#and it will help her and jimmy and a bunch of old people get a decent payout . and she can pull off a great little scheme
devilsskettle · 1 year
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anyway this scene is making me insane like this is literally what i’ve been talking about . i think she is so sick of being confined to her role and like having to be the “good one” or something and having people tell her what she should or shouldn’t do, or should or shouldn’t be okay with, and now with what happened in the desert she’s sorted out her priorities and they’re different from what everyone is telling her they should be and yes one of her priorities is her pro bono work but another one is pulling off these elaborate cons with jimmy and actually those two things are not that different to her, it’s a similar kind of challenge/risk/reward situation . and like she can be honest with herself about what she wants without having it compromise any other part of her life . and for both of them now i think a lot of their boundaries have been revealed to be lines drawn in the sand that are very easy to step over, over and over again . so anyway idk what i’m talking about but i get frustrated for her that other people are constantly trying to put her on a pedestal, because sure it’s nice to be admired but what about like her agency and her actual desires and personality and shit like that . anyway i think she should be allowed to be as fucked up and conniving as she wants. as a treat 
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months
For TT, can we have a bit more info about mer culture and where Scott is coming from before he ended up on the old continent? I absolutely love the way you write hybrids, and how much effort you put into the world building of their background and cultures and behaviours. Oooh also, while I'm asking questions, do the hybrids in TT have courtship the way they do in TTSBC? Because that one is somewhat relevant for a few of them.
Oooooooo ok sure!
Let's break down Mer Culture in Traveling Thieves yayyyy!
First of all, the Mer Kingdom and Mer culture is matriarchal! Scott is the son of the Queen of the Mer and one of her concubines/performers. The Queen and other powerful women of noble standing typically have multiple husbands and also there is a very strong courtly culture of performance, and the role of the concubine is very influential in this society. However, this is where the sort of stigma against Siren Spells comes from! Scott inherited his abilities for water magic from his Mom, the magic of the royal bloodline is very powerful which is why Scott is also very powerful and natural with water magic! He inherited his ability to use Siren Spells from his Dad, but Siren Spells are seen as something only used by concubines/performers...it's not something befitting of a royal child, even an illegitimate one like Scott.
Speaking of! If we're talking about Scott and his upbringing, I want to get rid of any notions I'm sure people are assuming that because he was an illegitimate child he was treated poorly, he wasn't! He had a lot of half-siblings and all of them got along decently well, and his parents also had a reasonably healthy and cooperative relationship! Scott was still excluded sometimes, for example he wasn't allowed to show his face at courtly proceedings or performances, but some of his older siblings would occasionally help him hide in the curtains or something so he could watch his Dad perform!
Scott wasn't allowed to practice Siren Spells, because his Mom raised him, as she did all of her male children, to eventually be married off or take up political posts, and both of Scott's parents agreed it would be better for his prospects if no one ever knew that he was capable of using Siren Spells. That doesn't stop him from sneaking off to practice them in secluded areas, but he never received any official training so that's why he's pretty bad with them.
Also also! I wanna describe the Mer Kingdom a bit! Because while I do plan to do some flashbacks from Scott's POV I'm not entirely sure if we'll ever actually go there within the timeline of Traveling Thieves.
Basically think Lizzie's Empires S1 base 😆
It's just that her base inspires how I think of the Mer Kingdom, like a bunch of towers that emerge from the water but are constructed both above and below water. Also it is within a series of atolls and coral reefs so lots of small islands are all around too. While the Mer can breathe underwater all of their homes and such are watertight and so while they swim place to place when they're inside it's dry and they breathe air, so it's not like Atlantis-style or anything. A lot of buildings are also on top of the islands or build from the shallower ocean shelf and then rising up out of the water. With the Royal Palace being right in the middle of the largest atoll of course!
Scott, as you might've been able to guess, perhaps, from what he said when Jimmy said he was in love with him, was running away from an arranged marriage. And the sad part was it wasn't even technically a marriage. Again, Scott is an illegitimate child, he's the son of the Queen, yes, but he's not a prince. He was raised like one, educated like one, and more or less treated like one with a few exceptions (like how he couldn't attend court) but he is not a prince.
That means by Mer societal convention he can't marry high-class nobility. So the noblewoman he's arranged with, he's technically meant to go be one of her concubines, similar to how his own Father is to his Mother. That doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual by default, but it does basically relegate him to being passed around for his pretty face and his bloodline. It would be a pretty luxurious life, all things considered, and he was also raised fairly spoiled all his life, but even still...Scott's not the type who would just pliantly go along with being a pawn for his Mother to use politically. Plus it really pisses him off because after all these years of being told to hide the fact he could use Siren Spells like his Father and not being allowed to practice them, or learn how to perform like his Father does, all of a sudden his Mother decides to give him away as a concubine instead of marrying him to someone within the mid-tier of courtly society whom Scott would actually be allowed to wed. Scott in this AU really looks up to his Dad, and he also looks very very similar to him, much more so than his Mother, which is also why he's desired for his beauty even amongst Mer. His Dad is the Queen's favorite performer, so you can imagine he's gorgeous as well, and yet after living his whole life being told he had to distance himself from being seen as similar to his Father, all of a sudden he's expected to become a concubine just like him? Without any of the training or practice or skills that his Father has? That's ridiculous! So yeah, Scott was furious and he and his mother had it out in a terrible fight.
Last thing on this! I wanna make it clear that this doesn't mean Scott hates his mother or even has a bad relationship with her! He was actually on very good terms with her, which made the news that he was going to be given away as a concubine all the more shocking. So he took off in the middle of the night after this fight with nothing but the clothes on his back...he wasn't necessarily planning on running away for good, he was just upset and trying to get away and get some space to collect this thoughts, but he went a little too close to the mainland shore, to close to the waters where humans trawl, and...well, we know what happened to him from there.
As for courting ritual, they don't have them in Traveling Thieves the way that they do in TTSBC! It's more that they have certain things that require a level of intimacy, not necessarily romantic obviously, so if a hybrid lets you do it, it's a strong sign that they trust you and believe you care about them. Examples of this being: Preening Avians wings or brushing a dog hybrids hair!
Hope this was fun for ya! Sorry for the long turn-around on this ask, I wanted to really think about it and make sure I gave ya a good response that was lined up with the AU! 💖
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s14e1 stranger in a strange land (w. andrew dabb)
pre-ep recap being ac/dc shot down in flames much better fit than metallica's nothing else matters from 13x01 vibe-wise and matching the pace of the clips. good job, guys. and smooth segue to it being on in the car
s14e1 / the matrix
wtf jackles, what is this speaking voice/cadence. reminds me of keanu reeves?? usually when i make really out there sound associations, i'm a little high. but that is not the case today. he's acting more like an agent than neo, but getting the keanu vibes :p i can't think of what movie specifically i'm thinking of. the devil's advocate and constantine are the other two keanu movies i've seen a bunch, but i dunno
never good when i'm pulling a clip in the first few minutes 🥴 gonna be a 2-3 day watch i'm guessing.
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also don't really understand the styling choices. i get that it helps make a big visual difference between michael and dean, but like. dude wasn't dressing like this old timey fancy man with a flat cap in the au world. is this 20s-ish? never seen peaky blinders but this seems kinda similar? reading about collar pins and bars now. lol
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is this the grief beard i've heard about. well maintained, if so
MARY Sam, we’re gonna find him. Ketch is working that thing in London. Castiel is in Detroit. I know it’s been three weeks since Dean… Something will break. It has to. SAM Yeah. Yeah, you keep saying that.
so like why does sam need to be in charge and involved in this vampire thing with this bunker full of people? they were fully self organized and fighting before they came here. even if sam is de facto leader for whatever reason; delegate, my guy. no help to anyone if you're not sleeping. call jody in, i bet she could talk some sense into him. also vaguely funny that we're all Team Family Go! but the family i connect with the most for them is jody and her girls
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CASTIEL Does any demon know where Dean Winchester is? KIPLING I’m sorry, did you just say you lost a Winchester? Because, one -- that’s… interesting. And, two, how is that you lost Dean? I thought the two of you were joined at the… [Kipling glances down in a suggestive way.] …you know, everything.
in a way i wish i could have watched this without any knowledge of fandom because my knee jerk response is, ew. because i just don't see anything between dean and cas, i have a hard time grasping they're even close, i've just tried to accept it because the show tells us all the time. but maybe i could have come around to it more if i didn't know about the screaming zeitgeist that is destiel. or maybe i'd have the same reaction, i don't know. but anyway perpetually disgruntled knowing that my reaction is always colored somewhat due to fandom. i try to watch objectively but i know my feelings on things outside the show color my feelings of stuff inside the show
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oh, cas. what have you gotten yourself into this time.
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SISTER JO Why would he say “yes” to you? MICHAEL Love.
short and sweet
man i know jackles is trying to do something different but i do not enjoy the way he's speaking as michael. ok now i'm getting umm. brad pitt in interview with the vampire?? like when he's talking to what's his face. for the interview. lol. christian slater! kind of slow, flat fairly emotionless narration.
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um. how in the world is nick's soul in his vessel? didn't crowley remake it or whatever? or did he not die at any point in the ... 7 years intervening between lucifer dumping him in s5 and getting popped back in during s12
from 12x13 CROWLEY I managed to pervert that spell. So your essence wasn't sent back to the cage, but instead, we found your discarded vessel a few years ago… repaired it, improved it, making it a fitting final home for the real you.
whatever, man. nothing makes sense to me anymore. also thinking about jimmy novak called being possessed by castiel like "being chained to a comet" - for all those years
NICK Ow. I don't get it. I don't understand how Lucifer could die and I could live. SAM Yeah, um… I think that maybe it's because the archangel blades were made to kill the archangel inside a-and not the person they, uh -- NICK Possesses and uses to almost end the world twice?
sure. SURE. that makes sense. not at all how anything else ever works on this show, but sure! i mean, i love mark pellegrino too but come on, guys.
