#and i had the MC pass under some nice smelling trees
solarpunkani · 6 months
I need an answer and I need it quick
Do Juneberry/Serviceberry flowers smell good??? do they smell like anything???
11 notes · View notes
n0v4t33z · 4 months
The Piece Of Eight - Chapter of Eledonia
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Pairings: Capt. Hongjoong X Female Reader , Crewmate San x Female Reader (Overall not chapter specific)
Genre: Pirate AU, Romance, historical-ish, Action, Angst, Non-Idol AU
Word Count: 10.6k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions of blood and gore, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: y/n uses her sword on Matz, y/n protects Matz from a fellow villager and cuts him a bit in the process, y/n remembers her traumatic past, Seonghwa mentions Hongjoong's past (Overall nothing too bad right now honestly)
Spotify Playlist ⚓ | Masterlist 🏴‍☠️
Author's Note💌: Hi! This is one of my newer works and I hope whoever reads this enjoys it! I've worked very hard on this and tbh i've been working on this when I'm not writing for TS (which is alot because I'm stuck as of rn) Also I guess I'll say this right now but this story will have alot of blood and violence in the future chapters and in some instances flashbacks from MC's tragic past which will get VERY dark. I am aware not alot of people like that so before any of it starts I will warn you in future chapters of any trigger warnings. Anyway, please enjoy and don't be shy to leave me your comments or thoughts! (please be kind!) 🌙
For as long as I can remember I’ve always been poor, not that it’s bothered me. If anything it has made me very resourceful and grateful for the little things I have in life, but it definitely would have been nice if we at least had something under our name because maybe then being prisoners for years wouldn’t have been an option. 
Then again everything that happened was against Eledonia's wishes so of course, that of being a prisoner was long ago from when I was 4 years old until I was about 13 so having to endure and watch all those years of people getting abused and tortured again and again on the daily definitely takes a toll on you. Lucky for me I put that anger I had in learning how to protect myself and my family.
 For a while my family was against it because according to them I should be focusing on something else that won’t risk me getting hurt, like being a good housewife. The way I think though is if I didn’t at least know the basics of training we’d suffer again like before and when the Saitors left our country that’s when it began.
 Now my grandpa, a retired soldier of our nation Eledonia has been training me for a few years now. He’s taught me everything I know about weapons and self defense. For the most part I train by myself by the shore near where our village is so I can hear the calming waves and stay watch in case any ship is nearby. Which is what I'm on my way to do this morning.
"Make sure not to stay too late over there, I need you to help me take these beans over to the market to see how much we can get for them" I nod "Sure, I'll be back later Mom!" I walk outside as the early morning sun slightly obstructs my vision causing me to slightly squint trying to get used to the brightness.
 While I walk down the trail I take in the beauty of the forest and see how much the flowers and leaves on the trees have bloomed since spring began, everything was so lush and green. As soon as I’m hit with the smell of the salty sea it’s my queue that I’ve arrived at my destination with no need to look over at the sea for confirmation which unknowingly at the time I’ll seemingly regret.
 I begin my training as per usual until a few hours pass by and I begin to hear shouting in the distance and splashes in the water almost like a ship was being docked. I run towards the edge of the shore and realize a man was watching me with his spyglass.
I couldn't make out his features but panicking now knowing how long he’d been watching me I start sprinting back home with adrenaline coursing through my veins. It takes me less than 5 minutes to arrive at my village's territory before I begin to yell in panic “A ship is docking!! They’re pirates!”
The villagers look at each other in confusion and panic until I spot the chief. I run as fast my legs could take me but my legs feels weak from the Imminent fear. At this point I don't know how I'm still standing.
 “Chief there are pirates docking their ship right now!! Please anyone! One of them looked right at me, they know there are people here now! ”
 Immediately the Chief rings a bell 3 times then walks over to me gently placing his hand on my shoulder “Thank you for telling me Metztli, run to gather your family and we’ll all head over to the underground cave.”
 I obediently nod and hurriedly run home and notice my mom feeding my little brothers  while my father and grandfather were having some sort of conversation then while still slightly out of breath I say “There’s a ship docking right now and it’s a pirate ship, we have to go..” 
Everyone freezes for a moment then my grandfather lets out a sigh and gets up “Let’s go. Leave everything as it is.” My parents begin packing a few things meanwhile I grab a few of my books and some of my clothes enough for a few days. 
When we arrive at the underground cave I notice the whole clan was there, of course our clan wasn’t very big but to see everyone gathered up there was shocking to see how many people were scared of the same thing happening all over again. Of course I don’t blame them, it was a time none of us want to remember. 
The inside of the bunker of the cave was far from fancy, it was basically a hole in the ground with a few torches on the walls for light and a few scattered bonfires for warmth and cooking, everything else was just rock.
 After a week in the bunker we all grew impatient and very hungry so the chief sent a few people out at dawn to see if the boat was gone, when the men came back they alerted the chief the boat was gone from where it was docked marking it safe for us to return back to our homes.
That very same day after returning home my mother sends me off to the market to buy a few necessities we ran out of while in the underground bunker. When I arrived at the market I realized I had a smile on my face, it was nice seeing everyone going back to normal. It was definitely a close call, it still doesn’t sit right with me how one of the people in that ship saw me. 
Luckily they’re long gone by now so I shouldn’t think about it too much. I walk over to a vegetable stand with a small old lady running it “Oh hi sweetie, how are you? What would you like today?” I smile and hand her the crescents along with the reusable grocery bag  “It’ll be the usual Rosalia.”
 She smiles and begins to load up the bag with vegetables “Aren’t you glad that ship was false alarm? I don’t think my old self could handle another invasion again honestly.” I nod “Another one would be a curse that was so scary, my heart almost jumped out of my throat when I saw them.”
 She hands me the grocery bag and says “Luckily it wasn’t anything to worry about sweetheart. Alright, be safe and go ahead and let your mother know I said hi.” I nod and wave goodbye and head over to the next vendor to buy my grandfather’s favorite snack, coconut candy.
 Although I really dislike the weirdly textured candy my grandpa seems to enjoy it and honestly that’s okay as long as he’s happy.
“Oh hi y/n what brings you here today?” I set bag of vegetables on the floor and dig into my pocket for money “Oh I’ll just have one coconut candy today for my grandpa” He grabs the candy and hands it over to me “One crescent”
 I nod and hand him the money and begin to walk away “y/n, wait up!” Causing me to halt in my steps and turn that’s when he wraps a small piece of cake and puts it in a small box and hands it over to me “It’s not much but it’s a small thanks for alerting the chief about the ship earlier this week” 
I reach over for the box with a “Oh wow thank you so much Armando, you have no idea how grateful i am for this.” I bow my head slightly and he does the same “Goodbye y/n take care!” I smile and wave goodbye and begin to walk towards the entrance of the market that’s when I see two young men around my age wearing unfamiliar attire.
 The shorter one’s hair was an unnatural shade of blonde with his hair being short in the front but long in the back, a small braid adorning his hair. His dark eyes are rimmed to resemble smoky soot stained eyes giving him a very intense look, he wore a simple cross chain around his neck and a single silver earring on his right ear, and wore a black odd looking cape thing and under it he wore a simple black long sleeve, on his left arm there was a black band of some sort that had an hourglass shape with a circle in the middle and 4 phases of the moon surrounding it. 
He also wore some sort of black pants accentuating his small figure. For the one standing next to him which was the taller one, his hair was jet black, and wore very similar style clothing only this one opted for a white colored long sleeve shirt and a grey colored vest over it to accentuate his small waist with the same sort of odd black cape thing over his shoulders.
 His pants being the same ones as the short one just iike their boots. One thing that stuck out is the tall one had a visible weapon on his back, a shot gun.
Fuck. Pirates. The shorter one leans over to tell the taller one something and that’s when the taller one begins walking in my direction. I have no weapons on me, I have to go. I drop my stuff and make a run for it into the forest. 
While I run I hear the man call out to me in the distance but unfortunately my fear is not letting me decipher what he was saying. I begin to run in the direction of the river by the water fall but take the alternate lesser known route.
 When I make it to the river I hide behind the waterfall that’s when I hear the tall man call out to me “Hello? I promise we won’t hurt you. We just want to talk.” I scoff almost laughing at his words. Not hurt me? Then why was he hoisting around a fucking shot gun on his back? 
I decide to stay quiet while he continued to try and lure me out then a few minutes later the shorter man with the arm band joins him at the side of the river and he joins him with the same words the other was protesting saying that they will not hurt me which is honestly hard to believe as I can now see the shorter one has weapons too. 
Suddenly the shorter one begins to speak my language “Hello, I will not hurt you. I want to talk.” I sigh realizing they know I’m here then I nervously say “How do I know that? The tall one and you have weapons.”
Both the shorter and taller man look at each other in surprise not expecting me to answer them back that’s when without hesitation the shorter man unholsters his gun and throws it in the river along with the sword that was perfectly hidden under his long cape thing. The tall one removes the gun from his back and throws it in the river the and shorter one continues “I am sorry. Can you come out?”
 Hesitantly I step out from behind the waterfall and I pick up a few rocks and throw them in their direction causing them to step back giving me enough room to grab the sword they threw into the river. “What do you want?”
 I point the sword at both of them causing them to both have their hands raised in mercy then the shorter one says “Alliance.
” I furrow my eyebrows “I’m confused, I’m poor. I have no influence.” He nods understandably “You have strength, I saw you training by the water when we first met 7 days ago” Suddenly it dawns on me this man was the same man watching me train through his spy glass by the shore.
 Unable to form any words out of shock I stay silent and the man continues “My name is Hongjoong, next to me is Seonghwa what about you?” Hesitantly I look around and study their expressions, they seemed genuine but a part of me is too scared to trust them “y/n.” 
I cannot tell them my real name, it’s way too dangerous. Hongjoong blinks a few times then says “You speak the universal language?” I nod “Yeah.” He sighs in relief “I’m sorry but that’s good because I was running out of Eledonian. I’m sorry If I was really bad at it I only know enough to get by.”
 I stay quiet for a few seconds then I muster the courage to say “Where did you dock? I swear your ship was gone when we checked this morning.” 
Hongjoong looks at the waterfall behind me then back at me “Ah, yeah we docked further down where our boat is hidden from other incoming boats.” 
I squint my eyes and press the tip of the sword right where his heart is “You better not be lying, if you try anything I will personally be the one to kill you.”
Hongjoong smirks and gently pushes the sword away from his chest “No worries, I wasn’t planning on it. Like I said, I want an alliance.” I narrow my eyes “Why are you asking me?” 
He steps away from me and looks over at Seonghwa and nods. Immediately Seonghwa hits my hand causing me to drop the sword and grabs my hand and twists it behind my back but I lean forwards making him weaken his grip on my arm and slightly lose his balance. 
I take that as an opportunity to kick him behind the knees and pick up the sword where I tightly press the blade against his neck while I stand behind him. Hongjoong slowly claps while walking back towards me smirking “I’m asking because I want you to be my protector. I knew it when I first saw you training by the shore. Fluid like water and precise like a bullet.” 
Nobody’s ever referred to me like that. He sure does know how to compliment people, I’ll give him that.
 I press the blade a little harder on Seonghwa’s neck causing him to quietly hiss “I’m sorry but I barely even know you. I cannot just leave my family for a bunch of pirates I don’t even know. There is only one person who I’m going to kill and his name is Miyagawa Masaki. Killing another human isn’t in my book unless they’ve hurt me or my family in any way.”
Hongjoong’s features soften dropping the plotting smirk and extends his hand in my direction “Alright, let’s get to know each other then because what if I tell you there’s hundreds like him? Ruining the lives of the poor and defenseless? Killing innocent people and eliminating hundreds of bloodlines. Would that change your mind?” 
I glance down at Seonghwa who was stiffly leaning away from my sword his head gently resting against my stomach, he gives a scared but genuine nod of reassurance of Hongjoong’s words.
  For a few seconds Hongjoong and I’s gazes mutually connect, something in his gaze tells me maybe I should trust him. I mean I can easily overpower either of them if anything goes wrong.
 I remove the blade from Seonghwa’s neck and push him towards Hongjoong causing him to fall on his hands and knees “Get out of here before I regret not killing you.” 
Seonghwa gets up then gently puts his hand on Hongjoong’s shoulder “I don’t think she’s coming Captain.” Hongjoong turns to Seonghwa and gives him a smirk and proceeds to walk in my direction and chuckles “I’m sorry for that y/n I just really wanted to see you in action up close. I really didn’t mean for that to be a personal attack.”
 I roll my eyes “How am I supposed to trust you if you literally attacked me. If anything you’re making me not want anything to do with you.” He smiles and says “Ah, so you were considering it at some point then?”
 I cross my arms and look at the ground “Perhaps..” Hongjoong pushes a strand of hair behind my ear completely catching me off guard by this gesture “What if I told you that if you come with me you wouldn’t have to worry about anything, I’ll pay for it. I’ll pay for food and supplies for your village, for protection, and I’ll even add money so that your family doesn’t have to worry while you’re away.”
I blankly look down then back at him and almost silently I say “I don’t know.” Seonghwa hesitates for a second but then gently pats my back “You don’t have to decide right now, it’s okay.” 
Hongjoong gently pats my arm “How about I treat you for lunch then we’ll come back to how you feel about me.” I nod “Yeah sure, but I’m keeping your weapons.”
 Without turning my back on them I carefully step back and step back into to the river while keeping my eyes on both men and pick up the shotgun and pistol. “I’ll give these back if I approve.
 Also, just for that little stunt you played before we go you have to help me with the groceries I was carrying.” They both nod and we head back to the market then I point at the groceries on the ground with my sword “Go get my stuff pirate boys.”
 Both men walk over and pick everything up then Seonghwa says “Where to?” I walk in between them and begin walking back to my home. 
After a bit of walking In silence I finally muster enough guts to break the ice "So uh why exactly are you guys here in Eledonia?" Seonghwa answers ”Supplies honestly, we were running out of a few things but of course the Captain saw you training and he wanted to meet you so we kinda gave the supplies duty to the rest of the crew while we looked for you."
 I quietly hum “So how many other crew members are there?” Hongjoong answers almost on queue “There’s eight of us in total who are in charge of overseeing the main duties so the other six are doing the supplies duty. The rest are sailors who help us run the ship.” 
The more welk the more I notice we’re now in my village's territory then In a low voice I say “By the way please don’t act scary, we’re in my village’s territory now.” They both make reassuring hums and as we walk to my house the rest of the villagers stare at us, their gazes burning into my skin. I’m sure they’re probably wondering why I’m even with people like this. 
Out of seemingly nowhere I see a fellow villager walking towards us with a weapon in hand “Get away from them Metztli!” I extend both my arms in front of Hongjoong and Seonghwa causing them to abruptly stop “Acatl there’s no need! They won’t hurt us!”
 He walks over towards me and pulls me aside and swings his weapon at both males “Like hell they are..”
I unsheathe my sword and step in front of him fully stopping the weapon from hitting either of them “You are not going to hurt them. We are not in danger.”
 Acatl clenches the hilt of the weapon “They are not who they say they are, they are not good people. All pirates are just as bad as those stupid silver spooned goons, all they do is lie to get what they want.” 
I turn to Hongjoong and Seonghwa and under my breath I utter  “Stay back.” and lock my gaze into Acatl’s “Stop being ignorant, just because we were hurt by some soulless bastards doesn’t mean it’ll happen again.” 
I push his weapon back slightly just enough for me to be able to swing my sword at him and graze his arm then take another quick swing at his hand causing him to drop his weapon and clutch his bleeding hand on his knees.
 “How could you protect these men?! And betray your own people like this?!” I point my sword at him to stay down “I protect those who deserve to be protected and right now they needed my protection, if they were to ever betray my trust they shall have the same fate as my enemy.”
 He slowly gets up clutching his hand “You are wrong for this, you are wrong for going against our village.” I smirk sheathing my sword and dusting myself off “I didn’t go against my people, I simply made peace where there would have been unnecessary deaths.”
As Acatl was about to say something the chief walks up to us with anger tinged in his voice “What is going on here?”  before I’m able to explain anything I hear my mom yell at me from a distance with the rest of my family following after her and with surprise and utter fear on her features.
 “Who are these men Metztli?! Why are they here?!” before I can explain anything my father and grandfather come up next to my mother to try and calm her down  “What’s going on?” 
“I can explain. These men are not evil, they just came here to buy some supplies for their ship and they happened to see me struggling with the groceries so they’re helping me. Then this idiot Acatl starts attacking us and so I just prevented unnecessary deaths.” 
The chief crosses his arms in front of him still clearly upset “Metztli just because someone does a nice thing for you doesn’t mean they are good.”
 My dad gives Hongjoong and Seonghwa a glare “You know better than to lead strangers to the village. You can never trust these punks, especially men.”
 I nod “I understand but they’re not bad people father. They were just helping me.” My grandfather gives me a stern look “What did I tell you about trust Metztli? Trust only yourself, no one else.”
I turn and I signal both men to set the things down “They’re just now leaving don’t worry.” I begin to gently push them the other way then Hongjoong turns and says “I want her to come with us. I want her to protect me.”
 I look at him in horror and shake my head he looks into my eyes for a few moments, smirks and continues “If she comes with us I will pay for the supplies in your village and I’ll pay a militia to protect and alert us in case anything ever happens. I’ll also throw in some money so the village can be renovated since I see the places being inhabited are severely run down and you know for whatever else you need the money.”
 Hongjoong looks down at my little brothers standing behind my mother and gives them a soft smile “I promise the rest of our crew will not let anything happen to your daughter. I’m just putting this out there, there doesn’t need to be an answer right now since y/n herself isn’t entirely sure either.”
 Hongjoong gives me a small smile and pats my head while Seonghwa  gives me a reassuring nod “Well, we will go now.” Hongjoong adds then my grandfather responds “Come again tomorrow, but lunch is on you guys.” 
Slightly taken aback both men nod and smile. Hongjoong then says “We will return tomorrow, it’s a promise.”
The chief looks over at my grandfather and says “Are you sure about this? Welcoming strangers like this?” My grandfather watches the 2 pirates walk away while everyone else watches him in silence “Their proposition was interesting don’t you think chief? We’ll benefit out of this.”
 The Chief gives no response to my grandfather for a few seconds then looks over at Actatl holding onto his bloodied hand then back at me “I cannot get past just blindly trusting people we’ve never met before, it’s off putting not just for me but for the rest of the village.”
 My grandfather nods then turns and gives me a smile “We have my granddaughter if anything happens. She will protect her village at any cost no matter who it is. After all, It was I who trained her or what? Are you doubting my granddaughter’s prowess?”
 The chief stays silent then I give him a reassuring smile, like an indication that this situation was over everyone begins to head back to their homes including the chief. Acatl is the only one who stays behind and stares at me for a few seconds “If something happens this is your fault.” 
He walks away and I bite the inside of my mouth to hold back from further saying anything that’ll cause him to come back. To be truthful I am scared they may earn my trust then betray me but on the other hand I want to believe that nothing will happen and that they are genuinely good people.
The next day while taking a short break during training I hear the leaves rustling from behind and to my surprise it was Hongjoong and Seonghwa again. I’m pleasantly surprised they showed up, you’d think after what transpired yesterday they’d leave but I guess they aren’t weak hearted. 
“Hongjoong? Seonghwa? What are you guys doing here?” The blonde man extends his hand towards me and helps me up.
“I’m here because I want to thank you for yesterday.” I shake my head “Oh no sir I-” Hongjoong lifts his hand to silence me and says “You protected me and my first mate and I really appreciate that especially considering you had no obligation to do so. You could have easily let him kill the both of us but you didn’t.” 
He’s right, I didn’t need to save him. I could have let him fight his own fights but for some reason it’s like my body acted on its own. Seonghwa gives me a warm smile “For that we would like to ask you if you would like to be our friend. Our connection to Eledonia.” A connection? Me? Out of all the nobles or more important people here in Eledonia they ask me?
"I would be happy to be your friend." Hongjoong gives me a relieved smile “Well, that settles it. We are friends.” Seonghwa stands next to me and rests his elbow on my shoulders.
 "Okay, well maybe now that we're friends we should follow through with your grandfather and have lunch." I hum wiping the sweat off my forehead with a small cloth “Now that you mention it, I am kind of hungry.” 
Seonghwa squeezes my shoulders while behind me “Good, we’ve got some nice things prepared for you.” I squint my eyes “I would like to assume it’s a good thing and not a bad one.” 
Seonghwa and Hongjoong chuckle “It’s a good thing my dear, I had the cook of our crew make us some delicious food. They’ll be in the main square later serving the village so I’m sure your family will be there as well since we let them know this morning.”
 Seonghwa nods “Yes, so practice a few more hours and by then the food should be ready, we just came here and decided to give you some motivation so you’d finish your training strong.” I smile at both males “Seriously, thank you.” they both smile and Hongjoong responds “My pleasure, y/n. Anything to show you we’re worth trusting.”
 Wow, he really is trying his hardest if he’s going to go all out like this. Seonghwa excitedly smiles “We’ll see you later okay? Please come by, we’d really like for you to meet the crew” Wow, they really are so confident i’m going to leave. I look over at them and  nod “of course, I’ll be there no worries” Both men say their goodbyes and leave. I sit down for a few minutes and rest before I resume my training for the day.
After a few hours go by I decide to start walking home and the whole way there I think to myself why I saved these men and why was I being so selfless with them. Why did I feel the need to protect the Captain and his right hand man when I don’t even know them, this was all becoming so confusing to me. Not to mention my extreme trust issues with everyone, so I just can’t explain why I decided to trust them. Why am I so drawn to them?
When I arrive at the main square I see alot of people gathered around the front of my house. As I walk closer I notice Hongjoong talking to my grandfather while Seonghwa and another guy play with my siblings. 
There was an unknown male by the fire cooking and a few others whom I didn’t recognize but I knew were with “The Captain” judging by their clothes so those men must be his crew members. They’re feeding everyone I see, they’re really trying to win over not only my family but the whole village. 
I walk over to my mom and ask “Mom, when did they get here?” while watching my little brothers play she says “They got here a few hours ago. Hongjoong, the blonde one said he wanted it to be a surprise for you when you came back from training. You should go eat now, they brought meat! It’s your favorite.” I nod then I turn and see my grandpa and the chief speaking to Hongjoong, he looked happy. I hadn’t seen my grandpa smile since grandma died.
A sudden grip to my shoulder makes me slightly jump “You should go eat, the food will be gone by the time you’re done staring.” I turn and see Seonghwa holding a plate in his hand slightly out of breath giving me a sweet smile “Ah, hah I will sorry just got distracted.”
 I hope he didn’t think I was checking the captain out. That would be weird. Seonghwa walks over to me and hands me a plate of food and honestly it looked and smelled delicious. Roasted potatoes and meat. Meat is considered a delicacy and we can’t eat it very often because of how expensive it is so seeing it on my plate made my stomach rumble so I begin to eat before I even sit down.
 Seonghwa turns to me and chuckles “You like meat? It’s good right?” I nod while sitting down on the grass in front of the tree by the square since It was a little quieter here “I’m glad you liked it, I’m sure Wooyoung prepared it with his secret combination of spices. It makes things so much more tasty.” 
For a little bit there was a silence from the both of us eating but eventually I decide to get brave and ask “Are you guys really not going to hurt our people? Like you’re not doing this as a gimmick to gain our trust then kill or imprison all of us?” 
Seonghwa, slightly taken aback chokes a bit on his food and begins to cough, once a bit composed he clears his throat “No, of course not. We’re The Piece of Eight. We don’t steal from the people, we steal for them. All of our targets are all either royals, nobles, military chiefs or generals, politicians even but never the regular people who aren’t associated with that stuff. If anything we’re most infamously known for being anti government and helping villages who need it the most.”
So they’re basically like the story of Robin Hood, steal from the rich and help the poor. It’s understandable, the rich can be quite nasty. They’re very ungrateful.
 “Sounds a like a great cause, does that mean you have alot allies?” He slightly purses his lips “Somewhat, but it’s enough for it to help us not get caught.” 
I shove another spoonful of potatoes in my mouth “Also I guess I should explain this but, the reason Hongjoong needs an assassin and a protector is because the royals and government know about us now and they’re out to get the captain and knowing how he is he doesn’t want to appease the rich, much less the government meaning he’s going to keep doing what he’s doing even if he needs to kill people to get what he wants and what he wants is to put those people in their place and show them they’re not special that at the end of the day they’re a sack of skin and blood..”
 I stare aimlessly and un focus my gaze and without thinking I say “I agree with your agenda. Rich people are selfish and are out of touch with reality. They’re heartless and evil, I hate them. I hate them all.” Seonghwa furrows his eyebrows “Did something happen for you to strongly feel that way?”
 I set my plate down and shrug “Well, long story short the Saitor Kingdom invaded Eledonia and they killed hundreds of people and imprisoned alot of them as well. My village and other poor villages were taken as prisoners to work for the Saitors with the only pay was being fed enough to be kept alive. It was almost daily where there was an execution of a prisoner for seemingly stupid offences that had no reason to be that serious some of those were of course some members of my village. It was 9 years of complete and utter hell.”
The dark haired man sighs and says in a low tone of voice “I completely understand why you’d hate people like that. Some of us in the crew, specifically Hongjoong had the same luck as you except he was left with nothing.” 
A knot grows in my throat, as much as I didn’t know the Captain like that I can only imagine losing everyone you know and care about. “Meaning he has nothing left to lose.” I say with a knot in my throat and he nods “Yeah, which is why the crew is as close as it is because he considers us all his family.”
 I focus my gaze again and it happens to fall upon the Captain, seeing him smile while talking to the Chief, and my grandfather somehow broke my heart. As much as I know how annoying it is to be pitied, here I am doing it to a complete stranger who probably doesn’t want any of it. 
 “This is why he helps the people, because he knows his family would have wanted him to do something good with his life even if it’s somewhat subjective to other people.” So Hongjoong is a good guy, to be this young and already be so accomplished takes skill and he clearly has the skill and motivation for it all. Unfortunately at the cost of the people he loved the most.
“Sometimes it’s good to be going against the current, and I respect him for it.” Seonghwa adjusts himself more comfortably and puts his plate aside and exhaling softly.
“We all do too, but as of today I also respect you as well for enduring torture and witnessing such horrible atrocities everyday for 9 years, that must have been traumatizing.” I glance over at the people in my village, seeing how happy they looked.
 “Yeah, I guess seeing someone get shot in the face or get bludgeoned to death isn’t something a kid should be witnessing. Till this day I can still hear them choking on their own blood.” I look down at my hand and stipple my fingers on my palm.
