#and he looks at the laughing guy and he's like oh hey they have the same jawline too. and same basic build. and god DAMN IT!!!!!!
rafecameronssl4t · 2 days
hey! could u do a rafe x reader with kinda the grumpy and sunshine/ mean to everyone but me trope? like the reader is super girly and a total sweetheart like wouldn’t hurt a fly and no one expected rafe to be able to pull her? maybe like other guys have made moves on her but for some reason she only wants him
Untouchable || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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A/n: THANK U FOR THE REQUEST!!!!! (the gif above is what I envision Rafe's appearance to be in this fic)
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 1,178
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Divider by @yoonitos
"Oh look, Rafe's here," Chelsea leans in to whisper to all of you girls. All heads turn to where she is subtly pointing. Rafe Cameron, with his buzzed hair and brooding expression, strides through the country club, his presence commanding attention.
You can't help but notice how your friends’ eyes widen, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Kaycee sighs, shaking her head. "It's such a shame he's so grumpy and mean all the time. He's good-looking, but that attitude just ruins everything."
A few of the girls agree with her words, their eyes still on Rafe. You're about to respond when you catch Rafe’s gaze from across the club. His intense blue eyes lock onto yours, and to your surprise, he starts walking toward your table. Your friends' chatter fades into the background as he approaches, and you can feel the tension rising.
"Guys?" Kaycee whisper yells, her eyes darting nervously between you and Rafe. Before you can answer, Rafe is standing beside you. Without a word, he wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close.
Your friends silently watch as he plants a soft kiss on your lips. The world seems to pause for a moment, the only sound your heart pounding in your chest. When he finally pulls away, he gives you a smile that’s reserved just for you. "Hey, babe," he says, his voice low and intimate. You smile back, feeling a warmth spread through you. "Hey, Rafe."
Your friends are staring, their mouths open in shock. Kaycee looks like she might faint, and Chelsea's eyes are so wide they might pop out of her head. You can practically hear their thoughts racing. "Hi ladies," Rafe nods his head to your friends as they all stumble across a response.
Rafe chuckles, clearly enjoying the reaction. "I'll see you later yeah?" he murmurs as you hum in response, giving you one last squeeze before heading to his own table. As he walks away, your friends erupt into a flurry of whispers and exclamations. "Are you serious?" Lily asks, her voice a mix of disbelief and excitement. "You and Rafe Cameron?"
You shrug, attempting to play it cool but failing miserably. "Yeah, we've been seeing each other for a while now." Kaycee shakes her head, still in shock. "I can't believe you didn't tell us! All this time, we thought you were just committed to your single streak."
Jada's eyes practically sparkle with excitement. "Not gonna lie, I've been rooting for you two since our days at Kook Academy." You laugh. Across the club, you see Rafe sitting with his friends, who are equally stunned by what they just saw. They keep glancing over at you, clearly trying to piece together how their friend who was notorious for not doing relationships end up with you.
Rafe catches your eye and gives you a wink, his usual grumpiness replaced with a rare, genuine smile as you smile back.
As Rafe walks away from your table, the whispers and gasps of your friends gradually fade into the background. You watch him stride confidently across the pool area, his usual brooding expression softened by a small, private smile. He reaches his table, where his friends are already in various states of shock and confusion.
Kelce is the first to speak, his voice a mix of disbelief and curiosity. "Dude, what was that?" He leans forward, his eyes wide with surprise. "You're telling me you bagged Y/n Y/l/n?"
Rafe drops into his seat and picks up his drink, taking a long sip before answering. "Yeah, we’ve been together for a while now." His tone is casual, but you can see the satisfaction in his eyes as he lets the news sink in.
Topper, who has been silent until now, finally finds his voice. "How the hell did that happen?" he asks, still staring at Rafe as if he's grown a second head. "She’s turned down just about everyone on this island who’s tried, and that includes me!"
Rafe chuckles, clearly enjoying the attention. "That's just cause you guys aren't me" he says with a cocky smirk. "Or maybe I just didn’t give up." The table falls silent for a moment as his friends process this new information. Then, one by one, they start to bombard him with questions.
"How long have you been seeing her?" asks Kelce, still trying to wrap his head around the idea. "Why didn’t you tell us?" adds Topper, his tone a mix of hurt and curiosity. "And how did you even get her to go out with you?" another friend chimes in.
Rafe leans back in his chair, his demeanor relaxed and confident. "We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of months now," he begins, glancing over at you with a soft smile. "I didn’t tell you guys because we wanted to keep it private. Didn’t want everyone in our business, you know?"
Topper raises an eyebrow. "And how did you manage to win her over? She’s not exactly known for giving people a chance." Rafe laughs, a deep, genuine sound that surprises even himself. "Honestly, it wasn’t that hard," he admits with a grin.
"I had my eyes on her for a while. She’s smart and doesn’t put up with any bullshit. 'S what I like about her." He glances over at you again, mesmerised by how radiant you looked, giggling at something your friend said.
His friends exchange looks, a mix of admiration and incredulity on their faces. It’s clear they’re seeing a side of Rafe they never knew existed. "Wow, man," says Kelce, shaking his head with a grin. "I never thought I’d see the day when Rafe Cameron is all soft and in love." Rafe playfully rolls his eyes, "You guys are idiots."
Topper claps Rafe on the shoulder, a wide grin on his face. "Good for you, dude. Seriously. If anyone can handle your grumpy ass, it’s her." Rafe laughs again, the sound blending into the ambient noise of the country club. He glances back over at you, catching your eye once more. You smile at him, a warmth spreading through your chest as you see the genuine happiness in his eyes.
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lnfours · 3 days
ik i should probably send this thru the lando brain rot but i am not exposing my filthy side lol so please excuse that. BUT lando with a figure skater who competes in singles but has to pairs for a gala show. he casually picks her from the practice and sees the pairs program which is stemy AF. i am thinking of smth like very hands on each other and her partner throwing her in air and catching her; his hands all over her waist while the song could be smth like into you by ariana grande.
a jealous lando fucking her going like "bet he can't do this" or smth like "oh he will never be able to see you like this" or "come on baby i've seen you split your body basically half on ice you can stretch more than that"
lol i am sorry i yapped alot feel free to ignore if you're not into it sm.
cleaning out my inbox
he was waiting for you when your routine ended, his arms crossed as he watched you and your partner. he knew you had done a more sensual routine this time around, but the sight of some dude having his hands all over you made him clench his jaw.
he knew it was part of your sport, that it was something silly to be mad at, but he couldn't help it. he didn't like sharing, especially when it came to you.
not wanting to make him wait any longer, you quickly grabbed your things and made your way over to him, stepping off the ice and smiling at him.
"hey, sorry, i forgot what time it was," you sighed, sitting down on the benches, "have you been waiting long?"
he shook his head, "'s alright."
you raised an eyebrow at him as you unlaced your skates, "you okay?"
he was looking in the direction towards your partner, "hmm? yeah, baby, 'm good."
"you sure?" you asked, stuffing the skates into your bag and slinging it over your shoulder, "you look pissed off."
the conversation was interrupted when your partner called your name, stepping off the ice and smiling at the both of you, "good job today, you did great!"
"thanks," you smiled, "so did you! i'll see you friday, right?"
"yeah, i'll see you friday," he smiled, "have a good night guys."
you laced your arm with your boyfriends, pulling him away from sending the poor boy daggers, "good night!"
lando followed your lead, walking with you back to the parking lot and to the car. you threw your stuff in the backseat before climbing into the passenger seat, noticing the way his jaw was still tight.
he started the car as you spoke softly, your hand resting on his arm, "are you sure you're okay?"
he nodded before looking over at you, "yeah, why wouldn't i be?"
"like i said, you look pissed," you said, "did you wanna talk about it?"
"'m fine, babe, really."
his tone made you think otherwise, and then it clicked. he was jealous.
you smirked over at him, laughing softly, "oh my god, you're jealous!"
"no, 'm not."
"you are, look at you!" you chuckled, "c'mon, babe, there's nothing to be jealous about."
"i just don't like the fact that he had his hands all over you," he said, "that's all."
you grabbed his hand from the center console, placing it on your cheek, "doesn't matter, the only man who's hands i want all over me is sitting right here."
you pressed a kiss to his palm, smiling softly. he moved his thumb, the pad of his finger tracing over your bottom lip. he leaned the side of his head against the headrest when you pressed a soft kiss to his finger, mumbling a soft, "fuck, if you keep this up, i'm going to have to fuck you in this parking lot."
you smirked over at him, "is that a challenge?"
he looked out to the parking lot, the only ones left were you and one other car he had assumed was the owner's.
fuck it.
he reached across the console, unbuckling the seatbelt you had done up before helping you climb over to the drivers side. you smiled down at him as he reclined the seat back, giving the both of you more room as you lowered yourself to his level, hand resting on the seat as you hovered over him.
"quit it," he said, helping you pull down your leggings and underwear, tugging down his own sweatpants but leaving the barrier of his boxers between the two of you.
"i just can't believe you're jealous of matt," you snickered, "of all people, matt? really?"
"shut up," he rolled his eyes, helping you out of your hoodie, "unless you want me to make you shut up."
"i don't know, this is fun, don't you think?"
he sighed, pulling you down for a kiss with one hand on the back of your neck as the other slipped between the two of you to find your clit. he smirked against your lips at the sound of your muffled whimper, his index finger slowly teasing you.
he pulled away, his lips on your neck. he spoke between kisses to your skin, "yeah, not so talkative now, hmm?"
"gotta do better than that."
without warning, he accepted your challenge and slid his finger into you with ease. you moaned softly, his queue to add another as you closed your eyes in pure bliss.
"what's the matter, baby?" he teased, "cat got your tongue?"
you couldn't help the moan that escaped your lips, "just fuck me already."
"i'll think about it."
"this is fun, don't you think?" he threw your teasing words back at you, making you groan. your mouth fell open at the feeling of his thumb toying with your clit as his fingers worked inside of you, moving at a delicious pace because he knew your body and what you liked like the back of his hand. and he knew what buttons to push to make you beg for it, and boy was he going to push his limits today.
"tell me what you want, baby," he said, his teeth tugging on your earlobe, "c'mon, pretty girl."
"want you," you moaned, "please."
"see, that's all you had to say."
he slowly pulled his fingers out from inside you as you sat up, letting him pull down his boxers. his dick sprung free, slapping him in the stomach before he helped you lower yourself down onto it. you both moaned in unison at the feeling of him stretching you out, his hands gripping your hips as you slowly started rocking back and forth.
"fuck," he moaned, grabbing at your ass, your sign that he wanted to take control. he started thrusting up into you, making you moan loudly as he somehow went even deeper than before, "yeah, baby, who's pussy is this?"
"yours," you moaned softly, one of his hands coming up to pull down your sports bra, your tits bouncing freely as his fingers tweaked with your nipple.
"sorry baby, i didn't hear you. who's did you say?"
"yours, lando," you said louder, "fuck."
he moved his hand, fingers coming back to rub tight circles against your clit, "yeah, bet he wouldn't fuck you like this, would he?"
you shook your head, but that wasn't good enough for him.
"no," you said, "he wouldn't."
"yeah cause you're mine," he said, his thrusts somehow going deeper and faster in the confined space the two of you were in, "all mine. got it?"
you nodded, "always."
he smiled, bringing you back down for another kiss, a kiss full of love and passion despite how hard he currently was slamming into you. you moaned into his mouth, pulling away to speak, "just like this, fuck, i'm so close,"
he nodded, "me too," he spoke softly, "come for me, baby."
it didn't take much longer until you were squeezing around him, thighs shaking overtop of him as you moaned. he followed pursuit, his hips stilling as he came undone, the both of you sitting there for a minute to catch your breath.
you laid on his chest, his hands playing with your hair softly. you smiled at him and he smiled back down at you, "i love you, you know."
"i know," you smiled, "i love you too."
he pressed a kiss to your forehead, "you hungry?"
"i could eat,"
"perfect," he said, tapping your hip, "let's get dressed."
after getting yourselves situated, you smiled as he placed his hand on your thigh, pulling out of the parking lot.
"you know," you bit back a laugh, "you should get jealous more often."
"i literally hate you." he sighed before laughing softly.
"you love me."
"i do."
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suoshis · 2 days
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PT 2: WINDBREAKER BOYS PROTECTING YOU FROM PERVS. ft. yamato endo, chika takiishi, akihiko nirei, taiga tsugeura, & choji tomiyama x f!reader
PART 1: kaji ren, togame jo, umemiya hajime, sakura haruka, hayato suo, toma hiragi, kiryuu mitsuki, & kyotaro sugishita x f!reader
sfw. wc: 1.7K. ohh i had sm fun w endo’s hehe <3 individual warnings are below, but f!reader: referred to as she / her.
