#and after you say i can dm you you just block me...ok
cielie-voss · 1 year
Don't you dare think I have a crush on you.
~ Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Who would've thought, that a supposedly broken fridge would bring Eddie and his neighbor, aka former classmate Y/N closer together. (This takes place a few years after season 4, everyone's okay and doing well. Eddie and reader are like in their mid 20's)
Triggerwarning: tipsy reader, mention of alcohol and abusive partner, my awful writing. Let me know if I missed something. Likes, reblogs and comments are always welcome! If you'd like to request something, just send an ask or dm me.
Word count: 4.6k
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It's late at night when he finally arrives home after a long and tiring shift. As every night, he can see the flickering of her television through her open window. She's probably watching some documentaries again to help her fall asleep, like most nights.
A gentle smile creeps unnoticed onto his lips at the thought of this grown woman who still needs some light and voices around her at night to fall asleep, like a frightened little child during a thunderstorm. She's mostly like a scared little kid, to be honest.
He pulls out his keychain and tries to open the door, but since the light's broken since... he doesn't even know if it ever worked, it's really hard to find the keyhole, although he should be able to find it blindfolded.
The stairs creak under his feet as he carefully walks up to his apartment because he doesn't want to wake anyone in this poorly soundproofed house. As he enters his apartment, he hears the sounds of the documentary next door. Something about sharks, he realizes after a short while. Interested in what the voice is saying, he tries to keep quiet while changing from his work clothes to sweatpants and a faded Metallica shirt.
With a sigh and a bowl of cereal in his hands, he flops down on his battered couch to follow the explanation of a shark's hunting behavior. Before the spoon can touch his lips, however, the phone unexpectedly rings.
An annoyed "What the hell?" slips from his lips as he gets up again, wondering who is calling him in the middle of the night, and rushes to the phone, afraid the ringing will wake his neighbors.
"Yeah?" He answers the phone and brushes his hair back.
"Eddiiiie!" Her squeaky voice is so loud and shrill that he has to hold the receiver away from his ear to prevent tinnitus.
"Eddie, you home?" she asks, not giving him time to realize who's on the other end. Eddie furrows his brows and, a bit confused, replies, "I um... yeah, I really hope so. At least physically. I mean you dialed my home number and I answered, so I -" but before he can explain further why he's, in fact, home, she cuts him off.
"Eddie, I can't open my fridge." A small single hiccup interrupts her. "I need your help please." Only now can he hear the slight slur in her voice, but he's too confused about what she just said.
"You... what? Why can't you open your fridge?"
"I don't know. I'm just... maybe, you know, it's broken or blocked by something. I need ketchup and eggs and I'm so hungry. And I want cheese,” she cries out like a little kid desperate for candy at the grocery store, but her parents said no.
"Please, Eddie, I'm begging you. Can you come over and fix it? I'm starving!"
He rubs the bridge of his nose and sighs.
"Yeah, ok. Give me a second."
"Thank you sooo much!" She stretches the 'so' to an unbearable level before telling him, "Door's open." And with that she hangs up the phone.
After this long day he had hoped for a relaxing night. Just him, his cereal, and some bullshit to make fun of on TV. But now he is interrupted by her. Not that he wouldn't like this disturbance of his well-deserved rest, not as long as it's her. He knows her from high school, they graduated the same year. All those years of high school, he was the one that everyone bullied or just ignored. Except for her. She was always nice to him, although they hardly exchanged a word. After finding out who had moved in next door, he was kind of relieved to see her again and get to know her a little better through little chats in the hallway and later some movie nights and Sunday hangover brunch.
Eddie puts his bowl back on the counter and grabs his small tool kit before leaving his apartment.
There is a sign on the door across the hall that says "Enter at your own risk". But he had entered several times now, and mostly he was fine afterwards. Sometimes her fiancé would come home drunk at night and kick him out screaming because he thought she had cheated on him. But she was the most loyal soul Eddie has ever met. Even after the first time she had to cover up a nasty black eye, she was so soft and sweet, told anyone who asked her that she had fallen or crashed with her door or a closet. She never admitted that he hit her. On the other hand, the walls between Eddies and Y/N's apartment are so thin that he can hear every step, every word, and every cry. So he knows everything that goes on behind closed doors.
He puts his hand on the doorknob and carefully pushes the door open.
"Y/n?" he asks, peering through the crack. The narrator's voice can still be heard from the living room, reporting on the life of the sharks, and the flickering of the television illuminates the small hallway in which he now stands.
"Here." He follows her voice into the small kitchen to his left. Their apartments are built the same way, just mirrored. But hers looks so different. Welcoming, warm, cozy, like a real home with personality, something that is a safe place. In contrast to his apartment, which is barely more than a simple place to sleep with a somewhat crappy kitchen.
He finds her on the kitchen floor in front of her fridge, wrapped in a home-knit blanket, one hand on the fridge door, the other holding a glass of wine. There's a pot next to him on the stove, the water boiling over and sizzling as small drops smash onto the hot stovetop.
"Jesus Christ!" he hisses. He quickly picks up the pot and sets it aside, turning the heat down before turning to her.
"I'm so hungry, but I can't open the fridge" she cries as she looks up at him. To prove her efforts, she pulls on the door, but nothing happens.
Eddie takes a step forward, kneels down next to her and inspects the fridge. Y/N moves aside so he can see better and nearly spills her wine. A soft "shit" escapes her as she catches the glass in time.
Eddie doesn't have to be a mechanic to spot the problem. He sits cross-legged and looks at her with a worried expression.
"Y/N," he begins, taking a deep breath.
"Yeah?" She takes her eyes off her glass and now looks at Eddie with those incredibly soft and warm eyes.
He carefully takes her glass away and clears his throat. "Y/N how many drinks did you have tonight?"
She tilts her head and frowns. "I don't know, two or three. Why?" Another little hiccup makes her jump up a bit. The boy in front of her puts his hand on the fridge door, now on the other side where she tried to yank it before, and opens it. Her eyes light up, only to be covered by her hands in embarrassment a split second later.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry Eddie."
"It's okay, it can happen to any of us," he laughs, patting her shoulder to emphasize that she doesn't have to be ashamed. Everyone is a bit dumber when drunk. When someone knows how dumb people are when drunk, it's him and fully out of first hand.
"But you shouldn't try to cook when you're drunk.", he adds kind of worried.
Outraged, she defends herself and steals the glass from his hand. "I am not drunk!" A little pause. "Well, maybe a little tipsy," she adds quietly, barely above a whisper.
"What do you want to cook so late?" He grabs the desired ketchup and some eggs from the now open fridge and puts them next to the stove.
"And where is your fiancé by the way? Shouldn't he already be at your house? I mean, I don't want to seem like a creep, but every time I come home from work his car is always blocking my parking spot. But I didn't see it today. And honestly, I don't want to be kicked out again like I'm a burglar or something."
And that seems to be the point that kind of hurt her. As soon as his question was out loud, she froze, the grateful crooked smile fading.
"Yeah, no. I don't know." She drains the wine with a long gulp. "I do not know where he is." The glass hits the tile on the floor next to her with a loud bang, and Eddie is surprised it didn't shatter. There's a hint of pain and anger in her voice, but he's too shy to ask what's going on.
She wipes her face with her hand as if to wipe away the thought of her fiancé and stands up.
"Can you pass me that bowl from over there?" With a short nod in the direction of the bowl, she indicates where the desired bowl is.
She thanks him and cracks open some eggs on the edge of the bowl with one hand. “You don't have to stay any longer, the fridge is open now. Thanks again." It's a mixture of shame and fear that fills her and keeps her from looking at him, but all she can hear is a disdainful "Pffft". Eddie crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head.
“I certainly won't let you cook unattended while drunk. You almost” he catches a glimpse of the pot he ripped off the stove and looks at her in disbelief. “You almost burned pasta? Do you really think I'll let you keep cooking and risk burning the whole building down?" Actually, it's only meant as a rhetorical question, but to his amazement, she nods.
"I won't burn anything, trust me." She replies slightly snippy while trying to grate the cheese into the eggs with shaky hands and a foggy vision.
"Come on, give it to me, I'll do it. It hurts just to look at it." Firmly determined, he snatches the cheese and the grater from her and now grates the cheese into the mixing bowl himself until she says stop. He hadn't expected that she would let him help her and accept his offer without any arguments. Finally, she adds a dash of milk and whisks everything together.
"I'll get something to drink, can you drain the pasta and heat a pan?" Without waiting for his answer, she disappears slightly tottering from the kitchen with her glass, leaving Eddie behind.
"A pan..." he murmurs to himself as he rummages through the cupboards until he opens the last door and a heap of pots and pans nearly falls out in front of him. He reacts quickly, trying to stop the shaky stack with one hand while pulling out a pan with the other. After making sure the noodles are cooked, he drains them and moments later, Y/N re-enters the kitchen, her glass filled with red wine again.
