#and for that I am extreamly thankful
izayoichan · 5 months
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Happy Birthday @mahvaladara! 🎶 It had to be these two together for your birthday, right? Although their path has been rough to say the least, I will forever love them, and where they end up in the end. I hope you have a wonderful day my friend, and because I know I am to blame for the influx of BG3 on your blog (A blame I so very happily accept) I hope you like your other present, that I sneakily have for you as well. Thank you for being my friend! (poses by @simmireen)
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Luckiest man
First time writing for Honkai star rail! Enjoy everyone
Here I am also, trying a new format of writing 🫶🏻
Synopsis: things you do that make these hrs men feel like the luckiest man in the universe
Pairing: Dan heng x gn!reader , Sampo x gn!reader, Gepard x gn! Reader
Cw: fluff, headcanon, not proofread
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Dan Heng always feels like the luckiest man when hes with you, but something about waking up with you beside him either still sleeping soundly or awake gazing at him hits different.
The intimate moment you both share when sleeping together is something he wouldnt trade for the world
Its one of tbe only times you both get peace and quiet around.
If you still end up sleeping, he'll observe your features. The quite snore you make, the way your brows furrow from time to time, like your dream was extreamly serious
If you wake up before him though, he gets a bit flustered when he finally wakes up. Seeing your eyes look at him longingly as you broke the silence between the 2 of you "morning dear". It gets him everytime
he truly is the luckiest man in the universe.
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Sampo is a comic relief. Hes an idiot and a pain in the ass
All of which you have grown accustom to over time
Lots of people dont get how you can put up with his pathetic ass but here you are.
Sampo is well aware on how lucky he is to have such a patient partner like you and wouldnt dare take advantage of your kindness towards him.
He tries to make it up to you, be it giving gifts, acts of service or intimate moments between the 2 of you
You appreciate it all, but Sampo felt like he didnt hit the spot yet, one of which would make you truly appreciate what hes got to offer
After all youve given much more to him than you know,
You gave him many opportunities. You have him patience, kindness, love...
He feels like he needs up step up his game.
He finally found out what truly gets you to appreciate Sampo Koski
Its the jokes he makes, its when he embarrasses himself infront of you when he tried to look cool, its when he gets clumsy.
You laugh, and its a genuine laugh.
Whether or not your laugh was suppose to be a laugh of pity or not it was still genuine in the man's eyes
And thats what matters.
Because anytime he gets you to laugh, you'd help him back to his feet and give him a sweet kiss on his lips.
He starts making a fool out himself more often, of course not too often...
That would be concerning, but he does so when he knows you need it the most.
When you laugh, you make him feel appreciated
he starts chanting prayers to the Aeons above, thanking them for making him the way he is, and for bringing you to him.
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Gepard is a general, a Landau. His family was known to be warriors of Belobog. Serving until the end
As he made his way to the top, he got busier and busier. Coming home late, or even coming home the next morning.
When you both decided to make it official between the 2 of you, he told you about the late nights he may come home, and you stayed by his side anyways.
Accepting that, although it can get lonely sometimes, you are willing to wait for him to come home, and finally get the rest you both deserve together.
The general came home one night, to see a dim light coming from the living room.
It was you reading a book on the sofa, and he knew you were waiting for him again.
He felt guilty, for making you stay up and lose sleep, just to wait for him.
Gepard insisted that you shouldnt wait for him to come home next time, as he might come home later or even the next day. But you told him the same words he heard the first time he told you about the late nights
"Im aware and I dont care. I'll keep on waiting for you to come home. Whether it be 10 minutes or late into the night. I want to be able to welcome you home, and I want you to be able to sleep well, knowing that Im here right beside you."
Your patience and determination was what got him and
He knew he was head over heels for you now. My my what a lucky general this Landau became
Masterlist here!
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mx-darling-1 · 1 year
Hello! If it's okay, can you please write some headcanons of Wally with a reader who has constant back pain? Thank you, have a nice day and remember to drink water!
Of course! I don't experience it much myself, so I did some research for the chapter! Please let me know if I represent anything wrong!
Wally Darling X GN Reader Back Pain Headcannons
❤️ When you first moved to the neighborhood, your friends quickly noticed your 'predicament'. You would struggle to lift larger objects, being extreamly in pain every time you tried. Their would be times, fairly often, when you would simply be walking and the pain would hit. You supposed that was why Wally took such an interest in you. Wally was by your side at all times, as soon as he noticed any pain he was right there to help you. He got Howdy to order pain meds, and started to get you medication that lessened the pain you were so consistantly in.
🧡Some days were worse then others, you accepted that. Wally on the other hand...he could never accept it. On your worse days, Wallys lays you down on the couch, gets you comfortable and puts on your favorite show. Hes always a bit touchy about you spending time with people other then him. But, whenever you ask him to, he invites all of the neighbors over to spend time with you. Though its important to him that they dont hurt you any worse since you were already in pain.
💛On days your pain is a dull ache, you help the neighbors with different activities. Sometimes youll make costumes with Sally, bake with Poppy, or watch butterflys with Frank. Youve taken notice to the fact that Wally is always keeping an eye on you during these days, although he takes a step back to be less obvious. At first it was definitely a bit odd and caused you slight discomfort, but the longer you stayed in Welcome home, the more you became used to it, after all, it was Wallys way of expressing his concern for you.
💚Youve grown accustomed to Wallys constant concern for you, and you figured that he just cared this much about all his neighbors. So, you decided to test the theory, just by watching his interactions with the others of course. But...he never seemed to be as concerned with any of them and his special attention became very apparent to you. This is when you finally spoke up to him, after all you didnt want to be babied or looked down upon simply because of some pain that youve grown accustom to.
You walked towards Home, asking to be let inside and the door simply opened. By Wallys command, Home was supposed to let you in whenever you asked after all. Quickly you made your way to Wallys room and knocked on the door. "Hey, Wally, we need to talk." You hear his muffled voice through the door, not to sure what he was doing this morning, but he was obviously not asleep. "Of course dear neighbor, come on it." You took a deep breath before opening the door. As his room came into view you could see Wally sitting at his vanity, his hair was still down as he was doing his makeup. "What did you need to talk about neighbor?" Wally turned to you, tilting his head slightly in confusion.
"Well, I wanted to ask why you baby me compared to the other neighbors? I know I experience pain...and thank you so much for trying to help, but it doesnt mean I cant take care of myself or do basic tasks!" Wally quickly looks panicked, waving his hands out in front of him. "No no neighbor! It isnt like that at all! I just dont want you to hurt yourself!" You look at him a little in disbelief. Although you enjoyed the sentiment, you simply werent that incapable. "Eddie is more accident prone then I am!" Wally huffs slightly, struggling to explain his emotions and desperatly not wanting you to be upset with him.
"Eddie is different!" You truly didnt understand why Wally was treating you different, and it hurt your pride, as well as your heart. He was treating you like a child, and you just wanted him to see you as an equal. "How is Eddie any different then me??" Wally looks at a loss for words for only a moment, collecting himself before looking into your eyes. "Because neighbor, he isnt you. You are so precious to me, and I simply wouldnt be able to stand it if you were to get hurt..." You head began to hurt, you simply couldn't understand what Wally was trying to say, and Wally didnt seem to know how to say what he wanted to. Luckily, a few creaks and groans came from Home and Wally spoke up again. "Youre right home!" Walky turns back you, walking over and gently grabbing your hands. "Your pain matters to me, because I love you [Name]."
Hopefully this was okay! I definitely struggled a little, but hopefully its not to noticable! Have an amazing day and remember to drink something!
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thegothicviking · 25 days
Behold! My bare/makeupfrei and tired face! 😂
ok but honestly! The Germans have been so nice?? I had to share my taxi with a couple of guys and they kept referring to me as "die schöne dame..." 🙄 and kept thanking me for helping them sharing a taxi but I am sure the taxi guy ripped me off because..132 Euros for a 20 min drive?? Like damn I don't think thats right?? I also got to practice my German and surprisingly enough I understood a lot!
