#and how isak is looking away blushing
so-sures-blog · 3 months
Kimbaps & Kind Talks
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Summary: a girl found a boy being cornered by some bullies. homeless, alone, and starving, the boy asked the girl if she could please buy him some food.
the girl said yes.
(Their first meeting isn't really a meeting, but more of a moment where their lives briefly touched then went their separate ways.
But everything starts from somewhere.)
She meets him again when she is walking home from school, the light of the sunset dying the sky hues of orange and gold.
They both stop, equally surprised when they see each other again.
“Oh, you’re the…” Dayeon trails off, not sure how to finish that sentence. Homeless boy? Runaway that was starving and asked me for food? Kid who’s all alone? None of those sound particularly appealing, and she doesn’t want to be rude.
While she’s lost in thought, the boy rummages through his pockets before finally pulling out what he wanted— the money she had given him the day before. She notices that half of it has been used.
“H—Here,” the boy holds out the crinkled money. “Thanks for before, you really saved me. This is all I have, but I'll pay back the rest soon.”
Dayeon hesitantly takes it. “Oh, you don't have to do this… will you have anything left for yourself?”
“I'll be alright.” He reassures her.
“Well, if you say so.” Dayeon goes to bow before she suddenly hears a stomach growl loudly. She looks up to see the boy turning bright red.
Dayeon can't help but let out a soft laugh when she sees the boy's embarrassed face.
“You know, I'm actually feeling a little bit hungry myself. There's a convenience store right around the corner, care to join me?”
“ … yes, please.”
Dayeon begins walking, and after a moment, the boy follows her. Dayeon glances at him. She can already tell he's a bit on guard and on the quiet side, so she tries to loosen him up.
“You know, now that I think about it, I never got your name last night,” says Dayeon. The boy tenses for some reason, so Dayeon tries to put him at ease by introducing herself first. “I’m Dayeon.”
The boy hesitates, jaw working, like he was struggling with himself. Dayeon turns to look at him, and he meets her eyes. She waits, smiling patiently, and slowly, some of the tension dissolves in his shoulders.
“My name is… Isak.”
“Isak,” Dayeon repeats the foreign name slowly, and the boy gives a strange sort of shudder, like he's never heard his own name come out of another's mouth before. She eyes the reaction curiously and gives him a smile. “That's a nice name.”
The boy doesn't look like he knows what to say to that. “Um, thank you,” he says. His face is still stained with blush.
They walk in silence for a few minutes, and Dayeon steals another glance at him. He’s relaxed a bit more, so he isn't hiding his face under his cap like before, and now she can see the giant bruise swelling on his cheek.
“Hey,” she says, snapping his attention back to her. “Are you alright? You have…” Dayeon trails off and gestures helplessly to his face.
He blinks in surprise, almost as if he's startled she noticed the fresh bruise painting his face. “Oh. Um, yeah, I got into a fight earlier today.”
Dayeon gasps. “Was it those guys again?” She cries, dismayed.
Isak flinches. “Well, I did run into them again…”
Call it a habit she’s inherited from living with Ijin, but Dayeon is able to spot a half-truth a mile away. Her eyes flicker down to his hands.
(His knuckles were split and had fresh bruises. He didn’t carry himself as someone who had been injured. He hadn't been defending himself. He'd been fighting.)
A niggling feeling worms its way into her stomach.
“I see,” she says when she realizes she left him hanging. “You should be careful around here. Seoul is pretty safe, but there are a lot of gangs around these parts. Lots of rich kids try to pick fights with each other and get away with it because they have money.”
“Alright,” says Isak. He suddenly flinches like a thought has come to him and turns to her. “Will you be alright?”
Dayeon blinks, surprised. At first, she has no idea what he is talking about, but then she realizes what he means. She’s a teenage girl walking home all by herself in an area where she said there is a lot of criminal activity. And she knows firsthand how much men like to harass teenage girls.
His red-colored eyes stare into her, and it feels like he’s probing her soul for answers.
“I’ll be fine. I’m a fast runner,” Dayeon reassures him. “Lots of experience.” That probably wasn’t the most reassuring thing to say, but it was true. All the times of outrunning her bullies, drunk old men harassing her, and teenage boys who wouldn’t take no for an answer has practically turned her into a professional track star.
Gaining a brother had decreased those problems significantly, but old habits die hard.
Isak nods silently, and Dayeon somehow feels like he's more aware of what those experiences are than most boys are at their age.
They walk into the convenience store together, and Dayeon immediately sets out to ask Isak what he wants. He gives her a noncommittal shrug, so Dayeon is left nervously deciding what to pick out for him and second-guessing each item. Isak is hovering over her shoulder and trailing after her like a lost puppy, but every time Dayeon asks him what he would like he keeps on shrugging and saying variations of “I don't care” which inadvertently makes her more awkward. Finally, she suggests that they'll have better luck picking out items if they split up and choose.
Dayeon fingers the mouth of the cold soda, eyeing Isak across the store. He's studying the packages of kimbaps, looking a bit overwhelmed and flinching every time he meets the employee's gaze.
(Sometimes. Sometimes Ijin would flinch whenever someone called his name. Like he wasn’t used to it. Like he didn’t recognize it. Like he didn’t know it.
Like he was never called it.)
“ISAK!” Dayeon calls across the store, and he jerks so hard he knocks down the rows of food-filled plastic containers on the floor.
Dayeon is shocked. She didn’t know what she was expecting, but she didn't expect that reaction. Spotting the cashier scowling, she hurried over to Isak, who was hurriedly picking up the food.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he mutters. His whole face is red with embarrassment.
“It's okay,” soothes Dayeon, helping him pick up the mess. “It's my fault for calling you so loudly in public. I didn't mean to startle you.”
Dayeon neatly stacks the meals on the shelves while Isak picks them up from the floor. She glances at him when he isn't looking. She doesn't even know why she is wary of him, but it's just something about this boy that is sending some sort of signal to her.
He's different. Not in the way of a foreigner, but of something else. He walks like he's half-expecting to be stabbed than be offered a handshake. His words are mindful, but not in the way of not knowing the language but of carefully wording out information.
And his eyes.
Watchful and wary, darting around like he is looking for something— or hiding from it.
He reminds her of Ijin, and she wants to know why.
And then she does.
It happens in an instant. So unnoticeable that Dayeon would have missed it if she was paying less attention. Isak hands her the final plastic container, and as he does so, the sleeve of his red hoodie slips up.
And she sees it.
There, on the inside of his left wrist, written in small fine-print black ink, is:
Suddenly, the air just leaves her lungs. Her ears can hear nothing but a high-pitched ringing. Dayeon suddenly feels dizzy and faint.
(Her brother had a tattoo on his wrist. It was small and he tried to hide it, but they lived together so it was impossible to, really. Sometimes, when they washed dishes together, he would pull up his sleeves and Dayeon would catch a glimpse.
Inside of his right wrist was the number 001 .)
Dayeon tries to force herself to think it's a coincidence. This boy was likely a runaway, and that's why he wasn't used to his name. He was so jumpy and careful because he had likely lived on the streets, not because he was looking out for something. He had the tattoo because — because — just because!
(Something tells her it isn't.)
“Hey, are you okay?” Somebody asks. Dayeon snaps out of her daze to see the boy — Isak — staring at her with concerned red-colored eyes. His brow is furrowed, and it causes a crease in his face.
“Yes, I'm fine,” Dayeon's heart is pounding, and she doesn't know why. She forces a smile. “Sorry, I just blanked for a second.”
Shame and guilt sweep under her skin. Who is she to throw her half-baked suspicions onto him? She's probably on edge from Yeona’s kidnapping and seeing that blond foreigner that had thrown Ijin off for days. Right now, she’s just jumping to conclusions about who or what this boy is with only a gut feeling and circumstantial evidence.
From now on, Dayeon would just treat him as a— a normal boy.
In recompense, she offers him the ice-cold soda and he takes it confusedly. “We still have to pay?”
“It's for your bruise,” she says, gently tapping the side of her own jaw.
He blinks, startled. “Oh. Thank you.”
“No problem. Did you want to buy this or are you ready to pay?”
“Pay, please.”
Isak trails after her, soda to his cheek as he watches her pay. They make their way onto the porch, and as soon as she dumps all the food on the table, Isak gobbles it up like it's his last meal.
"You should leave some for spending next time. I wasn't expecting you to pay me back,” says Dayeon as Isak chomps down on the kimbaps.
"Of course I should pay you back. You're not supposed to wait until you have extra to pay someone back for their help." Isak scoffs.
"True," Dayeon counters with a smile. "But haven't you ever heard the saying, 'kindness is free'?"
The boy lets out a sharp, barking laugh like she’s said something hilarious. “Not from where I’m from.”
“Well, then clearly you didn’t grow up in the right place,” says Dayeon.
Isak stares at her, a curious, surprised, studying look appearing as he takes her in consideration. After a moment, his mouth twitches into something of a smile. “Maybe,” he agrees softly.
There's a beat of awkward silence as the two teenagers stare at each other until Dayeon clears her throat and gestures to the food. Isak flushes and digs in.
Dayeon can't help but stare at him while he's busy eating.
She didn't really notice the last time they met, but this was her first time seeing the boy in a real light instead of being cast in shadows or the dim glow of the convenience store.
His face is fair and slender, wisps of blond hair escaping his black cap. His lashes were blond, but they were long and thick and in the dying sun, cast shadows under the startling red-colored eyes that Dayeon first noticed.
He was actually… really pretty.
Dayeon knows that pretty isn’t really something that should describe a boy, but she didn’t know how else to describe him. He just… was.
Were all Western boys this pretty?
His eyes flick up questioningly, and Dayeon practically jumps when she meets his gaze.
“So, how old are you?” Dayeon blurts out the first question that comes to mind.
“Me? I'm seventeen…”
Dayeon gasps, a pleasantly surprised smile blooming. “You're my age.”
“R-Really? We're the same exact age?” Isak looks up, shocked, like he’s never spoken to another person the same age before.
“Yup, I’m seventeen years old too!” Dayeon beams. “Let’s speak comfortably now!”
“O-Okay. Do what you want…”
Dayeon looks at the kimbap he’s eating longingly. She’s feeling kind of hungry right now, but it would be rude to eat the food she had bought for Isak when he was likely much more hungry than she was. Isak notices her staring and nudges a kimbap towards her with a slight smile.
“You’re from overseas, right?” Dayeon asks, gratefully taking the kimbap from him.
“Yeah, I’m traveling right now.”
“With your friends?”
“By myself.”
“By yourself?” Dayeon exclaims, far too loud.
Isak flinches. “Y-Yeah.”
Dayeon had to physically bite back the concerned questions rising up from her tongue. Why on earth was a kid her age traveling all alone? Where was his family?
(Who even was he?)
“Oh wow. You’re traveling all alone? How many countries have you been to?” Dayeon asks once she’s sure the concern won’t leak into her voice. At least her question is genuine in its awe and curiosity.
“I dunno, I never counted, but probably over twenty countries…” Isak trails off and shrugs, obviously relieved she isn’t pressing his traveling alone-ness.
“Whoa… you must really like to travel,” comments Dayeon.
“Not really, I just sort of ended up with this job where I usually have to travel to different countries to complete different assignments.” Isak fiddles with the cap of his soda, and Dayeon clocks in on the nervous gesture instantly.
(Not telling the full truth, then. Hiding something.)
“What about you?” Isak asks, and Dayeon snaps out of it.
“You seem really interested in going abroad. Your eyes lit up,” says Isak, then seems to immediately regret admitting to paying that much attention to her. His face turns bright red, and he stutters, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“It’s alright. You’re right anyway,” Dayeon laughs good-naturedly. “What person wouldn’t like to travel to other countries? I’ve stayed in Korea my whole life. I’ve never even left Seoul.”
“Why not?” Isak asks curiously.
Dayeon shrugs. “Money expenses, mostly. Going abroad is pretty expensive, and I don’t have that kind of money.” She thinks of the first time she and Yeona had met up after she’d returned from America and how she had devoured the stories Yeona had from overseas. She had brushed off the question of wanting to study abroad, but secretly, in the darkest corner of her heart, she wanted to go.
But then if she did, her grandpa would be all alone… and Ijin too…
“Not to mention, my family’s here. I would get homesick.” Her lips curl in a slightly wry smile. Maybe she just wasn’t meant for traveling.
“Oh,” says Isak quietly. He looks like he wants to say something else, but ultimately stays silent.
Dayeon studies him for a bit. He looks lost in thought, forlorn, and runs his slender finger around the soda can again and again. Strangely enough, she finds that she doesn’t like that expression on him.
“What about you?”
“You must speak a lot of different languages if you're traveling all over the place,” says Dayeon. “You’re Korean is very good. How long have you been studying?”
The boy flushes but can’t hide the proud smile on his face. “A few months.”
“A few months?” Dayeon splutters, and the boy laughs.
(He has a nice laugh.)
“Yeah. I also speak English, Mandarin, and Arabic. I know a bit of Spanish, too. And—” he cuts off when he sees the slack-jawed look on her face and laughs again.
“You know that many languages?” Dayeon stutters, disbelief written all over her face. "And you learned Korean in just a couple of months? How is that even possible?”
“To be fair, I knew a bit of Korean before I started to learn it. There were a couple of Korean missionaries in the place I grew up, and I had a… friend, who spoke it when we first met, so I sort of understood the basics. To be honest, the one who knew the most Korean was my broth—”
Isak stops, his smile freezing as his fingers tighten around the soda until indents appear in the metal. He suddenly looks lost, red-colored eyes flickering, and biting down on his lip so hard she’s surprised it’s not bleeding.
Dayeon swallows; a sudden knot in her stomach.
Oh. She’s hit a sore spot, hasn’t she?
“I’m sorry,” she offers, quietly. She recognizes that grief-look on his face.
The boy snaps his eyes up, looking like he is about to snarl, ‘What does sorry even do?’ when he sees her eyes and realizes how genuine she is; how honest. She knew, better than anyone, that sorrys couldn’t take back the time spent in pain from loss. But as she grew older, she realized that people said them because they were offering condolences, showing their sympathy, offering support to ease the burden of grief. It wasn’t to make them magically feel better, it wasn't meant to do anything, it was—
It was just meant to tell them, subtly, that they cared.
He nods, and the grip on his can slowly relax. Silence grows between them, and she feels awkward and guilty for being the cause of it.
“So how long will you be in Korea?” Dayeon asks.
Isak pauses, a strange expression crossing his face. “... Until I'm done with things here,” he says, like something final.
Dayeon can sense the undercurrent of something but decides not to press it. “I see. You must be staying nearby since I ran into you again.”
“No, I just had something to take care of here… but I guess you live around here?” He suddenly straightens, eyes wide as a hand covers his mouth. “Ah, that's a rude question, isn't it?”
Dayeon laughs. “No it's not. My school is nearby—”
The next following moments happen in the span of three seconds.
Dayeon screams as out of nowhere Ijin tackles Isak, sending the food tumbling to the ground and the table flying as they grapple.
In the blink of an eye, Ijin snatches a single chopstick and tries stabbing it into Isak's eye. Isak grabs his wrist, barely blocking it, and Ijin snatches another chopstick with his other hand and slashes at him. Isak twists his neck to dodge, releasing his grip. The air shrivels up in her lungs when Isak kicks Ijin right in his broken ribs. Ijin falters with pain, and Isak is able to push him off and spring to his feet, her brother doing the same.
Dayeon’s feet are frozen to the ground. The whole fight happened so fast, and it was lethal. If Isak hadn’t dodged the slash to the neck, it would’ve hit an artery.
Ijin would’ve killed him.
Over her brother's shoulder, Dayeon meets Isak's eyes wildly. His eyes flicker to her before turning back to Ijin.
And then he begins speaking in a foreign language.
Dayeon feels her heart stop.
The language is guttural, tongue-twisting, and undeniably unlike any language Dayeon has ever heard. But she recognizes it. She recognizes it because she’s heard it before.
(Yeona’s kidnappers spoke it. That blond foreigner man spoke it.
Ijin spoke it.)
Dayeon finally finds her voice.
They both stop.
“Ijin, what are you doing here? What's going on?” Dayeon says desperately.
Ijin doesn't turn to look at her. “You should get out of here, now.”
“Huh? What do you mean…” Dayeon's voice drifts off as she notices the dangerous look in his eyes. He's looking past her, right at Isak, like he’s a threat, like he’s dangerous. She recognizes that look… it was the same one he had worn when he rescued her from Yeona’s kidnappers.
Cold and ruthless, just like how he fought.
Dayeon's eyes drop down to his shirt, and to her horror she sees it bloodied, his side slashed. Was he stabbed?
“Ijin, you're bleeding…” she whispers.
“You two… know each other?” A voice breaks through her panic, and she turns to see Isak staring at them.
“Huh? He’s my brother.”
“As in…”
“My older brother.” Dayeon says.
Isak struggles to keep his face from showing anything and fails spectacularly.
“I'm sorry, he's not usually like this. There must be some sort of misunderstanding…” Dayeon falters off when she sees the look on the boy's face. It's harsh and disbelieving. The boy looks nothing like the one she'd been happily chatting with a minute ago, and it makes Dayeon come to a chilling realization.
Right. How well can she know a boy she only met a day ago?
Ijin moves in front of her, protecting her. “Can you give us a moment, Dayeon?” He speaks up.
Dayeon jolts. “Huh?”
Ijin stares at the boy, hard and intense as he glares right back. She can feel a fight rearing up, the tension crackling in the air.
Dayeon wants to say no. She wants to argue. But as she gazes between the two of them, she knew she had no place here.
“… Okay.”
Dayeon walks off the porch, her heart racing and legs numb as she leaves the two of them standing there. Even though they’re busy glaring at each other, she can still somehow feel their eyes burning into her back until she rounds the corner of a building and leaves their sight.
