#and it makes sense that that would work on goro too lol
samarecharm · 3 months
Would love to explore some more shu/ake dynamics bc theyre both so interesting to me. Interesting as in they would not be in a traditional relationship; theyd be so incredibly dysfunctional it would genuinely get either of them killed if they were to attempt something prior to the end of base game. Goro is angry and volatile and full of self righteousness, but he is incredibly depressed and miserable and full of self loathing. Hes someone who has been alone for most of his life, and has an incredibly complex relationship with his public facing persona and his goals; he is not ready for someone who will make him challenge his worldview at every chance they can. He refuses to be patronized but he needs someone who will be gentle and understanding. And hell never get that in a normal way bc he views someone being gentle with him as patronizing 😭
So he needs someone who will actively call him out on his bullshit, on his self loathing, and his attitude. But he also needs someone who will be patient with him and remind him that he IS worth something, that hes NOT a failure (hello??? ‘Im…special?’’youre more than special dude’ it was so easy for the thieves to get to him by just validating the work he did, and the trouble hes caused them lol). Akira CAN do this, but i think, w the way ive characterized him, he is just as angry and volatile as Goro, and he wouldnt know how to diffuse their arguments in a productive way. It would be catastrophic as Akira tries to show that he fucking CARES, and goes blind w rage as Goro consistently taunts and defies him and ignores his logic. And Goro would spiral trying to rationalize Akiras behavior as anything other than Good; the assumption that he must be lying and trying to manipulate him would eat at him until hes forced to storm out.
Anyway. All of this to say that shu/ake TO ME is “akira and ryuji are dating, and sometimes goro is there in the background looking like this 👇🏾”
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#chattin#that last addition is a joke but also its not#like genuinely the only way i can see goro being happy and behaving himself is if he has ryuji there too#and like. ryuji cares. alot. he cares sm about everyone . hes got a BIGASS HEART#<- blatant ryugoro apologist here#so its not exactly a polycule; but it is a friends w benefits adjacent thing#like a qpr with him. do u feel me?#the timeline for all my au stuff is a little bit later than whats presented in the game (by only a year)#so like. by the end of the game. and akiras palace shenanigans#and the whole thang w strikers#goro would be way more adjusted and less explosive and unstable about things#but in order to get there; it takes alot of work#the moral of this is that ryuji is struggling w akira and his issues too. and he is the grounding force for him#and it makes sense that that would work on goro too lol#ann is also like this; which is why i think she would be the person goro relaxes around the most before the others#she and ryuji are blunt and not afraid to tell it like it is. but they are also incredibly nice and lovely#and they do not hold back on compliments either.#its them being so honest; and that honesty also containing a wealth of positivity that makes it difficult for goro to keep the mask on#weugh#anyway#shuake#<- tagging this for blacklisting and not bc i enjoy sending out a call to all shuakes in the area. i am afraid of them#and hoping that keeping the tag at the end prevents it from going in the main tag#even though i know tumblr tagging is horrendous and it will appear there anyway ☠️
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sunset-bridge · 8 months
gorbo thoughts part .. 3?
goro thoughts update. id like to ramble again
ok i think he might not have ocd actually! i mean he could but like...i dont think theres too many signs. so yes id like to. recall that. i think that was just me projecting LMAO.. its ok! i love learning more about my favorite guy. you know what he does have
i stand by the ocpd. (obsessive compulsive personality disorder, its a completely different thing from OCD. its a personality disorder) also Definetely ctpsd (complex ptsd)...... ! i was talking with someone and they brought it up and i was like. WOAG.. after reading about it
disclaimer: i only talk about these because i have them LOL.. im sure gorbo has a cute soup of Other problems but like. i cant really talk about those well... i find these two really interesting though.
see. ocpd, is like the perfectionist control freak disorder. its what people Think ocd is lol. BUT as a personality disorder, its so much more than that. people with ocpd also:
-you tend to have a black and white moral code
-your way is the only right way.
-you like to do things alone because no one else could do them right; this may cause relationship problems and you may come across as a fucking cunt ( i know this..)
difficulty compromising and accepting any critisicim of your actions or opinions.
excessive devotion to work and productivity
sosososo afraid of failure even if its kinda small. you feel it will ruin your image forever and ever. if i make a mistake put me to death please.
Frequently become overly fixated on a single idea, task or belief. even to detriment of . everything else in your life...
me and some friends definetely see some of these in goro! ofc im so happy to hear what you guys think, i dont mind changing my views at all (like with the ocd thing i changed opinion about!)
like.. hes super fixated on his revenge plan, its the Only thing he cares about and everything is fair game if it allows him to advance that. leave him alone, its no one elses problem. he knows what hes doing. he has to be right about his values and beliefs. he has to. or else whats the point. dont tell him hes wrong. what do you mean? you dont know anything about him. he cant fail, he cant make mistakes, he has to work hard so everyone sees him exactly as he wants to and as someone valuable.
and. cptsd. as the name suggests its. a form of ptsd but..it has the Special Added features of:
-sometimes cant control emotions well
-you feel angry distrustful and resentful at the world in general
you feel worthless, empty or forever damaged by an event. like if you were stained with dirt forever.
you feel isolated. like no one could ever even understand what you went through (not in like an. edgy kid way. like fr. you feel even if you explained to people. they wouldnt understand you and your feelings. or theyd judge you and further hurt you...)
avoiding friendships and relationships, or finding them very difficult (!!)
escapism or depersonalisation...dissociative behaviors .
yeah.. ! yeah. i think these ring quite some bells huh..! its really shitty! you feel like no one would get it, like no one would like you, like you are ruined forever and theres not much to do about it.
makes sense that goro would absorb himself in his plan. after all. he felt he was some sort of curse upon his mom; as if he was the one responsible for ruining her life.. but hed like to "redeem" himself with the revenge plan. he has to, even if its difficult to go on. i wonder if he planned to do anything if he achieved his plan? i dont think so. its a bit sad but.. he didnt really seem to plan doing. or living much more after. its like his whole life he convinced himself his only use would be as the vehicle to enact a revenge years in the making, and thats it.
as if he wasnt a person. just a tool to revenge. i think this is why its so difficult, frustrating and downright distressing to him to accept he too, has feelings and wants and needs like any Normal Person on planet earth. no way. those just interfere with the plan. and he has no right anyways.
i thought how id feel, in his shoes and with all my cute soup of wrong stuff, if some guy showed up, hes the guy i gotta kill. ok. then hes nice with me, as if mocking me. hes better at me in most things. he has friends and family and everyone likes him and he barely moves a finger. while i had to work so damn hard to even get acknowledged?? what does he have that i do not. hes nothing special. so why? then this guy acts like a fool even when hes so extraordinary in every aspect... does he think its funny? for someone so special to pretend to be ordinary. when id kill to be just half as special as him. honestly.. id become super frustrated with this bastard too. his presence would infuriate me. and the most frustrating thing, would be that this guy seems to be the only guy that seems to like hanging out with me. what the hell. guess he enjoys trying to humor me..
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akechisjustic · 20 hours
(Your turn lol) "Shall we dance?" +anyone from thytrueselves
Send "Shall we dance?" and I'll write a starter where our muses either waltz on the dancefloor or engage in a fight.
Goro hadn't expected to see Haru freaking Okumura across from him. If he had any survival instinct or actual points in stealth, he would have snuck away before she had spotted him, but it was clear from the way they were now standing in front of each other it was too late for that. He took a deep breath as his hands curled into fists.
A cafe? It would be unexpected but it would make sense considering her interest in food. A fancy ball? Goro didn't have any reason to go to those anymore, but he could definitely see it happening (especially if she was hosting it). A random Lawson's at 8 at night when he just so happened to be working? Now clearly fate had it out for him.
He gritted his teeth and smiled as politely as he could. "Now this really is a surprise, I didn't expect to see you here," he said as cheerfully as he could as would be expected of a convenience store clerk. "Ah and with such a haul too, I hope that your business is going well and that's not why you've decided to stop at the local Lawson's? How are your friends? Alive, I presume?"
Really, he should stop talking before he "accidentally" insulted her any more than he already did. Even if he didn't exactly "need" the job, he wouldn't be happy about losing it from his smart mouth either. He took a deep breath and hoped his boss couldn't read his mind and start breathing down his neck about being nicer to customers.
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lifesliced · 1 year
maybe this is or isn't on topic BUT, would you write about how ren feels about kinji, and.. trying to shove him in ur canon... what is his place considered to ren? like, does he know he can scream at kinji and he will just stand there 🧍‍♂️and be like "ok.. so.."
i think this was for the meta meme which i should find and link but in the meantime ill just answer this for you :')) also this has been in my drafts way too long, im here to answer it // also tagging my other blog @hehosts for context !! but it honestly fits here because ren is connected to akira, so ig in a way kinji is also connected to akira lmao - @hiisfire
how does ren feel about kinji?
so far, so good, right?? ren is pretty flirty overall, and if he is flirting, it means that he sees him more positively, i think. ren only flirts with people that he views negatively to get something from them, and i don't think he necessarily "wants anything" from kinji, so it's a positive. i think kinji just sort of showed up and gave companionship?? to my understanding, thus to ren's understanding. ren's life is a series of circumstances, many out of his control, although a lot due to his action (or even his inaction).
also some stuff has progressed since i started this lol so they definitely have more like chemistry and an underlying relationship that is building up.
what is his place in (my) canon / the MDIAH canon?
i akin my "world" that i've built to be a lot like death note, just sans all the death note stuff lol - what i mean is that the death note world is basically like an inverse of reality (to-oh university instead of tokyo university, etc) - the things that are changed are enough to keep a continued sense of disbelief. goro is the biggest "suspension of disbelief" i think my story has canonically speaking.
so i think kinji falls into one of ren's suspendable moments of disbelief if that makes sense?? whereas ren is a direct product of the world he is in, figures like kinji fall into a spectrum of world ren is sort of able "to see" from birth, and interacts with often, but is never truly "in."
i think right now he and kinji are in the testing the limits phase of a new friendship/relationship/etc. they know one another well enough on the surface, but i think are still figuring each other out while having a mutual spark that brings them together - or keeps them together, i should say. something initially drew kinji to ren, so something about kinji had to allow ren to let him stay, but not because ren "has the power" or anything, it's just like ... paper and glue kind of? one has to touch the other to stick, but they both have to be of their substance of origin to work with one another - so ren is probably the paper, kinji is likely the glue.
ren is a terribly lonely, nostalgic person. something about kinji must be nostalgic for him, i think. maybe it's from a life he doesn't remember, an ancestral thing, or maybe he's just that lonely.
i think kinji is seen as a companion for sure, someone that ren has come to expect to show up daily, and someone that he is getting used to, which will then later factor into nostalgia lbr.
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keii · 2 years
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Okay so overdue photo dump/long post of when I was in Vegas earlier this year to hang out with Sushi and Poo!