AND the hotel seemed to be prepared for the Rammstein-tourists (or maybe they saw my shirt..) so they gave me a water pouch...a red rain poncho and a lovely Rammstein poem filled with Rammstein song titles:
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So far so good (except for the extreamly expenssive taxi ride!)
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araveninthedarknight · 10 months
A brother's secret is another's nightmare
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A little note before we get into the actual fic, I am not the best at writing, my spelling is shit (thanks dyslexia) and I have the mouth of a sailor.. Also, I will probobly end up with veryyyy Out of Character Yasushi and Binzo but it's whatever 🤷🏻‍♂ hopefully you enjoy it non the less.
Sumary: Binzo's secret twin brother who no one really knows about is friends with Oya, and gets set up on a blind date with his crush by said crush's bestie and eventually all chaos ensues, ala high and low's typical fashion
Warnings: Extreamly terrible writing, swearing, its a high and low fic so violence and language are kinda inevitable. I use a random name i got from google for the main character, please don't be mad lol
Binzo has always been fiercely protective of his secret twin brother, that much was for sure...But the twin knew that his brother would be so absorbed in his affairs with the Suzuran's Raho faction, he will never find out about his own hidden life, right?
The young teen boy, Binzo's secret brother named Yuri had long stayed a secret, his brother knew everything about him and wanted to protect the fragile seeming boy, but because of his position in the Raho faction at Suzuran, he had not been around as often, and getting bored easily, Yuri took to making friends with other boys his age, one being Fujio of Oya and then the others of oya too. Two boys in particular became close to him, Kyoshi and Yasushi, becoming inseparable as a trio, and soon enough the ladder of the two found himself crushing on the mysterious boy, named Yuri.
His brother thought him to hide who he was related to well, so he knew being anywhere near Oya as a rival's brother would not work well, but when he was with them, he didn't even remember who his brother was, or the school he attended. He simply was him and falling hard for Yasushi...which considering Kyoshi knew pretty much everything about his partner in crime, fellow chaos gremlin and brother from another mother, he knew both boys had fallen for each other over the span of a few months. Todoroki and the others soon would grow annoyed with the two trying to flirt but backing away with it as if the other wasn't just as shamelessly in love with them too. Kyoshi planned with Jamuo to set up the head strong couple on a blind date, one where you would think nothing could go wrong, fool proof in the eyes of the excited Oya gang's most excited.
Yuri approaches a beautiful cherry blossom tree, one by a body of water that glimmered in the light, a little garden with a pond that had frogs singing softly through the warm breeze. Yasushi had followed a lit path to a blanket, soon meeting up for what both boys had thought was a group hang out, though it seemed fancy in the eyes of the two but none the less brushed off as an attempt at a high school friend night that was made to be affordable but still look nice.
"Are we the only ones showing?" Yuri breaks the silence of the shy couple after reading a simple text from Jamuo to have 'fun' on 'the date'..
"It appears to be that way.. but they are missing out on some really good food!" The blonde who tends to seem sour to untrained friend eyes said to the other teen, his dark red dyed hair shone like a dim and dark halo. "But I think we were just set up... On what would be called a blind date." The chuckle Yasushi let fall from his slightly chapped lips causing butterflies to fall into Yuri's stomach as he swept dark red velvet locks from his face with a bobby pin that he always carried with him.
As the two teens one oya, one secret suzuraun spoke softly, blushing, laughing and behaving like a couple, another teen, also from Suzuraun looked on in disbelief, he knew his twin had tried to follow his orders, protecting Yuri from being a target for opposing school gangs, but he had no clue his younger by five minuets brother was friends with Oya. But he knew he would be able to handle himself in a fight, taught by Binzo himself to survive one if absolutely needed. He left not thinking much of it, and missed something in the distance that would for sure have caused his blood to boil, maybe even start an all out war between schools.
"Yuri, I really really like you. As more than a friend. And tonight was wonderful, we both needed it more than I thought, away from everyone else, away from the chaos for a few hours. Will you be my boyfriend officially?" This seemed like the first time Yasushi had ever been so anxious, not something he did often, and of course his heart in his ears made him worry that the other boy could hear his pulse loud and clear in the soft moonlight.
"Of course 'Shi, I love you with all my heart, I have for a while now. As silly as it sounds, my worries of it being one sided only are just subsiding, I am glad you like me too." Red velvet hair tickled the blonde's face as the secret twin of Binzo leaned in and kissed a rival of his own twin, blood rushing adrenaline through him as he did, now his boyfriend, and he knew this would have to be his one and only best kept secret from his protective zombie fighter of a brother. The kiss sent both boys off into the world of bliss, hands intertwining with a delicate care, love the only emotion surging through the crisp spring nightfall air.
A couple attached at the hip was now a common sight at Oya, and though no one other than Kyoshi said it, they were all glad the two had finally gotten together, Todoroki himself seemed to let out a breath of relief when he laid eyes on the hands holding onto one another that belonged to Yasushi and Yuri, though he kept it to himself, he knew it would balance the energy of the erratic blonde before him.
Not too long later, Oya and Suzuraun united to fight, and while Yuri had stayed out of it all, he had rushed to pack a big duffle bag of first aid, knowing that his love would be battered pretty well, and the last time it had happened, the dark red haired boy had let his sobs free, his fear as he kissed his lover's lips and tried to be ever gentle with him, causing him to vow he would always come through with as much as he could to help him from then on after a particularly hard battle.
Long forgotten were the thoughts about his brother having been dispelled from his mind, not thinking he would be there as he rushed to where he knew his darling blonde devilish angel would be, the fight had clearly been over, bodies groaning in pain on the ground, the boy carefully stepping to avoid them but looking for a mop of blonde hair tied up on one side into small braids that only went half way down the side of his head, cascading into a soft flow of sandy clouds.
"YASUSHI!!" Yuri scurries to his partner, opening the bag he brought and pulling him to sit by him on a stack of mats he had formed in the gym to help be more comfortable for the other. "Fucking hell, you look like you got the shit beat out of you with a fucking iron fist darling." Pouts the hidden twin, his frown making his adoring boyfriend let out a pained chuckle as he holds his middle, "I am ok baby boy, just a little run down, nothing I can't handle." Yasushi promises, missing Binzo having an alarmed look on his face as he sees his brother patching up an oya, the same one he was with months earlier in the garden, and then to his horror kissing Yasushi, being careful of the split lip and blood drying on in flaky cakes of smeared crimson. "Babe, you had previous injuries, its only natural I worry." Yuri sighs, remembering the fear he felt when he saw a haggard Kyoshi and a not much better Yasushi.
"WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS MIYAUCHI YURI?!?!" Binzo roars, causing his twin to jump and all of the occupants of the gym to fall silent, non of them expecting a relative to Binzo in their midst.
"You said you wanted no one to know we were twins right? This was me being not your twin, blending in and falling hopelessly in love with my boyfriend." Yuri says, anger laced in his tone that his brother would dare cause a scene, especially while he was tending to wounds of someone from the fight. "Wait-wait wait..."Tusksaka sais, befuddled by the sudden commotion that all were watching with pure shock, "Yuri is your twin? Heads up, Yasushi and Yuri have been dating for months, sooooo um... yeah, they are together and you will have to buck it up. We all love your brother, and he too is friends with Fujio, much like Raho himself."
"HOW DID WE NOT KNOW HE HAD A TWIN??" Mercy says, he sounded alarmed,surprised and at the same time impressed as his voice cut through the thick tension that hung upon the air, like a thick blanket in winter.
"I had him keep it hidden to protect him, told him to act normal because I didn't want him a target, but I also taught him to fight for emergencies, he has a mean right hand hook, I have to say. But I worried he would be a target, one that could be avoided, so I hid him...Had I known about this...."Binzo feels the air deflate from his lungs, letting out a sigh, "Hurt my brother and you will have to pay."
Yuri hears his twin grumble as he walks away, hand running though his crazy hair, his signiture look of his own.
