#and i hope you’re in a much better place now
norris55s · 2 days
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loml - max verstappen
singer reader x max verstappen social media au
warnings: it's a breakup one
a/n: all this because taylor swift said lion in a song. fc is dua lipa!
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liked by bellahadid, kehlani, and 986,298 others
y/ninstagram: welcome to hot mess express (my life)
view all 3,354 comments
bellahadid: an angel
user63: she’s so pretty i wanna die
user23: at least she’s recording something
user82: no fuck ass car guy?
user54: you mean three time world champion max verstappen?
user82: yeah, fuck ass car guy
user57: no you’re right where is fuck ass car guy?
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y/bf/ninstagram has added to her stories
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liked by gigihadid, selenagomez and 1,658,256 others
y/ninstagram: hot girl summer i guess?
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user71: i want to see her smiling again so bad
user94: it’s all for the better my y/n
user83: you can’t deny the breakup glow up
user65: and contrastingly max hasn’t won a race since the break up so who’s winning
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liked by maxverstappen1, taylorswift and 1,658,852 others
y/ninstagram: This is a song that comes from a place deep within my soul that I hadn’t come in contact with yet. There’s so much heartbreak and sadness in it, but with that wave of feelings came a cathartic breath of fresh air. I hope you can breathe it in too. loml out now.
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jgracie · 3 days
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masterlist | rules
pairings percy jackson, jason grace, leo valdez, frank zhang & travis stoll x reader
warnings none!
on the radio the cheesiest love song you could think of
an wanted to post something this is what i came up with
percy ⊹ she fell first, he fell harder
in camp half blood, having a crush on percy jackson is seen as both a blessing and a curse. a blessing because he’s the perfect guy - he’s cute, respectful, charming, funny, and so much more! however, he is also a gold rush. everyone likes percy, how could you possibly get a chance with him? it’d be better for you to move on and find someone less popular in the love department. despite all the warnings you receive, you can’t stop liking him and, well, it seems aphrodite commends your commitment towards the son of poseidon! for all of a sudden, all he can think about is the way your eyes shine in the sun and how your laugh rivals any song on the radio. it doesn’t hit percy how much he likes you until he’s replaying a brief interaction he had with you from three weeks ago instead of sleeping. as the realisation slowly sinks in, percy smiles. not only did he fall, but he fell hard
jason ⊹ everyone can see it but you two
everyone who knows you and jason knows that the two of you come as a package deal - wherever you go, jason follows and vice versa. you would go to tartarus and back to ensure jason’s happiness, and he would do the same for you! classic best friend behaviour, right? it’s totally normal to cuddle your best friends to sleep, right? you’re allowed to look at jason’s biceps as he trains in a friendly way, right? you just admire his strength, nothing more, nothing less! he stares at your parted lips as you suck air into your lungs after a particularly hard day of training, but that’s just because you’re his best friend and he thinks you’re gorgeous in a friendly way! your other friends are all just overthinking it, you and jason definitely have a typical best friend relationship with strictly platonic feelings… right?
leo ⊹ brother’s best friend
the one rule your brother drilled into you your whole life was that while you could date whoever you wanted, his friends were strictly off limits. you’d abided with no issues whatsoever, all of his friends weren’t your type anyway, and it’d be so awkward dating someone who already has a lot of history with your brother (especially if you break up later on)! if all of that is true, why’s your heart desperately yearning for a certain mechanic by the name of leo valdez? and why does it feel like he yearns for you, too? the universe seems to have laid out the perfect romance, so naturally, you seize the opportunity and express your gratitude. all you have to do is explain the situation to your brother, who would be furious… oh well, you might as well hide your relationship while you think about how to tell him - it’s not like he notices the sneaky touches leo gives you when he’s ‘not looking’
frank ⊹ childhood friends to strangers to lovers
when frank had disappeared all those years ago, you were devastated. how could your sweet frankie, the boy who lived right next door, the boy who’d play house with you and kiss the bruises on your knees in hopes they’d heal quicker, leave you without saying a word? no matter how much time passed, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. time did not heal the wound frank left right in the middle of your heart. it wasn’t until you discovered you’re a demigod and were taken to some place called camp half blood that you’d run into frank once more. now, he was known as praetor frank zhang: son of mars, legacy of poseidon. despite all the fancy titles and duties, your frankie didn’t change, and as the two of you grew closer and closer, you couldn’t help but feel something more than platonic love for the boy next door
travis ⊹ fake dating
you wanted to make your ex jealous, travis wanted to get his crush to finally realize she likes him. what better way to achieve both goals than by fake dating each other? the two of you already got along pretty well as friends, so pretending to date each other wouldn’t be questionable or hard! all you had to do was be a little more touchy than you already are for a month or two, then, once your ex wants you back and he gets the girl of his dreams, you ‘break up’ and move on. however, you can’t help but feel jealousy yourself whenever travis talks about this girl - what’s so special about her anyway? what does she have that you don’t? similarly, travis always gets annoyed whenever your ex is brought up, you should be with someone much better! (someone like him, maybe?) when the two of you finally get exactly what you wished for, you can’t help but feel a little reluctant to break up, even though your relationship was never real to begin with
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swordsandholly · 24 hours
Across the Way
Chapter 4: New and Old Problems Alike
Retired!Ghoap x Fem!Fat!Reader
Ao3 | Previous - Next | Masterlist
MDNI | cw: fainting, some medical inaccuracies
Word Count: 5.8k
Summary: You go to Scotland with high hopes for your future. After all, you have the bakery you always dreamed of and a whole new life to live. Plus, the men who own the butcher’s shop across the street seem nice.
You haven’t texted them, even three days later. That little sticky note haunts the surface of your kitchen counter. It taunts you - tells you that you should text them and at least give them your number. That you’re being a terrible neighbor. They might need you too, after all. Even though you can’t figure out why they might for the life of you. On the other hand, you can’t help but feel wary about it. Men don’t take an interest in you - people in general rarely take interest. It’s hard not to feel suspicious, as pure as you’re sure their intentions probably are.
More so than any of that, you don’t know what to say. If it had been day one you could have just put your name, but now you feel like you need to explain. Or at least be funny or something. Tossing and turning on your designated rest day about what the hell you should do.
You’re overthinking it. You know that. You can’t stop, either.
They just seem so cool - so put together. So unlike you. You want to impress them. You don’t want to ruin the first possibility of friends in this new life you’re building for yourself.
Eventually you work up the courage to send off an initial text to each of them. Just to give them your name to save if they so choose - plus an extra thank you to Simon for giving you their numbers in the first place. Something simple and borderline cold. Too cold, maybe? Maybe you sound irritated. You hope not. You just want them to like you. Friends in new places are hard and to have someone around you who gets how it feels to need accommodations would just feel so… lovely. Your phone may or may not go flying onto your bed while you bury your face in your hands out of sheer nervousness.
You don’t expect it to chime about a minute later. Right as you’re staring to calm down, of course. It sends your heart violently pounding all over again.
J >> Bonnie lass!
J >> So glad u texted!!
>> Sorry it took so long lol
Oh, you could just slap yourself. You don’t have anything better than that? At all? Christ.
J >> Nah Nah
J >> No worries
J >> Actually I was wondering if u would mind if I came by tomorrow
J >> Just to chat
J >> need an excuse to get out of the house
“How the hell does he type that fast?” You scoff to yourself.
>> Yeah, come by anytime.
>> totally
>> yea sounds cool
>> rad, man
A message from Simon pops up mid your internal battle with how to respond, replying with a simple thumbs up. Very in character, you think. He knows how to be nonchalant. What would Simon say? Something casual, maybe a little formal.
>> If you like. You’re always welcome.
Okay maybe that was too much like Simon. You sigh heavily m before adding,
>> I’m trying out a new blueberry loaf
>> If you want to test for me :)
Better. That’s a little better. With another heavy sigh you decide to drop your phone into your nightstand for the rest of the day. Your heart really cannot handle this much emotional pressure.
You sort of end up just forgetting about the texts. With your phone out of sight and out of mind upstairs in your apartment it almost catches you off guard when Johnny comes striding through the door just before close. He’s dressed more casually than the last couple of times you saw him - having broken out the summer shorts and a graphic tee for some band you don’t recognize. It suits him, though.
“Hey, bon.” He grins.
“Hey.” You smile back, finishing with putting up your stocking baskets before dusting off your hands and turning around. “Simon closing up?”
You hum. “Come on back, I’ll get you a slice of that loaf I mentioned.”
Johnny follows you quietly. Uncharacteristically quietly. That’s okay - you don’t have a problem with hanging out in silence. It doesn’t feel tense, surprisingly enough. He leaves Riley out front again. Should you get her a dog bed? Maybe if he comes by consistently. That would be nice. Maybe that’s wishful thinking.
“It’s sort of a pound cake but fluffier. I might make an icing for it but I don’t know if that would be too sweet…” You trail off, focusing on plating up the piece. You’re not sure what compels you to try and make it pretty for him. Probably something you could blame on your grandmother. She did have an obsession with presentation.
Johnny hums loudly after taking a bite, talking around the mouthful. “Y’should totally make an icing.” He swallows roughly. “Si would go crazy fer this.”
“Oh?” You smile. “I’ll send some home with you.”
There’s a lapse of silence while Johnny chews on his slice of bread and you pack up some in a paper bag for him to take home. The only sounds in the room comprised of your cutting and folding and the hum of the cooling oven.
“You’re being weirdly quiet.” You blurt, immediately covering your mouth with your hand. “I, uh, I mean that isn’t a bad thing! I don’t mind… I just, uh, was… sorry, never mind…”
“Well I did come wit’ a bit of an ulterior motive…” Johnny admits, glancing off to the side shyly. It’s a show, you think. Johnny doesn’t seem the type of man to have felt shy a day in his life.
You tilt your head. “Oh?”
He dusts off his hands and grins. “Let us take ye out! In celebration of yer first full month.”
Has it been a month already? “Oh - no, no you don’t have to-“
“C’mon! It’s a big accomplishment.” His smile is so bright that you almost believe his idea that you’ve done something great.
“…alright.” You give a tentative smile. It’s hard to believe they like you enough to want to hang out casually in the evening. Hard to imagine anyone liking you that much but you’re not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“There’s a pub down the street - the one on the corner. Want tae meet us there around six?” Johnny gives you that lovely smile. How could you ever say no to a smile like that?
You spend far too long changing in and out of clothes and fussing with your hair. Up-do’s and buns and braids. A tank top then a sweater then a t-shirt. There’s no reason to feel this stressed over it. It’s not a date or anything. Besides, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Either way you look like a frumpy dumpling. Eventually you land on jeans and one of your designated ‘going out tops.’ At least it’s a good excuse to wear something other than work clothes or loungewear.
Excitement and anxiety thrum under your skin like electricity as you make your way down the street. You feel painfully nauseous - stopping once or twice just to make sure you aren’t about to throw up for real.
The pub is surprisingly quiet when you enter. Obviously somewhere only real locals hang out - there’s no theme or really any decor in general. Just a bar, some booths and a couple pool tables. You scan the floor a few times, not seeing either Johnny or Simon (not that they would be hard to miss). Eventually you just grab a soda from the bar and slide into one of the booths closer to the back. A quiet spot facing the door where you can easily watch for them.
As time ticks on you begin to grow increasingly nervous. Did you get the time wrong? No, no you triple checked. You even wrote it down in your planner. Your leg begins to bounce furiously, heart nearly beating out of your chest. Did they decide to ditch? You wouldn’t really blame them. They’re way out of your league when it comes to friends. Maybe Johnny had an emergency? Should you call Simon? If he had an emergency it would make sense that they would forget to notice you. What if something really bad happened? What if-
The front door opens and Simon’s wide frame strides through, holding the door for Johnny and Riley to come in behind him. You let out a quiet sigh of relief, willing your leg to stop bouncing with a pinch to your thigh. Why are you always so damn dramatic?
Johnny lights up with an ear to ear grin when he spots you, bee-lining for the booth while Simon casually walks up to the bar. It’s almost comedic, the way he dwarfs the counter. Johnny leans on the side of the booth, waiting for Simon, you think.
“Glad ye could come out.” He looks you over, eyes flicking from your plain top to the very practical, not at all stylish up do that you landed on for the evening.
You do your best not to squirm under his gaze. “Me too…”
Simon comes back with two beers in hand and slides them onto the table. He scoots into the inner booth to give Johnny the outer edge. Riley happily sits beside his leg and practically grins at you in a near mirror image of Johnny’s. You’d never do it while she’s on the job, of course, but part of you wants to give her a pat on the head and coo at her for being so polite.
Johnny gives you an apologetic smile. “Sorry we were a bit late-”
“Johnny redid his hair about five times.” Simon butts in, not reacting at all to Johnny’s sputtering protest. He glances at your half-drunk soda. “Want me t’ grab you a beer?”
“Oh, no, I’ll just stick to coke.”
They blink at you. Simon cocks his head slightly. “You sure?”
You chew your lip. “Uh, alcohol tends to aggravate my symptoms is all...”
“Then why’d ye agree to drinks? We coulda gone somewhere else.” Johnny frowns.
You shrug. “I don’t mind. I… maybe this is over sharing but I’d rather go out and be kind of normal than just… not ever. Y’know?”
His expression softens. For having such icy blue eyes they are so, so warm. “I get it.”
“How’d you two meet anyway?” You blurt, taking a left turn to get the conversation off of you. It’s the first question that comes to mind. Maybe it’s rude - maybe you’re prying too much already.
“Military.” Simon grunts. “SAS.”
“Si retired wit’ me after I was discharged.” Johnny points to his scar the same way he did when you first met. “Russians scrambled my egg a bit.”
“Couldn’t do the time apart…” Simon murmurs, eyes locked on Johnny’s face. It’s vulnerable. More than he’s used to - you can see it in the way he tenses after saying it.
Something passes between them that a deep, wounded part of you desperately wishes to understand.
You can’t help but start giggling to yourself. They both give you an incredulous look. “Sorry, sorry - it’s just, that’s like… totally a romance book premise. It’s sweet. Really.”
“Och, aye. Wouldn’t know it t’ look at him but Si’s a real romantic.” Johnny bats his eyes at the other man, who just rolls his in response. The corner of his scarred mouth quirks up subtly.
“SAS…” You repeat, staring at your drink. “That’s like Navy Seal shit, right?”
“We worked with them a few times, yes.” Simon nods. There’s an air of ‘do not ask anything more specific’ in his voice.
“Huh.” You take that for what it is and sit back, squinting at them. “You don’t look it, honestly.”
Johnny laughs. “Tha’s just cause ye havennae seen Simon with his gear on. The Ghost.” He wiggles his fingers along as he makes a stupid, spooky sound effect. “I domesticated him.”
Simon scoffs but doesn’t deny it, just takes a quiet sip of his beer.
“Riley’s a vet, too.” Johnny pats her head. “Got too skittish around loud noises but she transitioned into a service dog nicely.”
“Now she’s just spoiled.” Simon rolls his eyes in faux annoyance. You get the strong feeling that he’s the one doing the spoiling.
You find yourself relaxing as the night goes on. Slouching in your seat rather than sitting ramrod straight and nervously twiddling your thumbs. They never press you to drink, never insist that you’ll be fine with just one. They take your statement as fact and it isn’t brought up again. That shouldn’t be as significant as it is, now that you think about it.
Johnny’s words begin to slur a little bit on his fourth, no maybe fifth, beer. You aren’t sure. It’s very cute, the little blush that forms across his cheeks. Simon loosens up, too. He slings an arm around the back of the booth and Johnny readily tucks himself into the open spot. You find yourself wondering about their military career again. You can’t picture either of them committing violence - especially Simon. Sure, he’s big and gruff but he looks at Johnny so, so softly.
