#and he's this absolute sweetheart who's all cute and flirty?
softquietsteadylove · 6 months
can you write thenamesh The Tourist AU pls? if you can’t/don’t want to it’s totally alright i love your work anyway <3💌
Gil just stared. He couldn't believe it, and he was seeing it. But this woman - the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on in his life - just...sat right down. He looked around a little, trying to see if she had mistaken him for someone else. But she was looking right at him. "Uh, h-hello."
"Hello." God, even her voice was gorgeous. He closed his lame little spy book on the table between their seats. "I'm Thena. What's your name?"
"That's a terrible name."
"It's the only one I've got," he shrugged sheepishly, and she smiled. This was different from the smile she had sat down with, too. This was more genuine seeming (cuter). "It's short for Gilgamesh."
"Hm," the woman's eyes dashed down to the table for a second before coming back up to him. "Better."
It was still the only name he had. "So, uh, what brings you to Venice?"
She eyed him, and then those killer eyes floated a little away from him too. She still seemed to be looking for someone, even if he was the one on whom she had settled. "Meeting someone."
"Ah." Of course--of course the positively stunning woman was already meeting someone. Probably a husband, if not a very handsome partner. He watched as she peeled her gloves off.
She didn't have a ring on. "And you?"
"Hm?" he blinked, still borderline dizzy from the appearance of this woman in his life.
"What brings you here," she paused, her perfect lips forming his name before it was spoken aloud, "Gilgamesh?"
"Just Gil," he corrected her and then immediately shook his head. She smiled again, though--that more real one. He smiled too, somewhat encouraged. "I'm just a tourist, really."
She tilted her head at him. "Just a tourist?"
Gil blushed faintly, fiddling with the worn and frayed edge of his book cover. "I teach."
"Here for summer break, is it?"
"Something like that," he chuckled, looking at her hands again. It was entirely possible that she simply didn't feel the need to wear one. Or perhaps they had been together so long it was a formality. But he couldn't help but tilt his head right back at her.
He shrugged, shaking his head faintly. "Look, far be it from me to ask a lady this. But you seem...I dunno, a little lonely?--or something."
But she smiled at him again, although it was back to being that faker one. It did seem a little sad, though. "Aren't we all?"
He was a single teacher taking a train to Venice alone, who was he to talk? "Yeah, I guess we are."
Definitely not. "Nothing of the sort. You?"
She looked down at her hands too, and maybe the lack of ring was not entirely by choice. "That has yet to be seen."
Were they going to be engaged? Or maybe was she was going to break things off, offer some dramatic ultimatum.
"Invite me to dinner, Gil."
He liked how she said Gil. It sounded so gentle and warm off her lips. Truly stunning lips. He cleared his throat, "would you like to have dinner?"
"Don't phrase it as a question."
"You said ask you to dinner."
"I said to invite me to dinner," she countered, and hints of the smile were returning. She was a woman who knew what she was after (god he liked that). "Try again."
He laughed, but sure, he gave it another shot. "Have dinner with me."
"Too demanding." Okay, now he was pretty sure she was just having some fun with him. "You are not summoning me. Again."
He sighed and rolled his eyes, and he did get a more genuine laugh out of her. Y'know what?--so long as she was having fun, maybe this wasn't so bad. "Uh...dinner?"
"Still a question," she borderline teased him. She leaned forward in her seat faintly, "once more."
One more shot to have dinner with the woman of his dreams. He straightened up in his seat, rolled his shoulders back and tugged at his sports coat. She seemed to respond to this, mirroring his posture. "I'm having dinner, if you care to join me."
Now the smile was back, and in full force. She smiled with all her teeth, which was really cute. She had a very pretty smile for an even more beautiful face. But he got the distinct impression there was a lot more to her than her looks.
"I would be delighted."
"Well then," Gil nodded, tapping his fingers against the edge of the table and its white table cloth. He still didn't know what made her come over to him, and ask him to dinner (or ask him to ask her to dinner, more like). But he smiled, "shall we?"
"Lets," she agreed. She was waiting for him to make the first move again.
Okay, sure; Gil stood, adjusting his plain old blazer and tugging at the sleeves to make sure they were straight. He was a little underdressed compared to Thena in her stark white dress and fancy gloves. But he held his hand out for her, "madame?"
"Enchante," she smiled, slipping her hand into his to stand as well. Her eyes darted around a little over his shoulder but perhaps he was being paranoid thanks to his silly spy book. "Have you had the food board?"
"From Padua to here," he nodded as he led them in the direction of the dining car. How she walked in those heels was beyond him, even if the train was pretty smooth a ride. "It's not bad."
"Padua," she mused and them grinned at him again, "you really are a tourist."
He pinked again, and he was beginning to think she just enjoyed flustering him. "Where are you coming from?"
She did that thing where she kind of scanned behind around them again before answering, "Paris."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes, "overrated. And you call me the tourist."
She tugged at his sleeve faintly, as if to admonish him, "you're the American."
He chuckled, "guilty."
"Not yet," she whispered as she moved in the train aisle to walk ahead of him. He was about to ask her about it when she turned back to him, "are you ready for this?"
He wasn't entirely sure what she was asking about, but he was damn ready to find out.
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dickgraysonsbitch · 24 days
shopping with the batboys ( + bruce )
to my pineapple pizza haters: know you are valid
warnings: none | divider by @cafekitsune | requests open!
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With DICK GRAYSON, the most mundane of shopping trips turns into an expedition—leaving your heart rushing and blood pounding. He shoots you a flirty wink before steadying the grip on his shopping cart. “Ready, sweetheart? Because I don’t think you are. I’ve got the bread isle memorized like the back of my—”
“Go!” You exclaim, snorting when you see the shocked expression on his face, like he wasn’t expecting you to cheat to try to beat him. Hey, he was a super-fit vigilante, how else were you going to get a head start against Nightwing? Pushing off of a rack of magazines, you let out a shout of victory as you grab the milk from the fridge. One down, two to go. You quickly place the eggs into your cart, but not before you make eye contact with your menace of a boyfriend, who smirks at you before grabbing the last bag of whole wheat bread. Damn, he really did have the bread isle memorized like the back of his hand, didn’t he?
He bats his eyelashes at you innocently, but not before flashing you a crooked grin. “I think that’s three, sweetheart. 3-2, if you know what I mean, so…” he smiles, but there’s a glint of mirth in his eyes that absolutely melts your heart.
“I’m still calling a foul. It’s your walk-in pantry, and there’s no way that you didn’t have an advantage over me.” You huff, crossing your arms, trying to replicate the cute-but-hurt puppy dog eyes that Dick seemed to have mastered.
He shook his head, chuckling to himself. “Sorry, but a deal’s a deal. I mean, I guess you could go back on it, but…” he looks up at you, with those eyes that could melt even the coldest of hearts, and probably a physical ice statue as well.
“Fine,” you grumble. “We can have pineapple on your stupid pizza. Do you want cereal for dessert?” The last question is supposed to be sarcastic, but the light in his eyes shifts from mischievous to downright carnal.
“Actually, I was thinking of having something else for dessert.”
Oh, boy.
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You always knew that JASON TODD was going to spoil you rotten, and that was before you found out that he could cook. It wasn’t fair, actually, that he was probably the most gorgeous, intelligent, and caring person that you knew, all while being kick-ass and super talented at… basically everything. To some, God gave in abundance. Sighing dramatically, you propped yourself on his shoulder and leaned against him with your elbows.
His eyes twinkled at your new position. “What’s wrong, princess? Tacos not your scene anymore?” He was lying, obviously, because you demolished tacos like they were your last meal and you were on death row, but you still huffed and buried your face in his bicep.
“Jus’ thinking ‘bout how fuckin’ perfect you are, Jay,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by the muscle that somehow managed to stay defined under a leather jacket. “You’re really awesome, you know that? I’ve never met someone as amazing as you. They should put a picture of you up at the Met—‘cause you’re a work of art, baby.”
It’s obvious that he’s holding back laughter, from the way that his broad shoulders are shaking, but something inspires him to keep entertaining this though. Probably your endless supply of charm. “Yeah, babe? I knew you wanted me just for my pretty face.” It’s interesting, honestly, how his relationship with you made him more comfortable with… all parts of himself.
You slap his chest, (not that it does anything), a s pout, your brows furrowed. “You’re not funny.” He send you a soft smile, something that should be uncharacteristic for a man of his size, but it works on you, like it usually does.
He presses his lips together before hoisting you up onto an empty display, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear and out of your face. “Well then, it’s a good thing I’m pretty.” Within a minute of staring at your unamused face, he’s howling in laughter, snickering to himself like he’s the comedian of the year.
And without a moment of warning, you’re sealing his lips with a kiss, sending a tingle all the way to the tips of your fingers, and he’s parting his lips to deepen it even further. His hands palm just above your ass, and you gaze at him with half-lidded eyes, softly running your thumb over his rough cheek, and it feels like paradise until—
“Hey! I thought this was a roommates only grocery trip?”
You and Jason both roll your eyes at the voice, and with varying levels of intensity, reply in unison.
“Shut up, Roy!”
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Nothing made you shiver like the husky, low voice of BRUCE WAYNE whispering in your ear from behind you. It was an action that sent your poor heart into overdrive, but here, in this shop that was clearly out of your tax bracket (they had mannequins for diamond embellished puppy collars, for God’s sake) it was as if he was doing it just to show that you were at his mercy.
Not a bad place to be, if you thought about it.
“Try on the dress,” his voice is baritone, and he isn’t using his usual, suave business tone. No, this is the voice he uses when he wants something, and when he’s sure that he’s going to get it. It was like a spell was cast on you, and all you wanted to do was exactly what he said. You weren’t sure you really needed a spell for that anyway.
But still, you hesitated. The dress in question was an Oscar de la Renta mermaid cut gown, in pitch black, no doubt matching Bruce’s own personal aesthetic. The only hesitation? The price. You balked instantly when you glanced at the bill for the first time. Shit, you knew that a custom made dress that didn’t even have a tag on it would be more than your yearly rent. “It’s… 15,000 dollars! Bruce, I can’t accept this.”
He frowned, making you notice the soft wrinkles starting to appear on his face. God, that man took way too much stress for his own good. You’d tried warning against it, but when did he ever listen to anyone but himself (and Alfred)?
“Pocket change, darling. And it’s your first gala, I don’t want you to be wearing something you’ve worn before.” He lightly rubs his fingers against your waist, a promise of something else to come once you accept.
“It’s…” you look down. “It’s a lot. Are you sure?”