 “I can tell you’re very close to the Captain.” I say changing the subject, it’s not that I don’t want to talk about it it’s more like I can’t talk about it because evreytime I do I can hear the blood squelching, bones breaking, and agonizing screams. They're so vivid. 
Seonghwa seems to catch on what I was doing and replies “We are actually, so close I know him like the back of my hand. Although sometimes it’s hard for him to show he cares so to a normal person it might look like he doesn’t care very much but he does he just does it differently than other people. Because to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever seen him be affectionate towards someone.” 
I giggle “Reminds me of my grandpa, he’s the same way. With my grandpa showing affection is him telling me stories from when he was a soldier or buying me some candy when we go to the market, things like that.”
Seonghwa chuckles and points with his eyes in the direction of Hongjoong speaking to my grandpa “No wonder they get along so well.” It’s so nice to see my grandpa smile, it’s been a while since he did.
 Ever since my grandma died my grandpa hasn’t smiled very much or that of all. In a way it seems like they’re both healing each other by speaking with each other. Suddenly I hear Hongjoong call out for Seonghwa, apologetically he looks over at me and says “I’m so sorry our conversation was cut short, Hongjoong is calling me.”
 I shake my head and motion him to Hongjoong “Go ahead I need time to myself anyway, I need to think whether or not I’m going to go with you guys.” Seonghwa reaches over and pats my shoulder “Alright, just remember do what your heart tells you not what others say.” I chuckle “I’ll keep that noted.” Seonghwa gets up and takes both our empty plates with him leaving me with my thoughts while I also observe the strange men here. No doubt they were all handsome and charismatic including Hongjoong and Seonghwa which is the reason why I’m assuming everyone grew to trust them so quickly. Even so, I’ll keep my eyes on them.
In the distance I see 2 black haired men walking towards me one had cat like eyes with dark hair and a grey streak in his hair, he was scrawny looking but has very wide shoulders while the other one had jet black hair, a strong jawline, and a small mole under his right eye. They both sit in front of me and smile “Hey, I’m Wooyoung and this is San. Hongjoong told us about you, so did you make up your mind? Are you coming with us?”
 Slightly taken a back from how forward  this Wooyoung guy is I shake my head “I don’t know, I’m not sure.” San gives me a dimpled smile “I hope you do, it’d be nice to have a new crew member.” 
Wooyoung looks over at San “Nah, you just want her to join us because she’s a girl.” San shoots a glare at Wooyoung “No, it would be nice if I could just have a reasonable person to talk to sometimes instead of an idiot like you who only says dumb things” Wooyoung teases San.“You have Yeosang and Yunho for that, they’re reasonable”  
I raise an eyebrow and smirk “Who says I’m reasonable though?” San looks at me like I’ve betrayed him while Wooyoung lets out a particularly loud laugh then I giggle “I’m just kidding, I’m y/n by the way.”
 I extend my hand towards San and smile almost without a second thought he reaches over and shakes my hand. His gaze connecting with mine with a small hint of awe he says “You have a nice name, It fits you really well.” Wooyoung then says “Is that really your name?” I laugh and nod “Yeah why? Does it throw you off that I have a universal language name instead of a more traditional name?” Wooyoung nods and says “Honestly yeah, but he’s right you have a nice name”
 If only they knew. So far they’re easy to get along with, I may end up taking this job just so my family stops being in the slums and my village as a whole is respected.
“So, how old are you guys?” I smile and look over at the two males and without hesitation Wooyoung replies “19, so is this guy. What about you?” I raise my eyebrow “You know you shouldn’t ask a girl her age, that's rude...” 
San stammers “I'm sorry we meant no disrespect..” I smirk “But if you must know though.. I'll give you a hint, i’m a few years older than you both” They both blink in shock then Wooyoung says “Wait how much older?” 
I shrug “Not more than 2 years” Wooyoung chuckles  “Ohh well you know I thought you were younger than us when I first approached you, you’re so short.” I scoff “I’m a girl of course I’m going to be short, common sense.” Wooyoung holds back a laugh “No I mean you’re short, short. I thought you were a child.” I roll my eyes “Yeah I am, short so what.” Wooyoung gives me a teasing smile While San says “You know that means you’re older than both our Captain and Seonghwa..” 
I raise an eyebrow “Are you guys calling me old?” They both shake their heads then Wooyoung nervously chuckles “Not at all! Actually, I was going to ask if you wanted some of the dessert I made. That’s the sole reason San and I came over was to ask.” I give them both a smile “Yeah sure, that would be nice. Thanks.” He gives me a smile and nods “Okay I’ll be right back, San stay.”
San lays back onto the soft grass and rests his hand on his stomach and replies " Sure, I'd love to.” Awkwardly I sit there for a few seconds not knowing what to say until San says “Listen, if you happen to join us and anyone in the crew ever says anything hurtful don’t listen to them, They can be bastards sometimes, it’s like they forget how to interact with other people.”
 I look up at the blue sky avoiding eye contact with him, feeling his gaze on me. “Thanks, I’ll keep that noted If I decide to go.” After this brief interaction San and I both look up at the sky in comfortable silence until Wooyoung comes back and hands me a small little bowl with some sort of probably foreign dessert and says “I’ve brought you dessert, I’m not sure how sweet you like things but it’s not overwhelmingly sweet. It’s a type of peach tart, it’s really good. I don’t know if you’ve ever had it before.” 
I examine the “peach tart” and to my knowledge I’ve never seen anything like it. “I actually have never seen anything like this before this looks very foreign to me, although I have seen cake before and we only have it for special occasions it’s very rare if we get to eat sugary things like this because they’re so expensive.” 
I take the silver ware he brought with him and take a bite out of it “Oh wow, this is delicious.” Wooyoung gives me a prideful smirk “That’s only because I made it.” I giggle and take another bite “Well your cooking is amazing, let me guess you cooked the meal today too didn’t you?” He nods with a big smile on his face then San says “Look at you, you’re so full of yourself.” He gives San a smirk “You’re just mad she didn’t compliment you.”
In the distance two more men walk up to where we were sitting except these two looked very tall, extremely tall almost like two twin towers. One had dark hair parted down the middle with the fringe of his hair adorning his soft puppy like features and the other one had black rimmed glasses, his hair was dark blue and had a neatly slicked back side part on his hair. 
Both men were definitely taller than Seonghwa for sure, and he was the person I originally considered tall. Wooyoung notices me staring behind him and he turns “Oh hey Mingi and Yunho, this is y/n. Hongjoong’s possible new protector and crew mate.” 
The dark haired one squints and looks at Wooyoung slightly confused then the one with glasses says “She’s so tiny, she looks like a doll…” Wow, I’ve never heard that one before, I was just called a child a few minutes ago. “You think Hongjoong will have her dressed up all cute and she’ll be like a cute killer doll or something?” 
The dark haired one’s expression looks at Mingi in disgust “Maybe you should stay quiet Mingi, you’ll scare away the Captain’s new protector.” Yunho then looks over at me and gives me a concerned look “He’s weird please don’t listen to him. Anyway, hello y/n I’m Yunho” Mingi then responds “I’m Mingi, hi ” I give them both a smile and shake both their hands “Hello, i’m y/n”
 Mingi gives me a very shy dorky smile then I cross my arms in front of my chest knowing exactly where he was looking “So, you guys are pirates right? So does any of you have specific roles or duties?” Wooyoung then says “Ah yeah we do. I’m the cook.” Yunho gives me a curt smile “I’m the doctor” San raises his hand shyly “I’m the craftsman, I fix and make things.”
Lastly Mingi pushes up his glasses and gives me a dimpled smile “I’m the navigator, I work out which way the ship needs to go and I check if the conditions are right for safe travel” Wooyoung continues “Hongjoong of course is the Captain, Seonghwa is the First Mate and Quartermaster which in short just means that he's Hongjoong's right hand man and if Mingi, Jongho or Yeosang need an extra hand he’s there to help.” 
I look around my front yard and point over at the two male figures playing with my brothers “What about those two? What do they do?” Mingi sits next to me and says “Well..Yeosang is the helmsman, the guy who steers the ship and keeps it going in the direction it needs to go while Jongho is the gunner which is a fancy word for the guy who sets up and orders the canons to be fired and helps Yeosang and I with surveillance.”
 I nod with my lips slightly pursed “Hm, wow that’s some awesome duties you guys have.” Yunho shrugs “It has their ups and downs, sometimes I second guess myself as to what I’m doing on that ship” San then says “What about you? What role do you play in your village?” I run my fingers below on the soft grass next to me “I’m poor, I don’t have a role. I have no influence or power. The most my family has done is my grandpa being an Eledonian soldier, he was the one who’s trained me since I was about 16 or 17 years old making that maybe 5 or 6 years of him training me.” 
Mingi gasps “Wait, wait, you’re older than all of us including Seonghwa?! You look so young, how is that possible?!” Wooyoung looks over at Mingi “We already freaked out about that..” Mingi rips out some grass from next to him and throws it at Wooyoung “Excuse me but I wasn’t here when that happened “ Wooyoung dusts the grass away “You snooze you lose, and geez stop that you’re going to get grass in y/n’s peach tart.” 
Mingi mocks Wooyoung causing him to roll his eyes and gets up “Okay I’m going now, I need to go clean up are you coming or not San?” San motions him to leave and closes his eyes “I’m fine where I’m at” Yunho gets up and follows behind Wooyoung “I’ll help!” Mingi gets up and pats my head “I’ll see you later little doll my companion has just left me.” He catches up with Yunho and Wooyoung. 
As soon as he leaves I let out a soft sigh and rest my head against the trunk of the tree looking in the direction of my family, mom, dad, siblings, and grandpa. What would life be without them? San noticing this he sits up and looks in my direction “Are you okay?” I nod and give him a smile “Ah, yeah I’m just exhausted from training this morning.” He nods and scoots over next to me “Ah, I see.” Ahh fuck I was going to get up after this.
I don’t want him to feel bad for getting up right after he sits next to me. I guess it wouldn’t hurt sitting here. “So.. do you have friends?” I continue staring ahead at my siblings and the whole scene before me and I press my lips into a line for a few seconds then a weak smile paints my features “I did at one point, but my obsession with training and everything kind of drove them away. That and I tend to stay in my own world and nobody wants to deal with those types of people.”
 From the corner of my eyes I can see San give me a look of pity then I continue “But that’s fine because I get more stuff done, having friends is a nuisance. “ He thickly swallows almost like he was going to say something but decided he wasn’t going to say anything and very slightly nods “I see, I’m sorry you feel that way.” 
I turn and give him a bright smile “Enough of me though, how long have you been with the crew?”  San thinks about his answer for a bit and says "Hm, like 2 or 3 years? I'm not sure but I've been here for a while." I slowly nod gently running my fingers through the grass "So since you've been out at sea for a bit you probably already know how it is out there." He hums "Yeah, it's pretty bad. More often than not there's always ships trying to rob us so we're constantly on guard not to mention the government being after us doesn't help at all."
God, that sounds horrible. Living every single day on fight or flight mode? On borrowed time? "Wow, that sounds…exhausting." San chuckles "Hah yeah, it is. The only difference is that having the crew there with you helps a lot. You forget the atrocities of the world for a bit until you have to face them all over again." 
San shifts his gaze from the sky over to me, despite his smaller frame it didn't take away from how handsome he looked which made his stare a bit more intimidating "Don't worry though, like I said you've got me if you're ever in a tight spot." I quietly nod and give him a shy smile “Oh, thanks.” we both sit there in silence again until I feel a sudden tap on my shoulder, when I turn around I see my younger brother standing there “So uh, brother kind of fell and he’s crying.”
 I let out a sigh “Dude, mom’s told you guys to be careful.” He nods “I didn’t do anything, he was being a show off with those pirate guys.” I get up and turn to San “I’m sorry. If you’ll excuse me I need to check on my brother’s dumbassry.” He chuckles and gives me a dimpled smile “Oh sure go ahead.” 
I give San a small curt smile and walk behind my brother leading me the way to my crying brother. When I arrive I see Jongho awkwardly patting my younger brother’s back trying to console him While Yeosang looks on slightly uncomfortable. Once he sees me Jongho looks over at me and says “Oh hey, your brother fell off the swing trying to show us a trick.” I cover my face in frustration and embarrassment then fake a smile looking at my little brother “Didn’t mom tell you to stop that?” He sobs nodding “I’m sorry, I thought it would have been cool for them to see.”
I close my eyes trying not to cringe out of my skin and open them gently patting his head “Look, you could show them those cool tricks you do playing ball. You could seriously get hurt doing that, I’m sure they’ll still think it’s cool. Right?�� I look over at Jongho and Yeosang giving them the look of “Please say yes” then he looks over at my brother and nods “Yes, of course I’ll still think you’re cool. You don’t have to do something dangerous in order for it to be cool.”
 My little brother wipes his tear ridden eyes “Really?” Jongho nods “Yes, of course. Remember that trick Seonghwa showed you earlier that you got right away? You should show your sister.” My little brother looks over at Yeosang who was holding a ball then he gives my brother a reassuring nod. He gently throws the ball over at my brother and he kicks the ball making it over the branch of a tree behind them. Immediately both men cheer for my brother and I look over at him with a very impressed look on my face. “Wow, your aim is really good now..” My little brother nods and puts his hands on his waist looking very proud “Thank you..”  
After consoling my brother, I walk around to look for that San guy I was talking to but I couldn’t see him anywhere. I walk around the town square to see if maybe he’d wandered off there but nothing, it wasn’t until I was walking home I hear a faint low voice then some giggling shortly after. 
I noticed the voices were coming from the side of a fountain so I didn’t think much of it and continue walking until I hear “Sannie, stop that tickles!” causing me to halt in my tracks and feel a pit in my stomach. Unfortunately curiosity got the best of me and I walk over and peek behind one of the pillars of the fountain only to see San pinning a girl against it having a very intense makeout session that if anyone saw something similar would definitely guess they’re on the brink of coitus. Yeah no. That should have stayed a curiosity. 
I start walking away and let out a soft sigh with the pit in my stomach still feeling funny. Who would have thought that guy with such a sweet smile was a player? Actually you know what? I’m not surprised. Pirates are known to have many children scattered everywhere so I should have expected this in all honesty. 
The rest of the guys are probably the same including Hongjoong and Seonghwa, I mean they are men after all. Very good looking ones at that but for all I know some of them are probably married. Wait, wait, why am I even upset about this? Why am I even thinking about this? I don't even know the guy, this is ridiculous. He could bang all the girls he wants for all I care, I guess looks are deceiving.
Three days pass by since the pirates came by our village and every single one of those days Hongjoong and Seonghwa would stop by during my breaks in training to hang out which was kind of weird to me since I wasn’t used to all of this since my friends would never even want to talk about my training much less come visit me while I was actually practicing especially when I would practice with my gun, they’d always complain over how loud it was. 
Today was different though they didn’t even show up during my second break today which was unfortunate but they’re probably busy considering Hongjoong is the captain of a massive ship and Seonghwa is his right hand man so something must have come up. So when the sun was close to set now and I begin walking home I hear leaves rustling and to my surprise it’s the Captain himself only this time it was just him. “Hey Captain, it’s nice seeing you. Where’s Seonghwa?” He slowly walks over to me and I notice he has something in his hand, not a weapon of any sort it was an hourglass.
It was an hourglass with a beautiful golden frame and the sand being as pure white as the shore’s it was beautiful but I wonder why he has it with him. “Well, I came to talk to you.” Talk to me? With that expression honestly I’m wondering what exactly he’ll be talking to me about since he’s so serious. It’s probably not a good thing which is making me really nervous and hesitant to even ask. “Sure what is it? Is there something wrong?” 
He extends his hand and gives me the hourglass “When the sand runs out, we will be gone. You have until then to decide if you want to come with us if you want to get back at the Saitor Empire for what they did to Eledonia.” My stomach drops and suddenly I feel cold. This is exactly what I was dreading, having to choose between staying here and leaving. I look down at the trickling sand then back up at him and let out a sigh “We’ll be waiting here by the shore, where I first saw you.” I nod then he walks away disappearing into the forest and the first thing I instinctively do is my eyes well up with tears, this is it. I have to make my choice, choose my destiny.
 Am I going to be training forever and never get that bastard back or am I going to put my training to good use and finally make an example of that man? I walk home with tears in my eyes knowing the answer and what I must do, mostly so that my family and my village can live a good life at the expense of me risking mine.
 I go straight to my corner of the room and begin to pack my things that’s when my grandfather comes into the room and looks at the hourglass then shifts his gaze over at me packing my things while crying in silence then he decides to speak “I know you’ll do well my little Metztli, you’ll bring us justice. You’ll bring your grandmother justice and all the other people that we lost during those years thanks to those greedy men.”  
That’s when I finally break down and begin to cry my eyes out and hug my grandfather tightly “I’m scared grandpa, I’m scared I’ll let everyone down and I’m scared of not ever being able to see you guys again.”
He hugs me tight for a few seconds then pulls away with his arms on my shoulders “Sweetheart, you’ll see us one day this is not a goodbye but a see you later. In case my body ever decides it can no longer stay alive, just remember I’ll watch over you. I’ll never leave your side, ever. Your family will be here, your fellow clansmen will be here waiting for your victorious return.” 
He lifts my chin up to meet his eyes and says “Be the lethal soldier I’ve trained and make those people remember Eledonia, because staying here means you quit.” Teary eyed and more calm I nod then he smiles and gently pats my cheek and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear “That’s my little girl, the strong little Metztli.” I keep hearing that word “strong” but I honestly don’t feel like it. I feel weak. How could people see someone so strong when I see the weakest person on Earth for being so distraught over this. 
After talking to my family about my final decision my family along with the Chief decide they will send me off. When we arrive at the shore I see the massive ship whose flag proudly displayed was that of a skull inside of an hourglass. This was it.
Hongjoong stands at the top of the ramp and gives me a welcoming smile. I turn to my mom and give her a tight hug, one that lasts for quite a bit until my mom pulls away gently cupping my cheek “If you ever want to come back home we’ll be here sweetheart. Please take care of yourself, and remember we love you.” My mom's eyes well up with tears and I hug her again gently kissing her cheek.
 I look over at my dad who was intently staring at the ship and doesn’t move one bit until I finally say “Hey dad, I’m going now. Take care of mom, grandpa and my brothers.” My dad clears his throat and nods “Yeah, of course Metztli I’ll do that. You go ahead and have fun..” Although my father and I’s relationship has been strained for years I feel like I need to grow some balls and hug him because I never know when I’ll be able to see him again so I reach over and give my dad a tight hug. From the corner of my eyes and judging from the body language he awkwardly hugs me back. When I pull back my dad gives me a reassuring nod whilst still feeling awkward from the hug. I could tell he didn’t hate it though, he just struggles to show he cares.
 Up next I look at my grandpa who was looking at me with a fond smile then gives me a tight hug gently kissing my cheek. Once my grandpa pulls away from the hug he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a beautiful sea blue ring, puts it on the palm of my hand and closes it tightly. “It was your grandmother’s, it’ll protect you. She’ll be with you.” 
I smile and kiss my grandpa’s cheek and put the ring on my ring finger. Grandpa then pulls out a bundle that was strapped behind his back “Do me a favor and return these to the Captain and his friend. I’ve refurbished them and cleaned them up.” Their weapons, the ones they threw into the river. How did my grandpa know about it? Hongjoong must have told him when they were talking a few days ago. “Of course grandpa. I’ll let them know.” When I look over at the Chief he gives me a nod of approval and a smile.
From there, I begin to walk up the ramp to the ship until I feel a tug at my shirt. When I turn around I see it was both of my brothers “You forgot about us..” I bite the inside of my cheek and shake my head “Of course not, I just didn’t want you two to see your big sister cry is all..” I pull them both in for a hug gently patting their heads with one hand each. When I pull back the youngest of my brothers says “Grandpa told me and brother why you're leaving, don’t die please. Come back so you can see my tricks again when i’m better.” 
I give my youngest brother a smile and nod “Of course kiddo, I promise I won’t die…” My brothers give me one last hug again and run back down the ramp and into my mother’s arms. The closer I get to the top the harder it gets to take a step. Once on top the ramp is collapsed back into the ship and the ship begins to set sail. I walk over to the railing and wave goodbye to my family until they decide to go back home. That’s when Hongjoong puts a hand on my shoulder and says “I know it was a hard decision but I promise you’ll see them again.”
 I silently nod and he continues “Do you want Wooyoung to prepare you something? Are you hungry? Perhaps tea?” I shake my head and stare the now empty shore of Eledonia “I’ll stay here.” He gently squeezes my shoulder “I’ll get Seonghwa to come show you to your room a little later when you’re done okay?” In a barely audible voice I reply with “Yes Captain.” And there I sat in silence watching Eledonia until I could no longer keep my eyes open.
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The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Leviathan x Reader
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Description: Levi is forced to partake in the human tradition of Christmas, only to be given a game that has been sold out for weeks! What will he do when he is transported to a new world and must fight his way through it to get back home, only to find out he doesn't want to leave.
Author's Note: This is the fic I wrote for the Obey Me Secret Santa Event! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I hope you all enjoy this longer fic from me.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays @gay-noodle-clan
Word Count: 2,673
Warnings: Mentions of Christmas, Fluff, Angst, Fluffy ending, Isekai
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Levi stomps down the stairs as he rubs his eyes. The twinkling light, blinding them after emerging from his dark bedroom. Slowly he approaches the main hall and hears the robust chatter of his Brothers and friends.
"I don't understand why you want to celebrate this human tradition?" Levi hears Belphie yawn towards Diavolo. 
The demon prince only smiles as he replies, "Because, Christmas is a fun tradition and it gives us a reason to give gifts to each other. Oh! Levi, you are finally up! Now the Secret Santa exchange can begin!"
Levi had only peaked his head into the room, but the Prince seemed to still notice his presence. The otaku makes his way to the couch and sits down lethargically while some of his Brothers begin to shuffle around the tree and pass out their presents.
"Here." Before Levi's eyes can focus, a shiny gold present is thrust in his face by Mammon.
"Merry Christmas. Now open it before I take it back."
Mammon shoves himself next to Levi as he slowly begins to tear the paper to reveal a cardboard box. Mammon bounces his leg as Levi gradually opens the lid. Inside the box is a game. The title on the case reads, "Adventure of the Crystal" in bolded font with a breath-taking adventurer on the front.
Levi's mouth falls open as he gently caresses the case and let's the cardboard box fall to the ground.
"It's that new game ya wanted right?..." Excitement filled his Brother's voice before he sounded nonchalant once again, "I mean, I just found it at one of my pawn shops, totally didn't know it was new until I came home and looked it up..."
Levi glanced at his brother while Mammon fidgeted before looking back at the game. He missed the release due to Lucifer forcing him to clean Cerberus' paws, but now here it sits perfectly in his hands. Levi decides to give the game a look over. What would happen if Mammon was rough with it in transit and accidentally scratched it! As he opens the case, his vision goes black.
The sounds of birds distantly chirping fill his ears as he lays against, what feels like, plush grass. It was quite relaxing and peaceful until he felt a forceful poke to his head.
"Are you dead?" A strange voice said next to him.
Upon hearing them, he slowly opens his eyes to luscious woods surrounding him. The sharp smell of bark hit his nose as he began to scan the green scenery. The light is filtered and makes the forest around lim look dim. Slowly he glances back to see what looks like the character from the front of the box.
"Wahhh! Are-Are you!?"
"Glad to see that you're alive! I'm MC. It's nice to meet you…" Their voice trailed off as they looked at him expectantly as they reached out their hand.
"Levi!" A blush filled his face as he grabbed their hand and stood up.
He was now only a few inches away from them. Their eyes seemed to sparkle under the dim streaks of light. It made his heart begin to beat just a little bit faster.
His staring was soon cut off by their voice, "So you're not from around here?"
It takes him a moment to hear what they said.
"...No… not from… here…" 
Levi looked around once again, but this time his eyes trailed to the sky where two suns blazed above him.
"I'm from… a far away place. Almost like another universe. I actually need to find a way home."
He looked back to MC as they rolled their eyes. They then began to pace as they thought aloud, "Well that's descriptive.Hmm… Let me think. Well we could go back to the city. There is the crystal-"
But before they could finish their thought, MC's words were cut off as a rustling came from the bushes beside them.
The pair froze and glanced towards the noise before MC grabbed his hand and began running in the opposite direction without any warning.
"H-Hey where are you going!?" He screamed. His eyes stared at their fingers intertwined and a blush crawled up his neck and covered his ears. 
Quickly, they glanced back at Levi before tugging on his arm once again, "Anywhere but here. Now run faster!"
Trees began to become a blur as he passed, but instead of watching them pass by, his eyes found their way back to their hands. 
There is no way that they meant to intertwine their fingers with him. That would be crazy! He is just some yucky otaku nerd and they are a super cool adventurer with sparkly eyes. Why would they lock their fingers with him, or even want to touch him in the first pl-
His thoughts were cut off by running into the said adventurer in front of him. Levi's eyes slowly trailed upward until he found a towering orc that MC had seemed to run into.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't pipsqueak." 
MC squeaked and cowered back into his chest at the big man's words. The man's voice was booming and deep. It matched his almost 10 foot size.
"Now where have you been?" He continued as two more towering orcs walked over and stared at Levi and MC. 
"Did you bring us a snack as recompense?" One of them jabbered in a squeaky voice as he began to poke at Levi's side, making him jump.
Finally MC speaks, "No! He is not to be eaten." Slowly a blush fills their face as the tall Orcs chuckle.
"Have you gone soft, pip? Or is he worth more than you're letting on?" Said the first orc before the third one chimes in.
"Don't forget. Yous owes us. So no lies."
"He isn't worth anything!" MC yells as the stick out their arm to keep Levi behind them.
"Well if he isn't worth nothing, then we'll keep him here and say part of your debt is paid."
The Orcs start grabbing at Levi's arms and he tries to resist.
"Don't touch him!" In one swift motion MC hits the orcs hand with their sword causing them to release one of Levi's arms. 
He then swings around and flips over the other orc that was holding him hostage.
The two run deeper into the forest as they hear distant shouts from behind them.
"You'll pay for this, pipsqueak!"
After many minutes of running, the pair slow to a stop on a hill as Levi bends over to catch his breath.
MC looks out over the horizon as they tap his shoulder, "Look." They point to what looks to be a giant orange crystal protruding out of the ground, "That's the city."
"Woah! What is that crystal!? It looks so cool!" 
MC giggles and sits on the edge of the cliff, gently swinging their legs as they speak, "That," They point at it again, "Is the Crystal of Final Desires. It grants every person one wish when the person touches it. Whatever their heart wants. You said you're not from here. It could send you home." They turn and look at him where he stands behind them.