Simon is the one to call it a night - though you have a feeling its because you nodded off a couple times. Not out of boredom, you try really, really hard to pay attention to Johnny rambling about the chemistry of different explosives. He makes it interesting, somehow. Really it’s just that you’ve been awake for… holy shit almost twenty hours!
“D’you need a ride?” Simon asks as you exit the pub, hands firmly shoved into his pockets.
“No, I’ll be fine.” You don’t know how to interpret the look he’s giving you. It’s intense, but not annoyed or displeased. He has such a weird knack for unreadable but distinct expressions. You wonder if you’ll ever get close enough to get good at deciphering them.
You jump when Johnny takes both your hands in, kissing the backs of them with a sloppy, drunk smile. “Thank ye fer comin’ out. “
Somehow your face feels hotter than a damn oven. You tuck your hands to your chest, kicking shyly at the sidewalk. “Th-thanks for the invite. We, uh, we could do it again sometime?”
You glance up hopefully, praying that you didn’t misread the situation. You’ve done that before - thought people liked you more than they did. Johnny just grins wider somehow and nods excitedly.
You watch them walk off in the other direction, hand in hand. Johnny giggles about something loudly and you can see Simon’s shoulders shake with a far more silent laugh. All the way until they disappear down the street.
The sheer amount that the image hurts your heart makes you feel evil.
The pub changed something. What, you don’t know. Either way, you fall into an easy pattern with Johnny and Simon over the next couple weeks. Exchanges of food, leftovers or morsels about to turn, little visits back and forth between your shops. Johnny continues to stop by after close, just hanging around with you while Simon closes up shop.
You can’t deny how much you look forward to hearing that door chime followed by a too-loud greeting from Johnny. How your heart flips in your chest when those bright blue eyes peek around the corner into the back room or light up while trying a new recipes you’ve been testing. You’re still a bit awkward - unsure how to react when he throws an arm around your shoulders or listens oh so intently while you talk about nothing important.
Things can’t ever be all sunshine and rainbows, though. Not for you. A new problem has arisen as summer truly sets in - the comfortable spring breezes giving way to nothing but bright, unfiltered sun. One you didn’t expect to impact you this much living this far north.
It’s hard to breathe in the back room while you’re baking. Hard to keep your water and salt intake high enough to compensate for how fast you lose them. You might as well get a permanent saline drip attached to you at this point. You definitely didn’t google if that was physically possible. Your budget for liquid IVs and other supplements nearly doubles. Standing over the massive oven in the back room has your head swimming a few times. You end up resting longer on your weekends, unable to keep up like you could in cooler weather.
It’s okay, you tell yourself, the summer here isn’t like back home. It will pass quicker. Plus, you at least have methods of dealing with it now other than crossing your fingers and praying.
“Bonnie!” Johnny suddenly appears in your doorway - that charming smile splitting his face from ear to ear. “Ye made it up Main Street yet?”
“No?” You tilt your head and try to ignore the way your vision spots momentarily at the motion. “Why?”
“Ye dinnae hear about the summer festival?” He leans on your counter. You shake your head. “It’s a yearly thing. Not that big a deal but they have some fun games an’ it’s nice tae see everyone out an’ about. Si an’ I are about tae head down. Come wit’?”
You hesitate. The exhaustion in your body tugs at your spine. Your limbs feel heavy. This morning really got to you - out of towners who must have come for the festival flooded your shop the moment it opened on top of your Saturday regulars. Not that you’re complaining, really. It’s easily your best day so far. You want to go with them, though, despite the ache in your back and the sting in your joints. It sounds so fun and it’s never a bad idea to take part in your new community’s festivities.
“Yeah. That sounds nice.” You smile. You can tough it out for an hour, then come back home. Yeah, just an hour. You’ll be fine.
You hadn’t noticed Simon leaned up at the entrance to your shop. Your eyes lock on his arms. This is the first time you’ve actually seen him in short sleeves. You can’t help but stare at his half-sleeve tattoo - all skulls and bombs and other military motifs. Faded and sun worn. Yeah, if you’d seen that sooner you definitely would have picked up on the whole military thing. You bite your lip to keep from snickering about it.
You can hear the music drifting from the speakers down the street. A few kids run by with balloons and cheap carnival prizes. It almost reminds you of the Spring Fling back home, just missing the extreme American flag theming across every booth and vendor front. Now that you’re looking around, you can actually see several booths that have been sponsored by various businesses in the area. Even the post office has a snow cone stand. The deeper you get into the event, the more flamboyant the decor becomes. Multicolored streamers and pennet flags connect stands, creating an almost canopy effect.
Simon stops rather abruptly at a booth, waiting behind a few teenagers tossing rings onto bottles. You stop with Johnny about two feet away. What’s he thinking? Simon doesn’t seem like the type who would be too entertained by basic carnival games. Even so, he steps forward and passes over a couple bills to the vendor as soon as the teenagers leave.
“Si’s really good at these. Watch.” Johnny grins beside you.
“Aren’t they rigged?” You raise an eyebrow.
Johnny doesn’t answer, eyes locked on his husband as he lines up one of the rings. You have to lean slightly to see around the breadth of the man - the multicolor rings almost cartoonishly small in his hands. Cute. Your eyes get impossibly wide with each toss, every single one landing comfortably on the bottle necks as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. As if this isn’t one of the most commonly rigged carnival games.
“Holy shit…” You mutter, still staring.
“Aye, tha’s a SAS sniper for ye.” Johnny laughs. “Glad tae see it still comes in handy.”
Simon huffs out a quiet laugh at that. Almost more of a sigh if it weren’t for the shaking of his shoulders. You love it - their little dynamic. The bond between them that’s so strong it’s almost visible.
“‘ere.” Simon turns to you suddenly, holding out a cheap little carnival prize. You can’t even begin to decipher what it’s supposed to be - some sort of furry puff ball with big, embroidered anime eyes and two felt antennae sticking up out of it’s purple head… body… thing…
Your face heats. “F-, uh, me?”
He shrugs. “Suits you. Riley will just chew it up if we take it home.”
“Aye. She’s so good with everythin’ but cheap plushies.” Johnny snickers.
You glance down at the dog in question - her dark eyes glued to the toy in Simon’s hand. Her tail thumps against the ground where she sists dutifully, but you can see the desire to snatch the thing away in her twitchy ears and pleading eyes. You snort, taking the stupid thing and tucking it under your arm with the prayer that they don’t notice the heat now spreading from your cheeks to your ears.
“Thanks…” you murmur, already mentally deciding where to add it to the mess of stuffies covering your bed already.
Somehow you end up walking between them down the street - Simon on your left and Johnny on your right with Riley in tow. You stop at a few other games here and there. All pretty basic. Johnny absolutely kills at the dunk booth.
Simon tires his hardest to help you with your terrible aim, “Just visualize it. Y’have t’ account for the arc.”
You get to the point of sticking your tongue out in concentration. Even so you only manage to knock down a couple of the wooden ducks at the ‘Dunk-A-Duck’ stand. You do, however, win one of those rock candy sticks at the guessing booth. You just hand it off to Johnny. It’s probably not best to load up on sugar in your current state.
Johnny excitedly points to different buildings giving you a rundown of the history of his hometown as you walk. Simon seems to barely be listening. He’s probably heard this a thousand times. Prattling on about the old town square, the church bell that a bunch of teenagers spray painted one time (Johnny was not involved, how could you accuse him of that?)
You find yourself focusing on your feet - keeping each step even and fast enough to remain on pace with them. One, two, one, two, one, two. The air begins to thicken. Muggy and heavy on your skin. Your breaths become shallow and fast. You can’t catch it, the air seeming to get stuck in your throat rather than reaching your lungs. Spots begin to dance across your vision. You stumble over nothing.
Not now! Come on! You’ve been doing so well!
Riley presses against your leg acting as a counter weight. Your body moves on instinct to grab whatever you can - hands wrapping around something strong and covered with cloth. An arm solid as rebar. Hopefully it’s someone you know. All you can see are colorless shapes.
“Gonna pass out - don’t freak!” You gasp before your legs give out.
It’s not that you go entirely out - it’s rare that you fully black out. It’s more like being stuck. Limp and fuzzy and confused. Almost like sleep paralysis. There’s voices and people moving around you. Someone has picked you up, you think, based on the swaying motion and the passing shapes around you. Maybe that’s just vertigo. A door bell chimes.
You finally begin to really come to when something icy is pressed to your forehead. It couldn’t have been more than a handful of seconds that you were gone, but it takes much longer for the world around you to come back into focus.
“I’m sorry…” You murmur, eyes stinging. Even after all these years it’s so damn embarrassing. You blink, the distinct mural that decorates the ceiling of the post office slowly coming into view. Johnny said a big time traveling artist painted it back in the nineties.
“Ye alright?” Johnny murmurs, crouched down beside you. Riley sniffs at your hand, seeming satisfied when you finally move it on your own.
You nod slowly. “Overheated…”
“Give her this.” Someone says. An event medic, you think. The boys must have flagged them down. Fingers press to your pulse point, a light shines in your eyes and you follow it. A quick check of vitals. Johnny shoves a water bottle in your hand as soon as the medic decides you’re fine to move - the contents distinctly murky from some sort of electrolyte pack that’s been shaken into it.
“Up y’get. Slowly does it.” Simon helps you sit up with a hand on your back. It’s so gentle. You don’t miss how he cages in your body the way only someone intimately familiar with caretaking might. Fully ready to catch you if you go limp again.
You sip slow, eyes glued to the ground. You feel so fucking stupid. Can’t even walk down a street without creating some sort of scene. They’re never going to want to hang out with you again, are they? You can’t go out drinking, can’t walk around a festival for longer than a couple hours. You distracted Riley. What if something happened to Johnny while you were having your spell? She might not have alerted correctly because of you. She might have gotten confused and then he could have gotten hurt. He might have-
“Ye really should drink tha’ instead of glarin’ at it.” Johnny pulls you from your thoughts. He’s now sat with his legs crossed beside you. Riley’s head rests in his lap. She seems calm. Content now that the emergency is over and happily lying on a cool floor.
You hum, chugging the last bit of it quickly. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be.” Simon says curtly. “Does this ‘appen often?”
You shrug. “Not as much anymore… usually my medication keeps me stable.”
“Do ye need a doctor?” Johnny tilts his head slightly. There’s no judgment in his tone - in either of their tones. Just calm concern. It probably shouldn’t make you want to cry as much as it does.
You shake your head. “I’ve got liquid IV at home. Just need to sleep it off.”
Hopefully. In reality, a pain flare up is inevitable now. You just won’t know how bad until you’re fully in it.
“Let’s get ye home.” Johnny says, knees popping as he stands.
“I-I’m fine!” You insist, mentally preparing to get yourself up off the floor. “I can get home on my own - I don’t want to ruin your time.”
Johnny levels his gaze onto you, so serious it almost looks angry. It doesn’t match his face. “We’re not leavin’ ye tae get home alone like this.”
You’re caught off guard when an arm slides under your back and another under knees - lifting you like you weigh half of what you do in reality. Like you’re a paperweight instead of a boulder. You blink up at Simon, far too surprised to be embarrassed. At least at first. You splutter out a poor attempt at convincing him to put you down. Excuse and reason after reason and excuse. They roll off him like water off a ducks back. Your face burns as he steps out of the post office with you neatly tucked against his chest - Johnny and Riley in tow.
If you allow yourself to be honest, to give into that weaker part of you (or, at least, the part you consider to be weak) you could possibly admit that this feels nice. Being cared for feels nice. Having your body up against someone else feels nice. It’s been a long time since anyone touched you outside of a polite handshake or accidental bump. You sink into it despite yourself - relaxing against Simon’s chest. They were right, you wouldn’t have made it back. Your head is too fuzzy and there’s that telltale pain in your shoulders radiating up to your neck that signifies an oncoming Bed Day.
It doesn’t take long with Simon’s lengthy strides to get back to your building. You probably wouldn’t have been able to keep up to that running. Well, you can’t really run much at all so you definitely wouldn’t. A stupid, muddled train of thought that melts into the hazy bog of your current mental state. Even Johnny trails a few feet behind. Neither of them speak, marching in determined silence. You attempt to subtly check their faces for any anger. You’d understand if they were angry. Most people would get angry. You interrupted their day out with your useless drama. All you get is a wide, bright grin from Johnny when your eyes eventually meet his.
Simon puts you down with all the care in the world. As if you’re made of fine china. His hand stays on your upper back - planted firmly between your shoulder blades and ready to catch you if need be. Your vision swims a bit, your joints feel like jelly but you manage to dig your keys out of your pocket and unlock the door.
“Here.” Johnny plops the puff ball back into your hands just as you turn to say goodbye. To say thank you - to apologize profusely.
Your brows raise. You completely forgot about it while swimming around in a sea of embarrassment - he must have picked it up for you. You hug it to your chest with a quiet, “Thanks.”
You shift your weight side to side, psyching yourself up for the crawl up the stairs. Probably literally. You don’t think you could stay upright if you tried to walk them like a regular day, or even with an aid. Like a regular or semi-regular person. Fuck.
Johnny follows your eyes up at the staircase. He must sense some hesitation in you. “Do ye need help up?”
You bite your lip, staring at the ground. Standing in one place seems alright, but the thought of climbing is so daunting, even with the cane you have stationed at the bottom of the steps for that exact purpose. It’s embarrassing. You’re young, you should be able to walk up some damn stairs. It isn’t even that many. It’s barely a full flight. Just one story of stairs for fuck’s sake.
“Hey.” Simon touches your cheek, the action snapping your eyes to his in surprise. “It’s okay. C’mere.”
He picks you up again in the same fashion with barely a grunt, taking his time up the steps so as not to jostle you. How many times has he done this with Johnny? you wonder. That’s the only explanation for how good he is at keeping your equilibrium so even. You wonder if he practiced - if he took caretaking classes. He probably did. Does he keep up at the gym just so he can take care of his husband? Simon might be quiet and a little formal, but he exudes dedication.
“Sorry it’s messy…” You murmur when they reach the top of the steps. Glancing behind you, you see Riley sitting patiently at the bottom. Johnny must have told her to stay. “Haven’t gotten to fully unpack…”
You’ve been spending too much time in bed on the weekends. Fucking lazy.
Johnny just laughs. “Ye shoulda seen the first place Simon an’ I had.”
“Wasn’t that bad.” Simon argues, carefully setting you down on the couch. His hands hold your waist to steady you. They’re so warm… It feels wrong to be disappointed when he lets go.
“We hadnae figured out a system yet.” Johnny huffs, hands on his hips. “We ended up hirin’ a specialized maid service the dishes got so backed up.”
You scoff, laying back against the couch with that stupid carnival prize still in your arms. Like it’s the only thing grounding you to reality. The tears that have been stinging your eyes this entire time continue to threaten to spill - a myriad of blinks and careful breaths the only thing keeping them back.
Johnny sits beside you slowly. You can’t meet his eyes. “Do… do ye want tae tell us what it is? Ye donnae have tae - it’s up tae ye. Just if somethin’ happens again…”
“We’d like to be prepared.” Simon jumps in where Johnny trails off.
You chew your lip, still staring up at the ceiling. It splits and that coppery taste coats your tongue for a moment. “I, uh, it’s called POTS. There’s different types but basically my body can’t regulate blood flow and pressure right…” You shrug. “Like I said my medication usually keeps me mostly okay.”
It’s the pain that really gets to you usually, but you don’t need to start dumping on them about that. There’s no reason to spill your guts about things they can’t fix.
“Thanks fer tellin’ us.” Johnny smiles. You stiffen slightly when he reaches out to tuck some hair behind your ear. You tilt your head, still resting on the back of the couch, to meet his eye. “Get some rest, yeah? We’ll lock the knob behind us. Call if ye need anythin’.”