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‘my girl,’ ‘angel’ & ‘pretty thing’
“hey,” endo’s voice cuts through the tense atmosphere like a blade, heavy arm coming to rudely rest on one of their shoulders. “what do you think you’re doing scaring her into a corner like that? tryna get at my girl?”
on a normal day, you’d roll your eyes at the teasing tone he always uses around you— but today, it brings you nothing but relief, fresh tears threatening to spill as you choke out his name.
his mere presence is enough to silence the group of guys who had just been talking over you moments prior, the three men in front stiffening at the sight of him alone. they can hardly believe this; you really weren’t bluffing when you said endo would kick their asses— he’s frightening.
they exchange knowing looks when they hear you sniffle, hands coming to wipe at the tears that had begun streaming down your cheeks. they were fucked.
“n-no! of course not,” one of them breaks the silence.
“we had no idea she was your girl— ” another one stammers, hands coming up defensively.
“didn’t know? you serious?”
endo’s voice comes out sharp, eyes narrowing as he puts more weight onto his arm, grinning at the way the man’s knees start to tremble at the pressure. “my angel here doesn’t usually look at me like that, y’know,” he whispers, jutting a thumb in your direction, “so what’d you do to put that terrified look on her face?”
“sorry— we’re really sorry,” one of them starts to apologize profusely, but your boyfriend was clearly not in his usual good mood today, and he grabs his face roughly, ignoring the way his cries of pain come out muffled against his palm.
“asked you a question, didn’t i?”
the veins along his forearm bulge when his grip tightens, and you hear a painful crack, the man’s hands coming to desperately scratch and claw at endo’s arms. “she likes it when i’m nice, so i’ll give you a second chance to quit spewing some fucking nonsense and answer me, yeah?”
the two men behind him exchange fearful glances before stumbling over their words, desperately coming up with any excuse that came to their minds. one of them accidentally slips out the truth, a “we told her we’d make a mess of that pretty face if she kept turning us down” and the group falls completely silent.
“i-it’s okay!” you stammer, hands come to tug at his the back of your boyfriend’s jacket.
your words fall on deaf ears, and he lets go of the one he’s holding by the face, not sparing him a second glance as he drops to the floor with a loud thud.
“okay, i think i get it now,” endo says through a genuine laugh, and it sends a shiver down your spine. he’s not facing you, but you think you can picture the expression on his face pretty well. “e-endo-”
“fifteen,” his words come out slow, “i’ll meet you in front of that corner store in fifteen, pretty thing.”
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oh— so that’s why you’re late today.
takiishi watches from a distance as you jut your thumb towards your phone screen, your usual chirpy voice laced with anger now as you repeat yourself with a frustrated huff— “i said have a boyfriend.. see? his contact is right here. can you leave me alone now?”
“and i said i didn’t give a fuck about your little boyfriend,” the man laughs loudly when your lips wrinkle in disgust, “i prefer the ones with an attitude.”
“what do you think he’s gonna do if he finds out, huh?” he reaches out to get a feel of your hair, “think he can touch me?”
“takiishi’s gonna knock your lights out cold,” you grit, slapping his hand away when it comes too close to your face. that seemed to be enough to set him off, his eyebrow twitching in anger as he takes a step towards you, looming over over your figure with quick breaths.
“don’t piss me off— i was nice when i said you’d have a good time if you came with me.”
“i’d rather eat shit-” you seethe, angry expression contorting when he grabs firmly around your wrist— “that hurts!” it makes you wince, your phone hitting the concrete with a thud.
“what do you think you’re doing?” the coldness of his voice sends a shiver down your spine.
“ah, takiishi—”
the man jerks his head around at the name, hand still gripping your wrist as he sizes him up. his first thought is that he’s alright. he notices the muscle definition right away, but he doesn’t look particularly heavy. there is, however, a sudden coldness in the air that he can’t quite grasp, and you look awfully relieved now that he’s here.
“so you’re the boyfriend she’s been talking about?” he says with a laugh. “you gonna let her come with me?”
“move. you’re wasting our time,” takiishi says.
“huh? who the fuck do you think you’re talking t—”
“i said move.”
your mind can hardly comprehend the speed, mind just barely able to register the second takiishi’s foot connects with the man's chest, sending him crashing to the ground beside you in an instant.
he’s beside you the next second, fingers coming to fix the stray pieces of hair beside your eyes. “did he hurt you?”
“n-no! i’m okay.”
his tone is cold, as usual, but the hint of concern makes your heart flutter anyways. he lets you latch yourself onto his bicep, lets you tighten your grip around his arm as you fume about the audacity that guy had, and most importantly, he makes sure you call him every time you’re about to leave your home alone.
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someone touches around your lower back
“my bench has blown up since i switched to bulldog grip,” taiga rambles, “and my squat too. the ‘tripod foot’ cue really helps with even foot pressure.”
you nod along, always interested when he tells you about his progress in the gym, but your attention wavers when you feel a hand press against your lower back. it’s not taiga’s touch. it’s too unfamiliar, too invasive. your eyes fill with panic when the hand starts to roam downwards, and you can barely stammer out taiga’s name, voice trembling too much for him to hear.
“i should also get new knee sleeves eventually,” he continues, oblivious to the situation. “the cue helps, but i would get way more bounce if i had a pair of inzers instead of the flimsy ones i’m using now.”
“i always get stuck at the bottom of my squat, so they would help. but i know pause squats help with that, so i could implement those—”
your grip tightens on taiga’s shirt, knuckles turning white as you try your hardest to convey your fear. he pauses mid-sentence, finally picking up on the expression you’re giving him.
“whoa— you okay?” his voice is filled with concern as he peers down at you.
his gaze trails down, and that’s when he notices it.
you gasp at the speed of it all. in an instant, the man is slammed into the wall behind you, loud thud echoing throughout the entire train. “no way,” his voice is loud, and you hear the bystanders gasping and whispering, their attention shifting to the scene.
“that’s messed up, man.” taiga’s voice comes out low, a serious glare on his face that you’ve never seen on him. the vice grip he has around the man’s wrist tightens, enough to have him yelping in pain and stammer out an apology.
“turn yourself in at the next stop, yeah?”
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“tell me— who was that?” choji asks, latching himself around your middle to wrap you in a tight embrace, and you glance at the unconscious man sprawled on the ground beside you.
“you knocked him out cold without knowing anything?” you ask incredulously, your arms coming to return his embrace, lips curling into a small smile when he melts into your touch.
“mhm. he was bothering you, right?” his voice comes out cheerful, but there’s a flicker of worry in his eyes when he meets your gaze.
he hates to admit it, but his body had completely moved on his own. it was a bad habit he had developed since meeting you, because he finds himself worrying about you— desperately wanting to put his strength to use and protect you from everything he saw as ‘bad.’ it was only after he had jump kicked the man grabbing at your arm that he had considered the slim possibility that maybe he wasn’t bothering you in the first place.
“he was.” you confirm.
he lets out an exhale he didn’t know he was holding. “then….it was okay that i kicked him in the face, right?”
he relaxes a bit more when you nod, his usual smile returning to his lips. “thank you for saving me, choji,” your voice comes out soft and soothing, and he feels his heart skip a beat at the praise.
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“ah— where are we going?!” you yelp as you stumble, barely able to keep up as nirei pulls you by the wrist.
the two of you were at the mall, shopping for new summer clothes when he had suddenly called you to him by name— dragging you and your bags along with him in an instant. before you could even realize what had happened, you’re in an elevator, watching in disbelief as he fumbles to frantically click the ‘close’ button, the doors finally sliding shut after the tenth click.
“you’re safe,” he sighs, “that’s a relief.”
“you scared the shit outta me,” you scold, arms folded across your chest as you glare. “what was that for?”
“sorry,” nirei chuckles lightly, “but there was a guy who kept looking at you. he’s bad news.”
“how can you tell?”
you feel more at ease when his fingers come to interlace with yours again, and you feel him squeeze your hand a bit. “i guess um…” his other hand comes to scratch at the back of his head, “i have this sort of danger sense whenever it comes to you.”
“something like that.”
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moon-river-me · 3 days
hey i saw you're open to requests!
What about a hotch x reader fic where he's reunited with an old friend on a case and he gets all flirty and flustered? No angst, happy ending if poss 👀
Aaron Hotchner x lawyer!reader
sfw, reuniting, fem reader <3 no haley or jack mentioned and no specific season
Eyes meet across the room. Warmth fills his gut. He knows those eyes, he memorized those eyes, he loved those eyes.
“Aaron?” your voice still sounded the same, like honey and warmth, like the soft and lulling pitter patter of rain on a spring’s night. Just how he remembered.
You made a B-line for him, at a determined speed. That’s another thing he remembered about you, so determined. Throughout all of law school you both would compete, for anything and everything, you almost always won.
“It’s really you, huh?” looking at him with so much admiration he needed to break the contact. “So, what’s a hotshot FBI agent doing here? Come back to beat the score.” You jest, hitting his elbow with your own. The score was something sacred back in your university days. It was a tally between you two, one that would update every time one of you got a higher grade, an award, a commendation, or stayed sober the longest, the last one was always biased. He fondly remembered nights of drunken giggles and takeout while watching badly written court tv shows on your thrifted couch.
“Oh no, those days are long gone. Any more tequila and my liver will go into failure.” A ghost of a smile paints his lips.
“I still get flashbacks after a mere whiff of the thing.” Your laughing sounding more of an amused snort, not caring who saw you. That was something Aaron always loved  liked about you, not once in the entire time he knew you did you ever care about how others viewed you. You were so uniquely you that he truly believes if another you appeared one day, the earth would stop spinning.
Emily and Morgan walked up behind him; he could see their smirks through the back of his head. “Hotch, I didn’t take you for a tequila connoisseur,” Derek was in view now, offering his hand to you, “Derek Morgan.”
“y/n l/n,” you state as you shake, “and you should have seen him in our second year of law, god I thought I was going to have to drag him to emergent care some nights.” Your words were embarrassing, but your eyes were filled to the brim with joyfulness, you make eye contact once again and it is as if the world stops. “But of course I was no better so I would be a hypocrite to say anymore.” You grin, your lip getting a slight tug from your teeth. Aaron felt himself blush as his brain began to create images of that lip, and those teeth, and that smile, and oh those beautiful eyes.
You noticed the change in his demeanor, you always had. Except this time, your eyes twinkled in victory. “So, what do you guys need?” you turn you head towards Emily, although your gaze is stuck like honey to Aarons eyes.
“We were told that you were the prosecutor for the case we are working on. We came to discuss some things about the trial.”
“Oh of course, let me just grab the file. One second.” You turned to walk to your office; it was just principle that Aaron followed you, no other reason.  “Come on agent Hotchner, the file isn’t going to find itself, I need your expert profiling skills to uncover it.” You laugh as you reach your office. Aaron looked at his very amused coworkers and felt the flush of his cheeks get 2 shades darker.
“I don’t know who she is or if they have a history, but he followed her like a dog.” Morgan states, a belly laugh following as he finishes his senses.
Emily observed you through the glass, your head thrown back in laughter, and Hotch’s eyes staring at you with something that could only describe as a child on Christmas morning.
“He is whipped.”
short and sweet but trust me I will start doing longer ones.
requests are still open, please give feedback.
ik it's not the best but I hope you like it.
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uzurakis · 19 hours
coming to terms with gojo satoru. well, it’s not like you can escape from him, no?
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you slammed the bedroom door behind you as you barged in. feeling angry tears rise up in your eyes, you leaned against the door and tried to catch your breath. moments later, you hear a soft knock on the door. “hey, love, can we talk?” gojo’s voice is muffled but gentle.
no way, you say in your head. a little space won’t hurt for a while, right? “go away, satoru,” you snapped.
“aw, come on, don’t be like that,” he says, a teasing lilt in his voice. “i didn’t mean to upset you. i just love seeing you all riled up. it’s cute.”
“well, it’s not cute to me,” you retort, voice cracking slightly. “do you know how it feels to watch you ‘jokingly’ flirt with other women all the time?”
there’s a brief silence before gojo responds, sounding more serious. “i didn’t realize it hurt you that much. i just thought… i don’t know, it was harmless fun.”
“harmless fun?” you repeat, incredulous. “it doesn’t feel harmless to me, satoru. it feels like you don’t respect me or even our relationship.”
you hear a sigh from the other side of the door. “i’m really sorry, love. i never wanted to make you feel that way. i guess i just have a weird way of showing my affection.”
“oh, you think?” you say, a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
“open the door, love, pweasee,” gojo pleads, his tone lightening. “let me make it up to you. i promise, pinky promise. no more flirting with other women. just you and me, you hear me from behind there?”
you hesitate for a moment, then slowly unlock the door and open it. gojo is standing there, a mischievous smile on his face. his tall frame fills the doorway, and you have to tilt your head up slightly to meet his cerulean eyes. “hey,” he says softly.