"Nope." His fingers close around the thin stem of the glass and before she can protest, he puts it on a higher cupboard where she can't reach and looks at her. "I don't think you should drink any more. Really, trust me." She looks at him sullenly and presses her lips into a thin line.
"Spoilsport" she growls as she puts oil in the pan.
"Spoilsport? Yeah, say that again tomorrow when you only have a slight hangover." With a wink, he puts the noodles in the hot pan.
As punishment for this comment, she gently pushes him away from the stove and goes back to cooking. Eddie takes the opportunity to dump the wine and fill the glass with water.
"Here, drink some water." He puts the glass down next to her and watches her as she frys the noodles with the egg and cheese mixture.
"You see, nothing burned." She defiantly holds the plate with the food under his nose. "I wouldn't have needed your help."
But he only replies with a laugh: "Oh, and what was that about the fridge? YOU called ME because you desperately needed help.”
"You called me because you desperately needed help." she mimics him and grimaces, whereupon both of them burst out laughing after a moment.
"Do you think you have everything you need now or should I stay before you call me in 10 minutes anyway because you need help?" No matter what her answer is, he will still try to stay with her. Not because he's pushy. Rather, because he's a little worried. This whole situation and the way she reacted to his question about her fiancé makes him suspect that something is wrong. And he couldn't deal with himself if something happened after he left her alone.
"Now that you're here," she begins, mouth full with noddles, "you can stay here if you want. Then we both won't be so lonely." Now it's her who gives him a meaningful wink.
"Lonely," he repeats, raising his hands for imaginary quotation marks. "I am not lonely."
"Pfft, of course," she agrees, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
With a cheeky expression that cues him to follow her, she squeezes past him and goes into the living room.
The documentary about sharks is already over and has since been replaced by a news program. As Eddie enters the living room, he freezes for a moment. The large dining table in front of him is set for a big dinner. With a bouquet of flowers, a candlestick whose candles have already burned down, and a meal that has been prepared with great effort. Steaks, bacon-wrapped beans, hash browns, gravy. The plates and cutlery are prepared like in one of those posh restaurants, beautiful wine glasses are ready, two champagne glasses are filled. But the champagne stopped sparkling long ago, the food is cold and the wine bottle is empty.
With furrowed eyebrows, he turns to Y/N, who has flopped down on the sofa and is now seasoning the noodles with ketchup. He's not entirely sure whether to address the table setting and good food, or ignore it the way she does. Eventually, however, he gives in to his curiosity.
"You know, you have a table full of delicious food, probably very expensive food by the looks of it, and you call me to help you open the fridge so you can make noodles with eggs?" he asks her in disbelief and points to the table with a very sweeping, expansive gesture.
"Oh shut up.", she whispers to him grimly. “You don't have to stay here. Fuck off and leave me alone too." At least now he is pretty sure that he has hit a sore spot. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.
“Woah, woah, woah! Now, slow down, Megaera." With a short laugh, he tries to lighten the mood, in vain. Cautiously, as if he were approaching a starving big cat, he takes one step toward her and stretches out his hands in a reassuring gesture. "Did he stand you up?" His voice is softer than before, more caring. He sits next to her on the sofa and watches her hurriedly stuff the noodles into her mouth, presumably to keep her mouth busy so it doesn't tell him what's going on. But it's too late for that.
"I called his workplace. We wanted to eat together, I cooked for us." Although she fights it, the words just flow out of her mouth. “And I was already done waiting for him. After an hour he still wasn't there, so I picked up the phone and called. Maybe he had to work overtime at short notice and couldn't call me, you know?" He nods attentively and gestures for her to continue.
“So I asked if he was still there or if he was already on his way home. And his colleague” Unintentionally she laughs hysterically. "His colleague tried to tell me that his fiancée picked him up three hours ago." Still uncomprehending, she shakes her head.
“What do you mean, his fiancee? I thought you were … "
"Yeah, so do I." She looks at him with a grim smile and has to fight back the tears that sting her eyes and blur the view.
He notices how painful it is for her and can't even imagine what it must be like for her. Without further ado, he stretches out his arms and pulls her into a tight embrace.
"Come here." He whispers in her ear and gently rubs her upper arm. "You deserve better than him."
Soon his t-shirt is soaked with her tears as he gently hugs her crouched body. They could have sat there for hours, days, weeks, he wouldn't care as long as he could hold and comfort her.
"I never thought he'd be capable of something like that..." she sobs once the tears dried up. "I mean, yeah, we've had our problems and arguments. But doesn't every couple have them? Is that … Isn't that perfectly normal in a relationship?" She looks at him with red, swollen eyes, "You can talk about anything, right? There's nothing that can't be explained."
"So 'a few problems and arguments' is a bit of an understatement, don't you think?" Looking back, he found there were more than 'a few' problems and far too many arguments between the two.
"What do you mean?" she asks confused and pushes away from him to get a better look at him. Not sure what to say now, without sounding like a stalker or pervert, of course, he is silent for a moment. But it's better to tell her the truth, maybe then she'll understand that this relationship was a bad decision.
"The walls are very thin, you know?" he tries to explain carefully and waits for her reaction for a moment before he continues his statement.
"Do you really think nobody knew what he was like? Do you honestly think nobody knew where you got that black eye from? Or the bruises on your knees?" Eddie really needs to focus not to get too angry or loud. He would love to ask her if she was just too stupid or naive to see what a bad person he is.
"Just the fact of how he reacted when we watched a movie together. Has it never occurred to you that a partner shouldn't react like that? I think he was pretty close to throwing hands the last time he kicked me out. And why? Because you helped me sew a new patch onto my vest?" During its execution, she remains silent. It's true, when you're in love, you see everything through rose-tinted glasses. But Eddie is right, she now has to admit it painfully.
"I don't want to blame you, really. But you should start to see that he's the wrong guy for you." And he's right about that too. It tears her apart inside. Of course she deserves better, someone who appreciates her and is loyal, who loves and honors her. On the other hand, she loves him. At least that's what she thinks. Or does she just love the idea of him as he used to be?
"He really could have picked a better day for it than my birthday." Shit. Is it her birthday? Stunned, he shakes his head. A simple "asshole" is all he can think of.
Tears sting in her eyes again and her throat seems to constrict. Eddie grabs a tissue and tries to wipe away her new tears.
"Shhht, it's going to be okay," he whispers while pulling her into another hug. At the moment he doesn't know how everything is supposed to be okay again, but he's pretty sure that he can at least help her at this moment.
After a while her tears dried up. Both of them are now lying on the couch, she has buried her fingers in his t-shirt, he has wrapped his arms tightly around her. He desperately hopes that she can't hear how fast his heart is beating. Not only because of the anger that had boiled up in him towards her fiancé, but also because his body probably likes it more than it should to be so close to her. Before that, he never realized how much he actually liked her. Why is he only now noticing it? Probably, he thought, because she had really opened up to him now and he really got to know her the way she really is. Suddenly she is not just the neighbor with whom you have a quick chat in the hallway or watch a film, the neighbor who watches documentaries to fall asleep when he comes home at night or who puts a pasta casserole in front of the door for him to eat when he comes home from gigs with his band in the early hours of the morning and is certainly not able to cook.
Suddenly she is such a vulnerable person lying in his arms, who has revealed her pain to him and shares her grief. He doesn't know how long they've been lying there. The news program has since been replaced by a home shopping show, which is now running in the background.
Her eyes are closed and with each breath her chest presses against his for a split second. Never in his life could he have imagined holding her so close. And he never dared to even think about holding her in any way. With his free hand he grabs the blanket and pulls it over her so she doesn't have to freeze. The longer he lies snuggled together on the couch with her, feeling her breath against his skin, the smell of her shampoo in his nose, the more he begins to enjoy it. It feels so natural and by God he can't think of anything better than being able to spend every night like this. How can someone give up something like that so easily? How can someone give up and replace someone like HER so easily? This is completely incomprehensible to him. And then also on her birthday?
She seems to have fallen asleep in his arms by now. Her grip on his shirt went slack and the rest of her body seems to relax in his embrace as well. He can't explain it, and he certainly can't stop it, his body suddenly seems to have taken control. He carefully leans a little towards her until some of her wild hair tickles his nose. His lips gently touch her skin as he plants a kiss on her forehead. It just feels like he has to do this, he has no choice but to tell his body not to do it.
He whispers a soft "Happy Birthday." before he pulls her closer and rests his chin on the top of her head, still thinking she's asleep.
"Eddie?" Her sleepy voice startles him. Eyes wide, he freezes for a moment, heat rising in his cheeks as he feels caught.
"Yeah?" he replies uncertainly, maybe she's just thirsty or he's lying on her hair. Maybe she did not even notice the kiss.
"Can you do that again?" She noticed. She actually did notice. Unimaginable shame floods through him, but he tries to play it down as if nothing happened. Maybe he can make her think she imagined it while she was half asleep?
"Do what again?"