Levi stared at the shiny mass in the distance deep in thought. Did he want to go home?
The comfortable silence was then interrupted by MC's soft voice, "You know, I haven't gotten my wish yet."
"You haven't!? Why not?" Levi quickly shuffles to the cliff's edge and places himself next to MC. 
He watches their face as they continue, "I have been saving it for something important. You never know when a wish could come in handy."
The cogs in Levi's brain slowly turn as he asks, "Well why don't you wish for your debt to be gone with those orcs?"
MC almost spoke before they hesitated, "Let's just say, I have more than enough money to pay them back. I just don't want to at the moment."
Slowly their eyes trail to his and a mischievous glint passes in their eyes and a smirk fills their face.
Levi looks at them and smiles. MC nudges him before they both begin to laugh together, but the laughter stopped when a boom of thunder was heard in the distance.
The pair glance to the once blue sky to see ominous black clouds swirling above them.
"It looks like it's about to rain. We should find some shelter." MC stands up and begins to look around as Levi looks down.
"Over here!" He screams as he jumps down, with MC following suit. Below the cliff is a small cave, just big enough to keep them sheltered from the rain. The pair get in as the floodgates open.
The cave was small, so small in fact that the pair were pushed up against each other with little room to spare.
"S-sorry…" a blush fills Levi's face as he looks away, "You probably hate being stuck with some weak, ugly, weirdo from another world like me."
MC glances at him, "You didn't seem weak to me when you flipped that Orc over. Besides who said anything about hating it. I actually greatly admire the shape of your face." Levi's eyes darted toward them as they spoke.
It was now MC's turn to looka away with a blush on their face before glancing back at the demon in front of them. 
"You… like my face?" Levi looks at them awestruck.
"It is quite handsome... but I suspect my feelings are not reciprocated." They sighed and a look of sadness washed over their face.
"No!" He shouts, "I mean… Ever since I first laid eyes on you on the box- er… um.. I mean when I woke up, I thought you were stunning. You nearly took my breath away. It was the same feeling as when I look at Ruri-chan so it must mean you are perfect. Well not perfect as in "perfect" but perfect as in-"
MC rolls their eyes at his ravings before grabbing his face with both hands and beginning to lean in. They closed their eyes and pucker their lips, thus stopping Levi mid ramble as he watched them approach with wide-eyes, but before their lips could meet, a boom of thunder shook the cave and the two jumped away from each other and into the cave walls. 
With one quick glance to the side they both saw the sun shining once again, with no rain in sight.
"It's no longer raining…" Levi's words were sullen as he stared at the cloudless blue sky.
MC nodded before beginning their descent down the mountain, "I guess not. We should get you to the city before the Orcs catch up with us."
Levi glanced at them as they walked away, "Oh, yeah."
The city is a short walk from the cave the two were once stranded in, and the journey was one filled with silence as thoughts raced through Levi's head.
Were they going to kiss me? It looked like they were going to kiss me. But there is no way they would kiss me, a gross, yucky otaku. But they don't know I am an otaku. Okay, but I still look like a nerd.
As his thoughts slowed, so did the pair's footsteps as they entered the wooden gates. Shouts were heard in the distance as people began to surround them.
"Your Royal Highness! You're finally back. We all missed you." A young lady spoke as she began to bow, along with all the other people surrounding Levi and MC.
"You may rise. Please, didn't I tell you not to treat me as a royal. I wish to be seen as one of you." MC brushed off as they motioned for everyone to stand.
"I am sorry Your Royal Highness, but how else are we supposed to act around heir to the thrown."
"Heir to the thrown!?" Levi squeals.
"I said I had the money didn't I?" MC glances at him with a coy smile.
"Why didn't you tell me!? That makes you even cooler!" Levi looks at them excitedly as he glances around the city.
"Because, I didn't want you to treat me differently, but that isn't the problem now. The problem is getting you home." They said sternly.
MC takes Levi's hand and walks him over to the crystal before gently holding both of his hands.
"Just touch your hand to the crystal and close your eyes as you imagine your wish, in this case your home, and when they open, you will be there."
Levi glanced at the crystal before looking back to MC and holding their hands tightly.
"But what if I don't want to leave. What if I want to stay here with you! I could be your adventuring partner! You already said I was strong so I could be like a bodyguard."
MC cracked a smile at the thought, "Is that really what you wish?"
Levi nods his head vigorously, tightening his grip on their hands.
They chuckle and reply, "Well then, I guess you deserve a reward for bringing the heir back to the city safely. Right, Brave Knight?"
They chuckled once again at his second frantic nod, but before he could finish it, their lips were on his. 
Their mouths moved together in perfect harmony. So perfect, that it made Levi's knees weak causing him to stumble and lean on the nearest object for balance.
I have never wanted to thank Mammon more than at this moment.
As they pulled away, eyes half lidded, MC glanced to his side in shock and their eyes widened in fear and confusion.
Dazed, Levi looked over to the object he was leaning on. It was the crystal, his hand pressed flat against it. As he looked down he saw his body begin to disappear slowly.
"No! No! No-" but before his scream could finish his vision went black.
Levi's eyes open to see Mammon hovering over him.
"How'd ya like your gift?" Mammon's smirk felt condescending staring down at him.
Quickly Levi shot up to see the mess of presents gone. No paper or boxes to be seen. He rose to his feet and began to look around the tree frantically.
"Where is it? Where is it?" 
Mammon interjected his vocalization of thoughts "Ya just got back. What could ya possibly be looking for?"
Levi whipped around with a crazed look in his eye, "Where is the game box!?"
Mammon thought for a second before he finally understood, "Oh! That disappeared when ya went into it this morning."
"It's gone!?" Levi was fuming.
Mammon shrugged. "I guess so, but before ya go on a rampage, there's one present left with your name on it. Night." Mammon turned on his heel and waved over his shoulder as Levi turned to the tree, finally seeing the present buried in the branches.
It was a relatively small box buried in the branches of the Christmas tree. The box was red with an orange ribbon wrapped tightly around it.
Levi slowly opened the box to reveal a small orange crystal necklace with a note that read, 
I searched for you for days and I couldn't find you. I had my people scour all the continents and sea. That is when I realized how I could get this to you. I used my wish to send the gift and the letter, so I hope it gets there in one piece. The necklace is a fragment of the Crystal of Final Desires. My mages said it could possibly be used as a transport device if you are truly from another world. I hope they are right. I will be waiting eagerly for your return, my Brave Knight. 
With Love, 
Levi stared at the crystal in his hands before putting it around his neck, holding it in his hand and closing his eyes. The only thought in his mind was MC's smiling face waiting for him when he opened his eyes.
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Tag List: @omsecretsanta @gay-noodle-clan
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mrs-han · 4 years
@mrs-mc-han: Hiiiiii! Can I please please please request an MC who is super loud an extroverted! She doesn’t mean to or really even notice. she tends to yell when excited and use a lot of hand motions and laugh loudly. and she was never aware of it until she heard one of Jumin’s employees gossiping in the bathroom at C&R and goes to Jumin in tear apologizing for making him seem unprofessional. If you do this I will be so happy🥺🥺I love your work! Thank you💕
Gurrrl! I went through three different drafts because none of them felt right! But I finally settled on one! Here we go!
"Ow!! Don't -!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Jumin carefully sat you up, his hand on your lower back. "I added too much pressure this time... I'm sorry, darling."
"No, don't apologize, Jumy... it's so nice of you to help me to begin with," you smiled forcibly, gripping his hand.
"It wounds me to see you in so much pain," Jumin sighed, his fingers lightly trailing over your shoulder blades. "How long do you need to rest?"
"Six weeks," you moaned, turning and burying your sulky face against Jumin's neck. "Which is impossible, by the way. What am I supposed to do for six weeks!"
"Rest, obviously," Jumin jested, poking your cheek.
"... Rest, obviously," you imitated. "I mean! What else am I gonna do? Huh? What, I can't do anything except rest?"
"Calm down," Jumin cooed, winding his arms around you. "I'll tell you what. How do you feel about coming to work with me, hm? It's remote, quiet, and you can stay in my office."
"And do nothing?" You pouted.
"I have plenty of board and card games that will keep you busy. Or, you can bring your tablet and play the games you have on there. What do you say?"
"That sounds like... a reason for you to spy on me," you smirked.
Jumin batted his eyelashes. "So what if it is?"
"That sounds like a plan," you giggled, kissing his cheek. "To coming with you to the office, not to the spying."
"Drats," Jumin said stoically, lifting you from the couch and placing you on the bed. "Did you take your medication, love?"
"I did," you blushed, realizing for the millionth time how lucky you were to be reminded. "Come here, hubby. Cuddle close."
The height of C&R's structure never failed to frighten you. You stood dumbfounded as Jumin gathered your things and grabbed your hand.
"Are you all right?" He smiled, tightening his hold.
"Did you guys expand somehow? The building looks ten times larger than when I was here last!" You smiled, throwing your arm out and flinching shortly after. "Ow! Ow..."
"Be careful," Jumin uttered, rubbing your back. "The building hasn't gotten any bigger... it seems my proposal for cat tree extension has been denied."
"You made a proposal for a cat tree extension?!" You laughed.
"Oh, look. I'm going to be late. Let's go," Jumin mumbled hastily, leading you delicately to the inside of the building.
The sights and the interior sounds were more or less the same since you had last visited. Hurried footsteps and the sound of passes that approved access mixed with the familiar smell of citrus - your senses were overtaken and overwhelmed.
"Why do you look so shocked? You were here just last week," Jumin chuckled, easing you past the security booths.
Before you could respond, you heard a familiar pair of heels making a beeline towards you. You turned and glowed as Jaehee, folders in hand, stopped and bowed towards Jumin.
"Mr. Han -"
She straightened and smiled as you crashed against her, hugging her. She tucked her folder under her arm and gave you a reassuring pat. "How have you been, MC? All Mr. Han talks about is how you injured your back."
"Even during meetings?! Jumin, shame on you!"
Jumin turned his head, hiding his flushed expression.
"Don't be too hard on him. It's a rarity to see how much he cares for someone other than his cat," Jaehee quipped under her breath.
"We're going," Jumin blurted, grabbing your arm and leading you to one of the many elevators.
"Yes, Mr. Han," Jaehee said quickly, fixing her glasses and her posture.
"What happened to your office?!" You shouted.
Jumin pursed his lips and blinked quickly. "I felt the need to redecorate."
You rushed into the office and threw your arms open. "Jumin, there are pictures of me everywhere!! OW!!"
"Don't strain yourself by yelling, darling."
Jaehee quickly closed Jumin's office door behind her. "Forgive my sudden intrusion towards this heartwarming conversation, but Mr. Han?"
"Ah, yes. The meeting."
"Jumin, you are -"
"Silly? Adorable? Quite the catch?" Jumin crooned, massaging your back.
You faltered and wrapped your arms firmly around him, giggling as he peppered kisses to your face.
Jumin hummed gently, his fingers curling over and into your hair. "I'll be back, my love. And when I come back, I'll give you the massage you deserve. Don't miss me too much."
"Impossible. I miss you already if only you knew -"
"Mr. Han," Jaehee spoke more pointedly.
"All right, all right." Jumin sighed, the stars in his eyes now replaced by businesslike determination.
"Be strong, my brave man," you grinned.
Jumin grabbed your hand, planted a firm kiss on your palm, and turned quickly, lest Jaehee fire another warning. You closed the door and bit hard at your lip as you observed Jumin's gallery.
Photos of you sleeping, smiling, holding Elizabeth the Third - even pictures of the highly publicized wedding day - were scattered with the finesse Jumin naturally possessed.
"I love you so much, you silly man," you said under your breath, running your fingers over his desk and finally settling yourself on his seat.
You managed to keep yourself busy for half an hour, drawing hearts on Jumin's notepad and playing a round or two of virtual Uno. Boredom was a hell of a demon, so you figured there was no harm in walking around.
Opening the door to his office, you peeked your head through and slid out. You were greeted with polite smiles and inclined heads as you walked through the floor, making you feel... oddly uncomfortable. No doubt, everyone was polite to you because they knew who you were - if you were to make one complaint, Jumin would take immediate action.
But you pushed your suspicions of trivial matters aside and smiled widely towards the ostensibly friendly employees.
Your brows furrowed, and your shoulders tensed the longer you were outside of Jumin's office. You understood what Jumin meant; that feeling of suffocation seemed to hover over your person and only caused more stress to your back as you unconsciously hunched.
You traveled to the café, desirous for some breathing air - there had to be some sense of normalcy where people ate. Still, heads turned as soon as your footfalls could be heard, and more disturbingly flashy smiles were shined your way.
Cramped and in agony, you retreated quickly to the nearest restroom, rubbed your neck, and yanked your phone out.
Hey, honey! Are you almost done?
Jumin usually answered you immediately, but his response still hadn't come your way. Pushing a stall door open, you slumped into the toilet seat and continued to try to work the knot on your back.
"Jumin, shame on you ~!"
Laughter reverberated through the restroom, and you froze in place.
"She's so tacky!"
"And so loud. Could you hear her from accounting?"
"Yes! No offense to Mr. Han, but the least he can do is put her in her place."
"Ha, no offense to Mr. Han, but he chose poorly. My daughter would be a much better candidate."
"Isn't your daughter twelve?"
"Well, Mr. Han does seem to go after those with a... childlike... disposition!"
Earsplitting laughter echoed through the room, through your ears. You pulled your knees to your chest and brought your hand to your mouth to muffle any outbursts of emotion.
"Considering how serious he is, you would assume! That he would choose a practical, serious woman!"
"Where is she from, again?"
"America, from how she behaves."
"That explains the lack of discipline."
You closed your eyes.
"How long would you give them?"
"Six months."
"Ji-Yu! That is far too generous! I give them! Three months!"
"Ladies, ladies. She can't live in a world as glamorous as Mr. Han's. They will divorce as quickly as they met. A country bumpkin will always return to the landfill they came from."
"Are we still on for dinner tonight?"
"Are you paying?"
Another bought of laughter resounded... then, silence. You stood slowly, legs shaking and back aching more than it had that morning.
You went from wanting full transparency to wanting the false reassurance of superficiality.
"So stupid," you murmured.
"What's next on the agenda," Jumin demanded as he walked straight to his office.
"A meeting at 1430 with Amorepacific," Jaehee answered, easily keeping pace with her boss.
Jumin slid his sleeve up, checking his watch. "Good, I have time to eat lunch with my wife."
"Enjoy your time with her, Mr. Han, but please be in Boardroom D ten minutes before the meeting."
"Yes, yes, fine." Jumin pushed the door open and was greeted by your swollen red eyes and dripping nose.
"Welcome back," you sniffed, forcing a smile.
Jumin's nonchalant expression immediately shifted to one of anxiety. His brows creased, his eyes grew, and he flew to your side. "Darling, what... why are you crying?"
Your voice quivered. "Can I go home?"
"Talk to me," Jumin urged, grabbing your hands. "Is your back hurting you? Did anyone try to come in?"
"No, no... I just... I want to go home," you cried, pulling your hands from Jumin's and covering your face.
"All right... all right, darling," Jumin cooed, grabbing his phone from his back pocket. "I'm calling Driver Kim right now -"
"No," You blurted. "I want to go home. Where I came from."
Jumin paused... then quickly snapped into action, carefully grabbing your chin. "Speak to me. Darling? Why are you saying these things."
"Who am I kidding, Jumin? I can't... I'm not cut out for this life. I'm not cut out for you, you...! You deserve way better than me. You need a woman who's mature, demure, graceful... that isn't me, and you'd be much better off if -"
"Stop," Jumin boomed.
"You just told me to talk to you!" you babbled.
Jumin's anxious eyes eased. "Is that what this is about?"
You closed your eyes. "I heard a gaggle of women talking while I was hiding in the bathroom... Jumin, they're right."
"Are they?" Jumin asked.
"Well... yeah, I mean... they even attacked you, saying how interested you were in childlike women..."
Jumin wiped your tears with his thumbs. "Mmhm. Complete strangers weighing in on the depth of our relationship... it never occurred to me that I should take their opinions to heart."
You hiccupped. "All I'm saying, Jumin, is... I didn't realize how ridiculous I made you look... I didn't consider it."
"What is there to consider?" Jumin asked gently. "You would rather take their words to heart over how happy you make me when you smile? How fast you make my heart beat when I see how eager you are to explore different things? How, in a sea of millions, your eyes are the only ones I will ever look for?"
Your lip quivered.
"Others will have our opinions of us, but you will always be my wife. No matter what is said, I will always come to you. I want you to realize this, that you may finally lean on me... that you will irrevocably trust that my love for you is infinite.
"... Jumin!" You sobbed, tears streaming down your eyes. "You weren't supposed to make me cry more!"
Jumin roughly tugged you in and held you fiercely, kissing the top of your head. "No more talk of you leaving me... don't go anywhere. Stay by my side, and rest assured that I will stay by yours."
"Forever?" You squeaked.
"And ever," Jumin whispered vehemently. "Ah... your back -"
"Don't you dare pull away from me, Jumin," you half-joked.
"... Ha. I wouldn't dream of it, my dear. What do you say we grab some lunch, hm? Your choice."
"Sure... fifteen more minutes like this, first," you replied, your mouth pressed against Jumin's chest.
Jumin laughed and rested his cheek atop your head. "Excellent plan."
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minty-chocco · 4 years
Hello! May I request a cupcake with a grumpy Leona Kingscholar, trying to woo an GN Reader with like lion courting methods? Like brushing out his mane and giving meat and such, but it isn't working? Until Ruggie tips him off to try human courting? I don't really care what format but a scenario would be preferred. Thank you!
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𝑳𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 🧁
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Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x GN! Reader
Warning(s): None.
Word Count: 1.8k words
Extra Note: aaaaa I’ve written this prompt the other way around at first (the reader is the one courting Leona) and realized my mistake halfway through lol. Anyways, writing this was quite a challenge for me since I still haven’t fully grasped Leona’s personality yet. To be honest, the reader was supposed to be dense but then I thought what would be the fun in that? So I made the reader quick witted so they could push Leona into doing more effort in courting! I apologize if this isn’t what you had in mind and if Leona’s character is a bit off. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading! Here’s your cupcake~! (sorry it took so long)
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The reader would be following canon mc here but they’re in 3rd year instead because Leona is 20 years old.
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These past few days you have noticed the dorm leader of Savanaclaw, Leona Kingscholar, is acting a little bit odd.
 At first, you thought that he was just in the mood of being nice but then quickly erased that thought—Leona wouldn’t be nice with just anyone. You were suspicious if he was planning something being the scheming person that he is.
He would send Ruggie to give you food and jewelries. Whenever you would meet him at the Botanical garden he would be somewhat clinging to you while taking a nap. If others were to find you in that position they would assume you two were lovers.
 It wasn’t like that before. Leona despised any presence in his sleeping place not wanting anyone to disturb him. He would prefer to be alone and be basked in silence.
 Now he seems to tolerate you or even so.. he seems to now like your presence.
He would scoff whenever he smells another person’s scent on you and would become quite possessive, hugging you close until that nasty scent of others is now overpowered with his.
 He wasn’t like that before.
 You had some suspicions that maybe he likes you—but then you quickly erased that thought out of your mind.
 He wouldn’t.. right?
By this time, you were starting to get confused by his sudden behavioral change. You decided to ask him directly about it.
Walking through the school’s halls, your footsteps echoing throughout the empty corridor as you quickened your pace to get through the Botanical Garden.
 You wanted answers. Now.
 The botanical garden was peaceful as always. The sun shone down through its glass roof giving it a calm scenery. The vibrant colored flowers that surrounds the inside of the building was beautiful and fragrant. You inhaled the fresh scent of air. You can’t really blame Leona for liking this spot.
 You saw Leona at his usual sleeping area. He was softly snoring seemingly deep in his slumber.
 You observed his features while he’s busy dozing his problems away. He looked peaceful. His soft brown hair looked messy because he kept moving while sleeping. The shade of the tree he’s sleeping under kept him away from the light of the sun. You observed that his ear was slightly twitching.
 ‘He must be having a dream..’ You thought.
 You poked his cheeks gently to wake him up. When he didn’t give any response, you tugged at his sensitive ears instead.
 Of course, this caused him to wake up looking annoyed. The lion shifted and fluttered his eyes open revealing beautiful deep emeralds that shone like crystals. 
His eyes were like hues of the forest, surrounded with dark moss. It was the kind of earthy green that reveals the grass after the winter snow melted. The mystifying glow of his reflected on your (e/c) colored eyes. 
 “Oi, who would—” His deep voice was commanding with a hint of annoyance. Upon realizing that it was you, his irritated expression turned neutral. “It’s you, herbivore.”
 Leona wouldn’t hesitate show his dismay to anyone who would dare wake him up and mercilessly kick them out but why isn’t he doing so to you?
 “You’re acting weird, Leona-san.” You confronted him quite concerned for the man in front of you. Maybe he ate something he shouldn’t have. Maybe Ruggie got sick of this man and have been putting funny potions in his meal. You never know.
 “Haah?” He rubbed his eyes still sleepy because of his nap that was cut short. “Be straightforward.”
 You sighed shaking your head a little. “You’re acting too nice.”
 He frowned hearing this but you continued on not giving him a chance to talk. “First of all, why are you giving me meat through Ruggie? What do you expect me to do with it?”
 He was about to say something in defense but you raised a finger to add more. “Second of all, you’ve been touchy touchy with me lately to the point that I’m becoming your personal pillow.”
 “Lastly.” You gave him a pointed glare. “You’re becoming protective of me. You couldn’t care less about me before.”
 Leona sighed seemingly frustrated. “You really don’t get it, do you?”
“No. Explain it to me.” You stubbornly replied, tired on whatever game he was doing.
Does he like you?
 “What a pain.” He turned his back to you begrudgingly and proceeded to lay down to take a nap ignoring your request. He pulled you aside with him and held you tightly while shutting his eyes close.
 “You--!” You gasped in surprise.
 When you noticed that he was already asleep, there was nothing you can do. You looked at him at disbelief. How can he fall asleep in just a matter of seconds? You decided not to ponder on your thoughts anymore. It’s Leona after all.
 “What should I do with you..” You said in a whisper.
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“Leona-san.” Ruggie looked at his senior and pursed his lips. “You should be courting (Y/N)-san as any normal human would do.”
 The hyena didn’t really care if his senior was doing the wrong method of courting as long as he was being paid but after a long time, he couldn’t bear to see Leona failing at his pathetic attempts.
 “You think I don’t know that?” He raised a brow at his junior in front of him. Leona was clever enough to know that but he didn’t want to take his time to do research so he resorted to a method he’s familiar with. “This would do.”
 Ruggie looked at the dorm leader in incredulity. “I’m sure (Y/N)-san would appreciate it more.”
 After noticing the lack of response, Ruggie realized that Leona has already fallen deep in his slumber.
Ruggie just shook his head while picking up Leona’s clothes to take them to laundry. Atleast he tried.
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After debating some time with yourself you decided to tell Leona directly to keep his act up. You’re slowly believing your first suspicions that he might like you when his actions continued.
 You visited him in Savanaclaw after a few days. “Do you like me?”
 Leona’s ears perked up upon hearing this. He looked at you with an amused expression. “Oh? You finally noticed?”
 Shaking your head, you looked at him straight in the eyes. “Then were you trying to woo me or something all this time?”
 He shifted to his bed to get into a more comfortable position before answering. “Yeah, what do you think I was doing?”
 “Well..” You studied his expression before speaking up. “You got to do a lot more than that.”
 Leona has been ‘courting’ you by giving you meat through Ruggie and often times he would just hold you in place while sleeping. He didn’t really extort real effort upon doing so.
It’s not like you’re materialistic or anything but you wanted him to be more proactive in his goals. You wanted him to be the one doing all the work instead of Ruggie but since it’s Leona we’re talking about—it seems like it would be an impossible goal.
 If he wanted you then he’s got to work harder than that. You ain’t no easy fish to catch.
 You made sure to send the message across not paying to his reaction before walking off.
 The lion looked at your retreating figure before gathering his thoughts and finally making a decision.
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Leona has stopped doing his method of courting after that conversation you had the other day.
 You can’t help but feel disappointment fill you up. You expected the lion to atleast put some effort and challenged him but you guess it was too much for him.
 Although, it may not seem like it.. you did like the lion back. Even when he can be seen as standoffish, prideful, and lazy you can see some of his good points.
 Closing the magical book and bouncing off your seat in the library, you returned the book to its respected shelf.
 Exiting the library, you tried to take your mind off things by looking through the students passing by you while walking.
 After coming back to the Ramshakle dorm, what you didn’t expect to see was a certain lion that has been invading your mind lately. Leona’s turned to look at you after smelling your familiar scent, his tail slightly raising.
 “Leona.” You looked at him in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
 “Oi, (Y/N)” The man in front of you looked at you with an unreadable expression.
 You flinched when he called your name. This was the first time Leona ever called you by your name instead of herbivore.
 “I like you.” He awkwardly looked away scratching the back of his head not really used to these kinds of things. He wanted to take a more straight approach instead of poking around.
 Truthfully, Leona considered giving up. He thought it was such a pain that he would have to get his ass off from his comfort zone but that changed when reflecting back your moments shared together.
 This lion started to get used to your presence that It just feels wrong whenever you’re not with him. At first, he was satisfied with being friends thinking that being in a relationship would be a lot of work. That opinion of his changed when he saw you being buddy buddy with the other students.
 Yes, it made him jealous. Leona was quite possessive and he didn’t like the fact that there were students that dare try to make a move on you. He would often get annoyed smelling other scents on you.
 Although, he’s embarrassed to voice these thoughts out loud. He had hoped that his feelings reached you across. He then outstretched his hand to reveal a little box. He looked like he was waiting for you to take it and so you did.
 When you opened the box, it revealed a bracelet. It was just like his but more personalized and fit into your style.
 You raised a brow at him waiting him to explain eyeing him suspiciously.
 “Don’t look at me like that.” He raised his hand defensively and you can see him become flustered for a split second before regaining his composure. “I made that.”
 “Really? Are you sure?” You took at stepped and looked at him intensely as if you can tell if he’s lying or not.
 He groaned seemingly frustrated. “I did, okay? I even put your favorite colors to suit your taste.”
 “Hm.” You observed the bracelet closely and it was embedded to fit your aesthetic on just the way you like. “You’re right.”
Leona clicked his tongue upon this. “What a troublesome herbivore you are.. making me do these things.”
You can’t help but feel giddy inside. He really did this for you, huh? To others it may not seem much but Leona taking his time to make something for you makes you happy. You’re very much aware about the lack of effort he put into things and the fact that he made effort into making you this was already priceless to you.
