#and here i am booboo the fool getting my clown ass make-up on
mewtwo24 · 28 days
You know reading vol 5 of mdzs before all the rest (don't ask me why I'm a clown and there were Circumstances) has to be the craziest experience of my life. Because it took all of ten minutes of wwx talking to literally hit me so hard in the gut I had to sit down and listen to really loud music for a while to calm down.
Who needs therapy when mxtx is alive and writing, I guess????? 🤡
Can't wait to get to the actual tragic parts I just know I'm gonna be that "help" frog phone meme
#mdzs#i was really out here thinking svsss would be my fave bc of lbh#and then i finally get around to reading mdzs and it blows my expectations out of the fucking water holy actual shit#and i just had this feeling the first time i read parts of it like 'oh. this series is going to kill me. im not coming back from this.'#and here i am booboo the fool getting my clown ass make-up on#idk how to explain it like i just fucking LOVE mxtx's takes on arrogance#that wwx is constantly being perceived as a show off and an incorrigible flirt and a know it all#how wwx cant always help the ways he acts out the desperation that has embedded itself into his very bones#how wwx only ever wanted to do the right thing and that having been so much of his downfall#how his worth and talent would always be eclipsed by virtue of his circumstances#how he's above needing recognition at his core but at the same time longs for an ounce of good will and positive recognition ->#how human he is despite his brilliance. how he never gets it no matter how hard he tries to be worthy.#like to me wwx is emblematic of what it means to be poor/an immigrant in high places#always villified always alien always wrong always unwelcome#no matter how clever or capable or kind youll always be an eyesore because you don't 'act right'. not 'one of them.' you never will be.#i just...the way he just wanted it all to be over by the end. the way he didnt even want to come back to life. that he was sick of it all.#im rattling the bars of my cage i love him I LOVE HIM i love him#i understand you lan wangji (and i love lwj too)#and even lan wangji too like. the way so many of their issues in the beginning stems from that self-same problem#how lwj couldn't live with his out of control feelings how he too couldn't quite lay down his pride#how lwj was also trapped by the expectations of his clan in his own way how so much of their separation was a form of penance#that the calamity of wwx's loss forced him to reconsider everything he thought he knew about himself and his life#how he was left with nothing but regret. how when wwx returns--lwj refuses to leave anything to chance this time#he refuses to let wwx be alone anymore--refuses to let him hurt himself for the sake of others refuses to just let it all happen#even if it means overstepping a boundary or propriety it doesn't matter--as long as wwx stays with him. pride be damned#god i just can't i just can't do it im biting im ripping things apart GOD#will also say the jokes about lwj being like. 'strict moral compass or BUST.' and then wwx literally committing like 17 felonies in the bg#while lwj is like 'crimes? what crimes. nothing to see here.' NEVER stops being funny. like i was pissing myself laughing#i know its a known trope but by god are they hilarious about it#also. lan qiren how many times do your nephews have to go catatonic for you to stop with the catholic guilt and repression
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
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*gif not mine, credit goes to the owner*
I just want to take a moment to say thank you for the love on my last fic! It made my lil ole heart swell to see that peopled enjoyed it enough to leave a like or reblog.
This is just something special I had in my arsenal that I wrote for a friend a few months ago. I touched it up a bit and added a few things here and there. It all started when we were talking about how much we loved when Chris' accent got heavier after he'd been drinking, and well, I couldn't help myself lol. I hope you enjoy the fluff! xoxo
I apologize for any grammatical errors, I tried to proof-read but am also a little exhausted lol.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 2844
Warnings: I don't think there's anyway? Mentions of being drunk/drinking alcohol, cursing, and illusions to sexy times, but that's about it.
You hadn’t noticed how furiously your knee was bouncing up and down until the person sitting next to you on the subway got up to move seats once the train squealed to a stop. You sighed and ran your hands down the front of your thighs. Normally being a little late didn’t bother you as much, but tonight you were meeting him.
You flipped your wrist over to check your watch. 8:30pm. In all honesty, it had probably been only thirty seconds later than when you checked it the last time. Another deep sigh escaped from your lips as you started to become hyper aware of the train remaining still at the current stop. What could possibly be taking so long? You knew he wouldn’t care if you were running late, but the time the two of you had together already felt so minuscule. You wanted to capitalize on every second you could.
The train began moving again and you slumped back into your seat, feeling only a small amount of relief. It was becoming painfully apparent that you needed to try and relax. You could feel the sweat building up on your body, the sting on your palms from where your fingernails were pressing in with a vengeance moments ago, and you could hear your heart thumping in your ears. Your hand dug around in your purse for a few moments before finding the small case you were looking for. Opening it, you slipped your headphones into your ears and let your head rest on the window behind you as music intertwined with your thoughts.
Once upon a time, you made fun of people who decided to go to grad school. What kind of a clown would spend thousands of MORE dollars and go BACK to school?? Not to mention the stress of the assignments, the due dates - it was not for you...or so you thought.
Now here you are, a regular booboo the fool.