“Okay.” You nod, keeping your eyes down and picking at your nails. “Sorry… about all this… I didn’t - I don’t… I’m sorry.”
“Donnae apologize.” He says softly as he stands. “Never apologize. We’re your friends, aye? Friends help friends. Tha’s all there is to it.”
Simon gives you a discerning nod behind him, expression both soft and deeply serious.
Friends? They consider you real life proper friends? Really? You can’t help but beam up at him. “Yeah.”
A/N: I’ve re-read this chapter so many times that it’s total mush in my brain which tells me it’s time to be done with it.
Bonus: I made a Pinterest board for this fic
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angelsassassin · 23 hours
Home • Spencer Reid x reader
In which Spencer comes home to you
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Spencer was a free man, and you were there waiting for him.
Details: fem!reader x spencer reid, established relationship
Warnings: nothing that I can think of to be honest.
Caution: MINORS DNI!
AN: I spent like ten minutes looking for this gif it’s actually so sad.
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Spencer was a free man. After three months of being in prison following a wrongful conviction, he was free. JJ had come to tell him the good news, telling him that after a few days, you’d be coming to pick him up.
When that day finally came, Spencer woke up feeling better than he had in those months. He woke up knowing he was finally able to hug you again, kiss you again, touch you again.
He had missed you so much, more than he could ever imagine was possible. When the guards came to get him, he began to feel nervous. As he put on the suit he had worn the day he was sentenced to prison in court, his heart began to beat quicker than it ever had done before.
He had instructed the team to not let you see him while he was in prison, not wanting you to see how broken he was. He hadn’t seen you in three months, and only spoken to you over the phone a handful of times.
But now, he was finally able to be with you again.
You were waiting outside the prison, leaning against your car. You were shaking due to how nervous you were. Every sound that came from the prison would make you look up, hoping to see Spencer, your loving boyfriend, finally walk out of there.
Eventually, you heard a different noise, and you immediately knew it was time. You looked up, seeing guards exiting the building, and Spencer following behind. His eyes found yours almost immediately, as if he knew exactly how to find you. The guard opened the last gate that stood between the two of you, and let Spencer walk out of it.
He was a free man.
Upon seeing him walk out of the gate, your legs moved quicker than your mind could register what was happening. You jogged up to him, almost throwing yourself into his arms when you finally reached him. You wrapped your arms around him, and he wrapped his arms around you.
The two of you stood like that for a few minutes, before he pulled away and looked at you, really looked at you.
“Hi.” He said, with a small smile growing on his face.
“Hey.” You replied.
Those two words were all it took for Spencer to grab your face, pulling you closer to him and placing his lips down onto yours. The kiss was electric, it was passionate. Three months worth of missing each other, of uncertainty, it was all poured into the kiss.
Once you pulled away, needing to breathe, you placed your head on his chest. “I love you so much.” You mumbled into him.
“I love you, angel. I love you so much.” He says as he kisses your head. “God, I missed you.”
It felt like eternity before you finally pulled away from each other, looking deep into one another’s eyes. “How about I take you home?”
Spencer eagerly nodded.
The drive back to your home was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Spencer kept his hand on yours the entire time you drove, not wanting to let go and be void of your touch for any longer. He glanced over at you several times, each time he did, his heart swelled with love.
As you entered your home, he looked around, noticing that it hadn’t changed at all; everything was the exact same. The pictures that lined the walls were the same, his satchel still in the exact same spot he had left it in.
“This doesn’t feel real.” He whispered. You turned to face him and placed both of your hands on his face.
“It is, Spence. You’re home. You’re back. It’s over.” You assure him. “Everything’s over.” At your words, Spencer wrapped his arms around you, burying his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
Spencer never admitted it, but your smell, it always gave him comfort. The way your hair and your body smelled like the shampoo you use, the one you insist on never changing, it made him feel at home. It made him feel like he was safe, and okay. And in that moment, that was all he needed.
He needed to know he was safe, and that he was okay. He needed to know that he was home, and that he would never go back to prison. He needed to know that you were there, that you would always be there, even in his worst moments.
You wrapped your arms around him, and let out a sigh. “You know, I finally feel like I can breathe again. It feels like… like I’m complete again.” You whisper into his chest.
Spencer didn’t reply, afraid that if he spoke, he’d break down. All he could do was hold onto you tighter, pulling you even closer to him, if that was even humanly possible.
Despite not saying anything, Spencer felt the exact same way. For three months, it felt like pieces of him were being chipped away, like he was becoming a shell of a man. There was a very real possibility that he would never be able to be the same man again. But as he held you, he felt complete. He was a changed man, of course, but the one thing he knew would never change, that could never change, was his love for you, and how much he needed you.
As he took deep breaths in order to steady his heart rate, he realised in that moment that he could never live without you ever again. He knew that he needed you like he needed oxygen, like he needed water. Spencer Reid needed you, and he was going to make sure you spent the rest of your life knowing how much he needed you, how much he loved you. He was never going to let you go, and he knew exactly what to do, and how he was going to prove that to you.
AN: This series will not be in chronological order of how they meet and fall in love and blah blah blah. It’s more about the little moments between Spencer and reader throughout their years together.
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grimm-writings · 3 days
YIPPEE YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN AGAIN can i get a scenario where chilchuck slowly falls in love with a gender fluid reader? maybe he’s confused about their presentation at first, but then finds himself attracted to their masc and fem sides :0
two sides of the same coin
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…ft! chilchuck x genderfluid! reader
…tags! fluff, end of manga spoilers, implied bisexual chilchuck, the mortifying ordeal of having to explain your identity to someone not in the know
…wc! 935
…notes! this request makes me so happy, because i’m also genderfluid!!! i’ll be using primarily my own experiences with my gender here, so i hope it’s to your liking! happy pride month!!! <3 
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“So, you’re… everything.”
“Yes! I guess you can say that.  Although it’s more like it varies.”  Your hands move in the air to communicate your point.  “Sometimes I’m a girl, sometimes a boy.  But I’m also sometimes both, or sometimes neither!  Or maybe I’m partially a girl and partially neither, or I’m partially a boy and partially neither.  And then, on the rare occasion, I am everything!”
You can only watch in real time as Chilchuck slowly loses brain cells.  You’d fear that he may not be able to readily accept you, same as the rest of your party.  The reaction was positive enough (though Marcille and Senshi particularly need time to adapt properly) but there’s still lingering confusion.
Chilchuck slowly nods, though you can tell he isn’t exactly grasping it yet.  “So… What am I meant to call you?”
He’s trying to keep his language respectful.  That’s more than you can say for others you came out to.  You can tell Chilchuck is trying, even if this is unfamiliar ground for him.  He might know enough about different romantic and sexual preferences, and maybe more simple means of gender transition.  Your identity is… hard to explain to someone not in the know, though.
“Just ask,” you reply.  “I might have some indicators in clothing that could help.  Like…”  You gesture towards your current outfit.  “I’m presenting pretty masculine at the moment, yeah?”
“Yeah…” You don’t miss how Chilchuck eyes you up and down.  “So I should keep an eye out for how you dress?”
“Precisely!”  You snap your fingers into a point at Chilchuck’s face.
“Don’t do that.”
You drop your hand.  “Sorry.”
Chilchuck leans back on his seat, folding his arms over his chest.  If he was being honest, this only makes his heart confused.  He was already more used to you presenting masculine throughout your dungeon crawl.  You did express occasional disdain for your current dress, but can’t do much about it.  That in of itself made him wonder if he liked guys.  Now you’re saying you’re a girl sometimes?  Or neither?  Or everything?  He can’t even imagine you in a dress without his mind screaming at him in embarrassment.
You take in Chilchuck’s expression.  Brow furrowed, clearly trying to process your explanation.  He’s definitely accepting of it, just confused.  If there was a way you can explain it better to him…
An idea flashes through your mind with an “ah!”
Chilchuck perks up at your sudden yelp, blinking.  “Something the matter?  Wh– Hey, what are you doing?!”
You had practically scampered on all fours to where your travel bags were, digging around for something.  A few seconds pass before… “GOT ONE!”
Returning to Chilchuck’s side, you hold up one of the gold coins in… someone’s possession.  The half-foot cocks an eyebrow at it.  “What’re you getting at here?”
“This coin is still the same coin when it’s flat in my hand like this,” you begin, before flipping it over.  “Or when it lands on tails.”
Chilchuck watches as you place the coin on your thumb, and flip it up into the air only to let it land randomly, 50/50 chance each time.
“I can’t control whether it lands on heads or tails.  Sometimes it does something really peculiar and stands on its side, or it’s on a slant in some way.”
You watch as the gears turn in Chilchuck’s mind.  “So you can’t really control how your gender works, sometimes you just… feel a certain way?”
“Exactly!  My dysphoria – that’s the term for feeling uncomfortable – can fluctuate, but it’s still the same coin.  It’s still…”
“It’s still you,” Chilchuck finishes, turning his head to look up at you with understanding finally brightening in his eyes.  You can’t help but fluster a little.
It’d be a while since then until you’d make it back to the surface.  Everyone is as accommodating as ever to use the right pronouns when you tell them what for.  It soon comes naturally to just let you live as you are.  It’s welcoming and warm with everyone.
A nice spring breeze blows through your skirt as you make your way down to the entrance of the forest where the feast takes place.  You can spot your party from a mile away, your boots hitting the dirt path as you run over.
“Leave some for me!”  You exclaim in greeting, causing your friends to turn their heads.  Marcille gasps in wonder as she takes in your appearance, meanwhile Izutsumi makes a small noise in surprise.
Chilchuck is stunned into silence, and you can just tell the tips of his ears are going red before he keels over and spits out his drink onto the grass.  “W-What are you wearing?!”
“A dress, Chilchuck,” you quip back, sitting in between him and Marcille.  “Laios still being harassed by Yaad and the rest?”
“Hang on, we’re not moving on from this so fast!  Let me look at you!”  Marcille adjusts herself so she can inspect your look.  “I didn’t think you’d suit a dress so well!  Where’d you get that petticoat?”
You are about to answer when Izutsumi interrupts; “you look so… different,” she relays.
A sheepish chuckle escapes you, as you turn to Chilchuck, who has since been staring at you.  He blinks once you perceive him and glances away.  “You’re still you.  It…  You look very… you. It's nice.”
You can’t help but laugh at his flustered attitude, leaning down to kiss the top of his head as he gives out to you.
You are accepted, and you are loved.  What place could possibly be better than here?
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broomsick · 2 days
Will the gods be upset with me if I do nothing for an entire year or more? Ive not tried to communicate, or left offerings or anything as im really not able to all the time.. and my mental health has not been all too kind. My nan also has dementia now so just been stressed and drained. Now and again each morning I will look toward my altar and say good morning to them. They are in my thoughts.
Why hello there, friend.
I’m so, so sorry to hear that you’re going through such a difficult time. There’s always mystery surrounding the thoughts of the Gods, the way they feel about our human lives and emotions. While it’s true that we can only grasp at what they think, there is also a great aspect of spiritual practice which we can all rely on to some extent: that is our faith, our instinct— in general, what our gut tells us.
And I personally believe that Gods care for us, no matter how often we can afford to make offerings, or how often we pray. I believe they care about us in spite of our flaws. I have actually shared more on my thoughts on the topic in this previous post, if you’re interested in hearing the reasons behind this belief. I’ve always thought faith was at the very core of polytheism, after all, none of us practice in exactly the same way, but all of us share one thing in common: belief in the Gods. And what you have been doing, just keeping them in your thoughts, even making the effort of saying hello every morning, is plenty enough already. I feel like the Gods sometimes act towards us like they act towards a friend: a friend wouldn’t blame you knowing all that you’re going through, right?
Now, I must also specify two things about this particular topic. The first is that I’ve never given credit to the idea that the Gods will get angry at every little “mistake”. Experience taught me that when somebody is trying to convince you that this or that deity is somehow “mad” at you, they’re very probably using a guilt tactic to manipulate you to some extent. And even if they’re not, then they’re still trying to make you adhere to their beliefs, thus placing them in a position of spiritual authority.
As I’ve mentioned, I’m no better than anybody when it comes to guessing at the Gods’ feelings. However, I’ve never heard of, or experienced a deity being somehow angry at one of their worshippers. Sure, this sort of occurrence appears in myth! But I’m always the first to point out that mythology and reality are fully distinct, and it’s important to draw that line when it comes to neo-pagan practice.
I hope you find in your heart that your deities do care for you very much. Sometimes it’s this faith that gets us through such difficult times of disconnect from spirituality. Every one us experiences these moments when we’re so busy we can barely spare a thought for our practice. But it’s nothing at all to feel guilty for. The amount of time we can dedicate to all aspects of our lives is variable. The Gods know this, and I believe they also know of our struggles as humans.
I hope you know that you’re so very resilient and strong, and that I admire you greatly for dealing with all of this, all the while keeping a thought for your spirituality. I hope you’re given all the care and support you deserve, and I believe your deities are right at your side, providing you with guidance and encouragement.
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quin-ns · 2 days
The blue VII (JJ Maybank x Reader)
Series summary: JJ has a secret, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold onto it. He discovers his breaking point when his best friend starts to show interest in you, his step sister, who he’s already fallen hard for
Series tags: step brother!jj, dual pov, jealousy, one sided john b x reader, drinking, inappropriate relationship, public sex, oral sex (f receiving)
A/N: almost to the end…
Series masterlist + OBX masterlist
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JJ waited with baited breath for Pope to shake him awake and tell him they had to go deliver groceries. He was convinced he was dreaming, even as he watched you redress yourself in front of him, he couldn’t believe he now knew what it felt like to have his dreams come true.
You loved him. Of course you did before, but this was different. This was the same kind of love he felt for you—the type he’d spent so much time trying to ignore out of fear. But the fear was gone, and all he could feel was sheer bliss as you threw a smile his way. He was so busy watching you that as he pulled on his own clothes, he stumbled a few times. At least he didn’t fall. You never would’ve let him hear the end of it if he went face first into the sand and ruined the moment.
A question still lingered on his tongue, but he couldn’t bring himself to voice it. If he asked, he risked seeing that smile of yours he loved fade away.
A thrill shot through him as you buttoned your shorts. He’d be with you for the rest of the night. The thought was enough to make his cock throb in his pants, but he took a breath and kept it together because you were approaching him now.
The frustrated fire in your eyes was gone, and it was hard to imagine that just an hour ago you’d been fighting. It seemed like a distant memory—one he hoped to never relive.
When you stopped in front of him, you smiled softly. You reached up to brush strands of his hair back into place before pressing up on your toes to give him a gentle kiss.
“Hi,” you said teasingly, having clearly seen the dumbstruck look on his face. “You okay in there?”
“Yeah,” he rushed out. He swallowed and nodded. “I’m great. Better than ever, actually.”
You grinned and shook your head before meeting his eyes again. “Good, because so am I.”
The question clawed at the back of his throat, but he swallowed it down and told himself not now.
Instead, he asked, “Wanna get back to the party? Our friends might be looking for us.”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “I need water anyway.” JJ smirked to himself. “Shut up,” you playfully scolded, elbowing him lightly.
It was so normal. JJ wouldn’t have believed himself if he said he’d just fucked in you the sand not too long ago. His face felt warm at the memory, and his cheeks grew sore as he let his teasing smirk grow into a grin. This was the new normal, the one where he got to have you entirely. His world was already looking brighter.
Side by side, the two of you returned to the party. You used the bonfire as a guiding light. You ran your hands over your hair and across your clothes—mostly definitely trying to appear like you hadn’t just been fucked—by you step brother, no less.
“Hey,” JJ said lightly, reaching for your arm when you once again went to mess with your shirt. “You look fine. It’s okay, don’t worry.”
