#and before that also a quick ‘welcome to canada’
goldenhypen · 11 months
beloved em 🫂 i was so worried but i figured u just needed time to urself !! i hope ur doing okay, and if it doesn't feel okay just yet, that's alright too </3
hi beam !!! <3 thanks for being so understanding :( this is actually rlly nice to hear and i’ll keep this in mind cuz it’s possible i will disappear again v soon tbh 😭 but rn i’m doing ok after taking some time off for myself and it was rlly nice :’> hru doing lately? 🥹
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diejager · 11 months
hii!! Im new to your blog and i have been obsessed ever since~ i have a little req about the reader using contacts in the field but the task force doesn’t know she uses glasses so i’d like to know what would their reaction would be it can be also the monster au~
No pressure thoo, take the time you need. Keep up the good work love your stories 🥰
Oh! Then a very late welcome!🥰 I wore contacts before and I can promise you that your eyes dry out real fast, especially in dry and cold temperatures in Canada. Though they are more convenient than glasses.
Pairing : Monster!Task Force 141 x fem!reader
Cw: men simping for you, fluff. Wc: 1082
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For a human, you had good eyesight, even Gaz had said yours might’ve been one of the best he’s seen, especially for a sniper. You took down enemies within the blink of an eye as if you were born to build a nest and stay perched up for hours, scoping and hunting the enemy. You, for all the embarrassment you felt from the constant gush of compliments from them, wore glasses, needing them to see if you wanted to see anything at all. Faces blurred and shapes deformed without them, but wearing glasses while deployed was a danger. You’d had prescribed contacts ever since you started your training, paid by the military health assurance (contacts were expensive depending on the brands and the bests were exceedingly so). 
You got into the habit of wearing contacts even off duty since it made life easier to not worry about readjusting your glasses or cleaning them. The last mission in the arid desert of Urzikstan dried your eyes, even with the protective goggles, they weren’t impenetrable from the heat and dry atmosphere. You took your contacts off and showered, discarding them in the trash before you used your glasses, thick, squared lenses glued to a black frame. 
You went about your day as you usually did after that, wiping your foggy glasses before leaving your room (protective Price gave you a room with a bathroom included, he didn’t want any men or women following you into the public showers to spite them since you were the weakest link to the TF. Mostly from others peeking or watching you shower, he’s protective and possessive of his hoard.) to meet your brothers-in-arms in the Mess Hall.
Soap did a double take when he saw - smelled - you walk into the Mess Hall, blinking his wide eyes, mouth agape in shock. He took the time you spent reaching them to stare at you, adorably confused by the thick glasses over your nose. Shock followed his confusion, that their amazing sniper wore glasses. Had your eyesight been that great because of the contacts you wore? Or had it contributed to your reaction time and quick trigger finger? Passed his confusion and shock, was appreciation. You looked adorable in your black-rimmed glasses, it framed your face so well that he felt like snagging you to himself to stare and admire until you got sick of him. It made him wonder how well you could see without them.
Gaz, the harpy who praised you for your eyesight, was seemingly as shocked as Soap. He, however, recuperated faster, blinking away the questions before you sat down next to Ghost. He had questions but thought it better to leave it until you were both alone. He found you pretty in glasses, the square shape with rounded corners made you look younger than you were, resting on your nose with a slight droop. He did feel betrayed though. Learning that the person he praised so much wore glasses made him increasingly confused. You had one of the most precise aiming and timing he’d seen while being conscious of your handicap, and it never stopped you from performing well. 
Ghost knew you wore contacts and needed glasses to see outside of combat. Of course, he would, he’s searched your name on the database, he’s seen your file and read through it to find anything inconspicuously dangerous to them (a background on monster hunting or hate for monsters and hybrids). He hadn’t bothered to look up when you came in, striding to sit next to him with a schooled face, the corner of your lips threatening to curve upwards at Gaz and Soap’s shock. He, unlike you, could smirk outwardly, and he did. He’d never seen you with them, this was his first time, but you looked fine with and without glasses, cute even when you tried to adjust your slipping accessory. 
Price heard from them you wore glasses at super, Soap gushing about it like a lovesick, pubescent high schooler. He was the first to recommend you to Laswell after the higher-ups wanted to incorporate a human into the Task Force. He liked your history and you, you wore your older glasses in your picture, from years ago. They were rounder and made you look childish compared to the rounded square ones you currently wore. It was a mix between adorable and professional - the added factor that he found you increasingly sexy when you were deployed made him biassed on his beliefs of you being an eye candy for him and his boys - and you wore it well. Although he wished you’d wear them more often than on your late visits to turn in your mission reports, tired and posture slightly relaxed when you dropped by. 
Alejandro hadn’t searched your file when he knew you were a part of the Task Force he recently joined, he preferred the personal approach, to getting to know you firsthand before reading your file. He liked you as you were: efficient, warm and witty. Then your file made his eyes open, you wore glasses! He’s never seen you with them until this afternoon, striding in confidently with those warm eyes under the glistening lenses of your clean accessory. He realised you’d changed them, better suited on your face than your older ones. Corazón, that’s how he greeted you, smiling salaciously, the light gleaming over his dimpled cheeks. He was the beauty in your talent and your being, a true treasure to have on the TF.
Rudy, good ol’ Rudy, nearly blushed, as softhearted as he wore his heart on his sleeve. He tempted glances your way, starting pointless conversations to get to look at you. He admired your fluttering laces, gleaming eyes under the scope of your glasses and the lazy, yet appealing, drooping of your dark-rimmed accessory. Mija, he was tempted to call you, the words nearly slipping off his tongue as Alejandro had. He was more shy, his ears flushing lightly on the edges when you smiled at him (at all of them) when you sat down between him and Ghost. He didn’t question why you had glasses or how you performed so well with sight-related issues. He just wanted to see you wear them more often.
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hslllot · 2 years
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A Soft Place to Fall - Part I
Story List 
Word count: 3.6k // Rated M // harry x reader
Note: Wowowow ok! So, here’s the first part of what will be a multi-part story. It is just a short lil introduction to our duo... The second part isn’t too far away either :) I want to thank my bullies motivating friends that encouraged me to write and share this! I love writing but am always painfully nervous about sharing. So please, if you like it, let me know! If you don’t like it you can also let me know but I will probably cry. OK ENJOY :)
Part I
In a cozy log cabin at the base of Mount Yamnuska, Harry found himself in a position he thought he’d never find himself in again.
He was hiding. 
It was something he tended to do after a particularly difficult break up: Flee to a different country, alone, to write and sulk and ponder how he always managed to screw things up. 
Jamaica. Japan. Italy. 
In the heart of the Canadian rockies, he sat by the fire in his lonely wooden home. There was a winter unlike anything he’d ever experienced outside his window and a mug filled with English tea in front of him. Next to his mug was his journal, open to an empty set of pages, words painfully unwritten. 
He arrived in Calgary by plane this morning, peering out the window to see the bustling and bright landscapes of California transform into blankets of fresh white snow on barren acres of farmland. They flew over the Rocky Mountains and, despite having seen them from above before, he was transfixed by their beauty and size, and he wondered if anyone ever got tired of seeing something so majestic. He had never seen the mountains in the dead of winter, the trees, the ground, and the mountains themselves covered in white while the surrounding frozen glacier lakes remained a brilliant blue. He appreciated the beauty of it all, and under different circumstances he might have turned to the person sitting next to him and urged them to lean over and take a peek out the window too. But his mood soured when he remembered that the person sitting next to him was a stranger, and he was, again, on this trip alone.
Once the plane had landed he sent a quick text to his family group chat and Jeffrey to let them know he’d arrived in one piece. He scrolled through his emails to find all of the different reservations Jeffrey forwarded to him so he could pick up his rental vehicle and begin the 100 kilometre journey to the sleepy mountain town he would be calling home for the next three months. 
The GPS in the rental guided him to the Bow Valley Parkway, the scenic highway that would lead him through Banff National Park and to his destination. As he entered the parkway, he pulled into a designated lookout just past a wooden gate that overhead read “WELCOME BIENVENUE”. Directly in front of him was a cerulean river, frozen over and backed by the most massive snow-capped mountain he had ever seen. He got out of his car, feeling the cold January air like pinpricks across his face, and quickly took a picture of the view. He sent it to his mother and promised to one day come back with her so she could see it for herself.
As he drove further down the Bow Valley, he felt kind of silly for pulling over at the sight of his first mountain when each mountain and lake he passed seemed to be bigger and more beautiful than the last. Eventually, he saw the signs for Mount Yamnuska and turned off the highway onto a long and winding road that would take him to his final destination. With nothing but tall lodgepole pine trees, grey skies, and the crooning voice of Billie Holiday to keep him company, he felt like he was on a different planet. A planet where the trees and the mountain air could filter out all of the negative voices, thoughts, and feelings he’d been privy to in the last few weeks. A planet where he might be able to clear his head long enough to find within it a melody or even a lyric or two. 