As soon as she does she doubles over, gasping. Her heart is pounding out of her chest and her legs are weak and shaking.
The fighting skills. The mannerisms. The foreign language. The tattoo.
This boy was a part of Ijin’s past.
And she had left him alone with him.
Dayeon pokes her head out from the pillar she is hiding behind. Right now, her brother and the boy aren't currently fighting, but if they did, Dayeon had one hand on her cell phone, ready to call the police. While she doubted they could do anything, at least it would break up the fight and send the boy running.
Ready to duck if they looked her way, Dayeon watches as the tension slowly works its way out of the atmosphere. Suddenly, Ijin bends down… and starts picking up the trash? Dayeon blinks, hardly able to believe her eyes as the boy he had previously tried to murder, the one who had been glaring daggers at her brother like he was his most hated enemy, bent down to help him.
Dayeon gapes, rubs her eyes, and wonders if she’s dreaming.
The two finish cleaning, and the boy begins walking away before he suddenly looks up— and meets her eyes. Dayeon startles, and even he looks surprised. Ijin joins the boy, and they exchange a few words before Ijin makes his way towards her while the boy hangs back.
Dayeon hurries over to Ijin. “Are you okay?” She asks urgently.
Ijin looks down at her, at the worry pouring off her in waves, and softens. “I'm fine,” he says.
“Is… he okay?” Dayeon glances at the boy, who is anxiously hovering a few feet away. He jumps when he meets her eyes.
“ … Yes. You don't need to worry, Dayeon,” says Ijin.
“Good. Then I want to talk to him.” She looks up at Ijin boldly. “Alone.”
Her brother looks like he's about to argue before he stops. He takes in the stubborn set of her shoulders and the way her lips draw into a firm line and knows there's no dissuading her.
Dayeon takes a deep breath, looks over at the boy, and refuses to show her nerves. He was fine. She was fine. Ijin wouldn't allow him near her if he was going to attack her, nor would he be acting all buddy-buddy if they weren't friends.
Dayeon slowly approaches the boy, giving him plenty of time to panic.
“So.” Dayeon says. Just because he and Ijin were on good terms now doesn't mean she's about to go easy on him.
“So.” The boy echoes. He looks mildly afraid of what she's about to say next.
“Would it be wrong of me to assume that you were the one who stabbed my brother?” Dayeon goes right for the throat.
The boy pales. “Um—”
“And would it be a shot in the dark to assume that your business in Korea has suddenly ended and you have to leave?” Dayeon arches her brow.
The boy looks like he quite possibly wants to die on the spot. Dayeon wonders if it's possible for the blood to both rush to your face and leave it at the same time.
“I—I'm sorry,” the boy blurts out almost desperately. His hands wring nervously. “It was a misunderstanding.”
Dayeon says nothing but shows that she's listening. The boy continues rambling. “I thought— I thought your brother had something to do with my brother, and I was angry and impulsive, so I came here without thinking. But it turns out I was wrong and my brother is alive. But, um— I'm sorry for attacking your brother. And dragging you in it. It was— I didn’t mean for it to happen.” The boy’s eyes are wide and sincere as he fumbles through his apology.
Dayeon studies him for a long time. “... I believe you,” she says, and means it. From the look on the boy's face, she can tell he's surprised she does too.
“I just have one question,” she says, and he tenses. “Your name.”
“The name you gave me. Isak. Was it your real name, or a fake one?”
The boy stares at her.
Dayeon had just blurted out the question and now immediately felt embarrassed under the boy’s gaze. Heat rises to her cheeks.
Well, too late to take it back now.
To be honest, Dayeon wasn't really sure why she asked that. She has lots of questions, and he likely had lots of answers. She doubted he would have told her the full truth, but the point is that she could have asked him anything.
But for some reason, the only thing she can focus on is his name.
(She knew, vaguely, that names were important where they came from. It was the only thing that couldn't be taken away from them.)
The boy stares at her, studying, suspicious, like he is trying to see if she has any ulterior motives. Dayeon keeps her eyes genuine and posture open, letting him see she isn’t hiding anything. Her heart is beating rapidly, and she’s strangely nervous, but she hopes he can see her.
Finally, he relaxes, and a small smile crosses his face. “Yeah, it is.”
“Really? That's your real name?” Happiness bursts from her chest.
“Yeah,” Isak smiles.
(He has a nice smile, too.)
“Right.” Dayeon sighs and leans back on her heels. “Well, that's all I wanted to ask. Thank you for answering my question… Isak.”
“No problem… Dayeon.” Isak turns scarlet when he says her name.
“Good luck in whatever you have to do,” says Dayeon. “And take care.”
“Thank you,” replies Isak. He hesitates, then almost sheepishly, adds “... you too.”
Dayeon beams.
Ijin approaches, and Isak jumps in what looks like fear and before backing up from her. Dayeon raises a hand to wave goodbye, and with a small smile hidden under his cap, Isak does the same.
Now for Ijin.
“So you two knew each other?” Dayeon asks once Isak leaves.
Ijin jumps. “Yeah.”
“Then why were you so harsh earlier?” Dayeon watches him closely. She knew she had said not to ask anything about his past, but she wasn’t really breaking her promise. He had attacked a kid out in the open and then made up with him in the next ten minutes. Surely he was expecting her to ask some questions about that?
But she had literally seen him try to stab someone’s eye out with a chopstick, so she was curious about what kind of excuse he would come up with—
“I thought some weird guy was hitting on you because you are pretty,” Ijin whips out, cool as can be.
Dayeon’s jaw drops. “What?”
She stares at Ijin.
Ijin stares back.
They both just stood there, staring at each other blankly for what feels like forever.
“Let’s just… let’s just go back home,” Dayeon manages faintly.
“Alright. Are you going to tell Grandpa about this?”
“Only if you don’t let me stitch up that wound, I will.”
It isn’t until much later when it hits her.
After Dayeon had done an appropriate amount of fussing over Ijin’s wound and had cleaned and bandaged it before he had kindly but firmly kicked her out of his room so he could brood, she was sitting in her room contemplating the day.
Meeting Isak had revealed a lot about Ijin and his past today. She closes her eyes, her thoughts flying around like a whirlwind in her brain: comrades and numbers and fighting; quick-to-kill hands, secret names, and tattoos. Even though there was animosity, it’s clear there’s some sort of innate trust in each other. Bonds are hard to break, after all.
That blond man that came before Isak— he’s another one of Ijin’s old comrades. Yet when they saw each other, they were eyeing each other like predators ready to kill one another instead of friends. Old comrades — friends — but ready to kill each other on a moment's notice.
(Who’s notice?)
Dayeon sighs and opens her eyes. It seems the more conclusions she comes to leave more questions to be answered. It feels like there is a string being drawn in her chest, slowly becoming tighter and tighter the more Ijin’s secrecy piles up. She fears one day it might snap, and whatever emotions she has carefully stored away will come breaking out.
Dayeon absently scrawls 032 in her notebook. She wonders if he’s somehow managed to leave the country yet, or if he’s still in the city. It would be hard to leave Korea without any money—
Her brain screeches to a halt. Wait. He didn't have any money. He was broke. Which means he likely wouldn't be able to eat for who-knows-how-long again.
Dayeon jumps to her feet and begins knocking on Ijin’s door frantically. “Ijin! Ijin, open up!” She whispers.
After a moment, he pokes his head out, dressed in new clothes. “Dayeon? What is it?”
“We need to go to the convenience store. Now.” She says urgently. “Do you have your wallet?”
To his credit, Ijin doesn't question her even though he looks extremely confused. He nods, and soon he and Dayeon are on their way to the convenience store by their apartment.
“Why are we going to the store in the middle of the night?” Ijin asks.
“Your friend,” Dayeon begins, and ignores the way he subtly tenses. “He's broke. I forgot to mention it to you, but that's the reason you found us eating together. He was starving so I offered to pay for his food.”
Whatever Ijin is expecting her to say, it certainly isn't that.
“Oh,” he says. “You gave him food?” For a split-second she can see fondness for his old comrade — no matter what history there was — play on the shadows of his face.
“Yeah. And we’re going to buy him food now. Do you have any idea where he’s staying?”
“A couple but…” Ijin hesitates. “You can’t come.” It might be dangerous, is what’s left unsaid, and she doesn’t argue.
“So I won't be able to see him again?” Dayeon asks. “That's too bad. I thought he was pretty cute.”
Ijin trips on the curb as they enter the convenience store.
Dayeon laughs at the scandalized expression her brother wears as he buries his face in his hands. He looks like he regrets this entire conversation. Dayeon flits around the store, grabbing food and drinks from the shelves like a storm. Ijin watches her and pulls out his wallet when she joins him by the cashier.
The lady begins scanning and bagging the items and Dayeon’s hand lingers on one of the packages. It's one of the meals she had spotted Isak wanting, but didn’t buy because she was paying.
Dayeon stares at the packaged meal, and in a split-second decision, digs into her bag and pulls out a sticky note. Ignores Ijin, who has given up all pretenses of busying himself with paying and is blatantly staring, and writes down a note.
Dayeon caps the pen, forces down her embarrassed hesitation, and smooths the sticky note down on the plastic. She fixes Ijin with a stern look. “No. Peeking.”
“What’s so important about that note that I can’t even see it?” Ijin scowls— no, sulks.
“It’s nothing,” Dayeon says quickly. “Really. Just… an inside joke.”
Ijin raises an eyebrow about that, likely wondering how Dayeon and Isak had gotten around to sharing inside jokes, but thankfully doesn’t press the issue.
The woman who was checking out their items — and Ijin, by default — looks jealous of her boldness.
Dayeon avoids each of their gazes.
Isak finally threads the last stitch through his flesh and gasps in pain. It’s been around half an hour since 001 had come and saved his life, and he had finally managed to patch up all the injuries Aiden had left him.
He eyes his blood-soaked hoodie crumpled in a corner and scowls. Aiden, that bastard; that was his favorite hoodie. Blood took forever to get out. That coward had almost managed to bring him down with an ambush— if he had fought him head on, there was no chance the mercenary would’ve been able to land as many hits as he did.
He pants, giving himself a moment to calm his heart and settle his thoughts. He had to get back to The Camp quick, before whatever assholes they sent next decided to fuck him up even more. He is in no condition to fight, and the thought of moving caused him physical pain right now, but he has to get out of here before whatever shady cleanup crew 001 got his hands on in this country came over.
Isak eyes the plastic bag on his right. 001 had said his sister had told him he was broke and had bought him food.
… Maybe he can stay for a quick meal. Now that the immediate danger is gone and his pain has subsided into a dull ache, he’s actually feeling kind of hungry. 001 had already dragged Aiden’s ass out of his hideout, and it would take some time before someone came to clean up the evidence. He has time.
With a groan, Isak reaches over and hooks his fingers into the plastic to drag it forward. The bag is bulging with the amount of food stuffed into it. Isak roots through the packages and recognizes some of them as the food he had been eyeing at the convenience store when he was with 001’s sister.
His fingers brush against something odd. Frowning, Isak pulls out a plastic package of food— with a sticky note attached. He peels off the note.
Don’t forget kindness is free, but if you really want to pay me back, then remember to come back and say hello!
— Dayeon
He can’t help but laugh. He laughs until his ribs hurt; until he’s breathless and his cheeks ache from grinning ear to ear.
Holy shit. That girl is something else.
From the very beginning she’s made an impact on him; he doubts he can ever forget her if he tried. She paid for his food when he was starving— and went even more by leaving every piece of money in her wallet for him because she knew he needed it more than she did.
When they met again, she was still kind, still caring: offering him companionship, sympathy, care— even though they were practically strangers. He thinks of her kindness that is so rare from where he’s from, her knowing eyes, her secret smiles.
It was so weird; in the short time they met, he’d been so aware of her. She had gotten him to let his guard down in such a short period of time; she’d gotten him to talk about his childhood, about his brother—
Even when he had almost fucked up and killed her brother, she gave a chance to explain himself and apologize— and she accepted. She forgave him, and now, was leaving him with a final gift.
Haven’t you ever heard the saying kindness is free?
He rubs his thumb over the ink on the sticky note. He still didn’t believe that, still believed that kindness can still be used as a way to stab someone in the back, but—
He guesses with Dayeon, it might be true.
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bananaapplewaffle · 1 year
Archon Quest: Chapter III: Act V: Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises
Listen Candace…
You saying that makes me think that I have to throw hands 
Damn without me
No loyalty…
Oh you know, just farming for the false god for when he becomes a playable character
Damn I just don’t know shit
Oh the next what? 
Jnagaebha Day?
Also Candace can’t you literally see into the future?
I don’t have you (and a few other 4*), but wasn’t that your thing?
Candace has been pushed to the side since she’s got here
Hate to see it
Bro I’ve literally fought a dragon, god and Archon.
I got this.
He kinda spittin
The maff is maffin
Oh Canned Knowlege…
Is that a…
Okay so this is so crazy but
I was watching 28 Days Haunted on Netflix
And this guy was using something called a God Helmet 
And this thing looks kinda similar…
What the hell is going on
Yeah…sounds like Alhaitham
It all worked out in the end
Ah! Back to the plan I never heard
Makes sense tho because literally what is she
Very close?
Some of y’all stay winning.
Oh shit what you get
Deyha please
You’re making me blush
Damn he must have figured out that Haypasia was able to connect with Scaramouche
He was asking you to be polite,
he never said he wasn’t just gonna snatch her ass
Well, well, well
Just how many strands does this man have…
What the fuck just happened
Not only did I fight Ei
But the Raiden Shogun who was stronger than her
“...Who was behind it?” He asks.
I swear to god
Lumine you better actually speak
Fuck it.
Let’s go save a god
What did you mean by that, Alhaitham
That’s fucked up
At this point, 
As much as they claim that they “miss” Greater Lord Rukkhadevata 
They probably were always going to try to overthrow her in the end
Bro define contributions
These mfers just talkin
This man a fucking actor
We just stood here too
Also why are we wearing our Akashas 
Ooo that’s why we’re wearing our Akashas again
Did I just do that perfectly?
Cyno go head and kill him
Oh baby it's bout to get weird 
We still have to deal with The Balladeer
Sounds like a good time for me to take a break.
And I’m back.
What the fuck is this
Let’s fucking go
Lumine (Dendro), Fischl, Barbara and Raiden Shogun.
Who are you now then
Shouki no Kuni, Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom 
No no no 
I want to hear it.
Shout to Raiden Shogun's burst killing him
Is Lumine even a human…
I mean it kinda would make sense that it would be polluted due to Nahdia’s own thoughts about herself…
But ion
Okay so both the fall of the Desert and Khaenri’ah and probably Enkanomiya
Was all due to “forbidden knowledge”
That’s probably knowledge of Celestia…
“...world…forget me…” 
Could she have meant the forbidden knowledge? 
A ship?
The Boat of Consciousness?
Oh wait
Is that supposed to be like the Moon covering the Sun?
The new samsara?
This is insane.
They’re not the same person but also kinda sorta are.
My head hurts.
Okay of the seven, everyone but she was sent to Khaenri’ah 
She was instead sent to protect Irminsul
Forbidden Knowledge: A knowledge that doesn’t belong to the world fo Teyvat, and a form of “truth” that can’t be understood.
…Lumine and Aether aren’t from this world…
It came from the bottom of the Abyss… and the world is rejecting it…
Teyvat would collapse…
Bro what the fuck
“Let the world completely forget me.”
Some shit’s about to go down
I’m crying besties
She doesn’t remember…
But Lumine remembered
Because she is not from this world
Which means…
What the fuck
Here we go
Time to hand over some Gnoses 
Wait why am I yelling, I knew that already lol
If you haven’t played Kingdom Hearts, you might want to get on that. 
They did not want to go down
Damn she’s only 500 years old and even she doesn’t care about her Gnosis
Damn be sleep for days
Okay nevermind
C6 Dendro Traveler
Oh yeah
The Eleazar was cured!
I reacted to it
But it was lost in the screaming lol
Oh he fucking sounded disgusted ask;k;lksdsakda;
“Alhaitham? A sage? Ugh”
The girls are truly fighting
Damn Cyno, don’t sound so excited to see me
So this lines up with what we saw in the desert.
Nodding off…?
Girl I thought you were Scara
Where the hell is Scara
The Greater Lord was trying not to create a paradox but
Would the Traveler be considered a paradox now, since they have this knowledge 
Nahida when the hell did we tell you about that encounter 
The encounter with the Heavenly Principles
Okay…if this is currently it with The Balladeer
He’s in a coma
Then…how the hell did we get to him getting a Vision, in Sumeru, and it being Anemo, being seen by Venti (and other things)?
Oh…Oh she’s got a unique personality? 
…I guess that makes sense…since he’s been awake longer…
Okay wait…
Yes, the twins appeared in Khaenri’ah during its destruction 
But that was together, right? 
Some fucky wucky is going on 
Okay, external beings that don't belong to this world, okay
The first could have been The Heavenly Principle…
Aren’t there two others who kinda sorta stand with the Heavenly Principles…
Hmmm ion head hurty
See y’all next update lol
It’s Daylight Savings and I’m fucking awake.
The four shades is irrelevant I think lol
But! It was what I was thinking about.
I do think that The Primordial One was the first tho.
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parallel-univers · 5 years
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lilacpotter · 3 years
“Even! For god’s sake, I don’t need them!”
“But you’ll go hungry, Mik!”
“I just ate in the morning.” Mikael pouted, crossing his arms like a child.
“Which was almost four hours ago.” Even sighed, exhausted.
“I swear to god if you both don’t shut up now I’m reporting you to the guards!”
