#and holy shit not every gnc person is trans
justagaycryptid · 2 years
Ngl I/Me/Myself is the absolute WORST song that could have gone viral for Will especially on tiktok of all places because it is an incredibly nuanced song and tiktok users are not particularly known for their understandings of nuance
#just thinking about this earlier#and really this goes for social media in general#but I'm pretty sure it blew up on tiktok#when will sang that he was afraid of his fans in um i mean its kind of a lot its just like yeah me too dude sorry about that one#ngl a lot of will wood fans are some of the absolute worst music fans I have ever seen#right up there with pre-hiatus fall out boy fans and mitski fans#i'm sure there's more those are just the people I am most familiar with though I don't listen to mitski#something something lets put the worst of will wood and mitski fans in a room together and see them fuckin kill each other or whatever#but damn will has some absolute shitty fans like I feel so bad for this man he literally cannot catch a break#like holy shit leave him alone!#hopefully he has a nice hiatus because god knows hes earned a break#and yeah this was a while ago but point still stands#and yeah most of his songs are pretty nuanced but this one is probably more of a sensitive and personal one#also it's so fucking weird how bad people want will to be queer#like I don't know if he is for sure I think I saw something about him being mspec but I don't know if its true#and even if it is it's really none of my buisness#and holy shit not every gnc person is trans#though I have seen him joke about this one so thankfully he doesn't seem too bothered by it anymore#that or he's got a good sense of humor about it#but holy shit it's really just one thing after another for him#will wood#shouting into the void
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manstrans · 11 months
someone said on that post that trans men’s identities will be seen and respected by the majority
what world are these people living in
people are just outright denying transphobia exists as a whole at this point by acting like only one kind of trans people get it.
i guess any suicidal trans mascs need to man up and not make such a big deal. i guess any of us who went through that were deluding ourselves into thinking that society will reject us and that we may end up abandoned by families. all my family members were quick to get to call me a guy.
none of them ever accused me of saying anything perverted that I never said when I came out to my little cousin. or harassed me with my dead name. told me i was tied to my bones and when they dig me up in the future they would say i am a woman. that would just be mild discomfort though really if that did happen
getting harassed online, being called an ugly woman or a dyke or a deluded little girl (adults or not) all results in said mild discomfort. it is very easily brushed aside at the end of the day. it has no impact on mental health for people to say your top surgery scars make you look like frankenstein’s monster. people do not think a “beautiful woman” is being lost when trans mascs transition. because if people hate women, they would be totally fine with the idea of one “abandoning it”. instead of staying as pretty women that aren’t too much gnc. because a man doesn’t want to be with someone who looks like a lesbian
trans mascs never find struggle trying to get reproductive care because they are not being taken seriously. or ever had cases where doctors were late to diagnosing cancers due to this as well. because putting M down would mean anything to do with differing sex organs from cis men would not be ignored. that this is not the case for every trans person. that we do not have the issue in common of facing transphobia, and in this the shared experience of cissexism as well, in medical spheres
trans mascs never get misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder when psychs misgender us as woman and think us being trans is the “identity disturbance” symptom. this doesn’t get any resulting impact from ableism, as personality disorders then will get you branded as a doomed person by many psychs.
people never try to fear monger trans mascs into thinking tesosterone is going to turn you into a violent, angry brute. the show The L Word never perpetuated this idea to millions of mostly cis queer women watching.
Boys Don’t Cry isn’t based off a true story. No trans masculine person can ever be rape victims as well. Or if they were, the perpetuator would never bring up the person being trans masculine as a reason.
i never saw terfs talking about correctively raping trans mascs back into lesbians
homophobia is faced by both gay men and lesbians. if anyone said gay men never facehomophobia i would ask them if they actually learned our history. or only snippets
if told that is not the same, I think they should look up Lou Sullivan for the intersection of being trans masc and gay. ask some trans mascs stories about going into bath houses and what happened when accused of being women in there. that this never led to anxiety over a consensual sexual interaction in being accused of rape for “tricking” a gay man into having sex with a “straight woman”? the trans panic defense ever comes up as a known concern in these cases
alright yeah the sarcasm is evident here.
just how do they not realize that implying that trans mascs do not experience transphobia with this is the actual terminally online take? holy shit.
either that or they get to live in a more generally progressive city and not a white suburb in the US. while also being not white. btw you don’t have any reason to think any of these problems may be emphasized if you are brown or black.
any response to this about accusing us of biological essentialism is victim blaming. what is being described are the consequences of biological essentialism that we both endure. we cannot ignore its existence. I wish we could. but transphobes won’t let us. because we challenge the fact and show that it isn’t true
YEAH I just read through this and like. everything in it. people in these echo chambers think a few snappy lines outweigh our lived experiences but it doesn't work that way at all
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redheadbigshoes · 1 year
i wish more people who support the concept or bi or m-spec lesbians would stop and consider just for a moment WHY lesbians might be so upset about people implying or outright saying that we can like men. these people (and people in general tbh) seem to think we're only oppressed for liking women, when, personally, i've faced way more hostility, aggression, and weaponized "ignorance" over the fact that i do not like men. (before anyone twists my words, i'm NOT saying lesbians have it worse than bi women/nonbinary people, because they also experience a unique axis of oppression that lesbians don't by being attracted to all genders. our experiences overlap, but they are different, and it's okay for both parties to talk about that)
growing up, i was terrified of the concepts of marriage, sex, romance, and love since everyone around me only spoke of my future experiences with these things under the rigid assumption that my partner would be a man. i tried telling them i'd rather be single forever (i had yet to realize i was "allowed" to be gay), and they always insisted that i would grow up and change my mind, which made me even more terrified. they presented partnership with a man as something that was an inevitable, unavoidable part of my future. i'm lucky to have had a (mostly) supportive environment when i finally discovered that i felt this way because i'm a lesbian, and i can happily say i'm no longer afraid of those things since i now know i can have them without a man, but holy shit, do people not get how traumatizing that is? to be a young person only able to concieve of love as a weapon to be wielded against you?
lesbophobia from cishet people is one thing, but when it's coming from my fellow lgbt people, who i come to for love, support, protection, and companionship after being isolated in my daily life as a result of my lesbianism (and being autistic and gnc), it's just ... unspeakably cruel. i don't think most or them fully realize what they're doing - i'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say most of them are just young people that believe they're doing the right thing - but that doesn't excuse this level of violence, especially with how quickly the notion has become popular. they should know better.
also like. not to mention how fast they'll throw trans women and trans lesbians under the bus to dunk on "mono" lesbians but that's another conversation.