“hey,” you reply, still feeling a bit hurt but willing to hear him out.
he steps closer, winking playfully. “you know, i never thought i’d see the day where you’d lock me out. do i really look that good when i’m flirting?”
“stop it,” you grumble, though the corner of your lips betrays a small smile. “stop making insufferable jokes, satoru.”
“i know, i know,” he says, holding up his hands in pretend surrender. “but you have to admit, it’s kind of fun seeing you all fired up. your jealous face is just so… cute.”
“not helping,” you warn, though your voice has softened.
he leans in, his breath warm against your ear. “you know i only have eyes for you, right? those other women don’t even come close to what we have.”
you sigh, leaning into his touch despite yourself. “you really need to find a better way to show your affection.”
“how about i start with this?” he pulls you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you securely. “i’m all yours, no flirting, i promise.”
“hmm,” you ponder, feeling the tension begin to melt away. “just… don’t do it again, alright?”
“scout’s honor,” he says, holding up three fingers in a mock salute, then immediately winking. gojo’s usual playful self shining through. “you were never a scout, satoru,” you say, finally smiling.
“details, details,” he dismisses, pulling you closer. “but seriously, i’m all yours.”
you wrap your arms around him, feeling the warmth and comfort you craved. “all mine,” you repeat softly, burying your face in his chest. “just remember that or i’ll seriously kill you.”
“always,” he murmurs into your hair. “and just for the record, i’m the luckiest guy in the world to have you.”
“flattery will get you everywhere, gojo satoru.” you tease back.
“good to know,” he laughs, giving you a gentle squeeze. “because i’m never letting you go.”
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chimielie · 1 day
“I really like this place,” Yachi says brightly, “the owner is really nice, and he doesn’t mind when I take ten minutes to decide what I want. Once I took twenty minutes and he actually just brought me food, like, decided for me, and at first I thought that was so nice! Then I got worried that maybe I should be upset that he didn’t let me choose, but then I remembered that I could just come here again so I wasn’t missing out on anything. The food was really good, anyway.”
You hover between the cool interior of the restaurant and the summer daylight as she speaks, unwilling to walk away even though she’s holding the door open and probably letting all the cold air out. With a short yelp, she realizes how long the two of you have been standing there and crosses inside. You stand behind her in the line behind the counter, shuffling forward as you read the posted menu.
“I think I’m gonna get the salmon,” you decide. “Hey, so how are things with that girl you’ve been seeing?”
“They’ve been good!” You’re about three people away from the counter, but the first one is line is like, a really huge guy with a booming voice who has been talking forever. Maybe he knows the cashier? “She’s really pretty, and she doesn’t mind or get impatient when I’m anxious. She also gets anxious!”
“That’s great?” You pat her on the shoulder. “I’m really happy for you, Yachi.”
“Me too,” she beams at you. “What about you? Have you met anyone?”
“No,” you snort. “I’m on the apps. So dating is basically a cesspool.” The giant guy who was ordering seems to be done now, but he’s still talking, being slowly dragged away by the elbow by a guy in a cardigan and glasses. You slide your phone out of your pocket and open your dating profile. “See?”
At that moment, your phone pings with a new notification.
Atsumu liked you!
He’s not… bad looking. If you saw him in real life, you’d probably hide behind a bench or something and stalk him with your eyes just so you could look at him as long as you wanted, actually.
He’s your age, a pro volleyball player, his hair dark where it’s been shaved short on the sides but dyed blond up top. He has a kind of sardonic, dead-eyed expression in all of his photos that you think is really funny.
My love language is… arguing in missionary.
You smother a laugh.
“He’s kind of cute!” Yachi peers at your phone. “Kind of scary…”
“Please, I could beat him up,” you laugh. “I don’t know, he’s fine, I guess.”
You swipe left. He’s hot, but definitely a fuckboy. You’ve reached the counter, anyway, and a pro athlete on the apps is like, so many red flags.
You look up at the cashier.
You look down at your phone and click undo. The profile reappears.
You look up at the cashier.
“Fine, you guess?” Scowls Atsumu, 23, (volley)baller. Or maybe not, considering his Onigiri Miya apron. “Welcome to Onigiri Miya, what can I get for ya. Geez.”
He talks in Kansai dialect, you note, which you’ve always thought is melodic. Pretty.
In real life, Atsumu is very pretty. His eyes have midtones of honey and amber that don’t show up on photo and give him a sparkling dimension that sort of detracts from his aura of evil. Even though he’s scowling at you, you want to ruffle his hair and bite his cheek.
“Um, I’ll have the salmon ball,” you say. “And, yeah. I guess.”
He scribbles so hard he breaks the tip of his pencil. With a grunt of disgust, he tosses both notepad and pencil over his shoulder.
“What, pro athlete not good enough for ya?” He points at Yachi, who squeaks. “And for ya?”
“What?” She says, looking terrified. You put a bracing hand on her shoulder.
“Your order,” he drawls.
“Oh! I don’t know.”
“Two salmon balls!” He yells to the back. “‘S on the house.”
“What?” Yachi gasps. “We couldn’t possibly—”
“You’re clearly not a professional athlete,” you say. “You’re a cashier.”
“This is charity work!” He snaps. “My teammate is right over there if ya need proof. I’m Miya Atsumu—this is my brother’s shop. I help him out on my off days.” He emphasizes his family name, underlining it on his apron with a finger.
That’s really sweet. You swoon a little inside, then shake yourself.
“You’re off every time this time this week?”
“Yeah, about,” he turns and bends over to grab his hastily discarded notepad. You do not make a secret of checking out his ass and quirk your lips into a smile when he turns back around, one he matches with reckless abandon. He has nice teeth, not perfectly straight, that imply that maybe he didn’t need braces growing up.
“Let me repay you for the meal,” you put a hand on the counter and lean across it, biting your lip, stomach singing with nerves. “Eight, next week?”
“Nah,” he shrugs you off, gestures for you to move along so he can get to the next customer in line. Your stomach drops, and so must your face. “Too far away. I’ll see ya this Friday for dinner.”
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chemical override
Ewan Mitchell x actress!reader
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a/n: i caved and did an actual Ewan fic! Given that the lad is more of a public persona nowadays, I reckon it's fine (?) This is pure self-indulgence for all my Ewan loves. May have a continuation but idk for now, enjoy!!
all my other works
The reader and Ewan are paired for press interviews. Despite barely having any scenes together and only knowing each other in passing on set, the chemistry they share cannot be denied...
Your first round of press takes place in a primped up hotel suite in Paris, thanks to the team at HBO.
You are an up and coming actress, much like some of your costars in the show, but the pressure is heavier on you because you were entering in season two, whereas everyone was already well-acquainted with one another.
Your few scenes were mostly with Jace and Baela, so you grew close to Harry and Bethany.
However, the media team decided to pair you up with Ewan for the day. A little fun initiative was set by the team that a character from the Blacks would be do press with a counterpart from the Greens - hence, yourself and Ewan.
You're nervous as you walk down the hallway, unable to fully pay attention to the instructions your lovely assistant gives you.
She tells you about the different interviewers for the day, bloggers and magazine writers from all over the world. She reminds you that each one will only be for a maximum of 5 minutes, so it shouldn't be too complicated. She smiles and eagerly says, "Take a deep breath, you got this!", as you reach the suite doors.
But in your mind, all you can recall is your first interaction with Ewan, almost a year ago right after the table read. You had nervously blurted out to him that Aemond is your favourite character, after he just asked, "How are you?". He laughed, said thank you, before he was pulled away in conversation by Tom.
You pray to the fictional Westerosi gods that things will fare better today. That you won't get all tongue-tied when those steel blue eyes land on you.
Upon entering the room, the team is quick to fuss over you. Sometimes you forget that you're actually an actress now. A celebrity, some might say. It all feels surreal and you have a inkling it won't ever stop being this way.
Ewan is already seated in front of the camera, and he stands to give you a hug as you finally walk over.
"Hey there, how are you?" he smiles widely, smelling like cigarettes and something muskier as he wraps his arms around you.
Unroll your tongue. Rework your brain. Calm down.
"Hey, Ewan!" you respond. "I'm doing great, happy to see you again."
"Well, I only wish we could have had more time together on set." Ever the gentleman, he gestures for you to take your seat before he does the same. "But next season perhaps? Who knows?"
"Oh, sure." You settle in, pleased by the fact that your chairs are only about a foot apart. "We can both look forward to my character giving Aemond the arse kicking he deserves."
He laughs, eyes glinting with mischief. "Come on now, I was thinking our characters are actually quite compatible, no?"
"Well, I sure wouldn't want to step on Alys' shoes. She'd probably curse my character all the way to Yi Ti."
"Hmm," he hums, biting his lip. You can't help but hear Aemond when he does that. "I say you can always count on Aemond and Vhagar to come to the rescue of a beautiful maiden such as yourself."
Well, you'll be damned. Ewan, while still an introvert of his own sort, is as charming as can be. If he's turning it on to get himself hyped for the press, it's working.
It's definitely working on you, to say the least.
The media manager gives the signal for the first interview to begin, and a reporter walks in, all ready with prepared script in hand.
"Here we go," you mutter, facing forward.
"Good luck," Ewan replies.
You both shake the reporter's hand, and he introduces himself as Jared.
"So guys," Jared begins. "Why don't we start with you telling me a little bit about what we can expect from your characters this season?"
The question is easy, and it doesn't take long for you and Ewan to think it through. Jared asks a few more basic questions, before drawing the attention more to you.
"When you watched season one, did you have a favourite character?" he asks you.
You smile, "Oh, I mean, I have to say - and Ewan already knows this, by the way - that Aemond was my favourite character."
"Was?" Ewan says, feigning shock. "Unacceptable."
"Was... Is... " you shrug, rolling your eyes playfully, earning a laugh from Jared. "I think I might be more a Daemon girl now."
"Oh!" Jared exclaims happily. "Does Matt know about this?"
"I'll be sure to tell him - "
Ewan interjects, shaking his head at you, "There's no need to tell him, because I'll convert her back to Team Aemond in no time, trust me."
"Daemon is awesome, though," you say to him, smiling.
"Sure." Ewan makes a face like that fact doesn't matter. Wasn't he the one who said that Daemon would be the character he would most like to play if not Aemond?
"And Caraxes is my favourite dragon." You share a look with Jared, hoping he would agree.
"Yes!" Jared says. "Caraxes is the best dragon in the show, in my opinion."
"Ah, you're both wrong," Ewan says. "My Vhagar is the oldest and baddest dragon in all of the land."
"My Vhagar, he says," you joke. "Seems like someone still hasn't shed Aemond for this press tour."
"And I never will, darling." His gaze is intense when he turns to you, and you clear your throat to fight the warmth rushing to your cheeks.
"Alright, they're giving me the wrap-up," Jared thankfully breaks the tension. "It was a pleasure talking to you guys, congratulations on the new season!"
One interview down, and your nerves have already considerably subsided. Ewan tapping your arm to start up a conversation once more surely helps in distracting you.
In the best damn way possible.
"How do you think we did? That wasn't too bad, was it?"
"I think we did quite well," you casually offer a high five, but your heart skips a beat when Ewan interlaces your suspended hands for just a moment.
"I'm glad they paired me with you," Ewan says, after releasing your hand. You hold on to the armrests to keep your fingers from twitching.
"I am, too," you admit. "I am a fan of you, after all, but I think you already know that."
He blushes, "Well, that's not a bad thing. I think you're a fantastic actress. I must have seen your first film a good ten times."
"You mean my first and only film," you add humbly. "But thank you."
"Only film for now," he affirms. "No doubt this is only the beginning for you, darling. With your talent and your charisma, I'm sure you have potential scripts piled up already."
"I could say the same for you! Have you seen what your fans say about you online? You're the internet's new boyfriend, Ewan Mitchell."
The media manager announces the next interview, but Ewan follows up with a response for you under his breath, "I have seen some things. But when I have a girlfriend, I'll make sure she won't have to share me at all."
Oh, so apparently he is single. But wait - why is he telling you this?
You don't get to mull over that thought. For the time being, the next interview starts and you make sure you do a good job at what you're paid to do - promoting the series.
Not daydreaming about getting with a costar, for heaven's sake. Stay professional.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You feel lightheaded after finishing the seventh - or had it been the eighth? - interview.
Your assistant delivers a coffee to you during the twenty-minute break. Ewan had stepped out to the balcony to have a smoke, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
He certainly is everything you expected him to be, and so much more. Insightful, cheeky, dedicated. An artist, through and through. He was in the business for all the right reasons, passion and respect for the craft.