"That little peck, it felt good." It felt good? That little gesture born of a pure, thoughtless gut feeling? Yes, that's exactly what felt good.
She has long forgotten what it's like to feel loved and secure. What it's like to just be held in someone's arms. And she has long forgotten what it's like to be kissed properly. With love, adoration, full of affection. Even if it was just a quick kiss, thoughtlessly. It kindled old, lost feelings in her.
He hesitates for a moment. But the kiss felt so natural and right to him, he doesn't even realize how much he longs to press his lips against her smooth skin again.
Both of them might not want to admit it, but that little innocent touch gets them excited like teenagers before their first kiss. Trembling with tension and keeping his breath normal in high concentration, he now bends down to her again. When his lips brush her hairline again and she feels his warm breath on her skin, a storm of butterflies breaks out in her stomach.
And not only she is overwhelmed by this comfortably warm, safe and yet incredibly exciting feeling.
Her fingers dig into the soft fabric of his shirt again before, without thinking, she lifts her head and presses her lips against his.
It takes him a moment to realize what exactly is happening, but doesn't hesitate for a second when her lips touch his. With his right hand, he presses her body flush against his, his left hand travels up into her hair only to slide down her cheek and cup her face moments later.
Their lips slowly move to a silent rhythm that only the two of them seem to hear. The melody gets faster and faster and their lips adapt to the rhythm, the voices from the TV in the background are now completely silent for the two of them. They only hear their racing heartbeats and the breathing of each other. And despite his very assertive and greedy demeanor, he still seems to be asking with every move if she's okay with it. As he deepens the kiss and runs the tip of his tongue gently over her lip, his hand travels from her face to the back of her neck, his fingers digging into her hair. Both of their heartbeats are so strong, complementing the melody with each pounding like the thumping of a bass guitar. After a few moments, they break the kiss to catch their breath. He rests his forehead against hers and seems to be staring into her soul. Tightly embraced and trembling with excitement, they need a moment to return to reality, to the here and now. Gradually their breathing returns to normal and a wide, overjoyed smile is reflected on their lips.
"Don't you dare think I have a crush on you," she threatens with a crooked grin that she tries to suppress. Her heart is still beating so fast she thinks it's about to burst out of her chest. She can't even remember ever being so fulfilled and happy, let alone having such an incomparably beautiful kiss.
Eddie wears a mischievous grin, small dimples form on his cheeks. Has he always had dimples like that? she wonders. They are so adorable, his grin so mesmerizing.
"Too late," he tells her defiantly. "I think you're pretty much in love with me." She can barely cover her insecure and shy laughter with a roll of her eyes. But he's right, even if it's hard for her to admit it.
"But you're not the only one with a pretty big crush," he adds in a calmer, deeper voice. He puts his hand on her chin again, lifting her head up to place his lips on hers again.
"I don't think I've ever had such a horrible yet beautiful birthday," she whispers against the kiss, now cupping his scratchy face as well.
"And all because you couldn't open your fridge." He can't help but make that stupid comment. And as revenge she punches him gently on the upper arm.
"Asshole." She insults him, laughing.
"As long as you kiss me, you can call me whatever you want."
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please like and reblog if you liked it. <3
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Being EJP Raijin’s Manager
Suna’s Crush
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Rintaro Suna (featuring EJP) x GN! manager
Warnings: fluff!
AN: this is a request from @kitakashi! Also let’s talk about how freaking ���‍💨🥵 timeskip Suna is ok 🤚🏻
Ok you are definitely one of the lucky ones YN
I mean, EJP Raijin?!?
Have you SEEN their lineup…
Washio from Fukurodani, Komori from Itachiyama and Suna from Inarizaki???
Like are we being fr right now because 😮‍💨
Anyways, you someone how managed to score this literal dream job
And boy are we all jealous!
I want to say EJP is probably a lot calmer than MSBY and even the Adlers
They give stoic yet sensible vibes
And please, they are absolutely a stellar team!
Middle blocking is dominated by Washio and Suna and Komori handles receives
Defense specialists 👏🏻
Nekoma who? We don’t know them 💅
Anyways your job as manager is exciting and fun
The guys all respect you, helping you out as much as they can
Please Komori and Washio drink respect juice every morning
Washio helps you set up the net while Komori helps you collect volleyballs at the end of practice
But there’s one player in particular who is really attached to you 👀
Yep that’s right! Our precious love Suna Rin
Now Suna doesn’t attach himself to just anyone, oh no
He remains mostly aloof, unbothered by most people and things
But there’s just something about their dear manager that draws him in
Maybe it’s the fact that you let him nap on you 🧐
Or maybe it’s because you make the best bento boxes?
Nah it’s definitely because you add the perfect ratio of protein powder to the teams shakes
Or maybe 👀 just maybe it’s because the man is utterly infatuated with you
Oh that’s definitely it 😏
Suna always volunteers to walk you to the train station and even meets you every morning for coffee
This is strange to the team because before you started, Suna was always the last one to arrive for practice
Heck Komori often had the job of getting Suna TO practice
But not anymore, oh no our precious YN has obliterated any need for that 💅
I bet your thinking “there’s no way EJP hasn’t noticed this change” and you would be correct
Because they most definitely did
But unlike our other feral div. 1 teams, EJP isn’t as dramatic
Or at least, that’s what they’d like you to think 👀
They simply by their time, waiting for the right moment to pounce
Now that doesn’t mean they don’t bait Suna
For instance, you often come up in locker room discussion
“You know, YN is really the best manager. They just do such a great job at everything,” Washio gushes
Suna 👉🏻😐
“And they are super hot! Like wow level hot! Like ‘dang this person actually exists outside of a book’ hot!” Komori says
Suna 👉🏻😐😑
“Honestly I’m surprised Yn is single, it’s not like they don’t get fair share of looks. Sometimes I think they get more attention than we do after the game!” Washio adds
Suna 👉🏻😑😠
“For real! Plus have you seen the number of times they’ve gotten asked out? YN showed me their dms and like it’s insane!” Komori says
Suddenly, a locker slams shut as Suna stomps out from the locker room
Komori and Washio 👉🏻😐😏 got ‘em
Suna knows your popular and it drives him insane!
He’s been wanting to ask you out for a while but he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship or professional relationship
Because you see, Suna actually thinks about things outside of his own feelings
Unlike SOME people
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get jealous
It honestly annoys Komori and Washio that he hasn’t asked you out
Because you see, it’s also obvious to them that YOU like Suna as well
They see how you stare at him and how you smile when he’s around
How you desire to be close to him 🥰
Everyday that passes, they get more and more annoyed that neither of you will make a move
But you see, that’s all about to change
And not because Komori or Washio snaps
Oh no, because the universe has their backs and is sick of this mutual pinning
🙌🏻 picture this 🙌🏻
It’s finally game day and EJP is facing our favs MSBY
😏 you know where I’m going…
And because MSBY isn’t allowed to have a manager yet because they are too feral and might bite, they must simply be satisfied with looking at You
But oh no, that’s not good enough for them
Because our little jackals get so jealous of pretty managers
Especially ones as pretty as you 🥺
So when Atsumu is staring at you a little longer than he should and Suna notices, glaring at his former teammate
Komori and Washio also notice 👀
And ever the opportunist they pounce!
“Hey Yn why don’t you see if the Jackals need help? I mean we’ve got it over here,” Komori suggests
“That’s a great idea Motoya!” You : D
Suna 👉🏻 yeah great idea MOTOYA 😡
You skip over to MSBY as Atsumu continues to stare at you
You smile and laugh with the team as Suna stands there, hands clenched and fuming
“Suna you good man? You look tense?” Washio questions 😏
“I’m fine!” Suna growls out as he turns and stomps away
When the game starts, Suna is on FIRE 🔥
Literally, the wall of Suna
MSBY is struggling hard to score today because Suna is just that on point
When Atsumu attempts a setter dump, Suna shovels it right back in his face scoring a point for EJP
Komori and Washio are standing there like 😌😌
Please they are so satisfied right now
After the game which was dominated by EJP, Atsumu decides he’s going to make the most of this opportunity and ask you out
“Hey YN, I was wondering if you’d like to go out tonight. I could use some consoling,” he says, a sad look on his face
Suddenly a looming presence enters engulfs you
You stiffen, feeling someone behind you as you turn to see Suna literally FUMING 😡
Quick Yn deal with this!
Komori and Washio 👉🏻👀🍿
MSBY 👉🏻 🧍‍♂️👁️👄👁️
“Umm I’m sorry Atsumu but I actually like someone already,” you say as Suna continues to loom
“Oh, yeah no problem-” Atsumu responds, slowly backing away
He has some self-preservation skills ok
You turn to Suna as he continues to glare at Atsumu
Suddenly, he feels lips press to his cheek as he immediately melts
Suna 👉🏻😡😐😳☺️
“YN I like you alot! Would you please go out with me?” He asks as you nodd
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask! Of course I will!” You gush as you hug him, sweat and all
Don’t worry Yn, Komori is totally filming this for you and Suna to watch later 🥰
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brandogenius · 4 months
ok what about an angst hc with jb .. like they had a horrible breakup and see each other a year after and make up <33
i’m in the angsty mood so i apologise
BLURB - julien x reader - breakup and make up
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- horrible breakup you say? what if it was due to the fact rumours spread around you were cheating. fans wanting to break you and jb up.