“Never been surer. Now, why don’t you look at matching jewelry?”
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buckyalpine · 7 months
Hello Shay ! I’ve been loving the civilian!reader fics, and I had an idea for a fic like that, but with a twist 🫣 reader is bucky’s sweet civilian gf, literal definition of sunshine, basically a lover, not a fighter. She’s a ballet teacher at a local studio (hint hint wink wink). And she lives with him and the team at the tower. One night, while the team is out on a mission, Hydra ambushes the tower and tries to take the reader hostage. And when they learn about it, they rush back home in order to save her. Meanwhile, Bucky and Tony check the footage just to see his precious sweet girl absolutely kicking ass. And I mean hardcore, like she even does the entire widow thigh-neck move. And everyone is like??? And Bucky’s just absolutely fucking HORNY bc “hell I’ve been in between those thighs so many times, you’re telling me I could’ve DIED???”
okay YESSSSS we live for a badass gf who appears to be nothing but sweet sunshine and killer on the inside. Fluffy fluffy and smutty smutty
"Be back soon, darling" Bucky cooed, kissing you again and again while everyone boarded the jet, getting in a few more pecks before having to leave on a mission.
"C'mon lover boy, the faster we get going, the faster you get back to your sweetheart!" Tony yelled, shaking his head watching Bucky look a you with puppy eyes, not wanting to leave his sunshine behind. "He's so down bad, I swear"
"Can you blame him, she's so cute" Sam smiled, watching the two of you cling onto each other for a few extra seconds, your form hidden, engulphed in Bucky's thick arms. "Look, you can't even see her when tin man hugs her"
"I'll miss you baby" you kissed Bucky's pouty lips, caressing his scruffy cheek before letting him run off, your cheeks heating up when he blew you another kiss before the doors closed.
"You're a little sap" Nat teased while Bucky blushed, strapping on his gear as the engine roared to life, rumbling as they took off. Bucky had 0 shame in everyone knowing how much he loved you and it started from the day he met you. He got called out immediately, questioned over the dopey smile he had on his face, the blush on his cheeks instantly giving him away.
Soon after you'd started dating, Bucky wanted you closer to him and he didn't have to ask Tony twice; his room was moved to a floor above so you'd have more space to live together. The last thing Bucky wanted was for you to get hurt because of his job. He felt more relaxed knowing you were in he safety of the compound on days where he was away.
"Who would've thought Bucky would be the romantic type"
"I did" Steve groaned, having seen Bucky's flirty side for years but he knew this was different. He hadn't seen his bestfriend like this before, clearly in utterly and desperately in love with you.
"It's adorable" Sam laughed while Bucky continued to smile, scrolling through his phone looking at pictures of you. His camera rolled was filled with various images of you baking, cuddling, sleeping, doing the most mundane things in the world, each making his heart flutter. He felt a pang in his chest, momentarily worried about if you were safe without him, the same anxiety he always felt whenever he had to leave you.
You stretched across the sofa, sipping on some hot chocolate and putting on your favorite comfort movie, deciding to have a relaxing night to yourself since the compound was empty. You didn't like when Bucky had to leave but you knew it was part of his job, slipping the fuzzy throw blanket over you shoulders before hitting play.
It had hardly been a few minutes before the screen went black making you blink, wondering if you'd sat on the remote by accident. Suddenly the rest of the lights turned off, a blasting sound coming from the entrance before you heard rushed footsteps nearing you.
Your heart started to race, having no time to hide or think, coming face to face with a number of masked men all towering over you. One grabbed you, pulling out a camera and hitting record, shoving it close to your face with a sinister smile.
"Look who we have, soldat"
The jet hadn't been flying for long, a sudden beeping alarm from the security system alerting Tony to check the cameras. His eyes grew wide, seeing the Hydra logo take over the screen before switching the live footage from the hacked system.
"Guys! There's been an attack on the compound!" Tony shouted from the computer, everyone rushing to see what came on screen, billows of smoke emitting from the main wing. Suddenly the screen went black, replaced with a man swearing a black mask, walking around the common room.
"Welcome Mr. Stark" His voice was thick with a Russian accent, the video panning to show the other agents infiltrating the tower. "Where is our soldat"
"You stay the fuck away from my girl" Bucky growled, his heart hammering in his chest, nearly crying when he saw someone grab you and shove you into a chair.
"She's precious to you, isn't she. We'll see you soon" he laughed, before the stream cut off leaving Bucky wanting to scream in frustrating, anxiety clouding all his thoughts, just wanting to get back to you to protect you.
"We have to go help her!" Bucky paced up and down while Tony rerouted the jet, speeding back to save you. "How the fuck do I know what's going on, there has to be something" He pleaded, hating that he no longer had eyes on you.
"Hold on, let me get into the back up feed" Tony tapped away at different keys, getting into the security system, selecting the camera for the common room where you were being held. "Here, I got it! I-Holy shit..."
The sound of screaming screeched through the speaker but it wasn't coming from you.
"B-Barnes, you're girl just killed someone with her thighs" Tony stared at the footage with wide eyes while Bucky and the others watching in awe as your legs wrapped around one of the agents' heads, snapping his neck before flipping over and attacking another one of your assailants.
Bucky nearly choked, watching the men drop to the floor like flies, your arms and legs holding onto the men with a vice like grip until they fell, hardly breaking a sweat each time.
"Do you understand how many time's I've been in between those thighs, you're telling me she could've killed me?!!" Bucky practically moaned, seeing you fight, all his anxiety melting into lust, his cock straining against the thick material of his tac suit.
"Jesus Bucky, you're gonna poke an eye out" Sam's face scrunched up while Bucky adjusted himself, biting his lip to keep from making a sound, his tip leaking, breathing out a sigh of relief seeing you perfectly safe.
"Can't help me, look at her. Better count me out for movie night, m'gonna spent the whole night fuckin'-
"Okay, got it, you're a ridiculous, horny, pervert, and y/n probably won't walk for a week, will you please put that away" Sam shook his head, walking away when he tent in Bucky's pants got worse.
"I'm sorry, we've been housing a Hydra killer all this time?" Tony shook his head as the jet landed, still in disbelief over what everyone had just seen, both impressed and 100% scared of what else you were capable of. "You sure know how to pick em' Barnes"
As soon as the jet hit the floor, Bucky was sprinting off into he compound, running to find you, relief flooding his veins when he saw you sipping on your tea, seated on the couch again. You jumped up from your spot, jumping into your boyfriends arms, clinging onto him while the others also entered, glad to see you were okay. They got to work, clearing up the room, rounding up the few agents that were knocked out for questioning while also giving you and Bucky some privacy.
"Babygirl" Bucky hugged you tightly in his arms, burying his face into your neck, inhaling your soft scent, hoisting you up so your legs were wrapped around his waist. "Are you okay doll, are you hurt?"
"I'm fine Bucky" you reassured him, pecking his soft lips, letting him check you over before feeling satisfied you were okay, not finding a scratch on your body.
"Everything okay Buck?" you cocked your head noticing your boyfriends shift in demeanor, his soft baby blue eyes darkening into something else, biting his lip.
"Baby, I had to hold back from pulling my cock out on the jet and touching myself, you know how much that hurt? How hard I was the entire time, struggling not to jet my dick off watching how sexy you looked" He walked you up to your shared bedroom, his erection shamelessly pushing against your clothed core, not bothering to hide it one bit. "Where have you been hiding all that princess"
"Not hiding Bucky, just-never needed to do that" You shrugged shyly, squeezing your thigs around his waist playfully, making him groan as he dropped you on the bed.
"Can't wait to keep my face between these pretty legs that could kill me" He groaned, slicing your clothes off with his pocket knife before diving in without a care in the world, eating you like a man starved, tapping your thighs to wrap around his head.
"C'mon doll, squeeze em'" he moaned, humping against the bed feeling your muscles flex, his eyes rolling back, nearly cumming against the mattress at the strength he could feel, knowing you were holding back from hurting him.
you could kill him if you want.
Fuck, he was going to cum so fast.
"Oh god! Bucky!! PLease! D-DOn't STOP"
"That's it gorgeous, so good to me, so fuckin' pretty. won't last baby, gonna cum for you!"
"They're going at it like rabbits, didn't you sound proof their room after the first incident?"
"I did. This is after the sound proofing"
"Gonna fuck your thighs next baby, you got my cock so hard, almost creamed my pants like a teenager watching, you, oh shit-shit-m'so sensitive, keep clenching around my dick, that's it-fuckkk"
"Jesus christ, it's been an hour"
"Did you forget he has the super soldier serum? They're not gonna stop any time soon"
"Gonna fucking cum for you y/n, OH FUCK YESSS you're so sexy when you fight baby, m'gonna fuckin' cum again, I can't stop"
"He's really gonna go all night, isn't he"
"Can you blame him?"
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luvh4nji · 10 months
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warning: none really, reader is shorter than yeonjun and soobin, soobin's also refers to reader as a "girl"
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yeonjun ; he's absolutely a flirty drunk. he's the type to be all over you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close into his side, leaning down to whisper little compliments in your ear and try to get you to come home with him, not really remembering that you are, in fact, already together and live together.
"you're so gorgeous." he'd mumble in your ear, words slurring a little, the hot breath against the shell of your ear making you giggle and look up at him. "so, so pretty. d'you have a boyfriend?" and you'd just laugh, wrapping an arm around his middle, helping keep him upright, telling him that yes, you do, which makes him so pouty for the rest of the night until you tell him that he's the boyfriend. then he gets so, so clingy, trying to ward off any man in the vicinity that gets near you with what he thinks is an intimidating look until you take him home.
soobin ; he seems like an emotional drunk. he's the type to sit close to you all night, wrapping you up in his big frame and tucking you into his chest, cooing over how cute you are and how he can't believe how lucky he is to have someone so pretty with him. and as the night goes on it only gets better worse; he's moved on to telling you how much he loves you, how much you help him when he feels bad and things get rough, how happy he is to have someone who he can take care of and who takes care of him.
"you're it for me, sweetheart, i'm so serious." he'd mumble, his words muffled from where his lips are pressed on the crown of your head. "i don't know what i'd do without you, you're my baby, my sweet girl." and he just keeps rambling and kissing on you until he's close to passing out and you take him home.
beomgyu ; he seems like the type to get quiet. not necessarily emotional, just quiet. he's the type to sit off to the side and observe, especially if you were in public, like at a bar. his cheeks are all rosy and his gaze a little dazed, and he gets so happy when you come over to sit with him, throwing you a bright smile that reaches his eyes. he's definitely the type to want to go home early too, grabbing your hand a dragging you out of the bar.