Harry wasn’t entirely sure what was waiting for him at the end of the road, only having skimmed the AirBnB listing Jeffrey had emailed him. He called Jeff two days ago, insisting that he needed to get away, to disappear for a bit. Having been in this exact position before with his client/friend, Jeff knew what that meant. His manager remembered seeing videos of aesthetic mountain vacations with rocky lookouts and great big turquoise lakes on TikTok, so he suggested that Harry sequester himself in the mountains. After discussing and agreeing on the destination, Jeff had the trip planned and booked within hours. 
Harry passed plenty of tiny cottages and cabins tucked away in the forest alongside the highway, but as it got darker he focused more on the road ahead and fixed his eyes to watch out for any wildlife (he heard mountain lions were a possibility in the Winter). When he finally made it to his landing place, he was at the end of a long driveway in front of a cabin carved into a landscape of endless conifer trees. The cabin looked small and simple on the outside, the entirety of its exterior made up of orange-tinted pine logs. There was a foot of snow covering everything in sight, save for the walking path from the driveway to a front porch that spanned the width of the cabin. On the porch sat two Muskoka chairs, red, to match the front door. 
Sat in the two chairs waiting for him, unphased by the darkening skies and blowing snow, he presumed were his hosts. 
He exited his car and zipped his jacket all the way past his chin, a lame attempt to shield his face from the wind. As he made his way toward the porch, the older man and woman stood to greet him. Both were dressed in black puffer jackets and knit beanies, perhaps in their mid-to-late fifties. They appeared friendly, wearing bright smiles as they welcomed him to their vacation home.
“You must be Harry”, the man said, reaching out to shake Harry’s hand.
Harry returned the gesture, “Hello, yes, I’m Harry.” 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Paul and this is my wife, Nancy.” 
“We hope you found the place OK!” Nancy chippered. 
“Thank you, I did.” He said, shaking Nancy’s hand next. “I appreciate you taking me in on such short notice.” 
“Oh, it’s no problem. We actually just had a cancellation before your manager contacted us. Our daughter was supposed to stay here with her partner for the week but their plans changed. So everything was already set up for guests!”
“Lucky for me then.” He said with a smile as Paul took his bag and Nancy moved to open the door to lead them all inside. 
Harry did a quick scan of the inside of the cabin from where he stood in the front entrance. He saw they’d already started a fire in the wood burning stove and spotted a cozy looking armchair where he knew he’d be curling up with his book. “The place looks great.”
“We’re glad you think so. Please, come in, get comfortable. This is your home now for a bit, after all!” Nancy insisted, fussing over him to take off his jacket and shoes. She reminded him a bit of his mother, something about her demeanor making him feel at ease. “You’ve had a long journey so we’ll leave you to get settled in and explore the place. Just a few things though…”
He kicked off his shoes by the door and followed behind the two as they led him past the living room and into the kitchen. 
“We’re going to get more snow tonight and you’re probably tired from your travels,” Nancy opened the refrigerator. “We’ve already stocked the fridge with all of our daughter’s favourites so there’s plenty of food that you can have.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind getting my own.”
“Really, we’d rather it didn’t go to waste.” Paul chimed in. “But of course if there’s anything more you need, there’s some info in that binder on the table about going into town and grocery stores and restaurants and whatnot.”
“Alright, thank you. I really appreciate all this.”
“Of course!” He handed Harry a set of keys on what looked like a moose-head keychain. “Here’s the key. Our house is north of here, about 15 minutes away. So if you need anything just give us a call or text. Our address is in there too just in case.”
Harry bid goodnight to Paul and Nancy and once they were gone he took his bag and scoped out the cabin. It was a simple layout with two bedrooms just off the living room, a full bathroom between the two rooms and the open galley kitchen along the adjacent back wall, opposite the front door. There was a small kitchen island at the center in front of the red kitchen cupboards, and a wooden dining table for two in its own little nook off the kitchen. The cabin had a warm feel to it. The decor, you might say was quintessentially Canadian in the way they leaned into maple-scented candles, wood carvings of mountains hung on the walls, and no shortage of throw blankets and pillows adorned with buffalo plaid. 
Harry dropped his bag into the bedroom closest to the kitchen and was about to start unpacking when his stomach growled. Grateful they had left food for him to eat, he made himself a sandwich and got acquainted with where everything was in the kitchen before unpacking his things. He decided then that after he unpacked he would settle in for the night by the fire, brew some tea and maybe take a stab at writing. 
You hated driving in the winter. 
Were you competent and experienced enough to deal with the blowing snow and the black ice under your tires? Sure. But that didn't mean you enjoyed it. A lifetime of driving down the Parkway didn’t stop you from gripping the steering wheel so hard your knuckles were white, or straining your eyes in the darkness to avoid missing any moose or elk that might emerge from the trees. 
One thing you did like about road trips was that they were a great opportunity for reflection. You’d been driving for about 3 hours at this point, and had barely listened to the playlist you put on at the start of your journey. You were too busy keeping an eye on the road, or thinking about the last 72 hours, and playing out scenarios in your head where things had gone differently. 
You were exhausted, physically and mentally. Was it really only 72 hours since everything went down? 
You replayed your last conversation with Luke over and over again in your head, hoping that if you went over it enough you could better understand.
“I just can’t do it. Even if I came, I would have to bring work with me and I’d be working the whole time.” 
You were incredulous. Confused. Borderline seething. 
“This trip was supposed to happen last summer, Luke. We’ve postponed it twice already for your job.” 
“I know and I said I’m sorry. I just can’t up and leave right now.” 
“Did you not book off the vacation time? Your boss knows you're supposed to go away. It’s literally one week.” 
“Yes, I booked off the vacation time but I-”
“Well if you’ve booked it off and they gave you the time off what’s the problem?” 
“I just can’t go now, ok?”
“Is it that you can’t go, or that you don’t want to go?” 
That question had been lingering in the back of your mind every time the trip had to be postponed, but you never asked because you were afraid of the answer. You hoped that work really was so busy that he couldn’t take a week off, even though he had the vacation time approved by his boss. You wanted to believe that this was just the reality of being in a relationship with a lawyer. 
The trouble was that you’d been with Luke for two years and he had yet to meet your family. He seemed excited to visit the small mountain town where you grew up, citing that he’d always wanted to visit Banff and the Rocky Mountains. You met his parents and got on well with them and your relationship was moving forward, with talks of moving in together and maybe even a proposal on the horizon. 
However, every time you brought up visiting your family, he put it off and said he was too busy. You would visit home and he would stay back in Vancouver. Eventually he agreed to join you and the trip was booked, but at the last minute he claimed to be in the middle of an important case and couldn’t leave. You rescheduled twice since, and it was looking like you’d be adding a third. 
“Of course I want to go. It’s just not a great time right now.” 
“Is there ever going to be a great time? At some point I’m going to need you to make time for it, Luke.” 
You were beginning to think that he didn’t understand how important your family was to you. He didn’t understand that you needed to see how he fit into your family in order for the relationship to progress. Would he get along with your dad? Would he be kind to your mom? Could he be friends with your brother? You were realizing that maybe his lack of motivation to meet your family and see your home was all you needed to know. 
Before he could respond, you added “I don’t think I can do this anymore.” 
Of course over the last 72 hours you doubted yourself constantly. Had you overreacted? Should you have been more understanding about his job? You went back and forth, reminding yourself that you had a job too, sure it wasn’t as demanding as that of a lawyer, but no matter what you always found the time for things that were important to you. You even took a week off to go on a ski trip with his parents a few weeks ago.
After the break up, you called your parents to let them know you weren’t coming anymore. You fully intended to wallow in your apartment for the week and mourn your dead relationship. The wallowing lasted less than 24 hours before you decided the best antidote for a broken heart was a hug from your mom and a beer with your dad.
That’s how you found yourself on the Bow Valley Parkway at 11pm in the middle of a snowstorm. You thought it would be fun to surprise your parents, but now you were regretting that decision. You weren’t sure that the rental vehicle was equipped to deal with a January snow storm in the mountains and if you ended up in a ditch or hit by a moose, no one knew where you were. Knowing your parents, they were probably already asleep, and you didn’t want to wake them. You decided to spend the night at their guest cabin you had initially booked, with plans to surprise them in the morning.
Harry knew that a few hours on a plane and an evening in a log cabin in the middle of the wilderness wasn’t going to instantly fix his writer’s block. But he did hope his new setting might be able to wiggle some ideas free. 
As he sat with his tea and his journal open to an empty page, he begged the words to come to him. But he didn’t know what to say.
How could he write about a break up that he still didn’t even fully understand? 
He was just short of banging his head against the table and throwing his journal in the fire when a light shone through the window. 
A set of headlights turned onto the driveway, a small car bustling through the snow storm that had started raging outside. He looked to the door to make sure he’d locked it, in case someone was on their way to murder him in the middle of nowhere. 