You took a breath. “Okay,” you agreed easily. You trusted him to tell you the truth. A second passed before you added. “Just ‘fine’?”
JJ snorted. “Amazing. You look amazing and beautiful and like the girl of my dreams.”
You had started the teasing, but you looked a little surprised. “Since when did you get all poetic?”
JJ chuckled. “I don’t know,” he admitted with a shrug. His eyes met yours and he had his answer. “You bring it out in me, I guess.”
“Well,” you started. “I’ll let you give me credit, but maybe you’re softer than you think you are.”
JJ thought that over. You said it like a compliment, but all his life JJ had always had a shield up. He was reckless and did stupid shit and hated talking about his feelings. This was new territory. He should’ve been scared, and he was, but he was mostly ready. You made him want to stop running from himself, and he doubted he’d ever be able to tell you that, but JJ hoped you somehow knew.
The party was still going on just as you two had left it. JJ looked around the shore and no one appeared to notice his and your return, let alone your absence.
“What do we do?” he deferred to you. “Slip into the crowd?”
When JJ’s gaze fell back on you, you weren’t looking at him.
“Maybe not…” you said, the slightest bit of worry in your tone.
JJ followed your stare and sure enough, you were right. John B, Kiara, and Pope had all congregated and were heading your way.
You shifted on your feet, wincing a little as your thighs brushed together. JJ looked out to the water. He couldn’t let himself fall victim to his own lustful thoughts right here right now.
There would definitely be questions if he was staring at you with a hard-on in front of all his friends.
Then again, no one really noticed before, but he still tried to control himself now.
“There you are,” Kiara said, looking mostly at you.
“We were wondering where you guys went,” Pope added, giving JJ a questioning look.
Kiara crossed her arms. “John B said you two ran off. Were you fighting? Because this is getting really tiring.”
You looked to JJ, while he wondered how long John B watched the two of you. Thank god his best friend didn’t follow, or things would’ve gone very differently.
“We’re not fighting,” JJ announced. He looked between the three, who all had various looks of confusion on their faces. “We’re good.”
“Yeah, we talked and it’s fine,” you added. You gave John B a sympathetic smile. “Sorry I ran off after we talked…”
“It’s okay,” he assured quickly. JJ bit his lip to keep back his jealousy. There was no reason for it anymore. “I’m just glad it’s all good.”
“All good,” JJ seconded. “You guys wanna party or what?”
In hindsight maybe it was a bad suggestion to be around all your friends, but he wanted to throw off suspicion. You were a better actress than before, but maybe because you knew the stakes were higher.
JJ ended up sitting across from you as everyone found some branches and stumps to chill out on and talk. They all looked like they wanted to ask you and JJ more questions, but more than that, they were relieved the tension was gone from the group. Things were back to normal—mostly.
For now, the only thing that changed around the others was that you now returned JJ’s pining glances.
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If you asked, JJ would deny that he’d been counting the days. But you never asked, so it had been about almost a month since that night on the beach. 5 weeks since he confessed and kissed you, and 6 weeks since he thought he’d have to take his love for you to the grave.
JJ thought the two of you had talked about everything in the time you grew closer months ago, but now he realized there was so much left to learn. He wanted to know all of you, just as he wanted you to know all of him. You felt the same, and for the first time in his life, everything was good.
Everyday he awoke to you in his arms in your bed, and every night he fell asleep the same way. If his dad caught on, he didn’t care enough to say anything. Small mercies from his old man, JJ supposed.
When the two of you hung out with your friends, it was business as usual. At first it was a bit awkward given the whole argument with John B and the crush his friend had on you, but after having an actual conversation, JJ patched things up. John B seemingly got over his crush and Kie and Pope gave up on wondering what happened between both boys inside the house, and what happened with you and JJ at the movie night.
JJ got his friends and you, the best of both worlds.
Still, when you were all together in a group, the urge to hold your hand or kiss you was getting harder to resist.
He thought about what would happen. What would really happen if his friends found out. It’s not like they’d throw tomatoes like he was some kind of pariah. JJ even ventured to guess that most of his guilt and shame was internal from back when he thought you’d never be interested. Truthfully, JJ didn’t see a problem. Maybe he was wrong for that, but at least he was honest with himself now. You weren't actual siblings and you didn’t grow up together. If he explained it to them the same way he justified it to himself they might even understand.
JJ could tell you thought the same thing, but had yet to mention it. It was like the two of you shared a brain, you could sense his worry just as much as he could sense yours.
“What’s up?” you finally asked him one night. The two of you had just gotten back to the house after leaving the Chateau. You had changed into a pair of underwear and threw on a shirt of his. He only made note because it was so distracting. JJ laid on your bed with your head on his chest. You turned your head and looked up at him. “Something is on your mind.”
The question that rattled around JJ’s brain for a month finally came out. Two words that carried so much implication.
“What now?”
You looked a little puzzled as you tried to come up with an answer.
“What do you mean?”
JJ sat up with a sigh. You went with him, shifting to sit beside him against your headboard. You leaned your head against the wood and looked at him in a way that made JJ weak.
“Pretending everything is normal isn’t going to work forever. I know that because, well—“
You raised your brows a little. “Look at what happened last time you did?” you supplied, knowing what he was getting at.
“Yeah.” He reached for your hand and took it in his own, running his thumb across the back of your palm. “And this worked out. So if we tell our friends, maybe that would work out too.”
You nodded slowly. JJ felt a twinge of panic. It had been a long time since he saw a look on your face he couldn’t decipher.
“They might not understand,” you finally said, a sadness to your voice. JJ immediately wanted to comfort you, but you took a breath and continued. “Or, if they do, it might just take a while.” You nodded a little to yourself. “I’d take the risk.”
Pure relief flooded his entire being. “I would too,” JJ said. A smile appeared on your face. In an instant, you went from his side to sitting in his lap. JJ’s hands found your hips. “I love you, you know that?”
You hummed, leaning down. “Yeah, I know,” you said softly. Your lips brushed against his ear. Shivers ran down his entire body as your hips rocked down. His cock was already growing hard in his pants. The effect you had on him was maddening. “But I like it when you remind me.”
That was all it took for JJ to break. Desire flooded his body and as soon as he got his shorts and shirt off, JJ didn’t care about getting the rest of the way undressed. You got his boxers down around his thighs and pulled your panties aside. You left on his shirt, and JJ knew the dark gray T-shirt was going to become one of his favorites.
You reached between your bodies and stroked his cock. It was already hard. His hips bucked up eagerly into your soft palm.
His skilled fingers pulled your underwear to the side, removing the barrier so he could slide one into your warm walls. Your chest rose with a gasp and JJ’s cock twitched in your hand.
He worked you open before adding another, enjoying the way your walls squeezed around him, wanting more.
You broke first, in rushed, breathless words you encouraged him to line up with your entrance. JJ’s fingers left your body and passed his own lips. A sound rumbled deep in his chest at the taste and it took everything he had to not throw you on your back and dive between your legs. He could save that for another time, right now you were desperate for him to fill you and JJ wasn’t going to deny you. He never could.
You lined the head of his cock up with your entrance and gave no warning before sinking down. JJ’s hands gripped your hips, jaw dropping. He kept himself quiet, aware you two weren’t home alone.
The teasing look in your eye made his heart race. You let him guide your movements when he was ready, rising up and sinking down in his lap with a slow, torturous pace. He wanted you to feel the stretch of the way he filled you, wanted to feel your warm, wet walls squeeze him.
Except you got needy and started moving faster. He let you, but when your lips started to part, he smacked a hand over your mouth.
“Shh, shh,” he cooed. You whimpered into his hand but nodded. Your lust blown eyes stared over his hand and JJ nearly lost it right there. “I’ve got you.”
You fell over the edge quickly, shaking and quivering in his lap as you rode out your orgasm. JJ had never seen anything as incredible as you falling apart on top of him in his life. He felt the same way every time and never got tired of you. He never could and never would.
When you dropped your head to his shoulder he let your mouth go. He held your hips tight as he pounded up into you, eager to fill you. He bit his lip and groaned as he did. His cock throbbed and his thighs tightened as he spilled inside.
Heavy breathing was the only sound that filled the room for a few minutes.
Finally, you lifted your head and spoke first, voice both ragged and pleading.
“Wanna go shower?”
“Have I ever said no?”
A lazy grin appeared on your face. “I love you too, by the way.”
JJ’s grin matched yours. “I know.” He pressed a kiss to your lips. “But I like it when you remind me.”
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You kept flicking your eyes his way. Every time you did, his heart rate spiked. JJ watched as you fiddled with your hands in your lap, how you chewed at the inside of your cheek, and the way your leg bounced.
It broke him to not be able to go and take you in his arms, but he couldn’t do that. Not yet.
John B was talking about work, but JJ couldn’t supply any jokes at the expense of his rich boss like usual. He had a lot else going on in his mind.
You’d woken him up in the morning, unable to wait any longer. You told him you wanted to tell your friends, and JJ had been quick to agree.
Finally, he had thought. But it was easier said than done. He’d driven the two of you to the Chateau in the morning and it was now the late afternoon, and neither of you had tried to brought the subject.
It was one thing when you and JJ talked alone in your room about what you meant to each other, but this was something entirely different.
Still, it needed to happen. Aside from the fact he couldn’t stand to see your worry, he was tired of concealing his winces every time the word brother or sister floated out in reference to the two of you.
He’d never thought of you in a familial way, and even if you had for a while, it was long gone. You weren’t related by a single drop of blood. You hadn’t spent your formative years growing up together. Every justification in the book JJ had locked and loaded in his mind over the years he shared with you. You got to a place where you didn’t feel guilty any longer.
But now with your friends, it was a different story.
JJ was unsure how they didn’t notice. Maybe John B had gotten over his crush, but he knew you both well—especially JJ—so it made him wonder how his best friend missed it. And Pope? JJ was still pretty sure he had a crush on Kie. Pope and overthinking went hand in hand, so as astute as he was, once he got fixated on one thing, he was going to figure it out. JJ almost chuckled to himself at the idea of Pope trying to figure out Kie. Kiara could’ve liked Pope back, JJ wasn’t sure enough to say since he’d been more than a bit busy with you.
One love confession in the friend group at a time. JJ wanted to get it out, the sooner everyone knew the sooner he could start acting like you were really his girlfriend. There was nothing he wanted more.
A chair scrapped and JJ looked towards it, snapped out of his thoughts. You were on your feet and heading into the house without a word.
“Is she okay?” Pope wondered first. It couldn’t be a coincidence that everyone looked to JJ.
“Yeah, she’s been quiet all day…” Kiara added on.
“I’ll check on her,” JJ said quickly, already on his feet. When he stepped inside of the house, you were leaning against the counter, eyes cast to the floor. You had a thoughtful expression on your face and hardly noticed JJ walking up to you until he said, “Hey.”
Your eyes flicked up. “Hey,” you said softly.
Without another word, JJ pulled you into his arms. You went willingly as they crossed over your back. JJ could feel the nervous energy radiating off of you. All he could do was hold you and hope it helped.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered and looked up, a pout on your lips. JJ wanted to turn it to a smile. “I was ready, I swear, but—”
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips without a second thought.
“It’s okay,” he said softly against your lips.
Then he heard it. The sound of a throat clearing.
His stomach dropped as your hands fisted his shirt for security. When JJ turned his head, he saw none other than John B standing in the doorway.
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ilypaigebuckets · 14 hours
hi so basically pretend this isn’t a day late!
plot: small blurb of you spending kate’s day with kate!
Happy Birthday - Kate Martin x Reader
the aces had welcomed kate into their team with open arms, and along with that they welcomed you too. you were your girlfriend’s best friend, hype woman, confidant, and her stylist. whenever she went you were there too, and vice versa. that was why when you were invited to travel with the aces to the dallas game as a special gift to kate for her birthday, you couldn’t resist. you had planned on going anyway, not wanting to miss your girlfriend’s birthday, but a free plane ticket and a spot next right next to kate on the plane was definitely a plus.
“time to wake up, birthday girl,” you whispered into your girlfriend’s ear as you placed your hand on her shoulder and lightly shook her. the blonde rolled on her back and pulled you into her chest. she attempted to bury her face in your hair, and you laughed at her antics. kate was not a morning person. while the warmth of kate’s body heat was nice and cuddles with her were always tempting, you knew kate needed to get up. you gently hoisted yourself out of the nest of warmth and comfort you called your girlfriend’s chest and stood up to your feet. you grabbed her hand and started to pull her up. “i know you’re sleepy lovey, but it’s your birthday! aren’t you excited?!”
the very sleepy form of your girlfriend got up reluctantly and pulled you in by the waist. “since it’s my birthday, i can be as clingy as i want right princess?” you couldn’t help but giggle at her, she was the sweetest.
“of course, kate!” you said as you led her into the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. kate didn’t need to do much, as she never really wore any makeup. you, however, wanted to look nice for your girlfriend’s special day. you did your makeup routine as she stood next to you with her back pressed against the wall, a dazed and sleepy smiled plastered to her face. once you were finished kate came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist, burying her head in your neck.
“my pretty baby,” she muffled into your neck. you smiled softly as her sweet words tickled against your skin. you loved mornings spent with her. just then, you remembered what you’d planned to give to kate to start her birthday off special. you grabbed her hand, gave a quick kiss to her knuckles, and lead her back outside the bathroom to the bed. you rummaged through your purse hanging on the door knob and pulled out an envelope.
“here,” you said as you handed it to her, “you can open your card now, and then you’ll get your gift after the game.” kate rolled her eyes at you, but smiled.
“honey you didn’t have to get me anything. having you here with me this year is more than enough. you really didn’t have to-“
you put a finger up to her lips to shush her. “just open the damn card, martin.” she nodded and started to open the envelope. her fingers worked slowly and carefully, in an effort to preserve the card and envelope for later.
the card read: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! 24! i can’t believe you’re such an old lady. i hope you have the best day ever my gorgeous girl, you deserve it! you’re such a light in my life and im so blessed to have met you. you’re my sunshine and you deserve the entire world. i hope you know how grateful i am for you, and everything you do. it doesn’t go unnoticed and i really hope you know how much i appreciate you. you’re my soulmate, kate. there’s no better way to put it. i was put on earth to love you. i hope i do today justice in making your birthday as special, spectacular, and lovely as you are! and i hope you’re ready to have some fun ;) :) i love you beautiful girl. you’re my whole world!
“oh my god, y/n. you’re actually adorable i’m gonna cry!” kate pulled you in swiftly to a hug. you chuckled lightly and leaned into her, your forehead resting on her chest. “there’s a lot more i could say, but i figured it’d be better if i just told you in person. but we’ll save that for tonight! now c’mon babe, you have a game to win!” you tugged your girlfriend over to her suitcase, urging her to change. you were so excited for what the day had in store, and were forever grateful you could spend your girlfriend’s special day with her.
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formulauno98 · 2 days
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A Birthday to Remember - Part Three - Toto Wolff x Reader
Originally written as an OC, inspired by an amazing request from @latte-luxe, I have rewritten this to a Reader POV, no descriptions and no use of your name. The only brief description is of a butt (you can probably guess why).
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Caution may contain spice. 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
Waving goodbye to your three friends as their taxi pulled away from the round driveway at the front of the Fairmont hotel, you hoped you had made the right decision. Your birthday had been nothing short of spectacular, having spent the day at the beach, catching a nice tan before heading to the fanciest restaurant you’d ever been to, finishing the evening with a night on the tiles at the legendary club Jimmyz. You’d had fun with your friends and they’d pulled out all the stops for you, making sure everyone around knew it was your birthday with a second sparkler-topped birthday cake and enthusiastic singing.