NYU’s graduate program for design and merchandising wasn’t necessarily part of your 5-year plan, but when the opportunity landed in front of you it was difficult to pass up. NYU was a school you had only dreamt of attending back in high school. When you were a senior in high school you were able to tour the campus and fell in love immediately. Hours upon hours were spent researching grants, scholarships, and all sorts of ways to try to make it happen. However, the dream ended as most teenage dreams do - crushed. There was no way you or your parents could afford the loans that it would surely wrack up to attend the out of state university, and there was no way you could ask your parents take on that kind of debt just so you could go to college. UMass was the way to go - close to home and familiar. Not to mention you were able to obtain several scholarships and grants that helped bring down the cost tremendously. Little did you know, boring ole UMass would bring you one of the most important things in your life.
Applying for graduate school wasn’t an easy decision and one you couldn’t really take all the credit for. A smile crept across your face as you reminisced on the night you nervously brought up the idea to your long-term boyfriend.
“I think you should do it,”
“I know, right?” you scoffed, “it’s insane, why would I do something so stup...wait, what? You do?”
“Of course I do. This is something you love and that you’re passionate about. Do you know how many hours of my life were spent listening to you ramble about NYU?” he questioned with a grin.
“It will open up so many doors for you. We can make things work,” a chuckle escaped from those beautiful lips as he saw your dumbfounded expression. He wrapped his fingers around your waist and pulled you close, “What? Did you expect me to forbid it? Cmon, baby, what kind of guy do you take me for?”
You didn’t have a lot of wins in your life, but you did have Chris.
When you got accepted, he took off a week from work to drive you 3 and a half hours south to help get you settled and moved into your temporary new home. The two of you ate a disgusting amount of pizza, moved a ridiculous amount of heavy furniture in the middle of a summer heat wave, and enjoyed each other’s company before the long-distance thing would set in. Chris spent that week encouraging you every step of the way, talking you off the ledge when you were convinced you had made the wrong decision, and made sure to help you christen every possible surface of your new place in the most deliciously sinful way.
You bit your lip slightly at the thought and a warm feeling spread across your face. Chris was one of the most incredible people you had met in this world. Kind, caring, funny, intelligent, passionate, and god was he sexy. The connection the two of you had was scary at first, but now you just couldn’t imagine spending your life with anyone else.
The robotic voice came over the loud-speaker in the subway car and you were rudely ripped back to reality as it pulled into your stop. You hurriedly scooped up your bag and jogged off the train.
It had been a promise between the two of you when you moved that there would be equal effort when it came to visiting and keeping in contact while having good, open communication. Long distance was hard but the two of you were determined to make it work. FaceTime calls, hours upon hours of texting, and even as far as writing the occasional letter back and forth (because your boyfriend was a hopeless romantic and you loved it so much). This weekend was your turn to come home to visit, and of course your last class had to go longer than anticipated. Fuckin’ Tiffany and her stupid ass questions.
The muscles of your calves burned as you kept up your hurried pace, weaving through the crowds of people gathered on sidewalks outside of various clubs and restaurants. It was a weekend night and the Patriots were playing, which meant the city was more alive than usual. New York was it's own beast, but it was a different type of hustle and bustle. Nights like these made your heart ache for home - the thick Massachusetts accents, the rowdy voices of bar patrons arguing about the game, the hugs shared between family members as they parted after dinner, and the faint smell of nicotine and alcohol that hung in the air.
As the neon sign that hung in the pub window came in to view you felt your heart dip down into your stomach. Last weekend’s visit had to be cancelled due to some stuff coming up with Chris’ work and a surprise assignment for you, so you hadn’t seen your boyfriend in 2 weeks. With a deep breath you swung open the door and scanned the crowd for him. He told you that he would be there promptly at 7:15pm for pregame shenanigans with his friends - which actually translated to how many pitchers of beer could they suck down before kick off.
“Aw, come ON! That is such a bullshit call!”
You heard him before you saw him. Of course. A grin spread across your lips as you shook your head. The thought of leaving to avoid secondhand embarrassment crossed your mind briefly before you picked up your feet and made your way through the crowd toward the sound. A room full of people from New England and you would still recognize that voice anywhere.
Everyone else seemed to fade away as you saw the outline of the tall, dark haired man standing at the bar. The slight freckles that spattered the back of his neck, the Brady jersey that he spent WAY too much money customizing, and the signature backward ball cap were ingrained in your subconscious memory. Not to mention if you didn’t recognize his outline or his voice, you would definitely recognize that ass anywhere.
You loved how passionate he got about sports and the way his Boston accent seemed to get thicker with each beer he consumed. Growing up in the area, you wouldn't think the accent would send a tingle down your spine the way it does, but it was different - it was Chris. Not to mention the sparkle in his eye when he would watch his favorite team or the way he would get in to arguments whenever someone tried to say something negative about them. You loved your big, handsome, over-sized toddler man so damn much.
A light tap on his shoulder made him whip around, his slightly opened mouth from his interrupted conversation curved upwards into a wicked grin as he made the connection of who was finally standing in front of him.
“Hey there, handsome. I don’t see a ring on your finger. You single?” You grinned, feeling your entire body fill with warmth as Chris leaned back and grabbed his chest as he erupted in laughter.