Even shut his mouth up almost immediately, but Mikael was scowling at the guy as if he was going to report him to the guards. They were at the tiny stadium, gathered around to watch a random football match. It wasn’t a really important one, so there weren’t many people, and even those who were there, didn’t look like they were going to take it seriously, well, everyone except this big guy behind them.
“What’s his problem?” Mikael leaned in to whisper.
Mikael, for some reason, did not bring any money and was now watching everyone buy snacks and popcorn and drinks. But Even couldn’t let any of his friends go hungry so he was desperately trying to share his stuff with him, but Mikael kept refusing. Which was odd because he usually stole food from everyone.
“He hates us.”
“Well, obviously, but what is his problem?”
“I don’t know, Mik. Now, if you don’t eat the food I’m gonna have to drag you back home.” Even warned him seriously.
“Even, come on.” Mikael groaned. “You’ll need them.”
Even was confused. “For what?”
“For ‘sharing’.”
“You’ll see.”
“Sometimes you baffle me, Mik.” Even shook his head.
“Only sometimes?” He winked, before hurriedly saying. “Okay, but look, I’m gonna have Adam’s snacks now so stop worrying and stay chill.”
“What are you talki-”
Even’s heart started beating faster. He knew that voice. He could recognise that voice anywhere. It was the same voice that had lived in his mind rent-free for all these months. And when he turned around, he saw the very same face that haunted his dreams at night.
Isak Valtersen stood beside him, looking gorgeous and so lovely and as if he had appeared straight out of Even’s wet dreams. Am I dreaming?
“Uh...halla.” Even looked to Mikael, silently asking him what Isak was doing here. Isak fucking Valtersen.
But his friend only looked back at him smugly before reaching around and holding his hand out for Isak to shake.
“Hey, Isak. Glad you joined us, man.” He grinned all too knowingly. “Take a seat.”
“Thank you.”
Isak glanced at Even shyly before sitting down beside Even. His shoulders and the complete left side of his body was touching Even’s, and Even was too gone to move away.
This boy will be the end of him.
Even knew that Mikael had something in his mind when he forced Even to sit at one end, but he never expected Mikael had invited Isak over to join them.
Isak was….Even’s professor’s son. And although he respected prof. Marianne- way more than any other teacher -he couldn’t help but be enamoured by Isak. Isak was two years younger than him, and sometimes used to come over following his mother while carrying stuff for her to the classes. That’s how Even had found the boy.
When he met Even’s gaze from across the room for the first time-- him standing beside his mother while Even was with the boys who were too busy laughing boisterously -- Isak looked away shyly, blushing and licking his lips. Even had found it so sweet, and since then he couldn’t take his eyes off him.
It continued, and soon Isak got a little more bold with his looks, but...it just remained that. Even never dared to ask Isak out, the painful reminder that he was his professor’s son and so, he wasn’t yet sure if he was allowed to date him. Meanwhile, Isak never made any move, always watched him from afar instead.
Even shook those thoughts away and looked at him.
Today, he had worn a cap, a faded white t-shirt and dark jeans. He looked perfect. And so lovely. Even wanted to chuck the cap off and comb his fingers through those soft-looking curls.
Isak looked up at him again, as if he had read Even’s thoughts, before he averted his gaze down, with a blush resting high up on his cheeks. So sweet. He was so sweet. Even wished he could hold his hand and tell him he wouldn’t mind it if Isak were to shift any closer to him. Hell, he could crush him down and he would thank Isak for it.
I’m so gone for him.
The match started, and then followed the cheers and the whistles. There were just a few hundred or so spectators, but it was still noisy. Mikael and Adam were busy whispering to each other, leaving Even with Isak. But he was too nervous to start a conversation with him, like always. What if he snapped at me for interrupting him watching the game? Isak did look like he was the type of guy who enjoyed matches way too much, especially when it was a football match. What if he doesn’t actually like me that way? What if I’ve been reading everything wrong? What if I’m just overreacting right now and should chill down?
It was a while later, when, as if to answer all his nervousness, the kiss cam that everyone so loved, that Even so loved-- because he went all sappy at all the couples kissing --seemed to have decided to target Isak and Even, because right now it was gliding towards them, zooming in on their area, their row, and finally pausing at Isak and Even.
Kill me now.
Everyone around them burst out cheering and whistling, Mikael was yelling excitedly. The rest of the audience were urging them to go on, to fucking kiss already.
Even’s face turned white. He turned around to find Isak with his mouth dropped open, a similar look of surprise and shock on his face, but his face flaming red right now.
What do I do?
The kiss cam was still pointing at them, and the crowd was still whistling, and Isak still looked shocked, lovely pink on his cheeks.
Maybe this is my chance.
It probably wouldn’t mean anything anyway. Right? It was just some kiss cam. He didn’t need to think so seriously about it.
Even took a deep breath in, before leaning in slightly, ever so slightly. His heart was pounding in his chest. Thud. Thud. Thud.
He was so close to Isak, just about to touch his cheek-- holy fuck it’s happening --to let him know he was going to kiss him, when the younger boy turned suddenly, eyes wide like a deer and pushed Even away.
Even fell back, too shocked for a second, and when he opened his eyes, Isak looked like he realised a moment too late what he’d done. What has he done?
The crowd was still howling, and Isak was about to say something, an apologetic look on his face, but Even waved him off, strangely feeling hollow. It was fine. He wasn’t going to make Isak feel uncomfortable. He looked straight into the camera and gestured a big ‘NO’ with his fingers. The crowd booed at that, but a few moments later the kiss cam went away, leaving them alone.
Beside him, Isak’s shoulders relaxed a tiny bit, and Even cursed the gods. What was I even thinking?
Of course he doesn’t want me.
He couldn’t avoid feeling frustrated with himself. Why do I always hope too much? He should’ve realised that by now.
Of course no one wanted him.
The match continued after that, and Even felt strangely empty.
On his other side, Mikael reached a hand out and rubbed his back, but he didn’t look sympathetic at all. He was still smiling slightly. This fucker. Even wanted to ask him what he was thinking. Maybe share with me and make me forget my misery?
But then, the kiss cam zoomed on them again in the next round and Even groaned quietly.
Jesus fucking christ.
What was up with the cameraman today?
Even shook his head this time, refusing to kiss. It was easier to do now that Isak had already shown him how he actually felt about him….which was nothing. The kiss cam went away eventually. To his right, Isak bit his bottom lip as he glanced up at Even.
Those damn eyes.
It was unfair how infuriatingly beautiful he looked, and it actually hurt that Even could never claim him as his’. I shouldn’t have let my hopes up.
It happened like this for another five or so times, the kiss cam kept zooming back on them for some reason, zooming onto their flushed faces, mere inches apart, and the crowd eventually stopped booing, probably realising that they weren’t going to kiss no matter what.
On the seventh kiss cam or so, Even sighed dejectedly and looked down instead, picking a random thread off his sleeve. He felt more awful than usual. Today seemed unnecessarily longer.
He just wanted to go home, hide his face in a pillow, and wallow in misery. He mentally flipped his fate out and continued sulking.
It was a few seconds later, the kiss cam still hadn’t budged, he didn’t notice the little gasps in the crowd, or how Mikael stiffened beside him, or most importantly, how he could feel Isak’s breath on his neck.
A warm hand slid around his waist, and Even glanced up, eyes wide, to find Isak already staring at him, a nervous smile on his precious face. Oh my god. Isak licked his lips, his eyes were unnaturally dark, and then, a second later, Even felt a hot pair of soft lips against his’.
Holy fuck.
Isak moved his lips, kissing Even, like, literally kissing him! It took some time for Even to recover from the shock, but he kissed back a moment later, and all the clapping and cheering of the crowd drowned away. Mikael’s yells faded into silence, and all Even could hear and taste was Isak, Isak, Isak.
It was happening. It was really happening.
Isak kissed him back passionately, and Even was so gone for this boy. His hand still rested on Even’s waist as they broke apart eventually. Isak broke into a shy smile, his pink lips glistening now.
Even was a bit too dazed to notice the crowd basically going crazy. The kiss cam eventually went away, and Mikael was slapping his back while shouting into his ear.
“Was it okay?” Isak asked, a while later, when the excitement died down and the match continued.
His hand had slid down Even’s back and was now lightly perching on Even’s thigh. Even dared to place his own hand on top of his.
He looked up at Isak’s face. “It was more than okay.”
The younger boy smiled, looking pleased. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
And what?
Isak nodded. “Um.. I’m sorry for earlier, you know. I just- panicked.” He grimaced.
“Yeah, I- I’ve always wanted to ask you out. But, I guess I never found the courage.” Isak said, suddenly embarrassed.
Even was too surprised to respond properly. “You’re adorable, you know that?” he blurted out.
Isak gaped at him. “Fuck off. I’m not adorable. I’m hot, and you know that.”
Even snorted before trying to cover it up with a series of coughs. “You are, you are.”
“Excuse me!?”
“What? I’m just saying, I agree that you’re hot.”
Isak was blushing furiously.
“But you are cute too. A person can be both cute and hot, you know?” Even smiled.
“Yeah, whatever,” Isak rolled his eyes.
“What about me?”
“Do you think I’m hot?”
“What kind of conversation is this? I just basically told you that I’m interested in you, Even!” Isak exaggerated, and Even couldn’t help but laugh. He melted at hearing his own name from Isak’s lips. It sounded too good.
Oh my god.
“Now you’re laughing.” Isak complained, crossing his arms. “Great, it’s funny.”
Even calmed down before he smiled at Isak. “No, not at all. I- I like you too.” I fucking love you.
Isak’s eyes widened ever so slightly and he licked his lips. “Yeah?”
Even nodded. “Yeah. Will you go out with me?”
Isak broke into a smile. “After this match?”
“After this match.”
“Okay.” Isak said without any hesitation.
All the questions about will your mother be okay with this? Are you sure about this? All of them faded away.
Even simply enjoyed watching Isak. They could talk about it all later.
He offered up his snacks a moment later. “Want this?”
Turned out, Isak wasn’t any less of a food lover than Mikael, because somehow, a while later, the popcorn tub ended up in his lap. And Even was too enamoured by it.
They left the stadium together, hand in hand, while sharing soft little smiles.
Meanwhile, after the two boys left, identical sappy looks on his face, Mikael dragged Adam to the cameraman, smugly smirking to himself. He took a bunch of cash and gave it to the guy, who saluted him.
“What the fuck? Why did you give him money?” Adam gaped.
“Dude, did you think the kiss cam was just simply programmed to keep zooming back on Isak and Even, or what?”
It took a moment for Adam to realise. “Holy fuck. You asked the cameraman to do it?”
“I paid him. My pocket is empty right now, but hey, it worked though!” Mikael shot a fist into the air. It was about time they got their shit together.
Adam shook his head, laughing. “You’re a madman.”
“I’m a good friend.” Mikael scoffed.
He was tired of watching Even’s lovesick face every time Isak appeared. He needed to do something, okay? And luckily, this was one of the many attempts that actually worked.
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
Can we get an Isak&Even and Robbe&Sander crossover ficlet with some Christmas fluff please
sobbe meeting evak because robbe is related to one of them
If they had a choice, Even would still make sure to keep the four of them inside, spending Christmas morning together, eating leftover food from last night and drinking very hot chocolate or coffee like everyone should on Christmas. But the snow is basically locking them inside anyway, Even is sure Isak and Robbe would disappear in the thick snow still falling outside if they tried to go out. 
Isak is not exactly a morning person, and when he’s half asleep, he’s a lot grumpier. Even is used to it, he loves every second of it, but he knows it’s not exactly for everyone. 
He helps Robbe find all the mugs and lets him pour the hot chocolate they made while Even goes back to the living room to meet Isak, sitting behind him on the couch to hold him close and kiss his whole face to see if it helps. He smiles because he knows it does, but Isak won’t tell him. He doesn’t have to, really. 
Sander rushes to help Robbe when he sees his boyfriend dragging his feet slowly on the floor to carry four mugs with two hands. 
“Here, let me help.” Even hears him say with the softest voice, one Even noticed it’s exclusive for Robbe, grabbing the two mugs that were so close to spilling.
They put the hot chocolate on the coffee table and Sander follows Robbe back to the kitchen to grab what they’ll eat. 
“Did you sleep well?” Even asks, kissing Isak’s temple and he nods his head, melting a little against Even, relaxing in between his arms.
“You left me alone in bed...” Isak says normally but Even’s brain turns into melted butter, needing words that it’s hard to get out of Isak, especially when they’re not alone. 
He smiles and kisses his boyfriend’s cheek, holding him tighter. 
“Sorry. Was afraid Sander and Robbe were going to burn this place down while trying to make food for us.” 
“Like you’re any better.” 
Even shakes Isak gently, pulling a smile out of him, “Hey! I’m becoming a master chef, okay?” 
“Thanks to the cooking classes I gave you last Christmas.” 
“Because you know me so well.” Isak lies his head on Even’s bicep so they can look at each other and kiss, but only for a second, until the other two voices break their bubble, already sitting on the floor, waiting for them. 
Even lets go of Isak so he can join the boys and Even goes to their Christmas tree, searching for the little pile he made before going to bed last night but it’s not like he left it. Isak tried to finds his but never had the courage to open it, didn’t even tried to have a look because Even’s terrible wrapping skills are still like he left it. 
Even smiles, imagining his perfect boyfriend sneaking out of their bedroom when Even fell asleep, trying to look through the gifts only with the Christmas lights guiding his search. 
He makes his pile again and goes back to the coffee table, getting everyone’s attention right away. Isak is the most interested one, not even blushing and Even thinks he might be really good at lying like he says he is. 
“I guess it’s the time for gifts!” Even claps his hands, and Sander smiles, relaxing against the couch behind them. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t wait until this morning.” 
“He gave me a new camera last night!” Robbe explains, “He said he’s tired of me bothering him with questions about his cameras...” 
Even puts Isak’s gift behind him, and moves on to passing Robbe’s and Sander’s to them, ignoring Isak staring at him. The other two are still very much in their honeymoon phase. It feels like it’ll last forever with them but Even wishes it wouldn’t because even when the honeymoon ends, it still so amazing to be in love. 
He puts his arms on the couch, sitting behind Isak’s head, playing with the curl that always turns outwards when Isak’s hair is getting just a tiny too long. 
“I didn’t buy them anything...” Isak says a little lower but definetely not low enough where the other two don’t hear him. They pretend they didn’t, too busy unwrapping their gifts and Even smiles at his boyfriend, turning to Robbe and Sander. 
“It’s mine’s and Isak’s.” 
Sander snorts and Even notices how Robbe looks at him through his lashes, and Sander meets his gaze instantly, having this weird silent communication where Robbe is trying to tell his boyfriend to be nice. 
Robbe reminds Even of himself, a little too nice, too polite trying to make sure everyone else is happy before he is. It’s not surprise they’re cousins that barely see each other but still get along like brothers. Even makes sure they spend at least a few days a year together because even though they don’t even live in the same country, somehow, Even misses him and likes to spend time with him.
Sander reminds him weirdly of Isak. With their grumpiness and lack of filter from the brain to the mouth during weird situations. 
Even scoots closer to Isak, able to wrap his arm around Isak’s neck, using his other arm to pull the gift from behind his back. Isak’s shinny eyes follow his hand behind his back and smiles softly when he sees the package. He offers his hands already and Even gives him the box, watching him rip the paper almost instantly. 
He’s not sure if a good enough of a gift but Even has this hoodie his parents gave him a few years ago that’s ridiculously overpriced. And because of that, Isak would never buy one for himself, capitalism and shit, but sharing one is too much work at times, when they’re both needing this one hoodie as their comforting piece of clothes where they can hide inside. Even bought the exact same one, extra large like his own so they don’t have a single difference from one to the other. 
“At least now we can share two.” Even whispers and Isak looks at him, nuzzling against his nose, finally kissing him. 
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futurewriter2000 · 3 years
Unfortunate Fortune - pt. 7
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Song insiration: Isak Danielson - Broken
It shouldn’t be like this. Love was not supposed to be this  hard and that was what it was. You loved him but he continued and continued to hurt you and each time he did that, he made your heart more fragile and easier to break. 
‘ It had been two days since your kiss with Draco but he had not given you the time of day to explain, nor tell, nor do anything else. It was as if nothing has been happened between the two of you but it has happened. The two of you shared a kiss and that was the most magical kiss you had ever experienced. It made you love him more- it made holding hands just a faint look into intimacy that the two of you had. 
“Draco!” you shouted angrily, walking towards him and his group of friends. 
The whole group turned around and he didn’t let anybody know that he had a slightest idea who you were. “Do I know you?” he asked in front of them, snickering with the rest. 
Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy were all mimicking Draco’s playful and daring smirk but none of them spoke- they all just watched. 
“We need to talk.” you said seriously. The two of you did need to talk because you felt like you would explode from not knowing, from not being with him. You felt completely empty. He didn’t say anything, only listened of what you wanted to say. “You just ran off, yesterday. After-”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” he cut you off and you felt yourself swallow a hard rock. “I don’t even know your name, do I?”
“Draco?” you said pleadingly, looking at him with tearful eyes but he didn’t budge. His smirk, his eyes- nothing. 
The two of you had to share something- there was a spark. You felt it, he needed to feel it too.
He laughed mockingly, leaning forward and putting his hand on your cheek. “Are you gonna cry? Thought Ravenclaws were better than that?” he pressed his lower lip out and you couldn’t help yourself but let out a tear, slapping his hand away and wiping it off. 
Draco continued to laugh at you, turning to his friends. “She’s crying.” he mocked, causing others to laugh and more students to gather around you. 
You looked fiercely into his eyes, despite the fact that yours were glistened. “You are a complete waste of time- waste of everyone’s time.” you snarled, placing an amused smirk on his lips. “Daddy’s little waste of time.” you shot right there where it stung and thought you knew that it was out of the blue, you knew it hurt him because the smile that so quickly appeared, quickly disappeared as well. 