A lot of them don’t want to think for a few seconds why we’re so upset about it. They don’t want to recognize and accept our lack of attraction to men because a lot of them are misogynistic, they don’t think there’s people out there who are not attracted to men. It’s not a coincidence that “mspec lesbian” supporters are most likely the same ones saying everyone is bi.
This is what happens with every type of prejudice. People who don’t experience certain thing are less likely to sympathize with people who do face that. Therefore they think we’re exaggerating or that it’s not real because they don’t face it. The saddest thing is that other marginalized people should be able to sympathize with other prejudices because they face oppression.
And lesbians suffer a very unique type of oppression because it’s directly connected to both homophobia and misogyny. Just like you said: we’re not trying to say we have it worse than other sapphics, we’re just trying to make people listen to us and take lesbophobia seriously. And what I say might be controversial but from my experience observing other people it does feel like lesbophobia is taken less seriously than other prejudices related to the LGBTQ+ community. Especially because it’s a very ignored and erased oppression since people immediately box us with gays by calling what we face homophobia when sometimes is a way more specific oppression than that.
It’s frustrating because most of queer lesbophobes are also fighting other kinds of oppression, but they’re actively silencing and promoting lesbophobia. A lot of people might not agree with me but I think they deserve all the hate and oppression they get, very hypocritical wanting to stop [insert phobia] while promoting others.
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i need some of you to realize that call out culture, by design, rewards people who make the most outrageous & aggressive accusations, without regards to truth or context. it encourages people to misconstrue, to erase context, to outright lie. it feeds the instinct to attack, with or without cause. 
and that naturally enables certain types of people (terfs, exclusionists, bigots) who already have a vitriolic bandwagon behind them, to target & harass minority bloggers whose inclusive platforms they do not like to see becoming popular.
this has happened time and again, it has driven good people off this site, it is traumatic and unhealthy to everyone involved. purity culture creates an atmosphere of fear & paranoia, i am begging you to reexamine this attitude of mob violence in online spaces
#not a shitpost#serious post#harassment tw#seriously ya'll......this happens time and again and i'm getting fucking sick of it#do you remember i-am-a-fish? do you remember when you let ace & trans exclusionists target & harass i-am-a-fish off this site?#i see the same tactics being used time and again on different ace & trans & nb & gnc bloggers#and it WORKS! it works every time! people on this site fall for it every time and i am SICK of it#would you just. look at people's blogs and judge them on their recent and overall actions.#if people have been personally hurt by them then yes listen to victims#but don't take screenshots of posts from 2 years ago as the sacred truth#i see bloggers apologizing again and again for the same things and then realize 'oh shit they don't *want* an apology'#'these people just want more shit to throw at me. an apology is never going to be enough'#and also....let people grow? i'm proud of how quickly the standards of what is appropriate and respectful are changing & progressing#we are all constantly learning new things about what is and is not appropriate to say. and that's good!!#but the result is that what we considered appropriate a year or 2 ago we now know probably shouldn't be#so like. look at people's recent posts if you want to know their recent attitudes.#don't go attacking people for stuff they said years ago unless you have reason to believe they still believe & are perpetuating it#especially when so many people on this site are goddam teenagers holy shit#i honestly wonder if that is the reason so many people in online spaces are unwilling to admit they were wrong or change their opinions#bc we've erased the concept that you're allowed to be wrong and grow and update your opinion#so if you admit you are wrong NOW you're opening yourself up to be attacked years down the line#i've had to learn as a popular blog when to clapback and when to just...let it slide#often it's better to tell people off in private or block them. but callout culture is encouraging us to just.#automatically hit back fullthrottle in a way that puts our target at risk for public harassment#so i see a lot of crappy but lowkey comments getting people dunked into shitstorms and it's just....#a lot of time and energy spent harassing people who...aren't really the people you should be concerned about?#and who could probably learn & grow if given the right incentive?#idk i'm seeing a lot of stick and very little carrot.#and a lot of black-and-white thinking that leads to more violence than i'm comfortable having in an online community
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feminisedlad · 3 years
the sentence, “we can’t know if that historical figure was trans, they could have been gay or GNC” is blatantly true on its face, but it’s also a sentiment that im frankly sick of hearing.
representation, in the modern sense of the term, matters -- but so does historical representation. looking to the past as a means of identity formation is a normal and natural part of the human experience. if history is a river, we are all gazing into the water - not just at our reflections, although that’s part of it, but also at the current of the water itself. many people find comfort in looking towards historical figures as role models, but it goes deeper than that, too.
with the world being as atomized and individualized as it is, it’s easy to feel like the only trans person in the world, especially if you live somewhere where trans people are reviled. that sense of isolation is incredibly damaging - simply put, i dont believe it’s how humans are meant to live. sometimes a trans person’s only sense of community is through the books they read about people like them who did the hard work first. if you’re a lonely, awkward trans kid living in the deep south, and you recognize yourself in people like eleanor rykener or charley parkhurst...holy shit. what kind of heartless, condescending person could fault you for that?