“Nah, nah, nah, unfortunately for you I am taken” he responded as he snaked his arms around your waist, sliding his hands into your back pockets as he pulled you into his figure.
“That is too bad,” you tsk'd, running a finger down his toned bicep, “she’s one lucky girl.”
“I think I’m the lucky one,” he grinned. He leaned down to meet your lips in a kiss. You sighed into it, allowing your body to mold itself so perfectly into his. The taste of beer on his lips and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating - it was home. You immediately allowed him entrance as you felt his tongue glide along your bottom lip. Your body felt small in his strong grip and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit as he gave your ass a firm squeeze. Normally, this type of bold, public display of affection would make you cringe away but at this point you were lost in Chris that you had absolutely no shame. Each time the two of you embraced had always felt like the first. Your heart still fluttered and your knees still got weak, like you were a 16 year old being kissed for the first time.
In the middle of your reunion moment, however, something happened in the game that made the entire bar erupt in boo’s and curses. Chris lifted his lips from yours to look over his shoulder and inspect what he had missed. You laughed and shook your head as you pushed him back towards his friends and took a seat in the bar stool he had been standing behind initially. His large hands found a natural place on your shoulders. While his eyes remained glued on the TV he began applying a moderate amount of pressure to your neck and shoulders. You didn’t realize how much your body craved that touch, his touch, until you immediately melted back into him.
The bartender slid a beer in front of you with a wink and you mouthed your thanks. You felt a twinge in your heart as you looked around, taking in the atmosphere of the bar. This was a typical weekend night for the two of you whenever you were living together. Football, drinks, pub food, and friends. If it wasn’t this pub it was your living room, just a couple blocks away. You didn’t even mind that it was your first night back and you weren’t alone, spending it immediately wrapped up in your satin sheets. The atmosphere, the people - it was so warm and familiar that you really wouldn’t rather be doing anything else. Plus, being wrapped up together in the sheets was sure to follow.
“I missed you,” hummed a pair of lips as they placed a kiss on the shell of your ear. A shiver shot down your spine at the sensation of his warm breath fanning over your neck. You reached up a hand and connected it to the nape of his neck.
“I missed you too,” you replied, turning your head to plant a kiss on his stubbled cheek.
His arms changed position as he wrapped them in front of your shoulders and crossed them, resting his chin on the top of your head. Your hand absentmindedly rubbed his forearms as you nursed your beer and placed your focus onto the game for the first time tonight.
The laughter seemed to escape from your chest naturally and effortlessly the entire night, as it always had a habit of doing when Chris was around. The camaraderie between him and his buddies during a game was something you’d grown to enjoy over the years. Chris’ competitive nature and the way his jaw clenched when something wasn’t going the way he wanted was always kinda...hot. All of his friends were huge assholes, but in the best way. It was always entertaining to hear them jab at each other and do what they could to rile someone up. They were the life of every party you had ever attended and they had a way of making a boring night a lot more interesting.
Thankfully (for the integrity of the bar) the Pats won the game with a surprise touchdown in the last 30 seconds of the game. Chris, being the guy he is, bought a final round for his friends and a nearby group they had been going back and forth with all night. You couldn’t help but laugh as he drunkenly leaned across the counter and slurred his order to the bartender.
“I need a round for m’friends and for these assholes over here who thought Tom Brady was anything but a winner!” the group started yelling in protest and he simply waved them off and started sliding beers down the bar.
The group eventually moved to a bigger round top so everyone could shoot the shit and banter about the outcome of the game. You were tucked into Chris’ side, hands intertwined as he was passionately discussing the importance of Brady’s legacy with a stranger who made the mistake of stopping to talk to him. Your eyes followed the motion of your thumb as it traced small circles onto the back of his. Your other hand under your chin, holding up the weight of your head as your exhaustion started to catch up with you. Chris, although slightly drunk, picked up on your body language and raised your hand to his lips for a kiss.
“Alright, fellas,” he said as he stood up from his seat, pulling you up with him, “the lady and I are gonna call it a night. See you boys next weekend”.
“Chris, we don’t have to go,” you began to protest as he tucked his jacket around your shoulders.
“Mm, ‘course we do,” he replied with a soft smile, “you’re so tired, baby. I can see it in those beautiful eyes”.
You could feel your cheeks turn a light shade of pink as you rolled your eyes at his attempt at laying it on thick. After what felt like a proper 10 minute goodbye session, the group said their final goodbyes, hugs included, and you walked out of the pub hand in hand.
The walk home was filled with the sounds of cars passing by and conversation of what each other had missed in the week prior. Small talk typically felt like such a chore, but with Chris every conversation came naturally. Even when he had absolutely no idea what you were talking about, he would listen intently and ask all the questions as if it was the most interesting conversation in the world.
The lock on the apartment door clicked as you pushed it open and entered. You smiled as you stopped into the middle of the living room, taking in the home you missed so dearly. A soft tapping of toenails against the hardwood made your heart soar as you met the eyes of your sweet pup, Dodger. A squeal left your lips as you squatted down to give love to the sweet boy. Chris always made fun of you when you came home, saying that you always seemed to miss Dodger more than you did him and I mean, he wasn’t entirely wrong about that statement.
