad Italian food personally offends him: funny
the implication, that we never get a full answer on, that the chefs food is ACTUALLY GOOD, and Vincenzo is just fucking with him....because?!: God tier, Character of all time, the funniest thing in all of K drama, possibly all of television
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arunneronthird · 1 year
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timothy "i have better taste in music than u" drake wayne, ceo
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biboomerangboi · 1 month
Now that I think about it the fact the San Lang form has the Xie Lian tattoo is the funniest thing ever.
Like did he know his handwriting was that horrible there was no risks? Could he not cope if it wasn’t there, so he kept it??
Or was he like flashing it like a bit of ankle like: look Xie Lian look at my little tattoo I’m wearing my heart on my sleeve and it’s your name.
Only for Xie Lian to just go “😐 is it a foreign language? 😐”
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mlarayoukai · 7 months
There is no "other" or "I like both equally!" or "I don't watch anime/kdramas/anything in a language I don't understand/etc", pick one or leave
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emily84 · 9 months
btw fans bitching about sanji having a british accent because in the shitty usamerican dub he speaks american and they cannot contemplate anyone not speaking like they do: i do realize you can't tell because you don't know anything outside of your own borders but sanji speaks a very working class english accent infused with the actor's own actual immigrant spanish islander accent, which suits the character very well actually and perfectly tempers his snobbishness about food and the flowery french names of his signature moves with the knowledge that he's had to work really fucking hard for that knowledge and you are reminded of it every time he opens his mouth. so to all those whining and complaining you are invited to kindly get the fuck off
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justalittleguest · 1 month
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I spent way to long on this sketch about a headcanon I’m not even going to explain. Probably. Eventually?
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nipuni · 10 months
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Some Erik sketches from this morning 😊
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pincushionx · 3 months
Toh where everything is the same except Hunter is a lil British shit
Idk the idea of Belos accent passing onto Hunter is really funny to me
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 6 months
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Once you have a label maker, everything needs a label.
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loverboybreakdowns · 1 year
everyones all “oh lots of autistic ppl are picky eaters thats totally understandable!” until youre a “”food snob”” picky eater instead of a chicken nuggies picky eater
like sorry i love sushi and toast with nutritional yeast and tiramisu when your 5 year old cousin only eats chicken wings w ketchup its almost like autistic ppl arent a monolith 😐
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crimsonclad · 7 months
now having watched the entirety of OFMD S1 and S2 multiple times, one place that never fails to take me out at the knees is the audience finding out that Ed’s mother was in service in the very same episode that he goes to a fancy rich person party where Stede—who is himself impossibly wealthy landed gentry—intentionally sides with the servants and his lowborn crew.
Stede slipping away from all the posturing and sniping to hang out with Frenchie “who was in service for a minute”. Stede who is more excited to meet and collude with Abshire than to talk to a single rich person from his own world. Yes, Stede burns all the rich people alive for being cruel to Ed and that’s very charming of him! But every rewatch, the thought of baby Ed growing up to find the kind of gentleman he always hated and envied embodied in someone who would take his side every time just knocks me flat. Ed sought out an avatar of everything he longed for (yet wanted to destroy) and accidentally discovered a lonely oddball who wanted him more than any of the rest of it. “I found the kind of person I envisioned as my bitterest rival and he smiled in recognition of a kindred soul only to swear he’d make all my most ridiculous and insignificant fantasies come true” is just so!!!!!!!!!
“the crew is my family now” and “peasants marry for love” and marmalade with a flourish of twine and Ed on the verge of tears finding Stede hiding outside the party agreeing with Frenchie about the absurdity of spoon politics. my god my god my GOD!
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zarla-s · 11 months
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Spy has such a big smile on his face when he Spycrabs! I just like that he enjoys being silly (on his terms).
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inklore · 9 months
i love people who write for underrated characters and fandoms. i love people who barely get 100 notes and keep posting. keep writing. keep doing what they love and not letting lack of interaction completely hinder their enjoyment on here. you’re strong. you’re valid. you’re literally the backbone of the writing community on here!!!!
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bevsi · 22 days
fellow artists, if people are buying your stuff, do not lower your prices. raise them, probably
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sqlatoon · 2 months
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happy 4/20 weekend splatfest
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nectar-cellar · 22 days
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monika morris makeover 🥺
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