If he had any flaws, you weren't privy to them yet. If there are any reasons for you not to be attracted to him, you didn't know what those were yet.
But with every flirtatious remark and pointed smile, you can't deny the hope blooming in you.
"Hey," he reappears, pulling you out of your musings. "I hope you don't mind that I smell of smoke."
No, you didn't, not when it's him.
"Don't worry about it," you reassure him. You tilt your head forward to take a sip of your coffee, but a lock of your hair falls in front of your face. Annoyed, you think to reach for it, but Ewan beats you to it, tucking it back in place.
"There you go, darling," he croons, gesturing for you to proceed in drinking.
"Th-thanks." His eyes don't leave yours as you take a slow sip.
"So," you say, desperate to break the silence, "which interview did you enjoy the most so far?"
"How can I possibly choose? I mean, I really liked the one with ComicSociety, the guy that said our characters have a lot of chemistry and should get together next season. He's right, I already told you!"
"Ohhh, sure, that will go down really well with the Blacks and Greens."
He smirks, "I don't see why not?"
"For one, Aemond is ensnared by Alys, and my character will never give up fighting for Rhaenyra. I just don't see it happening, Ewan."
"Right," he mutters thoughtfully, "there is still Alys in the picture."
"Still in the picture? With the amount of steamy scenes you two have lined up for season three, I'd say she will be Aemond's entire picture in and of herself."
"Hmm," he glances at you once, then looks down. Dare you think it, does he look disappointed?
"But hey," you add lightly, "maybe we can talk to Ryan and he can flip the entire script just for our characters."
"Yeah," his cheeky smile resurfaces, "maybe you can take Alys' place."
Take the place of Alys? Of Alys. Is he insinuating...
"Next round of interviews, guys!" The media manager announces to the room.
"Here we go again, darling," Ewan squeezes your hand once, before putting on his professional face once more.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
By the end of it all, not even caffeine can perk you up. You were exhausted, you and Ewan having finished four full hours of press.
Your assistant comes to your aid, ready to direct you back to your own hotel room.
"This has been such a pleasure, Ewan, really." You stand, this time initiating the hug.
He squeezes you gently, humming in your ear. When you pull apart, he says, "I honestly wouldn't mind trudging through hours and hours of press with you."
That's sweet of him. You're too tired to mask the warmth that rises to your cheeks. "And I feel the same. Today couldn't have gone any better."
"Truly, and listen, maybe we could - "
"Ewan!" The manager approaches. "I'm so sorry to rush with this, but we need to film just a quick soundbite with you for Aemond. Just two to three questions for the Max Tiktok account?"
"Oh, okay - " Ewan is reluctant to turn away from you.
"Perfect! If you could just stand there by the windows please..." The manager already has him by the arm, directing where he has to go.
"We have to go," your assistant says. "Still have to prep for tomorrow."
"I'll see you soon, Ewan!" you call out to him. "Thanks again."
He gives a half-hearted wave, dejected as he watches you walk out of the room.
"That wasn't too bad," you share with your assistant as you enter the elevators. "Not bad at all, actually."
"Oh, you did so well," she compliments. "It definitely helps with the press that you and Mr. Mitchell have such insane natural chemistry."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
In the calm of your hotel room, you get ready for bed.
Just when you're about to finish with your nightly routine, your phone rings from your bedside table. You're quick to rush over, thinking it could be your assistant or your manager, with an urgent update about work.
But no - it's an unknown number. A UK number, as it appears.
Confused, you click answer anyway, putting it to your ear with a tentative, "Hello, who is this?"
"Hi, darling."
"Yeah, uhm, I hope I didn't disturb you - "
"Not at all," your answer comes out in a rushed breath.
"I also hope you don't mind that I got my assistant to ask your assistant to give me your number? It's what I wanted to ask you before you left today."
"Oh." You feel fully awake now, by some miracle, butterflies finding home in your stomach. "I don't mind. I... I should have given you my number, anyway. I have most of the cast's, in case I need to get a hold of you guys."
"Hmm, right," he says from the other end. You hear him calmly breathing, the sound strangely comforting, and wonder if he can hear the same from you.
He says, "I just wanted to keep hearing your voice. Didn't get enough of it today," and your heart just about stops.
"Oh. Okay," is all you are able to respond with.
"What are you doing?"
"Just... just getting ready for bed." Phone pressed to your ear, you shuffle around the room, putting some things back in place.
He says nothing for a few seconds, but you still hear his breathing, and some shuffling in the background. It occurs to you that he might just be as nervous as you are now.
"Listen," he finally says, "do you want to hear my pitch to Ryan about why our characters should get together next season?"
A genuine laugh escapes you. He sure is persistent. Playful, sure, but you're definitely willing to play along.
"Let's hear it."
"First," he says, "you have to renounce Daemon as your favourite character - "
"Not a chance."
" - and swear your love for Aemond."
"Keep dreaming."
He laughs, and you can only picture the corners of his eyes crinkling.
"Aww darling," he teases, "don't you love me?"
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The OGs will know that the final line is a nod to my first ever Aemond fic! 🖤
Did this slightly delay my series works? Yes, yes it did. Do I regret it? For Ewan frickin Mitchell, I would never ~
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igotanidea · 2 days
Boss bitch and a princess: JT x reader
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Summary: grumpy and sunshine trope with a little twist :)
The sun shining though the windows were quite surprising, if not shocking, occurrence in Gotham. Most of the citizens were used to constant rain, fog and misery surrounding them from every corner of the place. Therefore, the sight of a nice weather, for once was about to make some people content and energetic, finally getting the motivation to do some work and move on in their lifes.
Y/n was not one of those people.
It seemed like everything she did, was thrive in the October like atmosphere. Not because of the charming cosy autumn mood, but because she was cold and ruthless. She didn't give a damn about sun, butterfly, girly dresses and all that feminine stuff. Which obviously didn't mean she was a tomboy. Things like clothes and makeup just didn't took much space in her mind, she was acing them effortlessly and efficiently.
That was definitely one of her favourite words and most definitely her life motto. Deal with shit, break the obstacles and if you cannot go though the doors, go though a window.
A taskmaster, if you may. A corporate rat. Ambitious, ruthless and unapologetic.
She woke up alone in her bed, just like every morning, immediately starting her routine of a few yoga poses, five minutes of meditation, ten minutes of setting her priorities for the day and getting into the right mindset.
She made herself a healthy breakfast and took a taxi to work.
The second she entered the building, her assistant caught up with her reminding y/n of the daily schedule, meetings, briefings and points on the checklist.
Obviously at the end of the day everything and then some was done. Including reprimanding her subordinates about being lazy and uncompetent.
In a mood she went home.
Opening the door.
"Hi baby." a little hoarse voice came from the kitchen.
"Jason!" she cried out happily, immeditely throwing her bitch boss attitude out the window. "You're back!" in a blink of an eye she was in his arms, kissing all over his face, hugging him and turning into a little ball of fluff, knowing her boyfriend was back.
"Whoa! Easy tiger!" Jason laughed wrapping arms around her waist.
"I was so worried when you weren't here in the morning!" she did not calm down even a notch. "I was thinking that something happened and -"
"I'm almost sure you just went on with your high corporate day and attitude without giving me a second thought, didn't you?" he teased, boping her nose.
"Hey, that's-" she started, his words strking her chords
"True?" he cut her off raising an eyebrow.
"Not fair!"
"But still true?' he pressed further and the roll of her eyes alongside with a pout gave him all the answers he needed. "don't do that or it will stay. would be a shame to waste such a pretty face, princess." he put one finger over her chin and lifter it out so she was forced to look into his eyes.
"You know exactly why I'm blocking it..." she whispered, getting a little nostalgic "I can't--"
"I know, I know. You've said it a million times. Emotions in your line of work are a deathbed." Jason mocked a little, empasising the fact that his beloved girlfriend had a tendency to overreact sometimes.
"It's true! You know it;s true! If any on my employees knew--"
"That you are soft for a guy?"
"That I have feelings!"
"Oh no! Look at you, you;re human and not a robot! How will you live with that?"
"And that's coming from a walking dead." she muttered, crossing arms over her chest and stepping away. "I hate you…"
Not for long though, when he reached for her in a practised move and pressed his lips to her ear.
"No, you don't princess..." his lips ghosted over her temple
"Yes I do...?"
"Really? Do you?" he moved to kiss her neck, softly, but teasingly "Cause the way you shivering right now make me think otherwise."
"I know, I know... you love me so much my little grumpy." the grip on her waist tightened and he pulled her closer. "You've been lonely and that's the reason for the sourpuss mood, isn't it? Let me make it up to you..." another argument making her melt took a form of running hands all over her back, from the shoulders and down to the rear.
"You know what I like..." she responded with a hint of mischief in her voice.
"that I do..." he scooped her in his arms and carried her to the couch.
Half an hour later Y/N was splayed on the couch with the face mask on, hair freshly washed by Jason himself and her legs on his lap, having full control of the remote. In her own belief, this was the greatest torture she could impose on her boyfriend.
Little did she know, that is was his greatest pleasure.
Pampering her in all the million little ways. Using the most mundane, tiniest example of self-care (or rather boyfriend's care) as a way to spend time with her and have multiple excuses to touch and feel her close. Not that he needed excuses, but getting her to agree to this softness was not always easy, given her charcter.
Even that had to be somewhat productive.
But once she did agree?
She would be glued to the spot for hours, letting him please her, comb her hair, apply skin care products on her face and body.
Finally sheding her work attitude.
Becoming his princess once more, cause with him - her deeply hidden, secretive sensitive part was safe.
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cookie-crumblr · 2 days
Chubby F! Housewife Reader X M!Yandere Streamer OC Jasper
Part 3!
Part 1 Here!
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CW: fem! reader, reader referred to as she/her, ML! Masturbation, HJ, pet names for reader(pretty, gorgeous, talks of creampies, live streamed torture, blood, gore, murder,
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He sat and watched you at first, just watched.
Just like he promised himself.
That thought was thrown out the window the moment you laid over that chaise lounge, what a gorgeous sight you were. Your perfectly voluptuous body wrapped in a silken night robe, why wasn’t this a painting in his bedroom— Hell why not a mural on his ceiling that he could see every single night.
His hand is already in his pants, pulling out his long, pierced cock. He’s teasing the tip and playing with his metal ring. He can’t help but wonder if you’ve ever been with a guy that has their dick pierced… If you’ll be shocked.
Oh just imagining your little innocent housewife reactions to things like that has heat racing in the jet stream of blood that’s rushing to his dick.
“Fuck, gorgeous,” He wishes so badly you were with him.
How he’d fuck you up against this window so hard, your bare tits pressed up against the glass. Instead of staring at you down there, he’d be seeing your husband; shocked at his chubby little wife with her pussy spread wide, sheathing a man that can take better care of her. Best of all her elated expression at everything about it.
That’s the part that has pre mixing in with the lubricant, your expression. He wonders what you’d look like, brows hiked up, biting your lip.
“Oh f-fuck pretty, you’re so gorgeous” He wants you underneath him. Looking up at him with your pretty eyes, your arms hooked around his neck, legs locked around his mid section. He’s gonna fill you up so good. All the way to the brim and over.
He has at least some restraint… Oh~ the second he does fuck you, he’s going to be so pent up, he almost laughs maniacally at what he’s doing; edging himself to a pretty thing he “can’t” have.
You’ve been there for a while, and he’s been there watching you. He’s starting to really notice that something is wrong, even without knowing you for very long, he can tell you aren’t just napping anymore.
Jasper leaves for just a minute to collect a camera and cables from another section of the home before returning and setting it up facing you. He labels that one ‘sun room’ in his phone, and then heads out to his very conspicuously inconspicuous white van.
He’s gonna check up on someone real quick…
The tracker he put in your husband’s car pings him at an office building, but when Jasper hacks the security system his office is empty up there… Hmm, how curious indeed.
He calls your husband’s receptionist, and he tells Jasper that he’s in a meeting at the moment.
When he looks at the cameras to confirm it’s funny that he’s just not in the building anywhere visible at least.
He’ll just make a copy of your husband’s phone later. He’s got a feeling… Not all bad. He’s in a state of slight turmoil, on one hand he’d be ecstatic to find out your husband’s cheating or something else terrible so that he could swoop in, but at the same time, he’d rather you not get hurt.
He muses his hair frustrated as he contemplates problems and how to solve them.
For right now, he’s late for a livestream.
The clone he made of your phone lights up next to him, and he sees you typing a message. Before he can read it, he watches you erase it, and then it dims once more.
“Hey Y/N! hope you’re alright, what’s been up?” He texts you… Gods, he really shouldn’t have right after… That’s so suspicious! But, he’s so deathly curious! He wants so badly to know what was on your mind, and what you almost shared with him.