Once again lost in your own world, you didn’t even notice Chris leaned up against the wall watching you with a smile.
“Oh my god,” you gushed, standing up, “do you like...like me or something?”
Chris grinned as he crossed the room and caught your belt loop with his finger, pulling you into him slowly.
“Yeah,” his voice had dropped down an octave, “you could say that”.
“Mm,” your tongue swiped across your lower lip and you wrapped your arms around his neck, “care to show me how much?”
The look in his eyes made your core burn. The tension building between you two became too much to handle as you crashed your lips into his. The kisses were messy and you could feel the sense of urgency between you two. His beard scratched against the column of your throat with a delicious burn as he left wet kisses across your jaw and down the side of your neck. Chris’ hands found their way back into the ass pockets of your jeans as he started walking you back towards the direction of the bedroom.
Soon, there was a trail of clothes leading to your bedroom and you felt very sorry for your neighbors. It had been a long time, but Chris always had a way of welcoming you home.
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viastro · 4 years
always you | wen junhui
ミ★ synopsis: there’s one rule when it comes to friends with benefits, don’t catch feelings. however, you and your best friend jun were never that good at listening, now were you?
ミ★ genre: light angst, some humor, some fluff
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 1,829
ミ★ pairings: jun x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! i wasn’t planning on adding any angst but it somehow... ended up happening... so I... am so sorry....
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You and Jun knew that the concept of “friends with benefits” was horrible. You both had a consensus that it never works, and someone always ends up developing feelings through it. However, even after all those times you both clowned the act, you still ended up in each other’s arms. Which is currently right now.
You’re laying in Jun’s bed, his arms wrapped around your bare torso as he sleeps. This is the nth time you and Jun have had sex in a span of two months. You don’t know how this began, well you do but that doesn’t matter. One second you’re both making fun of how they all say “no feelings allowed,” the next second Jun is kissing down your body and you can’t help but want more.
Jun and you have been best friends for as long as you could remember. Your moms have been best friends since they were kids, and as soon as your mom was pregnant with you, his mom was ecstatic about her son on the way having a friend the same age. When they found out that you were gonna be a girl, it slowly went from having our kids be bffies, to having our kids marry each other when they’re old enough.
As you and Jun grew up, you always got disgusted at the idea of marrying each other. Jun using the excuse of you having cooties from the tender age of 5, all the way until he was 16. While you, you said he was a burnt piece of broccoli.
“Y/n, honey, doesn’t junnie look handsome? He even got your favorite flower for your corsage!” Your mom exclaims, making Jun smile widely at her as she gives him a kiss on the cheek. He’s wearing an emerald green dress shirt with tight fitting black slacks. He has a black tie with small polka dots on it, and in his hand is the clear container that’s holding your corsage.
Jun gives you a wink and you fake gag into your hand immediately, making him roll his eyes and your mom hit your shoulder with a giggle. “I suppose… he looks decent…” You mutter, giving him a shit-eating grin and he glares at you.
“Alright, alright you two. Just go and get your corsage from him, then pin the boutonniere on him for me please. You know that auntie will want a good photo of you guys.” Your mom tells you both, making sure to mention Jun’s mom. You walk up to Jun as he takes out the corsage from the container, it’s a white daisy with a few gems surrounding it. You glance up at him through your falsies and you notice that he’s looking at everything but you.
“You know that you have to put the corsage on my wrist, right?”
“YoU KnOW thAt YoU hAVe TO pUt ThE coRsAGe oN MY wRIsT, rIgHT?”
“Motherfucker did you just mock me?” You ask him and he finally looks into your eyes, and you take notice of the blush on his cheeks, but your attention soon goes elsewhere once you notice the challenge in his eye.
“Why yes I did, you cooties having woman.” He answers, putting the corsage on your wrist, to which you both pause your mini feud to smile at the camera.
“What are you, nine? We’re sixteen Junnie please.” You tell him, making sure to prick his chest with the boutonniere and he flinches a bit. You both turn once again to smile at the camera.
“You guys argue like a married couple. It was cute at first, but after having to deal with it for the past three years…” Your mom mentions, causing you and Jun turn away from each other to make vomit noises. She rolls her eyes at the both of you.
“Me? Married to the CEO of cooties? Hell no auntie!” Jun exclaims and you raise your hand up to slap him, making him flinch away from you.
“Oh yeah? At least I’m not a burnt piece of BROCCOLI!” You shout and he gapes at you.
“What did you just call me?” Jun asks, taking a few steps forward until there’s only a couple inches between you both.
“You heard me. Burnt piece of broccoli havin-”
“Okay thanks for the pictures! Have fun! Be home by 11!” Your mom says, shoving you both out the door to avoid a brawl breaking out in her doorway.
Someway, somehow, you and Jun moved past that stage of being fake disgusted with each other and ended up becoming friends with benefits. The one thing you both made fun of the most, especially after all those nights of staying up reading Wattpad stories about the friends with benefits concept and laughing. Now you are both, indeed, booboo the fool.