but no. instead, every time a trans person so much as says, “this person’s biography reminded me of my transition,” a million people come out of the woodwork to remind us that -- hey, hold on a second -- did you know that person might not have been trans? like, it was really important to correct you. we can’t know for SURE that person was trans. sure, he lived as a man for his entire professional adult life. sure, they insisted on neutral pronouns. sure, she wore womens’ clothing at great personal risk to her life. but, like...you know. they could also just not be trans. i know you like the idea of people like you existing. i know you think you’ve “always been here,” or whatever. but it’s super important that i inform you -- because you were too stupid to know -- that this person is deceased, and so we’ll never know deductively if they were trans or not, and preferably could we just stop talking about it? generally speaking? i think it’s more interesting if james barry was a cis woman, despite all evidence to the contrary, and since we can’t know for sure, it’s best to just assume cis as default.
these conversations are demoralizing to the bone, not to mention incredibly boring. what goes through these peoples’ minds? do they realize how condescending they sound? do they really think trans people are so stupid as to not realize that historical figures -- being dead, and all -- can’t self-identify? do they seriously think we need to be told that the word “transgender” is fairly recent, and so of course some dude from the fucking 1600s wouldn’t have described himself that way? i don’t know, but what i do know is that i’m tired.
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tandytoaster · 2 years
It’s so weird to have my mother (seemingly) be like... an okay person. Given, I have no idea what it’s like at her house when I’m not there, but when I AM there things are nice, regular family shit.
On one hand it’s super confusing not having any closure. Confronting her on all the whack ass shit she’s done and said over the years WAS something I was going to do, I was going to do it in August but that’s when both she and Suzie Q got sick. And I was like. Damn if I go through with this it will kill her. Literally. So I didn’t and then in November was when Princess Fluffy got sick and when I found that cat that looked like Friskie in the marsh fields and I resumed contact.
Ever since pokemon sumo came out, I saw so much of my mother in Lusamine, like it’s fucked. A woman more concerned with her animals than her human children, her son rebelling and her daughter running away. Even down to the sumo vs usum discrepancy - with Lillie telling off Lusamine in the sumo but that Not happening in usum, yet everything is somehow okay after all that. Like, that’s ME, that’s MY LIFE. “Why is this happening, this woman was evil, why is she being nice”. With pokemon it’s a more simpler thing to comprehend since Lusamine is a character, it’s normal to question why writers would chose to redeem such a shitty person. But with ME? My mom is a whole person, a human being. So then the why turns to me, WHY have I let this woman back into my life after all the years of me saying I would escape from her. It’s complex in a human way that I don’t know how to describe, like it just makes sense. As humans, we want to be loved and wanted and to have connections, and the very first people we love are our parents and they’re supposed to love us. Obviously I can’t speak for every abused child, but a lingering feeling of “Why did you do this to me, you were supposed to take care of me” persists. And that can manifest as sadness or anger or resentment or fear or a wish to be loved like how we were supposed to be.
It’s incredibly mind boggling to witness her hear me out on things instead of telling me that she’s right and that I don’t know anything, it’s weird as hell seeing her EMPATHIZE with me and listen to me instead of telling me to get over it. I was telling her about the harry potter shit and bitchass rowling being a transphobe, to which my mother said, “See, now I don’t get that. That doesn’t effect her, why does she care at the defense of trans ppl. And the conversation continues and she mentioned some gnc people she sees around regularly or knew in the past and how she’s always worn men’s clothes and how clothing is just clothing. She was SUPPORTIVE in the way a slightly out of touch 45 year old is, some wrong or outdated terminology but otherwise at our defense. Then the conversation went to somewhere that prompted her to say, “Lesbians are the WORST they’re MEAN” and immediately I was like “You’re thinking of r*df*ms” and I explained what that was and how a lot of them happen to be lesbians but most lesbians are not a part of that mindset, it’s just that the r*df*ms are really flashy so they catch attention. And she repeated it back to me like, “Ohh so those people are just really loud. Yea that makes sense”, LIKE SHE LISTENED TO ME?? HEARD ME OUT?? First time in my goddamn life.
I was telling Christina about this the other day and they were like “holy fuck”, bc they’ve known my mom for years bc we’ve been friends since we were 7. Like they were FLOORED.
Another thing I think I caught the other day from my mother, I think she used my gf’s proper pronouns??? A lot was happening, so it was noisy but what I THINK I heard was, “When do you have to pick him up- Or, pick them up” (becc uses they/them around my family for now). I’m REALLY hoping I heard right because that’s another massive development, because since day 1 she was pretty rude about Becc. As well as the fact that my mom was a “there’s only 2 genders” person
Seeing all these positive changes is incredible but it comes with fear too. I’m worried it’s a tactic to reel me back in and she can start trying to control me again. Everything seems nice in the beginning but then goes back to how it’s always been. It’s scary because I don’t want to go through that shit ever again, but even scarier for me now is that I’ve been show respect and love and I don’t want to lose that. It’s like how I feel about 2019, it was the best year of my life and the happiest I’ve ever been, but we’re no longer in the world that was once 2019 and I think it’s cruel to be given something that makes me feel like how a normal person should feel, only to have it swiftly taken away. I’d rather go without ever knowing the feeling if it meant not having to endure the grief that comes with losing it.
I feel like a child coming up to their mother to show her the macaroni art they made so she can put it on the fridge. Look at what I made, look at what I can do.
I don’t wish this confusing mess upon anyone. Fucks with your head too much
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[Content warning for transphobic language on the second paragraph]
I wish TERFs/FITs/transphobes in general didn't rely so heavily on ad hominem attacks when they "debate" trans people, gender nonconforming cis people, and just general opponents of their values (I use "debate" loosely as these people don't argue points, they just try to frame the person in the worst light possible so they look more moral by comparison).