I stayed there for two weeks! The first week it was mostly me and hun checking out the area bc we’re actually planning to move there sometime next year! I had to make sure the restaurant was good, see how the food markets were like, how comfortable the movie theater seats were like, what the traffic was like. We watched the show, Ka, I think-- that shit was SOOO GOOD. Uh what else, hun and I went to the casino and put in $20′s and came out with 1cent. It was really chill and we ate good food. The second week, I spent at Sushi’s place and had such a fun time spending it w Sushi and Poo. It was so chill, we watched Euphoria, talked about our OCs, went to the mall, Omega Mart, the Strip, ate good food, drank Soju and got drunk, got Dutch Bros like... almost every day LOL
The first night I was there at Sushi’s place, she gave me an edible and it was the first time I felt it-- It took like an hour for it to finally kick in, and when it kicked in, it felt SO WEIRD. I felt like I wasn’t making ANY SENSE, and it was as if I was talking so slow, but Sushi was talking a mile a minute LMFAO. When she left to go to sleep, I was staring at this one Nier print on her wall and it began taking the form of one of Van Gogh’s portrait, and his face was just glaring at me while I was laying down... I just closed my eyes at that point. When Poo finally came to Vegas, that was when I presented a powerpoint to the both of them, determining which of my OCs would end up with Sushi’s OC, Goro... and so that’s when the insanity of JoRo began LOL. NOT ONLY THAT BUT THE WEEK BEFORE I WENT TO SUSHI’S HOUSE, I WAS WORKING ON A LONG ASS FIC FOR SUSHI AND POO TO READ-- It ended up being over 100 pages?? BYE!! SO LONG!!
We went to the mall and all of us ended up buying some clothes and we ate some good ass strawberry cheesecake bingsoo. Then another day we went to the trip and walked there for like five hours and we got drinks at the Taco Bell and ate white castle-- which I have never had before! Then the days I did enjoy the most was just chilling at Sushi’s place to rest and all we did was watch a bunch of stuff, talked, drank, cried together, and Poo made their homemade beet peasant soup which was actually... really good LMAOOO, then the next day Poo had a mega hangover so we stayed home again LOOOL, then last full day we went to Omega Mart! It was so trippy, but super fun, especially when you’re walking around drunk. Also ate this good ass Korean pizza... had corn on it and I think sweet potato... I crave to taste it again. 
Anyway I remember watching a bunch of movies, but I specifically remember watching American Psycho for the first time, BUT I KEPT FALLING ASLEEP-- I would wake up in intervals and watch a bit, and see the shit that Patrick Bateman or whatever-- was up to in the movie and say “This guy’s so lame.” AND DOZE OFF AGAIN LMFAO. Also remember where Poo and I were talking and it was LATE AF, just chilling in Sushi’s personal room... and Poo was like “I gotta fart,” and barely anything came out and I was like “I gotta fart too.” And just let a big one rip... twice LMFAOO. Seeing Sushi’s collection in person was SOO crazy... literally eye candy wherever you look in her room, so nice to see in person. Like a mini library and gallery in there! Also MET PEPPER AND OLIVE!!! WHAT BABIES!! Pepper is so funny too... her scragly ass meowing was so cute. She was tinier than I thought too. 
But it was so fun, I had a great ass time in Vegas so I very much look forward to moving there in the near future to hang out w Sushi and just be closer to friends in general. I’m so thankful that she was kind enough to let Poo and I stay at her place and drove us everywhere and made sure we were fed and had so much stuff to do! 
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reilleclan-blog · 5 months
V's Compassion
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So, happy new year but honestly I don't find anything happy about it. Considering the shit going on in the world/has been going on for years. Genocides, oppression, senseless death. Sounds like a colonizers wet dream. I can't sleep so I decided to share my thoughts.
V's only "option" for the end of the game "canonically" is getting help from Arasaka(excluding the suicide ending). V can strictly focus on their path, ie looking for Evelyn and Hellman, finishing the quests with Goro relatively fast(shoutout to the ppl that rushed thru the game) and that's that. Their time is running out hell they don't even have to save Takemura's life given that Johnny kinda says "there's no way to help him" so V waits patiently for Judgement Day. Looking back on it V is completely alone aside from Johnny being there(at the motel with the shotty).
V is told to meet with Hanako and decide their fate. Which is so jarring. V can have up to three options(4 including the secret ending?) but instead is left with only one. Now if the player never reaches out to other characters or rushes thru the game/V only looking out for themselves, V would've never received the love and compassion from other characters in the story.
It's so interesting V was mostly just a "small time merc" that's it but when playing side characters quests it shows how many ppl V influences and fights for. If V never had any sort of compassion at all none of this could've been possible none of those bonds could've been formed. Friendship or love all of it could've been lost if V hadn't cared for others. V became a beacon of hope of light for so many ppl's stories.
And yes they would've gotten the "cure" or "help" from Arasaka and u can even be mean asf to Johnny and never care for him but in the Arasaka ending V will still feel a hole in their soul. V would've still been left empty. Left ppl behind, making only room for themselves V is left with the consequences of their actions being half a person. Being empty losing their sense of self(literally?)
Even with ur life ticking down, breath leaving ur lungs, always have something to fight for. For ur life for others for love for passion. Find something to care about and never let go until it's time.
V didn't have to care about Judy after Evelyn's suicide, or Jackie dying, or even helping Johnny fix shit with Rogue. BUT THEY DID B/C V CARED. V was basically killing themselves when they even let Johnny take over their body in the first place. But true V would do it without skipping a beat b/c of their care.
Even the little friends V had after siding with Arasaka was looking at them sideways cause why in the fuck would V ask for Arasaka's help lol. Misty is hurt and then just leaves NC. Viktor is the only "friend" left and considering the endings voicemails V only gets voicemails from ppl wanting work from them. Really having V dumbed down to truly "another merc"
[ edit: If V betrays Songbird in the PL dlc and gets the ulty cure, V is put in the same situation except they betrayed a friend that had zero options/zero help. And doing so, V is left again with their two friends Viktor and Misty except Misty is actually happy to see V. So many parallels in this game I love it so much ]
Which, thinking about it now Night City's compassion is so rare to come by so how did we find it in V? Just thinking out loud lol. Never stop fighting and never stop being urself. Truly what V and Johnny really showed me. AND FUCKING CARE ABOUT PPL CARE ABOUT SOMETHING HAVE SOME FUCKING PASSION FOR ANYTHING. Also im scared Night City is slowly becoming a reality, please find some fucking compassion it'll save us. But yeah I truly love V's compassion for one it's so rare to find and I feel like it's the type of shit ppl don't think twice about. Like ur my "friend but u do so much without even looking for help in return"
Also correct me if I'm wrong but I have a theory that Arasaka could've removed 100% of the engram but decided not too cause if they did, V wouldn't be able to carry out their merc life duties.. but idk I just started thinking about it.
Anyways stay safe, and I'm looking for financial assistance if anyone has an enny to spare I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm trying to move out of a toxic household at the age of 24 self diagnosed adhdautistic queer black woman. Even trying to get me affiliated on twitch id appreciate it. Anyways peace out(link in bio)
Edit edit: I'm not trying to be rude but ig this will sound rude anyways but I decided to post this on Reddit, and I know Reddit has "rough critiques" or ie ppl that are loud but don't know wtf they are talking about. And I know I'm not a fucking poet but like if we played the same game, I feel it's not hard to recognize when I say the "canon" ending is the ending that is the "only Choice" V has if they don't help Johnny or don't help Panam... like OBVIOUSLY it's not the actual fucking canon choice holy fuck. Idk ppl on Reddit are like the ppl in school that was never told to stfu? Or something and stopped critically thinking after 12 years old or some shit. I'm all for ppl disagreeing but please if u gonna disagree make some fucking sense when disagreeing omg. I'm not tryna be like "I'm right" but theoretically speaking I am "right" V is known to SHOW COMPASSION THRU OUT THE GAME EVEN SIMPLE ASS QUESTS LIKE NOT WATCHING SOMEONE GET THEIR ASS BEAT. Or giving money to ppl that need it. Like im so confused how we all "played" the same game but had way different experiences. Different experiences to were some ppl just finished the game but didn't think of the different impacts everything had. Such a meaningful game(TO ME) and some ppl all they take away from it is "become famous" "sex scenes"
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orcelito · 2 years
It's been over a year since I used my Goro Skills Document but I'll be able to use it again b4 too long and I am Looking Forward To It. I put a lot of effort into that thing.
#speculation nation#discacc shit#me balancing between loki and robin hood. their canon skills as a party member. & also loki skills in the boss fight#to create 8 active skills for each of the two. with notes on the passive skills they both have#it's my writing so i dont have to stick to the game's mechanics strictly. but i like having that backbone to reference#i think itxs Fascinating that the only healing spell he has is samarecarm with robin hood. which u dont even get to have in 3rd sem#included in this is like loki's fire skills in the boss fight that he completely loses in the 3rd sem#cause idk i just think he should be able to wield fire!!! it just works !!!!#there hasnt been reason to show him doing much in the metaverse bc it's just the same old Breaking People and w/e#when it's been relevant ive shown him there but not near the amount in those early chapters#oh ykno what idr if i referenced any skills with the reaper thing. he was kinda just in hack and slash mode for that#but yea stuff's gonna Change soon which means showing a lot more metaverse stuff & fights#which im honestly Very excited for lol#with the exception of akira all the party members have clear cut skills they learn. except goro#between robin hood and loki as an ally and enemy. there are Three different potential skillsets for him.#& i wanted to figure out the best balance between them. figure out what would make Sense#god i'll have to show akira in the metaverse too which means keeping track of what personas he has#previously ive just kinda picked some out that fit with the approximate level he was at for the select few scenes it was relevant#like. two scenes i think lol.#idk i'll make it work. might have to make Another doc tho for keeping track of akira's active personas lol
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muzzleroars · 3 years
What do you think if the Phantom Thieves (except Futaba) all had Shadows they had to confront and fight (like in p4), and what would they be?