"Sorry you had to find out like this and see him blow up." Yuri whispers, laying his head on Yasushi's shoulder as he felt his partner wrap his slender arm around his waist, something the two often did on Oya's rooftop on a sunny day.
"All that matters is that I love you." Yasushi says softly, breaking his normal tough guy act long enough to kiss his head and then glare at the crowd, "What the hell do you all think ya are fucking looking at??"
This was only the start of something bigger, a love for the ages.
A/N: Soooo.... first high and low fic in the books.. I hope it was ok, but I am super proud of it because I don't Know if I have ever willingly written something so long before in my life. I apologize for all of the out of character moments, but I just felt the need for fluffy goodness with a small pinch of angst.
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lostmymind-0 · 2 months
Girls love girls | MV¹ X SISTER! READER
Summery: Max's sister, Mila, and Danny's PR maneger are in love but her father is everything but happy
AN: Mila is about 19/20 in this and it kind of plays to Danny's Renault times
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Liked by Maxverstappen, Jessica.gmz, and 56,888 others
Ready for a great weekend in Barcelona🇪🇦📸
Maxverstappen33: great to have you back on track with me
Victoriaverstappen: you need to come by and take pictures of your nephew
-> Mila.Vers: will do!!
User2: Is that Max's sister? She is really pretty
-> USer3: It is and she really is pretty
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Liked by Danielricciardo, Mila.Vers, and 56,888 others
Recharging before the work begins 🧡
Photo credits to: @ Mila.Vers
Danielricciardo: You never give me credits?!
-> Jessica.gmz: She is cuter and nicer to me😒
User4: Who is she?
-> User3: She is Danny's PR maneger and friends with Max's little sister
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liked by Jess.gmz, Maxverstappen33, Redbullracing, and 35,344 others
Results from the weeekend 📸🧡 good job big bro🏆
Maxverstappen33: Thank you
Redbullracing: Mind sending those over?
-> Mila.Vers: Of course not☺️
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liked by Mila.Vers, Dannielricciardo, and 53,233 others
Post work hang outs with the best company @ Mila.Vers ❤
Mila.Vers: ❤
User3: This seems a lil sus for being friends? Like the hearts and the caption?
User4: Maybe that's just how they are?
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liked by Jess.gmz, Maxverstappen33, Redbullracing, and 35,344 others
Dutch GP was once a again wonderful🧡🧡
Maxverstappen: Got any more stroopwaffels?🤔
-> Mila:Vers: Do i get killed by your trainer if i say yes?
-> Maxverstappen33: No (maybe)🤷‍♂️
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liked by Mila.Vers, Dannielricciardo, and 53,233 others
Would say brazil is treating me pretty good, plus i got this cutie by my side 🇧🇷
Mila.Vers: ❤
Mila.Vers: When did you took this pic of me?
->Jessica.gmz: I wont tell
User3: I dont care what anyone says but they are dating
Danielricciardo: Are you sure you are friends?
-> User4: Not Danny too
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liked by Maxverstappen33, Dannielricciardo, Jessica.gmz and 344,552 others
recap of the year feat work and my beautiful gf ❤@ Jessica.gmz
Jessica.gmz: I LOVE YOU ❤
Maxverstappen33: Glad to see you this happy, lil sis
Danielricciardo: FUCKING FINALLY!!
User5: Fuck they are soo cute!!
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liked by Mila.Vers, Jessica-gmz, and 348, 232 others
Happy birthday little sis, i love you very much and am extreamly proud of the young woman you have become. You inspire me wiht your braveness and strenth everyday. Dont let the opinions of others kill your spirit (and tell me so i can punch them).
Mila.Vers: Thank you, Maxy. you make me cry!🥺
-> Jessica.gmz: She is really crying
-> Maxverstappen33: Knew it
User5: Is this a punch against Jos? I think i read somewhere that he was not happy about her relationship and had cut her off?!
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Hello, today this is usually different from what I post on here but I felt like this issue needs to be addressed.
As you know..there is a recent issue that has happened today, specifically two issues.
The blog below you may have seen a few recent times or so when scrolling.
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But when we look at the intro, right it clearly states this here:
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Which is fine when read at first but when I consider when my JOKE art was reblogged as this a few days ago:
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CLARIFYING IN MY POST THAT IT'S A JOKE IN THE FIRST PLACE! So bare that in mind..that I am a MINOR and with getting comments like that from people with no indication of what tone they mean by saying that. But obviously if you don't have any tone tags, I will assume it as being serious. It would've been fine it was /j or /hj at the end but as you can see by the evidence there is none. Even my friend said for me how they feel uncomfy with those types of comments. And that is understandable.
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Further more to prove my point across..since it states No NSFW but mentions of it are supposedly okay and yet they comment that on the reblog with unclear tone so of course I'm going to take it seriously.
Second issue, I have is that they use my PLATONIC FRIEND'S art on C.ai without permission from my friend in the first place.I even asked my friend if they asked them or even at least credited them and here they say this:
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Which come on! It's literally not that hard to credit people! Like even I use my friend's art with permission of course and I credit them.
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And when I even reblog their post kindly asking them to remove the art on Character.ai they used and clearly stated that they're stealing my friend's art if they don't even credit them. They just ignore my comment NOT EVEN INTERACTING AND SAYING "Oh hey i'm really sorry about this! Here let me do that now." JUST STRAIGHT UP IGNORING IT. IT'S NOT RIGHT FOR ANYONE'S ART TO BE USED WITHOUT PERMISSION FIRST! AT ALL! AND EVEN IF YOU CLEARLY DON'T KNOW WHERE THE ART IS FROM OR BY WHO YOU SHOULD AT LEAST SAY "OH HEY I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS IS BY BUT IT'S NOT MY ART!" IT JUST ANNOYS ME AND MANY ARTISTS WHEN THAT HAPPENS! But here you can clearly see that's not the case. They clearly DO KNOW where they got the artwork from but just go out of their way to not credit them
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Thank you to those who read all this and I'm extreamly sorry for posting this post in such a personal way but I just wanted to get my point across, but by no means DO NOT HARASS THIS PERSON!! AT ALL!!
So thank you this is Applin signing off.
God I need a coffee after all this.
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flipphonesonthewall · 3 months
i read this fic a bit ago and can’t find it at all so it’s bothering me and it’s 3 am and i’ve given up. pls aid me.
so bakugou is like a scary chef in a kitchen and he keeps yelling at the person on the pass (idk what they’re called) and they keep quitting until mido gets hired and baku is like omg he’s gonna cry but midoriya picks everything up super fast and is extreamly helpful and then it’s just pining until a homophobic bastard starts yelling at mido (?) and they get together ? idk
anyway i’m so sure other people know what i’m talking about
thanks in advance <3 mwah
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chloe-spade · 5 months
The Little Leeches Act Three: Love Blossoms
The silence was throughout the room. Everyone, the king and queen, maids and butlers, and maybe even some of the gardeners outside quiet because of Floyd's sudden whisper of happiness. When previously, he was very mute, and so was his twin.
Nonetheless, it was Queen Icabeth who cut the silence with a piercing screech.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Icabeth screeched in surprise, "Riddle. My beloved boy, what is the meaning of this? You barely know this man and you are proposing your love and devotion to him?"
"Mother, I have already mentioned that I have known Floyd for years, so long that it was inevitable that I would have fallen for him and now I have taken my chance to make my wrong a right. This is what I wanted."
"Really?" Floyd questioned.
"Yes," Riddle answered, his hand holding Floyd's hand. "I have forgotten to give you this, it suits you."
The lovely ring was now on Floyd's finger, not minding that Floyd staring at it.
"I love it!" Floyd laughs, looking at the ring.
"I know you are excited, but please remain calm," Azul managed to chuckle, not able to hide his happiness, with more reasons than one.
"Well, congratulations!" Cheered Julius happily, "At the end of this week, we'll have a massive celebration of the love between Riddle and Floyd. And of course, we will still have a beautiful engagement party for Trey as well, now please let us eat and we'll discuss party favors afterwards."
