#and i love jo so much
expelliarmus · 6 months
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gregorytheeggory · 2 years
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racking up fines for wearing pants gang
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snikt111 · 8 months
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tewz · 9 months
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Chonkers cheeks. Isn't she precious?!
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"She's gettin' a lot, isn't she? For her birthday." "Yeah, you are. We've really made the effort."
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irinaharumi · 10 months
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Distinguished People of Mount Hua
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eggplantgifs · 8 months
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Satoko Miyahara: Romeo & Juliet » 2023 Japan Open
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panlyv · 7 months
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[ X ] DON'T RUN AWAY THIS TIME OUR DATING SIM (2023) for @soulmatelines [ happy birthday jo 💗 ]
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sualne · 1 year
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whole cake island live doodle reaction
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doortotomorrow · 8 months
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THREE & JO: day of the daleks
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da-proti-toku-grem · 28 days
Joker Out trying to be serious for more than two seconds challenge (impossible)
source: x
Nace: *explaining how this is actually his second time in Madrid but he never really got time to see the city*
Jan: look Jure, I can make a sound :D
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andsjuliet · 5 months
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what women are allowed into the club of geniuses anyway?
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brookiidookiii · 7 months
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post runaway model after jo is upset chester ruined her makeup, zoey and anne maria comfort her and redo the look so chester can't mess it up this time. plssss see my vision of a maggot girl friendship.
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luthor-s · 2 years
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A League of Their Own (2022)
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cherrrygoblin · 17 days
Thinking about sharing a ramune with Jo Togame.
You got it for yourself, but of course you’re going to share it with him when he asks. He can taste your lip balm on the blue plastic rim of the bottle when he presses it to his lips. The flavor makes him think about kissing you just to taste it again, but he’s still too terrified to make a move. So, he settles for tipping the bottle back enough for the fizzy liquid to spill onto his tongue before passing it back to you.
The way you don’t even bat an eye at taking a swig makes him wonder if you want to kiss him too, but he’d never admit it. Before you know it, the bottle is getting emptier, and you have to tip it back further and further with each sip. Jo offers you the last of it, and his emerald eyes fix onto you when he watches you tip the bottle to the sky, careful to keep the marble out of the way.
He watches the way your neck lengthens when you tilt your head back, trying to keep his head out of the gutter. You just look so good when your hair falls back and you gulp down the remaining liquid. His mesmerized gaze doesn’t miss the way your tongue peeks out to lick the last drops from the rim, and he finds his breath caught in his throat.
However, by the time you look back at him, he’s already staring at the sky again with that lazy look in his eye.
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wickedwitchofthesouth · 2 months
Keith can play the electric guitar, and shiro can play the drums, and Adam was an exceptional vocalist. Before everything went to shit shiro and Keith used to joke about how they would form a family band if the whole space thing didn't work out.
When shiro left, Adam encouraged Keith to keep playing as a hobby. When shiro went missing, Keiths passion for it staggered, but he continued playing because he wanted to show shiro how much better he'd gotten when he would come back- because shiro was going to come back. He had too
When Adam passed away, Keith gave up entirely. Maybe it was out of spite. Maybe he didn't see any point in practising anymore. Maybe the memory of better days was just too painful to revisit. Keith couldn't give you a reason. He'd really given up on all his hobbies and interests. Anything that wasn't directly needed to help him find shiro wasn't worth the effort.
He knew shiro would hate that. But shiro was the one who left. So did he really have any say in how Keith chose to ruin his nights finding him? Keith didn't think he did.
But its years later now and theyve all found their way back to earth, ready for one last mission before the end of the line comes into sight. Keith walks into his room for the first time in years to find shiro already sitting on his bed.
Hands cradling the dust covered guitar. The strings were britle from years of sitting in a corner and its once pristine glossy red finish had been replaced by the dulling of sun damage.
If the instrument could speak, it would curse him to the ends of the earth for abandoning it the same way he was abandoned - and Keith would let it.
Still, shiro smiles at him, handing over the guitar to his brother. "You still play?" He asks as if he doesn't already know the answer.
Keith feels like he's a kid again. He doesn't want to disappoint but he doesn't want to lie either. "Not really"
Shiro gets up to uncover all the old equipment from under the sheets. Keith can see the dust partials flying in the sunbeam that's shining through the blinds. He watches shrio plug everything in, the lights on the tuner take a while to flicker on but they get their eventually.
Keith remembered how he'd kept shiros drumsticks even though Adam had thrown out his drum set one night in a fit or rage. He'd cried all night after that, Keith remembered trying to comfort him to no avail. Little hands trying to wipe away the endless pools of tears that streamed down Adams face. He doesn't like thinking about it.
He walks over to his bedside drawer. It takes a bit of strength to wriggle the old thing open, but when he does, he's pleased to see they're still there. Shiros favourite pair of purple drumsticks. Adams favourite colour. Keith remembered, and he knows shiro can't forget.