The first morning after it happened, you guys telepathically agreed to act like it quite literally did not happen. However, that was hard. Considering the fact that Jun seemingly started checking you out more often than not, and him noticing your lingering touches, it ended up happening again. The second time it happened, you both talked it out.
The one and only rule you both agreed on was: “Don’t catch feelings, and don’t let this ruin our friendship.”
As you lay here, feeling Jun’s soft breaths on the back of your neck as he sleeps, you know you’ve broken the rule. You know that it’s been broken for awhile, and you don’t want to tell him. You can’t tell him.
However, what you don’t know is that Jun also broke the one and only rule you both have set. It was broken from the moment you both created that rule, considering the fact that he’s been in love with you since you guys were eighteen. He knew it when you both danced together under the stars at your annual “camping in the backyard” summer activity. He knew it when you’d stand up slightly on your tiptoes to squish his face whenever he made a sarcastic comment. He knew it when he would turn to you and see the whole galaxy in your eyes. He knew it from the moment he first leaned in to kiss you on the drunken night, and when he saw you against the white sheets. He’s known, but he doesn’t have any plans on telling you.
In the process of denying your feelings for Jun, you met someone from your lecture. He’s nice enough, and he’s rather attractive, but your heart is in the wrong place. Deep down you know it, but you being dumb, you ignore it.
As Jun gets up to go to the restroom during your move night, you check your phone. You notice that the guy from lecture texted you a few minutes ago asking if you wanted to go and grab some dinner. “Oh shit.” You mutter, thinking about what to say. “Should I go?” You whisper to yourself.
“Go where?” Jun asks as he sits back down beside you on the couch, and you quickly turn off your phone, somehow afraid to get caught. This makes you almost slap yourself in the face, because why should you be afraid?
We’re not dating anyways.
“Oh, this guy from my class asked me to go get dinner.” You say as nonchalantly as possible, and you feel Jun tense up beside you.
Because what the fuck, no.
“O-oh.” Jun says quietly, and he internally curses himself because that’s not at all what he wanted to say. You somehow feel disappointed by his lack of response, causing you to also internally curse yourself because you should be happy about it. Him not caring is a step closer to you getting over him, you think to yourself.
“I think I’ll go and get dinner with him. The movie is over anyways.” You say quickly, getting up off the couch and walking over to the dinner table to grab your bag.
“R-really? You don’t wanna make pizza with me?” Jun asks, standing up and following you, trying desperately to make you stay without making it obvious that he doesn’t want you to go. You let out a forced giggle, shaking your head no softly.
“We can do that next time Junnie, I’ll text you later?” You say and Jun bites his lip. You cock your head to the side as he reaches out and grasps your wrist softly.
“I don’t want you to go y/n.” Jun murmurs, causing your heart to beat hard against your chest. He looks into your eyes and you feel your knees weaken, along with your resolve. “Why?” You ask quietly.
“I..” You look at him expectantly.
“I broke the rules..” He whispers and you feel your heart drop into your ass.
“You.. you what?”
“Y/n, I don’t want you to see anyone else. I don’t want you to go out and eat with any other guy. I don’t want you to date anyone else,” Jun feels his heartbeat in his ears as he takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what he’s about to say next.
“Y/n, I love you. I’ve been in love with you since we were eighteen. When we first started this and had that agreement, I broke the rule from the start.” He whispers and you stare at him, gaping.
Because holy shit it’s not one sided.
You feel tears flood your eyes and Jun’s eyes widen at the sight of a teardrop fall. You look down, covering your face with your hair as Jun starts asking what’s wrong and why you’re crying. You take a step forward, wrapping your arms around his torso. Jun freezes, before melting and holding you in his arms, rubbing your back the way he knows you like it.
“I broke the rules too, I love you Junnie. I love you so much.” You say, and Jun pulls back so he can get a good look at your face. Your eyes are puffy, and your nose is a bit stuffy, but he knows he’ll never forget this sight.
“You do?” He asks and you nod your head, letting out a smile once he smiles widely at you.
“Perfect.” He whispers before grasping your face with both hands, leaning in to finally kiss you. It’s nothing new, this whole kissing thing, but it’s different this time around. You both know it, and you both can feel it. You start to smile, causing him to smile and teeth to clash together, so he pulls back. You smile widely at him and he giggles at you.
“Just to clarify though,” Jun says, regaining his composure. You raise an eyebrow and he gives you that teasing grin you love so much, “this means you’re not gonna go meet that guy for dinner… right?” You burst out laughing and Jun chuckles too.
“Yes Jun, that’s exactly what that means.”
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Poly Wanna? Ch. 6
Lemme know if I need to take you off the tag. Idk who’s actually reading because I’ve only heard from a couple of people, so idk if y’all still interested.