Having reorganised your flight home, your weekend had now turned into a bona-fide mini-break. You would now stay an extra night with Toto, flying home on Monday evening and letting him show you around town. When you had texted him with your final decision, he’d been overjoyed and had suggested that he pick you up from your hotel shortly after your friends departed. 
Making your way back inside the lobby to wait for Toto, you still couldn’t believe how this weekend had played out, butterflies aplenty as you thought about what could be in store.  You’d barely sat down, nervously fiddling with your phone, when the screen lit up with a message.
Outside x
It was Toto. Gathering your weekend bag alongside your large beach bag, you made your way out to the driveway, gasping as you clocked the car that Toto had come to pick you up in. It was a silver 300SL Gullwing, a car that you knew was worth a small fortune. He was leant jauntily on the bonnet, immediately leaping up to take your bag and greeting you with a peck on the cheek.
“Hello,” he said, “So how was last night?”
Blushing slightly, you replied, “So much fun! How are you?”
Having secured your weekend bag in the very small boot, Toto made his way back around to the passenger door of the car, opening the hinging door in a gentlemanly manner, “All the better now that you’re here.”
Making you blush even harder, your mind floated to your friends’ cautionary words. Perhaps he was a little too slick. Deciding to laugh off his comment, you replied, “Sure, sure. So where are you taking me?”
Toto’s eyes crinkled in a kind smile as he settled down beside you, starting the impressive car up. “Well, I thought since it’s a beautiful day we can go straight to the beach? I can show you the best views around here, then have some lunch, head back to mine, freshen up and watch the sunset?”
“That sounds lovely, thank you again for inviting me to stay a little longer,” you said, giving Toto’s hand that rested on the gearstick beside you a gentle squeeze.
“The pleasure is all mine,” he said, grinning as he spun the car around the Fairmont drive and up the famous hairpin bend into town.
The drive passed relatively quickly, with the two of you chatting away as you whizzed along the clifftop. When you dared to look down, you gulped at the sheer drop to the glittering blue waters below. The scenery was truly spectacular and you couldn’t help but be a little envious of the fact that Toto lived here.
“It is so beautiful, you’re lucky to live down here,” you said, sighing, knowing that your salary was not buying you a place on the Côte d’Azur any time soon.
“It’s not bad.” Toto said, with a grin, “I just wish I could enjoy it more.”
“I suppose you don’t get to be here that often right?” you asked, curious about his work-life balance.
“Never for more than a few days at a time.” said Toto, looking wistful, “Ok, so here we are, Plage des Pissarelles. I think you’re going to love it.”
As Toto pulled up at the side of the road, next to a nondescript garage, you couldn’t help but notice that you were still very much perched on top of a cliff, “I thought we were going to the beach?”
“We are.” said Toto, effortlessly parallel parking, “It’s a short walk but worth it.”
You raised her eyebrows, not expecting a hike, you’d worn leather slides, not the best footwear for climbing down a cliff.
Noticing you looking down at your feet, Toto smiled and reached across to squeeze your thigh reassuringly, “Don’t look so worried, there is a path.”
“If you’re sure,” you said, smiling apprehensively.
Hopping out of the car Toto once again rushed around to open your door and help you clamber out of the low-slung sportscar.
“Thank you,” you said, brushing away the creases from your linen shorts.
“You’re most welcome,” said Toto, suddenly producing a wicker basket from the boot that you had not noticed earlier.
“Are we having a picnic?” you asked eagerly.
“Wait and see,” said Toto, winking at you and threading his arm through yours as you made your way across the road and towards the coastal path.
True to his word, the walk was not too precarious, although you were thankful to have Toto’s arm around you at certain points. As you clambered down the last few stone steps and through the small gate, you were greeted with a gorgeous rocky cove, one that was entirely hidden from the clifftop. To add to the dreamy setting, there was not a single soul on the beach.
“Wow, this is gorgeous.” you exclaimed, “How did you find this place?”
Toto smiled, “I’m glad you like it, I discovered it one day when I was out sailing so I figured out where the parking was and now I come here as often as I can to escape.”
Beaming, you looked around, “I can see why!”
Clearly happy that you were impressed with his choice of location, Toto took your hand in his and led the way towards a small flat inlet, “Let’s settle here, the tide is not due in but if it does come in, we’re safe here.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” you said, still in awe of the beautiful surroundings. Toto made quick work of spreading out a beach blanket that he seemingly magically produced from nowhere and setting down the picnic basket to one side.
“So, what would you like to drink Madame?” he said with a goofy grin.
“What are my choices?” you asked with a smile, settling down on the blanket beside him.
“Rosé, white or sparkling water,” Toto said, presenting three small bottles as if he were an expert sommelier.
“Rosé would be perfect!” you replied, “I love that you have brought options. What else is in that basket?”
Toto smirked as he poured two small glasses of rosé before offering one to you, “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
“So mysterious,” you said, giggling before holding your glass in front of you, “Cheers.”
“Cheers to the birthday girl,” said Toto, his warm chocolate eyes gazing into yours before taking a sip and setting his glass down beside him. He then leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your lips, his sudden affection taking you by surprise.
Pulling away and admiring the handsome man before you, you beamed, “It’s not my birthday any more though.”
“Nonsense,” said Toto, leaning in once more and gently kissing your neck, “It’s your birthday weekend until you’re on the plane home.”
Nuzzling into Toto’s kisses, you ruffled your hand through his unruly hair as he kissed his way up and down your neck, ghosting his lips behind your ear, almost making you moan in pleasure.
Sensing your excitement, Toto pulled away slightly, “Right, before we get carried away, would you like to eat?”
“There are options?” you asked, curious how he had put this picnic basket together at such short notice.
“Of course,” said Toto, producing what appeared to be two wrapped baguettes. “Emmental and ham or crudités. I wasn’t sure if you are vegetarian and I’m afraid the boulangerie didn’t have much choice this morning.”
“What do you mean? That’s so sweet. I’m happy with either. Honestly, Toto, this is so kind of you.” you said, touched by his attention to detail.
“I don’t mind, I like both.” he said, rummaging around further in the basket, “I also have some fruit and chips.”
“Lucky dip?” you said, honestly happy with either option.
“Deal,” Toto said, handing you one of the baguettes and setting down a small platter of fruit in between you.
“Ooh crudités.” you exclaimed as you unwrapped your sandwich, “I was secretly hoping for this one.”
“Good,” said Toto, planting another kiss on your cheek, “Please have some fruit too.”
Having sat contentedly for the last hour snacking, drinking rosé and occasionally snuggling in for a kiss, you felt like you were on cloud nine. No man had ever surprised you with a picnic, let alone a man you’d only known for two days. Whether or not he was the playboy your friends suggested he could be, you knew that whatever happened this would be a memorable birthday.
“Do you fancy a swim?” asked Toto, breaking his latest flurry of kisses.
“Sure,” you said, “Although I stupidly didn’t bring a towel.”
Smiling, Toto reached around into the picnic basket and produced a blue and white fouta, “Don’t worry, I came prepared.”
“What else do you have in that Mary Poppins bag?” you asked, laughing at Toto’s preparedness for everything.
“Just a tent, some loungers, an umbrella, the essentials,” he said, laughing as he stripped down to his swim shorts, allowing you to once again drink in his impressive body. Considering he was hitting fifty and had a high-stress job he was in incredible shape and you had to force yourself to stop staring like a complete pervert.
Following suit, you peeled off your sundress to reveal your white bikini, Toto not making any kind of effort to hide his gaze of admiration and whistling as you stuffed your dress into your bag.
You felt yourself blushing, not comfortable with his overt showering of compliments. You knew it was silly as he’d seen everything up close and personal not one night before, but you couldn’t help it.
“You’re shy?” Toto asked as he got up to join you in making your way towards the sea, careful not to tread on any sharp rocks. “You are beautiful, please don’t be shy.”
“That’s sweet,” you said, still flushed from the attention and not sure what to say.
Suddenly grabbing your hips and spinning you around to face him, Toto gazed down at you, “I mean it, the moment I saw you, I had to have you. You took my breath away.”
Now entirely speechless, you looked up at the tall Austrian in front of you “You’re quite some man Toto.”
Gazing down affectionately, Toto once more planted his lips on yours, his hand lightly caressing your hip, sliding under the tie of your bikini bottoms. However, the moment didn’t last long, with Toto abruptly breaking away. You were confused for a second until he exclaimed with a grin, “Race you to the sea,” and bounded away.
“Hey, that’s not fair, you had a head start,” you said, trying not to hurt your feet on the pebbly beach. “Your feet must be like Teflon Toto.”
“You get used to it,” he said, turning back and making his way over. “But since it’s your birthday weekend, I’ll help you.”
At that, he scooped you up into his arms, carrying you towards the ocean. Once again rendered speechless, you clung onto his broad shoulders for dear life.
Wading into the water, Toto then gently dipped down, allowing you to dip yourself into the cool blue water. “Thank you, my knight in shining armour,” you said, enjoying the water as it lapped around at waist height, the height difference between you truly laughable as Toto was standing mid-thigh in the sea beside you.
Noticing this, Toto waded out a little further to the drop-off, flipped onto his back, floating for a moment before dunking himself under the water and coming back up, James Bond style, pushing his thick, dark hair out of his eyes.
Now that you were feeling more confident, it was your turn to whistle in admiration.
“You like what you see?” said Toto with a smirk, “Come and swim!”
“Don’t mind if I do,” you replied, making your way into the deeper water to join the handsome Austrian.
Having enjoyed a long and lazy afternoon swim, you had since returned to the beach where they’d continued to snuggle, with you drinking wine and Toto switching to sparkling water as he was the designated driver for the day.
“I could stay here forever,” you mused, content as the warm afternoon sun shone down on the two of you.
“Me too.” sighed Toto, pulling you closer into his chest, “What do you want to do tonight? I was thinking we could go back to mine and freshen up and then go out for dinner?”
“That sounds wonderful,” you said, happy that you had pushed your flight.
“I’m glad. Thank you for staying.” said Toto, absentmindedly stroking your hip, “This has been one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long while.”
“You and me both,” you said with a sigh.
Having stayed at the beach a little longer to dry out after your swim, you then made your way back towards Monaco. The drive back had been as beautiful as ever and you had quickly come to appreciate the unique melting pot of old-world charm and modern architecture that made the tiny country so special. Maybe in another life, you could even see yourself living there. 
Apprehensive as you set foot in Toto’s fancy apartment building, you were suddenly nervous once again. If you’d felt like you didn’t belong at your hotel, this was next level. Everything was pristine white and exuded luxury. A million miles away from your small apartment back home.
Making your way into a glossy-looking elevator, Toto smiled at you, “I can’t believe you’re here with me.”
“Believe me, me neither,” you muttered, still feeling as if you were in some kind of dream. Perhaps you’d had one too many cocktails and hit your head on the dancefloor at Jimmyz, or were just in a really deep jetlagged sleep? 
“So, this is home sweet home,” said Toto as the elevator doors opened to reveal an extremely luxurious-looking foyer, with an expansive marble floor, expensive-looking art and a console table topped with numerous photos of Toto with various members of F1 royalty.
“Nice.” you said, “So are you going to give me a tour or what?”
Toto had proceeded to show you around his surprisingly tasteful apartment. It was modern and clean, mostly blue and white with floor-to-ceiling windows along one side that offered a spectacular view of the sea. Continuing the foyer decor, impressive art and sculptures were scattered throughout, alongside various pieces of motorsport memorabilia.
Having shown you to the luxurious marble bathroom that adjoined his bedroom, Toto had allowed you a moment of privacy to take a shower, ever the gentleman ignoring your protests for him to go first and your joking invitation for him to join you.
As you allowed the waterfall shower to rain down on your head, you still couldn’t quite believe that this was real life. Even Toto’s bathroom oozed money, the shower wrapped in elegant grey and white marble that matched the sizeable bathtub and countertops. For a moment you allowed yourself to daydream about what it would be like to shower here every day.
Shaking the intrusive thoughts away and shutting the shower off, you stepped out onto the cool marble. Having successfully washed the beach out of your hair, you twirled it into a turban and then wrapped both yourself and your hair in the cosy white towels that Toto had left out, padding out into the bedroom where you found Toto lounging on the bed, reading something intently on an iPad.
Clearing your throat to get his attention, you timidly approached him, “The shower is free.”
His eyes crinkling, Toto looked you up and down, “Thank you, although I knew I should have joined you. Just when I think you can’t look any more beautiful”
Blushing, you were surprised by his comments. You were fresh out of the shower, hair wrapped in a turban, make-up free and wearing nothing but a towel.
Sensing your shyness, Toto got up from the bed and took your hands in his, “Seriously, you drive me crazy.” Bending down to kiss you gently, he added, “I will try and be quick and if you need a hair dryer I put one on the dresser.”
Once again pleasantly surprised by his thoughtfulness, you thanked him before standing on tippy toes to return the kiss, pushing into his hips and planting your hands on his firm chest.
Growling, Toto deepened the kiss, his large hands dropping to squeeze your hips as he guided you back towards the bed, only breaking the kiss to place you gently down on your back on the bed before continuing to explore your lips with his.
As if a switch had been turned on in his brain, Toto suddenly broke the contact, “Hang on, you don’t want me getting the beach all over you again. You just got clean, I should shower.” 
Slightly affronted, you gripped your hands together around the back of his neck, pulling him back down, “Don’t be stupid, maybe we can take a shower together, save the water?”
“I like that suggestion,” said Toto, once again, scooping you up in his strong arms and carrying you to the bathroom.
By the time dinner time had rolled around, the sun was setting and you and Toto had explored every inch of each other’s bodies. You’d showered together, dried off together and then finally collapsed once again in Toto’s pristine white bedsheets.
“Hungry?” asked Toto as he spooned you in shared bliss.
“Hmmm,” was all you could manage, content with laying in bed for the rest of the evening, cuddling up to Toto and gazing through the wall of glass windows, watching the last of the evening sun dip below the cool blue line of the ocean.
“Fucked out?” asked Toto, somewhat crudely.
“You could say that,” you replied, lazily drawing circles on Toto’s muscular arm.
“We can order in if you want? Watch a movie and be lazy?” Toto said, caressing your lower stomach from behind.
“That sounds like perfection.” you said, turning your head to kiss Toto once more, “What did you have in mind?”
“There is a good Italian place across the road, they deliver quickly.” suggested Toto, “Or if not there is a Greek restaurant also.”
“Italian sounds good,” you said, always a fan of the popular cuisine.
“Great,” replied Toto, “I will find the menu.”
As you opened your eyes, the morning sunlight was just starting to stream in through the gaps between the curtains. Toto snoring contently beside you, his arm never having left your waist as you’d cuddled into the early hours.
With mixed emotions, you reflected on your birthday weekend. A beautiful place, fun with your friends and this handsome man, you could not have wished for a better birthday.
Sensing you were awake, Toto stirred beside you, sleepily propping himself up onto his elbow, “Morning beautiful.” 
“Morning handsome,” you said, turning around to kiss him, feeling his hardness pressing into your back as he came to.
“I don’t want you to leave today,” said Toto, pouting slightly, pushing his hips back and forth into yours.
“I don’t want to go. But alas, I have to go back to work,” you said sadly.
“Fuck work, stay in my bed forever,” he said, reaching over to the dresser to roll on a condom before settling back behind you, pulling your hips close and tucking himself between your legs, nudging at your entrance.
“I wish,” you said, gasping as Toto rubbed himself up and down, gathering your growing wetness before pushing in.
“Fuck.” was all you could say as you suddenly felt full, Toto gently bottoming out before pulling out and pushing back in lazily.
“That feels so good,” he exclaimed, continuing at the agonisingly slow pace, drawing in and out.