SAM Stop saying that, please. MARY What? SAM “It's gonna be fine,” that everything's gonna be fine, we're gonna find Dean, and -- MARY We are. SAM You don't know that. Dean's gone, and we have no idea where he is or -- or if he's even still alive. You know, Michael could have… burned him out or… worse, and… MARY I know. I know he's out there, scared and alone. I know. I know he might never come back. Never think I don't know that. But -- I can't -- I have to think about the good, Sam, because, if I don't, I will drown in the bad. For Dean's sake, I can't do that. We can't do that.
that's fine and reasonable but it's also reasonable that sam doesn't want to hear a baseless placation.
jack getting a grandpa bobby now too apparently
completely zoning out on this demon monologuing. why did they bring the girl along who isn't a hunter. what happened to the devil's trap bullets? and couldn't they make the bullets made out of the angel blades they had on the au world? because with all the dead angels they surely must have a stockpile. wouldn't get this several minute action sequence with fake tension though so
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SAM Enough! There will be no new King of Hell. Not today. Not ever. And if anybody wants the job, you can come through me. Understood? (breathing heavily) So, what's it gonna be?
lol okay
SAM It's the -- It's the magic egg that kicked Lucifer out of the President. I thought we could use it on Michael, but -- Ketch can't find it. So, that's another dead end, which is just awesome.
i'm glad the show remembered because i completely forgot about that thing. thanks for preemptively ruling it out
CASTIEL Sam, are you all right? SAM Yeah, I've been better. I've been worse. You? CASTIEL I'm -- I'm just sorry. I should never have gone to those demons. SAM Cass, I -- No, I-I-I don't blame you. I… Honestly, I-I wish I'd have thought of it first. If it meant finding Dean, I-I'd work with -- I'd do anything.
❤️ take what i can get. (still need to sleep, sammy)
MICHAEL Now, you -- you know exactly what you want. You don't pretend to want to help people or save the world. Your want is pure and simple and clean. And that's why you are worth saving. That's why we are going to work so well together. Because you -- you just want to eat.
LOL what. michael loves vampires!
!! omg lol i just reread my 13x23 with my whole "can't kill michael now that he's wearing dean" is that the whole reason we get pellegrino back as nick, so we can find out that archangel blades don't kill the vessel?? 😂
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dmwrites · 2 years
“So, okay, question.”
Jimmy snorted. “Shut up.” He nudged Tango playfully, who proceeded to dramatically scream and topple off of the log they were sitting on top of. Jimmy shushed him while dying of laughter, pulling him back upright. “My goodness, and they’ve been calling me a drama queen.”
“I am the drama-est of all drama queens, emphasis on the drama.” Tango replied, dusting the sand off of his witch hat.
Jimmy looked to him and smiled, shaking his head. Between the hustle and bustle of Tango’s witch training and Jimmy’s law-upkeeping duties, they had found it hard to really spend some time together, just Team Rancher. But Scar had intervened, telling Jimmy he needed a “cute date night” and set up a small campfire area for them. Jimmy was still trying to figure out why Scar had told him to “have fun with the boot knocking” with copious winks.
“Anyway, I was going to ask a question.” Jimmy said.
“Right, yes, okay, I am listening.” Tango replied, even going so far as to put his face into his hands to look at him.
“You know, since you, and a bunch of the other double life guys came, it kind of brought back up some old memories, old questions I thought I’d never get to ask you about.”
Tango nodded. “Kinda weird to think about, some soulmates like Impulse and Bdubs and Grian and Scar, got to see each other after it was all over. I really did think I’d never see you again, buddy.”
“Same!” Jimmy said. “I mean, it just seemed like it was all done forever, until the next game, and it wouldn’t be the same like it was.”
“Well, I mean, to be fair, nothing will ever be the same as it was in double life ever again… that’s what makes the games so unique, I guess.” Tango said.
Jimmy was quiet for a moment, watching Tango’s face in the flickering firelight. He didn’t like that Tango said that. He didn’t like that Tango was right. A cowboy and an ice witch sat in friendly silence, the silence of two people who knew each other in a way that no one else ever would, because such a thing could never been replicated, much less brought back to full life. And of course, Jimmy had had a sinking feeling of it, when Tango said he was going to help fwip with his redstone and Shelby with her spells… time had held the ranchers in a strange limbo while in double life, but it, sadly, marches on, leaving the memories of golden summertime at the ranch just that: memories.
“I was wondering what you said. When it was all over. Like, when you, when we, died for the last time. Because we were apart, it was sudden. I said I was sorry, for the record. To you.” Jimmy said after a long silence. The nighttime and the fire, thankfully, made long silences more acceptable, and Tango didn’t seem to notice any kind of sad yearning in Jimmy’s demeanor.
Tango rubbed his chin with his hand, sighing. “You’re still here? It’s over. Go home. Go.” He chuckled quietly. “It’s an old movie quote, it kinda just popped into my head and I kept repeating it. It was funny, at the time, but the longer time went on the sadder it made me feel. Not even quite sure who I was talking to.”
“It’s over. Go home.” Jimmy repeated. There was another long silence, interrupted only by the crackles of the fire. They looked at one another, these two people from different worlds, brought together and torn apart by the strange cruelty of fate. “But what is home, really?”
“I don’t quite know, buddy.” Tango replied.
Jimmy turned away first, back towards the hypnotic movement of the flames. “I don’t know either.”
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Refraining from posting the entirety of Jimmy’s last chapter from Wednesday, I think it’s my favorite chapter in the entire book. He’s been thinking about running away for the entire book but this is the first part where he goes maybe, just maybe, I can do this one thing, I can just. Go stand in the rain and everything will be okay. And he goes out to the park between the apartments and he sits on a bench and washes his face in the rainwater.
“I run a hand through my hair, which is soaked and soft. I look at my hands. My body feels like mine again.”
And then the old woman “very, very old. Older than Ernest. And grandad. Her skin is so worn and wrinkled, her hair is wispy and white. She’s wearing a jt purple raincoat, and her glasses are so thick the her eyes are huge. She’s walking about four times more slowly than most people.”
And for a second he starts to panic at a person approaching him and then she points to a bunch of gloriosa daisies and smiles “‘Aren’t they lovely, eh?’ She points shakily at a big bunch of yellow flowers growing in one corner of the park. ‘They’ll be bringing butterflies and bees here once the rain clears up’ […] She Laughs. She sounds so happy. ‘Beautiful’ she says. ‘What a world we live in!’”
And he just sits there until it gets dark and he finally stands to go back inside and the fans see him and they are so fucking well meaning and he is so scared and genuinely, genuinely confused that it hurts.
“‘I honestly love you so much,’ says one of them. ‘You’ve kept me going, like throughout all of secondary school.’
They don’t love me. They don’t know me.”
[…] “‘Wait, wait,’ says a girl. ‘I jusr want you to know, like, how much you’ve changed my life. I really, really love you, and you’ve helped me through so much personal stuff over the past few years. So, thank you.’
I blink at her. I am so tired.
‘How can you love me when you don’t know me?’ I ask.”
And it goes on and on ‘[…] but even though they meant it in a nice way, it still terrified me; it terrified me that they all believe that what they feel for me is love. God, what have I done? What have I done to them? By the time I get back to our appartment, sit down on the floor with my back against the front door, I’m actually having a panic attack. I can’t breathe, shaking, probably going to die, something’s going to kill me, someone’s going to kill me, how am I going to save myself? How am I going to save myself? How am I going to save myself? ‘Jimmy’ maybe it would be better if some fan stalker just killed me while I was asleep, made all this stop— ‘Jimmy, look at me.’”
And Rowan sits with him and breathes with him until he’s (somewhat) calmer and he brings Jimmy a glass of water and he’s shaking so bad that it splashed around as he holds it, and then you have one of my favorite bits of the entire book,
“‘We don’t live in the real world any more,’ I say.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ says Rowan.
‘No,’ I say.
But God, I do. I always do.”
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heloflor · 2 years
I have to say, one thing I absolutely love about the Sam and Max Telltale games is the side characters and more specifically how they all have at least some “oddness” to them, which not only makes Sam and Max feel like they do belong in this town instead of being the outsiders other people react to, but it also makes it possible for the duo to form genuine friendships with some of those people (which is also helped by the continuity this trilogy has).
All of them are eccentric in their own way, I mean :
- Bosco is a paranoid conspiracy theorist and is afraid of enbies
- Sybil keeps changing professions, and between that and how she evolves in S2, it feels like she’s sometimes in her own world/gets in her own head a lot
(And also, between her being really nice to the titular duo and her overall personality, she and Max could easily be besties. I mean c’mon ! He always goes to stand near her + gets involved in her love life + the S3 finale. He’d 100% be her gay bff and also possibly babysitter since he likes kids so much !)
- Flint Paper is a lot like Sam and Max on the police brutality aspect (and the three of them working together is great. There’s a single braincell between the three and not a single one of them uses it. Except Sam occasionally, if he’s not too busy fanboying over his neighbor with Max)
- Superball (my beloved) feels like one of the more grounded characters but at the same time he’s never seen taken aback by the weird shit happening around him and has no issue rolling with it. He’s also pretty mysterious at times and even straight up teleports in 304
(I’m not going to mention his love of doors as him being eccentric because, between that and how he expresses emotions differently, plus the musical number and his voice impressions showing he has an artistic side, I can’t help but view him as autistic. Heck you can also add him taking the “please don’t hang up the phone” thing way too literally in S1. So the love for doors feels like a special interest)
- Jimmy and the rest of the rats are some kind of mafia or street gang
- The C.O.P.S. are a bunch of old sentient machines trying their best (also Buster Blaster reminds me of Lord Hater from Wander with the way he screams all the time and I love it !)