@adorkable-blackgirl  @chenoahchantel @ciara-knightly @cactus-con @up-the-tube @riebellion  @itsyaapollochild@oof–musicals @lesbian-so-what @woahjusttakeiteasy-man @meadowstryingtobepretty @imma-sensitive-btch @okaygal21 @midernacht @divinereign4ever @xoxoemille
Daddy Issues
“I called my mom to try to see if I could come over for a few nights and clear my mind. It didn’t go exactly how I would have loved…”
Charlotte was outside of the lounge, crying in her pretty dress, with Jasper nearby, holding his head, trying to figure out what was happening to them right now. She didn’t want him to hear the conversation, but he refused to leave her alone outside of the building. “Mom… Could I come spend a few nights at your place?”
“Honey, I thought that we agreed that as long as you’re wasting your degrees, we can’t keep coddling you.”
“I’m not asking you to pay a bill or to let me move back in. I just need a few nights away from Jasper,��� she said, sniffling.
“I don’t know…” Her mom said. “I tried to tell you that no good could come out of dating a boy whose friend you dated, and it’s even trickier that both of you dated the same boy! I don’t know what kind of swapping you kids are up to these days…”
Charlotte was about to ask her if she could come over or not, but she heard a male voice in the background and wondered, “Who is that, Mom?”
Her mother cleared her throat and asked her, “Who else would it be, Charlotte?”
“That’s Dad?” Charlotte asked, breaking down a little bit more. “Let me get this straight… So, I ask you for a few days there and it’s an automatic no, but the man that put you through everything that he put you through gets to come over there in the middle of booty call hours?”
“Charlotte!” She hissed. “He’s your father, and my husband…”
“He’s everybody’s, Mom, but go off. Anyway, thanks for listening. I’ve gotta call a friend.” Her mother sounded like she was going to say something else, but Charlotte hung up on her. “We’re talking about someone who slept around, ran around, traveled around, just whoring himself all over the place… Had my mother looking stupid for half my life, that I can remember. Out there with pregnancy scares at other people’s houses. He gave her an STD whenever I was in 9th grade. An STD. Then, he just LEFT her ass when I turned 18, like it was on schedule or something! And that community dick can come home, but I can’t?!?” 
Charlotte let out a howl of a cry and Jasper rushed to check on her. She was still mad, but she let him hug her and just cried on him. “My dad is at my mom’s house. She told me that I couldn’t even stay for a few days. He shouldn’t even be allowed to cross the threshold!”
“Maybe he’s just there to fix something or they’re sorting through their issues. Maybe he came to discuss something legal that they never finished off. Baby… It’s okay. You don’t need to go anywhere. Stay with me. I promise, I’ll give you whatever space you need and not bother you, if that’s what you want.” “I don’t want this energy in our home. I want to cool off, realign and just…” She started crying again and he held her tighter. “Seeing you with Henry just reminded me of all the times I saw my mother pretend not to notice some woman being all cozy with my dad and I just felt like that rejected girl in the hotel room that night… The one that you didn’t want to be with…”
“That’s not what happened, Char.” He loosened the hug to look at her and wiped her face. “I was scared. I didn’t think I’d be good enough and I was trying to work myself up. You moved on before I could get myself there… Not saying that’s your fault! It was partially mine and partially Henry’s for sliding in as soon as he saw an opening.”
“And I felt so seen, so validated in that moment that I opened myself to exactly the kind of person that I’d promised myself that I would never open up to and he did exactly what I would have expected somebody like that to do.” 
“I became my mother. Somebody’s goddamn fool. I let Henry Hart play me and when I walked away from it, a portion of a person, I revisited the promise to myself that I wasn’t going to be anybody’s fool again. So, seeing Henry and Jasper close to each other, I can admit that I was triggered and that I jumped off hot, but… I guess that night,  I preferred to be the loud, boisterous fool than the one that smiles through her suffering like her little girl isn’t right next to her. I am not my mother. I can’t just BE her. These mamas used to always say that you must think they’re Booboo the Fool, I feel like just telling her, Yes, Mom. I do. I do think that you’re Booboo the Fool, because that’s how Dad has you looking. Clown shoes just squeaking around Swellview. *Shakes her head)
Henry saw the pink viper driving up to the apartment and he furrowed his eyebrows. He didn’t know that she was in town and he didn’t know why she would be at Jasper’s place. The pink diamond studded license plate that read “Piper” wasn’t even the most noticeable thing about the vehicle, but she whipped it into a space and got out, almost in one fluid motion. “What are you doing here?” She wondered. He opened his mouth to answer, but she said, “Just kidding. I don’t care, but you gotta get out of here.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Obviously, I’m here for Charlotte. She wanted me to come get her for the night, so we’re gonna get a hotel room and chill out until she’s not so upset with everything. Congratulations on coming back into their lives and doing this, almost immediately.”
“I didn’t DO anything. I’m here to try to smooth things out. It was way too crowded and loud at the lounge to do it, and that’s where they work.”
“Well, I warned you,” she said, throwing her hands into the air and going inside… with a key? 
“You have a key to their home?”
“I made Jasper gave it to me after he almost killed himself over you. You remember? His mom found him choking on his own vomit on her bathroom floor? Yeah - I wasn’t gonna have him living alone and having similar types of accidents.”
“You live too far away to help, if he does!”