As a trans person, I've heard that I'm ruining my body, that I'm just feebly escaping misogyny, I've been called the t-slur, I've been mocked for every aspect of who I am, and honestly it doesn't do much to me when a TERF tries to use those same tactics on me. Pardon me for not wanting to join the TERF ranks when I'm being told the same abusive shit I internalized and tried to use to convert myself to being cis (which didn't work because conversion "therapy" doesn't work). And I can't imagine the misogyny you face from them as a cis, GNC lesbian. I've seen what those people say about you and holy shit, it makes me feel awful.
Yeah as a cis GNC lesbian, I have told FITs multiple times that their rhetoric is harmful to us and people like them are doing shit such as harassing us in bathrooms.
They mocked me and dismissed what I was saying, even when I showed them evidence.
I’ve also been called basically every name under the sun and patronised simply bc I don’t agree with their transphobic hate group 🤦🏻
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askanonbinary · 3 years
I hope this isn’t rude, but I genuinely wanted to get your input on an issue since I’m not nonbinary. I just read a post on another blog that basically says that nonbinary lesbians can’t be misgendered as women because they are calling themselves lesbians. By this person’s logic, nonbinary people can’t be lesbians because by using the term they must identify as women, and therefore can’t also be nonbinary (they’ve also flat out admitted that they don’t believe nonbinary lesbians exist). [1/4]
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So, first, not rude of all. Second, This dude sucks. Like honest to god he sucks ass holy fuck.
As a Gender:Mean person (not a ‘real’ identity don’t try to google it, you will get nothing) who’s dating a lesbian, the very implication that I, by association, must be a woman? Pretty cringe and rude of the man. In my (trans) lesbian girlfriend’s own words, “I like women and people who are vaguely aligned with women”. and like. non binary is not a third gender. this is not a trinary. Literally, every single nonbinary person chooses in this regard. And I choose to mirror my lover’s. Simple fact is that, like, this specific guy cannot comprehend the concept of butches who use pronouns as another way to be gnc, of people who don’t have pronoun preferences, of fucking ungendered pronouns. He straight up denies the fact that any modern lesbians who identify wholly as women might use pronouns other than she/her.
But then, there’s the catch. people like this clown don’t actually care about lesbians, or transphobia, or any of this shit. Like, look at this shit.
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This isn’t the perspective of a person who actually gives a shit. Nobody normal says shit like this, honestly. Plenty of self-identified exclusionists would call this a stupid take. People like this guy? All they care about is posturing like they’re the smart guy in the room and honestly? Debate is overrated.
anyways @occasionlyme23​ I’m still waiting on that 200 dollars. Anyone else, you can also have me on your podcast if you pay me.
-Mod Gillian
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crashed-keys · 3 years
Hands you five dollars does this establishment happen to have any... Trans Bandori headcanons... Headcanons about transition goals, what their journey was like, their experiences with dysphoria, as well as labels...
roselia is all trans <3 yukina is no gender body empty, ako’s gender is gamer (nonbinary) and everyone else is trans woman (though for kinnie purposes i Occasionally say “sayo nonbinary!!”). i also like nonbinary!kaoru but i totally get people who don’t — i just think kaoru is very gender? nonbinary hina and moca are good too.
i think lisa would’ve figured it out pretty young, and being very trusting of yukina she tells her pretty quickly after finding out. yukina’s like “oh okay!” and adjusts quickly. she’s never really Thought about gender much before and actually she still doesn’t — not till several years later when everyone Else in her band turns out to be trans and she’s like “oh. is gender supposed to be a thing people care about”
similarly ako probably asks her sister for advice once she’s starting to feel maybe-sort of-but-not-really-girl, maybe thinks this is a normal thing? tomoe is a bit confused but loves her little sibling so much and does her best to help her feel safe and figure herself out
i’ve seen a few fics about trans!sayo + nonbinary!hina — both of these headcanons just make So much sense they feel canon but not? sayo comparing herself to hina — who may or may not have figured herself out yet — would’ve been even worse... i think hina would offer to help though? i can honestly see it going either way with sayo only refusing hina’s help further or them being a bit closer than in canon due to this, but i think im a bit more inclined to the latter. anyways the point is sayo starts
i think kaoru’s technically fine with being perceived but Her gender is very dramatic and cool, i think i could see her as like maverique? i definitely know that not every gnc person ever is trans/n-b but when i was a young nyb of 13, kaoru stuck out to me as so. so gender. she was literally exactly what i wanted to look like so.
i think i saw genderfluid hina once and i think that’s so sexy.... it’s a very good headcanon i like it a lot!
....somehow i forgot about pareo which like. wow holy Shit. but come On she’s got trans hair and the backstory she’s gotta be trans
i think trans/nonbinary kokoro would be cool too. she gets to transition pretty early on because she’s rich n after harohapi is pretty solidly established she like. comes out and starts offering help for trans people so people do come to her for if they need money or for other resources. i think her bandmates would help out too
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takashi0 · 4 years
I want to confess something: I've encountered the statement "listen to poc/minorities when they something is offensive" when I wrote posts about why I disagree against the criticism of Hazbin being "problematic", and while I usually agree with that statement I also think people should be free to form their own opinions. Do you agree?
I want to ask something: its often said in sj circles that if a marginalized person says something is "offensive", people who dont belong to that group should "sit and listen". Whats your opinion on this? Asking because Ive written posts explaining why I disagree with some criticisms against hazbin hotel.
ie "Vaggie is a racist latino stereotype cuz she feels anger". I personally think people should have the freedom to disagree.
Another question I want to ask: anti hazbns have also compared Angel Dust's design to Rcdart's trans cap, implying both are "equally transphobic". They are saying Angel's design is transphobic because of his chest. WHats your take on that?
