#and i’m just like ‘………HARVEY ARE U. GOOD’
katierosefun · 5 months
obsessed with harvey in season 7 because you think that man can’t be any more disastrous but then he’s dating his therapist and inventing a new job for his boyfriend (cough) former employee who he hired illegally the first time around and he’s stressed and having a bad time and also his abandonment issues are still kicking and screaming in the background
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junicult · 1 year
!! the bachelors & hot features they have / things they do
contains ; gn!farmer. written w fem!farmer in mind, but nothing that specifies. established relationship. nsfw. body / facial hair headcanons. suggestive content. mostly sfw w fluff. not proofread.
note ; ok so this is a prompt i made like a year ago on my other blog, so i just decided to bring it here w stardew valley characters!
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- he’s literally the loml.
- he’s so well groomed, his hygiene is genuinely perfect.
- ofc we know he has his famous mustache, super clean and neat. he trims it every so often to keep it that way.
- and i feel like he can grow a beard, but it doesn’t come in as thick so he decides to just shave it.
- this man has a happy trail 🫡
- a dark, thick patch of hair that trails up to his belly button. it progressively thins the higher it goes, but it’s definitely prominent when he’s wearing low shorts or even just boxers.
- he keeps that nice and trimmed too. i’m tellin you, he’s so clean.
- he also smells so good. whether it be cologne, or just him, it’s so good.
- he’s a boxer briefs kinda guy. they make him feel secure.
- he probably sleeps in a matching pair of pants and shirt. lol.
- but likely during the summer, he’ll end up falling asleep in just his boxers every once in a while.
- this man is the perfect husband.
- wakes up to make you breakfast, makes dinner to give you before you get home.
- on lazy days he’ll clean up the house, make sure it’s all nice and tidy while you work on the farm.
- he recognizes you have a lot to do, so he wants to give you as much as you give him.
- a househusband, if u will.
- he’s a cuddler.
- whether it be just sitting on the couch, watching tv, or lying in bed—he’s cuddling u.
- big spoon, little spoon, wrapped around your body one way or another.
- if he knows you hate cuddling, he’ll be cool about it. but you’ll probably have to compromise and give him something, like his hand holding yours or your head resting against his chest.
- your presence is enough, he just likes to feel you’re there before falling asleep.
- he’s huge on emotional intimacy.
- after a long day, and he gets to just unwind with you, and maybe a glass of wine every once in a while is like heaven to him.
- the type to set up a nice bubble bath with candles and stuff, just so you two can sit and catch up.
- “hm? no, my day was fine. much better now.”
- i’m just saying, harvey, with his hair slightly damp, glasses low on the bridge of his nose, head tilted to the side while listening to you intently, and his body all covered in bubbles. he’s so…
- fuck i love him.
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- a thinner happy trail, but still goes up to his belly button.
- it’s like a slightly darker patch of blonde hair.
- he doesn’t really have to groom it or anything, but he does make sure it’s fairly neat every once in a while.
- he honestly doesn’t really dwell on it though. it’s just there, and since you’ve expressed interest in it, he’s more then happy to leave it.
- i feel like he could grow facial hair, but it always comes in super patchy and thin, so he just shaves it off.
- he honestly prefers it that way too. it just doesn’t look good on him.
- boxer shorts 🤭🤭🤭
- those baggy, plaid shorts that look so fucking good, especially when he wears them low on his waist.
- that’s all he wears to bed lol.
- CUDDLER!!!!!!
- spooning with him is so cute, swear.
- probably bc he wants to strictly be little spoon.
- even if you’re significantly shorter then him, he loves feeling like you’re his little backpack.
- i almost wanna say he moves around a lot in his sleep. it’s really interesting to wake up and see where he’s laying.
- like, he can go to bed with his whole body tucked under the covers, head on the pillow and feet at the end—but he’ll wake up with his limbs hanging off the end and entirely upside down above the covers.
- all of that but somehow he knows not to touch you, so it’s like a little surprise every time you both wake up.
- he absolutely loves pda.
- not an inappropriate amount, but there’s no way he can go even an hour without kissing you somehow when you’re together.
- holding your hand when you’re standing together, leaning over to give you a kiss on the cheek just cus.
- he loves going 1 on 1 with you during pool, but mainly because he just loves how sassy you get when you’re winning.
- or, whenever he’s playing against sebastian and he has you by his side cheering him on.
- he feels on top of the world.
- he’s so in love with you, swear.
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- 😵‍💫
- he’s got what i’d like to say is a dad bod.
- round tummy, large arms, broad shoulders. he’s attractive in a realistic sense, and he may not be incredibly confident, but your attraction to his physique makes him a lot more self assured.
- especially when your eyes wander a little when he takes off his shirt, and he can mask his flattery with a teasing comment.
- “wanna take a picture?” so smugly, just so he can see your lips purse and you immediately look away.
- *sweats* h-happy trail….
- it’s thick; and dark, and not necessarily groomed, it just kinda grows one way & he doesn’t really touch it.
- literally 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
- not to mention he also definitely has chest hair, but not enough that it’s disgusting, y’know?
- and he has facial hair.
- just subtle scruff all around his chin and jaw, mainly because he couldn’t care enough to shave but also bc he knows you like it.
- that’s about all he can grow, anyways.
- it’s extremely (and i mean EXTREMELY) rare he’d shave, but on the occasion he does…
- tease him about it.
- loves when you rub your fingers against his cheeks, especially when you’re sitting in his lap just like, “it’s so soft, you look prepubescent.”
- he doesn’t, not in the slightest, but it’s still funny to see him swat your hand away and his face gets all red.
- after u got married and he got better with his addiction, i’d like to think he became much help on the farm.
- you need trees chopped? he’s ur guy.
- clean the chicken coop? obviously.
- maybe even sometimes if you’re not feeling good, you can bet he does everything you need for you.
- so his body definitely builds from that, but don’t fear! he’s still got his chub.🫡
- he sleeps in boxer shorts also.
- that or some pants, but never a shirt.
- if he’s wearing a shirt in bed, something’s seriously wrong with him. that, or it’s like the dead of winter (but even then it’s so rare.)
- this dude is like a FURNACE at night. he’s literally radiating heat just by laying there.
- and he’s not an initial cuddler.
- he loves you, but he likes his space getting ready to fall asleep.
- but i can promise you, somehow during the night he’ll end up wrapped around you entirely, squeezing u and practically lighting you on fire w his body heat.
- it’s endearing, tho.
- no matter how much he says he hates cuddling, he still ends up like that somehow (so who’s to say he really hates it?)
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- 🤭🤭🤭
- lean build, pretty skinny.
- super pale too, and i’d like to think he has a ton of random freckles spotting across his body.
- not very many on his face cus he doesn’t get much sun (lol) but yeah, little moles here and there.
- his skin is also super smooth all the time for some reason.
- he’s not weak by any means, lowkey sleeper build except nothing really comes out when he uses his muscles LMFAO.
- like, if you give him a bunch of logs to carry that are really heavy, you expect him to only grab a few, not the whole bunch.
- and he can carry it effortlessly. it’s easy to forget he’s genuinely strong.
- but anyways, he doesn’t have chest hair or a happy trail.
- no facial hair, either. literally none. he’s just never been able to grow it, and he’s actually totally fine with that lol.
- his pubic hair is so well groomed, and that isn’t even by cause. his hair just naturally looks like that.
- a small dark patch around his shaft, fairly short but still just utterly average.
- if he whipped his dick out, you wouldn’t be shocked or anything.
- he strictly wears pj pants to bed, no shirt.
- he has veryyy subtle definition in his abs, so subtle you’d have to squint to see it.
- and he’s the kind of guy that (if he wanted to) no matter how hard he tried to get bulkier, it just wouldn’t work.
- he’s just genetically a pretty lanky guy, and while growing up he was embarrassed by it, right now he couldn’t care less.
- he’s grown to be more confident in himself after being with you.
- this man loves being praised, and when you reassure him he’s the ideal man for you.
- “you look so handsome today. did you do something with your hair?” hearing that first thing in the morning, when he didn’t even do anything & he actually doesn’t feel super attractive at the moment: yeah he’ll be thinking about that for weeks.
- it makes him feel so good whenever you randomly shoot one-liners that’ll catch him off guard like that.
- like in passing during a busy day, you’re just coming up to check on him for a couple minutes and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
- “you make it so hard for me to stay on task all day.” you sigh, grinning when he clearly gets all flustered.
- and he may not be as bold as you, but he has his moments.
- “mm, what if you just stayed in bed with me today?” “wish you’d stop pulling away whenever you feel gross, y’know it doesn’t bother me.” 👀👀
- this probably doesn’t need to be said, but i’m gonna say it anyways,
- he doesn’t like pda. the most he’ll do is hold your hand if you’re in public together, maybe kiss you on the cheek if he’s feels particularly affectionate / protective every now and then.
- he likes to keep his relationship private, it makes you feel a little more special to him.
- like, he loves the fact that only he gets to see you in specific ways.
- such as just being together on sappy evenings, softly mumbling things you love about each other while being in his arms. things like that.
- cus for him, if he does stuff like that in public, well for starters he’ll get uncomfortable. he’s too introverted for stuff like that.
- but really, it just means anyone can look over and see what you both look like when you’re all vulnerable with eachother, and to him he’d much rather keep that private.
- now, that being said…this man is so clingy lol.
- if you both are having an indoor day, and he’s working on the computer, while you’re just sorting through stuff inside, he’ll want to be near you.
- you’re at the stove? he’s at the kitchen table.
- you’re in the living room? he’s on the couch.
- you’re brushing your teeth? so is he.
- it can be dead silent between you two, just as long as you’re nearby, he’s happy.
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- he’s one of the guys with a more toned physique.
- he’s got some pretty nice arms, can i just say.
- they’re toned, grow larger when he flexes, even resting they look pretty nice.
- and his abs too, they’re not crazy, but they’re definitely there.