- Harry Moleman is a creep who somehow keeps getting involved in the story through new jobs
- The Soda Poppers are pretty self-explanatory (gotta love how everytime they show up I’m like “oh, it’s these assholes again…”)
- Hugh Bliss is a literal sentient bacteria cult leader
- Girl Stinky is a literal cake and apparently a mermaid ? Like, her design has always been mermaid-oriented but apparently it’s because she truly is one
- Grandpa Stinky is that kind of grumpy old man who can and will throw hands with a 13 years-old
- Abe is the douchy head of a broken sentient statue who can’t do anything right aside from speeches (and he gets lectured by the local married couple after messing up his relationship in S2, which I find very funny)
- Featherly is a talking actor chicken who was literally found at the beginning of the universe that one time for some reason ??? It was very funny tho
(Also off-topic and I’m not sure if this was on purpose or not but isn’t Featherly technically trans ? I mean, he’s explicitly told to be a chicken in S2, not a rooster, and is even capable of laying eggs, but he uses he/him pronouns and refers to himself as a man)
- Santa Claus isn’t taking shit from anyone and hates kids
- Jurgen is a gay emo teen stereotype (who would absolutely have many social media accounts were those game made in the 2010s)
- Sal is a cockroach himbo who’s kinda just going along with the craziness around him
- Papierwaite literally tried and sort-of managed to summon some demi-god, demi-god who turns out to be pretty chill. And the duo is symbiotic. Oh yeah and Papierwaite has powers and may or may not be immortal (I think him living this long might be due to Norrington ?)
- Mama Bosco, despite acting more like the voice of reason, still remains the wacky kind of scientist, with her creating portals to other dimensions and being pretty nonchalant about the risks of it
- Skun-ka’pe is a hyper-intelligent alien who lets his ego and slight naiveté take the better of him
- Sammun-mak is a child with enormous powers and a god complex
- and the list goes on
I just really like how the world of Sam and Max is eccentric in itself. It’s not just the two main characters who are “weird” while the rest of the city reacts to their weirdness. Every character has their own thing going on and I love how it makes this world flow.
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marvel1012 · 2 months
Sins of the Father - Pt.2 "Donna"
Synopsis: AU 3rd season episode of The Bear. Carm makes a startling discovery, and must navigate the fallout.
Warnings: cursing, drinking, smoking, Donna
Word count: 2,600-ish
Author's note: Please read Part 1 first! Likes, reblogs, and constructive feedback welcome!
Part 3
Early the next morning, Carm took the train across town and then walked the few blocks over to their old neighborhood. Standing on the sidewalk outside their mom’s house, staring at the stoop, it was hard not to see that December night from almost six years ago– his mom’s car still half-buried in the front room, getting slowly pulled out by a wrecker, Donna hysterical on the lawn, Mikey trying to calm her down, Lee and Jimmy screaming at each other, the neighbors filtering out from their houses to watch. He blinked hard and the scene was gone– the house looked good as new, like none of it had ever happened. 
He steeled himself with a deep breath, thought about lighting up one more time before going in, just to slow his brain down for a minute, then thought better of it. He needed to get this over with, so he could get back to The Bear and make sure the week’s inventory got done on time. 
Let it rip.
He marched up the front steps and tried the door. Not surprisingly, it was unlocked. Typical. He opened it slowly, sticking his head inside and looking around. “Mom?” 
“Carmen? Is that you?” Donna’s voice sounded like it was coming from the back of the house, a bedroom, probably. 
Stepping inside, Carm shrugged off his coat and hung it on one of the hooks next to the door. He didn’t bother removing his shoes, though– he didn’t think he’d be staying that long. Knowing Donna, this conversation was gonna go over like a ton of lead bricks. As he walked down the photo frame lined hallway, he couldn’t help but glance at a few of the old family group shots. How could he have ever looked at himself next to Mikey and Natalie and believed they came from the same family? Nat may not have been the spitting image of her father, but she sure as hell looked more like him than Carmen ever had. As the photos got older and his siblings got younger, the resemblance to Jerry got even more noticeable. 
He stopped briefly in front of a group picture from when he was still a baby, probably not even walking yet. It must have been Easter or something, because the entire family was dressed up in all their early 90’s glory. Michael was probably around thirteen, Nat was just a toddler in a frilly white dress, Donna was holding her hand and probably coaching her to look into the camera and smile. Carm was being held by Jerry, and staring wide-eyed at something slightly to the right of whoever was taking the photo. His brilliant, bright blue eyes and curly, sandy hair stood out like a sore thumb when you saw them all together. He heard Sam’s sneering voice in his head, “Who did that crazy bitch think she was foolin?” 
When he made it to the bedroom, the first thing he noticed was all the mess. There were open paint cans, drop cloths, brushes, rollers, half-filled trays of paint, and Donna, perched on a step ladder with a metal pole draped across her lap. She had obviously just stopped sanding, because she was covered in a fine layer of dust. As always, she was sipping a glass of her favorite red wine. 
At 9:30 on a Tuesday morning. Christ. 
“Uh, hey Mom. You ah, repainting the bedroom?” 
Donna grinned. “Sure am. I read in one of those house magazines that nobody does the textured look for paint anymore, it’s all gotta be a single color now. First you gotta sand it, then you gotta paint over it. Next week I’m taking down the wallpaper in the bedrooms upstairs! Repainting those too!” She giggled and took another swig. This was most definitely not her first glass of the day. 
“Oh, okay. Ya know, most people hire a bunch of guys for big paint jobs. We could find someone to handle the wallpaper, too. The Bear’s finally doin’ alright and–” 
“No,” Donna snapped, cutting him off. 
Shit, I haven’t even been here five minutes and she’s already mad at me. 
“But, it’s really no trouble. I can even pay for it, that’s what I was tryin’ to say.” 
“I don’t want a bunch of strangers coming into my house, breakin’ things, makin’ a mess, getting paint and God knows what else on my furniture,” she finished off the wine and nearly dropped the glass while sitting it down, apparently oblivious to the mess she had already created. “I know what this is, you think I can’t do it on my own. You think I’m too old, and and frail, and and, old.” 
“No, no, that’s not it Mom, I just wanted to help, is all. I was just trying to be nice, and help you.” 
“Well I don’t need it. I don’t need you doing things for me. I’m capable of doing things for myself. And I can pay for things, too. I don’t need your money.” She was clearly ratcheting up, and then, in half a second, her mood turned on a dime, and where once there was righteous anger, embarrassment had taken its place. Carmen could see the shift when it happened, having spent years trying to gauge and wrangle Donna’s moods. 
“Aww, Carmy, I’m sorry for getting mad,” she pouted, “You were trying to do something sweet for me, and I shouldn’t have snapped. I’m really glad that your restaurant is doing good, I really am.” 
“Thanks Mom,” an awkward pause while he thought of something else to say, to move the conversation away from whatever it was about the painting that had set her off, “Hey, ah, Nat told me she and Pete brought the baby over to visit last weekend, how’d that go?” 
Donna beamed, “It was great, just great. She’s a cute little thing, but looks a little bit too much like Pete, which is going to be unfortunate for a little girl,” she picked up her empty wine glass and gestured toward the hallway, “I need a refill, let’s talk in the kitchen.” 
Carmen followed along behind as she retrieved the open wine bottle from the fridge. Before filling her own glass, she held up the bottle, offering. “Oh, no, I can’t right now. Gotta get back to work in just a little while. Thanks, though.” Donna shrugged with a “suit yourself” smirk and dumped the rest of the bottle into her glass, filling it almost to the rim. She was chatting  excitedly between sips about her “very first grandchild”, how good Nat seemed to be doing as a first time mom, how she couldn’t wait to babysit (if Carm had been drinking, he might have spit his wine out at that idea). 
Since they appeared to have moved back to solid ground, he figured it was now or never. He waited for Donna to take a breath, then cut in. “Hey, so, what I came over to talk to you about. Last night, this guy came by The Bear after we closed. He said his name was Sam Morris.” 
Her head snapped back as if she’d been struck. “What did you just say?” 
“Well, uh, there was this guy, named Sam Morris. He came by the restaurant last night to talk to me. Actually had the nerve to ask me for a job, talked to me like I should know who he is. Should I know who he is, Mom?” 
“I- I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Donna quickly crossed the kitchen to toss the empty bottle into the trash can. “I’ve never heard that name in my life.” She went to the sink and began to furiously scrub her hands under the running tap, as if she had just conveniently noticed that they were covered in dust. “Why would you even ask me about some strange man looking for a job?” 
“Mom, you know why. Sam Morris said that he’s my dad. He said he was my real father, and that I should ask you about him.” 
“Jesus Christ, Carmen, are you gonna to listen to every lunatic walkin’ the streets of fucking Chicago?” Her voice may have been steady, but Carm noticed that her hands were shaking as she grabbed a nearby dish towel and dried them off. 
“Mom,” he softened his tone, trying to appeal to reason, “Richie already told me what he knew about what happened. So we can be honest about this.” 
Donna made a big show of rolling her eyes. “Uh huh, okay, Richard Jerimovich, that paragon of honesty and virtue. That’s who we’re getting our ‘facts’ from these days? Right.” She grabbed a pack of cigarettes off the counter and lit one. 
Why couldn’t anything ever be easy with this family? 
“Richie would never lie to me about something like that, and you know it. Now I’m going to ask again, politely, will you please tell me what happened with Sam Morris?” 