OK this one is super interesting and it’s taken me MONTHS to get to, so let’s gooooooooo (will include p5r spoilers!)
i think all of their contracts sort of give us an idea of what their shadow selves may be (meaning goro is more up in the air), and i like to go with the idea that in p5, their shadows are how society has forced them to act. they have incorporated that into the self and conformed to it, but they don’t wish to acknowledge that they do so, instead making themselves believe they have no choice. futaba’s shadow, as the example, wishes for her own death as she was a burden and a curse to her mother...but she also made futaba aware this was a lie concocted by adults that took away her agency and her anger. SO with that in mind, here are the takes!!
akira - the bystander, the boy told to keep out of the way and to keep his head down. he’s determined to live a quiet and peaceful life, to get through his probation and swear to turn the other way when evil happens in front of him. akira is ashamed of the impulse because he knows what’s right, he knows he needs to help, but his shadow is all about self-preservation and avoiding further punishment. so he protects himself and only himself by feigning ignorance and closing his eyes, his ears, and his mouth. his shadow says “i already got mine, they’re on their own”
ryuji - the traitor, the boy who ruined the dreams of the track team and wears it with pride. he destroyed their hopes of the future and now has become a delinquent, free of the responsibilities he once had to himself, to his mom, and to his school. he can be rude, crass, and vulgar (lol) to his heart’s content because no one expects any more of him after enacting such violence. his anger runs deep and he doesn’t care about how he hurt his old team, they deserved it for never standing up for themselves.
ann - the sweetheart, the girl always there with a kind but seemingly empty word for her friend, supportive but distant. however, she instead tries to work within the confines of the world, trying to save the ones she cares about by using her looks and the reputation everyone puts on her because of them, pretending to be a flirtatious airhead to please those that may hurt the only person she cares for. she hurts herself over and over again, breaks down her own sense of self worth to sacrifice endlessly in ways others never see. she takes the pain forever with a smile.
yusuke - the student, the boy who knows the lies his teacher tells to him, but he is forever devoted to preserving the image his superior has both to the world and to himself. he believes his debt extends to worship, faith in the teacher who is a genius, who knows best, who is so much older and so much wiser and so must be doing right. in fact, he should be so lucky to have his work considered good enough to carry his teacher’s name instead of his own, he should happily produce for him because his teacher’s reputation has no price too high. surely he at least must return the cost of caring for him when no one would.
makoto - the role model, the girl who is quick-witted and resourceful, she can juggle every task the incompetent, lazy, or uncaring adults entrust to her. after all, their responsibilities are so much greater than even hers, just a silly high school student with all the time in the world to perform their lowlier tasks for them. she accepts every ask with grace and tact, she turns down no request and will work herself past the point of burn out for praise, for recognition, for the promise of her future. this is just the way the world is, she must get used to it now if she wants to survive.
haru - the princess, the girl who’s always charming and polite, perfectly prim and never a bore but her words are always shallow. she seems to only exist at gatherings and galas, always smiling, introduced by a beaming father and complimented on how beautiful she is, how she will make a most wonderful wife now that she’s blossoming into a young woman. she worships her fiance, she has captivated his whole family and, most importantly, his father with how delicate and vapid she is. a wonderful spouse up for trade, the loveliest business venture her father ever pursued.
goro - the orphan, the boy who is helpless and was left abandoned by his family and by society. he has no will of his own that he can inflict on the world, instead he is battered by fate and by an actively cruel reality, a curse, unwanted and unneeded by anyone. he elicits disgust in whoever he meets, yet he yearns deeply to be loved and to be accepted, he begs for it and everyone he meets that will give him any time of day are his “friends”. he believes there is no such thing as unconditional love and no matter what he tries, his struggle will be rendered futile.
sumire - the doppelganger, the girl that believes she is only a shadow of a sister far more talented and determined than she could ever be. she only had worth defined by another, one she followed around like a weight, dragging her down with her incompetence. a burden for her sister, pitied awkwardly by parents, an inconvenience that grew increasingly irrelevant and irritating with every passing day until she botched her own death. now she is a shadow without a body, the wrong girl taken in her attempt on her own life, the ultimate blunder ever committed by another human being. she pantomimes her sister more and more poorly, although she’s tricked herself into believing she really is her in her house of ashes.
morgana - the monster, the boy that can’t face who he really is for he fears what he will see in the mirror. he lives happily in ignorance, never wanting to remember his origins or his duties and he indulges in his freedom without worry of where he comes from. after all, if he has no idea of his past, he can imagine himself as anything he wants - a dashing rogue, a swashbuckling hero, a gallant thief, he is whatever he makes himself to be without the burden of his history. he never turns around too quickly, never wanting to catch a look at himself because every now and then he sees jail cells, black ooze, darkness. but that’s not him.
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Deceiving Love
This was a request idea send so all credits for the idea goes to @me-goro Thank you for the request and I promise I’ll try my best :)
Request: Enemy to Lovers where Lou meets y/n for the first time while Lou’s trying to be sneaky because she wants to get information o but Y/N is unknowingly in the way of her getting it. 
This is probably not going to be that many chapters maybe a few chapters, more or less fast pace. I tried to get it in a one shot but it would’ve been too long. 
I’m so sorry is so long I couldn’t find a stopping point and wanted to get as much info out there as well as introduction for the first chapter. I promise I’ll try not to make them too long in the future lol. I’m bad at finding good ending spots as well as writing characters hating on each other LOL. Fair warning I went for the crashing into each other cliché to create a bad start between them LOL
I haven’t edited it completely so there might be grammatic error and for that I apologize. 
Also this is my first Ocean’s 8 Lou Miller story so I’m sorry if this turns out bad 😅
Warnings: None yet except Cursing here and there. bad first impressions if you count that (is that under angst????)
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Chapter One
Lou parked in front of the warehouse they had rented out for the job. They made sure to rent it out under a false name to avoid backtracking in case somewhere where to go wrong. They all took a flight to France for a job Debbie insisted they should do. She claimed it a really good job and the pay was good. Personally Lou didn’t needed the extra cash and rejected the job a few times over the course of a week before finally caving in due to Debbie’s persistence. Despite her agreeing she wasn’t happy and had been slightly grouchy she wanted to focus on running her club, upgrading it here and there to make it better and maybe open another club so she was very busy. 
If she did this job she had to put all the plans on hold for a while which she was upset about. She had to hire a temporary manager to run her club while she was gone, hell even Tammy tried to tell Debbie to leave Lou be but according to Debbie they’ll get caught if Lou wasn’t there. Lou had been in a bad mood that day and saying a few things that would have hurt Debbie’s feelings if Debbie had been within hearing range only Tammy heard her and the two had a lengthy conversation which made Lou wish she had a strong drink which wasn’t wise thankfully Tammy made her feel better already sensing Lou’s sudden stress. Safe to say after talking to Tammy she agreed on the job better her helping Debbie than having all seven of her friends get caught and arrested. Debbie was more than happy at Lou agreeing to do this job something Lou noticed and had to admit made her happy.
They all walked in the warehouse and looked around except for Lou who walked confidently to a chair and sat down her long legs spread out in front of her. She had already came here a week ago to get the place set up for the team she even set up a spot for nine balls with the equipment the woman needed for the heist so she didn’t needed to explore or look around. Debbie grinned at Lou proud that Lou had set the place up already Lou looked up from her phone giving Debbie a smug smirk before she finished texting her temporary club manager. She put her phone away and looked up knowing the team had gathered and Debbie took the floor.
“So, what are we stealing? You guys haven’t told us.” Amita wondered
Lou lounged back shrugging, “Don’t look at me not even I know.”
“Yo, are they diamonds?” Nine Balls wondered
“Woah, wait you haven’t told Lou?” Constance wondered shocked
“I didn’t wanted her to try and back out if I told her.” Debbie informed them earning a snort from the blonde in question who shoved a piece of gum in her mouth
“Oh now we really wanna know, spill girl what is it?” Nine stated closing the lid of her laptop
Smiling satisfied that she got everyone's attention she turned on the screen projector stating, “Hear me out first.”
The screened turned on and an drawing of three jewels popped up and beside it another image of two crowns popped up. Lou studied the items quickly wondering what was so special about them besides the lack of photograph.
The necklace collar is large and is made out of pure gold hallmarked with roses and harps made out of diamonds put to gatherer alternately. They where tied together with knots made out of pure gold and topaz diamonds. The roses where made out of diamonds and rubies. In the center of the collar was an imperial Jeweled Crown crest surmounting a harp of gold and diamonds. There was a small writing that says they're suppose to be two of them one had the imperial badge crown and the other did not other than that both necklace collars where the exact same.
The second jewel was a Grand Master diamond badge. The badge looked like it was similar to the one hanging off one of the necklaces. the badge is made out of silver containing trefoil in emerald on a ruby cross surrounded by sky blue enamel with rose diamonds writing. The crowned harp was made out of Diamonds and Brazilian stones.
The third Jewel was a simple large star made of gold diamonds and brilliants. it consisting of eight points with four lesser issuing Centre enclosing a cross of ruby and a trefoil of emeralds surrounding a sky blue enamel circle with writing in rose diamonds. The crowns was made out of pure gold, diamonds among with other jewels spread out creating a rather elegant and luxurious pattern.
Lou looked at them than at Debbie and sighed shaking her head looking incredulous. The jewels in the first image where known as the crowned jewels and the crowns where royal crowns from who knows how long ago both of which were stolen at different times ages ago. Lou was very confused as to what Debbie was planning unless Debbie decided to change her profession to treasure hunter.
“Debbie what are those jewels?” Tammy wondered confused
“Yo, what’s with the lack of photo are we downgrading or something?” Nine pointed out
“No we are not downgrading these-,” Debbie began before she was interrupted by Lou
“Those are the Crown jewels that went missing in 1906. The crowns on he right where missing in 1799 both where never seen again.” Lou explained
Debbie nodded slightly surprised Lou knows about them, “Yes, you know what they are?”
“Duh! So Indiana Jones how the fuck are we looking for said jewels are we pulling a Lara Croft or something.” Lou stated sarcastically
“If you would have let me finish Lou instead of interrupting I would have said that there was rumors that the said jewels are no longer missing they supposedly are here in this city in their most popular museum. Unfortunately we need information in order to get it that one one has but probably one person without said information there’s no way we can find them.” Debbie explained
Rose became confused and spoke up shyly, “What are they worth, don’t we usually start off by saying how much the seven of us earn?”
Debbie grinned mischievously and looked at the group proudly, “Today, four-hundred million dollars in today’s money minimum we might easily be able to up the prices due to the simple fact that the they where all stolen long ago and thought to no longer exist.”
“You’re not telling us something.” Lou pointed out casually
Debbie pressed the button on the remote and three pictures popped up, two of them where of two men one older than the other and the third of a woman Lou had to admit was the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eye’s on. She honestly could care less about the pictures of the men she was focused on the woman. Lou noticed you smiled proudly, you eyes shinning with happiness. You where wearing an outfit that was business casual, your hair styled to suit your professional style you where going for. Lou’s eyes flickered to Debbie to find her staring at her smirking smug and Lou cursed softly at being caught she knew that look anywhere. Debbie smug looked at the group and stated casually.
“These three are the ones in charge the younger man is the owner and director his name is Richard Davis, the older man’s name is Liam Moore he is the Curator, and the woman’s name is Y/F/N Y/LN she is the registrar. One or two of them have all the information we need and we need to get it out of them to find it. It’ll be too risky getting it out of Richard Davis and even Liam Moore. Our biggest chances is Y/F/N, she is in charge of what goes in and out of that place. Her job is to literally keep track of all the object, records, authenticity and borrowings so if these jewels are heading to their museum they’ll be passing through her and it'll be her job along with Liam to put them away either on display and hide them.” Debbie explained
“Don’t forget that if she has good relation with the director he’ll be giving her special tasks involving Jewels.” Tammy added earning a nod from Debbie
“So, how do we get this information out of her?” Amita wondered
Debbie grinned eying Lou again earning a sharp glare from Lou which in turn caused Debbie to laugh and look at the confused group who was looking back and forth between them wondering what they missed.