His lips pursed themselves together and he glared at you- without any hesitation, he wrapped his arm around Pansy and pulled her into a quick yet long kiss. Her arms wrapped so fast around him so that as he pulled away, she pulled him back in. He pushed her back a bit, his arms on her hips as he looked at her for a spare moment of time, then smirking at you. “And you’re waste of mine.” he said as he wrapped his arm around Pansy and started walking along side her, facing you his back. ‘
That was why you were broken on the floor, crying. You couldn’t even make it as far as to your bed, you just collapsed on the floor and started crying. 
You don’t even know when Ellie came to the room and rushed to your side. You don’t even know what you’ve told her, sobbing uncontrollably, saying things as how he had manipulated you but how different he was with you- how you wanted to protect him by not saying anything to anybody about the two of you... how afraid you were telling her that because of Elijah, how you didn’t want to fall apart with her again, how it hurt because you really loved him...
She held you in her arms like a mother held her child. She brushed her hands down your hair and not say a thing. She knew what had happened, she had heard the rumours as fast it happened- nothing here kept itself a secret for too long. 
“I sound so stupid and pathetic! I am so stupid and pathetic! I should have stopped everything- I should have let him know that I am not a fucking fling or someone he should have fun with but I believed him!” you pulled away from her, looking up at her with teary eyes as she held your head gently between her palms, brushing away your hair. “I believed him- he used to tell me so much and when he held my hand and how he kissed me- I fell for him like a fool. Like a complete utter fool- PEOPLE DON’T EVEN LIKE HIM!” you shouted and let your head fall into her lap, making her chuckle a bit.
“Yeah, people don’t really like him.” she continued to run her fingers through your hair. “But look at it like this, my dear (y/n). You don’t have to hurt anymore because of him. With a little time, you’ll get back on your feet and do what you always wanted to do.”
“I know- I just...” you muttered in her lap. “I really think he feels it- you know. We had that-” 
She cut you off as she saw you smiling, cupping your head and pulling you close. Seriousness washed over her face and you felt she was about to yell at you for still wanting to see the good in him, despite what he had just done to you. “You are broken on the floor and you’re crying. He has done this all before, he has, (y/n) and you’re not the only girl. You’re lying to yourself to think he’ll change for someone else- for you but he won’t and you’re still asking for more with him. You’re a Ravenclaw, you’re not supposed to see the facts and act on them.” 
You stared at her and sat up, thinking what she had said. “That makes sense.” you brushed the wetness from your face with your sleeve and looked at her. 
“I don’t want you to be mad... it’s just... you need to hear it.” she gave you a comforting smile and you returned it just as such. 
“No. You’re right.” you felt like you were about to cry again. You took a deep shaky breath in and let out a groan. “He just did such a number on me-”
“Well, the way he was looking at you, I bet he did.” she leaned back and you looked at her.
“What do you mean?”
“That first time- when I told you about him. You had no clue who he was and then the hand thing-”
“You know about the hand thing.”
“I didn’t at first. It was Elijah who noticed it- stalker.” she laughed and you laughed with her. 
“Oh, so he knew too.”
“There were rumours because of it too and everybody could feel the tension between the two of you, if I’m being frank.” she paused, glancing between you and the spot on a wall. “The way the two of you looked at each other- everybody thought the two of you were together but looks like it was just...” she stopped, looking at you and shrugging awkwardly.
“Two kids fucking around...” you finished. “NOT LITERALLY!” you corrected yourself, widening your eyes as she laughed. “We never actually- we just kissed once.” you continued awkwardly, letting a blush taint your cheeks as she laughed. 
“Well, it doesn’t matter anymore, does it?” she scooted over to you and hugged you. “This will pass in like a day or two and it will all become a faint memory- you and Draco Malfoy. 
You tried to force a smile to that but it didn’t really want to appear, so you just stayed quiet. 
‘Faint memory- you and Draco Malfoy.’ - you repeated in your head, feeling your heart drown in it because in reality... you still wished he would come knocking on those doors, appologising to you.
But alas... as you watched those doors, they stood still. 
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womenstan · 3 years
Heaven In Hiding - Nooreva
Two friends, a mind-blowing kiss and a misunderstanding.
red colored lips and narrow hips
angel dusted hair and skin so fair
take my hand and make me blush
seal my lips and let me touch
Parties were fun. Objectively, Eva knew that. There was booze, music and available mouths to latch onto. So, yes, usually parties were fun. Except this one wasn’t.
See, since Jonas, Eva had never been able to find a stable relationship. That was fine back in high school, when most parties consisted of random people hooking up in bathrooms and throwing up in bushes. But now, Eva was a little older and, most importantly, the only single one in her friend group. Isak had Even, Chris was inexplicably still with Kasper and Vilde… well Vilde was probably holed up in a corner of the living room meowing at Magnus. Sana and Yousef were the only ones who weren’t constantly busy eating each other’s faces and, thus, could have an actual conversation with Eva. However, they had decided to spend the winter break visiting Yousef’s family in Morocco, leaving Eva on her own in a sea of unbearable couples. Even fucking Jonas had managed to find a girlfriend to bring to the party (granted, at least those two weren’t all over each other yet , but it wasn’t like Eva could interpose herself between Jonas and his new conquest without things getting a little awkward).
So, while everyone was cheerfully decorating christmas ornaments, dancing on the make-shift dance floor or making out on Isak and Even’s worn-out couch, Eva was alone in the kitchen, gulfing down little pâtés and drinking her third… no fourth… glass of wine. To be fair, she didn’t even want to come in the first place! But Vilde had guilt-tripped her into coming by saying that Isak would be disappointed if she didn’t show - which, bullshit, as Isak seemed much more preoccupied with reaching the depths of his boyfriend’s throat than with Eva’s presence. It’s not like Eva wasn’t happy for all of them, of course she was, they were her friends! So, yes, she was glad that they were all getting some on the regular, but she did feel alone from time to time. Like tonight.
If only Noora was here…
No. Nope. Bad idea. Eva was not going to go down memory lane right now. There’s no way she was even gonna let her brain try to remember that kiss. Fuck. Here we go.
Truth was, Eva was never good at dealing with her problems and her emotions. Her motto was ‘ignore it and when you can’t anymore, drink it away’. Usually, that worked quite well, as her intoxicated brain tended to be more horny than anything else. But this one particular memory seemed to always find a way to sneak its way up to the front of her thoughts, especially on nights like this where she was feeling particularly lonely. The memory in and of itself wasn’t a bad one, god no. It was probably her fondest memory to date. No, the problem wasn’t the memory, it was what happened after the memory.
See, at the end of her first year at Nissen, Eva had gone to a party at William’s house with all of her friends. Eva didn’t like William very much, but if there was one quality that man possessed, it was knowing how to throw a good fucking party. The music was great, the view from his rooftop was incredible and, most importantly, the supply of alcohol was never-ending. So, of course, to honour the gods of wine, Eva decided to steal a bottle for herself. At first, she was planning to drink it slowly as the night went on and, thus, avoid having to go back to the table for refills. Brilliant, of course. What Eva had not planned for was to immediately spot Jonas making out with Sara in the middle of the rooftop, the sun shining directly on them, as if to taunt her. It wasn’t even necessarily that Eva wasn’t over Jonas : she still loved him dearly, but she had grieved their relationship by this point. No, it was more that Eva felt lonely and undesired. The one combo that always leads to her making mistakes. It took Eva a total of fifteen seconds for her brain to compute that this was, in fact, Jonas kissing down Sara’s throat and not an eerily similar (and equally eager) doppelgänger. Then, she was back inside in a matter of milliseconds.
She sat down in the relative darkness under the stairs that led to the rooftop, gulping down her bottle of wine faster than Dionysus ever could. She sighed, closing her eyes and letting her head fall backwards on the ramp. The position wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it was bearable, which Eva felt reflected well her internal feelings. So, she stayed seated there, drinking from her wine bottle, alone and lonely.
And that’s exactly how Noora found her some time later, her bottle now almost emptied, her eyelids heavy under the added weight of the alcohol circulating through her body. Noora, beautiful, kind, considerate, Noora, squatted down to Eva’s level slowly, a careful look on her face, as if she was approaching a wild animal. To be fair, that’s probably what Eva looked like right now, curled in on herself, holding the bottle of wine like a lifeline.
‘Er du ok?’ Noora asked, trying to meet Eva’s eyes with her own.
Slowly, Eva raised her head, looking at Noora for a grand total of one second before bursting into tears. Noora let out a soft sigh and crouched down next to Eva, bringing her arm up around her and squeezing Eva into her side thightly.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’, Noora whispered near Eva’s ear. Eva tried to answer and, instead, let out a pathetic whimper, which only made Noora bring up her other arm around Eva’s sobbing form. Their position was far from ideal, but Noora didn’t seem to mind as she held Eva through her crying fit and Eva certainly didn’t mind, burying her head in Noora’s neck and inhaling her soft lavender perfume. Eva’s sobs slowly turned into quiet tears, the only sound interrupting the silence hanging in the air being Eva’s slight sniffles as she tried to compose herself. Once she felt like she could actually utter a word without tears flowing down her cheeks, Eva began to reluctantly move out of Noora’s comforting embrace. Noora let her go slowly, kissing her head tenderly before wiping away the mascara that had run down Eva’s face with the pad of her thumbs. Eva was a bit embarrassed, but as she held Noora’s gaze, searching for a hint of annoyance, all she found was tenderness, love and maybe a little bit of worry.
Shakily, Eva let out a ‘Ja, I’m okay’, her voice barely a whisper, but Noora heard it anyway. The corners of her mouth pulled up into a soft smile and she nodded slowly, her eyes set on Eva’s.
‘I’m sorry for…’ Eva began, gesturing around, ‘this. I was just tired of being lonely and unworthy of love and I guess my feelings chose this moment to come out’.
Noora’s smile faltered a bit and Eva felt worry constrict her heart. Had she said too much? Maybe Noora had finally gotten tired of all of Eva’s whining and complaining? Eva lowered her head in shame, telling herself off mentally.
‘Eva. Eva, look at me,’ said Noora, lifting Eva’s chin softly with her index. Noora waited until Eva found the strength to look back into her eyes, before she went on, ‘You’re the best person I know. You’re a caring, smart, funny person who’s worthy of all the love there is in this world. If someone thinks otherwise, then they’re wrong, because I know anyone would be lucky to have the privilege to love you.’
By the end of Noora’s short speech, tears were back in Eva’s eyes. But those weren’t tears of sadness, even though Eva didn’t quite know what emotions she was feeling. Her heart was beating so fast that she thought it would fly out of her chest, her head was spinning slightly (although that could simply be the wine) and she felt hoards of butterflies spreading their wings in the pit of her stomach. Inadvertently, Eva’s gaze dropped to Noora’s perfectly reddened lips. Her lips that looked so soft, so inviting in this dim lighting. Her lips, whose mere view ignited a fire within Eva’s body and a true tornado inside her mind. When Eva raised her eyes back up to Noora’s, the intensity she could read in them led her to believe that Noora’s body might be sending her similar signals. For a moment, they just looked into each other’s eyes, but it wasn’t tender anymore. The tension between them was palpable and Eva felt her own head slowly gravitate towards Noora’s, as if an invisible string was bringing them together. Noora’s head seemed to follow the same path, as they both made their way towards each other, never breaking eye contact. Once their lips were mere millimeters away, Eva moved her head back slightly to be able to gaze into Noora’s eyes properly.
‘Anyone?’, she asked, her voice barely audible as every muscle in her body had seemingly turned to liquid in Noora’s proximity.
Noora’s eyes seemed to search for something in Eva’s own for a moment, but they found what they were looking for fast enough and Noora whispered back ‘Anyone’.
It was like that one word set something off in Eva’s brain, because next thing she knew, she was closing off the last bit of space between their lips.
Eva had been kissed before, enough that she actually considered herself experienced in the matter. Kissing was fun, very fun even, but it was nothing compared to what Eva was experiencing right now.
As soon as their lips collided, it felt like her brain imploded. Every bit of her body was on fire and the only thought going through her head was ‘More. More. More.’ What began as a chaste kiss quickly turned into more, both of them unable to satiate their own bodies. Noora raised her left hand, caressing Eva’s face as she licked into her mouth, deepening the kiss. Fireworks were going off behind Eva’s eyelids and it felt as if time had stopped. Eva twisted her hands in Noora’s hair, trying to get impossibly closer, melting into her arms. Noora followed suit, letting her right hand toy with the hair on Eva’s neck. At that sensation, Eva let out a whimper she was automatically ashamed of, but the shame rapidly turned into pride as she felt Noora smile slightly into her mouth. Eva let her hands wander down Noora’s body, before settling on her hip, just under her black blouse. Noora slowly started to lower herself down, bringing Eva along, when the door to the rooftop burst open. The two girls jumped apart, frightened. William and Chris stumbled down the stairs, teasing each other loudly, before coming to an abrupt halt once they noticed the two girls holed up under the stairs.
‘What are you girls doing down there?’ William asked, looking more confused than anything else.
Noora’s gaze was burning into the side of Eva’s head, but Eva refused to meet her eyes. She knew what was coming. Noora had let herself go for a minute, but she was probably already regretting it. Who would choose messy, unstable, untrustworthy Eva over perfect, steady, beloved William? Eva knew it, she even understood it, but she still had enough pride to try to avoid direct rejection at all cost.
‘Oh, girl problems, you know’ Eva tried to joke, letting out a small laugh that almost sounded like a sob. William and Chris exchanged a look, before seemingly deciding it wasn’t worth further questioning.
‘Ok… Well Noora, do you wanna come up?’, William asked, ‘I’ve got a slow dance lined up that has your name on it’, he added before winking.
Noora’s eyes still didn’t move from Eva as she said, hesitantly, ‘I’m not sure William… We were kind of in the middle of something…’ Fearing that Noora would want to talk about it , Eva quickly got up, dusting off her pants and quickly mumbling an excuse about her mother coming home unexpectedly before practically running out of the front door. The last thing she heard was a disbelieving laugh and a ‘What the hell?’ coming from Chris, but she was fast down the street before anyone could think of going after her, tears streaming down her face, her shattered heart left on William’s immaculate penthouse floor.
The couple next days were a blur of hangovers, tears and troubled dreams. A week later, Eva’s mom came home and she decided Eva had moped enough. She sat on her bed, sighing as she saw the continuous stream of tears that had established a permanent residence on Eva’s cheeks. She bent down slightly and caressed Eva’s hair tenderly, which only resulted in making her cry even more.
‘Love, what happened?’, her mother asked, her tone serious and worried.
Eva simply buried her face deeper into her pillow, shaking her head.
‘Whatever it is, Eva, hiding alone in your room won’t solve it’, her mom said.
Eva sighed and spoke into her pillow. ‘Well maybe I won’t solve it, but at least I can avoid it’.
Her mom’s caresses came to a halt and she hoisted Eva up into a sitting position, despite the girl’s protests. Once Eva was sitting up, crossed-legged, her mom brushed away the dirty strands of hair that were falling in her face and firmly gripped her face with both hands.
‘Eva, listen to me for once. Avoiding your problems is not a solution. Avoiding your problems only lets them grow and grow and grow, until you inevitably have to confront them. It’s better to face a small stone than to climb a mountain.’ Eva let out a small laugh at that metaphor, ‘Go face your pebble Eva, before its weight becomes too much for you to bear.’ Eva’s mom smiles at her softly and Eva can’t help herself but smile back.
‘You know mom, sometimes, you actually have good advice,’ Eva teased her mom, now fully grinning.
Her mom raised her hand to her chest in faux offense shouting ‘How DARE you insult your mother like that, huh? How dare you?’, before starting to tickle Eva, sending the both of them into a fit of laughter.
Maybe her mom was right, maybe if Eva faced Noora right now, things could still be fixed between them.
The next day, Eva showed up to the Kollektivet with a bag full of their favourite snacks and a new hope blossoming in her chest. She knocked on the door and wasn’t at all surprised when an overjoyed Eskild opened the door for her.
‘Hi! Hi! Come in, come in! To what do I owe this pleasure?’ Eskild inquired, a bright grin on his face.
Eva’s grin was probably just as big as she answered, ‘Oh, I’m coming to see Noora!’
However, her grin fell rapidly once she saw Eskild’s expression turn into one of slight discomfort.
‘Ehrm… How do I say this… I really thought she would have told you… Especially you…’ Eskild went on as he started to nervously move around the kitchen.
Eva felt panic rise in her chest as she imagined the worst scenarios. ‘Eskild! ESKILD!’, Eva shouted, finally getting Eskild to stop pacing around anxiously, ‘Just tell me.’
Eskild schooled his face and put a comforting hand on Eva’s shoulder. In his eyes, all Eva could see was pity. ‘She… ehrm… Noora left for London last night, Eva’
Eva felt as if her brain had short-circuited. Maybe she had misheard? What on Earth would Noora be doing in London anyway? ‘In London? Why would she go to London? Are you sure?’, Eva asked, her voice betraying her growing worry.
Eskild just looked at her for a moment and it clicked in Eva’s mind. ‘William’, she said. It wasn’t a question, but Eskild still had the decency to nod.
‘Do you…’, Eskild started, ‘Do you want some tea? Biscuits?’, he rummaged around in the cupboards before turning back around and adding, ‘We don’t actually have biscuits. Or tea. I can get you water?’
Eva quickly declined and made her exit. As she walked to the bus stop, she was expecting more tears. She was expecting to feel betrayed, sad, angered even. But she just felt empty, numb, lonely. Just so fucking lonely.