Everyone agreed as they began to eat again, now chatting about the engagement and with Floyd getting his voice back, was leading the conversation without much consequences, much to Azul's dismay. But seeing how happy his friend was, which was a major contradiction to his previously sad nature only a few days prior, made Azul happy, now having one more objective.
Floyd was laughing to himself, in the ballroom, looking at the ring in his hand. His mystic hums cause those to stop and listen, an effect of a mermaid's voice. But Floyd was so happy, just knowing what the ring symbolized, based on what he learned.
"I can tell you like the ring," Riddle spoke up, "You know, I saw that ring and I knew you'd love it."
"Aquamarine is the jewel of the sea, and when given to someone, it symbolizes bond and hope for the mermaid." Floyd managed to speak, still distracted.
"Oh, now I'm extreamly happy to give you that ring."
Floyd looks back at Riddle and rushes to his side, presenting the rose gold rose-shaped ring he found earlier that day, with a goofy smile on his face.
"I forgot to give you your own ring," Floyd beamed, "I meant to at the table but Goldfishie beat me to it so here you go!"
Riddle's face becomes red and he lets Floyd put the ring on his finger, not expecting to wear a ring on his own, especially after his proposal. But he managed a smile.
"Thank you, Floyd. Where did you found this? I don't think you found it in the sea like you normally would."
"Well, it happened today, and I took the oppunuinity. Because it reminded me of you when I saw it at the merchant's stand." Floyd blurted out, still happy about it.
"Floyd," Riddle started, "when we visited the shop, you wanted the necklace. I don't recall giving you coins for shopping either, so the only possible reason you could've had this is that you stole it. You stole the ring. Floyd, you could've asked me for it, why did you steal?"
"Because it would've been obvious but I never thought about it until I saw it so I didn't think of the consequences. I just wanted to show my love for you like I see humans do when I was younger."
Riddle sighs and looks back at Floyd.
"Fine, but please don't do it again. And I do like it, despite it being stolen. And you are right, humans do give rings as a symbol of love, but not just any love, it's love for eternity, to be with the one you love until you die."
"I think I remember you telling me that once, but I never understood it."
"You'll understand once we wed, Floyd, and trust me, I am quite impatient to see that day."
Floyd laughs and brings Riddle into a hug. "I thought I was supposed to say that."
"I wanted to beat you to it."
Floyd laughs again and kisses Riddle, more happier than ever.
"I may say," Trey laughs, "Your brother must be really special to Riddle for him to interrupt dinner with such a majestic proposal. I never thought to see the day where Riddle has found someone he loved that much."
He hands Jade a nice cup of tea on his balcony, with Jade looking into the ocean.
"I mean, this was the same Riddle who once told me that love is a illusion, and not real. But it was from Icabeth when we were children, so I can imagine what other nonsense she filled his brain with. I wouldn't be able handle it."
Jade covers his hand, after taking a quick sip.
"Oh, I guess you wouldn't have tea often, hmm?" Trey chuckled.
Trey smiled and took Jade's hand, which was still holding the tea, and began carefully to blow on it. Jade didn't know how badly his hands were trembling once Trey's hands held his. He managed to keep his cool once Trey brought his hands back to him.
Without missing a beat, Jade took another sip and sighed in contentment.
"It is so delightful to have a nice time with you after what happened at the pond," Trey nervously gulped, "I did think you would be mad at me after that, but once you gave me the hat, all my fears just disapeared. You just made my day and watching you ate any dessert with that twinkle in your eye made you incredibly adorable."
Throughout his life, Jade would have never considered himself adorable past his childhood years. Handsome, sure. Perfectly fine, practically normal. Creppy-looking, rude but something he accepted long ago, but adorable? Never in his life would someone, let alone a human, call him adorable like he was a small child, made him stop and look at Trey, trying to see any trace of teasing or anything that wasn't genuine but with that smile, Jade couldn't help but smile back, just happy.
Jade grinned and happily drank his tea again, listening to Trey's rambling.
After a while, Trey quickly left, grabbed a nicely wrapped present, and handed it to Jade.
"Open it," Trey expressed, "I got in the market and was supposed to give it to you at the boat ride but you know, the accident but now is incredibly perfect."
Jade looked at the present and carefully opened it to reveal a beautiful jade-carved mermaid, which fit perfectly in Jade's hands.
"I would call it My Little Mermaid," Trey chuckled, "but I thought it would've been better to give it to you. I may or may not had gotten it because of your name."
Jade managed a silent laugh and held the statue delicately.
Suddenly, as if the world was against them, a gust of wind flew passed, causing some things in Trey's room to fly around. Some papers flew towards them, almost flying onto the garden below, if it wasn't for Jade, grabbing some stuff before they flew down.
It did almost cause Jade to almost fall over, before Trey grabbed him, pulling him onto the balcony, now panting on the floor.
Trey looked up at Jade, who looked down at him. Both panting and blushing from the contact of them, being very close together. Trey was just mesmerized by Jade, not saying a single word, and just staring. The only that took him out of his concentration was a hand on his cheek, checking if he was okay.
Trey's eyes still entranced by Jade, carefully felt his hand with his.
The only thing he managed to say was:
"It's you…You."
Trey got up, making Jade stumble onto him, holding onto him.
"It was you," Trey repeated, "you saved me, and you…you sang to me, I think…ugh, my head."
Jade got up and tried to feel Trey's head for a bump, worried he had harmed himself saving Jade. But what startled him was a laugh, a happy laugh, a laugh that reminded him of the moment he was Trey on the boat on his birthday, laughing with many people, a day where Jade was conflicted with his feelings, especially for a human he barely knew, but that laugh made Jade feel all those abandoned feelings.
As much as Jade wanted to deny his claim, because of the fear of his reaction, he just couldn't.
A drawn photo nearby caught Jade's attention. It was a drawing of him, an exact copy of him. He was now shocked and scared, but not knowing what to express, he just expressed surprise.
He knew, even without a voice, there was no convincing Trey that it was him that night.
But that almost didn't matter when Trey got up, with Jade in his arms, filled with joy.
"I can't believe it," Trey laughed, "Look at you, just like the moment I saw you that day. I thought I dreamed of you, like many told me but I knew if I waited long enough, I would find you."
Jade, once put down, just shook his head. He had a sad look as he touched his throat, reminding Trey, but mostly himself that he does not speak, so how could he prove it with song?
Trey stopped those thoughts with a smile.
"Jade, I know I am forward with my claim, but I," he sighed, "I'm so sure that you are the one, but you should deny it. Deny me this satifaction, because I know I was too strong. But please,"
Not bearing to heart Trey's voice break with sadness, Jade just gulped, looked at the paper, and showed Trey, showing him that he wasn't denying Trey, giving him satisfaction.
"I knew it," Trey just managed to say.
Jade hugged Trey and looked down at the garden. He felt an odd sense of happiness, but somehow deep in his soul, he knew it wouldn't last, and he just wanted to be held, like he always wanted.
Winifred grumbled to herself as she looked into her Bubble of Sight, now frustrated. Seeing Jade cuddled against the man of her daughter's affection made her laugh in anger. She knew at this moment, even with Jade's memory wipe, he was still within Trey's memory, a memory of love, which she could not erase, just clouded it, which was unfortunate.
She already lost one voice that belonged to Floyd, someone that she barely kept her eyes on, but it was her downfall.
But she adored her daughter, Amphrite, so when she fell for a human prince, she did so much that fateful night.
It was a day when Winifred saw Amphrite humming and singing to herself, playing with her jewelry. It wasn't that odd when it came to her daughter, but her singing was…uplifting, a song of love and hope. It made Winifred curious so she asked her daughter what made her daughter absolutely so happy.
Turns out, when searching for ingredients for potions and spells, she heard a flute melody and went to hear it. When she does, she sees a young prince, playing a beautiful flute and a beautiful melody was heard. She loved his golden eyes and just watched him, which felt like hours to her. So, for days on end, she found him playing a flute or playing with his little animal companion. It made her neglect her duties, which Winifred did notice.