"Aha!" Shrio cheers, and Keith is pulled back into the present. When he turns around, he finds shiro standing over the equipment. Overly satisfied with himself for still remembering how to set it up. "Still got it," he says, brushing his shoulder. Keith can't help but chuckle.
Keith holds up the drumsticks and he loves the way shiros face lights up ."Oh my god! you kept them?!" He cheers.
"Theyre all I could manage to hide from adam" Keith replies as shiro takes them out of his hand. He did not mean for it to sound as miserable as it came out.
Shrio smiles ever so softly as he turns them over in his hands. "It's okay," he says. Keith knows exactly what he's thinking about. it's an odd feeling to be able to know someone this well.
Shiro takes in a sharp breath before looking back up at keith. That excited spark finds its way back into his eyes as he pushes the guitar into Keith's chest. "Your turn." he smirks, patting him on the shoulder. "Show me what you've got"
Keith stands there for a moment like a deer in headlights. It's been years since he's even held the guitar in his hands. He's not sure if he's "got" anything left.
"Shiro I don't-"
"Oh come on!! I'm sure you've still got it just give it a try"
It's an even worse feeling being known this well. Keith doesn't know what to do with it.
He carefully slings the strap over his head. He's sure the dust will leave a mark on his jacket.
"Okay, but don't laugh if I suck." he points his pick at shiro, who holds up a finger to his lips in response, but Keith can already see the laugh creeping up on his face
Keith readjusts the guitar to try and get a better grip. Something doesn't feel right. He fiddles around with it a little longer. He holds up the pick and strums a few chords, but they don't sound right. He tries to tune them, strums the chords again, readjust the strap again-
"You need to try Keith," shiro finally says. "You won't know if you can play if you don't even try"
Keith looks back at his brother. It's been nearly a decade since he last heard shiro say that. He prays to any higher power that will listen to not let his eyes give away how those words make him feel now. He doesn't think anyone is listening.
Keith takes in the deepest breath before holding the guitar again. He tries to smile. "Okay, any requests?"
Shrio taps his chin in thought, "How about Bowie?" He recommends "life on Mars? Or maybe rebel rebel? You used to love those songs"
"I might remember rebel rebel," he says mostly to himself. He strums a few chords trying to remember the riff of the songs. It takes a few attempts, but he gets it eventually.
Keith hums the lyrics he doesn't remember and the ones he does he attempts to sing
Rebel rebel, you've torn your dress
Rebel rebel, your face is a mess
Shiro joins in the chours. Well- he certainly makes an attempt
Rebel rebel, how could they know?
Hot tramp! I love you so!
Somewhere between the awful singing and questionable guitar playing, keith finds himself lost in the music. His head rocks back and forth, and he's sure his hair is a mess but he feels like he's floating. He feels like he's 14 again. He feels like they're back in shiros garage on a hot summer day and the sound of drumsticks beating on his desk turns into drums actually being played, and Adams is about to walk through the door any moment now and grab the mic.
When the song finally ends, keith finds himself laughing in excitement. When he opens his eyes again, the drums have turned back into a desk, and the mic is nowhere to be found, but Keith is still smiling. He's got it.
He's still got it
"See" Shrio cheers, pulling Keith out of his head the for second time that afternoon "I told you"
"That was awesome," Keith says, pushing his hair out of his face as he pulls the guitar off. He wants to hug it and tell it he's sorry for leaving. Shiro will think he's lost his mind, but it's totally worth it.
When he looks back at shiro, he's giving him the fondest smile. Keith suddenly feels a knot forming his stomach, he's only seen shiro make that face twice his whole life. Once when Keith got his fighter pilot rank at the garrison and second when he was selected for the kerberos mission.
He opens his mouth as if to say something but closes it again and suddenly slings his arm around Keith's neck, pulling him down to ruffle his hair even further. Keith tries to protest, but every word just comes out as a laugh. "Look at you," shrio says amidst their play fight. "When did you get this cool, huh?"
Keith finally manages to pull away, stumbling a little before finding his balance again. "I've always been this cool," he retorts, trying to card his fingers through his hair. "You just refused to notice it before"
"Nope no I'm pretty sure this is a recent development" shiro mocks,
Keith rolls his eyes but the smile his still apparent on his lips "whatever" he says, crossing his arms over his chest
He's thrown slightly off balance again when shiro throws his arm around his shoulders. But this time, he only gently pulls him into a side hug as they walk out of the room. "Well, at least we still know one thing for sure"
"And whats that" Keith asks walking in tow
Shiro shrugs, one hand around his brother the other in his pocket "if this space thing doesn't work out, we've still got the band" he winks
Keith shakes his head laughing "and are we taking audtions for a new vocalist?"
"No need to, I've already got someone in mind" shiro replies "have you heard lance sing?"
"Lance can sing???"
"Oh that boy was built for a stage"
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