See the problem with SocJus rhetoric of “listen to minorities” is that for every individual member of a minority group that does complain about something, there’s a dozen more who are at the very least don’t care/have more important things to worry about or at most think whatever the white liberal is bitching about is dumb.
Case in point: Viv herself is Latina and Bi and SHE MADE THE DAMN SHOW. And considering that Vaggie is from San Salvador like her AND the fact that again, Viv made her goddamn character to begin with, it stands to reason that she specifically made Vaggie the way she is on purpose not giving a damn about any stupid stereotype. In fact given Viv’s statements about the whole purpose of Hazbin being that it’s about flawed people becoming better, I dare say that Vaggie’s anger issues are supposed to be, gee I dunno, a CHARACTER FLAW FOR VAGGIE TO ADDRESS AND WORK ON or something!
Like holy shit, wow what a stereotype. Someone in a horrible environment surrounded by assholes who mock her and her girlfriend is frequently ANNOYED And ANGRY! How awful! How Racist! How dare Viv write Vaggie responding to situations like AN ACTUAL HUMAN BEING! 
Would these clowns complain if Vaggie was anything else? Is it really that much of a fucking problem that Viv writes a character as an actual character instead of some milquetoast inoffensive checklist of traits that are approved by the Holy Church of Woke? 
Because I guarantee you if Vaggie was anything else they would still nitpick her to death and find reason to complain. Vaggie’s Black? Oh no! Angry Black Woman! That’s a Stereotype! Vaggie’s White? Oh no! Angry White Woman! She’s a Karen, and that’s racist! I don’t know what the fuck they’d say if she were Asian or Native American but I promise you they’d pull something out of their asses. And when you’re in a game where it’s rigged so you lose no matter what, the only option is to not play and give the GM the finger.   As for Angel Dust: that’s easy! He’s not Trans! He was never meant to be Trans! Otherwise Viv would’ve said so! I’m really goddamn tired of GNC people being assumed as trans by default when that’s a fallacious way of thinking and usually wrong, used by idiots to declare crossdressers like Angel, Naoto or Chihiro to be trans and ignoring all evidence to the contrary and getting peoples’ hopes up for disappointment! It’s stupid! and it needs to fucking STOP.
The difference is RCD has a fetish they try and badly fail to disguise as woke art when they were better off admitting they had a kink. Viv made a weirdo bustyboy twink spider demon because she wanted a weirdo bustyboy twink spider demon and never claimed otherwise! 
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ineffable-idi0t · 4 years
a past trans medicalist’s perspective on the trans community in 2020(cw minor mentions of transphobia)
trans medicalism
also sorry this is so long I just had a lot to say asdhsa
when I was in 6th grade I discovered miles mckenna’s channel and it changed my life. everything he said aligned to how I was feeling. and then in 7th grade I discovered kalvin garrah. it changed my life again. he put me in the mindset that the only people that are trans are the people that fit into this very small keyhole view of masculinity, femininity, and androgyny. i held that mindset for almost 4 years. I vividly remember telling my gender-fluid friend that I didn’t believe in their identity and they just needed to ‘pick a side’(ironically I'm bi so like, I was a hypocrite). I was so rude and vile to every ngc trans person I ever met, I thought they were the reason that there are transphobes. 
and then I started watching people’s “why I hate kalvin garrah” videos and watching videos of people who’s lives were dramatically impacted by kalvin garrah’s fans. once I saw Brennen beckwith’s video and holy shit. my mind was changed. I started realizing how fucked up that mindset was. trendercore is fucking amazing. reclaiming all of the shit that has been used against you is what qu33r/lgbt+ activism is all about! neopronouns and xenogenders and microlabels help people express themselves to the nth degree and that’s good! having those hyper specific labels help people feel comfortable in their skin, and for many, that’s the first time they’ve felt that feeling. 
now don’t get me wrong, I am still working on my internalized transphobia and toxic masculinity, and I'm not sure if that will go away for a while. but hey, I use bug/bugs pronouns now, 13 year old me could NEVER. I started realizing that transphobia has and always will exist, it’s not something that will ever go away and that’s not nb, gnc, or binary trans people’s fault!!! 
yes, minors should need parental consent and therapy to go on hormones because those have permanent effects, especially testosterone. and yes, you should need a doctor’s referral for any gender affirming procedures, invasive or not. but dysphoria is very subjective. everybody is going to feel it differently, and not everybody that is trans has it! other than that, let people use whatever fucking name and pronouns and identity that feel right for them, leave people the fuck alone. I'm so glad I've grown from the toxic mindset I had that hurt so many people in my life and I'm so sorry to everybody that I've hurt.
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
Top 5: writing memories, songs, characters that are not blank rune, runes, food
Linda I love you but are you trying to kill me … that’s so many Top 5’s! But alright, I’ll do my best! (Answers will probably switch between German and English RIP to every non-German-speaker who follows me and wants to read this for some reason I swear I’m normal)
5.) The entire time I spent finishing my first (second?) longer writing project It was the year 2012 and it was a cyberpunk story about my friends’ and my edgy self inserts riding dinosaurs, fighting aliens and being badass. The plot twist in the end was that my character was secretly evil and wanted to kill everyone. (Things to show your therapist) The final boss fight made zero sense and also everything was incredibly weird and stupid. But sometimes I still think about those times when I sat in my grandma’s living room at night, eating chips and listening to Vocaloid covers while thinking this story was the coolest shit ever. Truly simpler times.
4.) Researching something about universities in Texas for OvF on a rainy Saturday afternoon I have no idea why this memory is still sticking with me to this day (I think it was around 2016 or something?), but I remember that it was just a really nice day and I felt really at peace at that moment?