- a nice definition you can see even when he’s not flexing. there’s at least four there.
- as for facial hair, he has none.
- i feel like if he could grow some, he’d definitely leave it. it’d make him feel more “manly.”
- but he just doesn’t LMFAO.
- now, non-facial hair is a different story👀
- he’s got a happy trail folks!!!
- it’s a dark, thick patch of brown hair that trails (once again) all the way up to his belly button.
- and it’s so fucking hot.
- it might be the prettiest (next to harvey’s, ofc.)
- believe it or not, he’s actually pretty neat with it.
- he takes pride in being attractive! ofc he’s going to groom it.
- trims it whenever it gets untamed, but never shaves it off. he loves it, and he knows you do too.
- he’s also a boxer briefs guy. 99% of the time, he’s walking around wearing only his boxer briefs in the house.
- especially whenever it’s an indoor day, yeah, he’s not even bothering getting dressed at all😭😭
- that’s all he sleeps in. even if it’s the middle of winter.
- another pda fan.
- but this time, dare i say…he’s a little more bold.
- he’ll kiss you like he does when you’re private, even if there’s people around.
- cupping your cheek, pulling you in for likely more then 5 seconds sometimes.
- he’ll hold onto your waist when you’re standing together. he’ll stand behind you with his arms wrapped around you, even.
- and well, yes there’s empty seats all around you, but that’s too bad. cus he’s pulling you into sitting in his lap.
- he loves knowing everyone’s jealous of him.
- you’re so attractive, he knows all the other men look at you thinking the same thing.
- and he just loves how he’s got a rock on your finger that’s similar to his. he loves the fact that you said yes to him, not to anyone else who would’ve asked.
- so he loves showing you off.
- he’s got such a high libido, so he’s fairly sexual all the time.
- rolling over to kiss you after fucking you for literal hours, and even just the sight of you lying there, trying to catch your breath has him ready to go again.
- he’s one to grope you (consensually!)
- like, if ur walking by him, he’ll grab your ass and shoot you a grin like nothing even happened.
- but he knows when to be more serious, like if you had bad day and you just need a good cry.
- i’d like to think he’s really good at comforting people.
- he was there for his mom whenever his dad was treating them horribly, and he definitely helped her through a few tears, so he’s perfect at just holding you.
- he’s genuinely a sweetheart. yes he’s cocky, and flirty, but when it comes to people he loves: he’s so perfect.
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- *cracks knuckles*
- he can grow facial hair, but he normally goes without it.
- it comes in thick, but it won’t grow past any stubble (or at least he doesn’t let it before shaving it all off.)
- but omfg…his facial hair looks so nice when he lets it grow for a bit.
- especially when he kisses you, or lets you cup your hands around his jaw during that phase.
- he’s another one that loves to feel your fingers rake through his hair when you’re just commenting on how handsome he looks with it.
- despite how attractive it is, he still prefers it gone. so it’s rare when he lets it get to that point.
- his has a very subtle happy trail. it’s mostly just a patch of hair that peeks above his waistline, and it doesn’t go all the way up to his belly button,
- but it’s still as handsome as ever.
- his sleepwear is literally silk. stg.
- he’s so extra.
- he probably even got you a matching pair with your initials engraved “just cus.”
- but when he isn’t wearing all of that, he’s probably just wearing some regular pj pants and a shirt.
- it’s rare tho, cus like i said—he’s so extra.
- something so casual, but so attractive that he does is when he’s super exhausted with writing for so long, that he just leans back in his chair and sighs.
- like…he throws his arms over his head, manspreads just a little and sighs.
- or or or
- after you’ve had such a long and exhausting day, he’s quick to place his pencil down and open his arms to slot you on his lap.
- “tell me what’s the matter, my love. want me to make you some tea, get you some water?”
- and while you’re talking, he’s just gently rubbing your thigh and kissing your arms softly.
- he’s just so gracious and endearing.
- this man 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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babiebom · 8 days
Would they be a Girl Dad/Mom or Boy Dad/Mom
A/N: just know that this isn’t the weird incest-y thing that people have going on (the boy moms saying that no girl would ever compare to them when talking about their sons dating stuff) this is just what vibes they give off!! The is completely ignoring the how many kids they would have thing!!
Tw:cursing? Mentions of a afab partner in bachelors and amab partner in bachelorettes. Some angsty stuff but nothing too bad except for the authors note which mentions incest.
Wc:at least 5 for each!
Stardew Valley Masterlist
Girl dad
He just gives off girl dad energy
Like a daughter would soothe his soul if that makes sense.
Especially because I feel like he would have a daughter that’s exactly like her mother.
He would become softer, and would probably be carrying her everywhere.
Would be the parent that shows up to the school like “WHO TF HAS A PROBLEM WITH MY DAUGHTER?”
Absolutely doesn’t allow her on his motorcycle at all.
Maybe when she’s a little older he’ll get mods to a new motorcycle so she could ride with him but as a baby absolutely not.
She is a daddy’s girl through and through and it makes him happy because he never had a relationship like this with his biological dad nor with Demetrius.
Girl dad
You will see him teaching his daughter how to skate EVERY DAY
Like dude is a skater boy that’s also a musician.
He definitely has a daughter with her skirt on and some knee pads a helmet and some flannel or something.
And he’s like “okay try again! You’ll get that kick flip eventually.”
And you’re just like “SHES GONNA GET H U R T!!!!”
And he’s like “yeah but she’ll be fine :)”
It’s VERY stressful because he’s a little rough with playing sometimes because he gets too excited but it’s good to have a partner that will push your child like that.
He’s a very good fun dad
Vincent enjoys being an uncle.
Girl dad
Have you seen how he is with Jas?
Dude is a girl dad all the way!
Would teach his daughter how to take care of the chickens, and would try to teach them proper ways of dealing with their emotions because he doesn’t want her to end up like him.
I could imagine he’s one of those dads where his daughter posts something on a social media platform and gets the “this is no father behavior” or whatever people be saying
And she just makes another video with him standing there and is like ??????? I’m actually close to my dad thanks <3
Like his daughter would be strong but a good person because he would work hard to make sure she’s a person he wishes he could be. But not in a toxic way
More in a you could be and are better than me.
Definitely a boy dad
I think he gives off the vibes of a dad you see at the park
And you can immediately tell that his child is a boy and when anyone asks him he points to a little boy that looks exactly like him.
They have football days
And it just very much him fixing what he didn’t have with his dad, and giving his son as much love and care as he can.
It’s as if he is getting a do over, but in the form of having a child instead of him going back to being a child.
I can see him and his son in the kitchen with a mess everywhere trying to make you breakfast
He takes him to sports games and goes to all of his kids events at school.
They’re both EXTREMELY loud when doing anything together. It’s just shouts of excitement and joy.
Boy dad
I don’t know he gives off that he specifically has a 3 year old son that clings to both of you on any given day.
Like a son with big eyes that can melt anyone’s heart and his hair is always neat.
Son may be a bit of a crybaby ngl but in a cute way. Because both of you allow him to express his feelings in any way he wants to as long as it’s healthy.
Like y’all’s son would be an incredibly sweet boy and so loving and caring towards other people and things.
Harvey has a picture of you and your son as his lock screen on his phone and the clinic computer. And he has a little picture (more like a million) of you three in his wallet.
Girl dad
She takes mom’s looks but has his hair.
And also his bone structure.
Gives off Nepo baby vibes and has a big vocabulary bc Elliott would speak to her as if she’s an adult since the day she’s born.
Like yeah he still speaks softly and everything
But he uses adult words bc his kid is going to be smart.
Would be so sweet and would absolutely call her his princess.
Elliott is for sure in charge of bedtime stories and has probably already or has made plans to release a children’s book just for her
She gives him inspiration and a new meaning to his life.
Boy mom
She just seems like the type of woman to have a son
I imagine him literally either as a newborn with her never putting him down or like a 4 year old playing at the park.
I think he would be similar to her in personality but more like dad in looks.
He’s attached to her and they spend hours reading together because they’re both very into stories.
I think out of all the kids he would be the sweetest.
He’s very soft spoken like she is and she loves that he is (don’t get me wrong if he was loud she would still love him just as much) but she’s seeing all of the traits that she was more insecure about in him and figuring out that maybe it’s nothing to be ashamed of because those traits are lovely in him.
Boy mom
Like I mentioned in the other post I think she would have one child
And I think this little boy would be so creative it’s crazy
But is also super hyper so all of his art is chaotic but very cool
She probably started doing art with him the second he was born.
She makes a bunch of finger,hand,toe, and footprint art because he’s going to grow quickly and she wants to have something that she can look back on when he’s grown.
He’s encouraged to be messy and I think because of it he learns to clean up his mess quickly
They’re a very smilely duo and she makes sure to encourage him in whatever he wants to do no matter how absurd because no one encouraged her to follow her art dreams and she never wants him to feel like that
But also teaches the importance of accepting failure and continuing to try to achieve his goals.
Boy mom
Very strange like her but in a good way like her
She lets him express himself in all kinds of ways so he’s very…idk how to explain it
Sometimes off putting to people?
Sort of autism coded ngl
Like has no ability to read the room and very much says what’s on his mind no matter what’s happening
But it’s kinda impossible to get mad at him because he does it in a very nice way?
Probably has his hair dyed some random color that he wanted and everyone gets mad at Emily for it because “HeS a KiD hE cAnT dO tHaT!!!!!!!1!!!”
They’re also super close. But I don’t honestly think any of these bachelor/ettes would have kids just to hate them.
But they have the kind of bond that people usually have with their friends like where you can halfway read their mind and you don’t really have to say full sentences or anything they just get it.
Girl mom
OOOOOOOOF her daughter is the spitting image of her
Like her daughter knows EXACTLY what she’s going to look like.
Would probably dress her daughter up in expensive clothes and stuff and they’ll have mommy daughter dates where they get their nails done and go to a hair salon and go shopping and have their little drinks.