His heart thumps, and his face reddens. He puts his hand onto his fist as he waits for a response, watching both phones…
It’s been days.
The gnawing boredom has almost fully made its comeback, when your phone clone lights up on a table behind him, he isn’t looking.
“Count backwards from one hundred, everyone~”
“Fuck him up!!!”
“Can i have his underwear?”
“Oh shit! First time here! i cant wait!”
“Welcome! i hope you enjoy your stay!” his chat is zooming by in front of him, but Jasper is still able to pick messages out and reply to them individually.
“Mmmf! mmmmmmf!!!!” A man with some socks stuffed in his mouth screams and writhes against barbed and razor wire restraints.
Jasper removes the leather strap that was wrapped and tied around the man’s mouth and hits the back of his head to get him to spit the socks out.
Guttural screams fill the van, and the docks they’re parked at. Birds in flocks fly off at the sound.
“Hey Jasper, you got a text from your other phone,” Issac bounds over, dropping them both into his (kind of full) hands.
“Howdy Jasper! sorry i went on a mini vacation! what have you been up to?”
He stares for a second thinking about how he’s been watching you through your windows for the past, oh, little over a week. You definitely did not go on a vacation. But he won’t ask, he doesn’t want to make you think about excuses.
Dev.In clears their throat, knowingly.
“I have to go.” is his answer as he slits the man’s throat and stops the livestream.
Jasper jumps into the driver seat and steps on the pedal.
In his van he’s going so fast the metal is rattling as he practically rolls over on every turn through suburb. Issac constantly “weeee!’s” in the back. In mere minutes he makes it home, and into the house before you can see him.
You arrive as he’s leaned up against the door, heart pounding in excitement making him almost dizzy! It’s exhilarating, he might have to have more torture streams just to give him that added bit of fun to his evenings when he has to feign innocence for you.
You knock on the door, and he answers it instantly. Shit. He’s so stupid, he thinks to himself, hopfully you don’t suspect anything.
Right away he notices that your eyelid is slightly more closed than usual and that you’re wearing a touch more makeup than usual in that spot making it more suspicious.
His mind instantly goes to your husband.
That might just be him pushing his own agenda onto you, so he doesn’t say anything yet.
However, it gets too hard not to when you’re walking away, and he almost desperately wants you to stay.
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"Oh geez I'm so clumsy; how embarrassing! Huh, oh! You'll help me up? T-thank you!"
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A BELLE OF DA BALL Yume for @starry-night-rose's Glimmering Soirée! I saw a lot of people doing this event and have been wanting to draw for it for awhile. Unfortunately, I've been sick the past week.
I went for a more femme design since my last two designs for Yume were more masculine; plus I just think dresses are more fun to draw. Heavily inspired by Cinderella's dress with my own takes.
During the event Yume isn't trying to be the belle of the ball themselves (that would be mortifying), they are actually heavily advocating for their brother Yuuta! (@bunnwich)
They are assisting the Prince's with their duties (mostly Deuce while avoiding Azul) while keeping and eye on Grim to make sure he's acting right! They're also taking pictures of everyone in their fancy clothes; partially bc Crowley told them too and partially for their own scrapbook.
Summon: You my friend, will be da belle of da ball!
Groovy: Everyone here tonight… don’t they kind of look like stars in the night sky…Hey! Don’t laugh! Haha! Was that too cheesy? 
Set Home: We’re all bedazzled up!
Home Idle: Azul tried to get me to sign some contract in order to” secure my brother's win”. Pff! Nice try, four eyes; do you think I’ve learned nothing?
Idle 2: When I walked up to Deuce and he gave me a big fancy greeting! He was so proud of himself; I didn’t have the heart to tell him he curtseyed at me…He’s not really cut out for princely stuff…
Idle 3: *whining* Kalim! Please don’t keep making me dance in these shoes! My feet are killing me *fake sob* who makes glass shoes anyway…
Idle Groovy:  Malleus came up to ask what was wrong with his Tamagotchi and everyone in the room gave us a wide berth. Is it that serious? He’s just some guy?
Home Login: Oh man…I don’t wanna think about how long it’s gonna take to clean all this glitter up. 
Tap: The Royal Sword Academy students keep coming up to greet me oh so politely. Something about it kinda gets on my nerves…
Tap 2: Hey, didja see Grim’s vest? I made it myself. It took me hours to bedazzle the whole thing!
Tap 3: Ugh…I feel like everyone's looking at me…maybe this outfit was a bad idea…
Tap 4: Hey, if you see Vil; don’t tell him I’m not voting for him. It’s nothing personal…! 
Tap 5: *sigh* I need a break. Hey, do you wanna go sit on the balcony with me? I’d prefer the company of the stars right now.
Tap Groovy: Oh! Wait right there! Let me get a picture of you in your outfit! You look amazing! Ready? Cheese!
Here is some sketchy draft for the dress too:
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Random X-Men Headcanons!
Me and my friend have compiled a lot of headcanons for the X-Men (mainly formulated from jokes) so I wanted to put some here! A few of these are headcanons, most are jokes lol
Kurt listens to really peppy music when he's upset, the main one being the Beach Boys. Just imagine him, poor little German boy, singing Surfin' USA tiredly, trying to turn his mood around.
Erik listens to girly pop music, mainly Katy Perry and Ke$ha. Why? Because it's funny. Let him be girly pop.
Scott tells a lot of jokes but he's deadpan so people can never really tell. Like sometimes he'll just say some insane shit, plain faced, and see how the others react.
Dancing headcanons! Remy is a very good dancer, being particularly prolific in swing dancing. Logan somewhat refuses to dance, but he can line dance. Morph doesn't know how to dance, but they act like they can, dancing like a drunk white girl. Scott and Jean like to dance in private, but Scott gets nervous to dance in front of others. Ororo can bust that shit down.
Scott tries not to laugh when he, or someone else, is doing a bit. Like he tries not to break as he jokes along, to the point where he has to stop talking to not smile, biting inside of his mouth.
Furthermore! He also has a loud laugh, and people get a little caught off guard when they hear it. Me and my friend have described his laugh as a goose honk sound.
Kurt gaslights for fun, and he can get everybody pretty good, except Scott and Jean. You may think "oh because Jean's a telepath, right?" No, because--
Scott and Jean gaslight each other for fun, and they formulate these fake, big arguments, just as a bit. So, they're very familiar with gaslighting tactics, being they lie to each other as a joke, so when Kurt tries to, they immediately meet him-- A little too well, because Kurt is used to just messing with people.
Scott will occasionally freak people out by lowering his glasses (keeping his eyes closed of course). Like someone says "Hey, take a look at that." and he'll lower his glasses and go "Where?!" as a joke.
Everyone loves Kurt. Like, everyone. If Kurt doesn't like someone, everyone has a distaste for them as well.
Jean refers to her own psychic abilities as her "Jedi Mind Tricks"
This one isn't really a headcanon, just a running gag me and my friend do, but something bad will happen, or something inconvenient, and Remy will go "Don't worry.", insistently. Like a loud explosion can go off, and Remy will just say "Don't Worry." Occasionally this will be lengthened to "Don't what? Worry!"
We don't call Leech by his name. We call him Gneep Gnorp. That's it.
Kurt and Remy are super close (as pseudo brother in laws) and they hang out a lot, also doing that guy thing where they flirt with each other as a joke.
No one likes Emma. That's it.
Scott is autistic.
Warren is well manicured. He always has his hair just as he likes it, his wings always preened, his clothes always ironed. He'll a snazzy lookin' fella.
Rogue is a great singer. This barely a headcanon, her voice actress literally put out a song "Mojo Man (Ode to Remy LeBeau)", go listen to it.
Kurt's very coy and playful. Like, "Staaahhppp, hehe!" He also laughs at his own jokes all the time, like he cracks himself up.
Music headcanons! Here's just a few of the ones we made-- Scott likes dad rock obviously, mainly soft rock and folk rock (The Beatles, Hall & Oates, The Beach Boys, CSNY), Logan likes harder rock (Metallica, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden), Morph likes new wave and glam rock (Oingo Boingo, David Bowie, Talking Heads, Tears For Fears), Remy likes a fun mix of jazz, country, and soul, with a little rock sprinkled in (Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Billie Holiday, Queen), Jubilee likes a lot of pop, pop-rock, that sorta thing (Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, ABBA, Wham!)
Kurt has a lil hyperfixation on pirates and ships-- this is kinda canon in the comics. But he loves talking about pirate history and ships and misconceptions.
I'm sure there's a bunch of ones I can't remember but there ya go lol
thanks to @the-death-defying-night-crawler for being funny and making these with me lol
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cosmopretty · 2 days
Break Up
UConn’s fem manger
warnings: angst, emotional abuse, a small sexual assault
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You have been managing UConn’s woman’s basketball team for almost two years now. You lived in the dorms with the rest of the girls, you were close with all of them. But recently you have been seeing this boy you met at one of the team’s basketball games. The girls all hated him and they said he was manipulative, rude, disrespectful but you didn’t see that.
Practice just ended for the day and you were walking back to the dorms in between Azzi and Aubrey. They were both talking about the game this weekend while you listened to them both. You were about to open your mouth to speak before your phone started ringing. You saw it was Luke you smiled before answering the phone. “Hey Luke” you said while Azzi rolled her eyes not liking the boy one bit. You heard him move around on the other side of the phone “Get dressed up I’m taking you out tonight at six” he tells you before hanging up without hearing you even respond.
You put your phone back in your pocket and smile to yourself, Aubrey nudges you “What’s got you all smiley?” she asks you. Shaking your head you look up at the girl “Luke is taking me out on a date today. What should I wear? Oh and my hair? to-“ you start rambling before Aubrey stops you putting her hands on your shoulders “Relax tiny just wait till we get home” you nod at her words and continue walking back to the dorms.
The second you got back to your dorm you went straight to the shower. It was around five pm now which meant you had around an hour to get ready. Stepping out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around your body you flinch seeing Nika sitting on your bed. You put your hand on you chest “You scared the fuck out of me Niks don’t do that” you breath out. She shrugs “Heard you have a little date” the international girl states. Nodding your head slowly you go to your draws and slide on a pair of panties and grab the dress from your bed and slide it on. You were comfortable with the girls so you didn’t really care what they saw. Nika looks you up and down “Cute dress” she compliments you but you can tell she is holding back what she really wants to say.
Sighing you raise your brows at the girl “What is it Niks?” you ask her. She groans and gets up looking down at you “Luke isn’t the guy you think he is Y/N. I see how he manipulates and treats you come on I know you’re not dumb” Nika says. You furrow your brows at her and look down a lump forming in your throat “Get out” you say. Nika opens her mouth to speak again before you open the door “Now Nika” you say. The Croatian girl gets up and walks out knowing you were hurt by her words since you never used her first name. You sit down on your bed and think of what she just told you. Luke was sweet but he also liked to control everything you did, you saw it as him being protective the girls saw it as him controlling you. They had no idea the words he had said to you after you first met. He told you that he was the only boy who would ever love you as you are, he was talking about you liking both boys and girls. He made fun of your body and hair and told you no one would love you. But he also cared for you in a way no one ever has before, even though he did switch up and hurt you with his words he also held you and “cared” for you.
Sighing you get up and grab your makeup bag starting to put some mascara on. After finishing your makeup you start straightening your hair you do half before getting tired. Walking out of your room you knock on Paige’s door, she opens it and looks down at you raising her brows trying not to laugh at your hair being half straight half a mess “Can you help me please?” you ask holding up the straightener. Paige nods and follows you back to your room, she sits behind you on your bed and starts brushing your hair then straightening it. After she finishes you turn around smiling “Thanks Paigey I gotta go now” you grab your bag sliding in a pair of heels before smiling at her once more and running outside to meet up with your man, Luke.
“Hey Luke” you slide into the passenger seat of his car. He looks you up and down “Let’s just go back to my house instead of dinner I’m tired” you bite your lip.
“But I got all ready come on” you whine he shrugs and continues to drive down to his house ignoring you.
Once you get there you both sit down on his couch making out, you on his lap. You pull away out of breath “Lets watch a movie or something” you ask moving to get off of his lap.
Luke groans and rolls his eyes “Come on you never wanna go past kissing. What are you scared or something? You’re such a bitch bro like na” he groans again.
“What?” You ask him genuinely confused, he looks at you and pulls you into him grabbing your ass. You push his hands off of you “stop seriously” you try to walk away before he pulls you into him grabbing your ass again. You push him but it goes to no use has he feels all over your body, tears leave your eyes before you kick him hard in the stomach.
You take a few steps back away from him “What the fuck Luke? I said stopped I tried to push you off of me” you look at him wide eyes wiping your tears.
“Get out bro if you don’t wanna fuck we shouldn’t be together in the first place” he says throwing your bag at you.