"it was too loud in there." he pouts, his grip on your hand tightening as he motions in the direction of your apartment. "jus' want it to be the two of us. no one else." and he's pulling you close, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, while you wrap an arm around his middle, trying to convince him to let you order an uber before he pulls you down the street.
taehyun ; honestly, he doesn't seem like the type to drink that much. he gets tipsy, at most, before he stops drinking for the night. he'd look after you when you drink, keeping a close eye on you throughout the night. and even when he does end up drinking a lot, he seems like the type to be able to handle his alcohol well. the only indication you'd get of him being drunk would be the flush on his cheeks.
"...and then my boss hands me the file back... after i'd spilled coffee on it and told him it was a new filing process for... for our documents... and told me he — he liked my idea." you tell him, finishing your story through hiccups and slurred words. and taehyun's just watching you with this lovestruck look on his face, giving you his full attention, with the softest, fondest look you've ever seen on him. "sounds like you got your work cut out for you, baby." he'd reply, pressing a kiss to your forehead, his touch soft and tender <3
hueningkai ; he gets so loud. especially if it was just you and him at your place. he's the type to pull you into his side, laughing loudly at whatever's in front of him, or whatever thought passes his mind. and when he turns to look at you, he gets this look in his eye, before tacking you to the ground, asking you to wrestle him just for the fun of it.
"c'mon, you gotta get stronger." he'd joke, his fingers finding your sides and digging in, laughing along with you in that loud way he does as you half-heartedly try to push him off of you. and he looks so cute, so happy with his reddened cheeks and hazy eyes, you can't help but lean up and press a kiss to his plush lips, smiling with him when he starts giggling.
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
hiiiii!!!! so i’m thinking of a velvette fic where u meet the vees after having dated her for a bit (a few weeks maybe). you hate them. you think they’re creepy and just assholes, even for being in hell. (you’re a bit more wholesome but yk still a sinner) like you just do NOT like the guys. you’re super worried abt velvette’s reaction to that fact so u try to sugar coat it but she’s just like “thank lucifer! i didn’t want them to be creepy bad influences on u!” and u’re both super relieved. i love her.
Heeyyyy I was wondering when you’d send in a Velvette request ☺️ you got it friend! Enjoyyyy~
TW: Val being a perv 😎 for like one second tho, Velvette gets a bit suggestive,?? Lots of cussing lol
The Only V For Me 💜
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“AAHHH!!! Darling, you’re finally here! How was the drive? How was the driver?” Velvette watches as you walk through the doorway of her studio, looking around with big doe eyes at all the bright lights and flashy outfits and really beautiful model demons.
“Velvette!” Before you can say anything more, she’s pulling you into a a deadly tight hug. “It was actually…like way too much, babe. You don’t have to do all that fancy shit for me, ya know? But…yes, it was really nice. Thank you.” Velvette offers you a cheeky smirk followed by a quick kiss to the cheek.
Your darling girlfriend snaps her fingers and yells out a command to one of her assistants. “You! Come here.” She makes a ‘come here’ motion with her finger as she turns her attention back to you, her lips upturned into a smile again, “Are you thirsty? Hungry? Anything you need, you tell her.” She points to her assistant who is now right at your side. “Anything my darling asks for, you get it.” She gives the worker an intimidating glare before winking at you.
“Let me show you around!” Velvette puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you along, pointing things out, explaining them. She is absolutely beaming with pride right now, glancing at you often to see your reaction. As you pass a mannequin clad in a really nice outfit, a gasp comes from Velvette. “Oh my! You know who would look absolutely stunning in this little number?” And now she’s flashing you this flirty grin and her bright red eyes are looking you up and down. Suddenly her smooth demeanor dropped as she grumbled under her breath a bit then sighed deeply.
“Oh, who am I kidding. With Vox and Val both here today, if I dress you in anything more appealing than what you’ve got on now, they will definitely try to steal you from me. You already look too cute…” This pulls a laugh from you but your laugh stops suddenly, stuck in your throat when you see how serious her expression is at the moment.
“Wait. What? What do you mean-“ And suddenly the doors swing open, slamming into the walls behind them as an extremely tall, blue-skinned individual with big red heart shaped glass quickly approaches Velvette, towering over both of you.
“WHERE THE HELL IS VOX?! I’ve been looking for that flat faced fuck all day.” He growls out and you take note of the fact that Velvette doesn’t flinch a bit. “Why the hell are you asking me? If he was here, you’d have found him already.” She snaps back and as the angry man before you was about to screech out another sentence, his expression softened rather quickly as his eyes fell on you.
“Why hello~ who do you have here? Wow! What a gorgeous creature you are. I’m Valentino. What’s your name, sweetheart?” One of his hands slips into yours and as he goes to lift your hand to his lips, Velvette pushes him so hard he nearly falls over.
“Their name is (Y/N), alright? And they are MINE. Now back off, Val.” She hisses in response, now tightly holding your hand, the hand that Val was holding just a second ago. “WHOO! Alright. My apologies, dear. Didn’t know this one was all yours. But I mean FUCK! They just have such nice lips! I mean, look at that mouth. You have the perfect pair of dick sucking li-“
Velvette shouts over him, “SHUT IT!!! You’re actually so vile. Get out of here, Valentino! You’re freaking out my babe.” She gives him another shove, making him frown angrily at her before he stomps off, probably punching a wall or kicking something over as he leaves. Oh, he definitely slams the door again too.
“Alrighty! Where were we?” Velvette seems to relax a bit more, going back to a more chipper and excited attitude as she again shows off all of her impressive work to you. She even got a few models to come do a little show just for you, all of them casually posing and showing off different outfits. Velvette kept asking your opinion, begging you to be ‘bloody honest’ with her.
“Oh, darling! You just have to come over one night and let me dress you up, just us two! Hmm~ I could dress you up and then maybe even…undress you again.” Just as your girlfriend started to flirt with you and as you started to feel more comfortable in this environment-
“Velvette! Happy Friday. Have you seen Val? I haven’t been able to reach him all day. I’m-“ The strong, electric voice that sounded from behind you two made you jump a bit and brought a frightening grimace to Velvette’s face.
“Oh~ Hello. (Y/N), right? Pleased to meet you! I was wondering when our precious like Velvette was gonna bring her play thing over. I’m Vox, creator of Voxtech. You know, on the late night talk show…and the morning talk show. I’m also the news anchor.” He doesn’t really offer you his hand, he more so just reached out and grasps your hand in his, giving it a rapid shaking.
His grip on your hand hurts a bit and the smug smirk on his face makes you somewhat intimidated by him. Vox just…gives you the creeps even more than Valentino did and he basically verbally assaulted you. Before you can even come up with a response to him-
“Yes, yes, yes. Everyone knoWS WHO YOU ARE, YOU PRICK. NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” And now Velvette looks kind of scary, like so pissed off and annoyed that she looks like she could actually kill someone right now. The someone preferably being Vox. Her bright red eyes glow with rage and irritation, her pretty lips now turned into a deep scowl.
As she yells in his face, his expression drops to one of annoyance and exhaustion. “Where’s Val?” Velvette groans before responding. “You’ve got to be fuckin kidding me! He just left, looking for you. Look on your stupid little cameras and find him and go tell him to STOP SLAMMING MY DOORS OR IM GONNA-“
Not that Velvette scared you but…she looked pretty upset right now and her yelling is enough to put anyone into a slight panic. So you slip you hand around her bicep, gently pulling her tense arm back a bit so you could comfortably slide your hand down to hers, interlocking your fingers. Her words stopped in their tracks, your tender touch almost making her flinch. Her head whipped around and she looked at you for a good few seconds, a smile slowly growing on her lips. She turns back to the screen-faced man, her smile not faltering this time.
“Off you go.” Velvette quite literally shoos him away with a wave of her hand as her other hand snakes its way around your waist and back until her arm is fully wrapped around you and you’re pressed into her side. She turns her back on Vox, determined to keep her full attention on you for the rest of the day. You’re too distracted by her embrace to notice if Vox had even left or not.
You clear your throat. “Babe…?” “Yes, love?” “Don’t get mad.” You look at her with a serious expression, causing her to blink in confusion. “Mad at you? Never. What’s on your mind?” Velvette pulled away from you for just a second then she faced you and held both your hands in her own.
“I feel…extremely uncomfortable here. Specifically, with Valentino and Vox. I-I…I’m sorry I just…I don’t like them…very much…they scare me.” Velvette chuckles before you can finish your sentence and you’re not sure if you should be relieved or even more worried. Suddenly, she pulls you into a tight hug, her hands rubbing big circles all over your back.
“Ugh, I’m so terribly sorry, darling. Truly, I figured those two would be busy on a Saturday, too busy to be bothering us already.” She turns her head to kiss your cheek then pulls you in even closer. “Fuck! I’m actually so relieved you said that. Those two are so terrible…truly, irresponsible! I mean it when I say I’m the backbone of the Vs okay? Those two pussies would fall apart in a matter of hours without me! Ugh they can’t even keep it together for one day!” “Babe…” You try to calm her again, seeing how worked up she gets having to constantly deal with her work partners.
With her attention solely on you, she softly says, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. What do you want to do next, hm? We can go somewhere. Anywhere. Just say the words.” Her long fingers gently graze the skin of your cheek, causing you to become a bit flustered. It’s almost baffling how she can be so cold and cruel to everyone around her except you. You were her only weakness, and she doesn’t mind one bit. She loves you endlessly. She wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in Hell.
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kaicubus · 10 months
Dating Steven Conklin
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₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ───────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ─────────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊
warnings ✩° : fluff headcanons.
pairing ✩° : steven conklin x gn!reader
authors note ✩° : just watched episode 6 guys i am in shambles. STEVEN IS SO UNDERRATED!!! love him fr!! his little dance in season one at the ball made me REAGJJJJJHHHHHHHHH!!! also princeton colors for him thehe!!
Steven Conklin is the kind of boyfriend who's full of surprises but is also super predictable. Like, you know when he's about to do something stupid, but you just never know what he's going to end up doing.
He is one of the girlies.
Steven will do anything to impress you, even if it makes him look like an absolute idiot.
Doesn't let you walk on the side of the sidewalk close to the road. If you end up on that side, Steven will grab your wrist and pull you next to him that way he's next to the road instead.
Since he's Belly's older brother, he's just naturally protective. After seeing him interact with his sister, you thought he couldn't get more protective, but you were wrong.
If he doesn't like something you say during a conversation, Steven will playfully push you away with his hand on your face—like I'm talking full on, palm over your face—to get you to stop talking.