- seen hanging out with your friend, people making photoshopping / making fake dms etc. obviously jb not caring about them because you’d tell the truth, right?
- telling jb you were going to a friends house for the weekend to meetup with them as you haven’t seen them in a while but fans catch you out with your friend at a club. literally doing nothing other than dancing to music.
- clearly enjoying yourself not knowing jb knows either. your phone is out of charge and on silent. fans going wild and creating rumours that that person you’re with is actually the person you’re cheating on jb with
- coming back home at like 4am to a bunch of messages from jb and even from the boys. accusing you of cheating. you try ringing jb but she doesn’t reply
- going back home early in the morning to try and get some insight and tell jb it was all a big misunderstanding. she wouldn’t listen though. the rumours having got to her brain - breaking up with you on the spot.
- you just gathering your things and going back to that same friends house.
- what jb didnt know was your friend was straight 😭 it didn’t click with her / she forgot
- lets say a couple of days / weeks after she tries to find your friends instagram. coming across her and her boyfriend she realises “fuck- she was straight”
- nah going into twitter to see the ‘fans’ scheming to break the two of you up and seeing those threads like “this is the perfect opportunity” and julien just realised she made the biggest mistake of her life
- not even letting you explain just immediately dumping you to the side. she tries to reach out to you but you have her blocked on all social media’s.
- she realised she lost you.
- kicking herself and crying, telling the boys who are equally as devastated and guilty.
- but you’re nowhere to be seen / nowhere to be found. (having decided needing to get away from here: you just fly back to your parents house and figure out what you’re going to do now
- lets say a year passes. you’ve moved on. you’re at a bar when you see a familiar face across from you. clearly you know who it is and it hurts
- jb finding you in a random bar while she is at a pit stop on tour is something she didn’t expect. accepting the fact you were gone for good.
- when faced with the realisation she could explain everything to you, quickly walking over. you’re about to stand up but she’s like “wait- please “
- “are you here to accuse me of cheating again? because i’m at a club?” you reply with a snap.
- julien just grabbing your hand and dragging you outside to explain better.
- clearly all the anger and sadness you felt has worn off. left with only tiredness and exhaustion and hurt.
- a small part of yourself deep down knows you’d react the same. seeing people on the internet all saying the same thing with ‘proof’. you too- jump to the conclusions and make emotion based decisions on impulse and on the spur of the moment.
- “we can start slow.” you crossed your arms. “that doesn’t mean we start back where we left off. you can take me out tomorrow and we can start from there”
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kkumawrites · 11 months
Pang! Part Sixteen: confrontation previous | next WC: 950 CW: small physical fight, slight blood, non-serious death threats
✦ send an ask, a dm or sign up here to be part of the taglist! ✦ part one (50/50)
@junmoonhui @cinnamoroxie @skzteen @loviehan @woo8hao @calumsfringe @amazingly-amazing-loser @jundundun @minhui896 @yoonychoik @aestheticsluut @jeoncatsworld @heelover5 @kayleeshinee @enhacolor @staycanstay @a-lil-bit-nuts @jordand2012 @dr3aluv5 @doodlelibrary @jeongintwt @svthearts @musingsofananxiouspotato @amethyistheart @rubberduckieyourtheone @tannieflix @moon-gyus @strawberry-shortest-cake @enigmaghost @rubywonu @soonyoungblr @zonked-times @wonuulvr @liliyabyee @hiraarri @cloudyksw @fantasy2wonderland @dnylwoo @littlepencilthings @kawennote09 @smilehui @friendlywraith @atinytinaa @dkluvrsclub @buffhoshi @carasene @seokgyuu @asgr-central @smoooore @jaemified
The last thing you wanted to do was talk to Miyoung, let alone face to face. You didn’t do well with confrontation but you didn’t see much of a choice, afraid that she would take it out on Chan if you didn’t show your face. You had explained everything to Soonyoung to which he was pretty adamant on not letting you go and rightfully so. Still, you had already made up your mind, so he instead insisted that he at least come with you to be on standby. It had worried you on why he had phrased it like that, suddenly feeling a lot more nervous. 
So here you were, sitting with your best friend on a bench while waiting for the wicked witch of the west to show up. Soonyoung was smoothing his thumb over the back of your hand, only temporarily giving you some relief from your anxiety. When she finally comes into view, she’s hand in hand with Chan. You can feel your stomach plummet and for a second you think you might actually throw up. 
She saunters up to where you and Soonyoung are sitting, a fake smile plastered on her face. “Oh! Hey! Fancy seeing you guys here!” You blink at her, wondering if this bitch was for real. Miyoung doesn’t give you or Soonyoung a chance to say anything before her claws are wrapped around your wrists, pulling you up with a harsh tug. “Let’s go get something to drink! Baby, you stay here ok? We need some girl time,” Before you know it, she’s dragging you away and Chan is blissfully unaware of the dangers you’re in as he takes a seat next to his favorite hyung.
The two of you barely make it halfway across the field before she lets go of you with a shove, almost causing you to lose your balance but thankfully you manage to not fall on your face. Miyoung looks you up and down as if sizing you up, a look of disgust on her face and it sends a shudder down your spine as you uncomfortably look away. 
“Look, I’m gonna make this clear ok? After your stupid little project you delete his number, better yet, block him. You never speak to him again. He’s not interested and why would he be? He has me,” She says this so seriously, complete with a hair flip. You roll your eyes.
“We’re just friends, regardless if I am interested or not. I have done nothing to interfere with your relationship nor do I have any plans to. Don’t take it out on me or Chan that you’re insecure that he’ll find someone better.” This time you turn on her, pushing a finger into her chest. “But I swear, if you lay your hands on him again. I will make sure you never see him again,” You’re deadly serious, fire in your eyes. 
Miyoung scoffs, letting out a shrill laugh as she pushes your hand away. “You’re joking right? Are you trying to threaten me? Please, he NEEDS me. Why else would he still be with me? Besides i’m sure he knows he deserves it, if he was just a better boyfriend I wouldn’t have to remind him all the time,” 
Now normally you’re not a violent person, but you’re unable to contain your anger, your pure hatred for this girl. Without thinking, you slap the bitch across the face and you’ll never admit the small bubble of satisfaction you feel in your chest at finally putting her in her place. She doesn’t make a sound, simply pressing her palm against her reddening cheek. When she moves her head to look back at you there’s a smile on her face that utterly confuses you. 
Before you can register anything she decks you straight in the face, the impact of her fists against your nose is sickening and you stumble back, surprisingly able to stay up on two feet as you clutch your nose. You can vaguely hear someone screaming your name in the distance but you’re more concerned in making sure she didn’t break your nose as your fingers press against the appendage. It stings so bad and tears start to well up in your eyes. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Sooyoung's yelling at Miyoung who’s now cradled against Chan's chest, fake crying about how you slapped her. 
“Hyung! Back up!” Chan tries to defend his girlfriend but Soonyoung is seething. “Look, I don’t know what happened but Y/N hit her first!” 
“I don’t give a fuck! If your girlfriend broke her nose i’ll kill you,” He growls over at them and Chan’s quick to walk away, not wanting to deal with the situation anymore, more focused on Miyoung. Soonyoung’s fists are curled at his side as he watches them walk away, the audacity that Chan wouldn’t even check if you were ok.
“Soonie…” You mutter pathetically from behind him and he whips around fast, watching you with tears streaming down your face at the pain. He’s quick to come over and cup your face in his hands, checking the damage Miyoung did. When he peels your hands away from your face he curses as he sees blood dripping from your already bruising nose.
“Shit, your nose is bleeding. Are you ok?”
“I’m sorry- I don’t know what came over me…I just couldn't stop myself,” Your voice is slightly nasally as you come back to clutch at your nose. 
“It doesn’t matter right now. Come on, let’s get you to the clinic, I swear to god if that bitch broke your nose i’ll kill both of them,” 
“Damn…Seungkwan was right, that bitch has a nasty right hook,”
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mariii1 · 1 year
░▒▓█ 𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 █▓▒░
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Reupload since Tumblr wants to be a pos. I'm unfortunately going to be taking another break after uploading this but let me know what pac you want to see again.