“Tell me about it,” you said picking up the pace eagerly with your hips.
“Slow down, we have all morning,” said Toto, gripping your hips, forcing you to keep to his tantalizing rhythm.
“I guess.” you said impatiently, “You are such a tease Toto.”
“I know,” he said, before suddenly withdrawing fully, reaching around and flipping you onto your back. Hovering above, he settled back between your legs and pushed back in, forcing you to moan at the new angle. 
“Oof yes, do that,” you said, wrapping your legs around Toto’s lower back and pushing up to match his shallow thrusts.
Quick to respond, Toto kept up the pace, finding a rhythm that had you both blissfully moaning, not a care in the world, as you worked your way towards completion.  
Reaching your shared high, Toto collapsed slightly, rolling off carefully before pulling you close into his chest and kissing your forehead. “Thank you.” he gasped breathily.
“Thank you,” you giggled, craning your neck to look back up at Toto “I will never forget this birthday weekend.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” said Toto, “When can I see you again?”
Slightly taken aback by his openness you stuttered, “Oh, you want to see me again?”
Frowning, Toto looked down at you, his dark eyes impenetrable, “ I’m not sure how many more times I need to say it. Yes. I want to see you again.”
“Well, then, we can make it happen,” you said grinning, cuddling up into Toto’s broad chest, content in knowing that it wouldn’t be goodbye when he dropped you off at Nice airport later that day.
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kckt88 · 3 days
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Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land.
Warnings - Angst, Drama, Upset, Dark Aemond, Reference to Sex, Mild Violence, Madness, Referenced Deaths, Character Death.
Word Count: 3060.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
"Aemond-" implored Daella, her voice tinged with desperation, "-How many more innocent lives must perish? Our family already lies shattered, broken by the flames of war, and yet you seek to continue this madness."
Aemond turned to face her, his features hardened by resolve. "The Targaryen legacy must endure, Daella-" he declared, his voice unwavering.
Daella shook her head in dismay, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "But at what cost? Aegon, Helaena, all of their children and Daeron have been lost to the chaos of the Dance of Dragons. We are all that’s left of mother’s children-must we subject her to more pain and suffering“
Aemond's jaw tightened, his grip on the hilt of Dark Sister growing ever tighter. "I will not falter now, not when victory is within my grasp." he insisted, his voice laced with bitterness.
Daella took a step closer, her gaze piercing through the darkness. "Victory?" she echoed, her voice trembling with disbelief. "What victory is there in the ashes of our family? Do you not see, Aemond? We are but shadows of what we once were, our house consumed by its own ambition".
"I will not back down," he declared, each word dripping with venomous resolve. "I will do whatever is necessary to ensure the survival of our house, we will rebuild the Targaryen legacy and ensure it returns to its former glory”.
“-And how exactly are you going to that-in case you hadn’t noticed the Targaryen’s are in short supply at the moment” said Daella.
“For now-but once you birth the babe you currently carry, I will wait for the sufficient amount of time for you to heal and then I will get you with child again-“
“I’m not your broodmare” snapped Daella.
“You are my wife-it is your duty to provide me with as many children as I desire”,
Daella watched him, her heart heavy with despair. "Where has my sweet husband gone?" she whispered, her voice barely audible above the echoes of his fervent proclamation. "You’re not the Aemond I know. You’ve changed and not for the better”
But Aemond paid her words no heed, his mind consumed by thoughts of retribution.
In his eye burned the fires of vengeance, casting shadows across the once noble features that now seemed twisted by the weight of his pursuit of power.
Daella's heart ached as she reached out to gently grasp Aemond's hand, her touch a silent plea for him to listen, to remember the love they once shared amidst the chaos that surrounded them.
With trembling lips, she spoke words heavy with emotion, her voice barely above a whisper yet filled with desperation.
"Aemond, what of our child that I carry," she whispered, her eyes brimming with tears that threatened to spill over. "-Please let us leave this place, just you and me. We can raise our child away from this war, away from all the death."
Her words hung in the air, a fragile hope clinging to the shadows of the throne room.
But Aemond's gaze remained cold and unyielding, his hand tightening around hers with a grip that spoke of determination rather than tenderness.
"We cannot flee, Daella," he declared, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down her spine. "Our enemies must be vanquished. I will not rest until all who oppose us are dead".
Daella recoiled at his words, her heart breaking with each syllable that fell from his lips. "But at what cost, Aemond?" she pleaded, her voice trembling with anguish. "Do you not see the madness that consumes you? Our child deserves better than a life steeped in bloodshed and revenge."
But Aemond remained unmoved, his eye blazing with a fervour that chilled her to the core. "I will do what must be done," he vowed, his words a solemn oath that echoed through the empty halls of the Red Keep.
“-And what is that supposed to mean?” asked Daella as she ran a hand over her round stomach.
"You have no idea the sacrifices I have made," he spat, each word laced with bitterness. "You do not understand what I have endured, what I have done to take the crown-"
Daella recoiled at the intensity of his words, her heart heavy with sorrow and disbelief. And then, as realization dawned upon her like a bolt of lightning.
"It was you wasn’t it, you killed Aegon," she accused, her voice trembling with accusation. "You murdered our brother."
Aemond's expression remained stoic, his features hardened by the weight of his confession. "It was a mercy killing," he declared, his voice devoid of remorse. "Sunfyre was badly damaged after the fight with Meleys at Rooks Rest and Aegon severely injured, his bones twisted and broken, his armour melted onto his skin”.
“S-So you just took it upon yourself to kill him-he was our brother, our King” said Daella.
“It was a kindness to put him out of his misery” replied Aemond.
“You say that it was Meleys who injured Aegon, but how do I know that it wasn’t really you. Three dragons took to the skies that day and only one survived. Awfully convenient isn’t it-the lone survivor able to spin any tale he likes”.
“-I survived, Aegon didn’t what more is there to say” said Aemond.
His words struck Daella like a physical blow, leaving her reeling with shock and revulsion.
The man she had once loved, the father of her unborn child, stood before her as a stranger, a cold and calculating figure consumed by his own ambition.
Horrified by the depths of darkness that now lurked within him, Daella could only stare in silent disbelief, her heart breaking with each passing moment as she realized the true extent of the monster her husband had become.
Daella's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and resolve as she met Aemond's gaze, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Aemond-you're breaking my heart-" she whispered, her words a desperate plea for him to see reason, to turn away from the darkness that threatened to consume him.
But Aemond's response was not one of understanding or compassion.
Instead, his features contorted with rage, his eye wild with madness as he reached out to grasp the back of her neck with a vice-like grip.
"Our mother turned against me," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "Don't you turn against me."
Daella's breath caught in her throat as she felt his fingers tighten around her neck, the threat of violence hanging heavy in the air.
She stared into his eye, once so full of warmth and affection, now clouded by a darkness she could scarcely comprehend.
“A-Aemond” gasped Daella.
“I killed Lucerys, I chased him and his pathetic mouse of a dragon through the skies above Storms End-I watched as Vhagar tore him and his little dragon to shreds-“
“Y-You told me it was an accident” said Daella.
“I told you only what you wanted to hear, my sweet wife pacified by my false words of remorse and my cock-fucked you good that night didn't I-Do you remember how ravenous I was, how I made you peak over and over, my desire for you was unrestrained” exclaimed Aemond smirking.
“J-Jaehaerys. He was killed because of what you did-it’s your fault he’s dead, our sweet sister lost to madness after what she witnessed after what they made her do-she took her own life”.
"I killed Daemon-this you know" declared Aemond, his words dripping with cold satisfaction. "-I struck down the once great Rogue Prince along with his dragon, their bodies left to rot in the waters of the Gods Eye and I would do it again without hesitation."
The air seemed to grow thick with the weight of his words, and the shadows that danced across the walls of the chamber seemed to whisper of the darkness that lurked within his soul.
"My spies on Dragonstone have informed that word of Daemon's death has reached our half-sister-" he spat, his eyes ablaze with fury. "-And that wretched whore has fled across the Narrow Sea with her only surviving son."
Daella recoiled at the venom in his words, her heart heavy with sorrow at the thought of their family torn asunder by treachery and bloodshed.
"W-What will you do?”
Aemond's laugh was cold and mirthless, sending shivers down her spine. "I will hunt them down, no matter where they hide. There is no place they can run, no sanctuary they can find, that will protect them from my wrath- "
Daella's heart sank at his words, the realization dawning upon her that there was no reasoning with the darkness that threatened to consume him.
Tears welled in Daella's amethyst eyes as she pleaded with Aemond, her voice trembling with desperation and love, as she reached out to him.
"Please-" begged Daella; her words choked with emotion. "-Don’t do this“
“I will extinguish our half-sister’s line once and for all”.
“Aemond-you’re going down a path I can't follow” exclaimed Daella.
“-ābrazȳrys” growled Aemond (Wife).
“-Because of what you've done, what you plan to do, I beg you to stop this madness. I love you Valzȳrys " (Husband).
Her hand trembled as she ran her fingers through his long silver hair, seeking to soothe the storm raging within him, to bring him back from the edge of darkness that threatened to consume him.
But Aemond's singular eye remained wild, his expression twisted with a madness that sent shivers down her spine.
"There is no turning back," declared Aemond, his voice a harsh rasp that echoed through the chamber. "I will not rest until our enemies are vanquished, and justice is served."
Daella recoiled at the coldness in his tone, the distance that had grown between them, until she felt as though she no longer knew the man standing before her.
The realization of his descent into madness struck her like a physical blow, leaving her heartbroken and afraid.
As she stared into his eye, searching for some trace of the man she loved, but she knew that she could no longer reach him, that the darkness that consumed him was now beyond her grasp.
Daella's voice trembled with fear as she spoke, her heart heavy with the weight of the truth she could no longer deny. "I'm frightened, Aemond," she confessed, her words barely above a whisper. "Frightened of what you've become, of the darkness that consumes you."
Aemond's expression softened at her words, a flicker of something resembling remorse crossing his features as he pulled her into his arms, enveloping her in a tight embrace, the roundness of her stomach pressed against him.
"I know, my love," he murmured, his voice a gentle reassurance amidst the turmoil that surrounded them. "But together, we will conquer our fears. Together, we will rise above the chaos that has plagued our family for many years"
Daella clung to him, her heart aching with the hope that his words might hold some shred of truth, that the man she loved might still be buried somewhere beneath the layers of ambition and madness.
"But how, Aemond?" she whispered, her voice filled with uncertainty. "How can we find our way back from this darkness?"
Aemond's grip tightened around her, his fingers digging into her back.
"Once Rhaenyra and her last remaining child are dead," declared Aemond, his voice low and menacing, "Then together, we will rule the Seven Kingdoms as King and Queen. Our wastrel of a brother wasn't fit to rule, and neither is Rhaenyra."
"What of those who supported Rhaenyra?" asked Daella, her words barely audible above the hushed whispers of the shadows that surrounded them.
Aemond's gaze hardened at the question, his jaw set in a grim line as he met her gaze with a chilling resolve. "They will have a choice," he replied, his voice cold and unforgiving. "They will either bow to me and acknowledge me as their King, or they will face the consequences."
Daella recoiled at the cruelty in his words, the brutality that lurked behind his steely exterior. "But Aemond-" she protested, her voice tinged with desperation, "-Surely there must be another way. The realm cannot be subjected to another war-Vhagar and Vermithor are the only remaining dragons that have riders, and I am due to birth our child very soon”.
Aemond's grip tightened around her, his eye blazing with a fervour that sent a shiver down her spine.
"Every single one who opposes me will suffer," he declared, his voice echoing through the chamber with a chilling finality. "There can be no mercy for those who dare to stand against the rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms."
Daella's heart sank at his words, the weight of his ruthless ambition pressing down upon her like a leaden weight.
In that moment, she knew that the man she had once loved was gone, replaced by a tyrant consumed by his own thirst for power.
Daella's voice trembled with resolve as she drew back from Aemond's embrace, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and determination. "I'll have no part in your anger and lust for power," she declared, her words ringing with a quiet strength that belied the fear that gnawed at her heart.
Aemond's expression darkened at her defiance, his features contorted with rage as he reached out to grasp her arm, his grip like iron.
"You cannot walk away from this, Daella," growled Aemond, his voice a low warning that sent a shiver down her spine. "You are MY wife, and you will stand by my side."
But Daella stood her ground, her gaze unwavering as she met his with a steely resolve of her own. "I cannot stand by while you destroy everything-” she insisted, her voice firm despite the tremor that betrayed her inner turmoil. "I will not be complicit in your madness."
Aemond's grip tightened around Daella's arm as she attempted to pull away, his fingers digging into her skin with a bruising intensity.
"You will not leave me," hissed Aemond, his voice a low, menacing growl that reverberated through the chamber. "You belong to me, Daella. YOU ARE MINE!!."
Daella recoiled at the possessiveness in his tone, the fear that clawed at her heart as she stared into his eyes, now darkened by the depths of his rage and desperation.
"Let me go, Aemond," pleaded Daella, her voice trembling with a mixture of defiance and fear. "I cannot stay here with you, not like this."
But Aemond's grip only tightened further, his eyes ablaze with a fervour that bordered on madness. "If you dare leave me," he snarled, his voice laced with a chilling threat, "I will rip the world apart until I find you. There will be no place you can hide, no sanctuary you can seek, that will protect you from me-"
“Stop-“ begged Daella.
“I will kill you before I let you leave me” snarled Aemond.
Daella looked at her husband and knew he was serious, never before had he threatened her in such a manner and now as she stood before him, there was only one option left to her-
Despite the fear coursing through her veins, Daella leaned forward and pressed her lips against Aemond's, her kiss filled with a mixture of desperation and determination.
For a fleeting moment, she lost herself in the embrace, her mind racing with the knowledge that this might be her only chance to escape the darkness that threatened to consume them both, to do what she must in order to protect her child.
As Aemond's lips met hers, his grip on her arm momentarily loosened, allowing her to discreetly withdraw the dagger from his belt.
With a surge of adrenaline, she plunged the blade into his chest, her hand steady despite the tremors that shook her to the core.
Aemond pulled away from the kiss, his eye widening in shock as he looked down at the dagger embedded in his chest, the hilt stained crimson with his own blood.
For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the sound of Daella's ragged breaths as she watched him with a mixture of horror and relief.
With a choked gasp, Aemond stumbled backward, landing on the stone floor with a heavy thud, his hand clutching at the dagger protruding from his chest.
Blood seeped through his fingers, staining his green doublet, his gaze fixed on Daella with a mixture of betrayal and disbelief.
With tears streaming down her face, Daella knelt beside Aemond, wrapping her arms around him as he gasped for breath, his life slipping away with each ragged breath.
"I'm sorry," she whispered through choked sobs, her voice breaking with the weight of her anguish. "I can't let you hurt anyone else. The realm cannot be ruled by a tyrant."
Aemond's eye met hers, filled with a mixture of pain and regret, as he struggled to speak. "Daella," he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper, "Forgive me-"
Daella leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead, her heart breaking as she felt the warmth of his life fading beneath her touch. "I forgive you," she whispered, her voice filled with sorrow and love.
As Aemond's breaths grew shallower, his eye fluttered closed, his body growing limp in her arms.
With a heavy heart, Daella held him close, cradling him as his life slipped away, leaving behind only the echoes of a once great and powerful man.
And as she laid him gently on the cold stone floor, the black crown of the Conqueror resting beside his lifeless form, Daella knew that she had done what was necessary to save the realm from the darkness that had threatened to consume it.
Suddenly, a shuffling sound behind her caught her attention, and she turned to see her mother, bending down to pick up the Conqueror's crown from where it lay beside Aemond's body.
Daella watched in silence, her heart heavy with uncertainty, as her mother approached her, the weight of their shared loss hanging heavy in the air between them.