Now, here she was, over two years later and absolutely no sign of life from Noora. Eva had tried to feel bitter at her, to hate her, but she never could. Whatever she had felt in the seconds they had kissed had forever sealed Noora into her heart. Now, every other hookup felt too boring, too unappealing. Hence why she was here, at this party, alone. It didn’t even matter that she didn’t have a guy to fool around with, because no matter if she was truly alone or not, Eva constantly felt lonely. A loneliness that had set camp in the Noora shaped hole in her chest.
Noora’s sudden disappearance from Eva’s life had made such an impact that, sometimes, Eva would find herself hearing her voice as clear as day, then turning around with excitement only to realize she had been mistaken.
Like right now, for example, as Eva could swear she clearly hears Noora’s voice coming from the living room. Except Noora is in London with her boyfriend and definitely not at this christmas party.
‘Hi! Or should I say… H?’ a sudden voice speaks from behind Eva.
Eva is so startled that, as she turns around, she lets her wine cup slip out of her hand and onto the floor (good thing Isak and Even’s cups are all made of plastic, huh), spilling red coloured liquid all over the floor. Eva’s dress and her shoes get stained, but Eva couldn’t care less.
She couldn’t care less, because standing in front of her, in the flesh, is none other than Noora. Noora and her eternal bright red lipstick, smiling shyly at her. Eva is so stunned that she simply freezes and stares at Noora, her mouth slightly agape and her brain working overtime to try and compute the situation.
Noora doesn’t push, simply staring at Eva and fiddling anxiously with strands of her hair.
When, finally, Eva realizes that Noora is really standing in front of her and that this isn’t another one of those pesky dreams, she feels all of the emotions she had suppressed for the past two years flood back to the surface. She lets out a watery ‘Noora?’ as tears pile up in her eyes. Noora’s smile drops slightly as her eyes, still so kind and so affectionate, take in Eva’s state.
‘Can we talk? Privately?’ Noora asks carefully, testing the waters.
Eva doesn’t even have time to mull over the question before her mouth lets out a ‘Of course’ and before she knows it, she’s leading Noora down the hallway and into the bedroom. Once they’re both in, Eva closes the door behind them and slowly turns to face Noora.
She’s sitting on the bed, her legs crossed, looking down at her hands laying in her lap. Eva is simply standing by the door, entirely unsure of what to do in this situation. The longer she just stands there, the more the awkwardness between them grows and at one point, Eva can’t take it. She marches rapidly to the bed and sits down unceremoniously. There’s another long moment of silence between them, as neither seems to know where to go from there. Eva sighs loudly and starts ‘Look, I don’t know why you think you can just disappear for two fucking years without giving me news and then come back as if-’
Her speech is interrupted by Noora’s lips crashing into hers with full force, which does hurt a little bit, but the pain is rapidly overcome by pleasure. This time, it’s anything but slow and soft. Two years of pent up feelings from both sides are released into one moment, leading the kiss to rapidly turn passionate. Noora doesn’t waste any time before slipping her tongue in Eva’s mouth, guiding her to lay down on the bed at the same time. Eva’s hands are roaming Noora’s body under her shirt as she obeys Noora’s silent command and lays back. Eva brings her hands to the front and tries to unbutton Noora’s blouse, unsuccessfully, instead ending up getting stuck in Noora’s hair. Noora yelps slightly from the pain and they break apart for a moment, giggling.
Noora stops her movement on top of Eva and softly caresses her cheek, gazing into her eyes. There, Eva can see nothing has changed from the last time they saw each other. Noora’s eyes are filled with love, tenderness and care. Eva is pretty sure her own eyes reflect the exact same emotions. But in hers, there’s also worry, and she can’t restrain herself from asking the question that’s been swirling around in her brain since she saw Noora again.
‘What about William?’ Eva whispers. Noora looks lovingly into her eyes and slowly traces the outline of her face, down to her jaw. She bends down slightly and brushes her nose with Eva’s fondly. Eva can feel her eyelids drooping just from those little attentions.
‘Fuck William. We’re over.’ Noora answers back in the same hushed voice.
‘Over, over?’ Eva questions back, her tone growing hopeful.
Noora kisses Eva chastely, barely brushing their lips together.
‘Over, over. When I was in London, I felt like a piece of me was missing. I kept trying to fill it with material, friends or even time with William, but nothing worked. I just felt empty,’ Noora begins.
Eva nods along, ‘Yeah, me too. Just hollow.’
Noora smiles sadly, ‘Yeah. About a year in, William and I broke up because I learned that he cheated on me.’ At that, Eva perks up, getting ready to insult him, but Noora puts her index on her lips and brings her back down, effectively shushing her. ‘It’s okay. He’s in the past. But after that, I went to see a therapist to try and figure out why I was feeling this way. To try and be happy again’. As Noora continues to speak, Eva strokes her hair in encouragement. ‘And I slowly came to the realization that… I was in love with you. I am in love with you. And that nothing and no one could fill that emptiness, except you. If you still want me.’ By the end of her sentence, both girls had tears streaming down their faces.
‘Of course I still want you’, Eva assured her. ‘You’re it for me too, you know?’
For a moment, they just stared at each other, smiling goofily. Then, slowly, Noora closed off the distance between their bodies, and their lips. This time, it was much softer. Eva could taste strawberry lipstick and a bit of salty tears on Noora’s lips as they kissed lazily on the bed. They kept kissing as they undressed each other, stubbornly refusing to separate their lips even for one second, despite the added challenge. Eva removed Noora’s bra delicately and as she raised her hand towards her body, the door opened and a shout came from its direction, halting their movements.
‘Oh God No! My eyes!’ Isak screamed, turning around faster than humanly possible. ‘Please tell me you’re not fucking in my bed’ he added, pleadingly. From further down the apartment, a ‘OUR BED!’ came, to which Isak only groaned.
The girls bursted into laughter, Noora falling completely over Eva, incapable of supporting her body through their fit. ‘Oops?’ Eva said coyly, before laughing again. Isak muttered a ‘whatever’ before getting out and closing the door behind him.
Once they were finally able to calm down, the girls decided it might be best for everyone if they continued this Christmas celebration at Eva’s place. They quickly gathered their clothes and left the apartment under cheers from their friends who seemed to find a lot of enjoyment in the girls’ reunion.
That night, Eva and Noora, like young teenagers, fooled around, talked until the early morning hours and fell asleep in each other’s arms. The next morning (and every morning since) they woke up still embracing each other, content, full and, especially, no longer lonely .Two friends, a mind-blowing kiss and a misunderstanding.
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lucidpantone · 3 years
They make out but was a dare hahaha
Excerpt from the skam book (The makeout scene). Translated from Norwegian. Not by me.
Ingrid: kiss kiss kiss! 
Jonas shrugs: sure, ok
Isak looks surprised at Jonas 
Isak: Ok?! 
Jonas, laughing: I mean it’s not like it’s dangerous? Eva looks at Isak. 
He seems shook but plays it cool 
Isak: No nothing dangerous, just yeah 
Eva: yeah what? 
Isak: nothing, whatever, we can do it 
Jonas: ok 
Isak: ok
Eva: I’ll count to three! 
Eva looks at both guys ‘One.. Two.. three’ Nothing happens. 
Both boys start laughing. 
Jonas: come on then
Isak: come on then ME? come on then YOU
- laughing - 
Jonas: ok, I’ll count to three Isak
laughing - 
ok Isak closes his eyes and takes a breath Jonas starts laughing
Jonas: Do you have to have your eyes closed?
Isak opens his eyed, worried he did something wrong 
Isak: no, what the hell do I know, are you? 
Jonas: Yes. No. I don’t know, we’ll just do it then
Isak: ok 
Jonas: one, two, three 
Jonas leans in towards Isak
Isak starts laughing 
 Jonas, laughing: now what man? 
Isak, laughing: sorry, you just, sorry start over 
Jonas: one.. two... three 
Jonas and Isak lean in towards each other, their lips meet and neither pull back. Jonas starts smiling and for a second it could look like they’d start laughing again but they dont, they start making out. Eva and Ingrid look at each other and smile. Ingrid starts giggling and Isak pulls away from Jonas. The girls applaud them. Eva looks at the boy curiously. 
Eva: how was it, was it nice? 
Jonas, joking: damn nice
Isak is really good at making out Isak, blushing, just shrugs and takes a sip of beer and takes out his phone
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cuteandtwisted · 4 years
are bfyt isak and even living together at this point? miss them xx
i miss them too 💛.  here’s what they’re up to. (i got carried away. sigh.)
“I could put my desk here.”
“Why not there?” Even points to a wider corner in the empty bedroom.
“Hm. Your desk could go there instead. It’s bigger.” Isak responds absentmindedly as he continues inspecting the walls of the bare living room.
Even’s gasp is barely audible, but Isak hears it. 
He stifles his own when he realizes what he’s just said and wills his feet to remain glued to the floor. His back turned to Even. His ears and neck probably flushed already.  
“My desk?” Even asks behind him, his voice soft, his tone playful. Isak knows he’s smiling. “Why would my desk be in your apartment, Isak?”
“I don’t know. Most of your shit is currently at Kollektivet. Figured it’s only a matter of time before you start carrying your furniture to my new place as well,” Isak responds with a shrug, then walks away to where the person showing them the apartment is standing. 
Good save, he tries to tell himself. But was it? His therapist would argue that he’s falling back on his usual coping mechanisms, that he’s regressing by resorting to sarcasm and evasion tactics instead of voicing how he truly feels, what he truly wants, what he truly needs. 
What I really want.
But Even understands. He’s currently chuckling at Isak’s weak and unconvincing retort to his teasing. He always does. He’s never upset. He’s never impatient. He’s always kind and forgiving. He understands that Isak’s years of social ineptitude and prickly responses aren’t just undone and done away with because he started getting professional help. 
Still, Isak isn’t sure that what he wants is right, that it deserves to be voiced and spoken out loud. Because wanting something doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the right thing right now. 
As though sensing the turmoil currently eating Isak up (and knowing that a touch would suffice to anchor him and bring him back), Even squeezes his side as he walks past him and absently presses a phantom kiss to his hair before continuing to the broker. An uninhibited touch that carries so much meaning, so much weight. 
‘Stay with me. Don’t get too lost inside your head. Stay here with me.’
It’s so casual yet deliberate that Isak feels like melting into the hardwood floors. 
“Do you have any apartment facing East?” Even asks the lady with a smile so blinding, Isak can see her blushing too. “Isak has trouble waking up in the morning if it’s not bright enough. Also counter space. Isak needs more counter space. Do you have anything with more counter space?” 
Isak watches Even complain about details and nice-to-haves he would never otherwise care about to the broker and feels his chest swell, a warm and fuzzy feeling settling there and spreading down his limbs. 
It’s Sunday morning and Isak can’t think of any other place he’d rather be.
He walks up to Even mid-rant about the height of the ceiling and presses a sweet kiss to his cheek, making him pause and blink, visibly flustered.
“What was that?” Even smiles, turning away from the broker lady almost completely. 
“I don’t like this one,” Isak says simply, before linking his arm with Even’s.
“No. It’s too far from your school.” Not the full truth. But a truth nonetheless.
Even just stares at him, smiling fondly like he’s keeping himself from speaking his mind. The real estate person somehow feels like she’s left the empty apartment.
“What?” Isak asks, embarrassed. 
“You’re being cute. Why are you being cute?”
“Am not,” he scoffs. “I’m being pragmatic. I just don’t want to spend money commuting to you.”
“I could just get an apartment next to this one.”
“What if you spend the night here and have to commute to school or what if i want to pick you up from school?”
Even cups his face with both hands and kisses him on the lips. It’s just a kiss, but Isak still feels dizzy when Even lets him go. 
“You’re being cute again,” Even says before kissing him again. 
They’ve been apartment hunting for two weeks now. Separately, however.
Isak had been crashing at kollektivet since he moved back from Trondheim, and it was only a matter of time before he had to find a place to live.
But when he asked Mutta if he knew of any good options, he found out that Even was looking to move out of his mother’s house as well. 
It was rather embarrassing to hear it from a third party when they spent every single night together, either in Even’s bed or latched onto each other on Eskild’s couch. (Isak secretly loves the latter sleeping arrangement the most. He loves not having to justify curling himself around Even and molding into him like he can’t bear being apart from him).
“Heard you were looking for an apartment.”
“Heard about you, too.”
“Maybe we can go to places together. Share one broker. Save time. We’re probably looking for different things anyway.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
But they’re not looking for different things. They hate the same living rooms and fall in love with the same bedrooms. Isak thinks about where Even’s desk would fit and Even complains about Isak’s counter space and sun exposure. Even wants a large bedroom that can fit a king sized bed, and Isak wants a living room that can fit a couch big enough for two tall men. Even thinks about the distance to Isak’s lab and Isak thinks about the one to Even’s uni. They bicker about hardwood floors and appliances, and somewhere along the line, their broker stops asking who the apartment is for, a quiet and knowing smile on her lips. 
It’s the perfect apartment.
Isak can just picture where everything would go. All of Even’s film equipment and art supplies. All of the little props he takes to the kindergarten where he’s completing his training. He can tell where Even’s drawings would go on the walls, where he’d leave his backpack as soon as he enters through the door, where Isak would find his socks crumpled on the floor. He can see himself on the kitchen counter, legs spread for Even to fit in between, their heated kisses filled with laughter and ease and ‘scientific’ foreplay. He can see the cupboard they’d keep forgetting about and against which Isak would hit his head every time Even kisses him too deep. He can see where Isak would retract to brood when Even calls him out on something. He can see where Even would nap and where Isak would just perch up to watch him, happy to just be able to watch him.  
It’s the perfect apartment. 
“I might as well put an application down now, right?” Even grins at him, seemingly agreeing with Isak’s entire train of thought and reminding him that he’s the one who found this apartment. 
Even talks with the realtor about faucets and finishes and where the washers and dryers are located in the building while Isak recoils into himself.
They walk out into the night after Even fills out an application and Isak feels a lump in his throat. 
“What’s up?” Even asks, eyes curious and pensive.
“Nothing.” Isak shrugs.
“You’re quiet.”
“It happens to me sometimes.”
“Oh does it, now?” Even laughs. 
“Ugh.” Isak laughs too, shoving him playfully. 
“Are you upset I found an apartment before you?”
“Then what is it?” 
Isak considers his next words carefully. He could say how he truly feels or he could go down the pragmatic route. 
“I just don’t think it’s a very economical decision,” Isak huffs out. His therapist would be so disappointed right now. 
“The apartment, I mean. The rent, for starters, it’s too high. I mean where are you gonna get all that money every month? It feels like a waste because, well, it’s too big, honestly.”
“Are you telling me to find a smaller apartment?” Even muses quietly. He doesn’t sound irritated. He’s smiling, like this is amusing to him. 
“No! No. The apartment is perfect. Like it’s actually perfect. I’m not saying that.”
Even furrows his brows in confusion. Frankly, Isak is confused by his reasoning, too.  
“Hm. Are you trying to steal my apartment by any chance? Is that what this is about?” Even laughs.
“No. No, I wouldn’t do that.”
“Then what is it?” 
Isak looks up at him then. Even is smiling. And he’s so self-assured, so present, so intimidating like this. 
“I’m saying we can both have the apartment,” Isak blurts out, his heart pounding hard in his ears.  
“Hm. And how would that work exactly?”
“We’d call the lady and ask her to add my name to the application,” says Isak. “I’d fill out my part and that way we’ll have more chances of actually getting the apartment with our salaries combined. Not to mention that we’d pay half the rent. And half the utilities! Half the electricity and heating bill! We could share groceries that way food doesn’t go to waste. And we won’t even have to spend money commuting from each other’s places. It’s perfect.”
Isak’s face is flushed by the time he finishes his rant. He’s beyond embarrassed. Even is probably fighting a smirk right now. 
“So this is a money saving strategy?” Even asks. He’s still smiling.
“You want us to share an apartment to save money?”
“No. Not just money. I mean, it would be energy, too. Right? We’d lower our carbon footprint. We’d share one fridge, one radiator, one set of lightbulbs. We’d only have to use the vacuum once at a time. We could even share laundry cycles. It’s quite the responsible choice actually.” 
“So.. you want me to be your roommate to fight climate change?”
“Not roommate.” 
“I mean it sounds very close to what you were doing with Eskild.”
“I never showered with Eskild!”
“Oh, we’d be sharing showers, too. To preserve water. Of course.” Even laughs, but Isak doesn’t feel like laughing.
“Even. This is not funny to me! I’m serious!”
There it is. A crack. A small crack. Isak raising his voice and being visibly upset because he is. Because he feels cornered. Because he doesn’t know how to say what he truly feels, what he truly wants. 
And it hits him then. The reason why Even didn’t tell him he was looking to move out of Julie’s apartment in the first place. The reason he never brought up the fact that they spend every single night together and that it doesn’t make any sense that they’re looking for two separate places.
It hits him then: Even doesn’t want this. Even doesn’t, because Isak doesn’t give him enough. 
Isak doesn’t tell him that he loves him very often. He writes it. He implies it. He traces it on his skin, presses it against his lips, whispers it into his neck late at night. But he doesn’t say it. And while Even is kind and patient, he probably wishes Isak were more open by now, more normal. Isak wishes he were, too. 
Even is getting sick of him. Even doesn’t want-
“Isak? Isak, hey, stay with me.” Even brings him back with both hands on his face. A sweet touch, the most comforting touch. Isak will never stop burning for his touch. “I’m sorry for teasing you. It’s not nice. Forgive me.”
I should be the one apologizing. 
“Come on, let’s go back to my place and talk about this later. Yeah? Don’t worry about it.”
“No buts.” 
It’s late and dark. It’s past midnight. They’re in Even’s bed at Julie’s apartment, sleeping. Even spooning him. But Isak can tell Even is awake too, his breathing too shallow, too uneven. 
