#and gabriel wouldnt be looking at the stars because hes so used to it..... can anybody hear me
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GabV1el Week // Day 4: AU/Flight/Flesh
gabriel carrying v1 around so they can experience flying with him... yay <3
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
This Life Chapter 16
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Title: This Life Chapter 16
Summary:  Dean Winchester is the Vice President of the motorcycle club The Hunters. After almost 7 years in prison, he's free. But things have changed and Dean has to figure out how to put things back together.
Warnings: Language, mentions of drug use, this chapter is pretty sad
AN: Thank you to the lovely @sams-serialkiller-fetish .  The song for this chapter is Come Join the Murder by The White Buffalo & The Forest Rangers
Sam was curled up in the passenger seat of Baby as Dean drove them back to Wolfpine. He had his arm cradled against him and his eyes were closed. Dean kept casting glances over at him. The kid had worked himself up the minute Ellen stepped out of the truck and asked where Benny was. Jim had forced him to take a couple pills from the med kit that Bobby kept in the truck and before Dean knew it, his not so little, little brother was snoring softly beside him in the Impala.
Dean was exhausted. He couldn’t wait to get back to Wolfpine and collapse onto his bed. And he had the pull out couch for Sam to sleep on for the night. Unless he decided that they needed to spend the night in John’s old house. But Dean didn’t think it was a very good idea. Plus, they had the Wayward Sons following them to Wolfpine to think of a plan in case the remaining Horsemen decided to retaliate for Azazel’s death.
Bobby had called in some favors with a couple sheriff’s who owed him a thing or two. Benny’s body would be returned home, and the bodies of Azazel and the henchmen would be dealt with. Jody assured Bobby of that. Bobby could focus then on putting Benny to rest. His dad was currently drinking his way through Atlantic City, and his mom was on her honeymoon with her new husband in Europe. Bobby doubted that either would be there to say goodbye to their son.
And then there was Sam. That kid had been through more trauma in the past year than any of them had. He had watched as a fire destroyed everything, he watched his dad shot in the chest and was left for dead, and then he was chained up to watch as a man who was like a brother to him was shot in the head and killed. Bobby didn’t know about what Azazel had told Sam, and neither did Dean. Bobby didn’t know about Sam’s downward spiral into depression that John managed to pull him out of. Dean was afraid it was going to happen again.
“Sammy.” Dean said gently when he parked Baby in Winchester-Singer’s lot. Sam groaned and slowly opened his eyes. “Hey, we’re at the garage. I thought we could stay here tonight then head to my place tomorrow.”
“Okay.” Sam said softly, opening the door and slowly getting out, stretching his long legs as he did. He had been asleep when they stopped in New Mexico. He didn’t even remember Dean making him get out of the car to use the bathroom and forced him to eat a little something that the medicine in him wouldn’t screw him up too much.
“How’s your arm?” Dean asked, coming around to look at Sam.
“It’s fine.” He whispered, but he was holding it close to him. Dean was sure that it was probably hurting. He followed Sam to the building. He could hear the others pulling in. But Dean knew that Sam needed time away from all of them. Hell, he needed time away from all of them. So they made their way through everything to the room that Dean used to sleep in when he just couldn’t handle being around John, until he got the apartment that was. It wasn’t much. A large bed mainly. But that’s all they really needed. They needed sleep.
“Let me look at that.” Dean said when he closed the door behind him. Sam held out his arm for Dean to check it out. He knew basic first aid. And he knew how to change bandages. He was going to make sure that they were always clean and taken care of. “It looks fine. It should heal nicely.”
“Thanks.” Sam sighed and set down on the bed. “You want the bed?”
“I think there’s enough room we could share.” Dean laughed. “And I’ll even keep my boxers on.”
“God, you’re ridiculous.” Sam said, kicking off his boots and laying back on one side of the bed. Dean kicked off his own shoes and his vest was next. He tossed himself down on the bed.