3.) The entire writing process of Bathroom Blues It was such a spontaneous project and I still have no idea how I managed to power though it in just a little under two months! Also it was just incredibly fun seeing you getting excited over new drafts and I loved coming up with new plot points and Halloween costumes for everyone with you. :-D Truly a summer worth remembering.
2.) FINALLY uploading the prologue and intro chapter of WWBL Not really a writing memory, but that moment was … so sexy and magical. Seriously, you have no idea how long I had been waiting to finally start that story, waiting for the Steckbriefe to roll in and see people react to the prologue and generally the idea … I even made one of those countdown graphic thingies for the designated upload date! 8D At that point I had planned that story for about six months and just … yeah, that felt powerful to me.
1.) Writing the prologue for WWBL When I first started the draft for that prologue I was sitting at the window in my favourite hotel in Winterberg, Sauerland, wore my dark green flannel, had the window wide open breathing in the cool mountain air and allowed myself to listen to my WWBL playlist for the very first time. God, that felt so amazing. I even have a photo of it (which somehow makes it look like I have the biggest football shoulders in the universe) my sister took that night. God I miss Sauerland. )’:
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My apologies to every favourite song of mine that I forgot about, I have a whole playlist of them, but I think these are some of my oldest faves … (Honorable mentions for Don’t Mess With Me and Not That Big by Temposhark, Goodbye by Apparat, Me And The Devil by Soap&Skin, Heart Heart Head by Meg Myers, Pain and Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace, Beautiful Crime by Tamer, Gravity Of Love by Enigma, In Flames by Digital Daggers [thanks Phi u_u] and Murder Cries by Snow Ghosts AHHH FUCK IT I could’ve just made a playlist,,,)
5.) Vater Unser by E Nomine Starting off with some weird shit, won’t we? I’ve been in love with this song since fifth or sixth grade, when I was just starting to develop an actual music taste and although I have many favourite songs by E Nomine, this one has to be my absolute fave. Every time I can relate it to a character it makes me love said character even more. (Also I think about it every time my mom forces me to go to church for Christmas so … yay? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even be able to remember the Vater Unser if it wasn’t for this song. 8D)
4.) Wires by The Neighbourhood I think this is the newest all-time fave on this list, I found it in … 2015? Thank you, Youtube AMVs. Yeah man, this one is just … on so many playlists it’s not even funny anymore.
3.) Heathens by Twenty One Pilots An edgelord classic but like … it’s on EVERY playlist of mine. Every single one. It’s just so good. The first time I heard it was on the radio tho, when I was having breakfast with Jessie and I forced her to shazam it because it immediately stuck with me,,,
2.) Imaginary by Evanescence My first Evanescence song ever and the first step towards becoming who I am today I think. This song has like … such a big history for me, man. It single-handedly turned me goth in 2008 and I have never really thanked it for that.
1.) Eternal by Evanescence Might be my favourite song of all time. The number of dramatic RP scenes I have written with this in the background … man. Oh, also this song is the reason for one of my oldest internet nicknames, ‘eternala’, which subsequently shortened into Etschuh and then Tschuh, my main nickname until 2017, when I came out as trans and finally found an actual name for myself I was comfortable with!
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I know this was probably supposed to be about fandom characters but I can literally not come up with a single character right now that I love with a special burning passion and that is not my or one of my friends’ OCs so you’re getting OCs now. u_u And boy do I have a lot of those.
5.) Jackson Tracey from atroCITY (mine) This little piece of shit kept me company for a pretty long time and is still very close to my heart for some reason, although I haven’t drawn him or really thought about him in detail for a while now. My favourite thing is how I only realized what a horrible person he was after I stopped regularly working with him but honestly good for me. 8D His storyline and personality is kinda convoluted and tbh I’m not really sure how much of it is canon anyway (atrc was always a little weird about canon rip) but yeah. He’s an obsessive stalker piece of shit who pities himself way too much and he is also a semi-immortal demigod who likes knives. I hate him but he also helped me a lot with some gender and sexuality stuff so thanks I guess.
4.) Mayoko Imai from Century Riders DXPrototype (Maus’ and mine) Mayoko is a magical girl protagonist with a cool cyborg arm prosthetic and her main character trait was that she was basically a reverse weeaboo, a Japanese girl who was obsessed with American media, culture and comic book heroes! I actually love her concept a lot and she also had a pretty cool character arc in her story (which Maus and I wrote together and actually finished btw!), although it could use a lot more … polishing from today’s point of view. But I love her anyway. She always wanted to do the right thing and be a hero and got broken pretty cruelly and her ending is kinda bittersweet I guess? Ahh there’s just so much nuance to it … anyways, CR3 also stuck with me for a very long time and I enjoyed the time with her a lot. :3 (Her name had a cameo in Another Incident btw heehee)
3.) Tessa *insert extremely long chain of unnecessary first names here* von Lean from Nobody Is Perfect and Infernal Temptation (belongs to one of my old school friends) Tessa is just … a hand full. I love to hate her. She is badly written and developed and just OOZES mentally ill teenage girl’s idealized self-insert power fantasy, but she just … man, she was a big part of one of my most drama-filled high school friendships which I love looking back at so much. Tessa has fucked so many of my characters … good for her tbh! There are actually two versions of her, one is just a ‘normal’ teenage girl and one can shapeshift into a cheetah, but both of them are very close to my heart. I should really adopt and redesign her some day.
2.) Judy Khayat from Original vs. Final (mine) Look, I love all my OvF-characters and every single one of them is special to me in their own way, but Judy is just … the most complex of them all I think? Man, she went through so much … she is actually one of my oldest (semi)-active characters (I created her in 2009) and her latest version is from 2016 but I should really, REALLY revise her again tbh. She has a very complicated backstory that I didn’t handle as carefully as I should have, and anger issues and religious conflict and depression and PTSD and then Vance of all people becomes obsessed with her for no reason and decides to traumatize her even more … yeah. God I really love her but I seriously need to work on her. A LOT. I should also finally rename her tbh … let’s just see where she takes me next.