“Even?” Isak asks, his voice a whisper.
“I don’t want to share an apartment because of money.” 
Even tightens his arms around Isak’s stomach.
“What about climate change?” he asks, making Isak elbow him lightly.
“Don’t be a dick.” 
Even laughs. They both do. Then it’s quiet again.
“Why do you want to share an apartment then?” Even asks then, his voice wavering with nervousness.
It’s late and it’s dark, and Isak can feel Even’s heartbeat against his back. 
He turns around in his arms and tangles their limbs again. He can almost see the blue in Even’s eyes, even in the dark. 
Even is scared, Isak realizes. He’s holding his breath and he’s scared. 
“Because I love you.” Isak says simply. It’s simple because it’s true.    
Even lets out a soft but heartbreaking sigh. Isak wants to hold him until he knows. Until he knows just how deeply and impossibly Isak loves him. 
Isak wants to tell him so much. The words tumble inside his brain while they hold each other in bed rather desperately for a warm night in June.  
I want to share a home with you because I want you around. Because I love hearing you put on clothes in the morning when I’m still sleeping and I love the sound of you unzipping your jeans after a long day before you proceed to sing terribly in the shower. Because I love having you around and watching you make art or marathon some pretentious show or simply take a nap in the middle of the day. 
“Because I’ve never had a home until I had you,” Isak confesses with a tremor to his voice.
Even kisses him then, and it’s wet and salty and desperate. 
Isak can’t tell whose tears he’s tasting.
“Odd night to get emotional about climate change,” Even sniffles with a chuckle when they finally part for air.
“Ugh. Fuck you.”
“Ugh. I love you, too.” 
They kiss again and again and again. 
“My home. You’re my home, too.”  
They move in together a week after that.
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isakvaltersmut · 4 years
I just had big brain moment 🤯, what if it’s shy/cute Isak that’s the mob boss with bad boy Even trying to get his attention, all the while not knowing who he’s pining after. Isak would eventually give in and go on a date with Even, but Even would notice how everyone would avoid looking at them until someone tried to do something. Isak would order his men in the restaurant to kill the guy that ruined his date 😤 and Even would find the entire thing so Sexy... basically power bottom Isak 😋
your brain? massive. so big
Isak is still sweet, so soft and shy, always wearing cute little sweaters and pulling on the sleeves to cover his hands, both as a nervous gesture and to hide a tattoo on his wrist that all of the members have. And Even is enamoured, completely ignoring the two burly men always walking around with him, acting as a wall between Isak and anyone that dares approach him. He also has no idea that behind the shy demeanour hides an angry little kitten who is more than willing to kill someone if they’re in his way, especially when it comes to Even.
The first time Even had seen him was at work. 
The last thing he had expected during the boring shift at the vintage little coffee shop he worked at was to fall in love, but it happened.
Isak walked in, smiling widely and walking up to the counter as the two men with him went to take seats far away from the windows. Even didn’t think anything of it, instead he smirked and licked his lips as he locked his eyes with the blushing little thing standing in front of him.
Isak could barely manage to speak to him, stuttering through his order and looking down at the floor as Even checked him out, nearly bursting out in laughter when at one point he parted his lips enough for his tongue piercing to show, the boy squeaking in shock and looking away immediately.
Ever since then Isak would come to the shop, blush and giggle while the tatted up barista asked him out over and over again, making jokes and calling him pretty.
Finally, Isak accepts and they go to an expensive restaurant in which Even can’t help but shake off a strange feeling, but the feeling is ignored due to the mere fact that the man sitting at the table near them is pissing him the fuck off.
He’s being loud, drunk, and Even can’t even get a word in without being interrupted by the idiot.
Isak sees the frustration on Even’s face and straight away he’s overcome by anger.
He raises a hand, only two fingers up, and straight away his men know what to do.
They grab him by the arms, dragging him away while Even looks at the scene with parted lips, shocked at the display. He glances towards Isak and sees the boy absolutely furius but then the moment the man is out the door Isak looks at Even and his expression softens, turning bashful and shy once again.
And Even wants to ruin him. 
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Evak Fics - Proposal
** Bonus: Not proposal fics but related to it and an Isaks fathers pov fic
Spring or Autumn by orphan_account (199 words, 2017) - A cute one shot 
Two Happiest Guys in Oslo by Cardamom21 (330 words, 2017) - An amalgamation of cuteandtwisted fic titles
Proposal? by Isabeauu (449 words, 2017) - “Proposing? You think that was proposing? You really think I would ever propose to you in a shitty way like that?”
Say yes by Cherrielips (463 words, 2020) - His eyes widen when he says an email titled "Order confirmation" from an engagement ring company. He holds his breath. He feels Even still besides him.
Alle Hjerters Dag by evak1isak (737 words, 2018) - Even is away for work, so Isak is going to spend Valentine's Day alone ... or so he thinks.
Let's Both Propose by givemepizza (899 words, 2019) - Even abruptly interrupts Isak's marriage proposal because He has other ideas.
No Need To Dine And Wine (when you're already mine) by clerence (1k words, 2017) - Isak knows that Even is always full of surprises. But not this. Never this.
I don't think it's very strange by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug (1.1k words, 2017) - Isak wants an explanation for Even's dream marriage proposal, and Even won't miss the chance to tease him.
nothing sure in this world by withoutwords (1.1k words, 2017) - “What’s this?” Sana asks, pointing at something over Even’s shoulder. “Cheese toast? On a wedding menu?” “It’s a thing.” “Right.”
The Kitchen Cupboards by dear_ida (1.1k words, 2017) - Even has a thing about leaving cupboard doors open. Isak thinks it's cute. They dance a bit.
you're an idiot, even bech næsheim by hippopotamus (1.2k words, 2017) - Isak thought Even was dropping hints for Isak to propose - and Isak was going to. He bought a ring just last week. But it seems he was wrong about why exactly he was dropping hints, because there’s a ring hidden in the bottom of the drawer, and it’s not the one Isak bought.
The Boy Who Saved Me by smilewright (1.2k words, 2017) - Isak has a plan for his five year anniversary, and it involves video editing.
The Milk Incident by wyoheartsmusic (1.3k words, 2018) - It's two in the morning and Isak is unhealthily obsessed with milk and he needs someone to hug him.
I'm not going anywhere by maia_nn (1.3k words, 2019) - “Oh my god Even! Look out the window! Look at the ocean it’s so beautiful!” “Not as beautiful as you.” “Jesus, you’re so corny.” Isak blushed.
i have loved you since we were eighteen. by Prettything_uglylie (1.5k words, 2018) - In the dark cast of the kitchen, the only source giving off a semblance of light is the closeted curve of the lights above the sink, casting moonlight-like splashes of silver over the grey tiles of their floor. Isak would dare to bet that they would be cold on bare feet but with woolen socks to protect his own feet and Even's immortal euphoric episode, neither of the boys feel it either.
the softest proposal by Bellakitse (1.5k words, 2019) - A drunk and high Isak shares something with Even he wasn't ready to share.
so i'm writing the future. by milominderbinder (1.6k words, 2017) - They're lying in their bed, Isak's cheek cushioned in the crook of Even's shoulder and his arm thrown around Even's waist, taking long deep breaths in time with each other, when Even asks, "do you ever think about the future?" Isak turns 21 at 21:21, on the 21st of June.
I didn't plan it by Masterless (1.6k words, 2017) - Inside the box was a ring. It was a thick band of silver, with heart shapes cut out of the metal.
for the blessing by cammm (1.7k words, 2017) - Even really wants to ask Isak to marry him. He's picked out a few rings. And knows just how he wants to ask Isak... all he has to do is get the blessing.
Save the Date by tangledupin_blue (1.7k words, 2017) - Isak was silently glad there was no balcony or nudity involved. In fact, he was a little surprised by the simplicity of the proposal, after all the grand gestures Even had made in the last few years for birthdays, anniversaries and reunions.
Small Grand Gestures by nofeartina (1.8k words, 2019) - This is it, this is the moment. It feels right. It doesn’t get much bigger than this.
other lives and dimensions and finally a love poem by iphigenias (1.9k words, 2017) - "Marry me," Isak says. Even almost drops the can of tuna he's holding.
Marry me baby by nneazzz (2.1k words, 2017) - Even proposes to Isak like he said he would in 3/08.
Don't Wanna Walk Alone by cwtalton (2.1k words, 2017) - "I will, you know," Isak says. "Will what?" Even asks, confused. "Marry you."
No Surprises by orphan_account (2.2k words, 2017) - In where Isak and Even like to slow-dance just for the sake of it. Also, they are idiots in love, so things scalate real quick. You have been warned.
The Tears and The Highs We Breathe by ultimatelawrence (2.3k words, 2018) - Sometimes Even feels like a burden. Isak is desperate to show him that he's anything but one.
And I'll never not take your hand by everything_else (3k words, 2017) - There’s a lot of them together, curled around each other every which way: at home, at parties. There’s one Eskild took on the sofa at the Kollektivet of Even asleep in Isak’s lap. Isak is looking down at him, reverent, stroking gently through his hair.
let us cling together as the years go by by sargentblue (3.1k words, 2017) - It's been sitting in Even's front pocket for a while. He could feel the weight of it against his leg throughout the day, and Even feels like it sticks out like a sore thumb, but Isak (or anyone else, for that matter) hasn't noticed.
here, on bended knee by thekardemomme (3.3k words, 2017) - Jonas tries to find handcuffs in Isak's closet. Instead, he finds something else.
the world is ours by ihatefindingusernames (3.6k words, 2018) - As Isak stood there, staring at the most beautiful man he had ever seen, he couldn’t help but smile. This stunning man was his soon to-be husband. Isak just smiled and watched.
Starry Nights by sensualstalker (3.6k words, 2017) - Even and Isak go to the cabin to look at the stars and they have a bangin time that ends in cuddles. Proposal ish.
21 Roses by germericangirl (3.8k words, 2017) - Even is trying to think of a great gift for Isak's 19th birthday, and what would be better than a marriage proposal?
fucking finally by theyellowcurtains (4k words, 2017) - It was nearing Christmas and Isak had to do something. He really wanted Even to be in his life forever now.
a life to live by champagneleftie (4.2k words, 2018) - “We'll have to get married before we apply for the visas,” Isak says behind him. The spoon clatters to the ground, sauce splashing on the floor, the cabinets, Even's jeans. “Wh-what?”
Stop the world I wanna get off with you by LostInAdmiration (4.3k words, 2017) - set in the future, in which Isak and Even are very busy grownups, but are still just as gross and in love as they are right now.
would you do me the honors? by cammm (4.7k words, 2017) - Even loves Isak. So much that he's going to ask him to marry him. He gets some of their friends involved to help him make this happen. He wants everything to be perfect.
Through the Orange by grxcecxldwell (5k words, 2018) - Isak and Even met in high school and since then it's been a whirlwind of love, angst, and some fluff - mix in a rough proposal and a flawless wedding, and then you've got an epic love story!
First Star of Christmas by Laika_the_husband (5k words, 2019) - A sequel to The first star you see may not be a star which is a VERY angsty, beautiful fic. You can read this without reading the first one but if you can handle dark themes, I absolutely recommend the first fic. Isak can't handle being touched, because of his traumatic childhood. Him and Even make do.
you wear nothing but you, and you wear it so well. by Skamtrash (5.3k words, 2020) - Isak has two left feet and keeps crashing into Even in the school hallways which doesnt make sense since Evens 6'4 and hard to miss. It might be the universe trying to bring them together.
and so i happily concede, this is all i ask, this is all i need by lovedisak (5.3k words, 2017) - Even is fucking owning this marriage proposal thing. (with a little help)
He Moves Me by warlocked_mundane (5.3k words, 2017) - Even talking about their future like there is no way but for them to spend the rest of their lives together and build a family of their own, makes him giddy with so much joy. He’s never felt so happy in his life before.
It's Like Here by sasnill (5.5k words, 2017) - Late nights, mountains, creative endeavours, an ever-expanding to-watch list and the future: a quiet weekend.
363 Days by cuteandtwisted (5.8k words, 2017) - Even surprises and dedicates one random day besides his birthday to Isak every year until the end of time. Aka: the reason why Even said 363 days and not 364.
You are in Love by pressurerin (6k words, 2017) - Even is so in love with Isak. Isak feels the same.
love makes a fool turn into a king by GayaIsANerd (6k words, 2018) - “We’re getting married,” Even whispers, and Isak’s smile turns wider. “We really are, baby.”
moving through this world as a two-man team by moonlightphan (6.9k words, 2020) - Even and Isak go to weddings throughout the years, and learn what they want from their possible future wedding. They learn what the concept of marriage means to them.
hope you feel the same by noeller (8.4k words, 2019) - 5 times Even falls a little bit more in love and 1 time he makes sure Isak knows it.
In Vino Veritas by Sabeley (9.9k words, 2017) - After seven years apart, Isak wakes up to find Even in his bed and a wedding ring on his finger.
hell yeah, you the shit (that's why you're my equivalent) by colazitron (10k words, 2017) - Sometimes your boyfriend proposes and you just really want to sit on his dick.
In A Week by allyasavedtheday (23k words, 2017) - A sequel to Things Look Different in the Morning. “You and Even spend the five nights up to Saturday apart. If you do, we’ll pay for your honeymoon.”
We're Not Broken Just Bent by TotallyTinkerbell (25k words, 2017) - Getting back together fic. They had made a decision that didn’t fall easy on either of them. A decision that still kept Isak awake at night in his bed that was too big and in his kitchen that was too empty in the mornings. On the couch in front of his tv-cabinet which was void of Even’s film collection, and in his hallway which no longer had a dozen pairs of shoes in it.
Lovestruck by Sabeley (29k words, 2018) - 5 times Isak asked Even’s daughter an important question and 1 time she asked one back.
prize your heart of gold (the way i do) by orphan_account (30k words, 2017) - Isak's a bit unsure about his future royal duties, but he's more unsure about his feelings towards Even Bech Næsheim, the guy who is out to take his throne. A Princess Diaries 2 AU
Time Can Do So Much, And Still You're Mine? by cwtalton, mlbee (60k words, 2017) - First, Isak and Even are going to a New Year's Eve party. Then, Isak has something important to ask Even on a cold winter night. The Multi-Chapter Evak Wedding Extravaganza fic
I May Be Younger, But I'll Look After You by alotofphandoms (90k words, 2017) - Isak’s mom met Even’s mom in high school, then they met Isak’s and Even’s dad’s in college. When Even was born, Isak soon followed, two years later. For as long as they can remember, they’ve been in each other’s lives. Hopefully, they'll stay in each other's lives.
When you're near to me by skambition (138k words, 2017) - A story about Isak and Even and their beautiful future together.
***** BONUS ***** 
Ringed by angelboygabriel (493 words, 2019) - Isak and Even have an engagement party.
I Swear My Life to You by sensualstalker (947 words, 2017) - Isak and Even write their vows without realizing because they're that in love.
why something blue? by theyellowcurtains (2k words, 2017) - The one where they learn how hard planning a wedding is.
don't come then by theyellowcurtains (2.1k words, 2017) - The one where they tell their parents.
too good at goodbyes by everythingislove (straykid) (3.2k words, 2018) - the life of Isak, as witnessed by Terje Valtersen.
Dear Even, if you're reading this then— by cuteandtwisted (6.1k words, 2018) - Not a proposal but it's so sweet. "He's totally getting you a puppy," says Mutta. "You think?" Even asks.
everything that happens is from now on. by Skamtrash (6.7k words, 2020) - Part 3 of at the mere sound of his voice, I'm weak in the knees. their life after being together for six years featuring a bit of angst as usual, alot of future planning, married life being 10/10, adding a member to their family and them being cute as shit.
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nofeartina · 5 years
It's a very vague prompt - but can I please have same Isak/Even involving cherries?
Why yes, yes you absolutely can, especially since you asked so nicely. 😆😘
“We could be so good together,” Isak says, eyes already shutting, breath evening out, falling asleep even as he adds, “Don’t you think, Even?”
And Even is left there, feeling like he’s just been punched in the gut, feeling out of place and out of sorts. Because yes. So much yes. They could, they would. Even thinks they would be perfect together, actually. 
But Isak is already asleep, has turned to his side where Even dropped him off, too drunk to be able to get to the bed by himself. 
There’s no reason for Even to answer, there’s nobody there to hear him, nobody to attest to what Isak just asked him. The first time Isak has ever really acknowledged that there might be something else between them. Something other than friendship. But Even can’t help it. If this is the only time Isak will ever ask him, if he can’t remember tomorrow and has changed his mind, at least Even will have done what he can.
“Yes. We could be great together, Isak.”
The room stays silent after, even though Even feels like he just challenged the universe. Nothing but Isak’s light snores mocking him for speaking out loud.
Even stays for a bit, watches Isak sleep until he feels like a creep and then he leaves, cautiously optimistic. Maybe Isak will remember tomorrow, maybe they’ll finally have the talk that’ll get them together.
By the time Isak asks him again, Even has stopped hoping.
“Do you have plans this weekend?” Isak asks.
Even squints at him, isn’t really sure why he’s the one Isak’s asking when the rest of their friends are there.
They’ve never really been the best of friends, have always skirted on opposite sides of the periphery of the same friend group, never really becoming close. Even knows why that is, knows why he’s kept Isak just out of reach. He’s pretty sure Isak isn’t doing it for the same reasons he is, though.
Isak is someone Even could fall in love with so easily. He knows that if he got to know him, spend more time with him, got to touch him, then that would be it for him.
Even doesn’t want to fall in love with someone who doesn’t love him back. Again. So he guards his heart and keeps his distance. Although Isak saying that years ago made him wonder and hope and pay much closer attention than he’d normally let himself, he’s learned to keep that part of himself down.