“God, this thing stinks.” He shook his head, not wanting to know what had been done on this bed. “I’m replacing it once everything is done and over with.” Sam didn’t answer. Dean looked over to find Sam fast asleep. He couldn’t help but smile. “G’night bitch.” He said, turning over and falling to sleep himself.
The next morning, there were not alarm clocks. Everyone slept in as much as they could, just enjoying their moments of peace. They knew that war was on the horizon, especially once the other princes found Azazel. They also knew that they were going to have to bury Benny. Bobby had tried over and over again to get a hold of either of his parents, but nothing.
Sheriff Mills came by in the afternoon. Dean was out in the garage, trying to focus on a car to keep his mind off of everything. The Wayward Sons were staying at John’s old home for the night. Bobby had never sold it, figuring that Sam might want it during the summers or something. Or that Dean would get tired of that apartment and want a change. Lucifer, Andy, Gabriel, Ruby, and Meg were all there, waiting for the other shoe to drop and war to break out.
“Dean Winchester.” Jody said, walking up to him. Dean smiled some.
“Hey Jody.” Dean said, wiping his hands on a shop rag. She could tell that his smile wasn’t reaching his eyes though and she immediately hugged him. She might have been on the Hunters payroll, but she was also a friend. That’s what made it a little easier to look the other one every once in awhile.
“Benjamin Lafitte has been released to the North Star Hospital Center.” Jody explained to Dean. “So you guys can arrange…” Dean nodded.
“Thanks Jody. We really owe you.” Dean said. Jody looked up then and smiled some as Sam came out into the garage, favoring his arm.
“Sam.” She hugged him, careful to miss his arm. “Welcome home.”
“Thanks Jody.” Sam said softly. “Hey Dean, have you seen Jim?”
“No, not yet. Your arm hurting?” Dean asked. Sam nodded. Dean was about to say something when some new bikes pulled into the lot. Jody was a little on edge. “It’s ok Jody, they’re friends.” Dean said. Andy took his helmet off and looked over at Sam and Dean.
“You okay?” He asked, walking past Jody.
“I’m fine.” Sam sighed. Jody took this time to size up the Wayward Sons. Andy seemed okay. Meg and Ruby weren’t too bad. Gabriel looked a little rough around the edges. Lucifer was fucking scary.
“I could score you some Demon Blood man.” Lucifer said. “It’ll stop all the pain.”
“Yeah, and it’ll stop him from being a functioning human being.” Ruby hissed. “Don’t even bring that shit around here.”
“Demon Blood?” Dean asked. “What the fuck is that?”
“Street drug and nasty.” Jody told him. “I just had to interview a couple of girls who had been slipped it in their drinks.” Dean watched Ruby awkwardly rubbed her arm as Jody spoke. “Moderation shouldn’t cause any life altering effects. But too much and overdoses can really fuck you up.”
“Can we change the subject?” Sam asked. “I don’t need Demon Blood. Just some low grade, over the counter painkillers and I’ll be good.”
“What happened anyway?” Jody asked.
“I got shot.” Sam said dismissively before he headed to where Ellen and Jo were to see if they had anything.
“Well, I guess you guys have things to attend to.” Jody said. “Let me know when the funeral is. I’d love to pay my respects.” She patted Dean’s arm and offered a small smile. “And tell Bobby to give me a call.” She left then. Dean went to go make the arrangements to have Benny buried. He didn’t want him to lay there and rot because his parents couldn’t give a shit about him. He also needed to research whatever this Demon Blood shit was.
“She was addicted to it.” Andy said to Dean, startling him some. “Ruby was. She was kicked out of her home, lost her job, everything. All she wanted was more of it. But she pulled herself out and is very anti Demon Blood.”
“Why is it called that?” Dean asked.