“But, here I am, with the key,” she said and went inside, then locked the door. Piper and Henry got a long a lot better than they did whenever she was younger, but she had not been very happy with how he’d handled his friends and the relationships with them. In her mind, they were all supposed to treat each other better than that. In her mind, everything that happened that broke up the gang was because of her stupid brother and his penis policies. BUT, she wasn’t going to say any of that in front of his cameras, because she wasn’t on the show and even if they negotiated something that was acceptable for her brand, she didn’t want to give them any material until they did. Besides, she’d already let her brother know how she felt about it and tonight was about her swooping in to help clean up one of his messes.
Whenever Jasper’s jeep pulled into the parking lot of the apartment, Henry was still there. Jasper sighed and shook his head, “I can’t deal with this,” he said. It took a lot of energy to calm Charlotte down and get her home, and the last thing he wanted or needed was seeing Henry set her off again.
“What does he drive?” Charlotte wondered.
“That green hybrid…” She got out of the car and Jasper realized that maybe she was asking that for a bad reason. He rushed out of the jeep and smiled at her, “What… Are you doing?” 
She was looking around on the ground. “Trying to find something,” she said. Henry approached the two of them and started trying to explain why he left earlier and to apologize. Jasper started trying to convince him to just get in his car and go, but he was insistent. Charlotte went into the apartment. Jasper let out a sigh of relief, guessing that she probably didn’t find anything useful outside… BUT, realized that inside, she knew what EVERYTHING was for!
“Look, you need to get out of here, before Charlotte busts your window with my hockey stick or something.”
“She’s mad, but come on, Dude. She wouldn’t do that. It’s illegal. Besides, you left me this exasperated voicemail accusing me of causing you problems and leaving. I just wanted to be able to talk to the two of you in a more quiet and comfortable environment. I want to invite you both to dinner at my place...”
“She asked me what car was yours, and she’s been crying, fussing and drinking.” Jasper didn’t have time to focus on anything Henry was talking about. Charlotte might be back soon and think HE was giving energy to Henry. 
“Yeah but…”
“Her dad is at her mom’s house tonight,” Jasper finally said, feeling a little bit like he might be betraying Char’s confidence by telling Henry, but knowing that he’d understand better what state of mind she was in right now.
“Okay,” Henry said and headed for his vehicle. As he started it up, he saw Piper and Charlotte coming out, with bags. Wait a minute… He stopped the car in the middle of the path out and got out of the car, “Are you leaving him? You can’t do that, Char! It was a misunderstanding!” He begged. Charlotte turned to Jasper, looking like she would go off at any moment, holding her weekend bag and taking a deep breath. Jasper collected her and kissed her, whispered something to her and opened the passenger door to Piper’s viper for her. Whenever she got in, he took her bags and helped Piper get them into the backseat. 
“I’ll take care of her. Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time that I’ve had to do this,” Piper told Jasper and gave him a hug. “It’ll be okay. I’m gonna make sure she comes back.” She quickly went to hug Henry too and advised him, “Just… Move carefully with them and mind your business.” She gave him a peck on the cheek, got into her car, sped off and around his, honking the horn way too loud for this time of night and then peeled off out of the parking lot.
“She’s just taking some time,” Jasper said. “Night.”
“Hey… You know that I didn’t do that on purpose, right?” Henry asked. “It’s important to me that you realize that.”
“It’s not that important to me whether or not it was on purpose. Henry… You saw that something was going terribly wrong and you just left.”
“I didn’t think that I’d be able to get through to her in that setting!”
“Okay. Well,” Jasper shrugged his shoulders, “Thanks for stopping by. Night.”
“Henry, I have to go collect my thoughts, okay? I need you to leave.”
“I’m scared to. I don’t want you to… hurt yourself, or something…” Henry was being sincere and Jasper knew he was, but he just wasn’t in the mood right now for this. If Henry had done this years ago, yes. But, tonight, with Char in a car spending time away from Jasper to heal herself, Jasper didn’t GAF how genuine Henry was.
“Look. I got drunk and was too drunk to monitor the amount of pills that I took. I wasn’t trying to hurt myself that night and I’m not gonna hurt myself tonight. What I am gonna do is go inside and get myself cleaned up, watch something sad and probably cry, and check with Piper every few minutes to see how Charlotte is because since she’s the one who went elsewhere tonight, she really could just decide not to come back and I’d have to deal with that. Good. Night.” He went inside, ignoring Henry trying to say something else about keeping him company or at least text him in the morning to let him know he was okay or something. Jasper slammed the door a little harder than he meant to, but that was because he felt like Henry wasn’t respecting his boundaries and the night had gone badly enough.
Jasper was still up whenever it was time for the sun to rise. He grabbed his juice and went to stand outside and knew that Henry was doing the same in the brownstone and Charlotte was in a hotel with a passed out Piper, doing the same, as well. He came back inside and checked his phone. Henry had sent several texts the previous night, but Charlotte had called him this morning. He called back immediately and she sounded better, “Hey. I didn’t know if you’d be up or not. I was watching the sun rise and of course she reminded me that it's a new day. So, can I come home today, or should I take the ones that I asked for?”
“You can always come back to me, Charlotte. Whenever you’re ready.”