“My Sunday is free. Why?”
He knows he’s squinting in disbelief, but it really is out of sorts for Isak to ask him like this.
Isak seems to ignore it, pushes through like it’s normal for him to have Even on his own like this and he sits down next to him.
“I promised my grandmother that I would help her pick the berries in her garden. She’s too old to be climbing on ladders. I need someone tall to help me.”
He’s smiling, looks so at ease, and Even swallows hard.
He wants to say yes right away but doesn’t want to seem too eager, so he says, “What’s in it for me?”
Isak smiles again, nudges his shoulder as he says, “You mean spending time with me isn’t reward in itself?” 
Even doesn’t know what to say, manages to make some sort of small stiff smile but Isak luckily isn’t looking at him as he continues.
“My grandmother makes preserves out of them, I’ll make sure you get some.”
Spending a day with Isak? Alone? And getting preserves out of it in the end?
Yeah, no way that Even can say no to that.
No matter how the prospect makes his stomach flutter.
Even picks two cherries, puts one in the basket he’s holding and pops the other one in his mouth. Below him, hidden under the branches and leaves, impossible to see from where he’s standing on the ladder, he hears Isak laugh.
“I can hear you eating them up there.”
Even stealthily and silently spits the pit out into his hand and throws it over his shoulder towards the hedges, and says, “I’m doing no such thing.”
Isak laughs again, and Even’s stomach flutters and does all sorts of funny things that he just wants to ignore.
Being alone with Isak is even better than he’d imagined. They fall into this easy banter, conversation flowing naturally between them, and god, if he could spend eternity in this garden with Isak, he would be a happy camper.
The sun is beating down on him, is making his temples and armpits wet with sweat, is making the t-shirt stick to him uncomfortably. He needs a bit of shade, he decides, maybe something to drink. So he fights his way down through the branches and the leaves and the wonky steps of the ladder.
To find Isak topless, bending over to pick at the gooseberries at the bottom of the bush.
Even’s mouth dries up in nano-seconds and he tries to look away, tries to, but fails. So much skin. Isak’s shorts stretched tight over that delicious backside that Even has tried to not think about too much (and has failed every single time). 
So he stands there. Frozen to the spot, mind scrambling, fingers itching to reach out and touch. He’s sure Isak’s skin would be warm to the touch, smooth. He wants to kiss the freckles he has on his lower back, wants to run his fingers over the protrusions of his spine. 
Wants to push his body really close to his and see if they fit just as perfectly as Even imagines they would.
Even swallows hard. Then does it again, trying to get some moisture into his mouth, and he just barely manages to turn his eyes away from Isak before he gets up. 
“I’m so thirsty, how about you?” Isak asks and only then does Even look back at him again. He makes sure that his eyes are on Isak’s, tries to keep them from straying. He absolutely doesn’t notice the freckles on Isak’s shoulder either.
Isak steps up to him, takes a cherry out of his basket. He watches Even as he puts it in between his lips, sucking on it for a little bit before it disappears into his mouth.
Even can’t breathe. 
He shouldn’t look, shouldn’t indulge himself, but he just can’t help it.
He watches Isak’s lips stretch into a smirk that slowly turns into a smile the longer Even stands there watching him, without saying anything.
In the end, Isak turns, says, “Come on, let’s get some water.” Doesn’t wait to check if Even follows.
Which Even obviously does. Of course he does.
Water turns into food, which turns into a beer. 
Isak sits there, legs spread in a garden chair, looking so at home and domestic and at ease that Even could watch him there all day. 
“Thanks for helping,” Isak says.
“No problem. It’s a good excuse to get out of my apartment for a bit.”
Even takes a sip of his beer, contemplating asking Isak what he really wants to ask him, the words stumbling over his lips before he can stop himself.
“Were the others busy?”
“Hmm?” Isak asks, clearly pretending not to understand what Even is asking. He always was a bad liar.
“You never normally ask me. But you did. So… were the others busy?”
Isak blushes prettily and looks down at his bottle. Clears his throat and smiles a bit, and Even wants to reach over and touch that blush, wants to kiss it deeper.
“Ha, no. No, they…” Isak clears his throat again and says something under his breath that Even can’t hear but he really wants to.
Isak looks at him, tilts his head a bit and really looks at Even.
And now it’s Even who’s blushing, not used to being under this kind of scrutiny from Isak. It’s like he’s missing something, he’s just not sure what.
The moment passes, because Isak slaps his thighs and gets up, picks up their used plates and starts carrying them into the kitchen.
Even really wants to know what he just missed so he follows.
“Isak?” he asks as soon as he reaches the kitchen, finds Isak with his back to him, leaning on the low counter, shoulders bunched around his ears. 
“They all wanted me to ask you, okay?”
“What?” Even asks as Isak turns, his eyes wide and face red.
“Surely you must know, Even.”
Even takes a step closer to Isak, heart beating a frantic rhythm in his chest, hope exploding in his stomach from what he thinks Isak is saying.
“Know what?” he whispers and takes another step closer. Like he can’t stand the distance between them anymore.
Isak is close enough that Even could reach out and touch him if he wanted. Which he does, but he wants to hear what Isak has to say even more. Isak is still leaning against the counter, hands on either side of him, knuckles white with how tight he’s holding on to it.
“I asked you once, but you never gave me an answer. Don’t pretend you don’t know.”
“I did,” Even says, words tumbling out of his mouth with his eagerness to set this straight. “I did give you an answer. You fell asleep before you heard it.”
Isak’s eyes flit over his face, one side of his mouth stretching into something that could become a smile, his face opening up in surprised disbelief.
Even takes a step further, watches Isak reach for him, curl his finger around the waistline of his pants and pull him closer.
They’re so close now. Even can smell the faint whiff of sweat off Isak, the sweetness of beer and cherries on his breath, see how his nose and cheeks are dotted with even more freckles that Even just wants to kiss. Along with the rest of him.
“Ask me again.”
Isak smiles, licks his lips. And then -
“Don’t you think we could be good together?”
Even doesn’t have to think about it, doesn’t worry about the consequences. There is only this moment, only this second that Even knows that he’ll remember forever. Them on the precipice of something new, something massive, something that he knows he’ll never regret, not even for a second.
He answers before the words are barely out of Isak’s mouth.
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isaksforelsket · 5 years
I’ll start with isak/even, but also, what are your other ships?
who hogs the duvet: isak. for sure. whenever we saw him wake up the boy had the covers tucked around him, now this could be because 1. even tucked him in cause he wanted him to be comfy, or 2. isak gets cold easily and just pulls all the blankets towards himself and wraps himself up like a burrito. even doesn’t mind really, cause isak just presses himself up against him and keeps him warm.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: at first, it’s even who will text him throughout the day more often, but eventually isak starts doing it more often as well and usually messages even first, just asking him what time he’ll be home, what they’re having for dinner, ‘can you hurry up even im horny’ and shit like that, but usually he just asks him how he is and tells him he loves him. but even is the one to send him pictures of shit that reminds him of isak.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: even is more creative, as in he’ll find weird and new things and even make shit for isak, but isak also knows what to get for presents, like he just remembers the shit the person has mentioned before and gets them that
who gets up first in the morning: even for sure. isak likes to sleep in for as long as possible, and really even loves it too, even if he’s awake he’ll stay in bed, just holding isak and making sure he’s sleeping peacefully, but eventually he’ll just have to get up and do shit.
writing the rest under this cause boy oh boy this got long
who suggests new things in bed: even, even, even. isak is a bit too shy about it at first so he wont suggest anything, but even will. as they’re making out, he’ll just go ‘wanna try something new?’ and isak would just nod numbly cause like he’s so fucking turned on, even can do whatever he wants to him honestly. but eventually isak brings shit up as well, but its still mostly even.
who cries at movies: i mean, we all know this right?? but even does cry often at movies cause ‘look at the cinematography isak!! its so beautiful’ and also he doesnt give a fuck, if he wants to cry at a movie, he’ll cry. but isak also cries but he acts like he isn’t, he gets all grumpy and frowns and wipes his cheeks all the while saying ‘im not fucking crying even’
who gives unprompted massages: even. isak gets stressed easily and his body is tense all the damn time so even will often just rub his back or his shoulders and get isak to relax his muscles and calm down.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: both of them really, but mostly isak, he just tries to make sure even has everything until even tells him to go to school and that he’ll be fine and not to worry, but isak still worries and stays home for as long as possible. when isak is sick, even has to persuade him to let him take care of him, he just cuddles him a lot until isak stops being stubborn and just melts against his body. 
who gets jealous easiest: isak gets jealous cause he worries that even will leave him and that he’s not enough, plus even is a really nice person and his kindness can get misinterpreted as flirting, so isak will often see the other person just looking up at even with fucking stars in their eyes and he’ll just go up to him and press himself against his body and whisper in his ear ‘can we please go home, i need you’ and obviously even will do so right away. while even gets like possessive, isak is kind of oblivious so if anyone hits on him he’ll have no idea, and even would be seething as he watches this guy get closer and closer to isak until even just walked up to them and wrapped an arm around isak’s waist, arching a brow in the guys direction and silently telling him to fuck off.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: i mean, we all know its even, i dont need to elaborate on this right? he just listens to anything and everything, he doesn’t give a fuck.
who collects something unusual: hm hm hm, i dont feel like either one of them would collect anything unusual. they dont seem like the type. bUT maybe isak would like collect sand from all the beaches he’s went to with even? and he’d be real sentimental and keep like the receipts from restaurants they go to and all that. but i dont think they’d actually collect anything random.
who takes the longest to get ready: isak. the fact that he just rarely wants to go anywhere and wants to stay in and cuddle just makes him take fucking ages. just slow, languid movements around the flat, throwing the clothes around and complaining ‘evy i have nothing to weaaaar’ but even is just like ‘isak i love you so much but if you dont hurry up i’ll kick your cute lil ass’
who is the most tidy and organised: isak isak isak. he just wants their flat to look nice cause he never had a place of his own and now that he has, he wants it to feel and look like a home
who gets most excited about the holidays: even, he fucking loves that shit, gets in the holiday spirit and all. isak didn’t really celebrate anything much while growing up, and then he started disliking Christmas cause his dad left around that time and he was just going through a lot, so he absolutely hates it. but even still tries to make sure isak has nice holidays.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: usually isak is little spoon, he just loves the feeling of even’s arms around him (plus if he wants to he can press his ass against even’s dick ‘by accident’), but sometimes they switch, usually when even is depressed.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: honestly, both of them. they both love to win, but isak probably. he’ll play lil tricks on even to distract him so that he can win, just call him daddy or some shit in the middle of it to make even glance towards him. he’s just a little shit honestly.
who starts the most arguments: um, they dont really argue that much, they tend to talk things out, but id say that even maybe? like his insecurities will sometimes come through and he’ll snap at isak and tell him to leave or something. but they dont really argue that much.
who suggests that they buy a pet: even. isak is against it at first but even keeps showing him photos of kittens or puppies and eventually isak is like ‘fine whatever but you’re taking care of it’ and then when they finally get the pet, he loves them and hugs them and wakes up early to take them for a walk and shit.
what couple traditions they have: you cannot tell me that they dont go swimming together, especially on the anniversary of their first kiss. they also go on a trip somewhere every summer, either to a different country or something or they go on a road trip (someone write evak on a road trip pls).
what tv shows they watch together: rupauls drag race. fight me. they sort of get into it at some point and then they just keep watching and they argue over who’s going to win and who has the best looks. 
what other couple they hang out with: jonas/mikael, mikael/adam, eskild/his bf whoever it is, eva/noora.
how they spend time together as a couple: they’re together all the time honestly, they try to go out on a date every week or every other week, just go to the movies or to get some food or something. but usually they just chill at home, cuddling, making out, having sex, watching movies cuddled up on the couch, or they cook for each other while laughing and dancing in the kitchen, or they just play some music and slow dance in the middle of the living room.
who made the first move: even, obviously, we all know this.
who brings flowers home: even, for sure. he’s just the romantic type to do that shit, and isak will like roll his eyes but he’s blushing so hard and smiling and he puts them in a vase straight away as even walks up behind him and wraps his arms around isak’s waist, kissing his blushy cheek.
who is the best cook: even, but listen, i think isak can cook, he’s just lazy. like my boy took care of himself the majority of his life, of course he can cook, he’d just rather not.
thank you for asking, this was fun!! and i dont mind what ship you send hehe i feel like i could do this about anyone.
send a ship and i’ll answer these questions
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evakuality · 5 years
What about an AU meet cute in which Even mistakes Isak for a library assistant (due to his being there so often) and tries to flirt with him by asking for help finding an outrageously obscure and entirely made-up book.
Ah, thanks for this, anon.  It took a while, and is not quite what I intended when I first read this prompt.  But I did manage to write something, so thank you for helping me out of my stuck place!
Even’s lungs are tight and he’s panting, breathless as he runs.  He shouldn’t have left this to the last minute, he knows, but as usual he’s let a deadline slide until his whole ass is on the line.  His legs are burning fire as he screeches around the last corner and sprints up the stairs to get into the library before it shuts for the day.
He’s still trying to drag air into his lungs when he spots the guy.  The guy.  The library guy Even’s been crushing on for the last few weeks.  Today the guy is quietly shelving books, a frown creasing his forehead, and squinting at the titles as he wheels a small trolley around the room.  He’s beautiful, and Even’s suddenly breathless for a whole different reason.  The library’s uniform of black t-shirt looks particularly good on him today.  Tighter than usual.  Makes Even’s breath catch as he leans up on his toes to push a book into a higher shelf and it hugs the contours of his back.
His throat dry, Even drags his eyes away from the guy’s body and looks around.  Blinks as he remembers what he was here for.  His project.  The one that’s got him properly fucked now that it’s due tomorrow and he has no clue how to find the info he needs.  Normally, Even does what any self-respecting person would do and consults the internet.  Unfortunately, this project requires consultation of actual physical books.  Even’s teacher was adamant that at least one of his sources must be a book.  No exceptions, Even.  You need a range.
Forcing himself to focus, Even wanders towards the nearest shelf and stares at the titles lining the top row.  It’s probably not the most efficient way of finding what he needs, but Even’s brain feels a little addled from seeing the guy and it’s the first thing that pops into his head to do.  He grimaces when he really looks at the section he’s in, and screws up his nose.  Anatomy.  Some other scientific stuff that Even can’t even decipher from the book titles.
“Excuse me.”
The voice startles Even, makes him jump as a soft, “fuck,” escapes his lips.  He turns and his eyes widen.  It’s the guy.  Standing right next to Even with a quizzical expression and those frown lines etched even deeper in his forehead than before.
“This book goes up there,” the guy says, nodding at the shelf Even is standing in front of.
“Oh.  Sorry.”  He moves to the side and the guy grunts a little as he reaches up to push the book onto the shelf.  He smiles slightly as he catches Even’s eye and starts to turn back to his trolley.  
Even has a sudden impulse now that he has this guy next to him and has actually spoken actual words to him.  The idea of letting this opportunity slip through his fingers is inconceivable and he reaches out to clasp the guy’s arm.
“Um, actually … can you maybe help me?” he asks.  “I’m looking for a book but I’m not having any luck.”
“You want me to help you find a book?”
The guy’s brow is creased in confusion, which is just bizarre considering this is his job.  So Even thinks he must just be confused about why Even would approach him here rather than using the more orthodox information desk, so he puts on his most winning smile and hopes it works.  
“Yes.  I’m … not very good at libraries.”
The guy snorts.  His face creases into a reluctant smile and Even is totally fucked now.  He’s so beautiful close up, his eyelashes long and pretty and his mouth twisted into an amused wry resignation.  The guy’s eyes actually twinkle when he speaks again and the sight is so stunning Even almost loses focus again.
“Not good at libraries?”
“Mmmm, that’s right.  Confusing places.  All these books.”  Even clears his throat as the guy lets out another small huff of laughter and shakes his head.  “So.  It’s … uh.”  Even realizes he hasn’t got an actual title in mind so he coughs a little to cover as he desperately searches his brain for something.  “It’s called Aspects of Modern Film Making, from Luhrmann to Bigelow.”
The guys squints at him, his brow furrowed in suspicion, and Even doesn’t blame him.  He pulled the name out of his ass, and he’s not even sure it actually exists.
“A book on film making?”
Even keeps his winning smile on his face, even though it’s feeling a hit stiff and awkward now.  He should probably have thought this through a little better.
“A book on film making in the science section?”
“Oh?”  Even blushes.  “Is … oh, this is the science section?  I wondered why it looked wrong.”
It’s such an obvious lie, easily seen through to the point of transparency.  Even’s bracing himself for the inevitable moment when it all falls down around him, the guy calls him out and then goes on his merry way round the library knowing that Even is a complete idiot who lies as a flirting technique but is so shit at it he can’t even manage a believable lie.  Instead, the guy sighs, amusement clear on his face.
“You really are shit at libraries,” he says.  He moves towards a computer and Even trails behind him, relieved that the guy has decided he’s merely incompetent rather than a lying liar who lies.
“Okay,” the guy says, tapping at the keyboard and peering at the screen.  “What was that title again?”
Even dutifully repeats the title, knowing he’s about to be found out.  The guy sucks his lip in between his teeth and concentrates on the screen.  Nothing comes up and he frowns again.
“Are you sure that was the title?” he asks.  “It’s not showing on the catalogue.”
“Yeah, pretty sure,” Even says, feeling the heat rising into his cheeks as he perpetuates the lie and gets himself even further into this shit.  “I remembered it because Luhrmann and Bigelow are so different as directors and it seemed weird to put them together.  You know?”
The guy shakes his head and huffs in irritation.  “I can’t say that I do,” he says.  “A movie’s a movie and who gives a shit about the directors?”  Ignoring the affronted gasp of horror Even makes, he turns to look at Even and shrugs.  “Sorry, but I don’t think they have the book you want.  But you could maybe try to order it from another library.”