“No matter what form it’s in, it’s a deep red. It looks like blood. And it causes the user to hallucinate. A very common side effect is they believe they have powers.” Andy looked over at Lucifer, who was talking with Meg and Gabriel. “Lucifer OD’ed on it. That’s why he’s insane.”
“That did that to him?” Dean asked.
“Gabriel said he had a slight mental illness anyway. And he got hooked on Demon Blood. And he just took more and more until his body couldn’t take it anymore.” Andy explained. “Sam got lucky. He took it once and it made him sick and he promised to never take it again.” Andy realized as soon as the words left his mouth, he shouldn’t have said them.
“Wait...what did you say?” Dean asked.
“Nothing.” Andy shook his head.
“Sam took this drug?” Dean asked. Andy sighed.
“Once, as a moment of weakness. Right after Jess died. But he got so sick that the benefits were overshadowed. And he promised all of us and God himself that he would never do it again.” Andy could see the anger bubbling away under Dean’s skin. What else had Sam neglected to tell him? Instead, Dean stormed off, leaving Andy there. He went to find Bobby so they could get ready to bury Benny.
The funeral home was quick to have things set up. So it was the next day and they were ready. Benny was prepped and placed in a closed casket. It was sunny and warm. Every trope in movies said it was supposed to rain. So it couldn’t really be a funeral.
It was a graveside service. The funeral home did bring Benny to the cemetery via hearse, and the Hunters and Wayward Sons were the pallbearers. While the Wayward Sons had only known Benny a couple of days, they felt obligated to stand there by the Hunters. Ellen and Jo sobbed. Especially Ellen. She had watched Benny grow up from a chubby toddler to a man.
Sam was one of the first to leave when the ceremony was over. He had to get away. He needed air. So he stormed off, running away to a club of trees where he could sit and be alone. But he wasn’t, because Dean was right behind him.
“Sammy…” Dean said. “We got revenge for Benny and for dad.”
“You think that Azazel planned this all on his own?” Sam asked. Dean was about to speak up. “There are three more princes out there, plus their fucking henchmen. Dean, we have to stop them all.”
“And we will in due time.” Dean said. “We just buried Benny.”
“They won’t care.” Sam told him. “And if what Azazel said is true…”
“What? What did he say to you?” Dean asked.
“He told me that he slept with mom when her and dad were separated and that I have a good chance of being his kid.” Sam told Dean. “I don’t believe but…”
“Dad told me about that.” Dean said. “You’re not Azazel’s son. Even if you were, it didn’t change anything. Dad loved you so much.”
“No buts Sammy. You’re a Winchester, that’s all there is to it. You ain’t getting out of this family that easy.” He smirked at Sam, who rolled his eyes. “Come on. I think a trip up to Austin for a burger is in order. My treat.”
“Can we take Baby?” Sam asked.
“Of course. Probably hard to steer your bike with that arm anyway.” They headed back to the others. They had gotten a ride with Bobby. Dean didn’t mention anything about what Andy had told him about Demon Blood. He just wasn’t in the mood to fight with Sam. He got his brother back and he wanted to keep it that way. He didn’t want to push him away.
And a trip to Austin really could do them both a lot of good.
Aguila, Arizona
Azazel’s body laid on a table as Asmodeus, Alastair, Ramiel, Lilith, Abbadon, and Dagon stood around. It had been chaos when the princes had came back from a run to Mexico and found their fourth dead on the ground. This just stunk of Hunters. Alastair was sure of it.
“They’re all dead.” Asmodeus finally said. “The Hunters have to be exterminated.”
“What do we do?” Ramiel asked.
“We slaughter them like the pigs they are.” Lilith hissed. She held Azazel’s favorite pistol in her hands. “I want to kill at least one of them.”
“Lil, just breathe.” Abbadon said. She looked at the others.
“Actually, I think it would be a fantastic idea to include the girls.” Alastair said. “They have a moral code. They’re not going to willingly shoot women. And they don’t have women in their group. It would be the perfect distraction.”