Her daughter would probably have a popular girl name because Haley would wanna set her up for success.
BUT unlike what people might think I think that Haley would be very…relaxed with her daughter if that makes sense
No almond mom shit
No making her feel bad
No being distant and distracted
Haley sometimes feels abandoned by her parents and I have a headcanon where even though she loves them and they love her they kinda made her feel shitty about certain things
Like her and her mother would get into arguments and her mother would say “I hope you have a daughter just like you so you can see how hard it is to deal with you!”
And after Haley has her daughter she sees that it isn’t really hard to love herself at all. Her daughter is just like her and it’s the easiest thing in the world to love her.
Girl mom
I think Abigail would struggle with this at first because y’know I think out of all the bachelorettes she her up with the stereotypical roles in her household and even when she tried to go against it her parents wouldn’t let her
So when she has a girl she panics because what is she supposed to do? And she worries that she’ll be like her parents even though she does love and cherish them.
But as her daughter grows older she’ll relax more especially if her daughter is into video games and adventuring.
I think she would probably take her kid on hikes and stuff. Like she doesn’t really care for exercise but it’s kinda like adventuring going hiking.
So her daughter would grow up with a love for adventure and the outdoors but also with the knowledge that she could be into whatever and her mother will not judge and will always love her
Boy mom
I don’t know why but I can see her with a Spencer Reid son if that makes sense
A super nerd that’s super cute and lovable and also info dumps and inappropriate times
I think he would be space nerd instead of robot nerd and also maybe a bit of a bug/dinosaur nerd
And she’s like !!!!!! That’s so cool!!!!!!
They just talk for hours and hours infodumping at each other and everyone is like ??? What kind of conversation is that you’re both just taking turns talking for an hour straight???
BUT a difference is that she understands Demetrius’ position but also kinda is annoyed at him for his behavior
Like she would NEVER dream of holding her child back socially because she thinks his academic progress is more important
It kinda made her shit at socializing and she’s kinda grateful to have a partner and son that understand her
She wants him to be well rounded instead of just smart.
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honeybeedrabble · 6 months
can u write a sdv three way smut with elliot and harvey x reader can it include an eiffel tower k thanks
OMG !! MY FIRST SDV ASK !! absolutely.
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Sweet Summer 9: AFAB!reader x Elliot x Harvey
CW: inside joke, "cannon" typical violence/pain via smile attack, oral (M and F recieving), eiffel tower, unprotected piv (dont be stupid, wrap it up guys), hair pulling, cream pie (WRAP. IT. UP.) lmk what I missed.
As the new farmer, you had your work cut out for you. Summer had just started a little over a week ago and you were SPENT. With the brutal task of having to fish, forage, farm and mine, all so you could rebuild the community house, it was only natural you were so tired.
One afternoon you were going around CinderSap Forest, rummaging for forage-ables, desperately needing to find a grape anywhere you could. While scavenging a little too close to the secret forest, a slime had come outside and attacked you.
“Shit!” You yelped, jumping back as it shot a dart at your thigh. You rummaged through your bag as it knocked you back, slowly moving towards you with a patronizing pace. You drew your silver saber and sliced through the green creature with ease. You rolled yours eyes as it splat to the ground, slime oozing out of it you could collect for later.
You knelt down to examine your wound, touching the slimy secretion of the poison dart and winced in pain. You cursed yourself for wearing shorts, regardless of how hot it was today. You threw your bag on the ground, digging through it with an increasing anxiety as you couldn’t find a snack to tie you over.
“God dammit!” You threw your bag at a nearby hardwood stump, holding your head in your hands as you pouted at your own stupidity. With a heavy sigh you reached for your bag and got up on your feet, legs tensing up under the effects of the dart. You hobbled out of the forest, taking a few breaks every now and then as you approached town.
As you got closer and closer to the towns clinic, you saw Maru walk out, still in uniform. She saw you approaching rapidly and held the door open for you, a worried look on her face.
“What it is hoe? Everything okay?” She asked, her face curling into an amused smirk. She watched as you clutched your thigh.
“No… I was in the forest and I got fucked up by a slime…” you blushed, embarrassed to admit the small defeat from the green monster. Maru giggled.
“I’ve heard your stories, from killing skeletons to annihilating shadow brutes and yet you get hurt by a slime? You’re one hell of a farmer.” She laughed, readjusting her glasses. You lightheartedly laughed back.
“Well Ms. Scientist, I’d like to see you out there showing off your swordsmanship.” You leaned against the doorway.
“I’d never be carrying something so heavy in a life or death situation, i’d probably have some device to do the work for me.” She said, matter-of-factly with that signature smirk plastered to her face.
“Well when I sell of my crops to Pierre this harvest I’ll buy one off of you.”
“Sounds good. Look, I’m going on my break right now but go ahead and take a seat in the waiting room, Harvey’s a little busy.” She said, still holding the door. You nodded and headed inside, the door shutting behind you.
It felt like forever, sitting in that room all alone while your leg felt like it was threatening to fall off. You writhed in agony, a few grunts and groans spilling out of your lips while you sat in the blue chairs.
“Fuck this bullshit,” You sneered through a clenched jaw, stumbling to the double doors and down the hall to Dr. Harvey’s office. You threw open the door, clutching your thigh so tight your nails could’ve broke skin.
“WHAT THE!-“ The man seated on the bed yelled, clutching a white blanket to his waist, eyes widened with shock. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!” He yelped, face red. Harvey turned around from the cabinets looking you up and down.
“Y-Your leg!” He stared at your thigh, the skin around your wound was red and your face didn’t hide the pain from the attack. “Elliot, would you please get off from the table? The farmer needs urgent medical attention!” His voice was stressed, looking through a cabinet quickly.
“B-But Harvey… I’m indecent…” he blushed, clutching the sheet tightly.
“Listen Elliot, stop messing around…” You groaned, leaning against the other side of the examination table. Elliot got up, quickly wrapping the sheet around his waist as you soon took his spot on the bed. Harvey placed a hand around the wound, a clear substance seeping out.
“It was a slime, wasn’t it?” He asked, wiping the sludge off with a cotton ball.
“How’d you know?” You asked, still clenching your jaw in pain.
“I’ve seen this before. We need to get this out ASAP." He started to squeeze the wound, you yelled in agony, the wound feeling like it was going to burst.
“Stop!” You swatted his hand away. He looked at you with a furrowed brow.
“Listen, I’ve got to get this fluid out before I treat it anymore.”
“No squeezing! It feels like you’re trying to pop the worlds biggest pimple!” You clutched the wound again, looking down at it with worry. Harvey’s hand went to his hair in stress.
“Okay, okay… calm down.” He said, mostly to himself. He took a deep breath. “I need to get some life elixir from the back but before I do I need to get this out of you one way or another. So if you want my help you’re going to have to cooperate.”
“Anything,” you nodded, desperate for alleviation.
“Elliot,” Harvey turned to him. He looked over to Harvey, his eyes blown wide. “You’re going to need to help.”
“Who me? I’m not a doctor, I don’t even know how to give CPR!”
“Elliot please, I’ll just need you to do a simple favor while I look for the elixir.”
“I-I… I don’t know…” He was nervous.
“Elliot please! I swear if you help me out I’ll get you 20 pomegranates next season,” You sighed, looking up at him. His face suddenly brightened before returning to a stoic expression. He nodded, then looked back at Harvey.
“What do you need me to do, Doctor?”
“I know this is a strange request but it has to be done.” Harvey had turned around, grabbing a small cup and handing it to Elliot. “While I go looking for the medicine, I’m going to need you to… to suck out the poison…” Harvey said. Elliot’s eyes widened.
“Suck the poison out?! Are you crazy? It’s poison, I don’t want to get sick.”
“The poison will only effect you if it gets into your bloodstream. As long as you don’t have any cuts or wounds on the inside of your mouth you’ll be safe. Just suck it out and spit it into here and don’t. swallow. it.” Harvey handed him a small cup of water, then turned and bolted over to the door and out, leaving you and Elliot alone.
“Are you okay with this?” Elliot asked, getting down on his knees, his grasp still firm on the sheet around his hips.
“Yes just… please.” You sighed, tears starting to well up. He nodded, silently reminding himself of the promise you made him.
He grabbed your thigh and maneuvered you to the edge of the bed, holding your hips in place. He lowered his lips on the wound and gently sucked the tender skin. You whined, squirming in his grasp. He brought his head up then grabbed the cup, spitting the liquid into it.
“Be still, I need to have you just like this if I’m going to be useful.” He said, his hand returning to your hip. He put his lips to your thigh again and you shuddered, a slight tickle going up your leg. You squirmed again and he sighed.
“If you can’t sit still then at least hold the cup so I can spit it in.” He bargained. You nodded, taking the cup from him and holding it at your hip.
His head ducked down, lips returning once again to your leg. You tried to hold back a breathy sigh, but failed when he started sucking. His warm mouth on your sensitive skin was beyond soothing, it felt almost euphoric. Feeling his plush lips cradle your wound made you feel like your eyes were going to roll back, you clenched them shut. He looked up at you through his long eyelashes, then returned to your leg, getting as much liquid out before spitting into the cup.
Your face was red and your legs twitched as he kept working on your injury, a strain of embarrassing whimpers escaping you every so often. His soft lips clung to your thigh, his fingers digging into your hip absentmindedly. Elliot made the fatal flaw of having. tongue dip out, running along your sensitive skin. Your eyes shot open, his hot tongue raking along your thigh, teasing you of what was just out of reach. This game you both knew was torture, Elliot deduced to only being able to suckle your sweet skin, the sheet covering him for modesty threatening to fall off.
Your hand holding the cup of water set it aside and your hand rested in his long hair. He smirked, licking a stripe along the flesh of your inner thigh. You gave up on stifling your moans and let one slip freely from your mouth. He then licked higher up your leg, his teeth grazing your upper thigh. Your hips bucked, the water beside you almost tipping over. Elliot looked up.