DM me for paid readings
1 - you may be fighting with the people around you a lot or you might be somebody who's combative. You could have anger issues or you just don't know how to deal with anger as an emotion either from yourself or from other people. I see more conflict and a warning that if you dont deal with issues you have now with other people they will get much worse in the future. I see you potentially embarrassing yourself or coming off as irrational to others. I also see someone trying to stab you in the back or take something from you because it either gives them pleasure to see and know that they made you upset or they feel like it's easy to take things from you because they view you as crazy/don't take you seriously. If you're deciding whether or not you should cut someone off because they make you feel emotionally out of balance, do it. I'm getting it's a trauma response; this person knows how to manipulate you. They are a bully, this could be a family member.
2 - Something about a future partner. You'll be freeing yourself from a capitalistic mentality. If you believe in hustle culture, you'll learn the hard way that it's not gonna help you. I see some of you burning out real quick from that. You're not gonna care about money in the future. For a few of you, this obsession with work and money comes from being financially abused whether by a partner for most or by a family member/guardian. I see you not letting money or work ethic define you or be your entire personality for some. If you feel stuck now, it has to do with money. I was getting more rude messages but I feel this comes from people around (they might not be close to you either) who find your mindset annoying and/or they see right through it.
3 - if you have a partner you might break up worth them. You will realize that they were never that good to you. This reminds me of a tiktok where this girl was saying that (to people watching) "he's not special". "He" does normal things and you make it special when it's not. Its the basics of being human, it's how he should've treated you even if you weren't in a relationship. This could be a groomer or some sort of abuser romantically for a lot of you. This could also be someone you put on a pedestal romantically if you don't have a partner. Maybe your crush actually treats you like a piece of shit. This could also apply to those in talking stages in dating apps and such. You're gonna realize someone isn't shit and you only really put them on a pedestal bc you either didn't like yourself or you were bored.
4 - this is a warning for some and others know its gonna happen. There are a few of you planning this on purpose. You might be veryyyy stressed out and over worked in the future. This could result from you not listening to yourself especially if this relates to some sort of decision. If its life altering you will regret it a lot it's just gonna make things harder. Im getting this could have to do with education. There's something you really should have listened to yourself about and it might be too late. My best guess is that if you know what this is, you might even be trying to get out of it currently. This is specific for some people. If you don't get it, it's not for you. This is for people who have been actively trying to block their thoughts and opinions on something out.
5 - ok so you are stopping a cycle if not you will be. However, when you stop, you're going to be stagnant. For a lot of you it can feel like you're stopping the flow of type life in a way. I see you not making any new moves or decisions which will keep you in one place even though you have ended a cycle. It's like you won't find something new or move on to the next thing. I see you being scared of your old cycle repeating or something worse coming your way. I feel this has to do with career or education. It seems you might've felt heavily overworked and not compensated for your work or you didn't get the right outcome so now you just don't want to do anything. Hmm this would be interesting to do a paid reading on.
6 - you're going to give up on presenting as something. In particular, a certain personality. You might have internalizations you're working on, for some of you this has to do with gender transitioning (we're in this together 😭) I see for most that this has to do with again a workplace or just a hostile environment. Maybe in the past you thought that not saying anything and just ignoring ppl would help you, but you see that's not the case. A lot of you had this idea that you needed to be the bigger person or act like ppl weren't worth your time but it was just you not knowing how else to approach conflict. So i see you finally getting someone in trouble with some sort of plan or just speaking your mind in a way that brings action ig. Yeah you might've really hoped to get along with someone but you'll see its just not possible and they refuse to leave you alone.
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vwbugggie · 6 months
Fame D.R. First Shift!
Hey y'all!!! Recently I've been seeing a lot of posts about living in the end or living as if you already have what it is that you want. Obviously what I want is to shift so I thought it'd be fun if a wrote out how my first shift wake up would go. So let's all just pretend for a second that I've shifted (OMG!!! CONGRATS BUGGIE!!!! THANK YOU BESTIES!!!! <333 :*)
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Comments on my DR (opinions, ideas, etc.) are welcome as long as they are respectful towards me and others! Feel free to ask any questions!
If y’all with Fame DR’s (or any DR; but especially if we have DR’s in common) ever wanna chat my DM's are open, don't be shy! (No minors, sorry!)
Anti-shifters do not interact, I don't care what you think. If you are rude or disrespectful I will block you and delete your comment. I'm not going to argue with you because I simply don't care to. (If you see a rude or disrespectful comment before I can get to it I encourage you not to engage, ignore it, thanks!)
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[Also for background we weren't famous when I first shifted, this was at the very beginning of My Chem. Bullets was barely in the works and Frank hadn't joined yet. I hadn't met him, but I did end up meeting him the first day I shifted at the party we went to.]
So this is how my first shift to my Fame D.R. went:
[The day after my two weeks ended and I was officially unemployed, October 1, 2001. I woke up when I felt the bed dip next to me. I kept my eyes closed and didn't move. I felt someone lightly rub my back and gently say]
Gee: Good morning, Bug. Me and Mikey have to go run some errands, afterwards we're gonna pick up Ray, then we'll all come pick you guys up. Then we'll head to the party, ok?
[He looked at me and waited for me to open my eyes.]
Buggie: Yeah, sure 
[I say as I flipped over trying hide the fact that I was freaking out.]
Gee: C’mon Bug, wakey wakey
Buggie: I’m awake
Gee: Prove it
[Finally I opened my eyes and saw Gee smiling down at me, I sat up.]
Buggie: Errands, pick up Ray, then me and Abbi, got it. What time should we be ready by?
Gee: Well we want to be there by eight ish, it's (checks watch) 10:00 so probably 7:00? Gives us enough to finish errands and eat something, sound ok? 
Buggie: Perfect
Gee: Oh, and eat something will you? Real food, not just a Coke. Abbi's cookin', we woulda stuck around and ate with ya, but we’re late
[I nodded my head and held out my arms (a bitch needed a hug fight me)]
Gee: Everything ok?
Buggie: [I nodded my head] Uh huh, I just had a bad dream, would you get Mikey before you guys leave? 
Gee: Sure, I’ll go get him
[I held on for a second, after I let go he stands. A few minutes later Mikey appeared in the doorway.]
Mikey: Hey kid, heard you had a bad dream
[He sits on the bed]
Buggie: Yeah, I just wanted to say bye
[I hugged him, he rubbed my back lightly to comfort me]
Mikey: Wanna talk about it?
Buggie: I’m ok, I don’t wanna make y’all more late
Mikey: Eh, what’s a few more minutes?
Buggie: Really it was nothing, I don’t even really remember it anymore 
Mikey: Ok, but if you need anything just call
Buggie: I will, I’ll see ya later
Mikey: See ya later, kid
The second that door closed I fully freaked out, questioning if this was real, doing reality checks, looking around, grabbing things, you know trying to make sure I was grounded. I was trying to contain my excitement and keep quiet cuz I didn't want to alarm anyone lol. After I somewhat composed myself I ran to my phone to check out my lifa app (yes that's something I kept from old shiftok lol) I explored it a bit, until I was calm, then I decided to go to the kitchen and have breakfast with Abbi.
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Just a lil reminder this was me living in the end! I don't want y'all to think I'm lying or anything I just thought this would be fun and helpful for my journey :)
Anyway thanks for reading! Love y'all <3333
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sainns · 1 month
naw tell me about eraser cause
i copied this from my dms with sru plus added a couple of things erm sorry for the essay fawwwkkk me
the beginning of anna x eraser was first grade. i had a crush on him bcos he was friends with my cousin and they lived on them same block awwww!!!!!
anyways super fast forward, sophomore year: me, my friend n, eraser, k, r, and y sit at lunch together during first semester. n was like the mutual friend we all had so that's how our lunch table came to me. + i also have eraser in my geometry and my biology class yay!! so we become close again, we're friends and we talk a lot you know, he was probably my first guy friend bcos boys scare me :(
so yk it's first semester and i have a crush on him like i think he's cute but i also have a few other guys i think are cute so eh who cares about him. then one day he tells me "you're the kinda girl who wouldn't even look pretty wearing makeup" and i'm like oh okay. so i leave lunch and cry about it to n and i stop having a crush on him. he did apologize tho and give me food so i was friends with him again.
second semester comes around and i am OBSESSED with him like i actually like him soooo much it's insane. n ended up moving lunches so it's just me, eraser, r, k, and y + my friend c also joined.
anyways i end up telling y, c, and r that i like him. then r tells eraser that i have a crush on him after i day she can and he gets my snap and we have a conversation and we talk for a goodddd two weeks but it's super awkward and he's like . corny / weird like refers to himself in the third person, does my work for me when i tell him not to (not explaing that but it pmo), plays with his food, talks shit on k (who is supposedly his bffie) weird
he was nice tho, he would pull a chair up for me at lunch and he listened to txt for me LOL ^.^ he said he liked me since kindergarten too LMAOOOO i was like omg… stop that's so cutesy. i did end up like.. dropping him because i genuinely couldn't do it and he icked me out plus i was very depressed oops. we stopped being friends for a little and then we were fine again.