1.) Okami (I don’t even remember if she has a proper last name rn lol) from Split Realm (mine) Yeah, that bitch is just my favourite OC. She’s also very old, probably from around 2009, and initially was a magical girl with fire powers who I played in an RP with my friend Flauch but boy did she grow up! Holy fuck. Okami is a horrible person but I love her so much. She is so violent and full of anger and pain and sadness and treats everyone around her like shit and she is in love and she is a demon but also apparently the personification of the concept of Chaos but she just wants to be a teenager again and run away with the love of her life and ahhh it’s all so hopeless for her … also she turned out gnc af with time passing and pretty much went through a gender/sexuality crisis in real time with me, her creator, which is always fun. :^D I haven’t drawn her in a while tbh. Should really do that.
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I’m just gonna go with the arcs here, okay? Also this entire answer might look completely different if you asked me again tomorrow, you know how indecisive I am with Blank Rune shit ahha,,,
5.) Jera Look. I know I’m boring and stupid. But I just love Tave and Liam having their disgusting little foreshadowing talk, okay? I can read it over and over. I just love my horrible little shit crime boys. Also Rhy and Phillip are there. (’:
4.) Isa This one is here because it was the first arc I witnessed in real time which gives it a very special place in my heart and it also … hit pretty hard at the time. But having read Fehu it’s become even better now! It’s just such a wonderful, tragic romance between two horrible, ruthless boys and I … I’m not immune to Rhy, sadly. :-/ Just like Phillip.
3.) Wunjo We still haven’t seen everything that leads up to Wunjo yet, but we DO know more than we did initially (wow shocker) and it’s just always a fucking blast. Also, it has the first mention of Ash’s real name … the first Rhy POV (which what the fuck!! I always feel like we had one before but we didn’t!! Wild) and it has crazy blood-soaked murder Tave, my beloved. :///3
2.) Eiwaz You guys have heard me fanboy about Eiwaz so many times already. Eiwaz-OT3 (and Kain) my beloved!!! It’s just SUCH an amazing starting point and there are so, so many things that tie back to it and every time we find out about a new one my heart makes a little jump … und es beginnt von Neuem indeed.
1.) Gebo One of the most painful but also the most beautiful arcs yet in my opinion. It’s been hyped up for so long and boy did it deliver. God, my heart still hurts when I think about that last scene. Also all the dialogue … the golden lines we got … and it’s an arc without Rhy! Crazy!! :-D I just love the relationship between Ash, Astrid and Jakob so much. God fuck I want what they have. Just maybe without the murder suicide,,,
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5.) Diese Sonntagsbrötchen wo die Verpackung so plopp macht, wenn man die Folie abzieht Better than normale Brötchen for some reason. Most of the time. See 2.) Look man, I just really love a good breakfast …
4.) Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese topping One of the first things from a certain baking book I tried when I was getting into baking back in 2019. God they are so tasty. I don’t make them often so I don’t get used to them too much and eating them still feels special but ahhhh I love them so much!
3.) Grünkohl mit Kartoffelbrei und Mettendchen One of my favourite things about autumn/winter and one of my biggest comfort foods. God I love this shit so much. I just put … mountains of Grünkohl and Kartoffelbrei on my plate every time and I will just warm it up for four days straight until there’s no more left. It turns me into a fucking caveman. I’m not even big on eating meat but … yeah. Everything is different when there’s Grünkohl.
2.) Normales Brötchen mit Butter und Scheibenkäse aber ich bin beim Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel Oddly specific but that’s just how it is. Sorry. Nichts geht über Brötchen mit Käse.
1.) Chilli-Knoblauch-Nudelauflauf My beloved. My comfort food. I eat it literally every second day. At least one hour in the kitchen every time. Fresh ingredients. My only vegetable intake. And I’ve been doing that for three years. I just love it so much, man. I cook it for everyone who visits me. Chilli-Knoblauch-Auflauf cured my depression.
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strangewerewolf · 2 years
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I posted 2 331 times in 2021
26 posts created (1%)
2305 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 88.7 posts.
I added 88 tags in 2021
#em speaks - 26 posts
#save - 15 posts
#find later - 14 posts
#em's simp posts - 12 posts
#yearning - 5 posts
#me - 4 posts
#witchcraft - 3 posts
#gender - 3 posts
#good for them - 3 posts
#i love it - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#i have 2! emerson and a shortened version of my deadname that i can pass off as a nickname. i still get deadnamed a lot tho
My Top Posts in 2021
hey uh i have a gf now!! i like her a lot. we went and got bubble tea and talked about witchcraft, larp, gender and a bunch of cool stuff then i asked her out n we kissed,,,,,
6 notes • Posted 2021-04-25 01:14:13 GMT
ideal date: eating lunch together in the park while listening to music and then vandalizing statues of shitty people
6 notes • Posted 2021-05-07 01:49:47 GMT
i used to be a “truscum” and i’m ashamed of it
yes, i’ve reblogged LOTS of questionable things in the past. i used to be a transmed (and lowkey t*rfy) and i deeply apologize for it. the stuff i reblogged back then might still be on my blog but i’ll try to go through and delete all of it. I’m not a “truscum” anymore, i learned how to deal with that hatred when i went to therapy about a year ago in the summer of 2020. that idea of “every trans person has to be completely cis-passing” is really harmful to everyone, and i realized it the hard way. i don’t think in-fighting is the way to solve the issues the trans community faces. i’m neither a tucute nor a truscum, i think this type of discourse is pointless and we have to unite to fight transphobia. I’m not on tumblr as much as i was in the past few years, but i still think it’s important to put it out there. from now on i’m just gonna use this blog for whatever i like and spreading the word about important things but no more dysphoria discourse.  - Lots of love, Dorian/Emerson
7 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 13:45:28 GMT
12 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 01:22:34 GMT
it is 1am and i’m starved for t4t percabeth content so here we go
ok so
Annabeth is a trans girl and Percy is a trans guy 
Percy knew he felt like a guy from a pretty young age (as in before he went to camp) 
The way the colour blue is associated with boys gives him euphoria and is part of why he likes it a lot. Plus, the whole thing of blue food being special goes with him being different bc of his gender and that colour is even on the trans flag!!