Maybe Paul or Nancy forgot something, he hoped to himself. It was nearly midnight, so he knew that wasn’t logical. 
It was when you pulled up and parked next to his rental that he saw you in the driver’s seat. Your face was perplexed as you looked over at his vehicle and then to the log cabin. You awkwardly made eye contact through the window before you quickly looked away. 
Maybe she’s lost, he thought to himself next. 
He waited for you to come to the door, but you remained in your car. Eventually, thinking you looked harmless enough, Harry bundled up in his coat, slipped on his shoes, and went to meet you outside. 
You whipped your head towards the cabin door when you saw it open to reveal a strange man walking toward your vehicle. 
Why is he coming out here? Oh god is he going to murder me? You thought. 
Embarrassed you’d been caught outside the cabin, you rolled down your window, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t think anyone would be here! I’m just leaving!“
You were hit with the realization of who was walking toward you, followed by some confusion.
What the fuck… 
And then panic when you realized he was walking up to your car. 
“I really am sorry this is my parents cabin and I thought no one would be here!” You shouted as he approached your opened window. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your evening.”
Harry fucking Styles crouched down to look at you through the driver’s side window. In the darkness, you felt his eyes on you taking note of your black and yellow North Face puffer jacket and the knit beanie on your head. There was a look of recognition on his face, perhaps noticing some of your features were strikingly similar to those of a woman he’d met only a few hours ago.
“Ah, you’re Nancy and Paul’s daughter.”
“Yeah, I am…So I’ll just h-”
“They said you’d canceled.”
“Oh? Yea, I did… I, uh, changed my mind, I guess. I didn’t think they’d book someone so quickly.” 
“It was good timing on my part, I guess.” 
“Right, ok, I’m so sorry for interrupting your evening! I’ll just go to their house!” It was nearly pitch black outside, save for the light of your headlights shining on the cabin in front of you. The wind was violent, whipping snow around him, and you felt bad that he was standing outside in the cold. His arms were crossed and hugging his jacket closed, talking to you while not wearing nearly enough layers to be outside.
Harry pondered for a moment, sucking his lips into his mouth and turning to look at the snow coming down around him. He was sure being from here that you had experience driving in weather like this, but he could not in good conscience let you leave without offering. 
“The snow’s coming down pretty hard. I was just having some tea before bed… Would you like to come in? At least until things calm down a bit.” 
Harry felt bold asking you to come inside when you were strangers. He could tell you were mulling it over, maybe unsure if you could trust him or if it would be appropriate. He wasn’t sure if it was either, but he kind of hoped you agreed to it anyway. Jeffrey would yell at him for this. 
“Are you sure?” You asked. Your first instinct was to outright decline the offer, but you knew the roads were treacherous and you were exhausted. 
“Yes, I’m sure.” He insisted. “Selfishly, I would never forgive myself if I let you go and you got into an accident or something on the highway.”
“Okay,” you agreed reluctantly. “I’ll come in just for a bit.” You got out of the car and followed him back quickly through the blowing snow and up the path to the front door. 
Once inside, he turned to you. “I apologize I didn’t even ask your name.”
You told him your name as you toed off your boots and took off your many layers of outdoor winter wear. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you. I’m Harry.” 
“Nice to meet you too, Harry. I know who you are, by the way. I’m a fan.” You paused and he noticed the way your face twisted, almost in embarrassment. “Ugh, sorry, is that weird to say?”
“Not weird.” He tried to reassure you. “Would be more awkward if you said you hated me or something.”
You took a seat on the sofa, grabbing the buffalo plaid pillow next to you and hugging it to your chest. You felt awkward. What was Harry Styles doing in your parents’ vacation rental? And what were you doing with him alone in the middle of the night? Were you going to sit here and chat with each other? Or would he carry on with his evening as if you weren’t here? 
You spotted his open journal and a mug of tea abandoned on the side table near the fire. He did mention having tea before, which was confirmed by him now filling the kettle with water. 
“Again, I’m sorry for interrupting. Really appreciate you letting me hang here for a bit.” 
He grabbed a mug from the cabinet to the right of the sink. It was the green mug you painted for your mom for Mother’s Day in middle school.
“You’ve got to stop apologizing. Very Canadian of you though.” 
“Right. Sorry. Shit.” 
Harry laughed whilst shaking his head at your incessant apologies. You liked his laugh. And his dimples.
OK, he’s cute, you thought. 
“Would you like a snack?” Harry called out, interrupting your wandering thoughts. “I’m pretty sure all of the food here was supposed to be for you anyways.”
Thank you so much for reading! I am looking forward to diving into this story a bit more and would like to know what you think :) 
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22nd Day of Christmas
Lonely Christmas Invite
Summary/Prompt: The reader is set to spend Christmas alone in an unfamiliar city until they get an unexpected invitation
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: implied smut
Christmas Masterlist | Masterlist
You’re the new guest star, playing a recurring role as an angel trying to con the Winchester brothers, on the newest season of Supernatural. You’re loving everything about the role, except that Christmas is fast approaching and you’re miles from your family. This is your first big, international role. There was no way you could turn it down, even if it meant you would be stranded in Canada, on the other side of the world from your family at Christmas. So, you jumped on the plane and never looked back.
You’re grateful that all the cast and crew are so friendly and welcoming, especially the sexy lead. You and Jensen have been working together closely since day one as his character has been the main focus of your character. But you also started hanging out a little more unprofessionally offset. You never meant for it to happen, but you’re glad it did. It all started with a few welcome-to-the-cast drinks, but once everyone else went home for the night you somehow ended up back at his apartment and in his bed. You both swore that no one could know. You’re not overly proud to say (despite how amazing it’s been) that you’ve spent more than a few nights in his apartment throughout the season. You always remind yourself that it’s just a fling, but either way, it’s a great distraction from the loneliness.
After a long, draining day of filming, Bob Singer finally calls cut. You stretch out your tired limbs and stow your character as you head back to your trailer to change and clean off your SFX makeup. Shortly after you’re back to your own attire and feel clean again instead of stiff and sticky from the fake blood, you hear a soft knock.
“Come in!” you call out.
You hear the trailer door creak open and Jensen slips inside. “Any plans tonight, Sexy?”
You hush him as you pull him into a hug. “You can’t say that here. We’ll get in trouble for being unprofessional. I’m only a guest star they can write me out whenever they want.”
“Jared married a guest star. It’s different here, that’s what I keep telling you. We could go fully official and no one would complain.”
“Still…You’re the lead, you’ll be fine. The show can’t go on without you, but me…No one would notice if I was gone.”
“I would.”
“Yeah, you’d miss the mindblowing sex.”
“That I would. But I’d also just miss you. But speaking of mindblowing sex…”
“You’re unbelievable. I’ll meet you back at your place in an hour?”
“I was actually thinking we could get dinner first? Let me take you on a proper date, please.”
“Not yet. I want to establish myself first. I don’t want people to think I’m just sleeping with you to get famous or anything. I want to get on the front of a magazine for who I am, not who I’m sleeping with.”
“Fine. Let me at least cook for you then.”
“That I can do. I’ll meet you over there.”
“Good.” He kisses you quickly before pulling away and sneaking out of your trailer.
You take a deep breath as you lean against the closed door. You wait a while before you pack up and head home. You shower quickly and change into a comfy outfit, you also pack a quick overnight bag since you figure you won’t be coming home tonight. You then head over to his apartment. Your stomach growls on the drive over and you couldn’t be more thankful that he’s cooking.
You knock on his door and wait. After a few minutes he opens the door. “Hey…” he looks you up and down with a small frown. You notice he’s dressed in a nice button up and jeans with his hair brushed back. “Well, I feel overdressed…”
“Sorry, I didn’t…I thought I was coming over for a relaxed meal and hot sex, not a formal date.”
He nods but can’t hide his disappointment. “Right. Uh, yeah. Yep. Uh, come in.”
“I can go home and change again…”
“No, don’t be ridiculous. Come in. It’s okay. Dinner’s almost ready.” He disappears into the kitchen and you’re riddled with guilt.
“I’ll be right back, I just left my phone in the car,” you call out as you open his front door again. You desperately hope you left a dress in the car from one of your other sleepovers where you’ve gone straight to set after. You check your back seats and then the trunk. In an old shopping bag you find a simple black dress and a pair of heels. Sure he’s probably seen and stripped you out of this dress before and this time you unfortunately won’t have matching sexy lingerie underneath but it’ll have to do. You take the bag upstairs to his apartment and slip inside and into his bathroom as quietly as possible. You strip out of your sweater and jeans and into the black dress and heels. Then you let your hair out and run your hands through it a few times to liven it up. You’re still missing the makeup but you think you did well considering.
You come out just as Jensen is finishing to set the table. When he turns around he checks you out. “How did you?”