You run out of his apartment and start walking back home to your apartment tears leaving your eyes, mascara down your ur face. You sniffle holding your arms close to your body in a way to protect yourself.
Walking into the dorms you see Aubrey, Nika, Paige, KK and Azzi sitting in the ouch on live. You immediately put your head down and try to walk past them unnoticed but of course KK had to say something “Girlypop come say hi to the live!” You shake your head no not trusting your voice and lift your head. KK straight away ends the live the second she saw your tear stricken face. “What happened bebo?” Nika asks walking up to your going to hug you before you step back shaking your head no.
“Im just tired” you voice cracks and you run to your dorm going straight into the shower trying to forget about what happened.
You step out of the water once it goes cold, not knowing hold long you have been sitting in there letting the water run over your body. You slide on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top before looking in the mirror rubbing your face. Going into your room you see both Paige and Azzi sitting on your bed.
“You guys okay?” You ask them both confused on what they were doing. Azzi looks at your shocked “Are we okay? Are you okay? You came home crying all scared looking like a lost puppy! What the hell happened?” Paige asks you.
Looking down you sigh letting out a shaken breath. The vibe in the room changed and you breathe out again “Luke broke up with me” your voice cracks again but you refuse to cry again.
Azzi pulls you down on the bed with her and hugs you. You don’t flinch away instead falling into her arms “He broke up with me because I didn’t wanna do sex. He kept touching me I-I tried to push him off of me but but h-he didn’t stop” you cry into her chest.
Paige mouth opens in shock “He didn’t uhm you know he uhm” she stutters out.
You look up and Paige wipes your tears “He didn’t do anything besides touch all over me but it was uncomfortable I thought he really liked me” you sit down bringing your knees to your chest.
Both of the two basketball players don’t know what to say to you. Nika walks in and looks at them both with a look for them to leave you alone with her. Paige and Azzi leave not before both of them kiss your forehead.
Nika sits next to you and you lay your head on her shoulder “You were right Niks” you say.
The Croatian girl shakes her head “I wish I wasn’t Y/n you deserve to be loved you know that” you shake your head no at her words. She lifts your head from her shoulder and looks at you she pulls your shirt up a bit seeing the red marks from how hard Luke was gripping your body.
Nika shakes your head “Ubit ću tog gada” she mutters under her breath.
You slap her shoulder “I don’t understand you Niks” you whine. She shakes her head and repeats herself in English “I will kill that bastard”
You laugh “How about no we need you to get into the WNBA you can’t do that jail” you laugh some more. Nika smiles seeing you laughing “Who says I get caught?” The taller girl teases. You laughs more not being able to stop yourself and soon Nika joins you.
She gets up “Come let’s watch a movie with the girls Aubrey ordered canes and KK has her trufru” she holds her hand out to you.
Grabbing her hand you both walk over to the living where, Azzi,KK,Aubrey and Paige sat in silence. You make a face at them “Who died god damn it’s so silent” you say.
KK runs up to you and hugs you twirling you around in a circle “Girlypop I swear to the trufru gods I will end that man” you laugh as she puts you down.
You sit on the couch and Aubrey hands you some fries and a milkshake “Thanks Aubs your the best” you smile sipping the shake.
“What movie we watching?” Paige asks sitting on the floor on the pillows. Everyone shrugs “Lets watch The Maze Runner I love that movie” Paige nods and grabs the remote turning it on. KK lays her head in your lap and hands you some trufru “You know I like you when I give your trufru” she says you roll your eyes at her words.
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cheeeeseburger · 3 days
Sweet like tiramisu, bitter like coffee Part 1
Part 2
Lance Stroll x Reader
A/N: I don't know how I feel about this one, but I wrote it in honour of the Canadian GP! English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes!
“Lance, I think you should call security. Look who’s here!” Your older brother pointed at you, acting like you were some kind of crazy fan who sneaked in.
You glanced at your brother “They really let you in? Even with your ugly face? It’s going to be bad for their PR, I tell you.” He only sticked his tongue out to you in response.
“Hey, kid,” Lance simply said.
You grinned at Lance, and when he smiled back, it was like you were fourteen again, trying to impress him when skiing at the Mont Tremblant, sneaking glances at him. Gosh, he still had that boyish look that used to make you stutter in front of him.
“Salut, Lance. It’s been a while” you said. He pulled you closed to give you a kiss on each cheek. He smelled like that one hoodie of his that he gave you years ago when you were cold at La Ronde. Embarrassingly, you still wear it sometimes, probably more than you should.
“I know, you’ve changed, kid. You used to be so small. I guess you grew up, huh?”
To prove his point, you gave him a little spin, with your sundress flowing around your thighs. Lance looked at you up and down, noticing that you had grew in all the right places. He flushed a little.
“I guess I did,” you answered, looking right into his eyes. For once, it was him who seemed more affected by your interaction. Your cheeks were only coloured a light pink, a clear amelioration from the tomato look you used to rock whenever you talked to Lance.
Your brother put a stop to the moment you two shared. “Alright, quit showing off. She is still the same as before, only without the braces. Don’t be fooled, Lance, she is still an airhead.” You smacked him on the arm.  “An airhead with a uni degree, dumbass. You’re a college dropout.”
That was a low blow, but still, your brother deserved it. You got a middle finger in response. Lance chuckled, seeing that you hadn’t changed completely.
“You’re still as quick as you were before, kid,” he said, laughing. “What’s your degree in? Engineering, right?”
“Yeah, I just graduated in mechanical engineering. But I’m starting my master in the fall, at McGill.”
He looked impressed at your degree and at the famous Montreal school you attended. “Damn kid, you’re not the type to take it easy, huh? Unlike your lazy ass brother over there.” He lightly punched him on his arm. Your brother pretended to be offended. “Come on guys, do I really deserve all this verbal abuse?”
He saw you laugh, and decided he could not let that slide. “You, shut up, or I’ll tell Lance you had his picture in your locker in high school.”
You gasped. Oh no he didn’t.
Lance laughed, blushing a little. “That’s cute. What about college? Do you have a picture of me at McGill?” He looked way too smug.
This was bad. Very bad. Still, was he just flirting with you?
At the same time, his father entered the paddock. You jumped at the opportunity to change the subject.
“Lawrence, mon Stroll préféré!” You smiled at him. The older man opened his arm to give you a hug.
“Mon sucre d’orge, how are you?” He always had the best hug, making you feel safe and loved.
Lawrence Stroll was like an uncle to you, a father even. Your family and the Stroll family were very close, and you grew up side by side with the Stroll children, even though you were a few years younger than them. You went skiing together during the winter break. You went on vacations together. Your summers were filled with meals at each other house, and you ended up begging to sleepover every single time. To this day, the smell of chlorine always takes you back to endless afternoons spent playing in the pool at the Stroll house.
“I’m doing great, I’m happy to be here!” you replied. You had seen the man only a few weeks earlier, at your graduation dinner, so there wasn’t much catching up to do.
Lawrence exclaimed: “Mon sucre d’orge, you should be at every races! After you finish your master, you should work for us!”
You beamed at the man: “I would like that very much.” It’s true, you would love it. And you had the degree for it.
“So would I. And I wouldn’t be the only one,” he added in a whisper, gesturing towards Lance.
You turned a deep shade of red. Typical you. Lawrence always knew you had a thing for his son. Luckily, Lance did not look like he had heard what his father just said. If he did, you’d have to leave Montreal to live in a country where there are no races.
You brother shook hands with Lawrence, talking for a while. You listened with one ear, too busy sneaking glances at Lance. He was doing the same thing, admiring the silhouette that your dress gave you, the way your hair was framing your face, your slightly parted lips. He surprised himself and started daydreaming about how it would feel to push you against the wall, lifting one of your legs while he stunned you with kisses all over your face.
Lance was pulled out of his fantasy when your brother said it was time to go.
“Bonne chance, Lance,” you wished him good luck shyly, then followed your brother out of the paddock. Oh, your massive crush was so back.
He watched you leave, mesmerized by you, your presence, the way you carry yourself. You were no longer an awkward teen, but a beautiful young woman.
“Poor girl. You know she had a crush on you for years, right? Good on her for moving on.” Lawrence said to his son, sighing. “She really has a heart of gold, and she’s way too bright for her own good. The man who will have her heart will be a lucky man. A very lucky man indeed.”
Later during the day, you received a message from Lance. This was unusual. The last time he had texted you was to wish you a happy birthday three months ago.
Hey kid, it’s me.
You replied quickly, not wanting to bother with pretending to be too busy to answer. When it came to Lance, you were too weak to play hard to get. Also, this afternoon was the first time he had shown signs that he did not see you as your brother's sister, but as a pretty girl. You would be a fool not to jump at the opportunity, if the opportunity came.
Hi, what’s up?
Have you eaten yet?
Yeah, why?
Let me bring you some desert.
Text me your address. Nvm I got it.
Lance, what’s going on?
He didn’t answer after that. Realizing that he was probably on his way, you started tidying up your appartement. It was pretty neat already though, so you mostly did it to distract you. From the corner of your eye, you saw his hoodie and quickly threw it in your wardrobe. If he did come to your place, this was the kind of things that he should not see, like your F1 calendar from last year that was still hung up to the month of January, because he was the picture of the month. But why the hell would Lance show up at your door?
A knock on the door made you jump. You opened it to find Lance on your doorstep, carrying a bag.
“Hey, I brought you a sweet treat”, he announced, letting himself in. You were too shocked to speak. Chat, is this real? He noticed your appearance. You were wearing a silk nightgown. “Are you ready for bed already?” he asked, confused.
Finally, he seemed real enough for you to gain back the ability to speak.
“Uhhh, yeah?”
“What are you, 90? It’s not even 9 yet!”
“So what? I like to be comfortable,” you responded, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
He stared at you and your short nightgown, letting his gaze linger on the sight that was the strap sliding of your left shoulder. He wanted to leave a kiss on that exact spot.
“No, no, you’re good, I just expected you to be ready to go out or something,” he said laughing, while walking in your apartment. “You got a nice place.”
“Thanks,” you replied. “Why did you expect me to go out?” You followed him around in your apartment. It was weird to see him there, but he looked so good in his Boss hoodie that you let it slide for now.
“Gee, uh, I don’t know, maybe because it’s a Thursday night and you’re young and in Montreal?” he answered like you had asked the dumbest question. He finally settled in your kitchen, leaving the box he was carrying on the counter. “Where are your plates?”
“Over here,” you opened the cabinet door at the same time he made a move to grab the doorknob, leaving him towering over you. The last time the two of you had been so close was before puberty. Internally, you were screaming. He grabbed two plates.
“What did you bring? And what are you doing here?” you asked, trying to hide the affect that his proximity had on you. “And I do go out, sometimes.”
“Having dinner with my dad and your parents doesn’t count. I bought you your favourite tiramisu, from that Italian restaurant you always dragged us to when we were kids.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Don’t worry, I do go out to shake my ass.” He raised an eyebrow at that, his eyes widening a little. You hoped he was imagining you in a tight dress, dancing in the club. You got out two spoons and a knife out of your cutlery drawer. “Thanks for the sweet treat, but why though?”
Lance opened the box to reveal a gorgeous tiramisu. He was right, this dessert really was your favourite, specifically the recipe they used at this restaurant. You both sat on the stools hidden underneath your countertop. “Can’t a guy do something nice?” he said sarcastically.
You looked at him, crossing your arms over your chest. “Lance, come on, be for real. We haven’t seen each other in years, then you show up unannounced at my place.” You cut the dessert and placed it on your respective plates.
He put his hand in the air: “What! I have no bad intentions, I swear. I just thought you could use some sugar.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. Against your wish, you let out a small moan as you took your first bite out of the tiramisu. It really was that good. You turned beet red and surprisingly, so did he. Cute.
“Lance, you know I used to have a crush on you, right? But that was years ago, so if you expect me to fall at your feet and sleep with you, you’re in the wrong place, buddy.” This was a lie. He could have you anywhere he wanted, and you would say thank you.
His eyes shuttered a little when he took his first bite. “I’m flattered that you used to have a crush on me, but also a little insulted. How come you don’t have one right now? And is your opinion of me so low that you believe I could really use you like that?” He really did look insulted.
You took another bite of the tiramisu, this time fulling embracing the moan coming out of your mouth. He looked positively flushed now.
“Lance, I saw the way you looked at me earlier. It was like you finally realized I was a grown woman now.”
He took a bite, and he let his head fall back a little. So two can play this game. You were feeling hot all over. It was like a tennis match between the two of you, a duel. All of this over a sweet treat.
“It’s true that you made quite the impression on me earlier. It must be the lack of braces,” he said sarcastically.
You made a show of licking your spoon when you finished your portion. He looked jealous of the spoon.The ball is in your court, sir.