“Well Lou will be getting close to the woman and try to get information out of her she has Lou’s type written all over.” Debbie told them smug
“Like she’ll tell me the information. ‘Hey Miss. Y/L/N where the fuck are you keeping the jewels my team wants to steal them’.” Lou hissed her tone dripping sarcasm
“Please, we need the information.” Constance pleaded pouting Lou narrowed her eyes only causing Constance to pout further finally earning a sigh in defeat from Lou who all but caved she can’t resist Constance pout and she knows it she has a soft spot for the girl.
“Alright, I’ll do it. That was a cheap shot kid,” Lou pointed out getting up earning a beaming smile in return. “How hard can getting information out of her be aren’t people working in museum are boring or uptight as fuck.”
Lou without a word left the building deciding to pay the place a visit she kind of hoped one of the other’s would go in and do that after all Lou’s job was to gather anyone working for them, stealing the objects, making sure everything is going according to plan and have backup plans in case something goes wrong among other things bribing information out of someone wasn’t one of them. Granted a very attractive someone but she wasn’t going to admit that to anyone. Lou sighed realizing is been too long since she’s gotten anyone in her bed and it was starting to show. Lou climbed on a car and drove off following the GPS directions.
You rushed into the building of your workplace cursing at yourself for forgetting to set up the alarm. You moved to France from your home after finally landing a job that you actually loved for a change. You’ve always been a fan art and Historical artifacts so you began working at a big historical museum in Paris.
You walked into the building passed security and across the huge building waving hi to the security guard. You walked straight to your office that's located towards the back of the building. You barely made it in when your boss who’s also the director and owner of the museum jogged up to you looking like a kid in Christmas and you know something must have happened to get him this excited. The two of you had been friends since you started working there, you where originally the tour guide to the place before he promoted you to the official Registrar of the museum.
"Y/N right on time, we need to talk about something important that just happened." He told you barely able to contain his excitement. You honestly wonder how this man is an adult and owns this place. He is like a child sometimes.
You quirked an eyebrow at him confused, "Sure, what is it?"
He pointed to your office door, "let's go to your office to talk privately. I don't want anyone to overhear.”
Nodding more confused, you opened the door and walked in with him behind you. He closes and locks the door, tugging you into the room making you more confused if possible. The both of you sat across from each other, you barely had the chance to ask again why he was so excited when he handed you two folded piece of paper. Looking confused you opened  the first one and stared at it to find an old drawing of a three jewels. You looked confused when you saw it since it looked like a drawing of the jewels rather than an actual photo.
You looked up at your boss after you studied the two pages and the descriptions of the jewels along with what was used to create them. You remember hearing about these things going missing during a conversation you had with your coworker who was a guide here in the museum. When discussing missing jewelry or historical artifacts he had mentioned several different ancient royal jewels that had gone missing and mentioned these but you weren’t sure what this had to do with anything.
“Richard, do I want to know why you’re showing me these? These aren’t even in our museum I would know is my job to memorize anything and anyone that goes in or out of this place.” You wondered confused
He grinned excitedly, “Yes, They went missing centuries ago and we recently found them again and just so happens that they are secretly on their way here we wont put them on display of course.” 
Your eyes widen in shock, “Really? How the hell did you find them?"
He shrugged grinning, "I honestly don't have a clue how they where found the important thing is I got my hands on them before anyone else did. The jewels where stolen and sold in the 1900s someone must have found them recently the crowns where destroyed but turns out they where stolen and hidden. That's as far as I know."
You nodded processing the information for a moment, "okay that makes sense sort of but wouldn’t they be prone to thieves though?”
He chuckled, “Yes, which is why I have a plan which is foul proof. I did not wanted us to suffer the same fate as the Toussaint so I’m going to change a few things here and there around this place but more importantly only you and I will have all the information and location.”
You shook your head at that. Being the only one with specific information only added more stress on you especially if you’re going to be put in charge of it which you knew you where based on the look you where given.
“I’m listening. What’s this infamous information.” you told him slightly sarcastic earning a chuckle
He looked satisfied with your reply and sat back explaining the importance of having the word not get out that those jewels where discovered. He went into greater details on how they where going to get them in the museum, how they where going to be hidden, secured and how they where going to up the security and his crazy idea of adding a few decoys in other locations when you asked why the decoy he looked at you sheepish and said he took the idea from the Met when it was discovered Klugger was wearing a fake so he was borrowing the idea just in case. After he was done explaining which took up an hour or so you looked baffled.
“This better not backfire on us.” you sighed and got up getting ready for work to distract yourself leaving a smug owner in your office.
Most of the morning was uneventful and slightly dreadful. There was a tour by a Primary school which was stressful given how some of the kids wanted to run off on their own when their teacher and tour guide was not looking. At one point one of them almost knocked something over since they went past the security point forcing you to run and steady the item and pointing out to the teacher to keep a better eye on her students. You where of curse polite and respectful about it despite your patience being tested.
It wasn’t until the afternoon where everything started to go south. It was a lot busier an old lady freaked out believing that one of the old priceless painting was hers and tried to steal it not to mention she had a cane and smacked you with it a few times until she was escorted away from the area. You where pretty sure you where going to bruise a little. You could not help but wonder how does an old lady able to swing the cane that forcefully. So is safe to say you where in a really bad mood. You walked past the Egyptian wing and paused when you heard a childlike giggle. You walked over just in time to see yet another child trying to get past the safety line and getting inside the security glass. You ran over and stopped him before something tragic happened and fixed the glass. You couldn’t help but glare at the kid. The kid backed up but you grabbed his arm.
“Where are your parents?” You asked in a serious tone he didn’t say anything only pointed to the other side of the Egyptian wing. You walked him over to them to find them both on their phone you tapped their shoulder interrupting the careless parents.
“Yes?” the arrogant mother asked
“Is this your kid?” You asked trying to not sound rude and snap after earning a nod from both you spoke up before they can say anything, “Please keep your kid close to you I just found him nearly knocking over an artifact.”
The father took the kid and narrowed his eyes scolding his son for walking out of their side and misbehaving deciding to punish the kid by taking him home earning a temper tantrum.
“Bill don’t be harsh he didn’t mean it I’m sure we could have paid for the damages.” The mother scolded her husband
You rolled your eyes at that and said, “Yeah, ma’am keep him close and for the record neither of us can afford that thing. Instead of being on your phone how about showing your kid a good time if you payed attention to him he wont have any need to destroy the place. This is the third time I had to stop him.” you turned around and walked off not even bother with civility anymore.
You turned around and stormed off to keep an eye on the rest of the of the museum hoping nothing more will happen. You where in a bad mood and ready to go home. You walked around the corner only to collide with someone causing you to tumble back at that same moment you felt something cold splash all over you. Looking down you realized it was just water.
“Fuck. Watch where you’re walking.” the woman snapped
You glared up at her to find a pair of light blue eyes glaring right back you belonging to a tall platinum blonde woman. You looked down to find her shirt was also wet and she was holding a half empty cup.
“First of all watch where YOU’RE walking, second of all no cellphones and third off I wasn’t the one walking with a cup filled with what ever that was you’re not allowed to have liquids in this section only the lobby’s lounge area blonde.” You snapped right back
“What the fuck I was walking here you’re the one who crashed into me and be glad it was water and I’m allowed to take pictures what kind of fucking museum is this.” the woman snapped
You rolled your eyes, “That’s what bottles of water are for genius.”
That only pissed off the blonde even more, “First of all this use to be soda before I finished it and emptied my water in here second of all fuck you, you’re rude as fuck.”
Both of you glared daggers at each other clearly pissed off. Any other circumstance you would have admired how attractive and how her closed hugged her body just right but not right now. Right now you where actively glaring daggers' at her for being a rude bitch. Why the hell are the hot ones always rude and obnoxious. You wondered
You saw her unlocked phone and narrowed your eyes pointing to a sign, “You can’t take pictures in this section new rule only certain areas are allowed to have pictures taken put that phone away”
“What the fuck. First of all none of the other staffs have said shit the only uptight complaining is you second of all I only took some pictures.” The woman snapped
“I need to check your phone.” You told her. it wasn’t that you where out to get her but it was a rule and this particular area no one was allowed to take pictures ever since last year most museums and locations holding expensive items became more strict
“NO.” The woman all but growled
 “I need to see it.” You said beginning to loose your patients you said hell with professionalism and snatched it looking through the pictures she took earning a protest trying to snatch it back and you stopped her with a sharp glare and grabbing her free hand. You found a few pictures of statues that are pretty heavy. You looked suspiciously at the glaring woman and handed her the phone back.
“We don’t allow phones anymore miss. Put that away.” you told her for the second time sharply
Lou glared at you not appreciating the bad treatment, “Why not the other museums allow it and I don’t appreciate having my phone snatched from me.”
“Not anymore. Blame the moron who decided team up with Klugger and steal that Toussaint necklace. Lucky them the insurance agent is dumb as fuck. No one allows phone anymore let along pictures being taken. Now either chug that drink or I’m snatching it with your phone and not returning them.” you warned and stormed off to try and clean up your top leaving a very pissed off blonde behind.
What the fuck is wrong with her? Fucking rude. You thought pissed off. You spoke sharply through your walky-talky’s earpiece to have someone clean up the spill and stormed off to your office deciding it was better do paperwork than to deal with guests.
It wasn’t until you stormed away when Lou realized you where the woman Debbie mentioned that had all the information and cursed at that.
Great, Getting information from someone like her will be nearly impossible. Lou thought glaring at the spot you where just in.
Lou stormed out of the building determined to get something out of you but knew it will be impossible since she knew you will probably keeping a close eye on her after that horrible interaction. Lou got even more angry when she remembered you boldly snatching her phone and probably erasing some of the pictures she had taken from the interesting objects there.
“Fucking rude uptight b.” Lou complained angrily while driving only to be interrupted by her phone. Lou drove towards the warehouse clearly pissed off evident in her feature, her posture was tense, her jawline clenched and she was gripping her steering wheel tightly. She chose to ignore the phone to annoyed to bother with answering.
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mazandaroga · 2 years
From the pick a fic send an ask post: Blue Hydrangea and numbers 1, 7, and 9. And for Muryoku numbers 1, 5, 7, and 9.
Ahh, thank you for the ask! (I honestly thought I wouldn't get one lol)
So, about Blue Hydrangea:
Two, actually! And those are:
- Jin and Yuna fucking on the day they met. They would go in the back, in one of the rooms, but I thought it was too soon, so I deleted it all and swapped it for what you have now.
- Not really a deleted scene, but I was planning to make Ryuzo more jealous of Jin and Yuna, but I decided I didn't want a love triangle, so I deleted all his envy/jealousy/whatever you might call it monologue. Now we have this polyamorous relationship. Which I still need to work on sshhh
Oh, definitely! I thoroughly enjoyed writing Jin and Yuna's first date at the hotel restaurant, and Yuna confronting Ryuzo in the backroom of the club. I loved the banter at the first date, and with Ryuzo, I loved to write Yuna so dominant and demanding. It feeds my soul.
Hmmm, with Blue Hydrangea not really, but it does help to be horney 24/7 because this fic is straight up porn with fluff in between. I promise I'll end the fic when Muryoku is over.
Now onto Muryoku!