“Then let’s get ready.” Asmodeus announced. “I want the Hunters dead by the end of the week.”
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @dekahg @marvel-af @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles  Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @flamencodiva @bella-ca
This Life Tags: @soulslaststand @jamielea81 @caplansteverogers @becs-bunker @colie87
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @supernaturalwincestsblog @sams-serialkiller-fetish
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freerebelmentality · 6 years
The Forgotten One pt5 (Final?)
AN: To catch up links are here ONE TWO THREE FOUR 
Another thing as well, there is a sequel to this series and wondered how either feel about this series continuing on. Let me know in the comments or even send an ask or however.
Word Count: 1,803
Michael handed you a present, the first is from Gabriel.
As expected you love the gift he has given you which is the Loki Helmet and scepter.
Second is Deans gift which is the nail polish set, nail art brushes and dotting tools. You thanked him for the gift which he proudly accepted.
Third is Sams gift which is the nail art pens, nail polish remover and the makeup sponges. You thanked him for those as well and couldnt be more happier for the nail polish kit from them already because you really needed and wanted them.
Krissy gift to you is an Itunes card along with a Star Wars mug set.
“I saw the mug set and knew I had to get them for you” Krissy says with a smile on her face
“I really love this, thank you so much” you thanked for the awesome gifts and she knew you wanted them.
Aiden’s gift to you is a gift card from StarBucks along with a nail polish rack he has made for you.
“Aiden, thank you so much” you said while giving him a hug.
“You are very welcome, I knew you needed a place to store your very huge collection of nail polish” he says while he still has you in his arms.
“I didnt know you can make a thing. Thats very innovative Aiden” Michael says as he looks to him. He is very impressed with his carpentry skills.
Michael and Lucifer look to the gift Aiden has given you and didnt realize there would be such a thing. They are happy he made that for you, now Michael wouldnt have to see those things laying around now.
Josephine’s gift to you is a gift card from Barnes and Nobel along acrylic paint that you have always wanted to try while painting the manicures.
You thanked her for the much needed gifts you have been wanting.
Adams gift is The Hobbit series which you absolutely loved.
“Adam these are great and something that I have always wanted to get. Thank you so much” you got up from your chair and gave him a hug for the thoughtful gift.
Lucas gift to you is a drawing he did for you on The Avengers in chibi form.
“Lucas this is so awesome, I have always wanted one of your paintings on canvas” you thank him while being completely grateful he has given you a 16x20 canvas.
“I wanted to save the best for last. This gift is from Castiel” Michael says as he hands you the present.
You tore away the wrapping paper which revealed a 16x24 portrait of your late mother. You begin to tear up and looked to Castiel right away.
“Thats you Bumblebee, you and mom” he says with a bright smile also beginning to tear up as well.
Its a portrait of your late mother who was eight months pregnant with you at the time. Castiel looked through the photo albums Michael had stored in the storage room.
When he stumbled upon the very picture is when he showed it to Lucifer and asked who she was pregnant with. He teared up at the picture and told him she was pregnant with you.
He went to the nearest store that printed out large portraits and got it framed.
You got up from your chair to give Castiel a big hug.
“Thank you so much. I love it” you tell him while a sob escapes from your mouth.  
You and Castiel remain hugging while everyone else is beginning to tear up as well.
Michael passes the picture around for all to see, your brothers tear up at the picture and remember the fond memories of mom.
“I am very happy you love the gift” Castiel says still keeping you in his embrace.
You slowly pull away from him. He towers over you and wipes away the tears from your face and you do the same with his.
Michael swore the both of you are twins, always looked out for each other and did things that were your best interest. But he knew that Castiel is the oldest one out of the both of you. He wiped away the tears that were streaming from his face.
“You are the best big brother a sister could ask for. All of you are” you tell him while looking to you older brothers.
“What about your gifts guys?” Gabriel asks looking to Michael and Lucifer.