 You chuckled and smiled fondly at him. “Aww aren’t you a cute kitty~”
“Heh.” He gave you his signature smirk which made your heart skip a beat. “Have you fallen for me now?”
“Who knows~?” You gave the lion a kiss on the cheek which wiped the smug grin on his face and is replaced with surprise, a light dust of pink painting his cheek.
 Ah, how dare you steal his heart just like that.
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!  🧁
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143 notes · View notes
lorei-writes · 3 years
Fairy Tales for Bedtime
The King of Liars
Shingen x MC Fantasy AU (Fairy Tale-ish) Choose Your Own Ending*
Ahh, it’s finally done! I don’t even know what to say, other than I’m so happy. I can barely see now, because I wanted to edit it instantly after I finished writing it and then post it. Allow me to invite you into a fantasy setting of yet another type. You won’t regret it.
*- Fluff or Angst
Word Estimate: 4.5k
Content Warnings: kidnapping, food (main); none (Dream ending); death (Nightmare Ending)
Sweet wind played with her hair, clementine mist extending its reach over to the terrace, dispersing through air like ink droplets submerged in water. Her hands resting atop the railing, her feet rose above the ground – she could have sworn Shingen had to hold back a gasp, her upper body tilting forward as if she was about to fall. She stopped, however, only gazing into the depths below them, starts seemingly calling out to her. “They’re beautiful,” she whispered, the gentle hum of the sky cushioning her voice. “Would you want to see them from up close?” Soles of her shoes clacked against the tiles, her skirt swirling as she turned to face him. “Could you do that?” One foot on the railing, Shingen pushed himself up. Without losing his balance, he leaned forward and offered her his hand, the words she wanted to hear leaving his lips. “I don’t know.” Yes, of course.
Long, long ago, when seas of grass heaved undisturbed by human influence, it was still believed that summer solstice held a special kind of power. It was celebrated as such, flames higher than trees attempting to touch the night sky while laughter flew abundantly over rivers, flower crowns being carried downstream. As day touched the night, humans seemed to awaken, pushing past the borders of the unsafe darkness, their voices daring to pierce through the harmonious buzzing of the forests. For an untrained ear, it would seem silence didn’t exist then, that it was banished outside the borders of the human realm and replaced by joy… Yet it lurked somewhere else, somewhere where the slightest mistake could be paid with the greatest of prices.
She stared into the well, silver moonlight being reflected at her from below. She breathed in deeply. Air seemed to electrify, prompted by her chants. “Mirror, mirror from below, Tell me tales I shouldn’t know, Show me days that are to come, Mirror, mirror, hear my call.” The water bubbled, a whirlwind appearing in the very centre of it, colours beginning to separate on its surface. She leaned it closer, her eyes shining with curiosity, images of the future forming to answer her pleas. Her lungs begged for the air, not even a breath being invited into them as she strived to stay perfectly still. Just a little longer, just until she saw it, and then she’d be able to let it go, to let time flow the way it’s supposed to…
A leaf flew past her head, swirling in the air before being sucked into the well, her eyelids twitching as she failed to stop them from moving. Her eyes opened wider as terror overtook her. She sprung back, her clothing already twisting, pulling her towards the water. She tore it – to no avail, her entire body being swallowed with force she couldn’t oppose. In her descent, she turned around, lush greenery emerging from the silver water, sliding up the walls of the well as if to cushion her fall. A scream died in her throat, consumed by everlasting silence that seemed to have taken a permanent residence within her.
The world around her morphed, initially fading into darkness and then erupting into a sea of vivid streaks. Trees hung suspended in the air, endless ocean of azure spreading far below her, carnivorous clouds rushing underneath the surface of the water. Sun chasing them around, they took shelter in reefs of long branches extending from above, phasing through the jewels growing in place of leaves. The reality slowly making itself known to her, she began to panic, her hands combing through the air in a desperate attempt to find anything to grasp onto. Her heart stopped – the sky exploded in pink mist, its edges spilling in various ripples around her.
“A human? Poor soul,” a voice vibrated through her.
Initially stunned, few things escaped her attention, her body only later catching onto the change in its position. Buzzing in her ears drowning out all sounds, she hid her face behind her arms, her eyes suddenly beginning to burn. She coughed – and just as it started, it was over, her head spinning as she snapped it to look up. She shouted, her body jolting back, strong hands keeping her in an embrace. “You don’t want to fall? Keep on doing that,” the person laughed, huge irises in shade of lime green piercing though her. Instect-like wings fluttered behind their back, colours of the sunrise being seemingly enchanted in the thin membrane spreading between each resemblant of a bone part. “Azla!” another voice called. “King said not to bring any new spoils back. Just let her fall.” “The clouds aren’t hungry,” they whined. “What a pleasant time, really.” “I’ll gladly listen to your problems later, please, pour your heart out.” Her arms trembled, her gaze travelling from her captor to the man, confusion flooding her senses. A pointy nose almost brushed against her cheek, ultramarine hair falling onto her face. “You’re kinda cute. You make me want to eat you.” “Please, do,” the person holding her replied. “Now.” She winced, yet no harm came her way, wind beginning to hum in her ears anew.
The travel was fast, fast enough to be both deafening and blinding, pushing her further into a state of deep confusion. Lost and certain only of the fact that the rules had been broken, she did not even attempt to look around, the watercolour-like mists with acidic smell being sufficiently dooming for her mind. The world could have very well frozen, time nearly stopping as she struggled to stay in touch with reality, her heart racing – and only beginning to pick up its pace after they landed. An ivory palace emerged from a forest of vermilion roots, wide trunk extending deep into the navy sky below them, shining starts losing themselves in orange reefs of branches during their never-ending chase. Undisturbed by any predatory moons, they adapted different tactics, some staying in constellations while others opted for a solitary hunt, burning bright as to provide the light for the palace, membranous windows allowing for it to sneak inside. Her captors setting her down, she trembled, soles of her shoes clacking against the glass ground. She focused, willing her mind to take a step forward – yet she stayed still, her body refusing to obey any of her commands. A hand fell onto her shoulder. “Backwards, take your time,” Azla demanded. “I...I can’t,” she forced out, a knot tying itself inside of her throat. The fairy groaned in reply, pinching the bridge of their nose as their gaze focused on the ground. “Feet, pretty please, carry the guest to our King, thank you, have a nice time and enjoy your day.”
Charmed, she rushed forward, barely managing to hold her back upright, each step bringing her closer to collapse. Exempt from her will, her legs acted on their own, speeding past the castle guards and then through the halls, azure carpets eventually disappearing as ornaments became sparser, wood replacing the ivory. Golden window frames turning to metal, gusts of wind snuck inside, each floor being less resemblant of a rich palace than the previous one – until she finally reached the very top of the estate, the last corridor leading directly to what seemed to be a wall taken out of a completely different building. Rather frugal and solid, balks rested firmly atop each other, a door standing in her way. Fearing her feet may not stop, she leaned forward to knock and press the handle, as not to let herself get hurt.
Her body passed the doorstep, her legs instantly collapsing under her weight, no longer supported by magic. Her lungs burning after the run, she breathed in deeply, too tired to notice the pair of grey eyes staring at her from over the table. “What do we have here?” the human-looking person hummed, causing her to snap her head up. Scared, she tried to get out, the door closing behind her back. “An angel? Please, allow me to soothe your worry, you are completely safe now.” “Who are you?” “I am the one in control of the entire realm, the king… Although just for you, I’d suggest using ‘Shingen’ instead,” he explained, offering her a hand. She accepted it, still too shaken to question an existence of another human in the land of the fairies, much less his position or role – and only once she was standing by herself again, did she notice the hem of his sleeve rolling up, burnt sienna marks creeping up the man’s forearm, something deep within his skin shining like copper.
The days passed, her existence being contained to the borders of the king’s quarters. Initially assuming she’d meet her end there shortly, she opted to stay by herself, the solitude of the room assigned to her providing her with an odd sense of comfort. Much to her surprise, however, nobody came, only the low humming daring to sneak inside during each meal time, the king himself setting a tray in front of her door. At first, she guessed it would be poisoned… Yet there was little difference in dying from starvation or as a result of a scheme, if anything the latter being preferable in its length. Desperate, she gathered her courage to taste the food.
It was safe, although perhaps a bit too savoury for her liking, some vegetables being additionally somewhat overcooked. She accepted it regardless, her stomach ceasing to growl for the first time in days – and her mouth watered as she reached for the cake, the pastry being perfect in its taste. Encouraged, she gathered the dishes and set them outside, still too cautious to let herself be lured out for longer.
The pattern repeated for few weeks, her senses slowly beginning to adapt to the unusual movement of the sun and the eternal day. Feeling she might be prepared to learn of what was to happen to her, she got up from her bed and walked to the door, ready to open it… A knock came from the other side. “Can we talk?” Shingen asked. “Y-Yeah,” she stuttered.
Following her host, she walked down the corridor, taking careful note of the paintings hanging over the walls, the frames being seemingly out of place. Having seated himself in one of the armchairs, Shingen gestured at her to rest too. He rolled up his sleeves, symmetrical markings spreading up his skin – her eyes widened. “I thought you were a human…” she spoke absent-mindedly. “Have I ever said that? Few humans have managed to live here before, yet I am not one of them.”A faint smile appeared over his face, as if he tried to comfort her. “I… I see. What will happen to me?” “Plenty and precisely nothing.” “I think I don’t understand.” “The well will open in a year and one day, counting from the day of your arrival. I will arrange new quarters for you.” “That’s… That’s not necessary!” she exclaimed, rising her hands in a protective gesture. “I am fine living here.” “Oh, I insist. This year will most likely be a long one for you,” he hummed, something shining deep within his eyes. She did not look close then, though, completely convinced that opposing his command would cost her dearly. As such, she retreated into her room once more.
However, no change happened, Shingen only inviting her to explore his quarters, his private room excluded. She asked for explanation, yet got no reply, her reach slowly expanding until she had seen all parts of the castle at least once. During one such trip, when she ventured out onto the terrace to watch the sentient stars, a fairy landed by her side. “Boo!” Azla exclaimed, his wings fluttering happily as she jumped. “Azla!” Botchka scolded him, soon finding himself by their side. He turned towards her. “My lady, please punish this...Person of the greatest intellect,” he ground through his teeth, causing her to laugh. “Apologies accepted. Or should I say, ‘perish’? I have noticed some of you seem to speak in opposites… But it is different with the king. I don’t think I have it quite figured out…” she trailed off, hoping they’d provide her with enough information to resolve her confusion. “Fairies must speak only truth and king is the only one able to make it sound like an utter and complete lie,” Botchka answered without a hint of hesitation, reaching to entwine his fingers with Azla’s. “For example: I absolutely hate this great, scholarly personality.” “I won’t make a cat poop in your shoes for that,” they muttered, unmoved by the confession.
The woman nodded in reply. “So it’s that simple? I wonder then…”
Her suspicions having been confirmed, she chose to learn more, asking the king whether he’d mind if she joined him during the meals. He disagreed, which she assumed was a sign she should try regardless, preparing the table for the both of them. She glanced curiously at him. No reaction. As such, she brought out the stew and the dessert, soon reaching for the bowls to fill them – and yet, one disappeared straight out of her hand, Shingen suddenly materialising in his spot and cutting himself a hefty slice of cake. Content, he sat down, already digging into the crust as she laughed: “This isn’t really a balanced diet.” “I presume you’re right, my angel. After all, I consume human food for the nutritional value alone… Yet I can’t seem to stop myself.” Not quite, my angel. I don’t consume human food for nutritional reasons… Although I could have spared that piece of cake, she tried to understand. “Fairies eat different things? Then why bother with human stuff?” “I’d rather save that story for another time,” Shingen stated, smiling a polite smile. I’d prefer not to share the reason as to why. The woman nodded in reply, her brows knitting together. Her face relaxing a moment later, she rose her gaze and looked at him, the corners of her mouth curling up. At least she was beginning to adapt.
It seemed each day their talks lasted longer, soon exceeding past the meals, the empty plates listening in to the joyous laughter and words of explanation, sometimes hours past their serving time, the king only taking note of them once the next meal came. The dining table soon losing its role of being the bridge between them, it was released from its duty, the pair moving to the living room – and when that ceased to suffice too, they opted to stroll around the castle, her eyes gleaming with curiosity as he revealed the secrets of the fairy realm to her.
Sweet wind played with her hair, clementine mist extending its reach over to the terrace, dispersing through air like ink droplets submerged in water. Her hands resting atop the railing, her feet rose above the ground – she could have sworn Shingen had to hold back a gasp, her upper body tilting forward as if she was about to fall. She stopped, however, only gazing into the depths below them, starts seemingly calling out to her. “They’re beautiful,” she whispered, the gentle hum of the sky cushioning her voice. “Would you want to see them from up close?” Soles of her shoes clacked against the tiles, her skirt swirling as she turned to face him. “Could you do that?” One foot on the railing, Shingen pushed himself up. Without losing his balance, he leaned forward and offered her his hand, the words she wanted to hear leaving his lips. “I don’t know.” Yes, of course. She accepted the invitation, soft breeze nuzzling against her ankles as sudden warmth spread through her body, causing her to feel lighter. His fingers closed around hers, her eyes meeting his – and she followed his gaze, few shining steps appearing in front of her. Mesmerised, she climbed them, soon standing by Shingen’s side, holding onto his arm as not to fall.
Words were unreliable, all things he could have told her being too heinous as lies, the sweetest thought having to turn into poison if it were to leave his mouth. As such, he did not dare speak, instead guiding her with his eyes, her breathing hitching at every stolen glance. Carefully, Shingen took a step forward, the initial fall stopping as platform emerged below his feet. Shingen looked up, his lips parting, but he hesitated to talk. “Yes, please,” she whispered in reply, his hands finding themselves onto her waist as he lifted her. Perhaps it was just a habit, perhaps she forgot herself, her arms crossing behind his neck – and she could not avert her gaze, her body pressed to his, her tiptoes hoovering just above the ground. Her blood started to rush, familiar tenderness sneaking into the grey irises for a split second – yet it was over so very soon, black lashes falling to hide it away as Shingen set her down. With a gesture of a hand, he urged her to go forward, the next platform being only a step away. Silently, she did as instructed, entwining her fingers with his once more. Slowly, they descended to the very border of the night sky.
She saw the light – only a moment more, Shingen setting the last platform in place. The woman swallowed thickly, releasing a deep breath out of her lungs a second later, unwilling to let her fears hold her back.  His hand resting atop her arm, she looked from Shingen to the very sky below them, air being ocean-like in its structure, licking the edges of their step – only to evaporate in pleasant breezes, carrying up smells of fruit, flowers and summer days. Notified of their presence, a myriad of stars swam their way, crowding at the edges of their shelter, sparkly tails following them through the depths. The woman crouched town – and much to her surprise, the king knelt by her side, dipping his hands into the fabric of the sky. Seemingly playful, celestial bodies swarmed to them, as if begging to be invited into his palm, few that got inside buzzing against his skin excitedly. He trapped them inside with his other hand.
The king straightened his back, the droplets at his fingers bursting into the scent of sandal tree. “I… I wouldn’t dare to ask you to hold your hands out,” he let out. Blush spreading over her cheeks, she did as he asked – and he opened his fingers, the smallest universe she had ever seen falling into her grasp. She gasped, her eyes shining brightly. She looked up at him. “On any other day, I’d like to have it back… But since tomorrow is the last day of your stay here, I suppose I’d like for it to be the one thing to remind you of the fairy realm.” Her eyes crinkled. “Liar. I’d rather take something else,” she chuckled, leaning forward… He touched his finger to her lips, an odd sense of hurt dimming his eyes. “No,” he grunted, the markings on his forearms lighting up, his face growing paler. The sky crept onto the platform.  Shingen rose to his feet fast, pulling her up by her hand. “We could stay a little longer, on some other day. On any other day.” We must go. She did not understand the rest.
They ran up the platforms, each step being shakier than the previous one – until they reached the terrace, Shingen collapsing to his knees, his back pressing against the railing as he clutched onto his chest. She dropped next to him, pressing onto his shoulders to get a better look at his face, liquid copper flowing below the skin of his hands. “Shingen?” “I’m fine.” It hurts. “How bad?” “Not at all.” It can’t be described. “What should I do?” “Stay.” Leave me to myself. “I can’t. I will take you to your room, okay?” “No.” Yes.
Her shoulders supporting his weight, they hurried back inside, the corridors seemingly shortening themselves as to let them reach his quarters sooner. She pushed the door to his personal room open, helping him to sit on the bed. “Any medicine?” “Left drawer.” “Right!” she thought aloud, already rushing to open it and search through its contents. She almost froze, a solitary bottle of human medicine staring at her – yet she did not let herself waste any time, instantly turning around with it in her hand. She unscrewed the lid, pouring the liquid into it and soon pressing it against his lips. Shingen drunk hurriedly.
The king fell onto his back, copper shining withing the markings growing calmer to eventually completely subside and resume peaceful slumber. “Why do you have human medicine?” she asked. “Why, indeed…” Shingen panted, his face relaxing. “I want to know.” “I will tell you on the last day of your stay.” I won’t ever be able to tell you. The woman frowned, her feet carrying her towards the corridor. “Well then,” she huffed. “I will make you.” The door closed behind her back.
Her night wasn’t a peaceful one, no dreams daring to come her way as she tossed from side to side. Uncertain whether she felt more concern or anger, she got up, the clock having struck a quarter past midnight. She shook her head, letting the thought of rest go freely. Hoping to at least calm her mind, she got up, her feet carrying her to the very terrace they… What exactly had they done the prior night? Explored? Spoke? She laughed to herself – how truly odd was this world, submerged in deep navy yet also bright, sunken in light. She could not even classify it in any clear category, her mind failing her at understanding the nature and what happened to her alike. Wings fluttered behind her. She turned around.
Azla and Botchka landed, gazing at each other in solemn silence. Puzzled, she irked a quizzical brow at them. “Is something a matter?” she asked. “No.” Yes, Botchka replied. “We certainly did not want to talk.” “It’s only that we felt obliged to,” Azla gulped. The woman leaned against railing, her fingers growing white as she clutched on it. “Well, I’m all ears.” The fairies glanced at each other once more. “Do not listen to us at all.” Listen to all we say very carefully. “We can repeat ourselves.” We won’t repeat it. “The well opens precisely one day after the solstice,” Azla stated, turning their attention towards their partner. “The well opens precisely one day before the solstice.” The woman frowned, her eyes growing wider in fear. “It opens today.” “It hasn’t already.” It already has. She gritted her teeth, her heart beginning to beat faster. “Thanks, I think I must talk with somebody now,” she blurted out, breaking into a run.
She understood, fairies lie – yet she also knew Shingen was very well capable of suggesting where the deception began. Fearing he may send her away without giving her the chance to talk one last time, she knocked onto his door, opening it before he could react. Her heart sunk – he was there, lying in bed and basked in the light that somehow felt dark, his skin pale as his face twisted in pain, his hands grasping onto the sheets. She ran up to the drawer, her fingers curling around the familiar medicine bottle.
Content Warnings: none
Slowly, she sat down by his side, her fingers pushing damp from sweat hair out of his face. “You’re burning up,” she noted bitterly, her lips brushing against his forehead. “You have been unwell all this time. And you’ve never told anybody, have you?” “It’s only solstice,” he rasped. “Huh?” “It’s only solstice. It makes our worlds touch… And then… Humans were not meant to live in this realm –” A cough tore through his chest. “But you’re not a human,” she noted, letting her fingers stroke his cheek. She shook her head. “And all you say are lies. How am I to trust any of that?” “Not fully, not yet… The solstice… The solstice allows for truths to be said without a punishment.” Her lips pressed into a thin line, she nodded. She reached to hold his hand in hers. “I want to trust you,” she whispered. “So I will… And if this world is hurting you… Come. Come with me.” “I can’t.” “Why?” “If I’m not here… If something goes wrong… The well may close before you pass. I don’t know what will happen to you then.” To his surprise, she stayed calm, emotion draining away from her voice. “Then what should I do to get back?” “Stay still… And recite your spell, starting from the last verse…”
Silence fell thick between them, the woman eventually moving to stand up. “Thank you. Thank you for everything,” she uttered, seemingly accepting his wish. Slowly, she stepped into the centre of the room, her eyes fixated onto the last drop of medicine in the bottle. Her chest rose as she breathed in deeply, her eyes electrifying. “Mirror, mirror, hear my call, Show me days that are to come, Tell me tales I shouldn’t know, Mirror, mirror – ” Strong winds broke out, drowning out her words, her clothing beginning to twist as an overwhelming force began to swallow her. The king smiled – in his defeat that happened to be a lesser victory…
Shingen blinked fast, the pain in his chest lessening as his hands grew transparent. Her voice vibrated through his mind, sending chills down his spine. “ – save my love,” she spoke, the incantation being complete.
Buzzing in his head grew stronger, each breath filling his lungs with an unfamiliar substance – something he both craved and couldn’t identify. Shingen opened his eyes slowly, black sky, so unlike anything he had ever seen before, spreading above his head. He blinked fast, the events of the night reawakening themselves in his mind – he shot up, frantically looking from side to side until his gaze fell over her body. Fearing the worst, he rushed to her, his knees failing him.
Gently, he turned her onto her back, cradling her head as not to cause any harm – and he leaned down, hoping that she was still alive. Her breath tickling his cheek, he sunk back down, waves of relief flooding him on the inside. “The stars…” she mumbled, seemingly awoken from her slumber. “Yes, my angel? What about the stars?” “I could never tire of watching them,” she giggled weakly, tiredness sounding off in her voice. “And yet they can’t measure up to even a fraction of your beauty.” “Cruel, aren’t you?” Shingen propped himself on his elbow and gazed down at her, the faint gleam in his eyes proving her wrong. “It is the truth.” Her hand cupped his cheek, the fever she felt seemingly only a moment ago having disappeared completely. “Then… Would you mind giving me the one thing I wanted then?” she asked, although the answer was already known, they lips being mere inches apart. She gasped as they collided, her wish coming true– and she couldn’t have helped thinking it was dearer than the universe he had granted her then.
Content Warnings: implied impending major character death.
Slowly, she sat down by his side. “You’re ill and you haven’t told anybody, have you?” she spoke in an empty voice, her hands clutching onto the empty bottle. “It will pass,” he rasped. It won’t, she understood. “If… If it’s terminal… Can I help you?” she uttered, looking away as not to let him see her despair. A shadow of surprise swept over his face – and then he realised, she did not know he could tell truth for once, during that one special day a year. “No.” Yes. “I wish I would never hear those words… Could you erase them with a song?” “A song?” she hummed. “Any song?” “From the human realm… I was always curious… What do you sing to get into my domain?”
She laughed bitterly, her head shaking as she swept her hair forward. “Mirror, mirror from below, Tell me tales I shouldn’t know, Show me days that are to come, Mirror, mirror, hear my call,” she started, her voice breaking a few times. A moment of pause. “It… It does go on like so,” she sobbed – and it shattered his heart, as he knew she was convinced it could be the end. “Mirror, mirror, hear my call, show me days that are to come, tell me tales I shouldn’t know, mirror mirror from below – ”
Silence consumed her voice. She grasped onto her throat, unaware of what she had done – and then she looked at him, her lips parting to say “no” as his turned into an apologetic smile. “I lied to you one last time,” the king admitted. The universe around her twisted, collapsed onto itself… She was gone.
Tag list: @datenoriko, @nad-zeta, @tsubaki3192, @missjudge-me, @ikemencrossedmyth, @nuttytani, @thesirenwashere, @milas-imaginarium, @kisara-16, @yukas-clover, @alerialumina , @cheese-ception , @iamryxx, @cottonfluffballofdoom, @ozziegrl71, @silhouette-of-a-dream If you want to be tagged under my future works, let me know (any way works)! ^^ Also, if you have some preferences (for example: you’d rather not be tagged under some series, etc.), please, tell me.  If you don’t want to be tagged anymore - please, do not feel bad about it, just say so :)
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thetravelingmaster · 3 years
Erin’s Weird Morning
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NOTE: Another lost gem from the beginnings of my old @mc2015 blog! 
I had completely forgotten about this one and I hadn’t transferred to my mc-diaries.com site. I find this one especially good since I’ve discussed some of the themes present in this story.
Female’s Point of View - Hypnosis
My conscious mind gradually came back to reality as the delicious fog of my dreams carefully released me from its sweet embrace. I could almost feel it... At first, it was simply that I could control my thoughts more and more. Like I wasn't waiting to see what happens in my dreams, but actively deciding what I would do next. Then the scenery of my dream faded away softly as it was replaced by a sense of self I couldn't deny. I felt so ethereal in my dream, but the more I awoke, the more I grounded I felt...
As if they had all agreed before hand, my senses came back in turns. First of them was my sense of touch. Of course... That was why I felt so grounded... I could feel myself lying down on something soft. Warm... My skin informed me that I had something fluffy and soft covering me. I was still somewhere between my dream and reality and I almost giggled as I thought that I must surely be on a cloud somewhere hot and sunny.
Then came my hearing... My awareness started to hear a rhythmic click that had me perplexed for a few moments. What was that sound? But my brain finally woke up a little more and I could identify it as an old grandfather clock, ticking away... It was so soothing... Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...
My muscles felt heavy with sleep and I was tempted to stay in bed and see if I could travel back to my dreams, but then I smiled and stretched out my limbs under the sheets. I could notice the dull heat as passed through all of my tissues, waking up my limbs. God it felt nice... One of those simple pleasure I don't always enjoy properly...
As I stretched, my third sense made itself known: Smell.
I took in a deep breath and was instantly aware of a faint aroma floating in the room. What was that? Vanilla? Lavender? Some sort of perfume or candle? What ever it was, it was wonderful. I breathed in again and let the scent invade my nostrils. It was soothing... Delicate... I smiled as I thought that my lover must have surely woken up before me and prepared it.
And then my fourth sense woke me up: Taste.
I couldn't help myself, I licked my lips as I thought of him. We made such an incredible pair... Fitting together like puzzle pieces. I always felt so... Sexy... Around him. I could always see the lust he had for me in his eyes. Like he always had to fight and control himself around me. As if his lust was a caged animal that always wanted to ravage me... 
God I loved it when he let loose and released that beast...
But as I licked my lips, I noticed that there was something foreign applied to them. I could taste something... Sweet... Strawberries? I licked and sucked at my lips to identify this new sensation, but I couldn't put my finger on it... The substance felt and tasted like one of those flavored lipsticks. I didn't remember applying that before I went to bed... How strange...
Finally, I decided that I just had to wake up eventually and reluctantly opened my mind to my last remaining sense: Sight.