FAST FORWARD TO THIS YEAR! he's in my english class. i thought i was over him. i am not. lots of things happen, i find out he knows i like him so i ask him. and i tell him "i like you and yk if you don't like me just tell me so i can move on" and at first he won't tell me and then he does. he says he doesn't and i'm like okay hahaha. THIS IS AFTER SCHOOL BTW WHILE WE ARE WALKING OUT.
he leaves after rejecting me and daps me up. he DAPS ME UP. then i walk over to my friends and i start crying and i go home crying and then he added me back on snap (he unadded me over the summer) and said the whole "you're a bit too obvious about liking me" and "im with someone rn jsyk so u should get over me" thing
then i cried some more and a few days pass i was over it and a couple more small things happened but whatever. and then my friend j texted eraser and was like "ik someone who likes u 😏" ans eraser was like oh i think ik who why didn't she tell me herself tho and j was like bcos last time u dapped her up and lied to her. and you may be wondering what he was lying about!!!!! turns out he wasn't fucking with anyone HE LIED. HE'S A LIAR.
then i added him back on snap cos yk i unadded him after that whole thing and i was like "yeah sorry j is stupid i didn't tell him to do that" etc etc and we had a conversation and he said he liked me and that was that!!! shortest talking stage ever i reckon bcos we talked for two days until he said smt mean about my brother's appearance and i was like ok dont say that LOL 😭😭 i wasn't even mad either but we just ghosted each other after that I WANTED HIM BAD THOOOOO STILL LIKE FML i wasn't texting him first tho bcos tell me why he was asking everyone but me if i was mad hello
and then recently!!!!!!! i found out him and r (girl who set me up with him) are dating 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and they dated sophomore year too. like right after me and him stopped talking. and freshman year. andddd him and r were close when me and him were talking like they would hang out alone and he just never ever told me that they dated. and yassss that's all i still want him bad icb he's dating her 😐😐😐😐
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ectospacecadet · 5 months
👻 Welcome to my blog! 👻
Hi, my name’s Ecto, I am a freelance artist and animator who draws and writes about Danny Phantom! Why? Because it’s my biggest comfort show and I have many stories and theories to share.
A story I’m currently working on takes place after the Glitch in Time graphic novel, it builds off everything the show and book has given us and follows one of the many narrative directions it could go down. It will follow the canon of the series with very minor headcanons thrown in just to fix certain writing issues from the show, the headcanons wont effect the story in any way.
If you have any questions you’re always free to go to my ask box, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you guys have, that’s always fun to do. ^^
A few things I will bring up here as I want to draw very quick boundaries when it comes to my blog:
DMs are always open, I’m down to chat with people and get to know other members of the DP community. ^^
Gift art/fics are always welcome! I love seeing others use my ocs (appropriately) and throwing them into some shenanigans, if you ever draw something for me just tag me. 💚
If you use my OCs for anything completely avoid any NSFW themes, gore/angst/shipping is fine, but no pro-ships, non-con or Minor/Adult themes. Thank you.
No I wont draw something for you for free, if I draw gift art for someone it’s because I wanted to or they are my friends. No ,that doesn’t mean you can try to be my friend for free art, that’s not cool. I don’t take requests unless specified.
Asks are always open! I love answering questions thrown my way, so do my characters! Just be sure to say who you’re asking so I know who to answer as. E.g. Question for Ecto: What program do you use?
No inappropriate questions in my ask box, even ones aimed at the characters, I’ll just remove them and move on but if I keep getting asked them by the same people I will block you.
If you want to use my art as reference and upload it anywhere, please give the proper credit, learning is totally fine but you should always credit your sources! If you are found referencing my art I will DM you asking for a credit tag, if I receive no response or nothing changes within 1 week I will block you. Please respect my wishes when it comes to my art.
Follow these and we’ll get along just fine! 💚
I’m setting these boundaries now just to avoid any issues in future and to just be completely open when it comes to what I am and what I am not ok with. A lot of these are just common sense but I feel like I should mention them anyway.
See you around!
- Ecto
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princessb4mbi · 1 year
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𖦹 tags black!femafabreader, obsessive!leon, stalking, leon is very ooc, dead dove do not eat, mentions of emotional abuse 
𖦹 synopsis to sum this up, completely based on the “check your window, he’s at your window” trend on tiktok
𖦹 word count 1.1k
𖦹 a/n this will be the start to a series, how long? no fuckin idea, but enjoy this first part [story below the cut]
“Think the rain’s gonna let up?” Your close friend Vee asks as she looks out the window. It’s pouring outside of the store, causing the outside to have a nice blue hue to it. “I hope so, we don’t want to be here if it floods..” You responded, taking a sip of your bubbly soda after. 
You stare at the window too, slowly zoning out of what’s going on currently, and thinking about the past. When you and your ex, Leon, were together and it rained, you would just cuddle and watch movies all day. It was so perfect. Until.. until he went.. insane. His once calm and sometimes stoic demeanor would turn into a possessive and jealous one. “Hey. You alright?” You snap back into reality, facing Vee’s face. You shyly nod your head yes. But you assume that she has already seen the saddened look on your face before you could change it. 
“Babe.. he can hurt you anymore. He won’t hurt you anymore.. not as long as I’m here,” Vee says empathetically. You really owe her. To get someone out of an emotionally abusive relationship is hard, but she still pushed through for you anyways, even though it wasn’t her responsibility. She cared for you as if you were related to her. She placed her hand up to your cheek, caressing it softly. “I don’t want you to worry about him anymore, kay?” 
“Ok.” You smile at her. You’ve already told her this, but she would make an amazing partner if you two wanted each other non-platonically. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick, text me if you need something, ok babe?” You hum in response, watching Vee get up from her chair, fix it, then take her phone and walk away. You take another sip of your soda, then go on your phone scrolling mindlessly on Twitter. Suddenly, a message pops up in your dms. Usually, you thought of it as those weird sex bots who desperately try to scam people. But it seemed too off, so you decided to check on it. 
Propped up was an obvious Twitter pre-made username, but they had a black pfp. The name simply said, KL. The message coming from them saying, I miss you. I’m lonely. You think nothing of it, deleting the message soon after. These people are just so weird behind a screen huh?.. You continue to scroll on your Twitter, giggling to yourself whenever you see a funny post. But then again, you see another message from the same account. You click on it again seeing something way more ominous. I miss your laugh. It’s weird, but there can be many reasons as to why someone would say that, and you were praying that it wasn’t because you were genuinely laughing just a moment ago. You decide to not entertain it by simply blocking and deleting the account from your dms. Then closing Twitter entirely. 
Vee comes back from the bathroom, walking back to the table the two of you shared. “Ready to go?” She said, visually refreshed. “Yea, let’s go.” The two of you walk out, then head to her car to go to her home. 
“Hey Vee, can I use this?” You say wrapping yourself in a towel and walking over to her. “My mielle? shitt girl.. you know those things rarely get restocked ‘round here,” You frown to that. Although you get where she’s coming from, you don’t need her to be stingy. “Pleasee.. I promise to go to the store and find you one!” You make a frown to try to convince your friend. She looks like she's deep in thought, but then she gives in. “Fine, put on your clothes first, then we’ll head to CVS quickly.” You hug her, then head back to the bathroom to finish up. 
The two of you walk into CVS, going separate ways almost immediately. You lift your head to find for the haircare aisle, walking to it when you see it. You accidentally bump into someone, mumbling an apology soon after. The person says “It’s okay,” with deep, raspy voice. You feel like you recognize the voice, but mark it off as nothing and continue to look for the hair product. 
The person you bumped into is still in the same aisle as you, but they have a hoodie on so you can’t make out their face. Not that you judge or anything, but they didn’t have the stature of a woman, and their muscles lowkey poked through their hoodie. They were tall too, maybe around 5’11? You quickly turn back to yourself so you aren’t caught analyzing someone. 
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Assuming it’s Vee, you take it out to see what’s going on. Another Twitter message. You unlock your phone to go look at it, another black pfp account, but with another name. KSL. It seemed similar to the other “KL” account since it had the same getup and all. The message they sent through, was what made you nervous. You’re still so clumsy as ever, princess. You look to the person next to you, them being in the same spot as before but staring at a product. What the fuck? This was getting too good to be true, and you were getting freaked out. But you did what you knew best.. block and delete the account from your dms. 
You go farther down the lane, passing by the stranger. “Looking for this?” The pale hand extends to you the Mielle Oil you were looking for. They turn to face you, and your heart drops in horror. 
It was him. You left him 6 months ago, and never spoke to him again. Just took your things and left. You honestly have never seen him around since then. His icy blue eyes stare down into yours, with his lips curling into a small smirk. Your toxic ex was back in your face, and you couldn’t believe it. You had no time to worry, you needed to get out of here. You run to the check out isle, seeing Vee scan her items. “Did you find it?” She says looking around your hands for the product. Her expression changes the moment she truly sees your face. She furrows her brows and asks “What’s wrong babe?” 