“Oh really? It wasn’t my curves that my dress showed off nicely, or how long my legs looked with those heels? It’s weird, every other guy there seemed to notice my body. I even got the number of an engineer. I think I’m going to go out with him, I might even sleep with him, all that good stuff.” The look on his face was priceless.
It seems you had won this round. He didn’t touch his tiramisu, only bit his bottom lip. He was blushing hard but wanted to maintain his poker face.
“None of these things crossed my mind,” he answered, though it was a very obviously fake answer. He seemed to be having trouble breathing. It was very good for your ego. If your seventeen years old self could see you right now, she’d be proud.
You hit him with quite the shot when you picked up some tiramisu with your spoon off his plate. The simple gesture had quite the effect on him. His gaze followed your spoon from his plate to your mouth. In your face, sir.
“That’s too bad. I wanted you to notice them,” you said innocently.
He did not take this shot well, and immediately went into attack mode. He pulled your stool closer to his and started massaging your calf. He was not playing anymore.
“Don’t worry, kid, I can see them very clearly now.” He stared at you and the generous cleavage your nightdress gave you. The innuendo in his eyes was very clear. You could cut the tension in the room with the same knife you had cut the dessert with.
You moaned softly. This time, it had nothing to do with the tiramisu, and everything to do with the way his hand was slowly getting higher and higher on your leg. Yeah, it was over. He definitely won the match.
You looked at his eyes, which were now a nice shade of bedroom eyes. You felt all the hesitation you had leave your body, and so did your judgement.
“Lance. I really want to have sex with you right now.” How embarrassing to say this out loud. But it wasn't your fault, really. His face and the tiramisu were a deadly combo.
He smirked at your admission. “I thought you said I shouldn’t expect to sleep with you earlier.”
You responded quickly. “Screw what I said. Wait, no, screw me instead,” you leaned from your stool to pull his hoodie off.
He let you take it off, but he was wearing a shirt underneath. He smirked. “In a hurry?”
“Yeah, and for a guy that drives fast for a living, you’re slow as hell.” He laughed at that, and you took off his shirt too. It was sight to be seen. Niagara Falls is nothing compared to Lance Stroll shirtless. He should be on Canadian postcards instead of Lake Louise.
“Don’t worry kid, I can go fast if need be.” You were getting very turned on, and he had not even made a move yet. “So that means you’ll sleep with me?” You leaned to give him kisses all over his neck. 10 years of wanting him made you desperate like that. He shivered at your touch, and he felt your smile against his neck. How flattering to get a reaction out of him. He gently lifted you off your stool and picked up you like a doll so you could sit on his lap. You immediately resumed your activity and went back to kiss his neck, occasionally leaving a mark.
“You seem to want it so bad, and I wouldn’t want to disappoint you. Our friendship means the world to me,” he said, teasing you.
“Uh uh. Can we add “with benefits” to the title of our friendship? Because I really want to get to the benefits right now.” You said in between hickeys. He was holding your waist to keep you close. How you both fitted on that tiny little stool, you had no idea, but this stool was now considered blessed in your mind.
“Since you asked so nicely. Your brother told me you had a boyfriend though.” His grip on you tightened.
“He’s not my boyfriend, and I don’t care about him. He’s probably in a bar somewhere, talking to other women, which is fine, since we are not together.” It was his turn to give you attention. He made a trail of kisses all over your neck and jaw, stopping near the corner of your mouth.
“That’s good. Do you have sex with him sometimes?” he asked possessively, which was very unlike him. Lance had never shown an interest in you, and he now wanted to know who you were sleeping with.
“Yeah.” It’s hard to form complete sentences when your crush of the last 10 years is busy leaving marks all over your neck.
“Is he any good to you?” He stopped to look you in the eyes, but kept you distracted by playing with the strap of your nightdress.
“I guess. But I hope you will change my opinion of what is good sex and what is bad sex.” You put your hands behind his neck and started kissing him. It quickly turned into a make out session. He tasted like tiramisu. This was an Oscar worthy kiss. A painting should be made to commemorate the moment. A page in history books should be dedicated to it. Still kissing you, Lance stood up and lifted you with him.
“Where’s your bedroom?” You must have done something good recently. You felt like one of God’s favourites.
You did not sound like yourself when you answered, “The next door to your right.” It was a very surreal moment. He opened the door and gently put you down on your bed. He was standing up, shirtless, and it looked a lot like the teenage fantasy of him you had for years.
Your hair was spread all over the pillow, and your nightdress had ridden up. Playboy magazine would have loved you back in the days. “You’re gorgeous. You look like an angel,” Lance said. “How come I’ve never noticed it before?”
You blushed. “You were too busy thinking of me as a sister.” Your propped yourself on your elbows to get a better look at him. The sight took your breath away. “Don’t move, I’m taking a mental picture of you. You look so fucking hot right now.”
It was his turn to blush. “Thanks.” He pulled you by your ankles so you could sit on the edge of the bed. He then got on his knees, and ladies and gents, that nearly did it for you. You felt very, very hot. His hand slid under your nightdress so he could take of your underwear. It was hard to remember to breathe.
“Gosh, are we in porn movie or something? No guy has ever gotten on his knees for me before, but they sure as hell expect me to.” You said, laughing in embarrassment at your lack of experience.
“Boys are stupid.” All of Montreal probably heard you when he first touched you with his tongue. It was too much: his touch, the sight of him between your thighs, the grunts he made, you had to grip the sheets to stay still. By the noises he made, he seemed to enjoy himself too.
It took an embarrassing short amount of time for you to shake and scream in pleasure. No guy had ever made you come so quickly, and it had never felt as good. Sadly, it would probably never feel so good ever again. He got out from your nightdress and smirked when he saw you panting.
“You’re the one out of breath, huh?” He licked his lips, and you nearly came again.
“Shut up” was all you had to say. Lance laughed: “Real mature.” He once again took you by the ankles, this time to push you back to the center of the bed. He got on top of you.
“Is this the part where you get inside of me?” He smiled. “You’re so eager. It’s cute. The Aston Martin cap you have is cute too,” he said, referencing the baseball cap on your dresser.
“It’s for Alonso,” you replied, blushing. Lance smirked and whispered in your ear “Yeah, right.” He started kissing your jawline. The whole block probably heard you moaning. Having him on top of you felt so good. Your nails were probably hurting him from how hard you were gripping his back, but he didn’t complain. “Too bad it’s not him in your bed right now.” You shut him up with a kiss.
“Please, Lance, you have to get in me,” you whined. You unzipped his pants and palmed him. “Please, please, please.” He was making pained noises too, and he got out a condom from his pocket. So he had come to your place expecting to get laid. You decided to put the thought aside for now.
You stopped thinking anyway the second he got inside of you. The feeling was nearly overwhelming, and every time he moved, you couldn’t help but moan.
“Lance, goddam, why didn’t we do this earlier?” you asked between screams. He seemed pleased. You arched your back and it was his turn to let out grunts. “Well, we’re doing it now,” he sounded in pain.
“You’re going to ruin me for every other guy”, you complained. Not long after, Montreal heard you scream his name as you came undone for the second time that evening. He copied you a short while later. Both of you were panting, too stunned by what just happened. It was definitely the best sex of your life, but you were too shy to ask him if it was any good. You hoped it was.
You were just about to ask him if he wanted to spend the night when he suddenly got up.
“What are you doing?” you asked, confused. He pulled his pants back up and zipped them. “I gotta go. Don’t tell anyone we did this.” You pulled yourself to sit against your headboard. You wanted to cry. “Are you serious?”
All he said was: “Yeah, I am. I’ll see you around.” And he left, leaving you speechless in the bed where he just had you. When you heard the door close on his way out, you broke down in tears. How could he be so cruel? He had just used you, ruining years of friendship for this. You felt hurt and humiliated.
After a few minutes of crying hysterically, you suddenly could not stand having his smell on your sheets. It was nearly midnight, but you started ripping them off your bed, and you threw them in the washing machine. There were signs of his passage everywhere in your apartment, and it hurt too bad. You started cleaning manically, from scrubbing the floor to washing your entire silverware. After, it was you who needed to be rid of him. His touch lingered on your skin. You scrubbed your skin until it turned red and shampooed your hair about 5 times. As expected, you broke down crying in the shower. Lance was your friend; he had been since you were kids. Did none of that matter? Were you just a quick fuck to him? A one-night stand that did not even last a night?
You didn’t recognize him. He was such a kind soul. How could you ever face him again? And the fact that he asked you to not tell anyone? The worst thing is, you knew you would never tell anyone, because the humiliation would be too bad.
Eventually, you passed out in exhaustion on the couch. You had to attend the whole weekend, otherwise it would be suspicious, since people expected you to be there. You put on your best dresses, your brave face and you showed up Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. You talked with Lawrence, hanged out with your brother and some friends, you even made small talk with some of the drivers. Your heart hurt like a bitch the whole time, but at least you managed to avoid Lance. That engineer who gave you his number came to see you again, and you made plans for later in the week. Any distraction was welcome.
By the late afternoon on Sunday, you had had enough. You felt tired, heartsick and exhausted after a weekend of fake smiling. Leaving was the only thing you wanted to do. Perhaps you should book a vacation, give your heart a break. Or at least get extremely drunk with your friends. Maybe do both.
You were hiding in a corner, waiting for your brother when a shadow appeared. It was Lance, of course, towering over you. Immediately, your heart started beating fast. Stupid heart. His hair was all ruffled and he was sweating lightly. He had the same look when he was on his knees for you.
“Hey, kid,” he sounded so casual, like nothing had happened between the two of you, like he didn’t have half of your heart.
“Allô. Good job on the race today.” You hoped your voice was not trembling. You did not even attempt to look at him in the eyes, afraid of revealing your pain. The guy you had liked for years made you feel wanted then crushed you in a matter of hours. Of course, that didn’t seem to matter to him.
He put his hand under your chin to force you to look at him, then caressed your cheek with his thumb. “Thanks. Listen, I hope you did not expect anything more than what we did last night. I’m leaving Montreal soon anyway.” Tears started to sting your eyes, but you tried your best to hide them, but Lance was not a fool.
“Not at all. This was just a one-time thing.” You smiled, but tears were running down your cheeks. He wiped them away with his thumb.
“You’re cute when you lie. I’ll see you around.” Lance kissed your cheek, then left you in shock, hiding in the corner. His gaze did not betray any sign of regrets. Your heart was shattered in million tiny pieces that he could crush between two fingers. It was cut into bite-size pieces that he could eat, like that damn tiramisu.
That night, you went home and tried to drown any thoughts of him with ice cream and sad music. It did not work.
A few glasses of wine in, your phone buzzed. It was the man of the hour.
I’ll be at your place in 10.
Against your better judgement, you opened the door to him in your cutest nightdress with mascara tears running down your face. He didn’t bother with tiramisu this time. Nor did he the next time. And the next time.
To be used by him was better than not having him at all.
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canonfeminine · 1 day
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🌩 ₊˚⊹♫ … Jason Grace x Greek!Reader
in which: A accidently meeting with your boyfriend ends up with him getting his hair dyed. (well.. kinda.)
authors note: guys this is based off this !! I had to do it, it was too much of a cute idea and there was no way I could make that post and just.. not do it, yk??? anyways, the Jason Grace girlys are counting on me to make this good, so I hope I can make you guys proud 😭.
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You might have an hair-dying issues.
I mean, you knew it wasn't the best thing for your hair. You've heard millions of times from your parents, friends, and others, that dying your hair could damage it. But you're a demigod. You also have a 99.99% chance of being wiped out by a monster, so losing a bit of hair couldn't be that bad.
So one day, you tried it. And you loved it. After that, you couldn't stop. It's not like you 'wouldn't be able to live if you didn't dye my hair,' but you liked dying your hair every once in a while.
Actually, it was one of the things that attracted Jason to you.
He thought every color you dyed your hair looked perfect on you, and that the way you acted and dressed made you even more of a charming person. But did he ever say that out-loud? nope. Not until he confessed to you and you two started dating.
Now, this was before you (and the other campers,) found out about the other camp and that Jason wasn't Greek. So for a while, the two of you were able to hang out together and be the cute little lovers you were.
And then he went to the other camp, and went on a bunch of quests, and even though you knew that he had to be the hero he was, you had to admit—you missed him. And Iris messages weren't enough.
But after a while, you got used to it. Or, at least, you got used to him being gone for a long time. Being able to see his face and voice made you smile, and somewhat made you feel better. And when you heard about the defeat of Gaia/Gaea, the idea of being able to see your blonde boyfriend made that need to see him come back.
One day, you were in your cabin's bathroom, dying your hair—you heard a particular voice at the bathroom door.
"What color are you dying your hair now, Carissima?" Jason asked, leaning on the door frame.
"Blonde. Also, since when did you-" You turned your head and you jaw basically dropped.