Once he heard that the next day was his birthday, she wanted to introduce herself, no matter what line she would cross.
So when she told her mother, Winifred decided on a scheme that could leave Trey in Amphirite's arms. Which led to the storm that caused a major shipwreck, resulting in casualties, something she enjoyed.
But when Amphitrite came by sobbing, Winifred knew there was a massive shell in her plan.
She was told that the prince was saved by an eel merman, who was singing to him, now imprinting himself into the prince's memory. She watched in heartbreak as the prince's hand touched the merman's, now proven of their newfound bond, especially under the Coral Moon, which was rumored to create that bond if a human saw, felt, or heard a merman, just like the Coral Princess before them.
After the description, Winifred knew who that merman was. Jade Leech, twin brother of Floyd Leech, both friends of her sister's young son, Azul. She also knew about Floyd's collection of human stuff, which she knew made him an easy target for her deals.
A merman loving the human world? Such a naive soul.
When she felt the heartbreak of Floyd, she knew how to get back at Jade for stealing the Prince from her daughter. Using Floyd to get what she wanted was surprisingly too easy, so she was glad that heartbroken state clouded his judgment, even when Jade tried to steer Floyd away.
But it was more exciting when Floyd grabbed the scale of his twin and splashed it into the bowl, which forced Jade into his mess and her deals. Adding onto it, she had to tamper with Jade so he would simply forget about the true love kiss, Amphirite's request.
But now, she saw Jade, with the prince happy to figure out who Jade was.
Now she has to cheat even more.
Winifred looked over at her daughter, heartbroken by the sight the bubble presented.
"I have decided that we need to cheat, even if I had to use magic with my damn bare hands," Winifred hissed, "that stupid boy swam over to many hills and that prince is already on his knees, already in love, when it should be you, my sweet treasure, you should've been the one he should be happy for and I'm sick of it."
"I should've been the one," Amphrite whimpered, "that should've been me! I saw him first so he's mine! I won't that stupid eel steal him from me…and I know how.."
Amphitrite grinned and swam up to Jade's voice, hidden within her mother's neck. She held it close to her, having a twisted expression.
She managed to bring some stuff down into the cauldron, surprising her mother. But that surprise turned into delight as she swam back and as Amphitrite swam down and began to chant to the sky, causing a storm above. She laughed as the cauldron's spell began to cover them in smoke, her laughter filled the grotto as her voice began to mimic Jade's, and her body morphed into a human's, along with Winifred's.
"And that's why you are my precious daughter."
Jade woke up with the smell of food, opened his eyes, and got up to follow it. He couldn't help it, he was just entranced by it.
Only a few days and Jade was interested in human food, eating it, or in this case, smelling it. It was such an odd smell, but it was so delightful to follow, but he managed to. Despite the guards all around the castle, none were seen by Jade or were just ignoring him.
Jade finally entered the kitchen and hid to look at the chef who made the wonderful meal.
The chef he saw was Trey, who was humming to himself as he created some egg omelets, fluffy pancakes, and different variations of jam. Strangely only for one, Jade noticed and decided to walk forward. When he did, he accidentally trampled a barrel of fish, startling Trey. Jade sank to avoid suspicion, but a small chuckle made him realize he was spotted.
"There's better places to hide than the ground, you know," Trey joked, offering his hands, "here, let me help you up."
Jade blushes takes his hand, and is lifted.
"I see you smelled my breakfast in bed, for you. Though, I hoped you were actually in bed when I presented to you," Trey sputtered, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jade looks at the tray of food and smiles.
"Well, I remembered you liked the breakfast I made, so I decided to make one, just for you."
Jade managed a silent smile, quickly turned, and walked up the stairs to his room, confusing Trey.
"What are you…"
Jade looks back and uses his hand to allude Trey to follow him, with the food he made.
Once they went back to Jade's room, Jade went back to his bed let Trey set the tray down, and gave him a glass of orange juice, which he drank happily.
"Well, I'm glad you allowed me to serve you in your bed," Trey sighed in relief and sat down next to Jade, "I wanted to make sure you…were ok, after last night. I felt bad about that whole debuckle. I put you in that uncomfortable situation."
Jade shakes his head, eating his pancake, now happy.
"Well, I also have one more thing," Trey gulped softly and presented a rose to Jade, "I saw you staring at them on the balcony and I thought you would want one. But I might find some mushrooms for you later on."
Jade's eyes beamed at the mention of mushrooms, and the land's nature. Another thing he was interested in, was mainly due to the mushrooms and flowers around the kingdom.
"I should get going," Trey spoke up, "Father really needs me for the ball tomorrow, and I can't keep him waiting. But how about one thing before I go?"
Jade looked back at Trey and saw him going forward, presumably for a kiss. Caught off guard, he dipped his finger in jam and poked Trey's nose, smiling.
Trey, now surprised, laughed and wiped it off. "Alrighty, I'll leave."
Jade watched Trey get up and leave, still smiling to himself. It made his heart beat with a proud proclamation of love, so once the door was closed, he swooned and continued to eat the lovely breakfast on his plate.
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Fluff? Believe it or not I actually do have something for this!
This is an after credits scene for Properties of Adaine (which is no where close to actually being done) so watch out for big spoilers below!
"You have to take this seriously."
"Please, Adaine," Aelwyn huffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder in a dismissive way, "When have I ever not been serious?"
"Your usual demener is very light hearted and careless," Ayda, sweet Ayda, spoke up. The three of them were in the Golden Garden washroom. It wasn't as spotless as Adaine would have liked but it was the cleanest place in Leviathan and didn't have the risk of Arthur bursting in at any moment. "I can name a few instances where you took a situation with seriousness but they are not many."
Aelwyn pointed at her, like Ayda had just backed her up. "See? I can be serious!"
"But there have been more times that you are not," Ayda made sure to clarify.
Aelwyn waved her hand at her. "Shush."
Adaine groaned and rubbed at her eyes. "I'm regretting this already..."
"I promise to treat this as an issue of grave importance," Ayda said though she tilted her head in confusion a moment after, "though I will admit I don't fully understand why. You're just asking us to... help you with you makeup, yes?"
Aelwyn snorted. "We're polishing our dear little sister."
"Look," Adaine started, glaring breifly at Aelwyn, "I know neither of you can... really understand. But this is extreamly important to me. It's a sign of trust. I wasn't even permitted to get myself ready for months! Not until Goldenhoard was convinced I could do it properly. It's..." She waved her hands about as she searched for the words. "I want to bond with the both of you. This is how I bond, okay?"
Ayda looked increadibly touched but Aelwyn hummed and crossed her arms. "Why now? You didn't even let me watch your skincare routine when I was in charge of you."
"Because you're a wackjob," Adaine answered plainly, causing Ayda to let out one HA before she remembered herself, "and I was kinda worried you'd ban me from doing it at all."
"Ah," Aelwyn said, nodding slowly, "yes I...might have. Your whole thing was very confusing to me. Still is."
"I, for one, am excited to bond with you my sisters," Ayda said, her wings fluttering a bit behind her, "even if I do not fully understand it I recognize it's important to you, Adaine."
"Thank you." Adaine smiled gratefully as Aelwyn nodded along in agreement. Adaine then propped herself up onto the counter, kicking her legs slightly with nerves as she gestured to the products crowding the rest of the bathroom. "Okay, um, I set everything out so you can get started whenever you want."
Aelwyn and Ayda exchanged a glance. Adaine was impressed. Nonverble communication was still hard for Ayda. Ayda cleared her throat akwardly. "Is that it? You are not going to show us what to do?"
Adaine shrugged, the kicking of her legs picking up just a little. "I already did all the base stuff. You guys are just putting the finishing touches on. And you doing whatever you want is kinda the whole point so..."
Aelwyn smirked teasingly. "What if I drew a big butterfly across your face like they do at carnvials?"
Adaine gave her an unimpressed look. "This is why I didn't trust you earlier."