“Oh, I don’t want to talk about that, Carmy. Let’s just go back to having a nice morning together, okay? Let’s forget about Sam Morris. He’s nothing, he’s nobody.” 
Carmen could feel a hot flush spreading from his neck up to his cheeks as his temper started to flare. “No, Mom. I have a right to know where I came from. I’m an adult, and I want you to tell me the truth. Tell me what happened.” 
Donna’s eyes narrowed over her cigarette as she took a long drag and exhaled slowly. Finally, she started to nod, “Okay, alright. Sure, you wanna know? I’ll tell you.” 
“Good, yes. Thank you.”
“You don’t remember anything about your fath— Jerry, because you were so young. But he was a real piece of work. Your Uncle Jimmy got him mixed up in something, and Lee was in on it too. He was gone all the time. All the time. He should have been here, helping me raise his children, but whatever he had going was obviously more important than me and Mikey and Natalie. He’d come home drunk, 4:00, 5:00 in the morning. I was here, all the time, doing everything by myself as usual, and he’d just stumble in after doing God knows what all night with those crimi-”
“Are you just gonna shit on Dad for the rest of the day, or are you getting to the point?” 
She took a deep sip of wine, then pointed at him with the two fingers clamped around her cigarette. “You shut your trap. I’m gettin’ there.” 
Carm shrugged. Coulda fooled me. 
“One night, your father was out with Jimmy and Lee, of course. Mikey and Richie were spending the night with their friend down the street, and I was so lonely here by myself with Sugar. Sam stopped by to return some tools he had borrowed from your dad at work that day. We had a drink together. Then another drink. And another drink. Honestly, probably another drink–” 
“Mom, I get it. You were drinking together.” 
“Well, after a lot of drinks, one thing led to another and,” she threw up her hands, “I made a mistake, Carmy. I made a mistake. I don’t know what else you want me to say.”
Carmen felt stung by that. “Thanks for reminding me about what a huge fucking mistake I am, Mom.” 
“You know that’s not what I meant. You’re not a mistake, being with Sam was a mistake. But I was lonely, and your fath– Jerry– was never around. He was always scheming, always starting this and that but never following through, always boozing, probably had something going on the side himself all those years–” 
“Jesus Christ, are you really gonna to sit there and blame Dad for all of this? You were there, too. You made your own choices. Dad didn’t make you fuck that guy.” Carm was breathing hard now, practically seething with rage. He thought hearing the truth would set him free, but if anything it was just pissing him the fuck off. 
Donna shook her head, ignoring his outburst. Her expression had turned wistful, like she was reliving the past more than she was talking to her son in the present. “It was just one time, just that one night. I was so lonely, Carmen. And Sam seemed nice, he listened to me. Actually listened.” 
Suddenly, Carm was struck by the impression that none of this was real. Something about the way Donna was explaining the situation didn’t add up. Richie made it sound like there was more to this than some drunken one night stand. The betrayal he described was deeper than that. Some, or possibly all of this, was an act. 
“I don’t believe you,” he mumbled. 
That brought Donna back from whatever booze soaked fantasy she’d drifted into. Between gritted teeth, she hissed, “What did you just say?” 
Carmen met her gaze, “I said, I don’t believe you. You’re lying.” 
She sucked in her breath, jaw clenched, winding up. “Carmen Anthony Berzatto, how dare you accuse your mother of being a liar. How dare you.” That old familiar growl made the hair on his arms stand on end. She only used his full name when she was getting ready to unleash hell. He took a step back, no longer so sure in his own anger. 
“Mom,” to his surprise, he felt tears stinging the corners of his eyes. He tried to blink them away, “I just want the truth.” 
“No!” Without warning, she hurled the half-full wine glass across the kitchen, where it shattered against the opposite wall. Carm felt a few drops of wine splash on his cheek– she hadn’t missed him by much. “You came here to crucify me! You came here to shame me! Well I’m not going to stand for it! If you only knew what kind of man your father really is, what he’s done, you’d be on your knees thanking me for saving us from him, not interrogating me in my own home!” 
Carmen backed toward the door that lead out to the front hallway, hands up in a defensive posture, “Mom, I didn’t mean–” 
“Get out! Get out of my house!” She grabbed the closest object to hand, which happened to be a heavy crystal ashtray, and drew back as if she was about to launch it at him. 
He bolted out of the kitchen and down the hall, grabbing his jacket and throwing open the front door in one smooth motion. This wasn’t the first time he’d had to run from Donna.
Once Carm made it to the sidewalk, he stopped for a second to catch his breath. She wasn’t chasing him this time, which was a small miracle. He was doubled over, hands on his knees, breath misting out in the bright morning sun. He glanced around at the neighboring houses. As always, everything seemed peaceful and calm on their little street. Nobody had a clue what went on inside his house– inside his family. 
He happened to look down at his white t-shirt and realized the whole left side was stippled with drops of red wine. Probably how his shirt would look if he was standing next to someone when they got shot, except the stains were just a little too purple to actually be blood. Wonder if Mom’s blood looks like this now? Is it mostly wine? A strange giggle escaped his chest. Was he losing it? He straightened and took a deep breath, steadying himself. 
At this point he only had access to two people who could tell him what happened between his mom, Sam Morris, and Jerry Berzatto. At least one of them had just lied and then thrown a wine glass at his head, so that door was closed. That left just the one remaining participant. 
(To be concluded…)
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Could you write a montage of Jess and Ella after they get married?
Or what causes them to get divorced? If they get divorced?
(I don't think they get divorced. Also this got so long, and probably is a little bit of a mess.)
Comingling their lives is a challenge, only because he has thirty boxes of books, and she has a drum kit, five guitars, a mandolin, two basses, an upright piano and a banjo.
"Why?" Jess asks. "Why do you have a banjo?"
"In case I want to play some bluegrass," Ella explains, picking it up and playing a little.
"Why did I marry you?" he jokes.
"Sex," she responds quickly.
They figure it out. They get a brownstone in Philly, and she sets up a recording studio in the basement. The office space on the main floor becomes Jess's, but she settles the upright piano amongst his books. He sets up a bookshelf in the studio, filled with musicians biographies and books of "albums to listen to before you die."
He likes that they have space amongst each others' spaces. He likes that she fiddles on the piano while he edits sometimes. That he gets to sit around and read while she writes and records.
It feels like a real life together.
The press folds a couple of years later, and he's frustrated. Frustrated that Matt has seen fit to break up their little team. Leave Truncheon for Penguin Random House.
"Maybe it's an opportunity," Ella suggests at dinner that night as he stirs the pasta sauce. "You and Chris could create something new. Something more of what you want."
"Maybe," he mutters. "I just-I don't know. There's a lot of talk about print being dead, and..."
Ella looks thoughtful as she pours them both some wine. "Can't you do both? Print? Ebooks? You could even do audiobooks, you've got a great sexy voice for it."
"All I'm saying is that there will be other opportunities. And you're you. You're really smart, and you're really sensible about stuff like this. You will make it work."
They run into one of her old dealers at her album release party in New York and she says a polite hello before grabbing a bottle of champagne, taking Jess's hand and finding a quiet corner.
"You okay?"
She nods and takes a swig. "Peachy. Shira is my favorite person to run into."
"You wanna go?" he asks. "I bet the Gaslight is still open. We could sneak in, heckle, drink some coffee."
Ella takes a deep breath and nods slowly. "You know what? That sounds amazing. Fuck this party anyways."
Jess chuckles, and they sneak out.
Lenny's funeral is.
Fuck, it's rough.
Jess grips Ella's hand as they walk with the mass of people towards the gravesite in a sea of umbrellas.
"Bring your umbrellas," Ella's mother had said. And they had.
Midge leads the way, her pink umbrella a beacon to guide everyone else.
It's a nice funeral as far as funerals go. Midge's eulogy is heartbreaking, and good. Ella's mother gives one, too. Jess was asked, but he hates public speaking, and he wouldn't even know where to start.
Ella was asked, and she said she'd try, but she's been mostly blubbering the entire time. She can't get a word out.
Jess holds her in his arms, and looks around. He spots Luke with the Gilmores and Babette and Morey, and gives them a nod.
They wind up in Stars Hollow for a little while after. Midge is settling there for a while, and Jess suddenly feels the urge to hang out with Luke. Help out. Be useful to his family.
Ella's acting strange. Not feeling well, physically as well as emotionally. Puking a bunch.
The at-home pregnancy test makes things pretty clear.
And as much as he's nervous. As much as Jess is deeply aware that somewhere in his DNA is Jimmy Mariano, running from his responsibilities to open up a fucking hot dog stand in Venice Beach...
Jess also...
wants this.
Which is weird.
But good.
But weird.
But good.
He runs into Rory at Doose's as he's grabbing some things to cook for dinner, and he just-
"Ella's pregnant," he tells her abruptly. "We uh- we just found out this afternoon."
Rory just stares. Rory, who's been drifting and a little aimless lately. Freelancing. In New York. Out of New York. In London (where Logan is), dating some guy named Paul no one can seem to remember. "Oh."
"Yeah. I just- we haven't told anyone yet. Well, Luke knows. But..."
"No, that's-wow," Rory says. "Wow."
"That's the word for it."
They stand like that, staring for a long time.
The birth goes weirdly smooth, and suddenly, Jess has a son.
Living, breathing, a little wrinkly like a human meatball. But he's his son.
They go with the Jewish tradition of using dead relative names and the kid winds up with William Leonard, which, all thinks considered, not too bad.
"Will Mariano," Jess tells Luke as he passes the kid over a few hours after he was born.
Luke, for his part, is looking a little misty-eyed. "It's a good name."