I am about to crack my knuckles because it is A LOT
- Jin and Yuna were supposed to kiss already in chapter 6. But no, it was too soon. It's an enemies to lovers, don't forget that, I told myself.
- They were also supposed to kiss at Kukai falls. But nope. It didn't feel right either.
- This was an idea/scene I wrote, but deleted a full 1k words, and that was that Nagao was supposed to be a Tengu, but it wouldn't fit. Because I was like 'What if Nagao was an Tengu? Why didn't he attack/plan sooner? Why now?' and I couldn't come up with answers to those questions, so I scrapped the whole idea/scene. So yes, we could have a Tengu!Nagao.
- Speaking of yokai, Tenzo was supposed to be a Sarugami? But I also deleted that scene, because it made no sense (like if he was, he could have fought Jin at the beach). Tenzo is just a good mortal human.
- A whole scene of Taka admiring Ryuzo while he was bathing naked.
- A full sex scene between Shimura and Goro that might not be deleted and is saved in my docs because I am a disgusting little goblin so you guys only have the short bit
And there probably more, but those are the ones that popped up in my head right now.
I would change that there was more scenes with Jin and Shimura? I think I didn't develop their relationship enough. Sure, Shimura LOVES Jin, but I think I didn't write enough that Jin HATED to be locked up all those years, and he didn't have enough discussions with Shimura about it. So I want to work on that in the future if possible and believable, just them being a father and a son.
Every damn time when Jin changes into his oni, it's always a blast of him going berserk and murder left and right. But my true favorite of him going on a full murder spree was him at the Mamushi farmstead. I wrote that chapter in 2 days. I loved it so much.
Another favorite of mine is Jin and Yuna at old Yarikawa, and their talk in chapter 6.
And this is a personal favorite of mine, that others might not like as much, but the whole chapter 9. Yes, the Shimura chapter. I re-read it so many times when I am sad, and I LOVE that chapter. It's where we find out about Chiyoko being a Kitsune, Shimura's past and his sexual orientation, which he got ridiculed and beaten for, his lose of family, finding love in Goro and ajdkss I LOVE IT SO MUCH Q.Q
With this fic, yes! I do have habits:
- I write mostly in the morning/noon, because that's when my brain works.
- When writing love scenes, I listen to this or this whole playlist of Violet Evergarden. (That whole playlist helps me with every love/fluffy/whimsical moment)
- But when it comes to fighting scens, I watch a lot of action, and here's two examples:
Sword of the Stranger - Final battle
Eren going Berserk
And to that I listen to basically any of Samuel Kim's edition of the AOT OST. My favorites are Eren's Transformation and Eren vs Jaw Titan theme. So yes, when you read any action scene, imagine me blasting this for 3 hours on a loop.
- And I always hve a snack and a drink when writing, because I will be sitting on my chair for hours because I like to update every week for my readers. So sleep? Non-existent.
(@serene-faerie I am tagging you because I think you'll like to read this abou Muryoku)
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mistresseast · 3 years
can you explain in more detail why you think the PT weren't good friends for akiren? i'm not asking out of hate or to start drama, i just never interpreted things that way and i'm genuinely curious. i don't think them being brainwashed by maruki makes them "bad friends", but i don't know if that's what you meant either. i'd love to read a proper explanation on this that isn't just people arguing in the notes of that post.
Hi! Yeah, I know the ~discourse~ climate is pretty touchy and not a good place to exchange ideas, so I’ll do my best to put my thoughts on this matter into words. 
Settle in, bc this one is long.
I’ll start off by saying I don’t dislike the PT, nor do I think they’re bad people, and honestly I think they love Joker a lot! Ryuji calling Akira after his fake death and talking about how his ideas on what makes a hero have changed because of Akira genuinely makes me emotional, along with dozens of other scenes with the thieves! They’re good kids who could be really good friends to Akira but that’s not what’s shown in the game. I don’t think it’s controversial to say Akira’s relationships with all of his friends are transactional. That’s kind of the point, all of his confidants arise out of deals, give and take, and in the metanarrative of the game, that’s how it works. You as the player help these characters solve their problems, and through ranking their confidants up, you get access to more gameplay perks. So it’s pretty even!! But like,,Akira, the character, isn’t the player. There’s no in-story mechanic by which he can cash in friendship points for being-good-at-killing-things prizes. Yes, he uses those abilities to not die in the metaverse, but there is no literal, in-universe way to explain how hanging out with someone translates to [insert gameplay perk here]. So you have to look at what is physically happening in the story. Akira hangs out with the PT, stands there while they have drama with another irrelevant character, and then one way or another their problems get solved and they swear to be Akira’s blood brother or whatever. Akira is a crutch for these characters, and they say multiple times that they wouldn’t have been able to do what they did without him. So all of their shit gets handled and Akira gets?? Like actually gets?? What? Inquiries about his well-being? Offers to help him? Questions about his life, his interests? No,,,not really,, But he gets access to a super powerful persona!! Yay!!! Bc everyone knows he’s just a little shadow-killing machine, right? And even the relationships he does get something tangible (as in separate from the mechanics of the game) out of, like Kawakami’s, are built on the notion that if Akira stops providing for whatever reason, the relationship will end. So essentially, Akira is under the pressure of filling whatever role his friends need him in for however long at any time, and he’s been led to believe that if he stops or fails, he will stop receiving any reciprocal care and acceptance.
(And I know this is all gameplay stuff, I know it has to be like this to codify the complicated process of human relationships, I know all of that, I’m just trying to find a deeper layer bc that’s what I do.)
This whole thing comes into pretty clear focus for me during the third semester when you visit everyone in the false reality. Everyone is happy to see him, of course, but they’re clearly wrapped up in their own happiness. Which is understandable, again, I’m not saying the PT need to be attached to Akira to be good friends, but it all still feels off to me.
If they know Joker, then they’d know it’s weird that he just shows up and starts asking these pointed questions while they’re in the middle of something. All of their other interactions with him have been led by them. Yeah, Joker approaches them bc the player has decided to hang out with them, but the other character always chooses the activity and leads the discussion. Akira showing up out of nowhere and asking them to “remember” and “move on” and whatnot should be raising some major red flags. And it clearly does, since their memories do start to return, but they’re all too scared of losing their happiness that they nope out of the conversation as soon as possible, without stopping to consider why Joker might be trying to reach out to them like that. They’re his friends; they should know he wouldn’t just be trying to hurt them or make them unhappy. After all, their entire relationship with him up til that point has been exclusively about Joker trying to help them. This doesn’t make the PT bad people, running away is a totally natural reaction in that situation. They’re just kids, and their minds have been manipulated to a point, but it’s not like they don’t remember Joker or the way they’ve grown since meeting him. In fact many of them mention how much they’ve matured recently, but they never actually relate that back to Akira, despite him being the primary driving force behind most of their personal arcs, even though they definitely remember him. Translation vagueness or deliberate nod to the idea that the PT don’t actually credit Akira with all the hard work he did after their initial lip service? Hmmm. Anyway, their failure to recognize that Joker is struggling just demonstrates to me what was set up all throughout their confidant links, that their relationships are transactional and that they don’t necessarily consider Joker and his individual needs outside of what he provides for them. And when they no longer need him bc that hole has been filled, he simply doesn’t occupy the same place of importance in their lives. 
Makoto’s flashback in particular stood out to me, bc it was from a moment where she was specifically talking about feeling like she finally found a place to belong with the Phantom Thieves (and by extension, with Joker), but then she desperately tries to brush it off. Obviously that sense of belonging wasn’t meaningful enough to her for her to want it back. And I’m not blaming her, of course, any teenager would choose to have their father back over being in a vigilante group lmao, I just thought it was telling that the devs decided to show us a scene that was originally meant to be heartwarming as an example of the harsh reality Makoto wants to forget. All of the flashbacks are from defining moments for the thieves, but that one specifically got me like *thinking emoji*
So his friends are hesitant, despite the fact that they must know something is wrong. It’s understandable, they all stand to lose a lot if someone messes with the status quo. I genuinely don’t think I would react any differently. But there is someone who reacts differently and against his own self-interest. It’s Goro, the one who has arguably the most to lose, who doesn’t turn away from Akira. He seeks Akira out and teams up with him to uncover what’s really going on, even though he has every reason to believe that prodding too deep will literally mean the end of his life. He forces Akira and himself to face the truth because he knows anything else would just be an insult to what they’ve suffered so far. He’s the only one who never flinches, and that, more than any of his friends’ come-to-jesusing (which Akira still has to initiate) is what Akira needs in that situation. For the first time (outside of the brief instances in the tutorial levels), we see a situation where Akira is actually the dependent one, the one who needs help, who needs support. And the only one who has ever provided that, unconditionally, without demanding anything in return, is Goro. I could go into how Goro’s confidant blows all of the others out of the water in terms of building both himself AND Akira as characters, but it’s been said already and by smarter people than me. But basically, despite competition being a core theme of their relationship, Goro is the only character who is portrayed as Akira’s equal. Their contests are all in the name of improving not just Goro, but Akira too. Goro is the only character who expresses an interest in Akira’s inner life and development, and as such he knows Akira better than anyone else. So when Maruki tries to trap them all in a gilded birdcage, Goro won’t stand for it and he knows Akira won’t stand for it either. That’s why he’s so betrayed if you choose to accept the dreamworld. You’re negating the basis of your entire relationship with him and going against your own principles. Out of every character in the game, the one who knows Akira best and refuses to abandon him even when that could mean his own death is Goro Akechi.
I want to reiterate: I do not hate or even dislike the PT!! And tbh I don’t really think they “abandoned” Akira. That post, imo, is supposed to be kind of hyperbolic. Unless it’s referring to how many of them literally sprint away when he comes to talk to them lol. I look at it more like a commentary on how thoughtlessly the PT act as soon as their wishes are granted. I know it’s set up linearly for story purposes, but isn’t it kind of sad how no one checks up on Akira in the week he’s going around talking to people? Especially after he’s been acting so comparatively weird? It’s not unusual that they might be caught up in other stuff, but while you’re going around and visiting everyone, you don’t get a single text or call from ANY of the thieves, for a whole week!! Goro even comments on it directly with his pointed little “I’m sure you’re just as close as you were before” comment. God, he’s such a bitch. Ultimately, the PT do get their acts together, and it’s partially out of the realization that Akira is struggling alone against something and needs their help, which I love and appreciate. I think they are good friends who want to support Akira, but they can’t understand him past the role they’ve placed him in, and until they do, they’ll never be able to be what he needs. Akira loves his friends and knows he can rely on them in most ways, but those relationships will always be dogged by the pervasive fear that he must constantly earn the right to have the relationship at all. What he needs MOST is someone he doesn’t have to perform for, and from what we see in the game, none of the thieves fit that bill. Except Goro. 