Sally picked out his name
When he told her how he felt, she immediately tried learning as much as she could to help him 
He could unfortunately not be put on blockers until he got to camp but he did start dressing more masculine, chop off his hair and got a binder as soon as he felt like he needed one. 
He was stealth at his boarding school (the one at the beginning of TLT, i can’t remember what it’s called) and Grover is one of the first people he told. 
He also told Mr Brunner/Chiron 
As for Annabeth, she figured it out during her first few years at camp. Since CHB is a pretty accepting place, she got time as a younger kid to dress how she wanted and explore her gender. Dionysus and Chiron helped her with it and since Mr D is basically the god of trans/gnc people in a way, he gave her some sort of godly/magic hormone blockers and gave some to Percy too 
the Aphrodite cabin helped her with makeup when she was old enough to use it.
Thalia picked her name, since she’s kind of an older sister figure to her.
Artemis, since she’s the protector of all women, changed Annabeth’s body and helped with her dysphoria. Unfortunately she couldn’t do anything for Percy.
Percy came out to her on their second quest, and then she came out to him. They were both surprised but glad to know that most people at CHB were accepting (Percy had never tested the waters there because he was stealth).
they’re both bi as fuck and go to pride together in matching tie-dye shirts.
i have so much more but i need to sleep holy shit
88 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 05:24:22 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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godzas · 3 years
the updated athree lgbt hcs list. im insane
masumi: is clearly gay but we havent had the talk. also nonbinary and he/they/xe. you need to really coax him to talk about gender or tell you hes not cis hes like a cat
sakuya: is a cisgay, figured it out a while ago hes just chilling
itaru: gay and nonbinary. he/they. most of his like for women was built up in high school after being extremely insecure. he had a fling with tonooka and thats partially why he repressed it
tsuzuru: gay and cis. figured it out in high school and his family is very supportive. he wishes his parents would stop showing him pictures of men and asking if their cute
chikage: GAY. genderfluid he/it/she. number one woman disrespecter. also homophobic
citron: how could i forget him. bi. why is everyone in spring gay except for him. sorry buddy. yes bi and nonbinary. he/they
tenma: gay. gay. cis as well but hes questioning whether he may be genderfluid because he has been getting le gender envy from everyones fave gnc king. i have a full tenma gay plan in my mind its too complicated to list out
yuki: bisexual and genderfluid nonbinary!! he needed a lot of time to grow into himself and he still has a lot of trauma from his childhood, so he isnt entirely comfortable yet. but hes trying every day to unlearn what was drilled into him as a kid
muku: bi trans! he likes neopronouns but hasnt found any yet that are specifically his. hes like the textbook anxious ftm. someone tell him to stop practicing with his binder on holy shit did he do track w this thing on muku go to the doctor how are your ribs
kazunari: bi trans! i dont have much to say on him i just think hes swag. he supports everyone else so much hes the lgbts biggest fan. you bet he goes all out for pride and decorates
misumi: i wrote masumi wtf two. anyway san uses he/they/san/tri pronouns because i think san as a pronoun sounds so cool. gay triangle
banri: bi nonbinary. he likes some neopronouns but not many. hes picky and changes them depending on the day. hopelessly mlm
juza: some sort of mlm and nonbinary! ive seen some epic she/they/he juza and i like that. weve all seen the their typo for juza. they/them canon
taichi: ^_^ bi he/they he hasnt gottem a handle on gender yet. i love him so much he has def had a crush on nearly every mankai member but got over it. and they are cute to boot
omi: gay cis. was def dating nachi you cant deny it. wait i had a terrible idea. i wont elaborate but man thats sad. omi hunk and i want him to be a bear sooo bad he would look so good
sakyo: trans bi. hes never rlly loved anyone besides izumi, but did have some men in his early ginsenkai career. the first transmasc present father
azami: bi and nonbinary! im not sure if i want him to be afab since i try to keep my trans hcs within canon. no hes transmasc now him and sakyo are trans buddies sakyo gives him his testosterone shots and thats father son time
tsumugi: bi cis! is this our first cis bi so far. well anyway hes gay for tasuku, and yknow they dated in college but broke up bc of godza. he dated a girl after that, so hes bi. i dont talk enough abt tsumugi hes interesting. he/she
tasuku: the only gay man who likes cars. i have lots of evidence for gay tasuku and wouldnt it be sick if he was trans. get that jacked after transitioning. would love that.
azuma: genderless bi! he still uses he/him but it likes to switch it up sometimes. she has had lot of time to figure themself out and helps other mankais with identity. i luv azuma
homare: gayest man alive. well who wouldnt find maters and lightinings relationship homoerotic. oh my apologies you were talking about real cars. hes cis but gnc
hisoka: gay nonbinary!!! i love hisoka so much they are soo wonderful my little cat man. catgender marshmallowgender sleepygender. chikage goes crawling through mogai and retrieves genders for them. he/they/ it for fam
guy: he hasnt figured it all out yet! it knows its fine with he/it but he just became his own person give him some time hes got a lot to catch up on
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