“My birthday gift to Y/n is this” he looks around the room for the party he is throwing you.
“My gift is spending as much time with my baby sister from now on” Lucifer says keeping his eyes on you.
“Aww thats so sweet, Lucas give me your napkin” Krissy says while trying to hold in her sob.
Lucas hands her his napkin while rubbing her back with a smile on his face.
Adam finally sees his opportunity to talk to you in private, since everyone else is enjoying ones company. Talking about the interior design of the house and how they love the back yard.
“Hey Y/n, can I talk to you in private?” Adam taps your shoulder as you turn slowly to him from talking to Josephine.
“Yeah sure, we can step out since everyone is comfortable in the kitchen or living room.” You lead him away from the crowd and head outside while Michael and Dean turn their attention away from Lucifer and Sam.
“For sometime now I have had these feelings and didnt know how to express them. Basically I got shy and always brushed it a side and now I cant do that anymore. Y/n I have always had a crush on you for sometime and would it such a bad idea if you would go out with me?” he asks with a smile on his face that just brightens your day because no one has ever given you a bright smile such as his.
Michael and Dean look on from the kitchen window, they wanted to see what their siblings were doing in private.
“I cant hear what they are saying” Dean says trying to eaves drop.
“Well whatever it is, it wouldnt bother me” Michael says with a smile on his face.
Lucifer looks to where Dean and his brother are standing.
“Whats going on?” he ask standing between them trying to see what they are looking at.
“I had no idea and I definitely wasnt expecting this. As for the going out part um yeah I dont think that would be a bad idea, I mean I have had a crush on you for sometime as well” you admit to him as you shy away from him.
He lifts your chin to pull you gently closer to him and gives you a kiss.
“I cant see this anymore” Lucifer says as he tries to walk out of the kitchen to stop the both of you.
“Lucifer stop. You are just going to embarrass the poor girl” Michael says as he holds him from going any further out the door.
“Yeah I knew that was going to happen sooner or later” Sam says looking away from the kitchen window.
“What? And no one told me this why?” Dean whips his head to his brother why he hasnt told him anything.
“Because you have loose lips, dont know how to keep secrets” he says while taking another bite of his cake and enjoying every minute of it.
“No I dont. Im the best at keeping secrets” Dean says while taking a sip of his beer
“Liar” Lucifer says from the other side of the counter
Adam’s and your brothers begin laughing at Dean while he leans against the counter and isnt amused by the whole thing.
You pull away from him slowly while your eyes are still closed.
“Yeah I definitely wasnt expecting that” you say as Adam has a smile on his face looking to you adoringly.
“I wanted to make sure your birthday is extra special. Happy Birthday” he says while entwining your hands together and that just felt right to you.
The both of you enter the house while everyone stops to look, your brothers Castiel, Gabriel and Lucifer dont look amused.
“Looks like I got some explaining to do and tell them not to kill you” you tell Adam as you walk away from him.
Dean and Sam walk closer to him with wide smiles.
“Am I getting out of this house alive?” Adam asks looking away from the glares.
“Dont worry about it. Im pretty sure Michael and Y/n will get them to stop over reacting.” Dean says as he pats him on the back.
“Its about time, after how many years of talking about her” Sam teases while elbowing Adam to his side
“Years? Again why am I the last one to know?” Dean asks while whipping his head towards his brothers.
“You got loose lips man, cant keep anything a secret” Adam replies while going into the kitchen to get something to drink.
Dean glares to both of his brothers and follows Adam into the kitchen to get another beer.
“Lucifer, Gabriel and Castiel stop it. Can you guys just let me have this one thing?” you tell them.
“We just dont want you getting into something you are not comfortable with thats all” Lucifer says with concern.
“Im comfortable with him and please dont worry so much. I can handle this” you tell them while they nod and to your relief they will get used of having Adam around the house more often.
Michael comes to stand with his siblings and thats when you begin to worry on how he will react, you look to him in hopes he will not banish you from seeing Adam.