"Okay, okay." Aelwyn held her hands up placatingly. "Nothing too embarrassing. Got it."
"Well..." Adaine hesitated. "I don't care if it's embarrassing. Just... don't make it a joke."
"We should try to reflect ourselves in the design, yes?" Ayda asked, picking up some eyeliner, "As if we were customizing a satchel or our living areas."
"Right," Adaine agreed with a relieved sigh, nodding to her, "just... try to be honest about it, is all, I guess."
"Hmm fine," Aelwyn griped but Adaine knew her well enough by now to tell it was almost entirely a show, "I'll draw on you but in a serious way or whatever."
"Thank you," Adaine said as sincerely as she could and smiled at Aelwyn sticking her tongue out at her.
Ayda gentle cupped Adaine's chin as Aelwyn began rifling around the makeup supplies. "Please close your eyes, little sister, and hold as still as you can."
Adaine did so and succeeded in not wincing when her eyelids were stroked by the eyeliner pen. She kept her eyes closed for the majority of the process, letting herself fall into the feeling of being tended to. Ayda's rougher hands continued to work on its face, her grip softly guiding Adaine's head every which way. Aelwyn's delicate fingers hovered around it's neck and Adaine had no idea what she was doing down there. But they were all too far into it to backout now. Adaine simply didn't talk or move except where directed and tried not to mess up its sister's work.
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luke-r-gillespie · 1 month
May 8 - Wagashi & Tea Ceremony / Tokyo Skytree
My day today started at 7:30, with breakfast at 8. After an eating substantial breakfast, I met up with the class for the morning assembly before departing to Wagashi for a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. After arriving at Wagashi, I explored the expansive and beautiful park until it was my groups turn to attend the tea ceremony.
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The park was full of beautifully maintained trees, bushes and flowers (honestly, thirty minutes wasn’t enough time to take it all in.) I especially liked the bridges that spanned the park’s bodies of water, they were very in line with my pre-held mental perceptions of Japan. After thirty minutes, it was my groups turn to attend the tea ceremony. The room in which the ceremony took place was pretty small and the women hosting the ceremony were very kind for sharing their art form with us. The way in which the woman leading the ceremony prepared the tea was extreamly precise and very entertaining to watch. Before serving the matcha, we were given a small sweet treat to help with the bitterness of the tea (I personally was not really a fan of the treat, as it was comprised mostly of bean paste.)
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After eating the pretty snack, we were instructed on how to drink the tea. The matcha was bitter but i enjoyed it much more than i expected to. After thanking the kind women, we left to head to the Tokyo Skytree.
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After a packed train ride, we arrived at the station and headed up towards the sky tree before breaking for lunch. Zachary, Griffin, Dylan, and I went to an eel place for lunch where I unagi with rice (it was delicious.) After lunch we headed up the Tokyo Skytree which offered a breath taking view of the entire city of Tokyo. You could even see some of the places that we had visited on previous excursions, they looked insignificant from that high up. The Tokyo Skytree was also doing some sort of temporary collaboration with a popular J-pop group, so Zachary, Griffin and I took a photo emulating their poses.
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After the days excursions were done, I descended the Skytree and decided to go the aquarium at its base (I really like aquariums and as far as aquariums go, it was pretty great.) The aquarium was extremely clean and all of the tanks and fish seemed very well maintained. They even had a large penguin exhibit in the center of the aquarium!
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After leaving the aquarium, I headed back to Hotel Edoya to get ready for our class dinner. We met with a UF alumni and were treated to dinner which was delicious.
Academic Reflection
While attending the tea ceremony, it was great to know some background on the historic tradition. The woman leading the tea ceremony seemed extremely well versed in the practice. So much so, that one would never suspect that the practice was dominated by the male gender until relatively recently. The history of the tea ceremony in Japan can be traced back multiple centuries, with it frequently coming and going from the public’s conscious until a couple hundred years ago. While originally practiced by monks, the tradition has evolved over time and become a staple of Japanese culture. Today, the tea ceremony practice is mainly observed by Japanese women and is even seen as a way to teach young women discipline and tradition. Historically however, the tea ceremony was practiced by powerful men and even seen as a display of power by many. Powerful leaders would hold tea ceremonies for warlords, daimyos, and other important figures. Today, everyone attending the tea ceremony is treated as an equal. From atop the Tokyo Skytree, the unconventional city planning of Tokyo is apparent. Unlike the United States which I am accustomed to, Japan does not have strict zoning laws. Due to this being the case, it is not uncommon to have homes, businesses, resultants and even commence store all in the same city block. With a birds eye view of the city, I could see how intertwined different city blocks were with one another.
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Hey! Before I jumped into any requests for a personal match up, I wanted to let you know how amazing your writing is. I love the variety in it and how you stay consistent all the time. A real awesome blog to come across !!
Anyways. Some things about me for a match up—preferably within The Hobbit universe, as well as LOTR, or Sherlock! Take your time with this too. No pressure
• I go by he/they pronouns, am 5'9, and am a trans guy. Autistic as well
• Pretty plain with brown eyes and brown hair
• Very ambiverted! Extreamly awkward and stiff with new social situations, but very loud around people I'm comfy with
• Special interest includes Doctor Who and Total Drama. A big nerd, so to speak, with a huge love for cartoons. Comedy as well. I love stand-up routines and slap stick humor. Anything involving a joke, really. Part of the reason I'm always looking to lighten the room with one. It's a big quality of mine
• Music is a way of life. I never stop listening to it no matter what. When I'm doodling, writing (especially writing), reading, sitting in a car, etc. I'm always listening to something or other
That's about it. Hope it was enough, and remember to pace yourself in whatever you're doing right now. Have a great day :D
Thank you so much for your kind words! They truly made my day! <3 I am so happy you enjoy my fics and whatnot! And thank you for requesting a matchup, I hope you enjoy this as well! :)
The Hobbit;
Fili Durin:
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👑 You met Fili when you joined the Company, bring another magic user, you were brought along with Gandalf and instantly there was a connection between you and the eldest Durin Prince; actually you were good friends with both Fili and Kili, and though you and Kili would joke around and could talk for hours, you were head over heels for Fili
👑 Fili and Kili were huge on making sure you were alright after a fight with orcs or goblins, but Fili would be the one to help you when you got hurt, scratches, bruises, etc; and you, though you were shy in the beginning, you never faltered when cleaning any of Fili's wounds
👑 You even saved Fili from dying after he got stabbed, but you were unable to save Kili; Fili, you, and most of the Company who survived mourned Kili, and you helped Fili in any way you could
👑 Fili later asked you to stay with him at the Lonely Mountain, and of course you agreed to stay, Fili would need all the help he could get after abruptly becoming King under the Mountain
👑 And you stayed with him, making sure he was taking breaks and taking care of himself, as the years went by, you got got closer; in the end, you had yourself a braid in your hair
Lord Of The Rings;
Merry Brandybuck:
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🥬 You met Merry when he and Pippin rushed in to join the Fellowship, and you thought he was quite adorable; and it wasn't long until you got used to the group and almost endless walking, and became friends with Merry and Pippin
🥬 You were closer to Merry though, finding that you had more in common with him; From loving to make people laugh, enjoying music and song, and making sure others were alright; you both were a perfect pair
🥬 With the help from Boromir, you helped teach Pippin and Merry how to swing a sword, and it was a lot of fun; that was one of the events that brought you and Merry closer together
🥬 When the battle of the five armies began, you stayed by Merry's side, the both of you making sure the other was alright; but, an orc had somehow managed to strike you, and fearing you'd die, you confessed your love to Merry, but really, you were fine and just had a large bruise on your side, you woke up the next day
🥬 Merry was there by your bedside, asking you a flurry of questions on whether you needed anything or if you were in any pain, (he even confessed that he felt the same); it was sweet and you couldn't wait to get better and life your life with Merry, peacefully and happily
John Watson:
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🔍 You met John Watson when you came to Sherlock for help, you sibling had gone missing and you needed a true genius to help you find them; of course, Sherlock won't run away from a good mystery, and John happily followed along
🔍 During the search for your lost sib, you got closer to the Dr., learning a bit more about each other as the days and nights passed by slowly; even though it was your sibling that was missing, you tried to make John and Sherlock laugh, though Sherlock found it odd, John found it sweet
🔍 You did find your sibling a couple of days later, they had just left to start a new life with the love of their life, and upon hearing this made you realize that you were in love with John; this then led to you asking John out in the middle of a rain storm
🔍 Totally worth it though, that night John brought you into the flat, got you new clothes and a towel to dry off, and then the two of you sat and binged Doctor Who; though it was a bit awkward, you both scooted closer and closer to one another and the rest is history
🔍 John is super protective of you, even though you can totally take care of yourself, John will always be there for you, even if it's just to go out and buy milk and eggs; you are so glad and thankful to have John in your life, he is your sun, moon, and stars
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asmosaysso · 2 years
lucifer one shot,,,,,
Diavolo ordered you to bring a mound of student work and paperwork to Lucifer. You obviously didn't feel like doing it since it was still so early for you to get up, but an order from the demon prince isn't something you should ignore.