Steven is super competitive, and because of this, he WILL get on your nerves, it's pretty much inevitable.
Being with Steven means you're instant best friends with Belly! She's such a sweetheart and treats you like you're family, she doesn't judge you at all and actually includes you in things (regardless of if it includes Steven too) and loves spending time with you.
Steven loves pulling you into hugs by your shoulder first. His hugs are super strong too, so every time he hugs you, it sort of knocks the wind out of you, which he always laughs at.
He's the definition of 'treats you different in public and in private.' Steven treats you like a friend in public, not to the point where he pushes you away, but he's definitely more platonic towards you in front of your friends, but in private he's extra EXTRA loving and cute.
Steven's love language is receiving/giving gifts. He absolutely loves spoiling you and buying you things to the point where he gained a sort of sixth sense to pick up on extremely subtle hints that you give him and end up giving it to you the next day.
He also just really likes being thought of, so you can never go wrong with giving him something he likes, even if that's his favorite drink half empty, he's so appreciative.
"No way, Y/n! Did you actually get me my favorite—and it's almost gone! Wow, you saved me some this time! Thank you!"
When Steven kisses you, he's the one to initiate it. He'll hold your face and guide you so you can keep up with him, and he's even sure to hook his thumb and pointer finger around the shell of your ear, grazing past your hair to get as close as possible to you.
Even if you don't ask for it, Steven will give you a nickname, or seven, ranging in alterations of your name, your nickname used by everyone, to a really obscure inside joke that no one would understand. It doesn't matter if it's embarrassing because Steven will just blurt it out in front of everyone, you'll just have to get used to it.
He's not the jealous type, in fact he's very secure with himself...but! If he ever sees you talking alone with someone else he gets potentially flirty vibes from, he'll fully insert himself. Even when it's very clear he's not wanted. Hell, he'll even do so much as to wrap his arm around them and scream at the top of his lungs at how they should become 'best friends' since he 'feels a connection.' He'll just be so friendly to the point where the person gets uncomfortable and leaves.
Steven makes you laugh even when you don't want to, it's sort of his way to worm his way out of a tough spot if you guys get in an argument. (Of course after lightening the mood, he'll be serious).
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aajjks · 2 years
Scream, Baby. (m)
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synopsis. He had a lot of victims but unfortunately, you became the victim of his love.
pairing: yan!ghostface!jungkook x fem!reader.
warnings: YANDERE, extreme themes, horror, mentions of bl*od, killi*gs, m*rders, d-ad bodies, self h-rm, obsession, unstable behaviour, possessiveness, unhealthy way of “loving”, manipulation, triggering themes.
part of @taetaecherub’s fear festival! ^^ please check out the other fics as well, all of them are a treat!!! 😭🙏
note. HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYS. the collab finally comes to an end 💔 I had so much fun with all of the girls and the fics???? Oh my gosh. I had the chance to work with so many amazing writers. thanks neon for hosting the collab. I Hope you all will love this, leave feedback please? ENJOY.
wc. roughly around 3k
*not edited*
taglist. [will be added later]
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Spending his time with you was his favourite part of the day, Jungkook adored you so much, you were his favourite, his favourite person, You were his only best friend.
“Jungkook! Not again, seriously?!” You whined, your voice like honey to him, Jungkook turned his head to look at you sitting on the couch right beside him.
He smiled. “What Y/N?” He knew but he just loved to hear your voice, so much.
He watched you as you rolled your eyes at him, Jungkook couldn’t help but smile.
You were just so cute.
“Another horror movie?! Gosh! JK, I seriously don’t get your obsession with them!” Jungkook clicked his tongue, looking at you with a lazy gaze.
“You know I love them almost as much as I love you, sweetheart.” He winked, flirty tone dripping from his lips.
You suck your teeth in. “Ehh you’re so bad at flirting,” laughing, you grab the remote from his hands.
Catching him off guard.
“But first… I want to watch the news.” It was Jungkook’s turn to roll his eyes, not at you though, never you.
Just at the upcoming situation.
Jungkook sighed, watching you change channels after channels until you come across your favourite one.
“One body has been found at the downtown Derryviles alley, the victim has been unable to be identified due to the disfigured face.” The news reporters voice echoed in Jungkook’s ears, his eyes glued on the T.V screen.
He remembered that so clearly. How could he not? He never forgot.
“This is the 34th victim killed with the same pattern. An unknown knife type used to stab the victim 17 times in the gut and disfiguring of the face.”
You gasped.
“JUNGKOOK?!” The man almost jumped from the couch at your loud voice. He turned his head towards your direction.
Your E/C eyes filled with fear and shock, you look at him like he’s the one who’s done this.
He is the one.
“W-What Y/N?!” Jungkook stuttered, avoiding your eyes. It was like you could see right through him, it was like you could see all of the things he’d done that night.
“I-It happened near the café…kook.” Your tone was wavy, Jungkook’s eyes softened, you were scared.
You were scared of him.
“I-I can’t believe this…. Th-This psycho killer is absolutely nuts!” You bite your lip, if your expression wasn’t so lovely, he would feel a little insulted.
You wouldn’t understand him even if he told you.
“O-Oh my god…. W-What if that killer kills me next!!?”
“ARE YOU STUPID?!” Jungkook cut you off. He grabbed your body and shook your shoulders, his eyes were wide.
How could you even think that?
Jungkook stared deeply into your eyes, his gaze filled with a dark glint, he chewed on his lower lip. You noticed a change in his demeanour.
He was being weird.
“I’ll always protect you! N-Nothing will ever harm you- I-I won’t let it! Don’t worry!” He sighed deeply.
“Are you okay, kook?”
He blinked, “I-I just don’t want you to be scared, Y/N.” Jungkook smiled, his shoulders relaxed, you noticed. 
He was always a weirdo, you loved him for that. But his reaction was quite actually weird. But then again, it was your friend, jungkook.
“And didn’t you notice? Most of his victims are men anyways…. If anything? You need to protect me!” 
“literally shut the fuck up!” you both giggled together as the news anchors voice faded under the loud sound of your laughter, you punched him playfully and his giggles only became louder.
“UGH STOOOP!” You cried as he tickled you. “I-I UGH NEED T-TO TELL YOU SOMETHING PLEASE!” You giggled from the sensation.
“What?” He breathed heavily, his eyes crinkled from his expression. “Did you know a creep tried to hit on me at the coffee house?”
Jungkook stopped laughing.
“But y’know that coworker of mine? y’know the one I think hates my guts? Come on! You know his name is Yoongi!? He saved me and shooed the creep away….” You stretched your arms, getting up to sit on the couch.
You felt your friends gaze on you. “Ahhh don’t worry kook, Yoongi is pretty good at intimidating people…. He can be pretty scary…”
No response.
“Also shit!!! I have to meet up with Do-il! Come on let’s finish the movie so you won’t whine about how I don’t give you time anymore.”
“Y/N?” After what felt like eternity, Jungkook finally spoke, you hummed, opening Netflix to put on Jungkook’s favourite movie.
“We’ve literally watched this so- You love me more right?”
You halted your movements, the atmosphere of the room took a turn, Jungkook wasn’t kidding around, he sounded so serious,
Scared even.
“Of course kook, you’re my number 1.”
He’s my boyfriend, and you’re my best friend.
“Can’t you stay with me… tonight?”
“No I can’t, kook.”
Jungkook’s brain itched. He couldn’t see you with that loser any longer. That prick had to die.
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Jeon Jungkook, your best friend hated your boyfriend, Do-il.
He was an insecure man, deeply so, he was naturally territorial of you, he didn’t like sharing his anything with anyone but you.
You were always the exception. You never could truly understand your friend, why was he so attached to you? Maybe it could be because of his childhood?
You didn’t fully know it but you knew that Jungkook had some trauma because of it, as you finally walked out of Jungkook’s apartment, the cold breeze almost left you breathless.
It’s cold.
Unlike Jungkook’s apartment, you wondered as you walked. Today was awfully cold, and now you were going to meet your boyfriend at a random coffee place.
And tomorrow was Halloween. That was the only good thing awaiting you. You loved the season so much.
Your phone vibrated, taking your attention, you quickly took it out of the pocket of your coat and saw your aunts name flashing brightly.
Pressing on the green option, you pressed the phone into your ears.
“Aunt Hae-Soo!” There was some sniffling noises when you spoke into the phone, the sound continued and you were starting to get concerned. “Are you okay???”
“Y-Y/N! Dae and Han haven’t come home since almost a week! I-I even filed a police complaint b-but I’m so worried!” The woman on the other line cried as you walked to a quite spot,
Your heartbeat immediately dropped as you heard her.
they couldn’t-
“Aunt!! Please calm down….. I’ll try to call Dae… he always picks up…. Please don’t cry…” you almost cooed with a heavy heart.
How could this not be a big deal when there was a literal psycho serial killer on the loose?
“Please I-I am so worried, Y/N are you safe?!” Your aunt lived in another town, you didn’t want to worry her more.
Maybe she had seen the news.
But you were safe right?
“Y-Yes absolutely! Aunt Hae-Soo don’t worry… I’ll call dae but you please please take care of yourself!” You looked around to see some people on the road walking.
It was almost 7 pm.
“Okay dear but please let me know and you also stay safe… I saw the news about your town… oh Jesus…. What is wrong with this world.” Your aunt exclaimed.
You let out a laugh at her sentence.
“Don’t worry!”
The line finally went dead and you quickly made your way to the cafe.
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Jungkook was almost losing control.
He couldn’t bear to look at the ugly asshole any longer, even behind the mask, it made his eyes itch just to look at his covered unconscious face.
His basement was dark, eerily so. Park Do-il was a shady man after all. Do-il didn’t deserve you, his best friend.
You deserved someone who worshipped you. Not an unfaithful ugly piece of shit guy.
Jungkook worshipped you. He loved you so much. He was so much better than this guy who lived in a shitty apartment with a creepy basement.
You deserved so much better than him.
“What does she even see in you?” Jungkook scoffed, talking to your unconscious boyfriend. He sucked in his breath,
Jealousy was burning inside him like an erupting volcano.
“first of all, you are ugly, you don’t like scary movies and…. You are an unfaithful asshole to my Y/N!”
He took out the familiar knife.
His beloved after you.
The buck 120 shined so brightly every time Jungkook used it. The silver was so beautiful, pointy.
It went into the guts of people so smoothly. He cherished it so much.
“Ahhh finally I can kill you and have my Y/N all to myself.” Jungkook giggled, “you can’t even protect her, unlike me. You know what I did to that bastard who tried to harass my girl?” Jungkook glanced at the knife, lowering it to do-il’s abdomen.