“A woman is always prepared. This better?”
“I’d take you however you come, but yes it does feel more like a date now. But I need to know before this goes too much further, because I’m falling too hard and too fast…Is this just meaningless sex to you?”
“I thought it was,” you say. “But now I’m not so sure. Things are moving faster and differently than I expected. I just don’t know. You’ll be going home to visit your family soon and I’ll just be waiting until the next callback or audition.”
“How about we start with dinner and just keep seeing where this goes then? No pressure, no labels. Just fun and following the tide.”
“I like the sound of that. Thank you.”
“Come on, it’ll go cold.” You both sit down and share the delicious home cooked meal.
As you’re eating Jensen says, “I haven’t decided by the way…”
“Have decided what?”
“Whether I’m going home for Christmas. My parents are traveling, enjoying their golden years and my siblings are doing their own thing. I’m on my own for Christmas too.” You nod as you take another bite considering what he said. “Would you like to spend Christmas with me Y/N? We can hang out here or I can take you to see Texas. You said you haven’t seen much of the USA yet.”
“But the paparazzi…”
“We don’t have to leave this apartment if you don’t want to.”
“Go with the flow, remember. You make your own plans and I’ll fit in where I can. You shouldn’t have to hide inside because of my fears.”
“Just come over for Christmas dinner then. The rest we can work out as it comes, but let me have that to plan.”
“Alright. You’d better make it delicious then.”
“Did I let you down tonight?”
“Not at all. This is delicious. You’re an amazing cook.”
“Thanks. I’ll make sure not to let you down.”
After dinner you help him with the dishes and then you both sit on the couch and watch some trash reality TV until your eyelids grow heavy. But instead of falling into bed with him, you insist on driving home.
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5ducksinatrenchcoat · 6 months
eep i have a test on all of ww1 and ww2 (and the interwar period! yay!) tmrw and i'm not very ready!! anyways i'm going to summarize most of what i know ABOUT WW1 under the cut. mostly for my studying but if you want to see you're welcome to read it. BEWARE IT IS LONG
scene opens on Germany, a young nation eager to prove itself as strong to the other European powers, namely Britain, who has lots and lots of colonies at this point. (the sun never sets on the British empire!). Britain also has the strongest navy. Germany believes in "Weltpolitik", meaning aggressive expansion.
Germany has recently beaten France in the Franco-Prussian War and acquired the territory Alsace-Lorraine. France is angry and embarrassed. It went from being the biggest European power under the rule of Napoleon to this!! France hates Germany.
Russia is poor but MASSIVE and has a HUGE POLULATION. if it is awaken, it will do serious damage. luckily it is "sleeping" for now.
The Austria-Hungarian empire is made up of many different nations along the Balkan Peninsula who hate being part of the empire. The Balkan Peninsula is known as the powder keg of Europe because a single spark could make it blow up.
There was also the Moroccan Crisis where Britain decided to support France (against Germany) in Egypt and the Suez canal. There is more here, but basically it solidified the hard feelings between Germany and France/Britain.
Everyone starts beefing up their military because conflict is coming!
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy ally themselves to form the Triple Alliance. Germany organized this to try to isolate France.
Britain, France, and Russia ally to form the Triple Entente because they were a bit worried about Germany (especially France).
Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, goes to visit Sarajevo with his wife. He thinks the people will love him! He doesn't know that he is visiting during a parade for Slavic independence. They don't like him. Gavrilo Princip, a member of a nationalist group called Black Hand, kills Francis and his wife.
Austria-Hungary is ANGRY. It blames the government (who didn't organize the assassination, but who weren't sad about it either) and makes unreasonable demands to Serbia, who refuses.
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
Russia mobilized troops to protect Serbia.
Germany declared war on Russia for mobilizing its troops. Germany was aligned with A-H, so it was at war with Serbia too. Germany also declared war on France because it was allied with Russia (and Germany just didn't like France).
Germany marched through Belgium to get to France quickly so it could defeat France before Russia "woke up". This was called the Schlieffen plan.
Britain declared war on Germany because it had secretly agreed to help Belgium remain sovereign. Now that Britain is at war, so are its many colonies. The war has breached European confinement.
Men had the idea that war would be quick and glorious so lots signed up!
Germans and Ukrainians were forced to register with authorities and many were sent to internment camps.
Black and Indigenous men faced obstacles trying to enlist because of racism.
French Canadians enlisted less because they had, for the most part, been in Canada longer than British Canadians, so they didn't feel as emotionally attached to France. They also didn't appreciate being encouraged to go fight for Britain because they weren't British.
Women's suffrage and prohibition became two large issues across the country.
Conscription - Borden had promised not to have conscription, but then he took it back. People were angry. He gave women with husbands overseas the right to vote because they would want to send help to the war to bring their husbands back. Yay?
THE BATTLE OF YPRES: Germany introduced poison gas and created a gaping hole in the defences. Canada remained strong and closed the gap. It was the first European battle Canada fought in and it established itself as a powerful country. yippee.
THE BATTLE OF THE SOMME: one of the bloodiest battles in history for all sides. 68 of almost 800 Newfoundland soldiers survived the first few days.
BATTLE OF PASSCHENDAELE: seen as a symbol of ww1's senseless slaughter as thousands died on the field (either killed, drowned in the mud because it was super rainy, or got trenchfoot (don't google it. yucky.))
VIMY RIDGE: this becomes a source of national pride to this day. Canada was able to take a ridge held by Germany that nobody else had succeeded in taking. Ultimately it gave Canada its own seat in post-war discussions and made it recognized as a country. HOW DID WE DO IT? They build a system of caves and tunnels and a railway to transport explosives. During the attack, a creeping barrage of soldiers made its way up the hill, in between heavy artillery fire (in front of and behind them) that was also making its way up the hill. This way, when they stopped firing, the Canadians were on top of the German soldiers. This is called the Vimy Glide. ARTHUR CURRIE was the general who came up with it.
Not really a turning point but i don't have another section: GALLIPOLI: Australia was a British colony so it had to fight for Britain. Britain threw Australians at the Ottomans as a feint. It was a slaughter.
ITALY CHANGED SIDES due to a secret treaty granting it territories that Italian people lived in. (After the war, they weren't given this territory, leading to the rise of Mussolini).
THE US ENTERED THE WAR: Americans had wanted to stay neutral, but they hated Germany thanks to British propaganda. A German U-boat sunk the Lusitania, which contained American civilians. THE ZIMMERMAN TELEGRAM was from Germany to Mexico saying to attack the southern states to the US was busy fighting and couldn't join the war. The US intercepted this, got angrier at Germany, and joined the war. This helped wear down the Triple Alliance (now down to 2 because of Italy).
there was then a revolt against the German government because German people had believed they were winning.
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why4anne · 2 years
Power couple
Pairing: Owen Power x Reader
Word count: 770
Category: fluff
Summary: You and Owen get your aceptance letter from team Canada to participate in the 2022 Bejing Olympics.
Warnings: none
Requested: Yes/No
Note: Obviously I’ve never gotten the offer to participate in the Olympics so this is not entirely accurate but I hope it won’t bother anyone. Please send in requests of what you want me to write for this Olympics blurb series. I hope you enjoy this.
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“Babe, have you gotten yours yet?” Owen asked from beside you while desperately refreshing the page on his computer.
“Not yet. I’m sure they will come soon though.” You answered him while looking at the clock ticking down to midnight. Both you and Owen were waiting to see if you’ve made the Olympic roster of 2022. You for figure skating and him for hockey.  The nerves were unbearable and you could feel your heart beating in your chest. The clock was ticking slowly, the seconds felt like hours and you were furiously staring at the seconds tick by, willing time to move faster.. 
“C’mon” You whispered under your breath while waiting impatiently. You felt Owen reassuringly take your hand in his big one to try and calm you down. The calluses from his hockey stick were prominent in his palm but to you it still felt as soft as silk.
You turned your head to your boyfriend who was staring at you with a loving gaze. His hazel eyes were fixated on you, conveying all that he wanted to say in a single look, telling you everything would be fine. You gave him a small smile and he returned it. 
The clock struck midnight and your gaze instantly averted towards your laptop that was sitting on the kitchen table. 
“It’s here!” You exclaimed. Owen, who was still staring at you, turned towards his computer and refreshed the page one last time.
“It is.” He answered while trying to contain his nerves and excitement.
“Should we open it on three?” You asked him, your leg bouncing.
“Relax, I’m sure you will get in.” He put his hand on your thigh to stop the bouncing. You stopped for a second and looked at him once more. He was still staring at you with that adoring look in his eyes. You leaned in for a quick kiss and you felt your nerves melt away when your lips met. When you pulled away you saw him visibly relax as well.
“Alright, are you ready?” You breathed out. He nodded his head and turned his focus to the screen while you did the same.
“One… two…three…” You counted down together. Both of you hit “open” at the same time and quickly skimmed the message. 