He pops his head into the Stars Hollow Gazette and there's Rory, a few days before Luke and Lorelai's wedding, as advertised, sitting there looking despondent.
"I thought maybe a tiny troublemaker might cheer you up," he comments, as he steps inside, maneuvering the stroller in with him.
"Aw," Rory coos, getting up to kiss Jess's cheek and then peer in at the baby. "Look at how cute he is. I've only seen photos, they don't do him justice."
"Good lookin' kid, if I do say so myself."
"Where's Ella?"
"She has this press thing," Jess explains. "For the new album. She'll be here tonight."
"Nice. How is that going?"
"Great, weirdly enough," Jess tells her, sitting down across from her at her desk. "We've been balancing things really well. Ella's a great mom, and it turns out I'm not too bad at this dad stuff."
"I know you were worried about that."
"Turns out if you stick around for more than two hour after the birth, it's pretty cool," Jess shrugs. "Although Ella is determined to get back down to pre-baby weight, which means she's eating like...a celery stick and calling it a meal."
"Ugh. Jeez."
"Not everyone has the Gilmore metabolism," Jess teases.
"So? Living at home. Editor of the Stars Hollow Gazette..."
Rory blows out a breath. "Things are...not so great."
He nods, and listens. Tells her she's still a contender. Feels his phone buzz in his pocket and knows that Ella is checking in. He pulls it out and responds quickly to the text.
"Yeah, she checks in a bunch. Likes to know how Will is."
"Still hard to believe you're a dad."
"Right? I think Taylor is still a little spooked."
He and Luke take Will for a walk, and spot Dean coming out of Doose's.
"Well, that's fucking weird," Jess mutters.
"Don't start anything, he doesn't even live here anymore," Luke scolds.
"I'm not starting anything. It'd set a bad example for my kid. Will, never fight giant, gaslighting ogres who want to rip your head off."
He shrugs and grins a little. "Ella should be here soon."
"You ready for this whole getting married thing, finally?"
Jess scoffs. "I got married almost ten years before you did, and you're like my dad."
"Yeah, yeah, rub it in."
Jess chuckles and shakes his head, spotting Ella's car rolling through main street. She parks and spots them, beaming as she dashes over. "Hi!" she cries, leaning in and kissing Jess tender. "Hi, hi, hi, how is everything and everyone?"
"Everything's good," Jess tells her, watching her scoop Will out of the stroller. "Everyone's good."
"Hi, Luke," Ella beams, reaching over to kiss his cheek. "Are you excited about the wedding?"
"Yeah, it's gonna be really nice," Luke tells them. "And I'm really glad you guys are here. If nothing else, you can help distract Liz and TJ from..."
"Being Liz and TJ?" Jess supplies.
"Something like that," Luke chuckles. "I gotta get back to the diner. You guys wanna come grab a bite."
"I would love a milkshake," Ella chirps.
Jess narrows his eyes. "Since when?"
"Since Grandma Midge sat me down and told me that if I kept starving myself I was gonna get really mean," Ella responds sheepishly. "Sorry if that already happened."
Jess grins and kisses her again, before tugging on the stroller. "Let's share the milkshake."
Ella beams.
Jess's phone buzzes as he's settling Will down for the night. The text merely says "Ass out to the gazebo now."
"I'll be back in a while," he promises Ella.
She looks tired. Exhausted from an entire day of interviews and travel, but she smiles as she looks out the window at the veritable wonderland outside. "I'm guess Luke and Lorelai are getting hitched tonight."
Jess nods and kisses her softly. "Text if you need me."
"Break into Doose's and steal me some gum," she requests.
"As you wish," he jokes.
"Hey, Jess?" Ella asks.
He turns to her, curiously.
"Do you ever regret...?"
Jess takes a breath and looks around. He knows what she's asking. That being here in Stars Hollow where Rory is right around the corner, and even right downstairs sometimes, brings up some doubts. But the indie press he started is doing well. Ella is a amazing, as is their son.
"Nope," he says simply. "No I don't."
She grins and kisses his cheek. "Gum."
He stands by Luke's side as he gets married. Two times, and it's a hell of a Stars Hollow blowout as far as these things go.
Ella gets talked into dragging her guitar from the trunk of her car and playing a few songs. Jess dances with her, and then with Midge, who is mostly more than happy to look after Will.
He dances with Rory, and it's fine until it kind of isn't.
"I'm pregnant," she blurts out. The music is loud enough that no one else hears her. "I...I made some...some choices and now..."
Jess nods and takes a breath. "It's gonna be okay, Rory. It really is."
"You think so?"
"You're you. You'll figure it out."
She nods and cries against his shoulder, and Jess takes a breath, glancing back at Ella, who looks a little worried.
He gives her a concerned look back, showing that he is just as unprepared.
They pack up the next day, getting Will settled in the car, saying their goodbyes.
"Was Rory okay last night?" Ella asks as she settles the diaper bag next to the car seat in the back.
Jess blows out a breath. "She's pregnant by...somebody. She didn't say. She pretty freaked out."
"Yikes," Ella mutters.
"Yeah. I think she just...needed someone to tell her it'd be okay," Jess shrugs. "And hey, Will might have a buddy."
She laughs a little and nudges him, and he grins.
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bluebird990 · 1 year
Hello, I'm back and hope you're doing well!!! (This is late but schools been swamping me with more work than i need hnnngh) The fact that if Stephen was okay after his accident would have hurt Gray's character and growth is honestly so true! He'd just have a bunch of built up anger inside of him and would probably be going off on ppl left and right (okay not that much but yk) and yes I can totally see donald being the cold, tormented character that eventually falls into the pit of despair 😭 this is getting long lol I wanted to ask your take on who in wh would have siblings cause I know lots of people have made voiced their opinions so I was wondering what you think! Lots of love and have a good day or night! (And I realised that I use wayy too many exclamation points haha )
Hello again anon!! I'm doing great, I hope you are well too!! (You're not alone on the "using too many exclaimation marks' front lol)
As for who I think would have siblings in WH??
First of all I agree with everyone on the "Wolf has a little sister" headcanon. I can't express how IN LOVE I am with that concept. I've spent an insane amount of time on imagining different dynamics for that!!
Some of my hcs for big bro wolf:
Wolf would definitely be the MOST overprotective big brother ever
Hwangmo is the ONLY guy allowed near his sister
If some guy tries to approach his sis in front of him, he'd definitely scare them away lol.
He'd also worry a LOT
"It's 7 PM already, why aren't you home yet? Should I come pick you up??" "Jeez hyung I'm THIRTEEN I can get get home by myself" " Yes you CAN but you don't HAVE to" *sister hangs up* "brat" *He goes to pick her up anyway just to annoy her lol*
He is the fussy mom kind of big bro but he also LOVES annoying his sister
His sister knows that he's a delinquent but he tries his best to never show his crazy side in front of her
Big Ben definitely has little twin sisters you can't convince me otherwise!!
Leaving Ben incharge of his sisters almost always ends up in him calling Alex over for help
For some reason his sisters won't listen to anything he says but always do whatever Alex asks them to without little to no complaints
"This ISN'T FAIR, why do they listen to you and not me??" "Maybe cuz you act like you're five" "NO I DON'T" *proceeds to sulk in a corner like a five year old*
The twins have a competition going on to see who's gonna marry Alex when they grow up (Ben: Alex is MINE, Twins: No he isn't! Alex: Shut up and finish your food all three of you. Park siblings *pouting*: Yes sir)
Sometimes Alex feels like he's babysitting triplets
They also LOVE getting swung around on Ben's shoulders
There's this fanfiction I read where Jimmy had a little sister and their dynamic in that fic was so fun!! I'm totally on board with that idea.
Oh and Gerard definitely has a little brother!!
He loves to embarrass his brother in front of his friends.
He'd be like the most annoying big brother ever lol.
You know those sibling dynamics where the big bro is this really popular, hot and talented guy who loves putting up the cool guy act when in reality he's just an embarrassing & annoying idiot. Yup. That's what I imagine Gerard to be.
I also think that Forrest would make a really good big bro. Oh and hwangmo. This perfect man. Anyone would be blessed to have a sibling like him honestly.
And that's about it. I hope you like it and have a good day/night dear anon <3
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einsteinsugly · 9 months
Marked similarities and distinct differences between Eric and Red. Their hero complexes.
Like father, like son. Eric wants to be a superhero and save the world to the best of his ability, like Spiderman or Luke Skywalker. Red is a bit more down to earth, and recalls his days as a war hero. Yeah, superheroes are guys in tights, but deep down, he gets the sentiment. The world is filled with a bunch of people flinging crap at each other, and it's nice when a hero swoops in to save the day. In fact, Red has a few old Superman comics perfectly preserved in the attic.
How the hero swoops in to save the day is where Eric and Red markedly differ. They agree on the sentiment where the hero swoops in to save the day, sticking to a clear code of honor, but Eric is far more of a peacemaker and an altruist. He deeply values the times when peace can easily be made. He has a massive soft spot for Jimmy Carter, who facilitated the Camp David accords, had a deep interest in sub-Saharan African affairs, and helped to largely rid the continent of Guinea worm disease. He has a deep appreciation for JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis, too.
They both love hero stories and wartime novels, where good trounces over evil. Anything regarding D-Day is near the top of the list. They both are interested in the effects war can have on people, and for Red, it's from personal experience. But for Eric, he's more interested in the gurgling underbelly, the unmentionables. He compares Kelso and Jackie's breakup to Sophie's Choice for morons, and it shows that moral dilemmas are of utmost importance to him. In season 1, he questions how his mother copes with losing so many of her patients at the hospital where she works. Furthermore, in season 7, he struggles with finding himself beyond his geeky hobbies, and wants to find a way to make a difference in the world. Like his mom, but without the blood and guts. So he settles on becoming a teacher, and wants to help others in a way where he can truly flourish.