"Hi, Baby-"
"YOUR HAIR. where is it? what is... where is the fluffiness?" You blinked, and the silence in the room was deadly. "I-I mean, it's cute! you look handsome, Jace. But.. what made you go from pretty boy to pretty military soldier?"
Jason shrugged. "Don't know. After this whole war, I wanted to try something new, y'know?"
"Oh, don't ask me if I know about trying something new. Look at me right now!" You said in a sarcastic tone, pointing to your [ insert color of your choosing ] colored hands.
Jason rolled his eyes, which made you laugh. Honestly, you were surprised you hadn't jumped off the counter you were sitting on and hugged him. But it was probably because the hair part caught you off guard.
"Okay, Uhm, quick question. How important is that shirt to you?"
"... Not that important, why?"
"BECAUSE I HAVEN- because, my love, I haven't seen you in months. I want to give you a hug, obviously." You made a fake angry face.
"Oh. I mean, I'd let you stain any of my shirts anyday if I meant I got a hug from you." He smiled and walked up to the counter. As soon as he came into arm reach, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into a hug.
"Hey, I just thought of something." You lifted your head up. "Wanna hear it?"
"Of course I do." He looked over at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Okay, so what if, and stay with me here—what if you let me dye your hair, but instead of fully dying it, I can make like little hearts.. with my hair dye."
"I mean.. I wouldn't mind if you did. I just don't know if it would, well, look nice on me." Jason admitted.
"Oh, you'll be okay. I have a good feeling you'll look great. Plus, If it comes out looking like trash, i'll make you a hat to wear."
[ time skip ?? ]
Like you said, You knew he would look great. It took awhile for it to get done (because you forced him to tell you all the stories he could about his time on the Argo II,) But seeing him with blue stars in his hair made you giggle.
"Do you like it?" You asked as Jason inspected it in the mirror.
"Sorta. It's not bad, I think it just has to grow on me, y'know?"
"Mhm. But like.. on a scale of one to ten, how much do you like it?"
"Honestly, like a 7.5. But not because you did bad, just because it's new to me." He leaned down and kissed you on the cheek. "Thank you, corculum."
You smiled and kissed his cheek in return. "Your welcome, My love."
For a moment, there was a beat of silence between you two. A comfortable type of silence, not that icky type. "Oh, and the next time you go on a quest—you gotta sneak me with you. I don't think I can go another few months without seeing you."
Jason smiled, wrapping his arms around you. "I'll make sure to remember that. Though, you can't blame me if you get caught."
"I mean, I could.. but I think I love you too much to do so."
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swiftiewillwrite · 1 day
caramel iced coffee -
a spencer agnew fanfic
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pairing - spencer agnew x reader
warnings - none! slight anxiety for like a paragraph :)
a/n - hello!!! ive written a ton of fanfics but only published two, and this is my first published on tumblr! hope yall enjoy !!
You stand behind the counter, muscle memory making your fifth pumpkin spice latte in a row. Oh, how you love fall. Even during your least busy time of day, you still get to spend what feels like forever on overly complicated drinks.
You hand the last one to a teenage girl, looking very apologetic. You give her a smile.
Woah. the man who now stands in front of you was definitely gonna fuck up your work day. He wore thinly framed round glasses and had messy curly hair, plus a beard that you found all too attractive. You attempted to compose yourself. “What can I get you?”
The man stared blankly for a moment, then responded. Must've not gotten a lot of sleep last night. “Uh.. what do you recommend?”
“Oh! I guess I'm kind of a sucker for anything caramel, do you want something hot or cold?”
“Really just make me your favorite, I haven't done this in a while.”
“What, ordered coffee?” you joked, raising an eyebrow.
“Ooh-kay, name for the order?”
“Spencer.” (god, why is it always the s names?)
“Alright Spencer, that will be 5 bucks, just tap or swipe or do whatever, and I'll have that ready for you in just a minute.” you smile, not letting the customer service voice falter, ignoring the unholy visions of what you wanted this man to do to you invading your mind.
You set to work on another overly complicated drink. Usually you would be complaining your ass off to yourself right now, but youre the one who subjected yourself to this. You're too weak when it comes to cute customers.
Working alone on slow days was your favorite kind of shift, because you got to play your own playlist. Today, that was a bit more of a curse as you notice Spencer humming along.
As you placed the lid on the cup, you looked up to the booth where he was waiting. He looked away immediately, as if he had already been staring. You hoped that he was.
Walking out from behind the counter, you set the cup on the table in front of him. “Here you go,”
He smiles softly, uttering a soft thanks. You made your way back to the counter, watching from a distance as he collected his things and walked out of the cafe.
God, you had never wanted a new regular more.
The next morning, he was back. Looking up at the door as the bell rang, you saw him once again. Spencer was wearing a graphic tee, revealing tattoos you hadn't seen yesterday. You felt a smile creep up your face, but a pit form in your stomach with no discernible cause. Before you could get too lost in thought, though, Spencer was at the counter, ready to order.
"Hey,” you smiled, “Are you ready to order for yourself today, or want another surprise?”
He let out a soft laugh, a sound that made your heart leap out of your chest. “If it isn't too much of a burden-,” he started, the last word dripping with sarcasm. “-I would enjoy a surprise drink.”
You sigh dramatically, “Fine,” drawing out the word with childlike brattiness. “Here or to go?”
Spencer said something he never could have if actual thoughts were going through his head:
“Here, but only if you sit with me while I drink,”
Holyshitholyshitholyshit- “Keep trying, maybe you'll get there eventually. Your total is 5.25.” You joked, a smile on your face covering your internal freak out over the fact that you just rejected the hottest guy you had ever seen.
And try he did. Every day, without fail, he came into your cafe, ordered his usual (your usual) and asked you to sit with him. And every day, you were too afraid to say yes.
"Are you sure that you don't want something new?”
“Give me the drink, please.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, but got to work making his drink. For the first time in three weeks, he stayed near the counter as you made it. As you let the coffee brew, you leaned on the counter, looking at him.
“So.. why are you always here so early? Like; this is earlier than all my other usuals,”
“You have other usuals? Wow, and I thought I was special,”
“Yes, I have other usuals. But you might be a favorite.” you smiled at him softly, and he returned the look. “Answer my question, though. Why are you here at like.. Six every day? How early do you work?”
Spencer looked slightly uncomfortable, then spoke. “I actually don't have to be there until 10 most days.”
“Well, I work at this Youtube comedy company, and so the first time I came here was a shoot week, so I did have to be at work by 7 to set up. It's just that when that week ended… I decided to just always get here early.”
“Wait, what company? Also, why? Why not just come later?” you questioned, trying to silence the hopeful voice in your head saying that you were the reason he kept coming back.
“It's less busy at this time. I get to actually talk to you.” What.
“Oh.. that's really sweet, man.” Man? Why would you say that- “I like talking to you too. So where do you work?”
Spencer looked slightly reluctant, but you tried to not read into it. “It's called Smosh,”
You perked up. “No shit? I was obsessed with Smosh when I was younger. Like- I got home from school every day and immediately pulled up whatever was posted that day,” you notice him looking down, and poke his arm, near a tattoo of a thwomp. “Why didn't you want to tell me?”
Spencer looks up at you. “Hmm?”
“You tried to change the topic. What's up?”
He purses his lips, then softly says “I didn't want that to be the only reason you like me. Or- like talking to me. Sorry.”
You open your mouth to respond, to tell him his worries were wrong, but are interrupted by the sound of the bell on the door. You look up and see your favorite coworker. “Hey Zoë! Can you watch the counter for like.. Two minutes for me?”
She raised an eyebrow at you and the man standing next to you. “It's about to get really busy.”
“I know, I know, just- please?” you looked at her, and she must've seen the desperation in your eyes, because she responded-
“Fine. Just be back soon. Love ya.”
You looked at her like she had just saved your life, and turned back to Spencer. “Wanna talk at a table?” Spencer just looked at you like you had grown a second head, but nodded. When you sat down, you started talking again. “I really like talking to you. And I did before you told me you have my childhood dream job. I like your humor and your laugh and your hair. I like your taste in music and movies and I like you.”
Spencer took a moment to collect his words. He couldn't find any, so he just leaned across the table and kissed you. A million thoughts raced through both of your heads, until you heard Zoë cough at you from behind the counter, and pulled away.
“Sorry.” Spencer apologized. You shook your head with a smile, and asked if you could put your number in his phone. He handed you the device, and you pondered for a moment before you put your name in as ‘beautiful sexy perfect human’. You texted yourself a “hey” from his phone, and added his name as ‘spenner’. He took his phone back, immediately letting out a “Shit! I have to get to work.” When he saw the time, and standing up to leave.
You frowned, but as he walked out and let the door close behind him, you sent him a simple two word text.
bye cutie
He was still close enough that you could see him smile through the window when he opened his phone. You turned to the counter to get back to work, when Zoë asked you:
“Was that Spencer Agnew?”
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scorpioriesling · 2 days
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So American
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Pairings: Rhysand x reader
Warnings: this is so fluffy oh my
Summary: Rarely do you get to go back to the continent to visit what you once called “home”, and when you do, your newly discovered mate is happy to accompany you — and learn some of the things that make you who you are (a human), as you’ve already learned things about what it is liek to be fae.
SR’s Note: Bare with me guys… this inspo came from Olivia Rodrigo’s song and I was getting all the giggly, feet kicking vibes. I wanted this one to be about Rhys, and the “continent” in this fic is just going to have to be America because it fits the theme I’m rockin with this time pls ENJOY <3 I apologize for how short it is lol
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"And you... ride them for fun?" You glance sidelong at the male to your left as he thumbs through a flyer, brow furrowed in confusion as he studies a page going over details about your city's amusement park. You can't help but giggle at his contemplation over what humans consider "fun".
"Yes, and a lot of people like to ride rollercoasters for the thrill," you explain. He looses a breath, shaking his head slowly and widening his eyes as he flips the page. The afternoon sun gently casts the sidewalk in a golden glow as you walk the streets of your hometown, finally having time with your lovely mate to show him the place you've always called "home". As a couple moves past you on the sidewalk, you pull Rhys close by his elbow to sidestep them; him blissfully unaware, his nose still buried in the pamphlet he'd picked up from the gas station hours ago.
That in itself was quite the revelation.
"Are you hungry, my dear?" You ask. He finally looks up, and smiles softly at you as he notices your touch on his arm. His hand is placed over yours in an instant, and he nods.
"I am," he says. You approach the crosswalk, and he stops.
"We wait until the red," you say, and he rolls his eyes playfully.
"Oh come now, Y/N -- I've seen a stoplight before," he teases. You scoff, and he earns a swat on the arm.
"Hey! I don't know how much you know or don't about the Continent." You say. He quickly kisses the crown of your head, and as the light flashes red, you make your way across the street. You walk quickly to match his pace, his lethal grace propelling him forward at an almost unmatchable speed.
"So, where shall we dine, my dear?" He questions. You bite your lip in ponderment. Glancing around, you pass storefront after storefront -- none of them quite catching your fancy. That is, until you approach the unmistakeable golden arches. You grin mischieveously.
"Rhysand..." you purr. He grins down at you innocently.
"Yes, darling?"
"Have you ever been to a McDonald's?" You ask.
"Why... no, I don't believe I have-"
*✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
"Rhys, you've got something..." You lick your finger, swiping it across his cheek as you exit the Mickey D's, giggling at your mate's unusual messiness. He grins, chuckling down at you.
"Oh my... what was it?" He asks.
"Ketchup," you grin. Between his practical orgasm over a McDonald's cheeseburger and trying to pay for your food in Prythian currency, you'd say the dinner was... quite eventful, to say the least.
"Well... I can say, I do quite like it. Ketchup, I mean." He tilts his head in thought, and you laugh. "And, McDonald's. Very good choice, Y/N."
"I'm really glad you liked it honey," you say, biting your lip to hold back your smile. "But, that's nothing compared to the fine dining we could have-" He gasps, grapping your hand in his as you continue your walk down the sidewalk.
"You mean to tell me that was not fine dining?" You laugh again, and he smiles at you, gazing into your eyes so intently that you have to pull to the side of the walkway and stop for a moment to return the sentiment.
"No, silly," you say between chuckles. His intense gaze lingers, and he pulls you close to press a kiss to your lips, smiling into you as he does. You wrap your arms around his neck, not caring about the looks you get from the numerous passerbys.
"I'll never tire of hearing that laugh," he says, pulling back slightly. You stare up at him, and his hands brush up and down your sides. Standing on your tip toes, you press a kiss to his cheek before he takes your hand in his once more, pulling you close to soon wrap it around the small of your waist.
"Just wait until I expose you to ice cream-"
"There's... ice cream to be had?"
*✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
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