Twisting it so deeply inside his gut that it made a cringey noise.
Seeing the way the knife pierced directly into his skin made jungkook feel so excited, it was the first time he was killing one of his victims without his mask.
“I twisted the knife so deeply into his heart almost like this. that fucking asshole screamed so loud, gosh!” Jungkook continued.
He bit his lip as he pulled the knife out and in, repeatedly. so fast that the blood slashed on his face.
Jungkook hated messing around but right now? This was almost orgasmic. He was thinking about you.
Ways to console you, his plan was almost complete. You were going to be his forever.
“I’d love to ruin your fucking face but then my Y/N would get suspicious…. She’s so smart… my precious girl….” Jungkook cooed to the unmoving body.
“Fuck yes! You are finally dead.” Jungkook checked his wrist and sighed in delight.
“I never wanted to give you a quick death but to have Y/N… I had to.”
“Now I’ll just have to wait for her to reach your apartment.” He kissed the knife, the blood stained his lips.
“As she should be, by now.” Jungkook aimed the knife towards his arm. “Now to make my plan successful, I’ll have to stab myself.” He swiped the dangerously pointy knife across his right arm.
“It doesn’t hurt that much, surprisingly.” He shrugged, repeating the same thing right across his abdomen, making sure to look convincing for you to believe his,
Bullshit story.
“Baby…. You will finally be mine…”
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You felt like crying.
Being stood up for the sixth time by your boyfriend was embarrassing to say the least, there was a serial killer on the loose, your cousins were lost and It’s Halloween eve and you are crying while standing at your joke of a boyfriends door.
“Open the door, do-il!” You softly knock on the door, trying to control your emotions. Your heart broke, how could he do this to you?!
You knocked again and again.
Until it opened. A hand came out of the door and pulled you in before you could even say anything.
“Do-il you ass! What are you doing!?” You cried as the hand pushed you into his home.
The light bulb made it easier for you to see the man standing so close to you and you gasped.
“J-Jungkook?!?” You almost screamed but the guy hushed you. You looked up and down to take notice of his appearance and a shriek left you.
You were so confused now, what the fuck was wrong with today?? “Y-Y/N hush! Come on. I-I have to show you something!”
Jungkook took you towards the staircase to your boyfriends basement, this was beyond freaky, “where the hell is Do-il?” The man didn’t leave your hand. You looked at Jungkook’s dirty clothes, dirt everywhere. His arm was bleeding furiously.
Just what the hell had happened here?
“Jungkook you’re bleeding!” This was concerning, your heartbeat was dropping as jungkook and you entered the basement.
His hand left yours as you stood in the dark until jungkook turned on the light switch.
The light was bright on your eyes, you blinked twice.
“What the hell.” You cursed as you tried to open them. Your eyes were sensitive, as your vision cleared.
And your knees started to shake, the view infront of you made your world crumble.
“W-Who’s that…” you saw a body in a black cloak, the face was barely covered by a weird face on the mask.
“Go ahead, and see for yourself.” Jungkook didn’t look at you but his gaze was set ahead on the body.
“Go Y/N.” Jungkook urged you on, taking your hand in his once again, your feet taking you near the body.
There was blood oozing out of it.
“J-Jungkook…” you stuttered with fear, the bile in your throat was rising, “this is the serial killer.”
“Park Do-il aka the psycho killer who killed so many people.”
Your brain registered his words, but your body paralysed with shock, goosebumps on your skin rose.
“I got a text about two hours ago… with an unregistered number with this address and a question from a horror movie quiz.”
You listened and listened, your lips sealed, this was crazy, this couldn’t be true.
“I came here because I knew this was your boyfriends house… but as soon as I entered? He attacked me.”
Jungkook stole a glance at you, you were petrified, the colour from your face disappeared.
He felt bad.
“B-But hes t-the one that’s d-dead!”
Jungkook chewed on his inner cheek to stop his frustration from building up, you were so annoyingly smart.
He loved you for that.
“Exactly. He attacked me- he was acting crazy he was going on about how he thought you were cheating on him with me- h-he wanted to kill me and you!”
Jungkook made sure to conceal his tone into one of fear. “H-He even confessed to killing that guy you told me a about! He’s crazy Y/N,
It was all his plan… he was going to kill you- I-I had to protect you.” Jungkook was a good actor. The tears came out so easily as he hiccuped.
“H-How could not have known that he was behind all of this?!” Jungkook grabbed your busy, his hands on your shoulders.
His heart hammered so loudly. “I-I c-can’t believe this…. D-Do-il was the killer all along?”
Jungkook wanted to kiss the tears away from your eyes, his plan was almost successful. “Y-Yes! Even I was shocked! I had to kill him before he could kill you Y/N!”
“Don’t scream, baby… it’s okay… I got you. I love you Y/N… I’m sorry I had to kill him.” Jungkook pulled you in for a hug.
Breathing so deeply into your embrace.
“I-I…. thank God you’re safe, kook.” You wrapped your arms around him. “Let’s g-go from here…”
“You did the right thing by killing this psycho bastard…He deserved to die.”
Yes, my 35th and final victim.
Your eyes traveled towards the silver bloodied knife, it was the same one from Jungkook’s apartment.
A buck 120.
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creedslove · 3 months
Proving Dave York's marriage wasn't going that great - Equalizer 2
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First of all, I'd like to remind you all besties that I'm a Dave York apologist and I will forever defend this man no matter how many atrocities he's done (and were those really atrocities? Debatable) and I have also villainized Carol and I have zero regrets about it, so let's go:
• Exhibit A: The trip to Belgium
Susan and Dave are in a virtual meeting talking about the recent case, she knows shes gonna have to travel all the way to Belgium to investigate and invites Dave, who immediately goes like "and leaving this shitty office?"
But, what if the office isn't really his main problem? What if Dave was also looking forward to leaving the house for a little while? A trip to another country seems refreshing and also the belgium chocolate? Dave's excited... And as a husband and a father of two not once he thinks of bringing his family some chocolate? It's a sign of a stressed man who needs some time on his own
• Exhibit B: the hotel hall
Dave and Susan are going over the evidence they found in the crime scene, gathering hypothesis on what could've happened and Dave says there's no records of the victim cheating on his wife with anyone, not even flirty texts and Susan is like "come on, Dave women fuck around too"
And that's Dave's reaction:
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He's like: well....
(also, sorry for the horrible quality of the pic but you besties get the point and also his tummy 🤤)
And then Susan asks him when was the last time Dave sent his wife flowers and all Dave says is: "noted, noted"
So that indicates it has been a long time since Dave has sent her flowers... So the romance is dead, and if the romance is dead so is their sexual life. Was Dave thinking about the possibility of Carol herself fucking around? And let's face it, she probably is
• Exhibit C: the kitchen scene
Commonly used to prove the point that no matter if Dave's an assassin, he's also a good father, the kitchen scene reveals more about his marriage than anything else; we see Dave's got a huge, beautiful house, and then we go to the kitchen. It's spacious, nice, and modern... And messy. One of the kids is whining about grapes and going to the dentist and the other one is doing the homework and Dave and Carol? Absolutely no sign of a loving couple, no pecking on the lips, exchanging glances, a little flirting... Nothing. They are just ignoring each other, Dave's got his cup of coffee and hand and checking his phone as if he's alone.
Then when Carol goes to answer the door, he's giving his youngest daughter attention, he is a good dad, but it isn't a heartwarming interaction between them, and above all, he seems bored, like yeah the kids are cute but he's got more important things to do
And then, when Carol takes a while to come back with McCall, Dave calls her by her name twice, of course he raised his voice because she was in another room and he wanted her to hear him, but it always seemed just so dry and harsh to me and I couldn't exactly figure why it was like that, until I finally got it:
no pet names at all
Seriously?! No darling, honey, baby, sweetheart?! Just a simple dry "CAROL" a couple of times and that's it? It smells like a marriage crisis to me...
• Exhibit D: the driveway scene
The scene where McCall runs into his old team and promises to kill them all; there's enough tension as it is, they all know McCall means business and he is low-key threatening Dave's family by pretending he's so nice and friendly and wanting to get a ride
(I just need to address how dumb and careless is to allow McCall, a man she's never seen in her life get a ride with her and get so cozy around her kids, I mean yeah, he's her husband's army buddy but he's also an old man who also happens to be a complete stranger and he suddenly wants to be around her and her kids, I mean, fuck off)
And Dave knows it's likely one of the last times he's gonna see his family... And what does he do? Does he hug them? Give Carol a peck on the lips? He does NOTHING!!!
So you know what it means? Carol wasn't worthy of her husband, they didn't love each other anymore and Dave would be way better off with me instead 😉🤪
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satantica · 6 months
Omg omg I love your writing. May i please order a cup of preferably tendou, ushijma or tsuki with an s/o who randomly decides to ask them what their bodycount is and then gets upset when it’s a lot ;( like their s/o asks them about their past hookups and they’re like 12 or something and their s/o gets all pouty and teary eyed cause they don’t like the thought of someone else touching them in an intimate manner. SORRY IF THIS IS TOO DETAILED OML
thank you so much for this request!<3 because it was actually a challenge to write something like this about the characters who act beyond our canon expectations. love that!
characters: ushijima wakatoshi, tendou satori
ushijima wakatoshi
• actually it was absolutely reasonable for you to be sure that you are wakatoshi’s first
• so when you ask him about his bodycount you are utterly shocked to hear ushijima after some thinking say “ten”
• initially you think that’s a joke. apparently, it can’t be that much. it was your cute, innocent toshi after all. the one that doesn’t talk much, the one that doesn’t get along with people easily, the one that doesn’t show his affectionate and caring side to everyone
• you can’t help it but start thinking about every time some girl got flirty and over the line with your toshi. how she 'accidentally' touched his arm, playfully called out his name and then mischievously pulled the hem of his shirt
• you can feel the disgust filling up your body as the imaginary girl and ushijima get too intimate in your thoughts. then they get to the point that you were hesitating to even think about in your relationship
• you try to make these despicable thoughts go away. but it only gets worse and worse and more detailed. you don’t even notice how your eyes become full of tears
• when wakatoshi sees your confusion and bewilderment he starts to explain in the calm voice. but as soon as he catches your eyes be weirdly shining with tears he rushes towards you and murmurs in the most gentle way possible
• it’s odd to hear such a deep voice like toshi’s be sweet and hoarse. he was always saying that he’s not very good with the right words. but now when you are clearly not able to hear him, you sense that he’s saying the most precious things just to reach you
• as you start to wipe your face intensely, you feel his big hands carefully take your face. “angel.” you meet his golden brown eyes looking right into yours softly. he caresses your hair mindlessly as if trying to lull you to sleep. and that actually comforts you.