‘It’s with great pleasure we welcome you to the 2022 Olympic women's single skating team.’
The moment you read it your heart leaped out of your chest with happiness. You wanted you to jump up and down with joy but you didn’t. You were afraid to celebrate in case Owen didn’t get in. Slowly you turned to him with a neutral expression. He also seems like he wanted your reaction before he said anything.
“Did you get it?” You asked with a shaky voice.
“Yeah, you?” He breathed out quietly.
“I did.” You answered just as quietly. Suddenly, before you could process what happened you were being lifted up in the air in a hug by your 6’6 feet tall boyfriend.
“We did it baby!” He exclaimed while excitedly spinning you around. Reality hit you like a ton of bricks, both you and Owen were going to the olympics together. You started to laugh in both happiness and disbelief. This had been your dream since you were 5 years old and now it was reality and not only that but you would have your amazing boyfriend right by your side throughout all of it.
“We are olympians, Owen!” You squealed as he hugged you tighter than ever before.
“Yes we are!” He answered just as excited as you were. He gently put you down and you found it sweet that even with all the excitement bubbling in him, your giant of a boyfriend was still treating you like a porcelain doll.
“I can’t believe we did it.” You said in disbelief. He immediately lifted your chin to look up at him. You met his eyes and felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. It was amazing how even after two years together he still managed to make you feel like you had a big fat crush on the boy who sat beside you in your English class.
“Of course you did, baby. You are the most talented, hard working and wonderful woman in the entire world. They would be stupid not to have you.” He told you. Your eyes filled with happy tears as you took in his words. 
“I love you.” Was all that came out as you answered with a voice thick of emotion.
“I love you too, Y/N, so much.” He answered and pulled you in for yet another kiss.
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liked by owenpower_, thomasbordeleau_ and 4 240 others
yourusername: Can’t belive I went from staring at him in class to going to the Olympics together. Owen, thank you for being my rock throughout all of this. I love you more than words can describe. Beijing 2022 here we come! <3
tagged: @ owenpower_, @ teamcanada
view all 87 comments
owenpower_: I’m so incredibly proud of you baby. I love you ❤️
mbeniers10: Beijing 2022! Congratulations guys!
       yourusername: Congrats to you too Matty💛💛
brendan.brisson: Can’t belive I have to put up with this for two weeks🤢
       thomasbordeleau_: I feel sorry for you Briss, this is disgustingly sweet.
       owenpower_: You’re just mad you won’t get to see Briss for two weeks.
teamcanada: Happy to have our very own olympic Power couple with us to Beijing 2022 💪🇨🇦
       yourusername: 🤍
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liked by yourusername, lhughes_06 and 23 528 others
owenpower_: Beijing bound, baby!🇨🇦
tagged: @ yourusername, @ teamcanada
view all 253 comments
yourusername: So proud of you!❤️
lhughes_06: Funny how Y/N wrote a whole paragraph and this was all you came up with.
       owenpower_: What can I say, she’s the poet of the two of us.
nblanks98: congrats big dog!🐕
buffalosabers: 🔥🔥
teamcanada: Let’s go!🇨🇦
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November 16, 2023
NOV 17, 2023
The summit of the leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies continued today in San Francisco, California. 
Formed in 1989, APEC is made up of the economies of 21 nations around the Pacific Rim: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Peru, Russia, Vietnam, and the United States. Together, these economies make up about 62% of global gross domestic product and almost half of global trade.
David Sanger of the New York Times today noted an apparent shift in the power dynamic between President Joe Biden and Chinese president Xi Jinping, who met yesterday for a four-hour conversation. Earlier in his presidency, Xi was riding on a strong economy that overshadowed that of the U.S. and looked as if it would continue to do so. Then, Xi favored what was known as “wolf warrior” diplomacy: the aggressive defense of China’s national interests against what Chinese envoys portrayed as foreign hostility, especially that of the U.S. 
Under that diplomatic regime, Xi emphasized that liberal democracy was too weak to face the twenty-first century. The speed and momentous questions of the new era called for strong leaders, he said. In early February 2022, Russia and China held a summit after which they pledged that the “[f]riendship between the two States has no limits.” 
Things have changed. 
The U.S. has emerged from the coronavirus pandemic with a historically strong economy, while China’s economy is reeling from a real estate bubble and deflation at the same time that government crackdowns have made foreign capital flee. This summer, Xi quietly sidelined Qin Gang, the foreign minister associated with wolf warrior diplomacy, and in October, he replaced Defense Minister General Li Shangfu, who is under U.S. sanctions for overseeing weapon purchases from Russia. 
Indeed, China has also been quietly pushing back from its close embrace of Russia. Just weeks after their February 2022 declaration, Russia invaded Ukraine in an operation that Russian president Vladimir Putin almost certainly expected would be quick and successful, permitting Russia to seize key Ukrainian ports and land. Such a victory would have strengthened both Russia and China at the same time it weakened Europe, the United States, and their allies and partners. 
Instead, Ukraine stood firm, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and allies and partners have stood behind the embattled country. As the war has stretched on, sanctions have cut into the Russian economy and Putin has had to cede power to Xi, accepting the Chinese yuan in exchange for Russian commodities, for example. This week, Alberto Nardelli of Bloomberg reported that the European Union is considering another round of sanctions, including a ban on the export of machine tools and machinery parts that enable Russia to make ammunition. 
In a piece at the Center for European Policy Analysis today, Julia Davis, who monitors Russian media, noted that Russia lost an extraordinary 997,000 people between October 2020 and September 2021, even before the war began. Now it is so desperate to increase its population that its leadership claims to have stolen as many as 700,000 Ukrainian children and is urging women to have as many children as possible.  
Holly Ellyatt of CNBC noted that to the degree they even mentioned it, Russian media sniped at the Biden-Xi summit, but it was hard to miss that although Russian president Putin was not welcome to attend, Xi came and engaged in several high-level meetings, assuring potential investors that China wants to be friends with the U.S. Also hard to miss was Xi’s pointed comment that the China-U.S. relationship “is the most important bilateral relationship in the world.” 
Going into this summit, then, the U.S. had the leverage to get agreements from China to crack down on the precursor chemicals that Chinese producers have been shipping to Latin America to make illegal fentanyl, restore military communications between the two countries now that Li has been replaced, and make promises about addressing climate change. Other large issues of trade and the independence of Taiwan will not be resolved so easily. 
Still, it was a high point for President Biden, whose economic policies and careful investment in diplomatic alliances have helped to shift the power dynamic between the U.S. and two countries that were key geopolitical rivals when he took office. Now, both the U.S. and China appear to be making an effort to move forward on better terms. Indeed, Chinese media has shifted its tone about the U.S. and the APEC summit so quickly readers have expressed surprise. 
Today, Biden emphasized “the unlimited potential of our partnerships…to realize a future that will benefit people not only in the Asia-Pacific region but the whole world,… [a] future where our prosperity is shared and is inclusive, where workers are empowered and their rights are respected, where our economies are sustainable and resilient.” 
Biden and administration officials noted that companies from across the Asia-Pacific world have invested nearly $200 billion in the U.S. since Biden took office, creating tens of thousands of good jobs, while the U.S. has elevated its engagement with the region, holding bilateral talks, creating new initiatives and deepening economic partnerships. 
Today, Biden and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo announced that the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, an economic forum established last year as a nonbinding replacement for the Trans-Pacific Partnership former president Trump abruptly pulled out of, had agreed on terms to set up an early warning system for disruptions to supply chains, cooperation on clean energy, and fighting corruption and tax evasion.
In a very different event in San Francisco today, a federal jury convicted David DePape, 43, of attempted kidnapping and assault on account of a federal official’s performance of official duties for his attack on former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul with a hammer on October 28 of last year, fracturing his skull. 
DePape’s lawyers did not contest the extensive evidence against him but tried to convince the jury that DePape did not commit a federal crime because he did not attack Pelosi on account of Representative Pelosi’s official position. Instead, they said, DePape had embraced the language of right-wing lawmakers and pundits and believed in a conspiracy theory that pedophile elites had taken over the country and were spreading lies about former president Donald Trump. 
DePape told jurors he had come to conspiracy theories through Gamergate, a 2014–2015 misogynistic online campaign of harassment against women in the video game industry, which turned into attacks on feminism, diversity, and progressive ideas. Trump ally Steve Bannon talked of pulling together the Gamergate participants behind Trump and his politics. 
Also today, a subcommittee of the House Ethics Committee set up to investigate allegations against Representative George Santos (R-NY) issued its report. The Republican-dominated committee found that Santos had lied about his background during his campaign and, furthermore, that he appears to be a serial liar. Those lies also “include numerous misrepresentations to the government and the public about his and his campaign’s financial activities.” 