However, these differing hero complexes are bound to clash. If Eric was born a decade earlier, this would've occurred during his teens, as he openly questions the merits of the Vietnam War. But since he's just a little kid, this is held off until the Gulf War. Eric may idealize the "just" wars, from World War II to the Civil War, but he's firmly against the political chessboard. Red is occasionally wary when it comes to domestic affairs, but largely champions the US's efforts to "liberate" other countries from turmoil. The Gulf War is short enough to be a blip on the radar, but if Red lives long enough to see the Iraq War, there is serious trouble for Red and Eric ahead. Donna firmly takes Eric's side (and arguably accelerates the conflict)*, but Kitty is awkwardly stuck in the middle. And simply, hell is bound to break loose.
Note: Red generally likes Donna, but he struggles to see eye to eye with her when it comes to politics, since Donna is very opinionated and is an obvious leftie. Red mostly loves Reagan (minus some of the evangelical stuff), but Donna hates Reagan, for example.
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inlocusmads · 9 months
Nora's (concerning) interest in campy films of all kind:
She loves the campy stuff.
It's dumb, it is mind blowingly insane. It has fake blood. It is mediocre with a poor budget. It has actors looking for their big break after retirement. She eats it up like anything.
It doesn't have to be campy action. She loves the arthouse horror too. Stuff with Guts of Wrath written in a bloody font. Stuff with tattooed middle aged men racing against each other. Stuff that has five million sequels that nobody knows what the story is anymore.
She loves camp romance. The summer love, the montage of girls getting their nails painted before bleaching their hair set to a Britney Spears-esque tune. The ugly breakups over mundane stuff, a bunch of oddballs running a theatre company and falling in love with each other like a weird family, the over-the-top downright terrible stuff that gets no views and are either too mundane to be understood or too specific for *one* target audience only.
Sci fi and fantasy! Literally something out of a kid's D&D campaign. Monsters and people with plastic swords because of budget cuts. She loves the shaky camera effects, the retro adaptations of popular books from the 80s. The Dark Crystal-esque. "Magic cures all!" endings.
And she loves all of it because of her parents.
Learning English was tough and campy movies with their exaggerated yet simplistic dialogues helped her understand things that books didn't help her.
She grew up with them; from VCR tapes to DVDs to pirating them in her college dorm because it was the only thing she was good at. She saw herself in so many of the characters - the damsel in distress, the swashbuckling pirates, the knight in shining armour. They were all her at several points in her life.
Plus, she had the parental influence too. Watching Drunken Master (1978) or The Heroic Trio (1992) or some of those lost movies from decades ago that Jimmy Rose had unearthed. Or maybe an obscure show that Alison Rose had watched that she wanted her daughter to watch as well, but cannot for her life, remember the title.
So it's just them on Sunday nights. Watching old Hong Kongese films, thinking about home while they built a home away from home. Nora wedged between her parents as they talked on about their days, her eyes fixated on the TV screen that played the films in black and white.
And then it was just her and her Dad. A honourary box of popcorn on Nora's left side for her mom.
And then it was just her, sitting on a bunk bed, going through YouTube to watch them over and over again. Watching the shots of the streets, the extremely overpowered characters, the gun-slinging depressed detective paired up with an optimistic yet even darker partner, as they took on the world.
There was no popcorn.
And now she picks it up again. At thirty.
There's tears in her eyes as she visits her home in the Chinatown neighborhood in Manhattan; the one that was abandoned and the one that went to Uncle Tommy but they never bothered visiting. She sees those tapes; the CDs, the VCR recordings, the old DVDs.
It's like opening up a page of history. She tells herself she'll fall in love with films again. The kind that made her so happy as a kid, the kind that was a warm hug during her school and college days when she grieved the most. The time she watched it last, eight years ago before shutting it off for good; needing a change.
Sometimes change was good. Other times, as Nora sees the stacks and stacks of recordings of TV programs locked up in an almirah, she decides change isn't always.. for the best. Some things could change, of course but she doesn't have to be all hardened and stiff. She could fall in love with films again. She could be the girl at the kitchen counter begging for another movie night. She could laugh at weird wizards, cheer on for the protagonists in their training montages and grind her teeth over the balls to the walls action.
She could shave her sideburns to look like a character. She could wear a new pair of boots to feel like a character. She could get a hat, eat a certain way - derive a bit of hope when all seems lost because she truly loves the art. She always has.
They all had their endings - happy or not.
Whether be it them moving on from something or discovering something else, whether it be finding love, moving past pain, learning a new skill, punching a wall, jumping over roofs to amplify her bisexuality even more, people.. did great things.
And when she puts one of those DVDs in the slot and presses play, she feels at home.
She feels like she's next to her parents, not being able to catch the references they got.
She feels at home again - even when home is a dinky apartment above a bar, in a pale office room in Marple Street, in an unfamiliar penthouse with the best person in the world, in the middle of all horrors, pain, happiness, grief, joy -- everything.
It takes her a while to understand it. However it takes Trystan 0.25 seconds to understand it, upon watching her in the cinema losing her mind over the smallest and cleverest, yet most obvious of details.
"But you don't like movies." "I am willing to give it a second chance."
Because he likes it. He likes it when she's just.. utterly happy. When she's gushing on and on about things, when she asks him for his thoughts on the book-to-movie adaptation, when she is just devoted to the subject so much. Sometimes it is great. Other times, it is less than ideal.
"Trystan I believe I might have accidentally finished everything on my watch list and while boredom is one of my problems now, so is that mountain pile of work and I don't know what I'm supposed to do, YOU COULDN'T HAVE SAID SOMETHING?" "BUT YOU WERE SO HAPPY!" "SCREW HAPPINESS!"
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cauldronofmorning · 2 years
i think there is a weird dynamic in a lot of fandoms where people decide that only one female character experiences misogyny and therefore is worthy of feminist defense. like in the breaking bad fandom people were (rightly!) horrified by the insane misogynistic vitriol directed at skyler, and rightly defended her from it. but then when better call saul came out people saw that kim was more popular than skyler, and therefore decided that she was immune to fandom misogyny and not worth defending. but she was only well liked initially because people massively misread her character and saw her as a conscience/morality pet for jimmy (and if i’m being honest i think a lot of men liked her early on because they assumed that she was going to be fridged for jimmy’s manpain as the final push to turn him into saul). so you got a lot of takes from so-called feminists about how kim was an anti-feminist character and how she only exists to support jimmy (which is a massive misreading of her character). the same thing happened on game of thrones with sansa vs dany and arya. like dany and arya were much more popular than sansa (although i would argue a lot of the men who loved dany and arya never understood the depth and nuance of their characters), and the most blatant misogyny was directed at sansa, so sansa stans decided that sansa was the only female character who deserved to be defended. so then you got a bunch of weird ass takes about how dany and arya don’t experience misogyny because they’re not “feminine” (ignoring the fact that dany is very feminine?) and therefore have male privilege (???) over sansa, and sansa stans claiming that gnc women have privilege over gender conforming ones. it was very weird and bad. and like the thing is even though dany and arya were/are popular characters they got and still get a ton of misogynistic hate from the audience. also unfortunately sansa stans saw dany and arya’s popularity as license to hate on them in incredibly disgusting ways. anyways as someone whose faves were dany, arya, and sansa i found it incredibly frustrating how sansa stans were straight up horrible about dany and arya, like i just want to love all three of them in peace why does fandom have to make it weird (also the show didn’t help matters with the way they wrote sansa vs arya in season 7 and sansa vs dany in season 8, i will forever maintain that arya and sansa could have worked out their issues in a much healthier way than the show had them do it, and that dany, arya, and sansa would have been friends).
agreed about Skyler and Kim, as I remember looking for old interviews (like Succession, every interview makes me crazy) and finding a season three article that said "Kim has to die sooner rather than later". how people think she's immune from fandom misogyny is beyond me.
and while Doctor Who is a very different show to Game Of Thrones, all that reminds me of the terrible fights that would pit every female companion against each other. bad time.
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A Friend to the End
Episode Recap #44: A Friend to the End Original Airdate: April 22, 1989
Starring: John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion Louise Robey as Micki Foster Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak (credit only)
Guest cast: Keram Malicki-Sánchez as Richard 'Ricky' Radwell Zachary Bennett as J.B. Donna Goodhand as DeJager Ted Roop as Dean Noam Zylberman as Harley Devin O'Brien as Jimmy Susan Kyle as Model Fred Hill as Howard Harper Freda Ridout as Marjorie Harper Russell Ferrier as Delivery Man Johnie Chase as Cop Victor Ertmanis as Victorian Dad
Written by Scott Schneid & Tony Michelman (teleplay) and David Morse, Scott Schneid & Tony Michelman (story)
Directed by David Morse
Open on a spooky graveyard at night, in a storm. A older couple is breaking in the locked gate into a crypt. They take the body, just a skeleton really, of a 12 year-old-boy who died almost 100 years ago, and head home.
At their home, they place the skeleton in a coffin. The doorbell rings, and the old lady lets in a young woman who answered their ad for a nanny. The man sends her into a room, tells her to introduce herself, and shuts the door. The young woman is confused to see a coffin by the bed. She approaches, a boy jumps up, and we hear her screams. Soon, the door opens and a young boy approaches the old couple.
Next, we are at an art studio, where a model is posing and complaining. She is holding the Shard of Medusa, and it is heavy. The artist keeps sketching, ignoring the model. The woman complains again of pain. Outside, we see a car pull up and a guy gets out. The model is having trouble breathing. We see the man entering the building, and it is Ryan. The model, in pain, drops the shard, screams for help, but is ignored by the artist. Ryan tries to get to the studio.