“Dont worry, Im ok with you and Adam. Plus he is a really good kid” Michael says and your surprise he has accepted the both of you.
They all spread out to entertain the guests as you look at the people in front of you and couldnt be more happier for this moment. You had your brothers who will always be there for you no matter what.
You have found someone who has a kind heart like Castiel, a sense of humour like Gabriel, the protectiveness like Lucifer and who is accepting like Michael. You have found all the traits you could ever want in a person to have within one.
You werent expecting Adam to come along into your life or you werent expecting anything at all. Your brothers caught you off guard by pulling something off so quickly and you knew deep inside that they would pull through. You love the people in your life and will cherish the ones who have entered your life.
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androidincubus · 7 years
I know the answers you would give for Anidala so, all of these for Xena/Gabrielle or Violet/Tate, whoever you feel like, or both
ok I did both, took 5ever, but I did it. might have all the typos, but I tried.
What was their first time like?:  It was awkward. Gabrielle was nervous. Shehad never been with anyone before, let alone a woman. It started out a argument,not quite a fight but a mild spat. Gabrielle. Wouldnt leave Xena alone for awhole day. Much as she tended to do. Xena was still not used to the girl. Sheturned to face her and ended up inches part from her. Gabrielle looked at herwith a nervous smile. Before daring to make a move that she thought would haveher killed. She kissed Xena. After that risky move the two had a intense yetslightly awkward first time together. Xena hadnt been with someone for alittle while. Though she wasnt exactly rusty.
Who usually initiates things?: One would often think Xena isthe one to take charge. Being the warrior but she often is too bull headed andfocused on her mission to think of down time. Gabrielle often has to bring herback to reality while the share a bath.  Thebard often is the one initiating things.
How often do they have sex?: The two are often traveling andare busy on the road but they make time for each other more then once a week.Between their many baths or just cozy nights under the stars. They find ways tostart something.
Who is louder/noisier?.: I feel like they both make a goodamount of noise. But I feel like it actually is Xena, I feel like at first shemakes little grunts and moans but get her going ang you can get her reallygoing. I mean who else has the pipes on them for that battle cry.
Who is more sensitive?: They are again both sensitive butGabrielle.Xena knows her pressure points and can easily manipulate Gabriellesbody like nobodys business . That being said Xena is plenty receptive to whatGabby does.
Whats foreplay often like?: Usually lots of snuggling, orgentle kisses. Perhaps they are in the bath and the splash and tease oneanother. Give one another a massage. Gentle caresses of each others skin.Running hands over each others bodies. Feeling one another’s breast. Teasingswats on the butt. Playful nips to each others lips or neck.
Favorite place to have sex?: Near a waterfall, out in theopen and alone . With the slight risk that someone will catch them. Feeling therisk but hoping that they would be left to their own devices.Favorite position to have sex?: Xena likes Gabby laying back letting Xena kneelbetween her legs. Kissing her stomach. Just looking over the beauty ofher. Gabrielle Likes to be naked andsnuggling face to face. Just letting their hands roam one another.
Whos best at oral sex/oral headcanons?: They are both goodat it in their way. Gabrielle took her time to get good at it, she was anervous wreck and wanted to be good for Xena so badly. The anxious bard wasgood with words but not sure how she would be with actions. Xena was skilled asa lover and impressed Gabrielle immediately. Giving the blonde a lesson or twoin the act.  Gabby has not learned how tonot be so tongue tied.
Whos more likely to tickle their partner?: Xena is one fortickling Gabby when the mood hits her, which is actually quite often actually.
Whos more romantically sexual?: Romantically sexualual? Notquite sure what this means? But if you mean like who is more romantic? During theact? I think they both can be. Xena can be romantic but just for Gabby. Becauseshe is so special to her. However Gabrielle is much more likely to be upfrontwith her emtotions.