That is, the committee found, Santos defrauded his campaign donors, falsified his financial records, and used campaign money on beauty products, rent, luxury items from Hermes and Ferragamo, and purchases at the website Only Fans. The subcommittee recommended the Ethics Committee refer Santos to the Department of Justice, and “publicly condemn Representative Santos, whose conduct [is] beneath the dignity of the office” and who has “brought severe discredit upon the House.” 
Santos says he will not run for reelection.
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thenomadclan · 2 years
Before we start I wanna thank two amazing people in making this video, first I wanna thank “PrimevalYautja” in creating this Mod and allowing it to be possible to not only see but now able to play! That’s right the Mod can be used publicly for Campaign use or Multiplayer by going to this web sight:
It would be a honor to have you all as my honorary Nomads to not only use this Mod but show you using the Mod in your awesome hunts! Let’s wear the Nomad Clan Brand with pride! Also please follow PrimevalYautja on their YouTube for they make awesome Predator Content:
Last but not least I wanna thank @daswhox on Twitter who’s made a amazing amount of Nomad Predator art and was able to make this beautiful Thumbnail of AVP Nomad! Please follow them on Twitter to support their amazing art!
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((WARNING! Do to not having a PC nor being able to have the mod during the creation of this video (which originally was gonna be me playing AVP’s Campaign regardless) The gameplay portion will not have me using the Nomad Predator Skin Mod, however with the help of editing and some amazing friends who had the mod, Nomad will be seen better in the cutscenes so not too bad of news just kinda disappointed on my part on not having a PC))
The AVP Nomad Universe Lore:
-The Nomad Predator was a unknown Hunter for he didn’t have any claim to fame as a young pup, no Father or Mother, only the adoption of the Twin Xenomorph Clan. The Clan was to have said to only Hunt Xenomorphs / Serpents in a unusual way being that they’d study the Xenomorphs behavior before killing it. Nomad became so good at this for at a time he almost asked like one of them, during his ritual hunt to become Blooded, a certain hunter watched from the camera feed. They called him the Serpent Hunter, and he was fascinated by Nomad’s skill in out maneuvering Xenomorphs but also how they killed them. Once he was Blooded, Nomad was invited by Serpent Hunter to come and possibly join the Elites Clan.
Nomad was skeptical at first for he never left the safety of his clan for another, but with the wise words of Python (the Clan Leader of the Twin Xenomorph Clan) & his adoptive mother Black Momba, they encouraged it. There Nomad would go through extreme training, building his muscle mass to take on any foe, his quickness enhanced to the point he dodged bullets, and would be able to master any weapon in his two hands. Nomad was ready…and soon the ritual will commence to become a Elite Hunter.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 9 months
Jenna Coleman on DVD/Blu-ray: a quick reference
I last did this list a couple years ago, which sadly is an indication of the move away from permanent physical media releases, making collecting a Jenna Coleman library a bit of a challenge (though there's more out there than you may think!)
So time to update for September 2023. Courtesy spoiler break first...
As I am in Canada this list is primarily for North American releases but I acknowledge the UK where known to differ. As of September these are Jenna's shows known to be on DVD, either currently or out of print. Corrections welcome. List does not include bootleg/unofficial releases.
Waterloo Road Series 5: UK only DVD; Jenna's episodes were officially put on Youtube internationally. Season 1 came out on DVD in North America back in 2012, but no sign of the others.
Captain America: The First Avenger
Titanic (TV miniseries)
Dancing on the Edge
Doctor Who: Obviously, though with Disney+ now distributing nuWho it remains to be seen if this continues. Some of the shorts featuring Clara/Jenna, such as Five(ish) Doctors Reboot and Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide, are only in special sets like The Matt Smith Years as far as I know. I can't recall if the 2013 Proms (including the golden ticket sketch) has appeared on North American DVD or Blu-ray.
Death Comes to Pemberley: North American DVD is reportedly the PBS edit, which may differ from UK version. I haven't seen any comparison done with the UK version.
Me Before You: sadly, I see this one a lot in Wal-Mart remainder bins
Victoria: Series 3 is difficult to find and might only be on DVD in North America, but Series 1 and 2 are widely available on DVD and Blu-ray and I've seen DVD box sets of all 3. The North American DVD/Blu-rays have the episodes as they aired on ITV and so do not include the extra scenes added for the PBS broadcast and also lack many of the bonus features of the UK releases; on the other hand, the DVD of Series 3 has the unedited Christmas special, which was edited down quite a bit by PBS (eliminating the entire "Victoria's sexy painting" subplot). I believe in the UK the special was released on its own DVD. I've heard the PBS edits are, or were, available for streaming in the US on the PBS website, but I haven't been able to confirm (which is a shame as there are some cute Jenna moments in the "bonus scenes").
Thunderbirds Are Go: Jenna did a guest voice in Season 2. It's had a DVD issue in the UK, but in North America it's only available on streaming.
The Cry: Only got a DVD release here (UK got a blu-ray too)
Inside No. 9: Jenna's guest appearance in series 5 is available on DVD (and maybe blu-ray) in the UK; it's only on streaming over here.
The Serpent: as it was a BBC broadcast in the UK, they got a DVD release back in 2021. Over here it was a Netflix exclusive, so at least so far, no physical release.
The Sandman: despite being a Netflix series, Season 1, which has Jenna in three episodes as Johanna Constantine, is getting a North American blu-ray in November 2023. According to Amazon UK, the release will be region-free and therefore should be playable in the UK.
At the present time, there is no indication of any releases for Emmerdale (given she was in hundreds of episodes, not a surprise. With the sole exception of Dark Shadows "soap operas" never get home video releases); Room at the Top (it's on streaming but given the licensing issues that nearly prevented it from being shown at all, it's unlikely to get a DVD issue anywhere); All My Sons (National Theatre Live has allowed home and school streaming but they don't do DVDs); and Corporate Monster (a short film likely only to be found on Youtube). Too early to say if Klokkenluider and Jackdaw, or the Amazon Prime-streamed Wilderness, will see DVD or Blu-ray release. The Jetty, being a BBC series, will likely get a DVD in the UK, but whether North America gets it will depend if it goes to streaming or gets picked up by the likes of PBS.
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fleurcareil · 11 months
East Quebec: Côte Nord part 2
In the morning, when I checked in for the boat excursion for a tour of the western Mingan Archipelo,, I was surprised to receive a thick lifevest-jacket as the excursion the previous day had been on a regular tourist boat... turned out that we were now braving the rough sea on a little speedboat! 😳 Needless to say that we got quite some wave-spray over us but luckily the wind dried quickly again👍.
The first island we passed by was literally covered with hundreds of seals, which quickly slipped into the water when we got closer. Very special to see, especially when a few curious ones came over to check us out 😍. I really need to buy a better camera to capture wildlife but trust me, there's many seals in the pic!
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We then visited the Île aux Perroquets which is named after the many puffins which make the island its home. I've seen puffins several times before in Newfoundland and Iceland but they continue to be extremely cute with their beaks & droopy eyes 💖 (There's 3 in the top left corner of the first photo and then 6 in the last one). The island is tiny with a road from the dock to the lighthouse where you can stay overnight - mostly done by hardcore birdwatchers of which there were a few with massive telescope cameras - I should have asked them for a copy of their photos! 😂
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The second island we visited was Île Nue de Mingan that has again several monoliths on the shores of a treeless, sub-artic landscape due to the high winds and drought (despite being in the middle of the sea 🤔). Same as the day before, we were greeted on each island at the dock by a Parks Canada guide who would tell us about the geology, fauna & flora and cultural history, which made it feel very welcoming and unique, especially as we were the only group that day as a result of the rough sea. At the end of the visit, the captain had fished (with a mop that they easily cling to 😁) some sea urchins for us to try, a delicious salty taste like oysters! (My mother would not appreciate 😅)
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The way back to shore was tough as we were now going straight into the waves, so I arrived back at the car more wet than dry... luckily I got tons of clothes with me on this trip. 😜
An hour further west I did a pretty hike to two waterfalls on the Manitou river, which were very impressive in terms of the water volume and their surroundings (still the same skeleton boreal forest though 😂). Down & then up again lots of stairs meant my muscles were being worked!
For the rest of the day, it was a long slog of 515km driving in the rain & fog to my next stay... The sea is pretty whether it's sparkling blue on a calm day or like on this stormy day, white-capped crashing onto the shore, so it was beautiful no matter what, but the difficult driving conditions (more poignant when I passed by an overturned truck) made it very tiring. Had a quick dinner at a packed microbrewery at Baie-Comeau, thereby officially completing my Labrador loop which I had started in the same town 12 days earlier 😲🥳, and arrived at 8:30pm at a cute B&B in Portneuf-sur-Mer where the lady of the house made me a cup of tea 😊. Didn't see much attractions on this long day and although I could have taken an extra day over this stretch to visit a few more lighthouses, do coastal hikes etc, at the same time I was getting fed-up with all the bad weather and ready to move inland...