The artist picks up the shard, thanks the model for her contribution to her work, then stabs her in the back with the shard. The model is turned to stone. Ryan rushes up the fire escape to the roof, and he looks in the studio and sees the stone model and realizes he is too late.
At Curious Goods, he tells Micki want happened, and she says it is her turn. She has been reading Louis letters, and they prepare to leave so Micki can volunteer as a model. They open the store door and a young boy is outside. His name is J.B., he is Micki's nephew, and apparently this isn't the first time her sister has dropped him off unannounced. J.B. says he can go to a hotel like last time, and Micki and Ryan are shocked. They bring him inside, then Micki and Ryan argue a bit about her sister. J.B. hears, and him and Ryan have a tense moment of silence. Micki brings out a bike Ryan and Jack fixed up for J.B. to use while they go out. They send him to the park. Ryan comments on J.B. making up stories. They head off to the artist's studio.
J.B. rides the bike to the park, where a bunch of kids on bikes are showing off for each other. The boys approach J.B. and tease him. The resurrrected boy watches from a window.
At the artist's gallery show, Micki and Ryan browse around. Micki heads to talk with the artist, DeJager. Ryan sees the model-turned-statue and looks away.
The boys are having J.B. do tricks on his old bike, telling him he has to do things to prove he has guts to join their gang.
Micki gets DeJager to set up a session for her to pose. Ryan smirks.
At an old abandoned house, the boys want J.B. to go inside, after telling him about the place being haunted and that people enter and never leave. J.B. insists he isn't scared and approaches the front door. The boys plan to steal his bike. J.B. goes inside, seeing furniture covered in sheets and dust everywhere. He goes upstairs, almost falling through a broken step. In what was the boy's room, he finds a spinning top on the floor, then a boy asks if he'll be his friend. J.B. takes off, and finds the boys, and his bike, gone. The front door shuts, he sees someone moving behind a boarded up window and he runs off.
At the store, Micki and Ryan go over their plan to get the shard, then go to make dinner for J.B., who comes running in, telling them he saw a ghost. Ryan asks about his bike, and J.B. said it was stolen. He tells them about the other boys and the haunted house and the ghost. Ryan doesn't believe him, and J.B. runs off. Ryan tells Micki they have to get him out of here, and she snaps at him.
Later, Micki goes and talks with J.B., telling him they have to go out for a bit. Micki apologizes for the fight with Ryan, and for his mother's lack of compassion, then leaves. J.B. plays with the top he took.
That night, he is back at the old house, with a flashlight. Bravely, he goes back inside. He calls to the ghost the other kids called Ricky. He heads upstairs and sees a lit candle, then more of them. The room is filled with books and toys. The boy, Ricky, appears. He says he knew J.B. would be back. They go off to play. Micki arrives at DeJager's.
J.B. and Ricky play games, J.B. says he thought Ricky was a ghost. Ricky then stops his new friend from entering one of the rooms, then Ricky hears horses and a man yelling at, then whipping him. Ricky cries and J.B. tries to comfort him.
DeJager asks if anyone knows Micki is here, and is happy to know Micki told no one. She poses Micki, then tells her to take her clothes off. As Micki undresses, DeJager gets the shard out. As she tells Micki about Medusa, Micki opens a window for fresh air. DeJager puts the shard in Micki's hand, and Micki takes it to the window and drops it to Ryan below. She struggles with DeJager, hits her, then escapes.
J.B. is helping Ricky recover from his trauma, and tells him he also gets nightmares, due to the treatment from his mother. They laugh about grown ups being jerks. Ricky says his father hated him and used to beat him. J.B. says he should go home, and Ricky wants him to stay, saying he lives alone. Ricky asks J.B. to send someone from the drugstore with something for his nosebleed. J.B. agrees, and tells Ricky he will see him tomorrow.
Later, Ricky is looking in the mirror and seeing his face is bearing the marks of the past. He remembers his childhood and being chased and beaten by his father, who whips him without mercy. Outside, a delivery man from the pharmacy arrives. He knocks and enters the house. The man hears Ricky crying upstairs and heads up. He sees the coffin in the candlelit bedroom, then he is attacked by Ricky, who repeats his father's words. The man fall off the balcony to his death, Ricky dragging the body away.
Micki and Ryan arrive back at the store after getting the shard, but find J.B. is not alone - DeJager is already there. She found the store because Micki left her coat behind. She has found out where J.B. lives and goes to school. She wants the shard back and threatens J.B. with a chisel. Ryan hands over the shard, and she holds J.B. with her until she is at the door. She takes off, Ryan chases. Micki asks how J.B. is, but Ryan comes back and is angry, asking why he let her in. J.B. talks about Ricky, angering Ryan more. Micki tries to stop them from fighting, but J.B. knows they don't want him there. They try to apologize but he runs upstairs. Ryan goes after DeJager, Micki stays behind with J.B.
The next morning, Micki is making pancakes, but J.B. wants to leave. She pours him a glass of milk, and asks about Ricky. J.B. tells her, but she doesn't believe. He says no one watches him, so why is it so weird that Ricky lives alone. Micki doesn't want him to leave, but when her back is turned, he takes off.
At the old house, Ricky has just finished cleaning up when J.B. arrives. J.B. asks about staying, and Ricky says sure, saying they are friends to the end. They run off to play.
Micki is going through old articles, and reads about Ricky's house and all that happened there. She recognizes the names of the older couple who are missing, and finds a letter they wrote to Louis, thanking him for helping them get their child, Ricky, but that he has gotten harder to deal with, since his 'hunger' has grown. We see a flashback of the woman hanging from the top of the staircase balcony. Her husband tries to help her, but they are both pushed to their death by their 'son' Ricky. Seems the old couple were Satanists like Louis. Micki realizes J.B. has been telling the truth.
At the house, J.B. and Ricky are playing hide and seek. Suddenly, Ricky collapses. Ricky asks if they are good friends. J.B. says yes, then Ricky asks him to bring someone to the house. When Ricky turns around, we see the lash mark on his face has returned. J.B. rushes off to find someone. He finds a cop and asks him to come quick, his friend is hurt.
J.B. brings the cop into the house, and the man heads upstairs to where the sounds of Ricky in pain are coming from. He approaches the coffin, and then heads back to the landing. He is attacked by Ricky.
Ryan has called Micki and tells her DeJager has gone to the airport, but they can still catch her. Micki says to forget her, that J.B. is in trouble. She fills him in on the letter and all she has found out. Seems the coffin is the cursed item Louis gave to the old couple, allowing them to resurrect a dead child to be their own, but with a price. Ryan asks where J.B. is, she gives him the address, and they both head there separately.
J.B. is trying to get Ricky to leave the cop alone, but Ricky says he needs to kill to stay alive, and that adults don't matter. J.B. doesn't listen, saying killing is wrong. He runs but trips, and Ricky blocks the door. J.B. hits him, then says what happens when he grows up? Will Ricky kill him, too? Ricky growls, and chases him. J.B. heads to the cellar, but the stairs collapse. He sees dead bodies all around. He is stuck and asks for help. Ricky creepily makes his way downstairs.
Micki arrives and calls to her nephew. J.B. calls back from the basement. She tries to make her way to him, but he warns her of Ricky, who pushes her and tries to kill her. J.B. begs him to stop, saying friends don't hurt each other. Ricky finally listens, dropping his weapon. Ricky continues to regress, then collapses and turns back into a skeleton.
A later day, Ryan gets off the phone and says the cop is going to recover, and doesn't remember much. J.B., on crutches, is glad to hear that. He says it is going to be hard not telling anyone about Ricky, and is still amazed that Ricky had died 100 years ago. He laments being bad at picking friends, but Micki tells him you have to take a chance. Ryan also apologizes and asks J.B. to come back, and that the cops found the kids and recovered the bike, which Ryan is sending to J.B.'s house. They shake hands and Ryan says maybe he can be his first new friend.
My thoughts:
Wow. Quite an episode.
First off, where the heck does Micki suddenly have a sister? Why wasn't she then also an heir to Louis' estate? We never see her in the episode, and she is never mentioned again. We also never see or hear from J.B. again. I get that the show ended abruptly at the end of the third season, but just weird to add in such close relatives to Micki, who apparently live close enough to visit, but are in the end just one-off characters. Would have made more sense to say the woman was Micki's best friend or old sorority sister or something.
I do like the double cursed items featured. With one, the shard, we come into the action with Micki and Ryan already at work trying to get it back. In the end, they lose it, do to a mistake of Micki's, so that is also something different.
The other antique, the coffin, has a different path for them, having been given to fellow Satanists by Louis. And it is a unique cursed item, in that those who used it have since perished, but the boy who was resurrected lives on and is trying to remain alive by killing. Almost like the item is continuing to work on its own. Quite different.
Ryan here gets on my nerves. I get that they are in the middle of trying to get the shard, but that isn't J.B.'s fault, and Ryan is outright mean to the kid who needs understanding more than anything. He evens gets mad at J.B. for being held hostage by DeJager! C'mon, Ryan, what the hell, man?
I like that Ryan apologizes at the end, but it wouldn't have surprised me if J.B. told him to pound sand. But J.B. gets a quick character fix in order for them to all have a happy ending. Maybe he had the crap scared out of him by Ricky, but it is a quick change, for sure.
Micki comes off better, trying to do the best by her nephew while still trying to uphold her responsibilities with the store and retrieving the antiques and keep Ryan from going unhinged. Long week for her.