I know this was long and rambly and probably pretty disjointed but I wanted to be as thorough as possible and all of my thoughts just sort of gushed out. Obviously ymmv about all of this depending on how you interpret the game, but this is what I arrived at thanks to my analysis so this is what I have for you! Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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innenofutari · 4 years
On Goro Akechi’s morals and forgiveness (character analysis, but also just a very rambly post)
Akechi is… a very interesting character, I have no doubt about this. Also my favorite of course, if you hadn’t figured that out yet by this giant text you’re about to read (sorry). I have a lot I want to talk about in regards to him since he is so intriguing and we actually don’t have that much info about how his thought process works so it leaves a lot of room for speculation.
In any case, in this meta in specific I’m going to be talking about Akechi’s...morality(?), forgiveness and his relationship with regret. I’m not sure if that’s the best word to define this but I’ll roll with it for now. I’ll try to be fair and talk about things as I personally see them, it’s totally fine if you don’t share my views! Now, onto the actual meta.
Starting off, as people are obviously aware, Akechi is a morally gray character, a darker shade of, but he’s a sympathetic and tragic character nonetheless. That much is undeniable, he was written to be sympathetic, even if I’d argue Atlus did a pretty poor job of it in Vanilla (he was still my favorite ever since then though lol) but he’s reached his true potential in Royal, which makes me immensely happy to see. I get so unbelievably happy whenever I see people saying Royal changed their perception of him and started to like him more! But even then, there are a lot of people who just can’t forgive him for what he did, and that’s only natural. I personally think that, if you don’t try to sympathize with Akechi and truly, truly try to understand his mind and history, you’re doing him a huge disservice. But, forgiveness is something that everyone is free to think and decide if he deserves it or not. In Akechi’s case, I feel like forgiveness is something much more personal to the player, and this shows between the Phantom Thieves too.
There is a visual novel I hold very close to my heart called Umineko no Naku Koro Ni (which I’ll be quoting relentlessly throughout this entire post) that illustrates what I think better than I could put into words, so I’ll be quoting that scene with a few tweaks for better context:
“You said you understood the culprit’s motive.”
“Is that motive… a satisfying explanation for why they’d [commit murder]?!”
“Who knows. That’s for you to decide. Even if I say it’s satisfying, that doesn’t mean it will satisfy you. …You have to decide that for yourself.”
I really like this. It reminds me a lot of Akechi’s situation. I firmly believe that this has no “objective”, “most correct” answer to, just your personal feelings, which are the most important. I, as a player, do forgive Akechi, I want him to have a happy ending, another chance at life, manage to live happily with Akira and have some fun for once. That’s what “forgiveness” means to me in this situation, but while some people may empathize with Akechi, they still can’t forgive him. They think he should stay forever in jail or die since he cannot be redeemed in any way in their eyes. Where do I wanna go with this endless blabbering you ask, and I respond, I just want to try and see Akechi’s actions through two different lenses.
Well, I personally don’t like downplaying the crimes he committed and dumbing it down to “he was being manipulated” because, even if this is not false, it is not entirely correct either. Akechi is so fun to speculate about because he’s a character who is always clashing against himself in various ways as if he was in a constant state of internal turmoil, and this is not very different.
Akechi himself made the choice to go to Shido. It is extremely unlikely that he didn’t know he was going to be using his new powers for murder. He may have been very young, but despite the fact that he was a child forced to mature prematurely, he knew exactly which type of person Shido was. When he walked into that deal he was aware of the consequences and had fully made peace with the fact that he’d be taking another person’s life. Now, I’m not saying that Shido never manipulated him because he did, but not with that particular choice. 
This alone tells plenty about Akechi’s morals. I believe that Akechi indeed has some level of empathy for other people, but I sincerely doubt he feels especially bad about the Okumura-like people he had to kill. He might feel bad for the family of the victims or just feel nauseated with himself, however, he doesn’t regret a thing. As if he had grown numb to it. ...Until a certain point, that is, but I’ll talk about that later.
I would also like to elaborate further on Akechi’s continuous conflict with himself, and this particular piece of Maruki’s confidant immediately reminded me of this:
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He’s talking about Akira here, but isn’t it interesting to note that Akechi’s internalized and externalized realities are, in contrast to Akira’s, the farthest they could possibly be from each other? His sense of justice, childlike desire to be loved and seen as a hero, in contrast to the cold-blooded murderer he had become? It’s like there are two people fighting it out inside of Akechi’s brain (lol) which must cause him a lot of distress. I don’t believe that Robin Hood is a ruse or that his Detective Prince façade is entirely fake. The way I see it, they are his ideal, which he strayed so far away from he lost grasp of who he himself is.
In my opinion, Akechi has never cared about fame the slightest bit, he used all of that as an opportunity to act out the person he wished he was, just and virtuous, while still being the feral murderer and bloodstained person he is today. These are two integral parts of him that he has never known how to reconcile. It’s interesting to note that in the third semester he was the one who since the beginning advocated firmly to return to the harsh reality but he had spent the entire game living in the comforting “detective prince” dream he made for himself until the engine room scene happened. 
With the third semester context, the engine room becomes so interesting because that scene is akin to Sumire finding out she’s not Kasumi. It’s a cold bucket of water thrown straight to Akechi’s face and telling him to wake up from this lie he made to comfort himself and face reality: he is no hero. Despite the fact that he is, too, a victim, he is simultaneously a murderer who perpetuated with the cycle of his father’s aggressions and he cannot escape that fact. Worse, he was being manipulated all along and his revenge plan and arguably his only reason to live AND justification for his actions was completely crushed.
Once again, this Umineko scene illustrates what I think Akechi’s situation up until that point was like:
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Akechi rationalized every awful, inexcusable thing he did as, “It’s for my revenge’s sake” and ran with it. He was incredibly blinded by his hate and ignored the weight of the consequences of his actions up until that point where everything came crashing down right in front of his eyes. There is no excuse and no justification for that.
However, Akechi was also abused himself. There is no excuse for what he did, but is getting back at the person who took everything from him so reprehensible a thought? Is wanting justice against someone who essentially ruined your life not understandable? Many people like to say “cool motive still murder” or things of the like, but I’m asking you again to put yourself in his shoes.
Yet AGAIN with a Umineko screencap:
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I played this the other day and one of the first things I thought of was Akechi. A lot of people draw parallels between Akechi and Adachi, but that’s just so damn wrong and make me lose my hair so much and become completely bald because that couldn’t be farther from the truth and I’m gently asking you to reconsider. In the pic above, Adachi would fit the “homicidal maniac” mentioned to a T, and while Akechi is by absolutely no means free of guilt and much less a stellar person, his crimes were moved completely by his heart. 
For the people who use his choice to become Shido’s hitman to say Akechi does not deserve any kind of forgiveness and that he’s a murderous maniac, I ask you to at least think of what state of mind he was at that moment. Think very hard about it, imagine how completely bleak life must have looked like then, to the point that he risked everything on murder.
This is nothing more than my speculation, but I believe Akechi’s thought process at that moment was something along the lines of, “I have nothing to lose since my (current) life is completely meaningless". It was as if he had reached such a numb state he chose to forgo all his morals and humanity in pursuit of at least one thing that would give his life meaning, that being his hate for Shido, which I also think was the only emotion he ever truly understood well ever since his mom passed.
Since Akechi is all about conflicting emotions though, I would also like to remind you how vulnerable Akechi really is to any kind of affection. His “childlikeness” that Robin Hood represents was, by all accounts, still there. Akechi has a desperate need to be loved while simultaneously putting up walls and wearing masks, making it extremely difficult to have any kind of meaningful relationship. This is something that Shido thoroughly takes advantage of, too.
That’s also why one of his lines to Akira hit so much harder for me, following this reasoning. “If only we had met a few years earlier,” expresses many emotions at once. If Akechi had known something other than misery and hatred during that period of his life he would not have latched so thoroughly to that revenge plan. Akechi simply had nothing to lose, since he had nothing at all.
I mentioned earlier that Akechi doesn’t regret a thing, which I still think it’s true. Before he had met Akira, he truly did not regret a thing, but meeting Akira caused him a lot of strife because not only Akira is a person whose whole existence flaunts everything Akechi could have had if he hadn’t fallen into fate’s trap, but Akechi also experiences happiness through his connection with Akira. Hanging out and talking to him truly makes him happy, and it’s something more genuine than he’s ever known. Yet, it’s too late, because his choices were already set in stone and he had already pulled the trigger with no way to take any of the bullets back.
That’s why Akechi is so confusing, so controversial and sometimes uncomfortable to think about. There is no clear line between good or bad, he just is something in the middle. Akechi is both a person who ruined a lot of people’s lives with no regard whatsoever to the consequences but also a victim rebelling and retaliating against the person who took everything from him and made his life a living hell. That’s why it’s so hard for not only some players to form opinions about him but also downright uncomfortable for the Phantom Thieves to think about. There is no objectively best answer for what he deserves. It just doesn’t exist. Should he spend the rest of his life in jail, or dead, because his crimes were inexcusable? Or should he be given another chance at life to learn to be happy? It’s entirely subjective, and that’s why he’s so great to think or discuss about. 
Aaand that’s it, I’m grateful you read so far, hope I didn’t piss anyone off, also not gonna pretend this wasn’t very self indulgent because of the amount of times I quoted Umineko in it. Anyways, thank you!
SIDE NOTE: I didn’t write this recently, it had been sitting on my drafts for some months now and I found it again today and decided to just release it into the wild because why not? I think this was meant to be much longer than it is and to elaborate more eloquently on a lot of points I brought up (like the PT with Akechi) but alas, I lost the train of thought and so it Perished.
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
Anon-Nemesis - Right, I’ve got some free time, so I’ll have to make this a quickie, but I thought about my answers while at a boring family lunch thing.
Favorite Character: Ozai (The way you write him anyway, he’s pretty meh in canon))
Least Favorite Character (one who’s constantly there): I do have a few less than liked minor characters, but none of them are “Constantly There” So I have no good answer for this.
Favorite “Antagonist”: Ozai & Ol’ Spooky (Seethus) Lets face it, Ozai is the big papa of baddies, quite literally, and Ol’ Spooky spooked me good in his arc, at least till Azula and Xin handed him his own ass on a golden platter. I’m listing them together because you sort of portray them as a team where Seethus is just an extension of Ozai’s will personified (I might’ve picked Zhao too, but he hasn’t actively opposed our main duo too much so far, so instead I will pick)
Favorite OC: Rui Shi, duh. The guy has been there nearly from the start and has had Azula back even back in the early days when she was quite a jerk and hadn’t been, uh, tamed by Sokka (lol, not my best choice of words but I’m sticking to it, Azula might find the idea privately amusing these days but would kill me for sure for saying it like that) I feel like Goro would be high on this list, as would Ol’ Spooky, but we seen too little interaction with either for me to list them.
Favorite Gladiator: Aside from Sokka and Toph; My fav is The Millennium Dragon. Runners up The Alchemist (Well his sponsor is more interesting than him) Special Shout Out to the Dart Slayer, he jobbed so hard he got Sokka recruited (Was it Dart Slayer? Shit, it was so long ago) and a last conflicted entry, Rhone, I like what he represents (Basically Evil Sokka) but I don’t like him as a person, the dude is a straight asshole who needs a good thrashing.