A soft light blurred my vision before my eyes could adjust to the sudden intrusion. But as the focus got better and better, my heart started to race more and more...
I didn't recognize the ceiling.
It made no sense. Why wasn't I seeing the ceiling in our bedroom? I didn't recognize the light fixture. So ornate... I sat up straight and looked around. Nothing made sense! This wasn't my bedroom at all
There was a window to my left and I could see that it was way passed morning. What time was it? I looked around to find the clock I had heard earlier, which... Which made me realize that we didn't even own a grandfather clock! But there it was, standing against the wall... Like a silent sentinel...
I looked at the bed I was in and it too was strange. Was I still dreaming? I finally looked at myself and saw I wasn't wearing my regular nighty. I was wearing... Nothing!
I looked around the bed and saw that there was a card propped up on the night stand. The card was folded neatly and it was addressed to me. Next to it was a feather... A feather! And an ink pot... We definitely didn't own that... My name had clearly been written with it. 
I shook my head and told myself I needed to find out what all this was about. I covered my naked chest with the sheets as I moved to grab it.
"Good morning my divine Angel,
    I hope your dreams were as exciting and erotic as our time together last night. Our play time was... Exquisite... Entertaining... Sensual... I find I lack the proper words to describe how much of a gem you are. Who knew you would be such a wonderful and compliant subject... I'm so glad I got the chance to meet you yesterday... But before you tumble down the rabbit hole of your worries, I assure you that you gave me all the permissions I needed to spend the night with you... Well… The weekend really... And before you ask... Yes... I asks all does questions while you were in a hypnotic trance... Before I we truly started..."
Oh god... Hypnosis? No... This can't be happening! I had always had a fetish for hypnosis. I even went to a professional to see it was just a phase or something else. It definitely wasn't. Feeling the trance invade my mind made me so hot. Horny... I still remember how ravenous I was with my lover when I got back from that first and only session. Did... Did someone find out about my desire? Did... No... Had I been hypnotize to follow some stranger?
The thought both scared and aroused me. Of course it was a fantasy of mine! But I would never want to live it out for real... I bit my lip as I continued to read the note.
"You were so eager to be claimed. To be taken... I've removed your memories from last night, but only as part of a game. In this room, you will find another piece of paper. On it is a trigger word that will make you remember our time together..."
Oh god... Oh god... This is real... As much as I tried, I couldn't recall anything from last night!
"And finally... I left a few... Commands... in your mind... I think you'll have a few surprises as you search for my little trigger..."
OH GOD! Was this fear or excitement? I couldn't tell anymore...
"But be warned… There are 2 sides to any piece of paper... So I’ve written 2 triggers... One will turn you back into my lovely Angel Doll... And the other will make you remember... Choose wisely..."
Oh fuck... Angel Doll? That's exactly one of the names I imagined my hypnotic Master would call me! Speaking of which... He signed at the bottom...
"Your new Master."
New Master? Oh god... Fuck! Ok Erin... Get it together... Don't give in just yet... 
I got up and looked in a few drawers. If nothing else, I was going to be dressed to meet this pretentious 'new master'. I'll be able to tell him that I may have accepted all this in a trance, but I have to stop things here. I already had a lover!
I found panties and a bra as well as a see through shirt and tight pants. All in my size. How the hell could they all be in my size? I put my panties on and as I grabbed my bra, I suddenly felt an intense itching sensation. As if my panties were soaked with itching powder or something... I quickly removed them and looked at them, lying on the floor... What the hell? I tried to put my bra on, telling myself that I could go commando in those tight pants, but as soon as I had my bra on, the itching started again...
I simply couldn't stand it! I undid it in record time and through it on the floor. I looked at them for a moment before I finally understood.
God damn it! If he could make me forget last night, he could certainly make it so I couldn't put on underwear. That pervert... I tried to put the pants on and sighed in relief when I couldn't feel the itching sensation. I put on the shirt with the same apprehension, but everything was ok. 
Well at least I'm not naked... Even if this shirt is see through...
I went to the door to see if I could get out. Had he locked it? But as I looked at the door and saw the handle... I... I couldn't figure out how it worked! Should I turn it? Pull it? Push it? I... I couldn't decide! I had no clue how to operate the door! The more I tried to figure it out, the worst it seemed to get.
I finally gave up and went to the window. I saw that I was on the second floor... With only trees as far as I could see... I certainly didn't want to climb down... The more I looked out, the scarier it seemed. Like... Like I was getting vertigo... I turned and caught my breath.
So... He made it so I couldn't get out... He thought of everything...
I started to look through the room for his mystery piece of paper. I finally found it under the bed. I grabbed it and looked it over. Like he said, 2 words were written on each side of the paper. Again, it looked like he had written it with the feather. 
As I read both, I suddenly wondered which would make me remember and which would make me into a... A... A doll...
It was evident which would make me remember and which would turn me. But was it a trick? He wrote that this was a game.
I guess I couldn't figure it out anyway... Might as well try and see what happens. I took a deep breath and hoped for the best.
"Reminisce..." I said.
I felt another wave of vertigo sweep my mind as images came flooding in. It was such a rush! I closed my eyes as I tried to make sense of it all. Oh god... I remember seeing a pocket watch... Swinging... I remember... Oh yes... I remember feeling the trance invade my mind... Then... I was made to undress... Sensually... And then...
I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in our bedroom! And that was our bed! I looked towards the door and saw that it wasn't closed, it was wide open! And there, leaning against the door frame, was my lover! He was smiling as he looked at me.
That little bastard...
I remembered now! He wanted to make my fantasy come true! He... Oh god... He discovered my fetish... I remember telling him about it... And he studied to hypnotize me! And he did all this... I should have realize it was him all along! He always calls me his Angel.
I smiled as I turned the paper over. Might as well go with it...
"Angel Doll..." I said aloud.
He smiled even more as I felt my mind go numb...
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pseudofaux · 3 years
so maybe like, nightshade Goemon and a solid 4.5 stars of spice? Solo or with MC, just something to get the fuzzies goin pls
🗣 I LOVE THIS ASK!!! I love Goemon! I love you!
Thank you for requesting this tipseu (these are currently CLOSED, readers, I’m filling requests I got during the open window now), I hope you will enjoy it! This is my first Nightshade request and I am (drunk/) EMOTIONAL that it’s for one of my top-tier faves. 🥰
This turned out more warm-n-fuzzy than fire-n-fuzzy, but his horn is silently blaring.
He’s no self-aggrandizer, not to himself. He stretches the truth and allows others to build him up in their minds in the careful silences he creates. But he’s realistic with himself about what he can and can’t do. Goemon can do a lot, and he can want to change the world for her, but he can’t actually do that. Modest thing that she is, though... she’s changing his world, every day. Every night between days.
At night, especially, he can be honest about what he wants: all her smiles, all her laughter, safely stolen from the people who don’t care about those things or see their value. He wants to take those things away with her and put her somewhere safe with them. And he wants to be there to watch her use them at her leisure.
Leisure, he thinks, rolling his eyes. They are sharing a bed of leaves, curled up tight together under a coat he stole from the last town they passed, and it is raining. He’s getting a little too old to enjoy sleeping on the ground, he’s happy to cede that misery to better shinobi. The denseness of two fallen trees makes a space that mostly covers them so long as they remain curled around one another. The hiss of the rain is cool, and not so loud that anyone he could fight off would be able to sneak up on them. Despite the rocky ground beneath the leaves, it’s not the worst he’s had to rough it.
But he has not yet had to be this kind of close to her while he watches her, not when the pinched look on her face relaxes into the placidity of sleep and they’re both several days from a proper steam bath so no matter how many times they rinse themselves in streams, they smell like forest and sweat and the fish and herbs they eat. Heat from her body has brought out some scent from tiny packets of medicine she keeps tucked into her clothes. It reminds him of courtesans’ enclaves, the ways women smell better than men.
There’s a sweet tension coiling around the two of them over the last few days that he has not had time to experience before, though he knows what it is. Because of it, and probably because of their closeness on that night in the forest, when he smells those medicines his tired body does not fight imagining carefully unwrapping her and setting every little envelope and length of fabric aside until she is bare and blushing. He could touch her gently, spread the warmth from her face to the rest of her. Rub the muscles of her legs and back until she melted, and then cover her with his body and share whispers.
He imagines more, naturally. Her pretty features drawn together in pleasure instead of worry, turning to one side and then the other. A lip plump from kisses, bitten to hold back throaty sighs. Would she be quiet? He’s certain she would try, the way she is now, and he likes the idea of taking her somewhere far away where she has the safety to be herself, as silent or noisy as she would like to be, wherever she falls between every extreme. She’s got a good heart, this one. It makes his heart want a lazy life with her in it. Not snatches of time but the kind of time they have to be snatched from.
Goemon doesn’t waste time begrudging or denying that he has those desires. He leaves that to better shinobi.
He likes a happy tumble as much as the next man, but it would be different with her, he thinks. At first, at least. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the time and space for her to shake off the sadness her scheming father put on her? He wants to take good care of her, of her heart. Of her heat.
It’s best to relax the body and fall asleep quickly. He doesn’t care. He likes this sleepy but not asleep place his mind is in, and he lets himself imagine her clear voice crying out one precious note, like a glass bell. Her face and neck damp from sweat and kisses. Her belly and thighs a slick mess-- what a dream it is, to make a mess, and to leave one is so out of the question he almost hears Hanzo’s voice. It nearly kills his mood as well as Hanzo would, so he retreats to think of her daintiness and the way her strength surprises so many people. Including him, sometimes. What else could she do with that?
He knows some women like to ride their lovers, using muscles those partners can see and ones they can only feel. He has to wonder what control she might have been taught over those parts of herself. Some clans teach it to all kunoichi, some clans only to a few. Goemon wouldn’t mind if she knew, nor would he mind teaching her. It’s really getting to the point where whatever she is... that’s what he wants. He’ll have to decide what to do with that at some point.
Before he commits to light, sensible sleep, he thinks of fucking her gently with his fingers and stroking the side of her face, encouraging her to move as she likes and tell him if she wants different pressure. A long, wet day of long, wet sex, spent somewhere safe and well-stocked with everything they’d need to not leave for awhile. Somewhere with a sturdy little tokonoma to tuck her into, a little domestic dais where she could rest with her legs spread until his tongue couldn’t make them shake any longer. 
Maybe what he needs to do is get a little house like that in order. Maybe he’ll do just that after they get some rest.
Maybe when the rain stops he’ll step away for a few frantic minutes and deal with what she’s doing to him. Tucked as close as she is, there’s no way he wants to escape just then. She needs sleep and so does he.
He sleeps and his dreams know no limits.
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obae-me · 3 years
Beneath Still Waters- CH2
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CH 1
Home Sweet Home
Word Count: 3418
Summary: With the help of two residents, Beel and Belphie take you to Simeon’s home, the place you’ll be staying for a while. You manage to get a quick glance around Old Midev before finally make it to the house. Eventually you end up falling asleep and have a strange dream. 
Tags: (Mostly) Human AU, second person view, gender neutral reader
Warning: Mentions of drowning and asphyxiation 
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With every bump over the unpaved road, your heart pounded a little harder. You hugged your own torso as you sat in the backseat of the truck, watching trees whirl past. After a little while through the grove, the flora cleared up a touch, giving you a clear view of a large lake, sparkling a gorgeous blue in the sunlight. Mountains and tall trees surrounded the lake, the green a striking contrast against the surface of the water. It was such an alluring sight...you couldn’t help but stare. It called to you in that mystical way nature had the tendency to do. There was something about it...If you did anything while you were out here, you’d have to take a trip down there. 
“Devil’s Lake,” Belphie spoke up from the front seat, his head resting against the window. He’d pulled out a neck pillow from the glove box, one with a cow print pattern, and was resting against that to keep his head from smacking against the glass. You had sworn he had fallen asleep, seeing as his eyes had been closed the entire ride so far, and yet he hadn’t even needed to look at you to know what you were staring at. 
The name caused you to tilt your head. “Devil’s lake? Seems an awful foreboding name for something so peaceful,” you stated. The two brothers went silent, and not just a thoughtful pause, the kind of quiet that settled heavy over the air like a suffocating blanket, like you’d crossed a line you didn’t know was placed just before you. But then Belphie just shrugged, his words caught in his throat, barely managing to speak. 
“I’m not the one who named it.” You caught onto the hint, the lungs in your chest shallow. The subject of the lake was dropped, but now a persistent curiosity settled into your mind. 
The road slowly shifted from rocky to smooth payment as buildings cropped into view. The path was positioned up on a hill, so you could easily look down and over the town you were about to settle into. Slow traffic, old buildings, brick sidewalks, the sort of thing you’d typically expect from places like these. It had it’s charm for sure, it’s aura of history. No wonder Simeon seemed to miss it so, it...was quaint, the type of hometown that stored countless memories in every wall, ancient stories in every foundation. 
“Welcome to Old Midev, MC,” Beel grinned. He pointed out landmarks of his favorite places. The Lily House served the best food--according to him--whether you wanted breakfast, lunch, or dinner. “My favorite’s the pancakes,” he told you, very enthusiastic about his preferences. “If you go there, get the blueberry ones, put a little bit of honey between each layer, and then use their special maple syrup. Trust me.” A look flashed over his face like now that he had mentioned it, he wanted nothing more than to eat those pancakes now. Then he shook his head, snapping out of his daydream, continuing to pick out places of interest. “The building over there to your right.” 
You glanced around, squinting a little. “The one with the green roof?” 
“Yeah, that’s the library.” 
Belphie scoffed a little, muttering. “The librarian’s a weirdo…” 
Beel looked around warily, like he was worried someone would hear him. “I watched him yell at a kid in the grocery store the other day, just because he was making too much noise.” You quickly made a mental note to not tick off the librarian, whoever he was. “Ah, speaking of which, there’s Grace’s.” He gestured to a large store that did give off a more modern vibe than the buildings around it. “It’s newer than a lot of other places around here, but it’s got pretty much anything you need!” This seemed to be the heart of the town, where all the hustle and bustle should be, although it was a bit...lacking in both the hustling and subsequent bustling. You’d passed probably ten cars so far, and you had yet to spot anyone walking around. Beel drove past, the buildings getting further and further in between till he turned onto another dirt road, barely big enough for one car to fit between the overgrown bushes. He drove up a little hill till again the trees cleared up and the pathway widened, leading up to a white house with a wraparound porch and a brick chimney. The car slowed till it stopped. “This is it!” 
Beel quickly exited the truck right after he parked, stepping out and opening the door for you. You hopped out of the vehicle, taking a few steps towards the house, and then turned to look at the view. On the hill, looking past the tops of trees a bit below you, you had a perfect shot of the lake. The smell of moisture hit you from here, and the breeze was chill against your skin. It was...delightful. Every morning, Simeon had a view like this...and he gave it to you. Temporarily, you reminded yourself. This is short-term. 
“Do you think it looks the same?” Belphie asked his twin as Beel pulled your luggage from the bed of the truck, settling it against the floor and already taking a few steps towards the house. 
“Guess we’ll have to see,” was all he replied with. He turned his head over his shoulder, catching on that you hadn’t moved yet. “Coming?” 
You quickly turned to catch up with them, going ahead of them to take a few steps up to the porch. Dusty, obviously abandoned and left to the elements, the porch was worn, leaves and stray twigs coated most of the floor. You noticed something hanging by the screen door. A little wooden plaque with the engraving ‘He who returns from a journey is not the same as he who left.’ Without thinking too much of it, you figured that this was the object that housed his key. You took it off the nail it was hanging from, and sure enough the key was dangling from a little hook screwed into the back. How no one had broken into Simeon’s house yet, you didn’t know, it was almost as obvious as leaving a key hidden under the welcome mat. Grasping the handle, you pulled back the screen door first, listening to the hinges squeak harshly against your ears. Then you pushed the key into the doorknob, twisting it till it clicked, and you could open the heavy wooden door. 
Stepping into the house, you took in the immediate layout. There was a set of stairs immediately in front of you against the right wall, heading up to the second floor, the railing matching the same dark polished wood the floorboards were. The left wall had an open concept, allowing you access to the living room. The walls themselves were painted a muted teal color with grey undertones, just enough to give the rooms some vibrancy. Settled in the corner, right by the doorway was a little dresser. The top was decorated with pictures and a little glass bowl that held loose change. Plucking up one of the small picture frames, you cleaned off a thin layer of dust with your thumb, getting a better look at the image. Two men were in the picture, shoulder to shoulder. You recognized Simeon immediately, a beaming smile on his face as he wrapped one of his arms around the other person’s back. The other figure, despite his apparent best attempts to, found it a bit hard to smile naturally. The curl was there, but his brows were a bit furled, like this was a newer experience for him. He had shadowy black hair and piercing dark eyes. While Simeon had on a bright white sweater, this man had a long raven-hued trench coat. They were nearly polar opposites, and yet they looked happy to be in each other’s presence. You placed the photo down, a small bit of guilt coursing through your veins, feeling like you’d just seen something you shouldn’t have. 
The two brothers came in behind you, the screen door slamming shut with a startling noise. You jumped, and Belphie almost chuckled. “Oh yeah, it does do that, I’d almost forgotten.” You let the prickling of your skin die down before you sighed. 
Shifting in place a little, you allowed some of the nervousness you’d harbored on your journey to be released now that you were finally at your destination. Strangers...were iffy, but you felt as if these people could be trusted. They’d shown you so much kindness already. “Thank you for bringing me here, it was very kind of you,” you told them. 
“No problem!” Beel assured you, grasping the handle to your luggage. “I’ll go ahead and bring this up to the bedroom for you.” He didn’t hesitate to lift the suitcase upstairs, sprinting up the steps with high knees, not faltering once despite you packing that thing to the brim. 
The more...indifferent twin groaned a little bit, like helping you was such an effort...but one he was willing to make. “I have a feeling the kitchen is mostly empty.” He brushed past you, heading down the hall past the living room. You followed him, swiveling your head to try to take in the details of this place. He opened a door at the end of the path, leaving it open for you to come in after. The kitchen was cute, a small island in the middle, the sink under the window to your front. The fridge was tucked between the counter and the wall, and the oven was to your right. There was another door close to the sink. Belphie threw the fridge doors wide to find it empty. He then padded over with a monotone hum to the other door, swinging it open to reveal a little pantry. It had a few boxes in there as well as some rice, flour, oil, and some pasta. Belphie blinked for a second. “I was right...you’ll have to go shopping. I think Simeon had an old bike in the garage, but...if you’d like we can take you to the store later.” 
It felt almost strange having him offer something nice to you, especially with how half-hearted he seemed to treat everything, but you internally scolded yourself. You didn’t even really know him. Shaking your head, you rubbed your forefinger against the thumb covered with dust, brushing the remnants off of your skin. “You two have already done enough, thank you though.” 
Beel thudded back down the steps, taking a second to figure out where you guys had moved to. “Everything still looks the same,” he announced, some awe in his voice. You wondered how often they had been in here before, what their connection to Simeon was. He turned his head towards you. “Is there anything else we can do?” 
“I’m g-” 
“We need to take them shopping later,” Belphie answered for you, gesturing towards the completely empty fridge. Beel looked more distressed than he should’ve been. 
“I actually said I’m fine,” you told Beel. 
Belphie rolled his eyes once more as you bit the inside of your cheek to keep your thoughts to yourself. “I can already tell you’re one of those types that won’t accept help until it’s already too late.” He shrugged, shutting the fridge abruptly as something within you tightened. “I can’t stand people who are too prideful for their own good.” 
“Belphie…” Beel warned. 
“Simeon told us to keep an eye on you, so the least we can do is make sure you don’t starve.” It was rather abrasive...but it was laced with kind intentions. At least, that’s what you hoped. He briskly left the kitchen, hands shoved in his jean pockets. “Later.” Then he stepped out of the house, the screen door slamming against the doorframe harshly again. Once more you jumped, and then you pressed a hand to your forehead. Was it the noise or Belphie that was giving you a headache? 
“That’s the most thoughtful he’s been towards someone in a long time,” Beel pronounced proudly, but with a tinge of some buried sorrow. That’s him being thoughtful? You questioned in your mind. He quickly changed the subject. “Hold on, follow me for a second.” He held the front door open, waving you out onto the front porch. You did as he asked, pointing in the opposite direction from where you drove up, just a little ways further down the road past some stray trees where a smaller home was settled, broken cut logs settled in piles against the outer walls. “That’s where we live. If you need anything, we’re right over there.” 
“Ah, that’s good to know.” In a friendly gesture, you outstretched your hand. “Thank you again.” 
He took it happily, and in the handshake you were able to feel just how strong his grip was, the tips of his fingers and the skin of his palms covered in rough calluses. “No problem! Oh! If you’re hungry tonight, I know this delicious Chinese place that delivers or we have a--” He cut himself off for a moment. “Oh...do you have...er uh…” 
“Money?” Beel’s face turned a bit red, knowing it was pretty rude to ask something like that to someone he just met. “Simeon was kind enough to give me a little money up front.” When that fact left your lips, you realized how it sounded. Not only were you staying in this house that wasn’t yours, you’d even been paid for it. You could scrub this place from top to bottom, repaint every surface and you still felt like it wouldn’t be enough. “Oh! Let me pay you for the ride, I--” 
“No, no, please,” Beel denied. “It wasn’t a problem. When Simeon asks for a favor, we see it through. Don’t pay us.” 
You nearly felt like crying. Typically you’d only seen this type of generosity in articles or stories. Who knew it would happen to you? Pressing a hand against your forehead, you took a deep calming breath. “I owe...I owe Simeon a lot. I promise I won’t be here too long.” 
“We all owe Simeon…” Beel reminisced on something before lifting his spirits again. “Don’t worry about it too much,” he assured you. “And I--” The horn sounded from the trunk, Belphie hitting the wheel two times. Forgetting or simply deciding to move on from what he was about to say, Beel gave a little farewell wave. “Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it, okay? Any friend of Simeon is a friend of ours.” He jumped off the porch and onto the ground, completely bypassing the three steps. “We’ll come over later to do some shopping!” 
Words escaped you as he waved once more and climbed back into his vehicle. Instead of heading towards their home, Beel turned around and headed back down the hill. Then they were gone. Exhaustion overcame you quickly. Anxiety, traveling, relying on strangers, it had left you all drained. You closed the front door and locked it, turning the deadbolt. Beel had said the bedroom was upstairs, so you took slow steps, gliding your hand across the railing, more dust sticking to your palms. You pulled a sour face. Guess if I get bored, there’s always cleaning to do. There was a small hallway that ran horizontal to the house. One doorway stood at each end, and a third one settled closer to the middle, just slightly off center from the stairway. Approaching the room closest to you opened you up to the bathroom. You ‘oo’ed a little, making you feel a bit silly, but you couldn’t help it. It was a little vintage bathroom. The walls were pretty sky blue, faded paintings of white lilies spotted here and there. The mirror above the sink was held in a white frame, a large golden filigree design attached to the top. The sink itself was a small little ivory counter with light blue painted cupboards. In the far left corner was a shower surrounded by a glass door and walls. Then, to your right, there was a large vintage bathtub, the basin deep enough to nearly engulf you whole. It was the kind that stood alone on golden legs. A little rectangular window was positioned high on the wall to let in some natural light. A fancy bathroom if you ever saw one. Although, to be fair Simeon never did seem like the simple minimalist type. 
You left the bathroom, trying another door. This was the bedroom apparently. It was a nice size. The bed was queen sized, pushed against the wall in front of you, settled in between two nightstands with matching lamps on either ends. The headboard was simple, just more lustrous wood, arching up a little in the middle to give it a bit more design. The same went for the footboard. The top blanket was a quilt--homemade if you had to guess--fabrics of gold, blue, white, and grey patched together to form a star in the middle. The sheets and pillowcases were a soft light grey cotton. A wide dresser drawer lined the wall beside you, the top of it littered with stacked books, old pieces of mail, random knick-knacks and the like. Two heavy indigo drawback curtains kept the light from the window to your left from streaming in. You pulled some of the fabric back to look out. It would take you a while to adjust to seeing so much...wilderness. Would you be here long enough to get used to it? The tiredness seeped back into your bones. You headed over to the suitcase Beel had had the courtesy to place atop the mattress. With a little grunt you tugged at it and had it settled back on the floor. Before you noticed the action, you’d taken your shoes off already, shrugging off your jacket you’d had on before ruffling your hair. 
Flopping onto the bed, you let out a long exhale. You grabbed one of the pillows, fluffing it a bit before settling your head on it. Unfamiliar scents flooded your nostrils, once again reminding you that you were very far from home...not that you truly had one at this point anyway...Stopping the waterworks was impossible at this point. You turned your head into the foreign pillow and sobbed, a mix of woe and gratitude spurring your tears to flow further. 
It was the last bit of energy you had left. Without meaning to, your eyes grew heavy and your body and mind shut down to recharge as you fell into a deep rest. 
That was when you had the dream. 
Swirling, flailing, you were suspended in dark liquid, no way of knowing which way was up or down. Currents pushed you along, like you were simply a leaf in the raging winds. Nothing but bubbles from your own escaping oxygen was present in your vision. Everything about you was burning, your lungs, your panic, your body. The swirling suddenly stopped, the waters calm. You were still drowning however, your hands grasping at your throat. The shadows beneath you shifted. A long, wriggling shape underneath you moved, unwinding, taking the shape of something alive and monstrous. It was huge. Swimming up, the thing curled around your body, its scales shimmering back and forth between black and blue. Soon, the head of the sea serpent looked at you, skull as large as a semi, eyes glowing a brilliant tangerine. You couldn’t help but try to scream. Water flushed into your lungs as the last bit of oxygen escaped out of you. The creature bared its teeth, a demonic growl reverberating through the water. All you felt was fear, but even that started to fade away as your body started sinking, your vision slowly going black. The jaws to the serpent shut, turning it’s massive head to get a better look at you. The end of its face moved forward, touching your body, nudging you just before you lost consciousness. The universe seemed to spin, tugging you in all directions till suddenly you were standing on a shore, waves from the moving lake brushing up against your ankles. You watched, mesmerized as the body of something receded down into the depths. A hushed, pleading voice echoed in your head. 
“Come to the water. Help me.”
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spardarose84 · 3 years
This is still a work in progress but I suffer from debilitating chronic migraines (as well as some other health issues) and I just wanted to make a fic about MC (myself in this case) experiencing them in the Devildom and how a few of our beloved demon brothers would help MC with her pain. This is only part one but it sets the stage. Part two will probably be a bit more on the NSFW side but nothing like that in part 1. I hope you enjoy it. It brought me some comfort writing it. 