“He’s here. I don’t know how, but he’s here and we need to leave. Now.” 
Vee nods at your request, and you help her bag her stuff. You panic as you put the items in the bag, and the two of you hurry to leave the store and get to the car. “Go inside the car, I’ll put it away,” Vee says as she opens the trunk of her car. You get inside the passenger seat, putting on your seatbelt and waiting patiently for Vee to finish. She gets inside the driver seat, putting on her seatbelt then wastes no time to turn on the engine and drive away. A sense of relief fills you, but you see Leon in the outside mirror of the CVS, standing ominously. 
“You won’t get away from me. Not anymore.” 
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pinkydude · 1 year
👋 Coming back
I talked about personal stuff a bit on my Twitter last year, but since I came back to Tumblr I feel like I should share it here too 🤏 especially since this is where it all happened and all
I'm not the type of guy to make long post (not anymore at least) but I've been thinking about it for the past days and I think that I won't be able to truly move on and enjoy my time back on Tumblr until I adress it here as well
There's A LOT of new faces around, assuming the majority of the active peeps don't know me 😳👋 (not complaining ghfhgf) so this will be a weird read, maybe? This isn't at all a "callout post", I won't name anyone or any situations in details, just -vague gesture- awknowledge things here and there, this is mainly about my experience (small TW for mention of su*cide)
I came back to Tumblr earlier this year after being away from public fandom spaces for ~a year (more or less) and I noticed that there was still "drama" (both light dramas and more serious harassment, using "drama" as a general term here) happening- and at first I didn't want to interact with any of it because it was hitting too close to home
I've been publicly harassed since mid 2021- and I know it's still happening, old dramas being digged up publicly sometimes- but the harassment back then wasn't anonym tho
Lowest point for me is when this fandom almost costed me my life, didn't know what to do, and ending up acting stupid in the middle of a panic attack- wouldn't be there if not for my close friends. That's when I realized that I needed to take a step back, to reconnect with what truly matter and to stop getting involved in things that were dragging my mental health down. Since then, I've been fully enjoying my and other's content again 😌
So when I came back and saw that the same people were still harassing (actively or passively) others? I wanted to say something, but I didn't really (left some comments, tags, sent some supportive DMs...)
Using this post to finally say- ayo, I've been there and the best advice I can say is, take a break 🤏 Take a break from the fandom when it becomes too overwhelming for X or Y reason. Small break, big break- whatever will work for you, but disconnect! Even if you think you're ok, it all pills up subconsciously (feeling burnout over Art, VP, Mods, starting to compare yourself to others, getting parano... those are all signs that you might want to back off a bit and spent time doing something else, ressource yourself!)
Also want to use this post to thanks all the people that were checking on me during that time away and to those who were still supporting my creations, it really gave me the strength to continue 🧡
Thanks also to everyone who came to "clear the air" since I came back! I know a big wave of new comers joined right as some drama was happening- and I get wanting to protect yourselves and blocking the persons mentionned in callouts! There is nothing wrong with protecting your space (don't let anyone tell you otherwise)
I met and connected with new people (something I thought would never happen again after everything) some of them I can now call good friends, and I'll forever be grateful for people who think for themselves and have their own opinions
Nothing happened, this post isn't a reply to anything/anyone or an attack or an attempt at "stirring shit up", I just needed to get it out, I guess? Needed to really close that door, and finally move on to enjoy Tumblr again. This is where I started and I still really like that place and how the fandom feels here 🤙 soyeh that's all HGFH thanks for reading
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lucyjung · 8 months
I forget my talent is writing, and not as much drawing, so I forget how I’m supposed to even express myself. I was always told it was drawing. Then I some things for an assignment and it ended up being published. Anyways, I am getting off topic. I grew up on your Tumblr, and i have been here since the very begining. The world around was shitty and it was my break from everything. I was afraid my au was way to similar to yours and then I found one way it wasn’t. And then, pretty hilariously, that one way didn’t last a month, and I thought that if i made an account it’d look like I was copying you. Pretty hilarious in my opinion, knowing I’m not nearly as good at anything as you. Then there was the point where I couldn’t find your blog on google anymore, so I searched forever for links on pinterest that allowed me to scroll for at least 3 seconds before a pop up telling me to sign in appeared. Then, as that got harder, and i realized there were other blogs like you that reminded me of my stuff coming into light, I decided to make an account just so I could view it easier. Only this year (maybe, my since of time is warped), did i think of actually i n t e r a c t i n g and then it hit me: you literally don’t know me. I don’t know why it never came to me before. I tried to draw fanart and send things in, but i have two issues: being way too silly and having the worst sense of humor that is just begging to be taken in the wrong way. Literally. I tried to draw fanart
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This proves how fucking talented I am. My goal was to show dolphin something and it ended up as whatever this is. If you do somehow remember my interactions, I am scared for my life because my sense of humor means you probably think I’m weird, Or blocked me, Because I am that. Fucking. Silly.
Basically what I’m trying to say is I I love you, and I freak out about every little detail and I need to know your thoughts on me so I can finally sleep I want to be you’re friend way too much and I hope you have a wonderful day and I am panicking and I don’t know what else to put and I am blinking two times for help ok and now I am going to the bathroom after I ask this if it even counts as an ask and oh stars why did I say that and seriously I have been so worried about this that I haven’t slept for months (mostly due to ptsd actually, but I’ll still count it) and why did I say this and why did I say that and wow you’re amazing
Eh.... I don't think you are silly or weird. And i don't have much thought of you. So I don't know how to say about this. (It's not bad meanings) I'm just feel thanks that you drawing fan arts of my aus, so uh, yeah.
And if you think you're copying me you can just tell me on DM. Just feel free to tell.
And also, I'm not good at comforting so.. I want to say don't worry about this and I hope you sleep tight.
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thenewfuture · 9 months
Hey! how are you doing? i hope you`re ok!
Well i see ,it's happening again...
like i said in your dm, As an Hiyoko Saionji fan, I want to apologize for the Hiyoko stand anon behaviour, sadly in all kind of characters fanbases, sometimes the worst ones are the loudest and consequently, the rest pay the price.
I know this person block your blog, but i want to say some things to them
Anon, i understand that you dont like how people write your fav character, i get it!, sometimes i can be like "This person dont know what they are doing lol" but it stay there, throwing your hate is only doing damage to the fanbase and how others see us, and i`m not only talking about Hiyoko, this applies in EVERY character!
One example is the Mikan fan who threats someone to DOX THEM for not LIKE MIKAN!!, My GOD, If you dont like that someone hate or criticize your character, BLOCK THEM, thats it!, Sadly twitter creates the culture of "If you block someone you`re weak", but the button is there for something.
I just wanted to say, where you see a bad fan, there`s a good one too,
i send hugs to all the people who had problems with this individual
Take care and stay safe!!
A Hiyoko Saionji fan <3
Thank you. That means a lot to me. I do know that there are some good fans of characters just as much as there are toxic ones. And I’m glad you’re one of the good ones after the sheer amount of toxic ones I get. Yeesh.
So I’m effectively done talking with and dealing with those Hiyoko anons. Never again. Just deleting them on sight.
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sevarix-blogs · 4 months
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I appreciate your concern, anon, but I don't even follow this person. I don't even know them. I don't think they even follow me. If I've rb'd fandom stuff from them I wouldn't even remember.
I would also like to ask that you provide hard evidence for this claim before going around accusing people of such things.
Just recently, a voice actor was given death threats and chased off of twitter after someone (incorrectly) accused her of being a zi.onist (they hadn't even shown any evidence, people just BELIEVED them, even though the claim was eventually shown to be false). this is a very serious accusation, and not one anyone should make lightly, given how cruel people are online.
also, it is NEVER OK to send someone death threats. if your claims do end up being true, the ONLY THING you should do is block the person. no one deserves death threats, not even someone with reprehensible beliefs.
i'm not saying you are telling us to send such threats, anon, but please know that even accusing someone can trigger others to send hate and death threats to this person.
if you are truly concerned that I might be following a 'zio.nist' then please dm me with EVIDENCE and then I will make the call myself whether or not to quietly block the person.
in the meantime i suggest you focus your energy on actually helping pale.stine instead of going around accusing ppl w/o evidence like this
reminder that esims are still needed. if you need help on donating them, dm me and i can walk you through it.
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ok so yeahh let's continue.
So, one day I asked him for his Instagram password and he gave me. His name is pavan tho. So, like I insisted him to give me his password and yes he gave me and in return I gave him my password. I have nothing to hide so I gave. While looking at his dm, a text came from a girl she was the girl he broke up with, she texted,'' haan?? aagyi m ab bolo''. When I opened the chat there was literally nothing but just that last text. (like puri chat khali and ye ky h?)
I was like who is she?? and why is she texting you?? and why is she saying like this??
He said, well tbh I don't wanna hide anything so she was sending me her nudes and we had a sex chat. I was like oh okk- nvm. And didn't talked to him he did everything to convience me so finally I agreed.