"It was necessary-you did what you had too" muttered Alicent softly as she stared at the lifeless body of her second son.
Her darks eyes lingering on the dagger still buried in Aemond's chest, an odd mixture of sorrow and relied etched upon her face.
"What are we going to do now?" Daella whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, as Alicent turned away from Aemond and held out her hand to her daughter, her last remaining child.
Alicent's expression softened as she took Daella's hand in hers, her touch gentle yet firm as she helped her daughter to stand.
With a solemn grace, she placed the crown of the Conqueror upon Daella's head, the weight of its significance settling upon her.
"Now-" Alicent said, her voice steady and reassuring, "-You will rule".
The End.
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igglemouse · 2 days
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Simón had spent most of his time in Oasis Springs agonizing over Frida, after all, he was only here for her and although his mental had improved now that he was more away from the world of his past there was still the issue of her and what an issue it was.
He wanted to go to her, profess his love of her, make her understand that in the end, he couldn't be without her and show her that despite it all she, more than anyone else, had made him vulnerable.
But part of him knew it would be best to let her go. To stay away from her. After all, his life was misery and ill fortune, tying himself to her was sure to bring her down and after seeing how well she was doing for herself perhaps the only step forward was one without her.
So, Tuesday morning he talked with her father and asked what he should do. It was no surprise that the old man wanted him nowhere near his daughter. "You know how this ends for you, Simón, it ends tragically," her dad said. "And both of us have bought enough of that into her life."
Simón begrudgingly agreed but where did that leave him?
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I think I've pretty much settled into Pascal's place I mean here I am once again making him breakfast but it really isn't official official, you know? I believe both of us wonder if this is all going too fast but who decides that really? Maybe, it's going at just the right pace?
Either way, I'm here cooking Oatmeal buttermilk pancakes, hoping this fits into his very strict diet.
I don't get too far into the preparation before he joins in and offers encouragement.
"You must be the perfect woman," he tells me and I can't help but to wink and smile his way. There's always a risk with him that it can turn into more. Eh, not a risk, a hope...but he does say he has a game today and so he needs to be very very focused for that.
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That leaves me with plenty to do and before I could make a plan on what to do with my free time it is Irene who calls me and asks to come over. I met her at the food stand a day or so ago if you recall and I'm more than happy to get to know her better. I feel like out of all the people I've met I have the most in common with her and so I hope this is the start to a beautiful friendship.
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Before she comes over I have time to make some ice cream and also mix some lemonade. Summer is coming up hard and fast here in Oasis Springs and you'd have to be stupid to find yourself outside without a cool drink or a handful of ice cream or something!
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She strolls right up to the house after she hears me outside humming and making lemonade. I invite her to sit, thankful for the shade, and she's eager to jump right into a conversation about our shared hobby. Being chefs!
"I work at the Selva place, you know the one?"
I nod my head, once again thinking of Simón and the date we shared there and ummm, what happened after. Best not to think about that. "The food was really good! I plan on going back some day-"
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"The boss is an ass but a loveable one," she says, joking. "Won't even hire anyone unless they have 'heritage' or whatever, which is silly but-"
"Oh? Is he hiring?" I say, pushing right past the red flag she had put before me and focusing on the opportunity. "Maybe he might be easier to deal with if you have a friend there to help you out?"
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"Well, yes? Maybe? I think he might be. I could ask him for you but...like I mentioned, he's a bit of an ass! Be careful with him!"
I tell her I will and to go ahead and give him a good word for me. Who knows if I'll take the offer, who knows if I'll be offered, but I always consider an opportunity.
After that she talks a bit about my stand and how she is just a little jealous of it. "It's pretty bold," she says. "You're all on your own so if anything goes wrong, you are to blame. Takes a lot of courage."
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"I guess...I felt like I had nothing to lose," I say, thinking about how she was right but when I started my stand I never thought of failure because I've lived through failure and tragedy and I've come out stronger. "You know it is fun, thinking about the recipes and all that and-"
"That's my dream you know? Having my own place..."
That is definitely a noble and respectable dream, one I think I share...
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Irene has to go which of course leaves me home alone or...well, that's not technically my home but you know what I mean!
I could have sat there and watched television or something but instead decided to head to the gym. If Pascal is out playing a game with the team or whatever he's doing then I need to stay fit myself and what better way than yoga?
It was the perfect time for it too since there was no one else around.
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And being at the gym meant it is likely that I run into Sara who I think was coming from her own light work out herself. She was super excited to see me and asked why I wasn't at home earlier. "Came to ask if you wanted to work out but you just arrived? What have you been up to?"
"I've been at Pascal's place," I come right out with it, watching her eyes grow big with excitement and demand.
"Oh! Wow! You HAVE to tell me about it!"
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She drags me to one of the seats, sits across from me, and gives me a signal to go on. Looks like I have little option here but to indulge her need to know just a little bit although there isn't much for me to tell her. So, I just focus on the general feeling I have when it comes to him.
"He's simple, in a good way I mean. Keeps to himself, works out a lot, very focused on his career."
"See, see!" She says, referencing my conversation with her and Marjorie days ago. "Is it true? Is he trying to get transferred to Real Del Sol!?"
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"Huh?" I have no idea what she's talking about.
"O-oh, just a rumor, Oasis FC you know, small team, respectable, but he's bound to outgrow them at this rate," she says nonchalantly. "Off to a bigger club to hopefully win championships and stuff. I just wondered if you'd have like the inside scoop-"
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"Nooo," I'm shaking my head, regretting that I really know nothing at all about his career but I do know what that might mean for me, for us. "We don't talk much about fútbol honestly, it's not something he's mentioned."
"Hmm, I hope he doesn't go. As an OFC fan it'd suck to lose him."
"Yeah..." well, as his girlfriend it would suck too. I hope he doesn't go either but maybe it's just a rumor with nothing behind it? I'm just now getting to know him and if he were to go to another city would he ask me to come with?
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Either way, right now I'll think nothing of it and enjoy the rest of my time at the gym.
Tomorrow is Summer Solstice and hopefully that means a pretty fun and eventful day. Let's hope at least!
Episode List - Next
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islandtarochips · 2 days
"Koa Nakiu.
Hope this message reaches you well. I've always wanted to say that you've been one of the closest aids I've ever met, and I'm grateful for your kind companionship. But now, with everything in my control, I just wanted to say this very thing to you — that I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that you went through all that pain just to come this far. You never deserved that in the first place. And I'm sorry that I have to let you go, as well. Maybe one day, I'll see you again. Because right now, we all are balancing on a tight string and a huge pit surrounding darkness is waiting for one of us to come down. I can't let that happen. I need to make things better, in my power.
That's why. I would only want you to tell the rest of our allies.. that they shouldn't worry about me. I could be everywhere, making sure you all are okay. Tell Aleks and Charles that I'll be fine, because I've vanished from the world now. Only for the sake of them, and for the world.
Your truly, Vorona."
Arthur's Note: I shall answer this one...with a ONESHOT story. Here it is! (And sorry @welldonekhushi for taking so long! It took me a while to find some time and ideas to get this right. Hope this is ok...)
“Vorona? Who the fuck is Vorona?” Koa asked himself after reading this mysterious letter.
He had found it in his drawer after withdrawing himself from the party. The party that they are celebrating for winning the war. Him and the gang had saved Europe from Perseus who was about to release the Nuke all over the area.
And they have stopped him. All thanks to Bell for telling them the location of where Perseus was at.
Koa had kept staring at the letter, trying to figure out who would put this paper into his drawer before heading out to finish the mission.
He also questions how this mystery person knows his name and knows about Aleks and Charles. He thought it might be a threat but the way he reads sentence after sentence.
It…doesn’t sound threatening at all. It somehow makes him feel…guilty all of a sudden.
Koa rubbed his head as he felt puzzled. He wanted to know of who actually left this letter in HIS drawer and how they know about him. Until he smells a familiar scent from the letter.
He slowly put it up close to his face as he took a good sniff from it. The scent of a cologne mixed with a smoking smell from a cigarette. And then it triggered his memory of seeing someone recognizable.
Koa looked at the wall as he remembered now. “...Bell?”
He imagined the Russian man smiling at him softly.
“What the-” 
He looked back at the letter as he felt something bad had happened. Something happened that HE wasn’t there for the man he called his close friend and brother.
He read it again as his hand started shaking.
Why does he feel the heaviness in his heart?
Why does he feel like his body is shaking so much?
He folded the letter and put it in his pocket before walking out of his room. As he saw the gang is still partying. 
Park, Sims and Lazar were talking. While Hudson was getting annoyed by Woods drunkenly talking to him as Mason was just laughing.
And then saw Charles and Aleks were chatting away remembering a good time.
But where is Adler and Bell?
He walked over to Charles and Aleks as he got the two attention.
“Koa! Hermano! You’re missing yourself with the drink that you like!” Aleks said with a cheerful tone and with a bright smile; as she grabbed another cup that was on the table next to her. She walked up to him before she saw Koa’s expression. “Hey…you ok? You seem like you saw a ghost.”
Koa looked down at Aleks, seeing her worried expression. He cleared his throat before looking around. “Have you seen Bell and Adler? I need to talk with them. Or…make that Adler.”
Aleks pondered a bit as she tried to remember. “Um…well…I only saw Adler. I was also questioning where Bell was as well. But I didn’t ask him yet.”
 “Then where is Adler?”
“He should be outside smoking.”
Charles stepped in looking at the two. “What’s going on?”
“Koa was just asking where's Adler and Bell.”
Charles was taking a sip from his drink before looking around. “Hmmm. All I can remember is that it was only Adler who came in last. I don’t think I’ve seen Bell anywhere.”
Charles saw Koa’s expression had turned pale and saw he didn’t hear him. “Nakiu? Helloooooo? Earth to NAKIU.” He snapped his fingers in front of Koa.
The big man jolted at hearing the snap of the Professor’s fingers. “U-Uh- Sorry! I um…”
“¿Estás bien? What’s going on?’ Aleks asked as she looked even more worried for her Māori friend.
Before Koa could answer, he saw Adler walk back in. “I’ll be right back.” He quickly walked past Charles and Aleks as he hurriedly walked up to the CIA man.
Adler turned his head to see Koa walking up to him so quickly as he stood firm. While flicking his cigarette away. “Yes, Nakiu?”
Koa got up to him as he took a deep breath and looked at him. Looking deep through this man’s sunglasses that he always wore wherever he goes. “Adler…I…I need to know. Where is Bell?”
Adler raised his eyebrows a bit after hearing that question. Before looking away to avoid the Captain’s gaze.
Koa knew something was up. He kept asking him that same question. “Adler. WHERE is BELL?” He saw him trying to turn away from him but he stopped him.
“Don’t you fucking turn away from ME, Adler. ANSWER my question.” Koa started to protest while blocking his way.
“MOVE. NAKIU. I got other business to get done.” Adler warned the Captain.
“The business shit is ALREADY done!”
Aleks quickly stepped in between the two before looking at Koa. “K-Koa, calm down. What’s going on?”
Koa started to point at Adler as he didn’t listen to Aleks. “Where IS he, Adler? I just want to KNOW!” He didn’t pay attention to anyone else except to Adler. He was so focused on getting an answer from this CIA agent. He KNOWS that he had something to hide.
He’s feeling impatient but did his best to stay cool.
Charles also stepped in before touching Koa’s shoulder. “Nakiu. You need to calm down.”
Koa shoved his hand away before pushing Aleks aside gently as he took a step forward towards Adler. 
The Agent took a step back as his back touched against the wall. While staring up at the angry Captain.
The rest of the gang saw this as well as they walked over to see what was going on.
Mason stood next to Aleks. “What’s going on? Why is Koa like this?”
Aleks was just looking worried as she wanted to stop Koa from doing anything stupid. But somehow deep down inside of her tells her to wait and see. “I-I…I don’t know. Koa kept asking Adler where's Bell…”
“You know…I was questioning that too.” Woods said as he took a step in. “Hey ADLER! Where IS Bell huh? I thought he was with YOU.”
Adler was silenced as he was just staring at Woods, who is a bit drunk, through his sunglasses before looking back at Koa.
The Māori man was towering over him a bit, he was DESPERATE to know where his friend, his ally, his BROTHER.
“ADLER. PLEASE. I’m begging you. WHERE is BELL?”
Adler was still being quiet as he looked away. Koa was getting annoyed at this. He took another step forward, cornering Adler, and glared at him. “ADLER! Where is BE-”
The garage was in deep silence after Adler had yell with those TWO simple words. The words had cut so deep into Koa’s heart.
Aleks, Charles and everyone else in the garage were shocked to hear this. Except for Hudson, Sims and Park. For some reason...
Koa was just standing there with wide eyes. “W-What…?”
“He’s FUCKING gone, Koa! You happy now?” Adler said with an annoyance in his tone but with a small guilt mixed with it.
Aleks was covering her mouth in shock. While Charles was just standing there also being shocked and was gripping his glass.
Mason walked over as he touched Koa’s shoulder while glaring at Adler. “Russel. What do you mean he’s GONE?”
“What did you do to him, Adler?” Woods asked the question as he took a step forward while glaring at him.
Adler was silenced again as he sighed trying to find the right words.
Aleks looked at Adler with saddened eyes. “Adler…?”
He was about to say something before jolting at Koa, grabbing him by his leather brown jacket and getting his back slammed against the wall.
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?” Koa yelled, making everyone panic.
Mason quickly grabbed Koa’s shoulder trying to pull him away but he’s too stubborn and strong to be pulled back. “KOA! CALM DOWN!”
“Koa! Let go of him NOW!” Hudson ordered the Captain.
But he didn’t listen as he slammed Adler again against the wall. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO BELL?!? TELL ME!”
Adler groaned as he grabbed onto Koa's arms. “Let GO of me, you bastard! Get OFF!"
“Not until you TELL me what you did to the man who had HELPED us!”
“For fuck sake- LAZAR!” Hudson rubbed the bridge of his nose before pointing at Lazar.
Lazar stepped in and helped Mason to pull Koa away.
The Captain struggled to get out of their grip while still yelling at Adler.
Charles scoffed seeing this scene before looking at Adler. “Answer the DAMN question, Adler. What did you do to him and WHERE is he?” Then he glared at Hudson. “I know YOU have something to do with this as well.”
Hudson glared back at the Professor. “What made you say THAT?”
“Don’t play the dumb shit game here. You both are in the same agencies to SAVE the world but I know deep down that you’re just a bunch of BULLSHITS.” Charles snarled at both of the CIA agents. “So tell us the truth or I might reconsider Nakiu here to disfigure BOTH of your faces.” 
Charles gave them both a daggered stare as he took a quick swig on his drink down to his throat. Before Adler sighs in defeat and fixes himself up.
“The CIA had already put Bell under a death sentence. We’re only using him and keeping him alive for some information about Perseus.” Adler explained.
Aleks was confused as she looked at Adler. “DEATH sentence? What does that supposed to mean?”
Hudson stepped in to answer that. “Which means that he’s already no use for us after this mission.”
Everyone was stunned. Except for Park and Sims as the two looked away. Koa caught the two as he glared at them. While still being held back by Lazar and Mason.
“You two know about this DIDN’T you?” Koa said with anger.
“Hey man! I’m just a guy who solves problems! Which, in case you FORGET, that I provide materials for y'all. I didn’t know about the death sentence until NOW!” Sims raised his hands in defense.
“Yeah, by putting a SYRINGE into his fucking EYEBALL?”
“You WHAT?” Mason looked at Sims and Park with a dumbfounded look. “You put a syringe into Bell’s EYES? WHY?!”
Park motioned her hands towards Mason to calm down. “It’s the only way to get his memory back for him to tell us of where Perseus was at.”