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But... my very last day on Canada's eastern seaborne turned out to be beautiful once the fog had lifted during a walk on a sandbar (which was nothing special but feels good to start the day with a small walk 😄). The Haute-Côte-Nord area around the fjord of Saguenay is famous for its thirteen (!) types of whales, and Parks Canada manages two great observation centres; the Marine Environment Discovery Centre where the presentation on anemones & sea stars (touching allowed! 😃) was interrupted when a pod of 7 belugas and also two porpoises cruised by 💖, and the Cap de Bon-Désir, where people simply sit on the rocks while an interpreter answers any questions. Two mink whales were the star attraction coming up again & again in different places, but in any case, if you like me have nothing important to do, there's much worse than just soaking in the sun & staring at the sea! 😊😎
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I did pull myself away eventually to drive myself over to Tadoussac, which is undoubtedly a nice village when it's not overrun by tourists, to catch the ferry across the fjord. Grocery shopping at La Malbaie where the high waterlevel in the river from the recent downpours was clearly visible, and then finally made my first dinner over a campfire since I started the trip! Glass of wine and off to bed...
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Wildlife: 100's of seals, puffins, razorbills & female eiders, 2 loons and 1 porpoise (West Mingan islands), 7 belugas, 2 porpoises & 1 grey seal (Marine discovery centre), 2 mink whales, 2 porpoises, 2 harbour seals, 1 grey seal & 1 loon (Cap de Bon-Désir)
SUPs: none
Hikes: one at the Manitou waterfalls
Distance driven this week: 968km
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lazar-codes · 11 months
05/07/2023 || Day 45
LeetCode & Rambles:
Before I get started, I just want to give a quick welcome to all the new followers! I don't really provide any educational stuff (at least, not at the moment), but I do occasionally go over how I solve certain problems for projects.
After nearly a 7-day break, I'm back at it! I'm gonna use the excuse that it was a long weekend here in Canada, and immediately after I had two days of 8 and 7 hour shifts, and I just can't be bothered to use my brain after working in retail the whole day. I was actually gonna take today off, but ended up opening LeetCode on a whim and after 3.5 hours solved a hard question (the Substring with Concatenation of all Words question)! The funny thing is that I opened and read the question, then closed it and went out on a walk (and to run an errand), and on my walk back home I started thinking about how to solve it, and a few hours later it's a success! It felt even better knowing that I only found out about the sliding window technique last week, and after a few days of not touching it the algorithm came back to me pretty easily. I also remembered to use a HashMap data structure without needing a reminder; it's nice that my brain can now go "ok, I need to keep track of how many times a certain letter/value/element appears in an array/string, but don't want to keep it in a list and have O(n) while iterating over it. I know! A HashMap lets me store things in key/value pairs, and has O(1) time complexity, I'll use that!". It's a very motivating feeling, because there are a lot of times that I'll learn something, but I'll forget to actually use it/never consider using it.
Tmr I think I'm gonna sit down and slowly learn React...fingers crossed. I gotta watch a slower tutorial on Youtube so I get the big picture for it and the details on how it works/when to use it/why we should use it. But, you gotta start somewhere, right?
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs All Manner of Food
Welp. Now both parentals have been able to see a Particularly Bad Pain Day (tm). Welcome to why I hate my mother’s insistence on reserving tables in restaurants.
See, between Sunday’s grocery shenanigans and yesterday’s “I have to take out a lot of trash and recycling because I haven’t been able to get to the bins in over a week because icy conditions”, today was ... not great? I knew it was going to be “not great” going in, but at least I didn’t have to commute. Much. Issue being, Mum had arranged for us to go out to dinner today because we missed out on it before she headed for North America, and she booked a table. It’s one thing to say “Can we skip tonight? I hurt” when there’s not a reservation, but another to say “I know you booked a table but can we skip tonight? I hurt”. One’s just ... easier than the other. But I had to give my mother her birthday gift anyway, so off I went. The fact that she brought me back maple syrup from the Canada leg of her trip, and the fact that I was going to go home with a lot of leftover curry? Bonuses.
At least the conversation went well ... partly because a lot of it was a status update on my intellectually disabled aunt back in Montreal. I mean, it’s a win overall, the whole thing. Just took a lot of work and a lot of annoyance to get there, given moving to new living space with new carer. And at least my aunt’s new carer is a lot nicer than the last one, who thought that heavy medication was the solution to all ‘problems’ (and by ‘problems’, I mean ‘things that actually obliged her to deal with any mood but “placid acceptance” from any of her charges ever’). Just ... honestly, moving from a larger space to a smaller one is difficult at the best of times. Especially when you have to replace furniture. But moving from a smaller space to a larger one when dealing with The Sibling Thing (as much as you love them, sometimes they just dance the Mashed Potato on your last damn nerve) on top of that whole “The Maternal Side Of My Family” Thing, which translates to a piquant blend of stubborn, opinionated, varying degrees of bossy, easily frustrated by distractions during time-sensitive or otherwise vexing tasks, and sentimental when it comes to belongings, at least in this scenario.
(No, I do not exempt myself from this. I just have somewhat better coping mechanisms than most of my family.)
Interesting the bits you pick up in passing, though. While inflation and the like is particularly bad over here, it would appear to be not much better in Canada. My mother picked up the maple sugar I asked for - in the really big tin flask, which is just a nostalgia trip and a half for me, because I’m pretty sure I went to sugaring off parties at the place that makes that brand - and I presume it was at the duty free because her comment to me was “It cost nearly as much as the liquor”. She was very quick to tell me to not feel bad, and I don’t really, because she could have just not got it because I did understand that it might not be possible. Still, it being that expensive where they make the stuff is scary. So yeah, things be getting expensive.
As you can see, it was still a nice dinner, even though I hurt a lot during most of it. We went to the Indian place I always order from when I’m doing takeaway; I introduced my mother to the place last time she invited me out and now apparently she and my stepfather also get takeaway from there. I have a feeling that Mum ordered big and ordered a fairly filling appetiser so that I could take home as much of it as possible home as leftovers, largely because “She’s clearly in pain, that’ll probably take awhile to die down, not having to cook for awhile will help, so ... ALL THE CURRY”. That’s going to be a theme for the rest of the week, as well; Mum really took the fact that I’m not really a fan of turkey to heart and there’ll be turkey for them and duck for me again this year, and I’ll likely be taking a lot of leftovers home from that as well, and on top of that, Mum apparently wants to offload some of the Boxing Day leftovers onto me as well--
Oh. Yeah. I should explain that one. The parentals both have kids from the previous marriage, and that always makes the holidays complicated. So the basic agreement seems to be that Christmas Day is for the kids to spend with the parent who had primary custody. So my stepsibs and I get our respective mothers over Christmas Day, and on Boxing Day, my stepfather gets his kids, my mother gets the closest thing to grandkids she’s ever going to get through my stepsiblings’ kids, and I get some peace and quiet. Seems to work for everybody. Anyway, since there’s going to be a lot of food around Boxing Day, there’ll be more leftovers than the parentals know what to do with. So ... curry leftovers, leftovers from the lamb breast I had planned for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day leftovers, and potentially Boxing Day leftovers. I’m starting to wonder if I’m going to need to grocery shop at all this month.
Honestly, this is no end of good. Maybe if I just eat my curry leftovers and maybe do the tuna lemon broccoli pasta thing over the next few days, the pain flare will have died down and I’ll be able to actually cook the lamb breast. And also the various bits of treats I’m making for the parentals for Christmas. Then again, I have to commute on Thursday, so maybe not. I’ll do my best.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Charge Out Of This
It has been a rough week on those for whom change comes slowly. It is exacerbated all the more if the change is against everything you believe to be true (even if it isn’t). Just in the last two days, we have seen people come completely unhinged over a Bud Light beer can. It all started when a special one-off can of Bud Light bearing the face of Dylan Mulvaney, the transgender woman and TikTok star, was delivered to her.
Then Kid Rock entered the chat, trying to regain relevance by—get this—buying a few cases of Bud Light, and then shooting them. I’m sure the folks at AB InBev were quaking in their boots. Oh, the irony of spending money to announce your boycott.

Oh, and never mind that Bud Light has supported the LGBTQ movement for quite a few years now, and issued its rainbow-themed aluminum bottle in the States for at least the last two years. I guess some folks missed that one, and I am pretty sure that AB InBev couldn’t care less what Kid Rock thinks or anyone else. The bottle will return this year, and a tall boy version—circulated on social media—will be available in Canada.

But I can only imagine the laughing emojis once social media picks up on the fact that Walmart plans to install EV charging stations at thousands of its stores by 2030. Beer is one thing, but EVs? There are enough other brands available that a boycott of one beer is simple. EVs being foisted upon us, as the naysayers contend, is quite another.