So we were talking about that he said, '' you won't believe but I actually have had sex with a hoe''. My reaction was so shocked and idk what i was feeling. He said that was my past let it be naa trust me i won't do anything again like this.
So, after that during July things were wrong with me and my parents took away my mobile phone. I was like okay so I use to talk to him at night and early morning like 3-4:30 in the morning I use to wake up so early and he use talk for hours. We both have to wait so long to talk to each other. Later on I saw, he was losing interest with me may be because of lack of conversation.
Months were passing.. julyy... August... September....
And here it comes, one day he texted me,'' mujhse itna attach mt ho mujhe waise bhi e relationship ni chahiye''. I was all numb and replied,"ok".
And BLOCKED him*
The other day I shamelessly texted him like a 10 y/o immature child who has lost his favourite toy.
"Why are you doing this?? YK i can't live without you, you have became my habit and i can't even think living without you, if you had to do this then first point per he mujhe apne aap se itna attached ni karna tha. He started pointing at my flaws and made me feel that it's all my fault.
Days passed but ofc i can't even forget him, everyday all I hoped was just one text from him, later i saw him matching pfp with an e girl.
I was like ok-
I literally tried every possible way to bring him back and yeah one day he came back but things Weren't the same i was constantly trying to fix things and he was constantly trying to ruin it all.
And here it comes he left again. ik I was so stupid but I was(am) so in love with him.
Now, this time when he left I heard it from some of his friends that he has a real life gf and he's busy so i just stopped doing everything (trying to being him back in my life)
on 31 dec 2022,
he texted me again, I tried my best to not to fall again (being a sigma female chad) but somehow I again fallen for him and confessed what I feel. He said he was sorry for what he did leaving me for other girls. And said he won't hurt me or leave me ever again.
on 1 Jan 2023,
at night we talked for hours after so long.
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omg take me back to 1st January lol
So, things were basically going right he told me about his exes how toxic they were (less toxic than him tho) but I was happy that he is back finally and I'll hold him a little tighter and not let him go away but things don't go as we want.
Jitna I tried to hold him,
utna he was trying to leave.
so, i stopped doing that. One day i.e, 11 Jan we had a little fight and that's when we parted away.
he said-
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So, this was now about my self respect and I said aggressively,'' I'll never ever text you again, mark my fucking words ''.
I actually did it, omg i was so proud of myself.
I rid myself of toxicity and everything, now I'm healing but actually happy tho. I won't let him ruin things again. Now the thing is that the girl who use to gave him nudes was his gf and he never broke up with her. Like how can people be so selfish???
But deep down I still have a soft corner for him idk why may be because I saw a soft side of him that nobody saw even if that was fake-
We did so many stupid things together omg i swear.
IDC but I'm done with him.
(he never asked me for nudes or sex chat) the good thing about him. We weren't made for each other, just for a small part that left a huge mark on my life.
His birthday is on 27 Feb and i really wanna wish him but I want to stick on my words. (advice do)
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ps1demodisk · 3 months
Changing our username to escape the consequences of our actions, are we? You managed to get a whole server shut down because of your manipulative bullshit. I hope the people you hurt can find some comfort in the fact that you will die alone. Especially if you keep treating people like this.
You can’t even clearly explain what the people you went after did. No evidence, no screenshots, nothing. Just your lies and manipulation and petty bans thrown at anyone you don’t like.
At the very least, don’t be a coward. You owe many people a massive apology, although I don’t expect them to forgive you. God knows I certainly don’t.
Ok so I'm gonna try and take this seriously but I gotta be real "changing our username to escape the consequences of our actions, are we?" made me snort so hard coke came out my nose so I apologise for how shittily put together this is but god damn it's hard to get your thoughts in order when you're almost throwing up
Anyway maybe go ask the spy (because i know that's why it(i checked pronouns, its bio only lists it/its) followed, and i haven't blocked because im not trying to hide) who you sent to my main twitter account to verify this shit before you talk to me cause I told it "My profile is open, I only have hob blocked, I only changed my username because I felt disconnected from my old one. You don't need to worry about me trying to wiggle back in or whatever."
I never tried to hide, if I was trying to hide I'd have shut down all my accounts before changing my name, I don't want to hide. "You can't even clearly explain what the people you went after did. No evidence, no screenshots, nothing." Ok. I can't gather screenshots from servers I'm not in, I explained myself clearly as I could given the fact I still have not had anything explained to me outside of what one person told me and you guys for some reason don't care about that part of any of it so it doesn't help me address shit. The Doc I posted on my old nsfw is the best I could do with the lack of information. My only regret is that I remembered extra details too late to edit them into the doc.
You and the rest of them are essentially a group of highschool children, that's how you're acting. You whisper behind your hands to each other and claim to want to protect people from the big scary evil master manipulator [Kalista] but when someone asks you what I did you act like nothing happened unless it's someone you think will fall for your shit. I do not believe there's substance 99% of whatever you guys have against me that could justify the reaction on that fact alone. Not to mention how STILL, screenshots are shared of me having flashbacks to being RAPED, and you treat it like evidence I'm the devil.
When you guys want to be civil and at the very fucking least stop wishing death on me and sharing that screenshot (and again Hobqueer is fully aware i was having flashbacks, I told him the day after in DMs when he pretended like he cared) then you can come talk to me about how evil I am.
"Don't be a coward" go fuck yourself, Peachy. The call is coming from inside the house and you fucking know it. I know that's you. Don't tell me to stop hiding when you didn't even have the balls to send it off anon, probably cause you know "I hope the people you hurt can at least find some comfort in the fact you will die alone" isn't a good look.
Seethe, for all I care. Rot in your hatred, I welcome it. I don't see myself as a victim, sorry if that fucks up the narrative you constructed for yourself or others.
I have no desire to be in contact with any of you besides maybe two people who defo hate me but at least didn't say some unhinged top-of-bible-studies-class level shit, so like... you can "let go of hatred" now like you wanted to before. You don't have to waste your energy thinking up ways to make me feel bad, because it doesn't work anymore.
Should've tried this two days ago then maybe you'd have gotten more than a half-thought-out bait response.
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Seventeen things I noted about CR2E135 “The Genesis Ward” and the Talks Machina about it :
A blocked Suez Canal joke, I can date this episode without looking at the Youtube details. Thanks, Sam, for making me relieving that crazy week on tumblr.
Fjord cast Mask of Many Faces just to have his hair come back "perfect". Immediately, Veth : "Oh, is it an illusion ?" Fjord, offended : "What, no ! I am a powerful practitioner of the -- Don't touch it !!!" (as Veth cast Mage Hand to ruffle Fjord's hair)
Ooooooh an explosion ??? That was provoked inward by something giga mega powerful ?! The more we see of Aeor the more I want to see
A component room and a records room with nice blank paper made for wizards ? Aeor is Caleb's dreaaaaaaam
I was like "Wait, the Factorum Malleus ? Where have I heard THAT before" and I searched through the transcripts database, and FRIDA fought in Aeor to defend it !!! WHAT THE HELL THIS IS BLOWING MY MIND
Elemental energy funneling ? Me thinks the fuckers at Aeor created a breach through the Water Plane and used the perpetual flow of water to harness power and power up their city...
Essek himself is suggesting to Caleb that there is a time to save the world, and a time to search Aeor. As a DM, I call that a message to my players. Event though... again, I want to see all of Aeor
the Aeorians, crazy motherfuckers, invented rejuvenation chambers for humanoids (like the one in the Lazarus experiment in Doctor Who, without the unfortunate consequence of turning Mark Gatiss into a monster) AND a rejuvenation chamber for the robots !
Veth is getting the vapors, just from hearing Devexian talk, I laughed really loud at Sam's antics
OBSESSED with how Devexian was like, 'Thanks for repairing me I guess', and (relunctantly) bringing some LORE, and 'I must go now see you losers ok I'll open this door for you ~byyyyye', in under 10 minutes
As Fjord is enclosed in the tube space not knowing what will happen, Laura (known Harrisson Ford stan), as Jester : "Fjord !! I love you..." Travis, who wants to please his wife and is also a Harrison Ford stan : "I know..."
Hahaha, now it's Caleb's turn to say to Essek that they do not have time to study the weird rejuvenation room with dunamis traces
Amazing ending with the visual of the Nein just running to the edge and free falling (or flying) to escape the other monster.
Ok, so Taliesin apparently wrote the dream Caduceus has wayyyy before meeting the Nein in the weekend after Molly's death episode, where he was panicking and creating in urgency another character ; and he never looked at these character notes ever again until the ending arc, where he was like "hum.... this could be important". It's hilarious to me, because it means these players are good but they are humans, and they will forget stuff like this they crafter. Matt, however, will not, and will use it to incorporate into his world !
Caduceus, at Aeor, if he could : "You guys had problems."
There is a Twinkie Museum, and of course, Taliesin knows about it because he went at it.
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