Whos better at dirty talk/dirty talk headcanon?:  The both have to get themselves into theright headspace for it . Xena can be real raunchy when she wants to be. Realnaughty and Gabrielle can be really playful and teasing. They play off oneanother quite well.
Do they have sexual nicknames or titles?: Gabrielle callsXena various things depending on the situation. Anything from My Warrior, affectionately.To ˜Princess’. In a teasing manor when Xena tries to come off dominating.  Gabrielle plays it off in a bratty way andrefers to herself as outranking Xena as a Amazon Queen To which usually landsGabby in a lot of hot water.  
Whos more likely to be caught masturbating? : I feelGabrielle is more likely to get CAUGHT. Doesnt meant she does it more. Justmeans Xena hides it better.
Who looks at porn more/porn headcanons?: Gabrielle looks atit more as well. Why? She is the one to actually buy the scrolls of naked girlsand call them art. Xena will tease and say they are just dirty pictures.Gabrielle will say they are tasteful nudes.
Who usually cums first?: Gabrielle. Xena has markedly morestamina in all things.
How long can they go?: Actually they can last a good longwhile. Most of the night, if you left them to their devices. Its just a matterif they choose to go for that long.
What are their safewords?: If they had safe words ..lets say they are Squid. Because of that weirdcraving for squid time they probably dont want to relive but would in a badsituation.
Any routines?: Like for getting ready. Xena doesnt preparemuch for such things, she is pretty ˜lets do this Gabrielle will wash up andor brush her hair if given the chance.  That’swhy they usually prefer to just do it in the bath or in the water. But as longas they are together they have little qualms
Do they have a dynamic (Dom/sub) or are they versatile?:They don’t always stick to a D/s dynamic but if they did Xena would definitelybe the dom/mistress in the situation and Gabrielle would be the sub.
What roleplay scenarios do they have/want?. I can see them doing teacher/student. Caregiver/little(though not like baby play) maybe kind of pet play some form of obediencestuff? (this shows how weird I am ..)
What sextoys do they use?: I don’t know if they even couldhave sex toys because the time period but say they can then strap ons for sure if they were some sort of modern au . I do not doubt Xena would find a way toget some.
Who, if anyone, would they most likely bring in to jointhem?: I feel Xena would be very picky about this Gabby too. But maybe Ephiny.. I feel maybe Gabby would be okay with that. Xena might feel slightly tempted at one point to say Ares. But I don’t knowif she would ever want to really open that door.
Shared kinks/fetishes?: Rope play, dirty talk,  power playSomething they tried and won’t do again?: Having sex while Joxer was asleep andpart of the party. They nearly woke him up. No, sadly they will have to wait till he isn’t around.What would each member say their favorite thing about the other(s) is? Xena can’tchoose, everything about Gabrielle is important to who she is and her life wouldn’tbe the same without her. Gabrielle feels mostly the same but she loves Xena’swarmth, her kindess that she often hides from people
Any headcanons not touched on?: Oh neither Xena or Gabby are shaved because you know.. the time period and all. They fuzzy erryplace. ~Violate (Tate/Violet)What was their first time like: All hands, rushed and needy. Tate was on top of Violet. the room was all moans and it was on Violet’s bed A few of the other ghosts had been onlookers, watching the scene as Tate ran his hands underneath Violet’s cardigan and over her dress, feeling her small breasts. Kissing her deeply. Who usually initiates things?: Tate, he usually appears near Violet and the two spend hours together listening to music and watching movies. Eventually he snuggles up to her and starts to get a bit handsy but she never has protested. Would she, he would have stopped..How often do they have sex?: At first it was rare , the two of them were both rather shy, Tate was reserved and nervous about upsetting Violet, he didn’t want to chase her away. but once they started . the two of them couldn’t stop. They have snuck all over the house to do it. And on Halloween. Just about everywhere else.Who is louder/noisier?.They are both about the same, making cooes and whimpers, whines and moans. Tate groans a bit more and Violet sighs. But they both make quite the noise..Who is