“What did I say about staying still, hm?” He reached for the water, taking some in his mouth and sloshing it around before spitting that into the cup, washing his mouth out.
“S…Sorry I-“ You panted, watching as his head ducked down and his lips attacked your thigh. He licked higher and higher up, his grip intensified as you kept moving against your will.
A soft moan escaped your lips, your core fighting as you watched the beautiful man between your thighs reach up to your waistband and and unbutton your shorts. He slid them off of you, your panties coming down with them and his mouth watered at the sight of your slick folds.
“All of this for me?” He purred, licking up your inner thigh and stopping right at your folds. You bit your lip, looking at the door, hoping the doctor wouldn’t come in and see you in such a compromising position.
“Y-Yeah…” you muttered. Elliot quickly grabbed your asscheeks and dove his head into your pussy, tasting your sweet juices and lapping at your sensitive clit.
You yelped, toes curling and your fingers tangled in his long auburn hair. He let out a few gutteral moans, his nails sinking into your plush cheeks, kneading your ass in his large hands. Your legs started to shake while he ate you out. Your own fingers started pulling on his hair, more beautiful moans were let out from the soft lips that were kissing and licking at your glistening folds.
The door flung open and you both whipped your head over to see Harvey standing inside, eyes wide and mouth agape.
"D-Doctor!" Elliot stammered nervously, standing up and stumbling back against the countertops, knocking over jars of cottonballs and gauze. You were eye level with his massive erection, precum staining the white sheet around his hips a sheer white, his pink-ish brown tip visable from the other side. The blanket teased sliding off his hips, his cum gutters on display for the room. You felt flustered, fully examining his toned body and soft skin.
Suddenly you felt your hair pulled into a pony tail from behind, snapped out of the hypnotized trance you were stuck in. You were pulled back and Harvey looked down at you, a pink bottle in his other hand. You maneuvered your body around to face him on the bed, your ass to Elliot.
Harvey had your hair grasped firmly, ever so slightly having your head tilted up to him, staring up at him through your lashes. His eyes were blown with lust as he tipped the pink bottle of life elixir to your plump lips.
"Say ah," he said, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he peered at you from over his lenses. Your jaw hung loose and your pink tongue slipped out, producing a small "ahh" for the doctor.
"Drink." He commanded with a sultry, deep voice, tilting the bottle and watching the sweet liquid flow down your throat, his hand still grasping your hair. You drank the medicine looking up at him, palming the erection growing in his pants. Harvey let out a small grunt, watching as your voice box bobbed up and down with each king gulp.
You felt familiar hands grab at your ass, a slender finger running up and down your folds before sinking deep into your wet cunt. You almost choked on the last bit of the medicine as you let out a whine, Elliot behind you.
“Seems like you need me, hmm?” He asked, his long finger curling inside of you and hitting your spongey g spot that had you dripping into his palm.
Harvey loosened up on your make shift pony tail, his large veiny hand unbuttoning his pants and opening up his zipper for you to admire his length from behind his plaid boxers. You quickly pulled both waist bands down his hips and watched as his member sprung out. You felt Elliot’s finger withdraw from your cunt, the sound of the sheet around his hips hitting the floor had you clench around nothing.
“Be good for me and open that mouth of your again,” Harvey instructed, his pornstache tilting as his lips were pulled into a cocky smirk.
You opened your mouth just like you did for the pink bottle, except this time the liquid seeping out was salty rather than sweet. His girth was rather hefty, your jaw already felt sore as he slowly pushed your head down his length using your hair as leverage. You let out a soft noise, tongue running along a vein that ran down the underside of his length.
Just then, you felt the smooth head of Elliot’s cock gently part you, eliciting a high pitched whine from the back of your throat. Harvey let out a gutteral groan, choking on his own reaction. He twitched in the back of your throat and the feeling sent a shiver down your spine as Elliot continued to thrust into you.
“Beautiful…” he sighed, his hands landing softly, yet firmly on your hips. He tenderly ran a hand along the small of your back, bending down to place a soft kiss at the base of your neck. He watched as you sucked off Harvey and nipped gently at your ear. You clenched around his length and the strained grunt he let out had you seeing stars.
Harvey’s eyes glazed over as he gently cupped your cheek in his palm, thumb caressing your cheekbone. Your drool dribbled down the length of his hard dick, his scent filling your lungs while you slowly began to get more comfortable with his cock. He watched as you kept getting more and more used to what you were working with, the agonizing pace had him throbbing inside your hot mouth, desperate for more. He lightly thrusted his hips deeper into you, stopping when he heard a soft gag. He let you move at your own pace, he couldn’t bare to stop the amazing progress you already made.
You finally took him balls deep in your throat, Elliot rewarding you with soft kisses on your neck while his own hips started to sway back and forth, cock nestling deeper inside of you.
“Such a good job.” Elliot praised, standing back up to join hands with Harvey above their heads.
The two looked down at you from opposite ends, their temples next to each other as Harvey watched Elliot’s cock disappear inside of you and as Elliot watched the way your soft lips wrapped around Harvey’s length. The moans filled the room, along with the sounds of gentle gags from your hollowed cheeks and wet, slapping skin against skin.
Each of Elliot’s powerful thrusts had you pushing up against the deliciously large cock in your throat, Harvey talking you through it.
“Don’t forget to breathe, I know it’s good but we can’t have you passing out on us,” he’d coo, before spitting out a dirty: “Take it, take it deeper… shit. The mouth on this one… fuck you suck some good cock.”
You felt so full, your senses crowded by the men who were using you from both ends. Insides twisting as you were made to be their fuck doll. You felt Harvey’s thumb on your cheek reassuringly caressing you, your drool pooling down your chin and onto your shirt.
“Look at you… such a dirty little farmer, aren’t you?” Harvey teased, his face red as you let him fuck your throat.
You felt your orgasm building up sooner than expected, with the view from the front and the sensation from the back you weren’t at all surprised. Your body felt molten hot, repeatedly whimpering around Harvey’s sensitive tip. Electricity ran through your spine, orgasm crashing over you as your tight cunt was being jackhammered perfectly by the man raw dogging you from behind. You arched your back as you came on Elliot’s cock, mewling desperately around Harvey, the taste of cum soon flooding your mouth as your struggled to swallow every drop.
“Shit- that’s it. It’s too good, I-I- ngh!” Harvey blabbered, cock pulsing as he flowed down your pretty throat.
You clenched around Elliot, lost in his own symphony of moans and delightful noises that echoed throughout the small office. He wanted to pull out but he couldn’t possibly tear himself away from your sweet pussy, thick ropes of cum shooting out from his hard cock and deep into your drenched, velvety walls.
You gasped for air when Harvey pulled out of you, he pulled his boxers and pants back up, buttoning them with ease as he walked to the other side of the bed where Elliot stood. Elliot slowly pulled out, both men ogling how the cum poured out of your soft cunt and onto your thighs, the wound from earlier before already looking better.
“Well Elliot, everything looks good.” Harvey said nonchalantly, picking up a few papers from his countertops. “I’ll send that allergy prescription over to Pierre’s if you want or I can send you a call whenever Maru gets back and you can pick them up here.
Elliot walked over to his pile of clothes on a nearby chair and began to dress himself. “Thank you, Doctor. I think I’ll go ahead and buy them at Pierre’s if that’s alright. I have a few errands to run over there already so it’s just easier that way.”
The two men conversed with each other as if you weren’t a shaken, fucked out mess right next to them. You watched as they talked about the prescription while you tried to settle down. After a few minutes Elliot walked over and kissed you softly on the forehead.
“I’ll be expecting those pomegranates,” he smirked with a wink, running his thumb along your puffy lips. “Come over anytime, you have my key.” He soon left and Harvey sat next to you on the bed, caressing your shakey legs and kissing you softly along your jaw. You hummed blissfully, bringing him in for a soft kiss on the lips.
“Your legs seem to be shaking, is this because of the slime or because of Elliot?” He asked knowingly.
“I-I think it was Elliot,” you blushed.
“Why don’t I give you a confidential check up, huh?” He asked, kissing your plush lips. You bit his lip and he let out a sigh, his glasses sliding down further.
“Lie down and let me take care of you,” Harvey instructed, hands unbuttoning his pants again and palming his already hardening member. “Doctors orders.”
AN: sorry this took so long i lost this fic in google doc, but it wasn’t in google doc ?? so i checked word ?!?!! not there either. turns out it was already in my drafts 💀💀
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discotitsposts · 1 month
true genius-
my actual favorite episode ever ever ever I’m SO INSANE FOR THIS EPIDODE
this is like the first one o watched on my own ITS SO GOOD
reid centered so yayy
this is how i fell in love w him
spoilers ahead
lol typical making out in a car
the zodiac killer case is so interesting like wym dude never got caught
“yes a fetish for trees” HES SO AWKWARD I LOVE YOU REID
lol this guy runs a company
The way if reid was at a conference i’d run and be listening to every word
awww reid’s sad :(
rossi lol “no way” yes way
this is so interesting like how did bro get the original artifacts from the real case (i know how he did it)
reid reid reid!!!!