• you’re still crying, though. not as much as earlier but more like a defensive reflex. and this is when toshi continues to speak. “i’ve never had feelings for any of them. not the kind i have for you.”
• you can tell by the his heavy look that this is the very truth. and you really want to believe that. but when he embraces you, you feel a steady beat of his heart. that’s the moment when the horrible image in your head is withdrawn.
tendou satori
• tendou’s personality is the brightest thing on this planet and there can be no dispute. so you haven’t really thought that about him having sex with someone. ever. well, actually, maybe one or two times
• so when he says “about thirteen” you can’t manage to keep your face straight and emotionless. you try to come back to your senses and act more careless but your whole body doesn’t really respond
• you start convincing yourself that this shouldn’t be a surprise. after all, it’s okay for such a lovely person like tendou to be desirable. however this thought doesn’t help much
• you’ve always thought that only you shared this special connection. and maybe it is the truth. but thinking about someone else wanting satori and him not resisting isn’t the most reassuring argument. you don’t hold back and let the tears fall right on the table where you were sitting.
• satori’s reaction is instantaneous. he’s lurching towards you swiftly and his hands move rapidly all over your body. “sweetheart, hey. hey, hey, hey, hey.” tendou is anxiously searching for a response from you. but that just makes you cry harder
• «love, i didn’t want to make you… i just didn’t think that… i’m sorry, i…” tendou tries to find the right words and panics more at your every sob. but when he finally figures it out
• you feel his lips pressed against yours and it makes your mind blurry. you don’t really remember now what you were so upset about. all you can think now is that how you want more of that kiss. of tendou
• but suddenly the rather pleasure is interrupted. “i’m sorry, princess. i didn’t mean to upset you, i really love you and…” you don’t wait for him to end the sentence and passionately kiss him again. who cares about other girl, when you have satori’s lips next to yours. right now.
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deadpool15 · 8 months
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Roomate part 1
This is some dumb fucking shit. How can someone be this bad at their job, while sitting here smiling in my fucking face. "So, explain to me, umm, what was your name again?" Mika said, staring at the realtor with absolute disgust and annoyance. "Just Kim would be fine, sweetheart," he states, staring me up and down with a flirty expression. "Yea, that's amazing. I'm gonna call you bitch ass, you cool with that?" I stated watching his face completely drop. "So, since this very kind women can't talk to you like a fucking adult, I'm just gonna talk to you like the man child you mother obviously failed to raise. Now, would you be a dear and tell me how exactly does someone manages to sell a place to two different people with knowing. We obviously don't fucking look or sounds anything alike. Therefore, that rolls out that pathetic ass excuse. I should whoop your ass bitch-."
As I went to jump on him, the unknown woman that was standing next to me grabbed me. Holding me while apologizing, causing the man to immediately leave in fear. "OK ok you can stop now, Ms." I roughly back away from her casting her to put up her hands in the air as a showcase of surrender. "I know we are in a bit of a predicament here, but the papers have already been finalized. Plus, this place is more than big enough for the both of us, so we can just share it." I stared her down before laughing and shaking my head. "If you fuck up, I'll whoop your ass too."
And well, that's how me and bada met. At first, there was a bit of hostile energy, mainly from my side. I wasn't really sure about her, like I was judging her character before I let the real me out. Then, it all changed one night. She randomly got home from a long ass day of working, saying she needed some self-care immediately. I mean, true enough, I wasn't so sure about her yet, but I'm not a monster, and a girl in need is simply a girl in need. I sat her on the couch while we did face masks and painted each other's nails. She was a little on the rocky side about the nails, but I managed to talk or more so threaten her into it. After a while, we started talking about life. I learned she had a boyfriend named Howl, strange ass name.
"Wait so like when you two fuck, do you moan out howl or just government name. Because u fucking can't right now." I said laughing and hitting the coach, while bada sat there embarrassed and pushing me over. "I mean, I don't know. Like I don't really sit there and think about it." She says shyly. "What about you?" "Oo I don't do relationships, I mean, it's enough me to go around right. Plus, this pussy game is crazy, will have a motherfucker all obsessive and shit." She stares atcthe ground shocked. "Wow, are all Americans like this?" "Like what?"Just open and out there." I chuckle before adjusting myself on the seat. "To be honest, babes, I mean sex is sex. We are adults we should be able to talk about it freely. Plus, Korea is just really hush hush and polite about that stuff."
That night, Bada and i bonded. We became like sisters. Telling each other everything. I even met her man. They were a hot couple. I could see why they would go for each other. But that's pretty much all about Howl. we got to know each other to a certain degree. I mean, at the end of the day, girl code still exists, and it's something i truly ride and believe in, sisters over misters, you know. Like him and Bada would help pick out my outfits and stuff. Like right now. "So, what do you think?" I ask both of them as they are sitting on my bed eating snacks. "Don't you think they are a bit revealing?" Howl said while opening up another bag of the hot fries I had shipped here, while bada shoke her head, agreeing with him. "First of all, I'm a grown ass woman who is everything but insecure so I can show off. Secondly, shawty was fine in that pic she sent me, so she must wanna see all this. So, which one sluty sexy or sluty cute."
Each outfit was revealing yet gave a different vibe. I never questioned why Howl was protective over me, shit I thought he saw me as his little sister like Bada. Boy was I fucking wrong. I started showing then the messages between me and mystery women. She was a hot masc with a long wolf cut. And the entire conversation basically consists of us trying to have phone sex. But why sit in bed and play with myself when I can have her do it for me. "Wow, you two really are going to do this on the first date?" Bada asked while staring at me, looking slightly nervous, yet I couldn't understand why. To be honest, they both had been acting weird lately. They were like my best friends, so I wanted to know what was happening but didn't wanna drag it on. Maybe it's nothing. "Now you know I don't plan on dating that girl. Anyways, I'm sticking with sexy, so I'll be back and you two can do anything you horny fucks can thing of. Except fucking on my bed. Move it along weirdos." I tell them walking out the house.
"What the fuck, this shit is getting out of hand, Bada I thought we agreed to tell her?" Howl said angrily thinking about all the things Mika could be doing right now with that girl, she had been gone for hours. "I know, this is hard for me too. But we can't just tell her out of the blue. Hey, me and my boyfriend are totally in love with you, and I know you don't do relationships, but are you willing to date us, so we can finally call you ours and stop listening to you fuck other people." Bada stated basically yelling at him. "We just need to tell her this is bullshit-"
Before they could finish their conversation, they heard something slam against the door, startling them both. The sounds kept repeating as if someone was trying to get in, causing Howl to immediately grab Bada and place her behind him, thinking someone was trying to break into the apartment. "Are we being robbed?" Bada asks Howl in slight fear, but before he could defend them, both Mika comes crashing through the door, drunk as shit. With what seems to be her date. Both of them kissed and basically dry humping each other with clothes on, paying no mind to the people in the house. Mika moves her hand trying to lock the door before, the unknown woman grabs her neck shoves her knee into pussy, making sure to rub away all the tension. They both moan into each other's mouths and finally lock the door stumbling into her room, still without acknowledging her fellow roommate and boyfriend.
As they bedroom door abruptly closes shut, they are now finally out of the eye sight of Bada and Howl, who are seething in anger. "I thought you said they weren't gonna work out, jackass?" Bada whisper yelled at Howl, hitting him in the shoulder. Though he can't even find the time to register the pain before all they can hear is the sound of the bed creeks against the wall. "They shouldn't have, I mean, they don't have anything in common. What the fuck does she has that we don't?" "We are telling her tomorrow, I don't care what we have to do but she is gonna know. We can't go on like this. It's supposed to be the three of us, ok?" Howl says while grabbing Bada's cheeks, looking into her eyes for reassurance. She nods along.
"Y-yes... shit.... right there.... ughhh... fuck me...". Bada turns to looks at the door with a sour expression, "but let's go, I refuse to listen to this shit any longer. Not when we can obviously make her moan way louder then that." Howl just smiles for a moment and nods, "exactly baby let's not feed into negatively. She will be ours by tomorrow night."
(See, I know yall are waiting on the mommy duties part 2 fic, but I just got sick as fuck and I feel like garbage. But I don't want yall to think I'm one of those writers that's coming up with a new excuse every week, so I will try my best to work on it, babes. Now tell me if yall feel like roommate pt.2 would be a good idea or nah?)
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Please do the gang+Tim and curly with like a waitress (p.s I love your writing)
Omllll thank you so much! 😭🫶And yessssssssssssss I’d love to do that for you pookie!
The Gang + Shepard boys x F!Waitress reader (you can insert waiter/they to make it gn!)
Ponyboy Curtis
-hot damn
-you’re a fine waitress if he ever saw one
-he’s kinda shy tbh
-over time will get more comfortable flirting with you
-he overtips you with what little money he has
-he finds out when all your shifts are and when they end
-and always seems to come “by coincidence” whenever your shifts are
-he starts learning small things about you, asking about you to your co workers so much that literally everyone knows he likes you
-except for you, apparently
-“Well if it isn’t my favorite waitress, y/n.” Is what he always greets you with
-one day he finally asks you out
-you guys are so cute together
Johnny Cade
-he’s even more shy than pony
-he looks at you and is like internally going crazy
-when you ask him for his order he says it so quietly you need to ask him to repeat several times
-and he gets red in the face, and you patiently wait with your notepad and a smile
-“It’s ok sir, please, take your time.”
-he finally says his order loud enough for you to hear and you smile, writing on your sketchpad
-over a few weeks, he comes to the restaurant more
-and you eventually ask him out, writing down the question on your notepad, ripping it out and giving it to him
-Reading: Johnny, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?
-whenever you get back he has the biggest grin on his face, and is nodding yes eagerly
-what takes you by surprise is when he stands up, grabs your waist, and kisses you in front of everyone in the restaurant
-earning a few cheers and whoops
Sodapop Curtis
-he gets being in the service industry
-and he especially gets being attractive in the service industry
-which is why he tries not to immediately hit on you
-he’s definitely the type to call you “sweetheart”
-does subtle things like winking at you whenever you take his order
-he starts coming to that restaurant far more often and notices when you start coming to his gas station more often
-doing the same things to him, calling him sweetheart and winking whenever you check out
-it’s a mutual thing, a flirty joke between the two of you
-but one day, he decides to ask you out, and it becomes less than a joke
-you two start dating and are very cute together
-you both rant about customers being rude and kind of mutually understand the power dynamic in a way not many people do
Darry Curtis
-he’s out in the resturant with Sodapop and Ponyboy
-when he sees youre the waiter he instantly feels embarrassed of ponyboy and soda
-“You guys… stop actin’ like damn fools!”