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Naturally, the usual red herrings will be offered as evidence for why this will never work. You know. Child labor in the Congo, finite amounts of lithium, fossil fuels used to produce and deliver EVs, how well EVs perform in the cold, etc. Instead, they should be focusing on the real issues, which have always been range anxiety, price, and access to charging stations.

And it is the latter that Walmart is trying to help solve. Since Walmart’s stores are within 10 miles of 90% of the US population, these plans are huge. Of course, you would still need a Walmart app while traveling to know when you’re nearing one (especially if you really need one!).
I have said before that I am a believer in EVs at least in principle, but not just yet in terms of practicality. I need to be able to drive 750-800 miles in a day (that’s my upper limit now that I have gotten a little older), and I do not want to be fretting about charging stations, how far I can go on a charge, and how long it will take to get that charge. Put simply, I don’t fancy unexpected downtime.
But things are getting better, as evidenced by Walmart’s move, as well as news this week of a forthcoming Dodge Ram EV truck that has a range of 500 miles. Now we’re talking, and if they could put that in a van, we might just have a conversation starter.
While I applaud Walmart’s move, I am still scratching my head a bit, because their target market is among the least likely ever to buy an EV. Unless, of course, they live in California and have no choice. I agree that it is going to take commitments from heavy hitters like Walmart to help usher in the EV revolution, but the folks stopping for a quick charge may very well not be Walmart shoppers.

Then again, that may also be part of a complex marketing plan, because what else are you going to do while your car is charging? Sit there in the heat or cold? Or come inside to shop? Yeah. That same thinking helps explain why Walmart welcomes RVers to park in the outer reaches of its lots.
I’ll be watching today for my local media to post this news item to their Facebook feed. I’m sure there will be more heads exploding. It’s as predictable as the wind is out here. And as in all cases, to once again intone another of my pithy statements, if you don’t like what you see, just move along.
Now if Walmart could just get customers to return their shopping carts. Ah, but that’s a whole separate issue.
Dr “Fill ‘Er Up“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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loudstan · 1 year
Yes, I am in the Southern Hemisphere, I am from the upper east coast of Australia (not near the point, but a bit down, closer to the middle than Sydney). And I am just starting up at orientation week. I had to go today to meet my professors, student advisor, get free food, and other freebies (y’know, free shitty quality pens are a must, free law society hoodies even though it’s summer, $2 lunch tickets (which I get double of because, 2 campuses) for the (overpriced) food court valid for first week of classes, I won free AirPods in a raffle, free drinks at the student bar (went to happy hour with people I met), and FREE FOOD). Need I say more about welcome week? I love it.
My Uni actually has two campuses, and one is in more of a regional suburb, and I study at both. Good thing is, is that my orientation tomorrow is at the secondary suburban campus (for my psychology component of my course, but i am thinking of changing over to creative writing if I dislike psychology), that is way bigger, so MORE FREE STUFF! You have no idea how quick my pay check goes these days :( and I know it’s because I have to re-apply for student concessions on my transport card, and still persist on going out with friends, even though i am broke. My coffee on campus was nearly $6… I just about cried, but you know what? It’s fine. Australian coffee is top tier, and Starbucks (by my standards) doesn’t cut it because it’s $13 (and mostly just ice, and very weak coffee) for the same drink I could get at an indie cafe for $7.50 (which is still steep, but managable).
Anywho, what do you study at Uni? Currently I am doing Law and Pyschology, but I kinda want to change to the fine arts creative writing course instead because I’m more interested in it. However, it’s just a whole… stress. So, if I dislike Pyschology that much then I’ll change over but for now I’ll stick with it. I’m not locked in, which is good. When I got in back in December after getting scores for my senior year, I wanted to do law at a different uni in the UK but I didn’t get in. So instead I made a snap decision to apply to the Laws and Psych course at my current uni, before I learned about the Laws and Creative writing course (which I only learnt about the day after I’d gotten and accepted my offer).
Also, since you’re going back from winter break does that mean you are in the northern hemisphere, like Canada, UK, Europe, and Asia? If so, where are you from? I’d love to know. Anyway! I hope you’re looking forward to going back.
– 🧚‍♀️
I’m glad you got tons of free food and met new people! And I know life as a broke student sucks 😭 I hope you can still hang our with friends without spending much and that your classes are fun!
To be honest, I don’t feel comfortable sharing what I’m studying or where I’m from yet, but I am currently in South Korea and I am actually exciting to go back to class!
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tmblrvision · 2 years
Now that sign-ups are in full swing, once the country or entity you are claiming has been confirmed, you can use this form to submit your entry for Tmblrvision 2022. However, before you do that, be sure you’re ready with all the necessary information! Here's a quick guide to the Tmblrvision 2022 Song Submission Form.
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First of all, you’ll have to provide either your Tumblr username, your Discord user ID, or both. You must provide the username that you submitted during sign-ups! This way, I can verify your submission. Both fields are REQUIRED, but if you’re not using one of the two platforms, you can enter either “NONE” or “N/A”.
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Next are some REQUIRED fields: The country (or entity) that was confirmed for you, the artist and song title of your entry, as well as a link to a YouTube video for the song. I strongly suggest checking if the video you want to submit is available for all countries and territories, or at least those that are likely home to other Tmblrvision HoDs (this means checking if it’s available in Eurovision/EBU countries, Canada, USA, Mexico, and Indonesia, at the very least). This is an excellent resource to check for YouTube regional availability. In the event that there isn’t a YouTube video available at all for your entry, you can enter any other (free) links here instead, such as DailyMotion or Soundcloud.
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Next are a few OPTIONAL fields. You can provide an alternate link if, for example, the official music video on YouTube is geoblocked in a few countries or territories and there’s a fan-made lyric video that isn’t geoblocked, or perhaps a link on Soundcloud or Vimeo that’s more easily accessible. You can provide a 15-second section of the primary video submission that would be used for the official recap video. (Here's an example of what the recap video would look like.) Just provide a timestamp (for example, 1:24-1:39). Otherwise, the recap segment will be chosen for you. Finally, if you know the Spotify link for your entry, enter that in the form as well for the Spotify playlist.
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The final REQUIRED section is proof of your entry’s eligibility. You need to be able to prove the song’s original release date, that the song is not a cover (songwriter credits are usually okay, but if you’re at a loss you could also go “I Googled and didn’t find anything to the contrary”, and I’ll just do a verification search), and that your artist has strong enough links to the country/entity they’re representing as described in the rules. A full essay isn’t necessary here; a link or two should be fine. In most cases, Wikipedia will be sufficient, but understandably for some artists this is a bit trickier; social media profiles, press releases, and Spotify artist bios are other acceptable sources.
In some cases, it may be easier to take screenshots (for example, song credits and release date information on Spotify). In that case, I suggest uploading those screenshots to a free image sharing website (for example ImgBB) and posting links to those screenshots in your responses.
If there is any doubt at all about the eligibility of your song and artist, you’re welcome to contact me so I can possibly help you out.
You have until Sunday, 17 July 2022 at 22:00 CEST to submit your song! Failure to submit your entry by filling out this form before the deadline means you revoke your chance to compete in Tmblrvision 2022!
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chloeworships · 11 days
Quick updates:
- Saw “Karub” which is a city in Tibet, China 🇨🇳
- Heard “The Shin Bet” twice
- I saw the German flag 🇩🇪 This is the second time I have been shown the Germans.
- I also was shown Chief of Staff Ben Gantz 🇮🇱 twice ✌🏾
- ⚠️I was shown another hoodoo ritual with the same A and markings we had seen before. This spell causes chaos and discord especially amongst families. Calm is going to be needed.
- ⚠️ I saw an ID 🪪 I don’t know which country it is from but it looked very similar to the new passports issued by Canada 🇨🇦 however it was not a Canadian passport. I saw a photo of a man in the top right hand corner. Again I was shown this twice. Is someone getting a new identity? Immigration departments are yall ok? 👀 Border services yall good? 👀 This is actually the third time I’m seeing something about a passport. The new passports are said to be more secure sooooooooooooo idk 🤷🏾‍♀️ The focus was on the plastic card material ONLY which had a RED border. This is WILD! Straight out of a movie 😳 Speaking of movie I just heard “Coming to America” 🇺🇸 I am done
Maybe this just means America should get new and improved passports like ours. Lawd I hope so.
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- I saw the British Royal Family (including Princess Meghan and Prince Harry) looking happy. Awwww 🥰 Not sure why but I was glad to see them smiling and laughing like a family should be 👑 I saw Prince William as well as King Charles and I prayed for everyone I was shown. This warmed my heart and was a welcome relief from some of the vile messages I have been receiving as of late!! 🥲
- Lastly, I saw Mark Wahlberg dressed in a US Military uniform at a base. He looked ready for war and was proud to be an American 🇺🇸 I believe he was showing his patriotism. Ohhh that reminds me to say Happy Memorial Day to our American friends and family.
- Ooops forgot to mention I saw the UN 🇺🇳
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