Favorite Suitor or a Suitor I wished would make moves on Azula: Toph, I don’t mean in a shipping sense, but just Toph could mess with Azula and offer to marry her as a joke or something. Azula’s reaction would be priceless. A more serious answer, Zhao, He may be a douche, but I kind of like the guy in Gladiator, he’s not quite morally grey, but he does seem to only want the best for Azula, or his idea of the best, which ain’t actually the best for her.
Most Relatable Character: The young dude who works the desk at the Royal Dome, Shouji I think its spelled, such a timid little fellow, yet so composed since he’s always coming face to face with some of humanities mightiest people, the Gladiators, and scummiest people, sponsors. Plus he knows his business and does his job effectively. Supporting Sokka’s career is also nice. Also, special shout out to Keno. Wait, who was he again? Ah nevermind, probably nobody important. Anyway, where was I? …
Character I’d like to see more: Ol’ Spooky, mainly, that creeper really fascinates me, Its funny how he and Azula are frightened of eachother even though Azula would effortlessly waste his ass. I want to know how Ozai keeps the loyalty of someone that dangerous. Is he even human? Or some ancient fire spirit? He’s one of the biggest mysteries you’ve got going. Goro is one I really hope you develop, He’s got a nice fatherly, or grandfatherly vibe that could be a much needed point of stability for Azula in part 3.
 Favorite Canon (Gladiator canon)Pairing: Main Duo aside, Rui and Song were my number 1, but lately Ozai/Ursa has stolen it (Even though Ursa is gone.
Favorite Non-Canon Pairing: I can only come up with joke pairings I’m afraid, but. One sided Ty Lee X Ozai (The mental image of Mr. propper n serious, but buff, handsome Firelord with that bubbly bundle of joy hanging off his arm, bugging him to take her somewhere fun. I can’t stop laughing, he just wants her to get lost, and Azula is deeply worried about her friend’s sanity) Azula X O'l Spooky, or Azula X Sparky Sparky Boom Man (No matter which way you slice it, its one big, powerful and passionate fire storm, loud and explosive, silent and deadly, and each hella destructive) Okay fine, I’m only thinking of their bending, not the characters themselves. Sokka X Boomerang/Sword/Club (Wholesome until you realize he’s having a foursome with his own armory. Hell, let’s throw Azula into the mix, she can bring her own sword. Man, that’d be a dangerous bed, so many sharp and pointy accidents waiting to happen. But maybe Space Sword X Wolf’s Bane, they fight together, and snuggle together, just like their owners.
Favorite Arc: Tough call. Its a rivalry between Giving In arc, Slave Riot arc, Fire Lord’s Shadow and Air Temple arc for 2nd place. But 1st Place goes to combined Whaletail Island/Shu Jing arcs with how well they flow together, you outdid yourself with them, fluffy as half of them were
Favorite Place/Location:
 Part 1 or Part 2?:
I wished to see Sokkla more in/like … :
Guessing Game: Guess how good/bad I am at guessing games.
Finish the following sentences: “They don’t? I guess they were probably too busy looking at your… a-at… y-your ? ? ?” (Yeah, spot that one motherF-ers, I dare you.)
I think Azula & Sokka’s relationship will be revealed when/like/because of … Their own inability to exert willpower over their horny impulses. In other words their own reckless stupidity.
I believe at the end of Part 3 … Ozai gonna die, that’s about all I’m certain of. The invasion happens, lots of death and destruction. Since Aang ain’t a killer, my money is on Aang defeating Ozai but its Katara or The White Lotus who kill him. I don’t think Azula could do it though no matter how much she comes to hate her dad. Sokka won’t either since Azula still cares about Ozai, he’s still her papa. Besides, Azula may be too busy having a violent ass knockdown drag out deathmatch with Ol’ Spooky to keep him off the heroes backs, she wins and Ozai loses his two greatest assets. Ozai fights to the bitter end, ignoring Azula’s pleas for him to surrender, he’s too far gone in his hubris, his ego and his rage at Azula’s betrayal by then. Afterward, happy-ish ending, bittersweet, but Azula becomes Fire Lord, Sokka becomes Fire Lady, and has lots of kids and rule happily everafter, of 5 minutes ever after since those two can’t stop attracting trouble.
I’m glad you had a chance to join in! :D thank you for that submission, my friend!
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morinokunikara · 4 years
Goro Akechi vs Claw Machines
Okay I made this headcanon forever ago but I’m gonna reiterate it in a more structured post. 
Lots of credit to @werewolvesatemylife for a good chunk of this post. I had the base idea and they just went crazy on it!! Thank u Gems ilysm. 
Anyways I put it under a cut so it doesn’t stretch out your dash lol
Goro Akechi is OBSESSED with UFO catchers and other crane games. They’re challenging, and he wants to take down any challenge presented near him. Also, he gets something physical out of it. And as someone who grew up with next to nothing, he has a mild obsession with material possessions, even if all he does is hoard them in his closet. He keeps his living room spotless and professional for guests to give the illusion of being An Adult That Has Shit Together, but his bedroom is a Featherman dream suite with figure boxes, plushies, and other prizes lining the wall. All the other stuff he can't aesthetically show or from anything but feather man gets thrown into his huge walk in closet. He’ll spend as much time as he possibly can on these machines, trying and trying to get the latest prize, even if it’s something completely meaningless to him. But of course, like the rest of his obsession with victory, it comes to a fault. He will spend every last yen in his pocket, trying again and again and again to get a figure from a series he isn’t remotely interested in just to prove that he can. He refuses any offers for help from passersby, and hogs the machine even as people who also want to play are growing impatient. His time at the machine ends when he wins or is forced off by running out of money or arcade staff. Of course, these occurrences are disdainful for him, since it requires admitting defeat. The obsession goes back years too.  When he was younger, he loved gachapon machines. He’d use what little pocket change he could get to spend hours getting capsules. Typically, these were the only real toys he had in foster care. And now was a well-paid working detective, he still falls back on the habit to spend hours collecting small gachapon toys. Spending so much to get the one he wants and the last for his full set. Even in the rain, the need for the last one does not deter him. He will stand, soaking wet till he gets a glittery Featherman head keychain. He would try even harder for prizes if it was for anyone he liked, whoever that may be. He would double his need and thirst for the thing, his love and need to be good for them + his obsession with winning makes prying him off the machine an impossible task. This all coincides with his need to please. To please the person he's trying to win for, the need to please the inner greedy child within, his need to win and please that power-hungry side of himself. It's all an obsession that all ties into his wants in life even if it's something so childish. It also connects with how he views his battles with others. A sick game. Deep down; he's just a child who wants to win, from claw machines to hunting down the Thieves- he has to win. If he doesn't, he will feel like a failure. And failure isn't an option. Ever.  A more light-hearted note is that he sees his obsession with such childish games and machines as cute- a perfect addition to his personality online and on tv. He doesn't let his fans see the days where he’s soaking wet in a hoodie, squatting in front of a gachapon machine desperately begging for a rare, but he will totally take insta pics with very cutesy ufo catchers and add some naive cute boy descriptor like,  “~<3 playing at the arcade today after the meeting<3 <3 <3~~~~” then go straight to the machine holding the latest Featherman figure and spend all his money. He needs to have some alibi for when a fan sees him. And he tries his best to hide the reality of his obsession from everyone, especially from the Thieves. If Akira ever questions it, he’ll pull the same “Oh it’s just to please my fans” excuse he uses when he talks about sweets. Can’t have the enemy thinking he’s some child that hoards figures and plushies because he can’t accept defeat and just wants to have things. Some smaller notes *He gives Sae some of the gachpon trinkets to show friendship and keep up his act. Although she usually seems bewildered by such an offer, and some end up handed down to Makoto, he does occasionally notice one or two subtly hanging from her briefcase, giving him a small sense of pride. *At first, he wouldn't be caught dead putting any on his briefcase but he does store the smaller prizes in his case. He has to hide figure boxes in paper grocery bags that he puts in his bike basket. 
*However, when he finds that it’s seen as a charm point in some celebrities, he does attach one of his more rare finds to his briefcase. *Futaba finds out about his figure stash somehow when he’s working with the Thieves, and to keep her quiet, he lets her have the idol themed prizes. He needed the space for other prizes anyways. 
*When the thieves start getting merch, he makes it his mission to get a lot of it so no one else can have it. This leads to him spending a lot of time just staring at that part of his collection in absolute disgust. *While he does usually hide away plushies in his closet, he will sometimes pull them out on particularly bad days to comfort him. On the worst days, he ends up with a bed covered in them. *He sometimes tries to win smaller prizes for kids who ask. A good form of PR and a chance to show off? Jackpot. That is, until the kid ends up getting it on their own because he’s run out of money. *He sometimes has bad dreams about failing to win particularly good prizes. Though these are kind of a welcome break from other actual nightmares, he still wakes up a bit upset. *Akiren will get particularly annoying about asking for something just to get on his nerves, and eventually he’ll cave in and give him a couple of common keychains. He sees it as a pretty good “fuck you” but Akiren adores the prizes anyways. *He keeps all his loose gachapon toys in large tupperware bins. They are labeled and organized. Most still in their capsules. Gotta keep them in mint condition afterall. *He loves all the watches he wins even if they're cheap. Shiny. * He's even more obsessed with seasonal prizes so he tries to get holiday-themed and super limited edition stuff right away. *Even though he likes claw machines and gachapon, he hates mystery bags sold at stores. They’re just bags of junk. And none of the themes ever fit right with the context. He once bought a feathman one out of curiosity. there was very basic merch like pins,  phone straps…..then a $50 godzilla figure...That's why the bag was so heavy and expensive...he doesn't trust like that ever again. *He refuses to watch claw machine hack videos. He must do it on his own, even if the machine is rigged against him. * if he really can't keep any more items in his closet, he will do Instagram giveaways. More PR! 
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
stupid phone keyboard, yeah I meant P5D lol. In any case, I would also like another Persona Dancing Game without the plot but the interactions are P3 - P5, P3 - P4, P4 - P5 in their current ages. (maybe its after development Ken) and have P3FeMC as another character to be interacted as. (maybe this time its Male MC who's not with the team, and I just said that its without a plot lol) a P5 - P3 interaction would be between Ken and Akechi with their revenge drives, kinda like that.
All good I figured you meant that kjfsadf P5S didn’t make sense in that context so yeah. 
Oooo that’d be cool~! And I love the role reversal for the P3MCs~! But yeah Ken and Goro really should talk, I don’t care if we did that already with P4′s side of PQ1, Yosuke wasn’t down for anyone’s murder, Goro has already thrown lives away. It’s a different perspective with different people, address it Altus (or are you too scared that you’ll have to face the reality of un-woobifying your precious Goro for a hot second >8U orz *cough*.........little heated, but I do fear that is the reason Atlus won’t press deeper into the matter..... >.>)
I think we could have both, kinda like a PQ1 situation. We have the main plot we can go through, or we can do the side interactions (like strolls, or P3/5Ds case, the SLs, but I think strolls could/would work in this case too), or we can just focus on dancing. XU I’m all for more content, and I think we can have plot and interactions/fluff and gameplay all rolled into one 8U 
I did have a few ideas a while back for more proper P3/5D or Persona Dancing game.....It might still be in the drafts ngl kfdsajflafjafj
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bella-gunn · 5 years
More Blue Exorcist conspiracy theories!