Apparently, Lucifer was supposed to analyze and determine if some of the lower and somewhat behind demons needed tutoring or if they need to be put in lower classes. You personally have always been ahead in your studies, nowhere near Mammon and his math abilities, but very, very smart.
Your job was to deliver Lucifer items or work from Diavolo and vice versa since you were ahead of your studies, and you normally have no problem with it, but since you had been awakened by Barbatos telling you to hurry and get up in his professional way, you were cranky.
Stomping up to Lucifer's desk, you almost slammed the pile of work down onto it before collapsing into a seat in front of it. "Thanks. Take these back to Diavolo and this to Mammon and this to Barbatos." Lucifer says, not even looking up, but pointing at two binders and a mound of math equations. You raise an eye at him, obviously offended, "What?" "Listen, I said take these binders to Diavolo and Barbatos, the one with all the sticky notes is for Barbatos, and this pile of papers to Mammon." Lucifer sighs, not bothering to point at the binders or the work this time. "No." You fold your arms, "I'm going to bed." As you start to get up you notice Lucifer finally has looked up from his work to scowl at you, "You are going to take these to Diavolo, Mammon, and Barbatos"
"No, I'm going to go to sleep. Goodbye Lucifer." You say, scowling back at him. "Y/N. Go deliver what I told you to and come back." "No. Have Barbatos do it. Goodnight." "Stop it. He is not my butler." "So I am? Leave me alone Lucifer, I want to go back to sleep." Lucifer sighs, sounding extreamly annoyed. "Will you knock it off? Just deliver the damn papers." "I already told you to leave me alone Lucifer, I am sick of this. You or Barbatos wake me up earlier and earlier and I cant keep up with this! Get lost!" You shout, slamming the door behind you and walking to your own room. You're annoyed with Lucifers actions, and he's been pissing you off for the last few days, choosing to wake you up at odd times of the hour, and even telling you to get out of bedif you like it or not. He's ACTUALLY been working you to death. You wonder if he forgets you're human sometimes.
As you settle down into your room again, you have an epending feeling of doom wash over you. You wonder if you hurt the demons pride by denying him and telling him to get lost. Soon, you wake up, to knocking on your door. "I already told you to fuck off, Lucifer!" You shout.
"It aint, Y/N. Lucifer did tell me yer in trouble though. What the hell did he do to have ya angry though?" Mammon calls from outside, "Ya decent?" "Yeah." You call back, and Mammon opens the door and walks in, "He and Barbatos have been waking me up at undemonly times of day. Its pissing me off to a new degree. Im so close to asking Diavolo to let me go back home! I'm so sick of this!" "Woa, woa. Don't go that far. Lucifers just used to bossin' us around. He'll be fine an' so will ya." Mammon awkwardly pats you on the head, "But anyways, don't worry, The Great Mammon is here... But I still gotta do a bunch of math for 'im." He sighs. "Ya wanna... go to Hell's Kitchen... with me later?" "Sure. I guess. I gotta get up now anyways. I have stuff to do." You say as you stand. "You go do your math and come find me." "Alright. Cya." You walk out of your room and lock it behind Mammon only to hear Lucifer boom out at you from a little down the hallway. "Y/N. My library. Now. Or else." You sigh and roll your eyes. "Fine, I'm coming."
You follow Lucifer to his library, and he sits at his desk, motioning for you to sit infront of him. You choose to so you dont anger him anymore. He doesnt speak, and instead goes to write something. "Did you just call me here for you to do more work and me to suffer?" You raise an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms again. Lucifer continutes to write, and it seems like he is ignoring you. "Goodbye Lucifer." "Y/N. I told you to sit. I said nothing else. Are you so impatient that you couldnt wait for me to finish writing?" "Yes, infact I am." You narrow your eyes.
"Y/N why do you feel the need to be like this?" He looks up at you finally. "Because I havent gotten any sleep. You're working me to death too!" You shout.
"Keep your voice down, Y/N. I have a headache." "I dont really care, Lucifer. My legs ache and I'm not getting proper sleep. I aught to go ask Diavolo if I can go home so at least I dont feel like I'm going to collapse." "No. You're not going to do that. Stop being like this and talk." "I've already tried to, Lucifer, and you pissed me off"
"You pissed yourself off actually, I didn't do anything but ask you to take some files to some people." "Again, goodnight, Lucifer," Lucifer sighs and stands ubruptly. "Will you please calm down?" He begins to walk torward you. "I said I'm sick of this, Lucifer!" "I understand, Y/N. I'm sorry I worked you so hard." "Wait, huh?" "I said I'm sorry. I forget you're more fragile then a demon." "I figured." Your arms are still crossed, but your eyes arent as squinted. Lucifer sighs again and hugs you, "I said I'm sorry. I wont work you as hard." You decide that you're overreacting and sigh. "Sorry." "You dont need to apolojize Y/N. I was acting foolish." "So was I." Lucifer laughs, "You dont need to take acountability." You shake your head and sigh. "I'm really sorry Lucifer." "It's my fault... But I do have work to do. Do you mind sitting with me?" You nod, "Sure. Lemme cancel on Mammon in a little though."
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ald3r-wolfcak3 · 1 year
Starshine rewrite, but oh no, Starshine missing;
Lisa get a phone call middle of the night. It's Alex. As she picks up, the other girl almost screaming, Starshine went missing. Lisa running to the stables, where she meet not only with Alex but with Anne also and Mr. Herman.
They find a message on Starshine's stall. It's an adress for an abandoned Dark Core yard. Mr. Herman drive the girls to the yard. Thanks to Alex's experience to breaking into guarded placies the girls can enter the place. But as they go deeper and deeper, they have to split up, since the place way to big to search it. Of course Lisa is the one who find Starshine insode one of the buildings. The horse inside a huge cage, which protecred by a code-lock. She tries to break the code, she really tries, but she can't. She extreamly stressed out, she shaking and crying and Starshine tries to calm her down, talking to her and saying everything will be alright she lost it. She collapses to the ground and non-stop crying. She can't do anything. She lost everyone she loves and care about, she not strong enought, not talented and fuck up everything. And then, someone touchies her shoulder. It's Mr. Sands. Why is he here? The man talking, she knows the man talking but can't understand. Then, the lock open up.
"Help him" the man says as he slowly turn around and walks away "And then go...It's not the right time yet...soulrider"
Lisa enters the cage and as before at the stable, she put her hands from of her. The pink star shows up and she slowly closes her eyes. She sees a memory from her childhood. It's her mom and dad. The three of them went to riding to for a picnic. When she pens her eyes Starshine standing fron of her. She hop on his back and they left the building. Starshine is healthy and strong and even thou she riding bareback she doesn't affraid of falling down. But as they left she hear a horse behind her. It's a pure black horse, a fresian with falming hoofs. The rider wearing black cloths with a red cape, it's covering up their face. Starshine run into the woods, Lisa asking him what's happening Starshine answears;
"It's them! It's them! I don't want to die yet!"