-“Darry, why? You never act like this at restaurants.” Pony would ask
-“Just…. Stop. There’s someone I want to look good in front of.”
-“OoOoOOh someone has a crushhhhhhh.” Sodapop would tease
-as you walked over to the table, Darry was arguing with them
-“Can I help you?” You spoke up with a giggle
-Darry is red in the face as he orders for everyone
Dallas Winston
-you saw how this man treats waitresses
-he would give you no respect lol
-absolutely takes advantage of the power dynamic because he would be one of those assholes
-he calls you “sweetheart” “sweetie” “princess” and other more vulgar names
-he very obviously checks you out to even the point where your oblivious ass notices
-he probably shoots straws at you (like that one deleted scene)
-to tease flirt
-he always comes to the restaurant and it’s like ooop Dallas Winston’s coming I need coffeee this morning
-he comes to you outside of the restaurant one day
-the usual harassment
-and you turn to him and give him a nice hard slap
-and then lean up and give give a nice hard kiss
-he’s shocked, but before long blinks twice and then smirks, kissing you back
-he’s protective over you and any other guy who even winks at you at the restaurant will have Dally on their doorstep the next day
Two Bit Mathews
-he definitely tease flirts with you
-also calls you his favorite waitress like pony
-orders the most childish shit 💀
-like chocolate cake with chicken nuggies or something like that
-and he probably asks you out the soonest
-flirts with you, not as aggressive or vulgar as dally but still quite obvious
-“That’s the pretty lady who gives me discounts on Dino nuggets!” When talking about you to the gang
-you guys are cute and have inside jokes about Dino nuggies
Steve Randle
-he knows you from whenever you’ve come to get your car fixed before
-he’s always believed that you were pretty and given you discounts 
-and you do the same thing for him at your restaurant
-it’s a mutual kind of cute thing that you guys both do to each other
-even if he hadn’t already been giving you discounts for cars, you would’ve probably given him a restaurant discount too
-You are probably friends for the longest out of the gang
-one day he’s talking to soda pop about you, which is when soda pop realizes how down bad he is for you
-Sodapop makes him ask you out 
-you guys are really cute together and always do favors for each other 
Tim Shepard
-he got a booth at your restaurant
-he saw you and immediately thought you were cute 
- he acts kind of neutral around you, I mean, he still obviously flirts a bit and checks you out
- but not enough that you think you’re he’s going to do what he does 
-what he does is wait until your shift is done and meet you outside the restaurant
-and starts heavily, flirting, offering you a cigarette
-when you explain that you don’t smoke and start walking home, he follows you
-you turned to him in anger because you don’t like that he’s following you home and he surprisingly listens to you
-but he does show up the next day at your restaurant
-Eventually, he ask you out
-you say yes and every night after your shift, he walks home with you to make sure you get there safely
-and even comes back to your apartment with you sometimes 😏😏😏
Curly Shapard
-this little shit is just as obnoxious as Dally
-he checks you out very obviously
-also absolutely takes advantage of the power dynamic
-he annoys you put you put up with him because well
-he tips you pretty well
-he keeps coming at the same time and day and eventually he gets onto the usual customer chart
-where you can say “The regular?”
-and one day there’s a male costumer being particularly sleazy
-trying to grab you
-and Curly punches him hard “You don’t touch her again, asswipe.” And spits on him
-you chuckle and grin at him “Take it outside, Curly.”
-and he comes back in and this time, you ask him out
-he’s pretty protective once you two are dating and everyone’s astonished to how he pulled you
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slut4sugu · 11 months
Spider punk x rockstar!Black Fem reader
Including: British slang (ill do my best!), slight cursing, flirty hobie, pet names: (pretty, star, doll,dolly), slight suggestiveness
Summary:You were preforming one day, and happened to catch the attention of wandering eyes. Hobies eyes </3
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🎸: 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐭. 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐞𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐲
You’ve hung out with a lot of weird ‘blokes’ as Hobie would say but, he’s one to talk since he’s one of the weirdest (HOTTESTTT ASF) though you think his look on the world is quite interesting, and confusing at the same time. But nevertheless you find yourself feeling as though you could tell him anything, which is how he feels about you. Which surprised himself because for the longest time he tried to find out what is was about you that made him wanna stare at your face talking about different guitars you used to play as a kid for hours on end. Then it clicked, your love and appreciation for music. When you first told him that you were in a band he already knew. He saw a villain lurking around the venue you had apparently rented out and got distracted by your voice that he almost forgot about the building wrecking villain. Who he quickly dealt with since he wanted to hear your angelic voice, ( it was all he could think about during the fight).
He stayed a bit after the show to see how you spoke with your fans, and..no surprise you were an absolute sweetheart. You spotted him in a dark corner and got slightly excited to see the spider at one of your shows, after you said your goodbyes you quickly made your way over to him as to not get spotted by any more fans. “Soo how was I? I’m hoping it was somewhat good since thats atleast 4 minutes that you could’ve been using to save someone.” Your heart fluttered at his chuckle, “It was good, I like your style dolly. ‘Suits you.” You smiled, trying to distract yourself from how weirdly attractive it was to see the spider leaning up against a corner of a wall. “Thanks, and thanks for coming out. Hope I’ll get to see you at my next show, but make sure you don’t get distracted while getting rid of a villain or whatever the hell those things are.” He hums at your comment, his eyes locked on your pretty ones. Hobies spider sense starts to tingle slightly, “Sum blokes looking for you-Widow?” Your heart flutters at the way he says your stage name, “Oh yeah, thats just my preforming name. It’s actually y/n.” You say sweetly, your black acrylics fiddling with the chain on your shorts. “Widow get your ass in here!” You roll your eyes, quickly pulling out a pen that was tucked between your waist and the clothing of your jean shorts. You gestured for his forearm, and wrote your number on it. ‘Pretty n a singer damn.’ Hobie took note of the cute heart you left behind the series of numbers.
This was your fit btw
You capped the pen, looking behind you to see your manger still looking. You groaned, “Fuckin pest.” You muttered beneath your breath, earning a snicker from the spider. You turned back to him, with a sigh but a smile. “Call me okay? Wanna let you know when I have another show.” You stated, giving him a wink and a wave before you left to deal with your annoying manager. After that day, you would try and find the spider around town. Which hardly ever worked, but you were equally busy with practice and vocal training. Though you had to admit you did miss the spiders company and you were hoping to see him to give him backstage passes to your show.
Late one night on the balcony of your penthouse, you laid on your plush couch playing your electric guitar. Bored and thinking of Hobie you started to play a tune absent minded, not sensing that he was behind you listening and watching your pretty fingers work the instrument. “Aren’t you just full of surprises.” You jumped, turning around to see the masked spider. “Jesus dude, your gonna give a bitch a heart attack.” You almost dropped your guitar because of his sudden presence. “Sorry doll, was just swinging by the see how the lil star was.” He explained, walking around and sitting down in the chair in front of you. Leaving his own guitar leaned up against it. You noticed this and looked at him curiously, “You play too?” He hummed in response, before manspreading in the chair. You smiled softly, looking over his figure before seeing a cut stretch across his forearm. “My god are you okay?” You asked, getting up and going around your small glass table to get a better look at his wound. “Don’t worry doc I’m fine.” You gave him a look, “Yeah no, I’m fine my ass. Stay here don’t move I’ll be right back.” You rush inside to get your med kit, not feeling hobies eyes wander down to your ass and hips as you left.
Once you returned, you had a med kit clutched in your hand. You set it down on the glass table, opening the case you pulled out some peroxide and bandages. “This might hurt a little, sorry if it does.” You say softly, looking at the eyes of the mask as if asking if he’s okay. “I’m fine pretty, go ahead do your thing.” That same flutter you felt the first time you met him you felt again, your actions becoming more hesitant and nervous as it felt as though he was watching intently. You tried to ignore it as you doused a big cotton ball with peroxide, slowly dabbing it on his wound. Causing him to hiss, letting out a groan, “Fuck..that some strong stuff you got dolly.” Your heart stopped as you tried to ignore how hot it was to hear him curse, throwing the now used cotton ball in the trash can and wrapping his wound up and sealing it. “That looks a lot better, sorry if it hurt too bad.” He shook his head, “Nah it wasn’t that bad, could use a kiss though.” You rolled your eyes shoved his shoulder. “You would like that wouldn’t you?” You giggled, as you turned around walking away to put the stuff back up. Your hips swaying, which slowly started to make Hobie loose his mind a little. “What you wouldn’t star?” He asked, sounding closer than usual, which made sense as he was right behind you.
“Haven’t thought of kissing me once? Hm?”
Part two?
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i0134 · 1 year
⏤ ★ ENHYPEN ; love tropes ᰍ ˚.
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warns ! fluff, slight angst
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𖠗 HEESEUNG — brother's bestfriend ´ˎ˗
having a older brother was hectic sometimes but having his bestfriend turn your parent's house into his own abode was even more hectic than you thought. not only was he so insanely attractive but at the same time so damn flirty, he made your toes curl and butterflies in your stomach to blossom. but you shouldn't have such romantic thoughts for him, afterall he probably sees you as his little sister too.
heeseung wasn't playing with you when he would compliment you, tell you things that a he shouldn't to his bestfriend's little sister. but who was he to decide ? his heart has fallen for you long before he could comprehense.
𖠗 JAY — opposites attract ´ˎ˗
you were the literal sweetheart of the school. everybody means every single soul felt good in your presence, from those who knew you to those who had absolutely no idea about your existence were so fond of your bubbly and positive energy. therefore you were always pampered and loved. but your classmate, jay seemed to be the total opposite of you, cold, stoic and super intimidating. nobody could ever imagine that somone stoic and cold looking as jay can warm up to you.
jay thought alike. at first he was a bit annoyed as to why you have to smile and communicate with everyone, he found it rather unnecessary. so when you attempted to befriend him boy was shocked. but soon he found your bubblyness rather amusing and cute and people started to see the change in him, a change in his heart that was brought by you.