Also, if the bike gang is correct about the missing people at Ricky's house, why did no cops ever go inside to look around, and then find the bodies, the coffin, and the 100 year-old-boy? I know, so we could have a story, but still. People went missing when entering the house, enough that even kids knew, but no one investigated?
And that pharmacy guy - wow. Above and beyond! Delivery after a call from random kid, to an old abandoned house, and he still went in to complete delivery! Trying getting that service these days!
Next week: The Butcher
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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Two of the Four Grandfathers of the Beat ‘em Up Genre, and a complete mess.
((Yeah, I put up the wrong logo))
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Both Double Dragon and River City Ransom share a lot of things. They’re both Beat ‘em Up Games where you play one of two males to beat up an army of punks and thugs to save one of the guy’s girlfriends. Both owned by Technos originally but now owned by Arc System Works. Both have a ton of sequels that continue to live on today, including River City Girls 2 where the Girlfriends of the River City Boys as well as Double Dragon Billy Lee’s Girlfriend are playable. Seems like a slam dunk of a match. So why hasn’t it happened yet?
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For starters, let’s face it, both of them aren’t as mainstream as, let’s say, Mario, Sonic Doomguy, even Sans. Big in the 80s, but their star dwindled as their franchises still kept going. Maybe one day we’ll see it but if that were to ever happen, I am going to avoid trying to research this fight despite being the one to suggest it. Why is that? Well, they’re both a mess to research on. Let’s look at Double Dragon first. 
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Double Dragon
The first game of the series has you play as Billy or Jimmy Lee to beat up an army of gang members. You already know that. And at the end of the game, after you beat the final boss, Billy gets to reunite with his girlfriend… After you fight your brother to the death. Yeah, only one of you can actually win the game. So it is implied at best as she’s seeing the both of them. I don’t even want to mention the worst of it. No wonder she decided to train herself to not get in a situation like that again.
Then we get the sequel where despite fighting each other they’re both alive and on a quest to get revenge for Marian being placed in a refrigerator. Part 3, they’re looking for stones. And then there’s Super Double Dragon where Marian is alive and a police woman while the two brothers have a dojo to run. And then Part 5 is based on the cartoon. Yeah, the 5th Double Dragon Game is based on the cartoon. And that has its own continuity and mythology including magic swords and the like. And the 6th game is based on the movie!!!!
Then there’s Double Dragon Neon. You think this could possibly be a remake of the original only to make it look more 80s but then you got Skullmageddon, aliens, robot bodysuits and a whole bunch of wacky stuff. And 25 years later after releasing Double Dragon 5, they would release Double Dragon 4. So Double Dragon 4 is the 9th game not including Ports, their crossover with Battletoads or their appearance in an NES Volleyball game. 
So that’s 9 games with varying stories, plus an Animated series and movie because they got game releases by the original people involved. And probably the ports and crossovers too since apparently they probably have major changes enough to warrant their own Wikipedia entries.
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River City Ransom
Now you probably think there’s not a lot of River City games out there. But boy, you better sit down because the Kunio-kun series is LARGE and VASS! Starting all the way in 1986 in Renegade where Kunio (Alex for us Westerners) beats up rival School Gangs. After beating up everyone he joined his school’s Volleyball Team to keep his body in shape. Then in River City Ransom proper, he teams up with Riki (Ryan), an old rival of his, to beat up people to save Riki’s girlfriend. And unlike the Lees, do not fight over her.
After some more sports stuff and a game based on the Edo period, Kunio and Riki get arrested for a crime they didn’t commit. So it's up to them and their girlfriends to beat up people and prove their innocence. Then there’s a whole bunch of other games which you would think lead up to River City Ransom: Underground where they’re adults helping the next generation of gang beaters but then River City: Tokyo Rumble came out and he’s back to a high school age.
Having more than 30 games out there which is surprising that they keep track of it all. But with Underground and Tokyo Rumble you got differentiating timelines. Not to mention River City Girls 1 and 2 bringing in Skullmageddon from Double Dragon Neon and Provie from River City Ransom: Underground into the senior students Kunio timeline. And of course he scales to his ancestor since they’re basically the same guy so there’s that…
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With Double Dragon’s mess of a timeline and Kunio-Kun’s gigantic series of games, not to mention the Gameboy Double Dragon 2 being a Kunio-Kun game originally, this is a tangled web wrapped in an enigma. Godspeed to whoever had to go through either series.
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ao3feed-janefoster · 2 years
The Destination of the Beetroot Person
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vT8fpX0
by janejumpsupandspins
Jane was just a normal Beetroot Person, before she went on a whole adventure, saved countless lives, and made a ton of new friends. But she was happy to go back to her corner of space and float for eternity.
Destiny, however, thought differently. Once again Jane is thrown into another dangerous adventure, this time being the deadly Hunger Games, where each tribute must fight each other to the death.
There are a few new faces, a few old friends as well. But with the oncoming pressure of the Hunger Games, friendships start to crack, however new ones form as well.
We all know not everyone can survive. But who will be the lucky winner? And who will find out what, or who, is really behind the Games?
Because one quote seems to lie behind it all.
Only one will remain.
 The sequel to the fan fiction of The Journey of the Beetroot Person! A multipov story of love, adventure, death, destruction and mystery.
You don’t need to read the first book, since that one was mostly for fun. However this book is a long, serious fanfic with true morals, as well as captivating characters. Please, from both Mariposa and Jane, read this book, and thank you if you did.
Words: 700, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Beetroot Person
Fandoms: Lego Ninjago, Rizzoli & Isles, Grey's Anatomy, Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Cartoon), Eight Legged Freaks (2002), The Beetroot Person, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hunger Games Series - All Media Types, My Little Pony, Transformers - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Characters, Jay Walker, Cole (Ninjago), Kai (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon, Zane (Ninjago), Maura Isles, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Jane Rizzoli, Jane Foster (Marvel), Ben Pincus, Darius Bowman, Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy), Lord Garmadon (Ninjago), Morro (Ninjago), Camilo Madrigal, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tobey Maguire, Padmé Amidala, Sammy Gutierrez (Jurassic Park), Barry Frost, Derek Shepherd, Brooklynn (Jurassic Park), Ashley Parker, Anakin Skywalker, Optimus Prime, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Jane (The Beetroot Person), Mariposa (The Beetroot Person)
Relationships: Cole/Jay Walker, Lloyd Garmadon/Ashley, Maura Isles/Zane Julien, Barry Frost/Jane, Maura Isles/Jay Walker, Bully Maguire/Camilo Madrigal, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)/Mark Sloan (Grey's Anatomy), Christina Yang/Jimmy, Darius Bowman/Ben Pincus
Additional Tags: Mostly Family Friendly, Angst, Garmadaddy slays, Some Humor, Inspired by The Hunger Games, Bruiseshipping, pixane sort of?, Major Original Character(s), but they are not cringey y/n’s, follow up but ig can be read on its own, Adventure & Romance, Wilderness Survival, Plot Twists, Mystery, Falling In Love, Jane is fed up with everyone, Plants, christofern, People have plants instead of friends, basically a bunch of characters from random fandoms get thrown into the hunger games, it’s really entertaining, found family bc it’s the best trope, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, two originals characters based on author and friend who kind of helped
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/vT8fpX0
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Do they still have any objects from their childhood? What significance does it have to them? What would their reaction be if they lost it?
(CW: mentions of transphobic violence and religion-related abuse in the first entry)
Ollie: Not an object, but definitely a reminder. *holds up hand* This cross was branded into the back of her hand after she made the stupid mistake of telling her mom that she didn't feel like a boy when she was thirteen. Then it was off to prison camp where they tried to beat the gay out of her (unsuccessfully) until she escaped. She could have had the brand grafted over before she became a bloodborn, but she never wanted to forget what people are capable of. Whenever she feels like going soft on an enemy, all she has to do is glance at her hand. Then she knows what she has to do.
Micaela: Oh, goodness, no. She has family ties and people from her homeland thriving in the present, though, and that's more precious than any trinket.
Elfy: She still has an assortment of physical books on mythology and folklore that her parents steadily gave to her. Most of them were scavenged from libraries and schools in ruins, giving them a distinguished pedigree of spookiness. She did make digital copies, but she'd be a little sad if she lost the originals. It's different being able to touch the crinkly, water-damaged pages and smell the old paper.
Ben: He only shows this to people he likes, so...*pulls box out from under his bed* He keeps a lot of the old baseball memorabilia he's collected over the years in here. He's got a bunch of the cards they used to stick in cigarette packs or sell with candy. And look! Satchel Paige signed his mitt at a game once. It's faded now, but you can still see most of it. This ball has Dolf Luque's autograph too. He broke Jimmy Becker's nose over that one when the little shit wouldn't give it up after losing a bet. He could probably get some money from even the stuff that's in crummy condition...but the sentimental value means more to him. It reminds him that he was a kid with dreams once. Not that he isn't happy with how things turned out. It's...look, he just likes the stuff, okay? It's not a big deal.
Tilda: Are you kidding? You think her parents would let her keep something "childish" a minute past when they deemed it embarrassing? Anyway, the things she did value weren't objects but ideas and moments, neither of which anyone could take from her.
Yi: There are plenty of old pics and silly home streams she made with her sisters on data rolls somewhere in her parents' house. They get played once in awhile depending on how drunk and/or sentimental she's feeling.
Mergus: Oh, well, it's not from his childhood exactly, but certainly from his youth. He keeps a bronze coin taken from the first person he killed as a bloodborn. To be perfectly honest, he can't remember his reasons at the time. For keeping the coin, that is. He's sure it seemed clever and poetic at the time. Now it's simply a fun little curio that he uses to help him reach an impartial decision occasionally. Because what could mimic the indifference of the universe more than a coin flip?
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