“They?” Even asks, confused now in his turn, enough to drop the affronted comment he was about to make about the guy’s lack of movie awareness.  “Don’t you work here?”
The guy glares at him.  “No.  What would make you think I do?”
“Well .. the trolley.  And you’re always here.  And … well … you wear the uniform.”
The sparkle is back in the guy’s eyes and he chuckles, grinning at Even.  “You’ve been paying attention.”
“I … may have noticed you occasionally.”
“I don’t work here,” the guy says.  “I just actually study, which you should maybe try by the way, rather than wandering aimlessly around the library,  and it’s easier to put my own stuff back while I get the next one.”
“On a library trolley?  While wearing the uniform?  What about that sign over there that says don’t put books away?”
The guys blushes.  “There is no uniform; lots of people just like black.  And … uh … they … tolerate me putting books away, I guess.  When it’s busy they like the help.”
“So you do work here, then.”
The guy shakes his head, clearly frustrated.  “No.  But call it volunteering if it makes you feel better.”
“It does,” Even says, allowing his grin to widen.  “Makes me feel like less of an idiot.”
There’s an eye roll this time which is just a little too endearing and Even clears his throat once more.
“I’m Even, by the way.”  The guy looks confused again and Even laughs.  “For when you tell the story of how I made up a book just so I could keep talking to the cute guy I thought worked here.”
He holds his hand out and raises his eyebrow in query, hopes the guy will reciprocate with his own name.
“Isak,” the guy says, shaking his head as he takes Even’s hand.  “But I’m never telling this story; Jonas would laugh his balls off that someone thought I worked here.  He already makes fun of me for how much time I spend in this place.”
His face creases up again and he looks at Even as realization dawns on his face.  “Wait.  You … you made up the book?”
“Yeah.  I’m sorry.  I panicked.”
“You’re a dork,” Isak says, but he’s smiling and there’s a spot of color high on his cheeks.
“I’ve been told,” Even agrees cheerfully, his heart singing because Isak is still here despite all Even’s stupid confessions so maybe this wasn’t as big a disaster as Even has feared.  “Mikael says it’s my worst quality.  But I prefer to think it’s my best.”
“You think I’m cute?”
This time, it’s Even who’s blushing and he looks away.  “I didn’t mean to just blurt it out like that, but … yeah.”
He’s startled by a laugh from Isak and glances over at him in confusion.  
“I might have come over to this section because I saw you here,” Isak says by way of explanation.  “I might have wanted to talk to the cute guy who always looks so flustered when he’s here and just walks in circles accomplishing nothing.”
“Yeah?” Even asks, his breath caught once again.
Isak nods and Even grins.  “Do you … maybe want to get a coffee?” Isak asks.  “I’m almost done with my work and the library’s closing in a few minutes.”
“Fuck!” Even says, remembering his project and the deadline he’s been so blithely ignoring.  Talking to Isak had dragged his thoughts off his actual purpose here, which is the opposite of useful really.  “I really do need to find a book.  Tonight.”  He looks around, takes in the vast quantity of bookshelves and grimaces.  “Shit, shit, shit.  I’m so fucked.”
Isak laughs and pokes him.  “If you have a real title, I can help you find it and then maybe we can soothe your nerves with a coffee.”
“Okay,” Even says, his heart doing a delighted dance in his chest.  The project is still not done, Even’s still going to have to pull an all nighter to get it finished, and it’s still probably going to be less than his best work.  But it doesn’t seem quite as dire as it did when he was running to get here.  Coffee with Isak seems like a fair exchange for losing out on good grades.
If that coffee takes longer than expected, because the conversation flows and Even can’t drag himself away, and if Even ends up with a 4 rather than his usual 5 or 6 for this project because of that, well … it was definitely worth it.
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lilacpotter · 3 years
Even should have seen it. He should have, really.
He should have called him out and stopped him when he started wearing those short shorts and those stupid shoes that had really bad balance.
Instead, he let it slide, and now here he was, with one of his knees dripping with blood while the other one had fresh cuts on it as he stood in front of the therapist room in his blue football jersey.
Even’s hands itched to go caress him and kneel down in front of him to tend his cuts, instead, he swallowed.
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
Isak rolled his eyes as if that was a ridiculous question that no health care therapist should ever ask. “Can’t you see? I’m hurt.” The attitude.
Even turned around, picking up the wad of cotton. “Who knew Valtersen was so weak.”
He heard Isak huff behind him. He could imagine the way his soft lips pursed. “Fuck you, Bech Naesheim.”
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?” Even turned back to him, sneering.
Isak flipped him off with a glare. “I do. And he’s the best.” He sneered back, a bit nervous.
Even refrained from snorting. “Of course,”
“Are you going to tend my wound or do I just have to stand here all day?” Isak snapped then, not too long after, looking impatient. The sweat that he had shed in the football practice earlier made his skin glisten and shine. His cheeks were flushed, a lovely pink painting them. Even wanted to lick them.
“Why so impatient, darling?” He said silkily, leaning against the bed rest. Isak groaned. He loved making Isak groan in frustration because Even knew what would come after that. Isak would give up whatever game he was playing.
“Stop calling me darling. How many times do I have to tell you?” He snapped, his lips thin and furious. His green eyes boring into Even’s.
“Baby, then,” Even grinned.
“ahem,” someone cleared their throat and Even looked away from Isak to find Lisa standing there awkwardly, her cheeks flushed abnormally. She worked part-time as a nurse.
“Oh hey! Lisaaa,” Isak greeted her with a fake big smile, hugging her in the process.
“Hi, Isak,” Lisa said back, blushing furiously and unsubtly dragging her eyes all over Isak’s flushed body. Even suddenly felt a surge of possessiveness, it made his body tingle.
“If you want me to tend your wound soon then get started already,” he said pointedly. Isak looked to him, eyes going back to daggers again.
He watched Even for a second or two, making him squirm under his attention a little, then smirked before licking his lips, making them glisten even pinker. He knows what he is doing. “I don’t want you to tend my wound. Lisa can do it, can’t she?” He turned back to her with a charming smile, and she beamed. This girl.
“I can,” she replied, licking her lips too.
“No, you can’t-“
“Actually yes, she can.” Isak cut him off, pointedly glaring at him, before breaking into a sweet smile. “And besides, you must be really busy, Bech Naesheim. Let her do it this time.”
Even had no other chance but to watch them both painfully. Isak sat down on the chair and thank god, Lisa did not proceed to kneel in front of him to tend his wounds. He wasn’t sure he would have forgiven her if she did so.
Isak met his eyes meanwhile, a smirk playing at his lips. Even raised an eyebrow, dragging his eyes all over Isak’s body just like Lisa had done. And by the time he was back up at his eyes, Isak’s cheeks were pink. Good.
The satisfaction didn’t last long because then he let out the softest of moans when Lisa tended his wound, and Even felt himself tense up.
“Ohh, Lisa. You are so good at this,” Isak moaned again, before sneaking an eye up at Even with a secret smirk. “You know, actually, I have a few cuts on my stomach too.” He continued. “Should I remove my shirt?” He said a bit suggestively. Lisa’s eyes widened, and she stole a look at Even.
“No need,” Even replied, but Isak wasn’t listening. He already pulled the hem of his shirt and removed it, exposing his bare flushed chest and abs. Fuck. Even forcefully took his eyes off him.
Isak moaned again, this time complimenting her hair and her eyes and her soft, soft hands. Lisa was bursting out in flames, her smile wide and her whole face red. Everybody knew she had a crush on Isak. Every second-year girl had a crush on Isak. Why wouldn’t they? He was the football team captain. And he was hot as fuck. And Even knew what Isak was doing right now. He knew what was going on in his mind. Isak was trying to rile him up and make him jealous.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend, Valtersen?” he reminded him again, feeling pleased with the way Lisa’s smile dropped suddenly.
Isak rolled his eyes then. One of the strands of his golden hair falling onto his glistening forehead. “Seems like you have a crush on my boyfriend, Bech Naesheim.” He sneered, leaning back and flexing his abs.
Even felt something stir in his groin. Shit.
“I mean, who wouldn’t have a crush on your boyfriend?” He quirked his lips up instead. “he is just so incredibly awesome.”
“Ugh,” Isak grimaced, his eyes flat. “I can’t believe you are so-“
“Incredible?” Even cut him off, enjoying the way Isak rolled his eyes.
“Annoying, I was gonna say,” he replied instead.
Even shrugged, smiling. “Besides, I have my own lover.”
“Oh, you do?” Isak squinted his eyes, surprised by the news. Even nodded, his heart swelling in his chest.
“Yeah, I do. And he is really nice, you know. Unlike you here.” Even waved his hand towards him.
“Fuck off,” Isak scoffed, but he looked curious, interested even.
Even laughed. “He is the best." He continued, watching Isak's face closely. "He is nice, kind, super hot, even though he is a brat sometimes.” He admitted with a fond look.
At that, Isak's eyes widened in disbelief. “Brat? Brat? How dare you fucking call him a bra-“
“Remind me who’s crushing on whose boyfriend again?” Even cut him off, effectively getting the middle finger from Isak for the second time that day. Third, if he counted that morning.
Lisa was done with the knees by then and was watching them both with a curious look, the flush on her cheeks had faded by a lot.
“Why the fuck are you both pretending to hate each other when you both are each other's boyfriends?” She said accusingly, making Isak sputter and Even burst out laughing.
“What the fuck,” Isak coughed.
“You both are so annoyingly in love. Now I know why Even was so jealous, ugh.” She sighed, offended as if she had been played.
“Jealous? Me? What are you talking about?” Even protested. Was he that obvious?
“I’m leaving you both now. Can’t deal with your flirting. And, please Even,” she begged. “Don’t do anything inappropriate while I’m gone,” she wrinkled her nose, before standing up and casting a suspicious glance at them both before leaving the room.
The moment she was gone, Even stood up and walked towards his boyfriend with a grin, then knelt down between his legs while staring into his eyes. Isak’s throat bobbed, and the initial playfulness was gone by now, replaced with something more intimate.
“You know you just broke that poor girl’s heart, right?” Even asked his voice low.
Isak kept watching him in a daze. “I think she can live with that.”
Even watched him watch, and almost teared up when Isak spoke again. "I'm sorry I got angry at you yesterday," Isak apologized, looking guilty. "I didn't mean to be a dick. I love you."
"It's okay." Even smiled softly, caressing his thigh. "I'm sorry too, baby."
They both watched each other's eyes until they were both sure the other was okay and knew that they were forgiven.
Even leaned in slowly, and kissed him once on the lips then, watching the way his eyes shut close.
When Isak opened his eyes again, Even was smiling at him. He roamed his eyes all over Isak's face, then his throat, his chest, and trailed his hand over his pecs, down to his stomach, and stopped by the hem of his shorts. He pushed his fingers in, just a little to elicit a gasp from Isak before he looked back up to his green eyes again mischievously.
“Do you think your boyfriend will mind it if I sucked you off?”
Isak groaned out loud and shoved Even’s shoulder. “Shut up and just fucking do it, Even. My god, ahh fuck- careful about my knee, asshole- ”
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Could you write something of Isak dedicating himself to the priesthood for his homosexual feelings and of repentance, but he meets Even who works there gathering clothes and food for the needy and everything goes to hell?
Isak wasn’t really doing this for himself, or he was just needing some peace of mind. As long as his mom was happy and out of his ear with complaints, Isak thought he would feel a lot better already. He couldn’t take another month of his life with his mom constantly talking about religion, about Isak needing to move to a different school. So he said fuck it and accepted her offer. In a few years, he would turn 18 and he would then let himself do whatever he wants, even if that could disappoint his parents. At least he would have these few years to say that he did what they wanted and now was his time to do what he wanted.
He would have to live a life of lies for a few more years before he could let himself do whatever he wanted. It was a final count down and a final attempt to please his parent in exchange for an adulthood of freedom.
The place looks nice, a lot better than what Isak is used to. Even his tiny bedroom feels like a dream. No more hearing his parents fighting, no more mess (because he did try to pack only the necessary, knowing how bad at organizing and cleaning after himself he is). It sucks that he has to share a bathroom, but it’s only another yet small price to pay for some peace.
Isak is terrible at having a routine because that’s not at all what he’s used to. Most of the time when he was at home he had no compromise with time, he would do things as he wanted and when he wanted. 
So it takes a few weeks to adjust to waking up ridiculously early, having time to go eat and sleep and study, etc. But it’s good, especially the studying part. It turns out, Isak does enjoy studying when he has silence on his side. He can sit on his chair in front of his old, rusty table and open all his books at once and get his homework done. And maybe he’s smarter than what he thought he was.
With most of his homework done weeks before the deadline and all his hours of study already accomplished with two days of advantage, Isak lets himself wander around for the first time.
It’s a cloudy day, but not rainy. Still, most of the other students are somewhere else that’s not the common areas. Isak walks around, stops to look at the old pictures of past classes. There are also plaques everywhere with the history of the castle he knows lives and studies in.
The eating area is mostly empty, with small groups spread apart, talking, or snacking. The place is huge when empty and you can hear everything echoing.
It happens like a movie scene.
Isak is still taking it all in, the magnitude of this room when empty when he notices him.
A boy, looked a little older than him, and any student from where Isak was standing. Blonde hair, perfect posture, one of those smiles that make girls melt or something, like prince charming. His white shirt a little too perfectly fit against his lean and long figure, Isak is not sure how appropriate he’s dressing for the place he is. And he’s caring a huge basket filled with what it looks to be dirty clothes. The guy stops at the huge window that divides the kitchen and the eating lounge area. Everyone inside the kitchen seems to know him, giving excited greetings and the older lady - that every day serves Isak a little extra food - comes to the window, giving the guy a big bag also filled with what Isak assumes to be more dirty clothes.
He has to act if he wants any chance of talking to the guy and so he walks - tries not to run - and stops in the middle of the stranger’s path.
He’s noticed right away and Isak would like to dream there’s a spark that happens inside the eyes he can’t really define what colors they are. A green-ish blue, grey mixture. He’s soft but so intense.
Isak didn’t think things through, he just needed to see him up close. He’s definitely a human being, not an angel.
“What are you doing here?” He asks with his full of depth and interest voice and Isak is not so sure what he’s asking about. It feels like what are you doing here? I’ve been searching for you my whole existence and that makes Isak feel something he never felt before.
“Hm, shit, sorry.” He feels his neck and chest burning up because he just cursed and he’s sure anyone inside the kitchen heard him. But the boy doesn’t seem outraged, he raises his eyebrows and laughs softly and that sound makes Isak blush on his face too, “I don’t know where...I have some clothes to wash too.”
The boy smiles now, showing his every teeth and Isak is sure he’s staring, almost drooling. The stranger nods his head, gently biting his full bottom lip for half a second.
“Of course. You need help to get them or you think you can get them and bring them to me?” He asks so gently that Isak is not sure if he’s joking or not, but he can’t risk, so he just answers the question.
“My bedroom is so far away…”
“I can help you then, no problem.” The guy is so willing and nice, Isak never met someone like that. He realizes they never told each other their names and Isak feels ever dumber if that’s even possible.
“Sorry...you are...?” He frowns a little and tries not to look around them, some of the staff from the kitchen probably watching them and finding their interaction so weird. And there’s something about the boy in front of him that makes Isak want to look inside his eyes forever and not feel embarrassed to do so.
He puts the basket of dirty clothes under one arm and offers his now free hand to Isak.
“Even. The “do-it-all” around here.” Isak swallows hard, carefully shaking his hand.
“Isak.” That’s all he can say and Even nods his head again, seeming happy that they now have names.
“Nice to meet you, Isak.”
Isak is not a morning person. It feels like he didn’t sleep for a minute. He keeps his eyes closed, trying to understand what happened or if he was dreaming again about Even. His muscles feel raw and everything he feels it’s connected to a memory flashing through his eyes. Shit…
He moves to lie on his back and the left side of his hips hit something. Or someone. Sitting on his bed. Isak opens his eyes, praying he’ll meet kindness and understanding, not regret or anger.
Even is still there, sitting on his bed, shirtless. His hair is still all messy and Isak is almost completely sure it’s partially his fault. Even moves slowly, putting one arm over Isak’s middle, his hand sitting against the mattress on the other side of Isak.
He’s very aware of what they did and how fucked up it is to do it here, where he’s supposed to be studying to pretend to his parents he’ll become a priest someday. Even is not angry, at least Isak finds the same kindness and interest that made him go for it last night, kissing Even in the mouth as his life depended on it. But there’s some hint of remorse or disappointment.
“You don’t have to tell me that it’s bad. I’m aware. I really don’t want a lecture from you.” Isak should focus on this conversation, but his eyes wander down as new memory come back to him. Even has abs just like Isak remembers. He tasted them…
On his knees.
Fucking shit.
Even moves carefully again, leaning closer, nuzzling against Isak’s neck, asking for some space and Isak gives it to him, putting his arms around Even’s neck, holding him tight. Even’s body is still so warm and inviting, Isak doesn’t want to let him go, to discover what Even wants to do now that they finally had sex.
After months of the weird friendship, after countless times of sneaking Even inside his room just to talk for hours. Of having to push Even under his bed so the nun wouldn’t see that he was inside a student’s bedroom late at night.
“I’m in love with you. You can’t stay here.”
Isak said these words so many times inside his head to his imaginary Even that when he hears the words coming out from the real one it doesn’t even surprise him that much. But Isak feels this sudden need to cry. Not of sadness, but of relief, in a weird way.
That’s all he wanted since the day he met Even. For them to fall in love, for Even’s words to really mean what he thought they did.
What are you doing here? I’ve been searching for you my whole existence.
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