imagine if spencer knew how many people love him and write fanfic about him LMAO
he’d be a little terrified let’s be honest
but just a little
“three can keep a secret if two are dead” i thought this was criminal minds not pretty little liars
i can’t even tell you how many times i’ve seen this episode
like this is MY episode i claim this one lol
bros playing chess on break
lol enlightening
he wants the printed out version of the paper 💞💞
the way spencer just knew this wasn’t the real zodiac killer is why i was like this guys great 💞💞💞 my heart
it’s so funny because i’ll be watching this show and this is my view
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the barbie’s r like wtf
lol reid ended this guy
LOL his presentation
“your soulmate is standing before you now” is he talking about the lady or himself
i remember originally watching this because finn wittrock but fell for spencer/matthew instead lol
i like this detective from the local pd
“where do people find the time” lol reid
dr spencer reid i love your mind
“youre not as smart as you think you are” 😫😫😫💞💞💞SIR IM STUPID FOR YOU 💞💞💞
y’all have to see this
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dude has a detective board
lol he thinks she wants to call off the wedding
bro she doesn’t want you
“How old are you 29,”
nikola tesla my beloved
emily lol
doesn’t he accidentally see a pattern lol dudes so smart
emily’s little smile lol
for he
god he’s so smart
the problem is i think i could understand the code and idk my iq but it’s prob not 160 or above
how do u even calculate that shit
reid’s face is perfect
the taxi driver, didn’t he kidnap the best friends wife from the back of the cab
i don’t think i made this very clear but this is my favorite episode EVER
i’m gonna fucking bite spencer if he keeps being so adorable
finn ain’t no angel in this
vegas!! matthew’s hometown
mY leg itcjes
i also would like to catch the zodiac
staring at nothing
best friend activities
i need him now
aDmiT iT yOure HaVing FuUuN
i literally can’t get cozy
listening to him💞 💋
no matches
doesn’t he plant a piece of evidence
they found him
o love when reid comes up behind him
bro kidnapped his future wife
it’s spencer reid’s world we’re just living in it
bro said “sanctimonious” wtf does that mean
“not really” 💞💞💞💞💞
the vest 😫😫💞💞
i don’t think harvey here is going to shanghai anymore he going to jail
SULPHURIC ACID dude that’s insane
LOL REID “i’m sure he’ll send you a postcard”
spencer reid you’ve made the biggest difference in my life 💘💘💘
lol morgan the way he’s in his 40s now😭
awww him blowing out the candles he looks so happy
the end
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gallawitchxx · 10 months
Omg honestly, there is art being posted & just not being acknowledged. There are posts from artists I have been following for years that I’ve seen bomb quite honestly. & I’m not knocking the anon, maybe they haven’t seen it or it’s not their vibe, but there is so much going unloved. I’m not an artist but I just can’t imagine how this feels after spending probably days on a piece. I’m sorry I’m just rambling here & this isn’t your prob I just get upset at seeing GOOD shit by GOOD people flopping!
you’re right. you’re absolutely right. & i was trying to sing it gently in that last ask because there has been a slow down in terms of the frequency that people were posting & also in users that are active FOR SURE. but to then finally put out a piece to have it bomb fucking S U C K S! & it’s happening to everyone. even, like you said, some of the ones who’ve been around the longest.
a general rule of thumb: if you like seeing more & new art, engage with the art as it comes! let the creator know that you loved it! hype them up! it takes guts & effort to put shit out!
but also what a great opportunity to shout-out some recent faves:
art for honeycomb by @heymrspatel
@deathclassic & @mikhailoisbaby are regularly making art, as well as running "draw this in your style" challenges. check out molly's for ian (round-up post) & harvey's for mickey + pup!
@doodlevich is constantly putting out art & gave us a whole ass week of art for gallavich week 2023
@steorie made gorgeous art for @palepinkgoat's gorgeous fic, restoration!
@suzy-queued put out this SPICY MOTHERFUCKER just today!
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xpl3001 · 14 days
jinhyeok at his dad’s funeral banquet like the big back he is
LMAO hi everyone and happy opening! i’m anwar (not hadid) and this is my first chara — kim jinhyeok, part of the glitched out subplots as well (harvey). super excited to plot and write with you all, so by all means kindly leave a heart and i’ll get back to you asap! i’m also the mun behind @everymandeadman so anticipate another intro later today as well, thank u!
navigate — general info, pinterest
tw / boy mom behavior.. girl i know (closes eyes)
kim jinhyeok, 23, some guy working in tech and on allah he doesn’t know what he’s doing for the most part but anyways: the youngest kid born to a mother who filled for divorce from her first husband (sorry big sis @iscariotish). her current husband helped her out and was like “yo i’ll marry u bc ngl i need a wife and some kids” so she took that as an opportunity and also? i expect that south korean societal beliefs have transferred (kinda) to terra so the notion that divorce is highly stigmatized against women is a thing so. she married her second man and filed for a child asap under the assumption that she’ll be secured for life. the first boy is born and we all cheered
this is a woman who doesn’t really want to be a mother but whatever, right? so she’s like “what do u mean you want another kid just one is enough” (also she’s carrying a whole second marriage too) when her husband’s filing for another child (ie jinhyeok). bro is born a preemie and ngl chances at survival was kinda slim. his mom was lowkey gonna call the baby off with terrascape co but said “mm nah, guess i’ll keep the child” and so kim jinhyeok is born unwanted from the start but who cares
kim dongmin (dad) is a radiologist tech who signed his life away to terrascape co as a medical professional in the outer world. they never see their father who’s dedicating his life out there to support terrascape’s advances. his wife is hella lukewarm bc the money is gonna look crazy good when he ends up dying, but anyways i think being in a second marriage applied pressure to jinhyeok’s mom in order to make shit work out in the marriage. so it made her tune out to her kids initially bc she was so busy doing fuck all to please her man OK MOVING ON
jinhyeok’s relationship with his dad’s “okay” except he doesn’t see him like at all bc bro works in the outer world/earth and agreed to spend his whole life for terrascape. his mom is trying to heal from her bullshit first marriage and basically expects emotional support from her two sons in place of how her first marriage went wrong + in absence of her current husband so basically she’s a boy mom who is entitled to her son’s affections and the rls becomes very emotionally dependent on her kids.. this is not good! (cue jinhyeok’s expectations of skewed masculinity in relation to being a victim of a boy mom)
but like shit goes crazy with jinhyeok bc every birthday he gets tossed into a new avatar in the north american server (allara) so he has to live in a body of an asian american girl and navigate thru that for a whole 24 hours while instead every year someone inhabits his body back in terra’s sk. jinhyeok hasn’t been able to celebrate his birthday since then, and once he gained consciousness he tried to open up about it to his family which didn’t go well. it’s a big ass faulty glitch and he feels deeply violated bc he doesn’t know what’s happening in his body/avatar back home while in a separate avatar in north america every year on february 1st. so essentially this glitch peeks his interest in coding/it/compsci, but under the guise that he’s pro terra bc it’s all a programmed facade and all that
but like u know he gains an unique experience being that asian american girl which broadens his knowledge about gender and the asian diaspora. largely he grows up insanely misunderstood by his family and peers because of this unique experience that jinhyeok’s been having as a child, in spite of never being able to properly celebrate his birthday and hasn’t been able to, which.. yeah. very sad and because of the glitch jinhyeok hates it when his birthday approaches for plenty of reasons. also since his mom saved his life kinda she thinks jinhyeok’s hella ungrateful and shit for questioning terra’s ethics and morals like we should not be doing this or be existing for a reason maybe?? she enjoys gaslighting him by using the “i saved you!” rhetoric with the typical “you got clothes and a nice home what else do you want” type shit
fast forward: his dad ends up passing away in the last year. he’s been having health problems as a result of working in outer earth and it’s basically evidence(?) of how terrascape has labor issues. they lowkey view their professionals as expendable to their needs which heightens bro’s suspicion of the corporation while acting like he don’t know a goddamn thing. and well, he doesn’t have enough merit to prove terrascape’s shadiness, but in recent events with his dad’s passing and with bae gyuok, jinhyeok’s like.. um? wtf. this is weird
very extroverted! it doesn’t take long for him to strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone, so jinhyeok doesn’t mind having to constantly break the ice. he knows what to say and when to say it, so i think he tends to mirror the personalities of others very well (libra rising + mars for all my astrology hoes), but this is initially before he can truly be himself (he likes testing the waters with people before finding out ohh okay i can REALLY be myself). but with this, he tends to lean into his people pleasing tendencies (lmao AGAIN libras.. am i right) which was conditioned since childhood having been raised by the mother he has, but he has a limit and a temperament before you get the chance to walk all over him. naturally intuitive, enjoys thinking out of the box, has an acute sense of justice even if his priorities are scattered. impulsive-heavy, says things he doesn’t mean when angered/irritated and always falls back into his regret. not the easiest to be made frustrated, but once he is, there’s really no turning back and he’ll gladly ball your face up because well. he’s a man and men do love fighting or getting worked up so lmfao
i prefer brainstorming, but bare bones for connections remains: friends, lotsa exgirlfriends, maybe a group of gen z-ers (ok i know there’s probably gonna be a name for the 2997-3012 generation but bear with me) in tech who’s doing their best out here lmfao BUT YEAH BYE
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olicutterartorsmt · 6 months
harvey fan?? and also into ow?? that's so cool ‼️ you should totally just ramble about harvey (either headcanons or just whatever) because i love hearing what others have to say about the silly guy. please ignore how empty my main is i never post on here other than on my goofy sideblogs n that's it 😭 but i hope you're also having a good day!
Hello! I can totally rant about Harvey as he is my favorite little goober.
Also I’m very sorry if this comes out very randomly I’m not that good of a writer
Height: 6”2
Sexuality: pansexual, acespec, polyamorous
Gender: trans masc (he/they)
I’ve played sdv for about 505 hours at least and like I’ve married Harvey I think 4ish times here are my hcs!