“Okay. Then, we’ll be back probably before you go running with Henry, or whatever.”
“I wasn’t planning on going.”
“I don’t want you to think that because I was in my feelings last night that I want to control who you chill with, even if it’s him. I just felt a way last night. Honestly, Piper thinks that it was a misunderstanding, so I’m gonna just apologize to him about it. I’m sorry that I flipped out.”
“Actually, it was kinda hot that you were jealous, of course that was up until you were crying.”
“Those were angry tears.”
“No tears are hot, though.”
“What if they’re joy tears? Like, what if, hypothetically, we got married someday and I’m crying tears of joy, that wouldn’t be even a little bit hot?”
“I stand corrected. That’d be the hottest thing that you ever did. If we get married, you gotta give me tears of joy.”
“You can’t plan tears of joy How about this - if we decide to get married and I don’t cry tears of joy, you call the whole thing off.”
“Sounds drastic.”
“Are you not drastic?”
He scoffed, “No.”
“I wish that I had a list to read off of how that declaration is a bold faced lie…”
Henry hoped that Jasper would show up at the gym. He hadn’t gotten back to him, and if he didn’t by the time his work out was over, he was going to go back to his apartment. Piper had texted him that since she was in town that she’d come workout with him. He asked her, “What about Charlotte?”
“Wow. Your only sister takes time to spend with you and that’s what you ask me?”
“No, I just meant… I thought you were here for her.”
“Last night, I was. She’s going back home, so I’m coming to the gym, unless you wanna go running, instead?”
“No, we can meet at the gym.” He was still hoping that maybe, just maybe Jasper might show up and he didn’t want him to think that after all of that, he’d just left him again. So, he watered his flowers, grabbed his gym bag and his hygiene bag and went to the gym. 
Whenever he arrived, Jasper and Piper were there and his face immediately brightened whenever he saw that Jasp HAD made it, after all. He smiled his biggest, hardest smile in a while, then Charlotte walked up, having came from Piper’s car and he felt his smile falter, a little bit. She was pissed at him last night and he didn’t know what condition she might be in today. Jasper took her bag and he and Piper headed inside as she approached Henry. 
“Hey,” she said.
“Piper and Jasper said that they’d give me a moment to talk to you about last night, and at this current time, we are ONLY talking about last night, you got it?” “Yes, Ma’am.”
“Last night, I didn’t expect to have to see you. You weren’t on the filming schedule for me. I hadn’t even emotionally prepared to see your face, so seeing your face and seeing it thisclose to my man’s face - I didn’t like it and I had to push it down while I’m singing love and longing songs and I didn’t like that either. Long story short, I apologize for how I responded to what I saw. I don’t want to be an angry person. I don’t want to be a sad person. But, sometimes, I will feel both of those things and I need to be an adult and deal with them in a healthy way. All I ask is that if you’re gonna be around me for the show or because you and Jasper have mended your friendship, or because you’re Piper’s brother and I love her to life, please… Don’t just surprise me like that. Last night, I realized that I can’t handle the emotional shock of you just showing up. Like how you stopped beaming whenever you saw me a few minutes ago. It was like that, but I was working and couldn’t easily resolve the issue. Okay?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry. You were great, though. Like, I knew that you could sing, but you had an awesome stage presence, too. I’d love to have your permission to see you perform again, some time.”
“We’ll see,” she said, a little disappointed that he hadn’t also apologized for his part in things last night, but not surprised. He apologized to Jasper, and maybe that was all that he cared about for the moment.
“So… Did Jasper tell you about how the running went for him?”
“No. But, he didn’t have to. Jasper hasn’t run in years. I told him to start slow, but did he listen? No. In true Leo fashion, he jumped right to the highest setting. Taking up running with a superhero…” Her eyes widened and she looked at the camera.
“They know, remember? We’ll cut it out,” he said and held the door for her to the gym. She looked at it for a moment, like she was trying to process something and he wished he knew what it was. Did she think it was a trick? Was she simply surprised that he was being nice to her after last night? Was she impressed that he was getting the door for her even though all that she was holding was a water bottle and he had two very large bags, one on each arm? “You… okay?” She smiled gently, nodded and went inside. Henry followed her in. “I really wish that I knew what she was thinking about whenever I was holding the door. For all we know, she just had a brain fart and was in a daze.”
“Whenever Henry opened the door for me, I remembered all of the times when we were younger that he didn’t! I remember always feeling like he might not really even like me, because it wasn’t his natural response to just do nice little polite things for me. At the time, I’d rationalize that was because we were just friends and nothing else, but I was also only paying attention to it, because whenever I was little, my dad always grabbed doors for me and my mom, and as I got older, I noticed that he didn’t do it for her anymore. Like, he was never mean or anything, but the stuff that my mind knew him to do wasn’t being done and by the time I realized that he didn’t like her anymore… I began almost subconsciously taking inventory of little things that people did for me. I’ve done it for years, not even on purpose or to rack up what I think that they think of me, but just as a habit. It gave me pause that Henry grabbed the door, but then I thought - he’s got social skills, Girl. This means nothing and I went on with the rest of the day.”
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