Migraine Diversion
Social events were never really your thing. Most people preferred to spend their Friday nights at a bar or a club or a concert; someplace typically jam-packed with people and quite lively. As far as you were concerned, getting into your comfortable clothes and curling up with a good book and a cup of tea was what you considered to be a ‘wild Friday night’. Honestly, crowds made you uncomfortable and you could never understand what people found enjoyable about being crammed together like sardines or having their ear drums ruptured by the loud music most of these venues played. And yet, here you were at just such a venue on a Friday night.
Asmo’s charm may not have worked on you but curse those pleading puppy dog eyes and those pouty lips of his. You just couldn’t say no this time around so, here you were sitting at the bar in the Devildom’s hottest nightclub The Fall. Asmo had been asking you to join him for a night out at The Fall for what seemed like ages now and you ultimately relented. You did adore the avatar of lust and while going to a club wasn’t your scene at all, you were willing to attempt it so long as it made him happy. And damn if his smile did not melt your little human heart when you agreed to accompany him.
The two of you had danced for a bit when you first arrived although, Asmo did most of the dancing and helped teach you as you went. You were starting to question your choice in shoes before Asmo decided it was time for a break and a drink. Asmo ordered himself a Demonus and a human realm Mudslide for you. You really didn’t drink much if at all but Asmo insisted that he get you something, so you politely accepted.
Currently you were sitting alone at the bar while Asmo went off and mingled with a few other demons. You sat there just sipping your drink quietly while the lord of lust did his thing when you suddenly became acutely aware of yourself and your surroundings. The flashing, pulsating lights of the club began to maim your eyes as they became increasingly sensitive. The music, which you typically loved seemed to turn against you, the notes becoming the shrill wail of a banshee that threatened to split your skull in two and rupture your eardrums. In that moment you knew you were in trouble as after all of this time a migraine had ambushed you.
You see, you had never mentioned it to the brothers but, you suffered from debilitating chronic migraines. Not that you had ever needed to divulge this information until now. Honestly, it was nothing short of a miracle that you had not had an attack until this very moment, especially considering all of the stress you had been under since arriving in the Devildom. As you sat there at the bar with this looming pain and increased sensitivity you were completely unaware that you had covered your ears with your hands to try and block out the music. You did not realize this until you felt a hand on your shoulder which startled you enough to jump out of your seat. To your relief, it was only Solomon.
“Are you feeling alright, MC?” asked the sorcerer.
You opened your mouth to speak, to reassure him that you were perfectly fine but those mysterious grey eyes of his told you he wouldn’t believe a word of it.
“No,” you sighed defeated. “I’m not feeling well…at all,” you confessed, telling him the truth without coming out and saying exactly why you were not well.
Solomon silently scrutinized you before he nodded in some sort of agreement with himself as to your words. The sorcerer could see that your complexion had paled significantly and that there were tears pricking the corner of your eyes. “Where is Asmodeous? I’ll have him take you home,”
“NO!” you protested before Solomon could even finish his sentence. “No…please,” you said a little softer. “He’s been really looking forward to tonight and I don’t want to take that away from him,” you admitted.
Solomon placed a hand to his chin in thought but nodded once more. “Very well. I won’t make him take you home but, can you get ahold of one of the other brothers? You know it’s not safe to walk around the devildom at night alone,” he reminded you.
Nodding, you pulled out your phone. Like roots from a tree trying to tether itself to the ground, a throbbing, stabbing pain was starting to take hold just above your right eye. You quickly sent a text message to Satan, apologizing for bothering him but asking if he could come escort you home.
The response was quick and to the point, as was typical of Satan. The lord of Wrath would come escort you home. You were to stay inside until he arrived however so, wait you did. Solomon got you a glass of water but the longer you stayed put in this club, the harder it was to concentrate on anything besides the searing pain in your skull. The migraine pain had completely taken root by this point and while you wanted nothing more to curl up in the fetal position and cry, you knew doing so would only make things worse.  
Only 20 minutes had passed when Satan finally arrived on scene. Solomon walked you out of the Fall to make sure you were passed over safely to Satan. Solomon was shady as Hell but he had proven himself to be a gentleman this evening so, he had that going for him at least.
Satan was looking at his phone not seeming happy with the time when you came out alongside Solomon. The blonde demon looked like he was about to give you a lecture until his eyes fell upon you and quickly assessed the state you were in. Rather than a lecture a sigh fell from his lips instead. “Thank you for staying with her, Solomon. I’ll take it from here,” Satan said approaching you and offering an arm to escort you home.
You gave Satan an apologetic look but took the arm he offered you wordlessly, thankful for it as vertigo had started to seep in at this point. You thanked Solomon and promised to text him later when you were feeling better before you and Satan started the long walk towards home.
The night was crisp and there was a definitive chill in the air that reminded you of Autumn evenings back in the human realm. Sadly, you weren’t able to enjoy any of it what with the stabbing sensation in your skull. Satan was quiet but ever observant and, since you were overly sensitive to everything right now you were hyper aware that those green-blue eyes were keenly watching you.
“I’m sorry,” you finally said in a soft and hushed tone.
Satan blinked at the apology but sighed and shook his head. “MC…you don’t have any reason to apologize. You’re obviously not well,” he said reaching over and moving a strand of hair behind your ear. “I would appreciate it though if you’d tell me what’s ailing you?”
“I…I suffer from what’s known as Chronic Migraines. It’s a neurological condition that causes multiple symptoms. In my case, excruciating head pain, extreme sensitivity to light, sound and smells and sometimes intense vertigo,” you explained. “There is no cure for it, just trial and error methods with medications. This is the first one I’ve had since coming to the Devildom,” you confessed.
Satan didn’t like hearing that you suffered from a chronic condition that had no cure. He didn’t like to see you suffer even though he wouldn’t bat an eye were it someone else. Everything had a different viewpoint when it came to you. “Is there anything I can do to make the pain go away?” asked the avatar of wrath.
You gave a little smile finding it sweet that Satan wanted to rid you of your pain but you lightly shook your head. “I’m afraid not. All my abortive medications were left in the human world. Best thing I can do is isolate myself in a dark, quiet room and hope sleep with take away the pain,” you sighed rubbing the temple above your right eye where your migraine always manifested. “I think I’ll take a shower when we get home. Sometimes the warm water helps,”
Satan nodded although the frown was still present. He wished you would have said something before now about your condition but realized that you had been whisked away here to the Devildom with no notice whatsoever. Diavolo really needed to reevaluate his selection procedures when it came to the exchange program. At least some sort of warning and preparation rather than being plucked from one realm to another straight away and without pause. There were certainly some kinks to work out.
At any rate, Satan returned you to the house of lamentation safely and without incident. You were grateful for the rare silence that had settled upon the usually noisy household but, as you passed the threshold, stepping into the artificially lit hallway just about did you in. You winced in pain as your extreme sensitivity to light only caused the imaginary hot poker in you head to delve deeper.
Satan frowned as you let out an audible whimper at the pain but he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Come on. I’ll take you to your room and while you’re showering, I’ll make us some tea. Does that sound good, Kitten?” he offered soothingly, shielding you from the artificial light as he stepped in front of your smaller frame.
You certainly did enjoy a nice hot cup of tea so you readily agreed which made Satan smile a little although it didn’t alleviate the concern in his eyes. As promised, he led you upstairs and made sure you would be alright on your own before he left you and went back down to the kitchen to get the kettle going.
Along with the soft glow of the fairy lights in your room there was a Himalayan salt lamp on your bedside table. The lamp had been a gift from Asmo when you had mentioned one day how you had a couple back home and loved the soft, soothing glow they emitted. You turned the lamp on once you were in your room. It was the only spectrum of light your eyes could stand right now and even then, it seemed piercing in your overtly sensitive state. You managed to get the shower going without incident, but you were still practically bathing in the dark. It wasn’t like you were doing anything spectacular anyway, just standing underneath the showerhead and letting the warm water caress your scalp, hoping it would be enough to compress the nerves and vessels in your head.
Up until this point you considered yourself quite fortunate that you hadn’t had a significant attack until now but, at the same time you had forgotten just how merciless migraines were to their victims and this one wasn’t letting it’s hostage go. It was pure Hell, and you were actually in Hell so, how was that for irony?
You sat on the shower floor in complete darkness and silence with the warm water cascading over your head long enough that the water eventually became cold. You didn’t feel great as you turned off the water but, it was at least a slight improvement from earlier. Beggars cannot be choosers after all, not in the game of chronic illness Russian roulette. You would take what little relief you could get.
It was as you were blindly reaching for a towel in the darkness that you found yourself being wrapped up in one. You squeaked out of surprise but the soft chuckle behind you told you everything you needed to know.
“A….Asmo?” you stuttered in surprise at finding yourself bundled up in a towel in the lord of lust’s arms.
“Hello my darling. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he said giving your head a soft kiss. “You weren’t there when I came back from mingling and Solomon told me that you had left because you were unwell,” Asmo explained as he helped dry you off with the fluffy towel. “Satan told me about your condition just now,” he said finding a comb and running it gently through your damp hair. “What a dreadful thing that ails you, my sweet. I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like,” he said giving a pout.
“Well I…I certainly don’t wish it on anyone,” you said softly in reflection of your pain as Asmo gently dried you off, keeping you close so you wouldn’t fall if your vertigo became particularly bad.
Asmo nodded. “Of course you wouldn’t, my sweet. Because you are a kind soul. But still, to suffer that kind of pain…why didn’t you tell us?” he asked looking at you with expressively apprehensive eyes.
“As I told Satan, it never came up in conversation until today. I’ve just been so preoccupied with everything…” you sighed, shoulders slumping downwards. “I’m sorry, Asmo…I ruined your night.”
“No, no, no, my sweet,” Asmo said placing a gentle hand on your cheek and stroking it with well-manicured fingers. “You didn’t ruin anything. Don’t even think that for a minute,” he reassured you as you made eye contact. “Now, enough talk about pain. Let us get you into your pajama’s and snuggled into bed. Satan’s bringing some tea for you,” he said planting a tender kiss to your forehead.
True to his word, Asmodeous helps to get you into your pajamas before leading you to your bed. He manages all of this with the lights off since he did not want to risk your migraine getting worse. Satan arrives just shortly after Asmo gets you all settled and snug in your bed, propping you up with pillows so that you can drink and enjoy your tea.
“Feeling any better?” Satan asked as he approached carrying a tray with three mugs. “It might not work with your migraines, I haven’t done enough research on them yet to know for certain, but I brought you an anti-inflammatory,”
You smiled tiredly at Satan, the lord of wrath seeing the toll that the pain was having on you and it was honestly a bit startling to see how quickly your health deteriorated. “Thank you, Satan. It certainly won’t hurt,” you admitted. “It’s still there but the shower helped a little bit,”
Satan nodded. “Good. I’m glad you found some relief,” he said gently handing you your teacup and the anti-inflammatory.
The warm cup being placed into your hands already relaxed you some. Satan had made you a London fog, the tea always seemed to evaporate the own fog in your brain. You swallowed the anti-inflammatory and quietly sipped your tea with Satan and Asmo by your side. You had gotten close to all the brother’s during your time at RAD but Satan and Asmo were probably the two brothers that you were closest to. The fourth and fifth born were almost a package deal like the twins and you were ok with that.
You finished your tea and started to feel the lull of sleep outweighing the pain throbbing furiously in your head. Satan took the empty cup and Asmo helped you get settled down and comfortable. The avatar of Lust lay next to you, softly running his fingers through your hair, his touch relaxing you even further as his fingers gently caressed your scalp. Within only a matter of minutes the sandman had finally arrived to rescue you from the vile pain. “Sleep well, Princess,” Asmo said as he lovingly kissed your temple, hoping perhaps somewhat childishly that the action would take away your pain.
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sunflowersseemhappy · 4 years
“I will find you.” Asra X Gender Neutral MC (Angst)
Anyone want a part two?
The taste of blood and dirt is fresh on Asra’s lips, he can barely lift his head, can hardly move through the pain coursing through every inch of his body. How long has he laid here? His body betraying him despite his commands to get up, to stand on his feet and do what needs to be done. Grimacing against the ground Asra can feel himself pulled once more toward unconsciousness, he’s been fading in and out of the waking world unwillingly for some time. This one no different as his mind grows hazy, taking him back to the moments just before this pain.
“I’m not saying that barmaid had a crush on you, but don’t you find it the least bit strange that she gave you a beer on the house?” Giving you a sly grin Asra nudges you in the ribs as he walks by your side, his heels kicking up dust into the evening air like smoke caught in a breeze. You contemplate the dusty road winding its way along the bank of a river, trees have taken over the landscape casting shade over the path that leads to the next town over.
“She was just being nice!” You retort, embarrassment crawling through your cheeks “I think…” Asra lets out a bark of light laughter, his smile gazing kindly over your face. His amethyst eyes are twinkling with glee as he takes your hand in his own, you can see the devilish suggestion in his eyes. Letting out a breath you shake your head ruefully, twining your fingers into his, you glance at his white hair. It’s grown longer since your travels began, part of you wonders if he can even see with his hair in his eyes like that.
“We really need to cut your hair back,” raising your hand to his unruly fringe you try to swipe it out of his gorgeous eyes, rolling your own as it falls back to its regular place. Asra gives you a mock wounded look, his acting skills rivalling even Julian’s as he speaks.
“You don’t like it?” Clutching his other hand to his chest Asra gives you a sultry look, his act dissipates into a chuckle as Faust raises her head from his scarf flicking her tongue about and tasting the air. You smile at the snake in greeting but Faust seems preoccupied with trailing her tongue in the air.
“Friends?” The lavender serpent twists her head toward the treeline, winding up Asra’s neck cautiously. Alert you halt abruptly in time with Asra, who squeezes your hand in warning. Your eyes are already scanning the trees, breath quickening. It could be nothing. It could be some kind of animal, but Faust’s senses are too sharp for it to be anything other than what you can guess. There is someone out there, although you try to banish the malicious thoughts that invade your imagination your skin is prickling, and your brain is going haywire. The only thing grounding you is Asra, but even he looks on high alert.
 “What do we-” You intake a sharp breath as a knife is pressed to your throat, whipping his head toward you, wide-eyed Asra can only watch as you are hauled back. Your grip on his hand loosening, you are taken away from his grasp a metre or two backwards. Whoever is gripping you smells like river weed and bitter smoke, the smell overwhelming you. Turning your head, you see a glimpse of brown eyes and scraggly hair.
“Nothing. You don’t do nothing.” Growls the man behind you, the blade of the knife is pressed lightly against your throat as Asra watches from his place. Already you can see him thinking through every possible situation, but even you can’t think of one. At least not one where you get out of this alive. Shaking at that possibility you watch as more men – clothed in subtle leathers and shrouded by hoods and masks train weapons on Asra, he doesn’t dare make a move.
“Please, just let them go…” Asra’s voice is shaking, his eyes locked on your own. A silent promise that he’ll get you out of this. “I’ll give you anything, no one has to get hurt.” Two men are closing in on Asra, but he hasn’t noticed, all his attention on you. Wiggling under the brown eyed man’s grasp you whimper as the blade draws blood, the red line trailing down your neck. He only tightens his grip and chuckles darkly at Asra.
“We make the deals here boy.” Although you’re unable to see the man’s face you can feel the smile in his voice as his free hand trails down your shoulder, feeling your body against your will. “This pretty thing should fetch a nice penny on the slave market. After we’re done with them.” You close your eyes flinching under their touch as the man presses against you in front of Asra, fear is racking through your body, but you stand firm. Determined to mask your fear. The display is enough to make Asra’s anger rise.
“You lay a hand on Y/N!” Asra rushes forward but the hands of the two men are already pulling him back and shoving his knees to the to the ground. Although Asra is strong the burly, heavy-set men easily push him down. Suddenly with a screech one rears back from Asra. Faust sinking her little teeth into his hand, coiling around the heavy-set man’s arm like a mouse to snack on. Your moment of triumph dissipates as you watch. Horrified as Faust is swung through the air, clinging tightly to the man as he bashes at her lavender body. Unable to withstand the onslaught of attacks any longer Faust lets go, thrown to the ground she doesn’t get back up.
“Faust!” You almost forget the blade against your throat and struggle to get to the snake, crying out at her tiny form laid prone on the ground. The brown eyed man behind you stilling you with a warning, pleading you reach out with your magic. The ebbing fade of Faust’s life force pulling at your heart. “Please get up Faust!”
“I’ll kill you for that!” Three men are gripping Asra, who struggles futilely against them, his face pressed into the ground as his free arm reaches for the python.
“Get off of him!” You demand, “let him go to her.” You’re ignored watching fearfully as the bitten man snarls in pain and looks at Asra accusingly.
“Faust-” Asra is panting heavily his eyes filled with tears, everything forgotten as he reaches for the snake. Trying in vain to reach Faust, Asra ignores the bitten man approaching his face curled into a sneer.
 “Stupid worm! Think you’re tough setting it on me freak?” The bitten man spits on the ground, baring his teeth he cracks his heel down on Asra’s outstretched arm, an audible snap echoing in the clearing. A strangled cry emanates from you as Asra screams in agony, writhing under the three men Asra buries his head against the path stifling his pain. The bitten man openly laughs as his compatriots watch with neutral looks, horrified you watch him kneel and grab a handful of Asra’s white hair. Lifting Asra’s head toward his.
“I’ll teach you a lesson you won’t forget,” growling in Asra’s face you watch as he slams Asra’s head against the floor. “You. Don’t. Mess. With. Us!”
“No! Stop it!” No longer caring about the knife at your throat, you sob as you watch the man slams Asra’s head against the ground with each word spat from his mouth. Coughing blood Asra groans as his head falls to the ground as the bitten man releases his hair and shoves the three men to get off Asra. A pleased look crosses the bitten man’s face as he stands above Asra.
“Your Y/N is ours now,” with a sense of finality the man kicks Asra in the chest, sending him sprawling to your feet. The man brandishing the blade against you releases you with a laugh as you bare your teeth, choking on your own tears. Falling to your knees your hands brush across Asra’s mud caked hair for a moment, his own blood staining the ground. You feel rough hands go to pull you up, struggling you summon magic to your fingers and feel a spell wash over Asra. Your hands are bound before you can fight back, looking desperately back you are dragged away from Faust and Asra, left laid bloody and bruised on the ground.
 It had all happened so quickly, now you were gone and Faust… Steeling himself against the pain Asra raises his head ignoring the blood dripping from his nose and the pounding of his head. The python is still there, lying against the ground still and silent. Asra reaches out with his senses, but the magic sputters out before it can even form, his head too hazy to even think about casting a spell.
“Faust,” his voice cracks, his mouth dryer than a desert. “We have to find Y/N, please get up. Please be alive!” The snake doesn’t move despite his pleas, panting heavily Asra crawls toward Faust pain shooting through his body. He can barely move his arm, but stubborn determination pushes him on and although it feels like a lifetime, he reaches Faust. Gingerly moving to sit up Asra gently scoops Faust up, limply coiled in his hand Asra feels fresh tears gather.
“You were so brave Faust.” Swallowing thickly Asra cuddles the snake to his chest, biting back a sob he looks slowly around. Footprints are scattered everywhere, his blood pooling on the ground from a couple of metres away. Yours is there too, the knife must have dug into your skin enough to make droplets of blood form a trail. “Y/N’s left us a trail Faust; we need to find them. Faust?” Asra’s eyes glance over the lavender serpent still unmoving, hand shaking he lifts her and plants a kiss on her head. A tingle passes over his body and he feels the pain lessen, magic working its way through his lips and along the serpent’s body. He gasps at the familiarity, your magic working into his bones. Looking down at Faust his hope dissipates, whatever spell you used didn’t work on his familiar. Tears rolling down his cheeks he sobs against the serpent hopelessness overtaking him.
“I need you Faust, I beg of you come back. Y/N needs the both of us.”
“Help Y/N?” A soft frail voice punctures Asra’s mind, gasping Asra looks down at Faust slowly lifting her head to gaze into his eyes. Your spell worked… “Find Y/N?”
“Yes,” Asra chokes out, cuddling the snake as best he can, Asra feels the snake’s coils wrap around his wrist and squeeze gently, Faust’s own hug building his confidence. Staggering to his feet Asra follows your blood trail with his eyes, it’s path through the woodlands clear as ink on parchment. He closes his eyes and makes a promise to the wind, hoping somehow, you’ll hear it too.
“I will find you.”
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imagine-zen · 4 years
Could I request a headcannon of the RFA+Saeran+V getting caught under the mistletoe with MC. Maybe they get a little flustered when MC kisses them or maybe they initiate it (it's up to you) ps I love your writing!
Right, I lovethis, but I have absolutely no idea how mistletoe lives in the wild, so, ifthere are any factual inaccuracies what am I say, there’s 100% some pls letthem slide and don’t yell at me, I’m sensitive and just wanna write cuteromance
Also some ofthese might not be 100% REAL mistletoe but like, mistletoe shaped, hope that’sokay :)
The two ofyou are throwing a holiday party at Jumin’s condo
It’s a smallparty, just RFA members and close friends
You’re havinga fun time, but still, you’re running around keeping track of food and how theguests are
You take amoment in the kitchen, eating some food, sipping some wine
You’re notstressed, but it’s nice to step back and just breathe, watch your guests enjoythemselves
You feelJumin approach you from behind, his warmth a comfort
Leaning back againsthim, you feel one of his arms stretch up and around you
You glance upand see a small, dark green sprig, adorned with soft white berries
“Mistletoe?”You ask, tilting your head back to smile at him
“Tis theseason” He hummed, a soft smile spread across his face
His handtugged on your hip gently and you turned around to face him, leaning up to kisshim
Your lipshave barely met before you hear Zen fake gagging
You chuckleas Jumin pulls you closer, starting to argue with the actor
You’rejogging with him one winter morning
The sun’sstill rising, its rays glinting off of the thin coatings of ice along branches
There’s alight layer of snow across the ground, though the path the two of you arerunning on is clear already from even earlier morning joggers
Zen suggestsa pause at an upcoming sitting spot along the trail
It’suntouched in the brisk air, snow lining blades of grass, a bench topped withsnow
You pull yourwater bottle out of backpack, enjoying the quiet beauty of the woods thatmorning, your cheeks stinging and your nose warm
“It’s gorgeousout this morning,” You comment, turning to look at Zen
“Everymorning with you is gorgeous,” He says while stepping closer to you
He smiles,tucking a strand of hair that had come loose from your ponytail behind yourear. “Wanna know why I suggested we pause here?”
Your cheeksare red for more than your run or the chilled air. “Why?”
He leans hisface in, pausing centimeters from your face as his eyes dart up above you
Turning yourhead slightly, you see a bushel of thin, green leaves poking out from beneath asnow coat
You have timeto identify the plant before Zen tilts your chin up and your mind is occupiedby the feeling of his lips against yours
“So, what doyou think?” You ask, glancing at him
He squints,thinking. “I think,” He nods his head subtly, raising his hand to point. “Yeah,let’s go with this one.”
You grin,picking up the fuchsia plant from the garden store’s shelf
“What’s next?”He asks, leaning against your shoulder to get a glimpse of the “to-get” listyou wrote up together last night
“Let’s see,we’ve gotten a good amount of flowering plants, wanna check out some herbs orfruits?”
While walkingpast the row of herbs lined up, thinking about which ones you and Yoosung usemost in cooking, you pause, recognizing the bundles of freshly cut branches beingdisplayed above the potted herbs
You grin,grabbing a cutting of mistletoe and going over to Yoosung on the other side ofthe cart
You tap hisshoulder, pressing a kiss to his lips as he turns
His face goesflush and he goes to adjust his glasses. “Wh-what was that for?”
You wave themistletoe as an answer. “Found some mistletoe, I had to.”
He breaks outinto a grin. “Don’t you have to be underneath the mistletoe to- you know?”
“Ah,” youglance at the plant then back to Yoosung, raising your arm to hold themistletoe over your heads. “You’re right, I guess we’ll have to try again,” Humming,you lean close to him once more
You’rehumming along to the radio, the kitchen lit with a warm glow from the lightsabove and out in the main room of the café
Jaehee comesback in, tying an apron around her waste
You laugh, “I’mjust about to finish up, you don’t need an apron.”
“It’s bettersafe than sorry,” She responds, flashing you a smile as she steps closer
She inhales throughher nose, the air full of sweetness
“They smelldelicious, right?” You say
“Hopefullythey’ll taste just as good,” She responds, flicking on the oven light andbending down to look at the cookies
“Your recipesare always amazing, don’t worry so much.”
The two ofyou continue chatting, you crack open the oven every minute or so to check onthe cookies before deciding they’re done and pulling them out to cool
“Oh!” Jaeheeexclaims, “You shaped them!”
“Yeah, I thoughtit’d be good; you know, ginger cookies during the winter, might as well have atheme, right?”
Jaehee nods,smiling as she looks at the mistletoe shaped cookies. “It’s a perfect idea”
“I have aneven better one,” You announce, picking up one by the edges and blowing on itbefore holding it out to Jaehee.
She leansforward, her face flushed ever so slightly, and takes a careful bite
She nods,chewing, and you can see her thinking of ways to improve on her recipe already
You leanforward, kissing her cheek softly
Her eyeswiden as she looks at you, and you decide she’s never looked more beautiful,with gentle golden light falling on her face and hair, a few crumbs on the cornerof her mouth, her eyes full of you
“Goodcookies?” You ask, leaning back a bit
She nods,trying – unsuccessfully – to hide the smile spreading across her face
The doorbellchimes and you lean back to glance at the door monitor
Mail man.
You grin,jumping out of your chair and navigating past the security to the entrance, signingfor the package and running back inside
You open thesmall package as soon as you shut the door, glancing around to make sure Seven hasn’tmoved
Holding thegift behind your back, you make your way into Seven’s computer room
His back istowards you, computer alert noises coming from one screen, game notificationsfrom another, some kind of radio can be heard faintly from the earbud danglingfrom its partner in Seven’s ear
“What came inthe mail?” He asks, the clack of his keyboard barely audible through the restof the sounds
“Oh, there’ssomething for,” You answer, walking up behind him
You lean overhis back, keeping the object behind your back for now
He tilts hishead back, smiling up at you. “Oh? What is it?”
You grin, movingthe small plushie you bought up and over your head
The plushiewas a mistletoe sprig, but the berries were little cat heads
“A kiss,” Youhum, moving to kiss him
Upside downkisses are always awkward, but worth it
You’re on awalk together during a fall afternoon
For someonewith so much information, he knew little about plants
You, on theother hand, had been a plant lover since you were small
So, the twoof you like to take walks, Saeran will point out different plants and you tellhim about them
It’s a funtest for you, getting to practice what you know, and he likes listening to you
At this point,there’s not many plants that you haven’t talked about – well, not that many alongthis path
The walks arestill good though, you talk and get to be alone together
The two ofyou are passing some woods, his hand keeping yours warm
The coldearthy smell of fall surrounding you
You’relooking up at the sky and the trees next to the path when your eyes light upand you tug on Saeran’s hand
“Oh! See thatbundle of leaves along the branch there?” You ask, pointing towards the plant
Saeran nods,looking at you in confusion
“Well, it’scalled mistletoe, have you heard of it?”