I feel like him and Shane would have been friends when they were like 6-14 until Shane’s parents stop letting him visit the valley. When Shane goes on his ark I feel like Harvey would help him with his gender transition (I also hc Shane as trans masc lolz) which not getting gender affirming care would rlly affect his mental health. When Harvey was younger I could totally see him being super into Pokémon spending most of his time on it. Rlly weird hc I may be just self projecting but I feel like he would have been a Warriors kid trying to get Elliott into the books when they were younger. I do ship Shane and Harvey. Harvey would just suck at any type of video game. He would bleach the tips of his hair to look younger (it doesn’t work to well)
I hc his voice as three different voices: early transition I feel like he would sound like raggedy Andy from that one 1970s movie and then after his transition I feel like his voice would either settle as a John Mulaney type voice or he would just sound like the main singer for they might be giants. (Which I think fits him more)
He listens to Jack Stauber after Sam introduces it to him, his favorite songs from him would be buttercup, Doctor, and dinner is not over so basically only the rlly happy upbeat songs
Songs I immediately associate with him are Love grows, Doctor worm, Dinner bell, and Good old-fashioned lover boy
He would kinda hate PDA anything more than a hug, holding hands, or a cheek kiss he doesn’t like as he fears it may make him look unprofessional.
He is a victim of deez nuts jokes
He’s my lil goober with social anxiety and autism
His autumn outfit would consist of a baggy sweater with a beanie and gloves
Winter outfit would have a puffy jacket with a scarf covering his mouth/nose he would force Shane into wearing a coat
He would be the best father if he had kids
Shane convinced Harvey to smoke weed with him once and he immediately greened out lmao
He loves to cuddle with whoever he’s dating especially in the cooler months
A bit of self projection with this one but he HATES the feeling of foam like that crafting foam
He’s vegetarian
He would be a musical fan and a theatre kid
Depending on like the timeline I’m playing/the oc I’m using I hc see him a bit differently like if I’m using my oc named Soil he’s 35 he’s on HRT and he hasn’t gotten top surgery, if I use Abraham I hc him as 40ish he’s fully transitioned, and if I’m using Book he’s 35 and fully transitioned
And please please PLEASE if you wanna hear any more hcs from sdv or ow or unicorn wars please ask! I love to rant about things!
Edit: here’s a playlist I made for Harvey Art by dustlicious on tumblr https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7JvpKTQkbebOfh2996jYOh?si=AF4_I1fbS6-k6tuc1sHXyA&pi=u-V7ByQUHVS0i2
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Selina added [Minkhoa Khan] to the chat
Selina changed [Minkhoa Khan]’s name to [Khoa]
Khoa: what is this and why was I added
Selina: i saw you leaving wayne manor without your shirt yesterday and you left some underwear in Bruce’s room
Selina: i know what you did
Selina: so yeah, welcome to the batfuckers
Harley: 🥳welcome 
Joker: ooooooo fresh meat >:)
Nashton: hey bestie khoa 💅
Clark: hi! 
Gordon: Is that the Ghostmaker? 
Khoa replied to Joker: is that the Joker? Why is he here?
Nygma: riddle me this, do birds fly?
Khoa: yes?
Nygma: there’s the answer to your question. Also bats has fucked him like a lot
Joker: well, birds don’t always fly. They can’t after you hit them with a crowbar!
Nashton: so true, bestie joker
Khoa: wait. Selina, aren’t you batman’s wife? And youre just cool with all of these people having sex with him? 
Selina: oh yeah i’m his wife and yeah im just cool with it
Selina: he isn’t the only one with a side piece or two 👀@harley
Harley: 😘Ivy says hi too babe
Talia: I am also Beloved’s wife, he just never chooses to acknowledge our prior engagement. 
Harley: Tali! We never see you here! Good to see u again
Nashton: omg hey bestie talia
Talia: Hello to you as well, Edward. 
Harvey: selina, did you really need to add my work phone to this hellhole?
Hush: she did the same to me. 
Harley: oh that was me, not selina! I thought it’d be funny for you guys to go to crime boss meetings and just have this chat blowing up your phone the whole time lol
Nygma: riddle me this, quinn, how would it feel if someone of about my height threw a baseball bat directly at your head?
Harley: not good. Your point?
Nygma: stop adding our work phones to this chat.
Harley: oh go fuck yourself 
Khoa: how do i leave
Nashton: that’s simple bestie. you don’t. 
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
13 for some light bondage, 15, 50, and 60 from the prompt list with Harvey if that's possible, no problem if not!!
Lean into Your Vices
Arkham!Harvey x GN!Reader, word count: under 500 ok so this was self-serving omg you've shopped for the ingredients to the perfect meal and i am full, but just a lil one because i wanted to be a tease u-u 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: language, sexual fantasies, voyeurism
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Harvey paced at the bottom of the bed on which you lay in the centre of, arms outstretched and handcuffed to the posts. You writhed, legs pressing together in an attempt to ease the pressure of the arousal building, the friction only making it worse. From his position at the bottom, just out of view unless you strained to lift your head up, Harvey flipped his coin mindlessly, leering at your body, remarkably unable to see anything past the bottom of his shirt, which you wore with nothing underneath. But you could feel his gaze, and you eased your legs open slightly, shuffling your knee up to offer a small glimpse of yourself to him.
He spoke so softly, teasing you with the growl that always lingered under his voice.
“I’m sorry I have to punish you like this. But I told you, I better never see you speaking to Nigma or Crane or anyone else for that matter. You’re mine, ok?”
You nodded, a whine pushing at the back of your lips, pressed together tightly.
“Oh…” he grazed his palm over your ankle and up your leg, stopping short of your knee where he brought his fingers up to gently circle the skin, “…you’re nervous?”
You tried to shake your head convincingly, lying. Instead, you nodded, admitting it to him and yourself.
“Aw, baby, there’s nothing to be worried about.” He knelt onto the bed, crawling up towards you, planting kisses on your body where he stopped to shuffle up further. “I just think it’s better for you to be tied up so you can experience the full extent of my disappointment in you.” His hands were running up the front of the shirt, hard but tender, lifting it slightly and exposing all the more of you to his view, to his potential touch. “Now, I’ll be gentle. I can see how nervous you are, but you have to learn from your mistakes.” His hand found it’s way to your inner thigh, moving up to stroke you, your breath shuddering under his touch.
“Does that feel good?” But you could only nod in response, choked moans spilling out over your lips as he kissed your thighs, forehead pressed into your abdomen. Your wrists dug into the cuffs as you strained to grab at his head, to run your fingers through his hair and press him into you. You were desperate to feel him, to hold him close to you. This torture was enough for you to never misbehave again, you were Harvey’s only.
“Please, Harv.”
He laughed against your body. Tongue tasting your prickled flesh, biting into the skin and lightly pulling at it. Bucking into him only served to make him laugh harder at you, pressing his palms to the top of your hips and forcing you into the mattress.
“If you really want me that bad, you’ll have to start working for it.”
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filmbyjy · 1 year
I've even got a few remarks for the cast if u don't mind
To y/n :: u beauty I hope hoon treats u well, and if he doesn't not,you have author nim to be a better boyfriend than hoon. Stay funny and give Dave and Juan love.
To heeseung :: I absolutely loved ur dynamic with yn. Too bad she didn't end up with you, but dw authornims got a special fic just for u. Always keep that amaze humor of urs and never stop smiling
To Sunghoon:: YOU TOOK YN AWAY FROM ME GRRRRRR. but your hot so ill let it slide. Treat her well tho. >:(
To the workers in sunghoons team :: LOVE THE HOON SLANDER, KEEP IT COMING. Jay, ilysm and author here has a special crush on you, Jake u a fruity guy but we love you. SUNOO hru and give me ur skincare routine a gal could use it. And finally to Niki and jungwon, my adorable babies I love you both so much.
To all of yns friends :: thqnk you for being yns support system thru and thru. K, I'm so sorry Harvey kept in calling you old, but it iz what it iz mayte. Harvey love make sure ur In charge of naming the baby, we all know yn is going to give a wack name. Yujinnie, my beautiful girl I hope you find a true love of ur own.
ooo alright then, let’s bring out the cast for this!
y/n: “aww thank you!! hoon, will definitely treat me well. if he doesn’t then I might bring out left and right to give him a punch😊 and of course! I’ll take care of Dave and Juan! however, with a possible child incoming…idk if it will be okay😞”
heeseung: “gonna miss hanging out y/n. she’s gonna be a full-time mother soon and I can’t flirt with her😭 oh and thank you for loving my jokes! nobody ever likes it🥲 so i’m surprised to see someone loves it.”
sunghoon: “thanks😏 I know i’m hot. as for y/n, i’ll treat her really well! really well to the point that maybe we’ll get another child😏 she’ll definitely want it after I gave her a good time. OW-” -y/n hits sunghoon-
jay: “huh😳 someone has a crush on me?”
jake: “fruity…OOO now I want bananas…🤤 wait this isn’t a code name for ‘i want dick’ uhhh i’m not fruity.”
ni-ki & jungwon: “thank you!!”
K: “it’s fine🤧 I let the kid do her own thing.”
Harvey: “be in charge of baby name, got it! I can think of countless! hmm like Luke or Emi-” -harvey went on to give more names-
yujin: “oh, i don’t need true love. after seeing y/n and sunghoon, I think i’m becoming an anti-romantic. men are just…too exotic sometimes.” -starts dating a god-like man named soobin. kidding i’m not thinking of any names-
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katierosefun · 4 months
deranged thought of the day is that each of harvey specter’s exes reflect mike ross somehow. anyways
#caroline talks#i’m only being partially serious.#but like. come on.#season 1? we meet scottie who. we learn can banter easily with Harvey#and is equally pretty and in Harvey’s mind. someone with the smartest head on her shoulders/her beauty comes only second to her brains.#season 1? is also when Harvey takes one look at mike and watches him do his photographic memory thing and IMMEDIATELY decides he needs to#have him.#(he has a thing. for people who are good at reciting the law ig.)#season 2? we meet zoe. who is kind and sweet (I love her most out of all of Harvey’s relationships with women tbh)#but zoe also sees right through harvey and points out where his weaknesses are. (lack of vulnerability.)#season 2 is also I think. where mike becomes MUCH more comfortable with telling Harvey when he’s being wrong#or just straight up arguing with him about. how Harvey CARES but he just doesn’t know how to show it (a la the entire Donna trial arc)#fast forward to season 7 with. uh. paula.#i don’t care what the show tries to say. mike is getting married to Rachel#and Harvey’s instinct is to date his THERAPIST who had sat through his struggles#and also happens to have yellow hair and blue eyes. like Harvey buddy. UH.#(uh who else sat through with Harvey in some of the Worst Days? and who else has yellow hair and blue eyes???? harvey buddy….)#I didn’t watch the entirety of season 8 but like.#i love u Donna but it’s really funny to me that as soon as Harvey loses mike#he’s just sad and pouting and miserable#but here’s someone who hasn’t left. and who HAS seen him through the thick and thin.#and like. idk. most of Harvey’s old friends/associates are gone and ofc this is when he chooses to go to Donna.#which idk. something really depressing about that and I’m punching Harvey in the face for that behavior#people say slow burn? I say that man has been moping around and dragging his feet bc he’s obsessed with mike Ross.#you know. like a loser.#anyways. I’m only being partially serious. back to work.