I apologize, first thing for this "Wall-O-Text"(tm), anyone who knows me reasonably well knows I have a lot of thoughts that turn into mountains of words.
Unfortunately I still haven't found a way to toggle from rich text to html on my phone app (if such a thing is even possible). I do pretty much everything with my phone, so I'm sorry, no pretty text cut here.
Without further ado...
yuri-egin-123 asked some fantastic questions and this is my humble attempt to answer them, theoretically.
"...going back to Yuri's past, when Rin first saw satan, did Satan feel it? because it has already been proven that Rin can feel powerful demons nearby and Satan also in chapter 107. Now, does Satan know that Rin has been in the past?"
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Rin is powerful, true, but I don't think Satan would have noticed Rin for two really good reasons and one kind of theoretical reason.
Good reason #1:
Satan is incredibly arrogant. He can sense all demons, weak and powerful, but frankly he doesn't care because he knows he far out classes anyone else. So it doesn't make sense for him to take special notice of Rin in all the mess of demonic activity around him.
Good reason #2:
Rin is powerful, but he isn't more powerful than Lucifer, Mephisto, Egyn, Iblis and Asteroth, who are also in close proximity to Satan. Mephisto has been acting as Rin's personal tour guide, even Lucifer has ignored Rin in Mephisto's presence and they were in the same room practically face to face.
Theoretical reason:
Satan may not be able to tell the difference between Rin and his own power. The other demons respond to Rin's power just like it's Satan's, until Rin asserts control over his flames there is even some concern that they are actually Satan's flames. So I think it's unlikely that Satan would notice Rin because he would feel familiar and "same".
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What. An. Ass.
"...and in question the shiemi, at first I thought she was a clone of Shemihaza but nevertheless in chapter 99.5 they said "your mother awaits". I do not think Shemihaza is the mother of Shiemi, maybe Shiemi is Shemihaza herself, do not you think?"
I agree with you 100%; I do not think Shemihaza is Shiemi's mother in the traditional sense. It's clear there is a connection between Shiemi's birth and Shemihaza but I think it is less direct than Shiemi being a Shemihaza clone.
As far as Shiemi being Shemihaza let's examine what we already know from the story so far.
There are two upper demon ranks, the Baal and the Sol, Satan is above all.
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The Baal are the 8 demon kings, the Sol are the emperors of nothingness and creation, Armumahel and Shemihaza respectively.
The most recent chapter has given us suprising information; Armumahel is the source for holy water. Armumahel's influence "hollows out" humans, eventually making them "soul less", his influence on demons seems to cut their spiritual connection to Assaiah, sending them back to Gehenna.
This is wild, the whole thing from holy water to the experimental Illuminati weapons had me thinking:
If this is the power of nothingness made manifest in the material realm of Assiah, then what would the power of creation do!?
I have been turning this over in my mind since the Grigori representative called Shemihaza interacted with Lucifer in section 13.
Lucifer acknowledges the Grigori representative as Shemihaza but also appeals to their humanity. It is apparent the the Grigori representative was at one time human, but has put aside their humanity to take on the role of actually being Shemihaza in reality. This is no mere playacting, all signs point the the Grigori representative of Shemihaza as being a manifestation of Shemihaza.
Certainly there is some limitation, Shemihaza the Grigori isn't all powerful, but she is certainly well respected by Lucifer, who only respects power greater than his own.
Then there is the matter of Shemihaza the Grigori's seemingly unaging enterouge of obviously related people. They are all different shapes and sizes but they have very strong common traits, traits that are shared with the Lucifer clones.
Which brings me back to the question of Shemihaza's power in Assiah.
Creation much like Nothingness are broad concepts, without indulging in much philosophical navel gazing, I think the most obvious power of Shemihaza in Assiah would be making something exist spiritually that didn't exist before, perfectly opposed to and balanced with Armumahel's power to erase something spiritually from material reality.
As we learned from Reiji Shiratori and numerous other reminders, demons possess things that are spiritually aligned to themselves. It's somewhat problematic for the higher ranking demons, especially the kings, there is difficulty finding someone who is compatible, then they have the issue of their power destroying their host body.
So the section 13 researchers had two problems to solve:
1. Make the body resilient to demonic power.
2. Make the spirit compatible with the demon who will take possession.
The first problem was solved by taking tissue samples from Lucifer, Samael and Azazel, the three most powerful of the Baal.
It is obvious by the massive scale of the project, the images of the rows of birthing tables and cribs, that they tried surrogacy initially. It doesn't seem like that approach was entirely effective as they had begun using cloning vats/cylinders (Lucifer still uses that method currently so that indicates that it was a later and more successful method).
Out of the hundreds of clones there were only two successful clones (as in they suppoted posession): Ambrosius, a clone of Samael who was spontaneously possessed by Amaimon. There is some subtle indication Mephisto meddled, Amaimon certainly seems to owe him for something.
The other was Goro, the Azazel clone who was eventually possessed by Satan. Goro was not a perfect clone, he was damaged (if we go by Shiro's reactions) and was ultimately put in a semi vegetative state in a cloning vat because of his regenerative abilities.
There is something about that which is off putting to me. I kept getting hung up on the idea that this clone, Goro, who was essentially fully developed was placed in a vat and he didn't decay, didn't degrade. Bodies don't work that way, they begin to adapt to their environment on a cellular level, his skin at least would have been extremely damaged from years of submersion and any liquid medium he could have been placed in that would arrest that process is not conducive to keeping him alive.
With the revelation of where holy water came from it smacked me in the face; the liquid in the cloning vats is derived from Shemihaza.
This "water" derived from Shemihaza may be the base of the "elixer" and a sort of fountain of life but I wouldn't be in a hurry to fill up a cup! At best it is very unpredictable and difficult to control such a broadly active substance, after all you would want to grow new cells at a controlled pace, otherwise you end up with something cancerous like and truly monstrous. Michael Gedouin and all those poor people he experimented on are a cautionary tale.
Also, it seems that long term exposure to Shiemihaza's "water" may have the opposite effect of Armumahel's "water" and make things in Assiah more susceptible to possession.
Of course this is conjecture, there is nothing in the book that says I'm right, but it makes sense and explains why Shemihaza, the Grigori, is so involved in something as reprehensible as section 13.
Granted, the entire Grigori would have needed to approve and be involved with the project to some extent but we never see the other two, only Shemihaza.
Shemihaza is also deeply invested in Lucifer's decision and the outcome of the project in a way that indicates personal interest, which makes sense if you consider the spiritual and emotional connection of being the source of life for all those poor clones as well being, well, the Emperor of Creation. Even the misshapen more demonic clones that Lighting and Sugaro encountered would have been her progeny.
Going back to Shiemi, she shares certain characteristics with the Lucifer clones, namely blond hair, green eyes, a mysterious past and amnesia. Shemihaza's entourage identifies as her family so there is s very real possibility that Shiemi is a successful clone, not necessarily for Lucifer, but to be the next Shemihaza.
I think Mephisto was hiding her in plain sight, as it were, to keep her out of Lucifer's hands until the time was right for her to be brought to Shemihaza. She seems to have some disordered memories from her early childhood that relate to the garden she is taken to so it is very likely she was never in section 13. It is possible Shiemi was created directly by Shemihaza in the garden, which would explain the mother comment and her inclination towards growing things.
So I posit that Shiemi was created by Shemihaza, possibly from the Lucifer clone lineage, to be the replacement for Shemihaza the Grigori.
She is already most of the way to being able to channel Shemihaza, which she demonstrates by manifesting a forest to contain Rin just after his immolation. Obviously Mephisto knows something about it (poor Amaimon doesn't figure it out until it's too late for him to make a real marriage proposal, lol) and Shiemi's mom knows something because she told Sheimi enough for her to be prepared when the Grigori representatives came for her (very creepy people by the way, just a shade too perfect to be entirely human).
It will be interesting to see where things go but what really has me twisted up right now was Lucifer's casual demonstration that he has perfected the cloning method.
Up to this point we have operated under the assumption that the elixer was the only thing sustaining him and all of his efforts were going towards the creation of viable clones.
Now we know that not only does he have perfect clones for himself (which implies he appeared before Mephisto in a compromised body as strategy to keep Mephisto from knowing how effective his cloning process is) but he also has been collecting demons with regeneration abilities and is planning on cloning a body for Satan.
I have so many questions about this.
Satan seems to think his perfect body is running around, inconveniently occupied by his demon son, and would like to take it. But he is hanging around with his wimpy human son for some reason. Yukio is immune to the flames, all flames, has a temptaint so bad it's a wonder he wasn't posessed by a demon years ago except that he can't be possesed...
What do they want with Yukio?
Even better, why the hell did Lucifer give Yukio the Armumahel guns?
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I think the answer is twofold.
They, Mephisto and Lucifer, are setting Rin and Yukio up for a showdown, a sort of battle by proxy.
Mephisto and Lucifer are playing chess to determine the fate of the world because they cannot fight each other directly.
So Rin and Yukio are pawns that are poised to become queens on the board.
My magic 8 ball says "as I see it, yes":
*Yukio will confront Rin, because Rin can't let Yukio go.
*When that happens Yukio will use the Armumahel guns and damage or partially remove Rin's soul; in that moment of weakness Satan will have his opportunity to possess Rin.
*Yukio will immediately realize he has fucked up and will try to fix his mistake by killing Satan, or at least removing him from Rin as much as possible.
*More Armumahel gun action......
If everything goes Mephisto's way Satan wil be reduced to a shade of his original power and banished back to Gehenna (serves him right for being such a prick and dropping a helicopter on Mephisto's head), Lucifer will have to concede defeat and back down as per their wager.
If everything goes exceptionally well Rin's soul may even be restored to his body (I have a feeling Shiemi would have something to do with that).
But either way the balance would be restored and Assiah would be preserved.
If Lucifer gets his way Rin's soul is forfeit, Yukio is a way more fucked up Abel than the original bible story, Satan gets his groove on, Samael has to step back, allowing Satan and Lucifer remake reality unopposed.
I think the reason why Lucifer needs Satan is because Lucifer has the power to collapse everything back to the moment of creation but that's the best he can do on his own.
Essentially that is suicide.
He threatened it before, when he was trapped in a decaying shell, unwilling to allow himself to return to Gehenna. But now that he has a viable means of sustaining himself, and Satan has entered the picture, his plans haven't changed so much as they have shifted.
He still wants to end suffering but now he wants to remake the world, not destroy it, and to do so he needs Satan's power.
To Mephisto, destroy to create anew or destroy permanently, is all the same. Everything that makes him demon king of Space and Time, everything that makes him himself will cease to exist. He *has* to oppose Lucifer's plans, to do otherwise is to negate his own existence, which is something Mephisto is not capable of.
@yuri-egin-123 , thanks again!
Which is cool by me, otherwise this story would have been over before it began!
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