The woods are dense and gladly they able to espace the unknown rider behind their back. As they slow down they see rune stones. It's like a meadown but with stone Lisa come down and check the stone under her feet.
It has four simple picture. Each has a human and a horse with four different symbol. One of the symbol is a star, the same star she saw when she healed Starshine.
"It's them" Starshine says "The four guardian of this island. The four champion of Aideen"
"Who is Aideen?" She asks.
"The godness who helped to cage up the monster from beyond the starts. The one who made sure man and horses to be able to bond"
"So who are the guardians"
"It's you" and Lisa sure Starshine is smiling at her "A soulrider who ride under the circle of star. Heal the injured and free the oppressed"
"And you? Who are you?"
"I am you" Starshine says "And you are me. You and I are the same soul. I am protecting you and you are protecting me. We are the embodiment of Aideen's gift. The first champion of her..."
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 2 years
secret santa ~ send me this and i'll tell you what i would get you for christmas plus what i'd write in your card (close moots only)
I really hope we are close moots 🤞🏻
And you know what? To make this extra special I have a Christmas card for you <3
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Dear El,
Merry Christmas! (It's around the corner, but still) I remember the first time I saw your blog and it was the best theme I had ever seen! Then I went to your masterlist and you had written for Draco, Sirius, Remus and James (as far as I remember) and for the first time I read for the marauders and your writing was so freaking good that I was so engaged in the fic! And I literally became a fan of yours! Then I saw you followed me back and I was literally on cloud 9!! Then I talked to you so freaking much that we became really close moots <3 I love you so much and I wish your Christmas goes amazing! Bake cookies like you did in October the pumpkin ones ( I still remember) and decorate your house and the tree and literally have an amazing time! I am so so sooo glad we are moots and you are one of my favorite moots to talk to! So, I really hope you enjoy this year end! Merry Christmas El!! ✨
Your Favorite moot, (hehe)
Phoenix ♡
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i swear- this made me start crying.. thank you so much nix<3 uhg i love you so so much
i'd get you a ring instead of actually getting you a gift i'd take you out for the afternoon. to like catch up and take cute photos and just make sure you feel loved
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below the cut is your card
i honestly can't begin to explain how much of my heart you own. i'm extreamly grateful i have you to check in on me and you have no clue how much it means to me that you ask first. like sometimes it's overlooked, but i'm rarely asked how i'm doing first, and the fact that you do it WITH follow up questions about things you know have been going on in my life- uhggg you're just amazing and i love you so so so so so so so so so so so much<3
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imhereforbrownies · 2 years
Hello! I don't really know how tumblr works so I apologize in advance if I do something wrong! But I wanted to join in the shipping celebration!
My pronounce are they/them
I'm a very creative person and always try my best to make the people around me happy and laugh! I'm extreamly introverted when meeting new people but have a hard time keeping my volume down when I'm with people I'm friends with haha. I also have autism but you don't have to include any of that incase it makes you uncomfortable! Also, Anxiety 😅
My hobbies always have a creative aspect to it, wherther it be writing, drawing, editing or Journaling however my biggest hobby is definitely dancing! I love dance mor then anything tbh. I also enjoy working out alot and am working towards my goal of being as buff as Changbin 😈.
My favorite movie is Jurassic park (the first one) and u geek out on dinosaurs a lot! My favorite song atm is fast pace by seventeen and my favorite food is Japchae! My favorite place is my home lol, my favorite book is picnic in the storm (I forget who it's by but it's really good)
I have 2 pets 1 cat and 1 dog (however I am a cat person so I'm very biased)
I have lots of dreams about what I want to do in the future, who I want to be. I think a life goal of mine is definitely to dance on stage infront of a big crowd or have a choreography of mine get danced in front of and be loved by a bunch of people!
My zodiac sign is gemini and my motivation is infp
My aesthetic is really a huge mess but I wear mostly black and comfortable clothes. I also have a mullet, an eyebrow piercing and tattoos haha so do with that what you'd like :D
I'd like you to pick from straykids!
I hope that was okay, I apologize if it was too long, I get carried away easily 😅
No worries, you are just fine! Thank you so much for sending in a request! It means so much 💗
Also I was definitely the dinosaur kid growing up so I'm glad to see I have fellow dinosaur lover on my blog, welcome!! :)
Now about your ship...
I decided to pick Changbin. I was thinking quite a lot about this one but I think you two could go along really well.
My reasoning behind my choice:
- you said you can turn really loud once you're with "your people" and that reminded me so much of Changbin even though he's rather loud all the time lol. Also Changbin, just like you, seems like the type of person who's trying to keep the people around him happy and laughing so I think your personalities might be in tune :)
- you're a Gemini and INFP which is a good match to his Leo and ENFP
- I also think he'd be a huge fan of your dancing skills and would love love love to have you as a working out buddy lol
- to me Changbin also seems like the type who would drool over someone with tattoos and piercings, like he would find it so attractive so YES
- and like imagine him cuddling your cat????? I would pass out? Like he would be so gentle with your pets even though he's so bulky and big and aghsprtsv- I can't
- also I think even though he looks like a tough guy, he's very sweet, caring and in tune with his emotions and I think he would also be very gentle with you and with your needs as an autistic person with anxieties... like I'm sure he'd take a really good care of you, always keeping your best interest at heart and making sure you feel safe and okay at all times <3
You just finished your training, saying goodbyes to your fellow dancers as you head to the side of the room to collect your stuff, taking out a bottle of water and taking a gulp before putting it back into your bag.
“Hey, Y/N."
You look up at the one who approached you, your eyes meeting Changbin, bright grin settled on his handsome face.
"Hey, Binnie," you smile, straightening up and throwing the gym bag over your shoulder.
"Any plans for the evening?" He asks, shoving his hands in the pockets of his sweats as he awaits your answer.
"Uhm- no, not really," you admit sheepishly.
"Wouldn't you maybe like to join me for a little movie marathon?" He prompts, looking at you expectantly.
“Depends on the movie,” you offer and he chuckles.
“I was thinking about something like the Jurassic Park?” He states and you grin brightly.
“That’s my favorite,” you exclaim, making him smile.
“I know, Y/N,” he states and you chuckle.
Of course, he does.
You told him before and he somehow always didn’t fail to remember every single thing you told him about yourself.
“So? Would you like to join me?” He asks, eyes all hopeful, making your heart thrum a bit wilder than usual.
“Uhm- yeah, sure, why not,” you nod, giving him a smile as you watch him grin.
“Perfect. I’ll pick you up at seven then, if it’s okay, and we can go and buy some snacks together,” he says and you hum.
“Sure, I’d love that,” you agree, delighted to spend some time with him.
You and Changbin met a while ago when you joined their team of backup dancers. At first you both didn’t really tend to spend a lot of time in each other’s presence, only greeting one another in passing. That changed however once you found out you go to the same gym. You soon started talking and began to share tips and even work out together from time to time. Sometimes he took you for a dinner after that and sometimes you watched a movie or two at his or your place, whatever was comfortable for you at the moment. You grew to like Changbin’s presence and you soon became close friends. So close the others tease you about your relationship very often.
“See you later then,” you say and he grins.
“See you.”
And with that you part ways, Changbin heading back to his members and you towards the door, already thinking about the peace and quiet of your flat. Today’s training wasn’t the easiest since you have to work hard before your team and the boys go on the tour but even through your slight exhaustion you’re leaving the JYP building with a bright smile on your face because of no one else but the buff boy with heart of gold who lets you indulge in your love for dinosaurs.
And the fluttering of your heart might give away that dinosaurs are not the only ones making you feel so giddy.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s the dark haired boy himself but you’ll leave dealing with those feelings for the future and wait what it has to offer.
For now all that matters is that it’s you, Changbin and a bunch snacks and a sci-fi classic to end a long day with.
And who would you be to say no to that?
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