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junicult · 1 year
bachelors stances on period sex and if they’d be down……………
!! period sex w the bachelors
contains ; period sex, duh. afab!farmer. smut. nsfw. fingering. shower sex tehe. use of toys. masturbation. dirty talk & whatnot. not proofread!
note ; oh u did something w this one. & spoiler alert, they all are.
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- …😇
- i’m sweating.
- if u think he wouldn’t then you are lying to urself. fully.
- are u fr??? he could not care LESSS😭😭😭😭
- in fact, he’s absolutely down.
- period cramps hurt. he knows this, because he’s a doctor and he actually understands women.
- now, he’ll firstly try to see if there’s anything he can give you to help you.
- a heating pad, a massage, literally anything you need. he’ll run out and get food if that’s all u want.
- but i don’t think he’d ever ask if you’d wanna have sex first.
- mainly because he knows it’s not everyone’s thing, and it can get messy and some people think it’s gross. (😒)
- he, however, is not that kind of person.
- he knows that sex helps relieve period pain, sooooo
- if ur down, he’s down. he’s sooo down.
- honestly, he couldn’t even care less. your period just means your body is working, and you’re healthy. knowing that is all he needs to go about this day.
- it isn’t even something he really considers if you’re about to have sex. it’s just something he notices during.
- and if you’re insecure about it, (which all he wants to do is assure you there is no reason to be) he won’t pressure you at all.
- he can understand why you’d be insecure or nervous, but to him it means literally nothing. towels exist for a reason.
- but it was just one of those days, when you were nearly bedridden after speeding through your chores.
- your heating pad rested on your back and lower stomach, laying at an awkward angle on your bed with just the largest frown on your face.
- you were so uncomfortable, and all he wanted to do was make you feel better.
- “is there anything i can do for you, honey?” he asks sweetly from where he stood next to you, gently running his hand up and down your arm.
- and u think for a second.
- not bc of what he said, but bc ur not sure if u wanna give him ur answer rn.
- “…maybe.”
- “anything. what is it?” he lowers to his knees and presses a kiss on your hand.
- your lips pulled into a pout, eyes softly batting towards him while you contemplate what you’re thinking.
- “well…doesn’t, y’know…sex…help with cramps…n stuff?”
- he can’t help but smile a little.
- another little thing is, i feel like he just loves when u get all shy abt affection. just cus he always does, so it’s refreshing to realize u have ur moments just like him.
- u don’t even have to say more. he’s walking to the closet to pull out a couple towels, making the bed secure just to make it easier so neither of u have to clean the sheets.
- and he’s treating u so delicately, bc ur still in discomfort. he doesn’t wanna add more to that.
- but trust me
- red may mean stop but not in his case‼️
- ur period is also means ur hormones are heightened, which also means ur libido increases.
- so not only is this making u feel better, it’s also making u feel so fucking good.
- not just bc he knows what he’s doing.
- now, it’s not just sex that helps with cramps.
- it’s the orgasm that really matters. and ur in a lot of pain…so ur gonna get a looott of relief.
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- doesn’t give a singlleee fuck.
- in his mind it doesn’t register as, “oh, she’s on her period and she wants to have sex😒” it’s more of a, “yay my pretty girlfriend wants to have sex with me😊😊”
- so like, it’s just instant flattery anytime you come onto him.
- it’s not hard to get him in the mood if ur alr horny.
- you don’t even have to try hard. usually you can just walk up to him, give him a little kiss on the lips and just ask.
- that alone has him grinning and following you to the bedroom.
- so if you’re pressing against your sides, groaning in discomfort over your cramps and stuff,
- all you have to do is sigh and mumble, “baby i’m so uncomfortable. d’you wanna do something?” and he’ll probably just perk up, thinking you need some water or another heating pad or something.
- “what’s up? i can help!” he’s jumping to his feet, ready to head out and get whatever u need.
- “no, no nothing like that,” you mumble, sitting up to your knees on the couch.
- “like…do something. it’ll help with my pain,” your smile is faint, and the way your fingers begin to play with the hem of his shirt has him raising his eyebrows.
- “yeah! will it hurt, tho?”
- he doesn’t fully understand how your period works, i’m gonna be honest with you.
- but once you assure him it actually feels really good, and much better, then he’s plenty more excited.
- occasionally he’ll remember to lay out towels, but usually the sheets will need to be washed lol.
- he’s adorable. he becomes much more affectionate because he knows you’re just feeling miserable, and he wants to take your mind off of it.
- kissing all down your neck, your chest, your stomach, thighs.
- he’ll go down on you if that’s what you really want. but he probably won’t do it without you asking.
- he loves fucking you when you’re on your period.
- there’s significantly less friction, and you’re just so warm and wet he gets so hard. i swear.
- holding onto your hips while he pistons in and out of you, head hanging low and panting the closer he gets.
- he cums faster whenever you’re on your period.
- although, that doesn’t mean he’s not ready for a round 2.
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- he’s lazy. lol.
- much like sam, it kinda just registers as “well she wants to have sex so we’re gonna have sex. who am i to complain.”
- it’s also flattering for him, too. he likes knowing you want him.
- in general, it’s extremely rare he’d ever say no to sex. the circumstances had to be DIRE for him to say no.
- just bc he can get turned on pretty quickly.
- so yeah, if you wanna have sex while ur on ur period? he’s on board.
- like i said tho, he’s lazy. so you can bet on shower sex while you’re on ur period LMFAOO
- he’s not gonna clean the sheets or towels if there’s a stain💀
- and what’s better then holding you up against the shower wall, one leg wrapped around his waist while fucking he’s ur pain away??😇😇
- no mess, no cleaning! it’s a win-win!
- but in general, he really doesn’t care.
- ur period isn’t something he really thinks twice about.
- if u ask him to pick up pads or tampons at the store one day you’re too busy, he’s already out the door.
- if you need something, he’ll stand up and go get it for you. he’s not rushing for it, but neither is he slow-walking on purpose. it’s just like ur asking for the tv remote.
- he’s not overly emphatic. he’s a fantastic help, but that doesn’t mean he changes all that much from the weeks you aren’t on your period.
- what i’m saying is, u being on ur period doesn’t change anything from ur regular daily life.
- if u turn to him and say, “wanna have sex?” he’s gonna fucking say yes.
- although, he probably won’t go down on u while ur in the middle of ur period.
- nor will he finger u, unless ur in the shower. and most of the time u are.
- easy to rinse off LMFAO.
- will definitely rub ur clit while he’s inside of u, in the shower or not.
- in some ways, u kinda turn him on a little more when ur on ur period.
- maybe it’s because he likes how u become so comfortable around him, despite being with him for so long.
- it’s extremely domestic to see you when you just don’t care to put effort in your appearance. you just wear sweats, pull your hair back and walk around with the funniest scowl on ur face.
- you kinda lose your filter a little,
- like, when ur off ur period you at least flirt a little to show him you need him right now.
- but when you’re just horny and uncomfortable, you don’t even care.
- “can you fuck these cramps away? i can run the shower,”
- zero filter.
- believe me, he’s all for it.
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- i feel like having sex on your period isn’t something either of you had ever had the confidence to bring up for a while.
- like, for some reason, whenever you told him you started your period it was an unspoken “so we can’t have sex for a few days” kinda thing.
- and to that? yeah. sucked.
- the only reason it was perceived that way was because he just figured you didn’t want to. that you’d be uncomfortable with it.
- you both thought that way, actually.
- so…for a while it was just like…
- ur both rly horny. & for some reason u don’t tell each other bc, 😱 ur on ur period.
- it wasn’t until one night u were both hanging out with each other, during the middle of ur period.
- sitting on the couch, watching tv, lazily leaning on each other in peaceful silence.
- your cramps had been killing you all day, and now wasn’t any better. he was sweet enough to get you a heating pad.
- he’s not rude enough to let u suffer in silence. he’ll always double check if you need any ibuprofen or stuff like that.
- but anyways, ur sitting there. in discomfort. next to ur boyfriend. who you want really badly to help ur pain with something you can’t offer yourself.
- “…sebby?”
- “hm?”
- “…my cramps hurt…really bad. is there anyway you wanna help me?”
- he kinda thinks you meant like getting a heating pad or something, so you’ll have to explain it to him.
- anyways, the answer is yes.
- he does lay out towels.
- the first couple times, you end up having just regular missionary sex.
- but i feel like the longer you two having been doing this, you decide to add in some aspects, change a few things up.
- i’m talking toys lol.
- he’ll always fuck you if that’s what you both want, but for some reason he loves watching you get off on your own vibrator or something while you’re on your period.
- cus yeah, he knows you and your body very well, but he still loves seeing how you can orgasm with your own doing.
- will likely masturbate with you. he can’t help it.
- and finally, he’ll fs finger you.
- he just loves fingering you in general, why would a little blood stop him from that?
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- yeah no, he doesn’t care.
- say whatchu will about him 🙌 but he doesn’t care.
- a firm believer that swords are meant to get a little blood on them.