Woods walked up while pointing his finger at her. “BULLSHIT! He could’ve died from how many times you have to put that in him!”
Hudson stepped in between Woods and Park. “Alright ENOUGH! Let’s just take a breather!”
Aleks was just looking at the gang back and forth before looking at Adler who was just standing there. “Adler…why would you do that? He TOLD us of where Perseus was at. And yet, you decided to…to KILL him?”
“That wasn’t my choice. He’s already on a death sentence under the hands of the CIA. It’s unfair, yes. Which is why Hudson wanted me to end him instead of them.”
“You CAN’T even think of another way to let him stay? O-Or let him walk freely just for a bit?”
“It’s not that simple Aleks-”
“It should’ve been simple!” Aleks yelled at Adler as tears slowly appeared into her brown sad eyes. She could feel a small pain piercing into her chest. “He TRUSTED us! He trusted KOA! He trusted CHARLES! He trusted WOODS! MASON! ME! EVERYONE in this fucking safe house!”
Everyone was looking at Aleks, seeing her for the first time being upset. Of course, she’s upset most of the time but not like this.
“¿¡¿CÓMO PUEDES HACERLE ESTO?!?” She walked up to him as she pushed him back. “¡¿POR QUÉ TIENES QUE HACER ESTO?!”
She started to hit him against his chest with her fist while still crying and yelling at him. Before Charles walked over and gently pulled Aleks away from him. He comforted her a bit before he gave a disappointed look at Adler.
Adler was just staring at Aleks who was crying as he was about to reach out to her. “I’m sorry…”
“No you’re not.”
Adler looked at Koa seeing him walking up to him. Lazar was about to grab Koa but stopped himself as he knew that the Captain needed to say something.
“You’re not SORRY because if you were you wouldn’t killed him.” Koa said as he blocked in front of Adler from Aleks. Towering over him again. He looked at the CIA Agent as he wanted to end him so badly. But Koa had been learning all of his life. Since the very beginning of him joining the army. He didn’t come this far to end with violence to someone who he was working with.
He took a deep breath as he slowly leaned back. “And even if you DIDN’T. You still won’t trust him.” He looked at Adler with sadden eyes before he slowly dug into his pocket and brought out the folded letter. The letter that he had found from his drawer.
Everyone was looking at Koa confusingly as they saw a paper in his hand.
Koa was just staring at the folded paper.
Breathing calmly before clutching onto it and looking Adler straight into his eyes. Through those ridiculous sunglasses “I’m done.”
Adler raised his eyebrows after hearing that from the Captain. “What?”
“I’m DONE. I’m done with this mission. I’m done with this war. I am done with you and your CIA bullshits.” Koa slowly looked at Adler with seriousness in his eyes. “I’m going back to New Zealand. Going back to the Army. And I would appreciate it if you NOT contact me. EVER.”
Adler was dumbfounded to hear this from Koa. It was unexpected that he would actually let one person who had passed. Could make him quit.
Koa then glared at Hudson. “I’m leaving tomorrow morning. I’m sure there are other people who would like to be your little PUPPET.”
Hudson was silenced when the Captain had pointed out to him. Which he looked away.
Koa kept his glare as he looked at Park and Sim. “I thought you guys knew better. Then being DESPERATE to solve or finding the answer.”
Sims rubbed behind his head and looked away. While Park looked at him with guilt as she rubbed her arm.
Koa sighed calmly before turning around to look at Woods and Mason. “Woods. Mason. It’s…an honor to be working with you both. I apologize that this meeting won’t last long.” 
“Hey, we understand your struggles. And…we’re sorry that this is a twisted night.” Woods said as he put his hand out to the Captain. “It’s nice meeting you, Captain.”
Koa looked at Woods' hand and smiled at him a bit before shaking his hand.
Mason also did the same with Koa and gave him a hug after. He appreciated this from him.
So Koa leaned back and gave him a nod before walking over while looking at Lazar. “Lazar.”
“Captain. ….I…” Lazar was trying to find words to say but seemed like he was too ashamed to even speak.
But Koa understands and just gives him a reassuring smile before patting his shoulder. “It’s alright, Lazar. I’m not blaming you.”
Then he got to Charles and Aleks. He slowly looked down at the woman who was crying still. He could see pain in her eyes as if she was blaming herself for not knowing the truth.
“Aleks…” Before he could say anything else. He suddenly felt Aleks hugging him. Koa showed his expression of being worried for his dear friend. As he hugged her gently.
“Lo lamento…” Aleks said it between her sobbing.
It broke Koa’s heart to see this woman who he called sister like this. He gently leaned her back and placed his hand on her cheek before wiping her tears away. “No lo seas. No lo sabías.” He said it softly before smiling at her.
Aleks was still feeling guilty when she saw Koa’s soft smile. She just smiled back a bit before hugging him again.
He chuckled as he didn’t reject another hug. And saw Charles was fixing his glasses. “Are you crying?” Koa cooed at him in a teasing way.
“Tch. As IF. I just got something in my eye.”
“Uh huh. Riiiiiiiiiiight.”
The Captain chuckled as he saw the Professor walk over. Seeing him sigh before running his hand through his brown hair.
Aleks leaned back and wiped her tears before looking at the two.
Koa and Charles were just staring at each other. Despite them hating each other, teasing each other and even getting on each other’s nerves. Koa knows deep down that Charles cared.
“Soooo. Wanna hug it out?” Koa asked with a small smile.
Charles rolled his eyes as he fixed his glasses before putting his hand out to Koa. “A handshake would be sufficient.”
The Captain smiled a bit as he took the Professor’s hand and shook on it.
“As much…as I despise you from the very beginning. I will be missing your annoyance around here. It will be quiet without you.” Charles said as he looked into Koa’s eyes. As if he meant it really well.
“Getting soft on me, Charlie?” Koa said with a teasing grin.
“DON’T make me take my words back, Nakiu.”
Koa laughed a bit before smiling at Charles and then at Aleks. “I…I’m really glad that I have met you both.” He said it softly.
“We’ll see you tomorrow when you go out.” Aleks promised as she wanted to see her friend one last time before departure.
Koa just smiled at her. “I would like that.” Then he sighs before turning to face everyone. “I’ll pack my things.”
After that, Koa had left to go to his room to get his things. Of course, he doesn’t want to leave. He doesn’t want to go away after everything that they have been through.
With some laughter, arguments and working together.
It wasn’t the same without that ONE person that he deeply cared for. Hoping it’ll give him a second chance to change once and for all. And now…he lost it. AGAIN. ----------------------
Words: 3040 Characters (Left -> Right)
Koa "Hunter" Nakiu -> Me
Aleksandra Clarke R. -> @alypink
Charles "Charlie" Moore -> @deeptrashwitch
Vasili "Bell" Sokolov -> @welldonekhushi
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writerswhy · 3 days
hi, previous anon here! i wanted to ask if my question offended you since it's been a while. if it did im sorry, i didn't mean to come off aggressive or anything lol
If you’re the anon who asked me why I believe Hinamori would try to push forward and “over” her anger and hurt towards Aizen and turn it into something along the lines of transformative justice:
Then no, I’m sorry!! Life has really picked up and I find that I don’t have much time to do most of what I enjoy. I’m not going to lie, the more times passes, the more unhappy I am with that post. I feel like I didn’t get my point across, and that’s in part because I’m really self-conscious about my place in any fandom, and if it’s something I enjoy or something I should finally let go. 
But that’s not what you’re asking. Onto Hinamori:
When thinking about her, I get the feeling that she’s someone who’s always wondering:
“am I feeling this right?” 
Because I know she’s often characterized as very, very naive - sheltered even - and I mean, sure, everyone has been naive at least once in their life, but I think it’s more about how earnest and empathetic she is coupled with this sense of justice that drives her. (Interestingly, I think the lieutenant with whom she has the most in common is Hisagi.)
I think her course of action doesn’t necessarily align with the Seireitei’s tools - and as a result her peers, and that’s such a specific brand of loneliness. I always go back to these panels:
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They just scream disillusionment to me. Like she knows not all is as it seems.
(I mean, I think Hinamori wanted to join the gotei because she thought maybe it’s a way to continue her story and oh look, it just so happens that it’s now the only way to continue her story; look at how the stars aligned. Until she learned it was all by design.)
I feel like Hinamori is someone whose entire moral code, the principles that guide her, are constantly being invalidated by their very existence.
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She’s seen how that very attitude is used to hurt others, and most importantly, her participation in upholding the status quo, are what weighs on her the most. What about her Rukongai ghost friends? What about the students who are going to be fed to the machine? (I know it would break Hinamori’s heart if she ever found out about the guy from the 12th who joined to get closer to her only to get blown up by his own captain.) What about her subordinates? What about her friends? I feel like Hinamori bears a sense of responsibility to all of this and so much more. As a shinigami, she participates in othering ghosts like her friends (like herself at one point), and perpetuates the inequality. As someone who illustrates for the academy (and whose own subordinate is now an instructor at the academy), does she feel like she’s legitimizing their teaching? And Hitsugaya! I think she feels like she is in one way responsible for him joining the academy and how everything that came from it takes more from him than it gives. 
Grappling with what to do with all this, I think, is an important part of her story. The after. What to do with all you know (the memories that haunt you, memories that have been used to hurt you), all you’ll never know (haunted by memories that will never be and could never have been), and proceeding in a responsible way. Maybe Hinamori could learn to distance herself a little more, to stop believing just a bit, but Hinamori also knows what that could do to others (as it has done to Aizen and Hitsugaya), and while it may not look the same for her, I think, she’ll lose more than what she’ll gain. For herself and for a better tomorrow. 
Hinamori is not just a dreamer. She dreams big and works twice as hard. If she wants to follow a captain she believes embodied all that she was looking for outside Seireitei’s framework (because remember, it was emphasized that Aizen treated everyone equally, that his students loved him, and that’s something I feel Hinamori was losing hope in ever seeing within Seireitei’s walls), she is going to train until her hands bleed and study until she passes out.
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(Top 👏 of 👏 her class 👏. Ki-👏-do ma-👏-ster.)
I know the translations vary, but I remember Unohana saying something like “Hinamori is waiting for someone to call her”, and maybe Hinamori is someone who needs to believe there are parts worth fighting for…and maybe those parts start with the people. She can grow bitter and follow in the Seireitei’s footsteps, like Aizen; she can rage until she hurts parts of herself more than it’s hurts her enemies, like Hitsugaya; she can bury her head in the sand and ignore the creating of another enemy; or she can trust her ideal and learn to work in and outside the Seireitei for the sake of Soul Society. She’s not a pacifist - she has and will continue to disrupt. That could mean being the one dissenting voice. That could mean planting trees that will grow beyond her time.
(That could mean reflecting off of all you hold close.) 
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vodika-vibes · 1 day
Hiya! I hope you're feeling better ❤️🌸
Can I request some crumbs of A'den Skirata, pretty please?🥺It can be some light angst with Order 66 with Jedi reader escape shenanigans, maybe some comfort or even something spicy? Whatever you feel like writing!
Thanks in advance~
Not Your Fault
Summary: After escaping the purge by the skin of your teeth, you seek comfort in the arms of the person you still trust, A’den Skirata.
Pairing: A'den Skirata x F!Jedi Reader
Word Count: 677
Warnings: some angst, implied spice
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Hi there! I am feeling a lot better. Well, sorta. I didn't stretch my foot properly, so there's an ache and some discomfort, but I'm getting better every day. Sorry that this is so short, but I kind of wanted to write a snapshot of them right after order 66. I hope you like it!
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It hurts.
The loss of the other Jedi, of your former master and your padawan siblings, echo through the force. It’s like taking a punch to the chest.
Over and over and over—
Every time you remember that you’re alone in the galaxy now, the pain returns.
A warm hand smoothes over your hair, and you shudder before curling into A’den’s warmth.
He sent you a heavily encrypted message several hours after the Purge happened. He offered you a safe place to hide from the Empire and promised to protect you.
For a moment, you feared that it was a trap, that it was a trick for him to get his hands on you so he could kill you…but if that were the case, A’den would have just tracked you down and killed you.
So you took a chance and came to him.
You’re glad you did.
“How are you feeling, cyare?” A’den asks, his voice quiet and comforting.
“Awful,” You reply, honestly. “I never thought that I would be alone in the galaxy.”
“You’re not.” A’den smooths his hand over your hair and then turns your head so you’re looking up at him, “You have me, and my brothers. We’re not going to leave you alone.”
You lightly grip his wrist, “I’m grateful for it, but it’s not the same.”
“I know, cyare.” He shifts on the bed to lay beside you, rather than sit over you, “How can I help?”
Your hand presses against his cheek, “Can you make me forget?”
He leans in and presses his forehead against yours, “If I could, I would.”
You blink tears out of your eyes, “Did we do something wrong?” You ask, “Did we somehow deserve—”
“No.” A’den rolls you so you’re on your back and he’s laying over you, “No. You did nothing wrong. This isn’t your fault.”
“I survived. No one else did.”
“That doesn’t make it your fault.”
“I can’t help but think—” You trail off, hesitantly.
“Go on.”
“That maybe it would have been better if I died with everyone else.”
A’den pulls back to stare at you, “How can you think that?”
“I don’t know.”
Smoothly, A’den pins your hands next to your head, “I’m glad you’re still alive.”
You sigh softly, “I know.”
“You’re the best thing that came out of this war,” A’den adds, “The only good thing that came from the war.”
“No.” You shake your head, “No, A’den. That’s not right.”
“The only good thing that came from the war is you and your brothers.”
A’den stares at you, startled.
“You’re all good men. You deserve better than what we did to you.”
A’den shakes his head and his grip tightens around your wrists, “I love you.” It’s blunt and straightforward, just like him, and you know that he means it. “You didn’t do anything. You, and your people, are as much victims in this war as me and my brothers.”
“It’s not quite the same—”
“You’re right. It’s not. The majority of my vod’e are still alive, after all.” He leans in and presses himself flush against you, “Your people were the victims of a mass genocide. A genocide committed by my people.”
“It’s not your fault either.”
“Oh, I know.” A’den presses his lips against yours, “But you’d be well within your rights to hate me.”
“I don’t think I could.” You admit, “I love you too much.”
“I’m glad for it,” A’den murmurs, he scans your face for a moment, “Do you still want to forget?”
“Keep your hands here. I’m going to help you forget, at least for a little while.”
“How?” Your face heats when his hands drip under your tank top, sliding the thin material up.
“In a very physical way.” A’den slides down your body and presses his lips against your sternum, “Unless you’d rather not?”
You lower your hands and card your fingers through his hair, “Please, A’den. Help me forget. Just for one night.”
His gaze locks with yours, and he smiles soft and warm, “As you wish.”
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c4rdkingd0m · 3 months
Alright you guys know we’re not the type to be shy about this type of stuff so I’m gonna yell it out for the dumbasses in the back who are ignoring or downplaying this situation:
The media is erasing who he was. His name was Nex Benedict, not anything else. Friends have revealed he preferred he/him pronouns. He was an indigenous two-spirit person who had been bullied for a year, if not more.
Rest in power, Nex. We will never forget you, and we will keep fighting for you to at the very least have a peaceful grave. We will keep fighting for your identity, for the life you should’ve lived.
You could’ve been famous for another reason. Instead, people know who you are because you are dead. And we won’t rest until the decisions that led to your death haunt those who let you die forever.
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m1d-45 · 6 months
anons original ask:
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that’s quite alright ! don’t worry about it, it’s not a big deal.
also, hello and welcome! admittedly, you’ve chosen a rather poor time to pop up (of no fault of your own, of course, i’ve just been rather [vague buzz of negativity] and very inactive on tumblr) but i do still check my notifications regularly. if you have any ideas you’d like to chat about, please feel free to send an ask !
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