He nods again.“It can help with arthritis, right?”
You blink,having forgotten that. “Yeah, yeah that’s true! I forgot that, good job.”
He smiles,glancing down. “Well, if you weren’t thinking that, what were you going to say?”
“Right~ Yousee, there’s a tradition around mistletoe,” you start, tugging him closer to beingunder the mistletoe. “It’s supposed to represent love, so, when underneath anymistletoe, two people are supposed to kiss.”
As soon as youfinish your sentence, his eyes go wide and he glances up, then back to you. Hiseyebrows lower. “Really?”
You nod,miming an “x” on your chest. “Cross my heart.”
He seems tobe having trouble deciding if he was nervous or suspicious. “I mean – you saythat, and have just walked us underneath this plant…”
“Uh huh,” Yousay, stepping closer and leaning towards him slowly
His face wasstarting to match his ginger hair
“Are – isthis, do you want –?” He stammers, eyes now darting up and down
“If you wantto,” You hum, lowering your gaze to his lips
He gulps,staring at you before yanking you close and presses his lips to your, eyessquinted shut
You’re startledby his sudden movement but smile into the kiss, sliding your arms around himand holding him close
You’ve neverseen him this red before, and you can’t but chuckle, kissing his check
The two ofyou continue your walk, both smiling, your hands holding each other tightly
You frown, pickingthrough the bin full of props
“I don’t know,”You call out to V, who’s standing a few meters away at the photo stage fussingwith the set. “If you want a dappled shadow like that, I still think getting anactual branch and leaves would work best.”
He smiles atyou over his shoulder. “I’m sure you’re right, but I’d like distinct shadowsthat the faux plants make.”
Nodding, youplunge deeper, exclaiming as you find something that might work. “How aboutthis?” You ask, heading back over and waving the prop over your head
“Perfect!” Hesaid, taking the fake plant from you as you get to him
He hums, examiningthe mistletoe before eyeing with a soft smile. “This is good for more thanphotos, you know?”
“Oh? How so?”You ask, leaning against him as he wraps a hand around your waist
“Like this,”
You giggle asV pulls away from the kiss, his face suddenly nervous and shy
You placeyour hands on the sides of his face, pushing his glasses up to the top of hishead. “You’re right, that has many uses.” You hummed before pulling him back
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raccoonpoptart · 4 years
main six with a demigod mc
part two! nsfw ✨
warnings: mentions of sex (it is eros we’re talking about)
this was requested by @swimmingtragedyobservation ! thank you :) i used this post as a reference, as well as this website. this ended up being super long so i had to edit it a lot 🍓 i think this will be a series now hehe also can you tell muriel is my favorite omg
In this, mc will be a child of Eros (love and sex). Children of eros tend to be very flirty, mischievous, and even sometimes cunning. they are very attractive, keeping a youthful look even as they get older. in some cases, children of eros are fiercely compassionate and loyal to those they care about. Some of their abilities include (only listing the ones that will be mentioned): emotional energy beam, shield of love, archery, relationship detector, feelings manipulation (will only be used in a positive way~). they can even create wings and fly for short periods of time. i like to think children of eros have an aura that radiates pure love.
you probably only flirted with him once and he was head over heels for you (without you even meaning for it to happen)
both of you have beautiful hair and skin, people tend to be very jealous of how soft and youthful you both always look
you two are ‪inseparable‬! always kissing, hugging, holding hands, etc. basically always touching in some way
once tried to prove how much he loved you, but you did him one better and used your love for him to create an energy beam and burned your names together inside a heart into a fallen tree
he cried
teases you by saying it’s surprising you didn’t use your powers to make him love you as much as he does because he loves you a LOT
constantly tells you how beautiful/handsome you are (let’s be honest, he’s always showering you with all kinds of compliments)
tries to play matchmaker for people with you (“mc, do you want to grab your bow and play cupid today~”)
asks you to use some of your energy to make love potions more potent 🌸 he LOVES love (you even help with sex potions or charms)
you help him with love readings for people when he does tarot
always so amazed whenever you’re able to create wings and calls you angel all the time because of it
you go with him on his trips whenever possible and you love flying with him! not too much because that’s a lot of magic and he would cry if you got hurt
he can sense when you’re close based on your aura and always gets so excited when he knows he’s going to see you
just for fun: i think you guys would make necklaces that glow when you think of each other for when he’s away
(you always have very passionate sex, maybe a little too often~ you both absolutely love being intimate when you’re alone and would use magic of some sorts in bed)
always amazed at your beauty and makes sure to tell you how wonderful you look everyday
loves to give you beautiful clothing and make sure your hair is done, especially for important occasions
surprised when you tell her how old you are, cause she must admit she was weary about starting anything with you since you look much younger
she always gives you the nicest gifts like beautiful blankets, your favorite foods, body sprays, soaps, and more
when you told her you were a child of eros, she found it very interesting and asked if you had used your charm on her (“i’m only teasing! who wouldn’t fall in love with you, darling~”)
one of her favorite things is watching you interact with someone who was flirting, you immediately use your powers to make them lose all interest and walk away
loves when you make her room extra beautiful while she’s gone (her favorite flowers on the bed, using your magic to make it always smell like her favorite incense, etc)
finds it hilarious when you whisper about people’s relationships to her (“oh, i knew i sensed a spark between them! do you think any of our friends have been together?”)
adores how compassionate you are and loves to be taken care of by you (although she prefers to pamper you, she won’t pass up an oppurtunity to have your love wash over her)
loves when you leave her secret love letters for her around the palace, especially when you charm them and she can feel your love humming in her chest even if you’re away
she loves kisses on the forehead, on her hands, and shoulders
you never miss out on an oppurtunity to make a grand gesture of love for her! particularly likes when you recite poetry to her and give her flowers
at night you both love taking care of each other, starting with brushing hair, massages, venting, and especially getting her to relax in anyway (she is a countess with tons of responsibility after all)
(sex becomes a very passionate, and intimate thing for you two as well as something that helps heal nadia after particularly difficult days)
saw your wings once and has not stopped making the “did it hurt when you fell from heaven~” jokes
Flirting Competitions. that’s all
played off his doubt when you told him you were a child of eros by saying something lame like “you’re so breath-taking, i should have expected you’d be not of this world”
you sometimes use your energy beam to draw little hearts for him on his desk (it reminds him to take care of himself when you’re not around)
your aura would get a little addicting for julian
practically melts anytime you touch him because he can just feel your love for him radiating off you
like nadia, he was surprised when you revealed your age because he was expecting you to be wayyy younger
always asks you to pick up on people’s love lives, trying to place bets on if two people have slept together or not (just for fun)
calls you his god/goddess/goddex (genderneutral version), angel, darling, my love and cupid for obvious reasons hehe
did someone say date night every night?? because you guys do <3 even if it’s just little things like sitting outside and looking at the stars together, you both love making time for each other
always kissing or holding each you in some way, he can’t help but feel some comfortable and safe when you’re around
‪definitely‬ reenacts dramatic love scenes with you allll the time
he never thought he deserved love before but now he’s with the literal epitome of love and now he can’t imagine a life without you (please treat him like a god and never hurt him omg)
sometimes gets insecure, and unsure of why someone so gorgeous and caring would love him
you always remind him he deserves love in all kinds of ways when words don’t work (love letters at work, making him charms that make him feel your love and comfort at all times, always pampering him because it’s easy for you to take care of others, etc)
(you guys probably have way too much sex too but it’s just so intoxicating and he lovesss feeling loved you absolutely love being able to show him you love him physically as well, and he’d do anything for you)
you have to tone down the flirting a bit but you always make sure to compliment him! too much will make him do the windows xp shutdown noise
both of you make charms for each other, his are protective charms and yours are so he can still feel your aura (so he never feels alone again)
blushes so much every time you shower him with love and after a while he becomes comfortable with being super loving (it does take a long time if we’re being honest)
your aura is very intense for him at first but it eventually becomes something that he finds very comforting and can sense when you’re close
loves how you’re so loving with not only him, but with inanna and the other animals of the forest. your compassion never ceases to amaze him
at the beginning he would probably apologize a lot because you show him so much love so easily and it’s a bit harder for him but eventually realizes because it’s so easy for you, it’s not a burden, you just genuinely love pampering him
sometimes thinks he’s not doing enough but you almost cry every time he gives you a gift because you can feel how much love he put into it :(
even if you’re smaller than him he still loves when you spoon him and run your hands through his hair
making shields becomes so easy for you because of how much love you have for him and inanna but he still feels a bit bad when you use it (he wants to protect you but you slammed that uno reverse card down baby 🌸)
you burned a heart into his table to remind him he’s not alone anymore
you also used your energy beam to make a small inanna drawing on a rock and he loved it so much but all he said was “it’s nice” (you could tell he adored it)
his favorite thing is when you kiss his chest (where his heart is because i love being cheesy)
speaking of cheesy, whenever you hold him you alwayssss drag your finger in a heart shape on him (his favorite is when you do it on his palms or his back)
heart shaped EVERYTHING <3
(sex would always be very special, soft, and sensual because you both make sure to make the other feels as loved as possible)
absolutely stunned by how gorgeous you are
loves playing with your hair!! she always puts flowers behind your ears and kisses the crown of your head
once you told her, she started making everything heart shaped for you
you started to do the same for her because she almost cried the first time you did
would 100% make the “did it hurt when you fell from heaven” joke just because of your wings
pepi can always tell when you’re close so she alerts portia (cue the loud excited meowing)
love letters become a normal between you two, you always come home to find one slipped under the door (“i was just passing by, had to say hello to you, mc~”) and she always finds one somewhere in her cottage or somewhere you know she’ll find it
once you had pepi send one to her and at first she thought pepi wrote it till she read it then she cried
you guys hug each other ALL THE TIME and you make sure to kiss her cheeks every given chance!!! affection is a big thing for both of you
loves when you pamper her, which is good for you because you absolutely love showering her with love, affection, gifts, you name it (you even burned your names into a tree for her)
plants tons of flowers in her garden just for you!! (ex: flowers that are the same color as your eyes, hair, or your favorite color! she even plants your favorite flowers)
one of her favorite things is when you write love poems for her
whenever you spend the night, your aura would probably linger in her cottage for a while and she loves it so much especially when she misses you
because of that, you “accidentally” leave your clothes there a lot just for her to wear them :’)
(sex would most likely happen any chance you guys get because you’re both busy, but it’s always very heated and tender~)
did not expect you to actually like his bad pickup lines
‪definitely‬ didn’t expect you to flirt back either and almost melted on the spot (but had to play it cool)
your intensity is so attractive to him but also so intimidating, he can’t help but be drawn to you
the fact that you love him makes him feel like a god (you find it adorable but make sure he doesn’t let it go overboard)
he would NEVER admit it but he’s jealous of how perfect you look effortlessly (based of the hairline joke asra has made, i’m sure he’d be super envious of your hair since it’s naturally full and beautiful)
does everything he can to show you he loves you just as much as you love him because your love and compassion inspires him to be a better person
ex: buys you everything you want, has paintings done for you, always gives you beautiful clothes and jewelry, has a room made in the palace just for your stuff (but you sleep in his room anyway), etc.
you love to show him how much you love him too, but in different ways! ex: massages, making him sweets, poems, drawings if you’re an artist, constantly telling him he’s doing great and that you love him, etc.
loves making grand gestures of love!! has parties dedicated to you, redoes the garden just for you, and has the entire colliseum redone to your liking (would even have it taken down if you asked)
this man is deeply in love with you
his favorite thing is when you kiss his cheek or his forehead and neck
you once used your energy beam to make an ice sculpture for him but he was devastated when it had eventually melted away
instead, you decided to make him a charmed stuffed animal of a goat (whenever he hugs it your aura washes over him)
he pretended to find it silly at first but he keeps it safely on his bed and hugs it whenever you’re gone
the only times you can get him to relax is when you take baths, or when you give him massages in bed and run your hands through his hair (he absolutely loves this especially when you kiss him tons and tell him how much you love him )
(sex would probably happen often, and it would go back and forth between him doing the most one time, to you doing the most another time. you both love being super intimate and you both love showing each other how much you adore the other)
requests are open!
this is so long oops! it was so fun because honestly with an eros!mc of course every character would feel loved ALL THE TIME! i love this lmao it’s such a cute concept i love love 🌸 i hope you enjoyed and feel free to add on to anything ✨ i love doing greek mythology themed things, so i think i will make this a series :) let me know which god or goddess i should do next! i was thinking aphrodite but maybe it would be too similar to this one. i’m not sure, but i have more ideas 🍓🍓🍓 thankyou
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paulieshore · 4 years
Obey Me / SCM Au Series
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Words: 4789 
Warnings: I don’t know now to rate this, be advised? May take some time reading.
Characters belong to:
-          Obey me – Shall we Date
-          Voltage: Star Crossed Myth
Mc is Y/N, I have written her as female. Can gender bend if you please. ENJOY!!
Chapter 1: Goldie
 Just another typical day, well typical in the last year of your life anyways. Not many humans had the opportunity you did to study in another realm. You were recruited to study in Devildom under an exchange program to prove, demons, angels, mortals etc can live and respect each other side by side.
‘Diavolo’s dream’
To say it had been a pretty hectic few months would be an understatement. Luckily everything seemed to have worked itself out, you’d finished the exchange program (and passed!) even with all the ups and downs. Thankfully making it through alive, Belphie hadn’t killed you; hell, even Lucifer’s faithfully devoted and very scary temperament hadn’t killed you…. Yet, anyways.
Also adding that you found out you were a reincarnated, descendent of Lillith. The brothers’ sister not weird at all or something like that, to be honest there was a lot to take in for a simple human like you. Here you were though, furthering your study under the permission grant of Diavolo. Proving that, even when faced with adversity, when we (demons/humans/and angels) work together; we can get through anything.
Praying this year was going to be better, for all of you.
Beel seemed happier and hungrier with Belphie back, Mammon was still up to his usual antics to get rich quick. Lucifer working away and keeping order within the house, Satan reading away his life. Asmo as conceited as always, and Levi being Levi – going to school, gaming and anime.
Yup, another typical day in the House of Lamentation.
“Hey Y/N, next week there’s a school trip. We’re traveling to the outer limits of the city to study some of the earth for our essays regarding remedies. Want to be study partners?” Satan quietly sits next to you, prompting you to look at the D.D.D notification.
“Yea sure, I have yet to see the outside of the city! Is it like, devildom’s country side to human world country side?”
Satan shakes his head, “No, it’s barren waste land. Not even safe for low graded demons to be out in. So, with that said try not to wonder, yea?” he quirks his eyebrow up.
That was a dig at me wasn’t it?
You give him a pouty look, before laughing it off and nodding, “yea, yea, thanks for the warning.”
“Ah man, normally another school trip wouldn’t be so bad, but the outer limits are a bit boring!” Asmo folds his arms in exasperation. “Were literally going to spend the day, looking around stinking areas for rocks! Just to write about it, so dumb. I just done my nails, and the smell is going to take weeks to come out of my uniform.”
“Smell?” You curiously ask Asmo.
A voice jumps in the conversation, from behind “Ever smelt burning flesh of hundreds of rotting corpses?” Belphie inputs as he and Beel take their seats at the table.
Your eyes widen and you shake your head ever so slowly, the only thing you could imagine was that one time the candle flame lit a couple of your hairs on fire. That smell was bad enough, but burning flesh? Hundreds of rotting corpses? You had seen and smelt a lot of things but that would be a first, and you couldn’t exactly say you were curious to find out.
Just as you were sinking into a mind fuck, Lucifer appears at the head of the table, “Enough, no need to worry Y/N. Belphie is exaggerating.”
Your pulled from your thoughts with a look of relief.
“It’s just the smell of burning flesh, now no more talk, let’s try to have a peaceful breakfast.” He calmly states as he picks up his folk and knife unbothered.
The school hours passed by rather quick, you couldn’t help but to wonder, why in the hell did the outer limits smell of burning flesh? Was it like the bible stated, sinners burned in hell? All day your thoughts were plagued by this. When you ran into Simeon and Luke on your way out of school, they too were granted another year to study. Which was strange Luke couldn’t wait to go back to the celestial realm? Another year?
“Hey, you guys got a moment?” You didn’t mean to sound pathetic but your voice came off almost non-coherent.
“Y/N dear, what’s the matter?” Simeon gently caresses your cheek, “You look pale, has something happened?”
Head shaking side to side, before turning into a nod, “No not really, it’s more about what’s going to happen. This trip our class is going on later this week, the outer limits…. I was told of the smell…” Your voice getting quieter and quieter.
“Ah, you’re wondering why it smells of burning flesh? Luckily you were told before going, at least you can prepare yourself for it.” Luke pipes up beside Simeon, shaking his head in thought.
Nodding, “Yes, why exactly?”
“To be frank, we don’t ‘exactly’ know ourselves, this whole place has a variety of smells. The out skirts of the city are forbidden to even us, unless granted otherwise. It’s dangerous, If I were to give an educated guess, I assume hells fire. Creatures out there getting to close? Like moths to a flame.” Simeon grabs his chin, looking down to the floor.
Is that it? Guess I’ll have to ask one of the brothers, they might know; you think. “Hm, okay thanx a bunch. I better be going; I’m supposed to meet Mammon and Levi at the gates.” You turned and left.
“You’re not going to tell her?” Luke looks up at Simeon.
“No, didn’t you see her face? Its best if she didn’t know…” Simeon watching as your figure disappears.
“Where have you been, keeping me waiting with this scum.” You were approaching the gates of the school when Levi walked up to you.
“Sorry, I bumped into Simeon and Luke on the way.”
“The goodie two-shoes and the chihuahua, and stop calling me scum, I’m your older brother. Show me some damn respect.” Mammon joins, walking on the other side of you.
You debated bringing up the question but failed to, Levi was going on about another anime Solomon suggested. Mammon ridiculing over how dumb amines are, maybe another time you thought. The walk home was noisy but good, kept you from overthinking.
Days went quick, before you knew, it was the morning of the school trip. Oh shit, and you failed to find out, why?! Frantically getting ready in your room, it was like you didn’t even know your own room. Couldn’t find anything you needed, and even better, a bad hair day. Great way to start your day.
Just as you were rushing around the room, a light knock at the door caught your attention, “Come in!”
Lucifer appeared, “Y/N, breakfast was ready 19 minutes and 3 – no, now 4 seconds ago. Why are you not down yet? It’s going to be cold at this…” He scanned you over and sighed. “Your nervous about todays events? Don’t be, there’s no need to concern yourself with things you can not control. Here...” In his hands a small tin. “These are a special devildom coffee bean, open the tin and hold it under your nose if the smell today becomes a bit too much.”
You accepted and cracked open the tin, the smell was pleasant and strong. The smell exploded into your room, let alone your nostrils. “Thank you, Lucifer, how did you know?”
He slightly chuckles and ruffles your hair, “You look like a ‘hot mess’.”
“Hot you say?” Giving him your best flirty smile.
“Yes, but you seemed to have ignored the mess part. Now, quickly go brush your hair and straighten your uniform. Breakfast and then school, no more stalling.” Shutting you down and exiting with a shake of his head.
The tin was a nice thought, and he called you hot. Yes, you heard that right. Ha, ha, today worries seemed like yesterdays, you felt much better after Lucifer’s visit.
The trip towards the limits was full of chatter, Asmo sat behind you and Satan on the bus. Leaning over the top of the seat and filling in the silence with conversation. You subconsciously found yourself tapping the tin in the pocket of your uniform.
“Watcha got there?!” Asmo points. Satan’s attention follows the direction of Asmo’s finger.
“Lucifer gave me some coffee beans, to help deal with the smell.” You pulled the tin out and gave a gentle shake.
“Wow, that ass hat actually gave a damn about some one else rather then Diavolo.” Satan says with a scowl on his face. “is hell freezing over?”
Asmo and you slightly giggle, Satan’s calm persona really clashed with his temper. One would think he was a Gemini, hard to believe he was a Libra.
The bus stopped at its destination, after the class head gave a simple and short instruction, off you two went.
When they said barren waste land, you imagined nothing but rock for miles. No, the sky was dark shades of red, green and blues. There were trees, or dead ones anyway, every hundred yards; scattered about. Far and in between the trees and nothingness, was pits of crimson flames. The ground was a peculiar orange/brown colour, unlike the dirt at home, this felt of sandpaper. Near trees, and the pits you seen giant cliffs of rock. Minus the burning souls and demons dancing around with pitch forks, this was the perfect envision of what you were told hell looked like. Nothing like the realm of Devildom, which actually deemed lively and civilized.
The smell was overbearingly grotesque, is this the smell of burning flesh? You wanted to vomit; the tin of coffee though did help. Satan joked about shoving a couple of the beans up your nose to stop you from the dry heaving, every time you caught your breath.
You thought seriously about what he joked, anything to help with the smell.
So, you did.
Satan was first stunned and then fell to his knees in a fit of laughter. “You really are something else, Y/N”
You honestly couldn’t care how stupid you looked, at least the smell wasn’t so strong. You walked along the areas permitted, examining and collecting rocks and soil samples. When in the distance you swore you heard voices. You scanned the lands before you, nothing, you were about to return to collecting.
“Can you hear me?”
There it was again! The voices, were more of a voice, over laced like an echo.
“Satan, can you hear that?” You scoot closer to him crouched nearby.
“Hear what?” He asks not even looking from the rock and book in hand.
Maybe you were freaking yourself out, I mean there’s nothing out here.
**FLASHBACK** Hadn’t Belphie contacted me similar before? No, there’s definitely something out here with us.
“Satan, I think we should make our way back to the group.” Not breaking eye contact with the eerie terrain ahead.
“Yea, we just need a fire toads pebble. They’re usually found near the cliffs, just there. Come on.” Seemingly ignoring your warning, he grabs your hand and walks towards the cliffs which seemed soooooo far away from were you wanted to be right now.
“Can you hear me?”
No, no, no. The further out you two walked the louder the voice seemed.
“Don’t be afraid, I mean you no harm my dear~.”
Just like that, the anxiety that was growing was gone, like a spell had been casted over you. You looked around again, nothing.
Who are you?? You thought to yourself.
“Who am I? There are many things here my dear, I am just one of many...” it replied to your thought! The voice sounded soft, calming and cooing.
Finally feeling at ease, your feet started to walk on their own accord. Straight out towards one of the pits, Satan quickly grabbed your arm, breaking you out of your trance. “Yo, best not wonder, remember?”
Shaking your head, “Right, got the pebble?”
“Yea, thanx for all the help by the way.” He sarcastically counters.
“I’m sorry, I’m just not used to… well this” You gesture your hands around.
“It’s fine, but you’re not using that same excuse too when it comes to writing the paper, just so you know.” He smiles as he drags you back to the bus.
Back at the house, you stripped from your uniform and ran yourself a bath. Asmo was right, it was going to take some time to rid yourselves of the smell.
You slumped into the warm, lavender scented water.
“Can you hear me?”
You bolted straight up, covering your chest and rapidly looking around your bathroom. Again? But how?
“It’s alright, don’t be alarmed, my name is Daz.”
“I don’t mean to come off as rude ‘Daz’, but I’m a little busy at the moment could you possibly not!” You spoke out loud, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. It sounded right by your ear.
A knock at your door. “Yo, Y/N? You alright in there? Who are you talking too?” Mammon’s voice sounds from the other side of the door.
“No-one, go away! I’m bathing!” You quickly slump back into the water.
“Weirdo, your hanging out with Levi too much, starting to talk to yourself now too!” Banging on your door before exiting your room.
“Why didn’t you tell him my dear?”
You closed your eyes and whispered, “Look, I’ve seen and experienced a lot of weird things here. Today being no different, go away, id like to bath in peace.”
The voice did not respond, thank god! You took your time bathing, trying to unwind, accidentally falling asleep.
** The dream started off back at the bus, that same voice, echoing.
-          Can you hear me?
You turned around and found you were all alone, no one on the bus. No driver, no classmates, just you.
-          It’s alright don’t be afraid.
Your attention drawn to what looked like a trail of grey light, leading out into the barren land… You followed it.
-          That’s right, come to me. I’m alone, I could use a friend, just like you. The voice seemingly getting louder by a few nots.
You ask, - Daz? That you?
-          Yes dear, I am here, or near I should say.
 -          Daz, where are you, or who are you sorry?
 -          I’m a soul dear, but I’m afraid I need your help. I’m stuck.
 -          Stuck? Where, why can’t I see you?
 -          Keep coming my dear, you’ll see.
The trail ended near a cliff drop, you had never been here before but yet it felt familiar to you.
-          Daz? Where am I?
 -          You’re here.
 -          Here?
 -          Yes, look over, I’m here.
You glanced around and found a huge boulder, engraved into the stone a large black bird? Finely detailed, behind the black bird was a ring of flames, unlike anything you’d ever seen before. You reached out to touch the mark, and in that moment a loud and powerful voice boomed like thunder –
DON’T!!!! *****
You woke from your dream startled, sitting in now cold water. Shivering you step out and wrap yourself with a towel, glancing at the time.
3 Hours, you’d fallen asleep for 3 hours?!
Luckily you didn’t drown, quickly getting dressed, you decided to go seek out one of the brothers. Any of the brothers, this feeling and this dream really had you bothered.
Wasn’t hard to find anyone though, you could hear banter back and forth ringing from the kitchen. You approached the doorway, and pushed open the swing door. Mammon, Beel and Belphie were chattering and cooking. Upon entering they all glanced your way and froze.
“Oh my, are you alright!” Belphie asked with eyes as if he’d seen a ghost.
Mammon rushed to you next and placed his hands on each side of your cheeks, “By Diavolo! Y/N, you’re ice cold and your lips are practically blue. Did you fall asleep in the tub after I left?” He whipped off his sweater and draped it on your shoulders.
“I’ll make you tea.” Beel turned to put the kettle on, Belphie eyeing you suspiciously.
You wanted to speak, but felt as if you couldn’t. Even though you slept 3 hours, you felt so tired, too tired to even speak. Mammon guided you to a stool next to the counter, you sat and nuzzled into his sweater. Mammon lectured you on how easily you could have died, during which you could feel Belphie’s eyes staring into you.
As if he could sense what was going on, “Y/N, speak.”
You looked at him and tried.