more sensitive?:Violet is more sensitive, she was alive more recently, there is something to be said for that. she is just more receptive, but Tate isn’t hard to get going. He is a teenage boy after all. Living or dead.What’s foreplay often like?:  Tate likes to grab Violet on either side of the face, kiss her deeply and back her up to the bed, push her down and then hold her down by her wrists, kissing her down her body. Pressing her down with his body weight. Pausing to kiss back up, nipping at her neck. Sliding his hands off her wrists to fumble with her clothing , paw at her chest and slide his hand up her skirt..Favorite place to have sex?: Violet likes to be in her room, near the window . with a view of the tree outdoors. Tate likes the basement there is something he likes about the isolation of the basement , a space to call their own. Perhaps that is too creepy he tells himself. still as long as they are alone.Favorite position to have sex?: Violet likes to be on top, she likes to be able to look down at Tate, Then again, Violet also has a thing for breath play and is into any position that Tate can put his weight into holding her neck.  Tate is happy with just about any position he likes missionary. He likes being on top.  best at oral sex/oral headcanons?: They both give if that is the question, but Violet is a little bit better at it then Tate is. Tate is determined to get better.  Violet enjoys giving head quite a bit. she also likes seeing how long she can go without breathing again she is into breathplay and is a bit of a masochist that way.Who’s more likely to tickle their partner?: Tate is more likely to tickle Violet.Who’s more romantically sexual?: Tate is more upfront about his romantic feelings then Violet.Who’s better at dirty talk/dirty talk headcanon?: Tate and Violet both have quite dirty mouths when they want to and can easily slip into dirty talk should they feel like it. Its just a matter of do they want to degrade each other. Tate had a hard time feeling like it was okay doing such a thing to Violet because he loves her so much , but she wanted him to . it took a lot of coercing but eventually It worked out to her advantadgeDo they have sexual nicknames or titles?: Tate has called Violet, My flower, Vi (of course)  or girl  Tate has been trying to get Violet to call him some title or honorific, but she thinks this is all kind of funny. however if it gives off a rush , she is willing to try anything.Who’s more likely to be caught masturbating?: You might think Tate but its actually Violet, physical body and all..Who looks at porn more/porn headcanons?: Again you might think Tate, but Violet, though they both do... They look at it together actually. its kind of a joint effort.Who usually cums first?: Luckily he has Ghost stamina, Its Violet. Tate can outlast her now..safewords?: If they had safe words: No, they risk too much.Any routines?: Like for getting ready.? No not really.Do they have a dynamic (Dom/sub) or are they versatile?: Tate is dominant, Violet is submissive. Tate is Sadistic, Violet is Masochistic What roleplay scenarios do they have/want?. Pet play, Master/Slavegirl, conditioning the unruly girl, I'm blanking but I see Violet as a thrill seeking bratty type. who likes pain.. so I think she would like situations that deal with that.What sextoys do they use?: All the toys, if they could manage to find a way to get them into the house, though I doubt they could. that's the thing. Violet is a teenage girl. and Tate is dead. so probabaly a basic Vibrator is all she is going to have to work withWho, if anyone, would they most likely bring in to jointhem?: No, no sharing for TateShared kinks/fetishes?: breath play, knife play, bondage, dirty talk, Something they tried and won’t do again?:Anything in the bathtub, its triggering for Violet. as that is the room she died in. She doesn't want to associate it with sexWhat would each member say their favorite thing about the other(s) is? Violet likes Tate’s ‘darkness’ at first she feared it, but now she knows it is a part of who he is and appreciates all of him.   Tate likes Violets edge her light but also ability to stand on her own against the world.Any headcanons not touched on?: I head canon that Violet is covered in self harm scars and that Tate thinks she is beautiful and kisses every one of them. Tate is covered in bullet wounds (when he choses to reveal them) and she does the same
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