𖠗 JAKE — childhood sweethearts ´ˎ˗
you and jake were practically attached at the hip ever since you two were little. jake was your bestest friend and so were you his. you two played together, cried together, grew up together. you loved how soft and puppy like your little friend was. jake was such a sweetheart. he was so affectionate and lovely that it made you feel things that a bestfriend wasn't supposed to feel.
growing up, you two seemed to get distanced as both of you focused on your own careers. that's when you two most probably realised how much you need each other and that you two might have feelings that bestfriends don't have for each other. feelings that enter the realm of lovers. but both of you were too much worried and insecure to confess those pent up ilys. facetiming till morning, texting each other about everything wasn't enough anymore. so you two finally decided to confess, to live together as one and lovers.
𖠗 SUNGHOON — strangers to lovers ´ˎ˗
it was a chilly autumn day, you were out at a ice rink to skate for the first time of your life. skating on the slippery ice was way tougher than you thought as you constantly lost balance and kept on falling. you were in the verge of giving up with your throbbing back. but as soon as you were turning on your heels to leave, someone very generous decided to lend you his helping hand.
sunghoon was seeing your attempts from afar, finding you adorable. he had no idea he'd meet someone as silly and cute like you at his usual ice rink. but seeing you giving up he quickly reached out to you in an attempt to help you. at a closer look he found you way more loveable. it was love at first sight for him. now he might come here more often if it's for you.
𖠗 SUNOO — bestfriends to lovers ´ˎ˗
being an introvert, you’ve always had a hard time finding good friends. but when a happy pill named kim sunoo came in your life, everything became so much better. he was such a fun guy, so positive and lovely. you would talk with him all the time, telling him all your worries and secrets. you loved how he listened to everything you said so attentively. you loved him so much.
sunoo had uncountable friends. but amongst everyone, you were his top priority. he loved spending time with you more than anyone. he loved your sweet voice, your happy laughter that made butterflies dance in his tummy. he felt so giddy and in love with you. sunoo was ready to spend the entirety of his life with you.
𖠗 JUNGWON — soulmates ´ˎ˗
in a world where you live the rest of your life with your destined soulmate, jungwon found himself rather lonely. sure he had everything, good friends, nice family, popularity, love anything you can name, he had it all. but despite him having everything someone could only dream of, deep inside he felt a aching emptiness. it was prominent and subtle, it hurt him day and night.
but whenever you would come before his eyes, his heart felt happy and contented. there was a satisfaction in his heart that was brought by your soft smile, hearty laughter and that pure beauty of yours. nothing ever made jungwon feel the way you did. he was sure that all along his life all he needed was you, his fated soulmate.
𖠗 NI-KI — enemies to lovers ´ˎ˗
knowing each other since you two were in diapers, people might think you guys were the closest of the friends but oh was that true? absolutely no. nishimura riki will always have smtg up his sleeves to prick at you, constantly throwing petty comments at you and annoying till your red in the face from all the fury but all he does is laugh like a maniac "dumb tomato".
but once he started to grow up, his visions and feelings about you started to change, something new started to bloom in his chest. petty and annoying comments soon turned into cheesy compliments and flirty teasings and your heart did flips all together. you convince yourself to not fall for his stupid teasings but god knows how long you'll be able to hold yourself until he ends up confessing.
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dontfindmerain · 1 year
hotel room
summary: about 800 words, short little drabble on the one bed trope with wilbur. Wilbur and reader are very close friends. for the lovely @toiletwipes <3
not proof read sns
a/n: sorry if the formatting is weird, I wrote this at work on mobile :')
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Wilbur was an idiot. Plain and simple. An absolute fool. What other explanation could there be for this situation he had put you both in?
Wilbur had been the one to suggest booking a hotel room instead of driving a few hours back to your american friend's apartment. He found a nice enough place and all for a pretty good price. He only made one mistake.
There was only one damn bed. Even worse, it was just a tad too small for you to both fit comfortably without being rather close.
"Wilbur, what the hell are we going to do now?" you laughed at him, his face was proper flushed, muttering something about how he was tired when he booked the room.
"I didn't think to check, I had assumed there would be two beds," he glared at you as you continued to giggle, "It's not that funny darling, if you keep laughing I might just make you sleep on the floor." You stopped and gaped at him.
"Uh-uh, nope, you fucked up, you're sleeping on the floor. It's either that or we'll have to share it.." you trailed off as your face heated at the thought.
It's not like it would be the end of the world. Only it was. As much as you hated to admit it, you liked Wilbur a lot. Much more than the friendship you currently shared. Wilbur didn't need to know that, though. Him and his stupidly cute face..
He smirked at you and teased, "Oh yeah? I'm sure you'd like that a lot, wouldn't you, sweetheart?" He stepped closer to you, and your eyes focused on the ground, finding it very interesting at this moment.
His hand lifted your chin up to face him before leaning in to whisper in your ear, "Go on darling, use your words."
Your face became impossibly flushed, stuttering while attempting to find the right thing to say. Wilbur had always been flirty with you, but this seemed different. He stepped back, laughing and shaking his head.
"I'm just teasing you, my love, I'll sleep on the floor since it was me who-"
"No, we can share. It's fine," you cut him off speaking quickly. You covered your mouth as soon as the words escaped. Shit. There is no way you just said that out loud.
He smiled at you a little confused, "Alright then, whatever you like. I'll take the bags while you get changed, yeah?"
Your mind was racing, but you managed a nod, grabbing a large t-shirt and some rather short shorts. After practically running to the bathroom and changing, you headed back over to Wilbur.
He had already gotten ready for bed and was scrolling through his phone, waiting for you to join him. You cautiously slid into bed beside him, trying to give him enough room, but barely having any yourself.
"Seriously, love?" Wilbur chuckled, motioning for you to come closer, "Come here, you're going to fall." You obliged, scooting next to him and getting comfortable as he wraps his arms around you. You were blushing intensely, his scent enveloping you. He tangled his legs with yours so that neither of you were hanging off the edge and brought you even closer to him.
If that wasn't enough to make you flustered, what he did next definitely was.
He squeezed you gently and pressed a kiss onto your forehead, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. He chuckled when your breath hitched, knowing the effect he had on you.
"Darling, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you might have a fever from how warm you're getting," he spoke lowly, teasing again, "Would you like to explain yourself?"
Once again, you were at a loss for words, as if he had stolen them from you. The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy as he pulled back to look at you again.
"Hmm, struggling, are we? Gods, you're adorable, you know that?" He smiled, glancing down at your lips.
Somehow, that snapped you out of your speechless state. "I am not adorable! I am a menace to society! How dare you even sugg-"
He cut off your ramble with a kiss, cautious at first and then confident when you kissed him back. His hands traveled from your back down to your hips and squeezing. You gasped, mouth opening and he took the opportunity to explore you further.
When you finally pulled back for air, looking up at him, his pupils were blown wide, face red and lips swollen. He smiled so big his eyes crinkled at the corners. "Do you know how long I've wanted to do that, my love?"
"Yeah? I dont know, maybe you should kiss me again just so I can be sure," you smiled back at him, closing the short distance between the two of you once more.
You guessed it was safe to say he liked you back. He was still an idiot, no doubt. But he was your idiot.
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whole-circus · 10 months
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Homicidal Liu with fem southern cannibal reader!
➥ Hi welcome again!! I absolutely adore House of Thousand Corpses!! You are such a sweetheart, take care of yourself too!! southern part might bee a bit too stereotypical im so sorry i dunno how americans works😭 Im so sorry that wihtout nswf part i was so out of idea!!! >:((
Other characters with cannibal reader can be found here!
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Homicidal Liu
I feel like Liu would be mostly concerned about your health - well, not mentally but physically..okay, mentallly too, but only at first. He just wants what is the best for you, and eating humans doesnt really sound healthy. But as long as you properly prepare your meal, you are good to go, without Liu worrying over you! Even if he has perfect ocassion for that, i dont think that he would actually try eating it? dunno, i just love idea of liu being vegetarian but thats just me so im shutting up now At long distance, your eating habits doesnt really bother him, you do you and you are still cute. I also see Liu as someone, who wouldnt like to make you feel left out. He would definitely cook for both of you, just to make you feel included! Meat is a meat, he can prepare something a bit diffrent for you, he doesnt mind at all!
Liu would tease you so bad about your accent!! Especially if you are type of person that speaks so fast. He would pretend that he has no idea what you saying (and he thinks that he is so hilarious for that). He is definitely the "perfect son-in-law" when you introduce him to your family! He is so polite i swear, your family loves him right when he shows up! And when it comes to cooking (if you are good at it and wont burn the kitchen down) he is so cool wth that! Even if Liu is the perfect male wife and loves doing all this domestic stuff, he doesnt mind if you cook him something delicious! Just please..without human meat?? Liu loves if you are flirty and so open to people!! It helps you a lot to cover up your whole human eating, huh? Just dont say that you will eat him up becasue of his cuteness..or do? Dunno, sounds pretty weird but you are both weirdos!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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horrornvnfan · 1 year
a ranking list of if I met yandere vn love interests irl, who would i date!
i love all of these games and characters a lot, this isn't a "best game" list, just as realistic compatibility as i can imagine!
ren/redacted: 14 days with you (i'm a simp and a fool 😔🤘 we will date and i will inevitably pay the price)
ezra: restart heart (should be #1 bc they're somehow the healthiest choice i think? also very pretty and flirty)
friend: see thru need a friend (he's funny and fun and i love friends to lovers trope! i can fix him 😌💖 probably not.)
jack: swwsdj (he is so supportive which i love but i CANNOT trust ghosts. would be the slowest burn ever)
alan: my dear hatchet man (super bad idea but he's charming!! if i just never found out about the murder we'd probably be cool. also don't kidnap me.)
liu: glass mind (very cute! but i think he is possessed and idk how to help so not sure about going steady!)
fone: honey hotline (i genuinely really like fone! 🥰 but i think we might be better friends? also if fone is not upfront about dating, i'll never think he wants to, and then we never will)
zachary: don't look (i like him a lot but i would handle being kidnapped so poorly he'd just kill me out of annoyance 💀)
adam: you and him (i will sooner throttle him. i can hold a grudge and this man STABBED me. we might hate kiss ONCE but that is it.)
keith or tenebris: duality (they both seem cool, but i am extremely against finding someone broken into my home, so i AM calling the cops and never seeing them again sorry 🥲)
casanova: cannibal sweetheart (i have not played this game but i am afraid of being eaten! if that is a possibility in this game then i'm sorry we can be friends instead!)
elias: groom of gallagher mansion (i'm not a ghost fucker. don't look at jack in 4th place thats different)
dachabo: dachabo (i'm also not a furry so absolutely not)
moral of this list; never let me find out about your intent to kidnap me/murder/stalking/gaslighting, and we will be a very happy and healthy couple 😘
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