The three of them looked at you in shock. “You can’t speak, can you?” Belphie reaches over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
You nod, you didn’t understand why, as if your voice was gone. You felt this overbearing weight in your chest when you tried, a force stealing away your energy.
Belphie barked out, “I’ll get Lucifer.” He scurried out of the kitchen. Beel and Mammon gave each other a look, before Mammon said he’d take you back to your room for rest.
Not long after, Lucifer, Belphie and Satan appeared in your room. Lucifer was given a quick run up about the trip today, Mammon explained you falling asleep. You couldn’t even tell them about the voice, about Daz or the dream. You watched helplessly, shaking and nodding when prompted with questions. When an idea popped into your mind, you tried to get up to get paper and pen.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down there crazy lady, you’re obviously sick. Stay in bed” Mammon tries to push you back. You shake your head and point to the direction of your desk; Satan catches on and retrieves a notebook and a pen.
You summarized everything they spoke about only including, the voice, Daz, the dream, and the marking followed by yet another more powerful voice. You ended the page with how you believe its related to how your feeling. Then handed it to Lucifer, he immediately began reading it. His face hard to read, until.
“Who’s Daz and…...” His eyebrows knit together; face plastered in anger. “I need to speak to Diavolo immediately! You are all to watch over Y/N, I will send a medic.” Then he was gone, he took the notebook with him.
“What the hell was that all about?” Mammon observes.
“Y/N, this has something to do with the voice you mentioned today isn’t in?” Satan looks at you pitifully.
You nod your head.
“Wait, were you talking to this said voice earlier when I came to your room?!” Mammon grabbed a hold of your shoulders and gave you a shake. Belphie silently pulled Mammon from you, still looking over quietly.
You nodded again; silence followed, everyone looked to be thinking about something.
“I think its best we take turns watching over Y/N until Lucifer gets back, and Y/N if you hear that voice again, be sure to say… or write, sorry….” Satan reaches out and places a hand atop of your head.
You closed your eyes, was this a dangerous soul? What was with that dream, why was Lucifer so angry then?
You began to ponder; you should write your own ‘Guide for Dummies’, what to do and what not to do. Would save future students or visitors from all the troubles you seemed to have always found yourself in.
A medic came to the house along with Solomon, Simeon and Luke. Everyone was whispering outside your door, only you, the medic and Satan remained in your room. After a thorough assessment the medic gestured Satan to follow him outside. Solomon, Simeon and Luke entered.
“Oh Y/N, we’ve heard, I’m sorry you’re not well.” Solomon places a get-well card at your side table, along with a fruit basket.
Simeon takes a seat next to you on your bed, “Whatever happens, just know you are safe. They are watching.” He takes your hand, cold, oh so cold.
They? Who are they? You wonder.
“Liars, all liars, so many secrets... This is not my doing my dear, do believe me.”
Your hand grips Simeon’s tightly, Luke and Simeon exchange stares. Luke opens the door and ushers one of the brothers in, Belphie. He grabs another notebook and pen and places it before you. As you write, a striking headache befalls you, enabling you from finishing. All you could write was, ‘He’s sayin-‘, the medic rushing in next, using weird tools and gadgets around your head.
“How strange, I can not detect any black magic, or any sorts of soul tampering.” The medic removes the tool from your chest, and turns to the others. “I need to report back to Diavolo with these results.”
You pick up the pen with what little strength you have, ‘what’s going on?’ and place it for Simeon to take. He gently graces your hand before taking the note, “It’s going to be alright; I promise.” He said no more and left, Luke following close.
Answers you just wanted answers.
“You won’t get answers, can’t see you the secrets before you”
You closed your eyes, and decided to speak to the voice, the only one who answered to your questions. – what do you want?
“Answers, and Justice. Just. Like. YOU.”
Daz? Is that even your name? What justice?
“I’m known by many names, but Daz is fine for now. Free me, I was wrongly imprisoned… Diavolo is a liar, his father is a liar, THEY’RE ALL LIARS! Free me, and I will help you dear. Anything you want. Help me, help you.”
Next thing you knew everything went quiet. Everything was dark.
You saw visions of black and white lights vigorously smashing one another, then a great light illuminated. You felt weak, a fading feeling, cries… you heard sobbing. You saw Belphie and Beel, only briefly, then another figure. He had blue hair, a uniform of white and gold. An angel? No, he felt much stronger than the presence Simeon and Luke gave off. The figure turned to you, holding one of the lights in his eyes in hand, the other spilling over with tears. -          Who are you? “It will all be alright, my love...” He said this and reached out his free hand.
In that split second, your eyes opened. As your head cleared, you felt increasingly better.
“You’re awake!”  Asmo jumped on the bed peppering you in kisses.
“I’m fine.”
YOU SPOKE! You looked at Asmo, I have a voice again!!
“Yayy, that pretty little voice of yours is back.” Wrapping you in a hug. “Best not over do it though, we don’t quite know why or how. As much as we like to hear it, let’s not push it.” Tapping the sides of your arms.
You agreed, and slowly got up, even your energy was coming back too.
After a quick wash up, a meeting was held. Diavolo had ordered Lucifer to keep you home for the time being, each one of the brothers had a privilege duty to stay home with you throughout the week. Taking turns each day, today you had Asmo, he didn’t mind either of the latter. Lucifer collected study materials and notes for you to be occupied with, and instructed you not to communicate with the voice in your head.
“Why, who is he, is he dangerous?” You just wanted answers.
“I can not discuss this with you. I’m sorry, just heed my order.” He gives you a stern look before turning and taking his leave as well.
“I told you”
You take a deep breath, and sit at a dining room table to work. Asmo was painting his nails opposite of you, chirping away about colour contrast and matching his outfits. His D.D.D rings and he leaves to take the call; you paid no attention. Mid reading, you heard Asmo scream, you darted from your seat and sprinted to the direction Asmo walked out of. As you passed through the doorway everything warped, you felt dizzy; falling to your knees. Sight moderately blurry, you forced yourself up and looked around.
You were no longer in the House of Lamentation.
You were standing on the out skirts of the city, in exactly the same spot in the dream, where the bus should have been. You looked around and seen a trail of footsteps heading into a direction, your foot prints. How? Was it not a dream? Or is this another dream…
“Y/N, you came.”
The voice returned, sounding sickly sweet.
But how? I was just at home.
“Home? How touching, do you think they care for you as Y/N? or perhaps they care about you because of Lillith.”
No, that’s not why… What he said stung a little, you wanted to deny it but apart of you festered. A part of you agreed.
“Come to me dear, help me, help you.”
You were off again, following the previous path you had set. Until you stood just before that very same boulder, with the very same marking from the dream. You reached out and touched it, no voices were heard.
The ground began to rumble, shaking with an earthquake force, the boulder before you began to crack.
“That’s it, just a little more!”
An image began to appear in your mind, a dark figure, with pitch black hair. Dark markings on his forehead and eyes, and a black robe covering his body. His skin was sickly pale and his voice churning from the calm and cooing state to dark and haunting one. He gave you a creepy smile and a blood curdling laugh, which pierced your body and soul like electric bolts of energy.  Some bolts began to curl and strangle within you, like a snake, strangling your organs of life. Fear took hold, spreading in your mind like wild fire.
Darkness embezzled you, “Lucifer! Satan! Beel? MAMMON?! SOMEBODY, ANYBODY!?!” You screamed their names for dear life while you fell into the abyss.
“Your life is now mine former goddess! I’m free at last, I will destroy all of you for placing me here! Foolish girl, don’t you know not to go talking to strangers!”
His face contorted, an even wickeder smile ripping into his higher cheeks, up to his ears.
How were you supposed to know though, the voice calling to you sounded, calming? Cooing you to obey and come, so you did.
How were you supposed to know, there wasn’t a sign saying do not touch!
How were you supposed to know, nobody told you anything!
You felt the life slowly leaving your body, death. This time there’s no going back. They didn’t come, no one’s saving me this time. So many secrets, so many lies.
With the last of your thoughts, the last of your hope.
Please, oh please, I wish this would end quickly.
Just as you accepted your fate, a blinding and powerful light engulfed the area.
Tears welled in your eyes, “You came, you guys actually came!”
As the light dimmed, and your vision cleared, 6 figures stood before you.
Weakly, “Wait, who are you?”
“If we would have waited, you would have died filthy human.” The one with black hair styled a little like Lucifer’s spat out. He frightened you!
“Be kind Scorpy, can’t you see she’s been through hell, like literally! Ha-ha” The one with soft brown hair chummed in, like a happy child.
“Silly Goldie, were gods obviously.” This one who spoke had beautiful blonde hair, and flashed you a charming smile which caused your pulse to quicken.
Not exactly listening to what was being said, to engrossed in what they were wearing. They had on white uniforms with gold, some of white, gold and black. You scanned the men before you –
One stood out most, he seemed familiar, like you’d seen him before. The blue haired one from you vision! Your eyes widen, suddenly another light and a voice that followed.
“Welcome to Paradise Y/N, daughter of Man.” That same voice, the one that warned you like thunder, spooling across the sky.
You squinted your eyes to get a better look, he looked just like the wicked monster in black. Only he was not him, this man was surrounded by light, warm light. His hair long and almost a white gold, laying upon his head, a crown. Beautifully draped in white and gold attire, he was stunning, prettier than any man or woman alive.
“You flatter me child, but we are no mere man.” He didn’t speak out loud but replied directly to your thoughts, warm and inviting “We are gods.”
Gods? Oh, okay…
That was the final straw, you had fainted. All your energy gone, the last of your strength exasperated from the crippling events.
To be continued….
CH2 - CH3 - CH4 - CH5
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Thanx a bunch if you’ve read my story, you lovely lot. xxxx
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kaziklubaby · 4 years
LOVE LOVE LOVE your micah x readers. Maybe do one where reader has feelings for micah--possibly upset about it cause hes just a dick to everyone including the reader--and he catches the reader touching herself while calling his name and he has to punish her for it.... I am such a Micah Hoe.... love the kinks (choking, hand spanking, hair pulling, and biting--sometimes to bleed--and love the "good girl" stuff) 🤤🤤🤤🤤 sorry for I have sinned
Hi, anon! I’m so happy to receive an ask right now! yaay~
And thank you so much for your compliment, I’m just a humble bitch trying to write something nice.
I hope this small smut meets your expectations
Title: Swamp Nights
Words: 1.6k
Pairings: Micah Bell x f!reader
Warnings: (+18)
     It was a hot sultry night on Shady Belle, the air so thick and warm that your skin felt sticky. You’ve been trying to hide away from the others to try and relax since it had been a terrible day. Maybe it was because of the moon that was turning full or maybe a general coincidence, but Micah had been particularly nasty that day. He didn’t show you any mercy, provoking you from time to time - and he perfectly knew how to press all the right buttons.
     It seemed as if he felt a dark satisfaction in making you angry, trying to extract the worst from you.
    “You could wash my clothes today, MC, they’re just a bit dirty” - he would say while dumping rags and shirts with his dry cum on them - “That’s what you do right? Wash it clean. Maybe you’ll get an idea of how a man should smell”.
     And you couldn’t control yourself.
     “Why don’t you wash it with your tongue, you bastard! Lick it and shove it up your ass!” - you screamed near the river, getting on your feet as quickly as your temper made you to.
     Micah would laugh.
     “Getting bothered, doll? Don’t worry, there’s more where that came from” - his crooked smile made your blood boil under your skin - “If you is good, I may even give you some…If you deserve it”.
     You hated the way he touched his pelvis as he said that, as an invitation. 
     “You’re fuckin’ disgusting! A worm! Not even your mother you take you back into her womb!”
     “Is that a compliment?” - he never seemed offended, but rather enjoying your rage, like he was always preparing the final act for later. Micah’s smile reminded you of a crocodile, all teeth and no true laugh, cynical, the way he waited for the proper time to take you down.
     Now alone in the dark, you felt that rage traveling throughout your body, burning you slowly, but never completely fading. But, if you hated his guts, you hated yourself more. He was the last of the men, and yet, when you thought of him, you couldn’t help to feel wet. So wet, almost as if you peed yourself.
     You had kept one of his shirts for that night. A red one. His scent was heavy on the fabric, filling your nostrils with his bittersweet smell. Your hand traveled inside your pants, your fingers easily finding the source of your desperation - secret cave, empty dwelling in feverish heat, in wanting of something to fill your desire.
     With the other hand, you kept his shirt against your face as you played with your soft skin. Two or three fingers, it wasn’t enough, even if you stretched the small space, it felt as if you were trying to put out a fire with a cup of water.
     “Micah… you son of a bitch… I hate you so much…” - you said and kept saying between whimpers and moans. 
     You hated him so much that the feeling of your fingernails ripping against his face was a regular daydream, but when the night fell and your body went warm and lonely, you wanted a different thing from him. 
     It was true, he made you feel bothered. You never had laid with him for obvious reasons ( in fact, with none of the men on camp, you weren’t some type of rent-whore), but you couldn’t let go of the idea of actually go through with his proposal.
     What were you? Some kind of moron?
     You closed your eyes and pushed your fingers even deeper into your insides. Oh, yes you were the biggest stupid out there, and you needed him so bad it made you feel ashamed.
     “I thought I heard my name…” - you heard.
     Suddenly your eyes were wide open, you hid your hands behind your back as quick as you could. You were far away from camp that night, meters into the swamps, and the lights of the house were but a ghost lingering in the night, but even so Micah Bell had found you.
     He must had been waiting for this chance.
     “Don’t mind me, sugar, you keep doing whatchu doin’” - he said, and his voice was heavy with a dark tone, even if he tried to play it as casual.
     You were so surprised - almost scared - that you couldn’t say anything. Shame and fear crossed your eyes, as you looked for a place to hide.
     “I know that look… you look like an animal that wants to escape from me… - he breathed deeply the night air, making noise - “And you have my favorite shirt on top of that. Didn’t anyone teach you that stealing is wrong, little girl?”
     He was satisfied like a reptile. All teeth, no smile. 
     “I can’t let that pass… Or else you could go on robbin’ other folks too, and we don’t want that, do we? You is lucky that was I who found out your little crime… and your little pleasure”.
     “No, Micah, go away” - you suddenly found your voice as you stood up to your feet.
     “I simply can’t, doll - he said, coming into your direction, you were frozen in place - “someone has to punish you good so you won’t forget who owns you…” - he said, and his hand grabbed between your legs with resolution, pressing you with violence - “Bad girls have to be punished”.
     You felt all your strength fade with a moan, your legs went numb and all you could think of was his cock inside of you, thrusting against your womb. You didn’t know what hurt the most, his hand or the desire within yourself.
     He pushed you against a tree and demanded your pants on your knees. You were so ready to have him that your cunt ached like thorns were already inside of you. Your mouth was closed in a hard line, but your eyes were humid, melted in pledge.
     “I hate you… I hate you Micah…” - you said again, trying to regain some control.
     His hand now discovering your secrets with rough fingers.
     “I can feel how you hate me, right here…” - he said, pressing your clit.
     You moaned - it was a cry of pleasure and pain. You didn’t want to wait anymore, but oh! how sweet it was the waiting, nonetheless. A neverending type of madness crossing your body and mind. 
     “Tell me, how should I educate little girls that don’t do what they is told?” - he rubbed you hard and intensely. His eyes never leaving your face.
     You tilted your head back against the tree.
     “Fuck me…” - you whispered.
     “Look at me when I’m talking to you” - he said - “Good. Now, say it again”.
     “Fuck me.” - you said, frustration painting your words.
     “And…? Ask me nicely and I might do it for you, or else… I’ll have to find another way to punish you”.
     “Fuck me, please Micah!” - you said, as he slipped his fingers inside of you, exploring each wet corner.
     “Then I’ll make you my cum-whore. I’ll stuff you with cum and piss, and you will thank me every time”.
     For a moment you too were silent, his blue eyes locked into yours, you could smell whiskey on his breath, and also feel how his band abandoned your cunt and turned you facing the tree.
     “Fuck me now!” - you squirm opening your legs like a whore on a heat, everything to make his entrance easier, deeper, please, cum in me, fill me with it until I can’t take it anymore. 
     He opened his trousers, and his dick was already hard as you felt it against your butt. Painfully throbbing in the night air.
     Micah grabbed you by your hair and in a single thrust he was inside of you. All of him at once. 
     “So tight MC… If I didn’t know better, I would say you is still a virgin” - he said as he stretched you to him.
     You felt as he pushed against your core, and your cunt ached as if it was a raw wound. He kept moving his hips deeply inside of you, violently shaking your body as you held onto the tree. The harder he was, the louder were your moans.
     He kept holding onto your hair, pulling your head back until you could see only the sky hidden behind tree branches.
     “You was all high and mighty, no man could lay a finger on you, wasn’t it?”- Micah said with a sadistic pleasure - “Well, now you ain’t nothing but my cum-whore, and you’ll take any shit I give you”.
     And he pounded against you with anger and lust. You could hear his breathing against your ear, and how good it felt when he bit you on your shoulder. Ravenous pain, tears and cries. He had rendered you his completely. All flesh to his pleasure, to his anger.
     You felt your legs shaking uncontrollably, and for a moment all went blank as you felt a strange liquid running down your legs. You had pissed yourself? It never happened before.
     “Ugh, you’re so disgusting, pissing on me like that… I think you’s even hotter now” - he said, between surprise and satisfaction.
     And he found a way to fuck you harder, hitting your butt cheeks as you moved for him, much like a slave with no control of its own. You were no longer “you”. You were his desire, his cum-whole, and his alone.
     You could feel his cum filling you by this point, warm and thick. He moved a little longer to be sure you took all he had that time, no wasting his seed.
     He left you there. Naked and shaking, dripping cum and sweat.
    You were angrier than ever.
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aiimaginesbts · 4 years
An Unexpected Insight
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A/N: I interrupt the normal (if sparse and irregular) fanfics with a Mr Love fanfic I wrote for the Mid Year Contest! This is my first Mr Love fanfic and it didn’t go through a beta-reader, so please be kind to me. 
It's a story I made up for Gavin and MC's high school time inspired by the Campus Date. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome as per usual :D
Reader x Gavin
Genres: Fluff
Word count: 1,935 words
Disclaimer/Copyright. Photo from Mr Love: Dream Date.
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There was something about autumn that tinged everything with a touch of warm color, like a painter had brushed everything with a brush dipped in yellow-orange paint. The park that I cut through on the way back from school was an especially good example of this. Home to countless trees shedding their leaves, the whole scenery before me was bathed in a luxurious golden hue. However, today, there was an extra delight waiting for me amongst the beautiful yellow and red leaves.
As I passed by one of the few maidenhair trees in the park, my ears perked up at a series of high-pitched barking. My head spun wildly around, trying to locate the source of the sound until I found it under the shade provided by the leafy branches. “Oh, look at you!” I squealed at the sight of a small puppy in a box next to the tree trunk, yapping for all it was worth. Running towards it at first, then as I approached I slowed my steps down, gauging its reaction to my proximity. Thankfully, it didn’t seem scared of me at all. Rather, its response was the opposite. If dogs could smile, this one definitely was, and I could see excitement dancing in its dark brown eyes.
Crouching down next to the box, I held out my hand for it to sniff. The box was quite large, and the tiny thing could barely hook its front paws over the edge. Nevertheless, it leaned forward to smell my hand, and quickly started to lick my palm all over. The sensation of its wet, rough tongue made me giggle uncontrollably. “Hey, that tickles!”
After spending some time petting and playing with it, I gathered the courage to lift the puppy out of the box. It was only then that I noticed two bowls; one white and the other blue in color in the corner of the thick cardboard box. “So, someone is taking care of you, after all,” I commented to no one in particular, noting that some of the water and food left in the bowls had been consumed. Now that it was free of its four-walled confines, the puppy was even more excitable than before. It was hard for me to double-check under its fur, but I confirmed it after struggling a little with the puppy; it wasn’t wearing any collar.
For a while I played with the adorable baby dog, letting it stretch its legs for a bit by allowing it to run around the tree. As the sky was growing dark, I had to regretfully return it to its box and rush back home. “You don’t have an owner, but someone is looking after you,” I thought to myself as I walked away. “Hmm.”
Every afternoon after school was spent in the park with the little puppy from then on. I refrained from giving it a name, wary of growing attached to it. Yet I found myself falling in love with it anyway. Naturally, I wondered who was feeding it. The bright yellow ginkgo leaves were gradually making their way towards the ground as days passed, and at some point, I noticed that the big box was newly lined with some thick blanket, giving the puppy warmth in the progressively cooling days and nights. However, I never managed to even catch a glimpse of this mysterious caretaker. My curiosity on the matter grew each day, but I always managed to miss this person somehow, even when I came earlier than I usually would on the weekend.
The golden opportunity for me to unravel this mystery popped up unexpectedly just two days later, when I was stopping by on my way home from school as usual. Lifting the puppy up into my arms, I immediately noticed that the bowls had not been filled like they usually were. “Oh!” I eyed the empty containers more excitedly than I would look at bowls filled with diamonds. “The person didn’t come here yet?” I asked the puppy. As if it understood me perfectly, it let out a sad whine, making my heart cry out for it. “Are you hungry?” It tilted its head adorably in response, but of course, it didn’t say anything. Then it began to fight its way out of my embrace.
At first, I was confused. I thought we had built a rapport this past ten days, so why did it want to get away from me? “Oh! Do you need to relieve yourself?” Sure enough, once I lowered it down to the ground, it quickly sped off to the tree after next to do its business. Watching from afar, I chuckled to myself. Good thing I figured it out in time, otherwise it might have let itself go all over me. As I kept an eye on it so that it didn’t venture out of my sight, I considered buying it some food. But what if the unknown person who had been feeding it came while I was gone? Crossing my arms and tapping my foot in thought, I turned the options over and over in my mind. I’d been dying to meet this person ever since I’d met the puppy. On the other hand, I didn’t want the poor animal to starve.
I stood there for a while, watching the baby dog prance around, then finally decided on a compromise. There was still over an hour before I had to go home. At the moment, the puppy seemed more eager to play around than it was to eat. So, I made up my mind to wait until the very last minute possible for the person to show up, giving myself just enough time to run and buy some food if he or she ended up not coming. Recalling the nearest pet store that I knew, I mentally calculated the distance and time it would take for me to run to the shop and get back.
Resolution made, I sighed in relief, taking a seat on the bench conveniently placed underneath the lush branches. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. The pleasant weather and peaceful atmosphere at the park made it the perfect place for an afternoon nap.
If I hadn’t heard some rustling and felt a light breeze sweeping over me, I might never have woken up until it was too late. As it was, the chill jolted me awake, reaching to wrap my light sweater more tightly around my body reflexively. My sudden jostling must have been startling, because it caused a jumping movement next to me, drawing my attention immediately.
Crouched down beside me was a young man with straight brown hair, sporting the uniform from the same high school I attended, scratching the puppy under its chin. At first, I couldn’t see his face, and when I peered downwards to take a peek, he dipped his head down even further, groaning out loud at being discovered. Deciding that revealing his identity was inevitable, he lifted his chin up. Upon seeing his face, my heart leapt with shock, then my head tilted in confusion and after that, my body contracted a little with fear.
“Uhm… Gavin?” He and I weren’t in the same class, so I’d heard about him from other students rather than know him personally. The things I’d heard so far weren’t very encouraging. He was infamous as a troublemaker, not only in our school, but it was considered general knowledge around the whole area. My classmates had whispered among themselves about how he was always getting into fights, not just with fellow students and teachers, but with the less savory characters around the neighborhood as well. These gossips were repeated loudly in my head like an involuntary warning siren as my eyes looked him over. Fresh cuts and bruises on his face and hands were indisputable proof of the rumors. Did he just get out of a fight? Even though I was scared, I managed to ask, “Are you okay?”
“Huh?” He responded, befuddled by my question. Unsure how to answer him, I started to reach for one of the cuts on his handsome face. Before I could touch him, he backed away, as though he was the more frightened one between the two of us. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said gruffly.
Not daring to prod him further, I gazed around for another topic. “Oh!” I saw that the bowls had been filled up. “Are you the one who has been feeding the puppy?”
Instead of answering, he bristled, like a threatened dog. It made me want to laugh, despite myself. Gavin was unexpectedly cute. “What’s it to you?”
“I was just wondering why he hasn’t taken it home, instead of taking the time to come and feed it here every day,” I shrugged, pretending I didn’t know it was him.
“My apartment doesn’t allow pets,” Gavin answered, then flinched when he realized that he’d given himself away. Turning to me defensively, he reflected the question back to me. “What about you? Why haven’t you taken it home instead of playing with it here every day?”
My mouth gaped in surprise. Had he been watching me? I never noticed. However, I knew that he would probably jump ten paces back if I let on that I’d noticed his slip-up. While that would be beyond amusing to watch, strangely I didn’t want to drive him away. “My father is allergic to fur.” I smiled apologetically. “It’s really nice of you to look after it, though.”
Gavin stood up, refusing to meet my eyes. Was he… blushing? It must be the wind, I told myself. It was pretty windy today. My cheeks felt a little raw from it, too. At least he wasn’t running away. After a pause, he cleared his throat. “The shelter looks overcrowded. And this puppy is already so tiny. If I let it get any skinnier than it is, some naughty kids and bigger dogs are gonna bully it.”
Lips pursed, I looked down at the puppy, noting the happy wag in its tail, its sleek coat of fur and healthy body. It wasn’t skinny at all. I smiled to myself. Although I’d heard stories about Gavin bullying weaker students, here he was, wanting to ensure that a defenseless animal wouldn’t get hurt. “You’re really kinder than I thought.”
I lifted my chin up, then shook my head, not wanting to repeat what I’d murmured under my breath. “Can I help you take care of it?” I asked without much thought. Although Gavin still scared me, I couldn’t deny that he was intriguing.
“There’s no need for two people to care for it. Plus, I found someone who’s gonna take it in after they finish renovating their house in a week or two,” Gavin’s answer was blunt and reflexive, as if he was used to being on his own and pushing everyone away. He paused, then stole a look at me from the corner of his eye. “But if you really want to… I guess that’s fine.” His agreement brought a smile to my face, but it made him pricklier than ever. “I gotta go.” Without giving me a chance to answer, he dashed off like the wind, falling gingko leaves fluttering about in his wake.
I watched him leave in silence, immersed in thought. Gavin might be dangerous and unapproachable, but maybe he wasn’t as horrible as the rumors made him out to be. Even if he wasn’t kind to humans, at least he was kind to animals. Someone like that surely couldn’t be all that bad.
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A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read this! If you like it and want to vote for me, here is the link to my comment!
For my BTS readers, please look forward to my Jimin one-shot for the Summer Collab on Saturday at 10am KST!
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