- in fact, he’s probably said that to u before 💀
- although, i do wanna say he isn’t super experienced w this sort of thing.
- he’s had a fair share of one night stands or casual hookups, and yeah he’s had girlfriends before but they were rarely ever as serious as you two.
- so periods in general were a relatively new thing he’s become acquainted with.
- do not fear tho! he’s ready to learn!
- i feel like he actually enjoys going to the store to get u pads or tampons and stuff.
- there’s something so possessive abt it that i can’t really explain.
- he feels kinda superior carrying ur box of tampons to the checkout lane. i rly cant explain it.
- that being said. his eagerness to learn doesn’t fall far from product shopping.
- this man loves putting you in positions that you didn’t even know your body could move in.
- so, when you tell him, “babe, my cramps hurt so bad, please help me,” …he’s eager.
- he knows pressure to your back and stomach can help, so trust me…
- he’s got your legs wrapped around his waist, pillow underneath you, his length fully inside of you and he’s gently pressing against your stomach.
- even without being on your period it feels amazing, but now? with your hormones heightened, and your sex drive skyrocketed? godddd…..
- “does that feel good, baby? feelin’ better?” “mhm, i know pretty, just let it out.”
- i’m bricked.
- it’s such a turn on for him when you’re super horny.
- cus he pretty much is all the time, it’s just a little switch you have to flick and boom—he’s ready.
- so when it’s your chance to be crawling to him, asking for a relief he can give you, yup he loves it.
- adds to his already overflowing ego.
- and the blood is none other then proof of that.
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- ok so
- he’s v different from the other bachelors. well, aside from harvey ig.
- he couldn’t care, never cared, and won’t ever care that you’re horny on ur period.
- if you want him, and you know it’ll relieve the pain—that’s like heaven for him.
- but for this i think it’s fitting to take a different approach.
- let’s say, ur insecure about it.
- you know very well that he doesn’t find it gross, no matter how many times he reassures you,
- but that still doesn’t stop the little voice inside of you that tells you otherwise.
- it’s just like, you know your on your period, but he’s just so attractive, he’s been a gentleman to you all night, and u just fucking need him. you need him so badly.
- “you’re really not grossed out by it?” you randomly ask, breathlessly pulling your lips away from his.
- despite not even mentioning it beforehand, he takes no time to figure out what you meant cus he was already thinking about it💀
- “why would i be?”
- he’ll probably go on a little spiel about how it means nothing to him, and since it’s especially beneficial towards you, it’s actually a turn on for him.
- can i safely say that?
- that he’s kinda turned on by it?
- well i did. cus he is.
- maybe not the blood itself, even tho he doesn’t care about that. mostly just the fact that having period sex literally connects you on so many different levels, it’s much more intimate and obviously this man loves passion.
- nothing changes from your regular sex lives when you’re on your period.
- yes that means he’ll go down on you.
- he. does. not! CAREEE!!!!!!!
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ruslangazizov · 5 months
Thank you for tagging me (cujoforever) 💙 to be honest, just based on the rush goal song post you made a while ago, in which the work ethic impressed me, I just know every playlist in this list is heavily curated with care and I could hear about any of them but PLEASE tell me about your maladaptive daydream playlist (because I am one) and bad playlist (because bad how? I must know. bad like guilty pleasure music or like bad ass music like walk on songs or, like bad covers or like just ‘bad’ by Michael Jackson covers or ). And then just tell me about your current favourite playlist. 😊
hi thank you for the ask!! unfortunately i’m gonna have to be the bearer of bad news and say that my only good playlists are the ones centered around Rush :(
that said, i will still get into my playlists!!
my maladaptive daydream playlist is songs i like to listen to when i’m doing chores and my brain wants me to pretend i’m a medieval wench clearing away dishes and laundry at the inn i’m tending to, or whatever other scenarios my little pea brain can come up with, and includes such songs as:
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Excursion Around The Bay - Derina Harvey Band
Bottom of the River - Delta Rae
Song of the Bandit - Marty Robbins
Sixteen Tons - Tennessee Ernie Ford
High Barbary - Storm Weather Shanty Choir
True Love - Tobias Jesso Jr.
and uh. bad playlist.
it’s a bad playlist.
it includes EXCLUSIVELY epic rap battles of history.
objectively bad playlist, and it is named accordingly. as to how often i listen to it, well. an unfortunate amount more than i will admit to.
as for my favourite playlist, that would have to be ‘anything can be about the toronto maple leafs if you believe hard enough’ simply due to how much effort i have put into it. it’s my only truly coherent playlist and it currently sits at 89 songs, 24 of which are by Rush, but all of which make me Feel Things about our leafies. here is the link to it on spotify, if anyone is inclined to follow—and also i am always open to suggestions for songs y’all think i should add!! ask box is always open for that very reason :)
for those that would prefer just a little sampling or don’t have spotify, this is for you:
Force Ten - Rush
The Weapon - Rush
Vienna - Billy Joel (thank u cody)
Peace and Quiet - Ron Hawkins and the Do Good Assassins (i love u cody)
All I Need Is One - Watsky
It’s All Been Done - Barenaked Ladies
Joyriding - Frank Iero
In Too Deep - Sum 41
The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy
Dust and Ashes - Josh Groban (Great Comet Soundtrack)
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chdarling · 1 year
I’m really bored at the moment so I thought I would share some of the notes I have made while re-reading tle2 while you were gone :)
“I do so. You’re just jealous because I have all these beautiful free periods and you don’t. Look.”
HA what an icon you are Pete
”Stay away from her,” snarled Snape, his sallow skin and sharp nose inches from James’s own.”
Bitch you don’t have a claim on Lily, u shouldn’t actually be allowed to breath the same air as her nor being able to look at her cause u are scum
‘’Severus Snape was seated on the other side of the dungeon, a few rows behind her, and he was staring at her as though he hoped to force her to turn around by the sheer intensity of his gaze.’’
Eww take u greedy ugly eyes away from her u mother fucker
“The werewolf pet they kept close was currently slouching next to Potter and rummaging for something in its bag.”
”Lily smiled at the werewolf, and Severus wanted to scream”
Let’s not throw a tantrum, are you five?!
“Lily seemed determined to hold onto her silly little grudge forever”
“Silly grudge” sure as u didn’t CALL HER A FUCKING SLUR
”Er…yeah, actually I do.”“Well, no one likes a cliffhanger! Who?”Lily bit her lip, wondering if she ought to lie, but ultimately deciding it would be worse if Alodie found out later and concluded Lily had done it on purpose. Steeling herself, she said: “Harvey Harris.”She couldn’t be sure, but Lily thought she heard a faint snicker from behind the curtains of Marlene McKinnon’s bed”
HAHA I’d would be laughing my ass of if I was there😅
“As the music swelled, Remus’s gaze drifted up to Sirius’s face: His eyes were closed, eyebrows slightly lifted, his mouth a vague line — not a smile, but not quite a scowl. Then the music petered out like a drift of rain, and Sirius opened his eyes.“That was beautiful,” said Remus quietly.”
Is that love I smell…🦡
“Because anything associated with Lily Evans hurt.”
NOO I can’t anymore to much angst :(
“I don’t know what I’m talking about,” he said wildly. “I’m…drunk!”“Remus Lupin, you are not drunk. You said, ‘the girl you fancy.’”
Idk why but I just imagine remus flapping his arms when he’s pretending to be drunk 🦡
“James?” said Remus’s voice from somewhere far away. “You’re drooling.”“Huh?”“What were you saying just now?” asked Sirius with a sly grin, “about you not fancying Lily Evans?”“Well, that’s — that’s just not fair,”
James you are me I would be drooling too ;)
“Lily let out a humorless laugh. “Yes, what an absolute git for finding himself a nice girlfriend who’s prettier, cleverer, and funnier than me. The gall.”“She’s not prettier, cleverer, or funnier than you.”“You didn’t even meet her.”“Doesn’t matter. It’s not possible. There’s no such girl.”
When James is honest and tells the truth>>>
“There was something deeply satisfying about the way Snape full-body flinched at the words Potions partner, James Potter.”
“For her to give up her precious laugh like that for Potter — James fucking Potter…It was more than Severus could bear.”
“It was torturous to watch them together — the possessive way Potter hovered beside her, the false little act of intimacy as he leaned down and whispered in her ear.”
‘False’ please
”It was not Potter she sought out, but another Gryffindor girl, that bitch McKinnon.”
“Because you don’t belong with them, he wanted to shout. You belong with me. Not them, me! Forget their parties, and their clubs, and their Quidditch heroes. Me! Me, me, me!”
‘Belong with me’ please have you hit you’re head or sniffed to much grease of your hair?!
“I want you, he thought. I want us.”
You’re alone with that!
anddd that enough for today, as you can see I despise snape very much
I’m probably going to tell you the rest of the notes I have made another day if you want 🫶
Ahahaha oh my goodness this was a joy to read. Thank you so much for sharing 💖💖💖
Idk why but I just imagine remus flapping his arms when he’s pretending to be drunk
Canon. 😎
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mikhailoisbaby · 1 year
Tag game Tuesday but I’m doing on Wednesday ….
Tagged by all the cuties @mishervellous , @creepkinginc @surviving-maybe @shinygalaxyperson @gallavich-headcanon @trans-alpha-male @ian-galagher
please address me as: Harvey / Harv
how many countries have you lived in? one!
states/provinces? Two
cities/towns? Three
homes? Three
road trip or long-haul flight? road trip !!
on the spectrum of hoarder to minimalist, where do you fall? hoarder ….
do you have a keepsake box/bin/bag and if so, what’s in it? I do it’s just full of stuff that reminds me of my dad
if you could live anywhere, where would you live? Erm like the country side , middle of nowhere but I still have good internet …
favorite place in your home? my bed
finally, what’s your current favorite item in your home?the stuffie that my favourite person got me or my baby blankie
Not in the moose for tagging so …. Tag all of u …
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